13 OUTHE realizing the strategic location of EAST PORTLAND, is expending $12,000,000 in ELECTRIFICATION and EXTENSIONS 340 miles of INTERURBAN LINES in WILLAMETTE VALLEY; so that "The MARKETS will be only 30 minutes from the FARMS" bringing the FARMS close to PORTLAND; with 100 TRAINS DAILY. THREE distinct ROUTES reaching every portion of the valley. The thousands of tons of agricultural produce, grape and citrus fruits, hops, dried fruits, potatoes, onions, lumber, wool, mohair, brick, tile, canned goods, livestock, comprising the principal products of the Willamette Valley, and moving to and via Portland, must all pass through East Portland; the trains today bringing in this traffic are broken up in their East Portland Yards This alone is sufficient to indicate that East Portland is the logical location and destined to be the GREAT JOBBING MAR KET and RETAIL CENTER of PORTLAND, and the many other advantages enjoyed by the Central East Side, insures this in the near future. You should encourage this development by TRADING on the EAST SIDE. Get ready for this GROWTH GET THE HABIT Begin now by trading with East Side merchants. Today, Wednesday, will be BARGAIN DAY on the EAST SIDE. SAVE MONEY. Each article a bargain as advertised below. EAST SIDE BUSINESS MEN'S CLUB. THE MORNING OREGOXIAX, WEDNESDAY. MARCH 26, 1913. THE RN PACIFIC RAI1 WAY COMFORTS On Sale On Sale BLANKETS PILLOWS ?Zy0W .S2.nnCnmfnrts$l ' zr-., rr,r rrr-n c t - t - -66tASTN0RRIS0MST. J60- His Reductions oa All tbe Above See Window Display WEDNESDAY BARGAIN DAY To mak. this bargain day the biggest value-giving event in Portland and one to be appreciated, we have decided to cut the prices regardless of any idea of value. 33 women's and misses' Suits every suit in all-wool ma terial. These comprise the balance of our heavier suits, lot in two prices. 18 Suits that were np to $19.50. for Wednes- C7 E?f day P ' 15 Suits that were np to $25.00, for Wednes- tfJQ QC day Se display In East Windows A $2 deposit will hold one of these bargains 10 days. Reasonable Alterations Free. The Stevens Coat & Suit Shop 388-390 E. MORRISON, NEAR. GRAND AVE. Wednesday Special 5-lb. can Lard 60 10-lb. can Lard. . .$1.20 THE BEST MEATS at CENTRAL MARKET KINDORF BROS. 13 O Grand Avenue $1.50 GRADE OF Port Wine AT nop Eni 75c PER GALLON Wednesday Only Penney Bros. 381 E. MORRISON ST. BARGAIN DAY SHIRTS Soft Shirts with military col lars attached. Our regular $1.50 sellers. Your choice at $1-15 WEDNESDAY ONLY Leading East ' Side Clothiers A Most Wonderful Value ALL BRASS BED, GUARANTEED TEN TEARS FOR OUR WEDNESDAY'S BARGAIN TOU CAN NOT SPOIL THIS LACQUER Not the cheap, ordinary kind, but a first-class bed that sells regularly at $16.00. This price for Wednesday only. EAST BUE.NSIDE AND UNION AVE. GOLDEEN'S A REASONABLE FURNITURE STORE EAST BURNSIDE AND UNION AVE. MILLINERY SPECIAL Wednesday Only AH Untrimmed Frames, Milans, Hemps, Chips, Tagal--One-Fourth Off Include All tbe Popular Shades We made a specialty of Cleaning, Curling and Tinting: Feathers. Also Retrimming Hats. Mrs. A. R. Raf f erty With W. II. Markell A Co. East Morrimm and Union Ave. Buy "Moore" Shoes, Pay Less Money $3.50 Ladies' Gray, Genuine Nu Bucks for $2.85 Today, East Side Bargain Day Only MOORE SHOE CO. 383 EAST MORRISON STREET We Give "S. & H." Stamps Independent Furniture Co. The Only Cash Furniture Store in the City "We are Portland agents for the Laurel Double-Flue Steel Uansres. tS3 (.irand Avenue Z5e CLIFFORD HOTEL GRILL A Offers Another of Those Popular Lunches for 25c Served Prom 11:30 A. M. to 2 P. Tou Will Wonder. M. SPECIAL MEJiU FOR B4.RGAIX DAY, MARCH SB, 1I3. Puree of Tomato with Rice. Queen Oilves, Sweet Pickles. Baked Salmon. Tomato Sauce. Braised Short Ribs, Brown Potatoes. Chipped Beef in Cream. Veal Kidney Saute. Mushrooms. Boiled Beef, Horseradish Sauce. Cold Roast Beef. Potato Salad. Cold Roast Pork, Potato Salad. Mashed Potatoes. Stewed Turnips. Green Apple Pie. Mince Pie. Rice Custard Pudding. Tea. Coffee. Milk. WEEK These are the easy terms arranged for bar gain Wednesday buyers. Now that you need Spring clothes, don't worry about the "ready cash. ' ' Have them charged and pay for them later at the rate of $1.00 a week. You will never miss this amount. NEW OUTFITTING CO. Comer Grand Ave. and E. Stark St. 50c TIES WEDNESDAY ONLY NEW SPRING CLOTHES ARE HERE A. Pauiz & Son 131 Grand Avenue, Near