Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, April 14, 1913, Page 12, Image 12

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Chris" Mahoney Makes His
Fourth Hit in Tenth and
Drives Mohler Home.
American Giants Field Sensational!;
bat They Are Unable, to Hit
Callahan and Fltchner at
Times When Xeeded.
On thousand darkles chuckled de
lightedly lor one hour and 54 minutes
yesterday at Recreation Park. Then
1000 Caucasians turned on them and
ray them the real equine giggle, for
the Portland Colts bad walloped the
sepia colored savants, namely the
American Giapts (negroes), of Chicago.
In the 10th Inning of a highly sensa
tional ante-season exhibition.
The score after the 65th minute stood
J to 1, Chris Mahoney driving Kid
Mohler across the plate for the win
ning run with a screaming double to
left, bis fourth consecutive safe swat
of the rainy afternoon. Just before
that Mohler had nicked the bun splt
baller. Johnson, for a single to center
field, but two were nut when Mahoney
cleaned up.
Mahoaey R'hole Show at Bat.
,' Despite the slippery underfootlng the
Fame sparkled with brilliant moves.
31 on roe at second for the black diamond
warriors saved the game In the eighth
when be pulled down a terrific drive
by Gulgnl for a double play. Clever
fielding by Coltrin. Gulgnl and Pierce
at other stages saved trouble. In the
batting line Mahoney was, of course,
the whole show, with two doubles and
two singles.
Ironed In around these occasional
outbursts of sensationalism was some
excellent pitching. The two young
sters, Callahan and Fitchnrr, who
twirled for the Portland Northwestern
Leaguers, opposing Johnson, surprised
everybody. Including Williams.
Callahan allowed only four bits In
his five Innings, and. while the negroes
secured their lone run off blm In the
second Inning, the tally resulted more
from Coltrin haste In attempting a
double play at second than to anything
else. Fltchner was blnged only twice
In his last five frames. Both of these
were chalked up In the eighth Inning,
when the local lad brought the specta
tors to their feet by fanning the third
man with second and third bases occu
pied. Callabaa-s Hit Ttea Score.
Portland's first and tielng run was
scored In the fifth Inning. Callahan
singling to right, following an error
by Parks and a wild pitch which bad
put Coltrin .on third base.
Mohler at second bandied Ave hard
chances faultlessly, while GulKnl. Ban
croft and Fortler also conducted them
selves In big league style In the field.
Williams used his two young receivers,
Murray and Bliss, and while neither
hit the ball, they nipped several at
tempts at base-stealing with much
Coupled with their hard -S stand
against the negroes Saturday, the de
feat of the Giants will certainly not
hurt the Colts with local fans. The B
leaguers made friends yesterday, for
the negroes had previously licked the
Portland Coast Leaguers four games In
five, had trimmed Seattle three straight
by lopsided scores, snd licked Victoria
two games. Vancouver beat them, but
Foster says his men were out celebrat
ing their first letup in five months.
The score:
Americas Olsnts Portland Colts
Ab 11 Ho A K1 Ab H Po A E
Pone'n.If 4 t 0 0 M.tnr't.Sb 4 112 0
l.lnd'r.rf 4 110 0 Mnhl'r.Sb 4 1 X S 0
Mon'e.'.-h 4 1 X I U 5 1 1 0 0
Tvlnr.:tb 4 1 5 o Mah y.ct 5 4 110
J-ark..rf 4 10 0 V Krlrs.rf . 3 1 O O O
j.e 2 14 2 S 1 14 O 0 4 O 1A 1 1 t 4 0 S 2 1
Hutcn.a 4 0 S 4 Murrmjr.c 2 0 2 2 0
lohos,p 4 1 0 7 O Cjllan.p "2 1 O 5 0
Filtu at. 1 O S 1 O
Kllchlkp 1 O 1 0 0
Totals 34 B 19 22 1, Totals 34 lO 30 la 1
Tio out when winning, run was scored.
Giants 0 1 00O0OO0 0 1
Hits 1 101 10020 0 6
Portland 0 0 O 0 1 O 0 O 0 1 2
Hits 1 11112010 2 lu
Runs Park. Mohler. Coltrin. Ptruck out
. Ur Ca;;ahan 2. Kltchner 6. Johnson 4.
