THE 3IORNIXG OREGONIAN, TUESDAY MARCH 2o, 1913. lb r .1 mr. .. I (srri-ATlONS WASTED MALE. I 1-OR RENT. TO EXCHANGE. SPLENDID ISA ACRES. OWNER WANTS TRADE. This la on of th best piece of land in Oregon, located Just TO mile outh of purLla.nO. on good gravel! road. V miiea from cod town. Ther are ls acres. 140 acre la high atate cultivation; living atream mater. The entire tract Is th very of land, being psrt sandy loam bottom, and ba.anc rich mellow upland- pnc -.0vO; will accept city property, atock .ercnandie. or mall farm up to 1 iaH or I14.000 aa first payment, lcg tlma on bal ancs, 6 per cent in terest, BAR0ROVB SONS. 132 X- ota U cor. t and OKaan. WOULD TOO L t K B TO T R A D D TOUR 60x100 LOT FOR 10 ACRB8 OT GARDB2T LlXt CALL AT 418 BOARD OF TRADE. "cheap acreage for k-esidencs. A n action of unimproved land lo oted 40 mile from Portiand. .,in,le" from rood town and the beat f nd river transportation; eO per Cent li.Iab.o 100 acres bottom land. 3 to 5 million feet of merchantable Umber on U section, bal ance second growth and brush, very easy cleared; watered by 3 creeks and several eprintcs; tlO.ZO per acre; would consider modern residence In Portland not to ex ceed JT'Ou ma inflated vaiueai. balance ras'u 331 Railway Exchange. Phono Main 40L , WILL TRADE FOR ETORL. 80 acres. 20 acrrs cleared, balance good timber of t-n million feel, close to river, value $10, COO, incumbrance $40O, 0 per cent Interest: equity 000; also two houses and lots in rortland. total value of all about H2.000; will trade for store In country tewn. Owners of stores in ansaerlr.g give full particulars. J. Smith, P. O. Box 1131. Portland. Or. CHICKENS. FRUIT. BERRIES. Within 5-cent fre. 23 minutes ride from First and Alder sts.; 5 ACRES, all In cultivation, at Lents; 3-room house, woodshed, chicken-house, barn, well, all kinds small fruit and 4rt fruit trees in bearing; price 75N: terma or trade for small Investment same value. O. C R. ELLIS & CO., 1 3u9 Board of Trade. WILL, exchange a SK.OO Interest In one of the beat known coasting vessels running to Columbia River fr a good -passenger automobile. No old car or Junk con sidered. Vessel la in good shape. Insured, and now paying IS per cent on in vest ment, dividends being declared quarterly. If interested ad drew for further particu lars. AV 74. Ort-gonian. FOR SALE or trade, a fine 80-acre farm in Wasco County, close to a nice little towo and within a stones throw of the railroad utatlon; pood house and outbuildings; a fine platting proposition or can be used for a stock ranch; will accept Portland property. Geo. T. Moore Co., 518 Abing ton bio g. u ii i iM ETTE V A LI.E T DAIRY FARM WANTED. Will exchange lo-acre bearing Hood River orchard (bides., irrigation system, etc., complete): miles to town; cash price VI l.TM (no incumbrance) ; no in flated values considered. Main 106. C. L. pambergar. gpaidlng BlQg. BEAUTIFUL ftacro place S mile from Courtney and Oregon City carllne; ail c;ur. good barn. 4-room house and fine well;' an exceptional p.a.ce. $11.0u0; will accent good city property in payment, tuntr, room 11 Mu.key bldtf.. 'Id and .Vorr;son. . TO EXCHANGE, for equity In house .vnd iot or fT lot. contract on 20 acres or land unour the. irrigation project of the lcr.uirs Laud Company, at La Pine, nr.. fuhy paid up; feet of water iiuarantred each year. Itus-rue Hunt. !.. on bids. -Mam .'--tlT. A 3.V. HAVE cllfni for Income property from SovO to l".t; In ex hang e offer good Irv ing ton lots. Portland rn-tdnc-S, 'r" mortgages, box HA) corner lot. near tith and Morrison !.. and somo cosh; ail free from encumbrance, C L. l.ampery-r. 75 Spalding B.dg. W 'U tra.le my 11- model. O-pasa.. auto, fuily equipped and lu first -class condi tion, as first payment on modern or 7 room bouse or for equity. Give ful de scription and location m first letter. Price must be right, for I hav no Junk. N OregonLm. FOR SALE or trade. SO acre four miles from Ontario. Or.; i cr in .1-year-old orchard; cuts X"' tons of alfalfa; good Improvements; . hojl and R. K switch on place For furtb-.-r !:i(ormai!on write J. . chritchtl''ld, I tin ho. WILL trad my equity. $20u. new aeven room houa?. with sletplnic porch. In Lau relhurst. also equity SlOuO In five-room cottage near Diviin sc., and MU Scott car AS Sn4. Oregon tan. WilJ. traut mv equity of In a new, modern tt-rooui house on the East Side for cik-ar Imi, 5ir.Ui-r house or mort gage; mijrlit cnsier some close-la acre age. ur.'r, AH t-i. WILL sell, r.-nt or ex-bance for Portland proprtv fully equipped Irult and stock ranch In I'ouslaa fuuuiy, l mflea from railroad. i'ai! wriio aames Kelly. 413 Main st.. Portland. TEN acrea, best valley Innd. 2S miles from NewbTg. all In cultivation, on main road TM-ir iHOMi. mtc fl.W in 3 years; will richanK for good grocery s.oik. Oregunlun, AR TRADE FOR At'TO 10 acre homestead relinquishment; Pio neer days- over 5 hours of Portland, sur rounded bv farms. ph-ne and acliooi. StAH) ca-th. O S. Uri'Koiiutt. FOK ALl cheap, or -n nanpe for horsea a good r'-pwi-mcr auto; 2 nice diamond rings and a pjed. clear city lot. 14 Union ae., corner of Ash. jOTW two-atory house, two full lota, cor. B4th and Francis, for exchange for Sa lem property by owner. K. R. Rlngo. ao yeoa bu g WHAT have you to trade for 200 acres of wheat land near Pomeroy. Wash. Have auao 10 acrea uu the Oregon Electric line at St. Louis Station. B Oregonian. WANT "to trade Hood River city property lor a busin'-s. What have you Address O. L- Henderson. In rare of Ellis t Sou lier. BOth and IMvlslnn. SELL or trade apartment-house, doing good buaineas; can st jw you where you c.n from oO per cent to -vo per cent; value AH S-5. OregonUu. lti AC K ES, oO ui.der cultivation, fenced, good 6-room house and barn, J H miles from Krupp. V ash. ; price 4S00; mtg $1ik0. T 7i.t. Oregonlan. Ui.OL paying rooming and boarding-house e'ose la, well located, for sale or ex change for land or cedar timber. AB Qregonlau. WANTEU Oood 7 or S-rom modern house in rood district; must be ciear of Incum brance; wiil tiade c-ear lots, well located on the East Side. AH SOX Oregonlan. WANT to exchange gilt-elge city property for stock tanch vW.tli stivk ard tools pre. f-rred. up to (WavO. Wtite full paxueu lars. AR 85X Oregonlan, 1 HAVE two autoa 1 will trad 9 for real etate: autoa In first -class shape. Cal. East tj?3. TO TRALE tor Oregon farm, a $oo0 equity In a evVVO Kansas City, Mo., residence; a:so J feet vacant. A 714. Oregonlan. OBOCP of 13 mining claim: value X10.O0O. What have you of equal value to tradeT A-B M4. Oregonlan. HO 1 fcT and lot in Soattle for sale or ex change for rort:atd Income iroperty. Wood:awn 1157. WE buy. sell or trade anything. 