NEW TODAY. IN CITY LIMITS West Side Prartii-ally Irvel land; part in oulti vation; new lnue, some fruit. Fifteen Acres $600 per acre. J. O. EAINEY, 600 Yeon bldg. Marshall 3177, A 3466. IRVINGTON SNAP New. R-rnom hoii!. 4 he'lrooms, sleep ing; porch, hardwood floor. fireplace, furnare: In fa- t notlilna- missina:. Iot SOxlo'i: hard-Biirfare mreeu Woriti $7510. hnt owner mtiPt sell, and will tak. ")i'"n: Jiooo down and per month. On Kat Twenty-fifth street, rear Thompon. Will take vat-ant lot or auto aa flrnt payment. C. M. ZADOW 414 Corbett Bid. A 1416. Marahalt Quarter Block on West Side fine Location. Onlv $11,000.00 BAKER & DRYER. 204 Railway Exchange bldg. I Ufll' 00 Ber the 3rd Tr and LlulJs'aaJu Produce $100 to $400 per p.. - acre, accoratns; xo age " Let ub plant you a trove. WE GUARANTEE T0U MOT IUS THAR 1100 PER ACRE AFTER THE 41a TEAR. 0400 caih will start you on a 10 acre grove and will make you independent for life. 22S?'Dahne S Dabney t A SNAP IX Ladd's Addition i-o. on Ladd avenue, near Hawthorn avenue, with easterly lace. Term to suit. Address or apply to OWN KB. 501 OKKGO.X IAX BLILPIXG. FOR BENT Large, new. modern home at Bayocean; paved streets, city water, tele, phone, electric lights and view of both orean and bav; completely furnished: will rem for greater part of season. Phone Main 004. MOKTGAGK LOANS. Money on hsnd for loans on Portland resi dence and Inside business property at cur rent rate. First mortgages only. (ommerfv Safe iep. fc Mortgaa-e Co. ill Third street, t.'ham. of Com, bids'. IS SI MS to suit, SlO.t'OO t loan on West Side Improved, one or two years, to pri vate parties; no commission to anyone. A M M, Oregonlan. Beca. William G.. 315-310 Falling bldg. Chaoln A Ueriow, Chamber or commerce Jennmtts Co.. Main 2b Oregomaiv pALlI Eft-J ON ICS COL. U. P, 0-4u4-4o Wilcox bldg. THK Oregon Keal Estate Co.. Grand ave ai Uultnomah st. Holladav Addition.) FKIBAK.KR IlKNKDICT. 5o2 McKay bltlf. I'hune Main o-tw real estate. lor hle -Lota. LYNDHURdT IS YOU It OPPORTUNITY. OL'R NEW WEST SIDE ADDITION. I'mil now C,ouncrl Crest and the. eon nec'trig runto of rnouniaini have shut us off from me most beautiful and ptctur ...,u, reKtou around Port land or n the Northaesu We mean Tualatin alley and r-.vlruiis. Hitherto this Dillon only a stone's throw iron the business, shopping ami theater district has not hud ado qu.ite nupor lotion facilities; now 11 is U'l lie'rlerirtlU-atlon of the Southern Pa cnc Fourth-street line Improved serv ice of the or.Kun Electric lias had tne ..Wet of movimc Council Crest and open ing ui of a new and important residence Uiiru.t It mean muih to Portland. l p io this time it a out of th ques tion tor must people to think of buying s home site on the West Sio-, where a sing. f i,.t touts from -Vm to siojh.o in any of th- half doirn prominent suodlv-sious on in- West Side. The opening of Und ..rrn clianges all of this. - ou can buy nue vtv lot in l.ynuhurst for s.i5 to oo on ea" terms, Hull Kun water. Milk's graded si re-ei. paiklnic. imp.ove uita Paid. It wlit puy )ou to rail at ou- at om-e and get full Informa ti. n ms ; :io u uiny se th property and get a choice selection. buy your lots now on terms t. suit our convenience. -.Id wheu ou wish. iTeseut prices can rot long b maintained, buy now before u. nave to pay luv i much. Ask for -Mr. Molesuorth. KntTincvs Washhigi-'n tnd Third Sts. Main o!4i'. A 313: wiv&r siuB uors. Gi-h:Nt.i-iN AUU11ION. Choice building iota on West Side, ln stae of 3-mile c.rvle; fine view of Tuala tin Valley and Ml. Hood: walks, graded suects and Hull Run water in and in cluded in price. Uo and up. Select your loi and we will build to suit you for small cash pamnu PKOVlUtl.NT TKIST COM PANT. OWNKKS, 212 Selllug ildg. LAI KELHl RST. erty we handle no other, we handle the) best' that is lor sale, we know Laurel- hurst aiid can sae you money; Laura. - We specta.ire on this Deautuui prup hurst is just wna: you want. You can alwas nnd us at the tract tic. 3'JU aud Eksi Ulisan sis ULLAilLNYY . CLEMENTS. POUVLANU HLiuliaS EXCLUSIVELY. If ou want to buy ou Portland Heights. ec in. 1 have about et per ccul of the property tor sale up her In my hands, and have not one d.ssaiuatfd customer. BROOKE. Elm ard ?M St. Marshall 4S7. A IRVINGTON LOT. SOxlOO on E. l.'th. between Stanton and SI.kivou east front, being lot 5. block ii;. between two new houses: price Jlauo, half cash. GRVfSI HOLDS. Its Bard t.f Trade IMdg.. 4th and Oak ONE-FOIKTH BLOC K . I tKl x 1 00. Close in on Eat aiso lodalHO. suit able for apartnu-nt-house. J. J. OKI'KK. Real Estate and Rentals. Corner Grand Ae. and E. Ar.keny. foiiNER musim). E -lit il and Pacific Sis.. 4.Vi. Terms Will furnish money to build. J. J. OEUfR, Comer Or.nd .Me. and E. Ankeny. I M Y LOT cot me $.;:0: but 1m Ijrote and gotta h.ive mono, so 1 11 sell for l".7.V all casn. J .ni. or.-Aon!it:i. 1-t'lt SAJ.E--ll owner, quarter block, ly.h and fi-rmi .... Portland Heia.1ia. fiu. apartment -house site; price H100. Te.e-Vh-r.e lain 7,J70: , fi.r two ne '..- In A.ameda Park, facing ..; line i.w. must .... phon. Taoor HAW: left citv. send offer on lots 3i. 3ft. b'.oik li. Errol lieinta; near Hondor s.m ou Walnut street. Wilson. 4oli pieasai:l ae.. Minneapolis, M'.na. VH Al-E-Two lots, near Reed Institute, at p.ri.l H-icnts. 'l'M. cash or terms, personal a.idiess. K. P. Groves, CasseUon, N I. 11 HOWN AND 1 WEEKLY Bl.'T3 SOxlSO FEKT." 5 BLOv'KS OF CAR. O 7U5, OKE- QQN1AN. WANTED A CASH OFFER. Two line tots IP Aiameda Park, facing (.t ; iou-1 sell. Phone Tabor aii. mXkiIaIN 501' corner, close In. 3th St., some income: J-U ". terms. V. Liubois. 4-3 Chamber Commerce VIITH AMI MARKET CORNER t.;v JcovO;; haif cash. part tiatle. E. 5013 or Belmont.. LE VVlNii tiiRT, Z lots, "oalim. 30 minutes' rile i minutes' walk from ear. Call owner, MKltt ..'-v. bet M JJ i WILL sa.-rlfice equity la four Laurelhurst lots, phone East r.j2. p;'tl Sl lots. H75. terms 1.1 monthly. 70 Chamber of Commerre. ManllCA iLOSK o carline. monia. AR .M. oregonlan. J per .'OR SALE Choi.-, lots In Willamette Addi tion cheap. Call A 45-4. ! BEAL ESTATE. I REAL ESTATE. , "f , H For Sa.e-Acrea.