La TOE MORXIXG OREGONIAX. WEDNESDAY. APRIL 2, 1913. 17 , I .,. I ,.. STATK. REM, ESTATE. TO BXCHASGE. - BEAI. ESTATE. REAL ESTATE. rS ttrl. to, ,,!.-, a BUSINESS PROPERTY Apartment House or Flats We have rlimts-with 3 very fine Wil lamette Valley farms all Wated within 40 miles of Portland. These properties rangp in price from 20,000 to $5, 000, are hijrhly improved and show splendid incomes. The owners desire to exchange the same for business property, apartment-house or other well-located Portland realty. Will as sume reasonable mortgage and pay cash difference. Properties must be submitted on their actual cash value. , Ko 'phone information. 404-5 Lewis Building Fourth and Oak Sts. Wanted Business property on "West Side; must be bargain for CASII ; improved or unim proved. QUIfK. Thad Sweek SWETLAND BLDG Rl'Y A LOT O.V THE SEUHORB Beautiful San Marine I .ota BOxlAO A Down, Aft wot .Month 345 .Attraction: Surf Bathing. Clam rllt rlnc. Aarate Catherine. Sea Flahlnn. Trout FlfhlnK. Sra, Crabs, lfuntlnK La. r ire tiame. flallroad surveyed acrosa tract. "Phone Main 117. or address V1TI. L GRAHAM at TO, ! Hrary Bids. Portland, Or. EAST SIDE SNAP lOnxlOO rwnr on East Stark, cloae In. anally worth lin.ftOO- but owner hK rut the prlro to VJ')U. 35ui down, bal anca to ault. C. M. ZADOW 414 r.raett Bid.. A HI. Maraaall M- MORTGAGE LOANS Oar Own) Mwary at Cimit Bates. WKSTKIIX BONO 4X MOHTUAUk: CO C.aaaaerrtal Claw Hide, fwrtlaad. Or. REAL ESTATE DEALERS. fc.ta. William G . Ill 31 Falling- bide, thapln A Marlow. 33:: Chamber ot commarra Jtnnlr.aa A C.. Main 1M. 2u Oiegnaiaa PALUKK-JONE3 CO. U. 1", 404-ui- uucoa bide TH enfon Rami Eatat. Co.. Grand an at Multnomah at. tHolladay AJdltloo.) REAL STTB. Ir ble lila. 1. REASONS 10 W H V YOU 8HOI BI T LOT3 IN T-YNDHURST. Th new Weat aide. :oe In, restricted reidnc district. . Ii i lafUvt.1' Jtauty Spot." i. Fii iti-minut rid tu oir office. Cc rjrfurr. A raH.-K-t4 .irl-t. Junt out.'i.i.' th h-uh-tx district. ..A-1 moitrn convni K-ncp. (i. ,vii lii only 3T5 t T"0; ail lmpr",iT,ntai plrt. Vl "hi-t ll around Portland, wjml ta tt. dVi.vytj jots iu otbr e.tluii ot :bc city. Tvi run buy thm to ea-iy frm. LTNDHt HST 1 n,ir th thrrj-m!l eU-v.. on v l.VmlDut rhie: th i.m! tlm it tW to a tu Irviiijcn It you chancv t mn n opn drw brltUf, LT.NOHlT la ar thr Kotirth-atreet Elect rtr cat. in a: the Uregoa Electric, gfKHl -N'ric. on iHjks tl Tujiatln Vai iry wj:ti a Iin v of Vail-y and Moun ta;rs. It la ju-t tnijt opm-d up. It will Py you to us tt onre nd arxavii c to the property and znjtk your aeiec Uoa, A pe!at lnduremtit and proposlttott to th flret tea reraons who buy. The price le now low. the trmi are rtchL. you caa dictate them. The property the besu We are wt;ln to "ahow you." Now le Tour opportunity. Ask for Mr. Moorth. TUE 4UR5T TRlST COMPAN'T. Entranc-a Washtcrton and Tmrrf Streets, Ma n 3t'J A DKVt. PORTLAND IIRIOHTS EXOJ.L SIVEL Y. If you want to buy on Fort sand meiffbta. see me. I hare about w pr -. of the property for eel tip hr in my banae and uave not oue daeat.sXled customer. It ROOK K. Elm aad 2.1 Ma MarahaU 4? 27. A 39. LAT. ILl-lAAI.S AVI, AM) COOK. W .' Kt on Ouoki v.. nar W iiliams t. ; ail street lmpro emcnu pevd. pr.c ;i, 0wi) .h and baiaoc tu turee ax. A bulMioar K-t. GRl'SSl A- l.OUlS. 91 Board tf Trade B.c-.. 4:)t srd Oak. , PAR. IAIN. AX U fc. 1 A I ARK. We have two .u:s at a Mr eacrfflre. owner Uainf city and mu-t eeU: price t--0 and a.lcaah. whlcl. Is $Sv below aJtie. C::an A Kaxr, 72 24 Teow bldr. 1'RACTIONAL. lot e Ham oca t for $lit-; thte la 2o pr cent undar market a.u; if you bsve a Ittc: ready money and want a leap, e a:tom. "alo Cbambr of iitAl ."TIKI;- ba.C: it on lit Taoor. ad joiairf Dwtrat iiall- ft. 1'b.oae awutr. V a rshall 1 -J. rirTH AND MARKET CORNER. fVy $.'... urincjmbered, ha f cash, pj-t trad'. E- or ev; Pelatont. LOT. K'x.I". 2 b:ooiia frum -ar.lna, eal fro at. ceaeat and eradod r--1. Ma at . -"- c e n. A aw. or o n ; a n IM EsJl'irX In eorner Wt at 4th and JTeeioat. R' ie Creat. f r sai. prtoe I'laSi $A, r ' w Of f- h-uae. bonaloas A H KHKR. r- itf-t. Hh r C 311. rt ,lnwi-n av. f!VlV'NT. at TOWN AND fl HKEKLT IL"T 0al3- ri-rT. t laX"KS CAJt. o Tvft. ukk- ttONiA-V. WEST BIDE IXT3, CLEKELTX ADDITION I OWX TOUR HOME. I W H T NOT rholea buiUlni tow on VTrnt SJd. In id of 1-mlie circi. f:n ti.w ot Tul tln Vall.y an! Ml. Hood; aa.ka. rJ' atreta and Bull Hun waiar la nd lnclua d In prlc. and uj. Bolect your lot and w. will ouiid lo a-il: you lor amaU caao pasmaat. PROVIDENT TRUST CO.. OWNERS. Sli tIi:r.t tUf. LACRELHURS'f. XV pIai.a on inn bnuti(al prop artT we aactlia no otner. wa handia tho bat' ttta: : to, aala. wa know L-jrel-hurat and can aava tow monar; lurai aurat la loll what jrou wane Ton can a'waa find na at tha tract ox. flea. 3ta ard fcMt Gitaan at. liELAHLNYlf at CtEafiMTS. FIRI-AND lot $V3- 'rma 6 monthly, 1-1 Chamber ot Commerce. Mam 116. lll:T CHEAP, verydilrable. medium j.rii: lots: stand Ir.vo.uaaitnir; owner. Main o.itfa. 6- ACRE NEW BUNOAI.OW. Orfg-oo City Elctrlc; 'i bedroom. Ilr-Inc-room and dining-room Kh fireplace, bath. Dutch kitchen, concreta foundation; wired for electricity; ground highly Im proved in b-rtni fruit trees : faces on auto road. Willamette River and magnifi cent tiw of Mount Hood: beet buy n the market tod-ty; price $J'-0; 4000 cash. $;i0 per year, 7 per cent intereet. Do not submit trades and don't bother unless you have the cash and mean buslna. 11 A R- Ml. C A. RI'FF. MAIN SA80. 823 Chamber of Commerce. EAST 14TH AND YAMHILL. Flna 4-room houae with furnace, elec tric lights, cement basement, and all other moderf conveotuncee; lot 40x100; street work all in and paid; price 16700. .O00 each, balance to ault. Located on Eait 14th street, between Taylor and Tarn hill. In Hawthorne Park Addition; walking d la ta nc a. GRVSeX 4 BOLD Si. 319 Board of TradeBld-.4th and Oak. THAT VACANT LOT. WHY NOT TURN A Bl'RDEJT TNTO INCOME? WE WILL FVRNISH TUB MONEY. BUILD APARTMENT, RE&l- L-KNoE OK ANTTHiNO. PLANS FRbii vx't- .Pr. RVTSPtiNSlHLE. WE KNOW HOW. TALK TO OUR CLIENTS. 6ES OIK WORK. WILL GIVE POND. L. R. BAILET A CO., CONTRACTING ARrHlTErTS, 324 ABINGTONBLDO. $.