ZTZZ i PORTLAND. OREGON. FRIDAY. MARCH 28, 1913. PRICE FIVE CENTS. DAYTON FEARS REPETITION OF Thousands of Persons Still Trapped in Upper Stor ies of Buildings. TEMPORARY MORGUE FULL Frantic Crowds Keep Watch as Each Body Is Brought In, Looking for Loved Ones. LOOTERS AT WORK; 4 SHOT Quartermaster Authorized to Buy All Rations Needed. MANY BODIES RECOVERED Sanitary and Health Officials Pre pare to Take Precautions Lest Pestilence Follow Reced ing of Waters. WEST DATTOX, O, Mare 2T The first National Baalt building Crm Iral Di)1 la burning. The flood trairn tan receded ao far that ftre mea witk aa eaglaa raeecedcd la set tlaat across, and all peraoaa wae wtah to lean are betas; aront oat. Tae Third-afreet bridge .over ke Blaj Miami River la aafn. MaaiT acnaaa there toalgbt refused 1m tear. belle-ring taey ootid better eeetnr food aad clothing there taaa la other starts af Daytov. WEST DATTOH, O. March 37. Six haadred aeraoaa. trapped la I'aloa Sta rt oa aad reported to hare beea drowsed, were reaeaed taaJght. For three days taey aaT beea ataadlaaT Uke aardlaea la a box. . WEST DaTTON, O.. Starch 27. After a day of gruelling work, volunteer res cuers bare removed more than half a hundred bodies from the waters of the Great Miami River and Wolf Creek, saved upward of 500 who for two days have been clinging- to roofs or living; In upper stories. ' With the coming: of nightfall the ef forts to rescue more persons was slackened and all of Dayton not in the central flood district waited in dread for the nightly fires which have added horrors to the already terrible situa tion. Knowledge that thousands are trapped on upper floors of the build ings, where they cannot be reached. adds to their terror tonight. The waters in all the inundated districts fell from three to Ave feet today and the cur rente of the river and creek have slackened so that it la possible, except tn the center of the city, for small boats to reach sufferers. Looters at Work. Conditions In West Dayton and In the central part of the city became acute tonight. Looters are at work, accord ing to the mllltla. Communication with the down town districts Is cut off ex cept through the militia. They refuse to let anyone venture into that district. The guardsmen say a score of physi cians suspected of being bent on loot ing hsve been arrested. An ex-policeman, caught coming out of a deserted home, is In prison. Tlie Fourth National bank building is still burning. The glare is lighting the eky for miles and though several engine companies are fighting the blase they are making little headway. All lights in the central district have been ordered extinguished because of fear that the natural gas which was sup posed to be turned off. is on. The floodwatcrs. which for two days have held Central Dayton waterbound. have receded and by daylight it is be lieved the overflow will have disap peared front the district. Wild Rumor Afloat. Wild rumors that tannot be con firmed are afloat tonight. The weather has rleared and fear of pestilence now is the chief worry for officials in charge of the situation. A lieutenant of mllltla said tonight that probably 100 bodies had been lo cated in the central district, but that no attempt would be made to remote them until daylight. The coming of day may lend a more cheerful view to the situation, "but may add to its real seriousness. At midnight shots were frequently heard from every direction Militiamen say four men have been shot but It la impossible to confirm this, as no one. on any mission, is allowed east of the Pennsylvania tracks. Passes Issued to presa representatives are not good after 4 o'clock in the afternoon. -t-ording to ordera issued tonight. A ('unstable on duty at the Pennsylvania FIRE HORRORS NEPHEW OF HUERTA HAS ENEMY SLAIN ZEPEDA ORDERS HERNANDEZ SHOT AND BODY BUUKED. President's Xephew Arrested After Demand That Other Political Foes Be Turned Over toHlm. MEXICO CITY, March 27. Knrique Zepeds, Governor of the federal dis trict, a nephew of President Huerta, took Into his own hands the ridding of the country of Its political enemies early today, when he directed the shooting- of Gabriel Hernandes, ex eommandant of the rurales. and then personally sperintended the lncinera. Con of Hernandes bod In the garden of Belem Prison, where the execution too place. The government Is shocked at Ze- peda's act and has removed him from office and consigned him to me prison In the National palace. Friends of Ze peda offer aa an explanation that the Governor was not In a responsioie con dition at the time. Zeoeda led a squad of mounted po lice to the penitentiary early toaay and demanded that several political prisoners bo surrendered to him. say ing . that as Governor of the federal district be could kill' them. His de mand waa refused by Warden Llciago. Then Znneda led