-e. For M- ; For Bale lioiur. For Sale Acreage. I , But in order to maae money It pays t take time before trading to build a resi dence. ai?ar:ror.t-fcouse or business block. Call and taia it var with me; whl oni, take a little time to teil me what iv want. I w.U uo tae re-t, fjrmsa iitninary piaus and e;imates of -jrhat tne buiidtcg wul cost compete, and 1- neces sary finance samt. 1 know 1 can save you money. it costs notiiuig to leurseif tta: tis is a fscc J. S. ATKINS. ' Architect and liuudei. iJV Henry blag. .Main 3091. g.'J-tWO IRVIXTON LOT 340. Vtry choice, ;.mxHM. northwest comer East 17th and Thompson sta.; improve menra all paid, no better lot in irvmgton; terms. CORD SENGSTAKE, For saJe liravb Property. FOR SALE OR RENT. 2 new cottages at Acate Peach, with new 1'irritutT . Located close to the beach, wiin mscniriceri view, price $1-00 arid aluuo. Cu.i aud see pnotos. KNAPP 4i M A' " V, ZVi-lA iicaru ot 1'ra-le bldg. Porttaiid. Oregon. For Sale -iiouftea. BC NO A LOW. 1 Block South of Hawthorne Ave. 32 East 47th. on hard-surface street, g-room modern up-to-dato bungalow, large living-room. den. dining-room wttn hum -in huff-t. Dutch kitcn;n. bedrooms all larg. fireplace, ham wowl floors, fix- J tures. ihaQie. nuaia imniiun on floor ana bath; f.:ie new range, full ce ment basement, wash lra"ye, lawn all in, for only jJJiito. terms, call Alain A lilfi. O. H. KLEINSOROE CO.. 41 Hoard of 1 rade. NEW, VP-TO-LArh HOME. This ben ii t if ul .'-room horn.', has fur nace. I.i place, elegant electric lisnt tix tuii'B, ihaucn, gas. oath ami toilet up and toitet it)wnsiairs; fuil cement basement, lino piumrting. nice arrangement, all tliu new tiuilt-ins. large closets, iau.iury trays, oak floors in living rooms, hue Dutch; pavrd str.-ets, cement wJks and a er smuli balance to pay. This nouse Is o"ubl constructed and a gem; one blot k Iron, car and close in. Price :UHHt, t.ims to suit, or will take in good lot up t. SirttK. See Mr. Kosseinian. CHAPIN'-HEKLOW MTti. & TKI'ST CO.. 3d Floor Chutnbtr of Commrrc. LAURELHL'RST HOCSE. $:.0l. New s-room modern house, furnace, fire place, buffet, bookcases, panel dining- m uiiini i"iiti-H Viti-hn pimcnt floor" In basement, laundry trays. S bed- I rooms and enclosed sleeping porch; lot 50x100. nice garden, small fruits and some nice fruit trees and plenty roses and shrubbery: Includes gas range, gas heater and linoleum ; located on Pacific street, between 33d and Imperial; price SOUO; 1500 cash, balance at $25 per month, nr will take on or two good lots at cash value as first payment. GKCSS1 6t HOLDS, 818 Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. SACRIFICE SALE. IRVINGTON HOME. TAKE LOT VP TO $1000 FOR FIRST PAYMENT. 8 -room. new. strictly modern-built. 1 months, hardwood floors, built-in buffet. Dutch kitchen, full cement basement, laundry trays, woodllft, lot 50x100 ; can be bought completely furnished or un furnished, located in 4 blocks of the Ir vington Club; a special price for quick sale. R. H. GOODX1ND CO.. INC. 1005-lvOti Wilcox Bldg. NEWEST YET IN BrN'fJALOWS. Have ona of. the swellest new 5-room bungalows In Portland; if you want a truly convenient homo and something different from anyone else, let us show you this; it is piped for furnace, has hrt place. wired for lights, gas. fine cement basemrnt and w nsn trays; large attic, nicely noored. large, elegant rooms and can finish three rooms In attic at small cost and still have attic; only H" feet to best car service in city; cement walks, paved street; price $JlMHl, $4U0 cash. S-'O and interest m-inthly. S-e Mr. Fosseiman. CHAPIN-HERI.OVV MTG. v: TKI'ST CO.. 3d Floor Chamber of Commerce. MI ST BE SOLD IN 10 DAYS. As the own.-r is about to leave for Hono lulu I will sell a .Vroom modern house, li -story. li block from St. Johns car line, on Vincent ave.; plenty of fruit trees, fliw ken-house. lot 7x1uIt. fenced all around ; price SlTZaO ; -Ot cash, balance . monthly; will aiso sell furniture, piano, etc at a bargain. JOS. MEYER, 309 Railway Exchange Bldg. Main 1S24. A 7SS4. SN A P aiK SNAP. A li-rge 0-roorn house; gas. electric fix tures, toilet and bath, large basement, n-ar school and cats, alt rooms are large aid lii'ht" tine corner, mix 1 00. ail cleared fur garden; flue soil and a great bargain. You cannot aiford to neglect seeing tins if vav w ant a home. Small payment and vit-t month. y will be our terms. See Mr. Fosse' tut. n. C 1 i A P 1 N -H E K LO W MTG. ft TRUST CO.. a.l Floor Chamber of Commerce. ANOTHER HOME SNAP. Modern 5-room cottage, one block from ; car, on a macadamized street, rlgat ciose j to business cent, r ; wo must turn this . property s-ron; fine location: plastered and j tinted: can't be bent: 17no. small cah ' pavmt nt. la ier month. See Davits. C H A P 1 N -14 E K L.. W MTG. TKI'ST CO.. I 3d Floor Chamber of Commerce. 1 OH ! LOOK ! ll. 4 C and t-rtom houses, modern, close J ft car; lots iioxiuv It.; -o casn anu to $20 per mouth, or will trade. B e7, regunian. AM compelled to sacrifice my 7-room home to pevini foreclosure: ost me $5000; ri take $27.t. Takes $lovO cash. B '.M. Or gun hi n. IRVINGTON d-room, hardwood floor, bun galow, built-in conveniences, fireplace, furnace, cement basement, laundry tubs; price $4400, 4io cash; large attic, room for garage. SvxlOO lot. Reynolds, J.Oi.2 Chamber ot Commerce. Main 74U7. -i.ruo rooms, modern in every respect; nne view; close to car; wy.1 Front st, be trteen Lowed ave. and Bancroft ave.; terms to sui. CORD SENGSTAKE, M)3 'Yeon BMg. WANTED A CASH OFFER. Mnri.-ri! ti-ioom bunualow; fuil concrete hn..-ment. screens. a nlngs and two lots i with tine view of city, near Mt. Tabor Park: worth $3300; will sell cheap. Phone Tabor ;t'.'2tf. vhio Modern S-room house and garage. 101M East 11th t., cor. Spokane ave.; grounu 10'x IOo; fine lawn; easy terms. CORD SENGSTAEE, M3 Yeon Bldg. Foil S ALE or rent. Cheap; gooo. e-room nouse with 1 acre ground. 1 block from; station on OreBon City carline. See G. W Slierk. Oak Grove, or address owner, fc.. j Miller. Box 31a. Roseburg. Or. j ,;,, x EW. modern, 7-room house, all built-in conveniences, on corner, street; improvement all m and PaL. win sac- : mice. S3. J ca.h aud easy terms. W uod-, lawn ;J'J'. 7-ROOM 1.AI KE1.HI RST BUNGALOW. om. responsible man can get a mistily i flu.- liuru- on the very easiest terms if he : wiil triuire of us now. All first-class. mith-Vt usurer Co . Ul Lewis bmg. 5-KOOM furnished flat, hardwood floors, , tiled bath, sleeping porch, Dutch kitchen. ; r. nl reu.onaMe to right party. Call at ; 3l'!.i5 Glenn ave.. 11 till 1. Hawthorne ave. i car. ; PRETTY ."i-room buncalow. Roie City Park. . hot water heat. Ideal furnace and Amen- , can ra llatovs. For further Information phone i' xo-. No agents. ' 5-HotiM hi'Ufe. corner lot iwi-.viww. r.i ,rter to get quick money will 2m0 EASY terms; new. Call ii : s.m down, balance to auit. . fornla bunsalow. double contraction. aH 4H;h St.; In sell for ll" Room J'. '--a Wash. IRVINiVtON CO. R SPECIALTY. FINE HOSES. J40O0 ANU VP. C..IC t OTS 'w AMI IP. Ml HAlJt,. CO.. Mi I.JWIS BLDG. Main 8078. "Tome to irvington for fink tlo.m'js. finished oak and MAHOGANY. OWNER. tl ..n. HERl'MAN. H47 EAST laTH. H. FRACTIONAL lot, Sherman .. near th. w- th large 5-room modern fiats. loou: improvements all in ana paid, tl Chamber of Commerce. r"is. eJ'iTtV in HOOO property, rented for jj3 . month; or will trade for vacant 1 -.5 A.