Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, April 03, 1913, Image 1

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VOL. Mil NO. 16,330.
fHURSDAY. APRIL 3, 1913.
Wilson and House Com
mittee Agree.
President Wants Free Sugar
but Mind Is Open.
Agricultural Duties Cut 60 Per Cent.
President Crge Further Reduc
tion, but Agreement Is
Regarded as Certain.
WASHINGTON. April 2. Removal of
all tariff from raw wool haa been
agreed npon between President Wilson
and members of the House committee
on ways and means aa the result of
conferences that ended today.
The present plan, which will have
the unanimous Indorsement of the
Democratic members of the committee,
provides that wool shall be placed on
the free list, an end for which the free
wool Democrats of the House have
fought for two years.
Klftrea Per Ceat Abaaaoaed.
The concession to President Wilson
and the free wcol advocates takes the
place of the IS per cent duty which
the committee had agreed upon. This,
In turn was a reduction from the 20
per cent duty of the Democratic woolen
revision bill which passed the House
last Summer, but failed to become a
law. The free wool agreement. It Is
asserted by Democrats tonight, is ex.
pected to bring Secretary of State
Hryan into full accord with the tariff
revision programme.
The free wool members have ex
pressed their attitude before President
Wilson in conferences in which Repre
resentatlvea Harrison, of New York,
and Ralney. of Illinois, both members
of the ways and means committee,
have been the leading figures. Bep
reventatlve Harrison, backed by Mr.
Bryan, made an ardent fight In the
last Congress to secure indorsement of
the free wool policy.
Report Be I (.
The understanding arrived at today
is that the ways and means committee
will present its bill with the free wool
provision incorporated and with a
unanimous report from its Democratic
members and that the President will
make known his thorough accord
with. It.
The reception that may be given the
free wool plan by the Senate leaders
still Is a matter of conjecture. Presi
dent Wilson Is to meet Senator Sim
mons, chairman of the licence com
muter, and Senators Hoke Smith and
titone tomorrow night, and it la ex
pected that the attitude of the Senate
then will be made clear.
Under the existing law, wool carries
a duty of approximately 11 cents
pound, or about 0 per cent when
ugured on the sd valorem basis. It
is estimated that the abolition of the
duty will cause a loss of approximately
SZW.wOO.OOO to the present Government
Rnme Cat UersJy.
The Democratic tariff lrad rs contend
it will bring about a substantial reduc
tton in the price of woolen manufac
tured goods. This reduction In revenue.
and the possible loss of approximately
il.i)o.0iO of revenues, should sugar bs
placed on the free list, wouki be made
up. the Democrats say, by the Income
tax. the details of which probably will
be settlHl tomorrow by the ways and
means committee.
On some other tariff details Presi
dent Wilson, it was declared tonight.
had not fully made op his mind. He
believes sugar should go on the free
Hat. but Is "open to conviction.- He
baa been hearing arguments that peo
ple In Louisiana should readjust their
business to meet the new conditions
imposed by the removal of the tariff
on sugar. Colonel Robert Cw-lng, Na
tlonsl Committeeman from Louisiana,
has been presenting the other side of
the question and when he left the
White House he had laid the case In
full before Mr. Wilson.
Following on his conference last
night with Mr. Underwood, the first
thing the President did today was to
send for Colonel Ewlnic. He can
vassed the possibility of getting a
common agreement on the sugar ques
tion. The Louisiana National Com
mitteeman told the President that the
business of the sugar growers of hla
state, with millions of dollars Invested,
would be destroyed if sugar entered
free, but that they were willing to
stand a 25 per cent cut. Mr. Wilson
agreed to study the subject further.
Fa ran Prsdaeta Alaaaat Asrreed On.
Members of the ways and means com
mittee, after an all-day session spent
in perfection of tariff bill details, de
clared there was no substantial dif
ference of opinion between the com
mittee and the President over the duty
to be Imposed on farm products. The
romralttee haa cut the agricultural
duties more than 5 per cent In the
new bill.
