PORTLAND. OREGON. WEDNESDAY. APRIL 3, 1913. ' PRICE FIVE CENTS. . VOL. LIII NO. l.iw. 1 : LEVEE BREAKS OHIO AT CAIRO, ILL Women and Children Flee From Flood. CITY PROPER YET ALL RIGHT Waters Rushing In on Desert ed Negro Section. CREST ANXIOUSLY AWAITED tttx Four Embankment Crumbles ad Halt Railroad Traffic bnt Stain City la Sot in Peril Ca es Other Breaks Come. CAIRO. 111.. April 1. News that the Slg Four levee In the drainage dlatriot north of Cairo had gone out shortly Bator o'clock brought no alarm hero, bnt great anxiety la felt over the fata of tho leveea which protect the city proper when the crest of the Ohio River flood roachea Cairo. Tbo opening of the Bis Four em bankraent la about IS feet aide and the drainage district certainly will fill to a depth of from 1 to 20 feet. The drainage district comprises about 7040 acre. In which aro located many big manufacturing, mall order and lumber distributing plante. Tho territory wae flood wl last year, with a loss of about I7.OOO.OO0. The loss by the present . flood. It Is said, will not exceed $1,000, tQO. With the flood waters of the Ohio clou to the 64 -foot stage. Colonel Morlarlty, In command of the Illinois state trops here, tooks steps tonight to protect the lives of women and child ren still remaining In Cairo. Sufficient river steamers have been assembled to car for all of them. It Is believed. Many train loads of refugees already have left and many have been taken to Wyekllff. Ky on steamers. Those who remain either are poor people unable t purchase tickets to point of safety or old residents who have Implicit con fidence In the stability of the levees. At the time of the former flood Future City, with a negro population of 1500. was Inundated. Many of the houses there have been unoccupied sine that time, and "those who con tinued to' live In the district had ample warning. It required 24 hours for the flood waters to fill the district last year through a break 300 feet wide and It Is estimated that the district will not fill np for more than two days, it the The break will stop traffic on the Fig Four Railroad, as the Big Four tracks run along the top of the levee. The time when the flood crest will reach Cairo has not definitely been de termined. The river guage showed a stage of S3.i feet at 7 o'clock tonight, with the water rtlll rising. A weak spot was found Just above Eighteenth street late this afternoon by District Superintendent Moore, of the Mobile & Ohio Railroad. A troop train and fix other trains were held up for snore than an hour while the place was fcolitered with sandbags. Many car loads of sand and clay have been need today to strengthen the embankments, and it la believed the levee In the busi ness district Is about as secure aa It can b mad. Ctty lan Military Rale. The city Is virtually under military rnle tonight. The soldiers are patroll ing the street and requiring negro men who appear to have nothing to do to give satisfactory accounts of them selves. All trains Into Cairo, with the excep tion of work trains, were cut off to night at the request of D. F. Lanadrn. of the railroad committee. The tracks run along the levee, and tho reason given for the request was that all pos sible space Is needed for workmen. United States Senator Lewis tele graphed from Chicago that he was starting to Springfield to take up with Governor Eunn the question of a re quest to the President to send more levernment boats now stationed la the Mississippi River to this place. Commander McMunn, of the Illlnots Naval Reserves, who haa made an In spection of river boats, believes that the boats can care for about (000 per sons. It la estimated that those left In this city do not exceed this number. ROTARY CLUB WlXIi DONATE Kecelpts of Entertainment Will Be Turned Over to Flood Victim. The entertainment committee which Is In charge of the Rotary Club ahow to be held at the Peoples Theater April I announced at the meeting of the club yesterday that enough pr:ses have been donated to Insure an award to practically every member of the club who attends the ahow. It baa been decided to turn over the receipts from the entertainment to the relief fund for flood sufferers In Ohio and Indiana. In addition to the $504 already donated by the Rotary Club, and the doors of the. theater are to