n 19 THE MOKMXCt OREGOXIAX, FRIDAY. APRIL 4, 1913. . m j r.. RE1. TOVKXST. I BUSINESS OPPOKTUgg: 1 M MOtA.S. FLIEDNER Jt EOVCE, Apimn,"h""" ipe laueia. SoJ Abington Bid. Own or or.trl it. ioliir.g apartment ou wh.h arc a. I new or n-ariy new. t,p ia dale and ps all mud-ru con- CK 'ti-T'C 2-d and GUrto-3-room unfur- C L iY f?OL 1 1 th and f 1 a X room D ;a;e baleonj. ur.f urnts'ied tathx'i. jixxt, inn and r-.omr. fum:.ifl . roi:LHAM. K-rd st. ft rooms, nnfur- aij.irtt. hirdfwl finish, private balco nies; tii.-hMi UM pr:mTi to the city HANTHuKN. -.' I-'-O at.. --r Main $ room, tub p.ia:a balconies. lUitttr- HANuvEK. iS Kin t.. near Washing ton rooms, w ith private ti.rouk. unfurr."I . two routus. furnished or jffurr,!hert. K N 1 1 K K KH h K Elt. 410 Harrison "r 1 1 f h rt rooms, w it a private ba.contee, unfurnished. . , T !:! x. JTO St. Clair. near WasMrg-t-n Tbrrtt rooDta. furnished and unfur. m.bd . . T KKAXftS. 2Tt and Hl-3 and rem. villi prut baiconiea, uafur- Wn.LIN''".Tns, 15th and Everett 2. S. 4 ird .. ro-nis. unfurni!"!; ram buno lrg . very reason o; rm, r(reuca ia- i'i;ied. - THE WHKKM"N. Core ex lark aad Taj lor t THE wHErr.rvv ANSKX. Corner TentU and Salmon Streets, WaikmiT Distance. rnilih4 romp - i-. - - and 4 r'm apmiiT. i-ii.d'H "w and strictly modern; iTVko lirst-cla.. TARMKI.ITA jfrr'u and J-tn Ms. 4 and room iinfiinimh'd tpwritnrfU, i ilona.iy well nrxnitrd. walking dis tance. Kate RaonaMc. Mxlsrn. References, Xw. If f N ITT PLACE APARTMENTS -The Mum of Tone. Largest aod finest apart ment n the Pacir'c Cmii. In heart f apartment hoM d'etrtct. New and mod ern In eery prtfiitr. prtmnU fur mthed and orf'iriUh !; ex-iusive bache lor quart'ra llh ciuU ro"m a outn lptPc rrr - n ' v r)f rt " mnt ; h.rfa--1 i'fvi''. rf.n4 .lln t rt 4m?prng f'trrtrur; irmm ra f..iM: tr i-'-! l"n inrnd: rfreoce ra-u'iir-d Mr-h'l Tl"1. I.T'CB ETI A CO!' RT A PT. tasted tn an fn rout I.urtla Jut of U"htn"n, h-i n 2'.'d nd atm.; a : ufly ih-.- ftn-t, mt rpol-apt.-hnit74 in th- rnv. : out't'l1 rortin. ha-dvr-.d fl'-r and ho-h n fr. f hm for tr'in. 9 .V1 rrqtnrd. App y Supi. Mf. Jan Mar. 1 and A lor. til?: BARKfc.H. rr lat and Irvir t. -Thu nw (our t-ry hnck imw open; f'ir nirid and nfurnihd In 2. .1 and 4-rora uir . rc"p!n b ri. '(. rt. .utoniat ic ivatr. II ilman dtaprnrr n buf?-f and urt'tr !-. k. ran-. Ic bt. plntv of clw-t rxriK. oi; jhna. tti-uum cl"aitr frm to patrun. If 5 ant ornithine nt.-. ffm" to tla Barker fn A 1744. Marna;i ymi. wBLrrsm cot-T. Tt 1."h a. im"nl, b-ock of Mw r n. Itfrct and bt n Fat JlI; 4- lion. mndrn, 1 fttrnlUt.d and un lurnubcd. waikloc ditacr. VTT.UA ST. CLARA. 12tn aad Ta ior. MMt modarn apartmnta oi tha raelXIc Coaat. "urued romplct Roof gardtn 1a t.aanactioa. WaJWnj daianca. Kofraaea, Xji CHAPMAN, fcrl'-k building. J-tt om p:tad. atrirtlr modern, unfurnlnhod no roont apartnivnla. targa iUln kitrhrn.!. bath. draaa;ns-rootna r ich apartment; llurphy bi. aa ranca. vvulln r.. bui:t-ln d.'cmra and Lui-a mir.-ora; ail utaida roonia: rni -i pr mo:i:i- aIfr on and (liimii car. i.rfner THS CROMWELU Vtb, and Columbia. ar.d 3-r-orn apartments, f-imihd. Firi. tiy ni'Hkrti and new. IWenrn'-ea. fl.tm. waiving d''anc. IWrTlce 1 irst-claa. JL l iin AIU.E 4-ruvtn apartment. furnUlied r ucf urntahed ; bt In city tr rnt. loca tion and arraiiero"nt ; all uutmde room proa' baih. airaot paclftc pboi.c; no IB. rant, tx-ml arvlca. theffleld Art.tmfnti. -- Hroadway. cor. Jefttreon. AfAKTMK.NTi AuU otUc iif, Jiorruoo. corner i'ark t- thoroub- 1 . r.mttaf. ana fr t uraih ed . food Jani- t- and a.evatar i-nii; ea-yininjt aept rtean; wa will pad to now oui in prna 1 r h:. K. H. oen. THE rfMUTH. -dth anJ Cphur a. Fur nkuhed : nn ap:-. H. U up, airum bit. tant aud oid water In every apart ment; pub l- bath, eievtrlc l!rnt, I lanca. laundry r.om. all fffe. Tako j." or "W" ran norti. Main liAX&EY CULttT. 199 WilUania Av. Nireljr furnish eu 3 -room apart menia: ?et heat and prl : bath . walk in diftnc. per zuunth. Phvba i-t 32; WlfFAU- 410 ;u; wa.kinc U.stanca to abrpins center. 7 mm., fireproof bide;.; oa.y huaa in town havlns sprinkler sys tem: mourrn and newly renovated. -.iO to $-X Inspection lavltrd. A A '.Hkl. TIIK rAKKlll'RST, North vth aad Norihtup St. H'malike frniand. J auu 4-rouru aprt menis. vulsld rooms. tAi'ony to very ulle; all convcmnci, ref. I'hone M. llTf. NEW. fireproof, automatic elevator, hoc and cold water, steam bett. baths. Pri vate phones. 2. A and 4 -room furnished apsrtrucnts, '-' up. slm;Ie rooms. Sid a month. I.rrds ApaitmentH. flu Market. '1K J0 ili)t, private aptmrnt. wU fur nlh.M. 4 la rooms, suitable f-r two cuupt.-. ow tier wilu rent to -o.ual cmt of in apartrnent untumished. Kingsbury Ar"". I'hone Main 41o. KI.I.I NOTON APAKTMa'XTS, i-th ai d Kteiett 'J. 2 ai.d 4 romiu, unf urr..sh d ; pr.vate baths; -' and up; completely renovated- und-r n-w management ; walk ins fl junr-, ronveniet.t and bvst scrx Ke. tK t'K ni-Et Hi Grand avenue, 3-room apartments. complet.y ftirnistted. private be1i: Qw nianajtemeiit ; nii'JtTn and ca irinTir, ia ki:i( tiistanv'; best oi scrue, tat r4.otui)i. bEK THIS ONR Pt RK. Ntrely furnished tlirv-room arrtment. $22 4. mil outside, large. Hkht a:ry rooms, pri ate phone, bath, on cai-.m. it a.41 Tir 2.-3. TliB VLSTAW. J41 tt . at Market. ipw two and three-room apartments, nplete'r furrlshvd: walking distance, res reasonable. Main IIjM- TH STA.NKIfc.LD. NTy furnuihcd 2-rooin apartmanta. & w-mutrs w.k from Po:oJuo; ft! 5 up ; rit. aa ana phor.e service tuc.uued. :t4 vn--er t. Phone Mtin .;i3. UEIXZ APARTMENTS, llta and Columbia. Eurn-fhed 2, 3 and 4-room apartments, an onvrnietwe; I'.rst -class. borne', l Its, roLarat' rates, ref. jiam l.37. A CI-1ETON APTS.. Tv lrvtr.jc St.. Noh Hill, sonny. 5 riKnn apt.. X trirooma, ail out mi roxmi nun I arse c : -sts. J,pua p rch. retere.i'es. Ma.n J'-":. A 17. HAMVF KLVTCO f KT. Formerly the Huel J.'j l-th; nicety fur n.srel s-rot-in apartments, strictly rmdrn. Marshall Jt'oi. Home phone A WALWHF lLHT. lrvmgton. kwsst V-.a and fchuy.sr at-, room apartment with pore a: every thins; tuodern. swaal 34, C leA. f KINCsilU RY APAKTMKNTS. Kurd IL. rear asinr.Kton. e.cgant new br'.c. build li. B. Cu.ti piete and modern, pn ate bal cor.'.es. best of aervlce: 1 rooms w;ih bath. THE CkirTPA. lMlt and P. sailers s;.. J ana 4-room modern aparuamt. and up. furn.sr-.ed. ur unfurnished, rtf - r n c reo,ilr-d. OKANDEST A East Stark, and Grand ave nue. Lf bu!Mi.nC iarj. airy apartmeuta. t::cly furn.s-ied. private .bones; reason sbie rent. East -us. ilONTOOMTRT APARTMENTS. Thud and M.-n:4omer ; nesr. modern, out side furnished '--roai apartments; auto matic e.evator: close) in; sja up. Main FRY !