While President Wilson is under
stood to favor a further cut In some
of them, members of the committee
lelard tonight that a complete
agreement would b reached with the
President without difficulty.
Kneclfied 'Working Schedule and
Time Off on Pay Eipeeted to Be
Included in Demands.
SPOKAXB. Wash, April 2. Spe
cial.) In spite of the comparative in
dependence that now exists among
housemaids and other domestic em
ployes. as the result of the heavy de
mand that Is made for such help In
Spokane and practically all other
Northwestern cities, steps are being
taken toward the formation of a home
and domestic employes' union.
Should the movement prove success'
ful It Is thought that not only will
housemaids, cooks, governesses and
others employed In private homes
make demands for minimum wag
rates, but for a specified working
schedule and for a certain amount ot
time off on pay each week. It Is con
sidered probable that wage scales ot
housemaids will be made In accord
ance with the number of rooms In the
bouses in which they work, and that a
similar rule will be made to apply to
the wage scales for cooks.
It Is estimated that there are ap
proximately 4000 housemaids and do
mestic cooks employed here and It Is
asserted that many of them are
anxious for the formation of a union,
although they are now paid, n most
instances, much better than department
store girls, laundry workers and office
Automobiles to Be Furnished Women
Cnable to Ceo Streetcars.
Women of the Civic Progress Circle.
led by Mrs. A. C. Newlll. Its president.
have hit upon a novel plan to bring
out "shut-In" members of their sex for
registration purposes.
They will provide automobiles for
this purpose and any woman who
m-lshes to register, but who Is unable to
stand the trip by streetcar to the Court
house will be taken there by motor.
The Civic Progress Circle haa arranged
with owners of several machines, to be
used next Tuesday, Wednesday and
Thursday, and if necessary, further
use of the cars may be had.
Those wishing automobiles should
telephone to A E021 or Main 78g any
morning between now and next Thurs
day, the sooner the better.
Additional Steamer to Run Between
Los Angeles and Portland.
LOS ANGELES. April 2. (Special.)
Improved service between Portland
and Los Angeles and San Diego and
San Francisco will bs Inaugurated
within the next few months by the
North Pacific Steamship Company,
C. P. Doe, president of the company.
recently bought the steamer Yucatan
to place In trade between Portland,
San Diego, Los Angeles and other ports
because of the great Increase of busi
ness. The Yucatan now is receiving altera
tions at San Francisco, and will be
placed In service within a few weeks.
The Yucatan will take the place of the
George W. Elder while the Elder Is
undergoing repairs. Later she will Re
placed In regular service on the San
Diego. Portland and Los Angeles run.
Dr. Wheeler Says V. M. C. A. and Y.
AY. C. A. Plunges Not Iangerous.
"Water in the plunges at the T. M.
C. A. and Y. V. C A. In no more im
pure than In found In any ba chins
tank." taiJ Dr. l J I. Wheeler yester
day in explaining a report that he
submitted Monday to the City Health
Board. Thin statement w called
forth by uneasiness among: members of
the two associations because Dr.
Wheeler had reported that there were
colon bacilli In tbe water.
Ther are colon bacilli In every
public plunfce." suld Dr. Wheeler, "but
this does not mean that typhoid aernis
or the danger of typhoid exists. There
Is no cause for uneasiness among those
who use these tanks."
Dr. Wheeler's Investigation was made
at the request of the V. W. C A. The
water used Is pumped from a deep well.
Is run through two filters and Is
changed frequently.
Hornier Mod Tor d Man Held for Fatal
Wreck at Marshflcld.
MARSH FIELD. Or.. April t. (Spe.
rial.) Fred Heed, formerly ot Medford.
Or., was bound over to errand Jury to.
day on eharite ol Involuntary man
slaughter. Reed was driver of an au
tomobile in which L. K. Balinger was
killed last Thursday night and is al
leged tu have been drinking and to
have driven the car carelessly at a high
rate of sreed, causing- the accident.