be opened on the night of the Rotary Club entertainment to the general public. V. C. Benbow and Ctty Attorney F. S. Grant were speaker of the cay and explained provision of th proposed I'oDivrrlenton charter to be submitted at the coming election. Vancouver Sends Cah. VANfCCVER. Wh, April 1. (Spe cial. -Vancouver's con:r:buticn to the Middle' TV ert flood sufferers alii be PAROLED PRISONERS TO BE FARMED OUT JCPCE DAVIS HAS PLAX -TO GIVE CONVICTS CHANCE. Penitentiary Sentrnc-e In Some Cacs PcrnttHoo. Sayi Jurist. Wlio In augurates Novel Procedure. A novel idea as a means of making a parole of some real use to a prisoner instead of turning him loose again in hi. .t kmnii haa been suggested by Circuit Judge Davis and probably will be put In use by htm tor tne iirsi un this week In the case of Edward Wein berger, a young man convicted In his department last week of accepting the earnings of Lilly Cline. known as "Diamond Tooth 141." The Judge's Idea is that farmers .k.u ... narole agents of the court, that Is that they ehould give probationers employment at rair wages and keep tb court advised as to the progress being made by their pro tesea. -1 do not want to send Weinberger to the Penitentiary." said the Judge, -for the reason that I do not believe hat a penitentiary Is a reform insti tution but merely a place of punish ment with pernicious influences. Pro miscuous parole are. however. In my estimation equally pernicious, especial ly when a man Is freed again In Port land, lie naturally drifts back Into the oW ways. Now. Weinberger, I be lieve, baa orne of the right stuff In vi t . In hone that he will make good If marooned on a farm away from bad Influences, i nave wrumu w a farmer he spoke of knowing in East ern Oregon." Judge Davis Is curious to know how the Idea will take and has requested that farmer willing to lend tlietr as sistance to the scheme communicate with him. EATING OF APPLES URGED Rotartan Amend tioclal Code.. Mak ing Practice' Good Form. -The Portland Rotary Clnh. others concurring, hereby amends the social code to permit the eating of apples In public at any time or place." By the above resolution introduced at the meeting of the Rotary Club and referred to the resolutions committee for action at the next meeting. It is hoped to let down the bars of conven tion that hitherto have forced the lover of the lucloua apple to yearn with ap petite nnappeased, and to bring about - -lnrinni state In which men. women and children may munch the Oregon ap ple unrestrained at any urn in ij nlaca without fear of treading upon the tender toes of "good form." The resolution Is led off witn two ...k.H. i.Ma... M one holding that the apple ts pre-eminently the National fruit of America ana tne omcr insi it la good on all occasions.' ADDlCKS" HELD IN BAIL Once Famous Promoter In Court on Old Judgment for 920,000. XTW YORK. April 1. J. Edward Ad dlcks. famous as a promoter and once a political power In Delaware, was brought before tho Ptate Supreme Court today by Hiram M. Burton, of Boston, a creditor, who la trying to collect on an old Judgment for $'.'0,000 growing out of Addlcks' promotlona of the Bay State Gas Company. Attorneys for Bur ton said they had found Addlcks here this morning after a year's search and put htm In the custody of a Deputy Sheriff. They asked to have the promoter ex amined to learn whether he is inanclal ly abie to satisfy the Judgment Addlcks told the court that the Judg ment was not legal, since It was ob tained by default. He was advised to get counsel ard meanwhile left in the Sheriff's charge. Fall was fixed at $2nne and Addlcks later furnished a bond for that amount. CHICAGO PAINTERS STRIKE Union Men Demand More Pay and Kfplit to Sen Specifications. CHICAGO. April 1. Five thousand union painters, paper hangers and dec orators went on strike here todsy and as a result the annual decorating of thousands of business buildings and homes will be Indefinitely delayed. The men demand an Increase of S cents an hour and the rlirht to In spect specifications on the Jobs where they are employed to prevent contrac tors from "skimping" work. Some of the smaller contractors have signed the union agreement and there are about 4000 men still at work. HENRY M. FLAGLER WORSE Condition of Railroad Man Now Re garded as