Bases on ball Off Callahan 2. oft 1'ltrh
Dfr 1. off Johnaon 2. Two-base hlta Ma
honey 2- Double plas Monro and Hut.-h-lnon.
Sarnflce hit Bancroft. Kriea. Uul
r"l. Fttchnr. ftolrn tutn Petway, GulKnl.
Hit by pitched tall I'etway. by Callahan.
"Wild pltrhe Johnson. Innlnirs pitched by
t'.i la&an 5. Base hits off Callahan 4. Tim
1 lmplre Toman and Casey.
Notes ef the Came.
Th American Ctants play today at Walla
Wan, tak In th opening of th North
western League at Fpokaji Tuesday, migrate
on to Idlasoula and Helena and then depart
tor St. Louis and Chicago. Th negroes art
member of the Chicago City League,
Kid Mohler wa loudly applauded by th
big Sunday crowd when he first came to
bat. Th tx-Sal southpaw lnfllder la pop
Th sltnllsiity In the uniforms worn by the
teams so confused Fltchner in the eighth
tnnlnr that he failed on sn easy double play
at first baa, li mistook Gulgnl for an
plerc. the negro first sacksr. Is a boy
hood friend of Bill Rodgers. of th Bea
vers. Both attended th sam school.
Gatgnl performed well around th initial
sack and will likely get a lot of work there
this season unless Hettman Is secured 'and
crowds him off.
Th team spilt th gate receipts equally
snd he $livo or Xll.ouo secured by Ntck
Williams will Just about pull the Colts
training trip out of the red Ink column.
Manager Williams had figured on closing
the Spring preliminaries wtth SAOO to the
good, but th bad weather h struck all
along tho line blasted his hopes
Su Jamcsj Club, of Vancouver, lias
Several Members With Big Jaws.
VASOfirVER. Wash.. April 13. (Spe
cial.) Mumps! That is the trouble
now. In the training camp of the St.
James Athletic flub, causing a ball
game to be called off today.
First Brltt Thompson, in some man
ner, was attacked by the disease, and
was laughed at by his teammates. In
a few days Bernard Pierce, pitcher, be.
ran to experience an unusual sensa
tion around his under Jaw. and was a
victim. Out McDonald, John D. Mc
carty. John Daly and Aultduffer fol
lowed closely and tonight Waiter Mo
rtality, manager of the team, predicted
that bis whole team will probably have
mumps before many days, so no games
are being scheduled.
Piedmont Maroons Win.
The Piedmont Maroons won a slugfest
from the Columbia Hardwares yester
day at Peninsular Park. 12 to . The
batteries were: Morris and Bartholo
mew, and Donaldson, dwards, Bahler
and Myers.
:.e s n v) '4
Row Left to Right Bellinger. Westler. R. Hmns, Kr.nrts. Cay, Bolt. P. Homaa. Poland. Middle How,
n Z Rltkltta. Twllm-o. Voa.g. Dr. Sweetland (Athletic Director), Pfaff. Heps. Kraklne. Lower
w lJtiCrZZD'. M'U-. Blackwell. Gates, Ross. McR-e and Watson.
Other Members of the Clab) Are
The "W Club of Willamette University is composed of students now attending the university who have
won their letters on the athletic teams. Dr. Sweetland. the athletic director, suggested the plan and is an
honorary member In each line of sport the sweater award Is different, the award being made for the first
tlmZ The Tf oot :ball award Is a cardinal sweater with an old gold -W": the baseball award is a white sweater
co with cardinal V-Vb.sketball team an old gold "W" in a cardinal circle on a gray sweater coat; track
a white sack sweater with a cardinal "W."
Pugilist Announces' Anxiety
for Early Retirement. ,
Anderson Ready for Fight With
K. O. Brown Tomorrow Xlght and
Looks Forward ty Life on Sled
ford Farm as Champion.
LOS ANGELES, Cal April 1J. (Spe.
rial.) "After I pick this boy Brown.
I will get Rivers, and after I have
laid him on the shelf I will take on
Ritchie if 1 can get him away from the
spotlight long enough, and then I will
travel around over the short bout cir
cuit and 'gather and then I will retire
to my farm In Medford, where the best
people in the world live, and settle
This little effusion or optimism
comes from Bud Anderson, the oppon
ent of that fantastic little humorous
Dutchman, K. O. Brown.
