19 EXPECT LOWER HOPS Eastern Dealers Figure on De clining Market. CROP PROSPECTS ARE GOOD Larger Output In California Indicat ed by Increased Acreage Course or Values This Tear Depend3 on Conditions In Europe. A. it. Lli.sntbal ud Morris Harti-:. mim-lK-r of th. hop firm of Lillanthal Bros, -f New Tork. wen In tho city yesterday. They has. spent some time In California, ' where they closed a considerable amount of 'business In contracts on the tasis of 13 cents for the new crop. JIx. Hsrtlr belleres dealers are. taltlnc chances In buying 101s Orecocs at 15 cents, the prevmJUnc price here. Unless some thing happens to the European crops, he thinks nw bops will sell at lower prices. He saldi Tiiifmli can ha-re a crop of 130.000 bales this year, tf rsrythln sow right, in the Sacramento Valley the acreage was in creased 40 per cent In 1812 orer 1911. and last rear the stats produced 117, WO Dales. t. second crtra from this new acreage will be heavier than ths first. Oregon, with proper weather conditions, such aa hare pre vailed up to this time, can grow 125.000 tales, and 'Washington 40.000 bales. ' la New Tork State the acreage Is the same as It was two years ago 10.000 acres and as tha growers have been busy eradicating the plant diseases which lately cat down the crop, they can turn oir tour naiea acre. This would make tns total inn ut.im ,roo 823 000 balea Consumption out over 2J3.000 bales, and, allowing 50.000 balea for net esports. will leavo a surplus In this country of 50,000 bales. A shortage In tha European crop, ot course, would re sult in heavier exports. "Beer consumption In the United States U on tha increase. Tha average consump tion of boos ner barrel of beer for tho sea son covering tho 1911 crop waa five-eighths of a pound. I aspect to sea tha consumption Increased to the coming yesr to seven tenths of a pound, aa the cheaper price of hops and malt will altmlnata tha necessity f..r such strict economy as waa practiced last year. "Statistically, prtcea should not go very l.w. but In the event of a maximum yield. , slues may be forced down by sentiment.- MOKE OATS XEEDrD BY GOVERNMENT nieat .Market Is Quiet With No Change la Lsieal -Prices, The -eek" opened with no Improvement In the wheat market, so far as tha volume of minus wss concerned. Tae demand was tn- and sellers continued firm. There was a somewhat stronger feeling In tiir oa'i market, as It was reported the Oovernrnent will soon call for bids for 8000 to 10,000 tons of old crop oats. Local receipts. In cars, wero reported by the Merchants" Excuse;, as follows: IVheat Barley Four Oats Bay Monday ' Tear aja - se.iion lo date.m.l"S LPS ia 7 1 lu ... IS" I IMS 175 Yrar ago 11. III lV-li liM S-42 Korelsn crop conditions are suiumariied br te Liverpool Corn Trade News aa fol Ions: Vnlted K!ccdom There are no complaints heard regarding the Winter wheat crop. The sowing of the Spring crop Is well -advanced. The weather Is seasonable. l-'runr. There are some complaints of a poor thin pl-i!t. and some damage to whest ;.r vermin, but the outlook generally Is fair. The outlook for tha Spring crops Is excel lent. biipP'trs of native wheat axa light. The weather Is favorable. Oermany The outlook for tha winter crops Is favorable. Plowing for the Spring crot.s hss commenced. Supplies of native nhest ara smaller, with better foreign de mand. . . Kussla Supplies of wheat ara varying, but general'.y are moderate. Tho weather Is ino.-e sessonsble. with early opening of nav igation expected. Koumanla The crop outlook Is favorable, with the weather seasonable. Hungary According to sn official report, the shortage of 10 per cent In tho acreage is confirmed. According to unofficial re ports, crop conditions ara Improving with the weather seasonable. Italy Crop reports are mostly favorable, with the weather seasonable. Imports axe on a large scale. -,'aln There ara continued complaints or drouth. rortugnl ani North Africa Tha crop out. look l favorable. India The weather conditions are faror aMo for tho growing crops. lU'TTKK Hill. BE lUUIIKR TOUAV Wal trramf-ry FrlceT Will Bo Advanced Cent and lluif. Local butter prices will b advancsd 1 cents, this morning to lit cents for cubes ami 40S cents for prints. This will be the hichcit Quotation known In this market In Slarch for many jears. There Is no ques tion about the scarcity of butter