19 THE MOBXDfG OREGONIAN, riiUBSIJAYa APRIL 3, 1913. SOUTH HOLDS BACH California Millers Buying From Hand to Mouth. THINK STOCKS LARGE Vl ERE Batrr in That State Sarxwd in Keeping Northern Prices Down In Spite of Continued Advance in Eastern Markets. Toe total wheat mark.t Is -.-rr t.rra. but prior, do not Mho- the recorded eLswhere. In th. rest 10 days Ihrre has . - ...II. 1 Miltff At ChlcaSO eJIU nfn a sjain ul 1 ' - , w . i,i.r adr.no In EnJtland. but tt rot bee poeslbl. for erllers to rsose In th. Nonh.nl and club continues on " M-cent tail . ... . Panrnmiani seems to 1 Df aiunJ. b responsible tor th. drmctfn eondltlon. hrro. Th. millers In th. south believe hre are lim hold-over stocks In th. North ral. .ad th.r are t present buylnc from band to mouth, shipments w.re hoary. amounting- to boS.334 bushels from Portland and th. Sound, acalnst J'4. T12 tmshels In th. same month Uat year. ... . ...nnll for th. time be ing-, and are not disposed to follow tb. Eastern advance. Furthermore, crop pros pects, bar. Improved uiera. eouin.ii. fornla will bar. new wheat In June and tht. la also affectlnc sentiment. A. th. only demand now eomea from California millers, they ar. enable to dic tate the market. European buslneae Is out of th question, as Oresron and Washington .w.n the .xoort basis. This was also true to a greater extent two month, ago. but at that time th. aortnern miller, were burins freely to fill Oriental n -.. - ... vhirh here now ceased. There Is a small demand for bluestem. principally by Interior millers, who ar. or frrlnc equal to W and P cents, but the farmers want tl and no business is passing. Loral receipts. In cars. wer. reported by the Merchants' Exchange as follows: Wheel Barley Flour uste hst Monday .. Tuesday Wednesday ago 3.". VT 11 i:i 14 II 3 4 Seeeoo u. date'lS'-T lvo H i;0 1M Tear ago 1132 31 1ST 10 -. Th Merchants Exchange weekly wheat statistics follow: American risible supply Rushcts. Decrease . . . .n, IL1 tl.:iliA 1 Jlfcl (MM inll- S4.1.2.otto PWT.Ooo lOtn 29.014 WM el.SIM.OOl !: -I.142.'' 2T".IHi !'' ...... .3 ihiO T1 rt. IH If .4 K TJ1 '. M.IVK ... .11. A31.CH! .. .31.T37.OOU IM.OWI Anrt April April April April April April April April lo. iwd. 4. IKW4. Increase. Quantities on pasag Week ending Mar. 20 For Hu.h.Is tr K i4.S.1rt.ot. Week Week ending ending Mar. 22 Mar. 30 '12 Ru.hel. Ru.nel ;V4A.ntM S2.4o.'n .-.i.l7.0io 17.li2.00O Continent Total ...5T.4IS.OOO .S.12.0i World's shipments prluclpal countries (flour Included rnulnc Mar. 29 Flush. I. a.tl.t.4.1100 IM.i From V. .. fan Argentina Australia .. l.lt2.f"l rn. porta . l.lt2.oi ltu.ta .... T?o oo 1 11. 1 1. 4&S.OU4I 'en Jlnic Mar. 22 llu-hrl. n.Mt.otMi l.H.ll0 TrtS.rt.tO 1.24.M lTti.UlK) 4U.U2.0OO zportlnf Week endinir Mar. '12 Bu.hele ; 4i.,. 01 mi 214 ton 1.17 " 1.W24.0O 1 2ou,oni i04.000 Total . . . ia.304.oon 12.MM.ooA 10.403.000 World's shipments. eea"n to date Total since Same period JulTl."12. last season. From Huhe!. Mushel.. IV s. and Canada .. .17X74I.OOH 122.240.ihx Areenllna "a. 47t;.iH0 4:1.2'7.0wl Australia ."10M.IH"! 3.4H.0 rnub. 4.Vl-T..O nt.t.:. I ; ..,. M "MS.f.Hl ti... lHI India 44.e07.ooO 34.SH.imm Total .. 4rt.Ml,IHTO C.i...OOO BKTTT.R rWLTRT M PIXY RKCKJVKD rrtre Net Hetd I p to Former Mis LcreU OeeXtl Has New Zealand Butter. . Receipts of poultry were Immensely larre yesterday, and th. market weakened, ao far as chickens wer concerned. Hens cleaned up at lo and 17 cents, ltroilers were In demand and firm and other tinea were fairly steady. Uressed pork continued to sell at th. old price, but real was caster, and It cents was th. top. Fss. were In fair supply and cleaned up well with prices steady. Cheoe quotations will probably be main tained throuichout the week, but the make Is Increasing- In the Coast districts. The local butter market continues rery firm, with the supply of city creamery un der requirements. Th. scarcity of butter on th. found baa caused