. . . - irTinrf oa TO-1 1 -'- - - - I ,. ...-- I FOR KENT. . . , -. . ! mR M E HELP W IXTrn-MAIi 1 , I FuimTfched ton Whirl.-. Etc. (lOAiliEts AND wTiiONS FOB SALE OR HEM. erond-hsnd Tehide, bought and oia. new wagons and au.u beds made to on, livery furnished to business parties at si-ecis! rates. , HAWTHORNE STABLBa, 4A Hawthorn Ave. Phnn F.t 72. B lSttW. I omml.sitn dealer In ail classes of ooraes and mutes. -JVI'TION EVERT MONDAY 10 A. M. Hanea and males for rent 10 eontracta-is In carload lol. 24o East Mb St.. near Hawthorne. J l eT received consignment of good horses, weight irom sw ioa, to lOvo ioa jacn. -.-ea from lii to $500 per pair. Eome good family a.id general purpose horses irvm ; to 15u par bead. llMt fa. Stark sr. Montavilla. . la 11EAU of horses and male, weis.ilng front 1U"0 to l" lbs-, aom well matched. earns among tttun; Jew good mares; .out, and try mem; jcu can buy ""m; worm the money. 117 Last 12th l mar jf.-T armed. M bead of draught ana -..-mety horse,, 4 to . weight JIw to lw Phi! Sutter and Fred Ha, I. of heeler f ount. Can b wen 802 Front. Co.umou. 8125 ItUYS good larm team and harness; good workers; weighs 250 "-S. ; -o "arm wagon, tw. Take Seliwood car to l.i.leV av.. wait Mocks east to houaa 7-1. A rl NajjjME black standard-bred mare, ,rei:V at"a t'Ciure. a f.no .add,, animal, will sell cheap or exchange for good livery I'ttlW. A. LI11J" A ;ouL cheap farm team wltn gooa mi ueaa and nearly near 3!-feot -Ion; will ,.11 at a big loss. Inqu.re for Mason rig. A I m-n Be., cui uci ... U..YS good faml.y or ranch norse wcigR, lloo pounds: go.d woraer. with haries. and a lit at spring wagon. Phona ff.iBCjd 1515. OVE team, 3 and 6 years o.d. weigmng 2.M; one tl-ytar-old black horse, we.gn ti.a 135o, a.i are aouud and true. io ttusaell. KOR SALE 27 head horaes and mares, 0 to 10 jeara old. weicht to lsVO Ibsj liarness. wagjna. bugales and harueaa. J4 Uouisutltn. ,i 1.. trade JI5"0 Kiultv In modern T-room houae In lrvinpton 1'ark for clear lota oviiier. t W'T, Orsonlan. Itanoa, Organajuio Mualr-I Inntrumepta. GOING away, will aeil my player piano very cheap, or miGin ppon.lble party givmg aultable reference. W e!''. Or-gonlan. Pianos, Organs and Jdnewljlnstru i enta. JTTrf (!Ai.K-t-!umbia disk graj-iophone r..a9u..RLlF- iloutgomer)- Marshall 71X io for gents' tal- W.ring. ti .., Oregonlan losra. Blrda. Pet 8ttKk. llii-RELL-BREn female Irish setter, one year old. If taaen thU week. Phone 0-so Main or 71 vvayee. AlKEOALK lerriers Ch. Red Raven at stud. 1. aetata Kennels. Estacada. Or. p'urnlture for isale. NINE rooms furniture In fine home; strictly modern; N"b Hill district, at great re nin tlon. uitd.r vslur; can rent house at S4o. F 'McFarland. 3ttf Yeon bids. DINING-ROOM suite, of quarter-sawed oak, wax eol.lfn finished. 06-ln. round top ta-1.1.-. lea:h-r-eat chtilrs. and 4S-ln. buffet f.r" rale at once. Eaft l.'-ll. fcle.lNWAV piano, Angeles mahogany dining-room set. ruga parlor and other fur rlture. J:7 th St. Marshall 3i5 HC'CTi furniture n-room house, close In, mod Income, rhrjp rent: bargain If taken at .me. M.irshall 4410. y HN'ITl RE cT -rc-om cottage Tor sals rtasnab. cottage for rent. iO. 47. Jet-f,-rson. Weft ftiue. t-UAI.L rooming-house for rent and furni ture for sale. "JtJi4 Larrabee st. 3 U'xi.MS of excellent f urniture for sale; rooms rented. Phone Main ".m7. Anlomobllea. FOR SALE AT SG.-.0. Mr m no. line, winch cost me $1"S0. IS tra.-tlcsilv as rood as new; must sell as I am leaving town this week: 1 believe that I ran convince you that ou are gel tir.a It for half of what It Is worth. I'EI.FEI 21'J Railway Exchange Pica. PORTLAND AUTO PAINTING CO We use nothing but the best material and workmanship: a trial will demon strate tha llnlsn and durability. 31. Hawtnorqe .we. ri.una -- FOR ft ALE 4-passenger 1P12 stesrns Knleht louring car. fuliy equipped, ael. starter. eiectrlc lights. seat covers ex cellent condition. Uarga:n for cash, phone liarshall 3'104. . FOR SALE AND A UARliAlN. A ."i-passenger automobile In nrst-class condition: will demonstrate. BUSH ft LANE PIANO CO.. 4113-43& Washington bt. 1 WANT to sell my 3000 car fully eouipprd: demountable rim. 4-cyllnder 4"-l.or.-power; everything In first-clasa shape; will take :."i cash If takun at one. W Si". Oreponlan Full SALE l-iloor a-paasentcer 1910 Cadll- lo; a line-looking car and In fli t-class snare, at a very low fgure: must sell. T 7t7. (tregontan. I; It; SNAP. Tt lie K-pasfcnger car, !n good running onl-r: $l.'- take. It. Call 1111 Haw t'i.rne axe. . 1IUPVOH11.E runabout, Al condition, terms; would take motorcycle as Initial payment. tall H li'l' after d P. M- l 1-TON auto truck in good condition for tie verv reasonable, at .'"nt Old ave.. Vooi'stork. Tel. Seilwood It'Ml. ROtPSTCR 11S model" (Prusht. first-class condition; almost like new; will sell cheap. 1M 4th st AUTO running gear. Including hood radi ator and steering rear: will sell at bar gain. 113t Aioine A1IVR1CAV 7-passf niter, o-horsepower. in g.od conditions: will trade for real estate. Phone F.sst 118 iv-'R SALE One set' Tllx tires, slightly tsed. but In good condition: very cheap. ll:rt AlMna ave. vR KENT Oarage. $3 per month and two n'oelv furnished rooms, with bath, cheap. WANTtl). t one, a Parksr. or J.-i.m t ruck. In rooi c.T.m ..-. - t.! Tr.k i.il Co.. ivT Kn-t th ft. North. WINTOX SIX. -p.uij'T-i:r. f.io AUT. plendld con- d:tion. fl'-ip. COMl'lNATlN' campln-f or delivery car. WANT to buy for ca.h a HcM -to; muit rmiltry. WHITE I..X.HOKX ay chlck, IS per H'O tintil May V: wf delivery KJtU no rharre for dead or crlpplsd chick. 6. C. VHITK OKriN'iTOXS, etfca from ir.y ue-non blrJa, M. f-w tir.- eockrreia. V. C Hlndle, 409 Kaat 37th North. Thona Tabnr rtlu. Mam 75.1 TWELVE younc lavlnc hena fr aal, I-etf-horn and Wvandott--. clieaj. 