THE MORNING OREGOXIAN. FKlUAl'. JlAitm to. vi. 12 DM WILL DISPLAY JOSSELYN RESIGNS AS SYSTEM'S HEAD PRESIDENT Or POETLAND RAILWAY, LIGHT & POWER COM PANY, WHO HAS EESIGNED. HER SPLENDID GEMS Wedding Scene in Lucia Will Reins to Be Laid Down July 1 This Year Different Busi ness in View. Be Setting for Tetrazzini Collection of Stones. RARE JEWELS HER HOBBY SERVICE SPANS SIX YEARS President of largest Public TTtlltty In City, Which STiovra Marked Advance Under Him, Accept Re-election Conditionally. Contlnt From rtrt PK as the large owners of the property. I w(h t Dress the most sincere ap preciation of the service which has been given by Mr. Joeselyn to tms com. pany. with unfailing devoUon and ln Himtrv over a period of almost sc years. It Is rarely In the history of any man's business career mat ne is called upon to concentrate In any six years such an amount of hard and difficult work as has fallen to Mr. Josselyn's lot In handling; the affairs of this company since he took charge in July. 1907. Whatever success may have come in the upbuilding and de velopment of the company's property and business It Is largely due to his devoted efforts." Mr. Clark stated that he desired to have this evidence of ap preciation spread upon the minutes of the meeting. X24.0O,oe0 la Expended. It has fallen to the lot of few men to expend In six years so huge a sum as 124.000.000, but that amount of money covers the activities of Mr. Josselyn during his residence In this city. Mr. Josselyn arrived in Portland from Baltimore, Maryland, on July 4 of July, 1S07, not quite six years ago. since that time he has constructed 49 miles of street and Interurban railway with in the city limits. Increasing the Port land mileage from 151 to 200 miles. However, this stretcar mileage has been a small factor In his activities when compared with the rapid develop ment of the hydro-electric generating plants of the company. The huge plant at Estacada, and the rehabilitation of the one at Caxadero. as well as the completion of the Bull Run and Sandy River developments, are real monu ments of his executive and engineering ability, and Involved the expenditure of many millions of dollars. Mr. Josselyn came Into the leadership of the property following the death of H. W. Goode. He was a stranger In Portland, although having 20 years previously vlstted the city, when a young man. In assuming a position at the head of Oregon's largest public utility. It required a great deal of skill and no small amount of ability to grasp the situation. It was through his recommendation that the syndicate back of the Portland Railway, Light & Power Company was Induced to expand and develop along such lines as would provide for the future. With an un erring eye as to the future possibilities of Portland, Mr. Josselyn Immediately came to the conclusion, that for the Portland Railway, Light & Power Com pany to expand with the city and take care of the community's needs in the matter of power, light and streetcar operation, there must be expended mil lions of dollars. System Practically Rebuilt. The street railway at that time was not In the highest state of efficiency so far as equipment was concerned. Apparently to bring It up to such a degree as would meet the requirements of the then growing community It ne cessitated practically the rebuilding of the entire system. Heavier rails were substituted, new barns were built to house the new cars, and extensions of rarllnes out into the suburbs were constructed to meet the growing de mand of the various sections. In ad dition, the new steam stations, built on the river front are Important fac tors In the company's increased elec tric generation. The general office building at Seventh and Alder streets was built during Mr. Josselyn's reg ime, and Is one of the most complete and substantial electric buildings In the country. During his administration Mr. Josse lyn secured from the people two ex tensive franchises for his company. The blanket franchise of 1909 is probably the most Important, while that recent ly granted supplements the former and adds the Seventh street proposition. Probably one of the most Important features of Ms construction work i the recent completion of the carshops upon Center street at East Seventeenth street. Here huge shops have been erected which are capable of" turning out finished streetcars, while In the matter of repairing, repainting and cleaning they are regarded as the finest on the Pacific Coast. Ossaaay Galas Big. When Mr. Josselyn took hold of the property