HIE 3IORXIXG OREGOXIAX. WEDXESDAT, APRIL 2, 1913. "THAIS" ANOTHER MI OF TRIUMPH GRAND OPEEA STAB. POSES FOR OREGONIAN STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER. : , WOODARD-CLARKE CO. AMERICA'S LARGEST DXUG STOaE AI.DER AT WEST PAKtv Massenet's Lyric Drama Is Great Event in Grand Opera Programme. SPECIALS WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY WE GIVE HVC GREEN TRADING STAMPS -m aaaasaaasaaaaaa f raaaassaaama-asi J .T---5 I - - " ' i- 1 - raw m - if-:.. N .Wii I J I Hj j- r . . Ire ih ? . : .v jf- i MARY GARDEN WINS FAME Scar of Crrx-ratl- Stage Prore Her e?lf at Brrnhardt In Production, Which I Witnessed by Vat .udlence at Orpheum. I BT LEONE CASS BAEP. It waa Thala." ienfi marrel uly dexteroua Irrtc drama of paaalon. opera or wrttMna-s. opera that repels in Ita moat tremendous moments, yet I allure and conquers, that awept grand opera to a new night of triumph. It waa Thala- and Mary Garden. Tteligloua and Indecent, faaclnatlns and offensive, pure and prurient la the opera. Mary Garden uncorsetad her dramatic art and ber body and her rolce. and proved herself a very Bernhardt of the operatic stage. Morr Xmt Beaatlral. The story of "Thais" la not a pretty one. Probably none better knew It than Massenet when ha took It for his teal. Probably, too. he knew that, becauae of Its peculiar fltneaa for mu sical treatment and Its competency to excite. It would be sensational wher ever produced. In aoductlve quletnesa and all In nocence the opera begins Its unfolding. A band of rtfehteous ascetics have Katnered beneath the rren palms of Thebes. They munch their loaves, dipping them In honey and hyssop, while they listen In unaffected horror to the story told by Athaneal of the sinful capital of Alexandria. Then quick the curtain, and we are trans ported to Alexandria. The maddening, sensuous colors of the corybantlc, the wicked acolytes of Venus. Kros and Bachua lovely sirens float about with their allurement and temptations. All this at the home of Ntciaj. the voluptuary. Mary Gardea Appear. Wilder crashes the Massenet music, a voluptuous appeal murmurs from the violins, and Mary Garden, a lovely . fragrant thing of curves, gilding with srnsuoua step and alow, while the or . t nostra hushes the spontaneous ap plause, la borne Into the scene by the wild tbrobbings of the now madly trashing music, and Into tho air she toses hsndfuls of flaming roses. , Iter entrance was in vocal silence. We had vlsloned her through the eyes of Athanpal the monk, as he saw her high In the clouds and smiling In her 'abandonment In that first scene. Wvadrrfal Arc Gardea'a Ansa. When she had danced onto the stage, a lithe supple figure, golden of hair, ltg.it of tread with arms of exquisite cuntonr and daszllng fair, the tragedy of the love atory of "Thala" was In its . unfolatng. She caught up her Ions pink scarf, which in coloring seemed but a continuance of her own lovely 'skin. She wound and unwound the cart abount her Ill-concealed self. She . brought tile wonderful Garden arms into constant play, now about the neck of Ntclas, then about the holy Athaneal. fhe writhed and soiled and curved and coquetted. And not a sound from the lovely throat. And not a sound save ga.-ips from Mary'a audience. Her hysterics of limbs hypnotised. The Garden voice Is merely a vehicle for the Garden personality. Kirst and foremost, she Is an actress then she Is a singer. She has not only great beau, but Intelligence, which all will admit Is a rare combination. She l-nds a note of fine distinction to every phase it covers every gesture. Be cause of these very things It Is safe for Mary to bo generous In her at tempts to please. If she had one whit less gray matter, or there were one angle or one curve too pronounced, or If there were any room for criticism of the physical and mental Mary Garden he "Thala" would be another story. .nl