TIIE MORNING OREGOXIAX, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 9, 1913. 14 mi ENROLLS HUNDRED HELPERS Many Citizens on Committee Selected to Work for Rushlight. SPEECHES ARE PLANNED Namhrr of Women Amons Caller t llradqnartcrs Xovr In Charge of lYimirr Secretary to Clty'a Chief Executive. Acting upon orders from the execu tive committee of the Rushlight cam palsn commutes. Georpe K. McCord. nuniirfr, last nlKht named 10 citiiens from different waUka of life to analst lo the effort throuRhout the city to re elect the Mayor. The 1 Let w selected from names which had been aubmlttted to Mayor Ituahlta-ht from time to time by cltl aona who had tendered their aervleee to him in his campatfra for re-election. Fully 0 per cent of them, Bald Mr. McCord. were volunteers. Many more Tolunteered. but he selected some from a lift of names sent In by persona who wished to help. The committee of 100 consists of men of varied occupations, including millionaires, workl.-.s; men and profes sional men. They will work In va rious sections or me city wnerever their services are needed. Many of them have already loaned their auto mobiles to convey persons who are 111 to the Courthouse to register. In com pliance with a request by Mrs. A. c Newill. president of the Civic Progress Circles. Mr. McCord Is now arranging for speeches to be made in every ward In the city and it Is probable that he will also send to every voter a letter, set ting forth the accomplishments of Mayor ltushlight since he took office July 1. 1911. Among; the callers at headquarters in the Imperial Hotel yesterday were a number of women. The committee of 100 consists of the following: Ocorare H. Kelly. Ir. S. AV. Striker, William Sullivan. W. II. Fitzgerald. Ira F Towers. Charles K. McDoncll. J. 11 Bureard. rhll Pollock. Robert W. Wil son. Ueorse Wlcidnirton. J. D. M. "rockwell, IX Solia Cohen. John l'erry. tleorse S. Rogers. Ray Barkhurst. C. I Gantenbein. Michael J. Murnane, M. AV. Seaman, Thomas It. MaUKan. JJ. D. 1'atterson. Charles Feldman, B. . Jones, John C. Smith. Carl Stoll, W. J. Smith. William Randall. L. I LevinRs, N. I. Beuten. Norman I. fcmlth. John Man. i. W. McDowell. Jay H. Upton 3avUl N. Mosesohn, James Walsh. 1. 1 1'atterson, James N. Sutton, . J. retrain. M. W. Boyle, Al Cook. John J. Fleramtc, S. I. Penney. John R. La tourette. Gus Moser, lir. T. 1 Perkins, Jan J. Malarkey, C. N. McArthur, C. A. Craft, J. F. Kertchem. Ir. H. C. Flxott. It. O. Rector. Georse Hornby. Georfte Streetcr. F. K. Beach, Sidney Isaacs. K. K. Kubli, T. Morris Dunne, Georpe Klernan, Charles Coucklannla, John K lit all. C. W. Boost, H. J. Maclnnls. C. 1. Sersanons. L. II. Pearl. Fred 8. Stan ley, Georce r. Dunnln;. Jay Bowerman, John F. Loran, Jesse Steams. John R. Roners. Georfte Krletr. Axel Kefrilnc. John 8. Seed, Matt CunntnKham, H. C. Kckenbci-per, Robert SUknitter. O. H. Anderson, Georco W. Iloyt. Al l'omeroy. A. E. French, it. C. Foster. H. A. Fee pies, Waldemar Seton, Russell Haw kins, Charles Rudeen. I M. Dunne. Goortr 1 Baker. Frank W. Winn. K. L. Amldon. William Helber. Frank Hart. J. J. McCarthy, Richard Deich. Fred A. Burgard. C. K. Krnst, Dr. SL G. McCor Vle, Harry IL Fleming. J. R. Iickson. F.d U Idmmltt, W. B. Cole. H. A. Du aenbcryp A. MrNiiry. ASSESSMENT CUT ASKED AVarfringtoii Street Owners, Second to Sixteenth, Make Plea. Property owners and Topresentatlve of property owners on Washington street, between Second and Sixteenth street 9, called on County Assessor Jteed yesterday to be for lower as newmcnts. They contend that as nsed valuations on the street as made by H, D. Sipler. Mr. Reed's pre Aiecesnor. are altowether out of propor tioo to the revenues derived from rents. In some cases. It was stated, not more than 3 per cent Is bein? realized on investments. Mr. Reed listened to the members of the committee, which Included O. Henri labbe, II. W. Fries. John F. O'hea. E. M. lasarus and A. Kin Wilson, for nearly two hours and jrave assurance that he would look Into the subject carefully although ptvlnt? no definite pledge that their request would be met. Assessments for 113 are now belnff made. Last Fall 'WashinRton-street owners -wt-nt before the Board of Equaliza tion, but were unsuccessful in wcur inic re-luctlon from Mr. iler's valua tions. They