Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, March 08, 1913, Page 11, Image 11

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Green Trading Stamps Will Be Given on Charge Accounts Providing Same Are Paid in Full on or Before the 10th
Store Opens at 9:30 A. M. and Closes at 9:30 P. M. Every Saturday Other Business Days the Store Opens at 8:30 A. M. and Closes at 5:30 P. M.
Home Journal Patterns Gossard Front-Lace, Mme. Mariette, Nemo, hein Jolie, Bon Ton and Royal Worcester Corsets " Mer ode' Underwear
Novelties for Easter
Everything1 that's new and novel in the
way of Easter novelties can be had here in
endless' assortment. Post Cards, Rabbits,
Eggs, Chicks, Fancy Boxes, Favors, etc.
Inspect theseOn main and fourth floors.
"Candy Day" Today
Today will be "Candy" day at the
main floor bargain circle. Hundreds of
pounds of delicious, fresh Candies on sale
at special reduced prices. Your favorite
kind is here! Why pay more elsewhere T
Entire Block Morrison, Tenth, West Park and Alder Streets Jfe-3S
When Making Purchases in Any Department of the Store, Always AsK for "S. EL H." Green Trading' Stamps Valuable Premiums FREE
New Spring Suits for Men Are Mere
Suits That Are Right in Price, Quality and Style Men's Department, Main Floor.
You might not know it, in fact it's very probable that you have never given it a thought, but the clothes we sell
are made expressly for us in the most perfectly appointed tailor shops in America. Into these clothes we have
incorporated features which we know to be essential to the proper wearing and fitting qualities linings, finishings
and tailoring of the very highest standard. lou 11 like the new bpnng models, bee the Jkiornson-street windows.
AsK to See the New
Belgrade" $3 Hat
Soft or Stiff Styles
Men's $1.50 Shirts, Special at $1.15
Men's coat style Shirts, with plain or pleated bosom
and attached cuffs. Choice of a splendid line of neat
stripe patterns or in solid colors. A standard $1.50
Shirt, in all sizes, on sale at low price of $1.15 each.
Men's $1.25 Underwear on sale at 85c
Reis guaranteed Worsted Underwear, shirts and draw
ers, nicely finished, with covered seams. Just the proper
weight for this season of the year. Regular $1.25
Underwear, placed on sale at only 85o the garment.
Men's Coat Sweaters at Reduced Prices
Special reduced prices for today of three lines of
men's Coat Sweaters. Very serviceable for cool even
ings and mornings. Ruff neck or Byron collar styles,
with pearl buttons and side pockets. Men's department.
Hen's $2.89 Wool Sweaters, now on sale at only $1.93
Men's $3.50 Wool Sweaters, now on sale at only $2.48
Men's $6.00 Wool Sweaters, now on sale at only $4.50
Soft styles in crush, telescope
and Alpine shapes with wide,
narrow or medium width
brims, with narrow string: or
ribbon bands. Lined or un- iJBfiafag
unea, in medium or light
weight felts and in all the
newest Spring shades. "Bel
grade" Hats are the ultimate
in style and quality. Also
come iu light or medium
weights in black derbies. Let
your new hat be a Belgrade
and you'll never wear any
other make. In JJQ ff
all sizes, each PJ.UU
Women's $30 Tailored Suits $12.48
With 100 Extra "S. $ H." Trading Stamps
Second Floor Today with every cash purchase of one of the above Suits we will give 100 extra
"S. & H." Green Trading Stamps. These are in addition to the regular 6tamps given with pur
chases. Women's and misses' high-grade Tailored Suits, broken lines from our regular stock,
grouped in this special lot for quick riddance. Plain tailored and Norfolk Suits in tweeds,
cheviots, serges, diagonals, corduroys, etc. Coats lined with Skinner's satin and messaline.
Some with velvet collars. Skirts with paneled front and back and side pleats. Suits in this as
sortment worth np to $30.00. Needless to say be here early m the day
for first choosing;. Don't miss this chance to obtain one of these Suits for
At $16.48
100 extra "S. & H."
Green Trading Stamps
with every cash purchase of these Suits at $16.48.
Plain tailored and cutaway models in tweeds, serges,
diagonals, cheviots and broadcloths. Suits in this
lot worth all the way up to $42.50. Splendid saving.
At $23.48
100 extra "S. & H."
Green Trading Stamps
with every cash purchase of these Suits at $23.48.
