Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, March 25, 1913, Page 20, Image 20

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Miss Sylvia Bagley. schoolgirl; Miss
Ruth Derlcsr. clown: the Mises Gladys
and Doreen McAllister, utch kids;
Miss Margaret Reapan, old-fashioned
girl: Miss Frances Rutherford, country
maid: Miss Frances Reajran. Ivan Pol
lard, minister; Fred Bushnell, the
bride; Joe Celestrao, bridegroom:
Adolph Unna, the fool; Earl Hammond.
lra voas, Everett CrocKer. Jack Bende-
A mock weddlnr was the source of
much amusement to the guests. Games
and music were enjoyed, after which
refreshments were served.
Al-J-AIK UArABLT rLfllUNtU '"fw t smart Easter tea, which
number of representative members of
the exclusive set. The affair was given
in honor of Mrs. J. B. Montgomery.
Pronounced Succes, Is Soda! &e.
I were worn and the affair was a bill
Men-Yon'll Find No Better Suits Anywhere at $25 Than Oar "Inyincibles" at $16.50 3d Fir.
See Our Big Window Displays for the Most Appropriate Apparel for the Grand Opera Season
Brilliant Is Assemblage at
Multnomah Hotel.
When Catholic Women's League
Entertains Gowns Most Styl
ish and Modes Imported.
llant beginning; for the Spring; season.
Tomorrow Mrs. J. B. Montgomery
will share honors with Mrs. C. M. Clark
at an elaborate luncheon at which Miss
Henrietta Failing; will preside. In the
evening Mrs. Montgomery and Mr. and
Mrs. Phelps Montgomery will depart
tor the East.
Timothy Kinney and his daughter,
Mrs. James A. Dougherty, and the tat
ter's small son. Jack, who have been
In the East for the past few months
returned Sunday. They had planned to
go to Panama, but Instead passed sev
eral weeks In Cuba and at Palm Beach,
A number of Port landers are visiting
In Southern California. Among those re
cently registered at Hotel Coronado
were Sirs. Ralph W. Hoyt, Miss Kath
brilliant assemblage of guests ryn Hoyt, Miss Louise Hoyt and Miss
thronKed the ballrooms of the Hotel 1
Multnomah last night wnen tn. Mrs. C. W. McKenna and Mrs. H. IX
olle Women's League entertained at Howes entertained 40 couples at an
their benefit ball. The affair was elaborate dancing party at Artisans'
capably planned and was In every re- Temple recently. Many attractive
apect a pronounced success. gowns were worn and the affair was en-
In the card rooms were gatnerea sev- joyable.
oral of those who did not care to par
Events planned for today Ml"
FsIUds's luncheon for Mrs. J. B.
aiontjomery and Mrs. C. M. Clark.
Mrs. P. H. Flynn and the Misses
Flyna, elaborate tea
Tor tomorrow Mrs. Walter
Bowne. Jr., smart tea.
Wedding of Miss Marie Sehulfler
man and C C- Banfield, at Trinity.
Kiss Clarice Biles, card party.
Restaurant, where Jansci's celebrated Hungarian Orchestra
renders pleasing numbers requests for selections from any
of the Grand Operas to be Bung next week, will be cheer
fully played. Direct elevator at noontime.
PURCHASE FURNITURE on our Club Plan of easy pay
ments. This courtesy we extend whether you purchase at
regular or sales prices.
NURSERY on Fourth Floor, where infants and children
may be cared for while mothers shop in the store.
Here All Spring Wear Is Moderately Price
The home of Mrs. T. Kelly was the
Urinate In the dance. An attractive
candy table was well patronized. The
gowns were notlcably beautiful, among
them belnar many Imported mooeis.
Among th. prettily gowned maids and
matrons were:
Mrs. John Manning in white bro
cade elaborated with pearls, the draping
caught with a touch of American
Mrs. J. D. Farrell. in a handsome
robe of heavy black charmeuso trimmed
with lace and pearls.
Mrs. Smith Wear. Necklace.
Mrs. Andrew C Smith was attractive
In Mechlin lace over cream brocade
with girdle of lavender and gold. She
wore a pendant and necklace of pearls
and diamonds.
Mrs. Wllber E. Comsn's costume
a becoming shade of pink charmeuse
with lace trimming the bodice.
Mrs. Edward Boyce was In a stun-
nlncr gown of black.
Miss Margaret Flaherty wore royal
blue charmeuse. becomingly made.
Miss Lucie Schmlt. while lace over
Dink silk
Mrs. George V. Brown, black lace
over white satin In the bodice and black
veivet sivirt en train.
