THE MORNING OKEGOXTAN. TFESX-aY. MARCH. 25, 1013. 15 PORTLAND AtlOKiilON I'Ujmb. covercH. i&uiis iiuLe Js Alilgr. 14 Juii.V A. BhaI. au. collection, ao siracce vuiuiiitHl, opin.wfia oa let;al que.ucns. i Auy btUg- A.arsuail llia. M'.MA.A AbsAI OFFICE Laboratory a:ia ore-lestm wots, litf Morrison st. Wbuj sc LU, miaia en.ineers. Cfitmliu and assaj era, asam,tua ,t ArruK.xi.i'9. A. . CuufLh, removed to suite 400 Toon o.... mou. Main lUo AltIlU.W.3. (mi tjru-.ure tor oxsu. Gto. Halter A Co.. leu rara. iain .J, A ztii. UUAX J. p. UKAHAJ1 hustbiilinK and repair in,. Martt.. wai s. tool Aocrnemy il Bltt.-J AMI .MAlrU-NIi HUKks. lL.vt.t-r;.. s l.KAsd HUKKd oras casting and machine work. 100 N'. 6th. Main S7M. CAiil-tT ILtLNiMi. WiiuytT removal by eapert; a gu&raoteed. last e.71. n a734. CAKl'tT WfcA 1 NO. AuilTHWCsT LLti carpets, rag ruga. CO. 153 It ugs from old I; Dion ave. tlUKOhOUlSlS. VV1LLU11 Ijte.le and Ftosnte leTen. the only eclCMlfio chiropodists In the City. Parlors Gerllnger bide., 8. V. corner 2d and Aluer. Phone Main 1301. CHlKOroii' and pedicuring. Mrs. M. D. Hlll. Oft:ce KUedner bldg. Main 347S. t HlUOt-HAfllC 1'H1MC1AS. ItH. a IIO U. U HAD O.N, ilD.uoo; month. 11 lib. COAL AM) WOOD. LOAL ALB1AA FUEL CO. BLOCK WOOD bKA.NCH E. 33U ST. WOOD LDLLFSEN FUEL CO.. East 303. C 2303. OLLlTIO' AVa.NCt. M.TH A CO.. Worcester bid. No collection, no charge. Main 17.4. i)A(ixa. PROF. WAL W11X60N S Dancing School Walts, two-step, three-step, erhotllsche leesons 2ic: eery morning, afternoon and evening; all dances guaranteed first les son. Do yon know that anyone who walks can learn to dance? Stage and fancy dances taugnt daiiy. .th at., bet. stark and Oak Its. Phone Msin ?67. HEATH'S DANC1NO SCHOOL, Aiisky bids., lid and Morrison sts.. and 109 2d St.. be tween Washington and Stark. Lessons dally; waits and two-step guaranteed In fuur lessons; ciass Monday and FTlday evenings. 8 to lo. at 109 Second it RINGLER'8 Dancing Academy Private les sons daly; class Monday, Friday evenings, social dance Wed., Sat. 2311, Morrison. DERMATOLOGIST. MOI.HS, wrinkles. suerfu.-Mis hair removed. Mme. Coortrlght, Til Dekum. Main 6042. DiTLlTlVE AGENCY. INTERNATIONAL Detective Agency Kg. snoT :! le. conservative, satisfactory. Ntsbt E. 4S&4; day. Main 424. C10 Dekum bid. IMSIN'f" tT.AN TS. Oregon Chem. A Disinfectant Co, germacide Seek comp. kills bugs. 1121 Ablhgton. M. 2170. DRESS.MAKJNO .K IIOOL. VALENTINE'S system ladles' tailoring; creysmsklrg tRUBlit. 152 Crsnd ave. Keister's Ladies' Tailoring College and K"hool of D.-essmaklns. H3u; nth st. ADVERTISING AGENCY. BOTSFOLD ADV. CO, Board of Trade bide. KATE Adv. Co., Inc. Commonwealth Bids. AGKIl CLTl BAL LUPLEMENTS. Mitchell. Lewis A blaver Co, kornson A 2d. JOHN DEEKE PLOW CO, Morrison 4k Id. P.. M. WADE A CO, 322-20 Hawthorne ave. AK( lUTttTllRU HIKE AND IKON WtLS. port. ana H l:e Iron u urn., -d and Columbia A I TO AND BIOUI TOPS. I'UBRUll.LE BLGGY TOP CO, 2l0 2d St. ALTOttOBlLLS. Mitchell. Lewis ec Slaver Co, E. Mor. A 2d. HOWARD Automobile Co, 7th and Couch. N. W. AUTO CO, 017 Wash. Reo. Hudson. AUTOMOBILE SUPPLIES. ItAI.LOU vvitluhl, 7th and Oa. I BAGGAGE (IUlkl.ll AT HOME. Baggage Oluuibus Irafeaier. Park A Davla LAKKK A tONFECTIONERS'8LPPLlES. C.KAV. M LEAN A PEKCV. 4th and Gllsaa. ItARHEB SUPPLIES. LewU'Stenger Ijarotrr Supply Co., 10th A Mor tiUSGoN BAKH.R Sl l'I'LY CO, 72 6th st. BAR IIXTIHLS. I; Co.. 40 Flfta St. lilt VULL3. MOTOKCYCLEs A SUPPLIES. LAI. LOU a WH1G11T. 7th snd Oak. BILLIARD AND POCKET TABLE.. Co, 411 Fifth St. BOOTS AND BHOLS. GOODMAN IsltOS. SlloB CO, 30-82 Front. PRINCE SHOE CO.. SO N. Fifth. BREAD BAKERY. Itoynl Bakery a Conf, mc. lith and Everett UKEWtRS AND BOTTLERS. HENRY WEiNHAP.D. 1:1th and Hurnsida IA.MBK1NLS BKEWING CO, 24th Wash. Bl Tt I1EKV SITI'LIES. f. BIRKE.sWALD CO, nth and Flanders. BUTTER. EGGS AND ICR CREAM. T. S. Tonsend creamery Co.. 18 Front St. CANDY MANUFACTURERS. TUB A LOON CANDY CO, l-'th and Qltsaa. J N. MATSCHEK CANDY CO, 270 "lrst St. LOFFMAN'S CANDY CO, 43 Front street. CANVAS. WATEKPKOOF k' U AtNAaUAN G uOOUd. Willamette Tent A Anmg Co., 203 Burn side. 4LOTU1.VI AND GENIS' HKM.M11.U, N A S. WEINSTE1N. 6-7 N 1st St. Mar. Ia3 tLMt.M, LIME AND I'LASI EK. K. T. CKoWi'J A co, 45 Fourth m. 1 1ACI lUX MEN'S AND ilOS'. BARUN-Kl I.OP CO, 32 ana 34 N. Fifth. DAIRY' AND CREAMERY SUPPUES. Monroe A Crisell. 14S Front. M. 040. A 54-a. DRY GOODS. FLSlSCnVER-M A YEli CO.. 20T Ash St. DRUGGISTS. " t Isrke-Woodward Drug Co.. Alder at "V. Park J:! jn:au.T. Frank prut Co.. park and Everett DIES AND SHEET METAL STAMPING? WESTERN Tool A Die Worka Sue Pine sL CLASSIFIED AD. RATES Dally or Sunday. Per Une. OM lime ir." Same aJ two coneecutlve times r3c b,asM ad three cousccutive times sec eanie ad sli or eeeo cwnsecutlve times 40c The slMit ratee apply to advertUements nndee "New Tod" said all ouier class mca. tioas rsceut the foilowint; Mtuatloue W soled. Jsale. MtUMtions V anted, remale. tor Real. Rooms. Piltat Families. Room and Hoard. Private Aainilies. Uousekeeplng Kovsne. Prlrate lamlllea. W bea sdvertlveutrot la Dot run ta wa . serutlte muc the ese-lijas rate applies. ix wrd count as one tins oa uwU ai-verUM-ments and, no ad counted fur lees than two lines. , MEETING NOTICES. A- AND A- S. RITE. Multnomah Council of Kadosh No. 1 Regular meeting In Me morial Ball. Scottish Rite Ca thedral, this evening at S rclock. Br order ' EMINENT CO Mil AND ER. y.T. TABOR LODOE. NO. 42, A. F. AND A. M. -stated com- , municatlrn this tTwesuayl eve- nlnpc. West bide Temple. 