Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, March 27, 1913, Image 1

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Flames Leap Open Spaces
and Many Whom River
Spared Lose Lives.
Beckel House, Mile From Near
est Point Where 'Boats
Dare Venture, Goes.
Cries for Food and Water Are
Heard by Boatmen.
Greatest Need of City Is Dozen Mo
tor boats and Men to Run Them.
Fierce Current Continues
to Retard Efforts.
D ITTOS, O, Marek 27 (2130 A. M.).
The (Ire la the bualaesa aeetloa iras
till barafna- firmly ala morn In a. It
mal tw bave cfcaiured Ita a-enrral 41
reetlea from aortbeast to atrala-bt west.
Efforts to aacertata If buildings Mousing-
refugees have- been buraea were la
vala. - It waa tmpoaalble to approach
eloper than m mile to the blase.
At 1:15 A. M. a atate aaardsmaa
shot aad killed a an attempting; to
loot the homeo oa Fifth street.
DAYTON. O, March 26 (11:10 P. M.)
That a fierce fire which appeared to
be sweeping through the half-sub
merged business district of Dayton late
tonight had destroyed ths Beckel
House, where there were supposed to
be more than 200 flood refugees, waa
the consensus of opinion of scores of
watchers on top of the National Cash
Register .building, nearly two miles
from the scene of the flames.
Investigation of the fire at close
range waa an Impossibility.
More than a mile of flood water In
tervened between the point where the
staunchest boats dared to venture and
the area of flames.
Chrmlrala Add to Flames.
Traced by akl of maps. It appeared
that the Beckel House was destroyed
at some time after 10 o'clock.
Whether the scores of refugees sup
posed to have been there tried to es
cape waa only a matter of conjecture.
At midnight residents, watching the
coarse of the flames from across the
stretch of flood waters believed the
fire got a new start this afternoon In
the store of the Patterson Tool at Sup
ply Company, on Third street, just east
of Jefferson, whence It ate its way
-west, apparently aided by escaping gas
and exploding chemicals in two whole
sale drug establishments.
The fire, which had died down at
sunset, sprang up again at P. M. from
lta origin In the rear of the Beckel
building. The fire seemed to burn it
self out about 6:30 but several hours
later the flames apparently had Jumped
across flooded open spaces and It
started up again more furiously thaa
before and waa spreading fast. ,
Many Klrea start Dnrtaa- Day.
Many fires started during the day.
The block between Jefferson. St. Clair,
Second and Third streets burned out.
Two blocks of residences on West
Third street, across the river, burned
to the water. Bowman's bakery and
the Pearl laundry building also burned
to the water's edge. Among the busi
ness blocks burned are known to be
those of the Fourth National Bank.
Latttman Drug Company. Kvans'
Wholesale Drug Company and several
commission houses.
Soon afterward notice was posted In
the headquarters of the emergency com
mittee announcing that the city was
under martial law and several compa
nies of soldiers arrived from neighbor
ing Ohio cities. The soldiers were em
ployed to patrol edges of the burning
district and prevent further looting of
homes freed from the flood's grip. Up
to a late hour tonight there had been
no material disorder.
Kate of Mundreda In Doubt.
Kescue squads worked frantically to
day to throw back the veil that hides
the true story of the Dayton disaster
the number of dead. Late tonight the
arrival of motorboats gave hope that by
tomorrow the northern section of the
city, now cut off by the Big Miami's
'impassable barrier, may be penetrated
and then may be learned the fate of
hundreds Imprisoned by the torrent
that poured down from the broken
it was reported late tonltr'.it that
tCvacludvd oa l'. 3.J
National Guardsmen Ordered to
Shhot' All Who Enter Dis
trict Without Authority.
DELAWARE, Ohio. March 26. Mayor
Bleaae was rescued today from the top
of a, telephone pole to which he climbed
to rescue others. Tonight Delaware Is
In great need of bread, as well as gaso
line with which to cook.
The village of Stratford, five miles
south, has been wiped out. The total
population of 100. it is reported, has
been drowned, but this has not been
irMftv lire dead in Tiffin. It
Is also reported, and the village of
Prospect, 10 miles to the north, la unaer
Comnanv K Fourth Regiment. O. N.
G.. in charge of the city, has been or
dered to shoot persons who attempt to
go Into the flood district without au
thority. viftv hrvmM hiLv hpn washed away
Kiio srfl homeless. The students -of
Ohio Wesleyan University organised
volunteer rescue troops and worked un
ceasingly. The homeless have been
housed In the Y. M. C. A. and churches.
All bridges across the river have been
washed out.
Montgomery Ward A Co. Seek West
ern Location.
