rn, i n,vn 1fi332. PORTIAX OREGOX. SATURDAY, MARCH 29, 1913. PRICE FIVE CEXT8. BEGON RAISES 11,765 FOR RELIEF Food Supplies Worth $10,000 Also Sent. PORTLAND PURSES ARE OPEN Chamber of Commerce For wards $4000 to Ohio.. POOR PEOPLE GIVE FREELY Contribution Pour In From Every Side for Aid of Flood Sufferer of East Work of Obtaining Funds Will Go Ahead. OREOOJTB COVTRIBCTIOT TO OHIO AST) INDIANA IXOOD SUFFERERS. B'o.,..."1?.Thu.r"i .5fcoo Bent by Chimbfr of Corn er of Commm. to Got- ernor Coi yeeterday . 4.000.00 Snt by Elk to Grand Lodge rellet MmmlUM.. 1.000. OO Sent by E.gie. to National of flora 000. w From varloua ml.celI.neou. ource. -v. 1.BOO.OO Balance In handa of Cham- ber of Commerce I.2BS.QQ Total .11.765.00 Salmon packer, have .ent carload of canned aalmon. valued at $8000. Other Oregon communities have ent food oppUe north more than $7000. Chamber of Commerce relief eom mlttee will meet at 110 thl. morning. Theatrical manaser. will present -The FoUle." at the Hellls tonlsbt. troea proceed, to so to Chamber of Commerce relief fund. Third Reitment band will glv. concert at Armory Thursday even ing, cros. proceed, to co to Cham ber of Commerce relief fund. After starting out yesterday morning- to raise $10,000 for the relief of the Ohio and Indiana flood sufferers, the Chamber of Commerce committee succeeded before S o'clock last night In collecting $625.60. Contribution, still are coming In and the committee la confident that the remainder of the propo.ed fund, and more. too. will be In hand before this evening-. Another contribution of $4000 was telegraphed last night to James M". Cox. Governor of Ohio, this with the 11004) remittance sent on Thursday making the total already eent by Portland peo ple through the Chamber of Commerce $6000. Indiana Likely to Benefit This leaves a balance of 11265.60 yet to be appropriated, and It Is probable tbat the next Installment, including this money, will be sent to Indiana. The committee will meet at 11:30 this morning to determine the division of the money and to Hay plans for col lecting the remainder of tUe fund. Taking Into consideration the $3500 telegraphed Thursday from several sources, the Elks' $1000 donation and the Eagles' $500 donation to their own lodge relief funds, $1500 gathered from miscellaneous sources yesterday, the total relief fund contributions of Port land, aided by some out-of-town sub scriptions, totals $11,765. Besides, food products valued at more than $10,000. Including a carload of sal mon worth $3000. have gone forward from various Oregon points. Pear Peopl. Olve Most. Contributions came steadily all day yesterday. Men. women and children alike were among the grvers. Several of the large firms and corporations contributed heavily and many wealthy Individuals gave check. In substantial amounts. "But It Is the poor people who are furnishing the greatest aggregate of this fund." said A. H. AverilL presi dent of the Chamber, last night. "You will always find It so. Those who ran least afford to give are the most ready to give. They usually give greater proportionate amounts than those with more at their disposal." It was not until yesterday that def inite advice was received from the In diana authorities regarding their prob able reeds. The message of inquiry directed from this city had been de layed .n transmission. The following message was received by Mayor Rush light yesterday morning from Samuel Ralston. Governor of Indiana: "Your delayed messaxes received I,oss in state many millions. Send fun.ls to Hugh PaugBerty. trustee, In dianapolis. Accept sincere thanks." 