Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, April 03, 1913, Page 17, Image 17

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tOK Mf NT.
XMI IfflH-tlOUHl Spet laiitS.
5o- Abington ;ds;.
r-n or .ntri tne r.liowiig apar(ment
hoji. hnn ax :i new or n'-ri- new.
p to and pij a.l moaera coo-
trvKU d nJ G'iMn-3-room unTur-
vel .
rLAVPOl- ll:h and roars
pn-ftfc ijalce-r.r. ur.fimut'rd.
t l YPOL JiNVtX, Ilta and Clay -
r'l.iTP, I jrr!ln"l.
rt''tLH VM. 17' Ford sr. 4 rom. nrfur-i-id
ha:dod f' prnate bsI-o-rr-
hurh'-si-c.. parimi In the city.
HAMHyKX. -M l-t : i'f Al-m 3
rorr.. lth pr!at ba;coa:.s; tt-.fu.r-n
i .".' d . . ,
IMNoVfelK. K3 Kli s St.. rear Washing
tor. 3 rO"aut wit a private b4onlci.
ur.ii:ui-Kei . t o rooms, luraif bed or
k.M' KKi;B- H'KtR. 410 Harrison st., near
1 1 r h as. private L-. con lea.
T c.'iOlX. 170 Jt. Clatr. nir WasMrg
inn Tnree rooma, furnished and unXr-
ST. FRANCIS. 2"t and Hoyt S and
re is. wita private baKoales, uniur-
W:lL1N'TO. l.'.th an-l Evcrt 2. .
and rooms. :.r'irntNed ; frame buiU
Itg. vry rafonaMi rent; reference re-
Corner Park and Taylor it.
Corner Tenth and saiisoa streets.
Walking Distance.
Furnished romp:?!-. 2, 3 and 4-room
apartment; bui..Ilns r-w and. stri'.ty
tuoUru; service first-class.
Jorfm"n and Uth St.-.
4 and .'-room unfurmsne 4 rirtmenti,
e' optionally well arranged; a;ktng dia
tanc. Rate Reasonable.
Modern, RcJ-rence.s, New.
Houm of Tone. LarreM a-id Im-st apart
ments on lh Pac f c Coast. In heart of
apartment house district. New and mod
ern in eery inua.jr. Apartment f'ir
nlhed an1 unfurnished ; ex liisive bache
lor quarter with cub rwm in south
in a . sleeping porches In every apart -rneni;
hish-clas service; refined cllen
fe.. no disappearing furniture; terms rea
lAtiMe,"n invited: references re
0 tit ph.ina Maryhail 1 1 1 -
P:!uld In an open court on I.ucretl.i
just off W-inhlnjeton. Ms-ffn i-d
mt sts.; absolute. y iho tlnvst. most mod
ern apt.-huutf tu th city; ai ou;i-e
.arc- ro.;n. hrriwtMl nura and b.:h
pf,-neft frev. tii-ni b f.r' loca'tng.
Itef. requirt d. Al'P 7 Hupt. iUr. Jani
tor. Mar. and A UT.
T1IK BAIiK.tR. cor. -Ut aud Irving sts.
Thia new luur-st-Ty brick uow oj?n; fur
nished and unfurnil.ed 1 ii "d 4-room
suifes; recepiion ban. ei-t:tnc automatic
elevator. Hlman dipppenrinr bet?. built
in buff.-t aud wrUma desk. sa rango. Ice
loi. plenty of ciosirt rooms, both phones.
acuum cleaner re to patrwns. If 'u
want something nl, rora to tit lJarker
Phone A 144, Marshall -J'j1.
l't'i and He mont. block o Mor-r..-n.
tilggest and best on East Side; 4
storv. modern. pnalH.: furnished aud un
furnished; walking distanca.
liih ud Taylor.
Host modern apartments on tha
Pacific Coast. Furaihed Complata,
Roof garden la abaction.
Walking diataaca. Kaferancaa.
,'..' rUApJIAX. brick bjilnin. fujit com
pleted, strwtly modern, unrurntshej t4
rottn apr;mnta laro ii4nic kitchenette,
bath. d:essin-r-om i each apartment;
Murphy bed. gas runges. coolli.rf c.tjots,
buUT-lti drt-MAi i and larga nt tr ror. all
outside rooms, rent pvr moi l jefltr--n
and Chapman tar, turner M 1 11.
and Columbia.
5 aid 3-room, apartments, furnished.
Finct: m-nlorn anti new. References.
iise alkinc U;tance. b.-n lc9 irst-Cla?s
I'k-SIHAllLK 4-ruvui apartment. furuthed
r unfumthHl; bst in city f'-r r nt. loca
tion and arrngeiu.'ni ; a. I outside rooms,
private bath. dir-l r-lftc phone; close
in. low rent. beM rrvu ?heff l-id
Apartments. 12 Hroadoay. cor. Jerferson.
il MFKRLAND APTS . V. park and i o
lu;nOia sta, choico J and 3 -room !uri!sU-d
ana unfurriish'd pt.. ail utudern coovenl
eitcea. beautiful location ta mg the park;
only J nii mites wlk front bi:nes center;
h-sc of s- rvu; prices rcas nabie.
1HK MilAKK APa1:TMI:.N'1 and offices
.KVS M'rrion. corner I'ark St., tlioruuf.l
l r-nvatfd and r-f urnlhed ; Rood Janl
ter and elevator sertlco; eertulng kept
- an. we nlll be pleuaed to show uu; tiie
pn.-e ! r!ht. H. H. Oef.S.
Til CPSHPR. J;ii and Vpjjimr l-vur-nshed
"J-ro tit apt.. $! up; steam
b-'t, hot and cold wjifr In evuy ap.rl
ment; public bath, eie trie liKiits, gas
rwties, laun-lry rHm. all free. Tako ","
';id'" or 'W cars north. Main vW.
309 William Ave.
Nicely furnished 3 -room apartmenta;
team heat and private bath, walking
distance. t-2- per mouth. Phone East
WEMFAU 410 5th; wa.k:ng dls;ance to
snopplng center. 7 mm.: fireproof b!dg.;
on.y boui tn town having sprinkler sys
tru ; modern and neu y renovated. S-7.
to -"l.V Inpe'tlon Invtied. A -OJ. A "'.HJO.
North ioth and Norliirup Sts.
Homelike farnlshu!. 3 and 4-rooni apart
ments; oucsttie room, balcony io every
fuie; alt conveniences, ret. Pnona M.
Mavo apt).. L'nlon tvo. a:.d ifacratunto. new,
up to date. r AonaJU. it:one East 92J.
ATTRACTIVE 3-room lower flat, nearly
r.w , nr"p!c.. furnace, strictly malrn
ma by walking dist≠ aUults. 4WV liar
rwn. I r.q iT.
W ET ft I lE o-room f ;ta. fine neighbor
hood, 7J.;i and Kearney st. I'hone
Main A 1 r call at 104 -d St.,
near Washington, for particulars.
y. h oo5mo! ern fat, very near city busi
ness center. f'J.V -V- Clay . Inquire
Cham tr of Commerce. Phona Main
LOWER flv-room flat. No, Mrt 15th at.,
near Knott ; mil mortem conveniences, no
smaul chtldrer-.. rent 4k ttoa Elmer
Leu;;dber. t' Teon bMg.
4-i;oo Al modern flat. l:irk rooms, ei. eilat
location. furr.ave. X;replic. sleeping-por-b.
g-s rittifie. .15 K. -1st- Tabor 1 .':.
yi.ATa and cottages on the. W. t SiJ f..r
r-ui. tiavm J- Campbell, tk4 Chamber
of Commerce. Main lot1.
j N-jW modern upper and lower; far-n-e.
Xirepiace. Putch kitchen, sleeping
p.rrh. etc- ii' Past 19:h North.
.J--lEft :-ru;n tnoroufclny clean,
J.. blocks Hroauaa brtd.e. JW ilc
M.i an.
PLAT ot rooms and lath; 731 Hoi at.
Irqutro 13 th L I'hono Main 6J7S.
t.nKKN lO-itunn fat,
renab. Maui bT."t.
ttnte-i. varnished,
lii Nortbrup.
