Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, April 03, 1913, Page 2, Image 2

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Roman Spectators Barehead
ed as Cortege Passes on
Way to Train.
Grrat r'lnarK-icr's Pot Dos Stays In
Kennrl and Kefa. to Kat Since
Master I)iod Physicians
GfTC Oat Statement.
ROME. April i. The Eternal City
tir Its last fsrewell tontcht to J. P.
Morgan, wttoim body was placed aboard
a train for Havre. It will be trans
ported to the United States by a steam
r. probably the France, tailing for
.w Vork on Saturday.
The German Kmperor sent a message
of condolence to Mrs. Morgan as (ol
'Accept my eineerest sympathy In
your great bereavement. Your hus
band's death ts a loss, not only for you.
your family and your country, but to
bis many friends In all parts of the
world, who never will forget him."
Famrral Promaloa Simple.
The funeral procession to the depot
was Impressive In Its simplicity. The
hearae waa followed by carriages, in
whlrh rode Mr. and Mrs. Herbert L.
Patterlee. the American Ambassador.
Thomas J. O'Brien: the staff of the em
bassy, the attending; physicians. Dr.
Nelson, of the American Church, and a
few friends. Platoons of musical guards
arted as escorts. The people In th
utreets raised their hats as the cortege
The coffin was placed on a special
car. covered with black velvet draperies
with silver fringe. The floral tributes
from members of the family, the Ger
man Emperor, the municipality of
Rome and the American Ambassador
were placed around the coffin.
Shortly before the departure of the
train, the French Consul arrived, bring
ine a heantlful silver wreath from th
city of Aix-les-Baina. It bore the
French tricolor and an appronriate in
scriptton. George Port Wheeler, secre
tary of the American Kmbasay. was the
only wis of the party to remain until
the train drew out.
Phyalrlaaa C.lve Matesaeat.
The phvsirians who were in attend
anre on Mr. Marnn Issued the follow
ing official statement today:
"When Mr. Morgan left New York he
wax a very tired man. physically and
mentally. Digestion and nutrition were
Impaired. It was hoped that his usual
trip to Egypt would be of great bene-
fit. giving him rest and building up the
nervous force, especially as he had no
organic disease. Ilia appetite, however.
failed, and consequently Ills strength
and weight did nut improve.
"Mr. Morgan contracted a severe cold
while in Kgypt. which further weak,
ened him. A state of mental depression
and feebleness developed. He arrived
at Cairo In a run-down condition, but
during three weeks In Cairo he Im
proved mentally and physically, his
powers of concentration and memory
Miowtns; no Impairment. Tho trip to
r.Kirir did not fatigue him and he con
tinued to gain slom'ly for JO days.
Pet nog bem Dtatreaa.
"A week before his death bis strength
began to fall. He was put to bed Wed
nesday. March He became delirious
and extreme exhaustion followed. This
continued until Sunday evening, when
he passed Into a state of coma. Ho died
ill 11:05 P.M. Monday.
Mr. Morgan's pet dog. of the Imperial
I'hlntr breed, without which be never
traveled and which he kept as his con
Mailt companion In his apartments, has
remained in its kenne since his death,
refusing to eat and displaying evident
signs of distress.
. : . : - -
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5'iS" X
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'ommif-lon Decides to KeinMatc
Maddux and Imnc on Condition.
Only by nlKntnjr on arrepment ma!v-
in u right of salary durinff the time
of their jiuitprnsion from the police
n-rylfe will i'lifTord W. Maddux and C.
U. Boone, policeman, be reinstated In
the nervier by the Municipal Civil Ferv
!re CommiffHlon. Thi waa the de
ri.Hion of th roramlwion yesterday
foilowirK & hearing of the rhararea
aaainitt the men preferred by Mrs.
William, who eays she was aaeaulted
by them.
Th rharufi were sustained by Sec
retary Tupper. who took the teatlmony
in the ca s and reported his nndtnas
t th commission. It was the opin
ion of the commission members that
the two men should be reinstated in
the service, but there was objection to
paying them their baric salary. If
thy waive thetr sa lary claims they
will b reinstated. They will h given
two week.H in which to decide.
VanrouiiT Comnirrrial Club Favors
4 0-Foot pau Over Columbia.