the company employed 1500. Today the payroll numbers almost 4000. and this growth Is representative of the active period of construction su perintended by Mr. Josselyn coupled with the natural growth of Portland. Some idea of the remarkable growth of the Portland Railway. Light & Power Company, under the directing liand of Mr. Josselyn may be gathered from these facts: That the gross earn ings of the company for 1907, the first year of his administration, was 13. S2.657. and for the year Just finished, that of 1912. they were J6.642.S0S. al most 100 per cent increase. The In crease In a measure Is due to the enor mous expenditure of money for better ments made by Mr. Josselyn. In 1S07 the company had 12.294 electric light customers, now It has SS.000. In 1907 It produced "2.000.000 k. w. hours of electricity, and for the year just com pleted the production was 169.609.000 k. w. hours more than 100 per cent Increase. The present mileage of the Portland Railway. Light Power Com pany is 2S3.67 miles and Is equipped with 634 passenger. i0 freight and work cars and 14 locomotives. In 1907 (0,115.222 passengers were carried and In 112 96.532.133. There has bean a marked influence exercised by air. Josselyn on the natural trend of the suburban growth nf Portland. It has always been his Idea that East Portland was the natural residence section of the city and that the greatest growth from the stand point of population would manifest it self in that section. To Justify this be lief he built one of the finest residences in tlie city on Mount Tabor. f areer Oae ( Saereaa. Mr. Josselyn has always manifested a deal of Interest in the personal welfare of the employes of the com panv. He established and equipped six )r)i ciubrooms. His interest in the welfare work reached out beyond the rnipn- circles, and In the T. M. C A.. the V W. C- A. and m the church be aaiiiSSclOSif ISiSfl ,rv- -r -j - : ' , : B. S. JOSSELYN. did more than was expected of him. It . alnrnva hi Ambition tO PTOmOtO and develop the better side of those who are gaining a uveiinuuu iruiu dally wage. His popularity with the . . i n ne thn ritv . Is rec ognized, and this Is due to his per sistent and consistent eiions to cxieuu helping kand. u v,BB hanii j.t!vA in all the clubs. and has been for years a member of the promotion committee ot wa ron land Commercial Club. He is a mem, i nr .h wnv-Arlv. ftolf. Auto. Ar lington. Commercial, Ad. Progressive. Transportation, aiunnoman. auicuu, Rotary and Press Clubs. In all these , on actlv. interest and has ever been found willing to do what he could to promote the Interests oi aik TAnM enm i ti tr to Portland he was vice-president of the Baltimore Elec tric, and Maryland Telegraph and Tele phone companies, previous to wmun no was general manager of the Hudson 11 v.llwflv rnmnnnv in N'PW York. He has served In various capacities on tue steam railways oi me couuiry, having served six years as general -r nf the Kansas City, Osceola (t Southern Railway in the '90s. MER IS E BUSINESS MAX ASPIRES TO EDU CATIONAL BOARD PLACE. Irvlngton Resident Says Training Fits for Service In Interest oT Schools. he of much service to the district as a member of the Board of Education. O. M. Flura mer. one of the prominent business men of Portland, yesterday announced his candidacy for Director to succeed Mrs. - r-V ; :: I f" v . 1 ' 1 iftiiaMii iff- lit il sin lit ' 1 1 O- tf. Fltuuner. W AaaoaBeee Candidacy tor Director mm Bears of Edneatloa. J. of n t' cii wna Metitlv Selected by the other members to fill a vacancy existing because of the resignation of H. C Campbell. The election will take place June 18. Mr. piummer was a canuiuawp year ago against J. V. Beach, being feated. He believes, nowever, mm la nurposes are better understood now. than then. He Is secretary-treasurer r the Portland union &tocKyaras. preo : . e h Fncenics Society of Ore- lUCIIi " - ' " v' - - gon and vice-president of the Garden Contest League, no iivos in ir"5. Ho issued the following statement: "I am a candiaate Decause x bcihjs i. Ae M.virA in forwarding the education that la fitted to life needs. haven't any desire lor personal giory. ;d I am may ippn" work exacted of a member of the School Board. But It is a public serv- whlch I believe my training ins mo v that the neODle of this citv who believe In honest, com mon sense administration of the schools nd the education of the children will give me their support." DO YOU NEED MONEY? Title & Trust Company. 