MC'PKRN u-r.'nin upper, tower f;ts. a'l coa-
enlences t E. le:mont. East atfO.
iorERN "-room upi'tr fiat; fireplace, f ur
nae. ard P.i l?:h st. inquire P-W 16th.
j-aOUM f at. new tinted, ua th corner oi
i.h and Ecre;t.
1-t iiiISN T.. -ri.-oin, fireplace, iur-r.a.-r.
c r M 54 -t .
mTIkkN 4-room flat, nesr --d aad Wail
Ma tl v .. Urr.tib:a
11 ii -1 ij.u :' -:a S. I', car shops.
n 1 I w. in j'.T-K.'A'yv..
i mK)M loaer flat, firp;ac. etectric llgal,
gaa. 64 K-.a wr. Main 4-4
iT'lEnN 4 rooms, u;-per furnace, rtat
$1V Phone- E. i Lt 14.
Famished 'tint.
hVt'R-HuOM ('. very p.rant. tight. :Cl
round, ground floor; ?at.i. fis. .arg bn.e
m jnt, t .'in we'.: tv ruie-d . n :-' . wn.
t a o, w !k!:.g distance. 2
Tay'r E 4.K.
YOK RENT A ne Zy furnished, modern,
room flat, Eaat touch at-, near
tlrand a vs. Phone EM 17-4,
;54 OLKN con-p tel farmehed m4-
ern fist, f or nave. ..repiaca. rent cheap.
M 311
M'TLV f irn s.iad 4-roorn tlat, pnate ba:U.
Ho '. -e-
HM-rk rep ins KAonn.
NSaTLT fjrniheJ ht.-.iarke.plris rooms,
lo; c'Ht and reaanallr. Salmon,
ONt nU t- .' loon a; t. It, at, l.h. bath,
ri-t-e. $:. 4! Jeff e'iu
rot; 34 liOusckecir4nc suites, rcasor aol.
: : " " I . : V . - speclil notices. I FINANCIAL. ;
Housekeeping'- Kooo
THU it cl AVE It, I'M and Marshall sts.
Purnlshed for housekeeping; gaa range,
elvctric IKhta. hat water, bath, laundry
free: 12 per month up: a clean place; best
la tha city for the money; siiort distance
from tnion De;ot. Take or Wth-sL
cars north, get off at Marsnall at. No doga.
TO .7r week; clean, furnished liouse.
ke-puis; roims, suitable lor - or 4: Xr-e
neat, jjundrj. bat h. ard. gaa. P"on
tp'x 4"ti Vancouver. -oU gtanion. "L " car.
BACHELORS quartors. Th St. Marks.
-tf"JT H. Murnside. corner Giand. light
housekeeping or sleeping rooms, $- a.
tk and up. " ,
THE t'PSHL'R. 4o5 "Jtlth St., furnished 1-r.-.,m
a:.. steam heat, light; 17 up. Main
Take --5u ' or "W car north.
CAM OF.II.E blg.. 3d and Morrison; fur.
si: ui.l-r. h. k. rroxi. week up.
N tluV furnisliei housekeeping rooms. 14
E. l?th st.. Aery reasonaoe.
aIXL2 H. K. and sleeping rooms.
t) $1.59 week. 2d st.
THE till. MAN. First St., cor. Alder. Fur. 1L
K rooms, slngie or en suite, cheap reftt.
N : W a r . t u h t d to. o us e keep i a g rooms, h at.
i.ght. -attis. fia. IM Lnlon.
L.'. it A L I.Oeke''pili roum to let to
t.a.-'-.e.or; S'.w montn. JT S Konrth at.
Hou- keeping Kiwmi in Private f amily.
pitlVATE h'.ni.-: four furmshed h. k. riins;
e.ectrlo iights, private to:ic.t and bath,
jam. tot. pniy of RT.UU'I for garden,
mil kn .rd and houie; your own prl-
ito front and back porch : $14, month.
l:r. E. 7ih st. N. Some frulL il V co.r.
PI. one Marshall 733.
al.NtlLLl housokepins; rooms and 2-room
suite?, rtfrwly lurnwnfa, in mouern open
ing, clean, warm. h(f ht rooms, on first
fl r;. eiervthtna Included; walking dis
tance ; prices reasonable. 60o Piandera,
near -'-t h.
LvAKlrl room v-ith alcove, complete house-kf-epmg
for 2. a. month ; bath, aas.
phone. 7'it P.odney. cor. Fremont, Wlll-t-tms
or I'mor-sve. car.
3 LAkHE. sunny rooms, nicely furnished for
housjsevpu)g . mou-jrn. oay winau,
Uyht. phone, bath. ilS "iuth su. Portiand
THKEE clean. nc.y furnished nwrnn iu
mnut.i' walk from business aisirici,
bick frm. car, adults oul). urosu-
wsv (7th st.
2 CLEAN, furnished housekeeping rooms in
jrus range and use of laundry trays. Phone
r.. -t-i;. mw r.. ah .enj.
Mt'ii.Y furnished housekeeping rooms, gas
r.tiin,'. phono und bath: Do cnnuren.
N . i .1 1 h St.. near Davis.
ESPECIALLY desirable suite rooms, lare,
airy, hef'ut, freshly painted, tinted. Wi
M orrlsoii.
HAli'-c neaiiy luruibiieu Huuacn.r...s
room: gas, bath, phone. 10 minutes to me
PoatoffU... 17 Chapman.
CUM K Bee riOUSearpping rooms iwip
ci-iinc. central, cheap for honest working
HOUSEKEEPING rooms, steam heat, best in
.-it ii.-hf in- !ctrl(? liht rent cbeaD.
downtown. Alder.
i.", Two or three completely furnished,
pnone: walking distance. 1141 Tillamook.
TWO or litre desirable rooms, completely
furnished lor housekeeping. Appiy -i
6th st.
k . .ivivr.i.v i.t t liousekceDinn rooms in
cil ; fireplace, heat. liht. hath, also
Meaner h u Keepinjr room. .Mamaon ,
jii FlKXifc'HED iL K. rooms; gas.
bith. phone Included; new house, clean.
i 1 E ft a m ii in.
FL'UNISHED liout?ekeeplng rooms, single or
en suite; reasonable; bath and phone. 38
Mh st. yaln -:i04.
FOCR larve. airy rooms, reasonable to re
liabl party; large yard, clos In. Mar.
44 iv.
13TH STREET, close in. 4 rooms, entire
first floor, completely furnished, modern,
lawn, call 3i9 Yeon bldg. Main 3672.
ii. K. ROOMS and sleeping rooms, modern
conveniences, walking distance; 44$ Co
TWO neatly furnished housekeeping rooms.
adults. itSi Morris st. Pione C 1173.
TWO lare finely furnished housekeeping
rooms at! conveniences, large ywu. Marshall 44 !). 33 12thst.
SI NtJLE housekeeping rooms with kitch
enette ; running water, heat, phone and
bath. :i 13 th.
1 OK 2 furnished or partly fumisltcd house, rcoms. screened porch. 112 E.
103 20TH. corner Flanders, neatly furnished
house keep in i; rooms.
H. K. ROOM, front, first floor, all conven
iences, v. ash.. : Ji'iiersonsi.
Ill Four furnished housekeeping, rooms;
..n- ata 7th mi l 'n 4U
Fui it i rrnished housekeeping rooms, "MS.
MS CJlumbla St.. Marshall -U.
THRI-'J furnished housekeepiiifr rooms, S14.
Apply ."I E. loth No. m
TWO front rooms, licht II. K., bath, piano,
12; la. Mrs o:il. SS tar. 2vS E. T.d.
FtRNlSHI'-l hou(ieke-ping. suit-. H per
month. 5S lVttygnve. Main 842..
ylHST-Kl.OU!t suite and single rooms IS per
week up; futnaco heat; mod?rn. 2i2 14th.
Hill "s K K 1 : f-: I ' I N J rooms. lurnlshcd or all of
upT floor. H lrand ave. N.
iiL KC.AU.
Is for the convenicnc of both Portland
people and a trans era In tha city who may
be looking for homes, apartments or flats.