Keed furnished 11 0D0 bond, signed by
W. It Haines, one of his passenger,
who was injured In the wreck, and L.
K. Falkenstetn, of North Bend.
Candidacy for Mayoralty Said to
Stimulate Registration.
Registration of ProKressives has
been greatly stimulated by the en
trance of 1L Russell Albee and Dan
Kellaher Into the race for the nomi
nation for Vayor in that party.
T. B. Neuhausen. chairman of the
Progressive party central committee.
Is greatly pleased with the situation
In regard to the registration of voters
for the party he represents. He says
that he anticipates there will be not
lees than 34oe and perhaps 4QV6 men
and women registered ss Progressives
between now and, lbs close ot tile boks,
April It.
Formal Note in Course
of Preparation.
Repetition of European Criti-
cism to Be Avoided.
Members of Foreign Embassies and
Legations Call by Request Na
tion First to Show Confi
dence in Republic.
WASHINGTON. April 2. The United
States Government has decided to ree
ognlxo the Chinese republic. Secretary
Bryan conferred with President Wilson
for nearly an hour today at the White
House, completing the details.
A note Is being prepared at the State
Department to be addressed to China
through the Chinese Minister here.
Whether it will be presented before
the meeting of the constituent assem
bly next Tuesday or la Intended to
reach the Chinese government on that
date has not been disclosed, but the
mere presentation of the note to the
Chinese Minister and resumption of
formal International relations are re
garded In diplomatic circles as tanta
mount to recognition.
United States Is Mrs.
The United States Goverment is de
sirous of showing Its friendliness to
ward China, and although there have
been rumors that other nations might
recognize China before the United
States does It waa believed in official
circles here that the United States
would be found first to show faith in
the new republic.
No formal announcement Is expected
from the Administration here until the
Chinese government is in receipt of
the American Government's note.
Ambaasadora Are Notified.
At the request of the Secretary of
State, members of most of the foreign
embassies and legations in Washing
ton appeared this afternoon at the
State Department, and were received
Individually by Mr. Bryan. Among
them were representatives of Brazil,
Japan, Great Britain. Russia, Portugal,
France, Germany, The Netherlands.
Belgium, Sweden, Peru, Denmark,
Mexico, Austria-Hungary and Spain.
The calls lasted only a few minutes in
each case, and Secretary Bryan and his
visitors, by agreement, declined to
(Concluded on Page 2
The Weather.
YESTERDAY'S Maximum temperature, S3
degrees; minimum, 40 degrees-
TODAY'S Shower: southwesterly winds.
Montenegrins capture key fort to Scutari
in dspratc assault. Pare 1.
J. P. Momn'a body Is" borne to vessel.
Commons advance bill Intended to circum
vent "hunter strikes." Psse 6.
Wilson and House committee agree to put
wool on free list. - page 1.
United States will recognize Chinese repub
lic i'age 1.
Womn told how husbands can be made
useful tn suffrage campaign. Page 6.
Governor Fulrrr orders "Boss" Barnes to
keep away from Capitol, rage 2.
Coast Tagu" results: Fan Francisco 3.
Portland 2: Oakland 7. Sacramento 6;
Ijot Angeles 15. Venice 2. Page 8.
Beavers still have string on Dave Bancroft.
Page s.
Jimmy Richardson predicts that Indians
will make bad start. Page .
Pacific Northwest.
Seven of crew of schooner John D. Spreckels
saved when craft Is cut In twain by
freighter. Page 18.
Domestic Servants" Union projected in Spo
kane. Page 1.
Commercial and Marine.
California millers Uohllng down wheat
prices on Coast. Pago 1.
Decrease In world's supply of wheat
BLrengthena Chicago markot. Page 19.
Advance In stocks halted by realizing sales.
Pago 19.
Besr stopped on passage in by draw of new
bridge. Page IS.
Portland and Vicinity.