Seattle dealers to tin port a suppty from New Zealand, accord- Inr to a report from that city, which ssys a shipment of Boo packatea haa been put on sale. Smaller lots bar. from tlm. to tlm. been brought In, liut nothlne like the present order. It coats S2 cents In New Zealand and bears a duty of S cents per pound. It will sell at SB cents and la re--rarded as a rood substitute for the city creamery product selllna at "I940c. 1.0l lrtA?A UTRAWBBRRIErt OT M ARRET rirM lairc tUilpaneat I. Ira From Tnat Mat Friday. The first Louisiana strawberries of the season made their appearance yesterday. A few crates wer dropped off from a car load coIuk to Seattle, but they came from the earliest district, and the quality was r.ot particularly good. They were quoted at ta.73 and W.S.". a crate. The first res ulsr shipment, consisting of half a ear, will arrive tomorrow. It comes from the Louis. Ian district that supplies the best early berries seen on this msrket last year. Iocal apples sales were small, but a num. feer of rood-sired shipping orders were re ceived from ralley points. Th. demand for 0- ar!S.es wss moderate. Four cars of Flor ida -Trap fruit are rolllnr. A car of rhubarb was recelred. which may be the last straicht car from California this season, as local rhubarb is beclnnlns to com. In. A car of Mexican tomatoes will arrive the latter part of nort week. Mir car of bannans were due last nlrht. Rank Clearlars. t.nk cieartnss of the Northwestern cities yesterday wer. as follows r Clea-lnr.- Balances. rertland 2 K2S..".J2 Ft.-.;. 014 Seattle 2.027. .74 lot12 Ta.-.'ma M1.730 77.U.Y! Spokane .... n;7.:i3l 7.02V PORTLAND XAKltrTS. Grain. Fleur. Feed, etc WHEAT Track prices: dub. sc: b!n Btem. "7oc: red Russian. Me: raller. t"7c FARLEY Feed. 2a per ton: brewtas, nominal; rolled. J'.VI 2A.50 per ton, COKN Whole. 127; cracked. 2 per tvn. OATS No. 1 white, $279 per ton; ral ley. eialned. S24tf7 pee ton. FLOCK Patents, S4.T0 per barrel; etrairnts. 14 111 exports. 3.M!.3: ral ley. 4.rO; araham. 14- 00; what wheal, (4 s. ilLLJTrrrS Fran. 20.50fIt per ton: hnrte, 2Jw23.o per too; mlddltnrs. S30 pee ton. HAT Barter Oreron trmotby. cbotc. SIS a) 17: mixed. 10r IS av; oat and ret -h. 112; s.fslfa. $120 IS: dr. tV: straw. 7vl Frwh. sad Veretablea. I.e. al Jobblnr quotattoas: TROFKAL FRLITS Oraerv Narels. 1 .ViQ I 13: California srsp-rru-.t, 2.7i w a 2-V F:orlOa srapefrutt. VtfSftO: lemons. 1- eltfornla. 7JOil pw bos. Sicily, IS par box: plfeapp!.. tfTo per pound. rSatrAULis) Artichokes, II 00 8 1-23 besna. md; -50 per lettuc. per SOC rhu. : not box; ; Mexl- ; potatoea, atrawberriea. ' r U . m.fmi..u-. w r lie per pound: cabaxe. lHc per po raui:iiower, M.fv. nw k - ' - t z per crate: otiiarow " " - . -dosan: srplant, 21c pound: bead let! 12 pr crate; hotbouae lettuce, el . . IWDMIL box; peaa ivc per T : per pound: raci.nea. --' u . barb. SI. 77.0 2.25 per box spinach e pound, sorouta, iw; 1 ' - farllc. 5Sc per pouoo. r.vinvis rrreron. SocSfl per sack can. j X ZJi per ctmi. POTATOES Borbanks. 45 O per ored: new. Is.lw per ID.; sweei 4e rtf r pousQ- GREEN FRUIT Apple. 30c U 30 box. ccorain to 4-'"' ACK VEGETABLES - Tnrnlpa, 0el P.r aack: parsnlpa. BOC0H per sack; oar rota. S0C31 per sack. Dairy and Cswatry Produce. Loral Jobblsr qnotauons: rOL'LTRT Hens. lnt17c: broilers. JOc; turkes. Ure, 1 S v 2tlc ; dressed, choice. 24W2.V: ducks. 17f,l'jc; rrese, 12S12WC fc XiS Fresh Oregon ranch, lUa2oc P dos-n. CHEEEB Oreon triplets. ITc; Tousg Anierlcas. nomlnaL fcLTTUR Oreron creamery batter cubes. c per pound; prints. S40UjO per pound. PORK Fancy. 11 1.510 per pound. VEAL Fancy. 14c per pound. Blapl Grocer! ea. ' Local 3bblns; quotations: a AXMON Columbia Klrer, on.-pound tails, S2-33 per dosen; half-ponod flats. 1.40t one-pound flats, 12 4i; Alaska pink, one-pound tails. SAcj sUrsrsldos, ou-pound tails. S1-2S. 1IOSET Choirs. SX.250S.TS per case. KVTS Walnuts. lc per pound; Braxfl nuts, 12V4tlic; filberts. 