4- Ben ton t. I'hone F-ant Vt. I.Uefto-k. ft KItKSli c'r. 1 Jersey, 1 Jary-Holtala, I i..b l'lirram. fresh in lew d.yi; 1 Jrey. Taka St. John cur to East Pt. Juiu.a. uik T.w V1,Kk nor?h 10 -,ow V-t-ii-i' at St. Johr il-pot. S. P. X a. K. MAahlaery. FOR SAI-E. A 43-hoi-enower. WO-Tolt. Crocker Wherirr moior. com-Mft with atandard l,:l(a ftniT. no vottaK relpaj and .- iiDPfra overman. 1. 1. c- ua m A-1 corditi Address room -oi. Ore- KOTilan bidt;. M V I'OltTABI.E KNCJINE, in ood con dit ion ha Ins rrcontly been eenera.ly ourliioW: toifther with wood-cutting ,.uu.t. 1'nre P. B. Mallory Com- liiv. logBing eutne, 234-7 Pino at-. Port fa.,.) 11 r FOR SALE. One 125 -volt direct current generator. rO'npl-te, With field rheostat, ammeter an.t circuit breakrr. This machine 1 In sod repmr. Address room -tOsi. Ore i;.nlan M'lg. --------- FOR SALE. A 4-K W.. :-voit Crocker-Wheeler ---irr-t.ir co-npleie. with field rheostat ani circuit bresker. tn K'Xd condition. A(,.!r-'- roon ".'3. OKguP'iB bldg. Mt-crl'aneons- .'LiVEK tvpe-.vrilcr. cst $10; pracucaliv i-iev " for sa; make me an offer. 33 .ir ei- h:c. 'h ard Washington st. fAV-S-N-'W and second-hand, large asort mt at "ot price, safes opened, repaired. Muvr S . 10 yvVOTid st. Main 1 1 rl H V i' an J ornre lurnuure. e.. r. Haler pesk n?K M"'n s'- y r S V l.K K1: f ,-roof sale, medium sue. V TlON 1- ah ret;t9ter-i; ret my prtres. !'. e-" :-" 1 1 Wi basement. Main M- jui -nit-t course at hai" price. -it's N-Uve Herbs for eonatlpa .ib.ti for ;.'c. AH druirxlsts. NJtloua. cah resit-r. .-jchlnl fa.r Tit. 190 a:.-; Tay or. S431. 3 riM-euan un. SAFLS Special prices, new and second hand; several bargalna; used eafea taken In exchange on new and steel office safes; satea opened, repaired. Puree 11 gait Co., and Portland Safe Co ii 5th t Phone Main 630. FEHTILIZSR. Rotted or green manure delivered to any part of tha el'y for gardening purposes, rues and lawns. Phona East SSO or a iwj. FOR SALE cheap If taken at once, bunra low lltlS. two rooms: also tent house liH. two rooms. Apply to owner. n 4ih st. FOK SALE Nice raspberry rlants (Catho t ali and soos-berrles- Call phone Tabor a.W7 or write to Hood Farm, cleone. Or. CONTENTS oC o-rooin house. Including piar.o. will sell In lot or by piece. 30 E. H..th. near nimritin.t. FOit SALE Mlscellaneoua saxes: one n and one medium else; flrst-clasa condi t.on: cheap for cash. S !?0. Oreioman. FOlt SALE. $125 Hosier safe. .W: line lichtir-s plant. li E. R. sully. Ill S. Jersey St., St. Johns. Phone Co.. psa. TYPEWRITERS, all makes, $10 to $63. NORTHWEST TYPEWRITER CO.. -2 Stark : St. . lino a-1 STEAMER hull, full cabin; length 70. b-am 12.0. H. M. Montgomery, box 7i, Portland -TAJfTEII JllSf ELEEANEOCS. WE want to buy 1000 worth of second hand furniture In the next 30 days and pay all the cash It la worth. Williams ave. Furniture Exchange. East 838. WE buy f&r cash second-hand National cash registers and sell them on easy terms W. J. acauley. 334 Burrlde su Phons Main lslii. A 1S16, WE ELI CLOTHING AND FURNITURE. Highest prices raid for ladles and men s -sst-off clothing and shoes. Can Main 2t'Sy. 211-i First. The 'Jlobe. FAIR DEAL reopened again: we pay high est princs for your second-hand clothing ar.d household goods. Phone Main MJTa. WANTED To buy an Invalid's wheel chair; m:?t be In OOd condition. AG 01S, Ore- ntan. IVTIXTED A flat-bottom boom boat, about 18 leal long. Address South Side Timber t o.. s-appoose, jr. WB pay the highest cosh price for second hand furniture. M. R. Seater. Phones Ear. ftiat. 34S Hawthorne ave. WANTED Will pay cash for hall clock and 1 or 4 first-class oil paintings. J 954. Ore gor.lan. CASH paid for hair combings. Hea-jty parlora 40O Dekum. Sanitary GENTLEMEN Best prices will bo paid for yor oid clothes. East "69w OKEOON 2d-hand store, 203 Jef- st Mala ioT. Pia,ys highest prices 2d-hand good. TOHL Anctlon Co. Pays most cash for any kind of furniture. Main .51, A 1.445. NATIONAL cash register; prlco must ba reasonable, phona Main 603, A 8603. B5cOND-HAND goods bought for cash or taken In exchange for new. Tabor 4346. SVE want $10,000 worth of second-hand fur. IlllUr-, Ti.ii-4, ynnf y-si . . . V i'iu PAT hiRhost prices for second-hand Wt 1 -I. kalso line rooms for $2.50; paint tiituse at your price: reliable. East B'3. WE can sell your place, Seo ua. 314 Jour nal bids. HELP WANTED MALE. EXPERIENCED SALESMEN to sell our hom-js in all pans of the city on easy-pay in en t plan a.d close-in re stricted residence lots on both East and Went Side, also close-In acreage; wa fur- -nlH an is nroOtMS and assist in closing sales. We will supply a Jot and build to suit purcnaser. .iuur-,i comiuisuu a" fur sales manager. PKOV1UENT TRUFT COMPANY. 212 Sellng Bldg. VAMLIU Salesmen willing to work hard for sood returns to sell our fully ma tured, unlnfei ted. well - rooted nursery stock In Western Washington. Oregon and elsewhere; cash weekly. Write today for exclusive territory. ,M WASHINGTON NURSERY COMPANY. Toppenlsn. Wash. HAVii good opening f-r man who can han dle furm rt-partment of established real cstato business; must have experience, am:itv and integrity; give references, your address and telephone number and we will make appoint mt-nt. Y t40. Oregonlan. WANTED A young man of good habits with some experience taking care or :wn wtilinr to be reneral utility man In a nice home: prelrr man with some kn-wlefaire of automobiles; must have rec ommendations. Address A ures-w-ai. WANTED Py es;ablishvd house, competent youn man. sii-no.rrarny. uuiin .nu o---keeping, moderate salary to start, but ex cellent opportunity; stale age, experience, rt-ferencei. N 874. OreKonlan. WANTED First-class advertising man with leading asency as copywriter and solici tor; great opportunity for a producer; no beginners or has-beens. A-B tJtiO. Ore gon i a n . WANTED A dontvy engineer, good wages. Call early. Pacific Employment Co.. '12 Couch sL YOl'K opportunity If you are a hustler; ex clusive control of good territory; free outfit- weekly advance; complete line; guar, anteed absolutely. Yakama Valley Nursery Coin pan-'. WE have a place for several good salesmen In Oregon ; a good proposition and big opportunity for live, energetic men. Top pen lib Nursery Co., Toppenish. Wash. ilJ-ViRS. aacnt or salesman to handle fac tory line of bicycles, children and toy wii. el :oots Iii!