it would go In the police news. However. Mary knows exactly what she Is doing. Spotlights on Opera N( OW that grand opera has crowded vaudeville out of the Orpheum temporarily, memories of the shuffle muard a few months ago by the clos ing of the old Marnuam bulMIng seem lo have come to the minds of many theatergoers, who recall thr "the Or plieura was at the Bungalow and the kiakrr wa at the Orpheum. etc." A phone call came to the box office xesirrrtay In the following intent: "Is the Orpheum at the Bungalow or the Baker this week now. that grand upera Is at the Orpheum?" Both last night and Monday night there were several cases of "dividing" the entertainment. At the end of the ftrst act one person would leave the theater, securing a door check. At the opening of the second act the brother or sister or "hubby." as the ease might be. would come In on the ; j,w check and thus two persons would get a taste of grand opera. "Whrre do the grand opera stars go to cat after the snow, la a question . that comes in both at the box office and at the grills of the city by phone from nunv persons who. uiwble to attend the productions, still desire to get opportu- ulty to be in the presence of the stars i anl bask, in a measure at ici. In their pirn y. "1 that for a season ticket?" asked a young woman at the box office, when her1 il;.. mn brillnt in wickci loin thai seats In the parquet were s.lllng for 17. The gallery at the Orpheum this week is dlcnlfie,! by the presence of hundreds of hurnlsclans prominent both in amateur and professional circles in tlio city. As seat sales have advanced and places have been taken up. mnslr lovers have drawn no lines of dlstinc as to where the seats may be, so that they may an opportunity of be- ins In the building and enjoying productions. the P!c Kevelv American- KOaU April I. Pope Plus today held ,th linpoi tant audience at which many Ijioniinent Americans were presented I..- Moneignor Thomu F. Kennedy, rec tor of the American College In Rome. The Tope appeared to be In good health. Sterllixatlou Hill Pa-ed. ST. PAt'I. April I. By a vote of CI to 45. the lower house of the Minne sota Legislature today passed tlie. bill providing for the aterilixatlnn by the state of defectives, habitual criminals and degeneratea. I TaV . V. v ! V "THAIS" IS ZENITH Mary Garden Astonishes and Electrifies Audience. PORTRAYAL IS BEWITCHING Succes of Opera Is Iue to Tragedi enne Charles Dalmores Prob ably Is Mot Artistic Tenor Krer Heart! In Portland. Surely the zenith of grand opera was reached In the magnificent and tem pestuous portrayal of "Thala" last ntzht by the Chicago Grand Opera Company. Mary Garden astonished and electri fied the audience. Twenty-two hun dred people lost their hearts to Mary and she would have won more ad mirers bad the Orpheum Theater been able to bold them. Aa It waa hun dreds of people were turned away for lack of room. It Is true that "Thais" was played, but It was all beautiful Mary Gardes. She dominated the stage the moment he stepped upon it. Just as a great orator like William Jennings Bryan or Robert O. Ingersoll literally swayed the ml mis of all who heard their mes sage. First of all. Mary Garden Is an emotional actress with a wonderful magnetic appeal. Secondly, ahe Is a singer of the French vocal school of dramatic movement, where the leading kleal la not bel canto, or "beautiful songs." Ckaparter la Caartninar. Consequently, why should anyone expect the said Mary to have a bel canto like Eames or Melba? If It could be possible to tnfu&e warmth and pas ston (for want of a better word) into the vocal songs of both Eames and Melba. or place the lovely, sparkling, pure soprano voices of these singers Into the vocal equipment of Mary Gar den, then one might reasonably expect the perfect Thais whom Massenet dreamed of when lie wrote the opera. Instead one must conform to