THE MORNING OREGONIAN, WEDNESDAY. MARCH 26, 1913. 9 CITY NEWS IN BRIEF OREGOXIAX TKLEPIIOVFS. Prtntlns Room Main 7070. A 05 CUT Circulation Main 7070. A 0Pi Manacins Editor Main 7070, A i095 Sundar Editor Main 7070. A 4095 Composing Room Main 7070, A 05 AMUSEMENTS. fTKTT.Tn twpiter f Eleventh and Morrl- onl William H. Crane In th comdy. "Th. Eanator K-p. Honta" Thla after noon at 2:13 and tonlsnt at 8:1a. Baker THEaTER (Broadway and Morrl nun at-ona! H.ik.r nlirfri In "The Whit. Slater." Thla afternoon at 2:15 and tonight at 8:15. ORPHEfM THEATER rBroadtray and Tay lor Vaudeville. Thla arternooa at 1:13 and tonlxht at 8:13. EMPRESS THEATER 'Broadway and Tarn hill) Vaudeville. Thla afternoon at 1:30. Tonjfht at 7:10 and l-li. PAVTAGES THEATER (Broadway and Al r) Vaudeville. This afternoon at 2:lt and tonlsht at 7:10. and 1. LTRIC THEATER (Fourth and Rtark Musical comedy. "A Crowded Hotel.'' Thia afternoon at 2:15 and tonle-ht at 6:30 to I0:4&. PEOPLE'S. STAR. ARCADE. OH JOT, TIVOLI AND CRYSTAL. Flrat-ron pic ture 11 A. M. to 11 P. 1L GLOBE THEATER (Eleventh and Wash-Uig-ton) Continuous first-run motion plo- tures. Crrr Is Upheuj. Circuit Judge Morrow uphekl the rlstht of the city to reject all bids yesterday when he over ruled a demurrer to the city's answer to the complaint of F. 8. Buttemiller and others to enjoin the city from ac centing the bid of the Kennedy Con struction Company for the Lambert avenue sewer. The bid of William Und, !C4,2:2.30. was rejected, while that of the Kennedy Construction Com pany, about (louu higher, vaa accepted. The city's contention is that Lind failed to specify materials. Bottemiller and his co-plaintiffs charge fraud and col luslon. The case now will be tried out on its merits. Battert A to Bb Inspected. The joint quarterly muster and Inspection of Battery A. Field Artillery, and Klghth Company, Coast Artillery Corps, with review and dress parade, will be held at the Armory tonight. Captain Hiram TJ. Welch, of the Battery, will be the reviewing officer, with Captain Jee AL. Clark as adjutant.. In command of the Eighth Company will be Captain Charles O. Brown, while Lieutenant Frank I. Randall will command the Battery. Following the Inspection will be a dance, for which the music will be furnished by the Coast Artillery Band, under th direction of Chief Musician Charles E. York. SrxxTsiDB School Rendezvous. The community of Sunnyslde will meet in Sunnyside school tonight at 8 o'clock to discuss the need of a new and en ' larged. gymnasium. Whether the parents of Sunnyslde children shall aid the school In obtaining the gymnasium, and various matters pertaining to the scheme will occupy the evening. Should private subscriptions be the means de cided on, the parents will ask for per mission to use the gymnasium one evening each week at the actual cost of maintenance. Principal Curtis will preside. BRAKEBRCSa PATS PENALTY. That It required the services of six men to scrub the saloon of Fred Brakebush. at Fifteenth and Savler streets, was too much for the credulity of Muni cipal Judge Tazwell, when the plea was made yesterday to explain the presence of that number of persons in the saloon last Sunday. The court pre ferred the word of Patrolmen Rudolph and West, that the six had glasses on the bar and only set to work with brooms and brushes after they saw the officers enter. Brakebush was lined ,250. Dentist Dies Suddenly. Ernest Voos, a dentist, was found dead In his office and living room at 241 14 First street, yesterday, and the body was taken in charge by the Coroner, though death is ascribed to natural . causes. Mr. Voos had been entertaining friends as late as 11 o'clock Monday night, and at that time seemed well and in good spirits. Ills body was found lying on a couch, when one of his neighbors be came curious at his not having his office open as usual. He was 65 years of age and had a son in California. FRroAT Salb Attract. Much interest Is being shown in the Easter sale and supper at the Unlversallst Church, Broadway and Kast Twenty-fourth street, on Friday afternoon and even ing. The committee has gone aside from the usual church supper and are to serve a vegetarian