- 1,'Hieh-E ot income, view corner. lOOxlis. houses furn.shed. at Oak Orove, 11SOU. "vl WW. Oregonian. .uKllI buy for OUHg people. Iliouen. iikuk, car all buiit-lu conveniences; 11MH; to suit. Woodlawn Z.i. IRVINGTON home. 7 rooms, oak floora. fireplace, heanied ceiling, cement baa- oak flours. men. YOU'R best opportunity. Irvington; come and see tins new garaar. Hi'M all paid. E. DOWN. 123 monthly buys -room moa 'err T hor.rner.Tabor3J4S. Sl'NNYiriE 6-room house. 30x100 .ot 1079 Esst Morrison at. phone Main llrta. iROOM bungaKiw. Alberta, easy term. 1U E. 2-.h at. Woodlawn 2t3i THK MOKXIXG OREGOXIAX. WEDNESDAY. 3IARCH ' 26, 1913. I -i I RFAI. ESTATE. L TOEXTHASIuB. ; -w: VOl R HOME. rooms, two stones, modern In every particular, all street improvement "a paid, fine garage, new, Irvington; 4bo0. easy terms. , na.i s rooms and 2 sleeping norches. iiea attic, nouse new and thoroughly modern, extra toilet on first floor, ail tre' '"J provements in and bonded; Irvington, close to car; 50uo, terms. 5 rooms and sleeping porch, modern bungalow, Mt. Tabor, ail street Improve ments in: 3tK., asy terms d rooina and keeping porch, new. oee City Park, modern; 4.U,H, ji.h cash. b rooms and bath. new. Pieamout dis trict: Ji'iou, terms can be arranged. D-noin house. two siories. tmoderic tnroughout. two bathrooms, double con structed. SUBnside; t18; G rooms and sleeping porch, full two stories, corner iuxlW. modern. Rossmere, cottase. plenty of fruit, lot lOOx South portismd; a-0. 3-room bunalow and bath, lot 50x100. West side; M.V.U. . lnt 3 rooms, bath and sleeping lot lotrxlNo, three blocks to car. West siae. "T-room modem bungalow, new. Rose Citv park; U"."o. , , 5-ronm modern bungalow, close to cat and sr:iooI, Rose City Park ; M"" 7 rooms and sleeping porch, modern, Laurelhurat, "$5Hm. m 8 rojius and sleeping porch, modern, Olmstead Park; stiTou. 4 rooms and bath, fireplace, Ro?e City Park diitrivt; $Jojo ,-.ow . PROVlOfcNT TKI'ST COM PAN. OWNERS. 21 1! rieihng Bldg. HAWTllOKNIS AVE. HOME. BARGAIN THIS WEEK. Out on Marguerite ave., near Hawthorne, is a barguin for some one. Owner wants to well this week and is gdng to sell this week if he can find someone wanting a home in That district. He has a beautiful U-raom modern home on beautiful lot a little larger than tioxUHi. with beautiful cherry trees, street im provements all in. Look this up tr vou are interested in a neat, cosy home out that way. Price JJim-O. Look It over and make us an offer if you can pay down siuou. HA HO ROVE A SONS. 122 North th st.. cor. (tth and GHsan. Main 43S1, A 7U0D. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. 5-room new bungalow, double con structed and nicely arranged, hard wood floors, built-in buffet, cozy den rireniace veneer paneled walln, " plata glass mirrors, full cabinet kitchen, fine bathroom, best of plumbing, cement basement, with laundry trays; large attic; 50-ft. lot. block from car; a nifty buy; make your own terms. CONSULT Ol'R HOUSE DEPT. FOR BARGAINS. THE HARROLT-WILSOX COMPANY. INC. 710-718 Lewis Bldg. Fourth and Oak. Marshall 4200. A "158. WE HAVE for sale in various sections of the city four, five, six and nine-room houses, ranging tn price from SiiuOO to fmiuO each. These homes are modern and well-built, with hardwood floors, furnace, fireplace and all built-in conveniences. Some are in highly lestrlcted residence districts with all street Improvements in. We are completing a number of beautiful homes on the West Side that command .mMtrnM.. view of ritv r'vers and mountains; all have good car service; if you desire, you can select one of our choice building lota and we will build to suit vou. Our homes are sold on the easy-payment plan. Com in and let us talk it over with you. PROVIDENT TRUST COMPANY, 212SelllngBldg. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. at00. $r;oo down. BALANCE AS RENT. Brand new bungalow, doubly construct ed throughout, modern in every particu 'ar hardwood floors, fireplace, bookcases, handsome buffet, Dutch kitchen, bath room, equipped with latest and best or fixture large attic, cement floor In base ment, laundry trays, fine furnace A com plete home; must be sold this week. or appointment call Tabor 30S9. T T V A i ' A NT LOT. WHY NOT TURN A BURDEN INTO INCOME? WE WILL FURNISH THE MONEY. BUILD APARTMENT, P.ESN DKTB OK ANYTHING. PLANS FRbr,. Wi- i.K RESPONSIBLE. WE KNOW HOW. TALK TO OUR CLIENTS. SEE OLlt WOLK. WILL GIVE BOND. L. It. BAILEY & CO.. CONTRACTING ATtCIUTE.'TS. :,21 AB1NGTON BLDG. PORTLAND HEIGHTS HOME. Beautiful tt-room residence, choice dis trict, unequaled view, large level grounds, 73 ft. from car, every up-to-date conveni ence, hardwood floo-J. cut glass fixtures, fireplace, sleeping porch, nursery. Great bargain if sold before April. BROOKE. Elm and 22d sta. Marshall 4S27, A 3S30. VACANT LOTS DON'T PAY. WE F I N A N C E AND P LA N YOUR HOME OR APARTMENT AND BUILD ON" TERMS. SEE US AT ONCE AND LOOK OVER OUR NUMEROUS ORIG INAL DESIGNS. TAYLOR BUILDING CO.. 308 M KAY BLDG., SD AND STARK STREETS. HOUSE SNAP. For sale at a sacrifice, my equity In a new. modern bungalow, Ave rooms, bath, toilet, gas. Bull Run water, fruit trees, beautiful lawn, lot Vxlw; blocks from 20-ininute car service; furnished complete, new furniture: will sell with or without furniture. Phone Marshall 4740. FOUR-ROOM BUNGALOW. Comp'ete. doubio constructed, first class plumbing, light fixtures and window shades; can't be beat in the city; must be sold; CLOSE IN. near good carllne; easy terms. Call Main 3S07. J. V. Guthrie (owner). . $130 EQUITY 2-room bungalow and 2 lots; Bull Run water and gas. Balance. $C,0o, oavable $15 per month. No reasonable ofl'er refused. Take Rose City car and go 4 blocks south 002 East 7&th St., or call Marshall 31S0. b PORTLAND HEIGHTS BUNGALOW. Dear little 3-room bungalow, standing In large, beautifully wooded grounds, with splendid view and among fine homes. BROOKE. Elm and 22d sts. Marshall 4&2T, A 3839. PORTLAND HEIGHTS RESIDENCE. A perfect gem, 8 rooms, close in, over looking city; magnificent view. Will suit the most fastidious. Bargain. BROOKE. Elm and 22d sts. Marshall 4S27, A 3839. "leavixo STATE. EXCEPTIONAL Of POKTUMTV. My exclusive 7-room $700) Laurelhur.t home must be sold; finest built home in city; haidwood flniah throughout. See this. Make infer. Tabor 'Ja!