appealed to the Circuit Court and were again beaten Judge Knvanautrh holding that it was not within the province of the court to review the action of the Board of Kqualixa.t.on. Members of the committee told Mr. Reed yesterday that In many cases rents on the street had been reduced, this applying even to property under lease. They said that WanhlnKton ptreet values have been inflated fur years. WAGNER ISH0N0RED HERE Centennial CVlebratlon at Masonic Temple Huge Success. Masonic Temple auditorium was com fortably filled last nixht by an audience gathered to celebrate the centennial cf Richard Wagner, and the event was a big success. A concert was plven by the Arion Society, of about 75 voices, under the direction of Lucten K. Beck er, the programme of German music, moat of It by Warner, being of pro nounced excellence and finely rendered. Solos, dutts. quartets and choruses were sung with tine spirit. The solo ists were: Frauleln Helen Fromme. so prano; Frau Lillian Dudel, mezzo so prano; Frau Karl Muller, contralto; Herman liafner, tenor; George Mayer and G. Hacnlen, baritones. Mr. Becker and H. t. Per kin were accompanists. The programme: VaIir Idyll, "onntae auf der Aim" (T. Koacbat t. Arion: contralto, "O bttt eurh. ltet Voele:n" K. Oumbert: (a "Wal dandacht" iV. AM. ib sextet. "Lwla dl mmennoor' ( Ionire:t1 . Arion; quartet. " I- and Sprlue"' t WelnsirrO : "ilein Wuntch. Volk!iiel."" 'Der Trotnptr an der KalJtach ami "Hlumell. VoIkwele. Anon; "Bruchaturk." Lolienri::" i Was rert: churu and aoprano solo. "E:a' Trium"; chorus and tenor aoio, "Nun ael Ylaakt"; baJS volo, quintft and rhoms; duet, soprano and tenor. Elsa und Or trud"; chorus, Brautiu"; duet, Loheosrm on -I Klaa; chorua. Hrmutlled tenor aolu, LfoansT"' At c hied." Reduced Prices MEN'S CLOTHING 1000 MEN'S SUITS ON $20 SUITS w.th 2 BBSI FOR $22 BLUE Of TITTC w,tU O PAIRS SERGE FOR S27.50-S35 sl Overcoats and Raincoats Going at Practically a Price ave Suck, Upstairs Clothier NB0fc Entrance 327'2 Washington St. E5a!S55. CURSE OF TEMPERAMENT IS NOT FELT BY ACTOR Neither Does Uncontrolled Temper Worry Leo Ditrichstein in Real Life, Although Both Bon Rampant Few Honrs Nightly in "The Concert." Br LEOXE CASS BAER. m 1 O one. afflicted with what is now 1 J adays a recognized curse the ar- ' tistic temperament can get a better or a quicker eye-opener In two or three of the underlying- principles of all really preat art than by witnessing Leo litrichstein's portrayal of tits of esthetic mental unbalance In "The Con cert" and then meeting him for a real talk and learn in ? at first hand how far removed from such exhibitions Is his personal life In "The Concert" Leo, as the musi cian, emotes all over the place. His hair Is long1, his soul is large and grow ing daily, and his moods bother hi in considerably. lie is all "nervous en ergy tire," ha what Ella Wheeler Wilcox would call "opalescent mo ments." and just plays hob generally with his feelings. He does It so easily and It might fit In with the personal I'ltrichstein. It might, you know, because he Is a writer, a musician, a playwright and an actor. Besides which ho Is & grandson of one of the best known old-world poets Josef Ktvoes. and he Is from Hungary, where temper ament Is manufactured. I'sually, however, we get It via wait ers and orchestra disciples. Leo la ot So Troubled. In spite of which Leo Ditrichstein has neither temperament In the acutely artistic form, nor its plain step-sister temper. The two are so often con fused. Coming away from the theater two old ladies who paddled along in front of me wondered audibly if Mr. Ditrichstein display of artistic dis order were the inevitable revelation of the personal man. I told him about it yesterday when he and the lovely Mrs. Leo and I had lunch at the Ore gon, where they are registered. That was when he immediately disclaimed having temperament in any of its ag gravated forms. "Of course I have nome else how could I act or play piano." he said. "It is quite a necessary adjunct in an actor's equipment. But" he paused im pressively to give emphasis, "it is like advice to be taken In very small quantities. Then it was he disclaimed temper. "I am the gentlest broken-to-walk-with out-loading mildest, kindest of hus bands." he smiled. 