Critical. .ST PALM BEACK. Fla, April 1. The condition of Henry M. Flagler, th railroad and Southern hotel magnate, who recently suffered a painful fall at his home near here, was reported worse today. Relatives and friends expressed con siderable anxiety over his condition. He Is stIU at Oceanic Cottage. Mr. Flag ler's condition was believed by his friends to be critical tonight. CORDAGE STRIKE SERIOUS Women Participate In Riots or Op eratives at Auburn. N. V. AUBURN, N. y April I. The cord age strike situation. Involving more than 1T00 operative at the. Interna tional Harvester Company and Colum bian Rope Company shops, became acute today. Kleven persons were hurt in riots and Chief of Police Bell suld tonight he would put his entire force at the doors of the mills tomor row. Several hundred women participated in th demonstration. "TTi i 1 1 WILSONTHDUGHTTO iMxoFTODArsNEws FAVOR FREE WOOL Bryan Said to Have Won President Over. UNDERWOOD IN OPPOSITION Democratic Leader Called in White House Conference. KEY IS HELD BY RADICALS Growers Contend Dory Less Than 20 Per Cent Would Bo Equivalent to None Western Sena tors la Quandary. OREGONIAN NEWS BUREAU, Wash ington. April 1. Western Republicans In Congress, and some of the Demo crats, are decidedly uneasy over the rumor that Secretary Bryan has con vinced President Wilson that raw wool should be placed on the free list, together with sugar and some other rsw materials. It Is realized that If the strength of the Administration Is thrown In favor of free wool, free wool Is likely to be written into tho Demo cratic tariff bill. Wilson Call la Underwood. President Wilson and Representative Underwood were In conference for sev eral hours at the White House tonight over features of the proposed tariff revision. The conference was requested by President Wilson who had been studying the new tariff bill for sev eral days and familiarising himself with many of the questions about which controversy had been raised. President Wilson had gone over the tariff bill in Immediate details with Secretary Redfleld. of the Department of Commerce, for whose tariff views he haa high regard. It was understood that few detailed rates wore under consideration at to night's conference, but that the general questions as to the free admission of raw materials and the extent .to which the duty should be removed from agri cultural products and articles largely consumed by the publlo were dis cussed fully. Efforts to bring the Senate and House Into accord before the details of the new tariff bill became public are to be made later this week. Senator Simmons will ask Democratic members of the enate finance committee to meet Friday for a preliminary con sideration of the tariff. At that time It Is expected a copy of the bill pre pared by the House ways and means committee will be submitted to the Democratic Senators and considered In detail. Should the Senate committee de fPonciuded on Page 8.) I " """"" ' . -i 1 f STARTS OH tHE k0 it bVN SPREADS ALL S ! The Weather. YESTERDAY'S Maximum temperature, 61 degrees; minimum, a decrees. TODAY'S Showers, winds shifting to south erly. at kraal. Bryan said to have prevailed, on Wilson to favor free wool. Page 1. J. P. Slornan on guard against deception in art collecting. Pace 2 Domestic. Mrs. Julia F. tsearhart, white, secretly wife of nesro. ends her life. Page 2. Uovernor ulacr demands resignation of State Senator, wiio refuses It. Page 2. Chicago Morals Court to extend scope ot ali to unfortunate women. Fags 3. raeifle Northwest. ' Amundsen.- at Eugene. Mils of his Arctic plna Page 0. Oregon Supreme Court makes Important ruling on foreign corporation taxes. Page 9. Women and girls replace elevator boys and janitors in big Tacoma building. Pass 1. porta. Portland Beavers win opening game from San Francisco, 8 to 2. Page 1. Pacific Coast League results Portland . Francisco 3 (AO innings) ; Los Angeles a. Venlc 2; 8oramento 6. Oakland 2. Page 8. Portland Kennel Club ahow opens today. Opening game victory la Portland's third in Cloven year.. 1 . o. Commercial and Marine. Late wheat crop indicated In raciflc North west. Page "1- Sharp advance In Wall street stock market. Page 21. Bidding for new wool dip continues slow. Page 21. Slow-burning wharves held O. K. for city a needs. Page 20. Portland