For the purpose of examining possi
ble sites for a branch office, warehouse
and distributing center, Charles H.
Thorne. treasurer of Montgomery, Ward
& Co.. the Chicago mail order house,
was in Portland yesterday and an-
announced the Intention of his Arm to
Invade the Pacific Coast.
Mr. Thorne, who Is accompanied on
his present trip by Charles D. Norton,
vice-president of the First National
Bank of New York, left last night for
Seattle, but will return to Portland to
morrow morning. They already have
visited California and Inspected possi
ble sites In San Francisco and Los An
geles. After their return to Chicago
they probably, will determine the lo
cation of their Coast plant.
Mr. Thome and Mr. Norton were en
tertalned at the Arlington Club last
night by a number of Portland bus!
ness men, many of whom quietly urged
upon them the advantages of this city
as a location for their business.
Banker's Wife Gives Occupation as
"Business Manager for Myself."
Mrs. Mary R. Thompson, widow of
D. P. Thompson, a pioneer banker of
Portland, registered as a Republican at
the Courthouse yesterday. She gave
her occupation as "business manager
for myself." . causing Mrs. Bettle M.
Teal, wife of Joseph N. Teal, and her
daughter, who accompanied her, to re
mark that this Is literally true in Mrs.
Thompson's case. Mrs. Teal registered
as a Democrat, the politics of her hus
With only 16 days, including today.
left in which to register, barely 10,000
of 35,000 women eligible to vote have
registered. Many women who are wait
ing till the last few days may find
themselves caught In a bargain day
rush. The registration clerks are anx
ious that the work should be distrib
uted and thus save for themselves the
Inconvenience of a feverish final rush.
Unusual Snow Storm Also Covering
Northern Texas.
OKLAHOMA CITY. Okla.. March 2.
A storm of the blizzard type has been
raging In Oklahoma since midnight and
there Is no indication of cessation. Snow
has fallen to the depth of three inches
and still Is falling. Street car service
s partly blocked and train service Is
DALLAS. Tex.. March 2. An un
usually heavy snow storm has covered
Northwest Texas, moving rapidly east.
ward. The storm swung south Into sec
tions where fields and gardens already
are green. No serious damage was ex
pected, as the temperature barely
touched the freezing point.
Firemen Killed and 15 Passengers
Hurt Near St. Louis.
RT LOT-IS. March 26. The Wabash
t. mmm-n r - fro In W 1. PftrrVlnST Omaha
and Kansas City sleepers, was wrecked
tonight near Normandy, a few miles
at of St. Louis.
Th fireman waa killed and It ia re
ported the engineer waa fatally, hurt
and that several coaches vere over
turned into a ditch.
Fifteen passengers were injured, al
though It Is not known how seriously.
The wreck was caused by water
loosening the roots of a tree, which
fell across the track. The dead fire
man was O. W. Butts, of Moberly. Mo.
Memphis Weather Observer Tells
Valley to Expect "Big River."
MEMPHIS, Tenn, March 28. "With
such a volume of water coming Into
the Mississippi from above, people
along the Mississippi River should pre
pare for a great flood," said the Mem
phis weather observer today.
"It will be a big river." said he. "I
believe the flood stage will be reached
at Memphis Thursday morning. If not
Death Roll in Indiana
Is Growing.
Rescue of Persons Still in
Peril Is Continued.
Governor Declines Help of War De
partment TTitfll Owrl State Has
Made Effort to Care for
Its Sufferers.
INDIANAPOLIS. March 28. Declar
ing; that a crista waa npon the statea
Governor Raloton tonight issued n
proclamation calllns upon the elttsena
of Indiana to contribute means for the
necessities of the flood sufferers of the
The Governor says the number of
dead cannot now be approximated, but
the loma of property will run Into mil
Hons of dollars.
Husk Dougherty, banker of Indian
apolls, was made trustee to receive
cheeks or drafts and Adjutnnt-General
George W. McCoy was directed to re
ceive food and clothing
INDIANAPOLIS. March 26. Night
fell on flood-swept Indiana with small
comfort In sight for Its many thousand
flood sufferers.
The most conservative reports from
over the state estimate the loss of life
at not fewer than 125 drowned, while
persistent statements from various
points Indicate that more than that
number may have perished in the high
waters. It was Impossible even to
make a guess at the property damage.
The small army of relief workers In
most of the cities are without the aid
of public services.
Twelve Bodies la Single House.
Advices from Peru, sent by telephone
through South Bend late today, say
that 12 bodies were recovered from a
single house there and Insist that the
largest death figures for that city are
not exaggerated.