-im HANDLES THIS HAWTHORNE BL'VGA LXW. Balance on eaay monthly pay ments. ame aa rent. Houee has large Domi and all built-in features. Will give free with sale electric light fixtures. lin oleum on kitchen and bathroom floors. shades, gas stove and not water neater. Call 11 E. Harrison, or phone owner, B 3l3i- BUNGALOW. Have modern 5-room bungalow, recep tlon hall, full basement, wash trays, u. A B. vast front, paved streets, near Haw thorne ave.; will take S'ioOO and Include shades and fixtures if sold this week. lf0 cash and the balance monthly. Call at ii-3 B'ard of Trade FOUR-ROOM BUNOALOW. Complete. doublf constructed, flrst claas plumbing, light fixtures and window shades: can't be beat in the city; must b sold: CLOSE IN. n--:tr good carllne; easy terms. Call Main 3SVT. J. V. Guthrl. (o nr). . - x-1- t i t a rtnvT PIT WE F I NANCE AND PLAN YOtTR HOME OR APARTMENT AND BUILD ON TERM i. SEB US AT ONCE AND LOOK OVER OIK NUMEROUS OKIu 1NAL DKSMNS. TAYLOR BUILDING CO . M M KAY BLDG-, 3D AND tiTAKK T R E ETS. SMALL BUNGALOW, woodshed and chick en-house; lot 60x140. or 70xlu0; young fruit, all kinds, berries, garden and lawn; Bull Run water; sidewalks, fineat view around Portland: ftc fare. $10W: $3t)i raxh. balance 12. SO per month. Marshall 31-SP. Nice mod-rn 6 -room houe. on Vanghn street, lm OuxlOO: price iii0. lo00 cash .. Thli lat thn hait bavr- galn on the Vet rilde. ORUSril 4b BOLDS. KM Board of Trade Blclg.. 4th and Oak. a ii i ti p. 1 1 v om i:i srAL TERMS. Comfortble 7 -room house, not new, but haa bath, gas, electricltv and fireplace; lot txl, trees and shruba. finest location on Ml. Tabor; price $:iWh; nothing down; no mnnthly pymer.ts: terme arranged In two mortgagea. AR M. Oregonlan. tA&i CASH. BIG BON AN A. Losing l.Vfts on a new. modem, ft-room euiialo- and 6"xlW lot; balance dead TH FIRST TRUST COMPANY, Third and Wash 1 ngton. MODERN WEST FIDE APARTM ENT. HplentiM location, new I -story brick, all outside rooms, completely furnished, a-mln walk P. O. ; clear $:S0 monthly. good lease, always filled. Part ceh. bai improve, acreage, -iuae-u. 4. Oregonlan, Owner. B U N G ALO W SNAP. Beautiful -room California bungalow, all latest and modern conveniences, full lot, on E. Flanders st.; half block wcat of I-aaralhurat ; finest neighborhood in the citv. Phono after P. M. East 14. .EAViNU STATE EXCEPTIONAL OP PORTUNITY. My exclusive 7 -room. 97000 Laurelhurst bom must b sold: finest-built horn In city; hardwood finish throughout. 6e this. Mak offer. Tabor 2S53. BEAUTIFUL NEW HOt fE. T moms, lot ftPxlou, restricted dlrtrict. 1 canines, 1," minutes to business center. eleeAtit hardwood floors, furnace, flro-piai-e. sleeping porch. Iloue above aver age. TerTtis. Owner, Main 4144. forenoons. AAA WILL SELL AAA For amount of mortgage, foreclosed, new modern S-rocm house. East adth st. near Hawthorn ave.; big bargain and on terms: no ajecnt. Cail owner after P. V. Ma In bSvZ NI'E home, good condition, 4 rooms, re ception hall, toilet, bath, pantry, electric lights, full basement: good buy for S1S0O; $.vo down, balance 20 per cent month, in cluding intercut. per cent. Owner, 85 Em 7 2d at. North. BEj-T SNAP ON MT. TABOR. Six-room. new. modern, 2-story home; artiatlc and well-built; haa every conven ience; full lot. 1 b'.ock to car; will aacrl fue f-r $:tt); tarmi See owner, North wt-at bldg., th and Wash " WANTED, A CASH OFFER for modem it-room bungalow, full con crfte taaement, furnace, screen, swninga. with firxs iew of ctty. on 2 iota, on Haw tn'ne ave., near Mt. Tubor park: worth j.-.Vio; mut s-H. phone Tahor ."t2:. A 6-RoOM bungalow at E. 7th and Sacra mento, 'will be pM today; price lUAou. t rms -0 down. .i:n note. uttg. $4UH Rciij'.l. V2Z Chamber of Commerce. Main 74T. POR bAlE or rent, chap; good S-room house with 1 acre ground. 1 block from station on Oregon Ctty carllne. Foe G. W Sherk. Oak Grove, or address owner, K. Mi!!cr, Box Roaeburg, Or. ft. ROiOl modern house at 2Vh and Caru thera ata.: must b sold this wiek; ha furnace, tub and sure a bargain; price 4t-o, good terms. Reynold, lui'2 Cham br Commerce. Main 747. VOR SALE BY OWNER New 4-room bungalow- bath: Bull Run water; fireplace, eleeptng porch; aidewaiks: fin view. lc freT For quick sale. 11500; l-0 cash, baian-e easy. Marshall G1S0. UNION AVE. district, new 6-room modem bungalow. lot SOxiOO. only SX?00. worth S-Umh': don't mlaa this. H1GLEY A BISHOP, S01 Hamilton bldg. SM LL pavment down and monthly pay ments buvs my 6-roora house and ROxlt0 ft let. furnlahed, all for l3a S 8tt7, Oregonlan BKACTIFUIj new H-iwthorne residence, oak floor, fireplace, furnace, garage and evervrh'.ng complete, $:i00. aaay terms. Htf?eM. 6'0 M Kay bldg.. Sd and Htark. ll'H' CASH and balance easy; R-rooro cot tage, lot ftoxlOO. near Tremont, SO mtn-ut-a out. HIGLET at BISHOP. 2Q1 Hamilton bldg. FOR 8ALB The finest bom In irvlngtoa. finished in mahou-ny and oak. F. K. Bowman Co.. owners and bul.dara. East 2 d and Bmx. e East .St C 23 -'2. BARGAIN 4-rotm ho us, with 1 or a lots, s nail barn, chicken park; 3."'0 down, bal nm ey terms. Tabor 407 or 60 ftSth ave.. Tf-moBt. mviVfiTON OUR SPECIALTY. FIMi HOME". HH-0 AND UP. CHOICB 0TS flOta) AND UP. NEUHAUSEN A 5 703 LEWIS BLDG . Main g073. LOTS CO.. rt.u.-tatt MODERN COTTAGE. P.oae Oty J-'ark; Just competed: prlc. 4:t.-.--; Trr eaay tarma. Day, oOT lean b tie. Mtrwiaiiioj. COMt. Ti iKU.MUi'A FOR FINrf HOMES. FINISHED OAK AND MAHOGANY. OWNER. EAST 273. W. H HERDMAN. 47 Ess: I5TH. BEAUTIFUL artistlo new home, prominent corner lots of ground. lSJxlOO. garage. w.rA.n frv dralrabie. Owner. Tabor 2l bEVl Ti'l'L modern Roaamere horn. Jt'O (town, baianc l3 monthly. Owner, Tabor S-f". FOR l-Al-E chp on easy terms, a modern . K I r I al D 1 ait at f I n Ul car. TsN'r 14 3-RVo"I house, ful! to. In Lenta. fcr sa.e .a-'-.- . C VtWl. - fUfctft ,'nmewt batl-tnaa e a fa Aril V04. Oregonlan. WFLL new bungalow on very easy trtna: ..w. ABar fwr ic wrhuvier St. OtD-r. g23 Yeon Mdg. Phone Main 11 J. l-KOOM bungalow, full ba-rent. but it -in cuax vulancva. $140. Tabor 31. d rooms, two stories, modem In every par ticular. a!l itrert improvements in and paid, fin garage, new Irvington. 