In Port land, as storage stocks ara sold out and the fresh make Is backward. Seme of the dealers, however, think t!ia advance Is not wte. aa there will be an Increase In fresh butler very seen... aau nothing can be gained by higher prices now In bringing forward fresh supplies. The egg market waa firm at Saturday's oiKitatlona A few of tha dcelera reported an increase in receipts. i'cultry and dressed meats were la light supply and firm at last week's prices. SfPPLT OF vkgetabi.es is large Con tin arl Cold Vemthrr. WffetaMes of mil Itrnd ire re plrntlful yesterday, but th continued ooM wathr TTtaj-da th Um&r.3. Aspirajras wu quoted t I to If cnu a pound for white and $1 ? prr bx for c rem. Rhubarb w&a un chanced. Nw California peas wen lower at 15 cent. Florida wax baana were rt rftved by axpma and quoted at Z5 cents pound. Oranea and grapefruit ao!A fairly well at firm pricea. Trie re waa acme aale for rr t 15 and cent box. Higher trade fnatt waa not wanted. 8ml ef CaHtora Hopa. The Joe Wllllavrne lot of 119 oalea of hops at Car'.toa waa reported jeaterday to have V"-n eo:d to T. A. LlTtsIy ft Co. at a frac tion batter than 1 centm. j new business waa reported fn the contract market. flunk Ctaulziaa. li-vrk clearings of ths Northwestern titles rrstrrtiay si as lollows: ijlar?-rs. Balances. IVr-snl ili:.;U -MS.lHJ .;' 2.1lil4 34-tt; ft.'i: 47:;.I3 1!.S"1 S.vi.ar.1 l.QNQ.fo7 1S0. rORIXAXD SLVR&ETii. Grain. Floor. Feed. ITtr. rt.OlT. rster.ts. J4.IO rr barrel; siraii.its. li 10; .xporta J-I-v. t4."0; grabaiu. 44 60; abois wbeat. tl 1-0. "iiKAT Track rrlc": Club. 6c: bnia stm. v7 ir'$c: red KitMlan, S'r: va:iy. 870. FARLEY !. tiomlra!; ra1nc. Horn. Ins;; rolled. U 50 rr f?n. rORN Whole. -'7: crscsJ. ;s P ton. i ll-LTrKJS I'nn. o. r ton: shorta 13 per ton; mlddlincs. $30 per ton. HAT Kastsrn Oregon tlmo:hy. eholea. $.5 sr 17; raised. $10o'13 0l; cat and x.trrt, llj; a:ralfa. til SO: eh.vsr. .0; straar. Htf7. OATS No. 1 slm. .;.M per toe Fruits and Yrre table. l.a--sJ Jobbluc qu:suoas: TROPICAb FRLiTS orarses. Navels. . 4.2.1. Csllt.'rr.a srspWrim, sr.7.i? 1.:$'. Flor.fla srsfetrult. S-tr4.rt; !m-.on. California. 47.50r' pr box. Moiir. 9i per bix; p!reap:!e. 5 -J per pouiij. KUirTAilta ArUchokas, II 003 I 2J per dozen: aparagus, 8 810c pound; feeans. 2.e per pound: cabbage. l&IHo per pound: cauliflower. 1- T 2-25 per crate; celery. $2.60 G 4.2o per crate; 'cucumbers. $'22.50 per dozen; eggplant. 25c pound; head lettuce, S2 4)2.25 per crate; hothouse lettuce, 90ctr$l per box; peas, lie per pound; peppers, o0c per poimd: radishes. 25 630c per dozen: rhu barb. G7c per pound; rplnsch. 06c per pound; sprouts. 10c; tomatoes, 12 per box: garble, - i oc i.pr pouna. GREEN FRCIT Apples, S0cl-50 par ONIONS Oregon. Irvc&sl per sack: Mexi can. sn.50 per crate. POTATOES Burbanks. 459 50o per hun dred; new, 10c per lb.; sweet potatoes, 40 per pound. SACK VEGETABLES Turnips. 00c tl per sack: parsnips. 90c 3 11 per sack; car rots. U0c 3 II per sack. Dairy and Country Produce. Local lobbing quotations: POULTRY Hens, 17c; broilers, 25c ff .If'c: turkeTs. live. l20c: dressed, choice, 2S?25-: ducks. 17316c: geese. 12613c EOoi Fresh Oregon rancil. 19 'ri SJ 20c per dosn. CHEESE Oregon triplets. 17e: Youni Americss. nomlnsL tUTTER Oregon creamery butter cubes. 30c ri.'r pound; prints. 4'jwo per pound. PORK Fancy. 114 fM2o per pound. VEAZ Fancy. 14614tc per pound Staple Groceries. Local Jobbing quotations: SALMON Columbia River, ona-pound tails, S2.25 per dozen; half-pound flats. SI 40: one-pound flats, 52.40; Alaska pink, one-pound talis, &5c; sllversldes, one-pound tails. 1125. HON El' Choice. !1 2333-73 per case. NUTS Walnuts. 16c per pound; Brazil nuts, 12t15c; filberts, 14 ft lf.c; almond., ISc; peanuts, 85Hc; cocoanuts, We'd II per dozen, chestnuts. 11c per pound; hick orynuts, s$ioo; pecans, 17c; pins, 1744 t?20c. BEAKS Small white, 3.29c: Urge whits, 463c; Lima. Cttc; pink. 4.S5c; Mexican, 3c: bayou. 4.65c SUGAR Fruit and berry. 15.25: Honolulu plantation, 15.20; beet. $5.05; extra C. 13.75; powdered, barrels. 5.0; cubes, barrels, 15 SO. COFFEE Roasted, In drums. 21M9.0C per pound. SALT Granlusted. 914 per ton: half ground 100s, flO per ton; 50s, $10.75 per ton; dairy, 112.50 per ton. RICE No. 1 Japan, C$5e; cheaper grades. 4c: Southern head. 54t?6e. DRIED FRUITS Apples, 10c per pound: apricots, 12 14c: peaches, elle; prunes, Italians. SttlOc. silver, 18c; figs, white and black. 