Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, March 28, 1913, Page 6, Image 6

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OF Elf
Alaska Promoter Denies Coal
Lands Were Leading Factor
.' in His Vision.
Defendant Tnexprctedly Takes TV ti
ne Stand, to Testify Tbat
.-. Prospect at Being Pioneer
InrzltMl Him.
CHICAGO. March 87. Albert C. Frost,
with four others on trial In tne
k mn llpfrl attempt at
fraud to get control of many square
miles of coal land In Aiasaa. umi
pectedly took the witness stand in his
own behalf today. '
Frost said that It was a dream of being
pioneer In the development of a great
agricultural and commercial territory
in Interior Alaska, rather than a dream
of wealth, that urged him into the pro
motion of the schemes now being aired
In court.
The coal was the least of his in
terests, he said. The chief immediate
aim he had was In the development of
the Alaska Central Kailroad.
Canadian Otni Ways.
Frost Is the most prominent of five
defendants on trial here charged with
Inducing more than 60 "dummies" to
apply for coal locations in Alaska,
which, the indictments assert, were to
be turned over to FTOst and his associ
ate '
Three other indictments were re
turned against Canadians who are not
under the jurisdiction of the United
States Courts.
Frost said that It was Henry C. Os
borne, one of the Canadians, who in
terested him In the promotion of the
Alaska Central Railroad.
:- Coal Not Chief Iatereat.
'I had promoted several small rail
roads." said Mr. Frost, "but this was
the most attractive 1 had ever heard of.
The line was to run through a country
teeming with agricultural, mineral and
manufacturing, possibilities,
"The coal was one of those possibili
ties, but by no means one of the most
Important. -
"I didn't go Into this for money. The
possibility of being known as a pioneer
in opening up this great new country
was mo alluring- that I could not re
sist It"- "''
, ."Slate Railroad Commission to Hear
: Four Applications.
SALEM, Or, March 87. (Special.)
Hearings will be commenced tomorrow
before the State Railroad Commission
to determine consumers' rates of the
" r"aeific Suites Telephone at Telegraph
3 Company. Four applications will be
Involved and it ' Is probable that the
' hearings will consume considerable
. time. ' -
Among the applications will be those
', relative to rates at Milwaukle and Oak
- Grove. Another hearing will be on the
.' question of changing certain irregular
, and obsolete charges, representing con-
tract rates by the company with 'aun
. dreds of individuals, these being in the
? nature of special contracts for special
Another application is relative to a
' lowing rates to stand and continue In
effect where changes have been made
since January 1, 1911. This also in
' volves hundreds of rates.
versltv trf Washington contends with
tko -Lelami -Stanford Ontverslty tomor
row Trrgrrrt and at The University oT
Oregon at Eugene In the Washington
auditorium for the forensic bonors-of the
Pacific Coast In a debate on the ques
tion "Resolved, That the immigration
to the Cnited States of all unskilled
laborers of the Slavonic, Hellenic, races
of Eastern and Southeastern Europe
should be prohibited."
The home team comprising Robin
Welts and .Clifford Newton will uphold
the affirmative, the team which goes to
Oregon upholds the negative Is repre
sented by Vincent Roberts and Arthur
March t. (Special.) Oregon will
meet Washington and Stanford In de
bate tomorrow evening to determine
the championship of ' the triangular
league. While the affirmative team on
the question, of further restriction of
immigration, is defending their Institu
tion against Washington at home, the
negative team will oppose Stanford ta
Palo Alto.
This is the fourteenth annual debate
between Oregon and Washington.
Washington has won seven and Oregon
six of the contests.
Oregon wiU be represented In the de
bate against Washington by David C
Pickett. '13. of Prineville, and Vernon
T. Motschenbacher, '14, of Klamath
Howard Zimmerman, 'It. of Salem,
and Dalsel M. King, '14, of Myrtle Point,
are the men who will meet the cham
pions of Stanford on the same even
tiuthrlc Admits He Wrote Decision
in Advance of Hearing.