4th and Oak. will make first mortgage loans on im proved city property and also loaa money to home-builders. Stapleton Presented With. "Hook." VANCOUVER. Wash, March 17. (Special.) A large piece of ateel. la beled -The pen Governor Lister signed . . i i J will vl.K " wa Kent tO ins pnse win " . " James P. Stapleton. chairman of the bridge committee oy some incuu i Olympla. The steel was sent by parcel post, weighed several pounds and was a meat hook. This was hung In the office of Mr. Stapleton. as a reminder that he "did get the hook." GRADE BILL KILLED Measure Advocated by City Attorney Not Enacted. SANDY CROSSING BALKED Electors May Be Asked to Pass On Amendment to Charter Which ' will Permit Railway to . Pass Under Highway. After lobbying for days at the last session of the Legislature for the pass. age of a grade crossing bill and leav ing Salem with the understanding that the bill had been passed. City Attorney Grant learned yesterday from the Sec retary of State that the measure was defeated In the - House after It Had passed the Senate. In consequence It will not be possible for the O.-W. R. & N. Company to change Its East Side line so as to eliminate the grade cross lng over Sandy Boulevard. The bill was aimed to enable the city to order the railroad company to change the grade so that trains will pass beneath the street, a plan which has been under consideration for more than a year, but has been held up because of objections on the part of abutting property owners. The company planned on spending $250,000 in the work. Provision was made in the measure for changing the grade In spite of ob jections. At present a small per cent age of the property owners can block the proposed change. Mr. Grant went to Salem and worked in the lobby oi both houses for several days in the In terest of the bill and succeeded in get ting It through the Senate. On one of the calendars issued It was shown that the bill had passed the House also and. believing that the measure had been enacted, Mr. Grant returned to Port land. He wrote, to the Secretary of State for a certified copy of the measure and was informed that the bill had been killed in the House after it passed the Senate. It is probable that In the face of this setback a proposed amendment to the charter of the city to answer the same purpose as the bill will be submitted to the electors. The 0.-TV. R, & N. Company has been desirous of lowering Its tracks to elim inate danger on the crossing, but the plan has been opposed by property own ers upon several occasions.,, cniess tne people vote to amend the charter the work cannot be done, at least until after the next session of the Legislature. NEW PARK BILL IS FRAMED Measure Provides $500,000 Bonds In Case Larger Fond Not Wanted. An initiative measure calling for the Issuance of $500,000 In bonds for the purchase of public playgrounds for children has been prepared by council- An Opportunity For Oregonian Readers to Secure the Latest City Map of Portland The Oregonian has secured a limited number of up-to-date city wall maps of Portland. These maps are 3 feet by 3 feet Inches and are In four colors. While they last they can be secured by pre senting this coupon and 35 cents at the City Circulation Desk In The Oregonian Office. 40 cents by mall. man Menefee and will go before the Council at Its next meeting. Councilman Menefee says he Is sure the amendment will carry because of the demand for playgrounds. The measure is aimed to give the people a chance to vote for a playgrounds measure if they do not desire to vote for the proposed S2,000,000-bond Issue for public parks wnicn is to De placed on tbe ballot by tne council. Diamond Earrings Said to Be ITn equaled for Purity and Slxe. Famous Emerald of Flawless Quality Has Great Value. When Mme. Lulsa Tetrazzini, the greatest exponent of coloratura sing ing on the contemporary operatic stage, appears here, in the title role of Doni zetti's "Lucia di Lammermoor," under management of Lois Steers-Wynn Co raan, April. 