his forces to the Bolem Prison, and when tiernanaei , led forth his body was riddled with bullets. Zeneda ordered firewood piled In the patio and Hernandes" body was burned. When the facta became known. Deda'a arrest was ordered. It Is said that Zepeda, wane ariuKing last night, said: "Tii. administration is not out or danger yet. We must kill mors peo ple." TEACHERS' COURSECHOSEN Clackamas Connty Educators Vote to Change Annual Institute. OREGON CITY. Or., March 27. (Spe cial.) The teachers of Clackamas County, by overwhelming majority. have voted to substitute a teacners training course annually for the an nual Institute. The vote was taken In conformity with a bill passed at the last session of the Legislature author ising the various County Superintend ents to obtain the sentiment of the teachers on the subject. All but a few of the teachers or me oounty voted. Mr. Gary, who will have charge of the training school, plans to have It at 'Gladstone Park, three-weeks before the beginning of Chautauqua. The association has tendered the free use of the grounds and buildings ana tents will be offered for rent for 2 for the three weeks, the same price that Is charged for two weeks at the Chautauqua. I also expect to establish a co operative boarding-house, saia air. Gary. Thia will enable the teachers to live at the smallest cost. S. BENSON FIGHTS LIQUOR Bill to Prohibit Whisky Manufacture In United States Drafted. j LONG BEACH. March 27. (Special.) Benson, millionaire lumberman and hotel owner of Portland, who has been tavlne in The Virginia for the winter. will endeavor to procure legislation by Congress prohibiting the manufacture of whisky in the United states. Mr. Benson has set aside 250.000 to further the project, and his atorney. Is now drafting a bill that Mr. Benson wishes to have passed at Washington. The proposed bill will positively pro hibit the manufacture of whisky, but will not interfere with the manufacture of beers and wines. The amount w alcohol allowable in these ilquora will be specified, however. LISTER'S AX AGAIN FALLS Amironrlations Totaling $480,000 Are Chopped Off. OLYMPIA. Wash., March 17. (Spe cial.) Governor Lister has vetoed ap propriatlon bills passed by the recent i..-i Mature and carrying a total of ttso.oco. Among the bills vetoed were, those providing $100,000 for a woman's build Ing at the University of Washington. $100,000 for a preliminary survey of the Quincy irrigation project, and IJOO.OOO for the public building bu reau. The Governor approved the bill appropriating $50,000 for a state pow der factory at Pullman. POKER GAME BROKEN UP Three Men Are Arrested in Hotel nt Sixth and Stark Streets. A quiet little poker game In a room in a hotel at Sixth and Stark streets, where one man had nearly all the money on the table, was broken up last night by Detectives Litherland and Hill. The detectives arrested three men. who gave the names of Robert Farrish. clerk; C. E. Johnson, broker. and A. L. Smith, also broker. About JiS was on the tabic, of which $19 waa lying In front of one man. The detec tives, knowing that a fourth member of the party was expected, knocked on the door and were readily admitted. "Cross Trader" Is Expelled. CHICAGO, March 27. Mark Bates, antil recently president of the grain firm of W. G. Press Co.. has been expelled from the Board of Trade here. The directors found Bates guilty of "cross trading." Frank M. Bunch, for mer president of the Board of Trade, was expelled a short time ago on sim ilar charges. i i i PORTLAND SENDS $3500 FOR RELIEF Contributions Pouring in From All Sides. ORGANIZED WORK ONLY BEGUN City Promises to Establish Record for Liberality. ENTIRE STATE JOINS IN AID Chamber of Commerce, Designated as Official Recipient of Honey, Acta Promptly - When Call Comes From Governor Cox. CHAMBER OF OCVACMERCB IS OF FICIAL RECIPIENT OF FUNDS .FOR BELIEF OF FLOOD M'FFERERS. By appointment of Governor West and Mayor Rushlight, the Portland Chamber of Commerce has been au authorlaed to receive and forward all contributions from -the people of Portland and Oreron for the relief of flood sufferers In Ohio and In diana. A. H- Averfll. president of the chamber, has named a committee to conduct the campaign. This com mittee will meet in the office of B. C. Glltner, secretary, at 11 o'clock thia morning, to organise for active work and to secure co-operation with commercial bodies throughout the state. Mayor Rushlight has issued an ap peal to all citizens to Join in the relief work and has authorised the City Treasurer to receipt for funds and to pay them over to the Cham ber of Commerce. Collections will fee telegraphed to the flood districts dally. Contributions for the relief of flood sufferers In Ohio and Indiana now are pouring into the office of E. C. Glltner, secretary of the Portland Chamber of Cmmrr