n 1 im-n-rrvri nurrnYTAV fTTTTT? STl A V- APTITTi 3. 1913. j8 xm jxmv.i.'v vnuuv.w...i - j ; t I BEAR STOPPED BY W Skipper Anchors in Stream When Signals for Opening Pass Unheeded. EXTRA MARINERS CARRIED Sailor, Inusuallv Supcrt-titious About Carrylns Clergymen, Reach Pock Safety With Two List ed on Northbound Trip. There was a difference of opinion hMTfn Captain Nopander. master of the "BIr- Three" llnr Bear, and men operating- the Broadway bridsre draw vatertiay as to hovr much clearing the Rulldog" of the fleet required, and after soundina; three signals. Captain Nopan.ier anchored hi" ship. Then the draw was raised to null him and he proceeded to Alnswortli dock, where ahnut 330 passengers disembarked. The east leaf of the draw in said by te skipper to have been raised about half way and the went leaf a quarter of the maximum hi-lght. and while ad mitting that the ship tnlsrht have passed beneath without injury, he said he wis not certain of the rl-arlnsr. so ordered n anchor let ro until he was satisfied be i ould proceed safely. As the draw is not complete its present operation Is not rcKunle.'. as rivinr the best re sult and quickest response to signals and while the presert strong current is rtinninc masters of vessels desire (o ?e no time in getting through. The Bear was tophravy with mari ners this trip, for In addition to her master she has aboard Cuptaln William J. Tobev. formerly skipper of the clip per ahlp Henry F. Hyde and others wlih records for rattling passages, but for ; '. years he has been content to con duct a hank in Maine. Another mariner on board was Captain J. Slarkey. of De troit, who holds forth on the freat .akes. The fact that two clergvmcn were on the steamer did not disconcert the sailors, who sometimes think that "sky pilots hrln,i wind ar.il had truth, er. The clergyman were Rev. T. T. Ove. of Los Aiiireles. who is bound for Spokane, and Rev. T. J. Walter, of San Francisco, who. a'-compantetl by Mre. Walter. Is on pleasure bent. The Bear hail loon tons of rgo and. while she steamed into a northwester leaving the -oolden (Jate. the voage north of Cape Blanco was pleasant. MHRKXT JIAl.TS .MOVIXC JAM ISritlr-i Will lie flciiml When Stream Subsides to Kxlrul. Prlft has piled against the east half of the Hawthorne-avenue bridge until It extends fully 150 feet south of the structure and being" held by a 1-k raft that drifted against the piers Monday morning, most of it rests on other drift that has formed a solid wall from the riverbed. Virtually no new Urlft came down yesterday. The Inman-Poulsen Lumber Com pajiy. from the mill of which four rafts broke away, is arranging to have all steamers required at the scene of the Jam aa soon as the current subsides and dislodge the mass, at the same time preventing it from being whirled madly through the harbor. The mat ter was taken up with the mill Inter ests yesterday by Harbormaster Speicr. The latter said it was Impracticable to attempt to move the accumulation with the strong current running, as most of it would be carried downstream, to the detriment of vessels. District Fore caster Heals clings to his early predic tion that the river will fall today and drop more rapidly tomorrow and Sat urday. The gauge showed it to be I'.S feet at 8 o'clock yesterday morn ing, a gain of 1.4 feet in ?l hours. tOPIKS OF MAVIKK.STS FILED Harbormaster to K.tulli-h Rrllablc Slutiotical Branch. In line with a conference held vester day between M. Talbot, general man ager of the Tort of Portland, and Cap tain Speicr. head of the harbor patrol, a move will be made to have the port regulations amended so masters of ves sels arriving and departing from this Ivort will file copies of their manifests with the harbormaster. The step was decided on because of numerous inquiries received by every municipal department having