430 Lum ber Exchange- Bldt. car. r i-tvdn!in. HOKE. farmlrg implements. fumltura, etc; coat abot J-iC. Public stenogra pher. H"tel Multnomah. SJi ACB E9 timber land for unir cumbered city property. Main 71o6. A "MS. IOR SALE. Ilorcx V eh Iclra, Etc. t'uR Al S Team of pontes, good drivers, price Inquire at MKler'a bakery barn. E. 1st and Ho! tad ay. F'R SALE 1000-th. horse, or wiil trade for a rood cow. S-t6 Mississippi. Wood .awn 1LC'CINJ out. hrntt at wbolesaia price 2'0 -d at., com-r Taylor. A FEW hnw a: r.iotnMf prices; work ing every day. Ho.rr.Hn Fue. Co.. 75 3th NICE i-ii of joung pon e for sale, cheap. :u-;7 East Stark st.. alontavli'a. ON K Smdebakf-r dumu cr and harness. n-'.ir y new; lai-or 14. WANTED To buy A-l driving horse; must be young and sound. Phone East 4St4 tar aeUe st U . Zta au Korta. FOB 6AI.E. Hort, ehlclea. Etc. HORSES AND WAGONS FOR SALS OR RENT. Eecond-hand vehiclea bought and 'a: new wagens and auto bels made to order; livery furnished to business parties at special ratea, HAWTHORNS STABLE , 4.'0 HawOioraa Avfc Phone East 72 B 3599. t--xv. . . t t.. tu x- unpsir A- Ul'LE CO., Com ration deiUers In ail clasaea of horaea and mules. . AUCTION EVERT MONDAT. 1.A-.?L Horses and mulea lor rent to contractors In carload lots. w 240 Eaxt 8tb St., ntfar Hawthorne. r UUIie t.aat GOOD ranch team, span of baek norses weighing 1230 lbs.; this team itrwt sore but good workee7:Aw"illmai1 an A No. 1 farm team; ll will buy them and harness; no dealers need ap ply; seil to farmers only. O.son lea Co.. 67 East 8th. JL'ST received consignment of cood horses, weight from WiO lbs. to 150o iba each. Prices from to per pi- cwmo good family and general purpose horses trom STo to Sl-0 per bead. llo7 E. ctark St.. Montavllla. ' FOR BALE 27 head horses and mares. 6 to 10 years old. welcht 150 to ISoO lbs.; harness, wag oca, buggies and harness. 4i4 Goidsmitn. too CASH buya team, 280O pounds, harness wood 17. " . 0 oJOl FARM OR ORCHARD MILES: horses of all kinds gooseneck express and farm wagons. 381 W. Water, cor. Montg'y. GOOD team marea, weight 2000; harness. wagon, Lttii ana see latm wora. 0-0 2th st. WW car. . CHEAP for cash. 2200-pound team, harness and wagon, l.o iuast out bv., owr Piano, Organs and Musical Instruments. FOR SALE cheap, by lady leaving city. Hallet & pa via piano and Standard sew ing machli.e, AN e30. Oregonian. HIGH - GRADE Washburn mandolin and leather case fr sale or exchange for dia mond. Call 2l6 Selling bldg. Dogs. Blr.fl. Pet Stock. AIREDALE tcrrlera--Ch. Red Ravea at atud. Laddix Kennels, Kstacada, Or. Furniture for 8aJe. FURNITURE for sale Houses for rent. Some fine Bargains close In. PHILLIPS. r.05 McKay Bldg. M. 1023. A 4121. FUR N ITU RE of residence, comprising solid I n.lnr f,.rnlliin film All Oltk leather living-room furniture, elegant din ing suite, beautiful bedroom furnishings; brass beds. rugs, etc.; great opportunity for those starting housekeeping. Call Im mediately; must sacrifice, together Or ...nnrxir iv W car. 701 Northrup st. ;0 WORTH of furniture for sal for $375. U IB ties, CUI iniua, tii.u, .vU( ' books, pictures and wood, in modern lower flat; Hawthorne line; rents for COM PLETE furniture and housekeeping ; r. m ti.rnnm flni for sale: & bar gain If taken Immediately. Phone Mar tin an Mii. LEA V 1 NO city: hich-grade furniture, cir an vMinnt Arfixfr. buffet, chaira. din ing-room set, rus, etc.. cheap, at Apart . . ,!T Ci xr-r-a ni-l inta. lt and HOVL STEIN WAY piano. Angelea mahogany din ing-room BCt. rugs, parior inu OLur iai nlture. 327 6th st. Marshall S7i.6. GOOD furuliure 9-room house, close In. good income, cheap rent; bargain if taken at one. Marshall 4410. FU R NITL'RE 5-room modern cottage, rea sonable. House for rent. 406 Hall st. WILL exchange a $1500 Interest in one of th best known coasting vessels running to Columbia River tor a good 5-passenger automobile. No old car or junk considered. Vessel Is In good shape. Insured and now paying IS per cent gn Investment, divi dends being decia.-td quarterly. If In terested, address for further particulars, AV 784, Oregonlan. AUTOS WANTED. REAL ESTATE FXR AUTOS. ALTOS FOR REAL E3TAT1A, POxlUO lwt. value JiU'iO. 40x1 "0 lot, value $ 7U0. ItK'xluO lot, value $14i0. louxloO lot, value jZui)0. ooxli'0 lot. -rom house, value 1400. 8 to tiO-acrs tracts; also bungalows. We -.ant trucks as well as autoa MADiSON GAHAGci. 1111 Hawthorn, phone Tauor 4. .43. Ask for Jack. PORTLAND AUTO PAINTING CO. W use nothing but the best material and workmanship; a trial will demoa strate the finisii and durability. 81a Hawthorne Ave. phone E. S2?D. UA KLKY-DAVIUSU.V motorcyct?. ful.y equipped. 4-h. D-. In good conaitlon; will seii very cheap, cash or terms. Levun Hardware f lurnltur Co., 221-23 Front aireet. BRAND new 1W13 Excelsior twin motorcycle. Large Presto headlight, Fentress tana em, sp'-edometer. Like new. Cost Price jtx; JT j down, )20 monthly; or $250 ensn. 3.'0 Alder st. FOR SALE 1312 5-piseenser Warren, fully equipped. coiaUttlou aosoiuteiy guaranioeu, can be seen at Uie Auto Launury. 