1 o clock. E. A degree. Visiting brftureo Invited to attend. By ortlcr of the W. M. M. R. sPAULillNa. Secretary. WASHINGTON CHAPTER. NO. 1 R. A- M. Called convocation this (Tuesday) afternoon at 2:30, 4:30 and 7:30 o'clock. R. A. de grees. H order of the E. H. P. J. E. MARTIN, Secretary. HAWTHORNS LODGE. No. 111. A. F AND A M. Special VVllilll taa tills (A ursUJJ t JfLi eveninc t . :SO o Clock. MsVScMiie vy iwnptc ysor m ine M.. M. Acx-t. Past Muter Cttrtrltm Bolt, of Colonial B 4501 Loripe. t ivn, ot Colonial Beach. Vs.. wtll confer this deare. Vis: tics brcttirea welcome C. H. MILLER. Sac CORIXTH1AN CHAPTER NO. 4. Yil s fijitcU co mruu nation this jfc Vv Tusavlav rnins. o'cioclt sharp. Ail O. K S. wIfotuc. By order W. V M. HENUiKTT A M'CABfcL Sec ELLISON" fcVCAMPJ-S.VT, No. 1. X. O. O. T. Regular moetirc this (Tuwdav) even Ins; at o u clock. Work in the OolUen Rule Visitors wars welcome. IL OSVULD, Scrtbtv eV e4f BUSINESS ELECTRIC MOTORS. MOTORS, reneratora. bought, sold, rented and repaired. XV do all kind of repair ing and rewinding; all work guaranteed. If. M. H. Electrlo Co. SI North First at. Phone Meln t210. 'E bur. sell, rent and .scnacs;. new and second-hand motors; repair work a spe cialty. Wein) Electric Works, 213 otn. Fl KNITIKK. ttiL'&o furnished on Installment, new or f.'M second-Band furniture. Western Sal vage Co.. 515 wub., bet. Hth and 17th. FT RSI IT KK HOSPITAL. UOeLHj PAKSONS. 100 u Front. M 7443. Furniture Hospitul; packing and shipping. MAT FACTORY. iAtlERX HAT FACTOitr. S4-68 Sd St. Mu i Hats Cleaned and Blocked. Best fli Hat on earth tor men. P-SURAXfTE. PACIFIC STATES FIRE INSURANCE CO. Only Oregon fire Insurance company. LANDSCAPE GAJUJKXTSG. BETTER landscape and general gardening. SWISS FIXJRAI. CO, . East B320. O 1514. PACIFIC Lsndscane Gardening Compativ. 515 Kothcrild blag. Phone Marshall Ssoa. G. H. " SIEBELS. landscape gardener, "last 6lh L Phore Se.lwood 1167. LEATHER AND KINIMNOS. CHAS. L. MASTIC A CO.. 71 Front. Lealli--r of every description, tab!., findings. . A. BTBOWBRIBOE LEATHER CO. Es tablished ie:.s. isn Fwntst UP READING. KINO SCHOOL for the d-af and bard of hearing. 30g Central bldg. MEN'S TAILORS. WETNErt-PETTEPSON CO.. Wash. St. cor. th. New Spring Woolens. mksi:';kr seihice. HaKTY Me3ne'r Co., day and night serv ice. Phones Main 53. A 21 "'3. Ml'SICAL. VIENNA Consenatory of Music. 38414 Mor rison. Main 23S7. All iu lessons 4 up. pnmp rei Pearl Sutherland, accompanist and P'eino teacher. 304 steams om EM 1L THEILHORN. violin teacher. purH Sevclk. 325 yueaner mag, a iw. PIANO STUDIO, modern methods. -o it.". Main 393. Arrangements for practice. NATCBOPATtllC rirtSICIANS. DR. OROVER. specialist paralysis .nervous, chronic diseases. 703 Oregonlan bn. M. 3142 OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS. r. R. B. North ru p. 415-1-17 Dekum blag. Nervous and Chronic Disease I Phone office. M. S4; res.. East or B 102S. PAINTING AND PAPERTXO. E. T. CRANE. THE PAINTER. Interior decorations, wall paper and tint ing. 10th. bat. Morrison. Yamhill. M. 232. PAINTING AND PAPERIIANC.INO. FIRST-CLASS papering, painting. t'ntjn'f: Phone Metropolitan Decorating Co. M. 04-0 PAINTS. OU3 AND GLASS. COAST-MADE paint and varnish Is beet adapted to the Coast climate. BA33 HEUTER PAINT CO, 191 1st It. PATENT ATTORNEY. patents procured by J. K. Mock, attorney-at-Iaw. lata of the U. S. Patent Office. Booklet free. 1010 Board of Trade bldg. WASHINOTON. D. C, VelaU Bldg. O. O. MARTIN. PORTLAND. 408-0 Cham, ot Com. Bldg. WHOLESALE AND MANUFACTURERS ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. ST1TBBS ELECTRIC CO, 0th and Pine eta FLUE DEPARTMENT EQUIPMENT. O. LONG, ifllb and Marshall FIREPROOF WINDOWS AND DOORS. J. C BA1EK. Front and Market sta FISH. OYSTERS AND ICB. MALAR KE I A CO, Inc. 14 Front fu HTLAN O FISH CO, 34 Front st FLO I B MALLS. CROWN MILLS, Loard ot Trade blg. iRllr AND PRODUCE. M'EWEN a KoSKEY. 121) Front. AURNACE WARM. AIR. C. BAY Front and isarkct sta IIRMIIKK AND SCHOOL SUl'PLLEii. Norlnwest iscnooi Furniture Co, 244 Ed st. GRAIN MERCHANTS. Albers Bros. Mnung Co.. Frout and Marshall KERR, OlFFOKD A CO, Lewis bldg. BAl.FdUH-GiJTtiRIE A CO.. Board of Trade M. H. HOUSE R, Board of Trade. NORTHERN GKA1N A WB.SE. CO, Bd. Tr THE W. A. GORDON CO, Board ot Trada GROCERIES. ALLEN LEWIS (Eat. leol), 48 N. Front WADHAMS CO.. OW-73 4th SL HAND-POWLR VACUUM CLEANER. DOMESTIC Vac-urn Cleaner Co, 312 N. W. bidg. HARDWARE. Marshall-Wells Hardware Co., Sth and pma HATS AND CAPS. THANHAUSEK HAT CO, 53-53 Front St. HAY. J. H. Klosterman A Co, leading hay dealers. HIDES. FUKS. PELTS, WOOL, T ALLOW. THE bi. F. NORTON CO, JU-13 Front SL HIDES. PELTS. WOOL AND FURS. BISsiNGLft A CO, Front and f almua. EAHN Buos, 101 Front st. HOP MERCHANTS. M'NEFF BhoiHths. 014 Worcester bldg. IRON WORKS. PACIFIC Iron works. E. 3d and Pnrnslda Complete stock structural steel. Architectural Iron. IRON, STEEL. HEAVY HARDWARE. ROi-ci.TSoN nardaie A Steel Co, OS 3th JEWELRY. DIAMONDS, WATCHES. 6. Mendelsohn A Co, 424 W orcester. M. 0353 KODAKS AND PHOTO SUPPLIES. POltTLANU PHOTO SUPPLY CO, 14a ,d. LEATHER AND SHOE STORE SUPPLllwi. 11ERTSCIIE BKOS, iul Plus sL LIME, CEMENT AND PLASTER. Nottingham A Co, 102 Front st. LOGGING MACHINERY. F. B. MALLOKY A CO, 231 Pine St. Loggers A Contractors' Mach. Co., 71 3th st. LUBRICATING OILS. Baltocr. Guthrie A Co.. Board of Trada MEETING NOTICES. B. p. O. KlaKS. NO. 142. Member ara ra- auested to meet in the lodgeruom this (Tues ay afternoon, March tt, 1 :13 o'clock, whence they will proceed n a body to the undertaking parlor of the Edward Hoirnan Company for the purpose -of conducting' the funeral services over the remains of our late brother. Ear D. Williams, member of Oli erry vale, Kan.. Lodfte, No. Visiting brothers Invited to attend. By order of til a Jb. K. M. R. SPAUL.IlNO, Isecreiarr. THE CATHEDRAL GTJARM will meet for drill this Tues day) avenintc at 8 o'clock, J. FRANCIS DRACO. PORTLANT CHAPTER NO, T, O. Ev 8. Social club will give a dancing sma cara party this (Tuesday) evening at W. O, W. Hail. 334 Russcii St. All O. E. B. svn3 frlenda are Invited Admission to cnts. COMMITTER TODP In this city. March 24, WlTIlam Todd, aged ST years, of Sherwood, Or. Remains are at H Oman's funeral parlors. I-TjNERAL NOTICE. M'GRATH The funeral of the lata Thomas J. Mctirath. who died In this city March 23, will take placa today tTuasday. at i 3i A. M.f from the new chajl of the Skwe Lndertaking Company, corner Third and Ciay. Thance to fit. Patrick's Churcii. Nineteenth