64t7c: currants, 05c: raisins, loose Muscatel, omTiic; bleached. Thompson, Use; unbleached. Sultanas, 8Ho; seeded, T4tf8c; dates. Persian. per pound; fard. 11.05 per box FIOS Twelve 10-ounca, We : 80 6-ounea. 1 8."; 70 4-ounee, 12.A0; 30 10-ounce. 12.23; loose, CO-pound boxes, 34r7c; Smyrna, boxes, IL1O01.25; candled, 13 per box. rroTlstons. Ixra! Jobbing quotationa: BAMS 10 to 12 pounds. lP420c; 11 to 14 pound, IDSCQc; plcnlca, 12o; eottace roll, 13c. BACON Fancy. ZBOZMi vtandaro. Z99 24c; Enjllih. 1620c. lard in tierces, cnoice, J4HI com pound, c. dr x SALT meats Reruiar snort clears. lofe-l5c; snort clear backs, 12 to 10 ids., 14ij1,1tc; short clear backs. 15 to 25 lbs., leniSHe: exports. lSlttc. BARRKLKD beef Extra mesa beer. $19; mesa beef, 119; plate beef. 21; rolled boneless beef. $30. BARRELED PORK Best pla POTk. 134: pickled pork. 'J3 Hops, Wool and Hides. HOPS 1913 crop, ll16a per pound 1913 contracts, 15c per pound. PELTS Dry 11012c: lambaL 25 35c; fun wool, sl:&1.5& WOOL Eastern Oreron, 1011140 per pound, accnrdlnc to shrlnkaKe; valley, 189 0c per pound. Hiuts- baitea niaea. 11 bvi.o per id.; salted calf, 16ff ISc; salted kip. 12014c; rreen hides, 11c; dry hides, 21 2'2c; dry calf No. 1. 25c; No. 2. 20c; salted bulla, 8a CASCARA Per pound. Be. OKAIX BAGS Portland, bnyera July. 10a UGHAIU 1U13 cilp. 3032o per pound, Unseed Oil and Turpentine. LINSEED OIL Eaw, barrels, 06c; boiled. barrels, 68c: raw, cases, 61c: boiled, cases. 6 Sc. TURPENTINE Barrels, 61 He; cases, 64c GASOLINE Nap tha. In Iron barrels, 16o; fn cades, c; motor rasollne. In Iron bar rels. 17c; cases, 24c; engine distillate. In Iron barrels, 8Vc; In csmi. IBhiC. Med Fruit at New York. NEW TORK. March 24- Evaporated ap ples quiet. Fancy, 7i&4c, choice HO CHc; prime. iitHc, trunes irrecuiar. caiirorniaa m to ava. U4illc; Orvcona, BG'-Hc 1'eaches quiet and steady. Choice, 6H9 ec, extra choice, 6HS7o; fancy, 7 So. Cotton Market. NEW TORK. March 24. Cotton closed barely steady, net unchanged to two polnta higner. bpot closed quiet. Uplands, 12.50c; mladllns, 12.80a Eales, 50 jalea. NEW ORLEANS. March 24. Cotton Middling. 12 7-1 6c. Wool at St. Louis. FT. LOUT3. March 24. Wool, steady. Ter ritory and Western mediums, 21a .5c; fin mediums, IS-L'Oe; fine. 1317c. E eOGM IS BIG BtTILIMXG ACTIVITY PROMISES TO EXCEED PAST RECORDS. Two Additional Units to High School Building Will Soon Be Com plcted Church fscd Today. RAYMOND. Wash, March 24. (Spe cial.) Though Spring has hardly besun. Raymond is already experi encing a building boom that bids fair to eclipse all previous records in that line. There has not been a vacant storeroom, offtce-roora or residence in this city during: the entire Winter, and an urgent demand for all three has started tiie fcprlng building oflt with a bound. At the beginning of the school year It was seen that the school balidlngrs were going to be taxed to their ca pacity and the School Board immedi ately ordered the buildins of two addi tional units to the High School build ing. This work is well under way and the new school will be ready for occu pancy at tha beginning of the Fall term this year. The building is of con crete. Following tha tire on First street last Fall. Frank Nixon replaced his two burned buildings with a handsome two story concrete block which was rented a month prior to its completion, Febru ary . Dr. Edward R. Perry Is Just completing a two-story ornce and resi dence block of concrete blocks on Commercial street, between Fifth and Sixth. A new Cathollo church has Just been completed at a cost of J3000 and will be occupied for the first time tomor row. H. A. Kalb, a prominent logger of this city, within a few d3ys. will begin the erection of a three-story concrete block opposite the building of Dr. Perry and adjoining the building of the latter; Contractor Blauvelt will soon beeln the construction of another con crete building of two stories. The foundation material for the opera house, on the corner of Third and Commercial, and a concrete build ing to be erected by 1 V. Raymond on the corner of Duryea and Second. Is being assembled at this time prepara tory to early construction work. Plans are being drawn for a church building for the Presbyterians which will cost about JS000 and which will be built this