Miss Winifred Burg, peach charmeuse
with banding of scarlet velvet- I scene of a delightful gathering a few
Mrs. M. Johnson, delicate shade of I days ago, when the members of Peter
lavender chiffon trimmed with lace A. Porter Circle, of the Grand Army of
and Jewels. I the Republic, was entertained. Luncheon
Mrs. I. J. Maher. shadow lace over I was served followed by a social after
pink satin. I noon.
Mrs. T. E. Hulme. embroidered silk
marquisette over old rose. I Mrs. I". L. Purse wss hostess on Sat
Mrs. J. W. Sweeney, old blue char-1 urday at an Interesting tea given espe
meuse of a modish cut. I daily for the volunteer workers who I. Mr., it r. r-ol- a""'" the Associate Charities In their
if,. .,., t,.i efforts to help the poor. During the
An Opportunity
For Oregonian
Readers to
Secure the Latest -City
Map of
The Oregonian has secured a
Umlteti number of up-to-date city
wall maps of Portland. These
maps sre 3 feet by 3 feet inches
and are in four colors. While they
last they can be secured by pre
senting this coupon and 8S cents
at the City Circulation Desk In
The Oregonian Office. 40 cents by
tume of pink charmeuse.
Mrs. J. Baker, embroidered marqui
sette ovr yellow with sash effect of
earlier part of the afternoon several
prominent speakers addressed the
guests. Mrs. Millie Trumbull In her
talk, urged the co-operation of all the
yellow charmeuse and pastel trimming. worker, and ,USKested that there be a
Mrs J A Freeman, black lace over a ,y,tematlzed method used In order to
pink Striped silk. make ths work effectual. W. D. Mae-
Mrs. Howard M. Winter, Oriental ,,.. . .,..., i
tD.?!.C enrKde..rKl VI biU!. chl,fon tent suggestions. An informal tea and
with gold beads. The foundation was I .-.., hml -on.iU(,- th. rt.v. Th.
of pink charmeuse.
will be other similar teas given in the
Attractive Goats
New Models $ 1 5 to $25
Becoming new styles of Coats for street
and afternoon wear are offered in this
group at very moderate prices. Coat as
illustrated is only $20. . Of fine weave
Bedford cord; cloth button trimmings of
' moire; long rever collar of moire silk and
1 frog fastening at front. Others are loose
kimono style, caught in at bottom with
bow, giving draped effect. Many Coats
are lined; others trimmed in Bulgarian
silks, velvet or faille. Materials are
matelasse, faille, eponge, serges, basket
weaves, zibelines and whipcords. Prices
ranging at $15 to $25.
Beautiful New Waists
Every Waist in this group is unusually attract
ive and serviceable. They're principally of wash
able materials Chinese crepes, habutai, crepe de
. chine, crinkle crepes and satin. Some styles made
in combination of foulards and plain materials,
Robespierre collar effects, at $5 to $6.50.
Smart Suits, $35
Note Sizes gtaea 14 to IS Tears.
Regular Slse. 24 to 4.
Odd Slac. 38 to 49.
Women and misses will find in the new
arrivals of Spring Suits at $25, smart,
. handsome models with pleasing individ
uality. With comprehensive choice of
navy, black, Copenhagen, tan, gray,
brown mixtures and checks. Have regu
lation length jacket; plain tailored with
notch collars and small re vers; semi-fitted
backs and button-trimmed. The - Bul
- garian trinimings are shown in fancy
models of new Suits. Style as illustrated
was sketched from this group. (Jp C
Your choice of this lot at only PJ
Dainty White Dresses
The new White Dresses of ratine,
eponge, marquisettes, voiles, embroidery,
batiste and lawn are shown in wonderful
daintiness. Beautifully trimmed in new
est laces and hand-embroideries. To sell
at $5 to $65.
Neat, New Tub Dresses Here
"We've just received a large assortment of Tub Dresses
in neat and pleasing styles. The newest materials and
shades are used throughout ratine, eponge, crash,
voile, batiste, linen, ginghams and percale. And in
the most approved new Spring style.
Misses' Tub Dresses, $1.50 to $25
Women's Tub Dresses, $3.50 to $48
Second Floor, Main Building. Mail Orders Filled.
Lovely New Dressing Sacques
Every woman will delight in wearing the new Dress
ing Sacques they're of such pleasing style, and made
either short or half lengths. Of plain or striped mar
quisette, pearline, French lawn, batiste and dotted
Swiss, Made with surplice effect, Dutch neck, V-sbape
or large round collars. Trimmed in novelty laces,
shadow Cluny, Valenciennes, or rosettes of ribbons.