We have an excellent private list, as we!!
as the combined lists of all real estate
dealers. We can aieo give advice as to the
nea- buildings in course of construction.
Homc-huDters specially will find relief
In tin special service, for we kelp you
to pet Quickly, comfortably and ceelrably
lrcaied When you want to rant visit
RKAU. 4th floor, main bid a-
430 oR O ON ST., between East fith and
Itb aia. North 7-rooni modern house, fur
nace, good basement, fireplace, every con
veniencn: acctsslbl to several carlines
rent 9:45. Call up R. N. TuXlord, 40$
Spalding bldg. Main 3441.
iou.s. itwi COV ERED with orchard of fuily-fc-rown
fruit trees, of fin arlety. chicken-houses
and yard. Good 7-room house,
with ouck basement. Will rent for 114
p-r month and glva lease. See owner,
?;;u Cnamber of Commerce bldg.
bKAt'TlFL'L ft -room house In Walnut Park;
reception hall, den and sleepins porch.
Fox furnace, with hot water connection;
also gas water heater; beautiful yard and
roses; best car tcrvtce in city. Itol Rod
ney ave. Phone Woodlawn Sll. $.15 month.
Strictly nw, 3 rooms, ail built-in con
vei; leiu't-j. uak f.oors and fireplace, tki!)
ITiU eu N.. J5 per month. H. Atwater.
fi.'S Hnry bldg. Marshall 3117.
Ol'R free "printed rental list" gives you
liist choice of th most desirable f or
rims' at th right price. Cal or phone
for list.
Main iti. 2ttf Washington st. A 627.
RENT Six-room house. East 1-th, near
Mark; furnac. two fireplaces, electricity,
.as, walking distance, Appiy room SOI.
the pekum bldg.
306 F paid ins bldg.
AT C.ATrrS A small house and two acres,
sonit fruit, good well aater; Si month,
or .' per year, lnqulr 411 E. Mill st.
Mrs. Mouief.
SEVEN rom. 2 sleeping porches, fireplace,
hardwood floors, fruit trees. 3J 47th, near
Hawthorne ave. Soeely iiroa Main 372.
A J4-0.
MvDEiCN ."room cottage, with two lots,
barn, henhouse, fruit trees, aide walk to
car.ine: two blocks. V East t2d st. In
quire Main mornings. Reasonable rent.
SiUi'titX 7-room house. West Side. fu.
ia.senient. furnace, with water coil. Phone
Main 4607. A 4M.
Mv uEliN houe. eight rooma. Hay c. uear
all conveniences; rent reasonable.
K'-v loo Front st.
Vy'H KENT West Side, e-room house; fur
nuca. nrt-place. CN4 Everett st. Open 10
; i 4 . prone Vain 4' 1 11 V.
j-KOOM house, model n conveniences, Wil
lamette Heights. Cail for key 1103 Thur
m . n.
5"! ROOM cottage. West s'.de, modem, newiy
i apor Jd a::d painted, 20 per month, 4294
i.;:h st.. near Hall.
-ROOM modern upoer Hat. 333 Sherman
st. I'bonMain ft7.
EA T SIDE 7-room bungalow, walking dis
tance. Room 801 The Dekum, 22.
ti-i:OOM ho-ie, near West Side high set oul.
Inquire 174 Itfth. corner YamhilL
Ioh; KEl.LV frT., i:la cottage with fire
p:.ire. rent cheap. M. 3 HI.
K: Bst
available sii.-room bo us la ML
Tabor 5S4.
M l E R N b-rooin. bath, bungalow. Full par
ticulars eder, O-and ave.. East Arlfiij.
iiol s:-l of .". niw and bath. " E. lth N.
Dm; nir "- Mam 627S.
.11 r lO-room house and delicatessen. 67C
Joi,iiso:t. t :ne location. Apply premises.
.uililU house. "0.-1 E 11th.
h of Hawthorne. Main H' S or K. "
h" 1 1 S E 4 larse rooms, fire pi ace. furnace.
pis rantjr. ITJ r.. vn. rnn
M V loci home. 014 Ha thorn ae.. for
rent, cheap, inquire 613 Lumbertnens bldj.
fa." THOROUGHLY modern 5-room new
tinted upper flat- P1 Hoyt st.
S 4.V ti-room, m odern, larg house, i
S'.'o 4 rooms," Eist Couch st-
9 i.i s roomF, c&n 1 oucu i.
FIRST TRUST CO.. 34 and Washington.
BEACTlrUL home of 4 rooms in cottage
with yard, fruit and flowers, garage, on
1st at., near th Ladd trrfct. - carlines.
everythins new and strictly modern, tuo
Journal bicg.
Fumiabed Housc,
IV Rom fit v Park, comnletelv furnished.
modern, ?-foom house and !arg sleeping
porch, cement basement, furnace, Ruda
water neater and pianola. Lawn with
roses, garden, near carllne: ill lease
Mav 1 for 1 year or longer. $ P?r
!-.-. . . 1 r.wl Vmt K7Lh
North. Phone v "ila.
T-room modern home, two blocks from
streetcar; well-improved lot, bearing fruit,
fnrnut ,mnll I rli-1 Uti in S OianOI Tvl-
rxnees required. Phono Main 3-S or A
41 l
uIjK;X ft-room horn on Wlllamottc
Heights; pure air. beautiful view; every
rnouern convenience. Phone Main 4C24. A
o-iiL" m nouse. compieteiy iuruw"i.
clodmg player piano, heat, hot water and
. . .. -..I-- v- U n,nnrh 111 tW-
sionsiP:e pany. taii t.. uvi i. t "i
5-HOOM furnished house with bath. 1111
Milwaukle St., MI per mo. inquire in
N. 4th st. 0
7 fir. r.l.l-iiV Modern Turkish rufrs. mahog
any furniture, grand piano, reasonable.
WELL-FL1N la'HtD C-room house, large
yard. $2, includins phone and water. 7lil
wuliams vt. pnone oooiawn
ALMOST new 3-room flat, nicely furnished;
hits porch, fireplace, and reasonable renU
Call 441 lllh at- .
4-ROOM cottase; bath, modern, furnished.
4 Flint, near Williams ave. and Rus
sell. E. 3571. No children.
TO reaiionsihift r.arir. modern 3-roora bur.
iraJow, completely furnished, including
piano, sewtns machine. Woodlawn ISA..
CLOSE-IN. lady gone, wishes to rent 3 or
more housekeeping rooms; s canine.
Phone Seilwood SS'J.
FUR RENT Furnished 4-room cottage. In
quire at 3 ji East ;iLh st.
4 ROOMS, oitth. two bedrooms, small fam
ily of aduits; no dogs. 40t 13th st.
4-ROOM cottage. partly furnished, 320.
MODERN 0-room furnished flat. S E. 12th
X. M a r. 797, A "1311
FX'RNISHED house, modern, piano, fruit.
furt:lt'jro for sale. ib E. 1-sun on.
T.aro- l.L-ht rooms at s7 and 339 E
Pumskie at., bet. Union and Grand aves.
and at 26 Union ave. X., near Burnside;
eultabls for grocery, shoe. Jewelry, deli
catessen. ;tc. Inquire McCargar, Bates
Lively. 301 icon bldg.
Comer "Morrison audj Broadway. Bpeclal
ly adapted for grille room. Apply to K.
M. Gray. Fourth and Morrison.
FOR RENT Stores, No. 243 and 230 Baw
thorne ave,, east end of bridge. Apply
Hawthorne Pock Co. Phone East 200J.
BJUttLa, ciwcw. m
W H. WEBB, 401 Yeon bldg.. Main 4913.
Rooms, Ftearns bldg-. comer 6th sna
Morrison sts.. suitable for musical or art
studio, offices or sample salesroom. Is
quire office Eherman. Clay A Co.
MOST centrally located office; very reason
able; all-night elevator service. 3"3 Swet
land bldg. Filth and Washington ats.
ICE 4 large windows, facing 4 ways:
vertising space worth the money. 320
jnth at 11 Fourth st.
S3 PER month, desk room, including phone,
reception-room, counter. Roll top desk.