ard Savier, where services will be held at IO A M. Friends klndlv invited to attend, interment Mount Calvary Cemetery. REICH LE At the residence of ber parents, Rbcca Amy. b!oved dauyhter of Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Ketchle. of 900 East Sixth ;rt North. Funeral services will be held tolay (Tuesday . March 55, at 2 P M.. from the Church of the Strangers, Grand avenue and Wasco street. Inter ment Rose City Cemetery. CURTIS March 19, Mrs. Led a Curtis, aged 41 vears; stater of Mrs. U A. Robinson, of Pan Francisco. Ktinera) eervtcea will be held at Dunning A- Mc En tee's chapel today Tuesday . March US. at 1 P. M. Friends respvctfully Invited. Interment Lone Fir Ctmetery- M'OIRR Ctfarch -3, Isa M. MoGirr, aged 29 rears; beloved wife of C H. McOrr. Re main at Dunning fc. McEntte s parlors, from where they will be shipped to Dun ning fc McEntce, Puebio. Colo. CAMPBELL The funeral services of the l.te w. l. (.ainwii wilt be nvia toaaj (Tuesday). March S3, at 11 A. M-. from I,erc:."s undertaking parlors. Interment at Mount Scott lark Cemetery. DIRECTORY a PATENTS. a. C. WRIGHT. 22 Tears' practice U. B. and foreign patents. OQ Dekum bldg. PHOTOGRAPHERS. LEROT'S studio. 813 Wash. St. Maln-7. Makes photographs that give satls.action. PIANO ASM FCKXITURE MOVING. W. M. JOHNSON. 41 Union ave. Phone E. 4441. B 2060. Res.. Tsbor 3. B 3-Q". PORTLAND WOOD PIPE CO. Factory and ofrlce near 24th and York sts. Main 34SU. TLATIXO WORKS. Nickel plating, polishing, enameling, Ore gon Plating Works. lo:h-Alder. M. RIEBEB STAMPS, SEALS. B&1a Bir.NS. PACIFIC COAST STAMP WORKS. 231 Wash. at. Phones Main ilO and A . 1710. THE 1RWIN-HODSON COMPANY, 92 5th St. Phones Main 312. A 1-54. SHOWCASES, BANK ASB 6HOW FIXTLKES. ' THE LUTKE MFQ. CO., branch Grand Rap Ids Showcase Co, th and Hoyt. H. Lutke, manager. PORTLAND SHOWCASE FIXTURE CO.. 125 N. 6th St. Main 7617. Cabinet work. MARSHALL MFO. CO., 4th and Couch; new and old window display and cabinet worn. SIGNS. SIGNS This means any old sigh. Simpson. 223 Salmon. Main 9141. STORAGE AND TRANSIER. PORTLAND Van & Storage Co.. cor. 15th and Kearney sts. Just completed new fire proof warehouse for household effects, pianos and automobiles contains separato fire and vermin-proof rooms, steam-heated planoroom, trttna ana rug u.i-. .. ore- for csMoad shipments; vans for rnov Irg; reduced freight rates on household goods to and from East In through cars, llala 6040. All departments. C O PICK Transfer A Storage Co.. offices and commodious 4-story brick warehouse, separato Iron rooms and fireproof vaults lor valuables; it. . cm. pianos and furniture moved end packed f ir shipment, special rates made on goods In our through cars to all domestlo ana foreiKn ports, main ojo, A -t. OREGON TRANSFER CO, 474 Olisan .u. cor 13th Telephones Main G9 or A 1189. General transfer and forwarding agents. We own and operate two large class 'A warehoused on terminal tracks. Lowest Insurance rates In the clty OLSON-ROB TRANSFER CO, General transferring and storage, eares. pianos and furniture moved and packed for shipment. 87-Stt Front st. Telephone Main 647 or 2247 Occidental Warehouse Co, 8-11 N. 4th St. Merchandise storage, bonded and free transfer and forwarding agents. Mar. 2-ia. United Transfer Co, 251 Jefferson; storage, bairgage. piano, mm. moving. Mr. 34. TRCNK FACTORY. THE Trunk and Suitcase Factory; parcel post orders a specialty: big sale on. 87 Fourth st. E. J. Phillips, mgr. TYPEWRITERS. $15 TO will buy a REBUILT TYPE WRITER; rebuilt as good as new; all mak?e to choose from at Gill's. 3d and Alder; terms to suit; every machine guar anteed. Call or phone for representative. Main 8500 or A 6088. WE are the exchange for the largest type writer concern on the Coast; Investigate; all makea all prices. The Typewriter Exchange. 3514 Washington t. NEW rebuilt second-hand rentals at cut rates, f. u. m, p. . , MAIL OBOEK JONES CASH si ORE. rront and Oalt FRANKLIN A CO, 131 Front- st. MEN'S AND WOMEN'S NECKWEAR. COLL.VlBIA neckwear Mfg. Co, 83 Fifth st MEN'S 1 UPv-NJ-SlLLNG GOODS. NEUSTADTER BROS. MILLINERY. R n riRffi A :o.. Hth kud Oak. BRADSHAW BROS, Morrison and 7th sta MIXING MACHINERY AND DREDGES. HAMMOND Jdi'G. CO.. inc, 64 1st st NOTIONS AND FANCY GOODS. MILLER. StMINGTON. Calhoun Co., 43 4th. OHN AM ENTAI. IRON AND WIRE. Portland Wlrs & Iron Wits.. 2d and Columbia PAINTS. OILS AND VARNISHES. RASilUai.-.N A CO, Jobbers, paints, oils, glass, sash and doors, cor. 2d and Taylor. W. P. FULLER A CO, 12th and Davia PAINTS AND WALL PAPER. PIONKEK PAINT CO, 160 First st. PAI'ER BOXES AND SHELF BONES. Portland Paper Box Co, tf2 Front. Cartons. PERIODICALS, BOOHS AND POSTCARDS. THE OKEGON (MlIVS CO.. 71 Front st . PICKLES AND INL4.AU. KNIGHT PACKING CO, 474 East Water. PIPii. PIPE FITTING AND VALVES. M. L. KLINE. 84-80 Front st. PLUMBINO AND STEAM SUPPLIES. M. L. KLINE. K4-e0 Front st. M. BAltDE A SONS, 240 Front st. l'OULTBY. EGGS. CALVES. HOGS. HENRY EVEHD1NG. 4S-4I Front St. ROPE AND BUNDER TWINE. Portland Cordage Co, 14th and Northrup. POST CARDS. C T. Photochrome view post cards published hy L. schemer. o N. utn st, roriiano. PRII'irCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS. EVERD1NO A HARDING. 140 Front street BAND AND GRAVEL. COLUMBIA DIOGSR CO, Foot Ackeny st. SASH, DOORS AND GLAS. p. FULLER & CO, 12th and Davla SAWMILL MACHINERY. POPTLAND iron Works. 14th and Northrup. SCHOOL OF TELEGRAPHY. Pacific Coast Tel. Inst, 605 Commonwealth. SODA FOUNTAIN SUPPLIES. COLUMBiA SUPPLY CO.. OS Front at. STRAYING MACHINERY. THE HAKDlE MFG. CO, 40 N. Front St. WALL PAPER. Ernest Miller Wu.i Paper Co, 172 1st St. MORGAN WALL PAPER CO, 230 Second. WLNtS AND LlOUORS. JOHN ECKLUND. 133-125 Front st. P.LUMAUER A HOCH. 103-107 12th St. WIRE A NO WIRE ROPE. . Roeblllig's Boss Co, 89 sth St. WIRE AND IRON WORKS. Portland Wire 8t Iron Wks, 2d and Columbia FUNERAL NOTICES. YEZERSKI March 23. at 229 Curry street Mrs. Anna M. Teierskl, beloved wife of uasimir t. esersKi, motner ol ranK, John, Cazimir l, 1 sad or and Leo Tezerskt, Mrs.. Agnes Meyers, Mrs. Lucie Matthies, Airs, butfie ieDiger ana Anna 1 esersKi The funeral will leave the family resi dence. 