14TlSc; almonds, lSc; peanuts. Sv3xc: cocosnuta, McSIl per dosen. chestnuts, llo per pound: hick, orynuts, SO 10c; paeans. 17c; pine, 174. USANS Bmall white, 6.29c: larre whit. 4S;; Lima, ottc; pink, 4S5c; Mexican. Sc: bayou. .6Sc a'GAB Fruit and berry. 15 13: Honolulu plantation, I1.20: best. 46.05; extra C $6.76; powdered, baxrela, &.60i cubes, barrels, S5 SO. COFFEE Roasted. In drums. II O'Oo per pound. EALT Oranlnatsd, $14 per ton; half (round 100a, 10 per ton; 60s, 110.76 per ion; dairy, 112 50 per ton. RICE No. 1 Japan. 5S5Hc: cheaper crades, Mc: Southern head, SKOnwO. DRIED FRf ITS Apples, 10c per pound; apricots. 12a 14c; peaches, Stfllc: prunes, Italians, 8 01OC. silver, 18c: firs, whit and black. 6'9 7c; currants. tc; raisins, loos Muscatel. SSiwTHc; bleached. Thompson, lle; unbleached. Sultanas, 8c: aesded, THtrSHc; dates. Persian. 7S4 per pound; fard. S1.8S per box FIGS Twelr 10-ounc. 86c; 50 a-ounca, 11. 80; 70 4 -ounce, S2.S0; SO 10-ounc. S'2.26; loose. 60-pound boxes. 6tt0?c; Smyrna, boxes, ll.losi.26: candled. S3 per box. CATTLE SELLING WELL P III ME STKEKS BHrXG $8.25 AT XOJITH PORTIl:VX1. Fourteen load of Various Grades Are Sold Hogej Do Not More Above $9.65. Most of th business at th atorkyards yesterday waa don In th cattle division. Former prices wer easily maintained. Hoss did not sell up to th former level. Fourteen load of steers were sold, the best at I" and 23. but th bulk of the sales wer at 7 tHi. Very little poor atock ... mi th market. A number of heifers wer sold al S7.7S and 7.ei and bulla brotirbt S- and S3. 7 3. All th llrht hor offered were taken at 1X6.".. which for the present appear to be near the top of the market. Heavy awlne sold at $e.G3. Receipts wer: 5WI cattle. -3 calrea and 321 hoc snippers were: sir. itooeripou, Lamont. Waah.. 1 car of hore: J. P. Olns more. West Staytcm. 1 car of cattle and hogs: Al Pare, Twin Falls, 5 cars of cat tle; Adams 4t Co.. Staiifield. S cars of cat tle; O. c. Gray. Terrebonne. 3 cars of cat tle: tS. W. Slayton, Terrebonne. 4 cars of cattle; R. II. Shrlver. Terrebonne. 2 cars of cattle: O. J. Johnson. Terrebonne. 2 cars of cattle: F. E. rtirley. St. Anthony. 1 ear of rattle and boss: W. B. Kurtx. Ash ton. Idaho. 1 car of hors. and Joe Lister, Ilalsey. 3 cars of csttle and calves. The day's sales wero as follows: Wetrht. Price. 21 steers llH .2S :! eteeiw .............. ..147H 8.23 4 ateera 1:U0 7.83 1 ateer 71o 7.23 2 cows 7.1 6 73 .-. heifers IOJO 7.7.1 r,9 steers 1 172 s.o1 2 sters 1 130 7.00 1 steer 1270 24 steers ............1201 7.9o 4 steers 129" 7.90 2:1 steers 1241 7.911 23 steers 1217 7.B" 23 steers 117:1 7. S.I 2" steers .1 ISK 7.S-" 2i steers .............. I ll S.2.1 3 steer ........ 1St 7.2." 24 steers Slid heifers ........... M2 7.H.i 23 ateera ........1243 7. in 24 stecra 122 S OU 1! steers 1123 7 It steers HOO 7 1 ata; !1X 7.1 8 bulls 1"" "" 1 bull 1"10 3.7' 3 hoxs 32 .' S hoxs i3.M Mi lt hoes 'it !; '2 hoes .................. S4. S.H-' l hoes -'19 2 hnpr :i4r. nr. Ml hoes ...............-. 200 0.G3 The rnns of prices at th. yards was as follows: Choice steers ST.30 tfs.23 Good steers 7 O0;f 7.30 Medium steers - 6.o0'r 7.00 Choice cows . ................ 6.3o & 7.2.'. Uood cows 6.00j 8.30 Medium cos ..... 6..rtil'4y 6.00 Choice calves 8 009 9.00 Good heavy calves a.-f 7.30 Huls ...... 6.23 iioga Light 9 00 S 9.73 Hcaw - 8.00'a .O0 Sheep Yearling wethers 6.23 7.2J Kea 4.73 !s S.75 Lambs 6.00W S.0 Omaha Livestock Market. SOI'TIt OMAHA. Neb., April 2. Catlle Receipts. 24i"0: market. 10c hichcr. Native et-ers, S7.H0 V 8.6.'.: cows snd heifers, 3.7oe 804; Western steers, $n.23 J 0-2.: Texas steers. SO-P 7.60: ranre cows and heifers, .'.7 73: calves. S773. Kogs Receipts. 7300; msrket. lower. Heaw. S7Os90: llxbt, ts.M.M: pig. S7 30r8.3u: bulk of sales, S.T3 S.l'o. Sheep Receipts. SIMM); market, 10tr13e hlxher. Vearllngs. 