Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, March 28, 1913, Page 13, Image 13

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First Post-Lenten Subscrip
tion Ball Scheduled.
Hlyh School and la
Phi Chi Fraternity.
In Irving-tog-,
m member of the
They will reside
Sirs. Edward Hall IKdg and Mrs.
Oliver King Jcfferr Will Pass
Several Weeks In California
on Pleasure Trip.
Events Planned lor Today.
Eubaciiptlon dance at Hotel Mult
Bomah. Scottish Rite at home.
Lincoln Hla School Alumni, lla
onlo Temple.
Mrs. 8. A. Murbard.. vnln brldse.
Ereata Planned for Tomorrow.
Delta Iota Chi ball. Maaonlo Tern
pie Reception to Mm. J. B. Kerr. Hotel
If alto om ah.
Mra W. R. Kaser. tea for Mls
Florence Davis and Miss Josephine
Idea Miriam Todd, tea far Mlxe
Helen Drain, of Tacoma,
Several elaborate dancing parties to
night will claim the attendance of
nearly every circle of society. At the
Hotel Multnomah the first subscrip
tion dance of the after-Lenten season
will take place and will be attended
by a large number of the exclusive set.
The younger married people and the
debutantes have planned several din
ner parties to precede the evening's
diversion. The gowns will undoubtedly
be of exceptional loveliness and the
affair will be one of the most brilliant
of the Spring season.
At the Scottish Rite Cathedral the
members of the order will give an at
home, at which dancing, cards and a
banquet will be enjoyed by over 200
guests. The committee has made ar
rangements for Beveral additional fea
tures to add to the evening's success.
Those planning the entertainment are:
H. P. Palmer. R. W. Schmeer. C. R.
Jones. R. S. Farrell. Benjamin Gadsby,
C. C. Newcastle. D. O. Tomaslnl and
Frank Van Duyn. The patronesses will,
be Mrs. W. L Morgan, Mrs. Frank Van
Iuyn. Mrs. H. P. Palmer. Mrs. D. G.
Tomasini. Mrs. Robert S. Farrell. Mrs.
John Annand. Mrs. C. C. Newcastle and
Mrs. C. E. Runyon.
An Easter dance will be given by a
number of residents of the Rose City
Park district at the coxy clubhouse. A
number of novelties will make the ar
falr Interesting.
The Masonic Temple will be the scene
of the Portland Lincoln High School
Alumni's ball, which will be attended
by many of the younger set and by ever
so many of the students of the local
colleges and preparatory schools.
Mrs. Edward Hall Dodge and Mrs.
Oliver King Jeffery have gone to Oak
land. Cal . where they will be the guests
of Mrs. DodRe's parents. Mr. and Mra.
Millard J. Laymance. at their handsome
home In Chetwood street. A number
of festivities and outings are planned
to make the stay of the young matrons
a round of pleasure. A motor trip from
Oakland to Los Angeles, with stops at
the Interesting points along the way.
will be made. Mrs. Dodge and Mrs.
Jeffery will remain In California for
several weeks. Prior to her departure
Mrs. Dodge gave an elaborate farewell
dinner party, at which covers were laid
for 14 guests.
Miss Miriam Todd will be hostess to.
morrow at an afternoon tea, at which
she will compliment Miss Helen Drain,
a popular Tacoma girl, who is visiting
her aunt. Mrs. Herbert Garr Reed. In
this city. A score of the younger mem
bers of society have been asked to meet
the visitor.
Another hostess for tomorrow will be
Mrs. Welton R. Kaser. who will enter
tain for Miss Josephine Stapleton and!
Miss Florence Davis, who are to be
brides on April .
Two smart affairs added to the pleas
ure of the exclusive set yesterday. Mrs.
J. Wesley Ladd entertained at IB
tables of bridge, with addlUonal friends
dropping la for tea later In the after
noon. Mra Charles Clifford Smith gave an
elaborate reception for her daughter,
whose engagement she announced to
Clifton N. McArthur. The bride-elect is
one of the most attractive members of
society and Mr. McArthur Is prominent
politically. In legal and club circles.
