n lg the MORNING OKEGOXLAN, TIIUKSDAl. Al'KlJL .i. x.tL,,. i I , I UCI V u tvTi rwIEMALE. I SITUATION'S WANTED -MAUS. I ' OK BEXT- . I - . .'' '. n. KSCR.4.TCE. WANT STOCKED DAIRY. tTT - i 1 v wt rn Oresron land Pah vlu $-'. Free and clear and wclJ-securwd mortgatfe P"r rent, due in J. 2 d 3 yn for 4Wrf). Will trads f'- Willamette v-iu-v 1lr-r fnn about acres. op to twuw including Block, and machinery. - xi F-iuimnvPn Vil.T.ET LAND. 120.0O0 Commercial apple orchard. Hood r Vl.rl-xi;e S4OO0. To frri Muitr l.ouo lor secured .- iiiLimnrnipd land TVllia ette Valley. Last yeas crop 60 pr cent extra. fancy. THE HARWOLT-WILSOV CO.. LVC, 710-71H Lewie bldg.. 4th and Oak. Marshall 4-00. JL 7138. WHEAT FARM WANTED, Want whftt farm In Sherman County up m l5.tM Jn rxrhanxs for 100 urrn 'n W rune ton "County. m xroin KcelTi.ic: 33 acre under cultivation. co"-d 2-story H- room fcou. largo barn. running water. I mil1 rrtam ruto and IE. from hlsll School, F. U. in front f u.ict, pnc $!i.otHj. GOUDAHU WJFDRICK 3 Stark t. Al'RKS. .ljt.iiiin :ailon. Iem E.ec . w..rth lm on th lai.d: very best soj and all under hl-h .rr. -! lvatimi : about on a" re ctra ..- -r eomiv. fl'MiQ. balance easy . ". - uin ... tr for cut nroDerty ni.cr.t june .mall murTa. Owner, 510 Coi.iihlld bids- Srtr UKlrv anlid a old and r-nuin lonri. all modern and new. of nrLlT.ll1hlD consisting Of LTft n-r. fr.t nnzt. brooches, link buttons 2nd lockets. Will trade, this for good i t m nr houM and lot as- mime or Day difference. 413 Chamber of t 'ommerce. - uvp rA -- all In cultivation, deep, .k. . KmM fru.i and ardn soil. 1 m;: from Oregon Electric. 40 from porCand; will take clear lota or nouaa up tn f m) a nrst payment. tu, llmry btdg ir .i haro a HI MNESg to TRADE -f.. r-i.-f. t.,TATE nr ftfclAJ. EST ATfcJ Ti-iriL fP- u lti'siNr"iji rll and ae us. -we make a apectaJty of TKAli of all kind". ASSOCIATED INVESTMENT CO.. ria ve.n b.dit. Bin and Alder. IOB SA1MU Hons Veblele. tie. i(Ht;s AND WAGONS FOB 6AL.E OR n n; t Second-hand vtii.cUa boucht and aold; row asn and auto bed made to order: l.vry lurulaUcd t buslnesa paruoa special rat-. MAWTMOIINE HABLBS, 4-U Hawtboma Ava. Phone Cut 72 B 1 ult sAl.i.' J" h-ad itora-a and mare, p.10 tn iKiMk C to 1 vcAra oin : narnesa wacoua. b'ik'ay "d ha: Qe 4-4 Uarrabee .. corner Aibnta Take Mt':ppi r. ,-ar to AlMra a". Tel. r 4 r- I'KflAL F. AKtlAlN tne 3-Inch and one half trurk, xenulrta T. O. Manut g.Ara. 40-41 wheel, :i-Ui. lira. Hllght iv umU. OreaJto-Alollna I'low Co.. lo5 rrloii are, . t r.'T .rr'vl hrad draught, deiivory and rancli mart-a. jruarante-d gd iOOo to 110 .Mrabie. l'lnl Suetter and F. W. Bail, ot 'h-lr County. rliH bALK or trwde, to tani. Wright 3100 and U10 pounda. Jut In from tho farm, At the Kerniera' Iwardiu riiablea. 14 Vi Kiret at. . MAI .V rAHH T-a-n. S-VW U . ai.l (arm wagon, also l too-lb. horw. harnesa and a baggy. prone fteMwortd 17V $lr..v m'YS good, gentle, true work team. . .no pounus; nrn-aa ana a irm Taka SliKd ear. get off at lnaley avt, walk to laat bouae. N. 7g L ijF'VX f tav mar fa, wetirha about 24u0 lba wfin a good vt of baineaa, cheap; al0 ,,a of prars. wrtgria m Iba Olaon Ice t'n.. 27 E-t )t'i. near tlathurn? ave. FOK tA t.E Klna delivery wagon, aultable r lituni' v r.u u rk, tl ta- II taken at once. all t.- yd t. or phone Main 4151. Fi'it tAl.B Orav horse. 7 year old. little f-rr in (ront. auitable fr a farm. -2U N. Mth at. t.oot aU-r-Mid work and bugry hor. with burry ard Ijarneaa; price 171 Cari - i m. r avrrton. .r. XAKRI tP man With team vanta mood or ; umbr hauling, country preferred. A M '2. Oreg:tnn ov TAK Kod harnaa mar a eight 1 iit h.uu'Ii and lignt wagon. 1W6J E. hark lit.. Mtttallla. tiO'D FARM OK ORiTH ARD MI LES: h-ra of all knda, gtoneck expreaa and farm waeor.a 21 W. Water, cor. Mo rug y. ON afaridurd tt ideb;k-r dump cari and riarnva ntarlv new. ao one dbi work harne. h'.X call Tabor 14- IM HT" P good, gentle, true work t-anu ..o. poumii: titirnj and a farm wugoiu Sell w-ood l.'f4, ;i:,kN nar, : ar old, lu lbs.; giod. fr worker. p -u-e. ;i". rr"nt yt. i. Lii.' I ,S (J out. h arneap at a holeaaia , prlca. m d at., earner Taylor. t'uVtKEt waifon. in gn'd condition. E. r.:tn at. fhonw ellwood . LOSING out harovM at wholeaalo price. Jt -d at., comer Taylor. WANTED H'rs. Lucgy. hames, aa firat lament on home, owner. Tabor SJ4S. ivC Ktb5 tor sale, at K. 7th u North. Ptaooa. Organ and Muatcal lnntrumcnt. II A VO Etecant mahognay upright, aim oat rew. greateet baigam city, icM than l0. 'all Immediately 701 Northrup at. (itviJAX for iiC. raonable. 15iJ3 E- 13tb. !ro1 WANT giod piano, will tirade good electric ato. P tJ7. Orejtonlan. Tfug. lllr 1. Pet Mock. AlUCIJALE terrier Oh. Ked Raven at atud, Laddix Kennel?. Eatacada, Or. RKOIpTKRED Airedale pupa, beat bread Ina. Ankc ny. M a i n 14 . Pi IE RANI AN ipri pupa Call SSd Kelly a:, phone M-.irt " Furaltnre for rae. HOCiiE for rent, furniture lor ale; ft-roura :..odra hcife. a.eping porch, electric I ihu ard KX9. ntcetv fumlrhed. nlc! lint and flow ra H-st ear:ii. fog E. Vaohl'I. i i'i.r 'th at. Phono Eaat o4tf or Alain i : RMTVKE fr resldonce, comprlatng leaUter parlor furniture, library furniture, heatitlfal dtnlng u .t. bedroom furntih in k. ruK. brnar bela. etc. t treat oppor n. nitr for thoso wiarttr houaekeeptng. t'ai: mmedlatrl . W ear. 701 Northrup. 1 1 K N IT I HK of -ro m fnt; a-illd oak tnl aun fjiio. axmtnater ruga, braae and Vernla Martin heda; baraiu for caah or terms. I ru'Oe Marahall 4eo WORTH or furniture for 37i. J -room modern f .at. f-v niahed cotnpietely. Includ ing linen, boot, diabea and wood. y Hawtncrne ave. Phone Tabor 2 T 4 L i l.tiAN rouBil. good location, walking dla- tir.ee. u t ile, ("ou rtirnlturu, reaton ! rert. N fregonlan FTKNITl"IUJ for aaie. one !xia Axmlaaier mi. on bed mattreaa and eprtng. two oak. rockera Roaaonoi. 2ii K. 14 ih. .KV lnlle f-r ft-r. i-avlng ciiy. 4J C"a ra flat, cheap; party K"i furniture of a 6-room houa cheap. 2d a AntAfuobllew. FAKn, foredoor. 1012 auto, fully equipped and extraa. Al condition, price SSOd. terms; will take diamond to value of iJO or SuO aa part payment. J dOA, orgrnian- OVERLA.NO S'1. 4-paaanger. equipped with top. windshield, lam pa and apt-cUometer. extra tire and tube, la Al condition; chrap for caah. 'me tirm. no trayle. 24 llin. BIO N AJ. Rutck 5-pa, car in good running or der. litf takes It. Apply 1111 ttawiaorne ava Al Bt RN. &-paas $X fuUy equipped, fine condition ; original cost $15v. my price 111 consider real estate. B 914. Orgontan. WANT ipi: opaawenger automobtla. la good condition, will gira in e chan.e my 4 acrw ox naMr ianu: title ci' lear. Write me. Hex 223. Goldendalo. Wash. t AN TKD Lll or iilj Cha!m-ra automo t.tie for desirable building lot; prefer to de-il -irh owner. J Pi 4. Oregonian. 