'You should leave that for me to say. interposed tne always smiling Mrs. T. (That name Is so lung I hate to write It every time no from now on in this story it wiU be Mr. or Mrs. D.). They have been married 17 years and have never been separated a day. Some There Are However. "We have a great many friends among professions, musicians, artists and some actors that are accredited with running to temperamental un control just as a plant runs to seed. When The Concert was first presented every one of the Mrs. Musician-artist or actor declared it was a take-off on her own husband, and Mr. D. s chuckle was low and prolonged. "Hut it is not at all like my hus band." said that gentleman's wife. "If you could know of the years of real work, the almost ascetic rigor of his physical life, the sacrifices of pleas ure and enjoyment for rehearsals and playing, you will believe that my hus band perfectly exemplifies the dictum of Ruskln that the great artist will submit to almost anything in order to give pleasure and Inspiration to many.- This from Mrs. D. And this from Mr. D.: "Yes, dear, but we like the money, too." The gentle task of extracting hen's teeth Is easier than extracting an in terview from Mr. Pitrichstelii there, I wrote it out again. He likes to eat so be- ate. Now no well regulated In- SA i LE OO JVJklwJ PANTS OO Men's Suits "SZZkr Earth 750 and Sl Mr. Leo a Ditrichstein, Leading Man In The Concert," at the HeUlg. terview can be put together between bites of fried chicken and perfectly marvelous salad the dressing of which Mr. D. mixed with such close attention to small bottles and exact proportions of a thousand mixtures that the interview was not on the table, but under H on the floor.. Farming nolda Charms. He did, however, tell me that the whole morning had been passed at a nursery no, not the kind you're think ing of, but one where they bought 50 little cherry trees and as many apple trees to aend back to Stamford, Conn., to plant on the farm. It's a reg'lar farm, and Mr. and Mrs. r. are reg'lar farmers when vacation arrives. They bought big potatoes here, too & lot of em big as a little watermelon, " said Mr. IX These, too. are to be grown on the Connecticut farm. This Is the first trip to the Pacific Coast Mr. Ditrichstein has made. And In telling of it he reverses the story of the little boy who said he didn't mind going to school so much, but what he disliked was staying when he got there. Mr. Ditrichstein says he's In love with the Coast, now he's here. But what drives him mad Is the long jumps, sameness of scenery and changes in climate it took to arrive. "It's some distance." says Leo. CHARTER 'JOKER' IS FEARED Police Thint Civil Service Clause in Proposed Draft Is Faulty. Members of the police department will fight the adoption of the proposed commission charter, on the ground that It is inimical to the Interests 01 civil service. They held a meeting yesterday morning at which they were addressed by Gay Lombard, Republican candidate for Mayor. Mr. Lombard pointed out to them that, under the proposed char ter. It is possible for a Mayor who is hostile to civil service to destroy its efficacy. A large number of the policemen, who met In the Police Athletic Association Hall, believe that there is a joker in the civil service provisions of the new charter, in that, they think, all who Sigh Overcoats and Raincoats Kl IT-7 '. : V' .: . ; -: , - : ' I i I if I J3 L ml have served under the classified civil service for less than six years must a?aln take their examinations, but this is denied by some of the framers of the proposed charter. This, however, will not serve to stop the police from their fight on the pro posed charter, as they are said to feel that the powers granted to the commis ston are too large for the general good of the department. W. c. Benbow, a member of the char ter commission, yesterday made the fol lowing statement: 'There Is some misunderstanding among the voters as to the effect of the commission charter amendments upon civil service. The amendments to be submitted do not constitute a new charter. They are simply amendments of the present charter providing for a commission form of government and where tho civil service provisions of the present charter have not been amended, they will stand exactly as they do now. Since