Oregon physician gives qualified approval
or Frledmann treatment, rago -v.
F. X. Matthleu celebrates OSth Blrtnaay
with reception. J'age 1.
Finale of grand opera season made gay by
society. Page 12.
Council not able to order extension of car
aervlee without iormal inquiry, r-ago iu
Return to melodious songs. In English, ap
preciated by opera patrons. Page 12.
Ohio flood area renews call for aid. Page 3.
D. R. Clarke's Friends Organize to
Support Candidacy.
D. R. Clarke, of 628 East Nine
teenth street North, yesterday cast his
hat in the ring for the nomination for
City Auditor on the Republican ticket.
No interest to serve but public In
terest." is the slogan he will bear.
"I will endeavor," he says In his
declaration, "to give this city an effi
cient and businesslike administration.
The Auditor's office belongs to the
public and each and every citizen is
entitled to Just and fair consideration.
If I am elected I shall see that the
public receives prompt and courteous
treatment from that office, as I have
no interest to serve but the public
Friends of Mr. Clarke met at the
Hotel Imperial last night and organ
ized a campaign committee. They elected
O. K. J e fiery as chairman and Arthur
O. Jones as secretary-treasurer.
F. S. Myers Reported Clioice for
Portland Postmaster.
ington. April 2. Senators Chamberlain
and Lane are understood to have recom
mended P. C. Burke, of Baker, for Col
lector of Customs at Portland: M. A.
Miller for Collector of Internal Rev
enue, and Herman Wis for Postmaster
at Astoria.
F. S. Myers, private secretary to Sen
ator Lane, was recommended for Post
master at Portland.
Trr Vows
, WW,
F. X. Matthieu Honored
by His Friends.
Veteran Pastor Walks Several
' Blocks to Reception.
Defying Ravages of Time and Vir.
tually Rising From Sick Bed,
Only Survivor of Champoeg
Meeting Enjoys Party.
Defying the ravages of time and sur
prising his family physician. Francis
Xavier Matthieu. sole surviving mem
ber of the historic Champoeg conven
tion which saved Oregon to the Union
pulled his physical self together in fine
shape yesterday after quite an illness
and passed the day the 93th anniver
sary of his birth among his friends
happy and remarkably hale for one of
his years.
Possessing what in his younger days
was a giant physique, the aged pioneer
and beloved citizen of Oregon refused
to yield to his Illness, and rallied suf
flclently within the past few days to
be able to meet and greet his friends,
many of whom called at the residence
of his son, S. A. Matthleu. Sol Eugene
street, yesterday to congratulate him
and to wish him many happy returns
Honor Guest Enjoys Party.
Although he had been ill for several
weeks previously and at one time his
Ife was despaired of, Mr. Matthleu rose
fairly early yesterday morning and. he
was able to receive those who called
In person. He shook hands with them
and chatted through a reception last
ing from 1 to after 4 o'clock In the
afternoon, and enjoyed every minute of
the time.
Among tho -first callers and ane of
his greatest admirers was Rev. John
Flinn, familiarly called "Father" Flinn,
veteran preacher of the Methodist
Episcopal Church, who lives several
blocks from the Matthieu residence, on
Hancock street. "Father" Flinn last
week celebrated his 96th birthday and
yesterday walked from his own home
to congratulate his old friend and to
wUh him many more years of life.
Another caJler, somewhat younger,
but none the less enthusiastic, was
Wesley Stevens, who yesterday cele
brated his third birthday anniversary.
Wesley Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Jay
Stevens, and his father is a battalion
(Concluded on Page 2)
Appointment to $12,000 Job, Rec
ommended by Senators Lane and
Chamberlain, Appears Likely.
ington, April S. Senators Chamberlain
and Lane today joined in recommending
the appointment of Joseph N. Teal, of
Portland, as Minister of Belgium, at a
salary equal to that of a cabinet of
ficer, $12,000.