73 J 7.00; wethers. $6.23 i.7: lambs. t7.lwtf8.70. SAX FRANCISCO TRODl CE MARKET Prices Quoted at th Bay City for Vege tal, lee. Fruits, Ktc. SAN FRANCISCO. April . Th follow Inr produce prices were current here todsy: Krutt Apples, choice. 6H; common. 40c; Mexican llmi. SSa.S0: California lemons, choice. $.3o; common, S3.6o: nsvel oranges, $1.2.'.n2: pineapples. SLOoSo.oO. cheese N.w. 14til3c: Vouni; Americas, 10017c. liutter Fancy creamery, 37c; seconds. 30 Sc. Knits fstore. lc: fancy rsnch. 15c Hay Wheat. S'2325: wheat and oats. I21.30 -22. alfalla. !:'.,. 16: barley. S18A 2. Fotatoes Oregon Burbanks. &4iAboc: Sa- llnaa ilurbauk. sOcVtl.10. swecta, S2.230 2.30. Veretable Cucumbers. 12.3043: green peas, efjic; strlnr beans, nonilnsl; ees- plsut, icflwo; onions, uovwc Cbasures la Available BnppUe. NEW YORK. April 2. Special cable and telegraphic communications received by Hradstreets shows tho following chanres In available supplies, as compared with previous account: Bushels. Wheat Fnlted States east of Rock- Ira, decrease 1,134.000 Colled Slate west of Rockies, de- crease Canada, decrees 541,000 Total I'nlted States and Canada, de- Platfgaff ,....- 1 . vywA', V.rVT ' Aflomt foe and In Europe, decrease. 1.9ix..ooo Totals American and European sup- piles, decrease G.5l4.0tH Com. I'nlled Stales and Canada, de- crease :.411.00 Oats, cnlted ttates and Canada, d- crease e,OT Naval St sera. SIV1 NVAII. Ga. April 2 Turpentln dull. 4,2c; sales, none: receiprs, ltia; shlp- eets. IS: stocks. li.oou. Ho,!. d:i- aalea. none: receipts. 10OA; ehlrnients. 3004; stocks, s 3n. Quote. A. B. $.1 li'siV": C l. S3. 1.1 at .'. .20: K. S5.20 1 ... .- 2" tt 3, 27 : G. ".:l.T 3.:;7 : H. S-V40; I. llsmMCi; K. J-23: M. S.0; X. 7.;; WO, 7.4; WW. S7.l. STOCK RISE HALTS Recent Advance Invites Sales to Take Profits. NET CHANGES ARE SMALL Depression of European Markets, Owing; to Balkan Situation, Tend" to Check Tpward Movement in Street Call Money Easier. NEW YORK. April I. Th rise In stocks waa halted today. In the early trading prices were scaled down moderately, but later there was a general recovery and net charges were small. The advanc. of the last ten days, running from 6 to 10 points In many cases, had reached sufficient propor tions to Invite rralixtng sales, which were largely responsible for Uie action of th market. Depression of European markets tended to check the advance here. Reviving appre hensions as to th. Balkan situation, owing to the attitude of Montenegro, made It plain that th foreign stluatlon still must b. taken Into consideration. Call money rales relaxed considerably from th. high rates of th preceding two day. and quotations for tlm. funds and commer cial paper were shaded. Can. Rubber and the local traction stocks wer In demand at rising prices. Th bond market was less active and movement were Irregular. Total sales, par value, $3,60,000. Panama 3s coupon de clined on call. , CLOSING STOCK QUOTATION'S. Reported by J. C. Wilson & Co., Lewis building, Portland. Closing Open. High. Low. Bid. Amalg Copper . 18.JO0 71(4 73 73?, Am Beet Sugar J.104 S4U 32Vi 3 Am Can Co 1S.0 J5. 34i do preferred.. S.SOO SSx 7 S Am Car & Kdy 100 52 62 1J Am Cotton Oil Am S & Rf Co 1.000 71-4 7SU 70 do preferred.. SoO lol 1034 JM Am Sugar 1" do preferred.. iJ Am Tel 4 Tel. 1,300 1J21, 133 J" Am Tobacco ... IOO Jl 244 242 Anaconua 1.300 38t, SfcVs -SJs Atl Coast Un 200 12S i 12S 124 V A T 4k Santa Fa 1,600 103 '1 102T J do preferred.. 200 loos, 1001, 100 Bait Ohio... 0 JOlMi IOIJ4 101 Broil R Tran.. S.600 91S Can Pac Com.. 7,oo 237 2tJ' 237 a. o J.00 7Ji, 71 ilH C O W 700 16U 1 4 c m p"."! 'Vioo iiiVi injt Central leather 3 274 2U -74t 1 ..... . ... - 1 ..... 3-0 Chl'no 1.200 41J 41'4 41J4 Col Fuel & Iron S6'. 3o?s Colo Southern .. .,; consolidated Oaa 1.400 135 1S4H 134 Vi D L 3V 3!)'J rtARO - -os Clstllllng Securl ?o IT". 37VI 17V. Fri ... 3.300 2 2S J8 General Electric 700 141i 140 140S Gt North Ore... HOO S7 3i 3W C.t North pfd... L00 J.jOH 130 130 Illinois Central. 