KANSAS CITY. March 87. Circuit
Judge Guthrie, who recently cited W.
11. Nelson, editor and owner of the
. Kansas City Star, for contempt, testi
, fying today before C. C. Crow. Commls-
sioner for the State Supreme Court, ad
' in It ted that lie had wrlten his decision
. finding Mr. Nelson guilty in advance
: of the hearing at which the editor ap
, peared betore hint.
He said lie had written the decision
'. the night before. Intending to change
( It If evidence presented to him should
' influence him to do so.
Mr. Nelson was .cited for contempt
and sentenced to one day in jail by
, Judge Outhrle on account of articles
In the Star relating to decisions in di
; orce case. He appealed to the Su-
t-rcrae Court.
wttlc Cliin'se Tells of E.-cac of
SEATTLE, Wash, March 27. Chin
Gum Fong. a witness for the state In
the trial of Chin Quonf . art alleged
highbinder, vaarged with the murder of
Yong Sing last December, testified to
today that he saw Yong Sing a few
iniDuua before the' a looting, beard
' . sots fired and witnessed the
escape of the defendant and Mm
Shuey Yue and tie Yung Ging. Chin
vtueng Is said to be a Hip Sing, and the
' theory of the state is that he sought to
avenge the death of his clansman, Seid
.King, who was slain In Portland and
siiipped to Seattle In a trunk.
Una SHuey Yue has not been cap
tured. The murdered man was a Hop
Sine. The Hop Sings are alleged to
Live killed ieid King.
Completed' Plans Announced as Re
sult or Flight as Passenger
With Christofferson.
SAN" rRANCISCO. March 17. Before
Captain Roald Amundsen, the discov
erer of the South Pole, sailed for Eu
reka. Cal., toaay, be signed a contract
to buy two hydro-aeroplanes, which he
will take with him. into the Arctic on
bis next voyage of exploration in 1914.
Amundsen made his first flight as
a passenger with Silas Chrlstoffersen.
of Portland. Oast Tuesday, and today
he was able to announce his complete
plans. Before setting sail from this
city for the Northwest Passage In June,
1314. he will study flying scientifically
for three months from every angle, and
will .go North prepared to repair any
damage his planes may suffer.
and Helmer Hanssen. his trusted aide.
who accompanied mm on nis unai oasn
to the South Pole, will be fellow pupils.
Knute Sundbeck. chief engineer of the
c.-m will -mnatnr th theorv of COD'
struction and repair of the motors.
Amundsen Deiicves ids uyurw-ttciB-
1 .111 K navtll.tlBrlv IlKffflll In th
Summer months, wben there Is much
onen water, for reconnaissances and ob
servations -
"I don't think there is mucn aanger,
he said. "I consider aeroplanes thor
oughly practical for the uses to which
1 intend to put them."
Arrest Made at Hood River tar Crime
Committed at Stevenson. . .
tis-v-t wnnrw XTarih 27. (Spe
cial.) Charged with having robbed
a man near Stevenson, two men giving
the names of Harry Shadrick and Lewis
Tracy were arrested here today a few
hours arter tne crime.
when notified of the robbery, sent out
an alarm to surrounding towns and
Sheriff Johnson and Marshal Lewis, of
this place, arrested the two men.
An officer from Skamania County
came here today and will return the
prisoners to Stevenson. x no onicera
say they have evidence of the guilt of
the two suspects.
STEVENSON, Wash., March 17.
(Special.) Sheriff Gray today returned
from Hood River with Harry Shadrick
and Lewis Tracy, who are accused by
William Clayton of holding him up and
robhing him of 197.50. Clapton says
he was making his way East from Cali
fornia in a boxcar when the robbery
The two pr'soners have been working
near here for the Northwestern Elec
tric Company. Shadrick has relatives
at Hood River. They will be given a
preliminary hearing before JUBtice
Green on Friday.
Historic Seamen's Institute at San
Francisco Under American Control.