Miss Smith la ae&esed of many ac
complishments, has traveled extensive
ly and has many friends who will fill
her engagement days with social hon
ora The appointments at the Smith tea
were suggestive of the Springtime and
the costumes worn were attractive.
Mra. Lynne Kenneth Smith (Eleanor
Cannon) will be the guest of honor on
Tuesday afternoon at an Informal tea
at which Mra Walter H. Yerlan will
preside, at her home in Irvlngton.
Mrs. Clifford Marshall will be host
ess today at an auction bridge party,
at which she will entertain several
Mrs. William Adams. Jr.N and Mra
Frederick Jrwln have Issued cards for
the afternon of April 10. when they will
preside at a large "S00" party at Rose
City Park clubhouse.
Miss Ruth Church and Miss Genevieve
Church will entertain this afternoon
at an Informal tea.
Mra S. A. Murhard will be hostess
this evening at an informal card party,
at which about 60 guests will be enter
tained. The patients at the Good Samaritan
Hospital were afforded a rare treat yes
terday when Miss Jeunie Fletcher de
voted the afternoon to sinking In the
various wards. For the little children
she chose appropriate lullabys and the
better class of the up-to-date songs.
For the women and men patients her
solos were thoughtfully selected and in
eery Instance gave great pleasure.
Miss Fletcher is being entertained at
the home of Mrs. James T. Moylan.
Mrs. James B. Kerr will be the guest
of honor at an elaborate reception
which will be given tomorrow even
ing at Hotel Multnomah. The affair is
given under the auspices of the Port
land Teachers' Club, of which Miss
Emma Griebel is president. Several
hundred Invitations have been sent out
and there will no doubt be a large at
tendance. A wediling of interest to the young
er set was that of Miss Lona Hinkle
and Frfderiok K. tipe. who were mar
ried at Hillsboro Wednesday. Miss
Hinkle is a St. Marys Academy girl.
Mr. Stipe is a graduate of the Lincoln
Mrs. M. M. Johnson, of Columbns,
Miss., Yearns for Her Son.
Mrs. M. M. Johnson, living at 414
Seventh ifeniie South, Columbus, Miss..
is making great efforts to locate-her
son. Lawrence B. Johnson, aged . 23
years'. He wrote to his mother the
last time in July. 1909. saying he was
going to Milwaukee, Wis., and from
there to Oregon, where he hoped to
get work on a farm or with some rail
road construction company, hia Health
being bad. e said he was going West
with another boy. He wrote to his
mother from 381 La Salle avenue, Chicago.
L "My son was a kind, Butiful boy,"
writes dirs. jonnson. a own bi w uvm
any mother might Justly be proud. His
long silence has broken my neart. i
have done all a poor, old mother can
do to find my dear child, but so far 1
have been unable to find the least
trace of him."
The description of the missing boy
follows: Age, 25 years; height, about
6 feet: weight, three years ago, 1J5
pounds; color of eyes, dark brown;
complexion, smooth, dark.
E. M. Broom, of Chehalis, Is at the
L. C. C. Laursen. of Tacoma, is at
the Bowers.
D. L. Webster, of New Tork. la at
the Imperial.
T. W. Lusk, a Sllverton merchant. Is
at the Perkins.
S. M. Bloss, a Chicago ttmberman. Is
at the Imperial.
A. Q. Conklin. a merchant of Cove,
Or., is at the Perkins.
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Peters, of Hood
River, are at the Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. M. P. Miller, of Moscow,
Idaho, are at the Imperial.
J. Finlayson. who sells real estate
at Astoria, Is at the Oregon.
Dr. E B. PIckel, a leading physician
of Medford, is at the Portland.
Mrs. Clement Ackerman, of Cape
Horn. Wash, is at the Portland.
