Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 02, 1913, Page 13, Image 13

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Union Official Asserts Num
ber of Strikers Now Is.
Increased to 120.
Minanr of Telephone Company
Say Xot More Tbaa Ten Men
Hare Quit and ?o Further
Defections Are Expected.
Declaring "Oiat the -Home Telephone
Company by refusing; tneir oem
i i aom1a labor. 1
wis inioiiM me..-
members of the local Electrical 'WorK
era Union, at a meeting yesterday In
e ai v 1 1 k n. I nira h l i l.
. ...Aitiitnn itrrinr all friends
nl-.nlu.l labor to boycott the te
. v. . ,. Mimn a n V. It W3I an
uiivuca ..... .- .. . t- .
.... nimhoi of strikers
nuuntcu tn.k . " "
had been increased about 60 during the
ayr making- the total numoer i-v-t
Pacific District Council No. 1. said th
en milt thA employment
V 1111-" M - - " . -
i I'.tTon A Eastern Rail
war Company, and a similar number
had quit the employment of the tele
-i t t fMrfiton. man
pnonv uuikmj. -
..... m.t ih rAmnanv howeTer. sala
F, ' I V ...V 1 -
not more than 10 men had quit. Of
. i -i -1 K tf.An.Arn 1 nrl a r that 1
1 ILI.I n.o ...........
Is not trobable any more men will
w.iir nut Thu frnmDany. it is said
only employed fife or six union me
n. Railroad Work Halted.
sit.i. i . Tnrtl:tnd Eufirene
VlllLIAia . . . . -- - - .
Fas tern Railway declared that the
work of stretching wires on the lines
had been discontinued because of the
strike. They corroborated the asser
tion of the union men that their entire
force of electrical workers was ou
The" strike will not Interfere with
other work on the railroad, wnicn ami
... ..mnl.llnn. All Doles
purlieu . v .-..- - -
hare been planted and part of the
winns; naa oeen one. Dc
strike the wiring- may not be finished
for some time.
Mr. Middleton, manager of the tele
phone company, made public the de
nindi of the union as follows:
First That we dieeharre a number of our
thoroughly competent employe, most of
whom have families to support, and the only
reason m DJ me uniun J ' urn..
their discharge is that they formerly wore,
but are not now, connected with the Inter
national Brotherhood of Electrical Work
a. . .
a m . . i ..m.wt K atrnM n
rrtwuu i i... a " . - - - .-
tweea as and the International Brotherhood
of Electrical Workers.
Third That tho rates of pay of some of
our employes urn lu&mmv.
r-Mf1il..M la T m eased
Mr. Morgenthaler said after the meet-
Ir.. , t H . ljMtr1f?al workers that the
men were confident the boycott would
resuit in tne company srreius w wiw
aexnanas ok me men, wnw "am uum
mum wage scale of J4 a day. The
Portland, Eujrene de Eastern Railway
company is aaaea to increase wgci w
$4.60 a day and furnish better camps
and better food. Mr. Morffenthaler said
that the telephone company would be
. asked to give assurance that there
2 would be no discrimination . against
union men, but that It la not the in
tention to insist upon a closed shop.
Twentieth and Final Report on City
Government to Be Made Tomorrow.
The New Tork Bureau of Municipal
Research, which has been in Portland
for about five weeks investigating the
operation of .the city government un
der the present charter, will complete
its work tomorrow, election day, when
the final report will be made. Offlr
dais in charge say that the work of
the bureau has been for the purpose
of showing the defects of the present
charter and improvements in city af
fairs which could be made under the
proposed commission charter. They
were engaged to do the work by a
committee of citizens beaded by W. B.
Ayer, chairman.
Every report prepared by the bureau
has contained criticism of the work
ings of the city government and city
Reports which have been Issued by
the bureau aggregate about 27.000
words. The reports. 10 in number, will
be published in pamphlet form for dis
tribution to persons Interested. .
The bureau officials plan to leave
the city about Monday.
Grade Instructors to Be Represented
at National Sleeting.
The Portland Grade Teachers' Asso
ciation held a meeting Wednesday in
Lincoln High School. Mrs. Jamea B.
Kerr, a member of the School Board,
addressed the assembly on "The Oppor
tunity of a Teacher. The appoint
ment of delegates to the National Edu
cational Association in Salt Lake City
in July was discussed and a represen-
tatlon will be chosen at the next regu
lar meeting.
