Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 02, 1913, Page 2, Image 2

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    TJiiS JttUKJSliXtx OKEGOJIA5, FRIDAY,. 3IAY 2, 1913.
' Deputy Disagrees With Order
That All Vessels Must Be
Completely Manned.
Company Paying- as nigh as tlOO a
Month for Coastwise Operators
and $75 on Trans-Paclflc (
to Meet Inroads.
FAN FRANCISCO. May 1. (Special.)
The strike of the Pacific Coast wire
less operators Is spreading, and If Col
lator of the Port Stratton enforces his
recent ruling- the shipping of this port
may be seriously affected. The Col
lector said a few days ago that clear
ance would be denied to ships leaving
Ban Francisco without the required
number of operators aboard.
There Is some difference of opinion
In the customs service, as Special Dep
uty Collector Hamilton dlsasrrees with
the Collector and says that In the
rent of the physical Impossibility of
a ship securing a second operator ne
will recommend to the department the
remission of the usual fine for this
breach of the recent wireless act. Chief
Radio Operator Wolrerton was closeted
with Mr. Glnman, of the Marconi com
pany, this morning and Hamilton's
stand Is believed to be a result of this
The operstors of the steamers FI
fild and J. B. Stetson have Joined the
strikers. The Marconi Company was
forced to make some rapid shlftlngs
to accommodate the departing steam
ers. The company Is paying as high
as $100 a month for coasting operators
and J75 for trans-Pacific operators.
the theory being that the coasting man
has more to do than the man who
crosses the Pacific
Telegraphers Ray Non-Union Men
Sending No Messages.
SEATTLE. Wash, May 1. Repre
sentatives of the Commercial Teleg
raphers' Union today gave out the fol.
lowing resume of the wireless strike
"This morning there were 113 oper
a tors out on strike and six non-union
men selected by the Marconi Company
to fill vacancies on various vessels had
quit work. Thirty men were out at Se
attle. TO at San Francisco, five at San
Pedro and eight at Astoria. Operators
were leaving vessels as fast aa they
arrived In port."
Strike leaders say that steamers
that sailed with non-union operators
have sent no messages to shore.
f Continued From First Page.)
several Western Democratio Senators
and a loss of four Democratio Sena
tors will give control of the Senate to
the Republicans.
IVtlaoa Does Not A are.
The President said plainly he did not
agree with the view expressed by ths
Senators that free wool, sugar, lum
ber, etc would hurt Western Indus
tries. He held it would rather stimu
late trade. .As for the political effect
of the Underwood bill, he said that
If these Senators would vote for, the
bill as it is Indorsed by the Adminis
tration they would strengthen" rather
than weaken themselves at home, and
he believed the passage of the Under
wood bill would Increase the Demo
cratic membership of the next Senate.
So firm was the President In voicing
his view that his callers abandoned all
hope of removing wool, sugar or lum
ber from the free list. They privately
concede that the Administration pro
gramme will go through.
House, However, Refuses Further
Reduction on Cattle.
WASHINGTON. May 1 All efforts of
the opposition to disturb the "market
basket" reduction In the Democratic
tariff bill failed in the House today,
drjplte the fact that Republican orators
sounded warnings of ruined Industries,
enforce! Idleness and empty cupboards
to follow the enactment of the Under
wood bill.
Stilt championing the bill an the
greatest that ever has been written for
the benefit of the people of the country,
the Democrats were deaf to the pleas
of representatives of the beet and cane
sugar constituencies against free sugar
In three years; unmoved by the charge
that they legislated Into the hands of
the beef trust by placing duties on
livestock while free listing their prod
ucts: determined to rush the passage
of the bill at the earliest possible mo
ment. Fre Livestock Predicted.
Representative Kinkead, a New
Jersey Democrat, uttered a prediction
that the Senate would strike out the
ways and means committee's 10 per
cent rates on livestock.
When Representative Sloan, of Ne
braska, introduced an amendment to
Increase the rate on cattle from 10 to
15 per cent, after a 25 per cent amend
ment by Representative Fordney, of
Michigan, had been rejected. Mr. Kin
kead declared that he believed the ways
and means committee had kept the
platform pledge to the people when It
had reduced livestock rates to 10 per
cent, but he felt that the committee
should have placed livestock on the
free list along with meats.