water front responsibilities for information on shipping conditions, exports, imports and coastwise trade. At present It is necessary for much time to be used gathering statistics from the Custom Mnue records. With copies of all man ifestos on liattd. as is required at other harbors, a dioilv. weekly and monthly rceord ould be kept, and when the an nual reports are compiled, copies Hill b. ordered so requests for data can be granted immediately. IHHTOX is BE1XG KKBCILT NEW BRIDGE t.corse W. Simons In Yards nnd Ira Ida Follows Today. When the steamer Georgia Burton Is again afloat she will have been prac tically rebuilt, as one of the moat ex- ' tensive Jobs undertaken on a river steamer Is under way. A new boiler, new hogchatns, parts of the hull re planked, general work on deck and in , the cabin and complete repainting are tie principal features of her overhaul ins The steamer rjeorge W. Simons has been hauled out for minor work and will be operated on the Portl.tnd-St. Helens run to replace the steamer Iral tla. which probably will be hauled out ' on the ways this afternoon. The latter ; will be off the run two or three weeks. ' and as It is planned to go over her thor oughly, she will be In as good condition as when launched. Work on the ves sels is being prosecuted as Supples ards. ITRST fiASOLIXE TIT. ORDFJ1ED Vortland-Dnllt Boats for Bear Lake, in Idaho. Requested. Facing an emergency In the way of needing motive power for handling tows on Bear Lake. Idaho, located about 100 miles north of Salt Lake City, the Phoenix Construction Company telegraphed yesterday to Joseph Supple to begin at once the building of a tug 40 feet long and with a beam of 10 feet, lo be shipped to the lake. The vessel will be equipped with a 50-horsepower gasoline engine, and Is the first of four to be turned out for that service. The Phoenix interests are engaged in erect ing a llrht and power-plant system and bave considerable material to handle on the lake. Mr. Supple also started another ves sel yesterday, a Il-foot launch, in which will be Installed a heavy duty gasoline engine being finished that Is exctcd to revolutionize the gas-engine game, Ms builders asserting that It will be more economical, simple to handle and that it will start, stop and reverse ea-i- ier than any on the, market. A 5-foot craft was thought too small and yester day it was launched to make room for the larger one. Marine Notes. Ii R. Budd, superintendent of water lines for the O.-W. R. & N. has de parted for Lewiston to arrange for the steamer Spokane resuming service on the Snake River to move wheat. Hent-r Pape. master mechanic of the San Francisco - Portland line, was a passenger for San Francisco on the steamer Kansas City yesterday, where lie goes to Inspect the steamer Beaver, which will re-enter the service next week. Aboard the steamer Kansas City when she sailed yesterday for Cali fornia ports were 15 tons of pig iron for San Francisco, which was loaded in Europe on the British steamer Crown of Seville, and though she discharged some of her cargo within the Golden Oale. the Iron was so loaded that it .ould not be unloaded until she ar rived here. Arriving early yesterday from the south, the steamer Fort Bragg has cleared for San Francisco with eoo.noo feet of lumber and will sail tomorrow. She will also carry passengers. The steamer Paralso will sail today from Westport with passengers and a full lumber cargo, and the steamer Camino is to depart tomorrow with passengers and general cargo for San Francisco. Having flnishd loading coal for Alaska canneries the ship Levi G. OPEN SEASON IS ON AGAIN FOR CAMERA FIENDS PATRONIZ- Ti-t rr a en TrrocrT.G 4 ' . '..,'. " " y " c "'i -' J r-- -i i' fr 1 1 - ' ' - " ' 1 CL1RK. PIRSKIU AID C.PTtX K. W. M ASON.COMM AB F.K nt-' STKAHER KANSAS CITY. Before the steamer Kansas City got away yesterday mornW on the first vovage under the Summer s-liedule to California ports. Captain Mason and Purser Clark were "snapped" by an enthusiastic passenger and as so manv of the same happy tribe lave photographed the skipper and purser to preserve prints as mementos of their trip, the officers are probably as numerously pictured as President Wilson. Burgess Is to be shifted today from the bunkers to the Clark & Wilson mill. IO IHKe Oil J' i ' 1 ' " It was planned to leave for sea today ... . . . i . : Ii. . 