It was not a boast, not a bltof It.
It was a serious, carefully-worded an
swer to a direct question as to his
"I have this whole thing figured out,"
said Anderson evenly. "I know I can
lick Brown. In my first fight I had
him going several times, but I was In
such bad condition that I could not fin.
Ish my work. Again his crooked way
of looking at me puzzled me, and his
funny style of boxing also bothered
"Then there Is Rivers next. I do
not take him too seriously, as he can
not guard against a straight left, and
I have won many or my n grits witn my
left. Ritchie will come next for me.
and unless some one gets him before
I do. I will have his title. Then it is
me for those Medford hills and a quiet
life. You know I am only in this game
to earn some money and not from any
love for it-"
Today Anderson practically finished
his training for the fight Tuesday night
with Brown; that is, the hard training
Is over. He Is In such splendid condi
tion that ho will only work to keep on
edge and take off the remaining
pound. Today he tipped the scales at
a little over 134 and Donald says he
can easily take this extra pound off.
Brown's trainers say he Is already
down to weight. He will weigh 131
pounds Tuesday morning, and before
entering the ring that night will eat
a two-pound meal, thus bringing his
weight up to the scheduled JS3 pounds
High School Students Stirred to Ac
tion by Haywood's Visit.
HOOD RIVER. Or, April 13. (Spe
cial.) Students of all Hood River
schools are taking an active interest
In track this year. On Saturday. April
!8, the first lntersrholastlc track meet
for the county will be held. Entries
will be made from all the valley
schools. The contestants will be
divided into two classes those
14 years and under forming Class A
and those older Class B. A loving
cud. which will become the permanent
property of the school winning it for
two consecutive years, win be pre
sented to the winning team. On the
Saturday following, the winners will
meet the track team of the Hood River
High School.
-Bill" Hayward, the University of
Oregon trainer, was recently here and
addressed the students of the high
school. His words of advice were re
ceived favorably and the students are
endeavoring to develop some strong
material. Local alumni of the State
University are eager to turn out some
material that will make good at
Eugene. Donald Ntckelsen, a student
of the Frank ton school. Is creating no
small Interest among local athletes.
In an unofficial race the past week,
he broke the tnterscholastlc half-mile
O'Hanlon and Allen Teams Win at
Multnomah Club.
In the opening games of the Multno
mah Athletic Club Sunday Morning
League, played yesterday morning on
Winged "M" field, the O'Hanlon and Al
len teams came off victorious.
CHanlon's Shlllelahs defeated Scott's
Shamrocks to 3. and Allen's Bearcats
walloped Fischer's Koquefords 4 to 1.
Both games went only five innings.
Jimmy Berger umpired.
Team to Open Season With Seventeen
Men on Rolls.
WALLA WALLA Wash.. April IS.
(SpeclaL) The Walla Walla Bears In
the Western Trl-State League will
start the last week of training with a
squad whlcU probably will b carried
on the rolls for the first three weeks
of the season, as the clubs are allowed
;0 days to cut the teams. Manager
Bade figures on using six pitchers the
first of tne, season.
The men who will start the last week
not te nnsre.
of training are: Pitchers. Garber,
Kelly. Snoddy, Laird and Welsh; catch
ers. Brown. Dunn and Post: outiieia
era. Mensor, Harmon, Martini, Johnson
and Bishop: inflelders. Chllders, Lund
atrum. Davis and Sheeley.
The infield probably will go as it
stands. If Sheeley's ankle holds out he
will be kept at first. If not, Johnson
will be used in that position. Johnson
will be kept as utility man. Brown is
captain and will stay. Kelly will stick
as a pitcher, and Harmon, Martini and
Mensor seem to have sure places In the
Chicago 7, Pittsburg 4.
CHICAGO, April 13. Chicago won the
first srame of the series with Pittsburg
here today, 7 to 4. Pitcher Hendrix, of
the visitors, had two bad innings, in
which the locals batted him all over
the field and caused his retirement.
CooDer. his successor, had little
trouble holding Chicago safe for the
remainder of the game. Bunched nits,
couDled with an error by Manager
Evers, resulted In three runs for the
visitors, and a double and a single
netted another. Cheney, although a
little wild at the outset, kept the hits
of the visitors well scattered.