VANCOUVER. Wash, April S. ( Spe
cial. I At a meeting of the Commercial
Club tonight plans were outlined for
th holding of a mass meeting of the
entire county residents to secure the
sentiment whether or not Clark County
shouW bond itself for l0i.fD0 for the
proofs ei interstate bridge.
The iaio for the mass meeting was
not set.
It was announced that Engineer
Kalph Modjeskl wouM arrive here
April to confer on his bridge plans
with the committee. The club favors
a tJ-fuot span.
F. X. Matthieu Is Honored by
Friends on Birthday.
Ages of Visitor. Honoring Only Sur
viving Member of Cham poo Con
ventlon. Range From Three
io N'Inety-Six Tears.
'Oumlntie'l Fr"m First laj:.
chief In the Portland Fire Department,
lie shook hands with the aged pioneer
and expressed his admiration for him.
Birthday Dlaaer Served.
At S o'clock a birthday dinner was
served, the guests present being as foU
lows: Joseph Buclitel. aged SS years;
Captain George Pope, aged 87: Captain
George Pease, aged S3: C. Schloth. aged
SO: T. T. Geer. ex-Governor of Oregon;
George 11. J limes, secretary of the Ore.
gon Historical Society; Charles Mat
thieu. brother of the honor guest: Mrs.
S. L. Taylor, Mrs. William Glcndennlne,
Mrs. Caples Matthieu. Mr. and Mrs. S.
H. Howard, Mrs. R. Bergevin, Mrs. D.
Geer, Mrs. S. Burton, Mrs. June McMil
lan Ordway and Mr. and Mrs. S. A.' Mat
thieu and son.
It has only been for the past four
years that Mr. Matthieu has lived in
Portland, where the anniversary of his
birth could be celebrated in this man
ner. Most of his life in Oregon has
been passed on the farm in Marion
County, where he settled in the early
For one of his age, he is remarkably
well preserved and It was truly marvel.
oils that he could rise from what vir
tually was a sick bed and go through
the reception of yesterday. And, what
Is more, he ate heartily, too, and en
Joyed it.
absence of the Chinese Minister, and
in order to prevent a repetition of the
criticism in foreign capitals occasioned
by the recent Chinese-loan statement.
the State Department in this instance
has given due notice of its intentions
regarding China to all interested
powers before publication thereof.
It is admitted at the department that
a formal statement of the attitude of
the Administration toward the new
Chinese republic would be given to the
press in the course of a few days, and
there is ground for the belief that.
without immediately recognizing China,
assurance has been conveyed to Yuan
Shi Kal's government and the world
powers have been notified that such
recognition will be extended after the
first Chinese Congress has assembled
and organized next Monday.
News That United States Recognizes
New Republic Causes Joy.
SAN FRANCISCO. April I. The news
that the United States Government of
ficially would recognize the Republlo
of China was the signal today for t
demonstration In San Francisco China
The decision that Uncle Sam would
be the first to welcome the new China
Into the sisterhood of nations spread
like wildfire through the colony. Sler
chants immediately hoisted flags and
bunting, and in almost every case the
Stars and Stripes were entwined with
the flag of the new republic.
A I u nm Hold Luncheon at Oregon
Grill and Plan Organization.
A number of the Portland alumni of
Columbia University of New York met
for luncheon yesterday, at the old Ore
iron Orill. Gay Lombard of the class of
1S9 of the law school made a short
address on the proposed commission
Following Mr. Lombard's address a
regular organization of a club was
perfected, and the name adopted for
the organization la Ore eon (lub of
Columbia University. New York. M. R.
Rlenpfr was elected president and L.
P. Hewitt, secretary-treasurer.
Hereafter the club will meet for
uncheon on the first Thursday of the
months June, August, October. Decern
brr. February tnd April with proba
bly an annual dinner on some date of
mportance in the history of Colum
bia University.
Those present were: Air. Lombard.
. U Glisan, H. B. Torrey. W. T.
Fletcher, W. M. Stephen, C J. Wan-
per!n. H- L. Rafferty. Or. Paul Roekey,
T. M. Pye. L. P. Hewitt. Dr. M. Fried
rr.- O. F. Koehler, Lewis L Thompson
Od II. V Lawrie.
ril 21 It Pale Set for Recall
lion on .Mayor Gilbert.
SKASIDE. Or. April ;. (Special.)
Noii-e of the recall election win be
pi"t-d here tomorrow, and registration
will be open from April 14 to 1 with
tlie election date eft for April 21.