Summer. Harrlsburg Students Bnsy. HARRISBt'RG. Or.. March 24. (Spe claL) The hlh school students are preparing: for an oM-fashlonc-i school exhibition to be held la the city hall Friday nisht. The student body has been more active this year than tor soma time. A new piano has been pur chased, an art exhibit be Id and a suc-ce-siul basketball team maintained. A baseball team will be organized this week. Que n Mary spends flOOi) yearly on her d rosea. HONEY STRAIN OVER Period of Stringency Abroad Drawing to Close. WALL STREET IS CHEERFUL Stocks Advance on Brisk Demand After Triple Holidays Xew In dustrials Strongs Better TTn- . dertone In Bond Market. NEW TORK. March 24. When the stock market opened toaay after the triple" holi day there was a brisk demand for stocks for about an hour. Leading shares were ad ranced a point or more. Early galna were cut Into for a time, nut toward the close stocks moved up a-rain, and final figures were at about tha highest points of tbe day. Speculative sentiment waa more cheerful, but there was the same absence of buying power which has been a feature of the mar ket for several weeks. A reduction In loans of about $80,000,000 has been effected in the last three weeks and for the first time in several months an increase In surplus over the corresponding week of the previous year was reported. Time money was easier and advices from abroad indicated that the period of strin gency was drawing toward an end. One sign of strength was found In ad vances by a number of the newer industrials which rocentiy have shown marked weak cess. Tha petroleum aharee, Woolworth and Goodrich made gains. There were a few weak snots, however. Bumely fell three noints to a new lew record. New Haven again collapsed after a brief showing of strength. Bonds were Irregular with a better under- tona Total sales, par value. Sl.bj.uuu. United States bonda were unchanged on call. CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS. Reported by J. C. Wilson a; Co., Lewis building. Portland. Bales. Amal Copper .. ...... Closing High. Low. Bid. s'. es es 2s 2i 30V. 27 ?s 28 .121 110H 119 4 4Si 4.S", 48 43 43U 43'4 67 63 101 WIS 10114 1114 111 lll'i J32H 131 J32 2a:4 239 14 239 4 K3i 351, S3H 122 i 122". 122 '4 101". 100 100 100 100 100 1004 87H 87 87i5 220 223 SMi 71li 71 71 10 4 100 109 24 244 23 8S 38 33 13l 32 129t , 27 27 27 137 136 137 J27 120 127 127 324 127 122 122 121 1 1 16 67 56 57V4 24 24 4 24 1B3 132 133 133 1S3V4 133 24 24 24 37 36 87 114 114 114 104 104 104 i 20 H 28 i: 104 104 104 113 115 11514 113 118 11S 109 109 1W 137 153 136 24 24 24 21 20 20 99 95 99 23 2 24 14S 147 148 60 59 60 51 14 31 M 65 6 62 62 62 Am Beet Sugar. ...... Am Can Co do preferred.. ...... Am Car A Fdy. ...... Am Cotton Oil Am Smel & Ref ...... do preferred. ,,,.. American Sugar ..... Am Tel A TeU. Am Tobacco .... Anaconda . ...... Atl Coast Line.. ...... A T & Santa Fa...... do preferred. ... Bait A Ohio ... ...... Brook R Trail.. ...... Canadian Pao .. ...... C Si O C, 11 A St Paul. Contra! leather ...... Cblno Consol Gas ..... Erie Ken Electrlo Ot North Ore ....... Ot North pf ... ...... Illnois Central Interboro Met do preferred.. .. K C Southern . ... Lehigh Valley Louis A Nash .. ...... Mo. Kan & Tex...... Mo Pacific Nat Biscuit . N T Central N T. Ont A W-s Norfolk A West Northern Pae ..... Pennsylvania ... ....' People's Gas .... Reading ..... Republic S A I. ...... Rock Island Southern Pao ...j Southern Ry . Union Paclfle .. .... C tj Steel ...... ...... Utah Copper t . . Western Vnlon . TCoattn.' ITlM Total isJea for the day. 218.000 shares. BONUS. TJ 8 Ref 2s reclOOVN T C gen Sa. 84 do coupon.. ..100. Nor Pao 3s 3S4 V 8 8s reg 102?l do 4s Si do coupon. .. .luSS'TTnion Pao 4s.... flfili TJ S new 4s reg.ll3H Wis Cent 4s 90 do coupon. .. .113 fal Boston Mlnlns Stocks. Allouei S IMohawx Amal Copper... S Nev Con lis Am Zinc L. A S SSliNlpisslng Mines. 91 Arizona Com .. SHlNorth Botte .... 28 BAOSCASM 0 INorth Iake .... 1 Cal A Aria.... 65 Old Dominion... 40 Cal A Becla. ...450 Osceola !1 Centennial 14 iQulney 60 Cop R Con Co 43H Shannon ....... 104 E Butte C At. . 11 54 -Superior 23 Frank. In 6 'Sun A Boa Min 34 Glroux Con .... THITamarack 28 Uranby Con B7.U 3 Ref A Min 40H Greene Can .... 7 do pfd 48 Isle Roy (Cop) 24 TJtah Con Kerr Lake SH Utah Cop Co .. S7 Lake Copper .. 1 Winona I .a salle Cop .. 