121V, 1-1 l-i mt-rboro-Met -. 1.7'W IS'. 'J4 do preferred.. S.400 60 69V. 59' LThigh V.Mey:: 7.300 MI JJJ "JH Louis A Nash.. 200 137 1.6H 1J Mexican t'en.. ....... 11L - l.i-X i""v - - m t p & s s M eoo VIa IC.n A'- T.ISB 504 Mo Pacific 1.400 IS National Lead........ Nat Biscuit .......... do prererrea. N Y Central. x: V tin I A- W . Norfolk West 400 10 70S 107 38 14 3Si ..... 115 117 106'.i 10SH 304 107'i 107V4 No Psclflc ... 2.300 list, lit lllTnThoY.yi. iiiii Hi" u 11"..::: Vt.siA ay;- iiijf l.n..hlle K I 300 2i 2' Kock Island Co. 1.900 22H 2:. ."0 Psciflc Com! 2.'io K.2'4 101, imij Southern Ry 0O 21U " , Ti Texss I'll 110 1'nl.m Pacific .. n.0O JJJJ. l-je, do prerorren.. .v - - . ;,? - rn'sedS,,CorS.F4V.io.- ijVi- !. 15 1 do preferred.. 3-9 1 lOJH 1S 1'tah Copper .. 1.900 53;4 63;,- 3V, Wabash 100 n's West I'nlon Tel 700 70 70 f.9 Westing Eire .. 700 6H Wisconsin Cent ..... 4i Total sales. 308.100 shares. BONUS. JfEW YORK. April 2. 'loslng quotations: V S ret 2 rcf..l'i N Y C gen i,s 84 do coui.on ...HWii:No Pacific 3s... M .- s 3a tee mm 'No. Pacific 4s... nr.Vj do coupon ...Hismi'nlon Pacific 4s. (WVs V P new 4s reg.l1!'.',:Wls Central 4s.. 00!4 do coupon ... 1 1-1 t Stocks at Boston. PiogtON. Aoril 2. Closing quotations: Allonca :7 'Mohawk J2 Amulx Copper.. 7-.LtNevada Con . I A . L & Sm... 2!vi Nlpleeine Mines. Ii Arirona Com .. 3S,North Butte..... 29 B&CCSM. 7 (North Lake It, i-sl i Arizona.. A.HOld Dominion... rl & necla 4fl Osceola W i'eiilennlal 13 ulney ' 101. Kan Con Co 43 Shannon 104 K Hutte Cop M. 171, Superior 3- Hanklln Sup Bos Min.. 3', .'.irotix Con ." ITamarack 3S Cranl.y con ... 4i U S S R A M... 41V. Greene Cananea. ! do preferred... 4;14 I Kovalle tCop) 314 I'tah Con 9 Korr'lke 31 '(, I'tah Copper Co. o2, Uike Copper.... 15 Winona 2S I. a Salle Copper 4 Wolverine 1214 Miami Copper.. 2". 4.1 Money Exchange, Ktc. NEW YORK, April i. Money on call, easier. 3iti4V; per cent; ruling rate. 4H per cent; closing bids, 4' per cent; of fered at 4" per cent. Time loans, easy; 60 and 90 days and six montiis, 4ej3 per cent. Inline mercantile paper, 5H8 per cent. Starling exehanre easy, with actual busi ness In bankers' hills at 14.8325 for 60-day bills and at S4.S713 for demand. Commercial bills, J4.824. Bar sliver. 37c. Mexican dollars. 47Vjc. Government bonds, easy; railroad bonds, irregular. SAN FRANCISCO, April I. Sliver bars, 57HC. Mexican dollars. 51c. Draft, sight. 2c; do. telegraph. 5c. LONDON, April 2. Bar silver, 26 7-16d per ounce; money. 3t,Q4 per cent: rat of discount in the open market for short Mils, 4 15-1694 per cent; do, three months' D11IB, 4 per wnu Sterling on London. 60 days. S4 83H: do. sight. 4.S7ii. Metal Markets. NEW YORK. April 2. Copper firm. Spot. April and May. 14.75613.25: June and July. 14 62w15.12: .lectrolyile, u.25; lake. 16-3.4, 1S.S0; castings. 13.00. -.. 17- Tln easier. Spot and April, 4(.8T 48.17. May. 47.7.'.e 48.00; June, 47.37847.75. Lead steady, 4.S0 bid Spelter, easy. S.75j 5.90. ' Antimony, nominal. Cookson a, 8.00. Iron unchanged and steady. Copper arrivals, 70 tons; exports this month. 23T4 tons. London copper firm: spot, 67 13s 8d; futures, T 17s 6d. Local exchsxg sales tin. 73 tona. London tin quiet: spot, till: futures, 213. London lead. 16 7a 6d. London spelter. 25. Iron, Cleveland warrants. 063 9d in London. Visible Supply of Grain. NKW YORK. April 2. Th. visible supply of grain In the Cnlted States Saturday. March 20. as complied by the New York Produce Exchange was as follows: Bushels. Increase. Tt-h-at ..'.5S.8,00I eii490 ,K)0 vc-.Ir In hond .. S 6 "3 OOI 132.0"" wheat in bon.u''-.'