Miller's batting, sensational running
catches by Vlox, Zimmerman and Wil
son were the features, score:
R. H. E.l R. H. E.
Pittsburg ..4 8 OiChlcago ....7 12 3
Batteries Hendrix, Cooper and Gib
ion, Kelly; Cheney and Bresnahan.
CINCINNATI. April 13. Cinclnnatl
St. Louis game postponed; rain.
Chicago 7, St. Louis 2.
ST. LOUIS, April 13. Chicago took
.1 -rn.A S V a aoaur with St.
Louis here, this afternoon by a score
Or I XO 2. IdngB wtt u ....
.... . i i - fAnpth ami
DUt IWU 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 a, mo wu. ...
seventh. In the ninth Inning, with
none out, iange waiura mreu ijhijci,
in succession and was relieved t-y
Welsh, who retired the side In strikes.
Chicago ....7 8 iSt Louis 2 9 3
Batteries Lange, E. waisn ana
Sxhnik- I.everenx. Allison. Stone and
Agnew, Alexander.
CLEVELAND, April 13. Cleveland
Detroit, no game; rain.
Aggies Enter Berkeley Meet.
Berkeley, April 13. (Special.) The
entry of Oregon Agricultural College's
track team to the annual conference to
be held May 10 has been received by
Manager Donald. Seven men were en
tered. All men entered are passed
upon by a committee of men prominent
In track affairs, and all the Corvaills
men entered passed without trouble.
Orioles Defeat Linnton.
Th Oriole defeated the strong Linn
ton team yesterday 12 to 8 on the
Alberta grounds. A circus caicn uj
Robbins featured. The score by ln-
nrioles 1 0 0 3 1 2 2 S 12
Linnton 0 0200130 2 8
Batteries Trentlss and Ganong;
Meili. Treber and Noyes.
Lewis Uepp.
Salem. Or, April 13. (Special.)
Lewis Hepp. captain-elect of
Willamette University basket
ball team. Is a Junior In the Col
lege of Liberal Arts. Ho played
at guard this season and steadily
l-rev stronger as the weeks went
by. and in tne closing games was i
one of the best all-around play- i
ers on the team. j
The captain-elect halls from
ami hut the unusual T
distinction of leading the team
In his second year.
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Cooney, Walters and Cullen to
Seek Other Fields.
Williams Lets Girot, Doty and
Fltchner Stay In Portland to
Await Call to Spokane.
Pitching Staff Landed.
When the Portland Northwestern
League Club leaves Portland tonight
for Spokane, releases will be handed
out by Manager Williams to three of
his recruits Pitcher Cooney and Out
fielders Walters and- Cullen, all San
Francisco boys. Cooney will likely go
to Danny Shay's Helena team In the
Union Association, and Nick is endeav
oring to place the others In the North
west where he can keep his eyes on
Williams also announced yesterday
that Bill Bloomfleld, a veteran of the
Colt pitching corns, will not rejoin the
team, as he la located In business at
Hanford, Cal.
"Insofar as my releases are con
cerned," said the. kind-hearted Colt
boss, "all three lads are going to de
velop into good ball players, but I
have too many men on the payroll and
must chop off a few."
Several of the regulars will also be
left in Portland for the first couple of
series, as they are not ripe for duty.
Pitchers Doty and Glrot are two who
come under this classification. It is
probable that Fltchner will also re
main here subject to summons.
Williams will shove Pat Eastley on
the firing line in the opening game
against the' Spokane Indians Tuesday.
Otherwise his team will begin the year
Just as it went upon the field yester
day against the Giants.
His pitchers for the Spokane trip
will be Eastley, Martlnoni. Mays, Stev
ens, Callahan and Hynes.
"We're going to finish in the first
division if we don't win the pennant,"
was Nick Williams' optimistic predic
tion last- night anent the chances of
the Portland Northwestern League
, "The team has not been hitting up
to expectations, but neither has it been
hitting up to its mark. The boys should
have a better bat average this season
than last,' while the fielding is sure to
be immeasurably better.
"In Hynes, Mays and Martlnoni I
have three new pitchers who will equal
any trio in the league. Add Eastley to
these three and you see that we have
four formidable hurlers, without men
tioning the others.
"The infield looks like the best in
the league, and I think that this will
be generally conceded, even In the
camps of the enemy. The outfield, with
Fortier, Mahoney, Fries and Speas, is
good enough for me.