the sections of the present charter are not changed or re enacted it Is immaterial to every civil service employe, so far as his position is concerned, whether the commission amendments proposed are enacted or not. "Merely .because the provisions in the present charter as to civil service are repeated in the pamphlet sent out does not mean that they are to be re-enacted. The statements being circulated that any civil service employe must have been in the service sis years or be com pelled to take a new examination in case the amendments . providing for commission form of government-go into effect is therefore incorrect. Any ex amination of the proposed amendments will show that they constitute amend ments of different sections of the old charter and not an enactment of an en tire new charter." IAILy METEOROLOGICAL RETORT. PORTLAND. April 8. Maximum temper ature, B7 degree.; minimum, 44 degrees. River reading, 8 A. M., 10.6 feet: change in last 21 hours. .3 foot fall. Total rainfall S P. M. to 5 P. M.). .15 Inches: total rainfall sine. September 1, 1!12, 31.G5 inches; nor mal rainfall since September 1. 37.61 Inches; deficiency of rainfall since September 1, 11112. Inches. Total sunshine. 4 hours SI minutes; possible sunshine, 13 hours 11 minutes. Barometer (reduced to sea level) at 5 P. M.. 30.2O Inches. THE WEATHER. State of Weathsf STATION! Baker I 34 0.00 10 N IPt. cloudy W Clear NW Pu cloudy SE Pt. cloudy E Cloudy I. . . IClear N Snow Boise 08,0.00 12 4S 0.00il2 5K0.0O 4 44 O.O0 20 SO O.OO'. . 32 O.TS 14 30.44 1 34 0.00 24 62:0. It) 12 74' T. M 52 0.00 4: so o.ool c 4U0.U4 12 521 T. I 4' Boston Calgary Chicago ........ Colfax Denver Des Molne E Rain Duluth Eureka XE Pr.-clnudv N I 'Clear Cloudy Pt. cloudy Clear Rain Galveston Helena Jacksonville Kansas city .... Klamath Falls . N Clear s .cloudy SW Iciear NW Clear 1 Ir-iQT urier 00 0.00 64 O.OO: 56 0.14! 62 O.lul Los Angeles Marshfield Med ford Montreal New Orleans . . . 44 0.00 20 i'NE Pt. cloudy s;o.oo 14 s :Clear New York 45 0.00 24 46 U.22 IS; 66 0.00 S NWiClear North Head .... ;S !cioudy North Yakima . . s Ft. cloudy SR PlMr Pendleton Phoenix Pocatetlo Portland OS 0.02' 4 0 0.0O 1? SW Clear 52 O.OOj 6 57 U.15 4 62 0.02 4 70O.0O' S ,XWClear w ,Pt. cloudy NW Clear NW'Clear IPain Roseburg Sacramento St. Louis St. Paul 44-2.36'lS 44,0.00 20 30' T. 1 6 600.02' 8 IE Cloudy It Lake NW IClear San Francisco . . W Clear Pt. cloudy Cloudy Cloudy K'lear Spokane Tacoma Tatoosh Island 5S0.00I1O! 54 8 4S 0.00 24 60 0.00 4 sw s Walla Walla ... SW Washington ..... Welser Wenatchee Winnipeg 52 0. OOI 4! NWVClear E IPC cloudy N Pt. cloudy SB (Rain 70 0.0O 4 030.001 4 34:0.021 6 WEATHER CONDITIONS. The Southwestern storm has remained FORECASTS. Portland and vicinity Fair: westerly Q50 PORTLAND BUSINESS ACCORDION FLEATLXO. k. Stepnan. accordlan. side pleating, huttons covered, goods sponged. 3S3 Alaer. M -li3- ADVICE. JOHN a! BERRY, atty. collection, ab stracts examined, written opinions on legal questions. 317 Allsky bldg. Marshall ASSAYEga AND ANALYSIS. . . 1 : i vv 1 v 1 ASSAY OKKICE Laboratory and ore-tesung work, llstf Morrison St. WKLL5 & CO., mining engineers, tuciu--and assayers. -V4 b WasBlngtoa st. AUCTIONEERS. WE buy furui-.uro lor casb. Oeo. Balr CO.. ICQ Park. Main 3S32. A 256. JBOAX BUILD ISO O. P. GRAHAM Boatbuilding and repair ing. Marine ways, loot A&eroemj - CARPET CLEANING. VACUUM carpet-cleaning; also restores col ors; work t-uaranieed. Fhona Woodlawn tl!-0. CAKl'Ei: WEAVING. NOKTHWKST RUG CO. Rugs from old carpets, rag rugs. 153 Union ay. CHIROPODISTS. WILLIAM Estelle and Flossie Deveny. the only scientific chiropodist, in th. city, parlors oU2 Geriinger blag.. S- W. cornet Zd and Aider- rnane aiain ajva. CHIROPODY and pedicuring. Mrs. M- D. Hill. Offices 420 Fliedner bldg. Main 3473. CHIROPRACTIC PHYSICIANS. DR. M'MAHON. postgraduate. LSI 4th. $10. 000 eu,uipmenL $10 a month, lioard. room and treatment. $10 a week. Sr. Lehman, 317 Abington bldg, has no ilo, 000 equipment. $10 a week, expert work. COAL AND WOOD. COAL ALB1NA FUEL CO. BLOCK WOOD BRANCH E. 33D ST. WOOD EDLEFSEN FUEL CO.. East 308. C 2303. " COLLECTION AGENCY. SETH & CO.. Worcester bldg. Main 176. No collection, no charge. lANCING. PROF. WAL. WILSON'S Dancing School Waltz, two-step, three-step, schotttsche lessons, 0c; evey morning, uftemoon and evening: ail dances guaranteed first les son. Do you know that anyone 'who walks can learn to dance ' Stage and fancy dances taught daily. 