-U. SALE Artistic, well-built new house, OK exaptional opportunity to ceeure. desirable, well located home at ac tual coat of lot and construction; terms. Inquire 4U5 Yeon bids. Phone Marshall lB'.'o. NICE home, good condition. 4 rooms, re ception hail, toilet, bath, pantry, electric lights, full hasement: good buy for 11800; i.vo down, balance 20 per cent month. In eluding interest, il per cent. Owner, So East 72d at.Sorth. . BF VCTIFI'L. sightly corner, of 2 lotj, with 7-room house; ground covered with fine variety of fully-grown fruit trees; will sell to you on your own terms. I am the owner and will give you a bargain. Call 7-0 chamber of Commerce bldg. DUiu-in ., poren. run oae-eiiiewi. ... "lr: Two blocks to car. Inquire at 4so2 .od st. S. E. FoP. SALE The finest home in Irvington. nnthed in mahogany and oak. F. E. Bowman Co., owners and builders, East llild and Braree. Eaat 9:5, C liaa. lioOO buya new 5-room cottage; terms. Owner, 41J Cham, of Com. NEW modem o-room bungalow, eady terms, by owner. Call Tabor 4034. Far Hale It u sine. 1'roperty. BEAVTIFTL apartment alto. 50x100 corner, for sale cheap, or will lease to parties who will Improve same; we have responsible tenant wailing for a building on this site who is wlllinr to pay S.Vio per month for a huildlng built to suit; thla Is on the WEST SlOE, In the best apartment-house district, within 10 minutes' walk of busi ne center; here Is a good proposition for an investor who means business. Ask for air. Beamer. HACKER 4 THERKELSEN Co.. Main 7.".0. noil Spalding Bldg. For Sale Acreage. IO ACRES running water, on carline: $1200, terms. . 4-23 Chamber of Commerce. jfYCllES. near car. running water, close In. 11600; terms. m- BARGAIN 3 acres. 2 blocks depot. Oregon r-ieetric 13o0. terms. Tabor 2152. NOTHING down, nothing for o years. Famous Willamette River bottom land. Can you beat that for soil? Loganberries yielding $400 per acre. Can you beat that for crop? On Oregon Electric and W iilamette Biver. " . .- Can you beat that for transportation? This land is genuine loganberry land lo cated at Finaer Station, on the Oregon Electric. miles south of Salem, and on the banks of the Willamette River; it Is gently rolling bottom land, practically all in cultivation; we will sell in fi. 10. -Q and 40-acre tracts; the only requirement we make of the purchasers is that half oi the land purchased be set to loganberries; we can provide the logan tfps; this is a proposition for the man of limited means; use your capital In developing -the land; this Is jUiit the right time to start in. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY, 82 Fourth SL you beat mat ior lemmi CHOICE ACREAGE, CLOSE IN. West Side acreage, best of soil. 00,a drainage, part in stumps, part in culti vation, 2H. d 10-acre tracts, prices ranee from 3o0 to $550 per acre, just outside 6-mile circle from Postofflce; will build to suit you. easy terms. 2-acre tract on Powell Valley road. Z miles east of city limits, macadamized road to Portland. $IK, one-half cash- Acreage near Gilbert station on Caxa dero line, one-half hour to city; ma--..i i i . i L.o.iin tn Miv covered with bearing apple trees, good soil and drainage. 1J.10 to MoOO per acre; wi build to suit you. . PROVIDENT TRT'ST COMPANY, OWNERS. 212 Selling Bldg. BUY OF OWNER. I want to aell my little farm of 10 acres; ti acres cultivated; raised, fiearly linu bushels of potatoes in 1912; ." acres nasture. 2 acres of It Is good fir tlmbr. balance easily cleared; all of it the best of sandv loam soil; lies nearly levei ; oni 12 miles from renter of Portland and in the BfavMton district, close to school and stores; price $'2000, jfaOO cash. 5 years to pay the balance. See Mr. Carr, 21S Board of Trade. 2 I-:; ACRES, cultivated; running spring water, level, on sood road and electric ctK-linc; rich bottom land, ideal for gar dtrr.g. poultry nnd suburban home. In eiowiiiAC community; telephone. daily ma'i only few blocks to store, school and c.ectric-lighted depot; $400 per acre, .n snm-2 vicinity: acres partly cleared, aj m os t i c v ' 1 : laves c n county road; $- to per acie; 2V. acres adjoining. unceured, ginning, $170 per acre, cany terms. J. W. HEFKEKUX. 07 Railway Exch.Bldg.. Portland. s!irAlJli7!roustrand two acres, fenced, culti vated, level, bearing fruit trees, deep soil, rur nine spring water; $13oO. Small houso and 100x100 corner; fenced, 1 earing fruit trees; $aOU. Good bain and 20o by 100. double cor ner, bearing fruit trees; $375. 'j iiese are all 1 block to store. 2 blocks to school. 3 blocks to electric lighted de p'T on electric canine, close to Portland; good auto road, telephone, daily mail. J. W. HEFFEKL1X, 307 Railway Exch. Bldg., Portland. A FINE LITTLE TRACT. 20 acres fine land at J3 per acre, with 6 acres fine bottom land along fine trout stream, balance gently sloping and all tillable except about 2 acres good pas ture land with fine spring; fine soil, no rock easy clearing; on county road near the railroad: adjoining land produced 300 crates strawberries per acre for first crop; you can buy this for a small payment down and balance monthly. Lueddemann. Ruiey & Co.. 913 Chamber of Commerce. I WANT to soli my 33 acres pretty bad or I would never offer it at $1000. with only $iiO0 cash; it has a living spring and good soil, with south slope, but is unimproved; just one mile to railway station, where there is a school and about 2S miles from " Portland; others have been paying double this price for lund in the same vicinity; let me hear if you want a place. A 772. Oregon ian. A SMALL FARM FOR YOU. 13 acres at $30 per acre, only 28 miles from Portland, adjoining land being rap Idiv settled up; half mile to railroad, school and store; rich soil, no rock, fine spring, all nearly level bench land except possibly 4 acres of fine pasture: only itSo down and $lt.25 per month will buy it now. Lui-ddemann, Ruley & Co., 913 Cham ber of Commerce. HOME-SEEKERS. Five and ton-acre tracts on Oregon Electric, betw een Portland and Salem; will net $200 to $300 per acre in logan berries. On our easy payment plan jou may insure f ut ure independence and a countrv home where nature intended man to live and enjoy the luxuries of life. About 24 trnfns daily through property. Tracts developed If desired. Northwesetrn Tr-ist Co., 2U2 Wilcox bldg. Main 3317. ELECTRIC LINE. 8 bloeKS station; chicken and fruit ranches near Portland; now subdivision on Estacada line, near G resh am; 5 ac res, $400. $3u0. $ 700 . S acres $300, $700; lu acres, 9730, $000. $1000 per tract ; best soil, tree wood, spring water; acreage at Seappoose. Or.. $J3 to $loo per acre. FRANK. M FARLAND REALTY CO.. 3011 Yeon Bldg.. Portland. rUKE-IX ACREAGE. 