Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, March 20, 1913, Page 4, Image 4

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Two Former State Treasurers
Said to Have Aided
Crooked Dealings.
Money Said to Hare Been Sent From
Statehonse to Bank Jnst Be
fore Arrival of Examiner.
Politicians In Tangle.
COLUMBUS. O, March 19. Dlscloa
nri made today In the affairs of th
defunct Columbus Paving Bank
Trust Company, which Is bein con.
ducted before Judge George Okey. sit
ting as a master In chancery. Involved
two former State Treasurers. I. a. cam
eron and W. S. McKinnon. and man
of the officials of the bank and Co
lumbus politicians and business men.
Menrv TV. Backhus. secretary and
treasurer of the Institution, was the
chief witness.
Daniel II Sowers, liquidating agen
of the wrecked concern, made a state
ment today to the steering committee
of the protective association which has
been formed by some of the thousands
of depositors and other creditors, many
of whom have lost thslr life savings by
' the failure.
Hem for StaekfcoWers Slight.
Sowers declared he could find no rea-
son for the hope that stockholders of
the bank would be able to recoup any
thing whatever. For the depositors
there was a prospect that they may re
ceive aa much as SO or 70 per cent.
The passage back and forth of a
mysterious black satchel between the
office of the then state Treasurer, i
B. Cameron, and the Columbus Sav
Ings Bank Trust Company was ex
plained at length by Mr. uacanus in
his testimony.
Backhus asserted that there was an
information bureau" working between
the Btatehouse and the bank and that
the money would be placed In the
treasury Just before the arrival of the
state bank examiners.
Y.rk, Psu. Compiiy Involved.
Testimony was given to show that
Treasurer Cameron and others were
largely Interested in Incorporations at
York. Pa., and elsewnere, , ana insi
these Interests were responsible for
many of the transactions which now
are under scrutiny.
Virtuallv all the securities. It was
altered bv Sowers, that are held in
connection with loans advanced by the
bank have shrunk in value till now
thev reDrestnt approximately si.vwu,
00 Instead ;t the J2.315.0C0 they were
unnosed to have represented.
Many of the stocks so held were
characterized by Sowers as of the
"wildcat" variety, while among the per
sonal loans were notes of former state
officials and othem, the collection of
which is said to be either doubtful or
Hood River Valley Gets Sleet.
HOOD RIVER, Or.. March 19. (Spe
cial.)- With the temperature aa low as
has been at any time for more than
month, a sleet and snow storm has
been raging In the Hood River Valley
today. However, the snow Is melting
in the valley and no damage will re
sult to the trees from freezing unless
he temperature drops a great deal
lower. The snow has covered the
hills of the ranges encircling the val
ley to a depth of several inches.
Aberdeen Snowfall Record Breaker.
ABERDEEN. Wash.. March 19. (Spe-
ial.) Snow fell here last night and
early this morningr, the depth ranging
front two to six inches. This Is the
first snowfall In March recorded in
many years. Indications are for a
second precipitation tonight.
Central! Gets Unexpected Fall.
OEXTRALIA, Wash, March 19.
(Special.) Centralia received an ua-
xpected fall of snow last eight. The
snow was followed by a penetrating
cold today.
(Onllnucd From Firm Page.)
Puyallup and Sumner Fruitgrowers
Association. This cold weather Is a
rood thing. It la holding the fruit buds
back. The growers Just now would
a great deal rather have a day like
this than a bright balmy day."
Baker Surprised bnt Welcomes Min
iature Billiard.
BAKER. Or, March 19. (Special.)
Baler was surprised when It awoke this
morning to find a miniature blizzard,
which continued until 2 o'clock this
afternoon. Abtut two Inches of snow
A thaw followed the storm, and to
night It has frozen, so that no damage
was done, but farmers say that It will
greatly benefit, as It will hold the snow
bark In the mountains and give plenty
of Irrigation In July and August, where,
ar. before the storm the snow melted
some, so that there might have been a
dry Summer.
Sheepmen Say Snow Not Dangerous
If Chinook Follows.
PENDLETON. Or.." March 19. (Spe
cltl.) A driving snow storm has been
l aging In this county since an early
hour this morning, with Indications for
a noticeable drop in temperature to
night. Several Inches of snow axe re
ported as having fallen on the reser
vation east of here, while to the west
the fall also haa been marked.