supper, with many new and toothsome dishes which wilt be enjoyed by all. On the tables In the booths will be useful and fancy articles for sale which are dainty and beautiful, made by the women of the congregation. Masql-eralb) J c d o s Announced. Judges R. U. Morrow and G. N. Davis, of the Circuit Court, and District At torney Walter H. Evans, all of whom are members of the Portland Ad Club, will be Judges at the masquerade ball of the club In the' Hutel Multnomah to night. Five hundred mill be enjoyed by those who do not care to dance. The committee on arrangements are M. G. j Wlnatock. R. W. Edwards and E. S. Hlggins. Vernon Lots Purchased. Upon motion of Mrs. J. B. Kerr, the Board of Education yesterday purchased 32 lots In the Vernon district for US. 000. A schoolhouse will be constructed in due time and it will have ample ground for recreation work for the pupils. Several residents of the section were present to testify to the reasonable price of the property and all urged that It be acquired. WmrniEstoER Found Guilty. Edward Weinberger, alias Edward Butler, was found guilty by a jury In Circuit Court yesterday of accepting the earnings of Ltlllle Cltne, better known as "Diamond, tooth Lil." a woman of the under world. There Is still another Indict ment against Weinberger, but In view of his conviction it probably will be dismissed. Sentence will be passed later In the week. Company Held Liable. Glowing prospectus of the phenomenal future growth of t!ie suburb of Burlington, below Llnnton. was the principal evidence offered in Justice Bell's court yesterday in a suit in which the Kuth Trust Company, promoter of the site, was forced to refund to W. E. T. Mattscbas, S120 which he had paid for a lot In the subdivision. Son of the most pleasing music ever heard in Portland is being rendered dally by Francis Rlchter. the eminent composer, and his orchestra, at the Peerless Cafeteria. 84-86 Fifth t. The good things served at this popular eating place will enable you to enjoy your meals. Try It today. Smith Estate $50.000. An inventory of the estate of Albert T. Smith filed In Probate Court yesterday shows tt to be worth J50.3S7.1:. of which all but (15S7.13 is In real estate. The ap praisers were B. D. Stgler, W. K. Smith, Jr. and Herman Schneider. Talk on Disease to Be Given. A free lecture at the East Side Library, East Eleventh and East Alder streets, will be given Thursday evening at S o'clock, on "Facts About Disease." This Is one of the series given under the auspices of the Physical Culture Union. Dr. Chapmax Lectures Tonight. Dr. C. H. Chapman will lecture on mutu allsts' co-operative stores at the Albina branch library, .350 Knott street, this evening at o'clock. Addresses will also be made by E. P. Rosenthal and Mrs. Anlce Sweeney. For Rest. Fine six-room flats, with every convenience. JIT. 50 for upper. :5 for lower; West Side, best neighbor hood. Phone owner. East 4196. Celebrated Quellb Crawfish at the Hot Brau, 50c a dox.. to take home. Dr. Max Rosendorwt. Selling bldg. has returned. Residence the Oregon Hotel. Silverware; H Oft. Aronson's re moval sale, SH Washington street. Dr. BRxmjNO, "Spinologlst, RoyaL Laxtsjui uon. Glfford, Mala Si 73. Los Angeles Plaits Survey. Los An geles contemplates a municipal survey similar to the one which Is now being conducted in Portland. W. B. Ayer, chairman of the Portland committee on municipal research, received a telegram to this effect yesterday from W. Hi Allen, of New York, who launched and had oversight of the movement In Port land. W. B. Holton. the expert who Is now working In Portland, says that he will have completed his survey of the engineering department of the city within a day and a half, and will be ready to submit It to the committee. Lekvanx Pleads Guilty. F. N Lehmann. Indicted on a charge of ob taining money by false pretenses, changed his plea to guilty in Circuit Court yesterday morning and was given a suspended sentence of from one to five years In the State Penitentiary. He was released and his bondsmen exon era ted. It was stated that he has settled up with the complaining witness, who also obtained a fraud judgment against him