2, she will wear in the wed ding scene, in the second act, the great est display of jewels ever witnessed In this city. The famous diva hasi a hobby for gems and indulges her liking in this resoect on every possible occasion. Last Summer In Europe she purchased a pair of diamond earrings which for purity and size probably are not equalled In the world today. Each stone weighs 33 karats and is valued at 325,000. The stones are a perfect match and are so set that they can be detached from their platinum mountings and placed In a tiara, where they form the special features of a most magnificent jeweled headgear. The prima donna is not partial to dia monds alone, but every gem that pos sesses any unusual characteristic or brilliancy of shade or hue comes in for her admiration. She has a splendid col lection of emeralds, among them a huge one of absolutely flawless sheen, and which Is valued at a great price. This gem was set and polished by the Court Jeweler of the Emperor of Germany and was obtained by Mme. Tetrazzini after It had been sought by a number or peo. pie who were keen for Its possession. It was only after the diva had shown the Jeweler other emeralds that he was persuaded to sell her the Jewel, taking the stand that it would be a shame not to complete the collection of the singer by allowing her to buy It. Seats are now -selling for the four performances of the Chicago Grand Op era Co., which take place at the Or- pheum (formerly the Heillg) March 31 to April 2, Inclusive. The box office sale is at Sherman. Clay & Co.'s store. opposite the Postoffice. WHITEAKER IS IN PRISON Convicted Promoter Surrenders at Salem When Pardon Is Refused. Sheriff Word was saved the trouble of arresting and conveying to the pen itentiary W. H. Whiteaker, whose con viction on a charge of swindling Emma Smith and Mary J. Cole In an oil deal was affirmed by the Supreme Court re cently. Yesterday the Sheriff learned that Wednesday Whiteaker went to Salem to interview the Governor and later surrendered himself at the peni tentiary, the Governor refusing to grant a pardon. His term Is from one to five years. L. C. Hammer, Jointly indicted with Whiteaker, will be placed on trial in Circuit Court in a couple of weeks. It Is probable that the Indictment will, be dismissed as to C. i. A. Peck, J. u. Lucker and H. C. Luckerr associated with Whiteaker and Hammer In the formation of the Lake Oil Gas & Pipe Line Company, for the reason that the District Attorney's office believes there is not enough evidence of criminallity on ther part to secure convictions. Indolctments charging use of the malls .to defraud in connection with a stock selling campaign for this com pany are hanging over Whiteaker and Hammer In Federal Court. Prosecution on them was withheld on the under standing that the defendants would be brought to trial in that court if the State failed to secure conviction. CIGARETTE SELLERS FINED Two Are Convicted of Accepting Patronage of Boys. Impressed by the spectacle of half a dozen boys dressed in short trousers confessing that they were buyers of cigarettes from retail dealers. Justice Jones set down his foot firmly yester day when attorneys for James James and Christ Hansen pleaded, for suspend ed sentences. . "Not when the victims are boys as young as these," said the court, as he Imposed a fine of 325 on James and 350 on Hansen. The distinction was be cause the former was not personally the one who made the sale, while the latter was. James has an establish ment at 190 Union avenue North, and Hansen at 185 Russell street. For selling liquor to minors, a bar tender for George Dariotis. who keeps a saloon at S6 North Fourth street, was held to answer to the grand Jury. An attempt was made to hold him also on a charge of selling liquor to an Indian, but It was found that the law applies only to the red men when living among their race. Tom Owens, who works among white men, complained that he was made drunk In the saloon and that 315 which he had left on deposit was denied him. DAILY CITY STATISTICS Births. BARCLAY To the wife of Thomas Bar clay, 013 Overton tret, March 13, a son. HOOVER To the wife of H. A. Hoover. 111S East Morrison street. March 20. a daughter. . . . OARRICK To the w!fe of James GarrlcK. 480 Eut Taylor, March 24, a son. GARSIDE To the wife of W. O. Garsiae, 234 East S2d street. March 24; a daughter. WARN To the wife of H. G. Warn. 606 Msdleon street. March 28. a daughter. STATON" To the wife of H. G. etaton, city, March 24, a son. QORDMA.N To the wife of B. F. Gordman. 420 Eut Clay street, March 14, a daugh- MERCIER Te the wife of Thomas F. Mer cier. 741 Michigan avenue, March 16. a daughter. ,, RUSSELL To the wife of John M. Russell. 1031 Albina avenue, March 5. a eon. BALE To the wife of W. E. Hale, 1028 t.-. . i u v. ,trMi NBrth. March 2. a son. SCHULZ To the wife of Aug. Scbulz. 768 Montana avenue, March 24. a daughter. VOGT To the wife of Charles Vogt, 197 Bttlamore eireei. irun . wiubu"" in v v f Tn r nm ' f of ChristoDner J. Conner, 443 East 8th street North, March WILSON To the wife of Jay Wilson, Jack eon Apartments. March 20, a daughter. SCOTT To the wife of A. B. Scott, J29 Cor- :i . u-wh r. a rintiffhter. EASON JTo the wife of F. H. Eason. 