All Anridmtita Rejected.
- "I believe and hope," said Mr. Kin
kead. "that when It comes back to us
from the Senate the duty will be cut
off and that every Democrat on this
floor will support it." . -
This aroused prolonged applause
from the Republicans.
The agricultural schedule precipi
tated long discussion, though Mr.
Underwood held It down with frequent
motions to cut off debate on successive
paragraphs. Amendments were offered
to Increase the rates on cattle, sheep,
hogs, on wheat, oats and other grains
snd nearly every other Item in the bill,
but all were rejected.
Louisiana Aditsed t Change.
Representative Hardwlck. closing the
sugar schedule debate, declared that
the American sugar Industry was a
hothouse Industry."
Averring that under any clrcum-
... f
stances the can sugar Industry of
Louisiana could not possibly survive a
dozen years, Mr. Hardwlck urged the
Louisiana people to abandon sugar
growing and plant other crops on their
rich rolls. In Louisiana the cost of
producing sugar, he argued, was 3
cents a pound, nearly double the cost
of production In Cuba. Porto Klco ana
Hawaii: while the Phliippines. he
asserted, when modern machinery
procured and better transportation ef
fected, can produce all the sugar for
the whole world at a lower price than
it Is furnished today.
Delegate Kalanlanaole. representing
Hawaii, took advantage of his privi
lege of debate to oppose the proposed
UBr rates.
"When we came Mnto the United
States." he said, "the treaty by which
we were annexed promised us the same
prosperity we had enjoyed as an Inde
pendent nation. Now you propose to
cut the throat of Hawaii so far as the
sugar industry Is concerned."
Mr. Kalanlanaole declared the bill
would drive American labor" from the
Islands and turn Hawaii Into the hands
of the Asiatics.
' Repnbllcau Will Not OcUy.
Tonight there were Indications that
Republican leaders would not under
take to delay the passage of the bill
much longer. Representative Moore, of
Pennsylvania, who has been active In
offering minority amendments, voiced
this view. He said the Republicans
would not attempt to filibuster, and
that they had been "hammering away
t the Underwood bill for four days
without making a single dent in It."
The fact that many who contend
their business Is affected are asking
the Republicans to hasten matters In
order that they may "readjust their
affairs." Is said to be partly responsible
for the minority attitude.
Among other rejected amendments to
tha agricultural schedule ware: By
Representative Kent, of California, to
put cattle on tha free list; Willis of
Ohio, sheep from 10 per cent to fl a
head: Woods of Iowa, meat from tree
list to 25 per cent: Sloan, Nebraska.
meats to is per cent; r ordney,
Michigan. all livestock from 10
to 23 per cent: Steenerson. Min
nesota, potatoes from the free list to 25
cents a bushel of 50 pounds: Helgeson,
Minnesota, barley from 16 cents to 25
cents a bushel: Morgan, Oklahoma,
broom corn from the list to 335 a ton;
Fordney, barley malt from 25 cents to
45 cents a bushel; Browning, New Jer
sey, macaroni from 1 to IS cents a
pound; Fordney, oats from 10 to 15
cents a bushel.
!nnirni illPDCACC
Eastern Railroads Hold Five
Per Cent More Is Needed
to Meet Conditions. ,
Proposed Plan Regarded as Less
Likely to Provoke Opposition
Than Greater Advance in
Isolated Schedules.
Professor of Berkeley, Cal., Chosen
as Secretary's Prime Assistant,
to Have Special Duties.
WASHINGTON., May L Secretary
Lane announced today ths selection of
Professor Adolph C Miller, of Berkeley,
Cal., to be first assistant secretary of
the Interior Department.
The nomination will be sent to tne
Senate soon. He has been a professor
at the University of California since
1S02. Previously ho had been on the
faculty of the University of Chicago.
Secretary Lane Intends to assign Mr.
Miller to general supervision of the
Bureau of Education and national
Parks, to ths direction of eleemosynary
Institutions, such as Howard Lniver-
sity and the Government Hospital for
the Insane; and the handling of legls
latlve subjects In connection with con
structlva policies of the Department.