34t50; eaay terms, 8 rooms and 2 aleeptng porches, celled attic, house new and thoroughly mod ern, extra toilet on first floor; all street improvement In and bonded ; Irving ton. close to car; $ooV0; term. A rooms And sleeping porch, modem bun gs. ow. Mt- Tabor, all street improve ment In. easy terms. rooms and sleeping porch, new. Roe City Park, modern, $3d50; JoCO cash. roomt and bath, new. Piedmont dl tnct; 1'700; terms can be arranged. 9-room house, 5 stories, modern through out, 2 bathroom, double construc tion; Sunny side; 3d5vu; term. rooms and sleeping porch, f ill - stories, corner CSxluO, modern, Rossmere; S4004A. 5-roam cottage, plenty of fruit, lot lOOx 110, South Portland; 311200. 3 -room bu n galo w and bath, lot 60x100. West Side; JJUCk). 3 rooms, bath and sleeplnp porch, lot 100x is.'., turee Liocka to car. West Bide: 32:000. ft-room modern bungalow, new. Rose City Park. $37..0. S-room modern bungalow, close to car ana school, Rose city ram, wwv. T rooms and slewing porch, modern. Lau rel hurat, jr-iuO. S room and sleeping porch, modern, Olm stead Park. 0700. 4 room and bath, fireplace. Itoaa City Park district, 32350. PROVIDENT TRUST COMPANY. Selling bldg. LTNDHURST, Our new West Side addition; restricted; ft-cent carfare Portland's beauty spot. Lot 37i to 5700 easy terms. It will pay you to get full Information at once before prices advance. Ask for Mr. Molesworth. THE FIRST TRUST COMPANY, Entrances: WashlrLgto-. and Third Sts. Mam ;;4,u. a ;.i&a. HAWTHORNE Drt-'TRKTT. STREET ASSESSMENTS PAID. tVilOO. 3230 DOWN. " Owner leaving ctty and must sell at a sacrifice. New, double-constructed bungalow, all bullt-tn con veniences, fireplace. bookcase, beamed celling. paneled dining room and buffet. Dutch kitchen, large attic, cement basement, floor and laundry trays- handsome fix tures, window shades, screens, lin oleum, kitchen range, close to car; gas. electricity and every modern convenience; will Mil furnished or unfurnished. For appointment call TABOR 3"S9. 3-STORY 7-ROOM HOME. $S85ft. A new, strictly modern house. with every convenience; large front porch, re ception hall, hull seat, living-room, fire place and bookcases; dining-room, awe II buffet (mirror), beamed celling, panelled wails, hardwood floors; cabinet kitchen, back porch with toilet, bark hall for wraps, mirror door; three fine bedrooms with outside closets, sleeping porch, bath room: full cement basement with furnace, laundry trays and woodlift; &0xl0O lot; this house can't be beat in the city for the price, 320O cash. Call Main 3S07. J. V. Guthrie. SUNNYSIDE S-room house. 30x100 .ot. 107 East Morrison at. Phone Main lltjO. For Sale Btuinraa Property. $1200 BUSINESS lot with new store. Al berta carline, good location : 3500 cash and acreage. Owner, Woodlawn 1181. for Kale Acreagre. ELECTRIC LINE, eight blocks station; chicken and fruit ranches near Portland; new subdivision on Esiacada line, near Gresham: 5 acres, 40, o00. $700: 8 acre. 3000, 70o; lo acres, $700, 300, $10uo per tract; best soil, free wood, spring water; acreage at Scappoose, Or.; 325 to $100 per acre. FRANK M FAR LAND REALTY CO., 3O0 Yeon Bldg., Portland. IDEAL HOME SPOT. Nearly two acres, two blocks to sta tion on West Side, c!oe In, running; water year round; only Si terms. ANOTHER, Hurry If yon want 5 acres In apple or chard, all fenced, close in. West Side. 5 minutes to electric car. $325A 37.M) cash, baianc on time. F. Dubois. 423 Cn, Com. merce. Til I HTY-ONE acres, 13 acres cleared, fJ seres fine beaverdam, small house, barn and outbuildings, all fenced; 2 h miles to Oregon Electric station. 1 miles to boat landing on Willamette; good road, R. F. D- milk route, telephone; fine creek, spring and well. Just the place for a country home. $100 per acre, $1000 cash. Lueddemann, Ruley ac Co.. 913 Chamber of Commerce. A BARGAIN. Ten acre near Base Line Road, within 10-mile circle; about 8 acre cleared and In bearing cherries, apples, walnut, ber ries, etc. Good weU. work house, barns and farm house. Between Mount Hood and O. W. P. Ry. Price $700 per acre, which Includes all improvements. Box K 32. Oregonlan. 20 ACRES, 16 acres In high state of cultivation. 4 acres timber and pat u re, large spring, good well, on acre family orchard, good road, close to good town and Portland, splendid view. Price below adjoining property; terms. Ask for Miller. CHAPIN-HERLOW MTG. & TRUST CO., Third Floor Chamber of Commerce. B AS E LINE AUTO RO A D. Why H acre at $650 up, when I -will sell a whole acre at $750? 10 acres fac ing on Base Line road, all cleared and in clover will sell at this time for $750 per acre. Terms to suit. Box E $C5, Ore gonlan. FIVE acres at Hillhurat, Tacoma, Washing ton : 4-room house, dandy barn, chicken and hog house, etc.; 2 acres ptrkt-fencea, store, school, church near by; use of acres adjoining, free: price $2100. SISOU cash. Rovnoids. 1022 Chamber of Com morce. Main 4ft7. " C ACRES FOR $250. $10 DOWN, $5 PER MONTH. Buvs S acre of logged-off land. 1 mile from Columbia River and railway station; aoil la free from rocks and none of this land overflows; some of the tracts have runnnlng streams on them. Bell Real Estate Co.. 212 Railway Exchange. k ACRE at Multnomah, on Oregon Elec tric Ry., only 20 minutes out from cen ter of town, at $450 per quarter; 10 per cent cash and balance $lo per month. This Is the last chance to get a qua-ter acre at these prices. Western Securities Co., 730 Chamber of Commerce. Also of fice at Multnoman, -vt urner. FREE-FARE coupon to Tuba Valley, Cali fornia. ett;er" excursion April 12; deep, rich soil, irrigated, ready to plow suit able for alfalfa, fruit, garden and field crops, easy payments so can pay for land from crops. A. M. Highhouse, 441 Cham ber of Commerce bldg. BE TOUR OWN BOSS And rals loganberries. Five-acre tracts on Oregon Electric, near Portland. $100 to $C0 per acre. Easy terms. Dent F. Stewart 203 WIlcQX bldg. 10 ACRES, $150 TO $000. Yonr choice of Suo acre, gocd oll, wa ter school and roada, 1 hours from Portland. 215 Lumber Exchange bldg. '-tv-u. acres for chicken ranch and sub urban home; good aoil; view Mount Hood: shade treea; carllne; $12 per month. T t-OJ. prcgonian- FoR SALE 31 acres. 