.;:;;;:554;K . Oata ."I: 13,H.000 1112.000 l,OtW.OOO Barley .' ... Barley In bond 1.000 2.3-W.OOO 17S.0OO 310,000 4.,vou Decrease. HOP CROP VALUE HIGH PIERCE COUNTY GKOWEKS GET $420,000 FOR 'WORIk. Europe Is Still Buring; From United States, Says James Plncua, WlK) Talks of Conddtlons. TACOMA. Wash.. April 2. (Special.) Pierce County growers have received from last year's hop crop S42O.O00, according to James Pincus, well known dealer ana Practically 1400 bales ar left In first hands in this state now, when hops axe worth about 13 cents a pound. "Besides the 14O0 bales In Washington. I estimate that there ar fully 5000 bales in first hands In Oregon; 6000 bales In Cal ifornia and 1000 bales In New York, the only states in th Union growing hops, continued Mr. Plncns. "At tho present tlm. th dealers are carrying practically no stocks. "Europe Is still buying from the United States, as there is none left on the conti nent. There are some left, however. In first hands In England. I have Just received a cablegram stating the foreign market Is h,.ii with little demand for 1013 hops. Contracts for the coming crop ara being made now on the basis of 15 cents a pound. "At th present time not a single bale of hops Is owned by a grower In the Puyal ltrp Valley, the local men having sold their holdings last Kail at good prices. In tills state there are produced 40.0OO bales, valued at about S35 a bale. Of this amount Western Washington grew about Its 00 bales, valued at 5hO,000. In the Puyalltrp and Roy districts I figure that .o per cent of the Western Washington hops wer groa-n. -w York Cotton Market. NEW YORK, April 2. Cotton Spot closed steaily. Middling uplands, 12.60c; do. gulf, 12.S3C Sales, mo Isles. points higher. April. 12.35c: May, l-jSc. June. i..i-iG. . u i j . . j ... i. . - . September. 11.64c: October, ll.ooc; Decem ber, ll.⪼ January, 11.53c. NEW ORLEANS, April 2. Spot cotton, middling. 12 1I-16C; Purrt Sound Wheat Market. SEATTLE. Wash., April 2. Wheat Blue stem. IMHic: fortyfold, sue: club, S5e; Me. Sic; red Russian, S4c Yesterday's car receipts Wheat, 20; oats, ft; barley. 4; hay, 4; flour, 5. .liviUl Wash Inrfl wheat Blue- stem, 93c; ' fortyfold, b7c; club, 80c; red Yesterday's car receipts Wheat, 26; bar ley, 3; oata, l; nay, in. rhlnsro Dairy Produce. CHICAGO. April 2. Butter firmer. Cream eries. 27 tl 36c. Eggs, steady to hleher; at mark, cases included, lutflic; uruit.ary uiok, nv, Cheese, unsettled. New daisies, 13,0 13 c; twins. fr134.c. Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS, April 2. Close: Whent Mav, S6V.C: JUU", cc: ccpicmoer, or,w 804.C. Cash: No. 4 hard, SSc; No. 1 North ern. 86iftb71ac: No. 2 Northern. 4 ig S3 V; c ; No 2 hard Montana, bi,c; io. wneai, S2JS3!,C Iruluth Linaecd Market. DITLUTH, Minn., April 2. Close: Linseed, on track, Sl-23: to arrive. S123; Maj-. $1.24V; Julv. S1.26H ssked; September, SL28; October, Sl-23 bid. Wool at St. Louis. ct t cutis anrll 2 Wool Steady. Ter ritory and western mediums, 21 v 23c; fin. mediums, ism 20c; tine, lifgnc Dried Fruit at New York NEW YORK. April 2. Evaporated apple, quiet. Prunes steady. Apricot, firm. Peaches steady. Raisins quiet Hops at New York. NEW YORK, April 2. Hops Quiet. J.CWILSON&CO. STOCKS. BONDS, OKA IN AND COTTON MEMBERS NKW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE. NEW YORK. COTTON EXCHANGE. CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE. THE 6IOCK AND BOND EHC1U.VGS &3T FBAKCISCO. pOBTLAlfD OFFICE: Lewis Building, 269 Oak Street. Phones Marshall 4120. A 4187 f RSTOSVt AeWT INCORPOS1ATEO . wf CONSULTING and CONSTRUCTION ENCINEER8 PUBLIC SERVICE PROPERTIES FINANCED and MANAGED SO Pine Street New York WORLD SUPPLY LESS Decrease in Visible Strength ens Chicago Wheat. CLOSE HALF CENT HIGHER Stronger Cables Help Along the Up turn Crop Advices From Abroad Are Bullish Ihmestlc Condi tions, Are Generally Good- CHICAGO. April 2. A laxs dpcras. in t ..i-.it.ir. ss-hnat minnlv sTVP ... st. . 4-V. . m.i-bat ttav PricOS madrf a net pain of Sc to 0fe. Com clowd at a net ao vance 01 e w h. Vc ud ana provisions i c - tx- hiffher. 