2XjH SALE: Buick 4-cyIlnder. J3-h. p. In A-l condition: tire nearly new; 1200. Roy W Brown. Main ESM. 1S Burn:de. 7-1 SSENGER autotaohlie, Whtte steamer; "0. 91 Fourth st., opposite Chamber "ommerce. 11' U S E and lot trade for two o S Or.-ror(atl. or Laurvlliurst lo;a to three-toa auto truck. X L SACKIFU-i; 112 6-CYL PACK A I; D r,K car. fully equipped, guaranteed oniittl.in. Owner, a K s"-'. Orgon)an. . BP..AIN Almost n-w F'and.-rs i20t ,ic-llv-ery ear at 43(W. Call at 72; Raleigh at. Mam WINTN SIX, i&.oa. o eaa. 7-rksserc-r. splendid con- ad I HKI.r M i r.U .JI. " I . -- l. I l I U Ih Hnom ID I rnt" .. AalonooMlee. vi iTni t t r. nmhfl-.L runs fine would exchange for motorcycle or 'mail o-paxsenjcer car and give or take differ ed e Mix-ae;i i-p;enger. ao; t-nai vn.r. r..ruurr. 4 Mi : Tiomu opwn fc-er, ei-'-o or with extra delivery body JtiOU. A dandy, rteiiar.ce oarage olu auu thorn are. Taoor -V4i WiL.ij trade 5-pasenjt-r automobile In good running order lor nrsx morgge, r o, (r-sor.ian. Poultry- WHITE LEuHORS baby chicks, S per 100 vtitti May 1 -V safe delivery guaranteed; bo charts for dead or crippied chick. BABY CHIX -ii- 5 small OiDher Incubatora, ocies, 2 Mandy L. 1 peratuma. Green'a rhtcken Exchange. 2i7 Mlmon. A iv.ta. l,Cu0 baby cblx. aettlna- egga, Incubatora. all n.iKrf, breeding "to K. ut-n a cnirKen Exchange, 207 Salmon at. Phone A MAMMOTH Pekln duck eggs for sale. Phone Miin or A i"w. mo r ruct iu IJvewtock. FOR SALE 6 cows, some freah. others In abort time; pticea iu; take bt. Johns car to Eaat St. Johns; walk 34 blocks north east on Columbia boulevard; yellow bouse on lort. BKOOD aowa In f.rrow; fine stock for sale. A' J H, urcgonian. AJaehlncry. FOR SAXE. l.LhnHnnar. .V-Volt. Crocker- Wheeler motor, complete with standard tlade atarter. no voltage release and 73 ampere overload. I. T. E. circuit breaker. In A-l eondltlou. Address room 203, Ore- goman bldg. -. w t PORTABLE ENGINE. In good con dttlon. having recently been generally overhauled; together with wood-cutting outfit. Prlre $Xo. F. B- Mallory Coiu- pany. logging euginea, 4j-7 pine at., rori Und. Or ; . FOR SALE One 122-volt direct current generator, complete, with field rheoatat, ammeter and circuit breaker. Tula machine 1 in aood reDair. A a areas room oo. -tw gonlaa bldg. " sWrt sale. A 40-K. W.. 6.M-voit Crocker-Wheeler generator, complete. with field rheostat and circuit breaker. In good condition. Addrt.es room oregonuin oiog. SELL, or rent. LOflOlXO and HOISTING KNGINES. contra.-tora machinery. Railway Equipment Co., 1st and Oak Sta. MlacellaneeUw. PLirMBINQ St PPUF.3, Fee our display of BATH TlliS. WATER CLOSETS. LAVATORIES. rlXKS. LAI .NDRT TRAT3. PIPE, FITTING!?. ETC. Get our price and we'll save you money. M. If A ROE at SONS, Vfnni at., comer Main. THE MOL'StB OF A MILLION BARGAINS FERTILIZER. Rotted or green manure delivered to any part of the city for gardening purposes, neea and lawn a Phoue Eaat Sot) or i ltfto. rnit sale cheap, scholarship for an branch of buainess education in ine dbh buKitiesa col. eg In the city. Phone Main 4.03 or room .Mi aewara notei. POTATOES SOoO aacka American Wonders, raised on hlgn wna. meaiy ana cnic, win deliver five or more sacks. 45 cents pr hundred. Phone MrriU. Tabor giL ;IA1 Special prit'ea. now and second refill ! kfveraJ bargains: aares openeu. re taired. puree!! af Co., and Portland Safe "o.. vs Tr.n at. f'none Main Mt'TOUfiOAT 4-cyllnder. Ik-hp. motor, just overhauled: sen reasonaoie or excuun f-tr rie.tr 1d or nutomoolle; owner. Main Yi'tS. Mr. BllUnrsley. SA FhlS One largo and one medium slae find-clans condition; cheap lor cash, b m. Orgonian. T PKAVRITER Ied very little, cost $H r.r rale at S.:t. iaiayeite Diog., om nnd 'iuhinton rt. FLAT d."k. $:.x; rxm. rug 16xi). 112; txM carpet. mil aesx. ffwivei cnair. 1 I 212 Henry bldg. Hardin. UwD drop-bead sewing machine lor sal cheap, Lmplre J-.x press isaggag to. Main lo- T VP E WRITERS, n!I makes, $10 to 6i. N01ifHWrT 1 1 rtin KITt tv CU Z92 Stark St. tAKES N" w and aecond-hand, large assort ment, low prices; sales upeneo, rcpaireo. j'A,;r safe Co.. fS Srcond at. Main 77tl KU SALE, rheAp. 1 i-offee urn. 1 li-eHng. 10 c-ialr wltli baci:s, cooKing uicnsua, eic 2 clay t. DERBY deke and of ft furniture. E. - Haley D!"k to., Jiv cerentn ffl. aiffin o3. NATIONAL cash registers: get my prices. rowey. SM 'A aan. pasemenc. aiain bEWlNO machlnea for rent. 190 Jd. bet. Yamhill and Taylor. Main 43i. r"t.M SALE Kol!er-top oak desk and chair. V). Call iier irgr piis. NATIONAL cash register $135;. coat $-Jo; phone C W45TKP-MISt ELEEANEOIS. W"E want to buy $KC-0 worth of second hand fumture m tna n;xi o oaa nu pay all the cash It la worth. Williams ave. Furniture Exchange. East 086. WE buy for cash aecond-hand National cash rctiitare and sell tiiem oti easy rmi W . J. Macauley. 31 liurnside at. Phone Main lblo, A 1816- V.'E Buy CLOTHING AND FCRNITURE. Htgrert prices paid for laaiea- ana men a enst-of f rlothing and ahoea Cad Main 284 First. The Globe. WaXTKD S-eor.d-hand cold atorage and AM 91 i, Orego- Icemaking machinery. FAill DEAL reopened again; par high. est prices lor your ae.-ona-nanu cioin.ag and household goods, phone Main 9-7. Wk: pay the highest caah price for second hand xurnuure. ai. rt. .eaier. srauavm East S1S4. 849 Hawthorne ve. CASH paid for hair combing a Sanitary l-teauty parlor. 4lO DeKum. OHK'.ON 2d-band storo. 203 Jet. at. Mala o7. pa highest prices 2d-hand gooda FOKD Auction Co. Pavi most cash for any kind of furni'ure. Alain M5i, A Z44.-. NATIONAL cash register; prlc rouat reasonable, phone Main eofl, A SSvo. Will kalaomlne rooms for at your prwe: re!laole $2.50; paint East 323. l:oij! WE want $10,000 worth of second-hand fur. nllur; highest prlcea xaid. Sell wood ion A SECOND-HAND goods bought f?r cash or taken in exenange ior new. Taoor WK PAT highest prices for second-hand ciotmng. zih aa wx. tenons aiiip WANTED At once. 90 yard a, second-hand inlaid linoleum. Phone Main 74. HELP WAXTKD-M.UJ. A UkKIINU superintendent to run camp of or 8 yaraers; niua: t a competent man and furnish good references. In answer ing give phoue number. AD VI 3, Orego- THE HOLTZ store requiro tho services of a brif:nt boy of ! or IS years for win dow trimmer's helper; must have good references. Apply to auoerintendent the Holtx store. Mh nnd Washlngtou. VtlR opportunity If you are a bustler; ex clusive eoniroi ot gooo I'-rrnory- tree out fit; weekly advance: complete I in: guar, anteed absolute!). Takama Valley Nursery 'omi-ar". IHOROL'GHLT experienced dairyman, ain- gle or married ro raiwrtni to taa charge v small sanitary dairy. Inquire northeast -cornoc First and Ankeny eia, city. W ANT K iv A young man on a farm; must be bandy with tool. Apply at once No. 317 Good nough bldg., from 1 to 't P. M. tnlay only. WANTED A man for upholstering and car pet lay irs ; steady joo. Huren Ham ilton, Paiem, Oregon. SOLICITORS Would $3 per day Interest you? For particular call at room 2. Hetel Hood, after 10 A. M. AKTY to operato flret orchard in Hood Kivt-r on share, place Improved and fu.ly equipped. AG 912. oregonian. EXPERIENCED advertia.ng solicitor, ea;b- Ilshea wecx.y periooicai; contracts cashed daily. 