At $1.75 to $6.50.
House and Maternity Gowns
The new Silk House Gowns and Kimonos are here
in great variety. Both figured and plain styles. Neatly
trimmed in Eatin or ribbon, with light or dark colors
to choose from. Priced at $4.50 to $12.
Maternity Gowns of messaline, silk and albatross. Dain
tily trimmed with tuck lace or ribbon; have accordion pleated
and shirred skirts. These gowns are shown in variety at
$7.50 to $22.
Miss Helen Hogan. royal blue over near future bT .ome of the women who
American beauty.
are actively Interested In philanthropic
Mrs. A. W. llahles. painted chiffon I .ri-. Th.. ,.h.,-ia- m ...
over salmon pink charmeuse. familiarise the helners with what is
"O Agile Aluwa UJO a DKUmiDK kaln ,4nnA anil will nffa. n...BHan.
mhmri ... .. T V. I . . . 111. I " "
VL i for eniargina" the scodo of service.
Mrs. C H. Freeman wore a bright . '
coral crepe meteor brocaded. Mrs. O. W. Simpson entertained the
an bs cariotta iteea was in pamted members of her luncheon club vaster
chiffon over coral charmeuse. I day at the Hotel Oregon. Sixteen
Miss Ethel Marsh was in lavender friends shared Mrs. SlmDson's hosDl-
marquiseite. I tality.
At th. candy table Miss Catherine I
Roe was attired in lavender silk and I The Portland Heights Club will en
lace. Miss Helen Clark In pink silk tertaln at cards this evening in their
with touches of green. Miss Caroline cozy cluDnouse. Tables will ba ar
Gleason old blue silk. Miss Clarissa I ranged for bridge, five hundred and
lley beaded net over old rose silk auction bridge.
and Mis. Helen w a a in nnrl- I
cot crepe meteor with chiffon over the I Tho Mothers' Circle of the Highland
bodice. She wore orchids. I School will hold a reception today from
Others whose rowni w.r. nmian.ii 1 1 to 6 o clock at th. home of Mrs. A. Y.
beautiful were: Mlsa Beatrice Porteous. I Beach. 410 Going street. All mothers In
-Mrs. il. ri Leonard. Mrs. J. N. Casey. I ro innea iu siieuu
Miss Margaret Casev. Mrs. J. V Cl.rk. I
son. Miss Nora DriscolL ML.. Dorothv Miss Clarice Biles will entertain to-
Elchenlaub. Miss Anna Healy, Miss I niorrow evening at cards. A score of
Jun. Kenenck. Miss Katherine Galvln. I younger sec wiu snar. ner nospl
.mss xiaxei Alarm ahs Katnerln. Ca- "iy.
halin. Miss Matilda Kluca. Mis. Ir.t. I
ta Redmond and scores more. I Mr. and Mrs. J. C Alnsworth are
. . . i among tnos. wno sailed on Saturday
Th. members of the June class of I from New York for London on the
Lincoln High School were entertained I North German Lloyd steamer George
hospitably on Saturday evening when Washington. Leopold Neustadter was
wey were the guests of Charles Howe another Portlander who was noted on
at his home, 600 East Eighteenth street the passenger list.
is or to, oames. music and a dainty re
past were enjoyed. Those sharing the Mrs. Katherine A. Daly will entertain
evening's pleasures were: I the members of the Neighborhood Auc-
Koland Jolly, John Stelner. Frank I tlon Bridge Club tomorrow afternoon
Beach, Lawrence Rosenthal. Phillip Ses- at her home in the Clifton Apartments.
sions, iiauae rieslng. Fulton Magill.
Clarence J. Young. Delvln Peterson. I Miss Laura Korell will be hostess
Alfred Schllt. Freeman Sersanous. A. on Thursday at a tea at which she will
Roland Moscow. Charles Howe. C. Edl- compliment Miss Florence Davis. On
son Wlngard. Merle Bonssellot. Dana Saturday Miss Davis will shsre the
rouisen, r:nrl u. Goodwin. Millie Jewett I honors with Miss Josephine Stapleton
Lewis, Misses Win Osborn, Beatrice I at a large party to be given by Mrs.
s-tevenson. May Brlmdap. Shirley Fiske, M. R. Kaser.