ie-.ho h&a been appointed by Governor West and Mayor Rushlight as the official recipient of funds. Cash In liberal amounts Is the prin cipal need. As fast as It Is collected it will be forwarded to the affected districts.' Portland promises to estab lish a record for liberality and prac tical charity In aiding the cause. More than $3500 was collected and forwarded from Portland yesterday and organized relief Is not even under way. Action was taken Immediately when an official call for relief was re ceived yesterday from Governor Cox. of Ohio. Meeting Called for Today. Definite steps to collect a substantial amount in Portland and throughout Oregon will be taken at a meeting at 11 o'clock this morning of a comroit- Concluded on Page 4. INDEX OF TODAY'S NEWS Tbe Weather. TOTJAT Rain, southerly winds YESTERDAY Maximum temperature, 50 degrees; minimum. 42 degrees. Floods. Dayton hears further flrea la flooded dis trict, page L President Wilson will go to flood district if necessary. Page 2. Death list In entire flood district may be he aa low as 2000. Pass 1. Fortiand sends S3G00 for relief of floor suf ferers. Page 1. Crazed women jump from boata Into water while being rescued, rage Numerous Portland residents fear relatives lost In floods. Pace 8. Ohio River. rising rapidly, endangers Louisville. Pace 4. Death list in Columbus, Ow sear iM. Page 3. Workhouse inmates at Dayton, oa verge of starvlnr. rebel. Page s. Ohio Governor may commandeer railway lines. Pace 1. Recovery of bodies begins at Hamilton. Page 5. Nephew of President Huerta directs execu tion of political enemy, rage Domestic. Execution' of Allen clansman, father on. noatnoned few hours. Page 8. ' Frost testifies he was swayed by dream of empire, not prospeot of money gain. Page S. 6 port. Beadek named football coach at University of Oregon, page a. Colt pitchers not yet all ready for work. Page a Walter Williams to meet Olympio Club lightweight at Multnomah Club bouts to slKbt. Pace 9. Portland Club favors Astoria as place of motor-boat race meet. Page 8. Lindsay and Fitzgerald star In Beaver vic tory over Qulncy team. Page 8. Pacific Northwest. Grants Pass Missionary Parliament draws large attendance. Page 7- Commercial and Marino. Wheat declines sharply at Chicago with heavy selling. Pass XL Stock market weakened by reports of enor mous flood damage. Page 21. "Movies" figure in marine libel suit Pace 20. Portland and Vicinity. B. B. Joseelyn resigns aa president of Port land Railway. Light a Power Company. Page 1. Dr. Fonlkes abandons trip abroad to attend Portland conference. Page 20. Mrs. Mary Kennon Evans, 89 years old, reg isters. Page 14. Bull Moose asph-ant for olty offices an nounced. Page 14. Report made on municipal lighting project. Pace 20. Weather report, data and forecast. Page IS. Two dances announced for tonight. Page 12. Woman frightening man with gun, later found unconscious. Page 11. County physicians hold annual conference. Page 16. Project to do away with grade crossing at Sandy bomevara oiocaea. rage x. Mine. Tetrazzlnl will make lavish display of Jewels. Page 13. Strife In police department enos at peace conference. " Page 14. Addison Bennett writes about opal uiy. Page 18. Helllg Theater Is scene of crime." Page IS. Colonel Poorman will retire. Page T. REFUGEES HAVE SMALLPOX Corner of . Crowded Oonrtrtonse in Peru Is Quarantine. LAFATETTE, IndL. March 27. A special telephone message to friends here tonight from C D. Emmons, gen eral manager of the Northern Indiana Traction Company, who is stranded In the flood-stricken city of Peru, said that 20 had been found dead among the refugees in the courthouse there. "They are moving the people from the courthouse in boats and it was found that 20 of the refugees had died from exposure," Mr. Emmons said. Smallpox and diphtheria broke out among the hundreds of persons who packed Into the courthouse. One en tire corner of that building was quar antined today and all the rescued per sons suffering from contagious dis eases were removed to that additional confinement. FIRST TO THE CALL OF DISTRESS. JOSSELYN RESIGNS AS SYSTEM'S HEAD Reins to Be Laid Down July 1 This Year. DIFFERENT BUSINESS IN VIEW Portland Railway, Light Power Directors Advised. & SERVICE SPANS SIX YEARS President of largest Public Utility in City, Which Shows Marked Advance Under Him, Accepts Re-election Conditionally. B. S. Josselyn, president of the Port land Railway, Light & Power Company, yesterday tendered his resignation to the company's board of directors, as the head of Portland's largest public utility corporation, to take effect July 1, 1913. Mr. Josselyn gave aa his reason that he was greatly In need of a rest or change, and that he had contemplated doing so a year ago, but was persuaded to continue In the harness. Letter Gives Decision. 