TITE MORXING OREGOXIAy. FRIDAY. 2, u 191b. , ' CITY NEWS IN BRIEF OREGONX4J TELKFHOXES. Frtntlnif Room Main TOTO. A t)0S city circulation Mam toto. A 0"vo Maaaslna- Editor Main ToTO, A 6S Sunday Editor Mam 7070. A C083 Composlna- Room Main 707. A SOM EuTCTlntandant Bulldlna-. .Main 70fc A vS AMUSEMENTS. HPIT.Ifi THETEn fFloTsnth and Morrl' ton) Xat C. Ooodwtn In tha drama "Ollrar Twist. - Tonlsat at I. ORPHETSI THEATER I RroldwlT acd Tay lor) Vaudeville. Tola afternoon at 2:1 J and tonsht at 8:15. BAKER THEATER fDrnalviv and Morrt' on street Baker plavera In "Fifty Milts from Boston." Tonight at :!- IMPRE5 THRiTRn fBmtdwiT and Tarn hill) Vaudeville. This afternoon at 2:13 and tonlsbl at 7:30 and V- PANTAnr.i TwiATm tBroadara and At dar) Vaudeville. Tbla afternoon at 1:13 and tonight at 1-JtO and a. LTRIC THEATER (Fourth and StarlO Mul'nl c-omedv. The Twin HeDrewa. Tbla afternoon at i.lS and tonight at :3tf to 1C:4S. PEOPLE'S. STAR. ARCADE. OH JOT. TIVOU AND CRYSTAL Flrat-rua pic tures. 11 A. U. to 12 P. K. GLOBE THEATER (Eleventh and Wean lnrtoa Continuous first-run motion plo- luree. RECREATTOTf PARK I Twentv-fonrttr an Vaughn) Baseball, Portland va. Venice. This afternoon at 1:15. Ad-iUeiiKata Intended for the City News la Brief columns In Sander's tssas mult be handed In The Oreconlaa bnslneee office bj C o'clock fiaturdaj evening-. Pkniksula Main Biiro Laid. A largo force of men has been engaged in laying; a 30-inch reinforcing; water main between the water tower in Ver con and the hlcher Mount Tabor res ervolr. Six crews with a total of 190 men have been employed and some thin? mora than three miles of line has been completed. This will rein force the water supply in the Penin sula district. - With the 24-lnch main laid several years ago and the new 30 Inch pipe It Is estimated that more than 150.000 gallons can be supplied from both pipes. Mains in other sections of the East Side have been started. After the large main has been completed to 'the Vernon water tower branches of lesser else will radiate to different portions of the Peninsula. Polling Places Am Chawoeo. Changes In polling places for tomor rows election were announced Tester day In five precincts.- These are as fol lows: Precinct 1 chanired from J1S Thurman street to 916 Thurman; Pre cinct 21 from 43i Stark street to 431 Stark: Precinct 23 from 85 Fifth street to S3 Fifth; Precinct 57 from the south east corner of Eleventh and Morrison to the northeast corner of same In tersection; Precinct 63 from 1669 East Thirteenth street to the Sellwood Com merclal Club, 671 Umatilla. A Crahteb 22 Years Old that has been tried and found safe to follow is something; every East Portlander who has East Portland at heart should seriously consider, and for 23 years, the Citizens Bank at the corner of Grand avenue and Alder street has stood by East Portland, and to do your business with this bank advances East Portland's development which li benefit to tout Interest. Just; think this over. Much Ejcplotkijct FniunsHED. In point of employment furnished, April was one of the largest months on record for the Municipal Free Em p'loyment Bureau according; to the re port made yesterday to City Auditor Barbur. There were 307Z positions riven out during; the month of which 1909 were to males and 163 to females. The majority of the positions were Inside the city. Wisoonsw PEOPLtt to MeiTw Wiscon sin people of Portland and vicinity will hold a meeting; at the ball of the wood men of the World, at East Sixty-fifth street and the Foster road next Sun day at 11 A. M. One Item of business will be that of arranging for the an nual excursion, which may be held to the Gresham fairgrounds. All Wis consin people are Invited to attend the meeting. Mrs. Dcntwat Speaks Todat. Mrs. Abigail Scott Duniway will address a mass meeting; of women at the Selling; liirsch Ball. Tenth and Washington streets, at 2:30 P. M. today. The meet ing will be held under the auspices of the Women's Good Government Club. Alice R- Nugent presiding. Tha sev eral candidates for Mayor have been Invited to address the audience on the Issues to be voted on Saturday. MunnpniQ WosulK E statu $460. Miss Oyeda Oketa, a Japanese woman who met death from beatings adminis tered by a Chinaman In the North End a few days ago, left an estate or i4oo, of which $400 Is cash and 150 clothing. At the request of Kenly Uyeda, the woman's brother. Kivailchl Otsabo, another Japanese, was appointed admin istrator by Probate Judge Cleeton yes terday. Nottcb Is hereby given that the Prohibition caucus will be held Tues day. May . 