SAN FRANCISCO, March 27. The
Seamen's Institute, one of the historic
Institutions of the San Trancisco water
front for a quarter of a century, for
mally passed from British to American
control today, when Chaplain Ealand
turned the work of the mission over to
the American Episcopal Church before
departing for England.
Chaplain Ealand came to this city Im
mediatelv after the fire of 1906 to take
charge of the Institute and has been
Its director ever since. A farewell pre
sentation was made to him today by
Plshop Nichols, of the Episcopal
Governor Refuses Clemency
and Then Leaves for
New Jersey.
California Sales Arc at 4 0 Cents
Sack With leuiaud Slight.
' STOCKTON. Ca March 27. Sp-.-tul.
Potatoes are eelilns here at the
unusually low price of 40 cents a sack
avid Indications ar that a !uuip will
"Itkely 'ur tn ttia near future. Pro
duce men say that tne low quotations
are due to overproduction, thousands
f acres having been pUnleu last yeax
because) of previous tepnotch -prh-es.
In "March. 1912. dealers were unable
to apTy the deoiaud at $3 a stack.
Whl! there ia mill demand, it Is bj
far not proportionate to the supply.
A larr "pat of the crop is in the
warehouse unsold.
Conditions are not likely to improve,
as .there kr large crops sttll to be
markets tn Or-on aoti Nevada. .
Oregon, Washington and Iceland
Stanford Trams to Clash.'
r.vivERsii'v ofTvashington. Se-
iiUUaxca sr. ti-pacial.) Tha lnl-
Prwccntor Takes "o Actk In Case
or "Starvation" Doctor.
EEATTT.E. "Wash., March ST. The In
quest ordered by Coroner Fred R.
bewis. of Kitsap Cennty. over the body
of Mrs. Mary T. Bailey, who died at
the Olalla Sanitarium of Mrs. Linda
Burfteld Hassard. the "starvation"
doctor, was postponed today until an
autopsy could be performed, which
probably will be tomorrow. '
John F. Murphy, prosecuting; attor
ney of King County, has taken no
action yet on the findings of the Se
attle Coroner's jury that Mrs. Ida An
derson, another of Mrs. Hazzard's pa
tients, died of starvation.
Junior Prona Is to Be? Grand Affair.
LFGE. Corvallis, March 27. (Special.)
The annaal junior prom at Oregon
Agricultural Collesre will be Riven Sat
urdav nieht. and the flnal arrange
ments completed Uiay will, according
to report -iven out by the juniors,
make it a preat event. Programmes,
refreshments, music and many fruests
will be imported for the occasion.
Lewis County Pioneer Dies.
CUEHALIS. Wash.. March S7. (Spe
cial.) S. X. Spencer, a Lewis County
pioneer who for 40 years past had lived
nsar Ethei. died Sunday at the age of
7J years. He leaves a widow and
daughter and three sons.
Springfield Woniaa Badly Burned.
cial.) Mil. IX- E. Brown lies at the
Springfield Hospital In a serious con
dition as a result of being badly burned.
A lamp which she was extinguishing
Lieutenant-Governor Ellyson to Get
Opinion at Noon as to Right to
Commute Sentence; Law Rales
End Must Be -by Snnset.
RICHMOND. Va.. March 28. After an
all-ntght "conference between Lieutenant-Governor
dlysoa, Attorney-General
Williams and friends of Allen, It
was announced at 2 o'clock this morn
ing that Superintendent TYood had
ajrreed to postpone the execution of
Floyd Allen and Claude Swanson Allen
until tomorrow afternoon.
The Attorney-General has agreed to
furnish Lieutenant-Governor Ellyson
with a written opinion as to his rlgrt
to commute the sentence by noon. The
sentence of the court provides that the
prisoners must be executed between
sunrise and sunset today.
Just before he left the city this aft
ernoon for Trenton. N. J.. Governor
Mann again declined to commute the
death sentence.