85 5th St., bet. Stark and Oak streets. Phone Main 7637. HEATH'S dancing schools. Allsky bldg., -3d and Morrison sta.. and 10U 2d St.. bet. Wash, and Stark sts. ; lessons daily : waltz and two-step guaranteed In four lessons. Class Friday eve., 8 to 10 at 109 2d St. DETECTIVE AGENCY. CALL Private Detective. Call Sellwood 2. INTERNATIONAL Detective Agency Re sponsible, conservative, satisfactory. Night E. 4384; day. Main f424. 610 Dekum bidg. DISINFECTANTS. Oregon Chem. & Disinfectant Co., germaclde Sweek comp. kills bUjfs. 321 Abington. M. 2170. DRESSMAKING SCHOOL. VALENTINE'S system ladW tailoring; dressmaking taught. 152 Grand ave. Keister's Ladles' Tailoring College and School of Dressmaking. 143H 11th SU ADVERTISING AGENCY. BOTSPORD ADV. CO., Board of Trade bldg. KA li Adv. Co., Inc., Commonwealth Dlds- AtiRK I LTLRAI. IMPLEMENTS. Mitchell. Lrftwis & iStaver Co., Morrison & 2d, JOHN DEERE PLOW CO., Morrison & 2d. R. M. WADE & CO., 322-26 Hawthorne ave. ARCHITECTURAL WIRE AND IRON WKS. Portland Wire & Iron Wlis., 2d and Columbia AUTO AND BUGGY TOPS. DUBRC1L.LE BUGGY TOP CO., 200 2d sU AUTOMOBILES. Mitchell, Lewis & Slaver Co.. E. Mor. i 2d. HOWARD Automobile Co., 7th and Couch. N. W. AUTO CO., 017 Wash. Reo. Hudson. AUTOMOBILE SUPPLIES. BALLOU A: WRIGHT, 7th and Oak. BAGGAGE CHECKED AT HOME. Baggage & omnibus Transfer, Park & Davis. BAKER & CONFECTIONERS' SUPPLIES. GRAY, M'LEAN & P1SKCY, 4lh and Glisan. BARBER SUPPLIES. Lewis-Stenger Barber Supply Co.. 10th & Mor BAR FIXTURES. Brunswlck-Balke-Collender Co.. 46 Fifth St. BICYCLES, MOTORCYCLES & SUPPLIES. BALLOU & WRIGHT. 7th and Oak. BILLIARD AND POCKET TABLES. Bmnswick-Balke-Collender Co., 4G Fifth St. BOOTS AND SHOES. GOODMAN BROS. SHOE CO., 30-32 Front PRINCE SHOE CO., SO N.. Fifth. BREAD BAKERY. Royal Bakery & Conf.. Inc., 11th and Everett BREWERS AND BOTTLERS. HENRY WEINHARD, 13th and Burnslde. GAMBRINUS BREWING CO.. 21th & Wash. BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES. S. BIRKEN WALD CO., 0th and Flanders. BUTTER, EGGS AND ICE CREAM. T. S. Townsend Creamery Co.. 18 Front at. CANDY MANUFACTURERS. THE ALDON CANDY CO., 12th and Glisan. J. N. MATSCHEK CANDY CO., 270 First sU COFFMAN'S CANDY CO., 43 Front streeu CANVAS, WATERPROOF. FURNISHING GOODS. Willamette Tent 4 Awning Co.. 205 Burnslde CLOTHING AND GENTS' FURNISHING. N. & S. W EINSTEIN, 5-7 N. 1st. Mar. 1808. CEMENT. LIME AND PLASTER. F. T. CKOWE & CO., 45 Fourth St. CLOTHING MEN'S AND BOYS'. BARON-FLLOP CO., 32 and 34 N. Fifth. DAIRY AND CREAMERY SUPPLIES. Monroe Crisell, 145 Front. M. 640, A 0429. DRY GOODS. FLEISCHNER-MAYEK CO.. 20T Ash St. DRUGGISTS. Clarke-Woodward Drug Co., Alder at W. Park Blumauer-Frank Drug Co.. Park and Everett DIES AND SHEET METAL STAMPING. WESTERN Tool si Die Works, 306 Pine sU Oregon and Washington Fair; winds mostly northerly. Idaho Fair. EDWARD A. BBALS, DlBtrlct Forecaster, nearly stationary, being central this evening over Northern Texas. A large hlgh-pres- means 4 s .v vouwusiofmnx cieariy btbo 1 that your bowels -work prop- X erly. Your guccegs depends upon a clean system axd a clrnr Brain. look after yourself every day and remove tna wasta wliea presses upon, your nervous sys tem. Don't wait taka a rente dy wnich acts at once, g-ently and sorely HUNYADI JAIOS WATER, is the ideal laxative for a Business Kan. glass in tho morning" or at any time on an empty stomacn acts witnin an nour or so. Oct a bottla at any Drug- Store today.. v AMUSEMENTS. WEEK APRIL 7. The Five Columbians, Colton. Harrow & Co.. Bert (Gone) Mel bourne. Wolf and Zadella. Brooks and Lorella; special added attraction, 5 Pat terson Sisters; Pantagescope, Orchestra. Popular prices; matinee daily. Boxes and firnt row balcony reserved. Box office open from 10 A. M. to 10 P. M. Phones, A 2236, Main 4636. Curtain. 2:30, 7:15 and 0. SULLIVAN CONSIDLVE'S Where Every body Goes (Empress America's tines Theater Broadway and Yamhill St "THE NEW LEADER" THE AEROPLANE LA1)1L9 4 OTHER rEATCKEts ft 1 Cnn Matinee 1 C Matinee Box QHr 1 OUU Seats at 3C and Lore SeU UC Night Prices. 