1913. at W. C. T. U. hall, Behnke-Walkcr building. Portland. Or.. - fur the purpose of nominating candi dates for municipal offices. All citi zens interested in cleaner politics are urged to attend. By order of N. G. Hedln. chairman; William R. Crosier, secretary. Sam AVagxer. residence 935 East Gllsan street, candidate for Council-man-at-Large. Drove his own express team In this city for 2 years; was in Sheriff Stevens' office for six and a half years; believes thoroughly In the peo ple and will work for all of them. A plain every-day citizen. Ballot No. 30. (Paid adv.) Physician "Writs Suit. Charles John son lost In Circuit Court yesterday bis 330,000 damage suit against Wiley G. Woodruff, a physician, for alleged mal practice. The Jury returned a verdict for the defendant. The plaintiff charged Dr. Woodruff with setting; a leg; Im properly. '. Keoclar Friday butter sale of fresh Oregon creamery butter at cream ery, two-pound equare, 0c; delivered, 65c Phones: Main 764. A 227S. Wash ington Cream Company, 444 Wash, st, Last Dat op School. This even ing at $ o'clock, in First Presbyterian X Church house, with original "Lessons." songs, etc. given by Young People's Circle. Admission 25 cents. ' . , Attention. Voters in Third Ward. An X-1J Is a vote lor i;. near a Don't fall to mark your ballot thus, and have a live Councilman. (Paid adv.) Sunbath. watercure, scientific mas sage, open-air gym.; party has 12 years' experience and German diploma. 958 E. Flanders and 31sL Phone B 235. West Side Flat pob Rent. Six rooms; furnace, fireplace, every con venience, and in fine order; rent. 326. Phone owner. East 449C Tenth Ward Republicans. When in, and when not in doubt vote for Fred W. Latham, candidate for Councilman, No. 33 on balloL (Paid adv.) Woodlawx Association to Meet. The Woodlawn Improvement Associa tion will meet tonight at Greene's Hall. Dekum avenue, at t o'clock. Vote for George D. Dunning, X-31, Republican candidate for re-nomination for Councilman Third Ward. Present incumbent. (Paid adv.). Martin & Campbell, Incorperated. an nounce the removal -of their Insurance offices from the Worcester bids;, to suite 208 Corbett bldg. Sacrifice Suburban Home, 40 minutes en Oreron City Electric; beautiful site on bank of river; see It today; make offer. Main 7750. Lord's Beacon Lights op Histort, 15 vol., today only f 15. Book Exchange, 163 Fifth street "American Cousin," at Lincoln High School. Friday eve.. May 2. Tickets, 25c. Dr. Towm.it returned from the East; 701-8 The Dekum. Third and Wash. Da, Eaton returned; Medical bids;. i Charter Pamphlets swamp Post orncE. What with the thousands of charter pamphlets, the thousands more of anti-charter circulars, and the ad vertising matter of those who wish to be nominated for various officials positions within the gift of the people of Portland, a portion or the Clerical force at the Portland Postofflce are working overtime. This is the first time that anyone in the office has been compelled to work overtime since the new eight-hour regulation went Into effect March 4. Under the old regula tion, when postofflce clerks worked overtime, they were required to take a vacation from their regular hours sufficient to compensate. Now when It is necessary they may work longer than eight hours and be paid for 1L Witxess Missing in Liquor Case. Due to the absence of Frank W. Smith, the state's most material witness, and the Inability or the District Attorney's office to locate him the case against Frank C. Loveland, charged with sell ing liquor to girls without a license at the Twelve-Mile House on the Base Line road last June, was dismissed in Circuit Court yesterday on motion of Deputy District Attorney