14 THE MORNING OKEGONIAN, TUESDAY, MARCH 4 1913, TO EICH.43TGE. COUNTRY STORE. Stock, buildings, land, going business 1b food town up Willamette Valley, worth 13.000; will trade for city property with Income; preferable two or three small rented houses. Will assume amount. THE FIRST TRUST- COMPANY. wasnmgion ana Third sts. Beautiful 7 -room home with sleeping porch on S6th su. In Hawthorne antrici; Has every modern convenience, paved streets. Will take fSOO cash and the bal ance to suit or' w til take good clear lot up to $1700 and a mortgage for the bal ance. Willi sell furnished. Beat bay In tne city. TAYLOR INVESTMENT CO MP ANT. 323 Board of Trade Bidg. UNINCUMBERED TRADES. West Hide, 7 rooms, carilne, $6000. East Bide, 8-room modern, $4000. 160 acre Alberta wheat, $4000. Grand Junction. Colo., orchard. ALso have wheat and alfalfa lands; Will trade all or part; give or take dif ference; want unimproved landsV give or take difference. MILLER ROWELL, Spalding Bldg. COUNTRY HOME. 16 acres, choicest, red-shot solL 8H miles from Hood River, all planted to commercial apples; several acres In bear ing and balance 8 and 4 years old: beau tiful building site on place overlooking running stream; plenty of water for irri gation; will accept city property worth. fiu.vw in payment- aa. bh, S20 ACRES best clover and dairy land. Park region, Cass County, Minnesota; 40 acres timber, 40 natural meadow, balance hazel land; 13 miles from railroad station, 2H miles from Soo R, R. survey, near school and po tuff ice.; sell or trade for ranch, business or city property; price $5000. J. Marcy, 575 Nehalem ave. ONE acre, all clear, facing on Cornell Road, suitable for home or small chicken ranch. Also 120 acres in Ontonagon County, Mich., value $10 per acre; this baa some white pine and cedar; no waste land; suit able for all ranch purposes. C. M. Conry, 183 Bancroft ave., Portland. Or. Phone - Marshall 8682. FARM ON THE WILLAMETTE. $11,000; there are about 170 acres; 24 acres in hops; good ooatianamg near ba- lem; owner is no farmer and will trade for good Portland property. Get par ticulars of F. FUCH3, 420 Chamber of Commerce. FOR LOT. 19 ROOMS, completely furnished for housekeeping; clearing $50 month; good location; price $000, for good lot about same value. Mt. bcott district. O. C. R, ELLIS & CO., 809 Board of Trade. EXCHANGE J1000 equity in $3000 6-room modern bungalow in Portland for equity or as first payment on partly Improved 40 to 60-acre ranch In Western Oregon or Wash. Owners only. Address owner, E. A. Donaldson, Chinook, Wash. WANT 2 to 10 acres Improved in exchange for 1ft-room house; lot G0x0; East 22d St.; 6 apartments, paying 12 H per cent on price, which Is $7200; no debt on this; take all or part In trade. O. C R. Kills & Co., SOO Board of Trade. ONE chance in many to get a hotel that is worth having; will trade for good property or cash; good reason for selling; deal with owner; no agents need answer. A J 815, Oregonian. fcO ACRES, 18 miles Portland. $8000; near Clackamas Southern Railway; buildings, orchard; incumbrance $2000; exchange for unincumbered residence; would divide. Owner, 1030 Grand North. FOR SALE or trade, 160 acres, suitable for stock, fruit and alfalfa; running water; land can be irrigated; 5 GOO acres of free range adjoining; terms to suit owner. 