115 S 1st. Mar. 39;2. A 1644. A 1-TON auto irm k in good condition for s;le very rcasunaolo at od2J 02d ave., Woodatoik. Tel. oeilwood 10.ti. WILL EXCHANGE good lota for lia Hud son or Cadi It o autu. Give coaditiou, price, etc. N 86L Oregonian. Iv ANTED, at once, a Packard or Peerless a-ton truck, in good condition. Address Red Tank Oil Co., SUT East 6th St. Nor to. ft-ROOM house, lot 50x100, cash price S150U; mtg. I4a, will excnaiiga ior gouu o-p. auto. Call liil 4th at. WANTLU 2 B-ton auto trucks for out-of-town service, Packarda preferred; steady work at good ra t ee. AV iwi. BARGAIN 1310 6-passenger Rao, extra do livery body, Just overhauled $200, Gay, 7bl E. Sad. WW car. FcR SAIJC 1811 Croxton Keeton taxlcab In fine condition; terma to right paxtlea. AV SU, Oregonlan. RUNABOUT, late model, Juat like new, (trat-class condition, can be had for leas than cost. Call 111 4th at. WANTED Boy with motorcycle for deliv ery. Apply at 211 Morrison. MlM-ellaQeoaa. SAFES Special prices, new and second hand; several bargains; usea saxes taicen in exchange on new and steel office safes; safes opened, repaired. Purcell Safe Cu., and Portland Safe Co.. & 6th st- phor.e Main 6JuS. TWO Burroughs adding machines; 2 Rem ington typewriters; 2 Toad protectographs ; 1 cash register; 2 office safes and 1 res taurant coife urn. all In good condition. Call at 2d and HoyL Portland Pure MUk H Crvara Co. FOR SALE. A 40-K. W., t."0-volt Crocker-Wheeler generator, complete, with field rheostat and circuit breaker. In good condition. Address room 2Q3. Ore go a tan bldg. ONE 16-h. p. stationary engine and holier In tirst-clajs condition, lor sal cheap ; a. so one 20-ft. gasoline launch In good Condition and one warehouse cleaner. E. C McKenney, Wliaonviile, Or FERTILIZER. Rotted or green manure delivered to any part of the city for gardening purposes, roses and lawua. Phoa East 6a0 or B IfiO. G EVURTZ range, almost new, 120; work cabinet table, brouze bed, etc, for sale cheap, at once. 40 E. 7b tb. at. So. Monta- vuia. DIRECT action, high oven gas range and eoar coil water heater; also art wedre- wood range, large roll top desk. Call 60 Hawthorn tvs. TYPEWRITERS, all makes. $10 to Jdi. NORTHWEST TYPEWRITER CO 2d2 Stark St. a RHM1NGTON typewriter with Wahl add Ing attachment : on easy terms for less than H or original cost. 206 Alder st. 00 A-l STEAMER hull, full cabin; length 70. beam 12.4. H. M. Montgomery, box 7 til. Portland SAFES New and second-hand, large assort, ment. low price; safe opened, repaired. Mosier .afe Co.. ICS Second st. Mala ibVA i:;i hooms of furniture. I bussea, 1 res taurant, for sal at a bargain; hotel for rent. 92 N. sl. A SMALL r.ew printing outfit for sale. 1449 E. Hot FULL drss suit, tuxedo, s!ze 84 and 3s; also fur-lined overcoat. Marshall 375t. TWO donkey engines and complet logging outfit. 4io leon LEKBY deaks and office furniture. E. B. Haley Iesk Co. 230 Seventh st. Main 5S7. NATIONAL cas1! registers; get my prices. Povry ."314 Wash, basement. Main tiod. ELK cnarm: a beauty; will sacrifice; I need nivfoj". I' Alder sl. UH: Das-t a Native Kerba for corstipa tlon: Tki tablets tor 25c. AH druggista SEWING machines for rent. 10 2d. bC j tninni sua awwr i 1 1 m 31BK1MI IP Pi 1 '1'''.' r"TH if'ii-T- i 'TiV m uu HI ?1 Ksyr; Catherine, Empress of Russia, Slept on Straw And the straw -was laid on hard boards. She tells us so in her Memoirs. And that was only a little over a hundred j-ears ago. Today the poorest man or woman in all America has at least as good a bed as the Queen of all the Russias had then. So if yon think you are having a hard time now just be glad you weren't living a century ago with Catherine's job. There are plenty of pleasant, homelike rooms in this city for every one of us, and if we don't know how to find them that is our fault. Some of these houses with And when you telephone or go out to look for rooms please be kind enough to mention the fact that you saw the Ad in The Oregonian. FOR SALE. M lEK'elliuieouft. FURNITURE SPECIALS. . Room-size art rut;., 3 to ti: brunela niM. room-Izf, $10 to $15; carpet, of various sizes. 35e to 60c pr yard; dress ers of all woods and finishes. $t.5u to SL3; chiffoniers, 5 to $16: . buffets. t7.60 to S30: oak extension tables. $J.50 to J 15: dining- chairs, 75c to 12.50; rockers. 1 and up; writing and library tablea. 3 to 20; (20 flat-top oak desk, $1-'; mission oak roll-top desk, $-'3; letterpress and stand, $2.50; couches and settees. $2.50 to $12.50; sanitary couch and mattress, $5: folding beds, $5 to 1: Garland gas ranges with upper ovens, $10; gas ranges with lower ovens. $3 to $7.50; large-size cast Iron range. $12; steel ranges, $15; bt. Louis malleable steel range with water connections, $27.50; $25 sectional book case. $16; other bookcases from $1.50 and up- Iron and brass beds. $1.50 and up to $15; several good refrigerators, in fine condition, i6.i0 to $20; hanging hall tree with French mirrors, $2.25 to to; $2o hall rack $12.00. We furnish houses through out with new or fine second-hand furni ture on the Installment plan. Goods de livered free to auy part ot the city; good variety to select from. WESTERN 8ALVAOE CO.. E4S-547 Washington, bet. 16th and 17tn its. iioth phones. FOR SALE. A 5-horsepower, SOO-volt, Crocker Wheeler motor, complete with standard blade starter, no voltage release and io ampere overload. L T. E. circuit breaker, in A-l condition. Addrcaa room 208, Ore gonian niug ax-to c it r One 125-voIt direct-current generator, complete, with field rheostat, ammeter and circuit breaker. Thla machine is In good rt-palr. Addresa room 203, Ore gonlan bldg. WINCHESTER shotgun, 12 gauge, good con dition cheap lor cash. AH S24. Orego nlan. WANTED MlSCELEEAXEOtS. WE want to buy $1000 worth of aecond- hand turniture in m ov - ay all tne casa it is worm, tvuu&uiv urniture r.xcu"c. sECoND-HAD roll-top oak desk., not smaller than GCMncn, sanitary stylo pre ferred. Telephone Main bla or AH btfti. Oregonian. WE buy for cash second-hand National cash registers and sell tnem on easy terma W J. Macauley. &A4 Buruside st. Phone Main 1S1U. A lQitt- WK BUV CL.OTHINQ AND FURNlTLRb. Highest pricei paid for ladies and meu's visi-off clothing and shoe. Can Main 2-Vu. First. Th Globe W aM'KU Butchtr refrigerator, counter and icebox, good ahapa. P. iX Box 317, Camas. Wash. Wanted, ainglo phase. h. p. motor, altor natinsr current, lauO W. second-hand. T .el, uregomaa. WANTED One second-hand rolt-top busi ness aein, wnn tutu. , aw end chair; atata price, X IM3, Oregonian. , . . . . . . , Zlm. ..sin- nav hlph est prices lor your second-hand clothing Dnna UKr.., Mnln U'lTl WE pay the highest cash prlc for second hand furniture. M. R. Seater. Fhonea East 8ia4. 