-; saes manager here to nuiKO nrnir.rmfni-. am -., ENI'EHIENCED special edition advertising solicitors; biggest commission in town; e.Hiablished rrlisious magazine. 20$ Madi son su, oppvanw i m'-. W ANTED Man of ability to take charge of the .V.NONA MII-l-S" hosiery and under .ir b c u c v In Portland. U. W. Boozer, All Arcade bldg.. aeattle. HEK1ENCED man. capable of taking charge of enameling Oepu; high-class workmanship. L". Cashier Co.. Kenton factory. OL.Nd man for office work, one who has naa experience " ---n 4.- preferred; state waes axpected. AO MlCbJiim.b W WTEU Boy with wheel, good wages. Apply at once. Portland. Emporium, 1-4 WANlU lieuaoi- "'. ui " Apply Friday morning, 414 Kailway ti- cnan-e cms. WANTE D Sa 11 ors for Australia, 6o u th America and Europe. inquire at snip ulnr office, corner of 2d and Gllaan sta. TAILOR for repair work, clothing store; X11AP DRUMMER; no matinees, except 8un- oay. riai ,ic -. , - - lot. t'regomau STrtON. cl-an man to take care of elderly it. 4 n.ii' wir-a .nil room and board. Phone Main '."imi AN assistant cutter wanted for my men's deciL.: must be experienced and willing to ... t i 1 . i ia . Kap vt.1 U'lihinrton st. wui tv- ,.-41 uBii-f. T - - 1 - .Allriltnr-- w E need iirsi-cip onr can-t explain here. Call 101S Chamber ot Commerce bMg. . - . i -r i x.- hn.ikkMT-tp. wholesale House. Yiate age, exp-rience, references, phone number. AD uregoninn. I.- . -r"i-i niiK. -x n.Tii' itr -4l norter. AL o, kit rharl'sui Hotel after 9 A. M- touay. OliDEK cl-rk; must be familiar with ice cream business ana a iasi woraer; lion n-ierenc--. a- vivk' Kiii.-T-CUASs biaCKsmiin. nurs-suu-i, take charge, M. N- Prathcr. Buena Vista, r. PHOTOORAI'H coupon and portrait agente; DNl Dllfl . -m-a. .-.-. WANTED A-1 collector, comml-iion m.suii give telephone and experience, B fey. u i. II WW V X VTED. Pteady Jor. 1VH First st. l-'iKT-CL.VSd Siabl.-s. lTlh carrnice washer. Central ind Aider. uku.UT boy for work In stock room. Tom ;:iivchfr. Washington st. u v wanted with w ht-el. Address flower klTCHEN helper wanted. Call 17S North k'lH-T-iJUVSS breakfast cook- Peerless Cafetertx U-t fiun. FIHaiT-CAi!S ladies' tailor wanted. A ron son. 4-5 -iaer mx. uAXTT) Hoy with wheel; must be Id. Ap;iy Pit! meni, vi -k '- WANTED Experienced coat and trousers makeTsTNicola. the Tailor. ivS Third st. WANTED Photo solicitors; $376 piano -riven ireo. --'- SOLICITOR wanted; work and It will pay you well. 611 Northwest bldg. Cl'M 1'ETENT crk in general store wan ted rcloj- reference-. AV Oregonlan. nt".' new offer; $."73 p!no given Van Djck. 4i-4 Washington st. BOY wanted to carry papers. Call at 90 Fir-t :.. Iwiiy ADauTn.--. -- 4 v ; n. ;.-! 'iior fof dve work-: e?ta l';hed nu:e; nn Ens: Side. 2 Grand ave. tA-KtER wanted for fiAturday. ituti 1st su INCIDENT. tone of Many.) Office Secretary Employment Department. Y. M. C. A. Tounr man, stranger, seeking employ ment 20 hl total cash aaaet.) If I pay you $R for employment mem bars nip I will have only 15 between me and starvation. Secretary If you Pay a for employ ment membership you will have the r. M. C. A. with all lta resources between you and starvation. Result. Young man Joined association. In less tbs-n a week he had aalUf-ctory employment. hecord for year 1812: Calls for nien from employers a-to Positions ailed Our snecial employment memberahtp gvaranteea memi.er wU! aecuro employ ment or refund of membership fee; gives two months' full and 10 months" social privileges. T . Constant demand for CLJi.kial TECHNICAL. AND COMIIBRCIAL ilL.N. All young men aeklng employment, especially strangers , are cordially Invited to tontu.t with the seen staty of the em ployment desartmeat. TO MEMBER ONLY. WANTED AT ONCE 1.0 men and wives on farms In Wash ing ton and Idaho. VZ single men for farm work. 2o laborers for Bayview, Idaho, at $2.w fiaj" experienced work drill men, Bayvtew, Idaho, 30c hour. 1 stenographer, lumber experience, rtose lake, Idaho, $80 to S5. 1 stenographer for mine company at Wallace. Idaho, good salary. 2 machinists for Maco and Wallace, Ida. 1 pianing-mill foreman and tiler. Noxon. Mont-, $5. 2 cabinet-makers, $S.50. 1 gardener, single roan. 1 setter for mill, Idaho. 30c hour. 1 lumber yard manager who understands farm machinery. 1 retail paint salesman, Spokane, wash. AMERICAN BUSINESS MEN'S ASS'N, i -a"1" I.iimhermen's hide.. nth and Stark sta., Portland. - WANT single sober young man to work on . a.io . .,.,.tfii)1v han dle team and be careful with work; per manent place to good worker at good pay; good board, bed and treatment; no loafers tolerated. Harry Aabatir, Cor vallls. Or. HELP WANTED FEMALE. 10 WAITRESSES WANTED at Oearhart Hotel for Friday and Satur day. Apply at restauraou desk, 7th floor, the' Meier & Frank store. THH Domestic -Serrlca Bureau-, S0 Central b.dg., receives oaiiy cans rum m of homes for competent, reliable eirls for geneiai houseworjt, cooks, second work and nurse maids. WANTED In Seattle, a first-class straw sewer; none otner neea appiy. - i-"" machine; long season, good salary, fare paid; must give references; wire nlfciit letter at our expense. Modern Millinery, G7 Peoples Bank bldg., Seattle, Wash. WANTED 2 permanent waitresses for Gear- nart iiote.. App-y iin-iiuur desk, the MeUr & Frank, store. BiilGHT youne stenographer and office as- : . . r.i..V.a- nf rnferences. aleo vour phone number; wages $10 per week; steady position. AG UlT, Ore;o- nian. TWO wideawake lady solicitors willing to WOrK S HOUrS H SIM. J ua -.a Ushed company; steady work and good pay. Call to 12. 