"I think that the Colts will open the
season as strong as any team in the
league." t
Spokane Wins 1 5 to 1 In Final Ante.
Season Game, Klsberg Pitching.
SPOKANE. April 13. (Special.) The
Indians played their last practice game
before a. crowd of 1200 at Recreation
Park today and defeated St, Maries, 15
to 1. For four innings there was some
thing to the game. Boheu was hitting
a terrific clip. The Indians were get
ting hits, but not at the right time.
The Lumberjacks were playing great
ball behind their adopted pitcher, fat.
Maries tied the score in the fourth to
the delirious delight of some 200 bugs
from across the state line. Then the
Indians, mindful of the repeated warn
ings of Boss Joe to show some class or
take transportation home, got down
to business. The rest is a monotonous
story. Bonner pitched the last two
Innings and allowed tho Indians no
runs nor hits.
Risberg, the l-year-old San Fran
cisco boy, who promises to be another
Paul Strand, pitched the entire nine in
nings with a tape around the second
finger of his pitching hand, which is
sore with a blister. He did not use a
curve ball all day. relying altogether
upon his terrific speed. In the pinch,
he would cut loose, and zip tnem over
so fast they could not see them. He
always had plenty in reserve. He al
lowed only three hits and fanned six.
Del Bemis left last night for Milwau
kee. While Cohn and Ostdiek were
sorry to see the speedy youngster go,
it is, in fact, a relief to tne tangled
wits of the owner and bis captain when
they came to sorting out their out
fielders. Baker Fans Disappointed.
BAKER, Or., April 13. (Special.)
A washout four miles this side of Pen
dleton prevented the Harriman nine,
of Portland, from reaching here to open
Baker's season today, and one or tne
biggest crowds ever on the local field
w dlsaDnolnted. Two teams, picked
from the Tri-State League nine, played.
Manager Parlow's nine winning by a
score of S to 2. j
Opening Day April 1 Sth
Our Slentor "Will Talk or Herald All the LOCAL GAMES, Play by Play, as Mads ; Also Bat
teries, Score Each Inning and Final Score.
Pacific Coast and Northwest League Games
Batteries, Score Each Inning and Final Score. Orchestra and Songs from Hof-Brau, 6 to 8 P. M.
Multnomah Hotel Imperial Hotel Hof-Brau
Carlton Hotel Doty's, 10 Chamber of Commerce Mallory Hotel
Sichel's, Sixth and Washingtoa McDowell's, 309 Washington Louvre ,
Idle Hour, 262y2 Alder Rich's, 267 M6rrison Ry. Ex. Cigar Co., 107 Third
Or Come to Our Parlors
Oregon Telephone Herald Co.
F. S. Doernbecher, Pres.
Chas. F. Swigert, "Vice-Pres.
L. A. McNary, Gen'l Counsel.
LEACH CROSS Is a boxing oddity. He
concedes that he was lucky to
i 1. ... Y 1Lrany4n- a 'PTW Orleans.
fkHUi;k UUb ,V)U ...... -uw. v.
Other boxers would have sneered at
the claims of his rival and "got away
with it." But Cross was badly out
pointed until ne snppeo. over me
i i , Tn a i r i rin hA knew
KDUU&UUl UJJi.". - ..
the mettle of the man he was going up
against, for manaot was jros y Hi
ring partner in New York' when the
New Orleans boy was unknown. In
those days Mandot was cleverer than
Cross and beat him in almost every
t 1 n . an 1 m nrtan t Yia.1-t In the
Aj U V. im;a u - '
rise of fighters. Ritchie had a chance
to go to Australia under the manage
ment of Hugh Mcintosh after he made
i .1 ( .J .l..n.lntr ocafnnt ITrAd-
SUCn B HpiCUUiu paunwif, " - --
dle Welsh. Willie had several good of
fers in the East and passed up the Au
stralian tour. Ane result who mai
. th, ant of thA Welsh
scrap he won the title from Ad Wol-
gast. Had ne gone to "
vmiit Trnha.blv be figuring as a chal
lenger for the title today.
il tTKr-arnnJi ff Rt Trills. OH0
wvrB i. 1 1 U
. . . i T.knnw Vllhana rat1 AS
OI U1B UUJ O duuuiij ........
among the top-notch featherweights.
is many notcnes remwvea irwm
He lost to K-UDane in jib iuu
; afno nanrirp rxeSLT tho top
uuauifit'ift i"b - - u .