1. vhii h Is Wixn ine u-irnenwow "'' . ' . . 11 fc.... M . nnu linn tlAl Doumx ior ' hiisu. i "u 1 arisen as to whether she should load aoomonai lumocr mai nmj Only painters are wonting on u new nreboat David Campbell and as a new cylinder has to be cast to re place one damaged, she may not be retidy for service this month. . . 11 1 . 1 . . V. .hi- ITpflV In two weeas ine nn3n t Castle Is expected to complete loading . . . nf th Portland lumocr HI La mill. To permit of her annual Inspection being made tho steamer Lurllne, of the Kamm fleet, was replaced on the Portland-Astoria route yesterday by the steamer Cndine. which will con in ,..rtioTi until Sunday. Cnptain Brtdgett. master of the oil tanker Asuncion, wired the branch hydrographlc office yesterday that he hud sighted a mass of lumber seven miles west and southwest of Cape Blanco. Movements of Vwsel. PORTLAND, Or.. April 2 Arrive d Steamer Bear, from Ix Angeles and fcan Francisco; steamer Bee. from San Francis co: .te.mer Fort BrsgB. from San Fran cisco. Sailed steamer Kansas City, for ban Francisco and Lo Angeles: steamer BreaK water. for Coos Bay: steamer Roanoke, for Pan Pleo and war port.: steamer Shasta fr Los Anseles: steamer Nehalem. forbaa Francisco; steamer Coaster, fur han iraa- C'crla. April 2. Arrived down dtlrln ,he"m; a sailed at 0:20 A M - Brltljh steamer Inveraiu tor 1'ort Pine. ArrlveU t c and left up at 8 A. M- steamer Bear rr. n.n I'edro and San Franciaco. Arrived t 11 snd left up at s:.".o A. M. steamer Bee. from San Kranclsco. sailed at A. M British bark Crown of lndla. for Fal mouth, tor orders. Sailed at :!. A. 11. Japanese ateainer Koju Maru. for jw eaitle. X. S. W. Sailed at l:SO P. M. Steamer W. F. Herrln. for Monterey. Ar rived down at 3 and sailed at 4:2 P. M. Steamer Breakwater, for Coos Lay. Ar rived down ai ::! snd salltd at .VoO P. M. Steamer Kauaas City, for San Francisco and San I'edro. San Francisco. April ; Sailed St 10 A. M. Schooner H. K. Hall, for Columbia Klver. Arrived Steamer Portland, from San Pedro. . , Kurek-i. April - Arrived Steamer Alli ance, from Portland. Tolnt l.obos. April 2 raised Steamer J. A. I'hanslor. from Portland, for Oavlota. Valparaiso. April 2. Sailed British learner llarpaxua. for Portland. Aberdeen. April 1. Arrived Steamers Stanley Hollar and J. B. Stetson, from Port- '"pitrlrh. March SI Arrived Brltiah bark Altatr. from Portland. San Pedro. April S. Arrived Steamer Rose Cltv. from Portland. Arrived yester ilav steamers Northland and Ceo. W. Fjlder. from Portland. . Astoria. April 1. Arrived at and left up at P. M Steamer Fort Bragg, from San Francisco. Seattle. April 2. Arrived Steamers Bui-kman. from pan Francisco: Meteor. Haael Dollar i British). from Raymond: Prince Rupert tBrttleh), from Prtnee Rupert: Meteor, Santa Ana. from Southeastern Alaska: bark Juteopolls (British), from Honolulu. Sailed Steamers Shellkof. Nvak. Latouche, for Southwestern Alaska; Prince Rupert (British) for Prince Rupert. Katie Harbor. Wash-. April 2 Sailed Schooner Albert Meyer, for San Diego. Coronet. Aprlt 2. Arrived previously Centurion, from Tacoma. Hamburg. April balled Rameaea, for Seattle. llonskong. April 1. Railed Empress of Russia, for Vancouver. San Francisco Arrived Steamer Francis H Lecgett. from Tacoma; schooler A. M. Baxter, from Ludlow. Sailed Steamers Asuncion, for Port Angeles: Capt. A- F. Lucas, for Seattle: a. hooners Salvstor. for Nelson's Lagoon: H. K. Hall, for Astoria. Ravmend. wash.. April 3. (Special.) Steam schooners Aval on and Qulnauit ar rived touay from San Francisco; now load ing for Saa Francisco. Columbia River Bar Report. Condition at the mouth of the river at S p. M.. smooth: wind south. 