Sheepmen. In the midst of lambing,
are anxiously guarding their flocks,
the greatest danger being feared should
the weather turn suddenly cold. They
declare the snow Itself will do little
if any damage provided It Is followed
by a chlnook.
Seattle's Snowfall Registers Five
Inches bnt Soon Disappears.
SEATTLE. Wash.. March 19. A five
Inch fall of snow here early today was
followed by clear, cold weather. The
snow, was fluffy and rapidly disap
peared, most of the streets being bare
by nightfall. The temperature varied
from 2 to JI degrees above zero.
The railroads reported the snow In
the mountains was light and did not
Interfere with train operation move
ment a
First Big Snow Storm In March in
30 Years Is Mark Mde.
OREGON CITT. Or, March 19. (Spe
cial.) Oregon City had Its first big
snow storm In March in 80 years to
day. The snow began falling at
o'clock In the morning and continued
for more than an hour. The ground
at Mount Pleasant and the hill section
of this city was covered to a depth of
about two inches.
There also was another snow flurry
at 1 o'clock, the flakes being the
larcest of the season, and Just before
4 o'clock smaller flakes fell for several
Snowfall Near Astoria Confined to
South Bank of River.
ASTORIA. Or.. March 19. (Special.)
Astoria awoke this morning to find
a regular Winter snow storm In prog
ress and within a short time the ground
was covered to a depth of a quarter of
an Inch with the snow, which soon
melted after the sun came out.
One peculiar thing was that the snow
was confined wholly to the south side
of the river, the hills along the Wash
ington shore being bar. The day was
pleasant, with a brisk northwest wind
slowing, but tonight the wind shifted
to the west and dropped to five miles
an hour.
Danger In Slides- if Mild Weather
Follows Present Storm.
FERNIE. B. C, March 19. For the
last 24 hours Fernle and the surround
ing country has been In the grip of one
of the heaviest snow storms that have
been known her during recent years.
A strong wind from the north Is pll
ing the snow into drifts and as fast as
these are shoveled out they fill up.
Trains are late and the Canadian Pa
cific and Great Northern railways arc
ficdlng it a difficult matter to keep
the lines open.
The danger from snow slides will
be greatly increased should a period
of mild weather follow.
Walls Walla Snow Records Broken
for Month of March.
WALLA WALLA. Wash, March 19.
( Special.) Over two Inches of snow
fell today, an unusual record for so
late in the month. The snow which
fell In the city melted rapidly, though
in the mountains it has not. It Is estl
mated that at least a foot of It fell in
the mountains and if it turns into rain
some damage Is feared, as it Is wet and
easily melted.
The snow, which fell earlier In the
year. Is packed hard and no danger is
feared from It. The snow caused work
In orchards, gardens and fields to stop.
The Dalles Gets Slight Flurry and
Moisture of 1-10 Inch.
THE DALLES, Or., March 19. (Spe
cial) This city was visited by a slight
snow flurry early this morning, the
moisture amounting to one-tenth of an
Snow fell to a depth of two inches
at Duf ur, 15 mile:, south of here, and
several Inches were experienced In
Tygh and Wainlc sections, where i
trong wind was also experienced. In
dlcations point to more snow In this
section tonight.
Labor Department Finds Half
of Men Work for $9 a
Week or Less.
Rooms Overcrowded, Sanitation
Poor and Families Compelled to
Lire Without Privacy, New
Y'ork Investigators Say.
ALB ANT. N. Y March 19. The re
port of the state labor department on
Its investisatlon of conditions among
the Little, Falls textile-workers
brought to public attention by the re
cent strike was made public today.
Certainly It Is a matter of grave
public concern," the report says, 'when
a considerable body of wage-earners
are found living In such conditions as
are revealed by this report. There Is
reason to suppose that more or less
similar conditions are to be found
Tie investigators report that, prior
to the strike, half of the men worsen
received a weekly wage of X9 or less,
while half of the women received less
than $7.50. "The settlement or tna
strike." the report adds, "made but lit.
tie. If any. change in conditions as to
wages." Monthly rents for the space
occupied by a single family or group
run from 16 to SIS..
Houses Damp and TJnventllated.
Of living conditions, the report says:
"The houses are frame structures.
built singly or in groups.