85. Wolverine 6l4 Miami Copper . . 22 H I Money, Exchange. Etc. NEW TORK, March 24. Money on call, firm, 4 OS per cent; ruling rate, 4; dos ing bid. 4: offered at 44- Time loans easier; CO days, By.5 PeI cent; 90 days. Stt per cent; six months, 5 hi 1' 5 H per cent. Prime mercantile piper, 0 per cent. Sterling exchange firm, with actual busi ness in bankers' bills at S4.S3 for 60-day bills and at S4.8750 for demand. Commer cial bllla, 4.S2H. Bar silver. 664ia Mexican dollars, 47H& Government bonds steady; railroad bonds irregular. BAN FRANCISCO, March 24. Silver bars, holiday. Mexican dollars, nominal. Drafts, sight, .02; do telegraph, .03. Sterling on London. 00 days, S4.88; do sight, S4.8TH. Condition of the Treasury. WASHINGTON, March 24. The condition of the United States Treasury at the be ginning of business today was; Working balance S S0.409.S01 In banks and Philippine treasury 43.343.57.1 Total of genetral fund 14S.9J0.70S Receipts Saturday 2,653.694 Disbursements 6.-7,M3 Tbe surplus tnis fiscal year is 4t3.abu.eao, as airalnst a deficit of $17,604,384 last year. The figures for- receipts, disbursements, etc. exclude Panama Canal and public debt transactions. NaTal Stores. SAVANNAH. Ga.. March 24. Tnrpentlne Professor K. A. Kirkpat rick, Hortf CTilturist, Uni versity Farm, St. Paul, Minn., says: "I consider the Lewiston Land & Water Company's project at Lewiston, Idaho, the -most sys tematic, conservative and well-managed fruit-growing proposition that I saw in the Northwest. For the man who has decided to grow fruit in the "West I certainly know of nothing more solid and sane." firm at SS to 3954c. Sales. 243; receipts. 267; shipments, 87: stocks. 1C20& Rosin Inn. Sales, 110S: receipts, 65S, shipments, 810; stock. 1OS..042. Quote: A. B, So-lO; C. D, $5.15: E, C20; F, S5.2S; G. .-..30: K. J5.35; I, $5.4S; K, 6.23: M, S.90; WG. 17.40; WW, 7.60. Metal Markets. NEW YORK. March 24. Copper steady. Standard spot and March, 14.00S 14.75; April, 14.00 14.70; May and June, 147; electrolytic, 15.00 13.12; lake. 15.-3 13.37: castings. 14.73 14.87. .,,.,- Tin quiet. March and April, 46.00348.25; May. 43.73 W46.00. Lead steady. 4.30$ 4. 40. Spelter, easy. 6.13 6.30. Antimony -dull. Cookson'a 9.009.23. Iron quiet. No. 1 Northern, 17.753? 18.25; No. 2 Northern. 17.2517.75: No. 1 South ern. 17.7318.25; No. 1 Southern soft, 17.5 818.23. Copper arrivals, 720 tons: exports this month. 33,748 tons. London holiday. Coffee and Sugar. NEW TORK, March 24. CofTee futures opened steady at a decline of 11 points to an sdvancs of one point. The close was a little off from the best, but steady and from 2 to ten points net higher. Spot, quiet; Rio. No. 7. 11 He: Santos, No. 4. 13Zc Mild, dull, Cordova, 13 617c, nom inal. Raw sugar easy. Muscovado. 89 test, 3.03c; centrifugal. 90 test. 8.5.1c; molasses sugar, 89 test. 2.80c. Refined sugar quiet. ALL LIVESTOCK STRONG STEERS SEXJj TWENTY CENTS HIGHER AT NORTH PORTLAND. Similar Gain Is Made In Host Mar ket Choice Lambs Advance 50 Cents Day " Run Fair. Prices were lifted on all classes of live stock at the North Portland yards yesterday Tod grade steers, advanced 20 cents, hogs made a similar gain and lambs were raised a full half dollar. Tbe day's run was fairly large. Five loads of prime steers found buyers at the new price at S7.90. . Two loads were moved at S7.83 and four at $7.80. The bulk of steer sales were at S7.B0 to 17.85. A lew calves were disposed of at full prices, but in other cattle lines not much waa done. The best light hogs were sold at .9.35, against tbe top quotation of $9.15 at the close of last week. Heavy bogs were also strong, selling up to $8.35. The only transactions in the sheep market were the Iambs, two loads of which sold at $8.00, Receipts were 750 cattle, S calves, 79tJ hogs and 231 sheep. Shippers were C. G. Melius, Tlkura, Idaho, 1 car ot hogs; R. Page, Twin Falls and Klmberly. 2 cars of sheep and hogs; J. L. Carter. Gooding. 8 cars ot cattle; Ed Coles, Haines. 1 car ef bogs; Kiddle Brothers, Union Junction, 1 car of hogs; F. A Phil lips, Baker, 2 oars of cattle; Adams Broth ers, Stanfleld. 2 cars of cattle; James Nixon, Brownies, 1 car of cattle; Butter Creek Land S: Livestock Co., Kcho, 1 car of hogs; James Doyle. Monlda. 