30 miles; weath er cloudy. Tides at Astoria Thursday. High. Low. 11:M A. M 7 4 feefSiltt A. M 2.S feet 11:47 P. M 7.S feet 3 44 P. M 1.0 foot FAIR OFFICERS SELECTED Cottage Grove Grauge f reparlng- for .--.ii r.Kii.it ran A-&an fi COTTAGE GROVR. Or.. April 2. (Special.) Preparations for the Grange Fall fair have been advanced by the selection of a board of managers, con sisting of G. W. McFarland. presi dent: T. vc. DeLong. secretary: M. M. Wheeler. treasurer; Mrs. M. M. Wheeler and Mr. Ishniael. The fair will receive an appropria tion of $210 or more from the county. It Is expected that arrangement will be made ror anotner exntbtt oy the pupils of the schools of Cottage Grove and vicinity as this feature at tracted considerable attention last year. SEVEN OFGREW SAFE Schooner John D. Spreckels Cut as Knife Cuts Bread. 2 CAUGHT IN THEIR BUNKS Tbopc Rescued Wlien Craft Is Cnt In Twain on Deck at Time of Col lision and Prepared for Trou ble Statesman Saves. VICTORIA. B. C April 2. Captain Charles Prellberg and six other mem bers of the crew of the codflshlng l Inhn Tt Knreelrels. which was cut almost in two by the Harrison line freighter Statesman last saiuroay mui in a fog off Point Reyes, CaU, arrived here today on the Statesman. Two members of the crew. Seamen S. Olson and S. Peterson, were in their bunks in the forecastle when the crush came, and It is supposed they were in stantly killed. It may be' that their bodies will be found In the schooner's hulk wnicn is oeing loweu. to Cisco, Captain Prellberg on his arrival here was quite sure that his craft had gone to the bottom as soon as the States man pulled her nose out of the schooner. The seven men who were saved were on deck at the time of the collision and were prepared for trouble. Cap tain Prellberg- knew exactly where he was. and that many ships were in the neighborhood, hence he was keeping a sharp lookout and had his men ready to handle the ship quickly In case of emergency. Prellberg- says the Statesman pene trated the wooden schooner aa a knife would cut bread. The seven men, who .1 L mnln nn effort to Save . . i .'it i- , . . . .. any of their effects, but clambered at once into the mizzenmasi riKgms u .i.is , n Inmn unon the States- CI H 1 . v J ' " t , man's deck. The Statesman had been moving; at reduced speed Because ot tuc fog. The freighter disentangled herself and proceeded on her northward course. The Spreckels- men speak highly of the kindness shown them by the States man'a officers. STEAMER BUTTERFLY SOLD Craft to Be Recoramissioned After Idleness or Three Years, on the heels of an enforced layup . . i - vhuh followed a tire aboard that razed her cabin, the little steamer Butterfly has oeen soia oy Anderson. Crowe Co. to the Albina t....i and oho wlir be used in towing on the river. A bill of sale filed at the custom-tiouse sno mo consideration to have been $1500. The vessel is now on the ways at the plant ..- c i ..v. - Khlnhfilldtnir Comnanv Ul me uv""" " - for an overhauling and to have her cabin rebuilt. . . v. - 1 ...In ttarlclns the Vessel wss launched In 1903. and when she gave way to the present Jessie Harklns ...nihoajl hv llarrv Young. named Butterfly and the present steam equipment tnsiaiieo. cue . i . v. An the Port land -Va n- couver run previous to the tire. She Is of 64 tons (tross and 65 tons net register, has a length of "5 feet, beam . r - ... n ...1 liinih of hold Of 4.2 PI 1 J- tl ici-v " " - - feet. The Butterfly is rated one of the fastest of her sixe and type in the mosquito fleet. California Second In Automobiles. Bieoiupvm PL. Anril S Auto mobiles relstered In California bave .1 the 100.000 mark and this state i. .oond to Mew Tork In the Na tion in the number ot auiomooues 1 110.1. v. v...