Senate Confirms Nominations
Relzenstein and 'Williams.
ington, May 1. The" Senate today con
firmed nominations of L, F. Keizen
steln as postmaster at Roseburg and
K. E. Williams as postmaster at ins
Dalles. Richard Roedlger, of Tacoma.
waa today nominated for Surveyor-
General of Washington, on recom
mendation of Secretary Lane and Hugh
C Wallace, of Tacoma. Wallace, who
haa been considered for appointment
as Ambassador to France, stands well
with the Administration and he has
distanced the state chairman and the
National committeeman in pulling down
the first Washington plum handed
out by President Wilson.
President Wilson also nominated to
day August Huckensteln as postmaster
at Salem. Or, and Harry H. Stewart
as postmaster at Springfield. Or.
Undertaker to Testify for Insurance
Company That Paid Claim.
TOPEKA. Kan.. May 1. After an ab
sence of more than seven years, dur
ing which -time the courts declared
him legally dead and gave his wife
Judgment for a IS000 Insurance policy
on his life. W. H. Caldwell came to
Topeka today to testify for the insur
ance company In an application for a
rehearing of the case. Caldwell had
been declared legally dead on the tes
timony of Jane Caldwell, his wife, who
id her husband mysteriously left
home and that all efforts to find him
had failed.
In a deposition today Caldwell said
he quarreled with his wife .before
leaving Topeka. Ka has been In the
undertaking business in Berkeley, Cal,
he said.
NEW YORK. May 1. The railroads
of the Eastern territory, having dis
cussed the freight rate problem, have
decided to ask the Interstate Commerce
Commission to allow a 6 per cent In
crease on freight of all character.
President Wlllard. of the Baltimore
& Ohio, made known this decision to
day in his capacity aa the head of a
committee of railway presidents rep
resenting the principal lines in wnat
s known as the official classification
territory, that is, the district lying east
of Chicago and north of the Ohio Klver.
For some time there has been talk
of a movement looking to Increase of
freight rates, but today's statement Is
the first comtng from the roads. Brief
ly, the request to the Interstate Com
merce Commission will be made in the
form of an application to reopen the
Eastern advance rate case, heard and
passed upon by the Commission in
General Advance Thought Best.
"When the matter of an Increase in
rates of freight was considered three
years ago," says Mr. Wlllard's state
ment. "It was proposed by the rail
roads to Increase generally the so
called class rates and some of the com
modity rates. It was urged at the time
by those opposed to the suggestion ad
vances that a fairer and better way
ho obtain an increase. If necessary,
would be by a small advance on all
rates Instead of the larger advance, as
was proposed, of some of the rates.
and It has been clearly brought out
during recent years, and particularly
in the numerous complaints filed with
the Interstate Commerce Commission,
that the relation of rates between lo
calities Is of much greater Import
ance to the shipping public than tne
actual rate per se.
"With this in mind, the carriers now
hope to obtain the consent of the Com
mission for an advance of 5 per cent
on freight of all character, and it Is
believed that such an advance. If grant
ed, will create little if any disturb
ance In commercial conditions.
Added Revenue Required.
'The railway executives feel that
the changed -conditions which have
come about have so narrowed the mar
gin between Income and outgo that a
10 per. cent Increase of all freight tar
iffs would bo Justified. They recog
nize, however, the importance of ob
taining the necessary revenue in such
a wav as to cause the least possible
disturbance of commercial conditions
and on that account feel that It would
be better to ask for an Increase of
only S per cent at this time. Unless
tha carriers are enabled to increase
their revenue in some manner, and the
plan proposed seems likely to meet
with less opposition than any other,
their ability already limited to pro
vide such additional equipment and
facilities as will be necessary to take
care of the growing demands of the
country will be seriously Impaired."
Mr. Willard and Presidents ttea, oi
the Pennsylvania, and Brown, of the
Xsw York Central, have been appointed
a committee to take up the question
with tha Commission.
Move Expected by Officials.
WASHINGTON. May 1. The Inter
state Commerce Commission for several
months has expected that the rsroaos
of the country, particularly those In
Eastern territory, eventually would ap
ply for permission to advance freight
rates. Since the popularly called "ad
vance rate cases" were decided by the
Commission against the railroads, con
siderable Increases in general operating
expenses are said to have occurred by
reason of the increased demands or
railroad labor and the Increased cost
of supplies.