418 Mohawk bldg.. Sd and Morrlsonu WE want a man or woman in every town in Oregon to represent us in au extensive advertising campaign; no experience re quired. Write J. F. Galloway & Jo., 150 Post st.. San Francisco. THOKOLGULY competent stenographer as secretary to manager or large wuui. house. Address In own handwriting, stat ing experience, II o7. Oregonlan. - id! rnw hnn-avnrlr modern 4 -room apt. Must sleep home nignts; ngn. ; v. per montn. tan aiier -. A partments. No 4a. WANTED Girl for general housework; email family. Applr 1033 E. liHh N, or phone Wood 'awn 3u42. WANTED Helmed, capable woman for re sponsible position. Viavl Co.. 009 Rotll- cnua Diag. 4th and Washington. MRS. HOWE'S LADIES AGENCY. W.-nmetan bide li70 4 Wasrv., room 85. near 4th. Phone Main 8S30 or A 3-tfd. GIRl. WANTED for general housework In smaii iaiuiii , .su . . v. . . u roan way, cor. cj. m. YOUNG LADY wanted to assist with house- . . .a - T-lAnhona worK ; irouu nwao - Tabor 74. . WANTED Competent girl for general housework, Gorman preferred, small fam ily. Call Bt io asi prwuwaj. FIKT-Cl-ASS finishers, steady work, good wages. McDonald & Collett, tailors, H3 Washington st. EAPEUIENCED feeders and folders on mansie. Crjstal Laundry Co., 2lat and .SaiKly Road. COMPETENT saleswomen for dress trim mings, gloves ana iiixani- w-m a-. experienjeo. Koncru xi -a WANTED Good girt f or second work m smau iamiiy. -s-wj" Take "W" car. -- k v v..at for .reneral housework. small family preferably German). Apply aiternoon, naieigo-u WANTED A competent girl for cooking and ceneral housework. Apply 034 Love- joy t. ,aVi-t4nii.. -.- e." - work, bcotcn or uenoau v "ti i c-- Main isa. L.A V I SOIIUlIOr Ujr nui-.ia.ft - X, 7 daily can easily make $-0 a week. 611 . . , , v. .. a fafeor hnurl Northwest Piag. WANTED Bindery clriu to do folding; ex j erienced help only need apply. Wells c GIRL to do light housework and be com panion for in vaxi u wumou. . uo seiiwoou GIRL to help wlUi general housework. 70ff v ayne, t iat WAN TED Competent girl for general housework, fhone t-asi (o COMPETENT girl for Keneral housework. i .is Kearney, u-t-t --- -- WANTED Girl for cooking and downstairs work. Marshall 832. 5sJ Clifton st. G1RL for housework, fajnily of adults. Call moraines. ai otn "- corn-. v.tj. WANTED Girl to wait on table. Wheel- don Annex, apt. j. x. a-u. t-v.- TOl'XH gi""! wanted in restaurant. 31 Burnside st. LADV for housework, small family, good vrr'k. B car. 4b3 E. 2ath N. m HOLStlKEEPER by widower, fair pay. liht -ir. -iv. nartieulars. E 93U, Oregonlan. WANTED 2 women for work in coiiee hou-e.- 26 . 4in. EXPERIENCED bindery girls wanted. Ap ply Howe-Davis co.. iax p---"'- GIRL, for general housework, in small fam flj. 3f5 East 13th N. C 2597. WANTED Young lady to work in printing Office. TOloing pa.'orB. -- 7T - A liOOD kitchen girl wanted at 7ft W. Paik. GIRL for general housework. Call morn ings. 663 Kearney sc., near 21st st, ( WANTED Qlri or woman for gen eral houseworK. appy oii -aJ- -"' 1A1V to sell cut-rate tickets. Cp-to-Dte Beauty Parlor, biu swetiar.a mug. GIRL, for coolclng. 714 Everett. HE1J W ANT ED M. VLE OR FEMALE. MEN and women wanted to canvass on best pfoposi-ion In Portland and for which there Is big demand; absolutely tew, witn exceptionally good talking points; 100 per cent commission; no experience necessary. ll room ; WVSTED Man and wife to take charge fhomo; man must be capable gardener; woman must be good cook; must hav rffr-fiicfs. Address A 691. Oregonian. WANTED A secretary-manager with social and musical acquaintance in city, either lady or gentleman. Address A ISO. Ore gonlan. NOW Operator for Junior linotype on weekly in Utah; IS per week: perman ent If vou are square. For Interview, give phone number. AB 857. Oregonlan. FTK Teachers--Agency secures position for teachers. 318 Journal bldg. Main 4S33. HE I ffAXTED MIKCELXANEOL'8. PRIVATE BUSINESS COLLEGE; 1' dividual Instruction; GREGG SHORTHAND, book keeping. 812 Hamilton bldg. Mar. 423. MEN women to learn barber trade. 8 weeks- position guaranteed. Oregon Bar ber college. 23 Madison. 289 Couch st. WANTED Picture-play writers; big pa,; we'll leach you: free Information. Pictures Play Association, D 3. San Francisco. GIKU Learn beauty-parlor work. Earn money while learning. tii F.othchild bitig. WANTED Two apprentice to learn hair business. Sanitary Parlora, 400 Dekum. SHORTHAND, typewriting school. 269 Htb aU Main 3S03. Expert Instruction, 85 mo. rr --. r w "a n i i !! ; -w n 'n u j i There Is Romance in This Sign "Rooms for Rent" If your life is dull, if you think there is no Romance left in the world, you don't have to go to Italy or Spain. All you have to do is to cut out one of these little Ads, marked Rooms to Rent and step into the circle of othe.r people's lives. People are dull because they do the same things, and think the same things over and over again. If you have grovr n stupid in this city it certainly is your fault. Because if you want to And tell the people, please, HELP WANTED MISCELLAXCOrS. OREGON AUTO AND GA30L.I!'S Til ACTOR SCHOOL, 2G8-8S Eleventh St., cor. Jefferson. Practical instruction by Instructors who are experts in field and shop. Tuition, part cash on enrollment, balance at giadu- ation; liberal discount for cash, luo MEN and women to learn the barber trade In 8 weeks, in all Us modern meth ods; send for catalogue; tools free; learn a trade that you can get In business for yourself. Moler Barber college, US N. 4th. KAILWAT MAIL. CLEKK E2i-A.2A- May 3: salary to S1SU0; PARCEL rOST requires clerks and carriers; free book. Pacific Btates School, liaKay bldg.. Portland. Or. MEN. women, get Goernment parcel post lobs- li-0 week; write lor list positions open. Franklin institute. Dept.. )t22-li. Kochester. N. Y. LEARN to operate moving pictures: full course taught, secure position Pacific Film Co.. 512 and SIS RotUchlld bldg. 4lh and Washington. . SKNOOjAPHL'KS, beginners or advanced, any system, quickly trained; positions guaranteed 830 Worcester block Marshall WANTED 2 men at onco to learn to drive and repair autos and trucks for Spring work. Apply Madison Garago. 