10,000 Set aa Minimum. It took the special committee little time yesterday morning to map Its course. The minimum goal of $10,000. independent of all other contributions forwarded from this city, was set after some meditation. It was felt that it Portland raise, this amount and other cities give proportionate assistance, the flood sufferers will be well pro vided for. It more money Is needed It will be sent, was the assurance held out by every member of the commit tee. President Avetill. acting as chalr n'an of the committee, suggested the necessity of Immediate action. Kdgar B. Piper, president of the Com mercial Club, declared the Intention ol members of that body la to raise a eon- DELAY FAILS TO DAUNT GARRISON WAR SECRETARY REFUSES TO TURN BACK FROM OHIO. Official, Despite Soft Track, Declares Ue Will Keep On, Even If Not In Time lor Flrst-Ald Work. ON BOARD SECRET ART GARRISON'S 8PECIAL TRAIN. KENOVA, W. Va, March 18. Turning deaf ear to rail road official, who counseled him against attempting to penetrate the heart of the flood district. Secretary of War Garrison, undaunted by disheart ening delays whloh have marked bis journey, declared tonight In emphatlo terms that under no circumstances would he abandon bis undertaking. At Williamson, the Secretary was told the railroad situation was hopeless beyond Ken ova. so far as reaching either Cln- clnclnnatl or Columbus was concerned. "We shall go forward so long as ihera 1 a lencth of track to carry us." said the War Secretary. "Even If we do not reach Dayton In time to co operate In ,the immediate work, our services, though delayed, will be not nAMaaarv In the work of recon struction. We cannot think of turning back." Tinth RMrarv Harrison and MaJor- General Wood were heartened by re nerta from Wash in aton that Major Nor- moylo bad reached Dayton. Through out the entire Journey the trainmen have had to nroceed with the utmost caution. Rain-soaked roadbeds are un stable, and avalanches from embank ments threaten to block the track. USE OF CANDY CRITICISED One in XYror of Pasadena's Children Said to Be Defective as Result. PASADENA. Cal., March $. (Spe cial.) One child In every four attend ing the public schools of Pasadena has a defect of the eye, ear. nose or throat or nervous system or a defect due to Improper nutrition, according to the re port of R. C Olmatead, medical ex aminer of the publlo schools, made public today. Out of a total of 4075 girls and boys examined. 10S9 were found defective In one or more of these particulars. The fault in 470 cases was due to bad teeth. The report goes on to say that publlo school children are ruining their diges tion by patronizing candy stands too freely. "The department has nothing against legitimate business of the small store," the report reads, "but when they exist with '' raaalt of bringing ruin to the digestion of every child they can reach, too harsh a criticism cannot be given." AUTO CHASE SUCCESSFUL Four Japanese, Captured After Ten Jliles, Held for Smuggling. LOS ANGELES. March 28. After an automobile chase of ten miles. Immi gration Inspector Blee captured A. Matsuka and three other Japanese at Santa Ana today and brought them to Los Angeles, charged with smuggling. Matsuka, who Is bellaved by the Im migration authorities to be the head of a Japanese smuggling ring. Is em ployed as porter by a local commercial company. One of the Japanese arrested Is be lieved to have been smuggled over the line near San Diego by Matsuka, The owner of the automobile and the driver, also Japanese, are being held by the Federal authorities. They admitted having been on the way to Los Ange les from San Diego when Intercepted by Inspector Blee. who is stationed at Santa Ana. WILSON'S MESSAGE SHORT Document to Go to Special Session Contains About 1200 Words. WASHINGTON, March 23. President Wilson had a busy day of It with the flood situation requiring constant at tention, a long Cabinet meeting and a critical turn of events In New Jersey politics. The President read to the Cabinet his message to the extraordinary session of Congress, about 1200 words long. It was approved and ordered printed. Those who have discussed the message with the President said it dealt en tirely with tne tariff, leaving to the discretion of Congress the method of handling the issue and calling atten tion briefly to the need of currency legislation as soon as the tariff Is dis posed of. MEXICO LEASES ISLANDS Coronado Group to Be Used for ' Quarries by Americans. SAN PIEGO. Cal March 2S The Coronado Islands, a small group about to miles off the harbor mouth, have been leased by the Mexican government for five years to jose usLrraco. The