1 The annual meeting- of the board of directors of the company was held In the president's office In the Electric building- at 4 o'clock yesterday. Dur ing the progress of the meeting the following letter from Mr. Josselyn was read: "In accepting the presidency of this company at the present annual meet ing. I wish it understood that It Is my desire to be relieved from the dut ies of the position and retire from the company on July 1, next, when I will have completed six years' service. I have felt the strain of my work very much in the last year and this action is taken in order that I may have a rest or change of some sort. It is my desire to remain In Portland and after a time take up some other line of business. I shall be pleased to render the company any service fn my-pbwer and asst. t my successor In every way in becoming familiar and thoroughly posted on the property. I thank each of you for the consideration shown me, and for the services you have rendered the company as a member of our board of directors." Resolutions Express Regret. Upon the acceptance of the resigna tion, a committee composed of Freder ick V. Holman, Charles F. Swigert and F. T. -Griffith was appointed to pre pare resolutions expressing the good will of the company and the regret of all over the decision of Mr. Josselyn. C. M. Clark, chairman of the Executive Board of the company, expressed his sentiments with regard to Mr. Josse lyn's resignation as follows: "On behalf of the Executive commit tee and the Eastern directors, as well (Concluded on Page 12.) COX MAY SEIZE RAILWAY LINES OHIO GOVERNOR WANTS QUICK ROUTE INTO DAYTON. Stern Measures to Be Taken to Pre vent Influx of Sightseers and Curiosity Seekers. COLUMBUS. O.. March 27. That Governor Cox would commandeer one or more railroad lines in Ohio and place their operation In the hands of the mllltla authorities was announced by the Governor tonight. The Governor did not say which line would be taken over, but et-ld that the object would be to have a direct route over whloh to carry supplies Into Day ton and also to allow persons having relatives In that city to reach them. The Governor emphasized the faot that strong measures would be taken to keep curiosity seeking visitors and sightseers out of Dayton. EAST SIDE TOHAVE FROLIC "A Night In Kosaria" to Be Feature of Annual Rose Festival. "A Night In Rosarla." in addition to the annual children's parade, will be held on the East Bide during the Ross Festival this year.- The measure was decided on at a meeting of authorized committees of the Royal Rosarians and the East Side Business Men's Club, held In Hy Ellers office last night. The new feature will be masked rev. lerles by ail the clvlo organizations, taking- place on Grand avenue on one evening of the Festival. The "human rosebuds," or children, will be urged to present an appearance which will be doubly as large and will eclipse any thing held heretofore. . The East Side Business Men's Club will work with the Rosarians and funds raised by them will go Into the gen eral fund. The Rosarians will recip rocate by assisting the East Side. A large donation was received last night from Roy O. Yates, president of the Multnomah Hotel Company. The Clifford Hotel will be the scene of a Rosarian luncheon given by the East Side Business Men's Club at noon Mon day. Those present at the Joint meeting last night were: Hy Eilers, chairman, Rosarians; Dean Vincent. J. Fred Lar son, W. E. Coman and W. J. Ho f maim, from the East Side Club; M. B. McFaul, C. A. Bigelow, H. A. CaJef and George Dil worth. SCHOONER JUJRNS AT SEA 'BoreaHa, Driven by Gale to Anchor, Takes Fire but Crew Escapes. I SAN FRANCISCO, March 27. The story of the loss of the schooner Bore alls, which was wrecked in a hurricane in the South Seas, was told todagwhen the schooner's master and crew of ten men arrived here on the liner Sonoma. The storm occurred February 10 last The schooner had discharged its deck cargo at Nukualofa, the capital of the Island of Tonga, and after trying vain ly to beat Its way out to sea, the an chors were used. One anchor chain broke and the vessel dragged the other. The vessel drifted ashore and took fire. Captain and crew fought their way ashore. The vessel was the property of the Charles Nelson Company, of San Francisco. WITNESS OF FIGHT FOUND Man Held at The Dalles in Connec tion With Killing Here. Under arrest by the Sheriff's office at The Dalles, a man named Maphier, wanted as a witness in connection with the killing of John A. Brown near the Elkhorn Saloon, at Sixth and Davis streets Monday night, will be brought back to Portland today. Tuesday Mapler left Portland for Celllo, where he was employed at Government camp. Reading, It is thought, the details of the death of Brown, he went to the office of the camp and asked for his "time." He was talked into