C. K. McClease, a banker of Lewis
town, Mont,, is at the Oregon.
Frank J. Devine. of Albany, regis
tered at the Perkins yesterday.
A. D. Moe. publisher of the Hood
River Glacier, is at the Portland.
M. E. Kane, of San Francisco regis
tered at the Carlton yesterday.
D. D. Toung, of McMInnville, regis
tered at the Imperial yesterday.
Judge John L. Childa, of Crescent
City, is registered at the Oregon
Charles T. Early registered at the Im
perial yesterday from Hood River.
Mrs. W. J. Drenning. of Gardner,
Mass. is registered at the Carlton.
Mesdames S. A. and William A. Moore,
of The Dalles, are at the Multnomah.
E. E. Samson, of North Taklma. was
registered at the Multnomah yesterday.
Rev. Edwin A. Harria pastor of the
Congregational church at Hood River,
is at the Perkina
Mr. and Mrs. C. M. and Mr. and Mrs.
H. C. Wheeler, of Spokane, registered
at the Carlton yesterday.
W. E. Carpenter, superintendent of
the Welis-Fargo Express Company at
Seattle, is at the Oregon.
W. W. Heiskel, sales agent of the
North Coast Dry Kiln Company, is reg
istered at the Oregon from Seattle.
Charles A. Murray, general traffic
manager of the Northern Pacific is
registered at the Portland from Ta
Phllllo Suetter. of Fossil, is In Port
land on business and Is registered at
the Perkina. He brings draught horses
to the Portland market.
Mr. and Mra A. McGIll and son. and
Mr. and Mrs. F. Wllkerson and two
daughters, registered at the Bowers
yesterday from San Francisco.
Mr. and Mra J. F. Berrick and Mr.
and Mra J. F. Zeller, of Buffalo, N. Y.,
are registered at the Imperial. They
are returning from Southern Cali
CHICAGO, March-27. (Special.) E.
D. Severance, of Portland, is a Chicago
visitor today having registered at the
I Salle.
He Couldn't See a Tiling If
You Placed It Right
Under His Nose
5 Familiar saying.
!T If your sight is that de
fective get glasses.
Get them from us and
with them the service that
makes our glasses better.
Z Our 21 years' experi
ence in scientific eyesight
testing and the fitting of
correct glasses for the re
lief of eye-strain is at your
1 This experience has
been of immense value in
our continued success.
S We take care of your
eyes in the way of lens
changes for one year from
date of purchase. No ex
tra charge for this service.
Z Thompson glasses cost
$2.00 or more.
2d Floor Corbett Bids, 5ta and
Charge Purchases Today and Remainder of the Month Go on April Bill Payable May 1
2V Green Trading Stamps Given on Charge Accounts Providing Same Are Paid in Full On or Before the 10th of the Month
Rest Rooms
Retiring Rooms, Emergency
Hospital and Day Karsery
on the second Iioor, tvery
modern convenience is here
make yourself at home!
s. Wortmam &
Store Opens 8.30 A.M. 'THE DAYLIGHT STORE" Store Closes 5:30 P.M.
Mail Orders
Out-of-town customers may
do their buying through our
mail order department with
assurance of entire satisfac
tion. Orders filled promptly.
Double Trading Stamps A 11 Bay Today
On Cash Purchases of 10c or More in WashlGoods and Linen Depts.Main Floor
This includes wash materials of all kinds, flannelettes, onting flannels, etc., muslins, sheetings and bed linens of every description, l'"iJt XtS
Spring sewing season is at hand, this double stamp offer should prompt you to supply the Spring needs at once. Ask for cash sales checks and present them on the day of purchase.
A New Idea!