1-4 Anil i.i4Bis.1a In H world I 1 sfMZr3els UI a.suw.vvv s a-.. s visible tmpply caus?d buyinff activity in the wheat pit at tne opening. rurcn-r; fc"'" lota by local speculators brougrht an ad vance of 0 In the first horjr. after which the market became dull and very local In character. Some atrengtn aino was " ket at the opening by hlffher cables, nearly ... - i .l--a kalna- nn Rarl ! rtll Jill TUG IUI Clfcll IHOIIVCia W...B - Buda Pest, both lower, furnished the ex ceptions. Forelffn crop advice on the whole were rather Dumsn ana niy "'- tain firmness here. Reports from the Wln- x 1 u 1 I- nmintl-B- TX7 TV TMllnt lor crup ih iu - except that advices from Kansas told of some aUKbt damage irom Corn developed strength because receipts from the Interior were lirt. Improvement in the cash situation la noted. A little better shipping cau Rave urauiw to oats. w.s.t.lAn marVAt was IrrerUiar. SAd prices moved within a narrow range. The leading ruturea range a as WHEAT. rt.w. Uftyh TyiW Close. sVu :si :s : .S9T, CORN'. M. 5 .M .M -MS July ...... -W .ASVi V .?5 -D2 Sept. '.OB'.i .56Vs OATS. . ' Mr ...... .SI'S .84 ' .341, .?4i July 34 .34 U .SJ .JJIi Sept. ..... . . t MESS PORK.. May 5V.1I 20.57i 20.45 .S July I".!.3U.35 20.371, 20.30 , 20.37 LARD. May 11.12 11.15 11.10 11.12H SHORT RIBS. I M. 11.3214 11.3714 11.30 J1-37V, July 11.97H ll.7 11-90 H-95 iiralns In San Francisco. SAX FRANCISCO. April 2. Spot quota tions: Walla Walla, 1.Bh 4 1-57 V, : red Russian. SLS3H 91.3.1; Turkey red, S1-7S 1.7714: bluestem. $1.75 1.77 Vs : feed barley, SI 35al..'l7!: brewing barley, fl.371iwl.40; white oats. 11.5314 1.S; bran. S22.5023; mlddUngs. (30031; slu-rts. (24.50S2U. Call board sales: Wheat Firm; no trad ing. Barley Firm; (1.30; May. (1.36. Enropran Grain Markets. LONDON. April 2. Cargoes firm. English country markets quiet. Frencn counlry markets pfa.lv. LIVERPOOL. April 2. Wheat Spot steadv. Futures steady. May, Ts 4d; July, 7s Slid; October. 7s 3Vtd. Coffee and Snjntr. ' NEW YORK, April 2. Coffee futures closed steady. aies bi.ovu. Apru, Ji.vt, May. ll.B"c: June. 11.70c; July. 11.80c; Au gust. 11.90c- September, October, Novem ber. December, January, February, March, 12.01c. Bitulithic on Fifth street has stood the wear and tear of hard traffic for ten years without cost ing taxpayers one cent for repairs. Results Count TRAVELERS GITDE. OA HI A, BIO DE JANEIRO. SANTOS. M ON TF. VIDEO AMD ROSA RIO Large, Kew and Fait Paiwni7pr Steamers from ijw tort (TTeiyuienuu citvuiraAy. For rarcs.ettv. apply local ticket Agr-nis,or AUSTRALIA TAHITI AND NKW ZJEALAND. Rmxnd Trip Rate: tat claas to Tahiti $155, to WeJUna-tttn to Sydney A00. Bporial Pacific Ocean Tour lnclndtn South Bea Islee) to Sydney via Tahiti, Raro tonga and New Zealand and returning to Kan Francisco (or Vancouver) Tla Auckland. Fiji or Samoa and Honolulu. 32. 1st clasi Etop-overa any point, sood one year. 8&I1 Inxe from Ban Francisco April 3, April 80. Uty 28. ate. fnioa Staomship Co. of New ZesOand. Ltd. Office: 6r Market Street. Ban Kranclpco For Example: Invested in Iwiston Land & AYater Company's bonds for five years 20f Kaniing interest at 7?c 70 Deposited in Savings Bank lor five years $200 Earning interest at 4 40 $270 $240 $ 30 Showing "o more earnings in favor of Lewiston Land & Water Company's bonds. MORRIS BROTHERS Railway Exchange Building PORTLAND Note the Difference in Interests on a Good Bond and Sav ings Bank Deposits We Have Sold Approximately 3600,000 Lewiston Land & Water Company 7 Refunding Gold Bonds to some 170 discriminating investors throughout the country at large, includ ing' BanMng Institutions, Estates and Individuals. Send for our descriptive circular contain ing detailed information regarding these bonds. Men Who Direct Affairs H. L. Pittock John Twohy J. D. Farrell F. W. Leadbetter Chas. H. Carey A. S. Nichols W. D. Fenton L. B. Menefee A. D. Charlton " Emery Olmstead of the NORTHWESTERN NATIONAL BANK and PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY Third and Oak Sts. WE INVITE YOUR ACCOUNT lis