229 Curry street, tomorrow (Wednesday). March 26. at 8:30 A. M. thence to St. Stauislaus Church, comer Maryland avenue and Failing street, where service? will be held at 10 A. M. Interment Mount Calvary Cemetery. Friends are kindly invited. W1LUAMS Earl D. Williams, aon of Mr. and Mrs. S. O. Williams, died at Oood Samaritan Hospital Sunday Doming, March j, or peruonuta. tie was born in New ton. Kan., January 1. IS SO, and came to Portland with his parent about four years sci. xxo uau oceu connected witn in American Adjusting Association, He Is survived ny nis wire, little daughter Ruth, father and mother and three sisters. The funeral will be held Tuesday afternoon from Holraan's undertaking parlors at 1:30 tr .a. -Din is., in xuverview cemetery. SLAUOK TEP.BACK In thl cltv. Marc OR Cora Bell, aed 4t3 years, beloved wife of William C. laughterback, 772 Roosevelt street. Friends Invited to attend the xunerai services, which will be held at j 10101 an lunerai pariors at jy A- id. to day (Tuesday , March 5. Interment Lone FliRAL DIKECTOM. MB. FOWARD HOtsMAX. tbe leadlag funeral ciireclor, Xiit Xtuxd street, cornet bauuou. kJkuy aUiant, A lftii. Aiala tWL t. P. FIN LEY M tiON, ilNtlUL SEKVILIC. Lady Attenuaat. Moatguiuer, at IMith 8. F. 8a UCNMNG. INC. Fast Side unerai lilrectAjn. 414 Saal Aiucr St. kmt o. at t&t. I)llu M M tNXfct, funeral dirertara,' th aoa Fine. phne Mata 4au. LmiXj ac- tCUUIHII. UIIHT Ul Ta-QJMsVs.J t LLKCli. uaoVrtaka. cor. &a Alder ssi SUtn. teaat .M. U laaa. l-adT at.eDilaul. MvtHLJ CMEB1AKI'U COMPANT, 34 and t la. Maia A Lady atteadaat A. FL ZELLXR CO.. Eaiit 10ttt, C LOaa. Lad attendant. Night Herrlcc. MEMORIALS Portland Martole Works, t6t Alia. oppoMlt Cttj HaU. Main CEMETERY EEAUTIFUL MOl'NT SCOTT PARK Portland's Perpetual Care Cemetery. Larse, rerciancnt. Modern. Both phonej AUCTION SALES TODAY. At Baker auction house, 108-19J par st Pianos, furniture, etc. Sale at 10 o'clock. OREGON KmiANE SOCIETY 4isll. .VO.UI lA.ol A K. KCU MARKET STREET. Pbsao at 143, a 2SX3. Horse amoulanca for ctric or disabled animals at a moment's notice. Prices reasonable Report all cases ot cruati? to this office), open dav and nlsThU NEW TODAY. A BARGAIN A $12,000 apartment-house to be sacrificed on account of sick ness; parties leaving town. Very easy terms. This apartment-House clears $o00 per month. Ask for Mrs. Ridings. HACKER & THERKELSEN CO., Main 7592. 306 Spalding Bldg. 50x100 THIRD-STREET CORNEA, CLOSE IS A REMARKABLE! OPPORTUN ITY AT $15,000 31 H. BECK, . WESTERN OBEGOH TRUST CO., ' 272 STARK STRKET. ' ALM0H1 Let us pis: ft If Bear the 3rd rear and UnLIu produce 100 to $400 per ; acre, according to age mt yon a grove. WE GUARANTEE YDS 0T LESS THAN SI 00 PER ACHE AFTE1 THE 4th TEAS. 400 cash will start you on a 10 acre grove and will make you independent for life. EciieDabney & Dahney JSSSKtSt A SNAP IN . JLadd's Addition Lot on Ladd avenue, near Hawthorn avenue, wltn easterly race, lermi to suit. Address or apply to OWNER. f.Ol ORKGON1A.N BUILDING, Mortgage Loans If you have A-l Real Estate security we can loan you any amount at lowest rates. C ALLAN & KASER 722-24 Yeon Bids. Edward E. Goudey Lewlit BnlldlBK. MORTGAGE LOANS ( per cent on best business properties. 0 per cent ana i per ceut un umci w.ww. in business ana resiueuce sewjuuefc CITY & FARM LOANS $1000 and up at lowest rates. C. M. ZADOW 414 Corbett Bldg. A 14-1 B. .Marshall 3. FARM LOAN5 ONLY We loan our money at 7 and a 5ft. We charge no commission. DEVEKJSAUN. MORTOAOE CO.VPAJTE. 100 tptliioK Bldg.. PortiacoV MORTGAGE LOANS At Current Rates. L. H. MAXWELL, 316 Chamber of Comoierw. MORTGAGE LOANS Our Ovra Money at Cnrreat Rates. WESTERN BOJID A MORTGAGE CO. Commercial Club BldK. Portland. Or. CI 1 f AND FARM LOAS Anr amount at Current Rates. JOHN S. CK0WAN. OS Bid;. Portland. Or. MORTGAGE LOANS. Money on hand for loans on Portland res!, denes and Inside business property at cur rent rates. First mortgages only. Commerce Safe iep. Jfe Mortgage Co. 91 Third street, Cham, of Com. bldg. REAL ESTATE DEALERS. Beck. William O.. ai5-81 Falling bldg, Chanln & Herlow. 832 Chamber of Commerce m. rn Main IKS 2os OreconlaiL PALMER-JONE3 CO H. P., Ol-iOi-eW THE Oregon Real Estate Co.. Grand ave at uniinAmuh l rKoIladav Addition.) BRUBAKER & BENEDICT. 502 McKay bldg. Thone Main 549. REAL ESTATE For Sale Lots. "T IMK IS MONEY." But in order to mane money It pay to take time neiora ueciumg iu uuum m -dence, aartmnt-hous or business block, fan and tala It over with me; will onW take a little time to tell me what you want. I will do tne, furnish pre liminary plans and estimate of what th building will cost complete, and If neces sary finance sain. I know I can save you money, it cost nothing to convlnc yourself that tills is a fact. J. 6. ATKJNS. Architect and Builder. 029 Henry bldg. Main 3G91. TCABT STTJE VIEW PROPERTT. Lot 60x100 for oH), E. Everett at on norm slope of Mt. Tabor; 80 minutes from heart of city, on good car service. Cali Mc.Sair, Main ?7u. -eo uaa at, rwumu. Or. T.ilTRELHURST. We specialize on this beautiful prop erty, we handle no other, we handle the Deat tnat hurst and can save you money; Laurel hurst Is Just what you want. You can alwaa find usrat the tract ox. flee, limn and Ekh Ulisan sts. DELAiiUNVY CLEMENTS. POiiTLAMJ HEIGHTS EXCLUSIVELY. If you want to buy on Portland Heights, see me. I have about SO per cent of tbe property for sale up here in my hands, and have not one aoasata&ned customer. BROOKE, Elm and 22d Eta. Marshall 482T. A 883. for sale Bv owner. Quarter block. 