1111 Haw thorne ave. MAKE money writing snort stories for newsoacer; big pay; free booklet tells hn'.v. i:nlted Press Synd., D ban x ran. WANT reliable men to learn auto driving , i.Q ! nrnalll. llflth St. 1 uiu retNitt. " ' WANTED Two apprentice, to learn hair business. Hair shop. loO 5th at, lilVL-ATIOXS WANTEU M-VI-K. UooaUeepcrs and ClcrV. WILL audit, open, clos or write up books, prepare balai.ee ana statements. Install systems. (Silliugham, auditor. Hi Lewis ... 117 AN honest and reliable young man with a business education wants a job wltn a reliable firm with opportunity of learning the business. Y 842. Oreaonlan. Miscellaneous. A iiECHANIC of 15 years' experience as ornamental and architectural Iron worker and also as machinist, wishes a Job In an automobile repairing shop; stranger In the city reason lor quitting trade. R Moo. uregonmn. EXPEK1ENCED MACHINERY faALrMAN, knos line from raw material to Unlshed product, good correspondent and technical copvwrlter. wants position. O Seo. Ore- goman SALESMAN, nine years' experience on Coast, well known to stationery, drug and de partment store trade, desires position, competent, accurate and energetic AH- aress n pis, v ftv.,.... YOUNG man, recently from the Ea; de sires position " - : years' experience, beat of references. AM EXPERIENCE!; German .chauffeur wl.e. position; ii vivau, - . f if I have time help other work; good ret- a is: buu t Wuirnn Ian erencea. am q"- -o LANDSCAPE gardener, married wants po aitlon, private or commercial; experience; take care of greenhouse or at Bui nresonlan. FlKSi-CLS general ..blacksmith want. "or, nalidy at woodwork; toial abstainer. tndustiieus. pnone lunula MAN well acquainted . in city, experienced teamster, strong, able. soDer. wants work Immediately. H. O. New. J6. INHh st. N. Phone ain ti KiPtltlENCED eheepshearer would like . to get into communication with responsible -i,h vi.w to eoing out of town to work. Phone Main 717, A 1S1" WANTED by man and wife no cblldren lust arrivea irum v"-' "i wife good cook, man 30 years old ana ".'. s"n Salmon cxpcritmufu. - - EXPEKIENCED Japanese .chaulfeu r, po sl- tlon as ariver v n,a rt garage work; good roference. V 8i. Ore gonlan. KMPLOVMENT by reliable, experienced. steadV mln of middle age as Janitor or VnTral housework. A 705. Oregonlan. fir.ST-CLAS3 waiters furnished. Marsha.' Vul A 910. Portland Walters' Club, HVs itK PertlanJ. or. G. C. Gerald, manager COLMEY compositor, can do any Inslde woVkTsobe?. Single and reliable; from a i 4 gaaeye. a WANTED Would like to work ranch on fhareThere everything is furnished; good reference. j ' TIMEKEEPER by married man; unuer- etanda biueprxuw-, -,.--., tell. 10. r a k- v-R foreman, experienced all around, BwaS pSSSn?" SOttEast 2d St., Albany, RELIABLE married man wants farm work; separate quarters; experienced. AB SSJ. vr. oregonlan vol man, experienced as janitor, furnl "ure repairer. w-anui Situation of any kind. uLD man accustomed to farm work wants U pVacT where can earn board and room and ... Main 71 1 . A loll- WANTED Position by engineer and ma Wclnirrs years' experience lumber mlil. preterrea. a- WANTED Position by Puyallup berry man ror coming a - YOUNG Japanese wants general housework CAM PEN TER foreman, day or contract. Ad- jress 3. B. Young. Woodstock, or. i-OL'NG Japanese waiter wants position In the evening. E 980. Oregonlan. WANTED Work on ranch by man and. wife. or porter. m. -w. T 10, uregomau. vtTTr 1 vnr9 f age. with motorcycle, "i,.30-,?,.?. work,' AG 699. Oregonlan. BlTrATT OX3 WANTED HCMALE. Bokkeepersandtenospners STFVOfiRAPHER. thoroughly experienced r"inSrolaL legal and abstract work; must b.?. pa ?Ioo once: accuracy and. speed guaranteed. Address Stenographer, K 910. Oregonlan. i.-v Ph-wiFNTED stenographer dslres post -St of References. . Phone Wood- 1-vrn 2.179- D SS5. Oregonlan. COMPETENT stenographer with legal ex rlen desires position, moderate salary. . East i-4ft- ?-i quicken your nerves and your mind, if you want to sharpen your wits and find new inter ests in life, all you have to do is walk down the street a block and ring a new front door bell. There are plenty of pleasant homes with new and interesting surroundings right in the Room Ads of this paper you are read ing now. So if things are beginning to pall on you where you are, just clip this list of Room Ads. Go out. and ring a few door bells and you will enter a new circle of lives. where you read their Ad. BITUATIOXS .VANTKO FEMALE. Drt-sstuakers. WANTED Dressmnking, satisfaction guar anteed and prices right. 54S East Ankeny street. EXPERT New York milliner. Jlatti made and remodeled, Mrs. O. O. Martin, 110 N. 21st st. M'111 DE JEilLsI-AUT, 055 Washington, Main 44S, exclusive French designs in gowns, suits, waists, etc 655 Washington. DRESESMAKING by the day, neatly done. Call Marshall 35:0. EXPERT dressmaking and ladles' tailoring; hats made, remodeled. 203 Goodnough bid. PRIVATE classes In dressmaking. MSI. H o usekeepe ra. WIDOW with little girl would like position as hnusekeerer for respectable widower. AB Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED nurse wishes Infant to care for In her home. References. Sell- wood 402. THAiXKD nurBe would like one or two ma. ternity cases in or out of city. Address Nina Miller, general delivery. Portland. EXPERIENCED nurse wishes position. Tel ephone wooaiawn tttu. MATERNITY nurse wants case; light housework. Main 147. will do WOMAN with baby desires 'position to help with housework, email wages. Phone Home A 3072; Pacific. Marshall 1737. Miscellaneous. REFINED lady wishes position as sales lady in jewelry store; have had six years- experience. AS o'ji, uresunmu. EXPERIENCED woman wishes work iron ing, cleaning or washing, ;o cents hour. A 1".48. A GOOD Scandinavian gir! wants place for general nouseworK. Aaaruss miss iiove, Box 14. Rcedville. Or. I hst-CT. A SS laundress wants work. Prl day and Saturday. References. Woodlawn 1611. DINNERS cooked and served, work. Phone Marshall 2710. also day LADY wants work by day or hour. East 4i. Koom z. LACE CURTAINS and blankets laundered iv experts, i.c ana up. lanor snip, COMPETENT woman wants day work. Phone Taoor uj- FINNISH girl wants any kind of day work. Experienced. Woodlawn 1383. EXPERIENCED cook wants short hour work. Mrs. Russell, 501 Morrison st. W .AN TED AGENTS. OUR absolutely square 30 to S67.50 weekly aiapv :a rttf cpnt commission nronosi- tion. 