Fancy and plain tailored models in serges, diagonals,
broadcloth, velvets, corduroys, etc. Several models
with fancy vest effect. Values up to $58.50.
Women's $22.50 Long Coats, Special at $9.98
With 100 Extra "S. a H." Trading" Stamps
Second Floor Think of buying a stylish new Coat for less than ten dollars and you are getting real value
and quality in every cne of them, for they're from our regular stock and consequently are the best to be
found anywhere even at the usual selling prices. However, we offer choice of loose or belted back styles
in diagonals, worsteds, double faced materials and fancy striped novelties in the season's most wanted
shades Coats that are stylish and right up to date. Of course the line of sizes is somewhat broken,
but your size is in the lot. Coats in this special lot worth up to $22.50 each, and the most JJQ QO
remarkable values of the year. A good line of sizes for both women and misses. Your choice yl'tfO
Boys9 Spring Suits $5
Juvenile Department, Main Floor Boys' double-breasted
Suits in good range of new Spring
patterns and latest colorings. Pants extra
well made and cut in good, full, roomy sizes
for boys from 9 to 17 years of age. Extra value.
Boys' NorfolK Suits on sale $4.45
Boys' Norfolk Suits in a splendid line of good, i
sturdy fabrics, Suits that will give most satis
factory wear. Pants full lined, with taped
seams. Come in sizes for 6 to 12 years of age.
Boys' $1 Flannel Shirts for 59c
Boys' Flannel Outing Shirts, styled with polo
collar. In neat stripe patterns and full line
of sizes. Best regular $1.00 Shirts, placed on
sale today at 59c each. Supply your needs.
New Line of Children's Hats
Our line of Boys' New Spring Hats comprises
everything that's new and desirable. Bring
the children and let us outfit them for less.
Napoleon Soft Ha is
Main Floor Full line of
new Spring styles in this
popular Hat. Gray, black, i
brown, tan and mixtures:
also the very newest blocks in black
Btiff Hats, unequalled value at this
price. Ask to see them here today.
Men's Wash Ties
We have just received a handsome
line of men's new washable Four-in-Hand
Ties in all the newest: OffJ,
effects; Tubular reversibles aJC
'OWK' Silk Lisle Hose
$1.40 Box 6 Pairs
Main Floor Our famous O.W.K. Special Hose will wear to
your entire satisfaction. Extra strong woven, with reinforced
heels and toes and elastic tops. Finest quality silk lisle. In
all popular colors, including black, tan, gray, purple, wine,
green and navy. "Here, men, is a hose to your lik- 4jP J A(
j lng. The single pair 25o or by the box, 6 pairs Jrvr
Orders TaKen for
Designing , Stamping
Embroidering Monograms
Art Department, Second Floor
Under the direction of Miss A. Hen
dricksen, who was for years associated
with the leading embroidery houses of
New York. Orders will be taken for
designing and stamping monograms for
table linens, etc. Also for stamping and
embroidery gowns. All work done at the
most reasonable prices. -
igh-Grade Silk Petticoats $3.79
. Chiffon Taffetas and Messalines in Plain and Figured
Women's Wear Section, Second Floor Today we offer a special line of women's high-grade
Silk Petticoats at above price. Made from fine soft finish taffetas and deep rich messalines in
a full line of new Spring colorings ; also in attractive dresden and floral effects. String and patent
fitted tops, adjustable to any waist measure from 20 to 28. Fit perfectly smooth. Styles that are '
much in demand for the new Spring gowns. Have accordeon or knife pleated flounces and pin
; im , it J-
tucks. xnese come in any lengin ue- f
sired and are splendid values at this
price. Be sure to see these today.
$2, $2.25 Gloves $1 .69
Glove Dept. Main Floor
Final Clean-Up of broken lines of Trefousse and Alexandre
Real French Kid Gloves. Come in the popular two-clasp style,
in pique or overseam styles. These splendid gloves sell in the
regular way at $2.00 and $2.25 the pair. If your size is here
you (should buy a couple of pairs at this low fZQ
Drugs and Toilet Requisites at Low Prices
Remember, We Give "S. a H." Green Trading Stamps With Purchases of 10c or Over
6c Fairy Soap, the cake at only 3
10c 4711 Verdura Soap at only 6
25c Stuart's Buttermilk Soap, lS
25c Armour's O-Meal Soap at 18$
35c Domestic Castile, large, at 25t
15c Fear's Unscented Soap at
Palmer's Skin Success, cake at 1
5c Waldorf Toilet Paper, doz., 45?