18th and Spring sts., Portland Heights, fine apartment-nouse site; price fovuu, tele phone Main 7 WO- WANTED A CASH OFFER for two line lots In Alameda Park, facing east ; An view , must sell. Phone TaOor HAVE left city; send Iter on Iota 83, Stt, hink is. Errol HeiKhts: near Hender son on Walnut street. Wilson. M2 Pleasant ave., Minneapolis, Minn. WEST SIDE view lot, 7500 square feet, be low the maraei price, .wuii. a uo, wrv g on lao. FINE view lots In Council Crest district. b per cent aown. iv muuuiiii. ta bor of Commerce. Marshall 2370. BARGAIN 60x100 corner, close In. 5th St.. sums income; -u.uuv. iki uia. r . judois, 423 Chamber Commerce. FIFTH AND MARKET CORNER Only 820,600 unincumbered ; half cash, part trade. E. 043 or 669 BeimonL, WILL sacrifice equity la four Laurelhurst FiRLAND lots, $3i5, terms S monthly, 720 Chamber or commerce. Aiain aioo. 10x 100, CLOSE to carllne. $225, $3 per month. AR bot, uregonian. MCRRISON-t. corner lot, 50x100; will make ttirnis. B uregonian. FOR SALIS Choice lots in Willamette Addi tion cheap. Call A is. SACRIFICE Full hit. East ML Tabor; 8375; easy term, uwner, u o oregoniau. REAL ESTATE. r bale Lois. WEST BIDE kOTS. GLENELTN ADDITION. Choice building lots on West Bide, In side of 3-mile circle; fine view of Tuala tin Valley and ML Hood; walks, graded streets and Bull Run water in and In cluded la. price, $450 and up. Select your lot and we will build to suit, you fur small cash payment. PROVIDENT TRUST COMPANY, OWNERS. . 213 Selling Bldg. el BOWNND 1 WEEKLY BUYS 60xlS FEET. 2 BLOCKS OF CAB. O 705. Oital QON1AN. For Sale Houses. HAWTHORNE AVBX HOME. . BARGAIN THIS WEEK. Out on Marguerite ave., near Hawthorne, Is a bargain for some one. Owner wants to sell this week; and la gdng to sell this week If he can find someone wanting a home in that district, -He has a beautiful ' 6-room modern home on beautiful lot a little larger than 60x100. with . beautiful cherry trees, street Im provements all In. Look this up if you are Interested' In a neat, cosy . home out that way. - Price $3500. Look it over and make us an offer V if you can pay down $1000. ' HARGROVE ft SOK3, 122 North 6th St.. cor. 6th and Gllaan. , Main 4881. A 7238. ' $3000. $800 DOWN. A NOBBY BUNGALOW. For the money thl can't be beat. Ready to move right Into. fixture ana naae. Large fireplace and bookcases. -Heavy beamed ceilings. . Buffet and window seat. Swell cabinet kitchen. Twa larze bedrooms, with fine closets. each with a window; linen closet, swell bath, fine attic, cement basement with cement floor, 24 windows In the six rooms fine homes surrounding: face east paved street. 649 E. 87th st 1 block south WR car. Tabor JiSoa. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. 3000. $300 DOWN. BALANCE AS RENT. Brand, new bungalow, doubly construct A throuerhout. modern In every nartlcu lar, hardwood floors, fireplace, bookcases, hanrlinrriA huff at. Tutch kitchen. bath room, equipped with latest and best of fixtures, large attic, cement floor m base TTtATif lonnrirv travs. fine furnace A com plete home; must be sold this week. For appointment can laoorovow. THAT VACANT LOT. WHY NOT TURN A BURDEN INTO INCOME? WE WILL FURNISH THE irKPY. BTTTT.O A PARTS! K.N f. K1S1 nRVfR CtR AN'YTHI(1. PLANS FREE, ARR RESPONSIBLE. WE KNOW HOW. TALK TO OUR CLIENTS. SEE ni; wm w wtu. r.rvR hod. I R. BAILEY & CO., CONTRACTING ARCHITECTS. 324 ABINGTON LJJQ. PORTLAND HEIGHTS HOME. Beautiful 9-room residence, choice dls trlct, unequaJed view, large level ground. 75 ft. from car, every up-to-date conveni ence, hardwood floors, cut glass fixtures. fireplace, sleeping porch, nursery. Great bargain if sold before April. BROOKE. Elm and 22d sts. Marshall 4S27, A 8880. VACANT LOTS DON'T P4.Y. WE FINANCE AND PLAN TOUR HOME OR APARTMENT AND BUILD ON TERMS. SEE US AT ONCE AND LOOK OVER OUR NUMEROUS ORIO INAL DESIGN'S. TAYLOR BUILDING CO.. 606 M'KAT BLDG., 3D AND STARK STREETS. hot:sk snap. For Dale at a sacrifice, my equity In a new, modern bungalow, nve rooms, cain, toilet, gas. Bull Run water, fruit trees, beautiful lawn, lot 50x100; 3 blocks from 0-ralnute car service; furnished complete, new furniture; will sell with or without furniture. Phone Morsnaii 4U. EAST TAYLOH STREET. xtnA&m 7-room house. 1 bedroom down stairs- located on the very best part of Bast Taylor street, with a full-sized cor ner lot; owner having moved out of the city, the price Is reduced to much below actual value. J. E. Smith, 414 Chamber of Commerce. Portland, Or. EVERE BODE AS DAE1NQ AT Looking for bargains. A B-room real modern bungalow at a bar. gain, first-class construction In all details; must be seen to be appreciated; must be sold at once. Owner, 1630 Alblna ave. Take Kenton car. FOUR-ROOM BUNGALOW. Comn'ete. double constructed. first- class plumbing, light fixtures and window shades; can't be beat In the city; must be sold; CLOSE IN, near good carllne; easy terms. Call Main SSU7. J. V. Guthrie (owner). PORTLAND HEIGHTS BUNGALOW. Dear little 5-room bungalow, standing In large, beautifully wooded grounds, with splendid view and among line nomea, BROOKE. Elm and 22d sts. Marshall 4837, A 8S39. PORTLAND HEIGHTS RESIDENCE. A perfect gem, 6 rooms, close in, over looking city; magnificent view. Will suit the most fastidious. Bargain. BROOKE. Elm and 22d sts. Marshall 4S27, A 8330. LEAVING STATE. EXCEPTIONAL OP PORTUNITY. My exclusive 7-room $7000 Laurelhurst home must be sold; nnoit ouiit home in city; hardwood finish throughout. See thla Make orrer. xaDoraa. FOR SALE Artistic, well-built new house, Laureinurst; exceptional opportunity iu secure desirable, well located home at ac tual cost of lot and construction: terms, Inquire 405 Yeon bldg. Phone Marshall J.UUO, $4500 EIGHT room and den, southeast corner. Eraniie iou nasi ion. mouerii, in sured for $3000; shade trees, roses galore, 15 block from new Broadway bridge; an absolute sacrifice; for immediate sale $1000 down. Woodlawn 8350. NICE home, good condition, 4 rooms. ceptlun naii, touei, oam, pantry, eiectric lights, full basement; good buy for $1300; $500 down, balance 20 per cent month. In cluding Interest, 6 per cent; Owner, 85 East 72d t. Nortn. BEAUTIFUL, sirhtlv corner, of 2 lots, with 7-room house; grouna coverea wun nne variety or tuny-grown iruu irees; win sell to you on your own terms. I am the owner and will give you a bargain. Cail 760 cnamoer or. commerce aiog. IRVINGTON 6-room. hardwood floor, bun galow, built-in conveniences, rirepiace. furnace, cement basement, laundry tubs; price $4400, $00 cash; large attic, room for garage, ouxiw lot. tteynoias, Chamber of Commerce. Main 7467. WANTED, A CASH OFFER, ft-ronm hunsalow. full basement, fur nace, screens, awnings, white enameled woodwork and two lots, Hawthorne ave,, near Mt Tabor Park; fine view; must sell, phone Tabor 82tf. COM E TO IRVINGTON FOR FINE HOMES, FINISHED OAK AND MAHOGANY. J VV tL. rt, tASi w. ti. HERDMAN, 847 ttA&I , tU IRVINGTON YOUR CHANCE, see this charming, new noma, near car, unui pay ment down, oaiance montniy. mam auto. East 304. $1500 buys new R-room - cottage; terma Owner, 412 Cham, of Com. 5-ROOM modern bungalow, Hawthorne dis trict, t-nilll, flU IIIUULU, XX. As. Swank, 1030 Chamber commerce. 