8 miie from Court house, on MU Hood carllne: uncleared; $tW0 per acre; easy term. AB SoS, Ore gonlan. " MILL trade 3 acre good garden land, 3H mile from beet coast town, for auto or ttult) trues; worth $1000. AB $74. Oregon lan. $ ACRES close to Base Line station, all in OAs ring an --, " - - A snap at $00 per acre. Perfect title, w.,w .h. tract. Bex AM $23. Oregonlan. 3-ROOM bungalow, acr land, Oregon Elec- trie, IW miuuiea, via, -v- ... U...K.1I all ft A nt 11 near cltv. 1 to 13-acre tracts. W 9v. Ore g or l an. 'or Main .wrtS. Mr. BHIingrley. ' ' CH EAP. ft acre, near Base Line. $4O0 per acre. a alfft i'Vam Kr t.f t"nm t UTFtf K f-W.. - $.0 BUYS U acre, all cleared, extra fine soli; ciosw to nuw, --j . . i krrtnnialL FOR'FALE If you have $ cr.h. I have - m a .i,w.d aUUi- lrmi IV acres DI S"" . iiwaavw a-w , . B yu5. Oregunlan, viae rnnr int nr eoui tv In a lot as pay ment for a choice 5 or 10 -acre tract of acreage T These tracts are located in the Tualatin Valley, cloae to the FOURTH-ST. LINE, which Is now being electrified and face on a main county road. It Is the very best of soil (considerable of it is rich bottom land); lies fine, good drainage, all cleared and under cultivation, and is In a good locality. REMEMBER" THIS ACREAGE IS ALL THAT IT IS KEPRKSENTED TO BE. AND THE PRICES AP.E MOST REA SONABLE. come In and see us. O. H. KLE1NSORGE CO.. 41S Board of Trade bid. CHOICE ACREAGE CLOSE IN. WEST SIDE ACREAGE, best of soil, good drainage, part in stumps, part In cultivation. 2 5 and 10-acre tracts, prices range from $.150 to $55o per acre. Just outside 3-mile circle from postoffice; will build to suit you: easy terms. 2 -acre tract on Powell Valley Road. 2 miles east of city limits, macadamlxeo road to Portland; $14uo. one-half cash. Acreage near Gilbert Station, on caxa line, one-half hour to city, macad amised road Icauing to city; covered with bearing apple treea; good soil and drain age, $1250 to $1500 per acre; will build to suit you. PROVIDENT TRUST CO.. OWNERS. 212 Selling bldg. A GENUINE SNAP. 0 acres very rich cultivated land, right at the railroad station of a good Oregon town 80 miles from Portland. Improved with a modern 10-room house and other boUdings. 81- acres of fine onion land in good condition for planting. This tract would make a good platting proposition, as It lie between the stores and the de pot. The owner is in the East and offers this for a quirk sale at $..000. Good terms can be arransed. This is easily $1000 un der value. See Mr. Carr, 21&-21D Board of Trade. ONLY ONE MORE LIKE THIS: 5 acres, under high state of cultivation. This Is black sandy loam aoil, well drained and fine for onions, loganberries or any thing you wish to plant; grew 330 bush els of potatoes per acre last year. This is at Jack town, on the Beaverton road, only 12 miles from center of Portland. You can't beat the soil, and you can't beat the prices only $1125; $200 cash, 3 years to pay the balance. See Mr. Carr, 218 Board of Trade. HOME-SEEKERd. Five and ten-acre tracta on Orepon Electric, between Portland and Salem; will net $200 to $300 per acre in logan berries. On our eaay payment plan you may Insure future independence and a country home where nature intended man to live and enjoy the luxuries of life. About 24 trains daily through property. Tracts developed If desired. North wesetrn Trust Co., 202 Wilcox bldg. Main 3517. IrrlfZ-ated Land, A SUCCESSFUL DAIRY FARM. Needs Irrigation to make the clover, al falfa and oth-r feed grow during the Summer dry spell ; the small farms at West Stay ion are just what you want for dairy inc. ' hos-ralsing, poultry, gardening, fruit and berries; let us tell you of the special inducements of this project. Wlliamette Valley irrigated Land Co., 304 Oak st., near Fifth, opposite Com mercial Club. CALIFORNIA homes for 30 more families; big money raising alfalfa, cows, pigs and poultry rich, level Yuba Valley land, ready to plow, on long time payment-, free qiaviiy water for irrigation; ex cursion Apri.' 12. frea-fare coupon. A. ' M. riighhouse, 441 Chamber of Comme.c bldg. For Sale- -Homesteads. JOIN California land excursion April 32 to Yuba Valley; irrigated tgravlty water free) land, ready to plow ; sure crops; long-time payments. A. M. Highhouse, 441 Chamber of Commerce bldg. ONE HUNDRED HOMESTEADS. Been under Government controL Now open for settlement; best land opened for many years; investigate at once Main 4l3. Leonard, 7ust Selling bldg. WANT A HOMESTEAD? Am a homesteader, not a locator; know of some vacant homestead locations; also relinquishments. Phone between noon and o ciock. r -tu. FINEST homesteads in the West open for settlement April 6. See the land and file befor you pay any money. 107 Sell ing bids;- - 320 ACRES, homesteads, best vacant land in Oregon, water, timber R. R. now build ing. Full particulars iJl 4th at, FINEST homesteads in West. Parties leav ing every dav. No location, no fee. W. T. Wood, 43U-41 Chamber of Commerce. Fruit Lands. FOR SALE or trade, fruit farm, 3 miles from Hood River; macadamized road, close to school and church; sold 190 boxes ap ples $3 per box last year; 1 acre pears, 2 acres strawberries, 7 -room house, water piped In; good outbuildings; plenty water; farm Implements; price $10.0o0. M. C. Smith. 3203 7ih st. S-E. VH ITii SALMON. Wash., lands for sale by Homer G. Day. 007 Yeon bldg. For Sale Farms. STOCK ranch of 1000 acres, located in Meagher County, Montana, having Its own water for Irrigation purposes, all fenced and cross-fenced, good house and outbuildings, barns, etc.; 20.OG0 tons of hay can be cut from this ranch; it ad Joins the forest reserve, which will pas ture from 30K to 4000 head of cattle; people in Montana who have seen this ranch say that It is one of the finest stock ranches in Montana; $25 an acre, will consider some trade, BELL REAL ESTATE COMPANY. 