latter will turn the concession over to a group of American capitalists, who purpose to establish quarries on the Islands. OJEDA'S FORCEHEMMED IN 10 0O State Troops Surround Feder al at Xaco, Honors. NACO. Arlr., March 28. General OJe da, with 400 federals. Is surrounded by 1000 state Insurgents ten miles below the border at Naco, Sonora. wnere he is making a last stand. General Obreson. commanding all the Sonora insurgent troops. Is on his way from Cananea with 600 Insurgent reinforcements. DAYTON PROPERTY LOSS $50,000,000 Miles of Streets Must Be Rebuilt. NO VICTIMS CLAIMED BY FIRES Loss of Life Still Believed Not to Exceed 200. HEALTH EXPERT ON WAY Work of Reconstructing Water works Is Begun Oox Renews His Threat to Take Charge of Railroad Lines. REVISED ESTIMATES OF KNOWN DEAD BY FLOODS IN TWO. STATES. Ohio. Dayton .... Columbus M lamiaburg Plqua rhllllcoth. . Tiffin Fremont ... Mlddl.town Troy ....... 1i1l!on .. anesvill. ...SO ... 60 ... 80 ... SO ... 1 ... IS ... 14 ... 14 ... 0 ... 6 ... 4 Pent Brookvtlle .. F"rt Wayne Terre Haute 30 16 6 . 4 DAYTON, Maroh 28. Dayton's loss' of life probably will not exceed 200. This estimate Is based upon a per sonal canvass of almost 100 of Day ton's leading citizens, men of unques tioned Judgment and reliability, who have been engaged In relief and rescue work In every section of the city ever since the rising waters invaded the business section. The property loss, tangible and real, will probably exceed $50,000,000. This includes damage to real estate and publlo works In those parts of the city where these forms of property are most valuable;" to automobiles stored In two leading garages and other per sonal property, much of which was owned by the more prosperous resi dents; to manufacturing, mercantile and Jewelers atocka, which were swept away, and to publlo utility plants and equipment. Streets Ripped From Beds. The cost of building miles of asphalt streets and walks, which literally were ripped from their beds. Is also In cluded. The loss of life was confined almost entirely to North Dayton, inhabited by foreigners and laborers. West Dayton, which comprises districts of a more substantial character, and to River dale. In Daytonview and other resldenoe Concluded on page 8.) ' I I I INDEX OF TODAY'S NEWS The Weatnev. TESTERDAra Maximum temperature, 51 degrees; minimum, 36 desreea, TODAY Rain; southerly wind.. Flood. Sfxty bodie. recovered when water, of Scioto River recede. Pace S. Oregon .nbserfbe. $11,766 for relief of flood .ufferera. Page 1. Southern Indiana In panto as Ohio River rlaea. Pace 2. Secretary Garrison, undaunted by flood, re fuse to turn back on trip to Ohio. Paso 1. Dayton'a property loaa will exceed S 50. 000.- 000. Pase 1. Portland feela relieved by lateat n.w. of flood .disaster. Pas. 2. "Whlta ilavera" activ. In Omaha. Pag. 8. Ufeaavlnr crews restoring order in Dayton. Page 3. Analyst, of flood condition. In Ohio ianud. Pas. L Fovatgn. Pewr. may foro. conclusion of peace lest Constantinople b. taken by allies. Page 1. London dooaworker. protect suftraffettes who aarenad. American, girl In prison. Pag. 1. Natloaml. Taf f. fourth -claas postmaster order em barraaae. new Admlnlatratlon. Pag. 1. . Domestic Frost my. activity In Alaska was directed at J. P. Morgan and asaociatea. Pag. o. Fatber and son executed for Courthouse murders in Virginia. Pec 9 Soort. Multnomah Club boxer, win two out of tnre. event, m douls wita viyuivu Page 7. Bellmann. Lindsay and Caraxra are- stars In Beaver victory over Quincy. Pag. 7. Armory boxing matches next big Portland event. Page 7. Paclfle Nortnwert. Missionary Parliament end. at Grant. Pass rage o. Oregon debaters win at home and at Palo Alto. Pag. . Commercial and Marine. Northwestern farmers not affected by de pression in Eastern wheat markets. Page IT Chicago grain traders find .nother version or larm reserve report, i Advance in Wall atreet atocka 1 resumed T.