3 acres finest land in the Tualatin Val- iv mil from the center oi foruanu. niar Beavertoji; lies slightly rolling, soli is the very best and will grow anything; near school, church, and stores; easy to see this; price $675. $100 cash, i years to py for balance. ALVORD-CARR-HUNTER CO. 21S-219 Board of Trade. -. A.-uiPri. WITH SPRING. 3 acres, one mile from Oregon City -raHine, with 34 acres in cultivation, bal ance eisliy cieureu; an iirsi-ciaa iniu, running water, smalt house, high and ;-htiv This la an ideal chicken or truck eaiden ranch. Will sell the o acres for .hi tmm of S73o cash, balance very cas- "at 0 per cent. H. G. Day, 007 Yeon building. ALL HEADY! GET LOCATED. SNAP. 314 acres, choice volcanic ash, apple land about 10 miles from Hood River, 14 miles to nearest town; slashed and some cleared; 7-room house, good barn, outbuildings; best lund in Hood River district: ideal for chickens; for price of improvements only. $3uOO, $1300 cash, bal ance small payments. Devlin & Fire Laugh. 007 Yeon building. HOMESEEKERS! ATTENTION. KOUD RIVER DISTRICT BARGAIN. S13C0 $1330. b acres on main road; about 6 cleared, ready to set to apples this Spring; well, LfuutUut building site and ideal lor poul try aajoining property sold at 3o0 por acre; $o30 cash, balance small payments. Dv'n it Firebaugh, Oo7 Y'eon bldg. A GOOD HOME. IO acres, 8 miles from Vancouver, Wash 1 V north of Orchards carline ; eood school, all improved. 3-room house and outbuildings; price $3500. terms; will not trade for other land. Apply owner, Mrs L. A. Larson. R. F. D. No. 6, Van couver, Wash. FIXE LITTLE CHICKEN' RANCH. llii acres near Columbia Hiver ana station, on North Bank Road, close to Portland: a few acres cleared, balance un improved; half of tract good tillable land: fair house; good barn; chicken-houses; all lor $11'50. Lueddemann, Ruley & Co., 13 Chamber of Commerce. 115 DOWN BEATS RENT. And puts you In possession of a choice half acre, 1L'0x1S5. with small house, for S750- 30 minutes from Hawthorne bridge. C Marsten. -02 Wilcox bldg. Main Salt, Tabor 1770, A 7340. lit ACRES unimproved land, mile east of Rothee station. Oregon City car, 40 ri.le from 1st and Alder sts.: well located for sut division; price ."U0 per acre. Address w. L. btarKweatner, waukie. Or.. Route 1. Mil- corRTNET improved acreage, modern houae bam, ehlckenhouses and all sorts of fruit- .500 down and balance to suit purchaser. Call up Oak Grove, red 21". mornings, or write llilwaukie R. No. L box Do. FARMS and townsltes on four new railroads near Eugene. Or..-our specialty. Prices 115 to 5 an acre, l-10th cash. Leading Southern Willamette Valley dealers. Great Western Land Co.. Inc. Commercial Club bldg.. Wr. 8th t., Eugene, Or. WOODBURN. Or., 2-acre tract, has Plenty fruit fenced, good houae, barn, sneas, cow." 8 ton hay. bu. oats 20 tou. wheat; price 37o, good terms. Reynolds, lo-J Ch- of Commerce. Main i40i. ift-ACRE tract. 17 miles from Portland, on Ciilted R. R-i 2 acre, fruit, all cleared. cVeekT deep black soil, in clt- limits ot Helotia: price 300. good terms. Reynolds, mi" Ch. of Commerce. Main i47. FIFTEEN" acres Hood River orchard land at Dee Or.- partly cleared, bordering Irri tation dtch, clear title; consider trade for Portland lot or home. AR aSO. Orego- nian. Anr-s: elfsn TO 18UO. Your choice of S00 acres, good soil, wa ter school and roads; m hours from Portland. 215 Lumber Exchange bldg. IOOKI 10 acres, water, school, near rail and water transportation: 130 to $40. On you? own terms. F. Dubois, 423 Cham ber of Commerce. "i ACRES level stump land, good soil, eas ily cleared on railroad, close to town, school; iHOO: o0 cash, balance 5 years at A per cent. O hS7, Oregonlan. ' w iiiH-t-LASS 7o-acre ranch. 4 miles from city limits; modern buildings; terms. Owner. M ury io acres of almona. it "i " "VA'Jlnd.n... Easy terms. Dabney Dabnejl HOT Railway Exchange. 2i ACRES for suburban "home, ciose to car, excellent soil, part cultivated. 1720. 12 per month. E SD2. Oregoman. HAVE fine ranoh; also options on small (Con?0.B II Grkf C Veedville, Or. HOMES CLOSE TO PORTLAND. 10 acres of the very best of Tual atin Valley bottom lanti nothing finer for loganberries small fruits of all kinds, vegetables, etc; all in cultivation; nice orchard, a-room house with fireplace; good barn; chicken-houses, etc.; on main coun tv road: fine school right at the place; R. F. D.. phone; close to stores and near electric line; only 12 miiee from center f Portland; buy from owner direct; price $-oOO; you make the terms. 6 ACRES. All in cultivation and the very best of soil; plenty of fruit in full bear- ing; on main county road 1 V mile from electric station, sidewalk all the way this Summer; school and store i4 mile: 10 miles from cjnter of Portland; price 13oo; terms that will suit you. See MR. HOSTETLER, 18 Board of Trade. Irrigated Land. LOGANBERRIES, the great money-maker, the thing that the Middle West and the East can t raise, need water when tiie dry ' epelt comes. We have the water, the dandy soil, the ideal climate at est Sta v ton Drop in and let us show you. A sure winner. Will. Val. Irr. Land Co.. 304 Oak, opp. Com'l Club, near cor. 5th. EVERYBODY is talking about West Stay ton the one place where your investment is a ure winner, because wa have the water in Summer to do things with. Let us tell you about It. Easy terms to the right ueople. Willamette Valley Irrig. Land Co., 204 Oak. opp. Commercial Club, near cor. 5th. Free illustrated booklets ftmiirtaie BETTER AND EASIER THAN ti Ual STEADING ion an mI lehi. h are In cultiva tion and adjoin the corporate limits of the town of Silver Lake, Or. Good house i and well, all under proposed dltca; price $13 ner acre; make your own terms; photos f at office of Fred w. German. VJ. C. Both phones. W ANTED Party to take up homestead with me. Call 3287 E. 5Sd st. t-'ruit Land-. ORCHARD 13 acres in. Buena Vista Or chards, Mosier Valley; b acres 2-year.old trees: other improvements; price $2.s00. Inquire Dr. S. V. Small, Mosier, Or. For Sale RIVER FRONT FARM. 140 acres on navigable river. 20 acres of finest river bottom lanti, 1 20 acres bench land a 1 1 the best of soil ; 90 acres tillable when cleared, balance finest pusiure land; 30 acres in high state of cultiva tion, balance pasture with some val uable timber; well f.mced; family orchard; fine spring water piped to house, '2 houses, good barn, etc.; NOW SEE WHAT GO US WITH THIS PLCE: Good team of mares, sad dle pony. 7 FINE JERSKi' COWd, heifer, 3 pigs, chickens, FARMING IMPLEMENTS OF ALL KINDS. 