Just before the scrap, evidently for
publicity purposes ana. iiu
DriscolL of Brooklyn, at New York
last week.
r-t . . c I . u . Tatoat liimfnnrv
UDnUOIil Oilll.!, LI i u ,a.v
in the heavyweight fistic firmament,
was still on the U. S. S. Pennsylvania
when Carl Morris was being groomed
. l I V. I n II Polai WflA All.
I or a ciittmjiviuoii',
deavoring to emulate Frank Gotch as
a wrestler, and uomoargier www "
grooming in London gymnasiums. AU
three have exploded, although given
every opportunity to succeed, but
Smith has "arrived." He may not beat
McCarty may not weather Jim Flynn,
If he meets the fireman but he is a
man to be reckoned with.
r TCaur TVirlr the
three leading heavyweights rank: Wll
lard. first: Smith, second; McCarty,
. . i . rr" 1 jai thlnl. much of MC-
luini. wi, . ....
Carty back there, but they did not see
him at JUB nesx. ne is tiuiuo
i .i1An man Tint A. fitT titer
with marks to distinguish him from
. a J 1. n a n.not
the common nera. u ..c. r, - -height
and length of limb. Smith has
i hittinc nnH his srjeed.
He is said to be the most terrific hit
ter among the white men 01 mo wwb
Pendleton Slakes 112 Points In
Matcli With Baker City.
. i r1iih (ran shOOt-
xne roruwii - -
ers had an off day yesterday, as they
, - j t v Atlrlnc- Hnwn onlv 111
blue rocks of a possible 125 in their
weekly snooi 01 mo wic6u
rv, i.H.s,- t a 0-11 a as-ainst tne
m . . . j t Parlnn RTiA ICllieht
lrVUlUUe ssjroa v
with 23 birds of a possible 25 to their
credit nad tne niga c
shoot. Following is a list of those
who made the team and their respec
tive scores: Carlon 23, Knight 23, Rice
22, Culllson ZZ ana ;.jegier ii.
. i ..airw nrflrtirA Reed and
Huntley were tied for the highest In
dividual average wiu s per cem.
practice shoot scores are as follows:
T3 i oe Huntipv 9fi. Culllson 95 P.
Holohaa' 93, Van Atta 9J, Carlon 89,
Frederick A. Knbs
Robert F. Cox
M. Hansen
F. M. LE M0N2J, Secretary-Manager.
Knight 88, Reihl 87. Morrison 87,
Akins 86, F. M. Troeh 85, Rice 84, Mor
ris 83 Bateman 80, Hilgers 79,.Parrott
79 Gr'eeorv 79. Long 78. Zlegler 76. Ty
ler 73, Kavanaugh 71, Seuln 70, Howe
68, Gilbaugh 65, Wallen 62, Wallace i
Baldwin 60 and Ami 60.
PENDLETON, April 13. (Special.)
Tne .fenaieion trapsnooting leam maue
a score of 112 against the Baker ex
perts today.
Forest Grove Boys Lose by Score of
5 to 7 in Loose Game.
GROVE, Or., April 13. (Special.) The
first ballgame of the season was played
on the university campus yesterday be
tween Forest Grove High School and
the Portland School of Trades, the
score resulting in a victory of 7 to 5
in favor of the visitors. The first part
of the game was played in rain.
The game was characterized by Its
numerous errors and the number of
men walked. The Portland battery was
the stronger, but the team was weak
on base-running.
For Portland the battery was Odell
and Smock; for Forest Grove, Hamil
ton and Ireland, with Norton going
into the box in the seventh.
Rodney Merley Adds to Honors.
Rodney Merley, the blue ribbon bull
dog owned by McCarthy &West, of Port
land, hung up quite a record Saturday
at Seattle, when it drew down the prize
as the best dog of all breeds in the
Seattle Kennel Show. This makes three
in a row for Rodney Merley, for It
captured similar honors at the Port
land Bench Show, concluded a week
ago, and also at the Tacoma exhibition
In 1912. J. J. McCarthy, secretary of
the Portland Kennel Club, is expected
back from Seattle this morning.