15c and 25c. feats for matinees and first night shows reserved. ELECTRIC MOTORS. MOTORS, generators, bought, sold, rented and- repaired. We do .all kinds of repair ing and rewinding: all work guaranteed. H. M. H. Electric Co. 31 North First at. Phone Main 9210. . ELECTRIC MOTORS. WE buy. sell, rent and exchange now and second-hand motors; repair work a spe cialty. Western Electric Works, 213 ata. FURNITURE. HOUSES furnished on Installment, new or fine second-hand furniture. Western Sal vage Co.. S45 Wash., bet. 16th and litn. FURNITURE MOePlTAL. bOW'ERS & PARSONS. 1001s Front. M 7443 Furniture Hospital; packing and shipping. HAT EACTORY. EASTERN HAT FACTORY. 64-66 3d SL Men's Hats Cleaned and Blocked. Best 2 Hat on earth lor men. INSURANCE. PACIFIC STATES FIRE INSURANCE CO. Only Oregon lire insurance company. LANDSCAPE GARDENING. BETTER landscape and general gardening. SWISS FLORAL CO.. East 5320. C 1514. PACIFIC Land&cape Gardening Company. 515 Rothchild blag. Phon. Marshall 208. LEATHER AND FINDINGS. J. A. STROWBR1DGE LEATHER CO. Es tablished 1858. 18U Front St. LIP HEADING. KING SCHOOL lor tna deal and hard of hearing. 80s Central bldg. MEN'S TAILORS. WERNER-PETTERSON CO.. 813 Vi Wash. St. cor. eta. New Spring Woolens. MESSENGER SERVICE. HASTY Messenger Co.. aay and night ice. Phones Main 53. A 2153. PIANO teacher, student of Wisconsin Con servatory of Music wants pupils. Wood lawn 3106. VIENNA Conservatory of Music, 384 4s Mor rison. Main 2387. AH branches taught. 10 lessons $4 up. Philip Pels, director. PIANO STUDIO, modern methods. 26B 14th. Main 8803. Arrangements for practice. EM1L TH1ELHORN, violin teacher, pupil Sevclk. 825 Fliedner bldg. A 4160. Mar. 10 NATUROPATHIC PHYSICIANS. DR. GROVER. specialist paralysis, nervous, chronic diseases. 703 Oregonian bd. M. 814s OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS. Dr. R. B. Northrup. 415-16-17 Dekum bldg. Nervous and Chronlo Diseases. Phone office, Al. 349; res.. East or B 1028. PAINTING AND PAPERING. E. T. CRANE, THE PAINTER. Interipr decorations, wail paper and tint, lng. 10th, beU Morrison, Yamhill. M. 2328. FIRST-CLASS papering, painting, tinting. Phone Metropolitan Decorating Co. M. 0428 PIPE. PORTLAND WOOD PIPE CO. Factory and office near 24th ar.d York sta. Main 3489. PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS. COACT-MADB paint and varnish la best adapted to the Coast climate. BASS HEUTER PAINT CO, 191 1st St. PATENTS. I R. c. WRIGHT, 22 years' practice U. 3. and foreign patents. 600 Dekum bldg. WHOLESALE AND MANUFACTURERS ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. STUBBS ELECTRIC CO., 6th and Pine sta. FIRE DEPARTMENT EQUIPMENT. A. G. LONG, 10th and Marshall. FIREPROOF WINDOWS AND DOORS. J. C. BAYER, Front and Market sta. FISH, OYSTERS AND ICE. MALARKEY & CO., inc., 14S) Front St. PORTLAND FISH CO.. 34 Front su FLOUR MILLS. CROWN MILLS, Board of Trade bldg. FRUIT AND PRODUCE. M'EWEN & KOSKEY, 12U Front. FURNACE WARM AIR. BAYER, Front and Market sts. FURNITURE AND SCHOOL SUPPLIES. Northwest School Furniture Co., 244 3d sU GRAIN MERCHANTS. Albers Bros. Milling Co., Front and Marshall KERR, GIFFORD ic CO., Lewis bldg. BALFOUR-GUTHRIE & CO.. Board of Trade H. M. HOUSER, Board of Trade. NORTHERN GRAIN & WHSE. CO., Br. Tr. THE W. A. GORDON CO.. Board of Trade. GROCERIES. ALLEN & LEWIS (.Est. 1851), 46 N. Front. WADHAMS & CO., 60-75 4th sU HARDWARE. Marshall-Wells Hardware Co., Gth and Pine. HATS AND CAPS. THANH ACS ER HAT CO., 53-55 Front sU HAY. J. H. Klosterman & Co.. leading hay dealers. HIDES, FURS, PELTS, WOOL, TALLOW. THE H. F. NORTON CO., 53-55 N. Front St. HIDES, PELTS. WOOL AND FURS. BISSINGER & CO., Front and Salmon. KAHN BROS., 1'Jl Front St. HOP MERCHANTS. . M'NEFF BROTHERS, 614 Worcester bldg. IRON WORKS. PACIFIC Iron works, E. 3d and Burnslde. Complete stock structural steel. Architectural Iron. IRON, STEEL, HEAVY HARDWARE. ROBERTSON Hardware &. Steel Co., 68 5th. JEWELRY. DIAMONDS. WATCHES. S. Mendelshohn & Co.. 424 Worcester. M. 6.153 KODAKS AND PHOTO SUPPLIES. PORTLAND PHOTO SUPPLY CO.. 140 3d. LEATHER AND SHOE STORE SUPPIAES. HERTSCHE BROS., 304 Pine St. CHAS. L. MASTICK & CO.. 74 Front Leath. er of every description, taps, mfr. findings. LIME, CEMENT AND PLASTER. Nottingham & Co., 102 Front st LODGING MACHINERY. F. B. MALLORY & CO., 231 Pine St. Loggers & contractors' Mach; Co.. 71 5th sU LUBRICATING OILS. Balfour. Guthrie & Co., Board of Trade. MAIL ORDER. JONES' CASH STORE. Front and Oak. FRANKLIN & CO., 132 Front sU sure area overlies the Lake region and the barometer has risen decidedly over the North Pacific states. Moderately heavy rains have fallen in Northern Texas. Okla homa, Kansas, Missouri and Iowa, and snow has oacnrrpd in Colorado and Nebraska. The AMUSEMENTS. HEILIG THEATER 11th and Morrison Phones. Main 1 and A 1122. POP U LAB PKICE MATINEE TODAY Prices SI, "Se, SOc. TONIGHTS Special Price Mat. Saturday. DAVID BELASCO PRESENTS THE COMEDY SUCC2SS. 