what na ture has given js. In the person of charming Mary Garden. When Mary sang in the Armory In this city two years ago. In concert, es saying tender Pcotch songs, and tried to win her audience as a concert so prano, no wonder musical disputes arose as to Mary's place as a great artist. l.ove Permeate Atmoapaera, But last night when she floated on tho Orpheum stage as the heart-breaker nf Alexundria. she brought her 1 witchery, beauty and daring with her, i lust as much as If she had created a sudden blaxc of light, saying: "Behold. It 1 I: worship." The' "Thais" of Mary Garden is a fair barbarian, a pagan. She la like a beautiful fairy being that floats sud denly from a picture as she bends to wards .lrias ami sinics. "Tonight be Joyful. Let the happy hours fade away. I.et us ask nothing ' more from this than a little mud bliss and divine for getfulnesx. Tomorrow I shall be for thee no more than a name . . ." In the courtyard scene with Athan atl Mary Garden was the siren and her Thais was amorous to the point of well. French artistry. In he great scene in Thais" room, where the monk denounces her and where she shrivels under his curses, love geta Into the at mosphere and the denouement Is tre mendous. There Is hardly any need for sing ing. A great tragedienne invokes her made. The rest? It's all Mary. Portland people have read for many months about the art of Charles Dal mores, tenor and he really Is a great tenor, whose voice and art .are so mag- nlflcent that he was distinguished In a aistinguisnea company 01 Dig nms. Dalmores l.i a big: dramatic tenor, whom It is a Joy to hear sing. His voice is big and sparkling, and high B,t. je is a finished actor, and one of , best dramatic tenors and probably tne most artistic tenor Portland: nas ever heard In opera or concert. Dpfraaae Has Good Voire. Hector Dufranno as Athanael. . the monk reformer, has a fine baritone voice of melting quality, sweetness ano sonority. Ho made a splendid figure, and his voire carried to the furthest recesses of the theater. Gustavc lieberdeau. hasKO cantanto. was the paiemon. and his voice la first class. It i a valuable rolce lesson just to hear him sing. The male chorus Is magnificent, and the Individual voices remarkably good. The orchestra, under the direction of Campanini. was iuperb. The beautiful "Meditation" was artistically played as a violin solo by Mr. Kramer, with or chestra accompaniment added. The whole opera pleased the audi ence Immensely and for once an aristocratic audience awoke, listened, came under the real spell of the music, and applauded. It remembered, how ever, that it was largely Anglo-Saxon, ami didn't cheer. llevtewing the whole opera the star Is beautiful Mary . Garden, poet of exotic love. She's a new Scotch rose called Alary. Scotland has given the world Harry Lauder and others. But Its brightest artistic Jewel at the pres ent time, search where you will, is "the honnle lass frae Aberdeen." Mary Garden. K-.v'-i-laV . . w I.? . W J: . . V- . - 1 a' UZ- s i 'vV3c. MME. TETRAZZIXI lUCIOILLTOfllGHI Grand Old Italian Opera Is . "Bride of Lammermoor." TETRAZZINI TO TAKE ROLE Great Artiste in Portland Siiid to Excel Even Pattl In Interpreta tion and SInjriiiK of Part. "Mad !5ccnc"' Wonderful. MTIA 01 UUIMERMOOB (la ltaUaa) Opera la Three Acts by DoolsettL CAST: ' jjjcla Luisa Tetraxilnl Alls..-.. Minnie Egener ; Edgardo Oiuseppe Gaudensl Lord Enrico Aihton Govannl rolese RaVmondV. "..Heart Scott Arturo. Ndrninnoi Palmlro Aleottl The plot of "Lucia dl Lammermoor," the familiar grand opera of the old Italian school, which is tonight s bill at the Orpheum Theater, is taken from Plr Walter Scott's novel "The Bride-of ianmcrnoer,' and relates to. nearly I , 1. 1 ' - v: , , - n't k J . r W j" i " tyw --v f.k ; - s - AJrf "'?i Saw ,0 ill - J v y t'k If j- - 7 '5. Itnkk - -1 ' I ' y7g ' ' " f & V M.JWn.tf.M)1w.1A.mt, - 1 n 1 VWirtir.