1287 East Washington street, March 16, a s'rl SMITH To the wife of Bf E. Smith, 1061 East Tavlor street, xutii i, a uiwRrrv To the wife of F. J. Ham- beck. 849 Eleventh street, March 6. a glrL wood To the wife of A. W. wood, CHtXTt--To the wife of J. E. Chuck. 420 Seventy-second street. North, a girl. KEPHAKT To the wife of E. Rephart. EASTER (3i.lLjC " " Model Suits, Gowns, Dresses and Coats A Colossal Sale of New, Beautiful Suits, Coats and Dresses If we could picture them to you as they deserve and show each separate item you'd come in numbers beyond capacity of the store. Suffice to say, herein we quote a few of the hundreds of opportunities that 'will greet you as being the Biggest Bargains you ever saw A day of matchless economies. $12.50 Dresses $ 6.95 $15.00 Dresses $ 8.95 $20.00 Dresses $12.95 $25.00 Dresses $14.95 $20 Suits $12.95 $25 Suits $14.95 $30 Suits $19.85 $35 Suits - - - $24.95 Model Suits - $50 to $75 Waists - 98c. $1.49, $1.98 Gowns of Superior Style and Make - - - - - $45 to $400 Petticoats - $1.98, $2.49, $2.98 SAMPLE CLOAKS .j 6J AND SUITS Sixth and Alder, Opposite Oregonian 332 North fourteenth street, March 81, a g COLE-TO the wife of R. W. Cole, ""aLFAVBE RGE R To Vw.f. of James teMor.fl"uim. T40 Shnpeen. 066 Hoyt street. March 28. a gnMon S7f TO'SoJST sSeet Sard? & ''jfmvsON-To the wife of Hans Johnson, 4p?CeayI5-Tuppr; Loyejoy street. March 4 a .eon Cazadero. Or.. March 16 a Blrt East "SsTh. WWW 7411 Flfty-nfth avenue, March 20, a slrl. Marriare Ueeneea. ' KICHWOI.D-CUMM1NGS Fred Klchwold, eltv 20 and Eva Cummlngo. IB. JAC03Y-SINNOTT Richard P. Jaeoby. city leSl and Miritaret H. Slnnott, legal. C RAUW-WILBT-Mtthew Rauw. Orch am Or 20. and Ira TMley, lb- OCCH- J AMES George W. Couch. Lald laxr" Or.. 2S. and Nellie O. Jf 2apaIn(. PAlNE-ObSEN Charles Altred F'TO Sheldonf Wash., legal, and Sarah Olsen. Troutdale, Or., legal, and Bertha Moser. " QARRETSPN-WARWICK-Fred W. Oar retion, city, legal, and Gertrude A. Warwick. !eLaEIGrTTON-KBiraR-WlIHam S. Delgh ton city. 4T. and Llllie H. Kelfer. hnSEN-FLETCHER George Hansen, citv legal, and Mary Fletcher legal. Tricc-PiVsov-CARtSON John Josephson, wirreS off 25. and Luia W. Carlson 2T BARKHURST-STONE B. T. Barkhurat, Ranki; Or.. 35. and M. Stone, 29. KOALENZ-WHITIAKER Charles E. Koalenz city. 28. and Hattle Whlttaker. 21. ANDERSON-BJORGE-Hans A. Anderson, city, S7. and Bertha J. Blorge, 38. Aged Glenada Man Drowns. FUORKNCE, Sr.. March 27. (Spe cial ) The body of E. H. David, ased years, for 22 years a resident of the Siuslaw Valley, was found lying in . a wharf in Glenada snaiiuw i Monday afternoon. The Coroner s jury brougm in a veraiti ui ... . , cnav -with Vi i ti son In ns iiaa piwocu j - Florence and started on Monday morn ing to return to uienaua. ." . was found by a woman living near the wharf. Echo Mill Kept Busy. ECHO. Or- March 27. (Special.) Echo now has a flouring mill with a of 140 barrels that Is modern and up to date In every respect. The Medicine IHloods Sarsaparilla Made from Roots, Barks, Herbs, etc mill Is running at full capacity. Its out put being contracted for shipment to the Orient. Joseph Cunah, the proprie tor, has just completed a concrete warehouse, at a cost of about $18,000. The roof of the building is concrete arid It is said to be the only structure of Its kind In the West. Echo Lamb Increase Large. ECHO, Or., March 27, (Special.) William Pedro, a sheepman, who owns 3500 ewes, reports that bis Increase In lambs was 100 per cent, with a loss of about 6 per cent. Of the lambs of 1600 Lincoln ewes, only three were lost dur ing the recent Btorms. CATHLAMET, Wash, March IT. (Special.) This section la having some of the coldest weather of the season. The thermometer has been at 23 de grees.' Snow Is six Inches deep In the works of the Portland Lumber Com pany, of this place. Free Free Preliminary Recitals of the Grand Opera Without Cost to You We Have Arranged Recitals of The Great Artists Tetrazzini, Mary Garden and Others in selections from Thais, Tales of Hoffman, Hansel and Gretel, Etc. The great numbers are faithfully recorded on the modern Talking Machines and the Edison Phono graph in all their warmth and coloring. Come in and hear the great numbers of LTJCIA DI IiAMMERMOOR TALES OF HOFFMAN THAIS HANSEL AND GRETEL FREE Any Time of the Day at Graves n it m US1C Co 111 FOURTH STREET Largest and Most Complete Stock of Grand Opera Records Every Make Talking Machines