-- IT ... Royal Mall steamship line announo. plan. lor serving . -. Portland and Vicinity. Portland Elks leave by special train for Seattle today. Pago 10. Outside milk dealers no longer immune. Page 17. Teachers honor woman member of Board of Education at reception. Page 10. Business men gather at banquet to C M. Clark and B. S. Josselyn. Pag. 16. "Follies" to b. repeated tonight for Bene fit of flood victims. Page 10. Scottish Rite "at horn." memorable aoci.ty event. Pag. 12. Commission Government advocatee to open headquarters. Pag. 18. President Foster of Reed College addresses health officers. Page s. Dan Kellaher la likely to run for Mayor. Page i. T. M. C A. Cirrus proves big success. Fag. 4. PACKING RULES ADOPTED Leading Frultmen of North-west to Vrge Uniform Metlybds. At a conference of 14 of the leading fruitgrowers of the Wenatchee, Yaki ma, Hood River and Rogue River dis tricts, held In the offices of the North western Fruitgrowers' Association In the Spalding building late Thursday night tentative rules relating to a standard system of grading and pack ing were adopted. A committee composed of E. E. Sam son, of North Yakima; H. W. Otis, of Wenatchee; A. W. Peters, of Hood River, and A. C. Randall, of Medford. was appointed to endeavor to arrange for Joint action through the executive committee of the North Pacific Fruit Distributors' Association of Spokane, with the idea of having uniform rules for packing and grading adopted throughout the entire Pacific Northwest. A FLOOD HAS STARTED PROM OREGON. TAR ORDER RISES TO VEX DEMOCRATS Fourth Class Offices Most Perplexing. DEMOCRATS ARE CLAMORING Administration Fears to Lay Itself Open to Criticism. VACANCIES MAY FOLLOW Resignations Pour In as Result of Burleson's Decision to Subject All Incumbents to Civil Service Examination. OREGON! AN NEWS BUREAU, Wash Ington, Mar. 28. The fourth-class post master problem is easily the biggest Issue now confronting Postmaster-Gen eral Burleson and the Administration, and Is causing far more study and con cern than are the fights for all the big postoff ice Jobs that accrue to tne uemu , . a. hi thns tiv reason of the change of administration. Though the fourth-class postmasters as a rule re ceive the lowest pay of anyone In the Government service, they are in some respects far more Important in their respective communities than are the nsiatmnntArR in hifir cities, and they Sje capable of causing much worry to those under whose Jurisdiction they fall. But for President Taft's order placing all fourth-class postmasters In the classified service, the promem wouiu u a simple one. With that order standing. tha pnatnmrn Denartment Is meeting trouble from two directions and it is perplexed to find a solution that will enable the Administration to escape with credit and without Injuring the postal service. There is ay growing be lief that President Taft, in issuing the order, had an inkling that it would rise to embarrass his successor In office, but whether he suspected that or not, that is what has. happened. ,, , ,., , , Majority Receive Small Pay. The majority of postmasters in fact a large percentage of all postmasters are in the fourth class. All offices are fourth-class whose receipts do not ex ceed $1000 per annum, and the salaries of fourth-class postmasters are deter mined by the receipts of their respec tive offices. There are several thou sand of these fourth-class men whose annual compensation from the Govern ment does not exceed $50, $60, $75 or $100. This Is equivalent to $5 to $10 a rnnnth fnr ViAndl Inc the malls. These small offices are, for the most part, in little country stores, ana ineir patrons are farmers living within a radius of five to ten miles. Many of them are not even In villages, but are centers of little farming or ranch communities, (Concluded on Page 0, MILITANTS SING TO IMPRISONED GIRL DOCK WORKERS PROTECT SUF FRAGETTES AT JAIL. American Patriotic Airs Rise at Por tals of Cell "Where Miss Emerson, of Detroit, Is Held at London. IDNDON. March 28. Protected by a bodyguard of husky dockworkers. Miss Scott-Troy, of San Francisco, heading a delegation of American and English suffragettes, tonight serenaded Miss Zelle Emerson, of Detroit, Mich, the militant suffragette, who la on a hun ger strike In Holaway jail, serving a two months sentenoe for breaking