-. eecrlstered. ACCOraina" to me latest report there were reisisierea in ,ew Tork 111. 000 nitotuotiiies. 95 OF ILLNESS ' DUE TO ONE CAUSE Phvslrlnns agree that 95 of all Ill nesses ara possible only because of accumulated waste In the Colon (Lower Intestine). In fact, the most eminent of the World's Specialists claim that If the Colon were always kept clean, the av erage life of humanity wonld be doubled. There Is now a new and simple method of clearing the Colon of this poisonous waste and keeping It clean, pure and healthy. Of curing Constipa tion and the depressing bilious at tacks which make tis dull, blue and Inert without any spirit or ambition. That method of Internal Bathing with Nature'! Cure 1 warm water, ad ministered by the "J. B. U Cascade." Over 100,000 people are now enthu siastically using this modern warm water cure, and rhysicians are pre scribing It everywhere. It la making sick folks well and well folka better, stronger, more ambitious, energetic and confident. The "J. B. I Cascade" is now being shown by Woodard. Clarke. & Co, Alder street, at West Park, Portland, and we will be glad to explain its action and uses to you in detail. Ask us for booklet "Why Man of To day Is Only 5ci Efficient." ii IBB THREE TUX SUITS FILED CORPORATIONS AGAIN' RESIST PAYMENT TO CITV. Cases Commenced Iast Y'ear Are Pending Still and Early Settle ment Is Not Anticipated. For -the second time since the en actment, in. the Summer of 1911, of the ordinances, the City of Portland has been forced to start court proceedings to collect tho cross earnings tax of 3 per cent from the public service cor porations of the city, rue new suns, filed yesterday, cover the calendar year IS J 2. From the Portland Gas & Coke Com pany. 34.,1C2.30. hcin 3 per cent of $1,145,410.02. pross receipts from the sale of stas for the year, is demanded; from the Portland Railway, IJht & Power Company. 56.r.4 8.32. or 3 per cent of 1. 884.944.06. gross earnings for 1!J2 from the sale of electricity for l'ghtirir. heatlrp.. power and other com mercial purposes, and from the Mount Hood Railway & Power Company $251.22. Sales of power of the last named company, now a subsidiary of the Portland Railway, Mght & Power Company, amounted to $8374.13 for 1912. The tax does not apply to trans portation earnings. About a year ago the City Attorney si 1 1 ii.,. colt mrainst the same corporations to collect tho gross earn ings tax for 1911. uemurrers in terposed, but for some reason these have never been brought to argument. Dates for argument have been arranged several Jimes. but something has in variably Interposed. The public ser vice corporations contend that the or dinances are unconstitutional and on this ground refuse to paj. t." nPacane Inriiontions it may be another year before the Supreme Court of Oregon gets a cnance to pa the question, ana aner tuai muic 1 probability of appeal to the Federal courts. PERS0NAL MENTION. Frank A. Dillingham, of Cincinnati, is at the Multnomah. Lewis R. Wilson is registered at tne Perkins from Halsey. Or. F. Lewis Clark, a Spokane capitalist. Is registered at the Portland. W. F. Mann, capitalist or spoKane, is registered at the Bowers. J. Y. Wray. a prominent fruitgrower of Silverton, Is at the Carlton. A. P. Knox registered yesterday at the Carlton from The Dalles. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Cram, of Ray mond. Wash., are at the Oregon. H. H. Kidder is registered at the Portland from Marybill, Wash. J. W. Robey. a Corvallis merchant, registered at the Perkins yesterday. Lee J. Boyle, of The Dalles, is at the Bowers. He is a railroad contractor. ATrs J. M. Miller and Mrs. F. G. Hutchinson, of Hood River, are at the Carlton Mr and Mrs. George Kalahar, of Kalama, Wash., are registered at the Carlton. L. E. Marshall is in the city from Washougal, and is registered at the Perkins. Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Bishop and Mrs. R. J. Hendricks, of Salem, are at the Imperial. H. K. Hunkins. an attorney of Willis. ton. N.D., registered at the Carlton yesterday. J. a. Magler. of Brookfleld. Wash. accompanied by Mrs. Magler, is at the Portland. Mrs. L. M. Carroll, of San Francisco, organizer for the Royal Arcanum, Is at the Carlton. Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Friendly and daughter, of Kugene. ar In Portland TTE recommend YV Baking Powder as superior to all others. It is indispensable for finest food." United Cooks and Pastry Cooks Association of the United States. for a few days and are registered at the Portland. W. L. Adams and wife of Hoquiam, Wash., are at the Oregon. Mr. Adams Is a banker. L. N. Swift, a mining man of Nex Perce Idaho Is registered at the Per kins with his family. D. A. Payne Donald M. Graham and J. A. McLean of Eugene, registered at the Imperial yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Stevens, here from Tillamook for the grand opera, are registered at the Imperial F. M. Baldwin, president of the First National Bank of Prlnevllle, registered at the Imperial yesterday. William Begg. a prominent Boston manufacturer, accompanied by Mrs. Beggs. la-at the Multnomah. W. I. Vawter, attorney, banker and business man of Medford. is at the Portland with Mrs. Vawter. William Miller, secretary of the Harry Ditson Paw Company, of Phila delphia. Is at the Multnomah. J. A. Galbraith arrived yeserday from Ftozeman. Mont., and is at the Imperial. He is a prominent cattleman. Rlshon Robert S. Paddock, of the Kastern Oregon diocese, is registered at the Carlton from Hood River. Fred C. Moullen former star athlete of the University of Oregon is regis tered at the Imperial from Eugene. Julius Sternberger and family. 01 Berlin. Germany, are at the Oregon Mr. sternberger Is a glove manufacturer of Berlin. Mr and Mrs. R. W. Brooks, of St. Louis, Mo., are at the Portland. Mr. Brooks is president ot the brooKS Paper Company. J. L. Peden. vice-president and gener al manager of the A. II. Fox Gun Com pany, of Philadelphia, is registered at the Multnomah. Colonel PhiliD Ray. "pilot of cele brities." now directing the American tour of Bruse Gordon Kingsle.y, is at the Multnomah. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Grciner. on a tour of the Pacific Coast, arrived in Port land yesterday and are at the Oregon. Their home is Underwood, N. D. Richard Hudson arrived yesterday from Detroit and registered at the Oregon. He is a retired professor ot history of the University or aiicnigan. CHARTER BOOK CONFUSING Explanatory Statement Maae to Clear Cp Misunderstandings. Tteenuse of comDlalnts about the com mission charter pamphlet Issued by the city being confusing, members of the charter commission at a meeting yes terday prepareu an expiaimiui d ment which will be printed and placed , ,. r Vi a hnnlr before the in e&cu v 1.