Red and Rough. Sometimes So Raw
and Sore Could Not Wash Her Face
Without Her Crying. Cirticura
Soap and OintmentUured In Week,
Simon. CaL 1 first noticed KMle red
DlototiM on xay Httte girl' fa0 ond anna.
The blotches began to get sore and the least
thing seemed to Irritate nor.
They were red and rough and
sometlnMS they would get so
raw and sore I could not wash
her face without her crying
every ttm I started towards
her with a wash-doth. The
ires caused disfigurement
while they lasted, for the red
blotches were aa large and
larcsr sometimes than a nickel.
"I tried salve but It did not seem to do
much good, so I began to wash ber face and
arms with Ootteura Soap and Cuticnra
Ointment. I washed her two or three ttmaa
a dy with Ocur-6op and dried her face
and arms with a soft towel, then put on tna
Outicura Ointment. It took a weak to curs
my little girl and now she has ne sign of
tins-worms. " (Signed) Mrs. F. B. Blyn,
Bent. 14. 11.
Waen yon buy a fine toilet soap think of
the advantages OnMcura Soap Muss mis over
the most expensive toilet soap ever made.
In addition to being absolutely pore and ra-
fresMngly fragrant. It la delicately yet effac
tlraly medicated, giving yon two soaps in
, a toilet and a skin soap at one pnoe.
Outloura Soap 25c and Outicura Ointment
60c. are sold everywhere. Liberal sample of
each mailed free, with s-p. Skin Book. AoV
dress post-card "Outicura. Dept. T. Boston.
JswTender-faced man should use outaeuta
Boap 6 ha vine Stick. Ite. Sample free.
II. W. Wade, Carpenter, Dies Three
Hoars After Being- Ran Down.
R. W. Wade, a carpenter, who re
sided with his son. Walter W. Wade.
63 East Eighty-eighth street, was run
over by an automobile truck belonging
to the Portland Railway. Light at
Power Company and driven by O. B.
Barklow. at East Morrison and Grand
avenue yesterday morning at 10:50 and
led three hours later at St. Vincent's
It was reported that the truck was
travelling between 12 to 15 miles an
our when Wade got In front or lt-
The .front wheel passed over his head
and the rear wheel over his body. But
hen he waa sent to the hospital by
Officer Fred C. Schmldke, his head waa
sewed up and his serious condition was
ot realized, wade was conscious lor
whllo before he died.
Bestdes Walter, two other sons.
Charles R. and Raymond R. and three
aughters, Mrs. w. Frailer, Mra James
Lynn, of Portland, and Mrs. C. E.
Bancke. of BeatUe. survive.
o the Council will be called. The
names on the petition will be carefully
canvassed and If found to be correct
Bathrooms after a 20-dav Interval the special
are entirely absent, leaky roofs make -wunn wiii he called.
dry rooms Impossible. Y entuation ai- vritnda of Mr Gilbert are disturbed
wavB is dull. ueiiaiB wciu iuuuu i ... i 4 tha nat r
o.ic, -"ic, I tion. one. "the lack of education,
manure. I .-.... iiv hAino- rnt0r1. Tn refutin.r
"Sleeping- rooms are email, especially ft,. It- la nnlnl that llAll
wnen u. numuer 01 Mayor Gilbert been deficient In educa
they accommodate is considered. Some I i,A .ni h..A hn aolact.
are wlndowless. Overcrowding is the j v... .i, -..--t nnn
rule. Owing to Ignorance of the need one of tna Commissioners to the Paris
ot iresn air in a sieeping-room, Exhibition in 1900.
dows are kept constantly closed, even As a buslneS3 ma Mavor Gilbert Is
the cracks being filled or covered. The .n.v,- k vranMsnn. Portland.
air of the sleeping-rooms Is charged Astorla and Seaside, where for many
with odors from the kitchen, the wash- years he was engaged in business. In
tubs, the garbage heap and the cellars, additlon to his own home, he owns
and In this condition Is breathed again Hermosa Park, several business blocks
ana again oy me sieeporo. and . number of Summer cottages.