East Morrison On Wednesday Only Women's Rubber Heel Juliets at 95c The real comfort House Shoe for women. Elastic Bides; neat, round toe with patent leather tips, flexible soles. A regular $1.50 Shoe, on Wed nesday at 3-Pint "Wear-Ever" Aluminum Stew Pan 65c Stew Pan 39c J? 39c Sold Wednesday only at 39c. Reg ular price 65c. Wearever is a ware that lasts a generation. Made of pure aluminum. Aluminum heats so evenly throughout there ts little danger of scorching1 the food. W. H. MARKELL & CO. ft3 LEADING EAST SIDE! DEPARTMENT STORE. Do Not Miss I his if you are in need of a Lawn Mower. Wednesday only our special is a "Reading Reliance" 14-Inch BaD-Bearing Lawn Mower at $4.20 These machines are guaranteed and have never sold for less than $5,75 Strowbridge Hardware & Paint Co. 106-108 Grand Ave. 404-406 East Washington HARTFORD BRUSSELS RUG HhEB JtxlS. 1145 0M.Y "W l-r c. jjp)2and3J .amprxQ?it off GEISLBR & BORRES TJp-to-Datr Fnrolttxra: and (. E15T MO H EI SOU PTOICErT EAST SIDE FAVORED Clackamas Southern May Seek Grant Throuah Club. BUSINESS MEN SOUNDED rarmrr f Harmony, Clackamas. 1'I.irk. Nfim s Mill and District South or Wilhoit springs Want Elertrk- Kond Connection. The Claikitmus Southern. which was built out tf Orejton City through the Mola'.la i-ountry. may seek entrance i:t Portland hy way of the Kast SHie. The untiitivf routo is from Oregon City I v way of I'lackumas wnj Milwaukie l. the Irtlanl lino at about Kast Sv t'Mte'!ith i: cel. thence to Kast Thiru street on which there is n common uihI wh ct mould Access to the W .-it Siie. Assistam-e from the riat Side Business Mt-n's Club- has teen soucht aini probably a franchise ill he asked for in the near future. Th? farmers ut Ifarmony, flacknmas. ilrk, Scott's Mill and the ii!trict south to Wilhott S;.rins are seeking electric railway connection m ith I'ort ! ind ni h.ive oruanid clubs at all these point fur the collection of st<s t !. These organizations have mm-l-leted their work of fratherine atatia t c and photograph iiich show tliat X '.f tonnage of such a suburban line v.oitld pay, :n1 the p.issenjrer service w Ui b extra. Th tentaMv routa of this suburban line is through the South Fast Side. Kast Milwaukie. Harmony and Clacka. mas. practically the line the Clacka mas Southern would follow between Portland and Clackamas station. Enough work has been 3one on the former proposition by C. F. Clark and others to insure rifrht of way for prac tically all the distance to Clackamas outside the city limits. Mr. Clark has put in six or seven years In urging con struction of this line. Tf the Clackamas Southern will build, it may count on the support and co-operation of the or ganizations buck of the former project. The transportation committees of the Kast Side Greater Club and East Side Business Men's Club say they will as sist the Clackamas Southern in any ef forts it may make to gain entrance into Portland by way of a franchise and rights of way. The matter of buiUHne this suburban line out of Port land by way of C'ackamas to Wilhoit Springs has been submitted to the offi cers of the North Rank road. W. L. CAMPBELL IS BURIED l'a 1 1 for ii i n A rpono ut of 1840 Laid to Kcst In Mount Soott Cemetery. The funeral services of V. L. Camp bell, a California arsronaut of 149. who died at his home. 4133 Forty-ninth ave nue, in the South East Side, were held yesterday at Lurch's chapel. East Sixth and Kast Alder streets. Interment was made In Mount Scott Park Cemetery. He was born In Petersburg:. Pa Sep tember '29. When 17 years of a.ge he enlisted as a volunteer for the Mex teal war. and his regiment was one of the first to enter Mexico. He was in the battle of Monterey and other bat- ties. After the Mexican war he returned to his borne In Tennessee, and in 184i he crossed the plains to California. He euafced In mining and farming: In Cali fornia until 18S2. when he came to Ore-iron. He settled in Wheeler County, where he remained tilt a few years ago, when he came to Portland. He was 90 years of age. BETTER LIGHTS URGED K. T. DALY WHITES CLVB IDEAS TO IMPROVE EAST SIDE." the best lighted streets on the East Sid. Coupon Tickets for East Side. Through arrangements secured through F. B. Eagan, soliciting freight agent, the East Side Business Men's Club has been able to secure for the station on East Morrison and East First street the distribution of coupon tickets. This will do away with the trip to the Union depot on the West side, as these tickets may be had at the station on East Morrison street. The matter of arranging for Pullman tickets at that station has also been taken up. Salem Minister Resigns. SALEM, Or., March 25. 