-Ji ' - WZc - r1 I' t'ARIOl'sJ POSES. actual historical events that happened in Scotland In the 17th century. Lucia Is secretly bethrothed to Edgardo. who at the opening of the opera is absent in France on a state mission. Lucia Is compelled by her parents to consent to wed another suitor, and at the wedding feast, Kdirardo appears, and fiercely de nounces Lucia for her seeming perfidy, and defies her male relatives and pros pective husband to combat. The scene is known musically as the famous "Sextet-" Lucia swoons. In the succeeding scene, Lucia makes it "the mad scene." She sings as one who has lost heT reason. The opera ends In all around tragedy. ' Trtraszinl Takes Role. The greatest opera of the florid school of song Is unquestionably Doni zetti's "Lucia" and tonight the incom parable Tetrazzinl will take the role. "Lucia" is a work that is not sung frequently In these days, not because of the lack of love on the part of the public for its magnificent melodies, but because of the inability of most prima donnas to cope with Its highly ornate and extremely difficult score. In fact. Madame Tetrarslni Is the only living singer today who is capable of doing Justice to the marvelous vocal embel lishments thst tonizitti provides for the role of the unfortunate Bride of Limniermoor. This was one of the parts In which Adellna Pattl was w-ont to astonish ber admirers and of whose wonderful vocal feats our grandparents still speak with reverence and respect. Unbiased music lovers who have heard both Pattl and Tetrazzinl, concede to the latter the palm for the rendition of this part. Tetrazzini not only sings that music as It was' set down by Donizettr, but she adds many flourishes, coruscations, altitudinous trills, and amazing stac cati notes that are not found In the score. "Mad Scene" Is Woaderful. To state that this is a most marvelous snd agile accomplishment, is a mild asseveration of tho truth, but to-"whlch all those who have wondered' at the The Cubists, Futurist and Post-impressionist as well as people with well - balanced minds will be interested in the novel weaves and original color combinations of our suits for young' men and men who are still young. Prices $20.00 to $25.00. Dignified apparel for the staid ones, the conservative pillars of society $25 to $35. Buffumfi Pendleton 311 Morrison St., Opp. Postoffice ability of the great prima donna, can testify without hesitation. in the famous "mad scene," Tet razzinl equals the lark or the night ingale, and arouses her audiences to excitement. Her clear, flexible tones of wonderful sweetness im Brilliancy vie with the flute in intricate cadenzas and astonishing vocal climaxes. With facile ease, she mounts the vocal scaie, until she reaches the great high "C." Here It would seem that the human voice Is not capable of higher flights, but while the auditor sits spellbound, as It were, the glorious tones soar higher until with a culminating cres cendo of vocality the "i" in altisslmo rings out nyith surpassing clarity. It Is a note that for beauty of timbre, surety of pitch, and volume of tone has never been excelled by any can tatrice. TROLLEY HEADS MEET 23 ELECTRIC BAIL WAV REPRE SENTATIVES PRESENT. Executive Men From Aregon, Wash ington and California Organize to Enlighten Public. SAX FRANCISCO, April 1. Twenty five electric roads operating; in Cali fornia. Oregon and Washington were represented at a meeting here today h.n ih. Pacific Coast Electric Kail- way Association was organized. . The new association becomes a section ui the American Electric Railway Asso ciation, the National body. Officers elected for the Pacific Coast organization are: President. F. W. .1 a a firs vice-nresi- dent, T. T. C. Gregory, San Francisco; second vice-president, a. w. Seattle-; treasurer. Norman Logan. San Francisco; executive committee, T. T. C. Gregory, W. J. Dunne, Los Angeies, Paul Shoup. Los Angeles; unarieu Black. San Francisco; D. L. Huntlng . a i,.. i :i.. Tnihot. Astoria. Or.. toil. l w,v" . j - and W. R. Alberger, San Francisco. Charles N. BiacK, oi tne wo." committee, is first vice-president of the National body. .