Frlendjs of the Aliens made desperate
efforts to have "the Governor extend
mercy to the younger prisoner ard
they even asked that a commission be
appointed to determine the Justice of
the plea for commutation.
Under Governor Mann's orders the
gold medal which had been bought for
Claude Allen was cot presented to him
and tonight It is locked in the prison
superintendent's desk. The medal car
ries the inscription: "For bravery in
defending his father."
The contention of the defense was
that Claude Allen did not begin shoot
ing In the Hillsville Courthouse until
he was orced to do so in his father's
Electric Freight Crew Charged With
Breaking Oregon City Law.
OREGON CITT. Or., March 27. (Spe.
clal.) Charged with operating freight
trains through the city during the day
In violation of a city ordinance John
Erb, conductor, and Ray Relnke, Jno
torman, of train No. 140S, and J. D,
Hatfield, conductor, and C. W. Bur
nett, xnotorman, of train No. 1402, were
arrested this morning by Chief of Po
lice Shaw.
The ordinance provides that the Port
land Railway. Light A Power Com
pany shall operate freight trains
through the city only from 10 o'clock
at night until 6 o'clock In the morn
ing unless a permit is obtained from
the Mayor.t The men arrested today
did not obtain permits from the Mayor.
They said that they were hauling
gravel for a walk between this city and
Canemah, and thought the ordinance
gave them a right to do so.
They will have a hearing before Re
corder Stipp tomorrow.
Miss Dorothy J. Joy, of Los Angeles,
Is Bride of Portland Man.
LOS ANGELES, March 27. (Special.)
Miss Dorothy J. Joy. of this city, to
night became the bride of Frank E.
Lewis, of Portland. The 'wedding was
performed at the home of Miss Joy's
parents. Only relatives and near friends
were present. Rev. L. D. Day read the
services. Lewis Is 48 years old and
Miss Joy Is 45. Miss Joy wore a beau
tiful satin dress covered with old lace.
Following the wedding a supper was
served and immediately following the
couple left on a honeymoon, after which
they will go to Portland, where they
will make their home.
Fifty-Mile Wind From South Accom
panied by KaLn.
ASTORIA. Or., March 27. (Special.
After enjoying fine weather for fully
two weeks Astoria, was visited by a se
vere gale from the south this morning,
and it continued all day. The wind at
tained a SO-mile velocity and was ac
companied by a heavy fall of rain.
Tonight conditions are improved, the
barometer Ms going up and tho wind
has shifted to the northwest.
Japanese Ask for Copies of Law.
OL.TMPIA. Wash., March 27. (Spe
cial.) That the Japanese are interested
In the laws affecting the women of
the Stat of Washington ia indicated
by a letter received today by Secre
tary f State Howell from Tsuruya
TamakL chancellor of the Imperial Jap
anese Consulate at Seattle. The chan
cellor asks for certified copies of the
laws Just passed by the Legislature and
signed by the Governor establishing a
mother's pension and a minimum wage
for women.
Lister Names Commissioners.
VI' 1 -lit i' am'L.. ...... -. i J" i ' ...
M. Godman. of Seattle, formerly Su
perior Judge of Columbia County,
W asningxon, wan vppumieu uj uvier
succeed George A. Lee, resigned. E.
W. Olson, of Walla Walla, will suc
ceed Charles F. Hubbard as State La
bor Commissioner. Hubbard has been
Commissioner for eight years. His
term expires Apni a. uuuaiw win
take -office April 10.
Monmouth Scene of Celebration.
MONMOUTH. Or., March 27. (Spe
cial.) F. S. Powell celebrated his 83d
birthday and 6?d wedding anniversary
last Friday. He crossed the plains in
1851 by ox team, coming from Illinois.
He first settled near Albany, and later
moved to Monmouth, where he still
resides. Four sons and one daughter
were present: Perry O. Powell, Jay F.
Powell, Dr. James M. Powell. Ira C.
Powell and Mrs. A. M. Arant.
Ardenwald Wants Schoolhouse.