010 Henry bldg. WILL trade all or any part of $16,000 gen eral mdse. stock for city property or acre, age. FOREST-HILL INVESTMENT CO., 80 4th St. Main 5465. I HAVE improved quarter block; will pay good Interest on valuation ; hard-surface streets; price $17,000; $11,000 on long time: will exchange for cattle; no agents. E 831. oregonian. $3500 1st mtg., $2000 bouse, clear of In cumbrance, baL cash; want acreage close to R. R. ; only snaps considered. T 704, Oregonian. ' TO EXCHANGE for runabout, 2 lots, 85 minutes from center of San Francisco, value $1000; send full description model, etc X 780, Oregonian. "WILL take clear property for one of the best furnished modern hotels In the city; value $4500; take all or part trade. O. C R. Ellis & Co., 309 Board of Trade. HARDWARE stock, located near Portland, Invoice about $4500, for sale, or might consider some Portland property. 6ml th, owner. Call 215 Hamilton bldg. 1O0O ACRES OF LAND. Will sell aU or any part or trade for city property. Phone Main 4993. Call for W1L llama. WILL trade $3000 equity in my $6000 Grants Pass Home for Portland acreage or residence. Elmer S. Shank, 202 Wilcox bldg. Phone Main 371B. ' SALE or trade for vacant, $1000 equity In handsome 6-room bungalow; mortgage, 8 years; leased for $2$ monthly. AH 20, Oregonian. MODERN home In Spokane's best residen tial district as first payment on farm In the Willamette Valley; give full par ticulars In first letter. AR 7t'Q. Oregonian. THREE acres on the Oregon City car line to exchange for city lot. IOWA REALTY CO., 629 Chamber of Commerce. Mar. 604. WE have a nice house for $2850; will trade for lots or your equity in a lot as first payment. Shaw & Snod grass, 709 Spalding- yOR SALE or trade for rooming-house, house and two lots for $1600, near Ml Hood R. R. Inquire 411 E. Mill at. WHAT have you to trade for $240 equity and a small amount of cash. AD 830, Oregonian. WANTED REAL ESTATE. Z WANT a good modern house (4 to $ rooms), preferably In Irving ton, value up to $10,000. I want to pay for this house with A-l stock that will stand the closest investi gation and on which you can get a report from either Dun's or Brad street. In answering, please state particulars, auoh as location, size, condition, and if property Is clear or Incumbered, and if so, how much. AB 728, Oregonian. WILL) trade 8 -room cottage, new and mod em, furnished with best of furniture, at $6500; mtg., $1000 and some cash, for an Improved farm ; Wll lamette Valley pre ferred. Have other property also. KUPPER & HUMPHRY. 212 Chamber of Commerce. CLIENT wants to buy 1 or 2 lots east of 3d at between Caruihers and Gibba ata; will pay iiVOO cash down. UODOARI) & WliiDRIClC, 243 Stark fcU ONE large front room, modern, hot and cold water, two large closets, furnace It eat. home place, close In, gas plate, can get breakfast in room. 181 11th st. Mtun 9370. WILL pay cash for the best piece of un Im prove! land I can get for the least money, from 80 to 820 acres. State price and location. A3 813, Oregonian. WANTED 600 to 1000 acres good land; must be close to railroad and a good buy; give location and price. AL 911. Oregonian. GASH for equities, house. Iota, acreage, con tracts, mortgages. Exchange one for the other. United Realty. 