3 h. p. gasoline engine and saw. 25 foot LAUNCH with lOh. p. engine; owner catches from $00 to ?300 worth of fish each season; on fine graveled road close to school, store, etc.: 6 miles from splendid railroad town ; price J tioOO ; favorable terms. ALVORD-CARR-HUNTER CO., 218-219 Board of Trade . GOOD BUYS. acres at North Yamhill; Im proved. acres near RIdgefleld, 15 acres improved; easy terms. BAKER & DRYER. "The Acreage Men." 204 Railway Exchange Bldg. BARGAIN IN HOP YARD. 20 acres, 14 miles from Portland; 2H miles from Wilsonville, on county road; all finest soil and ail cleared; 13 acres hops, all new posts and wired throughout; nufeii he ho os In Willamette Valley last year; good hophouse and equipmont. i small snacK ior naiAB. una iiiuat b--immediately and will go at &io0; time on part; no trades- The bare land is worth the price asked for the place and with fair prices the hop crop will pay for it this year. LUEDDEMANN, El'LEY & CO., 913 Chamber of Commerce. FARM. STOCK AND EQUIPMENT. 160 acres on Brush Prairie. 3 miles from station at Crawford, Wash.; all nearly level land. 30 acres in cultivation, balance burned and seeded to clover, '2 springs; fine 2-story house, new barn and other buildings; some fine onion land; family or chard, 7 cows, 5 heifers and farming im plements included; price r.l) per acre; this place is just across road from Swed ish colony, where raw land sells for $100 per acre. Lueddemann, Ruley & Co., J13 Chamber of Commerce. GENERAL PURPOSE FARM. 7(1 ACRES. 52 in cultivation. 14 -slashed, 10 timber, all tillable, no rock or gravel, running water 5-room house, barn OOxOo. modern dairy barn 33x70, other good outbuildings; gas engine for pumping water at well. Family orchard, 4 horses, poultry, wagons, machinery, feed and seed; located less than 14 miles from center of Portland, on gravel road. NEILAN & PARKHILL. fiOO Spalding Bldg.. Portland, Oregon. ALFALFA, CATTLE AND HOGS. "We are headquarters for alfalfa, cattle and hop ranches, under irrigation, with plenty of water, shelter and timber, at $00 to $80 per acre. KASTE BROS., 618 Henry bldg. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. Beautiful country home near famous Rogue River In Jackson Co., the home of good roads and the most perfect climate on the Pacific Coast. A revenue producer in A-l condition; save commissions; owner Is In Portland March 27 to 31. Phone Main 1830. 301 W. Park St., Apt. 22. BY OWNER, 12 miles from Portland. 10 acre farm, small house and barn, fruit trees, 4 acres cleared, rest easily cleared; 2 miles from United R. R. ; lies in Wash ingtosi Count. Price $150 an acre. Ad dress Otto H. Opltz. 755 East Irving St. 130-ACRE Improved Linn Co., Oregon, farm. 100 acres In cultivation, balance timber, fenced good roads, 1 mile school, creek, springs, 80 miles from Portland; price $55 per acre. Reynolds, 1022 Ch. of Com merce. M- 746i. FOR SALE 473 acres land In Wasco Co., 1 y, miles from station and small town ; one mile from school, on main county road good location for stock ranch. For particulars address Miss M. Walton, Friend, Or. 100 ACRES of the best land in Oregon; 00 acres in cultivation, balance timber, fruit, house, barn, buildings, 3 miles from Woodburn. on Pudding River; price 100 acre. Reynolds. 1022 Chamber of Com merce. Main 7467. 100 ACRES improved land. 20 acres timber, in ivt inn alfalfa and erain; make a dandy fruit and dairy ranch; only 20 miles from Portland, at Dayton Or.; price $100 acre Reynolds, 1022 Ch. or Com. M. 7407. S LEM Or., 70-acre ranch, 35 acres in to-ytiin' s in timber, bal. pasture; 6-room house, barn, orchard, spring, etc.; price $150 aore. neynuiua. lo22 Chamber of $150 aore. ncjuwiuo. Commerce. Main .407. FINE valley farm. 130 acres. 100 acres cul tivation, good house and barn, small or chard, running water, best road in county; price $135 acre. D. A. Hart, owner, New berg. Or. . CASH bargains; Willamette 60. 4uu; mori sage $600; also Improved 80, near Port land and interurban station, $6000; in cumbrance $2000; no agents. Owner. 1030 Grand North. US AtfRES: 05 acres highly improved; only ttifl Wn acre. Come in and look over our 2 Worcester bldg., 3d and list. Avum Oak. 1240-ACHE improved farm. Albany, Or. : house, bam. water, fruit, etc. See me about this; $30 acre. Reynolds, 1022 Ch. of Commerce. Main 7467. 47 ACRES good buildings, about all cleared; 1 mile from carline; $150 per acre. Room 2 Worcester oiojs- " list of good bus INVESTIGATE this. Six acres beavcrdam land adapted to onions or generai trucK farming. Easy terms. Address owner, p O box 332, Clatskanle. Or. ut TO $2oO per acre buys Improved Hood River orchards. See us before you buy; you will save money. Room 2 Worcester niag. ranch 60 acres, with buildings; 18 miles from Portland, near electric line; bargain malf cash. Bv owner. 182 Morrison St. -oct; s-hpat farm. miles from K. R. i0Y . . ' . r.uHfiTTi County: price I 'll aimoi - . ; . - rN0 Room 1C. 232 H Wash. oin lmnrnVra. SOU I Jl V ca I of independence. $30 per acre; terms. F. Du- 40 ACRES, CKse io niuiwuiu. " j . . . t ti it . v. till nor rr : terms. . . . . i . vTmtaa. ha rn 1 0 cr.r'eTeVlTper'acrr"Fabo74lW. NEW FARM LANDS IN THE LAST GREAT WEST. Rich prairie lands ready for the plow, near towns and schools, $11 to an acre on 20 years time. per cent cash, balance in 10 equal annual payments with 6 per cent interest. To farmers who have horses, cows and implements enough to put 25 acres in crop and enough cash to make the nrst payment and to pay their moving expenses to Canada. The Can adian Pacihc Railway wul loan to any purchaser of 16o to 3-'0 acres oi land the sum of $2000 to improve the land with buildings, fences, dig a well and put in a crop, on 20 years' time at 0 per cent interest. We want men ambitious to ear from $-2000 to .iiuO per annum, men who are not satisfied with a living-. This is the most unusual offer over made, to buy ers ot farm lands. Write for complete in formation and free literature. V. G. IDE. Agent. 21 S Lumbermen Bldg. $40 PER ACRE $40. 