audi Vicinity. Streetcar men express regret over Presi dent Josselyn's resignation. Page 14. Chambers of commerce oppose arbitration of canal tolls dispute. Page 20. Mayor Rushlight s plans for re-election cam paign complete. Page 11. Paroled prisoners from Jndge Davis" Court to be farmed out. Page 1. More than S21.OO0 in cash collected for flod sufferers. Page 5- Trlpl attractions on opera matinee bill to day. Pago o. Tetraaslnl to sing Lucta dl Lammermoor tonight. Page 7. Democrats win in Chicago municipal elec tions. Page 6. GIRL SHOT JNENCOUNTER Father of Young Man Declared to Have Inflicted1 Wound. JACKSON. Tenn.. April 1. Miss Es ther Derry. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. K. W. Derry, of Bemls, Tenn- Is in the hospital at that town, suffering from gunshot wounds alleged to have been Inflicted !n a duel last night with R. C. MoComraon, for whom the police are searching. Miss Derry says she appealed to Mc Common to force his son to make amends for a wrong he had done her and that the elder McCommon shot her down. Members of the McCommon household say Miss Derry fired five shots at the elder McCommon. who re plied with a shotgun. McCommon then flrd. Toung McCommon has been arrested. BROKERS ARE SUBPENAED Men Who Permitted Bank. Clerk, to . Gamble to Be Questioned. SAN FRANCISCO, April L Federal grand Jury subpenas were Issued today for employes of several prominent brokers who acted as agent for Jharles F. Baker, assistant cashier of the Crocker National Bank, who has confessed to the embezzlement of ap proximately .200.000. United States District Attorney -Mc-Nab said: "The conduct of stock brokers who permit bank officials to gamble on margins when the speculations reach figures 20 times the salary of the offi cial will be probed to the bottom." FLOWERS THAT BLOOM IN THE SPRING. TAFT 15 CORDIALLY WELCOMED AIYALE Students With Band Form Escort. ATHLETES HEAD PROCESSION Ex-President Says He Is Now Ready to Work in Ranks. PEOPLE JOIN IN OVATION Reception Xo Less Enthusiastic Than Godspeed Given. Wilson by Princeton on His Departure for Washington. NEW HAVEN. Conn- April 1. Undergraduate Yale welcomed ex Presldent Taft back to his alma mater today In a manner-no less hearty and enthusiastic than was the godspeed given Wilson by the Princeton students when he left a month ago to take up the duties at Washington that Mr. Taft was about to lay down. Practically the entire student body, 3000 strong, reinforced by a band, was at the station when Mr. Taft and his party arrived this afternoon. An equally large crowd of citizens also was present. As the Taft party stepped from the train, Captain Spalding of last year's football team stopped for ward and presented Mrs. Taft with a srreat bouauet of violets. A moment later Yale's famous "frog chorus" cheer, with nine "Tarts" on the end. roared from 3000 throats. Bulldog Heads Procession. Both Mr. and Mrs. Taft were deeply moved by the reception. Mr. Taft's fa mous smile was lacking for a moment and he wore a serious look. As tho demonstration grew, however, he smiled, broadly and dorfed his hat in acknowledgment. Headed by the "T" men of the ath letic teams and a bulldog standing at its leash, the procession proceeded to the campus. Mr. and Mrs. Taft, with a delegation of the faculty, followed In an automo bile. All along the line the ex-President and Mrs. Taft received a continu ous ovation. Arriving on the campus, Mr. Taft was escorted to a balcony In Memorial Hall. As he started to speak he received another great ovation. Visibly affected, Mr. Taft said: "Men of Yale: You will believe me when I tell you that I am greatly touched by this student reception." Own Accomplishment Inventoried. Then with a smile he continued: "When it was suggested to me, I deprecated it and thought it might be better to defer it until I took my de- (Conoluded on Page 21 WOMEN REPLACE ELEVATOR BOYS BIG TACOMA BUILDING MIXUS SIEN JAVITORS AISO. Vair Sex, Married- and Cnmarricd, and One a Bride of Only a Yew Hours, Take Up Xcw Work. TACOMA. Wash., April 1. (Special.) With the discharge of all the men elevator operators and janitors and the employment of girls and women for this work, the National Realty Building today inaugurated a new system and opened another vocation to the women which