845 Hawtnorne avo KoHU Auction Co. Pays most cash for any kind of furniture. Main 8151, A 2443. NATIONAL, cash register; price must ba reasonabla phone Main 60d, A SOUP. SECOND-HAND goods bought for cash or taken In exchange for new. Tabor 4346. aKCuND-llAND motors and generators. Robert Skeen Kiectrlc Works, 400-402 Oiisan St., corner Vllu WE want" $10,000 worth of second-hand fur. nlture; highest prices paid. Bell wood ltiS'Z, CAS1J paid for hair combings. Sanitary Beauty Parlora. 41M Dekum. WAM'HD A steel range, good coaditloa. cash. Marshall 3756. GENTLEMEN Best prices will bo paid for your old clothes. East 768. OF.EGON 2d-hand store, 203 Jef. st. Main f.GuT. Pays highest prices 2d -hand goods. w w. v T hinhest orices for second-hand clothing. 214 3d st. phone Ma Wii'1.1 kalpomlne rooms for $2.50; paint house at your price; rcllabl. East BUS. HELP WANTED MALE. EXPEKIENCED special edition advertising solicitors; bipgeut commission In town; established religious magazine, t3 Madl- ' son St., oppotslte Plaxa, MY hosiery business ha been established her 12 years; I need three mort sales men, best com. paid. H. A. Stewart, iWl Lumber Exchange bldg. WANTED Man of ability to tak charge of the "IVINONA MILLS" hosiery and under wear agency In Portland. G. W. Bwzer. 417 Arcade bldg.. St-aitJe. W A NT E D A boy to help milk and do chores. Address C E. WaLCs, HUiaboro Oregon. MAN to solicit for coffee and tea busm-eas; must have experience In selling. 2u9 tsa.1-n-.oa st- IF YOU ere at present employed and want to earn cxira money, write for particulars. AG &60. Or-genan. WANTED First-clasa salesman can easily earn from fSw to $4i a week. Call SStt Al- W AN TED A flrsi-ciass saieaman; ony ex perienced need to apply. AH S8, Ore- eoulan. ' Vn.TD Three No. 1 good aaieameo. AH fel7. oregonian. WANTED A first-claaa sideline saieaman. Y i'L'7. Oregonian. A FIRST-CLAS ladles tailor. B. Pink, 4'7 Eilers bldg.. 7ih and Alder. viOL. strong bny. over 11 years old. Bailey & inrrv. 1 T -a pi., ruuiu o, THREE young men to sell new offer; big e.,1 T L- n m hlrli WANTED Experienced C"at and trousers WANT ED P h ot o solicitors ; i375 piano riven tree, rarcny piuuiu, oioi ni.- PHOTO agents new offer: S375 plant given ,way. Vaa Dyck. o Wash. at. iif V3 ait - rooms for rent are far pleasanter homes than many of us have ever had. And this is the kind of rooms that is advertised in the Room Ads of this paper. If you are thinking about moving, better look over these Room Ads now and check off the ones that have locations desirable to you. The good rooms are never ad vertised very long at a time. They never have to be. Look over the list now while your mind is on the subject and see if you can't find a place that will make the happiness of your evenings overcome the drudgery of your days. KELP WANTF1-MAU. INCIDENT. Ono of Many.) Office Secretary Employment Department, Y. M. C. A. Toung man, stranger, seeking employ ment ($20 his total cash aaset.) If I pay you S5 for employment membersnip I will have only $15 between me and starvation. Secretary If you pay $5 for employ ment membership you will have the y. M. C. A. with all Its resources between you and starvation. Result. Young man joined association. In less than a week he had satisfactory employment. Record for year 1912: Calls for men from employers 22C5 Positloua lliled Our special employment membership guarantees member will secure employ ment or refund of membership fee; gives two mo in ha' full and 10 months social Constant demand for CLERIAL. TECHNICAL AND COMMERCIAL MEN. All young men eeeking emploj menu especially strangers, are cordially invited to consult with the secretary of the em ployment department. ARE you tired of running along smoothly in a rut and willing to take some bumps if properly reeompunst for them? Can you work for yourself as hard as you have to for BGmcone eise and deter mine your own worth instead of letting voine other man do it? If you are willing to make money by work that is hard but pleasant and in which there ia no limit to your advance ment, call on McXair, 284 Oak sU WANTED Man to take contract of cutting and marketing cord wood, some open lana on place where he could raise some crops, house and barn and outbuildings, plenty spring water, fine place for poultry ; can matte very attractive proposition to right party; references required. GREEN & tlHKLICH, 713 Chamber of Commerce. MEN WANTED To work at steady work in small town, 60 miles from Portland. $2.25 per day; plant has been running for several years and want more men wno will make them selves permanent citizen. See Hart of Eaaley. CiiAPlN-HERLOW MTO. A TRUST CO Third Floor Chamber of Commerce. GERMAN. Scan d in avian or foreign man and wife for farm; man for farm work; does not need grtut experience; wife to cook; must be neat and clean; good house, run ning water; steady place for satisfactory parties. Please ate particulars about yourself and wages wanted. Also refer ences if poasible. W. B. Barn nisei, Dufur, Ore cop. EXPERIENCED WATCHMAKER WANT ED; MUST THOROUGHLY UNDER STAND H19 TRADE: G1VB EXPER IENCE AND REFERENCES. T 77, OR ETONIAN. WANTED for U. 3. ARMY Able-bodied un married men, between ages of 18 and 36, citizens of United States, of good char acter and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write the English lan guage. For Information apply to Recruit ing Officer, Worcester building, 2d and Oak sta., Portland. Or. WANTED