50c Pebeco Tooth Paste only 29
25c Kolynos Tooth Paste only 20
25c Sanitol Tooth Paste at only 19
15c Peroxide, Vz lb., special at 1 Ot
35c Witch Hazel, the lb. only 211
35c Sanitary Absorbent Cotton, 23
50c Sanitary Napkins, dozen, 35
25c Sanitary Belts, special at 19
HudnuVs FineToiletPreparations
One of our most popular lines. "S. & H" Stamps given with each article.
Hudnut's Toilet Water, 75-1.40
Hudnut 's Extract, the ounce at 50?
Face Powder, 50, 60, $1.00
Hudnut 's Cucumber and Oris, 1.00
Hudnut's Yio Sec Soap, cake, 25
Hudnut's Sachet, all odors, at 50
$1.00 Button Hole Scissors at 69
35c Scissors, medical size, at 25
15c Whisk Brooms, special at 10
$1.00 Fitch's Hair Tonic, only 691
75c Soger & Galet Extracts, oz. 57
25c Squibb 's Talcum Powder at 19t
15c Armour's Talcum Powder at 8
25c Eeveris Talcum Powder at 15
25c Jergen's Powdre de Biz at 12
$1.00 Pinaud's Beautiviva liq., 59
Ebony Military Brushes, full bris
tles, popular size, a pair for $1.25
Hair Brushes, full bristles, with solid
back, newest shapes, special 50
25c Hand Scrubs, special, each 15
50c Sempre Giovine, today at 2B
Use Maurine Toilet Preparations
Money back on "Maurine" Preparations that are not found satisfactory.
Maurine Cream, 25S 50 S $1
Maurine Beauty Lotion, 50, $1.00
Maurine Hand Lotion at only 5
Free 25c bottle Hand Lotion for
every Maurine Cream Jar returned
to the Drug Department today.
Always ask for "S. & H." Stamps. Pair
Dent Kid Gloves $2.25 a Pair
Dent's best quality Kid Gloves for Women.
Name stamped in every pair. One pearl
clasp style, pique sewn, with Paris point
backs. Colors tan, gray, black and white.
Reynier Suede Gloves at $1.75
Women's fine Reynier Suede Gloves
known as the best glove on the market at
the price, three-clasp, overseam style, in
black, white and all the desirable shades.
Monarch Kid Gloves at $2.00
We are sole Portland agents for the Mon
arch real French Kid Gloves. They are to
be seen in all the newest Spring shades and
also in black and white. Excellent value.
Fownes Cape Gloves $1.50 Pair
Infants' and children's Fowne's Cape
Gloves; one-clasp style, P. X. M. or pique
sewn, with Paris point and spear backs. In
shades of tan, priced at $1.25 and $1.50 pr.
Double Z?Mn Green Trading Stamps
On All Cash Purchases in the Main Floor Shoe
Department Today AsK for Them
All day today in the Main Floor Shoe Department we will give Double
"S. & H." Stamps on all cash purchases amounting to 10c or over. New Spring
lines of men's, women's, misses' and children's high-grade Footwear are now
on display in immense and varied stocks. Come early shop in the morning.
For a great Saturday special we place, on sale today about 700 pairs of women's
Bud misses' new bpnng footwear at the above special price, uunmetals, patents,
velours, satins and suedes in an excellent line of the newest lasts, in high lace or
button styles; hand welted soles. Double S. & H. Stamps with each flJO QJ
pair today; $4.00 and $5.00 Shoes, all sizes- and widths, a pair
At the Main Floor Center Circle
Women's $1.00 Lisle Union Suits 89c
Low neck and sleeveless, with plain
Sizes 4, 5, 6 only. $1 grade.
Women's fine ribbed lisle thread Union Suits.
or lace trimmed tops and lace trimmed umbrella knee
Women's $1.50 Vests at 49c
Women's mercerized lisle Vests in pink
and blue only; also some in silk and wool.
Beautifully finished garments in sizes
4, 5 and 6. The standard $1.50 quality.
Women's Sleeveless Vests 25c
Women's fine sleeveless Vests, plain or
trimmed tops ; also in low neck with short
sleeves and high neck and long sleeves.
Extra good grade at the price. See them.
Richelieu Union Suits at 75c
Women's fine ribbed lisle, thread Union
Suits, low neck, sleeveless, with cuff or
umbrella knee. Nicely finished and per
fect fitting garments. All sizes, 75c Suit.