8 cars of cattle; O. A Brown, Halsey, 1 car of eattle and calves; A B. Gale, Alrlle, 1 car ot hogs; Nate Rains. Cecil, 6 cars of cattle; M. J. Sevier, Boise, 1 cor of hogs; O. E. Weed, Jerome, 1 car of hogs; Featherly tc Thorpe, Red Rock, Mont., S cars of cattle; F. Pink ham, Kampa, 2 cars of cattle; Pence A Nesblt, Payette. 1 car of cattle, and M. Townsend, Ontario, 2 cars of cattle. Tbe day's sales were as follows: Weight. Price. 1 cow , 1110 2 hogs ,..... 245 94 hogs 184 10O hoes - 181 J3.6IJ 8.80 9:30 9:30 8:30 9.25 8J00 8.00 7.00 7.83 7.85 7.90 7.90 7.90 7.63 7.65 7.65 7.90 7i) 7.90 8.73 9.00 7.00 7.25 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.75 7.73 7.70 7.80 7.80 7.80 7.64 7.65 7.50 7.00 7.50 7.80 5.00 7.05 7.00 7.65 6.75 6.00 5.50 9.10 9.35 8.35 9.35 9.10 8.10 l hoes - .............. sou 227 100 92 1089 sr e . .11 tfS U2 I a m a -m aa.a -tU 1070 1226 1075 10SO 1081 , 1254 1219 llOO 145 126 1142 1000 1098 .. ...... .......... 933 1003 1099 110S 1185 1117 1155 ..nss , 1164 . 1216 1242 1015 1193 .J... 1230 920 10C2 111K) 1297 1220 1510 .. 1170 13S ( lSii 890 182 142 840 93 hogs . 231 lambs 241 lambs 25 steers 23 steers 26 steers 27 steers 1 steer 28 steers 22 steers 24 steers 22 steers 21 steers 23 steers 1 steer 2 calves 3 calves 14 steers 13 steers 12 steers 3 steers 23 steers 20 steers 27 steers 27 steers 32 steers 25 steers 25 steers 12 steers 2R steers 25 steers 2 steers 22 steers 25 steers 1 steer 8 steers 1 steer . 13 steers 1 stag . S bulls . 1 bull .. 1.19 hogs . 92 hogs . 1 hogs . 90 hogs . 102 hogs . 1 hog The range of prices at the yards was as follows: Choice steers . $7,ooj;t.to Good steers 7.005 7.o0 Medium steers ..v............. covo i.uu Choice cows 6.509 6.85 Good cows s.oow o.au Medium cows -d.ou o Choice calves 8.00 9.00 Good heavy calves 6.50W 7.30 Bulls 3.30 3 0.00 Hogs Lleht ?00 9.33 Heavy ....... ... 7.754 8.33 Sheep Yearling wethers B.75ffl 6.50 Ewes -. 00 5.25 Lambs 6.00l8 8.00 Chicago Livestock Market. . ..- , v. o. nsitl, T7ApAlnta 23.000; market,, steady. Beeves, 7e9:15. Texas steers, ihkio i.toi r...iu $6S08.10- stockers and feeders, S6t8.-"0, cows and heifers. $3.43fiS: calves, $7(8 11.25. tiers receiii,3, ...... shade higher than Saturdays average. Llgnt, 8S 854f9 22--: mixed. I8.7St9.15; heavy, Is u&vi v.la; rougn, i3.bhib d.iv, .-" 9.00 ; bulk of sales, $9 9.10. 6h,epilece!pts. 23.OO0: market, steady to shade lower. Native. !67- Western, 6.25 7 00; vearllngs, $7.809,S.25; lambs, native, $7S.8'5; Western. $7.268.85. Xrnlntb Unseed Market. rULtTTK. March 24. Close: Linseed on track. il.28S127: to arrive, $L26- May. $lT2S; July. L30 asked; October. $L31 asked. We Have Sold Approximately $600,000 Lewiston Land & Water Company 1 Refunding Gold Bonds to some 170 discriminating investors throughout the country at large, includ ing Banking Institutions, Estates and Individuals. Send for our descriptive circular contain ing detailed information regarding these bonds. MORRIS BROTHERS Railway Exchange Building PORTLAND BULLS BUY WHEAT Trading at Chicago Local in Character. NO- WIRE COMMUNICATION Active Support I9 Gien at Every Easing Off in Prices, and Close Is Firm Advances In Coarse Grains. CHICAGO. March 24- Active support was given wheat today by bull leaders. The close was arm, unchanged to e high er. Com closed the day at a net advance of to c Oats were a shade lower to o higher and provisions showed a gain of 0 to 150. The wheat market was practically ""horns m.riii" l tha onenlng because of prostrated wires In the Western storm belt and the Easter holidays In England. Bulls oougnt rearillv at everv easing off in prlcea Statistics as to primary receipts had no effect on the market, as today's figures were not completed. Seaboard clearances of wheat and flour eoualed 649.000 bushels. Bulls turned a corn market that opened weak into one of strength. - Oats, after a weak opening, showed some strength at the close on covering by early sellers. - Light hog receipts sent provision!, np to a new nigh level for tne season. The leading futures ranged as follows WHEAT. Onen. Hlfrh. Low. $ .90 .89 .89 Close. May July Sept . .60 $ .91 . .90 .90 . .89 .90 CORN. . .58 .54 . .54K .65 . .B3 .56 OATS. . .88 .84 . .88 .34 . .33 .33 .904 .89 May July Sept .63 .544 .55 .88 .33 .33 .53 .54 .55 .33 .83 .83 May July Sept MESS PORK. May 20.85 21.00 20 85 20. 