3i Madison st- WANTED Office boy; good chanc for ad inrftnent. Apply Union Meat Co 4th and Giisrtn. 1 oALE.-MAN. cheap fru'.t land, easy terms H'taeburg Orcliarda Co.. Commercial Club o d. - W ANTED Collector for law business; must buy $lo lr.ler-.-st. AP 94. Oregonian. FIHjT-CLASS coatmaker wanted at one. M. Johnson St Co., McMlnnville, DEUVERY boy wanted at once. 12i 2d st.. room 10. PHOTOGRAPH coupon and portrait agent; best offer; snsp. Cut berth. Dekum bldg. PHOTO agents' new offer: $".73 piano given a ay. Van Dyek. 4Q4 Washington at. WANTED Exienenced dishwasher: rice and cvoa dntrv" lunch, ini r..h st. A-l BARKER. 1H cuaranteed. E. L. Town. erd, 1 .leperdent-e. Or. WANTED Japanese heus boy. Apply Vlr rtnja Hill Hotel. 14th. GOOD reliable lob printer wanted. Addre the ,T. S. Llhnger Co Afrla, Or. toY -ranted. tftandaxd Dy Worka Av tad Madoo. INCIDENT. rn nf lanr) Office Secretary Employment Department. 1. M. A. Tounr man, stranger, seeking emp.py nit i ci U . a intai ruh asset.) If Pay you $3 for employment membership I will have on v S13 between me starvation. , Secretary If you pay $5 for employ- mnt mimhrKhin wan will have the I. U. C. A. with all it resource between you and starvaGon. .... Result. Young man Joined asaoclation. i. i .i . .uw haH ti factory employment. Record for year 1912: Call, for Hi -in irotn employer PnairSAni n 1 1A .. .... ... ..3" Our special employment memberanip fuirmi.Mi m.-mi.tar wu! aecure emptoy ment or rexund of membership fee; gives two months' lull ana iv montna Constant demand for CLERIAL TECJLVICAL AND COMMERCIAL Xlu, especially stranger, are cordially invued to couau.t with in stcieukijr pioymcnt dtpartment. TO MEMBER. ONLY WANTED AT ONCE 1 dining-room attendant for hospital, $15 mo riNini and bard.: 23 farm hands at $:V to $4G month, room .and board; harvest wag-- later; Id meu And wive f nr arm positions, good wages. - ptauiua f..r..-n un.i t,ir Montana: ma chin- Ist for mine. Idaho. S4 day; 1 stenograph er, lumber experience, and 1 for mine; 1 lumber yard manager who understands farm maihinerv: 1 retail Dalnt salesman. ALtfO WANTCOMPETENT MEN ASD AGENCIES IN OREGON AND OTHER PARTS OF U. S. AMERICAN BCSINESS MEN'S ASSOCIA TlON. 1 Lumbermen bldg., Portland. -viivk fsTaHLISHKD FIRM OF H Tf.lf STANDING Al INCREASING THEIR CAPITAL STOCK. A LUCRA TIVE POSITION Itf OPEN IN PORT i len avn H T.-3IIR TfclHRI TOR Y FOl SALESMEN AND bALESMAN AGiiR TO SELL NEW ISSUE OF STOCK. A COM BINATION OF FEATURES WILL IN TEREST in-H-OKADE MEN. DON T ANSWER L'N LESS 1-U HAV E H AD ACTUAL SUCCESSFUL EXPERIENCE IN THIS LINE. K. -t. UhciWftU RYPERIEXCED SALESMEN to aeij our homes in all part of the city on asy-pameni pian, auu wuwu ihi.i .at.ienA Iota on both Kast ana West Side, ai'o close-in acreage. We. fur nish me prospect and aasut in closlcg a: us. We will supply a lot and build to suit purchaser. Liberal commissions. Ask for sales manager. PUOV1DENT TRUST COMPANY, .12 Selling Bid.. MEN WANTED To work at stjady work In smalt town, SO miles f rom " Vortland, $.2e per day; plant baa beea running for several yars and want more man who will make tnem solves permanent clLixena See Hart o; I H APIN-HERLOW MTG. A TRUST CO. Third Floor Chamber of Commerce. tt'ANTED balwiueu illiug to work bard for good returns to ell our fully ma tured, uninfected, well - rooted nursery . . m a.ii.lm WttHhinir? on. uretoD and elsewhere; cah weekly. Writs today for ecJusle territory. WASHINGTON NURSERY COMPANY. Toppentsn, Wash. WANTED Uv a wholesale firm, a young ....mmrrifd man. not ovr 3 rear ot nge, wno has had some experience in book keeping, billing and general otrice worn, rply In own handwriting, stating age, education, experience aud salnry expect ed. Keply to b'X All, h!4. Oregonian. WANTED Young man, single. German or S'is preferred, to Jive ou pi ace, unve automobile und take care of rrounOa. In Portland suburban home. u. r.a iW with board. Must be thorough lv experienced. Address, with reference. Box D Oregonlan. WANTED Salesman with some knowledge Of horticulture, to repree em urn in a uroven territories. Must devote full tlmo and furnish satUfsctory reference; outrit fumtshd; cash paid weekly. For full de tHils write the Oregon Nursery Company, Orenco, Oregon, the 12'jQ-acra nursery. WANTED Florist, nurseryman, gardener; 2 acres of ground for a number of years lor thklng car or owner lawn. au dres ISO E . city phone, Sunday. Sell wood 1418. weekdays Main 1433. EXPERIENCED electrical draughtsman for modern hvUro-eiecinc power iiyuau uw aign in California; salary $123; reply, atat iu experience aniL with sample of work, if pos.clhie to J. 11. Anderton. caro Stonw & Webster. White Salmon. Wash. WANTED Experienced cleaner, spotter and dver; in fact a gooa soowr anu ""uH man in this lino of buainess. Need nut nopLy if not competent, at East Port laud and East Side Cleaning at Dye Works, cor. Eaat lvth and Lincoln. City. GAS ENGINEER, iiottd steward and head waiter. Man snd wife, janitor. 10 farm band". CANADIAN EMPLOYMENT CO.. 0 Second St. North. OLD man for light work on frma-I ranch; only those iwhhk v'"1- " need reply. M. Eck. R. 1. B 16. Uruah Prtiirie. ifsh. . MEN Willi rig. introduce, sell bo extracts. f pices, ine.iK-ines. bu. xip iuuuy. .... son made $w weekly. We mean buslne-. Bor 774, Dept. 103. Cedar Rapids. Iowa. W ANTED vnior accountant; inun he ame to take entire ennrge oi auuim. experience and phone number. AG wlO. Oregonlan. WANTED Good band sawyer, especially familiar with lurmiur- u'. Doembecher Mfg. Co., E. 2Stb and Sandy road MEN WANTED Two or three gooa meu i permanent position, ay woif. ev coll to 1A 418 Mohawk bid., 3d and Morrison. WANTED, at once, a man to learn torepair auto ana trucKB. aiji 1111 Hawthorne ave. WANTED Clothing and furnishings Bales- man. Apply between io ami Bowman Bros., Third and Burnslda sts. 3 GOOD solicitors, 20 per cent commission; good nousenoiu. eaa.v . -New Scoit Hotel, room .1 1 . W ANTED Elderly man to work around house and care tor ci: icneua . uw -wants a good home. 207 Salmon. AGENTS wanted to sell Just-Rite; good commission. eoo V WANTED Two f!rst-c;ass . ladies Pe Hiancne. oy waaniiiEu A SHOEMAKER, one who can sell shoe. Evans, -4 nomwn DISH washer. Lelghton Dairy Lunch. 