-!raL.e 3-ronn furnished modern apartment, tiea. l:rl-.t. p.iuc, ater fur nished. i-? - East one block north of Haw thorne. East 6H. TH E C A M A R. 7J LOV IJOT. Modern brick bulMin. ant ly fur--ished; 3-rvoiu front apt.. a Marshall tmh t-z::sLoi:P. tfixteerth. Near Taylor, 1 4 aoti I r - r-ori unfurnished a part -ment or wtH fitmisn. M . ta"-e riutil. iuruS'Vivd floors, water. Lest, privet pnor.es. ire sleptnc Irr f runt inanM.1. o-w j -v rrv con v eUi?nc. Apartmenta, !. Noi thlUtf. Apartments. PAGE APARTMENTS, Eut Mh and Burnsule. - Trise beautiful apartments are arranK-a in suite of J ar.d 3 r-ms with fire-jla--. etc ; fun-ivd and unfurnished. MlvS. MDOro.ai formally "I Overton Ajts.. and previously mr of I'aae. ha returned and wishes her former fr.ends and tenar.ta to know uf toe ttactive rate that ar n-inc quo. ed tor "so roomy. homeUkc apts. Eust HARRIMAN APT-. 14. 24th bet. Irvine; and Johnson ; one i-ruom apt-, furnisneu with two real bedrooms, also two diap parlnc bvls as well as two large iep ia porrhea: most O-sirabi for 4 to nurs. 4 or i peop; or two married roup.t-a. phona Main 30 or Mir.all J-- ' THE A V A L.U N. Ijiret, hi !-:. airiest It and 4 -room f iiniisM-d or unf urmshed apartment in t. c.tv ; nlerpsng poron. j.rik;te P;on t-a;X ,in heat, Janitor aervice. Phone Kat ivj;. i.orner 4"la Kamas and Hss; wa.klna- distance of L ntoa lepot. tTMHEhLASU ATT-S.. W. Park and Co lnmtoa ita.. choice and f nTnned si.ti unfurnished apt., all modern conveni ence b-autlful l-catlon. faclr.v tha park; e-n1 y minutes wa: k from bu!t-'- cen tr: b-et f s-rvic-; pr:e$ rcrfonahle. UEKTOX APT a. New brtch bulldma. 2. X and 4 rooms. furr;L!n-d and rfinf urnlshed ; all outside rooms, fresh l tltttd, snl p.tinted. s round and (nut court In eonnectin ; " car. rnmer Cist and Overton. Marsikll 30. FLORENCE APARTMENTS, 3!4 11th at. Modern furnished 3 aod 4 -room. Every rnoWn convenience. Roof f-anlen and prav yard for children. f.:2 . up. ex eiirrtt location ; easy wnlktns; rtmtan-n. THE NORTH MPT'N. loT lla.t St. I-m -J. THE BIRMINGHAM. 3m l.-'h ,-r. M.rfU.:i KTftlr Brst-uiasa and 3-room rtlshsd. fur- Til K EVVRETT. f-4 Everett, Leten i"''th aiid Elta. Kurnihed 3-room ajrtment, with Jloep Ir.s por.;b. ot-ated In of tla choicest p. ,inrf di-ttnete; walking diai.u'e, THE ORMONDE On 4-room, one o-room ip.trtir.-nt. all outside and licht, r'm-ce. refrlaerator and flephuue. o Klnniers. Nob HH Mali bJol. SAN MARCO APARTMENTS. Comer East Coucn and bin sis-; easy walking distance; modern. Qiuet. raaaoa ab. Phone Ea.t 2T7. WAINEWCiuD APARTMENTS. 3 and 3 room, nealy XumLshd apar Tnenta. 13 to - inonth. Ju North lath bet Kland-rs and t.lian. Main 1h3. THE M' KIN LEY A PARTM ENTrt, East 7th and Morrison aia. Very central; 2 and j-room apartments, furnished com pletely; private baths; from -0 to MA -Hi-OS PARK APARTMENTS. park and Madison bts. Ror r"nt. 3 and 4 room furnished and nrf'i-ntse.l apartments; strict iy modern. BRVN MAWR APTs.. I"., E. 13th St.. nar YsmhiU. 4 roum apartir.enta. aewly fur Mshd. ATTR ACTIVK Portland Heights new 6 rmu jir; merit, unfurnished, with gar den. l'H 'll 11th and Hatl, 3. 4-r. furnished, modern, b k rd wod floors, private balconies. A It I'M A I i r. r. - r Exeeptloi.ailv large llvlnjc-room lflx20; very convenlenee pith and Harrison '. II I.IANA 15 TRINtTY PEACE. K;-kattiv ftirni!li"d and 3-room apart nr.ts. Wslkina tHvT..-. Summer rales. THE i 'H F I .TEN HAM. Just vacated; ltht iirtnt-nt. rent reaajn:ihle. -jo North V t h T h o ne M arshall 4-d EH I ' V TT?-.. 3"'' h and Northrup. Thone Aiarsh'.) -rootn apt., larjce. JUhl rooms, trl i:r modern, esullent location. TH E lA YTON Beautiful location. G fine lig- roms, apartn ent. porches and very convenient. .S Flanders. H-adurtMl renu Epr. VHOI -M "Xr ARTM E NT fi 2 and 3 fur nished housekeeping uUea. Mu and Mar kei. ut.T new management. THE c.e win W OR APTS. 3 or 4 rooms; new, 11. homelike, walking distant, rea- snb!e. for. t. Jet n ana 1 'iini lit.) ANT A Apartments. d aud Johnson All outside, 2. 3. 4 rooms, furnished, un furnished ; reasonable. Marshall TTf rMEn!a! 400 Hall at-, new building, completely furnished, moderate rat. Main M44 LTNCOLN APARTMENTS. Fourth 1 Iiucoiii A II outside 2 -room aots.- S22.30 to walking distance. Lli LlAN APT., win. ana .woniKomery; . room furnished; summer rate; 7 min. to l'ostof fice. BCEN'A VISTA. 12tn and Harrison; 2 and 8-room apart ments; best f-riv.-a. rttfj t.tJ..J. THE Irckton. 44S 11th, Nicely 1 urnished - and -rvKiu modern outside apts., near II-ints. Mr. F. W. McCune. Marshall A?. l-r u;sDi W. cor. th aitd Jeffer- aon- modern unfurnished apt.; Xlrat servlce; private phon. jTT?rONIA. Marshall aad 10th ats. Laxge, airy 3 and 4 room aparimcnta; yulst ana ecluive n-lgt-orhood. THE N'okomls. 17th ar.d Marshall sts , modern X-noiii apts ; moderate rate. Mwr. 49i. rlats. ATTRACTIVE 5-roora lower flat, nearly new fireplace, furnace, strictly modern, easy walking distance; aaults. 4Uw Hax risn. Inquire 4iT. 3-KOOM modern flat, very near city's busi ness center, a-- 2v Clay st. Inquire r.a Chamber of Commerce. Phone Mam 1 r33. LOVVER five-room flat. No. 64 G lith au, pear Knott: all modern conveniences, no small children, rent Elmer l.eur.dbcrg. Teon bldg. 3-KOM tuddern fiat, largo roms, excellent locution. furnace. fireplace, a.eeping to;ch. xaa range. -fH5 E. IHat. Tabor 15:u. FLATS and cottage on the West Side for rent. Gavm A CimpVIl, 634 Chamber of Commerce. Main 160". ii NEW modern upper and lower; fur nace, fireplace. Dutcu kitchen, sleeping porch, vie. East 19ih North. Flat of rooms and bath; 731 Hoyt at Inquire 13v oth st. Phone Main t MotRN 10-room fat, tinted, varnished, reasonable. Main i4o. H24 Northrup. aToUERN 6-rooia upper, lower flats, all con venience. t'S E. llelmont. East of'tk). MODERN 7-room upper flat; fireplace, fur nace, yard. lto lth at. inquire 1M Itfih. ft-K-tOM f;&:, new tinted, on the corner o lrtth and Evere't. 7S il.ISN tfT., a -room fiat, fireplace, fur- naco. cl eaj). M. &441. MODERN 4 -room flat, near 23d and Was a. Main t-t HeaKonale. fr-RoOM Iocr flat, firp:are, ciectrlc lSht, g s a. 04 EUa t. Mam 4!H4. . MODERN 4 rooms, upper flat, furnace, reat IIS. I'hone E. a. O 14'i4. TdrtW IRVING HT., near 2.d Upper mod ern flat. Key at corner grocery. l-ROOM upper flat, all conveniences, ilO East Maaiaon. auuhs oniy. FumUhed Flat. FO'HROOM Cat. very pleasant, light, all round, ground f'oor; bath, gas. large base ment, clean, well furalshed; nice lawn, two carl me, walking distance. 712 E. T.t;-:nr E. o-dO. FOR RENT A newly furr.lahed, modern. C-roo.u Hat. 407 H East Couch L, oetr urana ave. r uvun a i 74 OLISAN" t.. completely furnished mod ern fiat, furnace, fireplace, rent cheap. M. 341. I louse keeping; Rooms. TH E REAVER, 1-tli and Marshall sts. Furnished for housekeeping; ga range, electric lighia. hoi water, bath, laundry free; $12 per montu up; a clean place; best In the citv for the money; short distance from C nl on Deiwt. Take tf or ldth-at. cars north, gel :f at Marshall st. No dogs. $l.Tn TO $2 73 week; clean, furnished house, keeping rooms, suitable for 2 or 4; free heat, laundry, bath, ard, gaa. Phone E-!