Haminersly. Mabel Gunderson and Irene Nelson, the latter a minor, who accompanied Smith to the roadhouse on the night of the alleged sale, were unable to swear that they had actually seen Smith pur chase the liquor or anything other than that they bad consumed some there which they believe their companion bought from Loveland. Beep to Boil, Also Corsed Beep. Halibut and Codfish All 10c a Pound at Frank L. Smith's markets.. Pot roast beef is 11c and 12'ia Mutton stew is 8c Surely this is the cheapest meat In town. Pork roasts and shoulder of lamb are 12e. Salt pork is 16c Pork chops are 18c Half a ham or a whole ham is 19c Breakfast bacon is zuc Oregon's choicest creamery butter Is 0c. Oregon's fresh eggs are 20c Pure lard in 3s is 4oc in 5s is 70c. In 10s is 31.35. Frank L. Smith's (the Beef Trust fighter) three markets are: 228 Alder street, where the crowd Is; the SL Frances market. 228 Washington St. opp. Gadsby's side entrance, and the SL Paul market, 171 Third st, opposite Roberts Bros. Touno Offender GivEn Chance. Circuit Judore McGinn yesterday sen fenced to from one to seven years in tha Penitentiary and paroled John Maybrlck. aged 23, a painter of Tigards. vtlle. Washington County, Oregon, who nleaded cuiltv to stealing razors. pocket knives, watch fobs, chains ana other articles from the store oi nyman Cohen. Portland, on January 16. It was shown that Maybrlck was grossly Intoxicated at the time, so much o that he stumbled Into the arms of a policeman with the stolen articles danailnr from his hands, and that It was his first offense. Lewis H. Dawley, Maybrick's ' attorney, must report to Judge McGinn once a month as to his client's behavior. North East Side Club to Meet. Now that -the Broadway bridge is com pleted and operating to the satisfac tion of the people of the North East section, the North East Side Improve ment Association at a meeting; tonight in the auditorium of the Alblna Library, will take up the matter of lighting, Im proving, routing streetcars and widen ing of streets. Committees on all these subjects will be appointed. There will also be reports of the committee on parade and celebration of the bridge opening;. It is desired that all members and others Interested attend- Mat Festival to Be Held. The May festival of the children of Alblna branch of the People's Institute will be held tomorrow afternoon at the Lincoln High School. Several little tots dressed to represent fLpwera and fairies will appear in a cPritata and Maypole dance. Miss Mildred Raab has arranged the programme. Miss Valentine Prlcbard and several promi nent women will be patronesses. The entertainment is free to the children of the Institution and their friends. Decot Methods Disapproved. I am not much in sympathy with these decoy cases. saM Circuit Judge sicuinn yes terday morning in suspending the fine of C. F. Grey, a druggist who was fined In Municipal Court for selling liquor on Sunday and who had appealed. It was shown that a plainclothes policeman had secured the liquor on a Sunday by representing to the druggist that his lfe was 111 and badly in need or il Judge McGinn expressed strong disap proval of such tactics. Students to Be Luncheon Guests. The Parent-Teachers' Club of Preston School will servo a luncheon today to the boys of the manual training de partment who are making furniture for the restroom that is being; nuea up oy the Mothers' Club. Mrs. Boynton Is president of the club and Mrs. R. E. Williams is chairman of the committee In charge of the restroom. Bridob to Be Rebuilt. William DeVeny returned yesterday from a trip to his Summer home at the Junction f the Sandy and Zagzag rivers, near Mount Hood, and while there investi gated the cause that wrecked the new bridge built across Bandy River. Me said the collapse was due to defective construction and the weight or snow. The span will be rebuilt Gun Wielder Is Sought. In a shooting affray at 286 Sheridan street, Wednesday night. Lulgl Petraro, wounded Antone Mortello seriously In the shoulder and others were en dangered by the flying bullets. Petraro Is said to have been drunk. Detectives Hvde, Vaughn, Lltherland and