The Peru death list is placed at from
50 to 150 still. At least 20 have perished
In -West Indianapolis, where the flood
struck the foreign quarters and poorer
homes 'with overwhelming suddenness
last night.
Six deaths were reported from Fort
Wayne, three from Newcastle, two from
Lafayette, one from Rushvllle, one from
Muncle, and five scattering, those being
In addition to definite reports of deaths
In several places yesterday.
Forty Dead In Franklin County.
Communication established with
Connersvllle, from where- Governor
Ralston Tuesday received frantic ap
peals for aid, brought definite Informa
tion that at least 40 persons perished !
In Brookvllle. Franklin County. Monday
I ( O" "fl on PrthT 4. 1
The Weather.
YESTERDAY'S Maximum temperature, 48
degrees; minimum. 33 degrees. ,
TODAY'S Showers, southerly winds.
Storm aad. Floods. '
Fire added to floods In Dayton. Page 1.
Ex-Army surgeon warns contributors how
to send relief supplies. Page 2.
Last bridge goes out at Columbus. Page 8.
Wilson " orders War Department to give
' every -possible aid. Page t .
Indiana death and damage estimates grow
ing. Page 1.
Heavy snow falls on ' flooded, Peru. Ind.,
and survivors perch - on icy roofs.
' fMl 2. . . ..
Red taps delays aid to destitute in Omaha.
Page .
Portland begins organised relief and appeals
for funds. Page 1.
Delaware's Mayor rescued from telephone
pole. Page 1.
Oregon and Washington towns to rush po
tatoes and annlea. . Page 1.
Heavy rains show no sign of let-up and
Louisville is now warned. Page 4.
Three thousand dead: half million home
less: property damage Ilo0.O00.0OO.
Page 1.
J. Hamilton Lewis is Illinois- long-term
Senator. Page tt. .
Britain would lead In suspending building
of warships. Page 7.
Cananea falls alter three days fighting.
Page 7.
Bulgarians capture Adrianople: revolution
framed In Constantinople. Page 7.
National. .
Three -House Progressives refuse to help
organize as separate party. Page -Spurts.
Chicago Whtle Sox No. 2 sre walloped 8 to
1 by Colts. Page 8.
Multnomah-Olympla smoker tomorrow night
has eight bouts scheduled. - Page 8.
Critics say Bud Anderson Is best In his class.
Page 8.
Pacific Northwest.
District Parliament . of Methodist Mission
workers opens at Grants Pase. Page
Commercial and Marine.
Record-breaking consumption of apples la
all parts of country. Page 19.-
Wheat higher at Chicago on fears of dam
age to growing crop by flood. Page 1.
Offer to trade for railroad site for fireboax
berth made by city, page 18.
Portland and Vicinity.
Annual theatrical "follies" will be presented
tonight. . Page 12.
Multnomah Field likely place for world
. Christian Conference. Page 12.
Council passes bill regulating public dance
halls, page 20.
Specifications for Columbia bridge sub
mitted to Joint committee. Page 18.
Remedial Loan Company being organized
to oust loan sharks. . Page 12.
Engagement of Miss Lucille Smith and Clif
ford N. McArthur to be announced today.
Page 13.
Washington Compensation' Commissioners
give practical advice to Oregon ap
pointees. Page .
Democrats have no candidate for . Mayor.
Page 14.
Weather report, data and forecast. Page 14.
Secretary Lane's attitude Indicates early
work on Umatilla project. Page 6.
Railroad and county reach agreement re
garding proposed scenic highway. Page 9.
Hary L. Day Offers to Liquidate In
debtedness of Idalio Bank. ...
WALLACE, Idaho, ' March 26. (Spe
cial.) Harry L. Day, millionaire min
ing operator of this city, and formerly
director of the State Bank of Com-
erce. has offered to liquidate the re
mainder of the Indebtedness of that
institution, amounting to approximate
ly $150,000, which will enable the de
positors in the defunct bank to be paid
in full. Day owned only 20 shares of
It is understood . that as a part of
the plan Mr. Day Is to take over all of
the remaining assets of - the bank.
These, he says, consist of timber leases
in British Columbia, a claim of $200.-
000 against the Lane Lumber Company
and a claim of 270,000 against B. F.
O'Neil, former president of the bank.
recently sentenced to the penitentiary
for making a false report. The tim
ber leases, Mr. Day declares to be of
slow and doubtful value, and the
claims against Barney O'Neil, he says,
are of no value.
City Turns From Oma
ha to Flood Area.
Amount That Can Be Used Is
Practically Unlimited.
Mayor Rushlight Designates Cham
her of Commerce as Recipient of
Money and Fraternal Bodies
Work Through Own Orders.