-j . . issue is distributed. The statement ex plains that the city uouncu oruereu the entire charter as it win stana puo- -To Seeking Health and Strength el For those ills peculiar to women Dr. Pierce recommends his "Favorite Prescription as L3 m HE ONE A medicine prepared by regular graduated physician of unus ual experience in treating woman's diseases-carefully adapted to workin harmony with the most delicate feminine constitution. All medicine dealers have sold it with satisfaction to cus tomers for the past 40 years. It is now obt31"3016,1"1'!". sugar-coated tablet form at the drug store-or send 50one-cent stamps for a trial box, to Buffalo. Every woman may write fully and confidentially to Dr. Pierce, InvJw Hotel and Surgical Institute Buffalo, N Y and may be sure that her case will receive carefuU centious confidential consideration, and that experienced medical advice will be given to her absolutely free. - Dr. Pierce'M Pkatant PeUeU regulate and invigorate stomach. Uv erandboweU. Sugar coated, tiny granules easy to take as candy. HI m m no SPECIAL NOTICE! We beg to announce that our 1913 Gas Ranges have arrived and are on display at our salesroom, Fifth and Yamhill Streets We extend to you a cordial invitation to visit us and in spect the many new features embodied in these appliances, such as enamel door panels, enamel broiling and drip pans, automatic lighters, etc. All of our ranges are sold on the easy-payment plan. Con nections free. The Gas Company's guarantee goes with each range, which means the best at the lowest price, with the highest efficiency. PORTLAND GAS & COKE COMPANY "Till I inU al ill IIWIIrisT ii the Royal lished. The pamphlet as printed con tains not only the charter as proposed, but parts of the present charter which will not be annulled if the new char ter is adopted. The present charter provisions re lating to the issuance of dock bonds and other bonds, it is explained, is made a part of the booklet because of the fact that only a portion of the bonds have been sold. The provisions of the present charter creating various city boards and commissions is included In the booklet because these organiza tions will not be discontinued until January 1, 1914. Prince Edward Island cans and exports .ROO.OOO worth of lobsters every year. MOTHER! WATCH THE CHILDREN'S BOWELS If Cross, Sick, Feverish, Bilious or Tongue Is Coated, Give Deli cious "Syrup of Figs." No matter what alls your child, a gentle thorough laxative physio should always be the first treatment given. If your child Isn't feeling well; rest ing nicely; eating regularly and acting naturally it is a sure sign that Its little stomach, liver and JO feet of bowels are filled with foul, constipated waste matter and need a gentle, thorough cleansing at once. When cross, irritable, feverish, stom ach aour. breath bad or your little one has stomach-ache, diarrhoea, sore throat, full of cold, tongue coated; give a teaspoonfnl of Syrup of Figs and In a few hours all the clogged-up wast, undigested food and sour bile will gently move on and out of its little bowels without nausea, griping or weakness, and you will surely have a well, happy and smiling child again shortly. With Syrup of Figs you are. not drugging your children, being com posed entirely of luscious figs, senna and aromatlcs it cannot be harmful, besides they dearly love Its delicious fig taate. ' Mothers should always keep Syrup of Figs handy. It is the only stomach, liver -and bowel cleanser and regulator needed a little given today will save a sick child tomorrow. Full directions for children of all ages and for grown-ups plainly printed on the package. Ask your druggists for the full name, "Syrup of Flga and Elixir of Senna." prepared by the California Fig Syrup Co. This Is the delicious tast ing, genuine old reliable. Refuse any thing else offered. Women - REMEBlf" El 1 E El ED m EH m HPS, headache, backache; Yield to Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Cedar Kapids, Iowa." I was always tired and weak and my housework was a drag. 1 was irreg ular, had cramps so bad that I would have to lie down, al so a distressed feel ing in lower part of back, and headache. My abdomen was sore and I know I had organic inflam mation. "Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Pnmnonnd and Blood Purifier have linlnnd mA Wnlrf 11 1 1 V. I don't have those pains any more ana iummi