Hill ave been assigned to arresting toe as sailant Women's Union to Celebrate The Portland Women's Union will celebrate Its 2sth anniversary Monday, May 6, at Its home. Fifteenth ana irianaers streets, with a silver shower ana tea from 3 to 6 o'clock. A cordial lnvita tlon Is extended to all Interested In the nronosed new home for working girls. business meeting win do neiu at clock. Mat Dat Stories to Be Told Todat. Mav dav stories will be told in the cnn- dren'a department of -the Central Li- brarv. Broadway and stark streets, mis afternoon at 3:30 o'clock to the younger hildren and at 4:15 o'clock to tne oiaer children. The Boy Scouts of the Alblna branch library will take their nrst nine next 8unday, May 4, meeting at tne li brary. 860 Knott street at s:ou a. jo. Rvnaoogub Rendezvous tonioht. Services will be held In Ahavai Sholom Kvnas-oa-ue. Park and Clay streets, to- ight at 8 oclocK. ine quartet win Inr "Earth and Heaven" (Mercaaante) and Charles W. Robinson will deliver n address. Tomorrow morning serv ices at 9:30 o'clock. Rabbi Abrahamson (Tic latin sr. New Pastor. Coming. Rev. F. H. Kimball has been called and has ac cepted the pastorate of the Montavllla Christian Church. He will be Installed s nastor Sunday morning at 11 o ciock, Rev. Mr. Kimball is a Portland man and comes from the theological school at Eugene, Or. Deputt Visits Granges. F. H. Crane, countv Grange deputy, will visit Co lumbia Grange Saturday and make in fection of the work, mis win com plete his Inspection of all the Granges of Multnomah county, mis report wui be submitted to the State Grange next month. Cnr.niT Men to Hear Address. Dr. Lather R. Dyott will address the credit men of the Portland Association at their regular weekly noonday luncheon the Multnomah Hotel today. mis ubiect will be "Our Greatest Assets.1 Credit men and all Interested In the association work are Invited. Work on Hotel Starts- Work has been started on the Mount Hood Hotel on Salmon River by C. W. Kern. Ma terial for the new Maulding Hotel Is being assembled and that building will be completed In a few weeks. Oregon alumnae Meets Tomorrow. The Oregon Alumnae will meet tomor row afternoon at 3 o'clock In the Hotel Oregon. Miss Ruth Guppy will be the guest of the afternoon and Dr. W. Wil liamson will speak. ( L Countt Gets Funds. County Clerk Coffey yesterday turned over to the 'p.ao.,M llttll enllnrted from the banks as Interest during April and 3131.50 a the county cier s anartj m naturalization fees. This latter, the law etatoa tielnns-s tn the CountV Clerk personally, but Mr. Coffey is running tha office on a strictly flat salary basis. He receives 1376 a month, the recent Legislature having raised It from $250. LscrtmH on Jews to Be Given. "The Jew In English Fiction" will be the topic of a lecture to be delivered by Rabbi Jonah B. Wise at the serv ices at Beth Israel tonight at 8 o'clock. Services with the children singing will h httUi tnmnrrAw At 10:30 o'clock. Mrs. Bauer will lead the choir. All men and women are welcome. Silverware One-Half Off. Aron son's removal sale. 294 Wash. st. RYAN HAS YOUNG ADMIRER Candidate Gets Honorable Mention at Dinner Party. prnnf that ih, fominlnn aex. of what ever age. Is keenly Interested In the . v. i - . n pho-iA. M Rvnn TUIC ITUU1CIII, I.H11IC . v. unaiiv. ... - J candidate for Councllman-at-Large, re- . 1 l . v. .. Y. n mf nmmnt frnm k.ciii' hid ""-r w a four-year-old feminine admirer. The . . . . , . . little girl, Dorotny, oaugnur i and Mrs. Earl Phelps, of 927 Belmont street. sDranar her indorsement of Ryan at a dinner party. In the usual manner the little miss was being catechized by the guests as to whom she "loved." She mentioned all her relatives by name, her Intimate friends and acquaintances and was fur ther pressed to add any possible names to her list "Oh, and-'Cholly Ryan, the Council man," she added, and was abashed by the applause that followed the remark. The Phelps household Is composed of consiHtent and persistent boosters for Mr. Ryan, and the little girl had heard little else than electioneering talk for him for weeks. In fact ever since he announced his