Hobson Would Provide for Juvenile
Cases in Federal Jurisdiction.
WASHINGTON. May 1. "The pa
rental court of the United States," Is
proposed in a bill Introduced today by
Representative Hobson. providing that
the Judges of the United States Dis
trict Courts shall exercise the Jurisdic
tion of such a court, except In the Dis
trict of Columbia, where the President
would appoint a parental Judge.
The court would have Jurisdiction
over all children 16 years old or less In
all cases relative to violation of Fed
eral statutes; to supply special parental
care, protection and education for all
children; to keep children from any
court of record; from committment to
any Institution for punishment and to
Ox absolute responsibility for all per
sons who assume any parental author
ity over children.
Actress Testifies Agaiust .Maid in
Diamond Theft Case.
NEW YORK. May 1. (Special.)
Miss Julia Sanderson, the actress, tes
tified, in tha General Sessions Court
this afternoon against her maid. Cora
Pride, who is on trial for bringing
stolen property Into the state.
Miss Sanderson told the Jury how
she had missed a diamond bracelet
worth J4000 from her room in the Hotel
Willard In Washington on February 2.
She charged her maid with the theft of
the Jewel and testified that the malJ
had confessed. The stones were all recovered.
jtlemen. I don't want to see any Gov
ernor -privately owned, rm going to
New Hampshire next Summer, but New
Hampshire Is in telegraphic communi
cation with New Jersey. Any one who
wants to know what I think can learn
by asking...
"I want to say as few words about
the Democratio party. I want every
body to realize that I have not been
taken in by the results of the last Na
tional election. The country did not
go Democratic In November. It" was
Impossible to go Republican because it
could not tell which kind of Republican
to go. Tha only hopeful and united
instrument through whlc it could ac
complish Its purpose was the Demo
cratio party.
Things, Not Persons, Issue.
"There were certain things which we
want done, the country said, not certain
persons elevated. There were certain
things which wa want demonstrated,
such as that the Government of the
United States cannot be controlled by
private Interests. Now the Democratic
party Is going to have a try at making
these things successful, and If not,
we're going to have another try."
The President applied his reference
to the National election to the state
situation. Indicating that if the Demo
cratic party in the state did not redeem
Its pledges including Jury reform, the
people might try another political party
In the next election.
Mr. Wilson declared that when the
Democratic party In New Jersey 'three
years ago had coma into power every
body wondered "If the old gang would
run it, but it did not."
The speaker aald that when he was
preparing to go to Washington from
tha Governorship, ha was told that "the
old gang would come back."
"Gang" Bitterly Assailed.
"I did not believe it," he continued,
"until I saw It. Once more that bulky
form of the gentleman who used to
personally lead the New Jersey Legis
lature into disgrace reappeared on the
very floor of the Legislature; that great
system with a big snake-like S," that
great sneaking, whispering system had
established Itself In Trenton."
The President used a quantity of
adjectives to describe tha "gang," and
charged that the system had been ao
corrupt as to permit grand Juries to
Indict at strategic moments, and "they
can withhold grand Juries from Indict
ing when all la quiet and you know
that the mastery of certain gentlemen
In this state would be impossible if
the things they did were subject to the
dispassionate Judgment of grand Juries,
The President was unsparing In his
attack on the 11 Assemblymen from
Essex County, who were opposing Jury
'It is a disgrace," he said, amid ap
plause, "to the Judicial system of the
state and the Union and I come here to
protest as a representative- American
citizen that these things should be al
lowed to exist.
International Forum Secretary
Crosses Continent to Urge
Cause of Japanese.
SACRAMENTO, May 1. Governor
Johnson, who has been In the forefront
of the fight over antl-allen legislation
since the controversy began, received
visit this afternoon from vV ltllam
Carter, of New York, secretary of the
International Peace Forum, who told
the Governor he had crossed the con
tinent to oppose. In the Interests of
world peace, the passage of a land law
restricting Japanese In California.
Alter explaining his mission, Mr. Car
ter asked Governor Johnson if he had
given full consideration to the ques
'In reply to that question, said the
Governor, In discussing the interview
later, "I asked Mr. Carter if It would
not be reasonable to assume that a man
who had borne this question on his
mind fur weeks, every minute of the
hour, every hour of the day and night,
sleeping and waking, had really given
the matter full consideration.