waiting and word of his action was sent to Portland and the request for his arrest returned to The Dalles. NEW ROAD INCORPORATED Grants Pass-Crescent City Lino to Traverse Undeveloped Section. Articles of Incorporation will be filed today with Secretary of State Olcott at Salem, for the Grants Pass-Crescent City Railroad Company. The capitali zation is 5.000,000. The incorporators are J..F. Reddy, of Medford, and W. TV". Harmon and L. C. Gilkey, of Grants Pass. Their purpose is to build a line 100 miles long, from Grants Pass, on the Southern Pacific, in Josephine County, Southern Oregon, to the sea at Crescent City, Del Norte County, Northern California, The route of the proposed line runs through rich undeveloped mineral and timber country. BOND ISSUE HELD LEGAL Court Passes on Horse Fly Irriga tion Project. KLAMATH FALLS, Or., March 37. (Special.) In the Circuit Court on Tuesday, Judge Benson, passed on the legality of the bond election held last November by the farmers of the Horse Fly Irrigation project- He held that the corporation was legally organized. Its officers legally elected and that the bond election was legal In every respect. . It Is believed this will end all con troversy in the matter as some of the principal men opposed have announced that they will not appeal from this decision. ' DEATH LIST YET BE Revised Estimates From Dayton Give Ground For Hope. CCL1BUS FIGURES GROW More Than 125 May Be Dead at Ohio Capital, West Side Being Hardest Hit. 50 DROWN IN HOTEL CRASH Investigators at Dayton Find Many Thought Lost Alive. 70,000 PERSONS MAROONED Property Loss In Stricken Cliy Is Figured at $35,000,0-00 With 15,000 Homes Submerged. Grand Reservoir Still Holds. Revised estimates of the loss in Day ton, O., received last night, give ground for hope the dead In all sections affected by the flood will not exceed 2000 and may go below that figure. Daring investigators who penetrated the flood section, revealed hundreds of persons safe who It was feared were lost. Unless swelled by the death list in the foreign settlement on the north side, as yet unreached there may not be more than 200 dead in the whole city. In other points than Dayton the death list grew rapidly yesterday and last night West Columbus Suffers. There was far heavier loss of life In the west side of Columbus, O., than was thought. Conservative estimates place the number of dead at 121. Apparently authentic reports from Plqua indicated E0 dead. At Peru, Ind., the authorities esti mated the death list would reach at least 150. . From Hamilton, O., B0 persons were reported drowned In the collapse of a hotel where they had sought refuge. Twenty-five deaths were reported from Troy, O., 30 in Middletown and five In Massllon. Cailllcothe List Diminishes. Deaths from the flood In ChllUcoths will not exceed 25. according to latest advices. Early advices were that from 200 to EOO lives had been lost. A report from Linton, Ind., gave It persons drowned at Howesvtlle, 25 miles south of Terre Haute. There were ten deaths In Sharon, Fa. Estimates are that 70,000 persons were marooned In Dayton's flooded dis trict, where 15,000 homes have been submerged. Rescue stands are provid ing for 5000 homeless. The property damage In the city Is figured at 25, 000,000. Rumors that the Grand reservoir, near St. Mary's, O., had broken proved unfounded. Similar reports about the Lewiston reservoir likewise were found to be untrue. Threatened breaks In both were repaired and reports to Gov. ernor Cox at Columbus last night indi cated that the danger from this source was past. Latest reports from Zanesvllle are that 150 lives are believed to'have been lost there. About 150 are homeless. A score of buildings collapsed. Fire broke out at one point, but it was not believed it would spread. GOVERNOR SUMS UP DISASTER Loss Will Exceed San Franclwu Earthquake, Is Cox' Opinion. COLUMBUS, O., March 27. Governor James M. Cox Issued through the As sociated Press tonight the following statement summarizing flood conditions in Ohio: "It is the consensus of opinion that the property loss In Ohio will exceed that sustained by San Francisco. It Is safe to assume that more than half the large railroad bridges in Ohio are down. The waters are receding at Dayton, Piqua, Zanesvllle. Fremont, Tiffin, Chilllcothe. Hamilton, Middle town and Columbus, and while the cold weather which came late last night was welcome because of the de terrent effect it would have on the ris ing tide, the fall of the water will bring out the real tragedy of the whole situation. "We ought to know tomorrow ap proximately what the loss of life has been. The indications tonight are that the loss at Dayton may not run aa heavily as forecasted, but there are grave fears that a tremendous tragedy will be revealed beyond the Srloto (Concluded on Pa 4. MAY BELOW r