Mayor Gilbert still declines to talk,
hut it Is a foregone conclusion that
thre will be a merry rontvst between
Gilbert and his opponent.
I'rrj-idcnt Umd Invited.
WASHINGTON. April i. President
Wiiaon was invited today by the Perry
t.'entennlai Commissioner, who called In
person, t-j he present at the relehratlon
at Put-ln-Bav. Ohio. September 1 and
. asked to approve a naval dfmon
Mration on Ijike Erie at that time.
Jacksonville Jury Returns Verdict of
Not Guilty in Libel Case.
ASHLAND, Or April 2. (Special.)
B. R. Oreer. editor of the Tidings, waa
acquitted of criminal libel in Circuit
Court at Jacksonville today. The charge
grew out of political complications in
Jackson County last Fall, the com
plainant being F. L. Touvelle. at that
time candidate for county Judge.
The only witness for the defense was
Oreer himself, who contended that his
sole purpose in publishing the articles
complained of was to protect the tax
payers. Tbe jury at first stood eight
for acquittal to four for conviction,
the poll afterwards being unanimous
In favor of the accused.
District Attorney Kelley prosecuted
and E. D. Briggs, of Ashland, appeared
for the dofense.
(Continued Krf7n First Page.)
make any statement as to the object of
the visits.
Dae Notlee Gives Powers.
A noticeable fact, however, was the
First Presbyterian Church Scene ol
Oriental Marriage Under Chris
tian Religious Forms.
Under the marriage ceremonies of
the Christian relisrlon, Stanley Chin, of
Portland, and Lillian Leo, daughter of
Leo Keo Sing, of Vancouver, were
wedded at the First Presbyterian
Church last night, and many Chinese
residents of Portland and Vancouver
crowded the church to witness the
ceremony. More than 160 Chinese men
and women from Vancouver, friends of
the bride and her parents, came over
to Portland especially to attend the
Hev. W. S. Holt, field secretary of
the Board of Home Missions for the
Presbyterian church, performed the
ceremony, and the bridal party entered
the church to the strains of Mendels
sohn's "Wedding March."
The bride wore a gown of ivory silk
trimmed with Venetian lace, and made
with a tunio of pink chiffon. She car.
rled a .bouquet of white roses and her
veil was caught up with a wreath of
orange blossoms. Miss Ida Chan,
daughter of Rev. Chan Sing Kai. of the
Methodist Chinese Mission, was brides
maid and wore a gown of white chif
fon with touches of pink. She carried
a bouquet of big Caroline Testoui
roses. Tbe bridegroom and his best
man, Mr. Chin Hee, wore the conven
tlonal black."
Mabel Leo, a niece of the bride, was
the flower girl.
Aftor the ceremony at the church the
bridal party took taxicabs and went
to the Presbyterian Mission, at 145
first street, where a reception was
given in honor of the young couple by
the bride's lather. Friends of the rblde
and groom crowded into the mission
and added the final touch of complete
ness to the wedding by showering rice
over everybody. f
Stanley Chin has been employed in
the Hill Hotel and will enter a mer
cantile line in Portland. Leo Kce Sing,
tbe father of the bride, has been a
resident of Vancouver for nearly 40
years, where he has been engaged in
gardentner. Miss Leo was educated In
the publio and high schools of Van
New York Governor Tells Re
publican Boss He's Not
Wanted In Capitol.
Sulier Declares, However. That
if He Had Promised to Sign Full
Crew Bill He Was Justi
fied by Precedent.
ALBANY. N. T- April . Governor
Sulrer accused William Barnes, Jr..
chairman of the Republican state com
mittee, tonight of having instigated the
resolution offered yesterdav bv Sen
ator Brown, requesting the Senate judi
ciary committee to determine what. If
any action, should be taken by the
Legislature in relation to a published
letter in which the Governor was
quoted as having made a pre-election
promise to sign the "full crow" bill.
If Boss Barnes does not keep out of
the Senate and keep his handa off the
Legislature. I will get after Mr. Barnes,'.
declared the Governor. "Barnes Is the
man who instigated that resolution. He
is a part of the invisible government.
He has no business meddling with the
'There would be a howl if Mr. Mur
phy came here and went into Senator
Wagner's room and drew up resolu
tions against the Governor. I want Mr.