.iiarcia faraer. crystal Keck. Rita
I'raeger, Grace Townsend. Pauline I Felix Bloch has Just returned from
Heinti. Laura Akin, Opal It rets. Myrtle I a few weeks" trip In California. He
Miller, Mildred Mark 11 le. Ruby McKay. I visited Redlands, Los Angeles, San
Mable Tower. Ruth Graham. Katherine I Francisco and other California towns.
Hancock. Francis Golden. Hazel Isac-
Amerk-an a:eel ntllns has been used In
the great Irrigation works at Hindis, near
Plauen Lace Neckwear at Phenomenal Reductions!
The enthusiasm women displayed yesterday in selecting the coveted pieces of Plauen Lace Neckwear gives evidence of the unusual
offering to be found here! It's an immense purchase of Plauen Lace Collars, Chemisettes, Coat Collars, Yokes and Sets the entire stock
of one of the largest New Tork importers, and we've made astounding reductions on the entire purchase for quick selling. Rich and beautiful is every piece in this lot;
showing dainty designs in large and small effects, with choice of white or ecru. In six great groups you H find this Plauen Lace Neckwear. Pieces illustrated
were selected at random from the several groups. Choose today while assortment is still representative of the line. First Floor. Main Building. Mail orders Filled.
25c and 35c Neckwear priced, each only 19
50c to 75c Neckwear priced only, each, 37t
85c to $1.50 Neackwear priced at, each, 67
$1.75 to $3.00 Neckwear priced at, each, 98
$3.50 to $4.50 Neckwear at, each only $1.98
$5.00 to $7.50 Neckwear at, each only $2.98
son. Edythe Mlhnos. Marguerite Gross,
Klien nomlnque. Lillian Compton. Es
ther Johnson. Lillian Stevenson. Izetta
iarrte. susan Thomas, Dorothy Wrlsrht.
Kmlly Marshall. Dora Broelje, Grace
.May. kom right. Pauline Mlms.
Kleanor iTaeger. Kuth Leonard, Clar
ence Stephenson and Glenn Dudley.
The teachers that helped in the work I
were Mis Gladys Smith. Miss Carolina
Barnes and Edward O. Tabor. The ofn
cers of the class are: President. Frank
Beach: vice-president, Msrcla Parker;
secretary. Mnrsruerlte Gross: treasurer.
C. Edison winKard; sergeant-at-arms.
AUred Scant.
Trinity Church will be the scene of I
a pretty wedillng ceremony tomorrow
evening at :30 o'clock, when Miss
Marie Schuluermsn will become the
l.ride of Charles Churchill Pan field. The
(prorations and costumes of the bridal
attendants will be In delicate paatol
shades. Mrs. J. C. Edwards has come
from Los Angeles to be her Bister's
matron of honor. Fred Miller will be I
best man. Two dainty little nieces.
llannnh Marian Edwards and Marie
Schulderman. will serve as flower girls.
Ernest Tyrall. Harry Chapln and L. C.
Slatter will be the ushers. After the
ceremony there will be a reception at
the 1'. M. Pcbuiderman residence at
Nineteenth and Gllssn streets. A larre
number of guests have been asked for
both affairs.
The Kspra Kappas were delightfully
entertained at a fancy dress party
riven at the home of Miss Kuth Derlng
Saturday night. Among those present
were Mi.s lone Morrison, a Southern
belle: Mlfcs fun. Yam.
wa girl; Miss Mavm. Hurst. Southern!
.trl: Miss Alice Warner, Pink Lady;
Liver Pills
It is impossible to be well,
simply impossible, if the
bowels are constipated.
Waste products, poisonous
substances, must be removed
from the body at least once
each day, or there will be
trouble. Ask your doctor
about Ayert Pills. L2.Iw-
A Orta'aTUlttf torFfrerlBtiDPa,
('niiiipKKioa. H 0idtrhe,
?m oto eta Trouble, Terthlo
plaardrri, and D etstr y
inii, inif nrrai i oida
its. a;
Don t accept MAPI m a ' 'ctk K K. Aaanma.
Embroidery Samples fa&SSiSi
Again today we continue our phenomenal of
fer on the sample pieces of dainty Embroidery
placed on sale for the first time yesterday morn
ing! Included are 27-inch Baby Flounces, on
sheer Swiss in small floral design. Also eyelet
and floral design. Regular $155 to $2.25 grades ; 18-inch
Swiss Flounces, in English eyelet and Baby Irish effects.