724 Chamber of Commerce bldg.
bi'.SK. ROOM neat, light, bath, phone;
jlu per montn. ureeonmo uih-
OFl-'ICE to let. $1. month. J1 Fourth sL,
oppisMTe CnamP'-r 01 t.ommrri.r,
DESK room with phone and desk. 310.
11120 Cham. Com. Phone Main 2V1.
RING LER'S HA LI for dnnces. at reason
able rates. 231 H Morrisch. Both phones.
:i ACRES with comfortable bungalow, near
Multnomah station, for rent at 117.50
pr month. Call ut office Western Secu
rities Co.. Multnomah station, Oregon
Electric Railway.
WILL sell half Interest In absolutely one
of the best shoo business in X. Yakima,
"Wash.; entire management with good
salary accompanies proportion ; owner has
another show stor which takes his en
tile time; this h an opportunity of a
lifetime for tlm right man; references cx
r hanged. A V Orgonlan.
FOR SALE ieiirI iniise.. stock, building
und llxtures. 3l2,0tk; sales 3..lW; good
town and surrounding country, with, tim
ber and lumber industries booming; line
opportunity; i cash, balance on time or
Pi ttsoe for good property. Address AV
i3. Ore gonlan. .
Restaurant. . Dollcatefsen and Bakery.
Living rooms, all new.
Business from on boarding-house alone
pays running- expense, steady trade.
Mi?ht " consider purtner.
Phone Marshall 4013.
SOLID mercantile business; owner can't de
pend on hlreU neip; wants a rename part
ner; experience Is not nooessary and very
little money is required. He says the bust,
nesa pays each partner $2u0 a month. Call
3U Lumber Exchange, 2d and Stark.
FIRST-CLASS home bak-ry. delicatessen
and lunchroom; ocst location; it&ae; oa.11 1
bundle bufiness for myself; will sell for
what 1 have In It or take partner or some
one to run It for me. Marshall 4133.
One of "best paying shows In Portland In
very best location; will sell cheap for cash.
Gi-gc. 14 North tith st.
feHOE repair factory for sale cheap for cash.
Full line of machines. Must sell on ac
count of other business. Must sell at once.
Otv me an offer. AT 933. Oregonlan.
HAS with W0 can secure legitimate, pros
jerou manufacturing business with 314
daily profits; no ris-k; bank referencea.
See J. A. White. Ctvrlton HoteL
HALF interest in cash business; owner will
sua rant ee 20 week; duties light and
pleasant: only $20 required. Particulars,
241? Stark St.
0''oo RCYS best fully equipped hotel in
busy town of 20"0. This hotel gets com
mercial trade. Dome big business. Room
W'O. Dekum Mdg.
SANDY road business property, 32800 buya
ail Ot DIOCK nose ny X-i . nwm xwi
three stores. Da.vid II. Ryan, 1200 D St.,
San Dlego, Cal.
GROCERY for sale; all cash trade, 3-S day
sales now; nas nice iivtu rwiuo, iohuwm
very little money. Call 31 Lumber Ex
change. 2d and Stark.
KESTAl'It AN T cheap: fine location. For a
.1... Cnrln OJti Alflf
SPLEND1D chance for party with portable
'in a .1,1 r. W Ma v. Aurora.
Or., R. 1 .
WANTED To buy delicatessen, apartment
district preferred. Address H 661, Ore
genian. LEAVINO state, must dispose of state right
for cash register attachment; price $7v0;
would trade, AE V$f Qrejjonian.
GROCERY Best location In Portland, low
rent, living-rooms. 11 iur enj- 1 j
or acreage. Phone Tabor 374Q.
PARTNER wanted with small capital to
take nail interest 111 u hv
b50 u Waahington at. Phone Marshall 947.
LADY wants partner; AlOo down, 32. mouth
secures half interest in 22 -room hotel, cen
tra, lv located. 1 Fourth.
FOR SALE Tn ilorinjf establishment, best
location tn town, cj Ktuwmj i u
W"! Unmet te it.. E u gene. Or.
REST A f RANT in busy locaiity will Invoice
47.11 for quicK saie; win nan pnw.
Particulars. 24 Stark st-
GOOD pay"" Pkery. good location; good
reasons for leiuug. r. v. dojs w-. ruvuv
East 23S.
ill- pel. restaurant, ooniectlonery, cigar's,
worth S'iOO. for ;2..0; living-rooms; leav
ing city; rent $-0. ncr, o riusseii at.
FOR SALE Restaurant, good location and
good business, iiu est oin, Vancouver,
Wash. " -
4-CHAlR brbcr shop, doing irood business;
cheap U tsacn a, unv?. jo.' -u bi.
600 BUS 1 NET S3 CARDS, 3L
ROSE CITY PR1NTEP.Y. 1.2 3d st.
HA K HER shop. Kfi Side; 2 chairs, low
rent, 125. S4.'i WiUiams ave.
RESTAURANT for sale, good location. 3
ears' tease. ia na
CLE AN 1N ar.d pressing shop, good lo
cation; reason for selling. IS 12th st.
BARPER shop. Interest or all, cheap; o22
CONFECTIONERY Rent $10 a month. 3
years' irase. -t jvi:uk!uuu o
W AN TEX Boy with motorcycle.
Valley V liie 10.. ja ana lamnui.
UOTFIj and bar In town of 3uu0 people.
3-t'H AIR barber si: op. doing big business;
t.oo. Lumber i-.xcuattge.
1005-1003 Wilcox bldg..
Corner Sixth and Washington sts.
phones: Marshall 4i3. A 1059.
INGS. $9uu0; sell at Invoice: busy district:
business $17.PV0 to 320,000 per year;
agency for good line of clothing; partners
d.saKrce; cheap rent; light running ex
penses. Gocuklnd Co.
BAKERY. $700. rent $; lease 3 years:
nvdinr a an j-a .';.' T r flST: best JOCS
tton on the East Side; brick oven; good
stock and fixtures, uooqkinq to.
DAIRY L.LNCH. 12uo; rent 373: re
ceipts $-3 to 340 per day and growing,
elncant t.lare: nice class of customers;
owner tied up In oiher business and can't
giv proper attention; consiucr
UoodKina co.
GENERAL MDSE.. A3'0: will sell at
Invoice; rent :iO; fine storeroom: located
good town. 3-"ti population; business iv12
was f.0.0u0; handles good 1m of ma
chinery on consignment; this is a world-
beater. ciooaKJnn co.
rrvmru v 1 HI) arcn PIJtN'INJ MILL,
3y00; good town, lo0 -population: old
established; hss the most of the trade in
this section; good terms; rigid investiga
tion Invited. Clears 3u00 to 34000 per
year. Gootiklnd Co.
good man to cover some good territory
and sell to merchant; this Is no back-door
proposition ; man must be a good salea
man; good man can clear from ISO to
S-iO per montf. ; smaii ainuuni vi vjj.
required, ijoocmna co.
RESTAURANT. 3A0O; receipts 5-5 to j3o
per day; nice, clean, up-to-date business,
Hirht in tha huh. whore the people
axe; this can be made one of the beat
In the city. Good k 111 a 10-
- x- t-t at. unsi-'.. s in im.: interior
will discount SO per cent; business -5-00
per year: ail casn trane; no crn i
body; this price Includes the buildings; bii
profits and light running expenses; n
trades. Qoodkind Co.
Located srood farmins locality nar
t -1 M-.tnti tn S45 rtcr day
rnir u uri fiTfur ci ww); huildlncs. 32200.
Living-rooms overhoad; will take part
tmrtR tiart cash: might take all trade
for good city property clear of incum
brance at market value.
JtO.tOrt- lice countrv town Of 400 popula-
linn, rant sii' oniti- fine business; owner
wants to go to Idaho to look after other
large interests, uooumna .
r i i DtrrT Tili- rtmt 115:
fpTnt. nin from 323 to 300 per day; all
cash trade. Goodkind Co.
ness averages 300 per month; has 16 cars
for storage at S3 each; lots of good tools
and accessories, oooamim vq.
wiRmvipr i'D PLUMBING. 1"00;
rent 15; business $10,000 to $12,000 per
year; iocatea near roruanu,
stock. oodKinu co .
cvciTirRivT. g2(M: 'est Side; central
location"; rent $:0; receipts 32o to 330 per
day; good restaurant man can in
receipts, as tne present. ownn
derstand the business. Goodkind Co.
a a "-, . onna hnniiiLi. Other Stuff
necessary; doing good business. Trade for
real estate. uoouKina m.