'Then he spoke about Japan and the
Japanese and made a plea for their
rights In California. In reply I asked
him If he had ever thought of Ameri
cans and Callfornlans and their rights
'Then he spoke of peace, and I told
htm there bad never been any question
of anything but peace to result from
our legislation since it was planned
months ago. I told him we were doing
nothing that could be deemed offensive
n the slightest degree to anyone and
that it was not our purpose to change
that rule."
Mr. Carter also called on Secretary
of Stats Bryan.
fOontlnned From First PbkO
about New Jersey. My great tempta
tion In choosing a Summer home was
to pitch my tent whpre I used to. But
there Is going to bo a contest for Gov
ernor In New Jersey next Summer and
did not want anybody to think I
wanted to boss the Job. I have no can
didate for Governor, but I am opposed
to. whomever is desired by certain gen-
Corrallls Society Begins Campaign
of Education.
CORVALLIS, Or.. May 1. (Special.)
Under the auspices of the Corvallls
Social Hygiene Society four lectures
will be srlven In this city during May.
Dr. Amelia Zlegler, of Portland, will
appear hers Saturday, May 10.
Corvallls, tne second city in mo state,
outsldo of Portland, to organize under
the Oregon society, haa a committee of
20 dlrectlner the work. At yesteraays
meeting, presided ovsr by Dr. W. J.
Kerr, of the Oregon Agricultural i;oi-lea-e.
It was deolded to carry a cam
paign of education into every home In
Literature prepared by the state so
ciety will be placed in the hands of
parents, and placards from the State
Board of Health are oemg aispiayra.
British House of Commons Passes
Bill to Abolish on Second Reading.
LONDON. May 1. The Housa of Com
mons passed tonight the second reading
of the plural voting bill without di
vision. A motion to reject it was de
feated. This Is a bill to abolish plural voting
at the elections In the British Isles.
It was Introduced In the House by the
government April 8. when it passed Its
first reading by a vote of 83 to 10T.
(Continued From First Page.)
ers are getting hold of all the barley
they can and are steadily raising their
bids. In the local market feed barley
sold at $26 a ton. Oats are advancing
as fast as barley. A local dealer yes
terday offered 129.50 a ton for a lot
of good milling grade, which Is the
highest price of the season.
Not over 20 mills in the Northwest
are now operating, owing to the light
ness of wheat supplies, and this fact,
with the California conditions. Is put
ting the price of mill feed up. In the
Portland market bran Is selling at f 24
and shorts at 125, record prices for the
season. At San Francisco bran ad
vanced 81 a ton yesterday and shorts
50 cents.
Although wheat Is high and may go
higher, flour prices to consumers are
not likely to be advanced again this
year. The mills all have large stocks
of patent flour, soma of them more
than enough to carry them through.
This Is the reason they give for keep
ing the present quotation.
Miss Allen Stay Not Recover.
ROSEBURG. Or May 1. (Special.)
Miss Amelia Allen, a former Portland
school teacher, who yesterday was
struck, by a train while standing on
the platform of the Riddle depot. Is
still In a serious condition tonight. The
attending physicians say her condition
is about tha samo as yesterday, with
the exception that she haa partially re.
gained consciousness. Fear is enter
tained that the Injuries will result fa
tally. Monroe 'Women Form Club.
MONROE, Or., May 1. (Special.)
This idea that
$25 is a good
price to pay for a
suit of clothes
seems to have struck a re
sponsive chord in the
minds of a lot of men.
Many of you realize that
you have been too careless
about clothes buying;
you've spent your money
for results you didn't really
There's no reason why you
shouldn't buy your clothes
just as you do other things;
with the same demand for
a value-equivalent for your
money. If you demand
goods at the lowest pos
sible price, you must expect
to get the lowest possible
value. The importance of
paying a little more lies in
the more you get in looks
and durability.
If men were more care
ful on this price point,
they'd get better returns
for their money. We
suggest $2$ for a suit as
a good place to start
your reform.
Hart Schaffner & Marx
Good Clothes Makers
Exclusive Agency
Northwest Cor. Sd and Morrison
The women of Monroe have Just com
pleted the organization of a Woman's
Progress Club, with prospects of a
large membership. The officers are:
President. Mrs. J. "W. Ford; vice-president,
Mrs. E. A. Lunt; secretary, Mrs.