212 Railway Exchange Bldg. BIGGEST FARM SNAP IN OREGON. $fl per acre for one of the nicest well Improved 220-acre farms in Yamhill County: buildings, soil and location and water system are first class. Get partlcu- We havo all kinds and sizes of choice farms from 1 acre up to 2O.000 In a bunch. If 3'ou want Kood value for your mon-y and a square deal, see F. FITHS, 42'i Chambe.r of Commerce. A SNAP IN ROGUE RIVER VALLEY" ft arrt'S 2 blocks from paved streets of Grants Pass; 6-room house, bath, hot and cold water, electric light, two wells, barn, horse, buggy, farm Implements, cow, chickens, etc.; eub-lrriguted soil; partly In young bearing pear and apple trees; finest location in valley; all for $.V00. by owner. C. W. Johnson, rou to 1, Grants Pass. Or. 3S7-AjCRE farm, rich bottom land, dam soil; all In cultivation and two good county roads, i mile from R. R, station and 2 miles from Independence, a good town, population 2000. Good Improvements, nice to cut In small tract, a fine place for sub division. Price $S0. this is low value. GRUSSI A HOLDS, 31S Board of Trade Bids., 4th and Oak. COME to Yuba Valley. California where you will have iur crops and make money; we wl-1 help you move, excursion April 1 2 rich deep soil. Irrigated, ready to plow: dairying, pigs, poultry, fruit, garden truck and alfalfa are winners; come with me and see. A, M. Highhouse, 441 Cham ber of Commerce bldg. 40-ACRE BARGAIN. u miles south of Oregon City, on the macadamised Pacific highway; 40 acres of the best soil in Clackamas County, with timber enough to pay ail I am asking for the tract. wi aeon "Sj 160 ACRES, good wheat land, near Hatten, Adams co., " pin station, to trade for real estate with in 100-mile radtui of Portland; value M000. W. C. Wilkes, 459 E. 12th at. North, pnone r.. n"- -me 70-ACRE ranch, 5 miles Salem ; 20 acres oats. 10 acres, wheat, 35 pasture, 5 tim ber orchard; -room house, barn; no trade; good terms; $IP0 acre. 6 per cent, 9 years. Reynolds, 1022 Chamber Com merce, jaain i?m 120-ACRE improved farm, 4 miles Wlnlc, Or., all fenced, 15 acres cultivated, H miles new R. R.. 3-room house, good barn, hog house, chicken-house, garden, $2joo; $700 mortgage, Reynolds. 1022 Chamber of Commerce. FINE valley farm, 130 acres, 100 acres cul. tivatlon good bouse and barn, small or chard, running water, best road In county; price $15 acre. D. A. Hart, owner. Now- Derg. ur, 65- AC RE im proved Linn Co. farms 5 miles east Browtwvl lie; HO acres cul tiva tlon each, pasture, timber, springs, barn', price $'-" per acre. Reynolds, 1022 C. of C. 40ME good buys in large and small farms aw.n. - ...n Vnm Kit rt tun Cre Trvtr- a OffiTTT Crt 629 Chamber of Commerce. Mar. V4. FARM LANDS for homesteads; good farm ,. vnrrh x?i acre: file ADril 4. See the land; make your filing, then pay us. 7i)7 Selling bldg. 5i ACRES of god farm land 6 miles west Grass Valley ; bargain for cash. $S per acre: will be sold today. Reynolds, 1022 C. of C. Main 740T. $j00 CASH, balance easy: 15 arres: good house and hrn: finest, fruit land. Owner, bsx. 223, M osier. Or. ALFALFA AND RANGE LAND. IRRIGATED $25 AND UP. Tn closing out our project we have lert about 1 50o acres of range and alfaira land that we are going to offer at prices never before equaled In California for irrigated iand. You can buy any sized tract you want, from lO acres up ana get sMvantage of the unusual terms we are, making one-tenth cash, S years to Nearlv all of this land Is good alfalfa land some of it Just as good as tracts that sold for twice or three timea the price. Even the so-called range land with water will grow fine grain. It is all level and tillable. Y'ou can buy water rtitht. The alfalfa land carries a water right and vou can buy the range lana with or without water, as you may pre- Thm water right alone Is worth the price of the land, because Los Molinos is recognised to have the best irrlgat.on system and the most abundant water sup ply In California, This land is located three to seven miles of town, close to schools, good roads, tele phone and other conveniences. It is in a well settled country. It would not pay us to carry over tnese few hundred acre and we are potting a price on the unsold land that will sell it quick. It offers a great opportunity for the man of small means wno wants a Joint dairy and young stock ranch; or It is equally attractive a a dairy or a stock ranch. Not a tract will be left In 30 daja. Come now and make & selection. It is worth a good deal to get first choice. There Is now wild feed on the land, bun clover, wild oats, etc. See us about this today. TERRY & HARRIS. 1MH Yeon Bldg. or write LOS MOLINOS LAND COMPANY, Los Molinos, CaJ. CHOICE 21 ACRES. ( BASE LINE ROAD. PRICE $7000. This ts one of the most scenic tracts Jn the Stato of Oregon. Lo cated about 20 miles east of the City of Portland on the Base Line Road. The view obtained from this tract is possibly unexcelled in this country. It overlooks the Colum bia River and an unobstructed view of this beautiful stream is obtained for 20 miles up or down stream. Tho Chanticleer Heights Hotel is built just 40 rods from this place and will be visited by tourists from all over the world. The Base Line Road runs right in front of this tract, and Multnomah County has appropriated i$100,ooo to improve and extend this road to Hood River. There are about 21 acres in the tract. 10 acres in cultivation, very best of soil, 6-room house and one of the best barns in Multnomah Crtunty. Good bearing orchard, water piped to house and barn from a pure, clear spring; will sell you this elegant property for $7000. HARGROVE & SONS, 122 Sixth st., N.. cor. 0th and Glisan. M. 4381. A 7259. HO 40 50 80. 30 acres, 35 miles southwest of Port land, 2H miles from Ry. and town of Gaston, in Yamhill County; all A-l soil and 12 acres under cultivation. 4 acres in pasture and balance good piling tim ber; 10 by 10 ft. box house, good barn with 5 stalls, hay and workroom, chicken house nd woodshed; young orchard of about 100 choice tr-es, 3 years old. team welgnlne 2MM lbs., wagon, plow and other Implements go with place; $2bOO, $000 cuah, balance 4 years at 7 per cent. 40 acres milo from Ry. and about 1 mile from United Ry. electric line at Roy, in Washington County, north of Hills boro close to school and churches, on county road, with R. F. D. and milk route; excellent soil, all under fence and about S5 acres under cultivation, balance pasture, with some wood: good 8-room house, barn and outbuildings; team, 3 good cows, some hogs, chickens and all implements; price $7500, $45tK cash. 50 acres, 25 miles from Portland, mile from boat landing, on Lewis River, 4 miles from Ridgnlleld. Wash., on mam county road; best of soil; 45 acres In high state of cultivation, balance pasture, with soma wood; good 4-room plastered house, bam And outbuildings, good family or chard, good team weighing 200O lbs., both mares and with foal, 5 cows, bull, some hups, chickens and all Implements; price $000. $3000 cash. 80 acres in Yamhill County, 3 miles from Wlliamina a-nd Ky., on county road; very rich, black soil; 28 acres under cul tivation, balance pasture and timber; al most all tillable land; 6-room house, barn and outbuildings; good family orchard, few implements; price $4250, half cash. We havo many others, larger and smaller. Call and get particulars, KAUFFMANN MOORE. 