candidacy. MEN'S SPRING SUITS. Take the elevator and save your dol lars. The suits I sell are priced minus the high rent profit Jimmy Dunn, room 315 Oregonian bldg. Take ele !5i An interesting feature of the new establish ment is the continu ance of the 50c L U N C H that made the former grill the gathering place of our represen tative fUizens. . Five courses in the rathsfcellar from 11 :30 to 2 o'clock. Hotel Oreg ICCHWAB PRINTING CO. O BEN F.GREENE. PRESIDENT I23.5fr STARK 5TFIE.E.I GEORGE DUNNING. Republican candidate for renomlna tlon for Councilman Third Ward. Pres ent Incumbent (Paid adv.) Two Make First Speeches. City Auditor Barbur and City Treas urer Adams made their first political speeches of the 'present campaign at a meeting yesterday of the Progres sive Business Men's Club held at Mult- 1. -Ua.aI TLff. narhii. annlr. All t Vl UUlU.tt .UWd. i. thin., ha he, BcpftmnllfihMl dtirinflT his L'.lllO . -. r -" terms of office and Mr. Adams took up nis time in a. suuri .udwoi mi v. ps -" against niS Gcparimeni mauo uy uiu clais OI tne .cw xorit Durmu ui wuiii clpal Research. , CLAM CHOWDER, Tenderloin of sole, ham omelette, egg In tomato aspic, crao meat saiaa, co- . nM-m nl, Wnmon'e TC-rrhanflre 188 Fifth street Virginia baked ham and chicken pies on saie. PEXNEY BROS. FRIDAY SPECIAL, w rf.. miF t?. wlnee at 31 a trallon 81.50 wines at 75c a gallon: Straight Kentucky Whisky, 7 years old, regular 54.60 at $3.50 a gallon: Kentucky Whisky, regular 83.60, at iz.ou a gal lon: 33 grade Whisky, 33.10 a Wllon, Friday only. 878 E. Morrison st Phones East 287. B 2428. Free delivery. SALE BACKWARD SEASON This morning we start our backward season sale. Owing to the late Spring, our stock of high-grade merchandise has accumulated. Move Goods Is Order We will close out all of our beautiful Laces and Embroideries at less than manufacturers' cost. Following are only a few of the specials; there are lots of .others throughout the shop. &5oV Silk Waists $4.98 Tbey consist of striped or plain 6ilk messalines and lace trimmed. $4.00 to $4.50 Lingerie Waists K $2.98 High or low necks. $3.00 Tailored Waists &wi $1.98 Linen, fancy madias and French gingham. Gloves $2.00 Kid Gloves $1.69 Our best glace or suede. $1.25 Dent's Make $1.00 In white or colors. Embroideries 25c Embroideries, special. . 9 35c Embroideries, special 15 75c Embroideries, special 2o $1.50 Embroideries, ep...48 F. P. YOUNG 0 328 MORRISON STREET PORTLAND HOTEL BLOCK I MAIN 7200 , GROCERS, BAKERS, TEA AND WINE MERCHANTS. 288-290-292 STARK STREET CO. i in . in Mr A ei8i RECOOX1ED HBADdlARTKHS BEST THINGS TO EAT. a srrjKJESTiorti Clip Thiei Ad," Hang It In the Kitchen. IT WILL PAY YOU. ESTABLISHED tX 1878. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY SPECIALS WHITE LILY CRAWFORD nrmirc Resrular 25c per can. rCMUntd special ,15et CI 7(1 and offered at, per doien ' W STEERO CUBES BEEF EXTRACT Rerultf, per bos, 36c, OC special at. ASPARAGUS ITC vlar 30c special at UU TABASCO SAUCE VJir'qS 50c, on sale special at viiii ENGLISH DAMSON JAM0- f- regular. Jar. 36c, special at Ul GRAPE JUICE pinfsf " eVu- I n lar loc. special at. per bottle U MARASCHINO CHERRIES? Large bottles, regular 7Eo, Cfn special at. uu" WtoYo'r ROM E-MAD E BREAD when ordering? Made from Pllla SrnrBaYer? 5C Hud I OC Royal brand, QC ready to use-."" MINT SAUCE pnrrrr Is" the most important WUrrtt Hem on our American breakfast tables. To this de partment we give closest and most careful attention, and our blends have become famous both for quality and economy. Our TURKISH COFFEE l 2i berries grown. We roast them daily and grind them to your order. Kull-f lavored, full-bodied, select coffee for family and after-dinner use. It la satisfying to the moat fastidious coffee drink-C- pound In airtight ers r3li packages, . UHnnn OI tIL'n A scientific blend riADUD DLtnU of finest growths best coffees, properly matured, skillfully, roasted, per pound 4 fin at only 4 Hull SULTAN BLEND COFFEE,11? en,ri merits make It a family OC a favorite, per pound only . . . . J J" RAJAH BLEND JiASf JS? solutely pure and rree from Ofln dead berries, per pound.. ... wUU MIMT ICI I V