Salesmen willing to work bard for good returns, to soil our fully-matured, uninfected, well-rooted nuraery stock In Western Washington. Oregon and elsewhere. Cash weekly. Write today for exclusive territory. WASHINGTON NURSERY COMPANY, Teppenlah, Wash. AGENTS AND SOLICITORS. We want men to travel with our man ager. If you are a live Mire and can make good we will pay your fare to th first town. Call at once. 701 Kothchiid. Jaeger Mfg. Co, WANTED First-class cutters' as sistant or chopper. Ray Barkhurat, the Taylor, corner tith and Stark. WANTED Young man for stenography and general office work with established firm; only those who have had some experience and able to furnish references as to char acter need apply. Phone A 2363 or Main 233, ' ' WANTED. Collection manager; must be competent and experienced; to take charge of large monthly installment collections. F 03, Oregonlan. WANTED Salesman with engineering abil ity, one familiar with elevating, convey ing, screening and general transmission machinery ; atate experience. AM 630, Oregonian. i COLLECTOR wanted, one who was connect ed with furniture or Installment house; must ride a wheel or motorcycle; state experience, salary, age. phone number; no others need reply. A Ttift, Oregonian. WAN TEDTerT" salesmen, experience un necessary, but must be good talkers and have neat appearance. Call between 8 and 10 A. M., ask for Mr. J. J. Brownson, ol Ablngton biug. YOUR opportunity If you are a hustler; ex clusive control of good territory; free out fit weekly advance; complete line; guar, anteed absolutely. Yakama Valley Nursery tompan-. RELIABLE single man. Janitor for apart ment building. Bring reference. $2o and board and room. Apply 26 Washington St. oeieeu " WE have a place for several good aalesmen In Oregon; a good proposition and big opportunity for live, energetic men. Top pentsh Nursery Co., Toppenlsh. W ash. LJVB agents wanted for 'Sllverate," the new saver plating fluid. $3 to $o per day easily made. Caii room 327, 221 Wash ington st. WWTED A man that can handle agents; Portland man preferred. v.Tlte for appoint ment. Address Max Pocth. Vancouver. Wash. - BOY for office work; chance for juce ment; high school graduate preferred. Ad dr at no. P Oregonlan. IS PHOTO coupon, best offer, snap for agenta. Cutbertn btuaia, evi. yesum oiui. HELP WANT EP FEMALE. WANTED 2 permanent waitresses for Gear hart Hotel. Apply 7th-floor restaurant desk, the Meier &. Frank store. THE Domestic Service Bureau, 30a Central bldg.. receives daily calls from the best of homes for competent, reliable girls for general housework, cooks, second work and nurse maids. TWO wideawake lady solicitors willing to work 8 hours a day for an old estab lished company; steady work and good pay Call to 12. 41S Mohawk bldg., d WE want a man or woman In every town In Oregon to represent us In an extensive advertising campaign; no experience re quired. Write J. F. Galloway A -o., fuic bi., emu r i WANTED Pastry cook for home cooking; lady preferred; state wages expected and references. Address S. & C. o01 East Albany. Or. . AN experienced French nursemaid or nur sery governess; also an experienced sec ond maid, one who understands sewing. Apply l4 N- 21st, corner Flanders. WANTED Head alteration lady for ladies ..... . mni b first-class: position ni.n a nrt'i ft rat. Address Box 21, The Dalles. Oregon. WANTED Two neat-appearing saiesladles, experience unnecessary. Call between 1 and & P. M.. ask for Mr. J. J. Brownson, 3iy Ablngton bldg. WANTED steady girl or middle-aged wom an, one who speaks German preferred. Permanent position, fair wages and good home. 301 Jackson, near West Park. WANTED First-class arm waitress for lunch counter' work. Best wages. Apply room 202 Goodnough bldg., between 2 and S P. M. today. WANTED Refined, capable woman for re sponsible position. Vlavl Co., 009 Roth child bldg.. 4th and W'ashingtcn. AMBITIOUS, energetic woman, over 25, for position with wholesale house: permanent; experience unnecessary. K 883, Oregonjin. MRS. HOWE'S LADIES' AGENCY. Washington bldg.. 270 Wash., room 35, near 4th. Phone Main 8S36 or A 3280. WANTED Girl for general housework, ex cept laundry; good wages Apply So Irving street, near 22d. WANTED A good cook, family of three grown-up people. Phone Main 2957. 681 J.ifkson St., Portland Heights. NEAT, refined, middle-aged woman to do general housework. Summer home in coun try. Call 20S 0th St., apt. 24. EXPERIENCED girl for cooking and gen eral housework; small family; wages 525. Tabor 8tJ22. WANTED Competent girl for general house work. 1B1 id. lotn su, near xayior. ruuuw E. 1503. B 2175 . A GIRL for general housework and cooking, with references; small family. 773 Johnson Main SU75. . . GIRL to assist with light housework In small apartment. Overton Apartments, Apt. oo, 2lst and Overton. FOUR waitresses, 35, fare advanced; chambermaids. $25 and ?30 ; 3 cooks .$40. Hansen's Employment Office, 345 Wash. JAPANESE woman for general housework. 492 East 24th st. North. Broadway car to Thompson st. WANTED Experienced telephone - operator at 741 Washington at. Apply after 10 A. M. EXPERIENCED girl for second work. 1093 Frank lin. Apply mornings. Willamette Height. STENOGRAPHER Insurance experience preferred. 712 Corbett bldg. Give phone number. EXPERIENCED girl for general house work, small family. 274 N. 24th at., cor. Overton. WILL give room permanently to lady in ex change for sewing. 153 H N. 2Sd. LADY barber wanted, steady, at 205 Madi son st. WANTED Girl cook, reference. 714 Everett street. . GIRL for general housework. 070 Lovejoy su, near 21st v ANTED Girl to go general housework. 1M North 2tn, corner junuwii. YOUNG lady wanted for light housework; good noroe. rnone inuvi it, WANTED Girl or woman for gen eral nOUSeworK. Ajjyiy m- cct .u.w.a.. GIRL wanted for general housework; no cooking. uverionBt TO communicate with lady who can supply regu:ar(y iidq p:ii.i.Ea. -m7 GIRL to cook and assist housework, family nve. -oi rsorin -ilii en- GIRL for general housework. 