'assures steady workers unlimited prosperity. GALLOWAY-BOWMAN CO., Div 1S7, Waterloo, la. OUR agents are making as high as ?3 a sell Diiica jraaie. un-- iuuui.u v-w., 433 Stark st, LIVE AGENTS are selling the Jaeger vacuum cleaner. Why not you? Call 701 Rdthchilt. bldg. WANTED Lady to handle new prepara tion : great seller: big profits. Marshall 461. ' AGENTS for Oregon. National Casualty Co., .Wl Railway Exchange bids.. Portland. WANTED TO RENT. Houses. We want for tenants now waltlnc FIVE-ROOM MODERN BUNGALOWS not too far out, 20 to $25, THE FRED A. JACOBS CO.. Main 6i09. 209 Wash, st. A 207. WANTED TO RENT. 5 to 7-room modern well-furnished house with piano; walking distance. Phone E. 3037 after 10 A. M. IMMEDIATELY, bv youne married couple, no children ; 5-room unfurnished cottage or uuna.off; must nave b.eejitiig-ywii-ii, Rose-City park preferred; answer at once. Ax S!'-. Oregoni"1- LIST your vacant house or flat with us and iinu a leu-uu THE FRED A. JACOBS CO., Main tib9. 2tt9 Washington St. A 6267 WAIVED To rent, 4 or 6-room furnished house, walking distance. East Side pre ferred; reasonable references. Phone E. Apartments. WANTED at once, upper furnished flat or apartment, two uearooaia, xi oiu, ---- man. Rooms With Board. WANTED Home for two girla, aged 12 and - . ,( riie-enr.. w a h i n ert on it jeaiu, & ' ' High tichool ; must be good home ana iprrnn re-Lsonable. N W'2. Oregonian. WXTED Room and board In private r-nmiiv fho-A there arfl no other board ers by young nxan attending school. J -reuiii" WANTED 2 or 3 housekeeping-rooms w.th bath for couple from April 1; state price; must be near the Huf Brau. Address Gorks, care the Hnf Brau. WANTED Koom and board with private family, walking distance. Phone Main Bu70 between 12 and 1. Business Places. at once, desk room, desk, use of telephone; give particulars. AR 888. Oregonlan. FOR RENT. Fxirnlfcbed Booms. HOTETl, CORDOVA. 2iS 11th St., new, strictly modern, private baths and suites: mnini ss.SO Der week up. M 9472. HOTEL OAK, 347 Oak; steam heat, hot and -n!i water; 50c day. 1 week. VIRGINIA LEB HOTEL, 2.". Trinity Place. cor. w asn. Jioucm liit.vv- - - NICE, clean, furnished rooms at moderate prices. 41 Stark at tiKJICU AXlHW.w 11th, between Morrison and lamhin, re cently opened; every modern convenience plenty of hot water and heat; beautiful lobby; rates $ week and up; with pri vate" bath $5.50 week and up; transient rates 75c and up. Free phones. Main 42J. HOTEL MINOOK. Are you looking for a good warm room with hot and cold water, nicely fur nished and homelike, at VERY MOD ERATE PRICE f If so, Just take a look at Hotel Minook. cor. 4th and Salmon, ana you wilt look no iaiwivi One block from Union Depot; HO out. side rooms, with all modern conveniences; rr.aklna special rates to permanent guests; rates from 10 per month up. Give us , a call and you will be more luau pleaaed. I& oin si. i HOTEL ROWLAND. -.tn u x Just step in and look at a nice, warm, sunny room; hot and cold water; beau tifully furnished and homelike, at a PRICE that will CERTAINLY suit you. If you are wise you will go at ony. HOTEL. SAVON. 181 Eleventh Street. New, modern brick building, steam heaLed. private baths, hot and cold water in rooms, beautifully furnished, cosy, com fortable. rent reasonable. Call and see us- regular and transient trade solicited. THE VIRGINIA HILL HOTEL, 14th and Jefferson. An established hotel. Rooms en suite or single, rates reasonable. A t2S. M.9:SJ. . . nns-nnfV T1 hnma fYir bull rooms" all modern conveniences, .th -tna Taylor sts.,-J. block from Portland Hotel. IB -."" a..- HOTEL, Buckingham. Ui-'H V asn.. cor. E'la. j.p n SUIiniU, UULBlua ....--a and cold water, atea.n heat, trie Phone . ... i. h v runprt&Dl:: SlJ - month up. with ath.ja. ana uhlii, j - THE THOMASSEN. 402 3d. corner Har- risoo , rtnuALt:u, wa - rooms 5-i0 week up; 2, 3, 6-room suites, reasonable; some unfutnished. S cars, ilain 7771. A 1-70. . 120 13th St., at Washington. Rooms, $3.50 per week up; under per sonal management owner. J. W. Bushong. Nicely furnished outside rooms, pood Southern cooking, cosy reception parlor. llU VV9U1UKWU S5 - w-v CENTRAL. HOTEL,, opposite Pantages; large . .. n-al, nn- 1! t I I'll I HlllteS rooms .o uc. - with bath 6 per week; these suitea best proposition In townjorthemoney. iV d Oliail -.--a. -a - 145H 'th St., just opened; new furnl tttr steam heat, running water, $3.oi week ud. Transients 7ic up. THE Larrabee. 227 K Larrabee. Rooms 2 i s-.lil tuim ntat DOL weet uu. -7-7:7. 4 hath, d n one. elactr.cltl. HOTEL CONGRESS Beautifully furnished 011 modern conveniences. U and Mam. HOTEL MADRAS. 443 Wash. St.. all out- side rooms, sieam v ter, strictly modern, rate $1 day, 9 week. HOTEL OHIO, Front and Madison; modern. steam ccat. nut anu. . 1 including bath. PRINCESS" HOTEL, 8d and East Burnside; gooa. clean ruuiuo, " , . , : C; Vi Come see room-.. yt -..- r Tllnl iiHELLY. 422 Mor., opp. Heihg Thea- ter. neatiy imui-ucj. ...w. ..-- -- - - Furnished Rooms tn Private Family. TWO nicely furnished rooms, close In, on aast tiiue, guuu, - : yard; ail home conveniences. East 12th and Sherman sta. Phone sellwood H2. FOR RENT Large, well furnished alcove room, suitaoie 101 i... -rentlemen. 141 13th at. CQJ- Alder. FURNISHED room, second floor of steam- heated aparimeus., wo.'