and caused ex ecution to be issued against the body. Government to Advertise Portland. C. J. Blanchard. statistician of the United States Reclamation Service at Washington, T. O, yesterday acknowl edged the receipt from the Portland Chamber of Commerce of views of Portland forwarded to him recently. Mr. Blanchard intends to use the views in a series of lectures to be delivered at various places in the East. Sisson to Speak Tonioht. "The Teachings of Jesus" will be the sub ject of a lecture by Dr. E. O. Slssion. in the auditorium of the Y. M. C. A. tonight at 8 o'clock. This lecture is next to the last in the Reed College extension course that Dr. Sisson has conducted at the Y. M. C. A. It is open to the public, with only a nominal fee. Easter Sale and vegetarian supper. Unlversallst Church. Broadway and East 24th streets, Friday afternoon and evening. March 28. Supper, 35c; chil dren. 25c You'll like IL SETTLERS' BUREAU IM3CIGRATIOV COMMISSION IX DORSES PROPOSAL. CYCLIST IS BLAMED Purdy Responsible for Death of Girl, Is Verdict. CASE TO GO TO GRAND JURY Plan Is to Establish Headquarters "With Big Exhibit, Where Home seekers May Con Ere rate. If plans now under way materialize, Portland will establish homeseekers headquarters, including a big exhibit of various state products in charge of In telligent attendants, with a large lec ture room, and with the Chamber of Comerce and the publicity offices of the Commercial Club in close connec tion. The project has the strong support of the Oregon Immigration Commission and Is cordially supported by C. C. Chapman, manager of the Commercial Club executive committee. Following a meeting on the subject at the Commer cial Club yesterday, attended by repre sentatives of the Immigration Commis ion. the Chamber of Commerce, the railroads and the Commercial Club. further meeting was scheduled for this morning at 11 o'clock in the Commercial Club parlor, at which it is desired to have a conference with the railroads having terminals here. Those in at tendance at yesterday's session will al so attend this conference. A committee of three, consisting of W. E Coman. John M. Scott and Mar shall X. Dana, was named to represent the Immigration Commission at this meeting. Those In attendance at yes terday's conference were: John H. Bur- gard. C. C. Chapman. E7. C. Giltner, Thomas R. Patterson. Judge Thomas C. Burke. John M. Scott, J. Fred Larson and Marshal K. Dana, The meeting yesterday developed strong sentiment for the project of a homeseekers' headquarters. It was gen erally agreed that there was a distinct need for a gathering place wnere strangers to Portland and the state can come for Information and, with the added space contemplated on the ground floor of the Commercial Club building, attractive window displays can be asranged where the attention of these newcomers can be secured. The Oregon State Immigration Com mission Is strongly in favor of such an exhibit place and we hope it can be ar ranged," said Judge Burke, who Is pres- An Opportunity For Oregonian Readers to Secure the Latest City Map of Portland The Oregonian has secured a limited number of up-to-date city wall maps of Portland. These maps are 3 feet by 3 feet C Inches and are In four colors. While they last they can be secured by pre senting this coupon and 85 cents at the City Circulation Desk in The Oregonian Office. 40 cents by mail. Ident of the State Immigration Board. "I believe It would be of great value In aiding newcomers and causing many of them to remain in the state." J. Fred Larson, representing the Portland Realty Board, also came out strongly for the project and said if the value it such a work were realised, there would be no difficulty in carrying it through. Edmund C. Giltner and C. C. Chap man, representing the publicity activi ties of the Chamber of Commerce and the Commercial Club, were confident those .two organizations would work strongly together under the new ar engagement and, indeed, all those pres ent were found to support the project if the plan can be worked out success fully. ' ROYAL BAKERY CONTEST The Many Prlxe Stories Xow In the Hands of the Judges. After an exciting finish, with late arrivals coming In with, their stories, the Royal Bakery prlxe story contest Is now.' closed. The Judges have begun their work and each story will have careful. Individual attention and will be Judged on its own merits. On ac count of the number of stories, it is hardly possible that the Judges will bo through before the end of the next week, as it is desired that no haste be taken in arriving at a perfectly true decision. PORTLAND'S BEST LUNCH Served at the Holts Store. Daily from 11 A It to I P. M, Best foods, quick service, low prices. Try It today. "Holtt Corner," Fifth and Washington. 