8 In family. Appiy I""-" " - NEAT young girl to asaist in general , house- WOril, IWU in taii'iij. - GIRL for general housework. Call morn ings. 148 N. itn. AN experienced girl for housework; no cooking, bi i-ioyt. WAITRESS wanted at Stein's Restaurant, 122 14th. LADY representative wanted. Up-to-date Beauty parior,- u-iv pwmiaim mm. VVaN T E D A girl for g ene ra 1 house work ; wages 53U. rnone aiarauau n, WANTED Girl for second work. Apply SOLICITOR to take orders for hair work. 404 w asningwn au WANTED An experienced waitress. Apply in 1 1 Utll Unlal "in lith GIRL for general housework. 692 Schuyler. a N T E D Waitress at 33 North 4th COMPETENT nurse maid. 812 Lovejoy st HELP WANTED MALE OB FEMALE. FISK Teachers' Agency securea position for . L. . . Uld Tm.rnal Hlrt. T.ln ln3S. teauueia. oiv m... w MAN and woman to exchange aervlces for room and board. 153 V, N. 23d. H ELP WASTED .nSCELLANEOUg OREGON AUTO AND GA30U-"B 266-68 Eleventh St., cor. Jefferson. Practical Instruction by Instructors wno are experts In field and shop. Tuition, part cash on enrollment, balance at gradu ation: lIDerai uisvu.ui LEARN movlng-plcture business. $10 to 100 made dally; can start a theater with small capital; full course tauKht In learning- to be movlng-plcture operator. 012 and 513 Rothchild bldgsth and Washington ata 100 MEN and women to learn the barber trade In 8 weeks. In all Its modern meth ods: send for catalogue; tools free; learn a trade that you can get In business for ... dapWa. i 'nil... Tl:h n. Jill. yourBen. aimer Dm - RAILWAY MA1U i-L.rjnrv --wj. -.-j -talary to 180; PARCEL, POST req ulres clerks and carriers; tree book.- Pacific States Kcnoot, aiomy um... . WANTED Electric signmaker. with small capital to manufacture money-making de vice. For particulars, phone A 4u29. Fnil- MEN. women, get Government parcel post Jobs; Sii) week; write for list positions open. Franklin Institute, Dept. iZl-B. Rochester, N. . . PRrVATaTBUSiSESS COLLEGE; ll dividual Instruction; UKEGG SHOKTHAND. book . t a-t uamiltnn hlrt b Mar. 41ioO. KeK)lll(i. " -- a- MAKE money writing short stories for tr,an,r' Me tiftv i free booklet teils how. United Pres Synd., D 3, San Fran. MEN, women to learn barber rrade, S weeks: position guaranteed. Oregon Bar ber College 233 Madison. 28 Couch at. WANTED Pieture-play writers; big pa; we ll teach you; free information. Pictures Piay Assocanu". u , g a....-. G1KLS Learn beauty-parlor work. Era mone7 while learning. 6U Rothchild bldg. WANTED Two apprentice to learn hair b uai n eaa. Sanitary Parlora, 400 Dekum. SHORTHAND, typewriting school. 209 14th st. Main 3893. Expert instruction. $o mo. WANT reliable men to learn auto driving and repairing. loTynsua.o ntm WANTED Two apprentices to learn hair business. Hair Shop. 150 5th at. .SITUATIONS WANTED MALK. Bookkeepers nod Clerks. BOOKKEEPER and cashier, thoroughly ex perienced, rapid, accurate, sober and re liable, will be open to engagement April A. ..ntrv a x R' Oreeonian. WILL audit, open, close or write up boots, prepare balance and statements. Install systems. GilUngham. auditor, S12 Lewis EXPERIENCED stenographer; 7 years In law. railroad and real estate; also book keeper; best references; $S0 per month. Phor.e Taoor stiiu. x .0-3, yrcEuum. JEWELER, young man w ith 2 years' ex perience In jewelry store, wants poslUon. ftllatcellsneoas. i WANT to cook in private family; good i n-naca a w RRi ororonian. HEATCLTTER, understands groceries. wanU worn. f-none jnuaua.ii wj, CARPENTER foreman, day or contract. Ad- Miscellaneous. IF you have a position (Oregon or Washing ton) for a first-class chauffeur or trac tioneer who 'a strictly sober and rellaole and can play fast ball, let's hear from you. At present in Chicago. AV S03. Oregonmn. WANTIiD Position as engineer and fireman on stationary boiler by a young man with seven years experience, Fred BratseL l- re shan--, ur. JAPANESE couple wants position In private family; man cook or housework, wife wait table or nurse. 121 lMh st. Japanese Mission. Phone Main 9361. A 1560. LANDSCAPE gardener, married, wants po sition, private or commercial; Is years experience; take care of greenhouse or stock. AJ SMS uregonian. ABSTRACTER Rapid, accurate, reliable, wide experience, now managing office, van , , . i. i. r r Hraunn n ineia:, new bwm. t, v.o--- EMPLOYMENT by reliabie, experienced, steady man of middle age as janitor or trenera! housework. A 7ti5, uregonian. Mi-'TlON-PICTURE operator wants posl Uon; will go anywhere. Inqulr at Re- gem nutoi. mn im FIRST-CLASS waiters furnished. Marsha:1 7iU, A 4910. Portland Walters' Club, Cth, Portland. Or. G. C Gerald, manager. COUNTRY compositor, can do any insld work; sober, single and reliable; from 2 to 4 galley. AV S3 4. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED janitor requires situation at once; splendid city references. Marshall 3i35. - YOL'NG German wants position as chau ffeur, repairing my specialty. 403 Front st. E. Setig. SORER, industrious young man wishes tc learn harness making; somo wages. AO 802, Oregonian. SI f CATIONS WANTKD FBMALB. Bookkeeper and Stenographers. YOUXG LADY STENOGRAPHER DESIRES PERMANENT POSITION; AMPLE EX PERIENCE IN INSURANCE AND IN SALES. CREDIT AND COLLECTION LINES IN LARGE WHOLESALE HOUSE. BEST OP CITY REFERENCES. A 701, OREGONIAN". COMPETENT, experienced stenographer de . sires temporary or permanent position. Marshall 1003. CAPABLE bookkeeper and stenographer, broad experience, $75 per month. AB t45, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED, capable bookkeeper wants position of responsibility ; beat city ref erences. AR e4ti. Oregonlan POSITION by stenographer of ability; com mercial and advertising experience, AB 826. oregonian. COMPETENT bookkeeper desires position; fine references and experience. Marshall 4753. ' YOUNG lady stenographer wishes position. Main 4268. EXPERIENCED stenographer desires po sition, phone "Woodlawn 2379. Dressmaker. r.RisMATCTXf5. satisfaction euaranteed and i, rices reasonable. 