- 4itd Vancouver, lit,' 3 Stanton. car. BACHELORS' quarters. The Su Mark. 3t2 S E. Burnside. corner Grand, light housekeeping or aleepicg rooms. - a we-k and up THE CPS HUH. 40 tith eL, furnished 2 rorn apt., steam heat, light: 117 up. Main ;Ou. Take " 2Jd" or V" car north. 3-RiH'M ."urmshed flat, on Park st.. bet. unmeton and Stark, Ask In key shop. W 1'ark t. CAMURlDviE bldg.. 8d and Morrison; fur. an1 unfur. h. k- rooms. i:.. week up. SINGLE H. K. and seeping rooms, tl.: to $1-4 week. 21 rd st. THE OILMAN. Pit at eL. cor. Alder. Fur. H. K. room, single or en auite, cheap rent. NEW lurr.lshed housekecj ina: rooms, he., t. ba-.ns. fin. 1U4H 1-nlon. NEATLY furr.lpred housekeeping rooms; lose In; quiet and reasonable. -t2P Salmon. UN E nice J-rnom apt. Heat. Lght bath. ..:one. 4 SO. 410 Jefferson. 41 EAST MORRISON, cor. East Sth.; 3 reom housekeeping sultea. reasonable. Housekeeping-Room In Private Family. I o,; ; tVl.LY bet houckv-lu rooms n cttv. f replace, h-at. light. baii. also , bou-ekeeoins room, "iW Madison st. TWO or three desirable rooms, completely furnished for housekeeping. Apply ill ;h at- FOt'R larse. airv rooms, reasonable to " liable party; large yard, close In, Mar. 4 4 10. HnuekeroiDff Rouma Ln Private Family. PRIVATE home; four furnished U. k. roomi; eiet-tnc lights, private toUet and bath, vara, roses, plenty of ground for garden, chicken yard and house; your own prl .xi9 front and back porch: SI4 month, E. 74ih st. Some fruit- M v car. Pn.jna Marsnall 3T:i3 SlNvii-E housekcepirn- rooms :id 2-roorn stitivs. newly fum;ne.i. m mouern urn Iik. clean, warm, light room on -" finor: ev-rythii.g inciuded; walking dta tancf ; price reasonable. oo F'.andera, near -'th. H. K. R'JOMS. heat, ligiit, cooking ga. taH'ai.d phone furnished; rent very rea sonable, walking- distance. 11 E. liltli. Eat r,92t. 3 "LE AN", furnished housekeeping roomi In private heme, hot and cold watr In rooms, gas rsnge and us of laundry trara. Phone E. 2i4. fl2'J E. Anketiy. MAN and w ire to iSare borne; will pay rent ar.d fuel for services of. woman; lave garden, berries and chickens. SI E. od st. N". .... , 1 1.1v HMtnililM room, fur li:ii"d for light housekeeping; furnished XT-'KI r fiirnl.ohed hnusekeenlnc rooms, gas rsnre. phono and arh ; 110 children, N. I. "th st., n-nr Iavt.. ESPE 1A i.l-Y delrn ble suite rooms. airy. l);lit, fr-?hly pkiuteu. lulled. oo4 Morrion. . ciiui: hmiflf-roinf room a before do cidfng. central, cheap for honest working pr,pj. ortn j 1 tn. 4 1 Two tr thre completely furnished, clean rooms. bith, laundry. gHS ranpe. phone; walking clistanc-. 3-4 1 Tillamook. i: rtl sin EET. eox ln. 4 rooms, entire first floor. compl!ely furnished, modern lawn. ll 3t'. Y-n bldg. Main t7;. NEWLY ftfTilshed housekeeping rooms, pri Bt fMmilv, walking dittnce. It E. th. Has 1 TWO large f In-ly furnished houF-keeplng vrvinii. all ponvnlrnrea, largw yard, rea sonable. Marshall 441i'.l3 iztnac sTni il.lZ housekeeping rooms wtth kltch ent te; running water, heat, phona and bath. 2"! 13th. . 1 OR 2 funilrrd or rartlr fnrniPhed hou. l:-t-7ing ri-fuis. icrfetis'tl porch, 112 E. H't'n. 10.. 2TH. corner E.sndera. neatly furni&hvd ho'j?ekp:ng room. . H K ROM, f-r.nt, first floor, all conen-"lnr-. v. ayh.. 442 Jetf-raon at. H Four furnished housekeeping rooms; gas pla-. range. 34 7th it. Mn 452tf. Ft'RMSli EI housekeeping suite. $10 per month. oS Petty grove. Main 342:1. NI'E fime; be.; l-wHtton. one single room. brc-i:t. ti T iMth st. North. THREE large front room, completely fur nished for housekeeping. 214 13th, st. CLEAN' housekeeping unite with sleeping pon-h, faclac park. 4Qo W. l'ark ft- FIHST-FLOOR -suite and single rooms S3 p?r week up; furnace heat. mdrn. 2t2 l-ltn. TWO housekeeping rooms, clean, cheap. Phone 721 First i. $3 WEEK Two and ihr-e rooms, range, fre light, Fink. 402 Clay. Jrtl TAYLOR FroM nlt ar.d s.npie rooms, complete for hnukeeplng. TWO or three completely furnished house hI! conveniences. 4" flay. k-eplng room: HOI SKKKKPl.Nf rooms, furuiwlied. or all of iipnor fMor. 219 Grand ave. N. 430 OREGON ST., between East flih and 7th ta. North ?-room n.cdera house, fur nace, good basement, fireplace, every con venience: accessible to several carllnes; rent $;to. Call up R. N. Tuflord, 4oi bpaiair.g piog. omin ott. EEACTIKCL tf-room house In Watnut Tark; reception hall, den and sleeping porch. Fox furnace, with hot water connection; also gas water heater; beautiful yard and roses: bet car servlro. In city, 1131 Rod ney ave. I'hone Woodlawn ML ft month. OI'K fre -printed rental list" gw.-a you rlrt choice of the moil desirable for rente" at the right price. Call or phvue for ilt. A THE FRED A. JACOBS CO.. Main iww. 2'1 "Uashlngton st. A o2v7. WANTED A man ho can Invest J2oOU with me in a mnnufacturlnt? business which will net us from JH.000 to 20.iju pr year. 1 desire a man of some ability. T S21. .r-gonin. KENT Six-room house. East 12 th, near Stark; furnace, two fireplugs, electricity, gas, walking dutance. Apyly room 3UL the I)ekuia htdg. HUL'SKS AND FLATS FOR RENT. WATSON . THF.RKELSEN CO., SOU Spalding bldg-. Main 75i2. AT GATES A small house and two acrea. aomo fruit, good wjil sater; So month, or 950 per year. Inquire 411 E. Mill sL Mr. Mauler. SEVEN room. 2 sleeping porclies. fireplace, hardwood floors, fruit trees. 32 C7th, near Hawthorne ave Sheely Bros, Main 3072, A MOLEK.N 5-rooin cottage, with two lots, bam, henhouse, fruit trees, sidewalk to carltne; two blocks. 55 East 82d at. In qulro Main 301 mornings. Reasonable rent. FOR RENT. 2 -STORY BUNGALOW. WORTH 45.W. WILL KENT FOR S30.00. MAJvSH ALL 4200. MODERN 7 -room house. West Side, fu.i basement, furnace, witn water coll. Phons Main 4007. A 4S9. & KOJllS. 7.i0; bath and toilet; Mt. Scott line, Fred W. r,.-rman Co., DH2 Chamber of Commerce. Both phone. 3-ROOM bungalow. Take WW car to 37th and Gladstone ave. Inquire 1134 Glad stone ave. MODERN nous-, elfcht rooms, -loyt, near 23d; all conveniences; reut reasonub.e. Key 10o Front st. FOR KENT Wit Side, 8-room house; fur nace, rjreplace, 0S4 Everett at. Open 10 to 4. Phone Main Soad. 3-LOOM cottage. West Side, modern, newly paperM and painted, $20 per month, 42b l:;;h st.. near Hail. i-ROOM modern upper flaL S32 Sherman u Phone Mnln btt7. East" BIDE 7-room bungalow, walking dl uict Room 801 The Dekum. S22. 8-ROOM houao, near West Side high school. Inquire 175 iCth. corner YamhllL 10sl K ELLY ST., nice cot Lay w ith flro- p!aco. rent cheap. M. 3441. S23 Best available ix-room house In Mi. Tabor. Tabor 5r4. MOUEi'.X 3-room. bath, bungalow. Full par ticulars oeder, Gntnd ave.. East Ankenju HoLE of R room and bath. Hi E. l:th N. Inquire 13Q tttii st. Main ti27S. iS 7-ROOM house. 3"5 E. 11th, blok south of Hawthorne. Main 03O or E. 0.'i. HOCSE 3 Iarpe rooms, firepiace. furnace, gas range. IIS E. US' h. Phone Mar. 32i:k s4jo,ia, ti;n t.