206 Ger linger bldg. LOT in Belle Crest Add., close to car; give lot and block number. XL 912, Oregonian. FOB SALE TIMHE R LANDS, TIMBER FOR SALE. Large tracts a specialty. Timber lands bought and sold. CAUSEY LAND A INVESTMENT CO, 503 Lumbermen bldp., 5th and Stark. WILL sacrifice 2M acres of fine, choice timber, good location, good land, running water; also one-ton truck cheap. Phone owner. Tabor 3448 or write KKHJ Holladay ave.. Portland. Or. F. L. Kelly. CHEAP STUM PAGE Ideal location for tie mill, stream run ning t o R, R. spur. No. 75 5th U TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. C. J. M'CRACKEN. 804 McKay Bldg. WAXTF.n TIMBKB LANDS. WANTED to buy; timber We desire to bay from 100 to 400 million feet of tim ber, either In Washington or Oregon; It must be of good Quality, accessible and correct in price. Address A V 742, Ore gonian. WANTED TO RKNT FARMS. 300 ACRES, 60 tine for early potatoes; house, barn, spring; 40 acres pasture; on Columbia River and North Bank R, R. u0 Journal bldg. Mala, 7144, FOR Rlv VT-F Wf- FOR RENT. 5 acres in cultivation, young pestca or chard, good plastered 5-room bouse; 7 miles from center of Portland. 2 miles from 5c car fare, $25 cash, and $5 per month takes it. A LITTLE CHICKEN RANCH Be car fare: new 4-room bungalow, city water, chicken-house and yard; wood and store-age-house, one lot. all fenced, small Xruit, $ per montn to rignx party. ALVORD-CARR-HDNTER CO., 218-219 Board of Trade. FOR RENT Farm of 21 acres adjoining Portland; fine buildings; 8 acres fruit and berries; balance garden land; finest farm in tne state; on i y urpi-ciiwa mou wu. sidered. Kaate Bros., 613 Henry bldg. 38 ACRES, 90 dear, 10 miles from Portland. Bao ri. Asn St., city; evenmga. FOR RENT 10 acres at Tigard. Call 395 2 1st eu Nortn. FARMS WANTED. WE have a client who wants to buy from 60 to 60 acres. Improved, with buildings, stock, etc, in Willamette Valley. Call Provident Trust Company, 12 Selling bldg., 0th ani Aider. FOB SALE. Horses. Vehicles. Etc ANOTHER car of fine horses, weighing fmm man tn I6O0 noun da. rood workers. at reasonable prices and guaranteed as represented, by Adams ana campoen mi barn, IS Country Club. Take Rose City Park car to 62d st, barn. Phone C 2447. Res. d hemes, C 1094 and Tabor 2129. HORSES AND WAGONS FOR SALE OR RENT. Second-hand vehicles bought and soldi new wagons and auto beds made to order livery furnished to business parties -at special rates. HAWTHORNE STABLES, 420 Hawthorne ave.. Phone East 72. B 136ft FOR SALE. Span of 6-year-old mules, weight about 2oO IbaT eluttoni for farm work: sound and true; positively one of the best teams oi muiies in uregon; price iuv; uwuef wants mares for his ranch. J. W. CROSS LET, 519 Corbett Building. for fi a t.p. a BTv&n ran A ranch mares. weighing 2100 lbs. to 3000 lbs., a team 1 span norses, weign vuu ids., iuuiw, Tirhi oo.-ifi lvwa iK head horses and mares, weight 050 lbs. to 1400 lbs., 6 sets -breeching harness, 2 Mollne wagons, 1 buggy and single harness. 434 Goldsmith sr., cor. A i Din a ave. let. n.a . iw SPE ED S PEED S PEED Prince Lovelace can show yoi a 2:08 clip; a fine Hal B. 5-year-old mp-re; these horses are too good for my bui.lneBs and will sell cheap or exchange for cheaper horses. 14 Union ave. THE MURPHY HORSE & MULE CO. AH classes of mules and horses sold and guaranteed to be as represented. Mules and horses for rent to contractors in car load lots. 240 E. 8th, near Hawthorne. Phone E. 6315. FOR SALE One team of well-matched black mares, weighing 3000 lbs., one team of young horses weighing 28O0; one team horse and maxe weighing 3250. 