-a-: likficirRV l1IHt: rent $30; re
ceipts average $1000 per month; this Is
one of the best stores In Portland for
amount invested, uooquina o.
GROCERY". ?2000. or In v.; receipts 40
to 35o per day; brick bldg.; rent $.;
clean stock and fixtures; good terms to
right T)rtY. Goodkina co.
10O3 and IQOti Wilcox bldg.
In your own building, no rent, no moving
after your business is established: 50x100
In Seilwood, small store with 4-room mod
ern ti4l ar-cve, a jjoju cunm, "j1 k-
cement want; on rear ui mi Bv w
. . : 1 I a mntllh nlliph tO
nouse. r-iiiinjf iwi ----
pay taxes, insurance, lighting, etc. You
get in is lino iiiiji i w .
price of 35oo, half or less flown, balance
StruiKiii i uuu.
O. -C. R. ELLIS & CO.
:whj uwra ot iraue
WILLOW RIVER The Orlg-lnal Townslte
lumbia b inland empire. On Fraser River
.j i ii y-i-n TTmlr P anlfl ann
ana xnuui imo io. J , .
lour otner
nlficent Peace River country. For par
. i inn cnhH vt-Ions acre-
llVUIUin i c.i , -
age, 40-acre farms, address Pacific Land
Townslte uo., aa.. t .n-nai
Vancouver. B. C. V. Page Harris, sales
GROCERY stoi-e. living rooms, rent l-50;
Clean block , win m -xw , v .
Inquire 214 Journal bldg.
lfiar store; ore of the very best in
town : on account of sickness will sell
cnetip; -f.v. oi jouiuoi i'"8.
Grocery and confectionery store, living
rooms, rent jo; tuim i"io'i
and household furniture bargain; only
A3. :tl4 Journal bldg.
Dr-UCATESSEN and Iiffht groceries; this
place is paying -vu momii uvei uhu
all expenses; owner has other large Intcr-
A.r. thnt tk him out of city: will sell
for $50 and give you a chance to inves
tigate the business inoroumy ucium
have to Invest a cent. 323 Lumber Ex
change. 2d aud Stark sts.
county for Dusineas tuai your uwn ukuk
er will tr.dorce; very Bmall capital re
quired "Write today for particulars. Ad
areas PAGE MFG. CO..
Chronicle Bldg., Snn Francisco.
MUST have money and an active man who
can handle salesmen ana ciose neais.
few hundred dollars required. This Is a
light manufacturing business and the prof
its are exceotfonally large, tith and Wash.
sts.. 610 Northwest bldg.
LA l.' l lUii. . u ina. ...
Before closing der ( for so-called Inter
ests In established real estate business,
get advice of Por And Realty Board.
818 Chamb x of Commerce.
GENERAL mdxf, store In good country
. inn iiinii-
low rent; all cash trade; fresh stock,
which will Invoice 5000. Call 248 Stark
FOR SALE Sawmill and lumber yard in
town of SWU population; pienw o
ber; mill running; owner wants to re
tire from business.
6S04. So. Thompson ave.
"WANTED Partner, lady or gentleman, to
act as treasurer or piay a '-
with a road show going to Honolulu; good
nropositlon: Investigate; small investment
requ ireti. ""li;
REAL estate and brokerage business chance
Tor active man as m"6"
party an excentlonal chance is offered;
don't take much money, particulars, 24S
OPPORTUNITY for a steady, sober man.
mostly outside wv rn ana win f
week; requires small investment, which
will be secured. Call 319 Lumber Ex
change, 2d ana&iarK.
FINE opportunity to run storage warehouse.
no capital needea, just energy-. eniri
Dock upper floor, foot Washington street,
- - J- K . V. Untmnn Clll Crt
TOT rent or lease. it Dm. --
POULTRY and fish market, paying $150
montn o er an ciiisiiats, , j --
down, Daiimce uu. " . - ,
Dumber Exchange, Second and Stark sts.
GROCERY store, established 7 years, good.
clean stocK, goo ia u
cheap rent, cash business, all for $1000.
rnone tast o-.
FOR SALE Barber shop, soft drinks, etc;
a bargain ror a Daruer, buuu
rent; growing town In Eastern Oregon.
AV 864. uregonmn.
WANT active man take charge office, at
tend Shipping; SUMJO necessary. juveiiBa:
this if you want to make money. Personal
Interview only. E 936, Oregonlan.
FOR SALE A splendid gasoline launch,
with gooa-paymg passeusbi- rumr.
dress Box 42. Independence. Or.
RESTAURANT for sale; doing good busi
ness; cneau ret ivu -
Ankeny, No. 2.
IF you have few hundred aud want exclus-
whlch wUl sell Itself when demonstrated.
call 417 RotncmiQDing.
WOOD business; owner has two yards;
. . . i el-Wl or.H manova
Wants puimer . T " "
one yard: money secure, as hnale own
MODERN 4-chuir barber shop, good loca
, nr i rent : cood lease ; cheap for
n- HmA i j re con Barber Sunulv Co..
7' 4fh.
1NG-PICTUUE show, doing good busi
ss, $5tM will handle. Wort hen An
:i m i rimmhr nf Commerce.
FOR SALE A bargain; small restaurant
doing good Dtisinesa; muai acn ui ww.
43 E. Burnside st.
CAIvLOAD of horses from 1200 to 1700 lbs,
aill arrive April 4 and as good as money
can buy. can be seen at 334 Front st.
FOR SALE One of the oldest wood yards
In Portland. Address H. C. B-. 544 4th.
A ::732.
POoLROOM; this place is paying $2o0
month ever all expenses. 323 Lumber Ex
char, ge. 2d and Stark sts.
FORSALE Lunch counter. 10 stools, good
place for man and wife. AJ 020, Oregon
lan. ' .
LARGE front room, double, with board; also
single room, private Southern family ; in
walking distance. Marshall 5532.
TH EATER East Side, fine location, clears
3'jW week: terms; investigate. W b7, Ore
s o r. 1 an.
AUTOMOBILE business: opening for steady
man; duties easily learned; pays $250 S
month. Call SIS Lumber Exchange.
61S Yeon bldg.. 5th and' Alder.
Established 10 years; doing from $tw to
lOO a day business; low rent: long lease;
fine modern living rooms; $2400 will han
dle this.
One of the best equipped places in
Portland: clearing from $30 to $40 a
week, price $Z'. To see this is to buy it.
Located at good transfer point. Stock
of cigars and candies; 1 living-room; ideal
ice-cream parlor; price $600.
Establisiied and run by present owner
10 years; business $30 to $40 a day; will
trade for lots or acreage.
If tpu are looking for a busines of any
kind. don't fail to see our list, as we only
handle Lhe best.
618 Yeon bldg. ."ith and Alder.
FORT GEORGE, the new payroll city; in
the heart of Central British Columbia,
commanding the trade of the great Peace
River district; one hundred million dol
lars will be spent in railroad construction
alone in the next four years, opening up
this great inland empire; Fort George is
its payroll center. If you want absolutely
reliable information about present or fu
ture investments anywhere in British Co
lumbia; about business openings of an
kinds; opportunities in the trades or pro
fessions; about timber, farm lands, saw
mills, brickyard openings, address ort
Georre Trust Co., Fort George, .
Find out what you are getting berore
vou spend your money. We Investigate
,imy investment, either in land, securities
or business ana ten you w ,u;iutl..
safe, legitimate and LIKELY TO MAKE
YOU MONEY. Whether you are invest-
-i luui rum n tfK"t SPkND
inff S1VU or -v.i - ; " .
has saved money for others. It inay save
money ror you. jjuiNiH c .
COUNSELORS, GuO Concord bldg., -d and
AN Eastern pipe organ-building firm, hav
ing an established reputation, desires a
competent reiiiraciiinuvc .