On Room Haa Nr Uses. While livintr In Astoria Mayor Gilbert
"In each household one room serves was appointed by uovernor Benson ana
as a kitchen, while all others are n, servea mr ui i
alantn0.-..,ma Th. Vfthan la n 1 an a I S 1 (1 D R T for the i OTt 01 Astoria.
rilnlnr.rnnm llvfmcr . vnnm vflihrnnm "I am DerieCtlV Willing, Bala JHr.
and laundry, and in some cases a sleep- Gilbert today, "to have my official life
lng-room. The head of the household and private life Investigated. If need
Is not slmDlv the head of the family, be, I shall, if the recall is brought
nor even In the usual mannine- of the against me. TUn again and Stand
term a hnarriinir . hnnscisaprwr . The sauarely on my record as Mayor.
housewife is the real head Is rather think when the whole matter is piacea
the financial agent of the members of before the voters of Seaside and the
her household, herself and her lmmedl- reasons for the recall, and the motive
ate family forming only a part of such behind it are, unoersiooa oy me peo-
an organization,
"The term family Is little used In
this report. This is IntentlonaL Fam
ily privacy Is a thing unknown to the
textile workers. This cannot be cred
ited to a low moral standard, for phy.
slclans testify to a relatively high
standard cf morals.
pie, I will be re-elected Mayor of Sea
Moon In Eclipse Saturday.
A total eclipse of the moon will oc
cur between the hours of Z and
clock Saturday morning. The moon
111 enter the earth's shadow at about
2 A. M and will reach the total
cliDse at about 3 o'clock at Portland.
According to Professor J. W. Daniels.
Portland astronomer, the eclipse win
be scarcely visible here. He says It
111 be much more denned on the op
posite side of the Pacino Ocean.
Oregon Panther Fights to Last.
TONCALLA, Or., March 1. (Special.)
W. R. Ramsey arrived here from
Dealers'stat- that th. mill worker. Wells Camp, near Scottsburg, yesterday.
buv a fairly rood era tie of food, but of having in nis possession a large pan
the children enrolled In the schools, ther hide which he secured near his
one-sixth are reported suffering from I home last Saturday. The animal was
old and would not tree, but chose to
remain on the ground and fight a
pack of dogs for several hours. Mr.
Ramsey fired 17 22-speclal bullets
Into the animal before bringing It
down, the last few being fired at
close range as the animal advanced
growling toward the hunter. The hide
measured 10 feet S inches from tip to
If You Bathe Internally
It Is safe to say that if the Colon
(Lower Intestine) were kept free from
delay in filing the petition is due to the waste matter appendicitis would never
fact that several prominent residents
are now out of the city and an oppor
tunity to sign the petition is to be
given them. On the petition, of the
names signed 54 are men and 20 are
F. Q. Hurd. editor of the Seaside pa.
per, is to be the candidate for Mayor! t(on
Ol ine IttCUUU Ulwsin5 majm vjii i
Following the filing of the petition
More Than Required Number of Sig.
natures Is Secured to Petition,
Which Will Be Filed Monday.
SEASIDE, Or., March 19. (Special.)
With 74 names, more than required
by law, signed to the petitions lnvok
lng the recall on Mayor Gilbert, action
of filing will be taken Monday. This
develop, for it is waste matter in the
appendix that brings on this dangerous
There Is just one successful and nab
ural way to keep the Colon free from
all waste and prevent any accumula.
that is, Internal Bathing by
means of the "J,
B. L. Cascade.1
with the Recorder, a special meeting Warm water, properly applied, Is
Natures own cure, ana it prevents
TTTTT.Tfr AND JOHNSON SO FUNNY AT REHEARSALS THAT OTHERS biliousness and the many more serious
Calvin Helllg. as a policeman, and John A. Johnson, manager of Pantages
Theater, as Barbara Hare, may have to be barred from rehearsals of the bur
lesque, "East Lynne, which will be presented by the. theater managers ai mo
Heilig Theater the night of March 2. Heilig and. Johnson are so comical In
their roles tney set ait toe otner manager-actors iuugmna. nu aumu
man. secretary, is devising means to have the funny men rehearse by them
selves until the other managers are more sure of their lines.
We are such a hit we stop tne snow,' saia air. jonnson yesieraay.
Johnson, bv the way. was cast for the roie of Barbara Hare because he is
th onlv theater manager who boasts possession of a mustache, and Mr.
viiii. ,t tha noliceman'a oart because "Bill" Pangle happened to have a
blue uniform that Just fits Heilig.