-. -------- - A BRIGHT, nicely furnished single room In quiet nouse. uu -1 tirst-ciass. tij jolu, NEWLY furnished room to gentleman on . 1 . v. 1 aoau tar n 1 L- inP iHstanC. aST. BJUO Willis" -isj - . good neighborhoodHome phone C IJiQ c MONTH Pleasant neatly furnished bay wmaow rovuii w. .3d st. A NICE, large alcove room witn -"" sultauie tor t.nv, - - Market st. BEAUTIFUL front room, " r walking aisiance. v - 2b7 1. FURNISHED rooms, from-52 weekly; talk ing UH-t-aUC-, iat- aw . .n-rton. ONE modern coay room, only J2. 246 Clack- amus, 4 diocks : 1517 TH ST. Nice furnished room In pleas ant iamiiy, STEAM heated parlor room, housekeeping T-.iviiMres. to lady employed. Main 42. SINGLE front room; heat," batli, phona; $2 week; waiKing "La" NICE furnlBhod rooms, with ernwn- van I on ft a WfllKinS uiBiauio. " NICELY furnished, front room, I lano, grate. etc. -v i-iiii. .. LARGE, well lighted room, moderate. 26S 12th st. FURNISHED rooms, $1.76 per week and up. 1S9 West Park, corner Yamhill. UnfcrpUhed Room. ONE large room, partly furnished. Private entrance, biuu"u W ashington Booms Vilt-i Board. . r , . 1 -r"-T TTC I T American and European plan; near City iarK; conveiiacnv THE HILL, Washington, at 23d st. Residential and Tourists Hotel. Attractive rates to perm anents and tran sients. Maln ti,S4- THE WILLARD HOTEL MORRISON AND PARK STS. European and American, $- per day with meals. Rates by the month and week with or without meals very reasonable. N e w. modern an d fireproof. yi.mv COURT. Select Family Hotel. Modern rooms with excellent table boara. very reasonable rates. 11th ana Yamhill sts. Does a home appeal to you? Doubis and single rooms, private bath sun par lor; American ym". - -a -irviEW HOTEL Strictly high - claaa . .. s.i. v.n. h Anis orRLtMi and iamiiy noiei, v-" - r" l 1 1 BWrv rnam: table unex- B AlCCib sa . - nrf- rfarances Montgomery at., at West Park. THE LAJHBERSON, 604 Couch, on. block from Washington; steam heat, running water; goou PORTLAMU V ua,.o s uj""". """-In rooms with board, use ot sewing room, 11- i r Tin.4aia r-ss IT N. AI llKnri- IUD. brary, oivri-uo" - . - 452 MORRISON, corner 13th st. Rooms. boara optional. - Walking distance. THE HAZEL, furnished rooms with board. running wtt MANITOU, 261 13th st, AVITOU, 2til -Jtn au a.hw:"- a. rooms; steam heat, good board; close ln. BEAUTIFUL furnished rooms, first-class table board, very rewutP. "'- UKUi iunny room, with boaid; large i-nr.l. Casa ltosa. 800 Jefferson. - " Kooma With Board In I'rivata Family. icc iarte front room, just luri.isltid in mahogany; meals If desired; suitable for 2 people; phone, gas and electric light; bath plaver piano and all the other com forts ot "homo. Hawthorne car. Phone Tabor S109. iCKL.y. furnished room with board, suit able for 2 or a; separate beds, hot and cold water; home comiorls; S5.00 per t-ek. Mam birsi. aoi iiariaoo, nen m.m. ROOM and board in uerman ramlly; sleep lnc porcn n uoane, i, -- iences; good location, close in. 4244 Had street. a PLSASA.NT, coay room in new. modern home, for 1 or 2 employed; good boaro and homelike place; every convenience Marshall 4b07. 0:2 . Everett. ' PLEASANT room, good board, homo com forts, walking distance; $3 week. East 4240 ROOM and board in private Southern fam nv- waikine. distance. Marshall 532. ROOM and board for young women, walking distance, $o per week. East 4782. ROOMS and board, modern :(Wa'.king dis tance. W Aom pv. J"," PLEASANT rooms and good board. COSY, steam-heated room, with board. 211 N. 20th. Fhone atarsnait imo. FIRST-CLASS board, private family, ref- erenco required. AS 859. Oregonlan. F.OOMSsd board. 595 East Oak. corner E. loth, walkingdlstance. East 6o2. NICELY furnished room, suitable for two; excellent meals; West Side. Main 2071. NICELY furnished rooms. good hoard, dnitoin. 192 13th st.. near amhill. NICELY furnished room with board, mod ern, close In. 57 Trinity place. Rooms With Koar-2 in Priva.e Kainllr. FOUR double rooms, use of home, lawn, for 8 men, walking distance. 2 meals, Stt-oO week. Mar. ;70a. E-rctt. Apartments. 5-ROOM. completely furnished apartment linciuainj piajer , . janitor service and hot water furnished; nice large front porch and lawn; only two apartments in the building, which makn It quite exclusive; will rent to reiponsib.e parties for $40 per month; located on tho East .Side, oniy 13 minutes ride from tho Postoffice. Phona East M'7t. THE BJELLAND, IGth and Lovejoy. S-room unfumished apartmc-nts. strictly modern, brand new brick buildlne, including heat, phone, gas. gas range and water. This must be seen to be appreciated. phone owner. uln 1M7 and A l&uT. Janitor, A lto- CUAiEERLAND APTS-, W. i'ark and Co lumbia sta-, choice 2 and 3-room furnished and uufuruishtd npts.. all modern conveni ences, beautiful location, facing the paik; only 5 minutes' walk from business cento.; oet Ol service; prices ren-un DE-S1RAHLE 4-room apartmetiT furnish, or unfurnisheii; best in city for rent, loca tion and arrangment; ail outride rootnu. private bath, direct pacific phono; close In, low rent, best service. Sheffield Apartments, 272 Kroadway. cor. Jefferson. CUMBERLAND APTSW. Park and Co lumbia sts., choice 2 and 3-room furnished and unfurnished upts.. all modern conveni ences, beautiful location faring the park; only 5 minutes' walk from ousincss center; FLORENCE APARTMENT-". 3HS 11th SL Modern furnished 3-room sets. Every modern convenience. Rif ganlen and plav yard tor children. f:.2.5o uo- Ex cellent location; easy walking distance. Formerly tho Hucll, 2.".