Barnes to keep away from the CapitoL
He is the Republican boss. The people
do not want bosses up here. The peo
ple, are the bosses now.
Even if I had promised I would sign
the. 'full crew bill it would be all right
Governor Hughes and others promised
tney would sign certain bills If they
could get them passed. There is noth
ing in that.
New Jeraey'a Example Cited.
T notice Governor Fielder signed a
'full crew' bill yesterday over in New
Jersey. Between the railroads and the
people, I am with the people. In my
opinion, one human life Is worth more
than a train of freight cars."
Senator Brown denied that Mr.
Barnes had any part in drafting the
resolution. ,
Governor Sulzer said tonight that
John Fitzglbbons, of Oswego, a legis
lative representative of the Brother
hood of Railroad Trainmen, had denied
the authorship of the letter accredited
to him. In which the statement was
made that the Governor had promised
to eign the full crew" bill if elected
opened prior to the fifth
will bear interest from the
first of the month.
You can open an ac
count with any amount
convenient to you and re
ceive 4 per cent per an
num interest on it.
You can add to or with
draw from these accounts
at any time desired.
Park and Morrison Sts.
Formerly Merchants' Sav
ings & Trust Company -
W. H. Fear... President
Lee A. Johnson.... Vice-Pres.
O. C. Bortzmeyer. .. .Cashier
Walter H. Brown.. Asst. Cash.
Open Sat. Evening, 6 to 8
sumed within the next week. It is said
by the officials of the company that
the bottom of the prospect hole is now
In the cap rock, and that it will take
only a short time to complete the well,
which will be cased to exclude water,
and then the drilling will go ahead.
Plan to Remove West Umatilla Ob
stacles Subject of Conference.
ngton. April 2. E. G. Hopson and O.
P. Morton, of the Oregon Reclamation
Office; W. C. Bristol, attorney for tho
receivers of tho Title Guarantee 4
Trust Company; Senator Chamberlain
nd Director Newell, of tho Reclama
tion Service, had a conference: at the
Wlllard Hotel tonight, going over- the
preliminaries Incident to a conference
to be held later with Secretary of the
Interior Lane in regard to clearing
away obstacles in the path of the con
struction of the West Umatilla irriga
tion project.
Secretary Lane ig now out of the city.
but telegrams were sent him urging
him to return tomorrow in the hope of
having the matter cleared up. No def
inite conclusions were reached at the
conference tonight.
Daughter of T.ate Senator AYilson
AVcds Lexington, Ky., Man.
NEW YORK. April 2. (Special.)
Helen Stuart Chapin. daughter of the
late Senator John L. Wilson, of Wash-
ngton, was quietly married at noon to-
ay to Green Clay Goodloe, of Lexing
ton. Ky.
Immediately after the ceremony they
sailed for Panama. Lexington will be
their home after May 1.
Title eV Trust Company. 4th and Oak.
will make first mortgage loans on im
proved city property and also loan
money to home-buildera.
Jokers Fined at Stevenson.
STEVENSON". Wash., April J. (Spe
cial.) Jack Watson and John Rose,
young strangers here. yesterday
dumped a stove from the dock Into the
river, as an April fool joke, and were
lined, forced to pay for the stove and
ordered to leave town. A revolver car
ried by Watson was confiscated by the
Hood River Pays Up Taxes Fast.
HOOr RIVKR. Or April I. (Sne-
claD iSberltT Johnson says tax collec
tions bave been good this year. Up
to the present time he has turned over
to the Treasurer J113,i7ti.lO.
Portland Increase Over March,
1813, Over 9 Per Cent.
Portland postal receipts for March,
1913, show a gain of 9.75 per cent over
those for March, 1913.
Last year the receipts were 185,787.1:
and this year they were $94,152.13, an
increase of $8365.01.
Hood- River Pulpit Filled.
HOOD RIVER. Or April 2. (Sne
claL) Word has been received here by
tne nvembers or the St. Mark s EdIsco
pal Church from Bishop R. L. Paddock
that Rev. J. McNamara has received
the appointment to till the place made
vacant by the recent resignation of
Rector Edmund T. Simpson, who retired
to a life of farming on his ranch near
Vancouver, W ash. Mr. McNamara. who
has been residing at Glendlve, Mont.,
Is expected to arrive here about the
middle of the month. The women of
the church have completed the interior
of the rectory and are busy this week
making Improvements to the grounds.