heretofore has been held to be exclusively male. Four women, all married, operated the elevators today. All the men Janl tors were missing and In their stead women and girls were to be found working around the corridors of the 18 story building. The women are under the personal supervision of Mrs. Ada Sykes who holds the title of matron and who takes the place of a 'housekeeper," In any other kind of an establishment. Bertha Grinstad, one of the women elevator operators, Is a bride of but a few hours, having left her Fernhlll home yester day and married Charles E. Burgeson, an engineer. She declares her wedding will not Interfere with her new job, BOOKS OPEN TILL 9 P. M Opportunities to Register Arc In creased as Time Vanishes. Commencing tomorrow the registra tion books at the Courthouse will be kept open till 9 P.M. instead of closing at 6 P. M. as at present. With only 11 days left in which to register, less than 40 per cent of worn en entitled to vote have registered. The books close at S o'clock on the afternoon of April 14 and will remain closed till after the primary of May 3 on which date the commission form of government charter is to be voted on also. Among those registering yesterday were women of three generations in one family, Mrs. Eliza L. Crockwell, of 209 Eleventh street, grandmother; Mrs. 8. E. Miller, mother, and Miss E. lone Morrison, daughter, both living at 449 Third street. They first registered as Republicans, but upon discovering that they, could not sign the petition for H. Russell Albee, Progressive party candidate for Mayor, they changed and re-registered as Progressives. KAISER DECORATES TENANT $30,000 Paid to Sobst on Agreement to Vacate farm. BERLIN, April 1. The German Em peror's trouble with his tenant, Hel muth Sohst, has been settled, amicably, after being before the courts for sev eral months. The tenant has consented to vacate his farm voluntarily, al though his lease has five years to run. He is to receive the Order of the Royal Crown as a token of the Em peror's retraction of the statement that he had, "thrown out his tenant because he was uterly Inefficient." Sohst is to receive J30.000 as com pensation, while a letter sent to him from the Emperor's secretary is under stood to contain his majesty's explana tions and regrets. CITY ATTORNEY REMOVED War Bet-ween Medford Mayor and Council Continues. MEDFORD. Or., April 1. (Special.) With tht Council chamber filled to overflowing the programme announced by the Couneilmen several days aso was carried out tonight and City At torney Boggs was removed from office. Mayor Eifert made no appointment and the ofice probably will be vacant tech nically while the Mayor will continue to employ the services of Mr. Bosg and present a bill for same. The session was quiet. A protest against the removal of the City Attorney and signed by more than 100 voters, was ignored by the Council. The Municipal business of Medford has been at a standstill for several weeks now due to the warfare between the Mayor and the Council. PIONEER, 95, TO CELEBRATE F. X. aiatthieu Will Hold Reception This Afternoon. In honor of his 95th birthday, a re ception will be held for friends of F. X. Matthieu. a distinguished Oregon pioneer, at the residence of bis son, S. A. Matthieu, 351 Eugene street, be tween 1 and 4 o'clock this afternoon. At 5 o'clock there will be a birthday party, at which the Immediate mem bers of the family will be present. Mr. Matthieu has Just recovered from a se vere illness- Mr. Matthieu's children are: S. A. Matthieu, of Portland; Lester S. and John, of Butteville; Ernest, of Stayton; Mrs. Dwlght Gill, of Wilbur. Wash-t Mrs. Rose Bergevln and Mrs. A. Burton, of Butteville. TABERNACLE TO BE SOLID Zionites to Build of Cement Oppo- site Offending; Factory. ZION CITT, III-. April 1. A cement tabernacle in which the Zion crusaders may pray and inveigh against users of tobacco and profane swearers, alleged to form a majority of the operatives of an outside factory here, will be built at once opposite the offending electrical works, it was announced by Zionist partisans today. The old wooden tabernacle. In which daily services agatnst the factory were held, was destroyed after a recent souffle between the Zionists and the factory employes, , BEAVERS WIN AND BREAK OLD R00D00 Portland Takes Coast Opening Game. HiGGINBOTHAM IN FINE FORM Lindsay and McCormick Shine in Rout of Seals, 3 to 2. GAME GOES TEN . INNINGS 'Cck" Henley Battered for 14 Hils While Portland Pitcher Holds San Francisco Batters to Five Widely Scattered Bingles. OPENING GAM15 RKSTTLT9 FOB U VEAJIS. j90S an Francisco 7. Portland 3. 