MILWAUKIE. Or, March 27. (Spe
cial.) The directors of the WVlsburg.
or Ardenwald. school district have
called a special electloa to vote on a
bond isrue of tlO.OOw to run for 20
years. This money Is wanted for erec
tion of a modern schoolhouse at Arden
wald. which adjoins this place, the
north and east of Sellwoed. Plans for
a two-story four-room modern frame
schoolhouse have been drawa and it
Olive Oil and Ripe Olives
Wood-Lark brand pure Califor
nia Olive Oil for the table, for
tho Invalid. Physicians pre
scribe iu - .
Gallons f 3.59
Half gallons 1-I5
Smaller sizes 23 SOC S5
Imp'd Greek Oiive3
Packed in pure oil; at
S5 45 "d 75 pkg.
fr'AXCY RIT-R OLIVES, packed
in glass bottles, at 35 HOC
and 5 the bottle.
the pint, -40 the quart aud
SI. 50 the gallon.
iiAK sirs OLIVES, S5
the pint, JO? the quart and
$2.25 the gallon.
At the Candy Booth
Pome 1-pound boxes of Cliocolares and Bon-
BoV especially Packed forour Easter
w offer them now at ti) and 1Bj20c
Peanut Clusters, chocolate coated, itlff-
special price, per half pound -
Try our "Dutch Chocolatea" in and
one-pound boxes at 3(C and v
Jnst to acquaint you with the tinusual ex
cellence of our Fountain service we will
serve any of our regular 15c specials r
Friday and Saturday only at XVH.
Patent Medicines
At Redacod Prices
25c Zemo
41.00 Lislerine
60c Sloan's Liniment ...
26c St. Jacob's OH...
50c Swamp Root ....
36c Oastoria
68c Scott's Emulsion
6vc Angler's Emulsion
Perhaps You Don't Save Trad
ing Stamps but You Have a
Friend Who Do es Ask for 1 hem
Baseball Baseball
Fielders Gloves, made of
the best quality napa
leather. In brown and
black, kid lined through
out, absolutely guaranteed.
Regular price fl, cut to
rsovs'' Flldr' Gloves,
made of genuine Yucatan
leather. Regular price 26c,
..cut to 19e
to wse
Free Free Free
Official 191S Rule Book and
S-ore Cards Free
Rubber Goods
Each and Every Item Guaranteed
$1.75 No. 3 Bed Seamless Hot Water
Bottles, each $1.29
$1.25 No. 2 at "o-.8
$1.75 No. 3 Combination.... $1.19
-$1.50 Fountain Syringe 98
$1.00 Fountain Syringe 63p
Ladies' Douche, red S9J
Rubber Garden Gioves, pair 31
With Dooble Stamps Groan 'lee
"Wo d-lark
' Medicinal Preparations of Merit
Chocolate Emulsloa, Wood-Lark
Per bottle 85g
Three bottles for 92.25
Micro Sl.OO
Beef, Wis sad Iron
Per bottle SO
Three bottlfs for. ... .01.2a
Allen's Catarrk Balm 2a it
Allen's PIUs 20
Cooper's Snrsaparilla
Per bottle 75i
Threo bottles for S2.00
Cooper's Antiseptic Fluid
Per bottle 50
Three bottles for S1.2S
Wine Ced 1.1 ver Oil. Wood-Lark
Per bottle ftl.OO
Three bottles for $2.50
Allen's Vegetable Compound
Per bottle 85
Three bottles for S2.25
Specials in Drag Department
Z5c qt. .Denatured Alcohol -...IS
?6c pt. Peroxide Hydrogen.. 1
25o8 oz. Bay Rum
25c 8 oz. Glycerine.... ISC
25c 8 oz. Glycerine and Rose Water.. 16e
10c 3 oz Castor Oil -:
25c Kose Water .XoC
2r.c Witch Hazel 17
1 0c Boric Acid 6tf
10c Powdered Alum gc
25c Cream Tartar .....IStf
10c Epsom Salts oC
10c Soda Bicarbonate 6c
Silicate Soda
Pint 2g
- Quart 3rC
Half gallon SO
Gallon 75
Wood-Lark Bedbug Banlsher
Pints. . 35
Quarts 0J
Half gallon ... v. 81.00
Gallon SI. 7a
Vor Ladles and Gentlemen
This Is tke month of storms lind verylntr
weather. More colds In April than any
month of the year. You can't miss this
-chance. Regular ' retail price )C
2.6. NOW ?l--r'
Makes healthy people. A Wood-Lark
Water Still sitting on the back of your
stove "Will give you plenty of pare dis
tilled water. On display on the dQ ((
Fourth Floor wO.UU
And every one we sell pleases the user or
vour monev back. Fill your pen at our
ink fountain FREE.