It is the understanding of Senators
that this appointment will be entirely
acceptable to Mr. Teal and they feel
reasonably confident that he will be
named, especially in view of earnest
efforts made by the Administration to
induce him to accept the secretaryship
of the. Interior Department.
With Mr. Teal provided for, Senators
Chamberlain and Lane today submitted
joint recommendations for practically
all offices in Oregon for which Republi
can nomination failed last session, but
there is a bound agreement between
them to keep secret the names of all
persons indorsed.
Several Portland Men Express De
sire to Trim Xero's Nails.
Lion tamers are numerous in Port
land. - At least it would seem so from
the number of applicants for the job
of trimming the toenails of "Nerp" the
big City Park lion. Since the announce
ment by Park Superintendent Mische
that the operation is necessary to
protect the-health of the big brute, the
park office at the City Hall has been
besieged with aspirants for the Job.
The most likely applicant so far dis
covered is Ben Seigman, a sailor, who
reported yesterday that he will give
"Nero" the needed trim for $100. He
says he has spent considerable time in
Africa and has traveled with a circus
and has seen the operation performed
upon several lions. To press his quali
fications for the contract he announced
that he would be willing even to go
in the cage if the work couldn't be
done from the outside.
Superintendent Mische says he fears
Mr. Seigman will change his mind
when he gets a look at "NeTO's" two
front teeth, each of which is about
four inches long.
Plan for Municipally Kept Amaitur
Grounds Turned Down.
The scheme of amateur baseball fans
to have the city lease for them the 26
acres of land on Goldsmith and Benton
streets for a baseball field was turned
down yesterday by the ways and means
committee of the City Council, on mo
tion of Councilmen Maguire and Mon
tag, who held $300, the amount asked
for the lease of the ground. Is too high.
Representatives of the Portland Ad
Club and other organizations appeared
before the committee and urged the
need of a ball park for amateur teams.
Councilman Montag declared that
there is property In South Portland
which can be secured for baseball pur
poses free of charge.
The fans decided to get their forces
together and appear before the Coun
cil at its next meeting and demand that
the lease be taken up and money ap
propriated to put the grounds In shape
for playing.
Charlie Pistol Hat Says Lillie De
serted Him Eight Years Ago.
THE DALLES, Or.. April 1. (Spe
clal.) It Is not so uncommon for
Indians to apply to officials here with
the request that they be married "like
white folks," as they put It, but divorce
oroceedlnes among the red tribes of
this section Is unprecedented.
Such action, however, has been in
stituted by Charlie Pistol Hat, a Warm
Sprinsrs Indian. Perhaps Lillie. his
wife, could not stand the burden of
bis name. At any rate she deserted
Charlie, he alleges In his complaint.
Evidently her decision was a New
Year's resolution for she left him Jan
uary 1, 1S05. about a month after they
were married.
Charlie waited over eight years for
his squaw to return to htm, lost hope
and then started divorce proceedings.
Mayor-elect of East St. Louis Prom
ises Moral Cleanup.
EAST ST. LOUIsT 111.. April 2.
Mayor-elect Chamberlain, of this city,
announced today that his inauguration
day. May 1, will mark the beginning of
a moral clean up of the town.
"That day," said the Mayor-elect,
"will be moving day for the gamblers.
Gambling has been rampant in East St.
Louis, but I propose to get after the
gamblers by appointing a police board
that will do the work."
Mr. Chamberlain said that he would
seek also to curb the social evil, but
he indicated that for the present he
did not propose to close the saloons on
McReynoIds Also Takes up Schneid
er's Case in Land Frauds.
WASHIXGTOX, April 2. The ques
tion of pardoning Frederick A. Hyde
and Joost H. Schneider, convicted in
this city of alleged frauds in connection
with California and Oregon lands, was
considered today by Attorney-General
McReynoIds. Former Attorney-General
Wickersham recommended clemency for
them, but President Taft refused.
Hyde was sentenced to two years and
to) pay a fine of $10,000, and Schneider
to 14 months and a fine of $2000. Their
commitment to prison has been held up
pending results of the prison rehearing.'