7-room house on Garfield ave., near Savier. price SOUU, uv www u, ao i-wjuu lui. r eynolda, 1022 Ch. of Com. Main .467. FOR SALE The finest home In Irving ton. finlanea in manotfuiiy tiiiu lhv. j . c. Bowman ft Co., owners and builders, Kast 2Jd and Brasee. East 935, C IRVINGTON OUR SPECIALTY. FINE HOMES, $4000 AND LP, CHOICE LOTS $1000 AND UP, NEUHAL'BEN & CO T03 LEWIS BLDG., Main 8079. FRACTIONAL lot, Sherman st.. near 6th, with 3 large 5-room modern flats. $5500; improvements ail in ana paia. Taggart, 416 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SAL13 Furnished cottage and 00x100 lot, tirimes uro o, dcmjuo, j. uioch from ocean: $650; whole or part cash. Call East 956. $1700 EQUITY in $4500 property, rented for ia a III LM I L 11 , Ul n 111 ''-Ul lots AS 87ft. Oregonian. 8-ROOM furnished house, gas, water, sink; lot OUXIUU, lW)i uuwu, (A month. See O. Michel. Phone E. 882. FORCED administrator's sale, ,6-room mod ern tHirraiOW , uw cash. turner IOl La. D- Mahone, attorney, 514 Couch bldg SACRIFICE of Income, view corner, 100x138, 2 nouses lurniBiicii, e.. wa u uo, isuu. AL 066. Oregonian. IRVINGTON home, 7 rooms, oak flours. fireplace, Dearoea ceiling, cement case ment. Marshall 252S. NEW modern 5-room bungalow, easy terms. by owner, law laoor $25 DOWN, $25 monthly buys 6-room mod ern no me. uwucr, x uuur o;iv SUNNYSIDE 6-room house. 50x100 lot. 1079 t;aet Morrison k. roone ain iioo. 4-ROOM bungalow. Alberta, easy terma 1109 B. zauk at. w ooaiawn .U.a, REAL ESTATE. For bale -Hoi WB HAVE "for sale to various sections of the city four, five, six and nine-room house, ranging In price from $2000 to $i)000 each. These homes are mod era and well-built, with hardwood floors, furnace, firepiace and all built-in conveniences. Soma are in highly strlcted residence districts with all street improvements in. We are completing a number of beautiful homes on the West Side that command , nnnhmirtM) view at cltv. rivers and mountains; ail have good car service; if you desire, you can select one oi vur choice building lots and we will build to suit you. our homes are sold on the easy-payment plan. Come in and let us talk it over with you. PROVIDENT TRUST COMPANY, 212 Selling Bldg. SACRIFICE; 6-room bungalow; built with an idea for convenience as a home; fur- nlshed or unfurnished; terms. Owner, llt)l Ellsworth. Tabor 273 For Sale Acreage. CHANGE TO START SOON. FOURTH-BTRSIT LJNE TO BK BLECTRIFIED quickit. For detailed information ee Ore gonian March 20. Fine, all-steel In- terurban electric cars to be in opera tion very soon, making the run from our suburban acre tract to the business, center of the city In ' 30 minutes. Graded streets, side walks, water, electric tights, phones, delivery of mail and merchandise will make suburban home . lift In this community a pleasure. The dis tance is only a pleasant ride-; th location Is in the beautiful Tuala tin Valley; the commutation ticket rate to the first station on our tract is l2Hc, and when the electric cars are running should, and we feel confident will, be less. Our price are $250 to $500 per acre; $23 down on the $230 and $50 on the $500 land, with small payments monthly. Go out with us any day and look this over. See it before selecting your home. . THH SHAW-FEAR COMPANT, Main 85. . 102 Fourth $t, A 8500. NOTHING down, nothing for S years. Can you beat that for terms? Famous Willamette River bottom land. Can you beat that for soil? Loganberries yielding $400 per acre. Can vou beat that for croD ? On Oregon Electric and Willamette River. Can yon beat that for transportation? This land is aenulne loganberry land lo cated at Flnzer Station, on the Oregon Electric, $ miles south of Salem, and on the banks of the Willamette River; It is s-entlv rolline- bottom land, practically all in cultivation; we will sell In 5. 10, 20 and 40-acre tracts; the only requirement we make of the purchaser Is that half of the land purchased be set to loganberries; we can provide the logan tips; this Is a proposition ror tne man or umitea means; use your capital In developing the land; mis is just tne rigni time to start, m. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANT, 62 Fourth St. $300. 9.22 acres, 2 miles southeast of Amity and S. P. electric line; pert In cultivation. no waste land on the tract, no stumps or rock, all good land; some corawooa; on a county road; small payment, balance $10 per month, 0 per cent; fine for chickens, berries and fruit. 14.84 acres; part clear, part timber; fine rich land; all can be cultivated; .high and sightly, on a county road, 2 miles to town and railroad, in Yamhill Coupty; only $1113; biall payment down, balance $10 per month, at 0 per cent. See F. E. Seachrest. CHAPIN-HERLOW MTG. ft TRUST CO., Third Floor Chamber of Commerce. CHOICE ACREAGE, CLOSE IN. West Side acreage, best of soil, goo& drainage, part in stumps, part In culti vation, 2 k , 5 and 10-acre tracts, prices range from $300 to $550 per acre, j ust outside 6-mlle circle from Postoffice; will build to suit you. easy terms. 