-rvi:n house, 10th and East Couch. Phone East 24o9. FOR RENT Modern il-room houe, 325 Whco. comer Enst lt. Phone Ea."t 244$. FurnUbed House, IN Hose Citv Park, completely furnished, modern, 7-foom house and large aleeplng porvh. cement basement, furnace, Rudd water neater and pianola, lawn with rosea, garden, near carline; will lease Mav 1 for 1 year or longer, SoO pr month; references. Apply 5S1 East 57th North. Phone C 217. NEW 8-room bungalow, with fireplace and nnmrilaiulf 1, rn I h rl neat yard, roevs, berry bushea and fruit treea. electric lights, gas and water furnished. 37.50. Call at 252 East 44th at., one block north of Hawthorne ave. Phone B. 3024 or Tabor llo. 10-KOoM house, new in very desirable neighborhood on West Plrte; fully fur nished, three b.ithrooma, large lot. beauti ful garden; will rent for a year from Apr!: 1; no boarding-house considered; references required. T So2. Oregonlan. NEWLY" furnished o-room flat, sleeping porch, nice irons uorca. strictly muueiu. all outside rooms, fine neghborhood, walk leg distance. West Side. 404 HaiL near I'lih. CALEF BROS, have a 6 room, finely fur- ni?nea apamurui c - -' " s:s for sale at a big sacrifice, on terms. Call at store, 306 E. Morrison, or phone East 4o2. F 1 R N IS H E D. m ol ern, f ou r-room co t tage. near car: references requircu, rcuue ,v lumbia S:2. 7t GL1SAN Modern Turkish rugs, mahog any furniture, grand piano, reasonable. Main itJ-'J. ' M.0DERN' fiv-room bungalow, ln flne neigh borhood, one block from Hawthorne car; furnace. Phone A 7715. Uoc'SK of 9 rooms, modem; best location; furnished or unfurnished; can be had for one or two year. A f uregoman. 4 ROOMS, oaih. two bedroom, small fam- 1 y or aQu:i. no - iJi 4-KOCM cottage. partly furnished, $20. Phone Mam ws. FCRNlHED 7-room house, modern, yard, fruit. 7S East Salmon. MODERN 6-room furnished flat, S E. 12th X. Mar. 717. A 7131. Furn.shed contp.ete. new, clean, mod em 7-room house at Hawthorne ave. Stores. FOR RENT 2 stores, brick building. Grand lease tf ds:red. niPTMiV A- THHMPPOV. Charuber of Commerce BMg. TV. U. Wiiili V1 Yeon bids-. Mala 4M1 BASEMENT STORE FOR RENT. BROADWAY BLDG. Corner Morrison ar.d Broadway, speefal 1v adapted for grille room. Apply to R. M. i;ihv. Fourth and Morrigan. ' DESK room for rent reasonable, with or without desk, use of phone and whole office. 212 Jtamvay rxenango mag. FOR R EN'T Stores, No. 24S and 250 Haw thorne ave,,, east end of bridge. APPU Hawthorne pock Co. Phone East 2043. Offloec FOR RENT. . Rooms, Stearna bldg.. corr.er 6th aod Morrison ata. auitable for musical or an atudlos, offices or sample salesrooma la quire office Sherman. Clay A Co. MOST centrally located office; very reasonable- ail-night elevator service. 03 frwet 1 a n d bldg. Klfth and Washington ats. 93 PER month, desk room. Including phone, reception-room, counter. Roll top desk. 723 Chamber of Commerce bldg. ' aptq uiuowo St" ,mi',u Jea A' auntid qioq lgH KOOll MSjq RINCLEH'S JIALL for dances, at reason able rates. 231 yorrison. Loth phone. 3H seel la neons. v A."UES with comfortable bungalow near Multnomah station, for rent at per month. Call at office Western Secu- ntiea Co.. Multnomah etation. Oregon Electric Railway. BVMNESH QPPORTIMTIES. FORT GEORGE, the new payroll city ; in the heart of Central British Co.umbla, commanding the trade of the great Bfr" River district; one hundred niiiinn dol lars will be spent In railroad cnstructlon in h nott four vt'a. . opening up this great inland empir: Tort Georsre its pavro.l center. If you wont ahsoiute.v rellab'e information about present or fu ture Investments anywhere in nru'i iiimbla; about - buf inesa openings or a.i kind; opportunities in the trades or pro fessions: about timber, farm lands. mills, brickyard openings, address tort George Trust Co., Fort George, -t- v,. t'apitsl n.WM'.ww DO you know that there are people who would take your money without giving fun val'ie, and are able to so conceal the rte-f-cts In a proposition that you are unable to dieenver them? We have every mean lor securing accurate and dependable in formation, and are engaged exclusively in making Investigations for prospective in vestors: we have nothing- to selL Dunn & Co.. 600 Concord b!Og.. ""Q WILL sell half interest in absolutely one of the best shoe business in N. Yakima, Wah.; entire management with goo-i g alary accompanies proposition; owner another sho store which takes hi en tire time; this is an opportunity or a lifetime for the right man. references cx-chiinc-d. AV SCS, On-conlah; WANTED Sites manager that can uive-i SlOnO In stock of corporation for 1 ort i firpon riistiilers. vineyard and mineral water products; salary and com mtaslon will be paid to right man. Ad dress H. II. Fischer, 260 Valencia st.. .an 3 GOOD positions, bookkeepor, compeessor and hoifter men. machin.ry comprewd a!r; the latter position requirn no expe rience: salarv liw month, atcady empio ment!' parties m..st invest 1000 in the enterprise; absolutely reliable ; no mowy required until fully Investigated; i0 mile" from Spokane. A R Ot. Orgonlan. FOR RENT. Irt moms and good, large dining-room, located good town near Portland; ren : 4rt. Good IrabO. dandy place to run working man's hotel: g.'d chancefor someone. R H GOODKIND CO.. INC.. M , .ti-.i irHrnr TtlHl' I'.'iM a:ia n n- --- w r- FIRST-CIASS cleaning and nresslnc "J'1 ness wants Interested partner to drive de livery rip. but you must be sausiieo. w .0- . X, , -tun in witii: very little money 'required which will be fully e cure.i. 323 Lumber Exchange, -a and StHrk st?. AN-EaateTn pipe organ-building firm, hav ing an established reputation, desires a competent representative through the Pa cific Coast. A knowledge of the mechan ical work both tubular, pneumatic and electric, with skill In erecting and tuning Is requisite. AV S3". Orgsoiilap. FOR SALE Moving-picture show and res taurant at Seaside. Or.; theater seats 4iu; Luth places complete outfit; reason for selling disagreement of partners. Full par. 1 Millars at 2tf oth aL North. Phone Main CH'7. - Fl KHT-Cl-ASli horn-- bai;ry. delicatessen ond lunchroom; best location; lease; can't handle buslneoa for myself: will aell for w hat I have In it or take partner or some one to run It for me. Marshall 4133. OWXER of a solid mercantile business wants a partner he can depend on; re quwca small investment and paya S-00 month to each partner. Call Sltt Lumber Exchange, 2n und btark. bHOK rnair factory for sa:e cheap for cash. Fu'l line "f machines. Must sell on ac count of other business. Must sell at once. Give me an offer. AT fi:tX. Oregonian. A BAKBEK wanted with small amount of money to take interest and manage a lirst-class ahop: owner Jiaa other bual- nes. fnone a o. S5t"!0 BVYS best fully equipped hotel In bu5y towiCuf 20OO. This hotel geta com mercial trade. Doing a bK buslneaa Room t" v, 1 es uiii innfe SANDY road business property, S2S00 buys all of block 32, Rose City Park. Room for three tore. David H. Ryan, 1200 B at.. ban uiego, i.ai. BOND Usuea negotiated, stocks afld bonds bought and sold, companies incorporated for S-5 Roaenhaum & Co., 291 Haight bldg., Seattle, waan nwiwvRV and confectionery store with liv ins room, rent S12, furniture, aoda foun tain, cash resister. stoca auu ' cheap. 