33 Washington at. HELP WASTED FEMALE. EXPERIENCED M T LLINETl Y SALESPEO- 1 A- bv The Meier A Frank Store. Apply be fore $:S0 at Superintendent of rice, floor. 6th WANTED A good woman lor general liruffwork in country town, smaii laimi). AK 9t. Oregonian. BUTTON-HOl-E maker wanted; only the be-t need apply: steauy posiuun. Harkhurst. cor. th and Stark. WANTED Rtfin-d. capable woman for re sponsible posmou. jvi to., oww child bldg., 4th and Washington. HOUSEKEEPER, country. 2o; waitresses. $23. $.to. iiowc s .Ajreucjr, , -iuti inrton. MRS. HOWES LADIES' AGENCY. Washington bldg., 270 Wash., room 35. nrar 4h. Phone Main SS36 or A 360. WANTED Girl for general housework. small family: answer anemooita omj. li'JH ra!e:gh St. I'hone Main S--4. WANTED Experienced girl lor second worn In email amiiy. tiooa wages, rnone mora Ings. Main 7412 GIRL for en e ral h ouse wo r k ; arood home snd good waires. ?0-i oejo, near Main 9J14. WA NT ED A coinpetert girl for general housework: apply lot N. 22d, between Flanders and GUsan. WANTED Woman lumola. for cleaning. 204 Co- W ANTED A girl for general housework; no cooking. 4."3 4th. near College. GIRL wanted for general housework in a small family. 221 E. 16th. WANTED A girl for light housework. Call mornings. 4"U Mill st. . FIRST-CLASS muld for chamber work. Ap ply Hottd Arthur. 534 COUCH, "an experienced second glrL one aho will live In the house. HEI IABLK grl for general work in fam ily of two. :.47 7th st- GIRL for housework In small family. E. Couch. W" ANTE D A good cook and second gl rL Call at 152 E. o&th st. Phone Tabor 2508. LA DY for Uoat-ework, small family, good - ages B car. 43 E. 23th N- STENOGRAPHER, moderate salary to trt 7u3 Board of Trade bldp. WANTED Girl to do houseaork on a farm. Inquire Belvedere HoteL 4th and Alder. GIRL for housoworTc; German Call morning a. S21 ftth at, W ANTED G.rl f general 1 ousemork, 2 family. STr-sli house. Woodiawn 1 ll'l. GIRL fr ily. 1"'' .-"iieral Ss vl-r housework. Small fam t.. above 2Ptli. ENFF.RIF.NCFi mar i-urlst. O K, barber "-hop. 6:h ad Washington. PKi;i:'V-f WTAluesa. OS GrandL a WANTED TODAY. Waitress, city, 7 per week. Chambermaid, country, $23. room and board. Two waitresses, country. $20,. room and board. Cook, small country hotel, $40. Second girl, city, $30. room and board. Large number of new positions received daily. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT COMPANY. Ladies' Dept. 2o0 3 . Morrison L GTRLS a inspectors and wrappers wanted bv The Meier Frank Store: ages 1 t IS years. Splendid opportunity to learn the business. Apply at superintendent's office before 9:30 A. M., 6th floor. WANTED Good girl for general housework; must be good cook: small family and a dandy home for the rirht girl. Mrs. Hopwood. 115S East Yamhill St., cor. otn st. Take S S car. THE HOLTZ atore requires the service of a strong young woman with some experi ence for saleswoman in delicatessen dept. Apply to superintendent the Holtx store, f.th and Washington. TRAVELING POSITION Open for woman of good education and strong personality. Experience unnec essary, but must be capable and aggres sive. Call 1 to 4 P. M. 331 Beck bhlg. EXPERIENCED canvasser for house-to-house work on well-known, widely-distributed staple article. Apply Jonnson-Lieber Co., No. L 1st st. WANTED Experienced girl, strong, healthy. f-ood character, tor housework, plain cooi ng: no washing; $23 month; mention age. N 6 S3. Oregonian. kESTAURANT waitress, $9: boarding-house waitress, $23: houselteepere out town, $23; general housework. $Sti. St- Louis Agency, -OS Sth South. Main 203'J, A 4773. GiriL to do light housework and be com panion to young married woman with two children; advar.tapes of a home, with wages. AG 91 a. Oregon lan. MANY of the best families of the city are registered with the Domestio Service Bu reau for cooks, general housework and socond girls. So Central bldg. M. 7667. REFINED middle-aged lady to work part of dav; 2 meals and some wages. Apply before" 12 P. M. Phone A 41 5. WANTED Girl to tend baby afternoons. Apply 483 East 17th at North. Phone C WANTED Competent Gnnan girl for gen eral housework. 4S3 East i7th North, Phone C REFINED elderly woman wanting home and small pay in exchange for car of child. Call lao Grand ave. North. GIRL for general housework; country girl preferred; fair wages and good home. tt Schuyler. WANTED Married lady for light janitor work. Angela Apts., J xnnuy piace, ue HUh aud cth. MILLINER, must be able to sell, only first class need apply; $12 to start. 3t3 Alder WANTED Good live girl stenographer, one who can do some book Keeping. Colum bian Optical Co.. 143 Sixth st- HELP WANTEU MALE OB FEMALE. AGENTS wonted for "Sllverate," the new sllverplating fluid. Best seller In Portland, Call afternoons. Room 327. 227 Wash ington st. FISK Teachers" Agency secures position for teacher. 316 Journal bldg. Main 4S33. HELP WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. OREGON AUTO AND GASOLINE TRACTOR SCHOOL, 236-6S Eleventh sL, cor. Jefferson. Practical instruction by instructors who are experts in field sutd .hop. Tuition, part cah on enrollment, balance at gradu ation; liberal discount fcr cash. PAINTING, plumbing, carpentering wanted In exenange jur lurnnure, cria, toi fixtures, phonographs, cash registers, pianos, horses, potatoes, cigars or hundreds of other things. What do you want? Phone Merrill, Tabor 371. WANTED Men to become traveling sales men. Good position open, training payanie partlv from earnings. School of successful Salesmanship, 42d Hoard of Trade, Port land. Or. RAILWAY MAIL CLERK EXAM. May 3. salary to SlaoU; PARCEL POST requires clerks and carriers; free book. Pacific Starts School, lie Kay bldg.. Portland. Or. lui MEN and women to learn the barber trad o In b weeks, in an its moaern meu od; send for catalogue; tools free; learn a trade that you can ger in business for yourself. Moler Barber College, N. 4th. XiEN, womiin, get Government parcel post iota; $20 week; write for list positions open. Franklin institute. Dept. 322 -U. Lochester, N. Y. MAKE money writing snort stories for newspaper; big pay ; free booklet tell how. United Press Synd., D a. San Fran. PRIVATE BUSINESS COLLEGE; ii dividual instruction; jk-ou etiuft i uaau, doo k eepi u g. t2 Hamilton bldg. Mar. 425S. iirl.N, women to learn barber trade, b weelts; posiuon guaranteeo. urregou nat ter College. 