The following were nominated for
off ie for the coming year:
, President Miss Grace De Graff, Miss
Hallie Thomas. Miss Mary Donahoe,
Miss Viola Ortscbild, Mrs. A. J. Farmer,
Miss Mary Millard and Miss Mary Rlt
ner; treasurer Miss Nugent, Miss
Murphy, Miss Mclntyre. Miss Thomas,
Miss Orth: recording secretary Miss
Murphy. Miss OrtsohlM. Miss Ritner,
Miss Thomas and Miss Bowerman; cor
responding secretary, same nominees
as for recording secretary.
Buildings at Toll Gate on Mount
Hood Road Destroyed.
Fire destroyed the historical build
ings at the Tollgate on the Mount Hood
road, ten miles this side of Government
Camp. Tuesday night, with all their
contents. The fire was caused by a
defective chimney. A man named Stev
ens was in charge of the premises. Sup
piles valued at $200 and belonging to
Lira Coleman, proprietor of the Moun
tain Hotel at Government Camp, were
destroyed In the fire.
The tollgate for the Barlow road was
located at. this place, and the buildings
destroyed were land marks, and be
longed to E. Henry Wemme.
County Road Superintendent to Bay
in Open Market as Result.
A-n order was made yesterday by the
County Court rejecting all bids re
ceived for lumber to be used In repair
ing the Kenton and Vancouver trestles
and empowering H. B. Chapman, Coun
ty Road Superintendent, to purchase
the lumber privately mt a price not to
exceed S14 a 1000. The lowest bid re
ceived was $14.75 for any kind of
lumber and from this the price scaled
up to $17.75. Mr. Chapman stated yes
terday that be can purchase the lumber
In the open market for even less than
$14. He expects to save the county
nearly $2000.
-There 'is no law compelling us to
accept the lowest or any bid when we
think the county would suffer. In faot
we nave the right to reject them all,"
ald County Commissioner Llghtner.
"That's exactly what we did. We found
.. n.U'.. i.r.vA.Kw inn his-ri and Mr.
Chapman knows he can beat them. We
complied with the law by iaeruwu
and receiving bids."
r. r'Hanman -. t.l i.( when It be
came apparent that all bids would be
thrown out tne lumDer peopm
around and tried to 'Mlcker" to lower
h.i. nriiifti Thou vhn bid were: the
Sullivan Lumber Company, L. R. Karris,
G. w. Hates A jo., jonn vr . iihhi
J. W. Shafford Company and Du Bol
T .amtvatas aT far! n far
Approximately 800,000 fret of lumber
will be required for the two jooe.
Green Trading Stamps Will Be Given on All Bills if Paid in Full on or Before the IGlh
" ' " " ' - ... . Z I . - r- a m m -k ' ' .'
W. V m wua m. m ""jy i . 11 ... ; -
Model Grocery. Bakery and Delicatessen, 4th Ft. Telephone Orders Taken Beginning at 8 A. M. Daily
z - .
Olds, Wortman
Store Opens at 8:30 A. M. and Closes 5:30 P. M. Daily Except Saturday
1 1- fcffiw.a J
"Baby i
More Probation Officers, Nigh' Sea
slons and Female Reformatory
Are Recommended.
"Disgraceful apathy" is the way offl
rial, of the New York Bureau of Muni
describe conditions in
the Municipal Court of Portland, In a
report -on that part or tne city gov
ernment wade public yesterday. The
department Is said to be hampered by
lax financial methods, lneniciem m
torlcal case data. Inadequate organlxa
Hon. overwork, a defective nning
...a.m o lmt nf control of money due
on fines and Inadequate supervision of
"Thar, la a total lack Of comprehen
in historical data concerning offend
er, ao-ainat duwncv and morality," says
the report. "That there Is a need for
detailed records on repeaters and con
tinual offenders or tms ciaao
"More probation officers are needed
11 III. i"ui v i . . . ,
on constructive work in controlling tne
the fining system as it Is used In con
trolling offenses againsi ceccnuy
morality realises the woeful lncom-
of mrn nroceaure. "
i -.j Dnrihivi ami this certainly
uceucu " . - -
Is not new is a reformatory for female
offenders. ,
..v-i .-v. . o . . hndlv needed. Con
slderlna: the fact that a majority of
the violations occur during the night
...n...i.iii Purina- the early even
ing, the establishment of a night court
should not be delayed longer.