525. Inquire :tlJoirnaibldl- TtTTTTT iri'rYurA-rhlrd interest In going feed. fuel, supply buFineas: price 4500; accept clear lots in part or reuuKiiw. a Oregonian. RFT 1KA NT cheap; fine location. For a bargain call quick. Oat in on the ground before the spring rusn. aiuct. SPLENDID chance for party with, portable sawmill. Address w. S. Morey, Aurora, Or.. R. 1. . SPLENDID little meat market for i:J50, Call quick if you want a bargain. 310 Lumber Exchange. BAKBEK ahop of 4 chalra; good location, cheap rent; retired from business. oOL Washington st. GROCERY Beet location in Portland, low rent, living-rooms, trade fcrelty property BAKERY to rent or to buy In . the country : can handle wiui eow. '"'E'' " lit h st BARGAIN' Going away; partner cannot hami:e business alone; will sacrifice Int. Main boV5. 727 Thurman st. PARTNER wanted te help In cash store: good pay: very llttie money required, 318 Lumber Exchange, 2d and Stark. CASH grocery. $23 day sales now; ha nice living rooms; require very little money. 319 Lumber Exchange, 2d. and Stark. PORTLAND bakery, blacksmith shop in country town; bargain. Swank, 317 Ham- MEAT MARKET In new building for rent. reaionaiv; sn &ndy Road. . FOR SALE Tailoring establishment, best location ln town; city growing fast. tk Willamette at.. Eugene, Or. 31AN with SOOO and services secures half interest in legitimate, prvaruua uuiuc. no rtsk large profits. V 895, Oregonian. cr,T7 cat -p- a cood oroDoeltlon for a hust ler 1 big proms. aiuu aauwouk twu u S aoe, oregonian. GOOD paying bakery, good location; good reasons for selling. P. O. box 30x2. Phone Eaat 23SJ. . 1LT sIl; restaurant, confectionery, cigara, worth 000. for 2oO; living-rooms; leav ing city rent $25. Owner, S'jtf Russell st. MOVING-PICTURE show, doing good busi nesa, S50O will handle. Worthea it An- gell, 11 1 LUtmoer ut ummci GROCERY store, living rooms, rent. $12; nice stock: new building:, price S325. In quire 814 Journal bldg. HAVE you $250 to buy tj interest in new ana quica nwuBj- ber Exchange. FOR SALE A bargain; small restaurant doing good business; must aell at once 405 1 K. cumnae st. FOR SALE One of th oldest wood yards lu Portland, Address H. C B o44 4th, A 3782. FOR SALE Restaurant, good location and good business. 110 West 6th. Vancouver, Wash. " 3-CHAIR barber shop, doing; good business; cheap it taieen at once. joj st. BOO BUSINESS CARDS, $L ROSE CITY P R INTER Y. 192 d St. BARBER ahop. East Side; 2 chairs, low rent. $123. 845 Williams ave. RlESTAURANT for sale, good location. S years' lease. 213 4th at. . BARBER ahop. h Interest or all. cheap; 522 Washington st. I WANT to get in touch with capital. I nav e a mining v - wisvi"-. CONFECTIONERY Rent $10 a month, 3 years' lease. n-. -- Miimgawm m l. BAP.BER shoo In noolroom paying $G3 to flTt a vk. " 2"i4 Grand ave. CIGAR store in hotel. $3000 will buy. 314 Journt! bMg. SALOoN. Eocd kcation, ions lease, low "rent. 300 1st. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. In your own building, no rent, no moving after your business is established: o"xiw in Sol I wood, small store with 4-room mod ern f.l stove, a goxl corner, street paved, cement walk; on rear of lot a good - house, renting for U a month; enough to pay taxes, insurance, lighting, etc. get this fnc property at the rrtfire priee rf .Cm, half or leas down, balance straight lean. O. C- R- ELLIS & CO.. M'.i lioarfl oi irati MARSH FIELD, Or.. Is ln need of additional dwelling aud apartment-houses to bouse the steady influx of population and, there fore, affords a splendid opportunity for building contractors with means to buy lots and build and sell on installment plan, or otherwise, and we respectfully invite investigation, Marshfield Chamber 01 iommrvc. I have two fine lm -worth apiece want party with $12rtt to Join me in builrlinij two modem houses on hem. nave rartv ready to iown ua e'-'v -, ,- them. There is good profit In the deal , t a cir jtttn ana ana us kii j- . - fc. tillan. a anc -1 I WANT Jlt0.000 or any part thereof for operating a sawmill with unlimited timoer and completing a ditch for irrigating L0, 00(1 acre land; absolutely aaft. n risk: ran double money in one year. AS 0N Tegoman. GET EXCLl-SIVE CONTROL IN 0l.R i-ountv for a business that your own bank er will ir.iorce; very small caDttal re quired. Writ. today for particulars. Ad dress PAGE MFG. CO., Chronl-le Blcg.. .n rninnsn.. MUST havo money and an active man who can handle salesmen and close deiUs. A fen- hundred dol iars requireI. This is a ligh' manufaeturlng business and the pmr its rre except ionalty large. 0th and an, sts.. 010 NorthweFt bldg. POO LRO OlfVv d I g a r store: owner can t handle the business alone and wants in terested partner; the cigar store takes in $1S dally alone and the poolroom has 4 tables; reference exchanged. 323 Lumber Kxchanpe, za ano r-iiv p'n. . fTfnv tmrir.RS Before clcs'n deal for so-called Inter ests In established real estate business, ge advice of Portland Rea:ty Board. 818 Chamber of Commerce. REAL ESTATE and brokerage business; chance for acitve man as par'ner: to the right party a fine chance Is offered; don t take much money. Particulars -ii, btark st WANTED Good Iiv- man for partner .n mortgage company. Will pay you $H0 per month. Will teach you the business. Small investment required. Ad, Jli, Orc gonlan. WANTED Fartner, lady or gentleman, to art as treasurer or play a small part with a road show going to Honolulu; good r-roDOSltlon; investigate; small investment r . . j . a w i nrffonian. requires. AomcM 1 " GENERAL. MDSE. store in good country town good for $15. OoO yearly business; ill cash trade: stock will invoice $50v0. Call 24,. Stark st. FINE opportunity to run srorage warehouse: no capital needed. Just energy. Centra, i l T.r. f io.,r foot Washington street, fr riiit or lease. 75 5th. Holman Fuel Co. CASH businer.s; owner tlr'd of hired help, wants interested h-lp; will KUflmmc $20 week sairy; duties light; $200 required. Particulars 48 S Stark st. CONKECTION'EUY. carrying cigars and to bacco, with lunch counter, live town. Bane County; good reasons for selling; SiwO. a M". Oregonian. , GROCERY store, established 7 years, good. clen stock, good fixture,, horse, wagon cheap rent, cash business, all for $1000. phone Last CIGR and candy store one of the best in town, but on account of sickness "n?r will sell very cheap. $750. Inquire S14 Journal blag . - T- 1 mntt HrlTlltS tf SIK. SA.LsE. DttlU" """f- . a bargain for a barber; good terms, cheap rent; growing iou m i-o.-. AV S4. tiregonian. WANTED A partner In cash grocei-y; you llisy craw u.t. .r--tlj , , your share of the profits. 323 Lumber Exchange, 2a ana g-iart ei. OPPORTUNITY for energetic man, mostly outside work and paya $50 week; requires small investment. Call 310 Lumber Ex change. 