Rami's Table
. See Morrison-street Window
New Street Dresses $11.50 to $57.50
Charming New Models of Latest Materials
Women's Ready-to-Wear Apparel, Second Floor The simplicity of these dainty Dresses makes instant ap
peal to women of taste and discernment. Never were the styles more becoming or the materials more attract
ive than those of the present season. And you may choose from a wonderful range of models plain tail
ored, new Balkan blouse effects or coat styles, with plain, tunio or. draped skirts. Trimmed with Bulgarian
embroideries or self materials, silk and patent-leather belts. All sizes for women and misses, $11.50 to $o7.50.
m 7) Women'sTailQredSuits
uur oais
If you don 't care to pay more than $25.00 for the
new Coat,, by all means see tms spienaio. assort
ment. All the latest materials in plain tailored
or. fancy models or full length, with silk
trimmed collars and cuffs; also several models
trimmed with popular Bulgarian effects. All
shades, including blues, tans, browns, grays, etc.;
also blue and tan brocaaea ratine kL-c f If f
piped with red. All sizes, at onlyP' vv
Plain tailored and fancy models, with high waist
line, in tan and gray diagonals, shepherd checks,
eponge, serges, novelty stripes, Bedford cords, ete.
Some with rounded corners; skirts with finished
waistbands. Two-piece .or. gored; C9fi ff1
others : with'cluster pleats. Choice P VCV
Stationery Dept., Main Floor We are sole Port
land agents for this latest decorative novelty.
Bets comprise Place Cards, Candle Shades and
Favor Boxes all to match. Don 't fail to see them.
"How to Decorate f
A handsome illustrated booklet on how to deco
rate the table, and many clever culinary sugges
tions, FREE with each set purchased amounting
to $1 or over. Also numerous new ways of enter
taining and serving. See special display of
."Rann's Table Decorations" jn Morrison-street
"window, and also shown at the stationery counter.
Special Showing
New Dress Skirts
$4.00 to $13.50
Second Floor Popular two-piece styles or the new
draped effects in an extensive line of the latest
Spring materials whipcords, checks, stripes and
novelty mixtures; high waist line, trimmed with belt
with fancy buttons. Make it a point, while in the
store today, to see this universal showing of the
season's newest styles in separate 2J f O ff1
skirts. All sizes. Priced at $4 to
At the Main-floor Bargain Circle
Silk Petticoats, Spec'l$2A9
Dainty New Waists $l.llt
Bargain Circle 200 high-grade Silk
Petticoats in this special Friday of
fering. Made from excellent quality
soft taffeta and messaline silks in
plain colors or changeable effects and
with or without underlays. Styled with
narrow accordeon pleated ruffles and
pin tucks. String tops. The shade to
match the new Spring i?0 ACk
gown is here! Special at Pe-'
Bargain Circle An opportunity to
buy a pretty white Waist at a decided
bargain I Fine sheer batistes, mar
quisettes and cotton crepes de chine in
scores of dainty new styles; elaborate
lv trimmed with laces, fine tucks and
hand embroideries. Styled with long
or short sleeves and high, low or
V-shaped necks. Choose C 7Q
yours early. Special at
Sale of Men's Pants Continues
$2.69 $3.19 $3.59
Men's Store, Main Floor, S. E. Scores of men came to this store yesterday to see
these Pants, many of them under the impression that they were of the ordinary
kinds, but they found them above expectations. Today we will continue this
remarkable sale, with still a full assortment of sizes. Splendid wool materials, cut
full or semi-peg and in a great variety of patterns and c o lo r i n g s. Made by the
world's best pants makers "Rose Brothers," "Rosenwald & Weill" and "Present
& Co." Grouped in three special lots as above for this sale. Your opportunity!
Men9s $1.50 Underwear Now at 98c
Men's $1.50 Shirts, Special 95c
Men's "G. & M." Underwear, shirts and
drawers; English knit, in good Spring
weight and colors pink, white, natural
and blue, and in lavender andQO
white cross stripes. $1.50 vals.Ol
New line Men's Wash Four-in-Hand Ties all colors, at 25c
Men's medium weight Lisle Hose all colors six pairs $1.40
Men's high-grade Dress Shirts in choice
assortment of snappy new bpnng pat
terns. Plain or pleated bosoms, with at
tached cuffs. Coat style. Ex-Qff,
ollont material- All K1ZPS- for-J"
Hosiery and Underwear
of Dependable Qualities
Main Floor Supply the Spring underwear and hosiery needs at this store
and you'll not be disappointed in wearing qualities. Prices most reasonable.