.mi V. naM tn th Clerk Of
X I11CB uinj "
the court, his deputy, or to the police
official at the oesK in neuiiui
The form of receipt issued can never
be used as a basis for audit. Lven
... ....v.. of iha recelnt book kept
by the cierk of the court are not filled
out showing the amount received.
"The bail situation Is under no con
. . . . inui.noit receints
II U r u.i.uu . . . -
for ball refunded as well as ball taken
In makes tt Impossible for the auditor
to obtain any adequate check on such
money.. .
nnnir records . are Inadequate. The
methods are cumbersome. An effort
was made to correct tne tax ttuu
methods the first of April of this year
-.-m . null hunk. In making
an audit of one item shown therein.
we noted a discrepancy or over
. . In Holland
. .75 . .k. nnulhllltV of as-
IBIU IW II'.'""' . ' ' . -
phrxlatlon and to Indicate tho loss of an-
conetimel pas ry h-hbip
Ben Franklin
on Economy
If Benjamin Franklin
said: "It's not what you
earn, but what you save
that makes you rich."
Thompson indorses this
and adds what Ben Frank
lin forgot to say, "It is not
what you spend, but how
you spend it that makes
you poor." s
You have to spend in
order to live, and the se
cret is to spend so that
every dollar buys most.
Thompson Eyeglass
service saves you money
on your glasses. V
ft The old system of a sep
arate bill from the oculist
who examined your eyes
and from the optician who
adjusted the glasses suf
fered a severe shock when
we instituted the Thomp
son Eyeglass Service.
ft This service provides
skilled optical specialists
to examine your eyes and
the optician to adjust the
glasses, while the entire
charge to you is covered
by the cost of the glasses
$2.00 or more.
2d Floor Corbett BIdg.
Fifth and Morrison
Tailored 8uits--3 Great Specials
$16.95, S25.VU ana $Z8.tu
Ready-to-Wear Apparel Second Floor,
-m . .n. ... . : j il ea aar "fc PlniM e
(jj s yc women s ana
J- OaJeJ. Misses' Tailored
Suits in Norfolks, cutaways and
plain tailored styles. . An excellent
line of materials to choose from and
all tho newest colors. Extra well
tailored and uerfect fittinj?. Coats
lined with best mes- CI QZ
salines. Big values PJ- v
tJOC ft g Plain tailored aud
suits in this special offering that are 0
j .11 .ocSnnD Ttolfa haV
crtrloa with fanev collars and cuffs. ?i
Serges, poplins and novelty fabrics in
bines, black and lipht shades. Skirts
plain or draped. Full liwCg'?
sizes are now on ' sale at
Take Lunch Today in Our Restful Fourth Floor Tea Room-Portland's Most Popular Dining Place-Meet Your Friends Here
. . . .aania aa M AV s eaaT eaaT A
Three Day Sale of millinery
Continues Today
Hats Worth up to $12.50 at $6.95
Hats Worth up to $20.00 at $9.95
Millinery Department, Second Floor. ,
Judging by the way these hats are selling, this great .3-Day Sale promises
to eclipse any millinery event held heretofore in Portland. And no wonder,
for the values certainly are most unusual at this season of the year. To
day "we have arranged to have extra salespeople here to serve you and
promise satisfactory, service in every way. Shop in -the morning if you
- can and get Double S. & H. Green Trading Stamps with each cash purchase.
Hemp Hat Shapes, Worth up to $5, Special $1.39
$7.50 Leghorn Hat Shapes, allStyles, Special $2.39
Millinery Trimming Flowers Worth to $2.75 at 69c
In addition to the above special items, many others are to be found here
and you can rest assured that our prices are the lowest in the city, quality
considered. No phone or mail orders filled and none sent on approval.
Basement Sale of Millinery
Hats Worth to $7.50 Only $2.95
Hats Worth to $10 Now at $3.95
Hats Worth to $15 Now at $4.95
Every trimmed Hat in the Basement is included in this sensational Millinery
Offering small, medium and large shapes, in the season's newest, shades
and best quality straws. Trimmed with flowers, foliage, fancy feather,
ribbons, etc. You may choose from over a thousand hats at the above prices.
We will accept no phone orders on the above. None will be sent on approval.