- In response to the following urgent
message received late last night
from James M. Cox, Governor of
Ohio, Mayor Rushlight bas asked the
Chamber of Commerce to begin re
ceiving contributions for the relief
of flood sufferers at once:
"I very much fear tonight that the
damage and distress In Ohio Is more
than earlier advices Indicated. Please
wire us your contribution at once.
It Is badly needed. It Is Impossible
by words to express the situation."
' E. C. Glltner. secretary of the
Chamber of Commerce, will receive
and account for all contributions at
his- office In the Commercial Club
building. 6 Fifth street, and prompt
ly forward them to Governor Cox
or other officials authorized to re
ceive them.
- Now that thetask of relieving suf
ferers at Omaha is well under way, the
people of Portland have turned their
attention to the greater and more press.
Ins- need for assistance in the flood-
stricken districts of Ohio and Indiana.
Telegrame were sent yesterday by
Mayor Rushlight the commercial or
ganizations and societies and many pri
vate Individuals offering financial aia.
The Mayor baa designated the Chamber
of Commerce the recipient of the funds
contributed by Portland people and the
nennle of the surrounding country.
As tfiousands upon thousands of peo
ple are homeless there is pressing need
for money. - The , amount that can be
used in this worthy work Is almost
Fate of Many TJnknovrn.
As the telegraph wire service between
yie flooded district and the outside
world Is badlv crlDDled. few private
messages are being received here and
Portland relatives of persons living in
the inundated states eagerly await
news concerning them.
It may be several days or a week
before anything like a complete death
list will be available. Probably the list
never will be complete. Whole families
were wiped out and their bodies
washed away by the torrents.
As fast as It Is possible to gain ac
curate Information Northwestern peo
(Continued on Page 3.)
Hood River and Klamath Falls, Or.,
and Xortl Yakima Prepare to
Ship Products by Carloads.-'
- HOOD RIVER, Or.. March 26. (Spe
cial.) A large number of Hood River
people from Ohio and Indiana has been
frantically trying to get news from
relatives in the flooded district today.
With the exception of Iowa more peo
ple in theapple valley, have corne from
Indiana flood-swept points than any
othur section of the country.
The mother of Dr. Malcom Bronson is
in the flooded district of Dayton, O.
W. H. Goodenough has a brother and
other relatives in the same city. Neith
er is able to get In touch with rela
tives. . , .
Hood River People are planning on
sending back a carload of potatoes and
apples to the flood-swept district.
NORTH YAKIMA, Wash., March 26.
(Special.) North Yakima ranchers
propose to donate three carloads of
potatoes for people in Ohio flooded dls
tricts. The railroads have been asked
to haul .them free.
KLAMATH FALLS. Or., March 26.
Klamath County today started three
carloads of potatoes to flood suf
ferers of the East. Five more car
loads will be shipped tomorrow and
others will follow. Donations were
made by potato growers who have 300
carloads rotting in warehouses in this
city. One carload will be sent to each
of the big cities in distress.
Dr. Frledmann Considers Instruct
ing Physicians In Use.
NEW YORK, March 26. The advis
ability of distributing for general use
by physicians the tuberculosis vaccine
discovered by Dr. Frederick F. Frled
mann was discussed today at a confer
ence between the German specialist and
several physicians, whose Identity was
not disclosed. Under a proposed plan,
physicians front various parts of the
country might be instructed In the
Frledmann method of Inoculating pa
It was declared that Dr. Frledmann
expressed eagerness to have others use
his treatment so that a greater num
ber of .sufferers might be attended.
Decision was held in abeyance, but an
announcement may be made by the
end of the week, it was said.
Mrs. Hussey-Hewlett Will Be Satis
fied With Freedom.
SAN FRANCISCO, March 26. (Spe
cial.) Society circles of this city,
Stockton and Portland will be inter
ested in a suit for divorce filed here
by Mrs. Adelia J. Hussey-Hewlett,
former Portland society woman.
against Harry Harper Hewlett, a well
known capitalist of Stockton, charging
brutality, drunkenness, "Joy riding,
physical assault and failure to provide.
Mrs. Hewlett declares she Is not seek
ing alimony, but'wants only her free
Mrs. Hewlett was formerly the wife
of Charles Hussey, assistant cashier of
the Merchants National Bank of Port
land, who died in 1905. Young Hew
lett has figured In several scandals
which followed escapades In which au
tomoblle accidents brought his adven
tures to public notice.
Tobacco-User for 95 Years Will
"Grow Up" With Portland.
DENVER, Colo., March 26. (Special.)