Nellie Thompson; treasurer Mrs. H. Q.
St. Clair. The regular meetings are
fixed for the first and third Wednes
days of each month. It is proposed to
affiliate with the State Federation of
Women's Clubs.
cat down
tire bills
84 Seventh St.
Portland, Oregon
E. J. Rathbun
-y-y j'.. . v.- -
- -I t r '
N s " 7' i
Republican Candidate
For the nomination for
of Third Ward.
Forty-two years In Portland, Eight
years la business In the Sd Ward.
Favor a strictly business admin
istration. (Paid Advertisement.)
They are
that's all you need
to know abouta glove
OUR LOCATION in the heart of the shopping
district makes this the most convenient
bank-for women who hare either checking or
savings accounts.
If you have no account, open one and find out
in how' many ways the bank can be of service
to you. ,
Fifth and Morrison Streets
Capital and Surplus . . . . . $1,400,000
Entire Stock
Is Included in This
Monster Clearance Sale
Right in the height of the season when Spring
Millinery is most in demand, cfmes Fraley's
clearance sale a month earlier than usual al
ways an anticipated event now more interest
ing than ever the savings greater than before
variety larger styles more charming and
stocks more comprehensive.
Unlimited variety no two
alike. The very latest Gage,
Castellan and our own crea
tions low-rent prices always
low, now lower than ever the
savings are incomparable
read on!
Regular $5 and i O f
$6.50 Hats now J,JJ
Regular $7.50 Hats
now reduced to.
$10 to $20 Hats 1s
Eastern Pattern 1- l-ff
Hats up to $40. . Wll
Untrimmed Shapes
Every wanted shape in all the
authoritative styles and colors
in every worthy material more
than space permits mention of.
Attend early and be convinced of
Fraley's money-saving opportunities.
New Chip, Patent Milan and imitation
hair shapes, in black, white and fc "1 Of)
burnt regular up to $1.95, now. svf
New Spring blocks in real hemp. Come in
black and colors. Regular up to 4 "l
$2.70, Clearance Sale price P
Excellent quality hemp in a variety of
new and pleasing blocks, up to A Lr
$6.00, now on sale for . Pf W
Finest imported hand-blocked Milans and
Tagals. Exclusive and attractive models
just received. Regular up to Q Q"
$12 Clearance Sale price PCJsi7l
w 1
"Self-praise goes little ways"
It is what others say about
Campbell's Tomato Soup that counts.
And it is what say. Try it yourself.
li'you don't agree with the great multi
tude of particular housewives, culinary
experts and other critical people who
use it constantly that this famous
Campbell 'kind" has a delicious flavor
and richness all its own; we haven't
one other argument to offer.
And the grocer returns your ,
You are the judge. Try it
21 kinds 10c a can
tm miMrii i ' "iirtu '"-' """' "'"i"
Look for the. red-and-white label
A Mixture of Sage and Sul-
phur Prevents uanaruii
and Falling Hair.
. jn.van vAiir hair with
w nen you - . . 1
Ea Tea and Sulphur no one can tell,
because lt done .o naturally; so even
ly It Is also BPlendid to remove dan
druff, cure Itching scalp and stop fall
ing hair.
Preparing this mixture, though, at
home Is a mussy and troublesome task.
... . Ea - hntti. vnu can
f or bdoul - - . .
buy at any drug store the ready-to-use
tonle called -wyeins dBo ura --
put this mixture up themselves but
make it too sncKj-. o in
"Wyetb'a" then there will he no dis
appointment. You just dampen a sponge or soft
brush with "Wyeth's Bage and Sul
phur" and draw It through your hair,
taking one small strand at a time. . Do
this at night and by morning all gray
hair disappears and after another ap
plication or two becomes beautifully
darkened and more glossy and luxuri
ant than ever. Tou will also discover
dandruff is gone and hair haa stopped
Gray, faded hair, though no disgrace.
Is a sign of old age and, as we all
desire a youthful and ettractlve ap
pearance, get busy at once with
Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur and you'll
look years younger. Inquiry shows all
pharmacists In town here sell lots of It
Agents, The Owl Drug; Co.