8T 20.62 July ......20.55 20.63 LARD. May ,.11.10i 11.22 July ...10.82 11.07 20.33 11.02 10.90 11.15 11.02 SHOBT BIBS. May 11.12 11.20 11.10 July 10.90 10.97 10.90 Cash prlcea were: Cash: Rye No. 3, 5990o. Barley, 45 08a Timothy. $2.508.BO. 11.20 10.92 Clover, $12l.oo. Corn. No. 2, 6252e; 62 53c No. S yellow, Paget Sound Wheat Markets. Si: A i L l.f-, fliaren .- . no. ' 96c; fortyfold, 860; dub. 89c; Fife, 650; red Russian, 84a - TACOMA. March 24. Wbeat Bluestem, 96c; fortyfold, S8c; club, 86c; red .Russian, 84c. Car receipts, wheat 3. bay 2. Grains In Ban Francisco. SAN FFANCISCO. March 24. Spot quo tations: Walla Walla. $1.56 1.67; red Russian. $1.63 1.55: Turkey red, $1.75 1.77V.: bluestem. $1.751.77: feed barley. $1.30l.S2ft; brewing barley.. 11.87 1.40: wnite oats, ii.oii.jn. w ".--; 2S; middlings. S,o."l: shorts, t2424.50. n.n hnarf. fini firm. Tin trading: bar ley, steady. December, $1.29; May, $L29 Dja; Sl.ov asaeu. Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS, March 24. Wheat Closing- May, 86c; July. 88c; September. SSc: Cash. No. 1 hard, S7c; No. 1 North ern, 8586o; to arrive, 8083o; no. S Northern, 828c; No. 8 wheat. 80 81a SAN FBANCISCO PBOpTJCE MARKET Prices Quoted at the Bay city roe Teg tables. Frultsr Etc. SAN FRANCISCO. March 24. The follow ing produce prices were current hero today T.i. . Anni.. fUnifn Rlw. common. 40c . 1. 'ofl'Qrn. rallfA-nl. latmnnff. jnexican iuii. -. . j 1 - - . - choice, $7: common, $4; navel oranges, fl.lo a; pineapples, i - uu. Cheese Young Americas. 16JlSa Butter Fancy creamery, 35c. Eggs Store. 17o; fancy ranch, 17 o. Hay Wheat. $23 4225; wheat and oats, $31.5022; alfalfa, $m18; barley, $18? -.-- .rv .n Tl . . V. Knrf&TKf. Ra Unas Bur banks, 85cL25; sweets, $2,250 Vegetables Cucumbers, $2.75493; green peas. 79o; string beans, nominal; egg- ill 1111 1, I 11 1 .' , ...... , - - .. Keceipis "lout. w 0.-n.. , j . 5155 centals; potatoes, 8525 sacks; hay, 484 tons. Chicago Dairy Produce. CHICAGO. March 24. Butter, steady. Creameries, 2835a M " , Eggs, steady; receipts, 16.820; at mark, cases Included, 1717c; ordinary firsts, 16lo; firsts. 17c. Hops, Ete., at Sew Tork. NEW TORK, March 24. Hops quiet. Pa clfle Coast. 1912, 10 21c; 1913, 11 15c. Hides easy. Central America, 29c; Bo gota, 2829a , Petroleum steady. Refined, New Tork. bar rels $8.50; refined New Tork. bulk, $4.80: Philadelphia, barrels, $8.50; refined. Phila delphia, buik. $4.80. ESTABLISHED 1894 jtEngineers MAKE ENGINEERING REPORTS FINANCIAL REPORTS RATE ADJUSTMENTS AND APPRAISALS OP PUBLIC UTILITIES 8S SECOND ST.. SAN FRANXISCO NEW YORK NEW ORLEANS LADD &TILTON BANK Established 1859. Capital Stock $1,000,000.09 6urplus and Undivided Profits l.OOO.OOO.OQ Commercial and Savings Accounts Letters of credit, drafts and travelers' checks issued, available in all parts of the world. OFFICERS. w. M. Ladd. President. Robert S. Howard, Asst. Cashlsa Kdward Cookingham, Vice-Prea J. W. Ladd. Asst. Cashier. V.'. H. Dunckley. Cashier. Walter M. Cook. Asst. Cashier. First National Bank Capital $1,500,000 Surplus 900,000 Oldest National Bank West of the Rocky Mountains CORNER FIRST AND WASHINGTON ST 3. DIRECTORS GEO W. BATES GEO. G. BrNGHAM P. fi. BRUMBY E. G. CRAWFORD JOHN A. KEATING TR. K. A. J. MACKEN20B l.umbermens National bans Corner Fifth and Stark Streets Portland, Oregon saiSno La LORRAINE Anril El s3 "'i r v m-a bbbt -. n nrssMsT HE-La asi s FRANCE (new) April 17 'LA LOKHAXNE May 8 LA PROVENCE April 84 FRAAtB (new) May 15 Twin-screw steamer. Quadruple-screw steamer. SPECIAL SATURDAY SAILINGS FROM NEW YORK S P. M. ONE CLASS CABIN II) and THIRD CLASS Passengers Only. ' ItOCH A Al B rA tj April 6 CHICAGO April U C, W. Stlns-er, so Sixth St. (Southern Pacific Office) ; A. D. Charlton, IS35 Slorrlson gt. (Nor. Pae. Office). Agents, Portland. TRANS-ATLANTIC LINES r. AMERICAN LINE 27. T.-Plymoutii-Chertioivs-Soathainpton ATLANTIC TRANSPORT LINE 'ew York London Direct BED STAR LINE New York Dover Antwerp WHITE STAB LINE Kerr Tork QBeenatownv Liverpool X. y.Iymoirth-'hrrtoar-Soutliaxnpton Cruittea New York and A B. DISNEY, PASS. AGT., 610 SECOND Or Local Railway and Wool steady. Domestic fleece, XX Ohio, Sl33c Elgin Butter Market. ELGIN, 111., March 24. Butter, firm, 34 cents a round. . FIFTH STREET'S" RECORD IS AN ENVIABLE ONE Fifth utreet (paved with Bitulithic) is an example Df efficient, economical paving. For ten years it has stood tip under severe traffic conditions, with no repairs needed. - BITULITHIC LASTS J.C WILSON&CO. STOCKS BONDS. GRAIN AND COTTON MEMBERS NEW VOKK STOCK EXCHANGE. NEW YOBK COTTON EXCHANGE. CUICAOO BOARD OF TRADE, THE STOCK AND BOND EXCHANGE, BAN FRANCISCO. PORTLAND OFFICE: Lewis Building, 269 Oak Street. PhonesMarshall 4120, A 4187 WANTED - VEAL BOSS ES6S PODLTBT WANTED Our prlres today: Eggs. 19c; chlcKens. 