286 11th st. Phone Main 22S6. apt.. 26. WANTED Dressmaking, satisfaction guar anteed and prices right. 543 East Ankeny street. DRESSMAKING, tailormade and fancy, home or by day; references. Marshall 1850. EXPERT dressmaking and ladies tailoring; hats made, remodeled. 203 Goodnough bid. INVALID lady can have room, care trained nurse, charges reasonable, horn com forts, city ref. Tabor 2213. MALE nurse, on call night and day. Roont 410 Hotel Eaton. Phone Main B170. lioubekeeper. ;atrd Place as house keeper for wid ower, by active clean widow of 57. Give particulars in letter. Mrs. Oakes, Star Rooming-nouse, Vancouver, waan. Domestics. MIDDLE-AGED woman, clean and Intelli gent, wants housework; wages $25. L 002, Oregon ian FINNISH girl wants general housework; wages $30. Phone Woodlawn 282Q. Miscellaneous. WANTED Place In family or hotel to do housework; a widow, 22 years old white and speak English; baby 5 months old; want to keep child with me; work for $20 per month; best of reference. Annie Beck, cure of Blackston Hotel, 11th and Stark streets. a UITSIKF1SS woman with wide experience would like place where she can work up to position of trust; can take full charge of office, keep books, etc ; furnish best of references; would not mind leaving city if necessary. a 707. oregonian. YOUNG business woman would .like to help with Heht housework or care for children evenings In exchange for room and board. AB tsiz, uregonian. EXPERIENCED woman, day work, wash ing. Ironing and cleaning. Main 2039, A LESSONS eiven in erammar-erade Btudles; backward pupils a specialty; references. j-rione aiarsnaii auio. EXPERIENCED German girl wants day work washing and cleaning. A 5057. Room 27. VuLNG lady desires position as stenograph er, general offca work. Main 50S1, room 412. w a 'TKn work by the day. washing. ironing, cooking or cleaning; reference. Main 524a. call Miss osDorne. LACE curtains washed and stretched by ex perienced. Tabor :44&. c Mrs, aeon. WOMAN wishes work by the hour or day. 104 N. lTth st. Phone Marshall 6&2. GERMAN woman wants day work. East 8404. EXPERIENCED woman wants any kind of work by the day. Phone Main 4217. NOR WEG IAN woman wants day work. Phone Main 2831. - WOMAN will do washing and Ironing and cleaning, 25C per hour. Call East 6S23. LACE CURTAINS and blankets laundered by experts, zac laoor ii COMPETENT woman wants day work. Phone Taoor u. A SWEDISH girl, experienced, wants posl- i i. h-ni.irirb fall tTlnof RtiRS YOUNG lady attending school wishes place, .nnn hnorri an A rnfim f 97ftfl LADY will work for husband's board and room. H set. oregonian. TWO Finnish girls want general housework. too fnntnn nvA. Phone Woodlawn 670. WA NTED Hotel work ; experienced. In quire 229 H 2d at., room 6, LADY wants work by day. Woodlawn l."07. WANTED AGENTS. OUR agents are making as high as $5 a day. If you can sell anything, you can sell Silica Paste, Silica Prouuct Co.. 33 Stark sL . PORTRAIT AGENTS. Have your water colors and crayons made by an expert artist. Anuersuu, rooms 32-33 330 Washington st. LIVE AGENTS are selling the Jaeger vacuum cleaner. Why not you? Call 701 Rothchllt. bldg. WANTKD TO BENT. Houses. vV'ATCH for Phillips' big list of Desirable Houses Flais, Apartments, Bungalows and Cottages to appear in these columns tomorrow. PHILLIPS. 50.1 McKay Bldg. Main 1026, A 4121. FURNISHED home wanted, lease, by couple without cniiaren; cfuu-ai iim.lwm, erences exchanged. XX Oregonlan. Apart men ts. THKEE-KOOM housekeeping apt., nettr town, not over per mwiiu. i.icpw.uc Main 7408. MIDDLE-AGED couple desires two nouse keenins: rooms; state location, furnishings ; An Bin nrUtr.Tinn Rooms With Beard. LADY with little boy t5 wishes home with refined people, nice neighborhood; best care for child; mother employed; must be reasonable; references. AS 674, Orego nian. FOR little boy. age o, with refined peot who will give him best care and good home; Christian Scientist preferred; mother employed; references. AH b95, Oregonian. YOUNG man wants room and board, close in, vv est, diu", t-.iAci j -ferred. AJ 877, Oregonlan FOB RENT. Furnished Houses. HOTEL SHARP, 107 4th, modern rooms. $3 a week and up; transients. 50o per night and up. THE Larrabee, 227 Larrabee. Rooms $2 week uu. Brick bldg.. ateam heat, hot, cold water, bath, phone, electricity. HOTEL CONGRESS Beautifully furnished rooms with all modern conveniences. th Furnished Booma. HOTEL MINOOsL 2134 stn at. Ar you looking for a good warm room with hot and cold water, nicely fur nished and homelike, at VERY MOD SRATE PRICE, if so, just tuke a loos at Hotel Mi nook, cor. 4th and iulmott, and you will look no farther. HOTEL RAINIER On block from Luion Depot; 140 out side rooms, with all modern conveniences; making special rate to perniaueut guests; ratea from 10 per mouth up. Give u a call and you will be more than pleaaed. liiS tt-tb, sL North. m HOTEL ROWLAND, u; 4th St. Just step lu and look at a nice, warm, sunny room ; hot and cold water; beau tifully furnished and homenke, at a PRICE thai will CERTAINLY suit you. If you are wise you will go at ones. HOTEL SAVON, 131 Eleventh Street. New, mudern brick building, ateam healetl, private baths, hot and cold water in i-ooms, beajtiruliy furnished, cuay, com fortable, rent reasonable. Call and s us; regular and transient trade solicited. THIS VIRGINIA HILL HOTEL. 14th and Jefferson. An established hotel. Rooms en suit or single, rates reasonable. A 0028, M.tt28... HOTEL REN WICK Ideal home for busi ness people ; centrally located ; elegant rooms; all modern conveniences. 7th and Taylor sts., 1 block trom Portland Hotel, opposite Helllg Theater. Main Pitt. HOI EL Buckingham, 052 Wasn., cor. Ella. Clean, suuntny. outsiUe rooms, running hot and cold wate?. stt-am heat, true phone and bath, thoroughly respectable; 1J month up, with bath. 95 a week. THE THOMASSEN. 