Women's Union Suits Special 39c
Women's Fancu Vests Now at 48c v
Main Floor Women's Fine Kibbed
White Cotton Union Suits, in medium
weight, for spring wear. Low neck,
sleeveless, with tight fitting or lace
trimrhed umbrella knee: nicelv fin
ished; all sizes. Special QQ
price for this sale, only-'-''
4-1 a rTtr O tZf Supreme value in these handsome suits at
lIlTS TL .nfi.ijt toa n Thov're mnrln from verv best erade
materials, such as serges, ratine and a great line of stylish noty e.f..e8
Balkan blouse, plain tailored or cutaway models with belted backs. AU tne
popular shades, also shepherd checks. Double stamps on cash purchase, S:dU-l-2.
New Coats and Wraps at $15 to $28.50
Women s jrepe tvimonos u.i j..-j
Second Floor We cannot speak too
highly of. these new - coats, for they
are of exceptional merit. Short and
three-quarter models in a great many
styles eponge, diagonals, Momie
silks, Bedford cords, fancy mixtures,
shepherd checks, etc. Plain tailored
or draped effects. Lined or unlined.
TTnll actanrtmont of 70 0
sizes. $15.00 to J5-wOaJl are priced from
Special Showing New Spring Waists
Lingerie, SilKs, Nets, Crepe and Lace
Second FloorToday we show for the first time a handsome line of new waists
in lingerie, voiles, cotton crepes, chiffons, crepe de chine, lace, nets, messalme, Jap
and wash silks, etc. Latest colors and designs, beautifully trimmed with fine laces,
jewelled buttons, pipings, frills, pleatings, etc. Scores of styles S37.50
in this great showing. High or low neck. Prices range $1.49 to W MVV
KMTinrl Floor You'll have to see
these dainty kimonos in order to
form any idea of their loveliness. Soft
becoming shades of blue, pink, lav-r
ender, gray, etc., with richest of floral
designs, trimmed with satin collars and
cuffs, pleated ruffles, pipings and
bands. Scores of styles to select
from and all sizes. They CZS fhfk
$1.50 to w
I- Li-vCxa. 0n Cash Purchases in All
MJOUUIV O I tilt IJJS Departments, 8:30 to 12
fie -. a -
Special Sale of Children's Dainty Wash Dresses
At the Main Floor Center Circle Today.
Buster Brown and French styles with high or low neck and long or short sleeves, neatly trimmed with
fancy buttons, pipings, embroideries, braids and plain bands many of them haVe tha popular Dutch trim
ming in varied colorings. Every mother who is planning the children's Summer wardrobe will find this an
opportune time to do the buying. Made from the best grade ginghams, percales, chambrays and krinkle
seersucker, the latter being made in plain style with bloomers. Great variety of patterns in stripes, checks,
plaids and small dots, and all sizes in the differ-fiJQ 7Q. J3Qf find f8C tLOCH
ent styles from 2 to 6 years. Four special lines' JC' 0iT iJOV -vuwi
Main Floor Women's "Sleeveless
Vests fine swiss ribbed with dainty
hand crochet fancy yokes several
different styles to choose from. Dou
ble trading Stamps from 8:30' to': 12.
Women's line Swiss uiDDea iyJr.
jTW a.
Vests priced at, the garment
Women's Lisle Union Suits at $1
aa M A Wfa. 9 0 aft '
Women's swiss Kiooea vests sue
Main Floor "Richelieu" Union j
Suits are made to fit perfectly and:
are worn by well dressed women
everywhere. Best grade lisle thread,
low neck and sleeveless. Trimmed
with band top and lacetiPT fl f
knee, sizes 4, 5, 6. Price X W
Main Floor Women's Swiss Ribbed
T.ikIa nr Cotton Union Suits. "Low
neck, sleeveless style, with plain or
hand crochet yokes. Several differ
ent designs to select from and a full
line of regular sizes. Excep- CZflr
tional values at, tho suit-'"'
Ja.liCU OliiCO If K9 J. A. J -
Double Stamps on Cash Purchases from 8:30 A. M. to 12
$3 Combinations, Special Today $1.89
.1 I
Sale of Windsor Crepe Gowns at 98c
Second Floor Dainty Princess Slips . and
Combinations, of fine quality cambrics, mulls,
nainsook, longcloth, etc., beautifully trimmed
with laces, embroidery, ribbons, etc A great
manv different stvles in the line. 1 OH
All sizes. Re, values to $3.00
Second Floor These trettv Windsor Crepe
Gowns just reached us. They come in slip
over style, with pocket and in fancy pin strip
or Dresden designs in pink, blue, lavender and
white, very dainty and exira goua
value at the special low price of, each '
1 $1.25 Corset Covers 79c $1.25, $1.50 Drawers 79c
Sarnnrl Tloor YonH want to buv half a doz
en of these pretty Corset Covers when you
see them. O.f fine nainsook, crepe, batiste
snd dimity, attractively trimmed with laces,
ribbons, embroideries, etc. Extra well shaped
and perfect fitting. All sizes. Wide.rQ,
rierv of stvles. Kee. SJ.JSD values as -
I vari
SumiiiI Tlnnr TVr-ir ktIa is included in this
speeial line. Handsomely trimmed with em
broidery, laces, ribbons, tucks and headings.