'Special.) Rev. Davis Errett, for several years pastor of the Christian Church in this city, has resigned, hit resignation to take effect May 1,. when he plans to go to Boise, Idaho, There are S.S04."OQ Baptists in thA ' There ar 3.3,ooo Lutherans In the I tatted States. Hotel Owner Takes Stand That Peo-I i pie Like a Well-Lighted Street j - and Business Will Gain. j In his letter to the East Side Bus!- j ness Men's Club, E. J. Daly, who owns! the Edwards Hotel at the northwest corner of Grand avenue and Belmont J street, urged the necessity of provid ing more lights for Grand avenue be tween Hawthorne avenue and Eastj Burnskie street. Mr. Daly declared in; his letter that the club could do I nothing that would advance the busl-j ness interests of the East Side more than to Illuminate this wide thorough-1 fare between these two points. j In his suggestions he includes East' Morrison and East Burnside street, i Hawthorne avenue has been provided, with line cluster lights and is really! one of the best lighted streets In the i city, but Grand avenue, except at the intersection of East Morrison, is really! a dark street. East Morrison and East 1 Burnside streets have a few lights. Mr. Edwards continues in his letter: "By lighting these streets hundreds of people will enjoy them. People like a finely lighted street and will walk on such a street. It will result In the business men doing more business on Grand avenue. East Morrison and East Burnside streets. It wilt enable them to make a showing of their stock to an advantage far better than at present while these streets are dark. I want to urge the club to take up this light ing proposition." The communication was referred to the civic committee to Investigate. Business men and owners of the prop erty on Grand avenue will be Inter viewed with a view to the installation of lights sufficient to make It one of t i ii .ii rtfitTT- IT' "-T - - in - it SOUTHERN PACIFIC EAST MORRISON PASSENGER DEPOT The Southern Pacific Passenger Depot is located between East Mor rison and East Alder streets and oc cupies a space 30xS feet. It is built of concrete blocks and cost $20,000. The grounds and d6pot cover about 47.500 square feet. The depot building: is divided in to three compartments. The center being" the waiting-room proper, contains a floor space of 1017 square feet. The baggage-room is located on the north end of the building and covers a floor space of 5SS square feet. On the south end are located the ladies' dressing-room and men's smoking-room. The ticket office is located in the center of the main waiting-room, fronting east, and occupies a space 15x15 feet. The ticket windows are so located that access can be had from both sides. All clafses of tickets are handled, local and interline, and all trains except the Shasta Limited and No. 15, leaving Union Depot at 1:30 A. 51.. stop at East Morrison Street Depot. The Southern Pacific offers the same passenger facilities and ac commodations at East Portland as are available at central stations in the large cities on its lines. SOUTHERN PACIFIC NEW EAST SIDE FREIGHT DEPOT The new freight depot recently erected by the Southern Pacific In Central East Portland at a cost of $106,000 is located between East Oak and East Ash and between East First and East Second streets. It occupies a full city block. The building id of reinforced concrete construction, two stories in height, with basement. It is 200 feet long by 41 feet wide, having a total floor space of 8100 square feet. The of fice proper occupies a space of two floors in one end of the building. Total area covered by the loading tracks for freight house service is : acres, with a length of 680 feot. Door space for loading and unload ing teams, 160 lineal feet. There is a special platform having two tracks for loading and unloading heavy machinery and automobiles. Streets are planked between tracks so as to permit direct loading to cars. Total capacity of" house tracks at one loading is 65 cars. The Southern Pacific offers the same facilities for handling freight In East Portland as are available In the larger cities on Its lines. 109.0