233 Madison, 263 Couch at. WANTED Picture-play writers: big pay ; well teach you; irt-e lniormation. ficturei Play Association, p 8. San Franclaco. WANTED Unmarriod man to take an in terest in cnicaen rancn; wage paiu ioi spare time, p b30, Oregonian GIRLS Learn beauty-parlor work. Earn money while learning. tuj otncnua bids. m FACTORY expert, givea automobile course by practical worn on cars, i-tf bownsiinie. SHORTHAND, typewriting school, 269 14tJi st. Main 33!K. Expert instruction, o mo. bITl'ATIONS WANTED VrTLB. Bookkeepers and ClerR. COMPETENT BOOKKEEPER-ACCOUNTANT. If you feci the n-ed of a clean, active and reliable man, one capable of taking charge and managing in a systematic way and who would have heart interest in your business, let me have a talk with you. Had 30 years' practical work and can adapt myself to any business. En gaged, but nave gooa reasons ior cnang ing; A-l references. AM 9-'Q. Oregonian, POSITION by first-class office man and ac countant, IZ years experience in wnoie aale lumber and railway accounting; good penman, also used typewriter, desires per sonal interview. a soz. uregoiiiuu. WILL audit, open, close or write up books, nrfnnrH haianca and statements, install systems. Gillingham, auditor, 612 Lewis bldg. Marshall . 1 . YOUNG man wishes stenographic or any clerical work between t ana even lugs. B 912, Oregonian. GENERAL office man with 14 year ex perlence desires position. First-class ref erences, L 971. Oregoniasu BOJKK EEPE li, cost accountant. office manager. Years experience. Al reference- is tjn, oregon.an. BOOKKEEPER General business and office experience; accept anything honorable. 1O30 Grand North Miscellaneous. I AM an experienced billing clerk, elevator man, inouoii piciure ojeraior. uuiea ami gents cult u rapper and collector and want work bad I me? Marshall 1 What cau you of ft; v v dki't automobile driver and mechani cian. 12 years' experience, age 29, good appearance, sober and reliable, do my on rct-air work. Good reference. All fr-'b. Oregonian. YOU NG man. 27 can drive automobile aud do aarden work in private lamiues: nrst- class references as to character. K 92 J, Oresronian. EXPERIENCED gardener with local refer ence wants position; private resmence. AD 91H. Oregonian. WANT Position by man and wife as man a?er and housekeeper in hotel, 0 years' ex perience. ureigoniHn. JAPANESE v. ants position, kitchen helper or di-hwasher immediately. AP fia, ore gonian. HOME fr boy go to school, work foi board, out-ide work preferred. AN 909, Oregonian. im as bartender by young married man; experience and best references; also ei-.t-'n- a hookke'Der. Phone C n:t3fl. JAPANESE, good exporlenced boj- wishes posttiou aa gardener. AM 922. Orego nian. tL'NG man can make fire morning for his room; leave your address. Room 30. Slain r IHST-CI-AS3 waiters furnished. Marsh ai1 Til. A 4910. Portland Waiters Club, llij Eth, Portland. Or. G- C. Geratd, manager. JAPANESE Housecieanlng CO. Phone A 4SW. Call evening, goou aetp. EXPERIENCED butter man, egg- candler. Month's work. Call Main 16S4. CHEI7. f.rst-clss. experle restaurant. K 930, Oreg MILKER and barnman wishes position on dairy ram-in - ah q-', ufsmim. BAKER Alt-round man, steady and soier, wants position. R 9?2. Oreg-n;sn. JAPANESE want tositi'-in. fiejj, cMk and waiter iramcniain;. .vr vregoni.ll. POSITION as colieto, young man 2b. goca ref'p nces. lox -l, houic l. p-nerwotd, or. PASTRY and bread baker, rtyuiro position. Mtscellaneons. BUSINESS man formerly, in business for self, now would accept position as tlme-k-eper or office man or would do most anything; can Rive references as to hon esty, etc. N SS'. Oresonian. HOTEL or cafe boy, -1st c'a?s chef cook, who can handle large kitchens, artistic work guaranteed; sober and reliable and always on the Job. Phone Main otwJ. Room 15. . YOUNG married man, first-class mechanic, carpenter, some experience a foreman, wants work in or out of city. Please ad dress AP 20, Oregonian. YOUNG man. good education, energetic, capable, wants employment; some experi ence cleaner and presser. AL USL Ore gonian. PHOTOGRAPHER and kodak flnisber; young man with some experience in this line desires position with photographer or as assistanL V 917. Oregonian WANTED By young Filipino. work ii: country, do cooking, hotel, restaurant club or small camp; expenenoeo. S7rt. Oregonian. AB MAN and wife, first-ciass cooks, want posi tion, capable of taking full charge of kitchen and dining-room, of boarding house or club. AS t06, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED machinist and driver wants position as chauffeur or garage. Main 361. FIRST-CLASS chauffeur wishes position, first-class references; will consider any offer. E 925. oregonian CHAUFFEUR, experienced, desires position driving private car; rcrerencea. - Lemmon. Phone Main 7035. CHAUFFEUR wants -,-ork driving or In ga- iAPi wants position any work at 'mornina- or day work. 47 W. Park. A7170. YOUNG man, 22. will start from bottom, work up. X SSL Oresonian SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographers. CAPABLE woman wishes position in general office; good accountant and penman, or as landlady in roommg-nouso, . - work, r none ast e"-oidhpr thnrnuH-h.lv exDericnced In" commercial, legal and abstract work, must have position at once; accuracy and speed guaranteed. H 894, Oregonian, EXPERIENCED stenographer and assistant bookkeeper win accept pBrmuoui tton at small wages. H 880. Oregonian. YOUNG lady bookkeeper, position as assist ant in office: ouiek at figure; references; lumber preferred. AJ 816, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED stenographer desires per m anent Do<lon; references. W oodlawn 6 S3. pniTlON wanted by Al lady biller and typist; salary considered. AJ 1. Ore gonian T Dress makers. FIRST-CLASS dressmaker wishes more en gagements Dy uay, .ou, or nu a K-T satisfaction guaranteed. Marshall 56 a. YOUNG sftdy wants position with dress maker or tailor; experienced. East 291. Room 21JL V-o'cdt 4.kin nnri larlles tailoring; hats made, remodeled. 203 Goodnough bid. LADIES' house dreees made from $1.50 to S 275 Williams ave.; siae. entrance. EMBROIDERY, monograms, baby sets; also DRESSMAKING and ladies' tailoring. Cal E.ist 4449. 91 H Grand ave. Mrs. Day. DRESSMAKING, all kinds sewing, day. Mrs. Fuller. East 4329. $1.50 DRESSMAKING, tailor-made and fancy, reasonable; ref e re n ces. M arrh all 1850. Housekeepers. n i r,T-c- iiin. Cm mi)ffi from AltV who an 'BUArH an In Oresonian March 21 for hnut-ekeepcr was to come 22. did not come .ntii -4- nlease address or call at 404 Park St. ui'tMvs-n vnnno ladv. ood housekeeper. Plain cook, wishes care of nice home; no heavy washings, with small ramiiy. 