Lace Trimmed Pants at 25c
Women's fine ribbed cotton Pants, with
lace trimmed knee in umbrella style. Ex
cellent quality at this price. In sizes 4,
5, 6 only. Supply your future needs now.
Will be given on all charge accounts providing same
are paid in full on or before the 10th. No stamps on
amounts carried forward from one month to the next.
Grocery, Bakery and Delicatessen Departments on the Fourth Floor
Columbia Pure Pork Sausages, Etg
made from little pigs, the boxawOl
IIome-Made Potato Salad, th lb., 15
Eastern Frankfurters at, the pound, 20?
Eastern Ring Sausage, the pound, 20
Full line Kosher Meats and Sausages.
Fancy Rail Plates, Now at Vz Price
Third Floor Fancy historical decorated Royal Doulton Wedgewood Rail Plates at Half Price.
Candle Shades at Half Price
Odd lots, some slightly soiled.
Many fancy designs are here
to select from at just price.
50c Fancy Steins at only 25c
Fancy tinted porcelain Steins
with elk decoration. Regular
50o values at only 25c each.
25c Silver Polish for 12y2c
Taylor's Klenzer Silver Polish
in liquid form. Very satisfac
tory; 25c grade, special, 12c.
Women's and Children's
and Hosiery
For Spring Complete Assortment
The proper weights, the newest styles, and the right'prices three
reasons why you should buy the new season's underwear here.
Lisle Vests
at 50c
Women's fine mercerized lisle
Vests in low neck, sleeveless
style, with plain tops and band
ed or crochet edge. All sizes,
placed on sale at 50c garment.
Fine Lisle Union Suits
at $1.00
Women 's fine ribbed lisle Union
Suits. Spring weight, low neck,
sleeveless; cuff knee or um
brella style. Sizes 4, 5 and 6.
65c Vests, Tights 49c
High neck, long sleeve Vests;
cuff knee or lace trimmed pants,
made from fine quality of lisle.
Women's Wayne Knit Hose
3 Pair for $1.00
Women 's fine cotton Hose, with Wayne foot. Have 4-in. double
garter welt, high spliced heels and double toes. One of the best
wearing stockings on the market. Come in black and tan and
in all sizes. At this price these are unsurpassed, 3 pair $1.00.
Women's Silk Boot Hose 50c
"McCallum" Silk Hose $1.50
Two new lines for Spring just
opened. Pure thread silk with
high spliced heels, double soles,
and toes, in all the CZflg.
leading shades, pair at "C
McCallum pure thread Silk
Hose, with lisle lined garter
tops and soles. Come in black,
white and colors. 2 f CZfh
All sizes, a pr. p-L.iJII
Boys' andGirls' "Pony" Hose
All Sizes, 25c Pair
Wayne Knit Indestructible
"Pony" Stockings, in heavy
or medium weight for boys and
girls ; black and tan ; O CZf
all sizes; at, the pair-'
Children's four-thread ingrain
lisle Hose, with white heels
and toes. Genuine Hermsdorf
dyed. Regular values O EZ
to 55e a pair, special,"
Tortland Railway, Ltcht & Power
Official Plans for Extension
Work This Summer.
After five weeks of rest and recrea
tion in California. B. S. Josselyn. presi
dent of tbe Portland Railway, Light
Power Company, baa returned to Port
land and now is ready for another 47
weeks of activity incidental to the de
velopment of Portland.
Mr. Josselyn was pleased yesterday
with tbe progress of affairs here since
the passage a few weeks ago of the
blanket franchise, giving the company
use of about 20 miles of streets within
the elty limits. Work on most of these
grants will proceed this Summer.
The annual budget of the company
railing- for 14.000.000 worth of expendi
tures in improvements and betterments
has been prepared and now awaits ac
tion by the board of directors. A. M.
Clark, of Philadelphia, chairman of the
board, will be here within a few days.
During hla presence plans for the
year's work will be outlined.
"We had a delightful time in the
South," said Mr. Josselyn. "California
is filled with tourists. Many of them
will return to their Eastern hemes
through Portland. The weather there
is good but the frost damaged many of
their fruits."
Mr. Josselyn gained about 10 pounds
in weight and brought back with him a
healthful glow of tan. Mrs. Josselyn
and their daughter. Miss Mildred, ac
companied him on the trip.