2d and htarK. LEAVING citv, must sell my stock notions, hardware, fixtures, clean stock, a bar gain, good location, cheap rem. Phone la bor 2224. - MAN with $S00 can secure legitimate, pros perous manufacturing business with $14 dally profits; no risk; bank reierences. See J. A. White. Carlton Hotel. WANT active man take charge office, at tend shipping: $100o necessary. Investigate this if you want to make money. Personal Interview only. F. 03 tf. Oregonian. WOOD business; owner has two yards, wants partner to put In $1500 and man age otia yard; money secure. Particu lars 24Vjt QtarK si. FOR SALE: A splendid gasoline launch, with jrood-paying passenger route. Ad dress Box 42. Independence. Or. IF you have few hundred and want exclus ive selling rights for a new invention which will sell itself when demonstrated, call 417 Rothchlld bldjf, MODERN 4-chair barber shop, good loca tion, cheap rent; good lease; cheap for cash or time. Oregon Barber Supply Co., 72 Oth. . THEATER East Side, fine location, clears $00 week; terms; investigate. W fc7, Ore gonian. RESTAURANT can be bald for J125. In quire 314 Journal bldg. bumnfss orroKTcyrr-rEg yaxtep. WE have cails for sash and door faciory, sawmill near Portland, moving-picture show, blacksmith and machine shop. Phone Marshall 53S3. Call 219 Railway Exchange bias. WANTED Business places at once; lis, your business with us. Woithen & An gell, 11 Chamber of Commerce bldg. WANTED to buv small business, $500 to $2000. or partnership, with services. X Hu3, oresonian, WANTED from ownee, a 3 or 4-table pool hall in city or good live town; bargain for cash. H M8, Oregonian BOOMIXG-HOUSES, FOR SALE, bargain, O-room boardlnjr-house, 10 minutes' walk from Washington st,; alwavs filled: furnishings Al; health fall ing reason for change; consideration $550; io0 cash, balance fdo month; easily worth $:ha: must be seen to be appreciated. For particulars. T Kit. Oregonian. $200 CLEAR PROFIT. $400 cash balance as you make it 50 at tractively furnished rooms, running over full tmen only.; Come. Btay till you aro satisfied then buy. Block from Portland's fnest hotel. 249 Vs Burnside. 28 ROOMS, apartment. West Side; hot and coid water In each apartment; clears $100 per month; furnace heat; price $1000; good lease. HIGLEY & BISHOP. 20t Hamilton bldg. 21 ROOMS, housekeeping, modern dwelling, elegantly furnished, new, clean and pay ing, aell cheap on easy terms; might trade. Owner, 605 Flanders, near 20th, WAITED Apartment, lease and furnish ings from owners only; give location, gen eral description, price, terms, etc, AS ifi2, Oregonian. FOR SALE Elegantly furnished rooming and boarding-house, paying $75 to $100 per month clear; well located, small In vestment. See owner, T 24. Oregonian. 9-ROOM modern house ln residence dis trict, S nicely furnished H. K. suites, 1 single room rented; 4 years' lease; rent $28. $4 " 029 East Ankeny. WANTED A 23-room house to rent, out skirt or suburban town or telephone. Main 1H05 or A 742i. AR 910. Oregonian. 4,7 ROOMS to trade lor real estate, leas. Tin ourniiae. js.ti. tvw. FOR SALE 7-room rooming-house $300; this is half price. 481 Sth st, LOST AXP FOUNT. HE following is a list ot aruciw on the cars of the Portland Railway, Light r Power Company and turned in at the different division points. Owners may se cure same by applying at barns as indi cated. Ankeny barn: 1 umbrella. 1 pk?. lamp globes, 2 packages miscellaneous, Pavler-street carhouse. Phone A 613L Xo thing- found today. Sell wood barn. Phone A 6131: 1 music roll. 1 picture frame, 1 umbrella, 1 level. 1 handbag. 1 grip, 3 miscellaneous jiarcels. Piedmont barn. Phone A 6131: 3 um brellas 1 bundle gas pipe, 1 board. 6 misc. pkgs.. 3 pair overshoes, 1 pair roller akates, 2 lunch boxes. STOLEN Chaimers-Detrolt automobile, lit tle 6 4-passenger, new machine, license Xo. 4277, on Yamhill st., opposite Port land HoteL Please notify, 321 Chamber of Commerce. Phone Main 1330 or 3Iain 3?S9. 1ST Black Persian lamb collarette, in Swedish Lutheran Church. 19th and Ir ving. Finder -eturn to Aune. photograph er. Columbia hldg. Reward $3. UQST Between 12fh, -th. College and Har rison, belt and buckle. Call Main 7417. Reward. LOST Bnr.dle hulldojr. license 31(7. Return to Cil 1 Love joy at. phone Main 212 and receive reward. LADY'S gold watch, monogram "C D." in side back, engraved Dec. 25, 1906, Return to Oregontsn office. Reward. r,osT Gold fob. monogram F. A, E. Return 273 Oak at. Reward. NOTICE FOR SEALED BIDS. ctu PVT V KMKXTS. Independence. Oregon. April S. I1:;" Sealed bids will be received at the ofiice of the Citv Recorder, Independence. Ore gon, until Mav 7. 191 . at 7:3 P. M. there of, for furnishini; materials and construct ing hard-surfacu street pavements, con crete, curb lines and gracing said streets to sub-grade. . . . Each biddtr is required to state In bis bid the kind of paving he or they pro pus to build, the price thereof, and that the same be accompanied with his or their plans and specifications for such paving and work. Separate bU!s will be received for said curb lines, said street paving, and said grading. - Sealed bids will be opened ana examined by the City council of said city on the 7th dav of May. 19:3, at Council Chambers in-said cit : each bid must be accompanied bv a certified check in an amount equal To 10 per cent of the total amount of such hid, subject to forfeiture to said ctty as fixed and liquidated dama ges if such bidder fails to enter into a contract for such work, should his or the.r bid be accepted by said City Council, ac cording to the plans aud specifications furnished by such bidder and accepted by said Citv Council. The richt t rejeet any- and all bios, . plans and specifications is hereby expressly reserved. Bv order of the Citv Council. B- V. SWOPE. City Recorder. IX the District Court of the United States for the District of Oregon. In the matter of Cheney-Dresser Co., bankrupts; request for bids. I will receive sealed bids lor the stock of merchandise, consisting 01 groceries, cigars, tobaccos, men's fur nishings, boots shoes and rubbers, dry goods and fancy goods, stationery, hard ware, sash and dors, harnesses, paints and oi's. window glass, tinware, wood and iA Illow ware, pranite ware, crockery and n-arp p)i.. formerlv situated in the stores of Cheney-Drosser Co. at Seaside and Elk creek. Oregon, ana now wiuaieu in the store and warehouse of the Cheuey Bres.er Co. at Seaside Oregon, of the inventoried value of 1 7.S8S.H, and fix tures pertaining to said store and stock, includlrg six horses, harnesses and wag ons, at the inventoried value of f110.11, up to and until 12 o clock noon, Friday, April 1, i:13. Certified checks for ten per cent O" uf the amount offered must accompnny each bid. tale will be snbifrt to Lhe aonroval of the court. Inventory of the property may be seen at my office and property inspected at Seaside. Oregon, where Inventory may also be seen. R. L, Sabin, 1 First SL.r r'ortiana, Orepon. Dated March f?S, 1913. ' NOTICE OF SALE. City of Wlllitmina, Or., street improve ment bonds. Sealed bids will be re ceived at the office of the Mayor of said citv until 7 P. M. on Monday. April IVU", from parties wishing to purchase $1".34!.30 ten t house nd. threo hundred lortv-uine. n thirty one-nunareatns aoi lars of the City of WtlianiinH, Or., Ftreet improvement bonds. Each bond to be In the amount or ave hundred nonars ohi-zi. bearing interest at the rate of per cent ner annum. A'l bids must be accom - panied by a certified check or bank draft for sum of one hundred dollars ($100). The Council of the city of W mamma, or.. reserves the right to reject any or all bids. For further information address PALL C. BELT. Recorder. Ciiy of Wlllamliia. SEALED proposals will be received at the offlco of th undersigned. 