riguu now. There are a great many womeu here who take your remedies and I bave told others what they have done for me." Mrs. UHAS. MCIvinnon, xuxo j. Eth St. W., Cedar Kapids, Iowa. who em sufferine from thoset distressing ills peculiar to their sex Should not lose Blgtlt 01 mesa lacia ur jki- ty.a oKilitwnf T.vrlin. R.Pinkham's UUUUk W'1" ....... -j w J Vegetable Compound to restore their health. There are probably hundreds of thou sands, perhaps millions of women in the United States who have been benefited by this famous old remedy, which was produced from roots and herbs over 30 years ago by a woman to relieve wo man's suffering. If you are sick and need such a medicine, why don't you try it?( If yon want special advice write to Lydla E.Pinkham Medicine Co. (confi dential) lynn, Mass. Your letter will be opened, read and answered by a woman and held in strict confidence. IT REALLY PAYS TO USE A White Motor Truck in YOUR business. No matter how small or how larpe, there is a place which the White will make for itself and make you money. Let us prove this claim. WHITE COMPANY E. W. HIM., M(fT., GO Seventh St. STOPS BABY'S SKIN TORTURE Reslnol Makes Short Work ol ItcblnK, Burning Skin Eruptions. If every woman only knew about Reslnol Ointment and Besinol Soap, there would be fewer skin-tortured, disfigured babies, fewer mothers worn out by constant worry and loss of sleep, and fewer lives made miserable by skin troubles that have persisted since infancy. Simple baths with Eesinol Soap and a little Besinol Ointment spread on tho . .1 l.nhlHr. I netnnt. torcurea bkiu, two n.nie, ,..v...- ly. and quickly and permanently clear away tne eruption. jnu mo nwu. j treatment is so pure, gentle and abso lutoly harmless, that it can be used with perfect safety on baby's tender skin. Doctors have prescribed Reslnol regularly for eighteen years, and thou sands of babies owe their skin health to it. Test Resinol Ointment and Resl nol Soap at our expense. A postal card to Dept. 6-S, Resinol, Baltimore, Md., will bring you a generous trial, by par cel post. Every druggist sells Reslnol Ointment in opal jars, two sizes, 60 . cents and $1, Besinol Soap, 25 cents. For Dyspepsia If you suffer Stomach Trouble," and you try our remedy, it won' cost you si csnt if it fails. To prove to you that indigestion ' and dyspepsia ean be thoroughly re lieved and that Rexsll Dyspepsia Tablets will do it, we will furnish the medicine absolutely free ii it fails to aire you satisfaction. The remarkable success of Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets is due to the hi fh degree of scientific skill used in de vising their formula as well as to the care exercised in their manufacture, whereby the well-known properties of Bismuth-Subnitrate and Pepsin have been properly combined with Carminatives and other agents. Biamuth-Subnitrate and Pepsin are constantly employed and recog nised by the entire medical profes sion as invaluable in the treatment of indigestion and dyspepsia. Their proper combination makes a remedy invaluable for stomach relief. We are so certain that there is nothing so good for stomach ills aa Rexsll Dyspepsia Tablets that we urge you to try tham at our risk. Three sizes, 25 cents, SO cents, and $1.00. You can buy Rexall "93" Hair Tonic in this community only at THE OWL DRUG CO. Portland. Ore. Stores In Portland, Seattle, Spokane. Saa Francisco, Oakland, Los Angeles and Sacramento. Then l a Rexall Store in nearly every town ' and city in the United States. Canada and Great Britain. There is a dlSorent BexaU Remedy for nearly every ordinary human til each especially designed for the particular 01 for which it ia reoonunended. t The Baaall Stores are America's Creates!. m 'sT3S Bl E. W. HIM-, M(fT., 11 f 00 Seventh St. I fin the Business District for a Your Convenience. j I : I 4