Yon may choose from all the popular mate
rials cambrics, nainsook, lonjrcloth, crepe, etc.
Scores of styles. The regular $1.25 'JQg
w isl
and $L50 Drawers on sale at, ..pair
Onux" Hose 3 Prs. $1 Women's Outsize Hose 39c
. .. . - A eaj at t T
Main Floor Women's "Onyx" Silk Boot
TTas in lie-ht weieht for Serine wear. Seam
less, with lisle carter tops. Colors include
Main Floor Women's full fashioned medium
weight Outsize Hose. Fast black and tan
cotton, with double garter top and soles. A
full line of sizes. Double Stamps on QQt
j a-" a-
cash purchases in all depts 8:30-12
black, white and tan. They are JJ J OO
now on sale, snecial. three pairs K J. vrvr
Burson" Fashioned Hosiery 35c, 3 Pair for $1.00
i it m im tf - T TT--
Main Floor "Burson" seamless , fashioned
Hose for women; knit to fit without a seam.
Fine grade silk lisle, with double J? T QQ
Main THnnr "'RiiTaAri " senmlesa pnttnn TTosfl
for women; full fashioned, with double garter
top, double heel and toe. Unequaled Q EZ
value at tho price. Special, a pair
garter top, 35J pr., three pairs
Eons' and Girls' "Wayne Knit" Hose, 3 Pairs $1.00
"Pony" Stockings 25clntants' 3ic nose zuc fair
Main : Floor Children's "Wayne
Knit" Hose, fine ribbed, for girls
and heavy ribbed for boys. Will
give excellent wear. 67 1 III
All sizes. Three pairs "V
Main Floor Children's "Pony"
Stockings, two weights, for boys and
girls. Fine ribbed and absolutely fast
black. Double stamps from2C
S:30 to 12. Pony Hose, pair-
Main Fir. Sale of 1000 prs. Infants'
J! -LI 1 y 1 tt
line nDoea vasnmere nose, seam-
IpQS A1 fasKinne1 ft f nolri n two nun
ally sell at 25c and 36c a pair. Ol
Sizes 4j 44 and 5 only, pair
Fownes" KidGloves
Full 16-Button Length
$4 Pair
3 Pearl
Complete Line of "Kayser 99 Silk Gloves
Main Floor Complete assortment
of the famous "Kayser" Silk
Gloves. All weights and all sizes.
A new pair free if the finger tips
wear out before the gloves. Short
silks 50c to $1.50; gO )
Ion silks. $1 up to PUV
Main Tloor Women's "Perfec
tion" Long Kid Gloves. Finest
quality kid, . 16-button , length;
gloves that will give most excellent
wear and fit perfectly. Full line
of shades and all EZfl
sizes. Priced, the pr. P-fV.
Women's "Radio99 Kid Gloves at $1.75
Main Floor "Radio," one-pearl
clasp kid gloves for women, i . iv.
sewn with fancy stitched back,
colors black, white, cream and tan
and all sizes. Double Stamps 8:30
to 12. These are fl 7 CZ
tmnA values at. pair v-"-"
e ' -
j 1 1 1 1 1 A 1UUI x- i il 1.0 x Mj lua
2-clasp Kid Gloves. Made from
real kid. Pique sewn with 4-row
stitched back. Come in black and
white and in full assortment of
sizes.' Extra good ffO fifk
wearins grade at. pr. P
.K'cItfl, French Kid Gloves for $1.75
.,.7: m.rwm' "Eskav" II Main Floor "Derby" Gloves-
air, Vlnnr Wnmett'B 'HiSKay
ill m ii . ,
rear French kid gloves, two-clasp
style, overseam sewn, with Pans
Point backs. Black:, white and a
full line of all colors. Gloves ithat
fit perfectly. Double CI
Stamps, 8:30 to 12 .? Y
finest imported qnality'full pique
sewn with Iaris Point.V stitched
backs, guaranteed to give satistac
tory wear. Black, whito and all
colors. -t These are a 2 f Ctf
special bargain, pair ,P "
Boys ' Norfolk Suits at $5
Juvenile Department, Main Floor Not the ordinary $5.00 Suits by any
means, but Suits of superior worth, made" from the best of wool mate
rials, with-double seams and full lined. Any boy would be Proud to
own one of these splendid Suits. Neat mixtures and blue SsfZHf
serges. Come in ages for boys 5 to 18 yrs. Special Friday V v A
Boys' $1.50 Wash Suits at $1.19
a tho TWaln-Tlnnr Rarg-ain Circle
11 i nr. A T XTt Qnnn W.cti (snifa in trii crreftt TVidaV offering
Every one of them new spring arrivals, some of which have been siigntly
soiled and mussed from handling. A splendid range of medium and dark
stripe patterns. Our regular $1.50 line. Sizes for boys 2y2 to 7 years.