Demoaatratlon on Main Floor
On the Ground Floor we have a nice
selection of seamless brush brass office
Cuspidors. Regular price from 75c to $3.50
each. Price Friday and Saturday only at
In iec, S5c, 50c jars, or hi grallon for 90
No matter how pretty the picture, it in
not fair to look upon unless surrounded
by an artistic frame. We have a large
and choice selection of frames, and our.
framing: department will bo fflad to help
vou in your choice. Professional men.
brine us your diploma: we will frame it
as It should be framed.
Fourth Floor
Invalid Chairs, for sale or rent. Arpfe
Supports, tne adjustable kind, that fits
the foot. Ankle Braces, Shonlder Braces,
Spiaal Braces. A great many articles that
will relieve the invalid are on display In
this department.
A complete line of Pocket Knives In pearl
and stag handle, ranging; in price from
60c to J2.60. Any knife that bears tho
ft OO0-1.AHK trademark is guaranteed to
give satisfaction or money back.
A large line of Place Cards, assorted
shapes and designs. All priced at 10
the dozen. Regular price 60c dozen.
24 gold edge Acceptance Cards, 24 envel
opes; good values at 60o the package;
while they last, special at 24c per box.
At our Perfume Department we have a
full and complete line of Domestic and
Imported Perfumes, Toilet Waters, Toilet
Powders and Toilet Requisites. Special
agents for Hudnut's, having at all times
a complete stock of this popular line.
Just received new Importations from Coty
Just received some new designs In Smell
ing Salts Jars. Priced at 45 and 75
Oa the Mala Floor -Armour's
Malted Clams at 25 and 48
the bottle. Armour's Bouillon Cubes at
19 and 37 Per package. Armour's
Chicken Cubes at 19 and 37 the pack
age. Stop at the booth and sample these
We offer a select line of Long Chains,
Brooches, Rings and Ptns, priced Friday
and Saturday only at HALF OFF.
Spring tlm Is Paint time. Our stock of
Sherwtn At Williams' inside or outside
Paint is complete at all times.
Use the Wood-Lark Lime and Sulphur
Compound and the Wood-Lark Spray
Pump. One gallon of the spray and the
pump for 85. Friday and Saturday only
with double trading stamps.
Medicinal Stimulants
$1.23 Chicked Cock, bond hot
tied, full qt., 8 years old 98
vloc Clawood,. full Vt pint, bond
bottled 23
$1 S-Star Cal. Brandy 7!
Jl.60 Garn Kirk Scotch Whisky
for. . $1.17
60c Cordials, all f lavors . . . 3S
60c Imported L- Roy Brandy
for , 37
Full gallon California fint-st
Vintage Angelica, Burgundy,
Muscatel, Tokay, Port; Sherry,
etc $1.50
Pure Grape Juice Vinegar, larKe
bottle 20c
Clawood Malt Extract, the only
malt extract .ever sold on a
money-back guarantee '
Per bottle . . ,..13
Per dozen '
Case of two Hozen
Miniatures Beautiful
Art Department
In the Art department we are offering a
very choice selection of miniatnre reproduc
tions of famous paintings, each copy framed
in an exquisite old gold frame. These min
iatures are toarked to sell at $1.00 and $1.50
for Friday- and Saturday we price them
all at 59f each.