Women's 'Merode' Union Suits $1
"Kayser" Union Suits $1.25
Women's fine ribbed "Merode"
Union Suits in Spring weight; high
neck, long or short sleeves, knee or
ankle length; low neck and 2? t
sleeveless or short sleeves, at P
Celebrated "Kayser" brand Union
Suits for women. Fine Swiss ribbed
with banded tops and fitted knee.
Excellent grade. Sizes JJ f O
4, 5 and 6, a garment
Women's Cotton Union Suits 39c
Child's 40c Stockings 25c
Fine nbbed imported Hose tor chil
dren. Best grade black cotton with
double soles and knee. Guaranteed
absolutely stainless. Regular Off (
values to' 40c at, the pair-''
Children's Silk Lisle Hose at 35c
Women's Fine Lisle Hose 29c
Women's fine ribbed white cotton
Union Suits; low neck, sleeveless,
with tight fitted knee or umbrella
styles. A full line of aU,QQ
sizes. Special now for only-'''
Children's fine silk lisle Hose with
double soles, toes and high spliced
heels and fashioned feet; in black,
white, tan, sky and pink; Offf
sizes 5V2 to 10. Pair, only
Women's fine light-weight lisle
thread Hose with double soles and
high spliced heels. Extra double gar
ter welt at top. Box of six O Of
pairs, $1.65. All sizes. Pair-'''
Women's "Honest Dollar" Hose
We are now sole Portland agents for this famous Stocking. Absolutely
the best $1.00 Silk Hose made for wear. None can be better made. Only
best thread silk used. Black, white, tan; silk lisle thread garter tops, soles.
$6 Mme. Helene Corsets $1.98
Splendid Athletic Model Sizes 18 to 26
Corset Department, Second Floor Made from best of materials and nicely finished,
with excellent grade hose supporters attached. A very popular model for the athletic
woman. Comes in medium low bust and in sizes trom lo to Jo only. A corset that sens
in the regular way at $6.00 a pair. Owing to this extreme low price we fijl CiQ
advise you to come early if possible. $6.00 Corsets, while they last, only eV O
All Mme. Helene Corsets Are Reduced
$6.50 Grades $2.48 $25 Grades $8.98
Owing to the fact that we are to cease handling the Mme. Helene Corsets, our entire
stock will now be closed out regardless of cost or former selling price. They are made
only from the best of materials. About 20 styles in the assortment from which to choose.
$5.00 to $ 6.50 grades at $2.48
$7.50 to $ 3.50 grades at $3.68
$9.00 to $10.00 grades at $4.48
$12.50 to $15.00 grades, $5.93
$18.00 to $25.00 grades, $3.98
Sizes 18 to 24 a few larger
$2 Undermuslins
Choice $1.48
Odd Lines and Sample Garments
Second Floor A special Friday sale of hundreds of
pieces of dainty Undermuslins at a splendid reduc
tion. Gowns, Corset Covers, Princess Slips, Combi
nations and Drawers in a wide variety of patterns
to choose "from. Attractively trimmed with laces,
embroideries, headings, tucks and ribbons. Scores of
styles to choose from and the materials are of the
best Nainsook, fine cambrics, crepes, longcloth, etc..