Work on Project Connecting City
With Milwaukee Line Suspected.
ABERDEEN, "Wash., April 2. (Spe
cial.) That a corps of engineers is en
gaged in the location work of a line
projected by the Milwaukee to connect
Olympia with its main line from Grays
Harbor to Seattle, is a rumor backed
by strong indications. Whether this
is the line reported to be in progress
of survey from Lincoln Creek
whether the work is being connected
from a different point, is not known.
Considerable mystery surrounds the
survey from Lincoln Creek. While it
is known to be in progress nothing has
been learned as to direction or ob
jective point.
The Owl Drug Con the First Drug
Concern in Portland to Adopt the
Sunday Afternoon Closing Plan
Solely as a mark of consideration for' our em
ployes and believing that their services each
week justifies our granting same, wo announce
that, beginning next Sunday, April 6, our store
will remain closed on Sunday afternoons be
tween the hours of 1 P. M. and 6 F. M. By
adopting and thereby inaugurating this plan of
Sunday-afternoon closing in Portland, all "Owl"
employes will receive, in addition to their full
day off each week, an additional half day, there
by giving them more time for rest and recreation
than is generally enjoyed by most store em
ployes. We believe the people of Portland will
heartily indorse our plan.
Broadway and Washington
i. .!
Pennsylvania Thirty-Fifth to Favor
Direct Senatorial Elections.
HARRISBURG. Pa, April 2. Penn
sylvania today joined the ranks of the
states that have ratified the proposed
amendment to the Federal Constitution
providing for the direct election ' of
United States Senators, making the
35th to fall in line.
The vote of only one more state I
needed to make the amendment effec
HARTFORD, Conn., April 2. In the
Connecticut Legislature the question of
direct election of United States Sena
tors is the order of the day for April
8. There is believed to be considerable
sentiment in favor of the measure.
Hood River Has Safety Ordinance.
HOOD RIVER. Or., April 2. (Spe.
claL) The City Council this week
passed an ordinance requiring all hotels
and theaters to have adequate exits
with proper directions. An ordinance
requiring fire escapes is in effect, but
several buildings installed the escapes
without properly designating exits by
which they might be reached.
Cottage Grove in Xo Flood Danger.
(Special.) With the horrors of the
Ohio flood vivid in their minds, the
excessive rains of last week caused
some uneasiness here, but have proved
unfounded. The waters of tho Coast
Fork did not get as high as they have
at other times during the Winter, and
here was at no time any danger. A
number of smaller streams fed by the
rains and snow from the mountains
showed signs of overflowing, but there
are no narrow valleya to make an over
sow dangerous.
Lepper Files Petitions Today.
Petitions for submitting the matter
of revoking tho franchises of the
Southern Pacific Company on East
First street and the O.-W. R. & jr. on
East Second street will be filed this
morning by L. M. Lepper, chairman of
the transportation committee of the
East Bide Business Men's Club. These
petitions have a little more than 5000
names for both franchises, which are
about 35 more than are required to get
tnese measures on tne ballot In June.
Dufur Oil AVell Work on Soon.
THE DALLES. Or.. April 2. (Spe
cial.) Work on the oil "prospect of the
Beavis-May Oil Company, of Dufur, IS
miles south of this city, will be re-
Mr. C. Z. Wilkins, of Seattle. Gives
His Opinion of Plant Juice,
the New Tonic.
Mr. C. E. Wilkins is among the many
Seattle citizens who have tested Plan
Juice, the new tonic that is being in
troduced In the Jxorthwest, and report
satisfactorily on it. Mr. Wilkins Is
draughtsman In the City Engineer's
office in Seattle and his personal ad
dress is Station T In that town. He
has many friends who will be interested
in the following statement from him
"I have suffered greatly with stomach
trouble and Indigestion, had frequent
attacks of whut I was told was gas
tritis: I have been troubled in this way
for the last two years. I have only
used one bottle of Plant Juice up to
the present time and feel better in
every way, sleep well and the stomach
trouble does not bother me. I think
Plant Juice was just the thing I had
been hunting for."
Indigestion. nervous debility and
stomach troubles are the curse of
modern times, they are the price that
we pay for the rush and bustle of
everyday life; thousands go through
life tired, and half sick, tired and list
less without knowing just what ia the
matter or not taking tho time to find
out; they spur themselves on and on
until the final crash comes and they
aTe mental or physical wrecks or both.