923. Oregonian. - vnrvr. widow wants position as house- keeper. Call East 291. Room 211. PRACTICAL nurse with hospital experience wishes any Kino, oi imimug. wood 1396. , ,. COMPETENT nurse will take charge of In valid. H S32, Oregonian. Miscellaneous. Ml DOLE-AG ED. respectable lady wants po sition as COO It or uuusetepm man' good, clean cool;; city or country: waives not lees than $25 per month. Room 10 San Marco HoteL . YOUNG lady employed would like room and board exchange light house work ev enings and mornings. C 1 8. . 98, Ore gon tan. REFINED young woman wishes piace w stay -with lady for company for board and room; vicinity of Sunnyslde. K 9o0, Oregon iarK , LADY wishes clerking In department store. has had Some experience;. j fw, ww goninn, BY hour, cooking, serving, nursing hn" ng, Ironing, expriet;eu. , 317 WOMAN wants light housework where she will be treated as one ot lauuj. jtv Wood lawn 8394. . YOUNG vnnrrled woman wants housework or bonrding-house by the day. Main 9572. Cal! forenoon. FIRST-CLASS woman wants day work wasn- ing, ironing ana cleaning, jaaii 4775. CAPABLE young woman desires chamber- work or waitress, aiaiu ' SWEDISH girl, family cook, $40; house keeper. f?23. Main 2039, A 4773. YOUNG woman wants work by the hour. Marshall 1343. LADY wants work by hour. Phone A 653S, room o. YOUNG Japanese woman wants position housework. West Side. E 927, Oregonian. LACE curtains washed. 9 years experience. Tabor 2445. Mrs. Scott. LADY with child 5 years, would like posi tion in small family. Phone A 3092. FIRST-CLASS laundress would like work Thurs. and Fri. References. Wood. 1011. WIDOW will work for own and child's board and room; small wages. East 44. LACE curtains, hand -laundered, 20c pair. Main S398. WANTED "Work by the day washing, Iron ing, craning, reference. Main 3539. EXPERIENCED woman wants houseciean lng. 2-"c per hour. Phone Tanor 336B. DAY work done and dinners cooked by ex perienced person. Marshall 2719. WOMAN wants day work. E. 23fi4. ASSIST with housework. Phone Tabor 204. DAY work wanted. Mrs. Magee. Main 9316. WANTED AGENTS. SALESMEN wanted; a steady connection with the largest real estate company In Canada, handling: subdivision property in crowing- towns and cities along the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway; special agents for sale of Grand Trunk Townsltes. Big commissions to live hustlers. Com municate with our office at Dominion Trust bldg., Vancouver, B. C. Interna tional Securities Co., Ltd. Head office, Somerset bldg.. Winnipeg. Man. WANTED A competent building and loan or life insurance man to take our agency for the State of Oregon; a swell propo sition to the right man. The Pacific Build ing & Loan Association, 108 South 9th cL, Tacoma. v asn- OUR absolutely square $30 to $07.50 weekly Q.iiarv 3u rer ct, commission proposition assure- steady workers unlimited pros perity. GALLOWAY" BOWMAN COM PANY, Otv. lb, v atenoo. tow a. OUR agents are making aa high as $5 a day. if you can sell anything, you can sell Silica Paste, Silica Products Co., 433 Stark st, m WE have a place for several good salesmen in Oregon; a good proposition ana oig opportunity for live, energetic men. Top penlsh Nursery Co.. Toppenish. Wash. LIVE AGENTS are selling the Jaeger vacuum cleaner. Why not you? Call 701 Rothchllt. bldg. AGENTS for Oregon. National Casualty Co W1 Railway Exchane bldg.. Portland. WANTED TO RENT. tiouses. We want for tenant now waiting; FIVE-ROOM MODERN BUNGALOW, not too far out, $20 to $25. THE FRED A. JACOBS CO, Main ooofl. 2t;u Washing a st- A 6267. BUSINESS man wants 8-room modern su burban house WJin garueii, nun buu piauv for cow and chickens: near good trans port a tion. W 0 Oregon ian. BEFORE April TO, furnished house. 7 or i rooms., Adore u oiKRimmii. FOK RENT. Furnished Rooms. CENTRALLY located. low rates, separate or housekeeping, i-m i io. t Yan-hill House, 361 Yamhfll st. A JLJod. I . - . i I HOTEL RAINIER One block from Union Depot; 140 out side rooms, with all modern conveniences; making special rates to permanent guests: rates from $10 per month up. Give ua a call and you will be more than pleased. 12S 6th st North. HOTEL ROWLAND, 207 rt 4th SL Just step in and look at a nice, warm, sunny room; hot and cold water; beau tifully furnished and homelike, at a PRICE that will CERTAINLY suit you. If you are wise you will go at once. HOTEL SAVON, 131 Eleventh Street.1 New. modern brick building, steam heated, private baths. hot and cold water In rooms, beautifully furnished, cosy, com fortable, rent reasonable. Call and see us; regular and transient trade solicited. THE HOTEL ARTHUR. 11th, between Morrison and Yamhill, re cently opened; every modern convenience, plenty of hot water and heat; beautiful lobby; rates $4 week and up; . with pri vate bath $5.50 week and up; transient rates 73c and up. Free phones. Main 4-26. HOTEL M1NOOK, 21a 4Ul St. Are you looking for a good warm room with hot and cold water, nicely fur nished and homelike, at VERY MOD ERATE PRICE? If so. Just take a look at Hotel Minook, cor. 4th and Salmon, and you will look no farther. THE VIRGINIA HILL HOTEL, 14th and J efferson. An established hotel. Rooms en suite or single, rate reasonable. A o62S, M.M283 HOTEL Buckingham, 652 H Wash., cor. Ella Clean, sunny, outside rooms, running1 hot and cold water, steam heat, free phone and bath ; thoroughly respectable; $iu month up, with bath. $5 a week. THE THOMAS3EN, 402 3d, corner Har -i.nn- -onovatAd. refurnished, steam heat rooms $2.30 week up; 2, 3, 5-room suites, reasonable: some unfurnished. a car a Main 7771, A 1970 wnvPF. h v. v WICK Ideal home for busl ness people; centrally located; elegant rooms: modern conveniences, Lroadway and Taylor, block from Portland Hotel, opposite Orpneum xneater. aiam yio. wk!i-kss HOTEL. 3d and East Burnside atrintlv morinrn rooms with or without private baths. Moderate prices. Private phones WKAVKR HOTEL. Nicely furnished - outside rooms, good Southern cooking, cosy reception parlor. 710 Washington st Main pool. CENTRAL HOTEL, opposite Pantages; large rooms $3 per week up; beautiful suites with bath $6 per week; these suites best proposition in town ior me money. HOTEL NETHERLANDS, 126 13th sL. at Washington. -Dnnma ix ift oer weelc un: under per sonal management owner. J. W. Bushong. tup lirmhee. 