Montenegrins Capture
Key to Scutari.
Not One of 200 Picked Men
Survives Perilous Task.
Tier After Tier of Entrenchments at
Groat Tarnboech Stormed in
Face of Murderous Fire on
Rough Mountainside.
CETTINJE. April 2. Great Tara
bosch fort, which for months has held
the allies off from Scutari, now prac
tically is in the hands of the Monte
negrins, thanks to the sacrifice of 200
bombthrowers, everyone of whom lost
his life in a last despeata effort to
clear the way to the town, for the pos
session of which Montenegro is ready
to give up everything.
These bombthrowers were all picked
men, chosen from several battalions.
Clambering up the mountain side under
a murderous fire from the Turkish
guns, they cut the wire entanglements,
and getting to close quarters, threw
bombs among the Turks, thus opening
the way for the storming party.
Infantry Follows Advantage.
Not one of the bombthrowers re
turned, but they had accomplished their
object, and the Montenegrin infantry,
following close upon them, charged tho
The Turks held their ground and a
desperate and bloody hand-to-hamt
fight ensued, lasting an hour and end
ing in victory for the Montenegrins,
who lost 300 men killed and woundeu.
Tier after tier of entrenchments had
to be taken, but the troops of the
Southern division, under General Mat
tinovltch, to whom the task' had been
assigned, overcame all obstacles.
Bombthrowers Are Unprotected.
The tactics followed, particularly lu
regard to tho use of bombthrowers,
were similar to those adopted In tha
capture of Adrianople. But in the ad
vance on Adrianoplo the soldiers who
cut and divided the wire entanglements
surrounding the forts were clud in
cuirasses and provided with shields.
At Tarabosch tho rough mountain
side made is necessary for the Monte
negrins to dispense with all impedi
Clinic With 100 Patients Delayed,
but Only Temporarily.
NEW YORK, April 2. Dr. F. F.
Friedmann announced tonight that ho
would proceed with his promised Gov
ernment clinic at which be will treat
100 patients with his tuberculosis vac
cine as soon as his incubator has been
repaired. This apparatus, which regu
lates the temperature of the culture,
broke yesterday. It is because of this
that the German specialist declared it
necessary to defer the test requested
by Government physicians.
Half the tuberculosis cases selected
for the demonstration are In an ad
vanced stage of the disease. Dr. Fried
mann repudiated tonight a statement
credited today to one of his associates
that the Berlin physician would, not
consent to holding the clinic because
so many of the patients were near to,
death and their cases practically hope
less. "When my incubator is repaired I
will be ready and I will stay here un
til I think my mission is finished," de
clared Dr. Frledmann.
Shot Fired to Stop Pursuit Finds
Mark in Thief's Own Body.
FRESNO, Cal., April 2. A trail of
blood eight blocks long led police of
ficers today to the body of one of the
men who held up the grocery store of
Blake Quick last night and robbed the
till of $55. W. B. Quick, the aged father
of the groceryman, who rushed to his
son's aid with a rifle, was shot and
killed by a lookout man.
Tho robber, whose body was found to
day, fled with the money, pursued by
citizens. As he ran he fired a shot to
stop the pursuit. The bullet, it was dis
covered today, penetrated his right leg,
the loss of blood causing his death. The
stolen money was found on the body,
which was not identified.
Constitutionality of Kansas Censor
ship Law Is Questioned.
TOPEKA, Kan.. April 2. Six hundred
owners of moving-picture shows in
Kansas have been asked to- contribute
$10 apiece toward contesting the en
forcement of the state film censorship
law requiring all Alms to be passed on
by the Superintendent of Public In
struction. A test of the constitutionality of
the law wtll be made through a suit
filed today by Attorney-General Daw
son against Lew Nathanson, owner of
the two Topcka film shows and repre
sentative of several Eastern film ex
changes. ' Nathanson refused to sub
mit films to the Superintendent ol in