82.', Lumber' Exchange. NOW LISTEN. T am going to toll you facts and when you answer this ad I want the same in return. We heve 40 acres of fine land with about 20 acres cleared, half of the place is fine bot tom land, balance Is rollinir but not rough, there Is a fine trout stream runs through this piace, making it an Ideal hog ranch, place fenced and cross-fenced, good house and barn and chicken-houses, aln county road by place, located 1 miles from heart of Portland, near R R. and carline, and close to Scap poose Or. The owner of this place 13 getting- old and wants to quit f firming; we offer this place for $5000; there Is a mortgage of $1150 nt 0 per cent for 5 years, lea vine his equity $3450. He wants a nice new 5 or tt-room house, modern, not to exceed $3000: must be clear of debt, balance cash. If you want a good farm see us at once. Personal property: 1 horse, 2 wag ons, double and single harness, bug gv, plow, steel harrow, disc har row, cultivator, mower and all small tools. BAKER ft DRYER. THE ACREAGE MEN. 204 Railway Exchange bldg. BpnRTSVJX'R PARADISE. 33 acres, all cleared except 5 acres of timber. 3 acres garden and orchard; lies fine; big trout stream runs inrouga; auer and other game comes on to the place; onlj one-half mile to station on main line S. P. R. R-. over 100 miles south of Portland: Iran roved with a new com pletely furnished 5-room bungalow, water supplied oy Bi-iij1 - ' chtcken-housa, woodhouse, granary, double-walled ml'k and frulthouse, with wa ter running hrough; 2 cows, chickens, .avarai tons if hay. all farm tool and implements ; all household goods, com plete, tor quiCK saie, tuuu, par. ctusu &uu terms. See Mr. Carr. 218 Board of Trade. TOUR BEST CHANCE. One of the most desirable ranches In the famous Hood River-Moeier district; 10 acres. 1 mile rrom town, largely aeveiopeu tn hesj-inir orchard: balance highly adapt ed to fruits, celery, asparagus, strawber ries, alfalfa and hogs; could be mado a wonderful earning property; a delightful location with frontage on running stream; splendid water power and fishing; oottage, iarn. etc: Drice $50 00: your own terms, or will trade for Portland property on real values; will aeal witn principals oniy. Owner, AS 893, Oregonian. $500 WILL MAKE! YOU a LIVING. It is foolish to go Into the backwoods or over the mountains, hundreds of miles from market when you can buy a beauti ful ten-acre tract with lumber necessary for house and barn ; fine cow, hogs and chickens for $1500 and only $5o0 needed a first payment, balance can b paid to suit. This property is on the railroad, has school advantages and the round trip fare is only $1.50. F. Mc Fariand. 300 Yeon bldg., Portland. 40 ACRES $750. 50 miles from Portland, in CowIIts county on county road. 9 miles from R. R- good soil, 25 acres tillable; few acres under cultivation. S acres seeded; shingle house cabin and outbuildings; good spring water and trout stream, a snap. Call for particulars. KAUFFMANN A MOORE. 323 Lumber Exchange. EXCEPTIONAL sacrirtce. Willamette SO, $21'J0; buildings; no agents. Owner. 1030 Grand isonn, RANCH 60 acre, with buildings; 18 mile from Portland, near electric line; bargain ror an cb". j- ' - - f30 ber acre, terms. 423 Ch. of Commerce, 2 ACRES of irrigated celery land. J. H. aLrOCJLIHaU. UwUieU, ui fv., wt. OUT THEY GO! OUT THEY GO! To get their Canadian home from the Canadian Pacific Men of red blood, ability, nerve, backbone and good judgment. Men who can and are ambitious to earn from $2000 to $5000 per year. Many of them will earn more. The character of men we have described are now going to Canada ' daily, to select a home on 20 years' time. They pay 5 per cent cash, the balance in li equal annual pay ments at 6 per cent interest. The Cannula n pacific Rail way Company will loan up to $2uOO to these men for the purpose of build ing a house, barn, digging a well and fencing the farm. This is loaned en 20 years time at 6 per cent in terest. TMe offer will not last forever; NOW is the time to grab it. Men, if you are awake to possibilities in Canada, don't delay. We want men who mean business; men who will become land owners, (their own bosses), and not the man who is satisfied to be a tenant. If you have horses, cows, and Im plements enough to put in 25 acres of crop, enough money to make your first payment on the land and to pav the moving expenses to Canada, this Is your opportunity. Prices of land from $11 to $25 per acre. For further information and free literature, address V. G. IDE, AGENT. 218 Lumbermen's bldg.. Portland. Or. FARM LANDS IN CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA, ALONG THE GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC HIGHWAY. The railway will soon be completed, giv ing settiers main line transportation; an army of men are rushing the work that it mav b completed in 1JU4. The land along this new railway ts unsurpassed for fruit, mixed farming, gardening, dairy and stdck farms. No irrigation. Summer ruins, pea vine and wild grasses to horse's back, rich soil, good climate, fine drinking water, beautii'ul rivers and lakes, wild fruit, ilsTi and game in abundance. Thousands will go Into the country when the railway is completed. We sell the best valley land in all site tracts at a low price and on unusually eay terms; can give guaranteed title to every acre we sell. Over 100 stereoptlcon views of Central British Columbia free. Everybody welcome. Call week days; will show views evenings by appointment. For maps government reports, field notes and full information, call or write W. A, Stock ton, district salesman for the NORTH COAST LAND CO.. LTD., Paid up capital, $1,500,000. 