227 U Larrabee. Room S: week uu. Brick bldg.. steam heat, hot, cold water, patn, pnuno, cmuicuy HOTEL CONGRESS Beautifully furnished rooms with all modern conveniences, oth and Main. HOTEL MADRAS, 443 "Wash. sL, all out side rooms, steam neat, not anu cum wa ter, strictly modern, rate $1 day, $4 week. HOTEL CORDOVA, 26 11th St., new strictly modern, private baths and suites; rooms $3.50 per weelc up. M 9472. 3 OR 4 pleasant rooms and private bath. Marshall lu-ao. in mi. HOTEL OAK, 347 Oak; steam heat, hot and cold water; ouc uay. ween.. VIRGINIA LEE HOTEL, 25 Trinity Place, cor. Wash. Modern convenience. M. 1135. ROOMS to let, $1.30 and up. 91 Fourth St., opposite Chamber Commerce. f urmhrd Kooms In Private Family. NICELY furnished rooms in pleasant Irv ington homo to young men or gentlemen and wife employed during the day; ref erences required. Address AS 815, Orego nian. $10 A MONTH, front room, newly furnished, tn -n a ncivhhnrhnnil. all modern conveniences. ISO North ISth, corner of Johnson. Marshall o5!2- NICELY furnished rooms with bath and use Of piano in -small uennan """"J . ; ing distance, 55o E. Alder, near 1-th. rnone Main vx ui IN a swell parlor and dressing-room, with built-in Holmes beds, for ladies, with use of kitchen; or gents; ju on w ton. W 910, Oregonian. ttoh KENT Desirable room in modern home, to one or two g-cntlemeii. EA, MV or Rose City cars, also easy walking dis tance. 27 E. 18th North. BEAUTIFUL front room, bay window, large, nicely furnished, modern notne, une p""-". lawn, roses. East Side, near 14th, walk ing distance. 570 . Madison, a tan. ELEGANTLY furnished room in a swell pi vate home, alt modern conveniences, clc in. 71 Trinity Place- STEAM-HEATED room, private family; good location. waiKine utance, reaaowauic. Main 7iiH. NirKLV furnished front room with alcove and closet, suitanie ior a- juuub jc very reasonable. 408 Broadway. NEWLY furnished room to gentleman on East Side wirnin easy warning uiaiauvu. good neighborhood. Home phone C 1270. PLEASANT double room, single- room, largt clothing closet, sleeping yon;n, ieu, modern house, free phone. 130 East IQtn x-Ti-L'T tr yteUaA room. eond location, walking distance, gooa niu cio. Hoyt. FURNISHED rooms with, without private Dam, poaru . po tuca. ov - FURNISHED rooms in suite or single; walk ing distance. t mn, near oeixeipoti. NEATLY furnished bedrooms, gas, walking distance, $1-50 per week. 429 Cth st. NICELY furnished room. $2.50 weekly; also one, $-; central iwanun. wo -omM. FINELY furnished rooms; bath, heat and phone; set youi own prt;e. .n 4 ROOMS. $11: two front rooms, $7 and $7.ou. Mariieist. $L.0 WEEK Light, Clean Sleeping room. 00 JLIl DL. NICELY furnished single room, quiet home, ill conveniences, apauiuwy t;iei. -on. WELL furniuhed front room, modern, rea- sonaDie. :-iu ioi", nenj 448 TAYLOR Rooms modern, clean, home like. $7 montn ana up. Unfurnished Booms. SEVERAL nice unfurnished rooms, good location, corner idtn. laxnnui. aimn t. Kooms With Hoard. MODERN ELEGANT EXCLUSIVE, American and European plan; near City Park; convenient to carllne. THE HILL, Washington, at 23d st. Residential and Tourists Hotel. Attractive rates to permanent and tran sients. Main 7534. THE WILLARD HOTEL MORRISON AND PARK STS. European and American. $2 per day with meals. Hates by the month and week with or without meals very reasonable. N e w. mod ern an d fireproof. ELTON COURT. Select Family Hotel. Modern rooms with excellent table board, very reasonable rates. 11 Lh and Yamhill sts. THE WHITEHALL, 253 6TH. Does a home appeal to you ? Doubl and single rooms, private bath, sun par lor; American plan. Women cooks. PARKVIEW HOTEL Strictly high - class family hotel ; not anu coiu wer auu steam neat m eve-rj iuuiu , .aui- uuc -celled; references. Montgomery st., at West Park- THE LAM.BERSON, 534 Couch, one block from Washington; steam heat, running water; pood board; special rates for men. REDUCED rates for Summer; congenial people, excellent uuiie; ajwajs not water, 261 13th. -rtnTr.ixn WOMEN'S UNION. 24th year rooms with board, use of sewing room, li brary. 010 Flanuers. rs. . i. v iiaon. up. Ar,1 MORRISON, corner 13th st. Rooms, board optional. Modern conveniences. Walking distance. THE HAZEL furnished rooms with board. running water, steam neat, jbj a -t. MANITOU, 261 13th st, Attractive, clean rooms; steam heat, good board; close in. BEAUTIFUL furnished rooms, first-class table board, very reasonable. 374 Park. LARGE, sunny room, with board; yard. Caca Rosa, 300 Jefferson. large Kooms With Board in Private la roily. FOR RENT Lovely room with or without board, all modern and home privileges, reasonable. B car. 39 E. 7th at. N. FURNISHED rooms, modern, with or with out board; good home cooking; residence district. 7S7 Glifan. Marshall 704. SPLENDID large room for 3 men, sep arate beds, walking distance, 2 meals, $5. Marshall 5347. 34 12th st. TWO beautiful front rooms, $5.50 a week, with board, for two. 343 6th- it NICELY furnished room, suitable for two; excellent meals; West Side. Main 2071. PLEASANT room and pood board. $5 per week. Call and see. 674 E. Stark. ROOMS "and board. 595 Eaat Oak. cornei E. l."th. walking distance. East 5.".2. ROOM Itrfa. and board, walking distance. 332 Alain 6979, A 2SJ6. 4-i i JEFFERSON Room a nd board, pri vate family, reaaonanie-ratos; can ana nee. IF you are looking for all com fori o ou. CaiL zl xnniEj uoc NICELY" furnished room with board suit able for 3 or 3; separate beds, hot and cold water; home comforts; $.o per week: also young man wanta rooinmaio. Main 63S1. 501 Harrison, near 14th. LEWIS LODGE. .,,. 723 Prospect drive, Portland HelgM. Business men who like, all the c omtoris of a modem home would do well to ca;l ud vain 1037; references exchanged. HOME cooking, front room w ilh 'C"V- liar n rumaco. - - Washington and Alder sta. FRONT room with board; everything mod f ern; furnace heat, electric -'S""' l1'1 bath. Beautiful view; walking distance. Main 32o. A PLEASANT, cozy room in new. modern v. frtr 1 cv -a miiloved: rood oobia and homelike place; every convenience, Marshall 47. ti9gx Everett. ROOM and board, private family. J"' convenience. 367 Mulberry St., wobl5.., south of Hawthorae. at 12th. hast FOR RENT Pleasant furnished room for two people, with board, walking distance. 161 No. 22d st. Tel. Marshall 3ob.. PLEASANT rooms with board, ti 3 1 Gl taan. " Apart menta. HARRIMAX APTS., 164, 24lh bet. lpin and Johnson; one 5-rooin apt., furnished with two real bedrooms, also two disap pearing beds as well aa two large sleep ing porches; most desirable for 4 to o nurses. 4 or 3 people or two married couples. Phone Main 356 or Marshall 3St9. - OVERTON APTS. New brick buildln. 