Regularly 85c to $1.75 the yard. Bands and Galloons, in
eyelet and Baby Irish designs. 4 to 12 inches
wide. Regular $1 to $2.25 grades. Your W
choice from the entire lot today at only, yard
12c to 18c Cluny Lace, Edges and Insertions of linen,
machine made; to lz inches wide. For undermuslins
and trimming of heavy Summer materials. Spe- q
cially priced for today's selling at only, "the yard JC
$2.50 45-inch Flounces of Swiss,
with combination of Ven- d JC
ise lace. Special, .the yard p 1 .Ja7
$2 27-inch Flounces to. match the
the above. For lingerie gowns, q q
Specially priced at, the yard 70C
50c Fiction
Readers of fiction will find here in
our Bookstore the greatest assortment
of late Fiction that is offered in re
print edition and now selling at 50o. J
Come and inspect the complete list to
day. You're sure to find many titles
that will please you. A few of the
newest are:
Love's Pilgrimage Upton Sinclair.
Buried Alive Arnold Bennett.
Hugo Arnold Bennett.
The Heritage of the Desert Zane
The Rules of the Game Stewart Ed
ward White.
Maggie Pepper Charles Klein.
The Untamed George Pattullo.
Bookstore, Basement Annex.
Mall Orders Filled.
Uear Grand Opera Records Today
7th-Floor Tea Room 2:30 P. M.
Columbia and Victor Records from the Grand
Operas will be heard on the Auxetopbone.
Orchestra Selections' From "Jewels of the Ma
donna," Victor Concert Orchestra
Solo From "Thais," "Love Is a Virtue Rare,". . . .
Mary Garden
Solo From "Tales ot Hoffman." " 'Th She,"
Charles Dolmores
Band Selection. From "Hansel and tiretel,"
Pryor's Band
Solo From "Tales of Hoffman," "Air of Daper-
tntto," Hector Dufranna
Solo From "Hansel and Gretel," "The Old Wltcb,"
Otto Gorita
Solo From "Lucia de Lunmermoor," "Silence O'er
All," Louisa Tetrazzinl
Duet From "Tales of Hoffman," "Il.rearolle,". .
Farrar and Scottl
Dnet From Lneia de Lammermoor," "Born. On
Signing Breese,". . . . Alice Nielsen and Constantino
Sextet From "L,ncl. de Lammermoor," "Wn& Re
strains Me,"
Caruso, Tetrazzinl, Amato, Journet, Jacoby, Bada
Orchestra Selection. From "That.,". .Prince's Orchestra
Solo From "Louise," "Since That Fair Day,"....
Mary Garden
WEDNESDAY Miss Dorothea Nash will tell in story
of the Grand Opera "Thais." Mrs. Susie Fennel Pipes,
Violinist, will play "Meditation," from "Thais."
ow onFamouf Willamette Rotary
You can pay more for a Sewing Machine than we ask for a Willamette
Rotary, but there is no Machine on the market that possesses so many desir
able labor-saving features, nor that can excel, if equal, the stitch and finish
possiblo on the "Willamette." Made with drop-head, automatic lift, automatic
adjustable tension (an exclusive feature with the Willamette Rotary). All parts
are easily oiled from above. And the automatic tension permits the sewing of
sheerest fabrics instantly changing to heaviest material without effort on part
of the operator. Come to our Fifth Floor Section and have these and other
preferable features of the Willamette Rotary explained on the Machine itself.
Any style Willamette Sewing Machine sold on our
Club Plan. $2 on purchase delivers the Machine to
your home; then only $1 a week until paid for.
No extras and no interest charges.
WHlametta Rotary
Sewing Machine
Colonial Case, $32.50
Mission Case, $35.00
Cabinet Style, $40.00
Fifth Flovr. Mala Batldlaur Man Order. Filled.
Cousins Shoes at $5
Cousins' Shoes for women are the aristocrats of fashionable
Footwear. And they're sold here exclusively in Portland. You'll
find here every width from A AAA to D. In the $5 grade we of
fer the most stylish and comfortable lasts, of
Black Russia Calf with cloth or kid top; black patent colt
with cloth top; tan in button or lace; Surpasse kid, in button or
lace ; chocolate kid in button style ; patent-leather with kid top,
in lace. And they're all Goodyear welts with Cuban heel.
$2 Cotton Bed Blankets $ 1 .65
pjf& Offrorraoa, Aden Cfpeefi
l 423
Choose the needed Bed Blankets today from
this lot we offer at special reductions. Extra
large size, of twilled cotton. In t1 JC
gray and white, fancy borders, at j) J. sOO
$1.50 Feather Bed Pillows covered in best
grade fancy art ticking, and filled with se
lected and sanitated feathers. 6 1 C
Regulation size. Special at only p A X O