824 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Portland, Or. SHERMAN CO wheat ranch. 400 acres in crop; consider trade. Hatfield, 610 MjKay bldg.. 3d and Stark Miscellaneous. FOR choice homesites in a new and grow ing district go to Multnomah, on the Ore gon Electric; lots for $300 and up; also quarter acres at $400 and up. Bulf Run water ixr.d sidewalKs. Office at Multno mah and 730 Chamber of Cc-mni.-irce, Agt. at Multnomah office. FOR COOS BAY REAL ESTATE and RE LIABLE ABSTRACTS OF TITLE, s&e Title Guarantee & Abstract Co., Marsh field, Or. lO EXCHANGE. WANT STOCKED DAIRY. $7750 120 acres Eastern Oregon land. Cash value $2S00. Free and clear and well-secured mortgage 8 per cent, due in 1. 2 and 3 years for $4D50. Will trade for Willamette Valley dairy farm, about 60 acres, up to $9O00. including stock and machinery. WANT UNIMPROVED VALLEY LAND. $20,000 Commercial apple orchard. Hood Rlvpr'a hst. Mortcasre. $4000. To trade equity is Hi. 000 for secured paper or unimprovea tana vvuiain ette Valley. Last year's crop SO per cent extra fancy. THE HARBOLT-WILSON CO., INC.. 710-718 Lewis bldg., 4th and Oak. Marshall 4200, A 7158. 43 A.. $6500. 4.5 miles from good town, close to Port land ; a dark frue loam soil, free from gravel or rock; lies with gentle slope and all cultivated; set buildings. 5 acres bear ing orchard; will make Borne terms or trade for house to same value, but the value must bo there. See Beck. Don't phone. WESTERN OREGON TRUST CO., 272 Stark St. WANT LARGER HOME. Will trade $1250 montgage on farmland, drawing 7 per cent interest, unincumbered city lots, worth $1250. 2000 automobile and $1500 equity in $2500 cottage for $0n00 house, well located on East Side, AP 907, Oregoniaq. FOR SALE or exchange, by owner, 160 acres wheat land, Gilliam Co., all under culti vation; jtiO acres 6 miles Baker City; 10 acre orchard near Mosier; 4-room house, lot 40x100. 2 blocks Mt. Scott carline, A snap if taken at onoe. Easy terms. 316 Kenton bldg. TO EXCHANGE. 10 acres of land, all under cultivation, near Woodburn, Or., or will sell on easy payments; trade for good rooming-nowise, or pool hall in good country town. "W. G. Patterson, 293 hi First St., room 16. Phone Main 1H49. LANDSEEKERS, write today for descrip tions farms and acreage, near Eugene, Creswell and Junction City; also lands $15 to $25 an acre on 4 new railroads. Eugene territory. Leading dealers. Great Western Land Co.. ground floor Commer cial Club. Eugene, Or. FINE IRV1NGTON HOME. I have a brand new 7-room modern res idence, close in, one block from Broud way st. and carline; will sell below cost; might consider some trade. See owner, E. J. GEISER, 420 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. EASTERN Oregon Wheat and alfalfa ranches, any size na any pnw, m i.ouc for property in and around Portland. What have you to trade? TAYLOR INVESTMENT COMPANY, 323 Board of Trade Bldg IF ou have property to exchange, see us. We will submit you a proposition within ten days after you let us know your wants. KUPPEU & HUMPHRY. "We Get Results." 212-13 Chamber of Commerce Bids'. A GOOD 5-room new modern cottage located on E. Alder St.. worth $3500; 1 will ex change this for a small farm of same value; no agents need apply, only owners. I can glvo the right man an exceptionally good deal. J. E. Smith, Portland. Or. jiT ACRES," highly Improved. 25 miles from Portland, In Clark County. Wash.; fully stocked; price $8000 take good house and lot up to $3000 as part payment. Kauff mann & Moore, 325 Lumber Exchange. IDEAL SUBURBAN HOME. odern bunealow on 10x100 lot; beautiful lawn and fir trees. 20 minutes out, 2 blocks from car. Liberal terms. Own er. .Main MW. JIT. JJiiniigaiey. , $2500 LOT, attractive location, to trade for automobile. HARBOLT-WILSON CO., 710-717 Lewis Bldg. A. uoo, jaar. s-vu. WE HAVE FOR EXCHANGE Houses, lots, farms, acreage, autos, Business opportunities, rooming-houses, Manv more good propositions. GAKLA ND A CO., 191 4th St. MINNEAPOUS residence, nine rooms, ar ranged for two families : partly modern, on carline, near nice park; want Portland residence or ranch. 3015 65Lh fit., S. E., Portland. a r- r. AHI TrTTT. Quarter-sawed oak furniture. three-Inch brass beds, etc.: will take real estate as first payment, jaain ao. iunai u WANT to trade good piece of land for stock of groceries and fixtures. Call or address Owner, Hits Lumbermen bldg., Portland. TANT to trade swell Tacoma home for a good business in Portland; what have you to offer. Call 618 Yeon bldg. WILL trade $1500 equity in modern 7-room house in Irvington Park for clear lots. Owner. O 907. Oregonlan. FOR SALE or trade, first-class shoe repair outfit, Salem. Or., good trade, easy terms. Address lockbox 147. Salem, Oregon. 32H ACRES 12. Trad o for equi t y in house. Main 4993. Leonard. WANT $3000 Willamette ranch; give resi dence; no agents. Owner, 103O Grand EXAMINE bungalow. 11 SI I von street; $3200. Want unincumbered lot, $200, first payment. i HOOD RIVER apple orchard to exchange for city property. 323 Lumber Exchange, Second and S tarkst: WANTED Lot as first payment on mod em apartment house. Owner, Tabor 3248. WHAT have you to trade for a good gro cery business. Marshall 2S27. $25,000 EQUITY' in first-ciass city property for fir timber. H 94. Oregon ian. SO ACRES, irrigated land, near Bend, Or.; Will trade, phone East 510. 200 ACRES, all tillable, running water, for city property. 423 Ch, of Commerce. FARMS FOR TRADE. HARGROVE & SONS, GOOD 10 ACRES AT TIGARD. This is a very rich piece of land and lies perfectly; there are 10 acre. 9 acres in high stato of cultivation. 