One hundred years old, a tobacco
chewer for 95 years and on his way to
Portland, where he will "grow up"
with the country," Is James H. Lee, a
veteran of Lebanon, Kan., who Is In
Denver today.
Mr. Lee arrived in Denver with a
good supply of his favorite tobacco.
Yes, I have used it for 95 years and
now I am going out to Portland, Or.,
and grow up with the country," he
Mr. Lee will leave Denver within a
few days and after stopping at a few
of the cities between here and there
will arrive In Portland about the first
of the month.
Lifesavlng Crew and Tug Wallula
Respond to Distress Signals.
ILWACO, Wash., March 26. (Spe
cial.) About '9:45 tonight distress sig
nals were observed by the Cape Dis
appointment lifesavlng crew, coming
from the tug John A. Cudahy, which
broke down off the Columbia River
while returning from Nehalem, where
she towed a barge to the scene of the
Mimi wreck. Word was sent by wire
less to Astoria and the tug Wallula
set out at 10:40 for the scene.
The Cape Disappointment lifesavlng
crew also left at the same time to ren
der assistance.- The Wallula reached
the scene at 11:20 and took the Cudahy
in tow. '
Physicians Satisfied, but Enjoin
Pontiff Against Taking Risks.
pnr. March 26. Pope Pius X cele
brated mass early this morning. He
administered communion to the serv
ants of the household.
Physicians In attendance expressed
xisfaetlon with his" condition. They.
however, advised him to maintain cau
tion, ...
Property Damage in Indiana
and Ohio Estimated to
Reach $100,000,000
Railroads Running Through
Stricken District Are
Heaviest, Sufferers.
Telephone and Telegraph Com
munication Is Broken.
Railways Converging In Indianapo
lis Damaged to Extent of $25,-000,0-00
In That City and
Its Vicinity Alone.
CHICAGO, March 26. Three thou
sand people perished in the deluge that
swept the northern half of the Ohio
River valley today.
Probably 600,000 people were made
homeless by the floods In Indiana and
Ohio, and property damage In both
states will be at least 6 100.000.000.
These figures were complied late
day from reports received here from
various points in the stricken district.
Further reports may increase the num
ber of dead, and it is unlikely that any
decrease in the loss can be expected.
Estimates of Dead Revised.
Following are revised figures of the
dead :
Ohio Dayton, 2000; Piqua, 540; Del
aware, 100; Middletown, 100; Sidney,
50; Hamilton, 12; Tippecanoe, 3; Tif
fin, 60; -Fremont, 11; scattering, 200;
total. 3066.
. Indiana Peru, 150; Newcastle, 3; La
fayette, 2; Indianapolis, 14; Nobles
vllle, 2; scattering, 25; total, 196.
. Grand total, 3262.
It was rumored In Indianapolis early
today that 200 persons were drowned in
West Indianapolis, but this number
was later reduced to 14, though it- was
estimated early tonight that more than
that had died.
Small Towns Also Suffer.
South of Indianapolis the flood is
said to have caused death in several
small towns and villages.
Fire at Dayton added to the finan
cial loss caused by the flood. Early
estimates, placing the damage in Ohio
and Indiana at $50,000,000, were re
vised to show tonight double that
amount Railroad officials were au
thority for the statement that lines
converging In Indianapolis would have
to stand a loss of $25,000,000 In that
city and vicinity alone.
Railroads were chief sufferers from
property damage. It was said tonight
by engineers and construction bosses
preparing repair trains for the flood
ed districts that strips of railroad more
than half a mile long had been washed
away in several places in Indiana.
Concrete and iron bridges, their sup
ports undermined, crumbled before the
strength of the torrents hurled against
Only Two Railroads Open.
The loss through cessation of trafflo
cannot be estimated. Only two roads,
the Michigan Central and the Lake
Shore, maintained communication with
New York over their lines, those far
ther south finding mile after mile of
their right of way under a fathom of
Men and material are being rushed
by the railroads to every accessible
point where damage has been reported
and active work will be begun as soon
as the floods recede.
Telegraph and telephone lines all
over the stricken district were down.
Long distance telephone service to Ohio
was cut off. with the exception of To
ledo and Cleveland. Wires through In
diana were down in many places and
many of the devastated towns were
cut off from communication.
Cox's Telegram to President Make '
Estimate of Homeless Ones.
WASHINGTON, March 26. The fol
lowing telegram from Governor Cox, of
Ohio, to President Wilson was received
"We have asked the Secretary of War
this morning for tents, supplies, ra
tions and physicians. In the name of
humanity see that this is granted at
the earliest possible moment. The sit
uation in this state Is critical. We be
lieve that 250,000 people were un
sheltered last night, and the indica
" (Continued on Page 3.)
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