Men's Ribbed Gauze Uhidn Suits at 95c
Mm ci 7Ftc-Men's Madras Pajamas 98c
. o V, : . , , Main rioor Men's Pflimn I in
plain colors, and fancy stripes, frog
trimmed, with large white pearl but
tons and side breast pocket, well
made throughout. A '"f-QC
gain at the special low price fOt
Main Floor Men's white ribbed
cotton gauze Union Suits with
ribbed cuffs and anklets ani elnstin
band neck.' Short or long sleeve..
tii. xfen'a medium weight
mam x w i.. - . -
ribbed cotton Shirts and Dwers
nicely finished and perfect fitting,
with covered seams.. They are regu
lar $1-00 underwear, Spe-
cial for the : saK suit
Women's $4 Shoes $2.98
STinA npnartmpnt. 1st Floor.
Women's high-grade button and lace Boots in a
splendid selection of lasts and styles. Tan calf,
gunmetal andTvelour calf, vici kid and cloth and
leather tops, standard ,$4 shoes. Full line of sizes.
4 to $6 Slippers at $2.98
Closing out 6hort lines women's and misses' low
evening dress and street Slippers of bronze kid,
patent kid, pink, blue and red ealf, etc. - Sizes are
somewhat broken, but best $4.00, ZJO QQ
$5.00 and $6.00 grades on sale, pair rw
Men's $5 "B. 4c P." Shoes $3.85
Men's "Burt & Packard" Shoes in button and
Blucher styles and late lasts. Stand- fl O O CZ
ani $5 shoes the world over. Pair '-'-'-'
Extra good value at this
price. Special at, garment''
$12 Trun1cs at $9.95
$13 Grades$10.95$1 4 Grades$l 1 .95
Fourth Floor Special Friday sale of high-grade cn
covered, fibre bound trunks. Double straps .and double
locks, with 2 large front dowels. Valance clamps all around.
Full linen lines with two trays. A standard line on sale.
38-inch $14 grade at $11.95, 36-inch $13 fl?Q Qv
grade at $10.95, and 34-inch $12 'grade- at P f-
Sale of White China
: MadebyHavilandaCo.
Department on Third Floor Special reduced prics -on.
White China today and Saturday. Double "S. & H."
Green Trading Stamps on cash purchases from 8:30 A. M.
to 12. Take advantage of this exceptional special offer.
60-plece Haviland China Dinner Set. .$18.90
100-piece Haviland China Dinner Set. .., $27.00
112-piece Haviland China Dinner Set;... $30.38
White decorative China in hundreds of new and attractive
designs on sale, at great reductions today ana oaiuraay.
SSe. China Tint Bowls, 2S
5e (.-una smx mwu,ws
AIL. tfKlna f l,m lllll. m tiAlk
5c ;hlna Celery Traya 60
K- I.f GniwiiL Tn,a 2S
ic China Salad Bevrla Tie
SSo 2-handle Frnlta at 6S?
tOc China Olives at . 32 e
Al.niiin lin. rt PrDTinll AllC.
CSa VUViLO iiUC VJ. - - "
staple and fancy pieces included in this special sale at
reduced prices. Complete line artists' brushes, paints, etc.,
for china decorating. A fine asortment and good values.
Double Stamps From 8:30 A. M. to 12
$8.50 Vacuum Cleaner
M ,
Latest Improved
I913 Model
Today we will sell
the famous "Golden
Rod" Vacuum Cleaner
at the above price. Reg
ular Tetail price ' $8.50.
An absolute necessity
in every home.
in the