402 3d. corner Har rison; renovated, refurnished, steam heat; rooms 2.50 week up; 2, 3, 6-rooin sultoa. reasonable; Some unfurnished. S cars. Main 7771, A 1D70 HOTEL BUSHMARK. 1 suite, parlor, bedroom and bath, for working .acnes or gentlemen, 17 for two; 2 rooms, 4 per week ; use of kitchen. Mrs. Helen M. Shaw, clerk. CENTRAL HOTEL. opposite Pantages; large, sunny rooms, $3.50 per wee.'t up: strictly modern, beautiful suites with bath. $6 per week; cheapest in the city. HOTEL NETHERLANDS, 120 13th st., at Washington. Rooms, $3.50 per week up; under per onai management owner. J. W. Bushong. W EAVER HOTEL. Nicely furnished outside rooms, good Southern cooking, cosy reception parlor. 710 Washington at. Main 805 L HOTEL OHiO, Front and Madiaon; modern, steam heat, hot and cold water; 6oc day. $2 week, including bath. HOTEL CORDOVA, 200 11th sU, new, strictly modern, private baths and suites; rooms $3.50 per neelt up. M W472. VIRGINIA LEI3 HOTEL, 25 Trinity Place, cor. Wash. Modern conveniences. M. 113-. lurnKbed Room in Private t-aoilly. FUR RENT Large. well-furnished alcov room, suitable tor man and wilo or two gentlemen; close In. 141 13th su, cor. der. STEAM heated parlor room with house keeping priveleges, to lady employed. Main 472S. ' N 1CEL Y rurnlshed rooms, front, 2.iM weekly. Easy walking distance. Phona 055 ashiugton. SL.NNY, homelike room reasonable, for on or two r eh iieu men in West blue exclusiv home. Phone Main 4000. NEWLY furnished room to gentleman on East Side within easy walking distance, good neighborkood. Home pnune C 1270. NICELY rurniBhed front room with alcova and sleeping porch, suitable for on ot two; waiKiug distance. West Park. b,Ai.T roiim. Beautiful surroundings; larg veranda, hot water heat, bath and phoue. 414 MarkeL TWO young ladles employed may hav room tree. AG 8ti2, oreguulan. NICELY furnished sleeping rooms, bath and furnace beau 28 ltth St. North. v pleasant furnished rooms, sasy waliiiug uistauce. m -.-.m -. NEATLY furnished bedroom, walking dis- tauce, S1.50 per week, 42 6th t, i.y W'faEJt tor small sleeping-room; well ONE modern cosy room, only J 2. 246 Clack- am us, 4 blocks to Stel bridge. j moNTH, small pleasant bay-window room, an ooiiveuuw -- NICELY furnished single room In ft"11 fined nome, an - 7 NEAT, clean, airy rooms, walking distance. A--I.OU Up. JO . m ONE front room and one small room, light cosy, nomeiiao. ovu NICELY furnished room, grate, piano, 284, rait st. a 1 uo. Rooms With Board. MODERN ELEGANT EXCLUSIVE. American and European plan; near City. Park; convenient to carllne, THE HILL. Washington, at 23d at. Residential and Tourists' 3oteL Attractive rates to permanentsand tnuu MORR1SO.V A-SL) PARK UTS. European and American. 2 par daywltH meala. Ratea by the mantn and weelc wltn or witnout meala very raaaana Bla. New, modern and tirapreot. Select Family UoteL Modern rooma with excall.nt tabl. boara, very reaaonabl. rates, llta ana Yamhill sta. ..-ITII.'U . T I BT II Doea a home appeal to you; Doubt, and .ingle rooma. private bath, aun par lor; American plan. Women cooke. PARKVIEW HOTBL Strictly hlgb - olaa ramily hotel; hot and cold water and ateam heat In every room; table unexcelled; referencea Montgomery at., at Weat Parle. THE LAMBERSON. B04 Couch, on block from Washington; ateam heat, running- water; good board; special ratea tor men. PORTLAND WOMEN'S UNION. 24th year; rooms wiin ouaiu, . .. brary. 610 Flanders. Mra E N. IA llaon. sup. THE HAiEU turnlsned rooma with board. running water, steam heat. 885 3d at. MANITOU. 261 13th at. AttracUva. eleaa rooma, steam heat. good board; cloa Ja. iIarge. sunny room, with board; larg. yard. Casa Rosa, 300 Jefloraon Rooms Wllh Board In Privat. Fanlly. Koums tVith Board in 1'nvata family. LARGE, llEht, airy front rooms, larg. closet, corner bouse, every modern conven. lence. plenty hot water, breakfast ana dinner, first-class table, two In room, each; separata beds and dressers. l.u East 15th, coruerAlder. Phone Eaat CM. LARGE, beautiful room and board for 2 or 3 young men; separate beds, steam heat, walking distance, refined southoro family. 314 1-th St. alarshall634: NEWLY furnlshed-rooms with or without board, every modern convenience, 6 min utes' walk from P. O. Marshall 4410. 474 Salmon. ATTRACTIVE rooms, $3 a mo., board t desired; excellent home cooking, close in. mt-uerate. 4rto otn at. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS home offers ac commodations to several men looking lor exclusive surroundings. Main Ol'.l. NICELY furnished room with board; bom. privileges, with piano. 7oO UelmonU 11 1210. NOB HILL. 699 Flanders Largo room. modernTS meals it desired. Price rea- sonable. nice front room, excellent board, easy walklns distance; everything congenial nH humolikr: reasonaDie. Main --ou. FOUR double rooms, use of home, lawn, for 8 men. walking distance, 2 meals, 6.&0 week. ilar. :i.o. jjvde-v. KOuM and board in private Southern fam i v wa'kinff distance, Marshall 6532. K1CKLY furnished room, suitable for twej excellent nais; West Side. Mam 207L GOOD room and board, modern, clos l 4--4 ii JEFFERSON Room and board, prl "vato family, reansjlerateajcall and ae. ROOM and board for young women, walking distance. $3 per week. East 4732. Rf.OMf and board, modern; walking dis tance. 3-2J0tJLMain0tf79, A 2.05. CoiY, Bteam-heated room, with board. 211 N. uxn. rouuv jiaunai KuOM and board, ,'J E. Oak, cor. Ersi 552. Walking distance. 1-th. Apartments. ROHE-FR1END, 6. W. cor. 7th and Jeffer son; modern unfurnished apta; flrat-clasa service; private phone . ALTONIA. Marshall and 10th ata Large, airy. 2. S and 4-room apartments; quirt and exclusive un,z u ivw. BRTN MAWR APTS.. 183 E 13th, near yamniii, -rwi .- IRIS APTS. 4 and 5 rooms, modern( prlvat phone. Cor. 3dand Mill, unfurnished. JULIETTE APT., 2 rooms, modern; 2d and MonKoraery; ui. ... The Nokomls. 17th and Marshall sts.; modern. TLE KING-DAVIS, 54 King St., N nr. Wash, Mlgn-CiaBS; ictvm-r. V" UNFURNISHED 4-room steam-heated apart" ment, modern. Cottel Drug Co.