-i nwiAn4. tha association is to j.ji. . w. - cultivate better relations wita the pub lic by telling tne puouu ui i ond nrohlema ' connected with electric railroading." said James H. McGraw, of New lorn, wno the meeting as vice-president of the National body. 'Electric railways." he said, are in ,iiiin thir service below cost, and we believe that where this Is made plain to the peop! they will ap prove of Increases. In order that the companies may avert losses. There Is going to be woe in cermin iiuii . .w- a m marie tn under- unlets mo i-'i'm " - stand the public utilities question more fully." Bully Creek Project ruder Way. VALE. Or, April 1. (SpeciaL) With .. 1,-nvfneer A. C. Ashford. of Seattle, work has begun on the Bully ,. : .... i ... i nrnleet In earnest. tree , , , Over 100 teams left Vale yesterday for the scene of operations ana men auu supplies are being transported to the reservoir site as fast aa possible. Maney Brothers have charge of the construction work and expect to begin work on the diversion dam this week. From all Indications water will be on the land not later than 1914. About 30,000 acres have been signed up. That psin arouni jour heart means pressure of pas, the result of indigestion. It does not mean heart disease. Pain in the region of the heart is almost never present in organic heart trouble. . Strength for the stomach is the one thin needed. Dr; WUliamr Pink Pills, one after each meal, and a little care in the diet, will quickly restore you to health. This ia the proper treatment lor indigestion and you can begin it to day and start on the road to health by getting a box of Dr. Williams' pink Pills for Pale People from the nearest drug store. A copy of our new diet book ia tree on re quest and the pills will be sent you by mail, postpaid, on receipt of price, 60 centa per box, six boxes for 2.50, by addressing the r. Williams Medicine Company. Schenectady. K. Y. AMERICAN ALARM CLOCKS It rings to beat the band. Makes the cook get up in time to get the breakfast in the morn-? "J ing. Priced at UJ-v ALLEGKETTI CANDY At the Candy Bower will be found a line of Allegretti famous Choco lates, priced at, the box, -80c, 50c, 40c and aDC " MARY GARDEN PERFUME All this week, in honor of Mary Garden's visit to Portland, we will sell the Mary Garden Perfume, regular price $2.00 $1.45 per ounce, at. . .. CUT GLASS WATER SET Consisting of six tumblers and 3 pint water jug; regular price of this set would be $7.50 ; special for Wednesday and (JQ QQ Thursday at tP0O JAPANESE BASSETS Beautifully polished Japanese Flower and Fruit Baskets, ranging in price from $1 up, will be placed on sale on the second 1 C(-(-floor at VH MINIATURES BEAUTIFUL Miniature copies of famous Paint ings, each copy mounted in an old gold finish frame; regular price $1.00 and $L50; priced CQ special at tJJs BROOCHES Beautiful Brooches and Dinner Pins; values up to 75c; 39c all priced at LARGE BAR CASTILE SOAP A bar of Castile Soap, weighing about 2 pounds, pncea at 49c OPERA AND FIELD GLASSES Very select line of Opera and Field G'asses will be on salel fC Wed. and Thur. at.. Vl. . 10c SOAPS Jap Rose, 4711 Verdura, Floating Castile, Violet Glycerine, Skat, Flash, all on sale AVednes- Z?. day and Thursday at. .... . J , BATH SPONGES We are showing the biggest line of Bath Sponges on the Pacific Coast. They are on display on the ground floor and Wed. and U rC 'hur. will be priee.l VH CUT GLASS BOWLS In the Art Department we are pric ing the reg. $2.50 Cut d - j QfT Glass Bowl, sp'L at pXoOJ SASSAFRAS BARE One-pound cartons, clean, Ojj fresh Sassafras Bark jfiv . LUSTRAL POLISH Slakes old automobiles look like new. The bottle at 50c 25c and f . 