2, 3 and 4 room, furnished and unfurnished ; all outsid rooms, freshly tinted, and painted, ground and tenuis court in connection; "u' car Corner 21st and Overton. Marshall 3S0. FLORENCE APARTMENTS, 3S 11th st. Modern furnished 3 and 4-room. Every modern convenience. Ruqf garden ana plav yard for children. J32.50 up. Ex cel Tent location; easy walking distance. THE NORTHAMPTON. 407 Hall st. .Main 42t)M. THE BIRMINGHAM. 390 lth st. Marshall 44. ( Strictly first-class 2 and 3-room fur- nlshed. . NEW, fireproof, automatic elevator, hot and cold water, steam heat, baths. Pri vate phones. 2. 3 and 4-room furnished apartments, $20 up. Single rooms, $10 a month. Leeds Apartments, 210 Maikt. FOR 10 days, private apartment, well fur nished, 4 lare rooms, suitable for two couple; owrer wishes . rent to equal cost of the apartment unfurnished, Kingsbury Apts. Phone Main 4102. WELLINGTON APARTMENTS, 15th and Everett 2, 3 and 4 rooms, unfurnished; private baths; $20 and up; completely ren ovated; under new management; walking distance; convenient aud best service. ORDERLEIGH 82 Grand avenue, 3-room uparunenta, completely furnished, private baths- new management: modern and con venient, walking distance; best of service, rates reasonable. " .EE THIS ONE SURE. Nicely furnished three-room apartment. $22.50; all outside, large, light airy rooms, private phone, bath, uu cUue. B 304L Tabor 2293. . THE WINSTON, 341 14th St., at Market. New two and three-room apartmentm, completely furnished; walking distance prices reasonable. Main 1739. THE STANFIELD. Newly furnished 2-room apartments, IS minutes' walk from Post office; $1 up; light, gas and phone service included. 2o4, Porter st. Phono Main 7392. HEINZ APARTMENTS, 14th and Columbia. Furnished 2, 3 and 4-room apartments; all conveniences; Urst-elusa, homelike, reasonable rates; ref. Main 7337, A ;olr. CLIFTON APTS., 7h0 Irving St.. Nob HIH. sunny. 6-room apt., 3 bedrooma, all out side rooms with large closets, sleeping porch, references. Main B3?3. A 1S27. HAMMERSLY COURT. Formerly the BuelL 250 12th; nicely fur nished 3-room apartments, strictly modern. Marshall 2052. Home phone A 2923- THE CHETOPA, 18th and Flanders sta., 2 3 and 4-room modern apartments, $20 and up. furnished, or unfurnished; ref erence required. .' GRAND STA East Stark and Grand ave nue; new building, large, airy apartments, nicely furnished; private phones; reason able rent. East 2QS. GAltDNER. 13th and Eatt Ash, 0 rooms, ail outside, 2 bedrooms, plenty of closet room, hot-water heat, fireplace, even'thina clean, good location. Phone East 2s71. MONTGOMERY APARTMENTS. Third and Montgomery; new, modern, out side furnished 2-room apartments; auto matic elevator; close In; $25 up. Main 94"". VERY desirable 3-room furnished modern apartment, neat. nut. pnuuc, nished, 25. 260 East 23d, Olio block north of Hawthorne. East 2669. THE CAMAR. 704 LOVEJOY. Modern brick building, elegantly fur nished; 3-room front apt., $33. Marshals 2910. THE DEZENDORF. 20$ Sixteenth, Near Taylor, 1 4 and 1 5-room unfurnished apart ment or will furnish. WALDORF COURT. Irvmgton, East Uth and Schuyler SIB.: O-rooiu aua mi-ni- -ti-t porch; everything modern. East 547, loots. KINGSBURY APARTMENTS, 1S6 Ford St., near wasnington, eiegant new uuur mh ing complete and modern, private bal conies, best of aervice; 3 rooms with bath. SIX large rooma, hard wood floors, water. heat, private pnones, iar sioeum iiumi, front veranda, new and every convenience. Grace Apartments, 797 Northrup. THE ORMONDE One 4-rooni, one 6-room, aoartraent. an oumiuc nss ar range, refrigerator and telephone. Flanders. Nob Hill. Main 825L boo SAN MARCO APARTMENTS. Corner East Couch and Mh sts. ; easy walking distance; modern, quiet, reason able. Phone East 2770. . WAY NEWOOO APARTMENTS. ' 2 and 3 rooms, newly furnished apart ments, $15 to $25 month. 1U9 North 18th bet Flanders and ulisan. Main BlttS. THE M'KINLEY APARTMENTS, East 7th and Morrison sta. Very central; 2 and 3-room apartments, furnished com nletely; private baths; from $20 to $21.50. M.AXHSON PARK APARTMENTS. para aim muium t. Ror rent, 3 and 4-room furnished and unfuralshe.d apartments; strictly modern. BRYN M AW R APTS.. 1S3 E. loth St.. near Yamhill; 4-room apartment, newly fur nlshed. . ATTRACTIVE Portland Heights new 6- room npartmeui., iU".u, den. Main 919o HAD DON HALL, 11th and Hall, 3, 4-r. furnished, modern, hardwood floors, private balconies. iwnvAV TERRACE. Exceptionally large living-room (1Sx20; ery convenience. 12th and Harrison sts. every JULIANA 4o TRINITY PLACE, vi-irnntiv furnished 2 and 3-room apart ments. Walking distance. Summer rate. rwr' ..a s.Tnnm fluartments. unfurnished. modern, reasonaui-. "u''"s , Portnomah, East 13th and Taylor. THE CHELTENHAM, just vacated; light apartment, rem . . ltTth. Phone Marshall 4,99. BRUCE APTS-. aim iu 111 r !u,.' r-atrictiy" modern, excellent location. THE niYTON Beautiful location. 6 flna large rooms, aparu'iwn. convenience. G5S Flanders. Reduced rent. EDENHOLM APARTMENTS 2 and 3 fur- nlsnea nouiei""g on..,.. ... -ket; under new management. 1 twp WINDSOR APTS. 8 or 4 rooms; new, rlejin. homelike; walking dltanc. rea-; K. Uth and Tamhlll. 1 wnANTA Apartments, 23d and Jolnitun Ml outside, i. -i. room,, furnished, ua furnlshtd; reasonaole. Marshall I'sal. , llFRilENIA. 400 Hall at., new bulidine. : completely furnished, moderate rates. Ham Oili. TTnooln avabtments, fourth and Lincoln Al! outside 2-room ips" 22.50 to t-tO: walking distance. TTrTTTN APT.. Oth and Montgomery: 3 rooro furnished; Summer rales; 7 In. i Postofflee. BUEN'A VISTA. J-th and Harrison; 2 and 3-room apart. men. pest m yyj thv Drickston. 448 11th. Xlcely '.jrnlahcd iTi s-room modern outside apts.. nor HPt"hts Mrs. F. W. Mcttune. Marshall il. ncp FRIEND. B. W. cor. 7th and JelTer-on- modern unfurnished apt..; first-class service : private phone. . r nvi. Marshall and lth sts.- -Large. -rfji n a and 4-room apartmeuta; quiet and exciu...c " " ata R1E sunny rooms with balb. w ell fi rished. ?22..V. Cor. 20th. Kandy road. ThT Nokomis, l.th ana MHrsnaJl sta. .moaorii. all conveniences; moderate rates. Mur.lWI. TlfP KIN-IAVIS, r.4 King st. N., nr. Wash. iSrleh-class; refcre neea. Both phones. JVL1ETTB APT.. 2 roomi Moniuomery; fur. and modern: 2d and uumrniKhed. rwm -PT.S 4 and j Toonit, moa-rni private phone, cbr. 3d and Mill, unfurnished. 1-KOOM apts., furnished, moflern. relAr- eaces. IJio v. w." "--. on SS carllno. to 3 or 4 young men. ) meals. $1S. Phone E. 309Q. i I HAVE 5 well-turnished rooms; 1 to ront to young men's ;lub. meals all con eniences. 1j L. 11th. oeu