16 to 17e lb.; broilers. 25 to 30c; pork. far-fv 11 ti 12e: veal, fancv. 14 to 14tC Check sent promptly. Are you satisfied with the prices you are now setting for your produce? If not ship to us; tags free. Country merchants trade solicited. F. H. SCHMALZ & CO. 111-143 Front St.. Portland, Or. Fald-na Capital. tlo.OOO. TRAVELERS' GCIDK. AUSTRALIA TAHITI AND NEW ZEALAND. m t.i-. bf,m 1 m -I... tn TahlH SI XI. nT.lll-a.M. tA7 AA n Rvilliv SJlftO- Eperlal Faclfle Oeean Tonr Uncluding 8outh Sea Isles) to Sydney via Tahiti. Rarotonga and New Zealand and returning to San Francisco (or Vancouver) via Auckland. Fiji or Samoa and Honolulu. S323. 1st class lngs from San Francisco April 2, April 30. Fnina Steamship Co. of New Zealand, Ltd. Office- 871 Market Street. San Francisco. Diuu Bin nt. Jivnnn. AiKTOH. VONTEVIDE,BI7ENOATHtS A BOSABIO Lsrce. Kew anrt Fast Psstntr Rtesmsrs from Krw Vortl every sliernateSa'ord. y f o rts. e s"nty local Ur airmis. OT BUSK A DASIEI-I.Onenl Aseiili, T . ROBERT TREAT PLATT ANDREW R. PORTER CHAS. S. RUSSELL G. K. WENT WORTH LLOYD J. WENTWORTH J. E. WHEELER RESOURCES MILLIONS Comps.4nie Gener&le Transactlantique Direct Una to Havre-Paris (Franco) Sailing from New I'orlt every Thursday at 10 A. M. Touraine, Thursday, April 3 10 TOUBVAINE Mar I CANADIAN SERVICE Sailings Erery Saturday From Montreal and Quebec BY LARGEST CANADIAN LINERS THE Including- the IiAUKEJTlO TWTON10 STKCAiSTIC CANADA Send for folders of tbe Short Iaad- Locbed St. Lawreoee Roote to Europe. Boston Mediterranean Kjrypt. AVEw, MAIN FLOOB, BEAR. SEATTLE. Steamship Ajrenta. TRAVELERS' GUIDE. Volwm 1. 1913 Edition Now Readj "MOODY'S MANUAL of Railroads & Corporation Securities." The Recognized Authority ea Araencan j Investments. ' Up-to-date data, including full 1912 re ports on about j 5009 Public Utility, Industrial and Rail- j road Corporations (Principally Jit 14 80f CorjonHems) , ; Tbe only Uinul with a CompreHen--1t SuppJeent that brlogi 70a each month the current corporation chiDfta. j la thae parlous times 70a seed tills, depends!) I authority to saiesTuanl yoa j agaiast uowiH inTestmeata. j Volume II. will be Issued la June 1 coTerlns; those corporations whose fiscal 1 years c.oee December 31 to Wsroh 81 I also 1000 eorporatloaa nerer befora re- 1 Doried fn anv mtnusl. ' A aperial feature of Vol- it me II will br a complete Index of both volumes This complete Bervloe gire joe tha greatest amount of data on a greater number of companies and at 00 Increased cost fin. tbe same as heretofore. Bmd four order to-day. Maoir Manual Cs. 33 Braowar. . T STEAMSHIP Sail. Tomorrow for SAX FRANCISCO. I.OS ANGELES AND SAX DIKGO direct. Ban Francisco, Portland & I A, S. S. Co. (Ticket Office with Denver is Rio Grande R. R.) Main 29. A 4SJ6. 124 Third street. a aa u i-p nov ' til'KtsS STEAMiiKS FOB fian Franclsro and Vom Anselea WITHOUT CHANGE S. B. ROSE CITY sails March ST. 8. a KANSAS CITY sails A. M. April S. Tilii SA.N 1UA.NC1MCO & I'OKTLA.NO S. S. CO, Ticket Office ad and l a-Jiloctoii (wills O.-VV. li. t N. Co.) PhaB. llsnliall 4SV0. A 6121. San Francisco. Los Angeles and San Diego Direct S. S. Boanoke and S. S. Elder. Sail tTCry Wednesday Alternately as s r. m. NORTH PACIFIC S. S. CO. 122 a Tblrd St. Phones Main 1314. A 1314. ! COOS BAY LINE RTRAMER BREAKWATER alls from Ainawortb Dock. Portland, at a A. M.. Jdaxcb 12 and thereafter every Wednesday morning at 8 A. M. Freight r- s-.i.. rlaiits riiini T:isidav ud to S P. Tf Tuesdays up to S A U. Passenger fares: Mnt-Ciua, iu; lecouu-tiiiM, . iui.iuui"i bertha and m-I. ticket office at Alns wortb Dock. The Portland t Coot bar S.S. Une. L. H. Keating. Agent. sVhoae Mala KtiOO. A 332. LOS AXGEIXS AND BAN DIEGO STEAMSHIPS TALE AND HARVARD Railroad or any steamer to Ean Francisco, rh. Rmo cltv. Larzest. fastest and tbe ONLY strictly first-class passenger ships oa the Coast. Average speed Z& milea hour; cost 12.000,000 each. BAN X KA-N t. rUK llssUU Mm A. 8. S. CO.. Ualn M. Frank Boll am. A cent. A 439 1, ix liura otreei-,