1904 Tacoma 2, Portland 1 At Fresno). Portland 6 Is Angeles 3. ItiOS Portland 1. Fresno 0. 100" San Francisco 6, Portland 0. 10os San Francisco 2. Portland 0. 3009 Los Angeles 2, Portland 0. 1910 san Francisco 4. Portland 0. 1911 Los Angeles s. Portland 4. 1912 Los Angeles 4, Portland 2. 1913 Portland 3, San Francisco 2. -a BY F.OSCOE FAWCETT. SAN FRANCISCO, April 1. (Srf- elal.) The sky over Golden Gate is blue tonight. So Is Del Howard, for Portland shattered an ancient openr ing day hoodoo by walloping the San Francisco Seals. 3 to 2, in a sensa tional 10-inning battle. Little won der Manager Howard's digestion is tinctured with indigo. The Seals had won 12 consecutive openers up to 1913, only to have April Fool's day and the 13 combination prescribe the antidote. Hlgginbotham, iJndsay and McCor mick sparkled for rortland. A mighty throng of 10,000 fans and fanettes, who alternately thrilled and shivered from excitement and cold, will add witness. Hlgginbotham twirled one of tho greatest games of his career. Irvo could have walked the Niagara chasm on a cobweb. That's how steady Hie big gunner was. He allowed only five hits In the 10 cantos one of those was the merest scratch, too and but for slight tremors in the Beavers' defense the game would never have gone Into extra innings. Hlgginbotham de serves a shutout. He fanned eight. Henley Hit Hard and Often. Henley, who opposed him, with a record of a long string of opening day victories, was plugged hard and often and if there was any luck In the breaks he got It. ...n.c" ollowed 14 hits, all told. and while nearly every oue of the bunch near the Beaver oatuns w earden nicked a couple of safeties, the biggest sticks of redflro must be burned at the altars ot wmia.ni say. Captain Rodgers and Mike McCor mick. . Lindsay slammed out lour mis in win h nlate and It was his last fierce poke into deep center, after the sensational ChaODOurnes and an error by Zimmerman In the tenth inning, that gave the Beavers victory amidst tumultuous cheering or the Oakland contingent in tho grand stand. wcCormlek Hlta lis Two bum. M-r-nrnii.-k secured only one hit but he fielded sensationally and In addition v-j -i.t a timelv two-bagger in the second inning, following hits by Rodg ers and Derrick, that proaucea -rori-land's first two runs. Mike's drive nearly cleared the right wall. McCor mick scored a moment later on Fishers fh fourth blow of the innins:. but Finney failed to see Spencer drop the ball and called Mike out. This umpirlcal bauble nearjy cosi Portland the game. The two runs amassed In the excitement, however. as hlir as a house, so jyicreuio raised but a feeble protest. Henley was continually In deep water, in in n." inning a walk by Chadbourne and in field bunts by Fitzgerald ana x.inasy riiio thn bases with none out. lut Cack tightened and the next three men were easy outs. That was a sample. "HJb" Pitches Superbly. Hlgginbotham, in sharp contrast, pitched superbly throughout. He walked two men in tne arawn-uuv en gagement and was unfortunate enough to have a hit Inserted after each free h men scoring. But with more perfect support there would have been occasion for worry. t- tho fourth inning Hogan walked. and tallied on Corhan's Infield grounder which might have been handled in time to save tne tany caru. Tho ccore then stood two to one. The Seals tied up In the seventh on a walk to Corhan who scored all tne way irom first on- Cartwright's single to right field. Fitzgerald In this case, heaveu the ball over Rodgers" head on the throw In. t Hhlt, these slight lapses the Portland Coasters looked mighty good T-w.rri.-lt at first accepted sev eral extremely difficult chances with much eclat and bounced tne pan naru every time up. Krueger did some cir cus performing in center. McCredie de ciding to use the Dutchman instead uf Doane at tho ninth hour. tv,. K-aiR. tnn. acted well under firi' Cartwrlght and Corhan starred in the iConcluded ea Page 8.) liojtciuUcti on face a.