1, lKUM Ailll WXJMXi A Spring Tonic of merit, contain ing many ingredients that will re lieve that run-down feeling that Springtime always brings. A Full 16-oz. bottle for tJlV UMBRELLAS First-class Umbrellas, priced, special at... $1.09 LEAGUE BASEBALLS Regular . $1.25 Lea Baseballs, priced at. u.r.98c COOPER'S CRYSTAL CORN REMEDY A safe, speedy and sure remedy pain at once, takes oil the corn, does for Wednesday and Thursday at COOPER'S DANDELION LIVER PILLS A purely vegetable pill which relieves sick headache, torpid liver, con stipation, pains in the breast, side, back, all complaints arising JK from a disordered, bilious condition. Priced at &dJ V Ground-Floor Conveniences for You Sub Postoffice Station Ko. 35. Stami and Parcel Post stamps for sale. American Express money order office, where you can pay your citj water bills. Portland Railway, Light & Power Company city and sub urban car tickets. Free yardsticks. HOTEL STEWART SAN FRAttOISCQ Geary Street, above Unin Square European Plan 1.60 a day up American Plan $3.00 a day uo New teel and brick trnotur. Every modern convenience. Moderate rate. Center of theater and retail district. On carlines transferring- all over city. Klectrlc omnikua meets trains and ci-iir? HAT PINS A lawre selertion ot' Hat Pins; val ues up to 50c j all priced Q HOT WATER BOTTLES A full-sized 2-quart Hot Water Bottle, guaranteed for one year; regular value $1; priced, 48c special, at CREAM RYE A full quart of Cream Rye Whis ky on sale V ednesday and 83c Thursday at VIRGINIA DARE WINE A large-size bottle, priced special at 49c CLA-WOOD MALT A good tonic, put up right; price, $2.75 per case of 2 dozen, $150 per dozen, or the bottle, ( P for JLtJL MINIATURE STATUES In French ivory, ranging in price from 25c to $5.00. Wednesday and Thursdav only, on sale 1 fC C in Art Dept. at V-fll 1013 DIARIES . Regular price, 25c; while they last, only 9c RAZOR HONES Swaty style Razor Hone;rtQ regular price 50c; special ( 1 Ks f HAIR BKUSil 11-row, tiger ebony Hair Brush, stiff bristles, a well-shaped han dle that just fits the hand. rTOjr. Priced, special at I OV CASTORIA Fletcher's, the genuine, the kind you have always bought. Special at tdJs SHELTON VIBRATOR Good for rheumatism, lumbago, $17.50 1 headache, back ache. Price. . . CALENDAR BLOTTERS Rlotter with rein forced corners, with calendar pad attached. A S-l.uu value, 58c on sale at . . m MAHrVr TTC WATEKMAW ATi u juaajjt FOUNTAIN PENS We have a full and complete line Waterman's and Conklin's Foun tain Pens. Price (jJOff AA from $250 up to pdO .JJ LATHER BRUSHES A large assortment of Lather Brushes, ranging in price irom ooc i a rum j-, 23c to 50c, placed on suie m the Cutlery Dept. at. THERMOS BOTTLES We carry a full and complete line of the genuine Thermos Bottles ami Lunch Kits. A Good (?" AA bottle as low as apXaVrV COMBINATION SYRINGE SETS Make a fountain syringe out of your hot water bottle with one of our Combination Syringo Spts, which consists of a full-length tub ing, 3 hard rubber pipes and siop- 50c ple connections, nice per set BATH TOWELS On the ground floor will be found a very select line of Bath Towels, both domestic and imported. Prife Wednesday and C Thursday at v-' for corns and bunions. Relieves the Priced OCn not nurt ine ww, Dr. T. FELIX GOURAUO S Oriental Cream OR MAGICAL BEAUTIFIES m Rdov Tan, Flmplef, rrwrklML Motb rAtbVH. Eb and Slim DifteaM. rid erary blmib om beauty, tad defiei d tMlinn. It ha stood the tet of M years, ami iaao bartnleaa we tap' ' it to be sure it ) pro perly mad. Accept un counterfeit of aimilar came. Dr. I A- Hay re aid to ft lady ot the bauttoa ft patitnt : '-As yon ladle will uie . them, I recommend Gourtad Cree.ni leftttbannfalof at! tbe akin preparation.' utba FertT. Hopkins & Son. rtopi, 37 Great Jwet St, K.T. C. i ft