Seaside Property Purchased.
T. E. Salomon, of Portland, has pur
chased from Alex Gilbert a lot in tier
mosa. Park, on which he Intends erect
ing a $4000 cottage.
but never follows the use of Foley's
Honey and Tar Compound. It stops the
cough, heals the sore and Inflamed air
passages, and strengthens the lungs.
The genuine Is in a yellow package
with beehive on carton. Refuse the
substitutes. For sale by Huntley Bros.,
Fourth and Washington streets.
Important Measures Cited and Much
Good Predicted as Result, at
Business Men's Luncheon.
Before tbe Progressive Business
Men's Club in the blue room of the
Multnomah Hotel at noon Thursday,
Gus C Moser, one of the Senators from
Multnomah County In the Legislature,
told of the big things that were ac
complished by both houses and of some
of the things that were not done be
cause they were deemed less important
than the things that were done. A
large growd was present. Wlfred P.
Jones, of the Merchants'. Natonal Bank,
Mr. Moser reviewed the constructive
work of the Legislature, paying a high
compliment to his colleagues in both
houses, who, he declared, worked day
and night for the publio benefit. He
detailed the good roads bills, the inter
state bridge, which, he said, was not
favored outside of Multnomah County
to any extent when the Legislature
convened. When the end of the session
drew near the bridge bill, he said, got
the vote it did for the reason that it
had been shown to be of benefit to the
whole state. He also pointed out the
appropriations for the Columbia South
ern Irrigation project, which carried
450,000; the appropriation of $50,000
for a survey of the Deschutes River,
and the $15,000 appropriation for an
investigation of the Celilo power
The compensation act he pointed to
as one of the biggest bits of legislation
of the session. The appropriations for
the colleees and the roillage tax bills.
he said, were other large features to
the credit of the Legislature. Other
big constructive work which he de
tailed were bills for tbe creation of a
commission to have authority over the
hours that women shall work; the 10-
hour day for mill and factory employes;
the "blue sky" act; widows pensions;
reform of judicial procedure; agricul
tural extension; certified accountants'
aet: negotiable warehouse receipts, and
the placing of the publio levee at the
foot of Jefferson street back Into the
hands of the people.
Pisgah Home in Lents Needs Aid,
Says Matron Lawrence.
Notwithstanding the heavy demands
that have been made upon the Pisgah
Mission Home in Lents during the past
three months, Hattie B. Lawrence, ma
tron, has been able to report success
ful handling of case after case, al
though the resources of the mission
have been severely taxed.
Much of the work of maintenance
at the home is done by the inmates,
and the chief need at the present time
is donations of cash to meet obliga
tions that have of necessity arisen in
caring for those in the mission. Be
sides a feed and grocery bill, Mrs. Law
rence points out the need of funds
with which to pay the carpenter for
work on the Old Women's Home.
More than 6000 meals have been
served in. the last three months to men
and women in the home, and to men
have been cared for who would have
otherwise been upon the streets or in
"I need help to meet tbe obligations
that have arisen in the work of the
Pisgah Home," says tbe matron. "The
have done good work."
come to the resnre ani
help to make it possible to continue
hat work?"
No man is
Than his
The Medical Adviser by
R. V. Pierce, M. D., Buf
falo, N. Y. answers hosts
of delicate questions
about which every man
or woman, single or mar
ried ought to know. Sent
free on receipt of 31 one
cent stamps to pay for
wrapping and mailing.
LETT the greatest athlete have dyspepsia and hi
strength will soon fail. One's stamina force
fullness and strength of mind or muscle
depend upon the blood, and the blood in turn,
requires a healthy stomach, for the stomach is the
laboratory where the food is digested and such ele
ments are taken up or assimilated which makm
blood. In consequence all the organs of the body,
such as heart, lungs, liver and kidneys, as well aa
the nervous system, feel the bad effect if the stom
ach is deranged.
Br. Pierce's Golden
Medical Discovery
helps the stomaea to digest food properly, starts the
liver into new aecivity, removing the poisons from the -blood,
and the various organs get rich, red blood, in
stead of being illy nourished. The refreshing influence
of this extract of native medicinal plants has been
favorably known for oer 40 years. Everywhere
some neighbor can tell you of the good it has done.
Sold by all soedlclne dealers in liquid or tablet form
or send SO one-cent stamps to Dr. Pierce, luvallelc1
Hotel. Bojralo. and a trial box will bo nulled yea.