162'-. ACRES, light red-snot loam. iu ' acres In cultivation. .".0 acres of pas-t.iT- htilanco fine wiling; all fenced. only 2 4 mll-s from new electric line; 4-root house, barn, fine spring and running water year around; no waste: this will make a fine farm anH im fprtninlv a. barirain ; ad jo ing property selling at S5 to Slut) per acre; a clear saving on this of at least $tiO00 cash: will double in value in the next jvar; price $i.00: only takes $2500 cash, balance 6 per cent. CONSULT OUR FARM DEPT. RELIABLE INFORMA TION GLADLY GIVEN' . ON ALL LOCALITIES IN THE NORTHWEST. THE H A RBOLT-WILSON COMPANY". INC. 71 '1-7! S Lewis Bldg. Fourth and Oak. Marshall 4200. A 7i:S. THIS o J I N VESTMENT WILL KEEP A FARMERS FAMILY. In six months time you can be on easy street. My ten-acre proposition, which includes lumber for house and burn, line Hol te:n cow (now milking. hKS and chickens, is without qtu-yion the , most liberal small farm proposition ever made for property so near l'orttancl. I am selling for u party who wants a respoim -ble man on the ranch. Price, which in cludes everything, si."dK Pay -.0 down and balance may he had to suit. are, round trip, 1.5. F. McFarUr. t, o0 Y eon .bid g. . . FULLY equipped dairy and fruit ranch at bargain Terms. Registered Jerseys, ap p;es. L. Coleman. Kt- 1. Rogeburg. Or. Miscellaneous. t FOR COOS B A Y R E A L 1 E S Ti' E and RELIABLE- ABSTRACTS OF TITLE, -.see Title Guarantee t Abstract Co.. Mara fieid. Or. -. .lOl.LADAY ADD., fractional lot for $1000 This is a bargain and necessity - oilijr prompts us to sacrifice it at the figure. Call T'.iO chamber of Commercebkig. Sinoo YEARLY income; do you vanl it: $1C0 cash required. Real estate security. X 651, Oregonlan. IVANTLi) KfcAL ESTATE. WE HAVE A BUYER who will pav from $1000 to $:!0.000 for a lirst-claus investment in city property in Portland or near by. He will take any kind of real estate that produces a large income or which is offered at a sacrllice price. We can make you an immediate sale on this kind of property. Ralph ACKley Laud Co., 170 0th st. HAVE client who wants" 10 to 0 acres, in Willamette Valley within 2 miles of sta tion and within 40. miles of Portland; must have o-room bouse, family orchard, about half in cultivation and price not to exceed 43500 ; can pay $10U0 cash, bal ance 3 years, interest quarterly; must have full particulars this week. GODDARD & WIED1UCK, I' 4 3 Stark St. 5-KOOM houss in good location, about $-500. In part payment, wilt give 10 acres fine land, hear yood R R. town in Washing ton, real estute first mortgage $oo0 and some cash. TROWBRIDGE & STEPHENS, 301 Wilcox Bldg. WANTED 7-room house in Laurelhurst. Beaumont or Rose City Park from $3700 to $4."oo that can be purchased on terms of $300 down and $30 per month, includ ing interest. Ask for Mr. Quesnell. HACKER & THER IvELKEN CO., Main 7512. 300 Spalding Bldg WANTED To buv farm not far from Port land worth $5000. from party who will take modern apartment-house doing good business, of equal value, in exchange for same. AL 7, Oregonlan. LOT or $250 cash as hrst payment on new modern home in Vernon at $2300; Holmes bed, fireplace, Dutch kitchen, basement, attic, enameled bathroom. Owner, 1020 Yeon bid,. I WANT to buy West Side property up to $50,000 from party who will take White Salmon property tclear as pari payment. AN et0, Oregonlan. I WANT a 5-room modern cottage, not over $2000; prefer Alberta district; turn in good lot, some cash ; terms balance. Henkle & Harrison. Gerllnger bldg. WANTED from owners only, 5 or G-room modern bungalow in Rose City Park under S4000, on easy terms. Address AH 812, Oregon ian. I AM in the market for South Portland property; have the cash, but price must be right. W SSl, Oregonlan. CASH PAID for owner's interest In real estate tracts. Mr. B., 1020 Yeon bldg. TO EXHANt-.iu. SELL or trade for city lot; $1400 equity in a modern 5-room bungalow on 04th st., 150 feet south Sandy boulevard; artistic combination light fixtures, built-in buffet, bookcases, beautiful fireplace, mantle, oak floors, high-grade doors and hardware; price $3000, euay terms. J. J. Folen, No. 1 N. 6th st. Main 6030. SUBURBAN HOME. 1 4 acres, nicely improved; 75 fruit trees, bearing plenty roses, . shrubs, new barn, chicken yard and chickens; good six room house, close to car; will exchange for good city house and lot. GKUSS1 & BOLLS, 318 Board of Trade. 4th and Oak. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. Beautiful country home near famous Rogue River, in Jackson Co., the home of good roads and the most perfect climate on the Pacific Coast. A revenue producer in -l condition; save commissions; owner is fii Portland March 27 to 31. Phone Main 1S39. 301 W. Park St., Apt, 22. HAVE two fine lots In Piedmont, one block "from three carlines, will exchange for modern bungalow or house up to $5000 and pay difference. Or will give contract or one lot as first payment, balance cash. If he will build me a bungalow. AM 8h3, Oregonlan. TO EXCHANGE for equity in house and lot or for lot, contract on 20 acres of land under the irrigation project of the Deschutea Land Company, at La Pine, Or., fuiiy paid up; 2 feet of water guaranteed each year. Roscoe Hunt, 120 icon uiuK. fljuiii oni, " FOR SALE or trade. Hit acres four miles from Ontario. Or.; 05 acres in 0-year-o:d orchard ; cuts 350 tons of aifaifa; good improvements; school and R. K. switch on place. For further information write J. O. Schtitchticld. Fruitlanu. Idaho. TRADE FOR AUTO. Homestead relinquishment; only 5 hours from Portland; pioneer days over; sur rounded by 15 to.25-bushe.l wheat farms; $600 cash. AN b93, Oregonlan. TOH SALE, cheap, or exchange for horses. a good o-paasenger auto, i nice ummmi" rings and a good, clear city lot. 14 Lnlon ave., corner of Asli. ' WILL "trade my equity of ji'JOO In a new. modern 7-room house on Last Side for clear lots, small house, acreage or mort gage. Owner, B oH. Oregonian. 2-sTORY brick building, free of debt, loi equity In residence; price builuing $300o; want residence about 14500. U1J Lewis bidg. 100 ACRES. GO under cultivation, leueevi, good ii-room house and barn. 214 mlies from Krupp. Wash.; price $4800; mtg. -1000. T 7li;l. Oregonlan. TO EXCHANGE Two furnished 6-room houses and several well-located lots at Medford. Or., for acreage or city prop erty near Portland. AJ 807. Oregonlan. WANT to exchange gilt-edge city property for stock ranch twith stock and tools pre. ferred) up to I5",ooo. Write full particu lars. AR 852. Oregonian, TO TRADE for Oregon farm, a $3500 equity in a 55u0 Kansas City. Mo., residence; also 52 feet vacant. A 714, Oregonian. SELECT coi-ntry home for some clean, le gitimate business in Portland; J40OO. N Kilo. Oregonian. ICO ACRES good ianu, gooo iul.uu.,, ily cleared, for house and lot: value 13500. no agents. K 1111. Oregonlan. GROUP of 12 mining claims;-value $10.C0o. What have you of equal value to trade? AB 844, Oregonian. FOR SALE or trade. li'.O acres, six miles from Toledo, Or. M Ml, Oregonlan. -THK w .HiHOl.T.WllJiOX COMPANY, IN.: 7HI-T1S