win dows. Antl-suffraglata had hired a band of roughs, armed - with bad eggs, stale vegetables and other missiles, to break up the demonstration, but the strong armed dockmen deterrred them from making the slightest manifestations. The suffragettes, anticipating trouble, had hired a cornetist who could not be disconcerted by the Jeers of the antls, but he had no interruption to contend with. Standing close to the wall of the Jail and accompanied by the cornetist, the serenaders sang "The Star-Spangled Banner," "Dixie," "Way Down Upon the Suwanee River," "The Battle Hymn of the Republic" and other patriotic American songs. After the serenade Miss Troy was presented with an illuminated honor ary membership in the Dockers' Union as a testimonial of the gratitude of the men for .her support during the dock ers' strike two years ago. when she fed thousands of their children. The attention of Senator William Al den Smith, of Michigan, was called by cable today to the condition of Miss Emerson. Miss Scott-Troy cabled him that American women In London expect him to do something for her release. The cablegram states that Miss Emerson has been tortured, that she Is ema ciated and bruised from bead to heels, while her sight is endangered. LAND FOR YARDS BOUGHT North Bank Will Spend $200,000 at Overlook, Near Spokane. SPOKANE, Wash, March 28. (Spe cial.) Approximately $200,000 will be spent In construction work by the Spo kane, Portland & Seaule Railway at Overlook: yards In building roundhouses, carshops and storage tracks this Sum mer, and when completed another big payroll will be added to Spokane. Overlook yards, which will be situ ated on the hill Just above the station of Wents, a few miles west of the city, and will cover approximately two miles long and about 700 feet wide, giving an area of a little more than 100 acres. For several months right of way agents of the North Bank have been quietly buying in acreage near Wents and by the condemnation today In the Superior Court of SO acres of land owned by William Sigg and children, the railroad, through its attorney, E. J. Cannon, practically completed purchase of the acreage Intended for the new yards. SURVIVORS IN PORTLAND Mrs. Loock and Children Within Few Feet of Tornado's Path. Mrs. Lena Loock and two sons and a daughter, who arrived in Portland yes terday, are the first survivors of the Omaha tornado to reach the city. They are visiting Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Hanley, of 307 Cook street. Mrs. Hanley is Mrs. Loock's daughter. The Loocks were visiting in Omaha on their way from their Eastern home to Portland. They were not In the path of the cyclone, but about a block and a half from It and were not disturbed. A freak of the storm that they observed was that some of the houses were cut squarely In two, one part being utterly demolished and the other part, with Its contents, being left almost unmolested. TRIAL JURY GOING FISHING Judge Morrow Stops $408,000 Case to Permit Trip. In "order that the Jurors may go fish lng. Circuit Judge Morrow yesterday afternoon adjourned the trial of the Wakefield $108,000 Mount Tabor reser volrs suit against the city till Wednes day, April1 2. The Judge will try a criminal case and get ex parte matters out of the way In the Interval. During the past few days the Jurors, who have been on continuous duty now for more than six weeks, have shown unmistakable signs of Spring fever, Many of them recalled to the Judge that the fishing season would open April 1 and hinted that they would like to be free on that date. Judge Morrow took the hint- T. R. PROPHESIES 'CHANGE' Old Processes That Have Gone for Corruption Doomed, He Says. ALBANY, N. Y, March 28. Colonel Roosevelt, speaking at a Progressive party dinner tonight, announced the intention of that party to strive for the selection of women delegates to the next constitutional convention. He also predicted a "change is coming which will not permit the old processes that have gone for corruption in polit ical and business life to last long. "If this change doesn t come with wisdom and sanity." he declared, "it will be apt to coma in evil fashion." POWERS MAY FORCE F Taking of Adrianople Paves Way. TURKISH FRONTIER OUTLINED Diplomats Fear Result if Con stantinople Falls. 