402 Tilford building, until 12 M. Wednesday, April 3ft, 19lo, for the general work and 1 he heating and ventilating of the Hoffman School. Plans and specifications may be obtained at the onice 01 r. a. rvaxamore, sunt, of properties. 408 TUford building. A deposit of $10 is required for each set of nlana and sneci float ions. Certified check for 10 per cent of the amount of the proposal, payable to n. n. Thomas. Fchuol -Oeik. must accompany each proposal. Board of Directors reserves the right to reject any and all proposals. H. it. TM O.MAS, stcnooi titra. Dated April 1, 1913. THE undersigned will receive sealed bids for a stock of merchandise, consisting of hardware, groceries, drugs, shoos, gents' furnishings, machinery, etc., of the inven tory value of $5249.2ii. together with fix tures of lhe Inventory value of $01 9.23, located at Terrebonne, Oregon, up to i2 o'clork noon of Saturday. April 0. 1913. Terms cash and a certit.ed check for 10 per cent oi the araountXitfered must ac company each bid. Ri;Tlt is reserved to reject any and all bids. lnveutoi-7 may be seen at my office and stock inspected at Terrebonne, Oregon, r. oahi-1, No. 7 First street. Dated at Portland. Or.. March 27. 1913. OFFICE C. O. M-, Chronicle bldg.. Wan Francisco. Cal., April 2, 10J3. Sealed pro no.iu.is mil! be received here until .1 A. M May 6, 1913, for furnishing fresh beef and mutton required at posts m western jje--n.-Lrtment tiurins Usual year commencing July 1. 1913. Information furnished on application here or to Post Quartermas ters and Quartermasters at Portland, Or., and &eatue, wasu. r. von ocuraaei. C. Q. M. THE undersigned now offers for sale a etoek of merchandise, consisting princi pally of groceries, together with the fix tures used in and about the same, located at East 28th and Ankeny streets, and also a stock consisting principally of groceries, together with the fixtures used in connec tion with the same, located at 994 Bel mont street, Portland. The property is open to inspection aunng Dusine&s uours. Bated at Portland, Oregon, March 27, 1913. K. Lt. babin, ( if irsi at. OFFICE DeDOt Quartermaster. Seattle, Wash.. April 1, 1913. Sealed proposals in triplicate will be received here until 11 o ciOCK A. Jd.. jaay i, itfi.j, ior lurnismng t Seattle or Tacoma, Wash, (or othei Puget Sound ports), Portland, Or., or other Pacific Coast ports, accessible to vessels of deep uraft, 671,941 feet B. M. lumber for Honolulu, H. T. For further information address the Depot Quarter master, beattie. asn. OFFICE, Q. M FORT STEVENS, Or., April S, 1913. Sealed proposals in triplicate will be received at this office until 11 A. M. May 2, 1913, and then opened, for consruction of one reinforced concrete cistern at Battery Kusseli, this post, yur, ther information may be obtained by ap plying this office. 11. F. cox, 2a Lieut., C. A. C Q. M. - M isceUaaewas, WHEREAS, my wife ( Pearl Weaver) ia left my home and board, I hereby give notice that I will not be liable tor any debts incurred by ner. April d. tyi3. H. A. WEAVER. 1000 CORDS dry fir wood for sale. The Ore gon Iron & Steel Co. Main 1410 FIN AN ( I AX. WE will furnish the money at a low rate of Interest and save you more tnan tne broK erafe of 2 ner cent if we do the olanniug and building for you. It will pay you to e us. L. R. Halley Co., inc., 324 Aumgton. CASH PAID FOR MORTGAGES Or seller s equity in contract of sale on real estate In Washington or Oregon. U. E. Noble, Lumbermeus bldg. Loans. FIRST MORTGAGES and REAL. ESTATE CONTRACTS bought. Money loaned on realty properties. 422 Chamber of Com merce, CASH PAID FOR MORTGAGES. Western Bond & Mortgage Co., 416" Commercial Club Bldg. PRIVATE funds to loan on Improved and unimproved realty; building loans; buy mortgages (1st and 2d). Seeley & Co., 301 Board of Trado bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS, notes, contracts, mort gages let and 2d j, equities purchased, F. IL LEWIS & CO., 3 Lewis bldg. MORTGAGES bought, sold and exchanged. Money loaned on city properties, Wm. C. Borchers, iiU7 Oregonian bldg"- FIRST and second mortgages, contracts and commission accounts bought, real es tate loans. E. B. Miller, 410 Abington blcig. 31oney to Loan Real Estate. HAVE OX HAND $13,000 to loan oa im proved farm security. H. M. Friendly, 705 Spalulng bldg.t Main H'8. XO LOAN 2O,0O0 OR LESS. FARRIXGTON, COMMERCIAL CLUB BLDG. MONEY to loan on improved city property at current rates. Lawyer'! Abstract & Trust Co., room 6. Board of Trade bldg- LOANS on Improved and unimproved real estate, mortgages and contracts bought. W. H. Xunn, 448 Sherlock bldg. MORTGAGE loans on city property; lowest rates. A H. Blrrell Co., 2U2 Ale Kay bldg.. Third and Stark. SEE US TODAY for loans on improved city property; fl to 8 per cent, $3oO and up. CELLARS-MX" RTON CO., 825 Yeon bldg. HAVE $1000 to loan on Portland property. Jordan. 619 Lumbcrmeng Bldg. CITY and FARM loans, any amount. Henry C- Prudhomme, 806 Wilcox Bldg. WILL loan $2500 for 3 or 5 years on first mortsae. 7 per cent. B 915, Oregonian. LOANS on real estate, diamonds and jew- '..iw -ti7 Ur.IT rnnm ft WiLthintton hide $10,u00 OX houses, $2u0 up; cost papers only. Wirrt A'iffikv bltiZ. MONEY TO LOAN OX REAL, ESTATE. A H. HARDING. 813 Ch. of Com. $3000 OR part for immediate loan on real MORTGAGE loans on real estate security. r KUliriM SOft McKay bid. PRIVATE money loaned on real estate mort raeca. H. Miley. room 204 Geriinger bldg. STATE FUNDS, 6 per cent. W. E. Thomas, - -K1nnmai l"ctll n t v- ilin ( h Af Com MORTGAGE LOANS, 6 AND 7 PER CENT. LOUIS SALOMON, 229 STABK ST. MORTGAGE loans. Xeison Bros.. 804 Lewis MONEY, any amount, 6 to 8 per cent. W. H. ceitS &i CO., Uv cpaiaing mus. MONEY TO LOAX. OX IMPROVED REAL ESTATE OTt FOR BUILDING PURf OSES; VERY FLEX IBLE CONTRACTS; NO COMMI&SiON. COLUMBIA LIFE AND TRUST CO-, 916 SPALDING BLDG. To loan, $35,000 OR ANY" PORTION. Lowest ratea MALL & VOX BORSTEL, 104 second St.. near Stark. HARTMAN-THOMPSON BANK, Chamber of Commerce Bldg. We have on hand funds for investment !n good first mortgages. If you wish t borrow on your real estate, confer with our mortgage loan department. LOANS from $loU0 to J10.000 oh good Port land security. WATSON & THERKELPEX CO., GOti Spalding bldg. Main 7092. ON improved city property or for building purposes, 3 to 8 jeai time; liberal pay ment privileges; money advanced as builuing progresses. The Equitable Pav ings & Loan Association, 240 Stark St. G AN D 7 per cent money on ham', to loan ou improved city and suburban property. A. K. HILL CO.. 419 Henry bldg. $MM $UfH. $1 ?.", $l-00 to principals, per cent, on improved city; no brokerage charged. Graves, lt-14 Chamber of com merce. MORTGAGE LOANS. Real estate socurity, current rates. Rms. 10-12 Mulkey bldg.. 2d and Morrison. S200 00 to lean in sums to suit; building loans; lowest rates. W. G. Beck, S15-31 Failing bidg. $!