Gordon & Dilworth's, MINI JtLLI very fine with .I2'e"bat..L".0..35c and 50c. OCR POSITIVE GUARANTEE WITH EVERY SALE. Here Is a Suit of Refined Individuality It is a two-button gray, de signed for the man who demands dis tinctive clothes, yet inconspicuous and modest. Cut in the latest fashion and made of a popular new fabric by the House of Kuppen heimer, it is a suit which we highly recommend for Spring and Summer. The price is Twenty-five Dol lars. There are others from $15 to $40. Bring the Boys Our Boys' Department is complete and up to date. See the new, popular Norfolk at, $6.50 to $12.00 A few of last week's specials, with extra pair of pants, in nearly all sizes, at i $5.00 Free presents-balls, bats, mitts or gloves with boys' suits. S. A B. Stamps Gives Vpou Request. TWO STORES .Morrison 'at Fourth Succeeding A. B, Steinbach & Co. Just Oil s Morrison The "Sign of the Lion' C.E.HollidayCo. 355 Alder St., Cor. Park Offer for Toda and Saturday Dresses 1-2 Price Suitable for afternoon or street wear. In this special assortment are many handsome dresses in serge, wool challie, chiffon silk, crepe ' do chine, charmeuse, etc., in all colors and sizes. Splendid Values Good Styles Dresses formally sold from $16.50 to $47.50 at just one-half price. ' ... Come Early for Good Choice $16.50 now $S.25 $18.50 tow ...........$9.25 1 22.50 now . ; . $11.25 $32.50 now v. $16.25 - I The home owner is the man most vitally interested in good Bewe pipe. .- He is the man who has made Portland Glazed Cement Sewer Pipe the popular favorite.- 7 CHAS. N.RYAN Candidate for COUNCILMAN-AT-LARGE Public rest station for women in the shopping district maintained by the city. More playgrounds for children. (Paid Adv.) Register Now in ALL THE YEAR ROUND - Y. M. C. A. DAY and NIGHT SCHOOLS Saalaena and Profeaaloiial Schools Term Fee Accounting Bookkeeping? Carpentry Pharmacy Plumbing Reinforced Concrete I Showeard Writing; Shorthand Wireless Telegraphy ....I Assaying I Automobile Coarse Electricity School Some of SO Other Courses Mechanical Drawing Architectural Drawing Arithmetic, Algebra, Geometry Gorman, French or Spanish ... Penmanship or English Boys' School (day) Boys' School (night) I (150.06 6.00 10.00 30.00 15.00 15.00 12.00 6.00 no. oo 15.00 BO .00 16.00 7.50 7.60 6.00 5.00 t.00 12.00 4.00 The KODAK Way Expresses best the natural little glimpses of everyday life and makes the very best "keepsakes." Let us show you how simple picture taking is by the KODAK method. It's a year-around pleasure. Everything for picture taking and making in our Kodak Department. KODAKS From $5 Up THE BROWHING CAMERAS From ?2 to $12 . The Owl Drug Co. Broadway and Washington Closed on Sunday Afternoons From. 1 to 6. Mid-Season Clearance Needlework continues unabated at The Needlecraft Shop today and the rest of this week. Every arti cle in the shop reduced stamped and finished goods. We might use a page and not mention'' all of the specials. , Come.toaayt Our Great Embroid ery Contest Closes May 17. $75 in Cash Prizes F-R-E-E $linS.S?H. Green Stamps with every purchase of 50c or more, during this sale, In addi tion to regular stamps. No extra stamps given without this coupon. The Needle craft Shop 384-388 Yamhill Two Blocks West Broadway Mr. Business Man Have you tried the splendid 50c LUNCH WITH WINE at II Rigolettof Try it this week you will enjoy every dish of the appetizing Italian cook ing. Music and entertainment with dinner and after the theater. Third and Aider Sts. Service in Prescriptions Means not only the purest drugs obtainable, but expert com pounding and rapid delivery. When you phone, we will call for your prescription from any part of the city and deliver free. HAAK BROS. Exclusive Prescriptions. Medical Building, 351 Alder St. Main 712, A 5712. HOTEL STEWART SAI! FRANCISCO Geary Street, above Union Square European Plan $1.50 a day up American Plan $3.50 a day up Mew steel and brick structure. Third ad dition of hundred rooms now building. very modern convenience. Moderate rates. Center of theatre and retail die. trict. On carlines transferring all over city. Electric sisiubuj aietti trim tad rtcsimcn.