( Uth St.; nicely furnished, 3-rooni apart im-iit!. strictly modern. Phone Marshall i'Jo'J. Home phona A 2123. THE AVALOX 3 and 4-ro:n apts., b:iu tifu'.iy furnished, new S-story. steam heated brick bldg.. few minutes' walk o. Union Depot, cor. Clackamas and Ross b tree is. -l-r v v rnfRT East First and Multnomah sts.; absolute ly the finest and most up-to-date fur nished apartment-house in the city; two rooms ?32.r0, 3 rooms $4 i Phone C 2" New, modern brick apartments; 2 to 4 rooms, furnished and uniuriilshed, from I5 to 3U; restricted district. phone Woodlawn tkiJ. ii u Ft I-: I " 1 1 ST North 2ith and Nortbrup Sts. Homelike furnished, 3 and 4-room spart tnents; outside rooms; balcony to verr suite; all conveniences; rpf. Taone M. U.S. WELLINGTON , AI AKTAIEN IS. 15th and tlverett a bu ...--. private baths; 20 and up; completely ren. evated- under of management; walking distance; convenient and best service. 'f I I CTl VWIr." I .11. Vewly furmsned 2-room apartments, II minutes' walk from postofr.ee : S13 up; llsht, gas and phone service included. Jo Porter st. Phone Main 731)2. Nicely furbished tnree-room apartment, t.oo; all outside, large, li k h t airy rooms, private phone, bath, on carline. B 30. L '1 aoor --u-. THE DEZENDORF. 208 Sixteenth, Near Taylor. One handsomely furnished 6-roum apart ment also one 4 and one 0-room unfur- n ig h ea apartment,. HElNiS APARTMENT 14tii aua .oiumoia. rumished 2. 3 and 4-room apartments; all conveniences; flrai-clas, homelike. ?Ann.M rates: ref. Main 7337, A 301a ORDER LEIGH 82 Grand avt 8-room apartrr-ents, complete. y furnished, pri - vate baths; new roana.ment; modern and convenient. walKing distance; best ot service, rates reasoiiaoie. NEW HART APTtf.. 2d and lamhill; the OLIVE rooms and apts.. 44 Morrison st.; just opened; everything new; 1. 2 and J room apts.; cooking naa. eloctrlo lights, bed laundry and prl.i;e phon.s tree. Very choice unfurnished 3-room apart ment Cedsr Hill Apartments. 1S7 Green ave.. near 23d and Washington sts. ; roter ences required, phone Marshall 5345. .-ROOM apartments to rent at 070 Kearney convenient, I32.&0;' janitor In basement or 3-KOuM front apartment, private bath and telephone, S3o; also 2-roora apartment. 35. Angela Apts., 3a Trinity Place le t w een li'th and 20th Just ott Washington. THE ORMONDE One 4-room. one 5-room apartment, all outside and light, gas range, refrigerator and telephone, two Flanders. Nob Hill. Main S2al. ,,' a vr a ADA HTM K'Ti UA. s 23d and Johnson; all outs.de, 2, a rooms, furnished, unfurnished; reason auf Xlaralittll 2821. r. . , , . tj.-s a pa TiTVl HINTS. Comer East Couch and feth sis., easy walklug distance; modern. Quiet, reason- "LmS0N PARK APAHTMiaJTS. fara anu luwiiauii f... Ror rent, 3 and 4-room furnished and unfurnished apartments; strictly modern. UAiiKBIl APABTilJSNTS, 13tn ana a-Ash- 5 large rooms, all outside; hreplace, hot 'water heat; must be seen to be appre ....... pnsnnA i . Phone fc.ast JS7I. . j i r. ja hi.. .... . -. . East Ith and Morrison sts. err central, 2 and S-room apartments. lurnished com pletely; private batlis; from $M to t-l.M. GRADESTA East Stark and Grand avenue- new building, lame, airy apartments, nicely furnished; private phones; reason- aDte rent. V lUlWTVT'.VTS. Third and Montgomery; new, modern, out side furnished 2-room apartments; auto matic elevatpr; close in; $23 up. Main U4oa. 2 and S rooms, newly furnished apart ments. S15 to S5 month. 10!) korth lbth bet. Flanders and Ulisau.Maln SiM. 290 12th St. Marshall ilti. 2 and 8-room furnished, first-class, rents reasonablej-angdistance1 BIX. large rooms, hardwood floors, water, hoat private phones, large Bleeping porcu, front veranda, new and every convenience. Grace Apartments, mi rt iifTQN APTS., 7b0 Irvlrs St., Nob Hill. Vunn?. 6-room 'apU. beorooms, all out Sde room, with large closets. !mt porch, references. Mar. 17..B. A lius. m'dK A PA ViTMKNTS. v.w mouern, furnished 2-room apta; dresiae-room, tine location. Marshall 110 -1st st." Take W cur. WALDOKf CUUKT, lrvinglon. East 9th and Schuyler t.; 5-room apartment with poicn; everything modern, kaat S47, C ItiOS. . ' " AKUMAY TEHRACB. Exseptlunally large Uvlng-room (16x20). convenirnce. 12th and Harrison sta . . 1 1 1, i a inisi T15 "Wayne st. Main ti-SO. Modern fur nished apartments, 3 to li rooms. EDENHOLM APAKTMKNTS 2 and 8 fur nished housekeeping suites. 5th and Mar ket; under new maimsetiici"- THE WINDSOR APTS, 8 or rooms, new, clean and homelike, easy walking dls . r,o. Kaat 14lh and Varohlll. SIC BLI furnished 2-room apartment, every thing complete. Hotel Houston. Uo th st. HERMENIA, 400 Hall V completely turuuu, - B444. "77vf(-.i 1 t'A UTilKNTS. Fourth and Lincoln All outside 2-room apts . t22.oUJj:ij;-lk'.'t'.taD. Ti , v-, LJ'l'.. OlIl and Montgomery; 3 roSm 'luriiuhed; summer rates; J mm. to PoSlOlIlCt;. l"th and Ilair.ou; 2 t.nd 3-room apart ments; be,tservice. Apply on preni.sen. THp nrlTkston, 4IS ilth. Nlndy furulslied " and a-rooin modern outaide apts., ne.ir i,.hts. Mrs. P. W. McCui.h. Marshall i. rcjSE-FRIKND. S. W. cur. 71h and Jetlei sJir modern unfurnished apts.; lirst-claaa service; private plione. aTJtONIA Marshall .and ll'th sts. Large, "airy, 2, 3 and 4-rooin apartments; quiet and exciusio m.... ..v.... THK C.V.MAH, 704 I.ovcJ.iy. elegantly fur nished, 3-room from a..t.. 18.;. Marshall 2:iiii. h EVELYN 3-room apt.. 207 x. :it turoi.dhed apartment Marshall 13-3. St., modern rent rea- sonnOl: The Nokomls, 17th and Marshall sts. .i.io.H rn, all conveniences; moderate rules. Mar.491-. THE KING-DAVIS. D4 King st. N.,nr. Wasn. Kih-rlase: rclerences. iiolh phones. THE DAYTON, modern six-room apt., low ent Ui,f A'lanueii JULIFTTE APT., 2 rooms, mod'-rn; 2d and Montgomeiy; fur, and unrurnislieu HRYN MAVR APTS.. 185 K. ' 15th, nt.ar Yamhill, 4-room apts.. newly furnished. IRIS APTS . 4 and 5 rooms", ni"dem( private nhone. Cor. 3d and Mill, unfurnished. Mayo apts. Union ave. and Saeramenio, new. to Hate, reasonable. Phono East szu. tEAUTiKL'L new upartment hoin lleiphr.. unfuriilyhe.i. Main 91. Portland 2-KOOM furnished aiiartment with or wlth out sleeping purch. E. 2"th. 5-KOOM apartment in new hjil.ling, 427.50 month. Phone Marr:rall4 CNFURsfsiTEl54-room steam-heated apart ment, modern. Cottel Drug Co. A 1