500 CANNON ARE RELEASED Additional 100,000 Seasoned Men Also Ready to Take Field When Effort to Capture Ottoman Capital Is Begun. PARIS, March 28. (Special.) Now that Adrianople has fallen there Is every indication that the powers in tend to force an Immediate conclusion of the Balkan war. The plan generally favored Is to make the Turkish frontier run along the line from Midla, on the Black Sea, to Enos on the Aegean Sea, to give the Greeks Salontkl and Janlnl, reserving the question of disposition of the Aegean Islands and to make Albania an autonomous country. The boundaries of the new state may be settled later at a special conven tion, but Scutari will probably be given to Albania. Scutari Likely to Be Taken. Scutari is the only city where fight ing is going on save in the immediate neighborhood of Constantinople. The gallant example of the Serbs and Bul gars at Adrianople is likely to stimu late the Serbs and Montenegrins to make a general assault on Scutari, and if. it occurs It will probably be suc cessful. In the meantime the end of the long siege of Adrianople enables the allies to run their supply trains direct to Tchatalja without a. long detour by ox carts that was hitherto necessary. It also liberates BOO cannon and about 100,000 men for use in direct attack on Constantinople. Fall of Constantinople Feared. It was chiefly the lack of cannon which prevented the Bulgars from charging the famous Tchatalja forts and capturing them long ago. Failure of the Turks' recent cam paign on the Gallipoli peninsula Im plies that unless the powers succeed In compelling speedy peace the Bulgars will endeavor to march straight into Constantinople, the fall of which would Involve international complications too dangerous for diplomats to contem plate. LOSS CAUSES STJLTAX TO WEEP Adrianople Citizens Have Flour. Turks Badly Beaten at Tchatalja. LONDON, March 28. Railway and telegraph communication with Adrian ople is being restored rapidly and some idea of the situation within the city Is beginning to reach the outside world. The condition of the population is not so desperate as has been depleted. While the Turks set fire to the grain store they overlooked the flour depot, the contents of which are being distributed among the poor. Only a few buildings were damaged by the bombardment. All accounts reaching here agree that the Turks suffered a severe defeat at Tchatalja. Some correspondents place their loss at 2C00 killed 'and 7500 wounded, but these figures are prob ably exaggerated. The Sultan wept bitterly when in formed of the general situation. It Is reported that the Turkish embassies have been ordered to appeal to the pow ers to hasten mediation. SKHVI.VXS' LOSSES HEAVY Fifteen Hundred Wounded Expected In Belgrade Today. BELGRADE, March is. The Servian troops suffered great losses in their attack on Adrianople. The Third and Fourth battalions of the Thirteenth column of infantry iost 1000 men killed and from 3000 to 4000 wounded, In cluding 100 officers. The first transport, with about 1300 wounded, is expected to arrive here to morrow. Fears are expressed that the medical supplies are Insufficient for the needs of the sick and wounded. INCOME TAX PLAN REVISED Sums Less Than $4000 to Be Ex empt Under Graduated Proposal. WASHINGTON. March 28. The effect of the revision. Including the grad uated Income tax plan, was completed tonight by the Democratic majority of the House committee on ways and means, which adjourned sine die. The plan as finally passed upon is understood to provide for raising the Income tax revenue on a graduated scale, exempting incomes under $4000, beginning with a 1 per cent tax on In comes of $4000 and running as high as 4 per cent on Incomes of $100,000 and upward. It was said that the plan retains the provisions for free raw sugar arid free raw cotton and the 15 per cent tax on raw wool. A fight Is expected In botu houses for a change to free raw wool. CONCHO WAR ICeociuded a face .) FT1 1 Q4.Q 1