'THE CONCERT WITH LEO DITRICHSTEIN ISABEL IRVING SPLENDID CAST PRICES Evenings: Lower floor, J2, fl.SO, SI; balcony, S 1, 75c, 50c THIS AFTERNOON, $1, 55c, SOc. SEATS NOW SELLING BAKER Theater. Main 2. A 53S0. Geo. L. Baker. MrT. Tonight, all week, matinees Wed. and Sat The Popular Baker Players In the greatest of all criminal plays, "ALIAS JIMMY VALENTINE." The romance 6f a retrieved crook, bjr Paul Armstrong, dramatized from the story ol O. Henry. Evenings, 25c 35c. 50c. All matinees. 25c. Next week "The Girl Left Behind Me." MATINEE DAILY. Main ft. A 1020. ' BELL BAKER The Window of Apparitions Woods and Wyde Harry Leighton A Co. Ixhlkawa Brothers Doe O'Neii and Mile. Lorette) EDISON TALKING PICTURES. LYRIC t..i. Hturtr Streets Company presents "Conn's Finish." a laugh- . i . nf mirth and music. Two performances nightly, matinees daily, Sunday night continuous performance, com mencing at O-.OV. 1 Umi,T aK"b - - context bj the girls, irtday night. Rosebud coweaw. DIRECTORY PATENT ATTORNEYS. WASHINGTON. D. C. Velatl Bldg. 1 1 U 1 RTTV PORTLAND. 40"-9 Cham, 'of Com. Bldg. Patents procured by J. K- Mock, attorney-at-law. lata of the U. S Pateni. Office. Booklet tree. I01O Board of Trade bldg. PHOTOGRAPHERS. LEROY'S studio, 313M Wash, su Main 89T8 Makes photographs that give satisfaction. PIANO AND FURNITURE MOVING. W. M. JOHNSON. 41 Union ave. Phon. E. 444L B 2U60 Res.. Tabor 3. B 826 PLATING WORKS. Nickel plating, polishing, enameling. Ore gon Plating Works. luih-Alder. M. 2&7A. PLUMBING. RANGES connected, coils put in. pipes re palred. Call J. H. Murphy. A l::3t. RUBBER STAMPS. SEALS. BRASS Sll-NS. PACIFIC COAST STAMP WORKS. 31 Wash.su Phones Main 710 and A 2710. THE IRWIN-HODSON COMPANY. 92 5th su Phones Main 312. A 1254. SALT RISING BREAD. and other good things to eat sold. Th. Cookery. 623 Wash, near 20th. SHOWCASES, BANK. AND SHOW FIX! U RES. THE LUTKE MFG. CO., branch Grand Rap Ids Showcase Co.. 6th and HoyU R. Lutka, manager. . MARSHALL MFG. CO., 4th and Couch; new and old window display and cabinet work. SIGNS. SIGNS This means any old sign. G. H, Simpson. 225 Salmon. Main 914L STORAGE AND TRANSFER. PORTLAND Van & Storage Co.. cor. 13th and Kearney sta. Just completed new tire proof warehouse for household effects, pianos and automobiles contains separate fire and vermin-proof rooms, steam-heated pianoroom. trunk and rug vaults, track age lor carload shipments; vans tor mov ing; reduced freight rates on household goods to and from East In through cars. Main 5640. All department C o. PICK Transfer & storage Co., offices and commodious 4-story brick warehouse, separate iron rooms and fireproof vaults lor valuables; N. W. cor. 2d and Pine sts.; pianos and furniture moved and packed lor shipment, special rates made on goods In our through cars to all domestic and foreign porta Main 51)8. A 296. OREGON TRANSKER CO.. 474 Glisan St.. cor 13th. Telephones Main 69 or A 1169. General transfer and forwarding agents. We own and operate two large class "A warehouses on terminal tracks. Lowest Insurance rates in tne city. -General transferrin y aud storage, safea. pianos and furniture moved and packed for shipment. Front t. Telephone Main 044 or n. Occidental Warehouse Co.. -11 N. 4lh t Merchandlse storage, bonded ami free transfer and forwarding agents. Mar. 2ii. TYPEWRITERS. 