K-i-.r knnw his lines for the burlesaue. and all was going swim
mingly until Heilig and Johnson appeared on the scene In costume. Then all
hands" became hopelessly entangled. George L. Baker saved the day by sug
gesting that Heilig and Johnson be kept out of sight until their colleagues
were drilled further. ........ ,
The theater managers will not be the only entertainers in the "lsli Fol
liea" Ten vaudeville acts will be engaged for the big yearly event, and
numerous surprising novelties are promised by Milton Seaman, the producer.
Tickets for the affair are going like h otcakes, every showman In town hav
ing constituted himself a committee of on to help fill the Heilig one week
from today.
Ills they bring on yield readily to this
treatment, and you always feel bright.
clear and confident.
Drugs must be persisted in and the
doses increased to be continuously ef
fective, but the Internal Bath gently
assists Nature and keeps you regular
and healthy.
The "J. B. L. Cascade" Is now being
explained and sold by woodard, Clarke
& Co., Alder street, at West Park, Port
Ask for booklet why man of today
Is only 60 efficient.
Louisville, Ky- Aug. 17, 1912: "My
skin trouble began with pimples, and
they Itched and burned, and kept me
always scratching, so that' I could not
rest at night and they ruined the looks
of my face and arms. Just as soon as
I heard of Reslnol Soap and Resinol
Ointment I began using them, and they
gave me relief at once: the first ap
plication stopped the burning and Itch
ing, and it made my skin cool and
fresh-feeling. Reslnol cured me com
pletely." (Signed) Miss F. Mabl. Ed
wards, 1304 Stone Ave.
Boy's Itealas: Blotches Cured.
Omaha, Neb, Dec 20, 112: "My boy
as broken out In red blotches and
they would Itch him terribly. I had to
bandage him at night to keep him from j
scratching the skin off. then they
would turn to big yellow festers. I
used different remedies for about three
months, but didn't get much satisfac
tion. Three Jars of Resinol Ointment,
with Resinol Soap, healed the child en
tirely." (Signed) Mrs. George Blake,
2703 Cummings St,
Better proof, even than such letters.
la to trv FLesinol yourself and see bow
quickly tha Itching stops and stubborn
skin or scalp eruptions disappear. For
free trial write to Dept. 20-T, Resinol.
Baltimore. Md. Resinol Ointment and
Reslnol Soap are sold by all druggists.
iff j l! (
in! : MMfm mi
i . mi f iWK' -a a Til n 1
W,mf- w
'I !! I
The Standard Everywhere
for the Woman of Fashion
You Have
the Figure
AH yen seed is the proper corset to develop
r emphasize the lines of Youth which now
actually exist in your figure.
For Touthfulness of figure is not a matter of
tallneas or shortness, stoutness or slimness. It
is a matter of supple, easy, graceful lines.
The special business of the CB a la Spirits
Corset is to bring; out these lines. Not by bind
ing;, compressing or squeezing you into soma
aet shape, but by guiding your figure naturally
into the outlines which are appropriate to the
most youthful figure of your proportions.
There are over 340 different CB models,
each skillfully designed to bring out the youth
ful aspect of one particular type of figure, each
embodying the results of over 40 years of corset
building experience.
Visit the corset department of your favorite
store and pick out your CB model today. CB
prices 9t to $10.
'Merchandise oP
Merit Only
Federals Arrest Mayor and Police,
Blearing Treachery, and Throw
Up Breastworks In Streets.
MONTE RET Mex.. March Is. A
large force of rebels under Venustlano
Carranza, the Governor 61 Coahulla,
has demanded the surrender of Mon
terey before midnight. The demand
was sent from Villa Garcia.
Jirteen hundred federals, command
ed by General Trucy Aubert, been
rushed from Villaldama to reinforce
the garrison.
Shortly after General Aubert left
Villaldama the place waa reoccupled
by the rebels.
Many bridges have been burned and
wires cut and all trains scheduled to
leave Monterey have suspended opera
tions indefinitely.
All the streets In Monterey are be
ing fortified. A great many police
were placed under arrest last night
Mayor Zambrano was taken into cus
tody on the charge that he had prom
ised to surrender the city to the Car
ranza forces. General Trevlno, the
federal commander, requested General
Lojero, who has Zambrano in custody,
to pardon the Mayor, but Lojero re
fused to do so.