1 aero of large fir trees, ;ood 6 room house, bam and outbuilding4; fine bearing orchard. Personal prop erty: 1 horse, single and double harness, wagon, cow. 2 doaen chickens and all farm Implements; price 85500; will accept unincum bered house In Portland to value of $.'1500 and give 5 years time on bal ance; just one mile from Greenburg or Tigard Station, on Oregon Elec tric; with conunutatiou ticket the faro is 10c BEAUTIFUL 20 ACRES. This Is decidedly one of the pret tiest farm houses adjacent to th city; there are 20 acres, all In a hVh state of cultivation, best of soil, no rock nor gravel, splendid orchard and lots of berries; price with considerable personal property, $9O00: will accept unincumbered home In Portland to value of $6500; long time on balance: this splendid farm home is just 6 mile from th city limits of Portland, 80 ACRES FOR $S500. This farm home is down the Co lumbia River about 40 miles and affords splendid view of this beau tiful stream: there are 80 acres, 22 acres in cultivation, balance pas ture and timber, good soil and liv ing stream, new 6-room plastered house, stone foundation, fireplace, bath, toilet, lavatory and sink, wa ter p'ped to house and barn from never-failing' spring, new barn and ' outbuildings, 70O fruit trees, most of which are bearing, lots of berries. Personal property: 2 horses. 1 cow, heifer, new wagon, old wagon, mow er and all farm Implements, price $8500: will accept home in Portland to value of $6000. The farms given Tiere belong to parties who want homes In Port land. They present good opportuni ties for those owning homes In th city to exchange for good farm val ues. HARGROVE Jfe SONS, 122 Sixth st., N. cor. 6th and Glisan. M. 43S1. A 7259. WANT ALBERTA LAND. T have 60 acres of line land. 24 miles from Portland, and adjoining a good valley town; good buildings. Also 30 acres of fine orchard, three years old, one mile from town. Want Alberta wheat and grazing lands. A Iso a fine home place of 8 hi acres, all set to fruit; nice house and other buildings, on the edg of one of the nicest home towns In Oregon and close to Portland. Free from Incumbrance. 90 acres on the river in Yamhill County; beautiful piece of land, house and other build ings. Wants Alberta wheat and mixed farming lind for both of these properties. 160 acres between Mosier and The Dalles. Free of incumbrance. Price $4000. Will tako stock of good mer chandise of equal value. This. Is good land ; wort h the price asked. W. G. IDE. Owner. 21S Lumbermen! bldg. Portland, Or, BASE LINE ROAD. 40 ACRES $7500. Well Improved, no rock or gravel, but best of soil; buildings. orchard, stock and Implements. My wife, stricken wit h paralysis, necessitates that I sacrifice this $&50o home; will trade for $5000 home I can mortgage or sell on terms. Sec Beck. Don't phone. WESTERN OREGON TRUST CO., 272 Stnrk St. OWNER will trade for Portland property 160-acre farm on Eastern Oregon river. 25 acres bottom land, irrigated; second bottom grows good grain, fruit or grapes. This place controls water to eight sections Government land. Free stock range. Cash $3250, trade $3500. Excellent chance for small stock cr dairy ranch. 408 Ore gonian. Phone Marshall 1544. FOR SALE TIMBER LANDS. FOR SALE.1 140 acres choice milling timber, red and yellow fir. alto yew; good location, 1 miles west of Wapato station, Y'amhiil Co., Oregon; excellent soil: no rock; ea terms. Wm. H. Egan, Oervals, Or. FOR SALI5 100 acres section 30, townhi; 11 south, range 19 east. Crook Count v. Timber cruise 2,225,000 feet. Abstract fur nished. Address C IL, Morning Enterprise, Oregon City,- Or. TIMBER for sale by owner, fifteen million gt. of good yellow fir for $15,000. Also twelve million ft. suitable for small mm near It. R., for $2 per M. Address Box 7tt. Chehalts, Wash. ALFALk'A and fruit ranch, with modi i n home on Rocruo River, for timber or Southern California property. Owner, Box 47, Route 2. Central Point, Or. TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. C. J. M'CRACKEN. 304 McKay Bldg, CHEAP STUMPAG1S Ideal location for tie mill, stream run ning to R. R. spur. No. 75 Bth st. FOR RENT FARMS OWNER desirous of renting 150-avre dairy farm to suitable renter, located in Eastern part of Multnomah .County, 11 miles from Portland, under high state of cultivation; 60 head of cows, horses, implements, ma chinery, good running water, good barns, favorably located close to carline; every thing1 in first-class condition; long lease; renter must have money to buy stock, horses and Implements, H 893, Orego- nian. - FARMS TO LEASE. To rent 120 acres at Boring, Or.. f0 acres in cultivation. 35 now in crop; 12 head of cattle, horses and Implements; will Irase for term of years. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY, S2 4th tit, - SEVEN acres, 300 feet from station, near Leu is, good house, barn, chicken-houses, two wells, plenty fruit; low rent to sat itfactory tenant. O. C R. EUt & Co. Joy lioara or i moo. HOUSE, chicken-houses. 13 acres jrarden laud, near Oswego, $20 per month- Phon Tabor SO 7. FARMS WANTED. I WISH to buy 5 acres, improved with buildings, for cash. Must be within 18 miles of Portland. A 773. Oregonlan. WANTED REAL ESTATE. HOME WANTED, 340OO OR UNDER, $2000 DOWN. Must he modern and well located; pre fer north of Sandy, but will go south; a chance for someone hard pressed to make a clean-up. rt-, SEE MR. COPPER. FIRST TRUST COMPANY, Third and Washington. WANTED 6 or 7-room new bungalow Mt. Tabor; must be modern and priced right. Near car. Will pay cash, not over S4O00. Give particulars. Write or phone Main C69. Mr. Campbell. Fred A- Jacobs Co., jiy.i Washington st. . WANT 40-acr farm in the valley; have good first mortgage contract as part pay men l. Purse, 818 Chamber of Com. WANTED Building lots. Alameda Park or other good district. P. O. box 917. WANTED TIMBERLAND8. TIMBERMAN. , m t Lopgins roads located, satlsf action guaranteed, personal supervision. D 890, Oregonlan. FOR SALE. Horse, Vehicle. Etc. A GOOD all-round work and buggy horse, with buggy and harness; price 17S. Carl MARRIED man with team wants wood lumber hauling, country preferred, AM i4i0, oreguiwaii. $60 TAKES good harness, mare weight 1100 pounds and light wagon. 186T K. SLark St.. Montavllla, m CLOSING out, harness- at wholesale prlc. "iOO JU SI., Cru3 Jn-j-im. COVERED wagon, in good condition. I5 E. "Mt h St. rtl'inr "-wu aw. CLOSING out harness at wholesale price. W A.NTED Horse, bu-fgy. harness, as first pa ;.-ment on home. Owner. Tabor 8248. HORSES for sale, at 88 il 3th at North.