15 TO ."5 Will buy a REBUILT TYPE WRITER; rebuilt aa good as new; all makes to choose from at GUI's. 3d and Alder; terms to suit; every machine guar anteed. Call or phone for representative. Main 8500 or A 606a WE are the exchange for the largest type writer concern on the Coast: investigate; all makes, all prices. The Typewriter Exchange, w asningion u NEW rebuilt aecond-hand rental at cut rates. P. D. a Co.. 231 Stark. Main 1407. MEN'S AND WOMEN'S NECKWEAR. Columbia Neckwear Mtg. Co.. S3 Fifth sU MEN'S FURNISHING GOODS. NEUSTADTER BROS. MILLINERY. B. O. CASE & CO., iith and Oak. BRADSHAW BROS-, Morrison and 7th sta. MINING MACHINERY AND DREDGES. HAJIWUftlJ MG. inc., O li t. NOTIONS AND FANCY GOODS. MILLER S1.MINGTON, Calhoun Co., 45 ORNAMENTAL IRON AND WIRE. Portland Wire & Iron Wks., 2d &. Columbia. PAINTS, OILS AND VARNISHES. RASMUSSEN & CO.. Jobbers, paint.", oils, glass, sash and doors. Cor. 2d and Taylor. W. P. FULLER & CO.. 12th and Davis. PAINTS AND WALL PAPER. PIONEER PAINT CO., ISO First su PAPER BOXES AND SHELF BOXES. Portland Paper Box Co., 02 Front. Cartons. PERIODICALS. HOOKS AND POSTCARDS. THE OREGON NEWS CO., 71 Front st! PICKLES AND YLVEGAR. KNIGHT PACKING CO.. 474 East Alder. PIPE. PIPE FITTING AND VALVES. M. L. KLINE. 84-80 Front St. PLUMBING AND STEAM SUPPLIES. M. L. KLINE, 84-S6 Front St. M. BARDE & SONS. 240 Front St. POULTRY, EGGS, CALVES. HOGS. HENRY EVEHDINU, 45-47 Front st ROPE AND BINDER TWINE. Portland Cordage Co.. 14th and Northrup. POST CARDS. C T. Photochrome view post cards published by L. Schelner, SO N. 6th St., Portland. PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS. EVEKD1NO & HAULING, 14U Front street. SAND AND GRAVEL COLUMBIA DIGGER CO.. Foot Ankery sU SASH. DOORS AND GLASS. W. P. FULLER & CO., 12th and i.avis. SAWMILL MACHINERY. PORTLAND Iron Works, 14th and Northrup. SCHOOL OF TELEGRAPHY. Pacific Coast Tel. Insu, 505 Commonwealth. . SODA FOUNTAIN SITPLIES. COLfMBlA. SUPPLY CO., BS Front St. SPRAYING MACHINERY. THE HARDIE MFG. CO., 411 N. Front at. WALL PAPER. Ernest Miller Wall Paper Co., 172 1st St. MORGAN WALL PAPER CO., 230 Second. WINES AND LIQUORS. JOHN ECKLUND, 123-125 Front st. BLI'MAUER & HOtH, 105-107 12th St. WIRE AND WIRE ROPE. John A. Roebling's Sons Co.. SI) 5th St. WIRE AND IRON WORKS. Portland Wire & Iron Wks., 2d and Columbia. temperatures on the Pacific Slope have risen slightly and it is much colaer In the western portion of South Dakota, Nebraska and Kansas. The conditions are favorable for fair weather in this district Wednesday and in expowft places sharp frosts will ocrur. AUCTION SALES TODAY. At Wilson's Auction House, at 10 A. M. Furniture. 100-8 First st. Ford Auction House, 211 1st. Furniture, carpets, etc. Sale at 2 P. M. MEETING NOTICES. MEMBERS OF OREGON' CIRCLE, NO. 171. W. O. W., attention Card party for Wednesday evening, April 0, 11113, hits been called off. All members are requested to be present on that eevning, as election of dele gates to tho district convention will take place. By ordtr of Bertie IS. Bruitzenhoft. guardian neighbor. MART RANDALL. Clerk. B. P. O. ELKS, NO. 142 Members are re quested to meet In the lodgeroom this (Wednesdav) afternoon, 1:45 o'clock, for thd purpose of conducting the funeral services over the remains of our late broth er. John C. Robertson. Visiting brothers and also friends of the family invited to attend. By order of the E. R. M. R. SPAULDINO, Secretary. WASHINGTON CHAPTER, NO. 18. It. A. M. Stated convocation this (Wednesday) evening. East Eighth and Burnslde sts., at 7:.W o'clock. M. M. degree Visitors welcome J. E. MARTIN, Sec PORTLAND CHAPTER, NO. X. R. A. M. Called convocation this (Wednesday) evening. at 8 . o'clock. Work in R. A degree. Visiting companions welcome. A. M. KNAPP, Sec cVX inn MEETING this (Wednesday) 0NI&5Sf evening. East sixth and Alder gtei streets. Work in Initiatory de "No. 17 gree. Visitors welcome. W. W. TERRY. Sec. PORTLAND LODGE, NO. 209, THE FRA TERNAL BROTHERHOOD, holds open meeting and entertain their friends at danc ing or cards. K. P. Hall, 11th and Alder, Wednesday. April 9, 8:30 P. M. PORTLAND COMPANY. 107, W. O. W will give a whist and dance at W. O. W. Temple, 128 11th street, Wednesday, Aprl 9. Refreshments and union music. DIED. WEIGHTMAN In this city. April 7, Lucy Elizabeth Weightman. of 354 Clay street, aged 47 years. 7 months, 6 days. Remains are at the new parlors of J. P. Flnley & Son, Montgomery and 5th streets. Notice of funeral later. STEEL April 8. James Steel, at the home of his daughtor, Mrs. James F. Ewing, G10 Spring street. Portland, aged 78 yeara C month Is days. Funeral notice later. v