Amateur Athletics.
The St. Mary's baseball team defeated
the Brooklyn Colts, 5 to 4, yesterday
on the Columbus Club grounds. RIppel
for the victors struck out 15 men and
allowed only four scattered hits. The
runs made by the Brooklyn players
were largely due to errors.
May 4 will mark the opening of the
Tillamook baseball season. It is prob
able that some fast Portland semi-professional
baseball team will face the
Tillamook nine in the initial game, as
Manager Edmunds has asked to hear
from any fast team. The Tillamook
players this season will be practically
the same as last season. The follow
ing are the team members: Armbrus
ter, catcher: Schroder, Mtllis and Pro
voost, pitchers; Arnspiger. Eberman,
Slgsbee and King, inflelders; Rhodes,
Sappington and Edmonds, outfielders.
In the first baseball game of the
1913 season played on their home
grounds, the Chemawa Indians de
feated the Salem High School Friday.
8 to 1. The new players on the Indian
team made a creditable showing and
will most likely hold permanent places
on the team. Until the last Inning It
seemed possible that the High School
boys would suffer a shutout, but by
careful playing the prep players scored
one run.
The Oregon Law Department base
ball team gained an easy 9-to-3 vic
tory over the Pacific Dental College
yesterday on the Holladay field. The
batting and base running of "Nig"
Borleske on the Law Department team
was a feature.
S. G. Reed
F. R. McGarry
M. M. Gillam, New York
Phone M. 4845, A 3213
Telegraphic Sport Briefs
i3 team of the Union Association de
feated the Qulncy team of the Three-
I League here by a score of 11 to 1.
New Haven Harvard defeated Yale
at soccer 2 to 1.
Philadelphia The University of Penn
sylvania placed a lacrosse team In the
field for the first time in seven years.
and it was defeated by Harvard
19 to 0.
Rochester, N. Y. Ward and Fromb
gen, of Lockport, N. Y- with a score
of 1215. rolled into first place among
the two-men teams in the National
Bowling Association tournament here.
They displaced the Petit-Day team of
Philadelphia, which had held the lead
with 1213.
St. Louis The Browns used IT play
ers in attempting to stave off the 7 to 2
victory by the White Sox.
St. Louis Ping Bodle made a smash
ing two-bagger against the Browns.
ima Trl-State League 4, Yakima Moosa
Lodge 1.
San Francisco Jack Neville won the
championship flight In the tournament
of the Northern California uoir Associa
tion, defeating Frank Kales, 2 and 1
The other flights resulted as follows!
L. S. Crutton defeated J. . Mee, s ana
7: W. H. Rhodes defeated F. Thlerlot,
and 5: C. F. Ford defeated C. C rums, s
and 1: W. H. Stewart defeated O. B,
Wyman, 2 and 1.
Vancouver Nine Victorious.
vivrnmrirn Wnoh.. Anrll 13. (Sdc-
clal.) The Vancouver Independents, in
their opening game oi tne season ii,
.i-.iinimn.i t h o Unnpvma n Hardware
aggregation from Portland, piling up
six runs to the visitors' two. Dieoeris
and Williams pitched for Vancouver.
Davis and Hugglns in Finals.
In the second round of play for the,
president's golf cup Saturday on the
Waverly Club links, Hugglns defeated
Ball one up at the 19 hole, while Davis
defeated Montgomery 2 up. Davis and
Huggins will play the finals next Sat
urday on the Waverly links.
Walla Walla Selected as Place of
Grand Lodge Convention.
mill i urAT.T.A. Anrll 13. (Special.)
in,Qi mmmlttAA havlne charge
of arrangements lor tne uoowuu.
Grand Lodge meeting nere juu , j-..
11 and 12. are getting their plans in
shape. .
The badges will be more elaborate
in hn rold-nlated. A
.11 i 1 will h in the shaDe of
a log cabin, a facsimile of the first
lodge building in waiia
The new boys' band at the Oddtel-
Tjm win niiki Its first public
appearance at this time. Fifteen or
phans, who stay at me nuinc,
pose this band.
The new part of the home, completed
a couple of years ago, will be dodl-
Enterprise Lodge, of Walla Walla,
will celebrate its 50th anniversary the
second night of the session.
The Muscovite degree will be con
ferred during the grand lodge ses