With double Green Trading Stamps
Cameras at Popular Prices
We handle no trust goods
No. 2 Buster Brown,
No. 3-A Folding Buster
Brown, $10.tiO
Makes Postal Card size.
No. 9 "Ansco," with
rectilinear lens, each,-
Full and free expert instructions to our cus
tomers. WE SHOW YOU HOW. Bring us
your films and plates. We develop and
print promptly add well'. No tank work.
Ground Floor.
Theatrical Make-ups
Hess', Meyer's, Leichner's
and Stein's 'A Complete Line
Mark Cross Leather
We are Portland's exclus
ive agents for Mark Cross
leather goods, and have
just received ft new ship
ment of Spring Gloves,
showing here the same de
sijrns that are shown in
Mark Cross leather shops
the world over.
Of f ei Extraordinary
For-Mol Tooth Powder is one
of the Wood-Lark family of
preparations of merit. It sells
at 25 the can. With each can
of powder sold on Friday and
Saturday we will give one of our
25c Tooth Brushes free.
. T V 31 '
Whv stand over a warm stove during the
warm weather? Ws hav? a great many de
vices whereby you can t'Ooit BY WIRE. On
display on the Main Floor.
Double Stamps
Friday and k
On First 3 Floors
Postoffice Station No. 35, stamps, money orders, registration, pay your
water bills here, buy your car tickets both city and suburban, American
Express money orders. Parcel post stamps.
Double Stamps
Friday and
On First 3 Floors
...... ....t K. Inrll
is eJtpeota to iei ure , f- "
is The Wllleburg school distrlot lost
its' schoolhouse near Sellwood by an'
nexation to Portland. It was int;ed
? join Milwaukie district, but voted
to stand independent, and it will erect
s modern schoolhouse It the bond issae
is passed at the special election.
Man Held at Burns Ttooogbt Gsilty
of Several Crimes.
BURN'S, Or., March 37. (Special.)
cutw-.., y Kline, who
has been in Jail here for two months
charged witn xn burn and
horses belonging to A. C Vol Inter , U
showing signs 01 -----
and threatens particularly to kill a fellow-prisoner.
. .
Schiebe was the name na gave when
j . i-- Af the crimes
srresteu t i . . " .......
charged against him intJ
Sherin mcnaroron u rr-v-the
Sheriff of Douglas County. V, ash
ington, saying that his name Is John
Kline, and that he was In Jail in that
county h a charge of housebreaking,
though he was not conylcted. That
Sheriff also says ho is a dangerous
"schiebe, dr Kline, will be kept here
until the April term of Circuit Court
wben toe Is to bo tried.
Runaway Has Snpply of Oandy.
SAX FRANCISCO, March 17. Willie
. : i . .--a,-, nld. who ran away
ui iuuci. .
from his home In Seattle a week ago,
was taken ort tne steamer tunu
any. The laa bad money, but caf--i
a-n rtve-nonnd boxes of candy and
a package of salted almonds.
' Monroa Pioneer Dies at 40.
MONROE. March 17. -(Special) Joel
ii nnA nf tVi nlAnpprx of this
section, passed away at his borne, four
;1 . f:in,na i n KiinHa. AT r
Hurlbert Was nearly 90 years of age. He
came to Oregon In 1853, and removed
to his present farm In 1872.
Commonwealth Conference Is Set.
March 27. (Special.) May Z and S
have been fixed as tho n'ates for the
fifth annual commonwealth conference
at the University of Oregon. Authori
ties from every part of the state will
take part In the discussions
He saw the
Kumier of
If you discovered a gold-mme
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So there are hidden "nuggets" of
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uses of our Tomato Soup which you
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Do you prepare this nourishing soup
sometimes with milk or cream instead
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. -i f 1 It,
Write tor our Uttie ireev DooKiec
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lightful possibilities. Get the full
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21 kinds 10c a can
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