226 Rus set street. TWO good pair of del. mules, also several good cheap ranch horses; if you need a horse and want good, honest stuff, give me a call. 14 Union ave. A ry.CE young, sound pair of black mares. ana o years oiu. one nesvy wnu both gentle and sound; cheap for cash. 14 Union ave. WANTED A good farm team, 1300 to 1500 lbs., either mules or horses ; state price and where team can be seen. T 6S3. Ore gonian. AT a sacrifice, team and harness. Call Pearson -.fage stables, zi .feast tsixtn sc., near East Morrison. FOR SALE Your own price, light wagon. horse, harness. 173 Burnsiae St. snoot ing gallery. HORSE wanted, about 1100 to 1200 lbs.. rangy build; must De cheap; will pay spot cash. Phone Mam 6737. 94 bth st. TEAM of mares, 2000 pounds, mare and gelding, zoou pounds, cneap. 42 tn. x am bit 1 BtS. 6 GOOD FARM OR ORCHARD MULE3. Horses of all kinds, gooseneck express and f arm wagons. 381 W. Water, cor. Mntgy. HORSE, harness and covered wagon, all In gooa condition, via ast sutn ana hoi- gate. w-w car. r-none seiiwooa ixzv. TWO nice pair of unbroken 4-year-old i'plriln is cpnllo- oh Ann rr will tnk pnori 1200-lb. horse in exchange. 14 Union ave. WANTED Low-priced horse, used to farm work; about 1100 lbs., state price, weignt, age, etc T 766, Oregonian. 1 BIG farm horse for sale cheap by owner, 93d North Jersey St., St. Johns. A FEW horses at reasonable prices; work Ing every day. Holman Fuel Co., 75 5th, YOUNG horse, 4 years old, weighing 1300 pounds. 250 Ankeny st. CHEAP Good farm outfit; also single horse. call at ast lztn and aiaoison. OVERLAND touring car, $376 If taken this wees. Aiain a an. Pianos, Organs and Musical Instruments. FINE mahogany genuine Weber baby grand zor sale quicK, will taKe $40O cash, can be seen by telephoning Main 093 any aft ernoon. ORGAN, in good condition, for sale very cneap. A-j on. ure gonian. Bogs, Birds, Pet Stock. AIREDALE terriers Ch. Red Raven at stud. Laddix Kennels, Kstacada, Or. $10 Well bred female Irish setter 10 months old. phone Main o.so. A NO. 1 singers and female birds for sale. 1147 Hawthorne. B 1341. Furniture for Sale. ENTIRE contents of beautifully furnished nome; oia mauogany xurmture, onenrai rugs. Imported pictures, cut glass, china, bronze, etc. 327 Oth St., near Clay. Phone Marshall 8760. GOOD, heavy work team, with harness, well matched and extra good pullers, $300. 13 SO Hawthorne ave., cor. 49tn. Phone Tabor 8392. FURNITURE of 6-room fiat for sale, near Broadway bridge; splendid location for boarders or roomers. 204 & McMillen st. FURNITURE 8-room cottage, very cheap; rent $5. Call mornings. 711 East Tlbbets. $ 70 T AKK3 4 rooms f urn i t ure ; a bargain, 8730 84th st. S. E. ML Scott car. 6-ROOM house, newly furnished and pa pered. $20O; rent $20. 268 Mill. Poultry. WHITE LEGHORN baby chicks, March de livery, $8.50 per 100; April. $8. We guar antee safe delivery to you. Pay for no dead chicks. The Pioneer Hatchery, Box 846 Petal um a. CaL 150 PIGEONS, almost all are pure-bred Homers; squabs pay big; I have no place to keep them; make an offer, as the first reasonable one takes them. V 07, Orego nian. WHITE babies, from large White Leg horns, $12 per 100; eggs, $5 per 100. 1337 Burrage et. Woodlawu 97. Automobiles. 1911 OVERLAND 80, B-pasa., foredoor, can not be told from brand new; cost $1130; price $650. lail Hudson S3, roadster, foredoor, run only 5000 miles- cost $1350; price $485. 