6th-street entrance, direct to restaurant. rn.ES CURED IX I TO 14 DATS. Tour Oucxlst will refund money If PAZO OINTMENT fails to cure Itching. Band, iileauiac Protruding Files, to days, 000. Consideration of City's Traffic Reg ulations by County Investigators May Follow Killing of Girl Leaving Trolley Car. Following the finding of a Coroner's jury that Ralph Purdy was criminally responsible in causing the death of lit tle Rebecca Relchle, who was struck by his motorcycle at Union avenue and Failing street Sunday afternoon, the case will be placed before the grand jury by the District Attorney. Purdy already Is held under bond of $1000 on a charge of manslaughter. The policy of placing every accident up to the grand jury when there Is an appearance of criminal negligence, has been adopted by the prosecutor. While Mr. Evans holds that It is not the prov ince of his office to investigate muni cipal affairs, it is likely that some con. sideration of the enforcement of restric tions in such cases may creep into the investigation. Purdy. who Is a young printer living with his parents, is held negligent In that he ran past a streetcar which had stopped to allow the little girl to alight Though this practice Is common, few efforts have been made to bring persons to account for It, and only re cently a man whom the police charged with disregarding a signal to stop when approaching a standing car, received a suspended sentence. The police say that the street railway could be of great assistance in checking this practice, if It would allow Its em ployes pay for their time while prose cutlng offenders. Only a few days ago a Streetcar conductor reported to a po llceman that a woman driving an auto mobile had bolted past his car as I number of persons were alighting, and went on at full speed, though he sig nalled her to stop. He took the number of the car. but made no report because he said, he would lose his pay while going to court, and he had a family to support. SWISS CONSULATE STAYS Portland Xot to Lose Station. Says IiCtter From Senator Iane. Assurance that the Swiss Consulate will not be removed from Portland has been received at the Portland Chamber of Commerce from Senator Lane, In reply to a protest from the Chamber attains t euch removal, wnicn was con temD late d for a time. The information received by the Chamber that the appointment of Seattle man to occupy the vacancy caused by the removal from the city of Consul Bigger was the first step in having the office removed to Seattle caused this organization to file strong Drotests with the Senators from or eon for presentation to the Minister from Switzerland to the United States. The reply from Senator Lane to the Chamber la as, follows : I am In receipt of your letter of March IS tn regard to toe Swiss Consulate In port land. I have taken up the matter direct with vct- Hrnri Martin, the chare d' affairs at the Swiss legation here, and am advised that the order placing; the teaitie man in charce la only temporary, and that In a short time a,' suitable man will be detailed at Portland. It la denied that there Is any movement to abolish the Consulship at Portland, or to move It to Seattle. As soon as we receive further advice on this matter, it will be promptly transmitted to you. ARE YOUHAPPY? . There are many things involved in being able to answer this question in the affirmative. One Important factor is the home environment, which is the basic principle for the enjoyment oi llfo. It may be that you are anxious to better your surroundings without in curring any