There is no need for all this. Plant
Juice assists nature, strengthens and
vitalizes the entire system, eliminates
poisons from the blood, clears the liver
ami puts it Into active working order;
tones up the stomach, steadies the
nerves, gives you restful sleep, in
word does the Spring housecleaning for
your entire body and renovates and puts
Into order the whole system. If your
appetite is poor, if you feel tired or
worn out from work or worry, are
restless at night or wake up tired and
grouchy just try Plant Juice, it will fis
you up in short order. The Plant Juice
man is at The Owl Drugstore, Seventh
and Washington streets, call and get a
bottle from him today, and If you are
not satisfied with the results be will
refund your money.
AOertfthiReHef farFeTerlshaeast
Constipation, Headtcbe,
Mtonarh Troablv, Teething
Disorders aad Destroy
U nrnta. TrmBrrab nn 4 'nlHai
TrvdvM-rk. ia 34 hoars. At all Dntcfrists, 35CU.
Don t accept h.mple muM FREK. Address,
nruLMUtutfcA. S. OLMSTED. L Roy. H.Y.
The Line Is Open
Six Daily Trains
Oregon Electric Ry.
Local '
6:30 am.
Limited Local
8:40 am. 11:00 am.
8:S0 am. 10:10 am. 1:00 p.m.
9:40 a.m. 11:15 a-m. 2:06 p.m.
CorvaUis 10:07 am. 11:40 a.m- 2:a0p.m.
Eugene.. 11:15 a.m. 12:0 p.m
2:25 p.m.
4:30 p.m.
5:30 p.m.
6:00 p.m.
7:10 p.m.
6:00 p.m. 13:01 am.
6:30 p.m.
7:80 p.m.
7:56 p.m.
8:50 p.m.
2:05 am.
6:00 am.
8:10 am.
7:50 a.m.
Portland time shown is Jefferson-Street Station; time at North
Bank Station is twenty minutes earlier.
"The Owl" carries a standard sleeper, open to passengers at 9:30
P. M. at North Bank Station.
Fifth and Stark St. 10th and Morrison Sts. 10th and Stark.
Eleventh and Hoyt Streets. Front and Jefferson Streets.
and dental
surgery made
painless by
our New Bo
tanlcai Dla
F n tire Corner of Mtilkey BnlWInir mt the North,
en Corner of Second and Morrison Street,
Nor our comoetitors cannot either.
because we only pay about one-fifth
the JIENT that the other offices pay.
IVe do all of our own work; do not
hire these so-called speclallHts that
you read about in the other advertise
ments, and last, but not least, we
stand alone and not in the Penta! Com
bine. For a limited time we will con
tinue to make you gold crowns and
bridge work at 93 per tooth.
k22-k Gold Crown and Solid Bridge
Not In the
Dental Troat.
All work
5 years.
Sight Years In
Recent Reports Show Hundreds
Suffer With Kidney Troubles
and Don't Know It.
There are scores of nervous, tired,
run-down people throughout the city,
uffertng with pains In the back and
ides, dizzy spells, weaknesses of the
bladder (frequently causing annoyance
t night), who fall to realize tho seri
ousness of their troubles until such
conditions as chronic rheumatism,
bladder troubles, dropsy, diabetes or
even Bright s disease result.
AH this is due to weak, inactive kid
neys. The kidneys are. the filterers
of the blood, and no one can be well
nd healthy unless the kidneys work
properly. It is even more important
than that the bowels move regularly.
If yon suffer with such symptoms
on't neglect yourself another day and
run the risk of serious complications.
Secure an original package of the new
discovery. Croxone. which costs but a
trifle, and commence Its use at once.
When you have taken a few doses, you
will be surprised how differently you
will feel.
Croxone cures the worst cases of
kidney, bladder trouble, and rheuma
tism, because it removes the cauae.
It cleans out the kidneys, and makes
them filter out all the 'poisonous waste
matter and uric acid, that lodge in the
joints and muscles, causing rheuma
tism: soothes and heals the bladder and
quickly relieves you of all your misery.
You will find Croxone different from
all other remedies. There. Is nothing
else on earth like it It matters not
how old you are or how long you have
suffered. It is so prepared that it is
practically Impossible to .take it into
the human system without results.
You can secure an original package
of Croxone from any first-class drtiK
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