CHIC coast. A nuowieuge- vi mo -
ical work both tubular, pneumatic and
-.i.i. .vol t rni-t ir. and. tunin-
is requisiie. v oi, vim,'"
I WANT to get in touch with capital. I
. . . . - n.a nfnnln.
JMivc a mining piwoji-. g-m
ww. Tnavtk enil- for sash and door factory.
sawmill near Portland, moving-picture
show, blacksmith ana macnine "';
j'none .warsnaji oooo -a-n rf
Exchang4 bldg. '
WANTED Bakery. delicatessen, dalJ
lunch or restaurant, price must be r'snt
for cash and no others need answer. Tt
me know what you nave. A.t wa-, wio
or shingle mill. Address S1 Marguerite
ave., j'ortiana. jr
w vtv r nitinss nlaoii at once; liav
your business with us. Worthen & An
gell. U Chamber of Commerce bldg.
containing ow ' - -, :
nlshed; steam heat, modern; West Side
residence district; cater iu w,,-.. ,
full price $0o0-; not a dollar owing here;
clears $250 to $W a month; will take
$1000 cash, S200O in property, balance
mortgage back on furniture.
. For best of reasons this strictly modern
rooming-house can be bought at your own
price; u rooms, eiaiiu '"
West Side location; remember it must be
sold this week; all we ask of you Is to
see it and ten us wnat yuu yiJ
1 0A-ri WH r-n-r "Ride
Cor. 6th and Washington.
' . J e,,rnlhcri
-, Vil Liiicn., 'J "
and all rented, in new brick bldg.; best
district on West Side; reasonable rent.
long lease; a n ioney-maaei ,
wiil trade equity of $4800 for good city
iilR Board of Trade, 4th and Oak sts.
...nn it T tDTE,T'Ii
.7 , r:.- t m at
S4U0 casn naiance a juu uianc -
tractively Turniahed rooms, running over
full (men only.) Come, stay till you are
satisfied then buy. Block from Portland 3
hneat notei. zv u"
26 ROOMS, apartment, Wrest Side; hot and
cold water In each apartment: clears $100
per month; furnace heat; price $1000;
HIGLEY & BISHOP. 2Q1 Hamilton Bldg.
21 ROOy.S, nouseneejHiig.
elegantly furnished, new, clean and pac
ing, sell cneap on ea.a wnwi.
uwner, o;a r mnucu,
FOR SALE Elegantly furnished rooming
and boardlnp-house, paying $75 to $100
per month clear; well located, small in
vtmpnt. See owner. T S24L Oregonlan.
9-ROOM modern house in residence dis
trict 3 nicely furnished H. K. suites, 1
single room rented; 4 years lease; rent
S2S. $ tst i AiiM-ii j.
FURNITURE of 1 4-room house; new and
good quality; nouse nuw iu, -'"
winker: wilt sacrifice. Main 1 4o.
ELEGANT 11-room house; don't fall to see
and maae oner; muai u wiu. -uwu. -
12th st-
FOR SALE Close in modern. 8 rooms,
funlture; Kent o-.uv. uicumo fw.
serve 3 rooms. 422 Jefferson St.
BEST rooming-house In Portland for sale
cheap, or traue; win niauu tiuscai
Ration. G-age. 14 North 6th st.
m 4 t p: 9 -room rooming house, fur
nished for housekeeping; all rented; price
$200. 402 4tn.
WANTED A 2."i-room house to rent, out-
SKirts or suou; u v... f,
1665 or A 7426. AR 910. Oregonlan.
47 ROOMS to trade for real estate, leas.
$175 17-room house; rent $50; all rented
going m own nume. oif
FOR SALE 7-room rooming-house $300;
this is half price. 431 5th St.
FIVE centrally located rooming-house to
sell. 01 H Fourth St.; only $600.
THE following is a list of articles fund
on Tne cars oi me.
& Power Company and turned in at the
different division points. Owners may se
cure same by applying at barns as lndl-
aAnkeny barn. April L 19131 eyeglass
case, 1 lodge charm, 1 string of beads, 1
can of salve.
piedmont barn, Phone A 6131 1 um
brella, 1 suitcase, 1 book, 1 handbag, o
misc. pkgs.. 1 can varnish.
Savjer-street carbarn. Phone A 6131
1 umbrella, 1 axe, 1 pair rubbers, 8 pkgs.
merchandise. 1 milk can.
Seilwood barn. Phone A 6131 2 umbrel
las, 3 dry batteries, 1 purse, 3 grips. 1
spectacle case, 3 rolls of paper, 1 hand
kerchief. 1 pkg. of laundry, 1 box borax
powaer, Tana"
STRAYED OR STOLEN 1912 model Cadil
lac, license io, -i --. ommuie
information leading to recovery. Apply
East Water ana te aim on pta.
LADY'S gold watch, monogram "C. D." in-
Side bacK, enraev x
to Oregonlan onice. newaru.
LOST Lady's gold watch and fob. A keep-
sake, phone u . riewmu.
LOBT Gold fob, monogram F. A. B.
273 JaK St. newaru.
ioST- Silver bracelet waUh; finder ghone
roposala Invited.
OFFICE C. Q. M., Chronicle bldg. San
Francisco, ca. iarcn oi, ii. oen
proposals will be received here until 11
A. M-, April 80, 1013, for furnishing
forage and straw required at posts In
Western Department during fiscal year
commencing July 1, 1J13. Information
furnished on application here or to post
Quartermasters, and Quartermasters at
Seattle. Wash., and Portland, Or., and bids
may be received by Post Quartermasters
until 11 A M.. Pacific time, April 30.
1013. F. von Schrader, C. Q. M.
THE undersigned now offers for sale a
stock oi mercnanaiia consisting prme
pally of groceries, together with the fix
tures used in and about the same, located
at East 2Sth and Ankeny streets, and also
a stock consisting principally of groceries,
together with the fixtures used in connec
tion witb the same located at 994 Bel
mont street, Portland. The property is
open to inspection during business noura.
Dated at Portland, Oregon, March 27, 1913.
R. I Sabin, 1 First st
OFFICE Depot Quartermaster, Seattle,
Wash.. April 1. imij. oeaiea propuai m
triplicate will be received here until 11
o'clock A. M., May L 113, for furnishing
at Seattle or Tacoma, Wash, tor ot-hei
puget Sound ports), Portland, Or., or
other Pacific Coast ports, accessible to
vessels of deep draft, 671,041 feet B- M.
lumber for Honolulu, H. T. For further
Information addreFB the Depot Quarter
master. Seattle. Wash.
1H13. peaieu pi uwib in uiiihuiio
wiH be received at this office until 11
A- M. May 2. 1913, and then opened, for
consructioh of one reinforced concrete
cistern at Battery Russell, thia post. Fur
ther Information may be obtained by ap
plying this office. R- F. Cox, 2d Lieut.
C. A C. Q. AL
Proposis Invited.
IN the District Court of the United States
for the District of Oregon, in the matter
of Cheney-Dresser Co., bankrupts; request
for bids. I will receive sealed bids for
the stock of merchandise, consisting of
groceries, cigars. tobaccos, men's fur
nishings, boots shoes and rubbers, dry
goods and fancy goods, stationery, hard
ware, sash and dors, harnesses, paints and
oils, window glass, tinware, wood and
willow ware, granite ware, crockery and
glass ware, etc, formerly situated in the
stores of Cheney-Dresser Co. at Seaside
and Elk Creek. Oregon, and now situated
in the store and warehouse of the Cheney
Dresser Co. at Seaside. Oregon, ot the
Inventoried value of $17,SoS, and fix
tures pertaining to said store and stock.
Including six horses, harnesses and wag
ons, at the Inventoried value of $3110.51.
up to and until 12 o clock noon, Friday.
April 11, Certified checks for ten
per cent ( 10) of the amount offered
must accompany each bid. Sale will be
subject to the approval Of the court.
Inventory of the property may be seen
at my office and property inspected at
Seaside. Oregon, where Inventory may also
be seen. R. L. Satin, 7 First at., Portland,
Dated March VS. 1013.
City of WUlamina,. Or., street improve
ment bonds. Sealed bids will be re
ceived at the office of the Mayor of said
city until 7 P. M. on Monday, April 1.