Tweirty-slx states of the United States
now require automatle couplers and brakes
on rail-way trains.
Extraordinary Victrola
Offer Repeated
At Eilers Music House
Superb combination, with 23 latest Victor songs, in
strumental, opera and entertainment selection in
cluding such great artists as Caruso, Sembrich,
Maud Powell, etc., all for only
: ' 1
- ?
Only a limited number, so call
or write at once. The Cabinets
included in this extraordinary
offer have never been sold for
less than $25. With each one
we put a brand-new, genuine
Type X Victrola and really a
whole armful of Victor Rec
ords, including the great art
ists named above and many
Whea Closed.
All for $96.50, With 23 Renditions
An Unprecedented Opportunity
Eilers Music House is particularly fortunate in
making this offer. It cannot be secured or dupli
cated anywhere on the Pacific Coast at this low
price. All cash is not necessary. Convenient pay
ments of as little as $2.00 per week will do.
(Seventh St.)
At Alder
The Talking
In the State of Pennsylvania, on the 8Ut
day of December, 1912, made to tha In
surance Commissioner ot tne State of Ore
gon, pursuant to law:
Amount of capital stock paid up $ 700,000.00
Premiums received during- tee
year $4,170, T7S.1.T
Interest, dividends and rent re-
celved during the year 883,822.81
Income from other sources re
ceived during the year 41,685.21
Total Income .$4,602,285.o5
D Iftboraements.
Losses paid during the year. . . .82,382,183.84
Dividends paid on capital stock
uuniif ins yew OUU.UUU.w
Commissions and salaries paid
during the year 1,291,951.20
Taxes, .licenses and fees paid
during the year 162,815.67
Amount of all other expendi
tures 846,716.16
Total expenditures 84,463,666.67
Value of real estate owned.... 8 764.677.1T
Value stocks and bonds owned 4,&i'ti,4tJ6.U0
Loans on mortgages and coilat-
eral, etc. 2,181,832.78
Cash In banks and on band 483,326.94
Premiums in course of collection
and In transmission..' 810,818.01
Interest and rents due and ac
crued 114,069.31
Total assets ? S 9,091,141.11
Less special deposits In any
state (if any there be) 8,672.88
Total assets admitted in Ore
gon . .v 89,081,468.28
Gross claims for losses unpaid.. f 865,145.28
Amount of unearned premiums
on all outstanding risks 6,350.398.03
All other liabilities... 4S,844-54
Total liabilities exclusive of
capital stock of 876O.00O.OO. .S,T50.87T.81
Totul premiums In force Decern
ber 81. 1S12 9,014,821.08
Business la Oregon for the Year.
Total risks written during the
year $2,620,022,00
Gross premiums received dur
ing the year 55,250.63
Premiums returned during the
year 11,704.37
Losses paid during the year.... 2e.42H.59
Losses Incurred during the year 26,538.09
Total amount of rinks outstand
ing lu Oregon December, 81,
1912, 4.352,568.00
Statutory general agent and attorney for
service, P J. Alex Mayer, 102 Sherlock
Bldg., Portland, Oregon.
Resident agents Geo. L. Story, 814 Pall
ing Bldg., Portland, Oregon; Martin A
Campbell, Inc., 1 Worcester Bldg., Portland,
Spring Terra Y.M.C.A.
Day and Night Schools
MARCH 24 TH TO JlfNB 1ST, 1918
BoslneM and Profea-
alonai Schools
Surveying and mapping
Plan reading and estimating.
Reinforced concrete
Show card writing
Wireless telegraphy 5u0
Assaying J0-00
Automobile course 60.00
Electricity school 15.00
Term Fee,
. . . .S130.00
. . . 0.00
... 10.00
... 80.00
Some of B0 Otber Cooraea
Mechanical drawing
Architectural drawing 7.S0
Arithmetic, algebra or geometry.
German, French or Spanish
Penmanship or English
Boys' School (day) -
Boys' School (night)
Course, Nat Completed May Be Con
tinued Next Term
For Sore Throat
Bronchial and Asthmatic coach, hoanenen, ate.
2Sc 60c. J1.00. Sample Fm.