This lot is made up from odd lines and sample gar
ments of the very newest styles. Many in the assort
ment that are worth double the sale 4g t jO
price. See these today. Special, only P--
$1.00 and $1.25
Fancy Silks
69c Yard
At the Main Floor Center Circle
Hundreds of yards of rich fancy Silks on sale to
day at 69c a yard. Beautiful changeable taffe
tas, hairline stripe messalines and stripe silk
serges.- Also a line of fancy marquisettes in popu
lar colors. Silks here suitable for all purposes
dresses, waists, petticoats, linings, fancy work,
etc. Widths from 24 to 26 inches. Ex- fZQn
cellent $1, $1.25 Silks, special at, a yard
25c Fancy Ribbons Special 19c
50c Grades 33c Wash Ribbons 6c Bolt
Sole Portland Agents for
Fownes Gloves
Supreme in Qual-
i ity. Style and Fit wm,
Fownes' "Dagmar" Gloves $1.75
Long Kid Gloves $2.85 fr.
Main Floor Fownes' "Dagmar"
real French Kid Gloves, two-clasp
style with 3-row embroidered backs.
Black, white and tan ; J f J fij
all sizes. Price, pair ?-
Women 's 16-button length white Kid
Gloves, overseam sewn, with 3 pearl
clasps at wrist ; fit to perfection and
will wear well. In all ZJQ QCZ
sizes, special, the pair aPaWaOe-F
'O. W.K. SpeciaV Kid Gloves $1.25
2-Clasp Kid Gloves 75c fr.
Women's Kid Gloves, our famous
"O.WJC Special," in 2-clasp style,
overseam sewn, 1 row stitched back.
Black, white, all col- Q7 Off
ors. All sizes. Pair, at P -'-'
Women's 1 -clasp Kid Gloves, 3-row BacK, pair, $1.00
1000 pairs new Kid Gloves in two
clasp style, overseam sewn, with one
row back. Black, white and a full
line of shades to match your
gown. All sizes. The pair
Thousands of yards of the latest
novelty Ribbons in this great one
day sale. Richest of colorings and
a wide range of patterns to pick
from. Ribbons suitable for all
purpose's. Regular 25c t Cbf
grades, special, the yard ''
Fancy Silk Ribbons in a bewil
dering array of beautiful color
ings and patterns. In plaids,
stripes, Dresden and French nov
elties in all the newest creations
for Spring, 1913. Regu- O Op
lar values to 50c, special l
10,000 bolts of all pure silk Wash
Ribbons-r-five yards to the bolt
in white, pink and blue. Choice
of several dainty designs. Buy it
by the bolt today as follows:
Regular 10c grade at 8c a fr
bolt, and the 8c grade, bolt ''
$1.50 Corset Cover Embroideries 48c
50c Embroideries 25c $2.25 Allovers 98c
High-grade Embroidery Flounc
ings, Edgings and Bands in hun
dreds of dainty patterns, on the
finest grade of nainsooks and
Swisses. Some are slightly mussed
from handling. Regular Q(
$1.50 value, yard, at only'4-''
$1.50 Neckwear
Immense variety of dainty pat
terns in 18-inch Embroideries and
Corset Cover effects on longcloth,
Swisses and nainsooks. Baby de
signs or the more showy styles.
Our best regular 50c val- O ff f
ues, for this sale, a yard "-J
This lot comprises some very re
markable values in Oriental shad
ow and novelty cotton Allovers.
Full 18 inches wide, in white,
cream and e e r u. Embroideries
worth to $2.25 yard. On QQ(
special sale now at only-fO"
48c Each
Main Floor Net Jabots, Frills, Stocks, pleated ef
fects, etc., in hundreds of attractive new styles all
this season's very newest creations. These are odd
pieces and small lots taken from special lines to be
closed out at once. Women who appreciate dainty
neckpieces will find here many novelties that can
not be bought ordinarily under $1 to $1.50, Qf
prieed special for this sale at only, each0'
Basement Sale
$2 Petticoats
c sitae
A great special purchase and sale of women's
Petticoats at less than half price. Heatherbloom,
Spunglass and other high-grade materials, in
black and leading colors, cut to conform to latest
styles; nicely made and perfect fitting. All
lengths in the lot, and the best Petticoat CkQr
value we've offered in many a dayatJl.
Green Trading Stamps With Purchases!