3!13, from parties wishing to purchase
($10,340.30) ten thousand, three hundred
forty-nine and thirty ono-hundredtha dol
lars of the City of Willamina, Or., street
improvement bonds. Each bond to be in
the amount of five hundred dollars ($500),
bearing interest at the rate of 6 per cent
per annum. All bids must be accom
panied by a certified check or bairk druft
for sum of one hundred dollars $luo).
The Council of the City of Willamina. Oi.,
reserves the right to reject any or all
bids. For further information address
Recorder, City of Wiliamina.
IN the District Court of the United States
for the District oi Oregon, in the matter
of W. J. Qutnn, bankrupt; request for
bids. I will receive sealed bids for the
stock of merchandise, consisting chiefly of
cigars and liquors at the inventoried
value of $1002.03, up to and until 12
o'clock noon Thursday. April 3, lUi, said
property being formerly the property of
W. J. Quinn and contained in the store
room formerly occupied by said W. J.
Quinn at North Plains, Oregon. Certified
checks for ten per cent 110) of the
amount offered must accompany each bid;
sale will be subject to the approval of
the court. Inventory of the property may
be seen at my office, and the property
may be Inspected upon appointment. R.
L, Sabin, 7 First st., Portland, Oregon
Dated March 2S, 1013.
SEALED proposals will bo received at the
office of tho undersigned, 4u2 Tilfora
building, until 12 M. Wednesday, April
16, 1013, for the general work and the
heating and ventilating of the Huffman
School. Plans and specifications may bo
obtained at tho office of F. A. Nuramore,
supt. of properties, 40S Tilford building.
A deposit of $10 is required for each set
of plans and specifications.
Certified check for 10 per cent of the
amount of the proposal, payable to R. 11.
Thomas, School Clerk, must accompany
each proposal. Board of Directors reserves
the right to reject any and all proposals.
R. H. THOMAS, School Clerk.
Dated April 1, 1913.
THE undersigned will receive sealed bids
for a stock of merchandise, consisting of
hardware, groceries, drugs, shoes, gents'
furnishings, machinery, etc., of the inven
tory value of $5240.26, together with fix
tures of the inventory value of $679.25,
located at Terrebonne, Oregon, up to 1 2
o'clock noon of Saturday, April 5, 1013.
Terms cash and a ceruned check for 10
per cent of the amoun tit 'tiered must ac
company each -bid. RiT.t is reserved to
reject any and ail bids. Inventory may
be seen at my office and stock inspected
at Terrebonne, Oregon. R. L. SABIN,
No. 7 First street.
Dated at Portland. Or., March 27. 1013.
OFFICE C Q. Al., Chronicle bldg., San
Francisco, Cal., April 2, 1013. Sealed pro
Dosafs will be received here until .1 A. M.
May 6, 1913, for furnishing fresh beef and
mutton required at posts in w eswrn e-
purtment during tiseal year commencing
July l, 1913. Information furnished on
application nere or to rose quartermas
ters and Quartermasters at Portland. Or.
and Seattle, Wash. F. Von chrader.
C. Q. M-
1G00 CORDS dry fir wood for sale. The Ore
gon Iron & Steel Co. Main 1410.
WE5 will furnish the money at a low rate of
interest and save you more than the brok
erage of 2 per cent if we do the platinin
and building for you. It will pay you to see
us, 1 R. Baliey Co., inc., 2- Abington,
Or seller's equity in contracts of sale on
real estate in wasnington or Oregon, tx.
E. Noble, Lumbermeiis bldg. Loans.
CONTRACTS bought. Money loaned on
realty properties. 423 chamber of Com
Western Bond & Mortgage Co.,
416 Conunercial Club Bldg.
PRIVATE funds to loan on improved and
unimproved realty; building loans; buy
mortgages (1st and 2d). Seeley Co., 301
-tjoara oi iraa diu.
MORTGAGE LOANS, notes, contracts, mort
gages (1st and 2d), equities purchased.
F. H. LEWIS & CO.. 3 Lewis bldg.
MORTGAGES bought, sold and exchanged.
Money loaned on city properties. Wm. C.
Borchers, 207 Oregonlan bldg.
FIRST and second mortgages, contracts
and commission accounts cement, real es
tate loans. E. B. Miller, 410 Abington bldg.
Muney to Loan Real La Late.
$2000, $2300, $3000, JSouO,
S40U0. S50U0. A6UU0. SIO.OOO.
On Portland improved property for three
years. Make application to Goo else 11
Bros., 433 Worcester biug.
To loan.
Lowest rates,
104 Second St., near Stark.
chamber of Commerce Bide.
We have on hand funds for investment
In good first mortgages. If you wish to
borrow on your real estate, confer with our
mortgage loan aepariment.
LOANS from $1500 to $10,000 on good Port
land, security.
-03 Spalding bldg.
Main 7592.
ON Improved city property or for building
purposes, a to s years- time; uoerai pay
ment privileges; money advanced as
building progresses. a an &qui utuiu o v
ings & Loan Association, 240 Stark st.
6 AND 7 per cent money on hand to loan
on improved city and suburban property.
419 Henry bldg.
L2tioiJO to loan in sums to suit: building
loans; lowest rates. W. G. Beck, 313-316
Falling biag.
$luO TO $300 to loan on real or collateral
MONEY to loan on city and farm property
at reasonable rates, Le Grand AL Bald
win, 605 Buchanan bldg.
PRIVATE money loaned, large or small
amounts. United Realty, 206 Gerlinger
HAVE ON HAND $15,000 to loan oa Im
proved farm security. H. At. Friendly, 7u5
bpaldlng bldg. Main log.
TO LOAN $-0,000 OR LESS.
MONEY to loan on Improved city property
at current rates. Lawyer's Abstract
Trust Co., room , Board or irada Diag.
LOANS on improved and unimproved real
estate, niuna a w. jfcn.t .
YV . XX, X Utl", "no cusiivi.n. mi
MORTGAGE loans on city property; lowest
rates. A H. Birrell Co., U2 McKay bldg..
Third and Stark.
SEE US TODAY for loons on improved city
property ; 6 to 8 per cent, join) and up.
CELLARS AIURTON CO., 325 Yeon bldg.
HAVE $1000 to loan on Portland property.
Jordan. 61U .uinoermens .mag.
MONEY to loan on real estate.
Loyal H.
McCarthey. 3U& .Lewis oidg.
CITY and FARM loans, any amount.
Henry C. Prudhomme, 806 Wilcox Bldg.
WILL loan $2500 for 3 or 3 years on first
mortga ge, 7 per cent. ia, uregonian.
LOANS on real estate, diamonds and Jew
elry. Wm. Hon, room a v asnington omg.
$10,000 ON houses, $200 up; cost papers only.
W aro, Aiiany uiu,.
A rl. iiAUUi -i ot v-m.
$5a00 OR part for Immediate loan on real
estate, phone Tabor 771.
MORTGAGE loan3 on real estate security.
A Bli lings. QUIT mctvajr wmg.
PRIVATE money loaned on real estate mort
gages. HL Mi ley, room emu iter oiaa.
STATE FUNDS, 6 per cent. W. E. Thomas,
agent Multnoman county, tn. or com.
LOCIS r-Al.U.UU.i. -a eiftr. p..
MORTGAGE loans. NeliAn Bros.. 004 Lewis
MONEY, any amount, 6 to 8 per cent. W.
$1000 AND $2000.
FLETCHER, 223 Abington bldg.
$2300 AT 7 per cent on Improved Portland
real estate, iwa v uiua
Money to Loan Real Estate.
$500,001 on improved "city or farm property,
buiidin or small loans at low est rates;
large loans a specialty. McKeusie CO.,
514-015-516 Gerunger uafc.
$5.H). 1000 AND upwards on improved real
estate. Favorable terms; no delays; no
brokerage. John Bain, 214 Spalding b.dg.
Money to Loan Chattels and Salaries.
$10 to v200 TODAY.
S .30 Weekly Pays a $10 Loan.
$ .70 Weekly Pays a $25 Loan.
$1.10 Weekly Pays a $50 Loan.
Other sums In proportion.