( TO $3t" to loan on real-or collateral securitiea for a short time, 207 Oregonian bldg. MONEY to loan on city and farm property at reasonabin rates. La Grand M. Bald win. 05 Buchanan bldg. PRIVATE monev loaned, large or small amounts. United Realty, 200 Gerllnger bldg. $1000 AND $2000. FLETCHER. 220 Abington bldg. Money to Loan Chattels and Salaries, , WE WILL LOAX YOU HO tO -UU 1 li.'A l. On Tour SALARY. PIANO, AUTOS, STORAGE RECEIPTS. FURMTURE OR LIVESTOCK, NEW RATES: $ .SO Weekly Pays a $10 Loan. $ .TO We-ikly Pays a $25 Loan. $1.10 Weekly Pays a $00 Loan Other sums in proportion. Full Rebate Allowed. RECEIPT IN FULL GIYEX in casa of Death cr Total Disability. PORTLAND LOAN CO.. J11 Mai-laav Rlff . Bet. 4th and oth on Wash. We have plenty of money on nnd which we are authorised to loan to eai-ari-d peoplo in amounts of $10 to Loans may be repaid In Installments as best suits your convenience. We solicit a call and invito you to Investigate our confidential methods. We assure you of courteous treatment and quick service. Ail wo ask is la fair return for our services. Call, telephone or write STATE SECURITY CO.. S'.oj j aning Piag. PRIVATE PARTY LOANS on furniture, pianos, storage receipts, watches, diamonds, jewelry, kodaks. STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. 8211 Lumber ttcnansu ELBY COMPANY. A D1-1SI R ABLE plac for ladles and gentle men to borrow money on diamonds ana iewelrv at Eastern ratea Diamond Pal ace, 334 Washington, opp. Owl Drugstore, MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE, nd others, upon their own names; hesp rates, easy payments; confidential. D. joiman, room on o -- SALARY LOANS. CHATTEL LOANb. You can get $5 to $100 today at cheap est rates, best and most private trH m jretron. u. v- WE LOAN money on diamonds and jewelry at half tho rates charged by brokera Marx & Bloch, 74 oa st. PRIVATE partv has money to loan on fur niture and chattels. Call at my home. C. V. Ryan, 2S9 10th St.. near Jefferson. IMMEDIATE and confidential loans on fur niture, pianos, autos, motorcycles ancl warehouse receipts. Bauer, 206 Alder et. MONEY sold on Installments; confidential; salaried people. F. A. Newton. Henry bldg. MONEY loaned on diamonds and 3wirlL: atrictly confidential. 14 Ua 3d. near Alder. Loans Wanted. ; WANTED OX A-l REAL ESTATE: $1000 at S per cent, value $1500 at 8 per cent, value J;;o $1500 at 8 per cent, value $1200 at 7 per cent, value f 7;! I $2000 at 8 per cent, value J20O0 at 8 per cent, value f!J!u! $:1000 at 8 per cent, value vA ISm ISflOOO at 8 per cent, value 16000 at 7 per cent, value $-i,uou M'KEXZIE, 515 Gerlinger bldg., 2d and Alder sts. WANTED Loan of $6000 at 6 per cent on close-in West Side residence property by resoonslble party. Inquire room 11, Mul key bid!?.. 2d and Morrison sts. DESIRE loan of $6000 at 7 per cent, on Improved 9-acre place, near Milwaukee worth $15,000. Address P. O. box 640. city. WANTED $SO,000 loan on downtown In come bearing property for 6 to 15 years. AP 905, Oregonian. WANT $2500 on close-In acreage. Riverside d rive. S per cent. AK 919. Oregonian. WANTED $3000 to $4500 on city property from private party. Main 1166. FIRST mort ga ge on Improved real estai n for sale. John Bain. 214 Spalding bldg. PERSONA! HAIR HAIR HAIR HAIR. T" $12 34-Inch switches , $6 26-lnch switches -. Hairdresslng Face massage .. .-J Shampoo inn Manicure, 25c, 6 for 1.00 12 scalp treatments . o-Oti Superfluous hair removed by electrio needle; guaranteed not to return. Cut hair in any shade; switches any length. Prices half. Sanitary Parlors. 400-412. Dekum bldg., 8d and Washington. GERMAN TRAINED XURSE AND 3a u "O. Lon- experience, best references, treat ments for rheumatism and lumbago, etc. massage and baths. 220 13th at. between Main and Salmon. Marshall 5033. Open Sundays. ; SCIENTIFIC electro-magnetic treatments for' all nervous diseases, paralysis, lung and stomach trouble, rheumatism, fistula; nervous headache cured In a few minutes; one free treatment; consultation free. 603 Buchanan bldg.. 2SC Washington st. RADIUM, Light. Heat and Electrio Treat! jnents. Baths, Massage, Manipulation and (Adjustments, xet unnc "i""''-"1 "- all Acute and Chronic Diseases Men and women, ur. w. SWEDISH TRAIXED XURSE HelslngtorS graduate; rheumatism, nervous and stom ach ailments under physician's direc tions; baths, massage. No. 7 East llth t second door south from East Ankeny car line. Phone East 260. B 1803. FEBVET & HAXEBUT. leadirg wig and toupe-makers; finest stock of human hair goods; switches from 95c up: hairdressing, manicuring, face and scalp treatments; combings made up to order. 147 7th, near Morrison, Main 646. Mrs Stevens, 18 yra, Portland's leading palm ist has her late book, "Palmistry Made Easy" on sale. 557 Williams ave., cor. Knott. Office hours 10 A. M. t oO P. M. DRESS SUITS for rent Keep your clothes cleaned, pressed, button sewed on. rip reualred- $1.50 month; prompt calls and SrJrr: Vm.,- Taiinrm- ro.. snn stark. SH VMPOOINt o'c, suajy ireaiuiciu w. ladies a specialty; lady will call at-your 007 14th. Phone Main 1158. SCIENTIFIC MASSAGE Trained nurse; e- leCt pttiroilH,c. vi . v. , 21' 9. 1 orexZ Nerve Tablets restore lost vitality. 25c per box. 6 boxes $1.25, Stipe-Taylor n.., r-r, -jho, Morrison st. si'PERFLOUOS hair, moles, warts perma nently removed. 5v4 Swetland bldsr. Phone Reliable, experienced lawyer. H16 Roth hiM blriir.. 287A Washington at. MRS. S. C MORRISON Steam baths and massage ior cuib', ''" j- . 333 Madison. A 4470. Marshall 3'.i68. Switches, 95c- curls and puffs, t5c. San itary Beauty Parlors, 400 Dekum bldg. SPIRITUAL medium, Rev. May Price. Read ings healings daily. Circles Tues. 2. Wd. and Sun. 8. SO Montgomery. Main '227. MAXICURIXG, face and scalp treatment. s nam poo, -so MISS STOCKS, treatments and readings 555 Morrison, cor. Chapman. A 5H06. MRS DR. WREXN. spiritual adviser; read ings daily. 294 Jefferson. Mar. 4239. A 4."6 USE Basset's Native Herbs for constipa tion; 60c tablets for 25c. AH druggists. MOLES, superfluous hair removed. Mrs. M. D. Hill. 429 Fiiedner bldg. Main 8473. , LADY barber shop now open on Couch St., ber. Sth and 6h. Face massage. 35c. BALM OF FIG3, Compound Royal Ton!? Tablets. &C6 Davis st. Phone Main 9215, . EH 107.0