2 -acre tract on Powell Valley road. 2 miles east of city limits, macadamized road to Portland, $1400, one-half cash Acreage near Gilbert station on Caza dero " line, one-half hour to city; ma cadamized road leading to city, covered with bearing apple trees, good soil and drainage, $1250 to $1500 per acre; will build to suit you. PROVIDENT TRUST COMPANY. OWNERS. 212 Selling Bldg HOME-SEEKERS. Five and ten-acre tracts on Oregon Electric, between Portland and Salem; wlil net $200 to $300 per acre In logan berrtea On our easy payment plan you may insure future independence and a country home where nature intended man to live and enjoy the luxuries of life. About 24 trains daily through property. Tracts developed if desired. Northwesetrn Trust Co., 20 Wilcox bldg. Main 3517. THIS IS ATTRACTIVE. Only $1000 cash - required; 10 ACRES, . 12 miles west of Portland, mile from town, on Oregon Eleetri another elec tric line building to the place; sidewalk to the property : up-to-date bungalow, built year ago; fine land for' fruit and garden, almost level ; good barn and chicken-house; 20 fruit trees, small fruit, good well; price $7500. O. C. R. Elll & Co., 803 Board of Trade. ELECTRIC LINE. 8 blocna station; chicken and fruit ranches near Portland; new subdivision on Estacada line, near Ore sham; 5 acres, $400. $500, $700; 8 acres $500, $700 ; 10 acres. $750, $900, $1000 per tract ; best soil, free wood, spring water; acreage at Scappoose, Or., $'5 to $100 per acre. FRANK M'FARLAND REALTY CO., 809 Yeon Bldg., Portland. $15 DOWN BEATS RENT. And puts you in possession of a choice half acre, 120x1 So, with small house, for $.30; 30 minutes rrotn iawtnorne bridge-. A. C Marsten, 202 Wilcox bldg. Main 2517, Tabor 1770, A 7340. lti ACRES unimproved land, U mile east or Kotnee station, uregon city car, 4u minutes' ride from 1st and Alder sts.; well located for subdivision ; price $00 per acre. Address w. l,. biar.cweai.ner, aiu waukle. Or., Route 1. COURTNEY improved acreage, modern house, bam, cnicKennouses and an sorts or fruit: Sjuu aown ana balance to suit purchaser. Call up Oak Grove, red 224, mornings, or write Mil waukle R. No. 1, box 95. FARMS and townsites on four new railroads near Eugene, ur., our specialty. Prices $15 to $25 an acre, l-10tb cash. Leading Southern Willamette Valley dealers, Great Western Land Co., Inc., Commercial Club bldg., w. utn at., ku g ene,u r BEAUTIFUL 1-acre place with cozy 4-room house; grand view or city ana valley; mile from Evergreen sta. and Oregon City car, for $100, terma Inquire owner, room 11, Mulkey plug., I'd and Morrison. FIFTEEN acres Hood River orchard land at Deo. Or. : oartiy cleared, bordertne irrl gation ditch, clear title; consider trade for Portland lot or home. AR Sju, Ore go nian. ORENCO. 6 acres, cleared, with wire fence, part cash, balance terms ir taaen at once, $ 1500. Owner. Main 5207. 10 ACRES, $150 TO $600. Your choice of 800 acrea, good solL wa ter, school and roatia; 1 1 hours from Portland. 215 Lumber Excnange bldg. LOOK1 10 acres, water, school, near rail and water transportation; $150 to $400. On your own terma F. Dubois, 423 Cham ber of Commerce. BUY 10 acres of almond, it will make you independent. tasy terma j-aoney Dabney, Railway Exchange. ACRES for suburban home, close to car, excellent soil, part cultivated. $720, $12 per month. E 812, Oregonian. FOR SALE 20 acras In Waxrenton. on Youngs Bay, Clatsop County, Oregon. 610 Medical bldg. M. HA v E fine ranch; also options on small cleared acreage ; will sell cheap. For in formation. O. L. Graff, Reedville, Or. 10 ACRES, running water, on carllne; $1250, terms. 42 j Chamber of Commerce. Irrigated Land. LOGANBERRIES, the great money-maker. the thing tnat tne Miduie west and tne Best can't ralae, need water when the dry spell comes. We have the water, tne riandy soil, tho Ideal climate at West Stay ton Drop in and let us show you A sure winner. Will. Val. Irr. Land Co., 804 Oak. opp. Com'l Club, near cor. 5th. EVERYBODY Is talking about West Stay- ton, the one place wnere your investment Is a sure winner, because we have tbe water in Summer to do things with. Let us tell you about it. Easy terms to the right people. Willamette Valley Irrig. Land Co., 304 Oak, opp. Commercial Club, near cor. 6th. Free illustrated booklets. I-or Sulr Momntraui. JOIN California land excursion March 25. fare $1; Yuba valley, cultivated garden soil, free water for Irrigation, sure crops; excellent climate, water, markets, mads, schools and free wood; crops are growing, no experimenting necessary, long-time payments so can pay for land from crops; free coupons issued to buyers covering cost of trip to go at once; get started now, call and see about it. A M. Hign ho'jse. 517 Board of Trade bldg. BETTER AND EASIER THAN HOME- S l MvAUlNli. 120 acres, 40 of which are In cultiva tion and adjofn the corporate limits of the town of Silver Lake, Or. Good house and well, all under proposed ditch; price tl5 pr acre; make your own terms; photos at office of Fred W. German, SV32 C. tot C. Both phones. SEAL ESTATE. - tlUaUeoll'U LUV. 80-ACRB homestead, 5 miles from Port land, 70 acres bottom land; have to hurry; price $415. 204 Lumber Exchange. For Sale Farms. A REAL FARM. 17 mile from heart of Port land, we have for sale a fin iH-acre farm, 75 are undvr cultivation. IO acres in pas ture and 1 very easily cleared. 5 acres fine timber, 4 acres bearing orchard, of assorted fruita; fine 9-room house, large new barn with cement baaemvut. Place fenced with woven wire. Ilea with gentle slope just enough to drain; 3 fine we; is. living water; this is one of the nicest farms in the West. Wlil eell very cheap and give very easy terms to right party. BAKER 4 DRYER, "TH& ACREAGE MEN." 304 Railway Exchange Bldg. NEAT XjITTLS FARM. 40 acrea, S3 acre under culti vation; 7-room house in good con dition, good, barn, and other build ings, fine well, all fenced and cross fenced, lies level, best of soil, fine family orchard; for sale cheap. If you want a farm at the right price, see us today. BAKER DRYER, "THE ACREAGE MEM." 204 Railway Exchange Bldg. BARGAIN IN HOPYAtlD. 