great expense. This It is possible to do by the selection of the Sargent Hotel at lirana jvvenue aiiu Hawthorne, as a permanent place to rcaida. Here vou will have the quiet ness of an apartment, the advantage of the best things to eat afloraed Dy tne grille In connection and all the con veniences of a first-class hotel. Fur ther information will be cheerfully given by phoning East 291 and asking for Mrs. Held. CARD OP THANKS. "We wish to extend our heartfelt thanks to the friends and nelghDors who so kindly assisted In our late be reavement. . . T TT A. Ri CAMPBELL. R. L. CAMPBELL. SALLIE EATON. LENA SIOFRIT. UA ASH ER. Just make a note on this. White shirts are coming to the front; some with per fectly plain bosoms: others two or three pleats or some with bunches of 'em. We have 'em for $1.50 to $2.50 and of course also the new Spring colors in stripes and spots. Our shirt assortment covers the whole field in all that's desirable and neckwear to match. Buffiim & Pendleton 311 Morrison St. Opp. Postoffice C. E. Hollida? Company 365 Alder, Cor. Park. Exclusive Styles Unusual Jforeltlea Ladies' and Misses' COATS SUITS DRESSES and the Netf BLOUSES (Of the Better Class) Different, distinctive gar ments that cannot be dup licated and are not to be seen elsewhere. Tour In spection Invited. Perfect Fit Guaranteed. NEW REPUBLIC GRILLE An excellent merchant's lunch served every day from 11 to 2 P. M. for 25 ... Pkl.... .lanlca at All times. 347 Vi' Morrison st, bet. Seventh and Park. 6e.Aeraffd7arsoff. PHONES Pacific, Marshall 1 Home A 6281 LENTEN SEASON OVER Now for a good, olcl-fash-ioned New England Boiled Dinner. Choice Cuts of Corned Beef Corned Just Right On Special Sale Wednesday Together With All Chits of Pot Roast, Fresh, Pickled and Salt Pork, Pigs' Feet and Hocks All specials plainly price marked at Market. The Big Credit Institution tiff 405 Washington at Tenth OiaTriiTinacOeiiS; Charming Suits at $25 1 A Score of Smart Models See Our "Window Display fTmS popular price secures Suits that are really remarkable lor style ana value and you may pay on terms to suit your convenience. Pretty shepherd checks, navy serges, mannish mix tures, diamond checks, in plain tailored and fancy styles. Well tailored and lined in Skinner's satin. One jaunty little 3-button cutaway Suit, as illus trated, is of light gray invisible striped mixture, with tancy back, giving high-waist'eiiect. Also Norfolks in the plaited and low-belt styles. All sizes, 14 to 44. See the Washington-street win dow. Come in tomorrow and let us show you our big line of Spring Suits at $25.00 ABOUT OUR CREDIT POLICY Please feel tnat our credit policy is for Y0T7. It is a courtesy offered here in addition to our smart . styles, good qualities and moderate prices. Open an account with us. Wherever it is being used, men and women alike are enthusiastic over PORTLAND GLAZED CEMENT SEWER PIPE because it is MAKING GOOD and costs no more. Sale of New- Stamped Gowns! WHY not make and embroider your own pretty lingerie? Today we offer dozens of dainty, new patterns in Gowns, stamped or embroidered on fin est of materials, at these special prices: fl.KO Stamped Goml choice of patterns in the shop, stamped an best French cambric, d 1 1Q with floss to embroider I i e 1 i7 1.85 Stamped Gown stamped on soft English nainsook, with floss to em-d OQ broider 31eJi7 Gowni, Combination SaltR, Coraet Covera and Cnemlne. stamped In any pattern to match. Double S. & H. Trading Stamps given with every purchase of Stamped Gowns this week. No extra stamps without this cou pon. 0-3-26-13. The Needlecraft Shop 3S4-3SS Yamhill, Two-Blocks West of Broadway. Established in Portland, 1906. Our Moderate Prices .enable you to buy elegant Oriental Rugs practically as low as the best grade of do mestics. It is a pleasure to show you through our big stock whether ready to buy now or not. - CARTOZIAN BROS. Oriental Rag Importer Washington, Between 13th aad 14th Ask Your Dealer For The Sign of PURITY TSTOWNStND CRZAHBIjUCO. TAKE A LOOK AROUND your office. Criticise its ap pearance. See whether it rep resents you rightly. If you are up-to-date in your ideas and methods, and your office