Lewis riklg., . Fourth fcnd Oak. Marshall 42o0 A-I EXCHANGES. WILL BEAR INVESTIGATION. $ S 006 loO acres enst of Bend: 1 S2 sores i under the ditch; A-l alfalfa land; alfalfa fi'hls all around this quarter section; free and clear; to trade for city property. a 9,500 lOOxlSO: located close in on the East Side, with !? houses; wi trade equity of $t;oio for small $11,000 3-family flat building and a S ruom bungalow to trade equity of $j5u0 for cheap land. $10,000 5 lots in Murraymeud, free and clear, to trade for residence up to 'iOOO, balance mortgage. $23.000- -noo acres of A-l alfalfa and wheat hind, suhirrigat-d. to trade for city property ana win assume. $100,000 "2000 acres of A-l alfalfa, close to Uescautes River: will trade for - city property and assume. THE HARBOLT-WILSON COMPANY. INC 710-71S Lewis Bldg. Fourih and Oak. Marshall 42l'0. A 716. SPLENDID ACRES. OWNER WANTS TRADE. This Is one of the best piece of land in Oregon, located .just 70 mil' s south of Portland, on good graveed road. 1 miies from good town. There are isTt acr s, 140 acres In high state cultivation; living stream water. The entire tract is the very best of land, being part sandy loam bottom, and balance rich mellow upland- price JU,0U0: will accept citv property, stock merchandise, or small farm up to 12.t;H or U,oo0 as first payment, long time on bal ance, 6 p'ir cent interest. HARGROVE & SONS. 122 N. 0th st., cor. 0th and Glisan. WOULD YOU LIKE TO TRADE YOUR 50x100 LOT FOR 10 ACRES O F GARDEN LAND? CALL A T -4 13 BOARD OF TRADE. CHEAP ACREAGE FOK -USIDLNCE. A tine section of unlmprova land lo cated 4o miles from Portland, it mlies from cood town and the best of rail and river transportation; fev Pr cent tillable. 100 acres bottom land. 3 to 5 million fcec "of merchantable timber on U section, bal ance second growth and brush, very CHsy ' cleared; watered by 3 creeks and several springs;- $10.50 per acre; would consider modern rj;sidenco in Portland not to ex ceed $3."U0 (no inilated values, balance cash. 337 Railway Exchange. -Phono Main 4H0L . FARM TO TRADE FOR CITY HOME. 120 acres, 50 acres in cultivation, close to a good town, frc.e from incumbrance, all fenced and cross-fenced, house, barn; price $3500. Will take home in the city un to S3O0O: will take mortgage on the place for balance, might assume small mrALLACB INVESTMENT CO., 517-3 S .Oregoman Bldg. WILL TRADE I-OR STOKE. 306 acres. 20 acres cleared, balance good timber of ten million feet, close to river value $10,000, incumbrance $45011, 0 per cent interest; equity ..":.0u; also two houses and lots in 1'ortland, total value of all about 512.000; will trade for store in country town. Owners of stores In answering give full particulars. J. a. Smith. V. O. Box 1131. Portland. Or. FOR SALE or trade, a fine 30U-acre farm In Wasco county, close to a nice little town and within a stone s throw of the. railroad station: good house and outbuildings; a fine platting proposition or can be used for a stock ranch; will accept Portland property. Geo. T. Moore Co., 518 Ablng- ton hide. WE buy, sell or trade anything. 430 Lum ber Exchange Bldg. car. F slili, oregonian. fOB SALE TIMBER LAX PS. TIMBER FOR SALE. Large tracts a specialty. Timber lands bought and sold. CACSEY LANU & INVESTMENT CO.. 603 Lumbermens bltig.,uth and Starlt. TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. M CRACK EN. 304 McKay Bldg. C. J. CHEAP STl'MPAGE Ideal location for tie mill, stream run ning to R. R. spur. No. 73 Pth st. SJHLL tiemlll and timber, near railroad, at attractive price. C KIS, Oregonian. FOR SALE. Horses, Vehicles, Etc. HORSES AND WAGONS FOR bALi. OR. RENT. Second-hand vehicles bought and sold; new wugons and auto beds made to order, livery furnished to business parties ut special rates. HAWTHORNE STABLES, 420 Hawthorne Ave. Phone East B 1869. THE MURPHY HOlt&E at aiuna. iv, Commission dealers in all classes of horse, AUCTION3' EVERY MONDAY. 10 A . M. Horses and mules for rent tu contractors In carload lots. 240 East 8th St., near Hawthorne. phone East 031o. ONE team, mare and horse. 4 and 7 years old ZoOtl lbs.; team, weight, KiuO lbs; bay horse, 1150 lbs.; bay mare, 1350 lbs.; big work horse, 1400 lbs., for $.10; 2H, ranch w agon, set of harness as good as new ; rubber-tired trap with pole and double harness. 350 N. llh stMaln 4o87. GOOD-"ranch team, span of black h'r!c weighing 3200 lbs.; tnls team Is a, little street sore but good workers; will make an A No. 1 farm team; U0 will ouy them and harness; no dealers need ap plv; fell to farmers only. Olson Ice Co., 26 7 tf.-ist 8th. JUST received consignment of good horses, weit-ht from 8O0 lbs. to 1500 lbs. each. T..-i,..i. frnm si ''5 to i500 per pair, some good family and general puipos. hornes lrUID ao IO ioo pei St., Montavilla. 11107 E. Statu: ONE team, 5 and 0 years old. weighing "s(0- one 8-year-old black horse, weigh ing 1350; all are sound and true. 220 Russell. . BROWN mare, 12UO lbs., $011, team, ina. o and horse, 2100, sound. 5 ; also two seta of double harness and two light rarm wagons at your own price. 302 i-rotit Pt. FOR SALE 27 head horses and mares. 6 to 10 vears old, weight U50 to 1.100 lbs ; harries3, wagons, buggies and harness. 434 Goldsmith. I-'OR SALE One team, wei niaieii'-u, o ' 0 years old. weighing S.'luo lbs.; sound and true. 226 Russell st. GOOD team mares, weight 2'.-0; harness, wagon. Call and see tliem work. 838 East 28th st. WW car. GOOD FARM OR ORCHARD 111. LLo, horses of all kinds, gooseneck express and farm wairons. Hal W. Water, cor. Jlontg ) 5o CA.S1I buys team; 2MH pounds. Harness and a farm wagon balance. I'hone Sell- wood EXCELLENT driving and saddle horse. Joiio, very reasonable; leaving city. 11. S. Fisli, 223 Morrison st. aN-p 7y buys covered wagon, good con dition? !H5 East 3Ulh st. Phone Sell wood 1 120. fHFip for cash, 2200-pound team, harness and wagon. 120 East (ith st., near Morri son. FOR SALE Teo.n of ponies, good drivers: price -si Inquire at Millers bakeiy barn, E. 1st nnd Holladay. FOR SALE 1000-lb. horse, or will trade for a good cow. 816 Mississippi, Woodlawn 1241). . . CLOSING out, harness at wholesale price. 2U0 2d St.. corner Taylor. A FEW horses at reasonalil- prices; work ine every day. Hoiinan Fuel Co.. 75 5th. NICE pair of young ponies for sale, cheap. 10;7 East Stark at.. Montavllla. ONE studeuaker dump cart and hruneas, nearly new: $45. Tabor 14HS. :SES for sale, st S4 K. 7th st. North. Pianos, Organa and lulcl Inlrunient. GOING away, will sell my player piano very cheap, or might store It with re sponsible party giving suitable reference. W 8S8. Oregonian.