strength, equip ment, location, modern facilities and disposi tion to serve its cus tomers are factors in the progress of this in stitution. lumbermens National, bank FIFTH AND STARK STREETS RESOURCES 7HIXIONS I. I The Bank of Personal Service In choosing a bank, the matter of greatest importance is service. We strive to render a service perfect in every detail, and will ap preciate a personal interview with all parties seeking banking con nections. Our central location is an important factor. We Pay 4 Per Cent Interest on Savings Deposits. Merchants National Bank Under Government Supervision Founded 1886 Washington and Fourth Streets L ADD & TILTON BANK Established 1859. f"anifnl Ktielr Surplus and Undivided Profits. ... .$1,000,000.00 . 1,000,000.00 Commercial and Savings Accounts Letters of credit, drafts and travelers' cheeks issued, available in all parts of the world. OFFICERS. W M. Ladd. President. Robert B. Howard, Asst. CasMsa Kdrd' Cook"hae Srtca-Pras. J. W Idd Asst. dashier W. H. Dunckley. Caahlar. Walter it Cook. Asst. CasblsA First National Bank Capital $1,500,000 Surplus 900,000 Oldest National Bank West of the Rocky Mountains CORNER ITRST AND WASHINGTON STS. Ui3 L.. i l' I II I II 1 A2- as ss si s a s l aa tfSH zap- ComDe4nie Cener&le Transatlantique nlMrt I In. in Ilavre-l'aris (France) Ballings (rum Naw York every Tnarsday at 10 A. M. sfiuNo" La Lorraine (new) 1 hursday, April 1U FRANCK (new) April 17 M A LORRAINE .V"'',? 1 PRUVEM'E ....Aorll 24 t FRANCE (new) .May 15 KA XOIRAINE..- May 1 1A PBOVESCE .....'nay I- Twin-screw steamer. tQuadruple-screw steamer. SPECIAL SATURDAY SATLjLtfGU FROM SEW YORK S P. M. ONE CUASS CABIN (II) and THIRD-CLASS Passengers Only. CHTCAiO April 13 "Niagara April -a C. W. Stinser, 80 Sixth St.; A. I). Charlton. 5 Morrison at.i J. O Thomas. C. M. S. P. Kj.: Uorsey B. Smith. 69 llfth St.; A. C. rlheldion, 100 Third St.; H. Dickson, 122 3d St.; North Bank Road. 11(1 h and Stark sts. TRANS-ATLANTIC LINES AMERICAN LINE X. T.-Plrmoath-C'berboura-Southanopon ATLANTI0 TRANSPORT LINE ew York Tonttoa Direct RED STAR LINE Nsw Tork DoTer Antwerp WHITE STAR LINE New Tork Jneenowsi llverpoel N. Y-Plymonth-Cherborira-SouthaDipten CANADIAN SERVICE 8ssvIUib Every Patvrday From Montral and Quebec Um LARGEST CANADIAN LINERS Including iha l-ATTRENTTO TEUTONIC MEG AN TIC CANADA SL.n s. IaMm nf fh. BhnrS 1ab4. lacked Hi. Lawrence Route to Europe. j . w 1, n Y..An llll f.H lT.TFlt A. E DISNEY, PAS9. AOT.. CIS SECOND AVE.. MAIN FMOE, REAR, SEATTLE. Or Local Railway and Steamship Agents, TRAVELERS' CCTDS. COOS BAY LINE STEAMHB B&KAJCWATEB Mils from Aina worth Dock, Portland, at A. Mmxch 12 and tareaftr errr Wadnatrday morning it I A. 11. Fralgbt re ceived dally except Tuesday up to 4 P- VL Tuesdays up to 8 P. at. Paaseucer farce: First -claaut. 910; second -class, 97. Includinc bertha aod meal a Hckst office et Alne worta Dock. The Portland ft Coos Bay S.a Use. la. EL keaUns. Axaafc. tbone Mala) imo. a mi. San Francisco, Los Angeles and San Diego Direct S. S. Roanoke and 8. S. Elder. Sail Esery Wednesday Alternately aS NORTH PACIFIC S. S. 00. OT A This Bt fheaea Mala UR A Ult. LOS ANGELES AND SAN DIEGO STEAMSHIPS TALE AKD HARVARD Railroad or any steamer to San Francises, the Expo City. Largest, fastest and the ONLY strictly first-class passenser ships on the Coast. Average speed 2b miles p hoar: cost S2.000.000 each. SAM FRANCISCO, PORTLAND A L. A. S. S. CO., Mala, 20. Xrank Bollam. Asrent. A SQsSV Li Third titreeu TRAVELERS' GUIDE. tPKtSS STKAMKBS 1'OB ban Francisco and Los Anseles WITHOUT CHANCE 8. 8. Bear sails 9 A. M. April 7. 8. S. Hose t itr sails 9 A. M. April 12. THE SAN iBAJiClSCO PORTLAND S. S. CO- Ticket Office 3d and Va.hinton (with O.-W. R. N. Co.) Phone Marshall 4600. A S1!L ESTABLISHED 1894 jngineers FINANCIAL AND ENGINEERING REPORTS 1 VALUATIONS OF RAILROADS AND PUBLIC UTILITIES tS SECOND ST.. SAN FRANCISCO NEW YORK" . . m;w ORLEANS