is out of harmony with you, it's time for you to act. Get rid of your old, odd pieces of furni ture, etc. Standardize your office equipment Buy our standard lines in unit cabinets of steel or wood for card and filing systems, and, as your business grows, you can add to your equipment, keep it uniform both as to serv ice and appearance and you can always obtain stock supplies without delay and extra cost. The same policy would suggest itself to you in buying our desks, tables, chairs and other business furniture, for we carry only the best standard makes, made by the best-known, manufac turers with an unimpeachable quality reputation. Any equipment you buy today can be duplicated or added to at any time. "Everything for the Office" AM STATIONERY & iV.& PRINTING CO Commercial Stationers, Office Outfitters, Printers, Engravers, Booklet Makers and Bookbinders r,rTH . a OAK California Hotels and Besorta OTEL SI STEWART s Geary Street, above Uuitm Square European Plan $1.50 a day up , .American Plan $3.00 a day up Nw .rteel and brick atractura, ETry modern convenience. Moderate rate. Center of tbv&ter and retail district On carlinae tranaferrlnff all over clt?, Klectrlo emnibua mu trains an etaamers. HOTEL WASHINGTON GRANT AVENUE AND BUSH ST. SAN FRANCISCO IUROPIAN PLANl " DOWN TOWN LOCATION ON OUIKT CORNER! FUR. NISHINGS OF HIGHEST OUALITYl OUICK. COURTEOUS SERVICE) TEAM HEAT: FREE BUS. - CHAS. H. ROWLEY. MANAS IS ROOM ANO BATH FRIVILEOE. SI.OO ROOM WITH PRIVATE BATH. St. BO In the making of ice Cream, much de pends upon the care with which the in gredients are selected - and mixed. There is as much difference in Ice Creams as in the cooking of different housewives. One trial of "White Clover and an apprecia tion of the cleanliness used in its making is sufficient to convince you of JWhite Clover goodness. T. S. TOWNSEND mm '-fVria.- y Hi. Creamery Comtiany Makers of the Famous White Clover Butter Get Your FREE Copy Of This Classy Book Contains a choice collection of vritty.epaxkliiifr toasts flashes oi humor and bits oi sentiment appropriate ior all social occa sions. Also many excellent re cipes for cocktails and iancy mixed drinks, best made with Quaker Maid WHISKEY Tha What WUh A Kmttatkm- The stimulant of supreme Qual ity Gold Medals from three treat expositions Dack: us claim as the world's finest whiskey. Quaker Maid Whiskey i guar amtmad by a under thm National Para Food Law. Atoll first ciatt Barm, Cafes, Clubs and Drag Stores. Send name and address today for yourcopy of Toastsand Cocktails, S. Hirsch Distilling Co. Kartsaa City. Mo. Through Express Service San Francisco,' Los Angeles , Direct SAN FRANCISCO $6, $10. $12. $15 LOS ANGELES $11.35. $21.50. $23.50. $26.50 Meals and Berth Free. SS. ROSK CITY, 4 P. M., MARCH 27. SS. KANSAS CITY, 9 A. SI, APRIL . ' Through Tickets to All Points by Water and Rail. THE SAJT FRANCISCO & PORTLAND . S. S. CO. Third and Washington. - f (With. O-W. R. & N.) Marshall 4500. A 6121. LUMPriAIT NUT $6.50 LUMi $5.00 PER TON DELIVERED Mined at Our Own Mine SUPERIOR COAL CO. 4 North Sixth Street Main 154, A 1541 THE HAIR STORE 120 Sixth St. Better Quality Hair Goods. $12 Switches, 82-lnch, 8 separate $4.H $ 7 Switches, 2S-lrich, 8 .separate .3.11) S 6 Switches, 24-inch, 8 separate 1.78 $ 5 All Round 22-inch transformation 2.45 Gents' Toupees to order 15.00 Ladles Wigs to order $10 to $20.00 Mail orders carefully attended to. We match hair -when others fail. The Hair Store. 120 8th st., near Wash. ICCHWAB PmHTIBG CO. Iv BEN F.6REENE. PRESIDENT 12451: STARK STREET A SKIM OF BEAUTY IS A JOY FOBCVER. ( Or. T. Felix Oouraud's Oriental Cream of Magical Beautlfter. FreciOe. Moth Ptcbci, Bsiii. sod Sltin DImmm, ua every siemua on beauty, sua fle detection, tl has stood tb teat of 43 years, and ' U so b&rmltM w Usteit lobe Mir tt ' is properly made Aewpt do counter feit of similar name. Dr. L. A. Sayra tall to I laiy of tbt bsut ton (a patient): MAa you ladlsf will oh them. . T recommend r -nmt tfca harmful of all th . tk'm preparations." Far sals by mil drujcsisls and Kane. Goods Dealers m the United Stale. Canada and Suras. FER0. T. HOPKINS, Prop- 37 ttfMt Jp W St, It fc H3 105.0 rf