Full Rebate Allowed.
Death or Total Disability.
413 Maclcay Bldg..
Bet. 4th and 5th on Wash.
Wc have plenty of money on hand
which we are authorised to loan to sal
aried people iu amounts of $10 to
$100. 1
Loans mav be repaid in instollmen.s
as best suits your convenience. We
solicit a call and invite you to investigate
our confidential methods.
We assure you of courteous treatment
and quick service. All wo ask is is fair
return for our services.
Cail, telephone or write
ot'S Failing Bldg.
on furaiture, pianos, storage receipts,
watchtb. diamonds, jewelry, Kodaks.
2M Lumber ExchanifO.
A DESIRABLE place for ladlea and gentle
men to borrow money ou diamonds ana
jewelry at Eastern rates. Diamond 1 I
ace, 334 Washington, opp. Owl Drugstore.
and others, upon their own nairnes; cheap
rates, easy payments; confidential. D. H.
Tolman, room 317 Lumber Exchange.
You can ge4 $3 to $100 today at cheap
est rates, best and most private terms la
Oregon D. D. Drnl.e. 32b Henry bldg.
Real estate security, current rates.
Rms 10-12 Mulkey blag.. 2d and Morrison.
WE LOAN money on diamonds aud Jewelry
at half the rates charged by brokers.
Marx & Bloch. 74 3d st.
PRIVATE partv has money to loan on fur
niture and chattels. Call at my home. C.
V. Ryan. 2M loth Pt.. near Jefferson.
1M MEDIATE and confidential loans ou fur
niture, pianos, autos. motorcycles and
warehouse receipts. Bauer, 200 Aider st.
MONEY sold "on Installments; confidential;
oaiarieu pcupic ...
MONEY loaned on diamonds and jewelry;
strictly confidential. 141ft 3d, near Alder.
Loans Wanted. t
$ 1,000 at b' per cent, value $ 3.000
$ 1.50O at S per cent, value $ 3.000
$ :mhh at 8 per cent, value $10,000
$ 3,'0ti0 at 8 rr cent, value $ S.Ood
$ 3.50O at 7 per cent, value $ .i"
4 000 at S per cent, value $10,000
$ COW at 8 per cent, value $1 3.000
$ 6 0O0 at 8 per cent, value $U,ooo
$ 7,000 at - per cent, value $
$12,000 at S per cent, value $o0,ooi
$1' 000 at 7 per cent, value $30,000
31 3 Gerllngcr bldg., 2d and Aider ats.
WANTED To borrow $1000 one or two
years, security second mortgage on choice
improved Irvington propsi-ty worth $1
000 on which first mortgages are J9...00.
Will pay interest quarterly at rate 10 per
cent per annum. Address AS 0, Ore-
W VNTED at once $2000 to $500 OU S
room hotel furniture and fixtures; good
location, responsible parties. K. 31, Ore
gonlan. , -
WANTED To borrow $3000 on 70 acres
West Side, closo-iu, Improved surban
property; best of security. W S96, Orego
nian -
TOBORROW $750 flrFt mortgage cm .close
In East Side unproved property; individual
loan, deal direct. AN 911, Oregonlan.
WANTED Loan $1300, new modern house,
value $3000; no commission; corner lou
5 0 x 100. Ai' S77, Ore gonian.
wTnT to borrow $1200; also $20,000 on
good Portland property. N 894, Orego
nian. -
$"000 WANTED, on large, 6-room modern
home, occupied by owner; value $4000; pa,
H per cent. N 896. Oregoinan.
WANTED To borrow $1500 for 5 years. 7
per cent, from private party; no brokers.
K 94 U. ureRomui
WANTED $30,000 loan on downtown in
co'rae bearing property for 5 to IB years.
AP 905, Oregonlan.
WANT to borrow J0OO for six months on well
secured real estate mortgage, will pay IO
per cent. AP 900, Oregonian.
WANT S250O on close-in acreage. Riverside
drive, 8 per cent. AK fi!9, Oregonlan.-
WANTED $3000 to $4500 on city property
from private patty.
t-00 SIX months, good bankable security,
private party. AH 827. Oregonlan.
$000 WANTED on 0-rooin house, corner lot,
50x100. pay 8 per cent. N 8i7. Oregonlan.
LOAN of $230 of private party; ood secur
ity. Phone East 258.
FIRST mort gage on improved real 63tal o
for sale. John Bain. 214 Spalding bldg.
$12 34-inch switches $4.4j
$6 26-Inch switches - 9o
Hairdressing - -?
Face massage
Shampoo -
Alanicure, 25c, 5 for LOO
12 scalp treatments oo
Superfluous hair removed by electrio
needle; guaranteed not to return.
Cut hair In any shade; switches any
length Prices half. Sanitary Parlors
400-412 Dekum bidg.,' 3d and Washington.
Long experience, best references, treat
ments for rheumatism and lumbago, etc.,
massage and baths. 226 13th at. between
Main and Salmon, Marshall D0S3. Opeu
SCIENTIFIC electro-magnetic treatments
lor all nervous diseases, paralysis, lung
and stomach trouble, rheumatism, fistula;
nervous headache cured In a tew minutes;
one free treatment: consultation free. 602
Buchanan fcldy., 2s8ls Washington ht.
RADIUM, Light. Heat and Electric Treat
ments Baths, Massage. Manipulations and
Adjustments, Best Office Equipment and
all Acute and Chronic Diseases Men and
Women. Dr. W. E. Mallory, Naturopath.
312 Rothchlld bldg
graduate; rheumatism, nervous and stom
ach ailments under physician's direc
tions; baths, massage. No. 7 East Utu St.,
second door south from East Ankeny car-
line. Phone Hiast .up, a .ou.
lead ft g wig and toupe-makers; finest
stock of human hair goods; switches from
95c up, hairdressing, manicuring, face and
BCaip treatment, -' -
order. 1 47 7th, near Morrison. Main 346.
Mrs-Stevens, IS yrs. Portland's leading palm
ist, has ner late uuun, rmimsu j
Easy," on sale. 557 & Williams ave., cor.
Knott, unico nours -i . m
DRESS SUITS for rent Keep your clothes
c leaned, pre&aeu, ulh.w sene,
repaired; $L50 month; prompt calls and
qeliveries. v-ihhi-" -
SHAMPOOING 50c, scalp treatment 50c,
ladies a specialty . au win i.ii ol
home. 207 14th. Phone Main 1153.
SCIENTIFIC MASSAGE Trained nurse; se
lect patronage. eat ui icci um.
MRS SOPHIA B. SE1P, mental and spiritual
scientist; daily, office 302 Alisky bldg.
Main n24. Meets Wednesday ,8 P. M.
LORENZ Nerve Tablets restore lost vitality.
25c per box. 6 boxes $1.25. Stipe-Taylor
Drug Cof, 289 Alorrlson st.
FR SH esgs and dressed poultry on orders;
craw fish in season. 207 Salmon st. Phone
A 7033.
Reliable, experienced lawyer. 31 Roth-
Child bldg.. wasnington si.
MRS. S. C. MORRISON Steam baths and
massage lor rneumawam, lumuagu, -iw.
833 Madison. A 4470, Marshall 3068.
. 1-. vnfw rrwiiirvr.c;
Switches, 95c: curls and puffs, 75c. pan
Itarv Beauty Parlors 400 Dekum bldg.
SPI RITUAL medium. Rev. May price Reed -
ana aun. o. jv 6. . . . '
1ANICURING, face and scalp treatment.
Shampoo. .luituit oiw.. iznciij
MISS STOCKS, treatments and readings
655 Morrison, cor, tnapnun. oov.
MRS. DR. WRE NN. spiritual adviser; read-
in g aaiiya-rficjo
USE Basset's Native Herbs for constipa
tion; 50c taDiets tor c. Jtii qruggisa.
MOLES, superfluous hnir removed. Mrs. M,
JJ. Hill. -S-tf rneuiicr uiug. eii am
LADY barber ghp r.ow open on Couch St.,
bH. 5th and 6111. Jrce inasfage. ..oc
BALM OF FTGS, Compound Royal Tonlo
Tablets, oto ijavis i. rujuo aiu