20 acres, 14 miles from Portland; miles from Wilsonvllie, on county road ; all finest soil and all cleared ; 16 aorw hops, all new post and wired throughout; produced best hops In Willamette Valley last year; good hophouse and equipment, smell shack for hand!.; this must be sold Immediately and will go at $02.0; time on part; no trades. The bare land Is worth - the price asked for the place and with fair prices the hop crop will pay for It this year. IA-'EDDEMANN, RULEY CO., 913 Chum ber of Commerce. ALFALFA. CATTLE AND HOGS, We are headquarter for alfalfa, cattle and hog ranches, under irrigation, with plenty or water, shelter and Umber, at $00 lo $S0 per acre. KASTE BROS., 618 Henry bldg. 100-ACRE FARM. This Is located within 12 miles of Port land; very best of soil : excellent barn ; good 2-story residence, brick fruli and dairyhouse: small family orchard. Ths price of this is only $150 per acre; no bet ter land within 15 miles of Portland can be found and no other land as good us this can be had so cheaply; I might con sider a good residence up to $4000 oi $5000. J E Smith, 414 Chamber of Commerce, Portland, Or. BY OWNER, 12 miles from Portland. 10 acre farm, small , house and barn, fruit trees, 4 acres cleared, rest easily cleared; 2 miles from United R. R.; lies In Wash ington County, Price $150 an acre. Ad dress Otto H. Opitg. 755 East Irving st. FOR SALE 478 acres land In Wasco Co., 1 miles from station and small town ; one mile from school, on main county roud; good location for stock ranch. For particulars address Miss M. Walton, Friend, Or. GOOD dairy farm, 150 acres. In center of valley, clover land, creek through cen ter, large new barn, good six-room house; w(U sell part or all for $50 per acre. Ad dress owner, Mrs. A. Berg, Glen wood. Wash. FINE valley farm, 130 acres, 100 acres cul tivation, good bouse and barn, small or chard, running water, best road in county; price $135 acre. D. A. Hart, owner. New berg. Or. CASH bargains; Willamette 80, $2400; mort gage $600; also improved 80, near Port land and Interurban station, $tf0O0; In cumbrance $-000; no agents. Owner, KiZO Grand North. 100 ACRES good land: 100 more can be taken as homestead; 120 acrea can be had as isolated land; price $2000; only $15u casn needed; will make a nice small stock ranch. M. Fitzniaurlce, Condon, Or. 118 ACRES; 5 acres highly improved; only $110 on acre. Come In and look over our list. Room 2 Worcester bldg., 3d and Oak. 47 ACKES. good buildings, about all cleared; 1 mile from carllne; $150 per acre. Room 2 Worcester bldg. Come in and see our llet of good buys. INVESTIGATE, this. Six acres beaverdam land, adapted to onions or general truck farming. Easy terms. Address ownor. P. O. box 332, Clatskanle. Or. $50 TO $2O0 per acre buys Improved Hood ttlver orcnarus. ow ub ueiuio uu mo . you will save money. Room 2 Worcester bldg. FULLY equipped dairy and fruit ranch at bargain Terma Registered Jerseys, ap ples. L. Coleman. Rt. 1. Roseburg. Or. RANCH 60 acres, with buildings; 18 mile from Portland, near electric line; bargain for all cash. Bv owner. 182 Morrison su 200 ACRES loggcd-off land; house, barn. lt acres cleared, sit per acre. iaoor vrw. Mlscnllaneoum FOR COOS BAY REAL ESTATE and RE LIABLE ABSTRACTS OF TITLE, so Title Guarantee ft Abstract Co., Marsh field. Or. dOLLADAY ADD., fractional lot for $1000. This i a bargain and necessity only prompts us to sacrifice It at tho figure. Cfill 7:t0 Chamber of Commerce bldg. $1500 YEARLY income; do you want It? $100 cash rcquirud. Real estate security. X 651, Oregonian. WANTKD-REAL ESTATE. 5-ROOM house In good location, about $2500 in part payment, will give 10 acr-s fine land, near good R R. town In Washing ton, $050; real estate first mortgage and some cash. TRO WB RIDGE & STEPHENS, 801 W llcox Bldg. LOT or $250 cash as first payment- on now modern home in Vernon at $2300; Holmes bed, tireplace, Dutch kitchen, bastunent, attic, enameled bathroom. Owner. 1020 Yeon bidg. - $100,000 CASH to Invest In Portland busi ness property ; only bargains will be considered; will expect full details In answering if you want chanca of inter view. AH S87, Oregonian. WANT unimproved land close to transporta tion in exchange for a real equity In mod ern 7-room residence ; will consider im proved land; will aasume some. Marahail 1671. . WANTED 5 acre with house; will p $000 half down, balance terms; not mor than 20 miles from Portland. Address 67th st. S. E., Portland, Or. Phone Tabor 43-ifl. EQUITIES bought, houses, acreage, farms, mortgages, contracts, will trade one for the other. United Realty, 206 Gerlinger building, HAVE a $1500 diamond ring to exchange for a lot In Irvingtun or Laurelhurst. K SAO. Oregonian. WANT good residence. Income or business for eastern ranch, value $10,000; will di vide or assume. AG 8 78. Oregonian. CASH PAID for owner's Interest in real estate con tracts. Mr. B., 1020 Yeon bldg. !9J SALE TIMBER LAND9. 3,000,000 FEET A-l timber and land de scribee as .!. Ot .w., an. ui SE. of NW, sec. 20, twp 23 is. range t west, Douglas County, Oregon; price $1400; write me. Cbas. Anderson, 1506 W. 64th, Ballard Sta., Seattle, Wash. TIMBER FOR SALE. Large tracts a specialty. Timber lands bought and sold. CAUSEY LAND & IN VKSl'MriNT CO., G03 Lumbermen bldg., 6th and fctarK. : TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. C J M'CRAHCEX. 3'i4 McKay Bldg. CHEAP STU.MPAGK Ideal location "r u nun, nine to R. R- spur. No. 75 6th sL JaAlL tie mill ana muuei, ut-ai- i a... - ttrjctn e price. t,, j i-k" hqia. W A XTKP TIMBEBLANP8. I WANT to buy tract of timber, oO to iv million, or win ..w i a. -" bo--osltion. . AF 8C3, Oregonian. FOR KENT FARMS. FOR RENT 9-acre place miie from Courtm-y and Oregon City car; ail clear; good 4-room house and barn;l acre in berries; $15 per month. Inquire room 11 Mulkey bidg., za anu jiuh TO EXCHANGE. 20 ACRES to exchange for light delivery car. G S93. Oregonian. YOU build my house, I give ytm a ranch. 21V Jjumbsrmen bidg. "ssssssssssssssssssssssasssssBaat.. gdios.o r