1911 Overland 30, foredoor roadster, finest condition, $5S5. Over 80 cars In stock. Write for list. CUSTOM HOUSE AUTO CO.. Corner E. 13th and Hawthorne ave. DELIVERY OR CAMPING AUTO. Delivery body, stationary top, two-seated. Beats fold and make spring mat tress, a good car to knock about the country In, price $250. Decided bargain. o2o Aider, mono Aiam wia. FiVE-PASSENGER Cadillac. -600; com pletely equipped. In excellent condition , Urea 5 per cent new ; private owner. Can be seen at Y. M. C A. garage. East lorn and Mill sts. WILL exchange my $1700 equity In choice, sightly corner lOOxloO, covered with fruit trees and 7 -room house, for automobile of standard make in good condition. See owner, 730 Chamber of Commerce bldg. 7-PASS. Stoddard -Dayton, good condition ; a large, powerful, roomy car; good for stage or hire. Terms or cash. 525- Alder. Phone Main WANTED Good autmooblle or launch; will exchange general merchandise stock. FOREST-HILL INVESTMENT CO 80 4tb st. Main 3463. 7-PASS. 1911 Wluton Six, 4 S-horsepower, newly painted, new tires. Splendid condi tion; $1500. 5S6 Alder st. Phone Main 912. WLLL sell my second-hand Chalmers "SO" for part cash and balanoe easy terms, or will trade for good notes. Phone Main 4405. FOR SALE 4 -passenger Hupmobile; has been ued very little; fully equipped; only $300, Uulmage Auto Co.. 46 N. 20th St. ONE 4-horse Excelsior motorcycle, Just over hauled, for sale; a bargain. Inquire 311 Oak st. MOTORCYCLE for sale, 1912 Flying Merket. 7 horsepower. Cail 609 Ladd ave. Phone East S5S2. AUTOMOBILE for sale; fast, high power roadster; fully equipped: owner going away. phone Marshall 4OS0, room 6u3. $S5 BUYS 1911 runabout; run only 400 miles. Howard. 715 S wetland bldg. WANTED Second-hand auto tires, sire 30. SVfr tires. 1099 Garfield ave. SALE Motorcycle. late model, $125 440 Third at. Main, 3753. FOB SALE. Automobiles. GET RID OF IT. The longer yon keep your used car. the less valuable It becomes. Let us sell it for you. We get quickest results. CUSTOM-HOUSE AUTO CO., Cor. EL 13th and Hawthorne ave. LOANS On auto and motorcycles. Baner, 206 Alder st. Machinery. FOR SAXJE. A 45-horsepower. 550 -volt, Crocker Wheeler motor, complete, with standard blade starter, no voltage release and 73 ampere overload. L T. IS. circuit breaker. In A-l condition. Address room 203, Ore gonian bidg. FOR SALE. One 1 2S-volt direct -current r en era tor. complete, with field rheostat, ammeter and circuit breaker. This machine le la gooa repair. Aaareas. room zua urt gonian bldg. FOR 8 AX EL ' A 40.R W.. 550-volt Crocker-Wh eel ef generator, complete, with field rheostat ana circuit oreaaer, in gooa conaiuon. Address room 203, Oregonian bldg. M iscelianeoos. FOR SALE OR RENT. 1 40 h. p. firebox boiler. 1 25 h. p. firebox boiler. 1 SO tu p. upright boiler. 1 4 h. p. upright holier and engine. 1 12 h. p. gasoline engine. 1 4 n. p. gasoline engine. 8 steam pumps, 1 18-Inch drill press. RAILWAY EQUIPMENT OCX, First and Oak Sts. LOGGING ENGINES FOR SALE. 1 11x13 Willamette. 1 10x12 Washington. 2 9x10 Washington. 1 10x12 Tacoma. 1 8x10 hoisting. 1 SxS hoisting. RAILWAY EQUIPMENT CO. First and Oak fits. FERTILIZER. Rotted or green manure delivered to any part or tne city lor garaening purposes, roses and lawns. Phone East 530 or B 1905. LINGERIE, laces and embroideries, baby dresses, French caps, sacques, eta : rea sonable prices. 327 6th, near Clay. Phone Marshall 3756. USED safes taken In exchange on new and steel office safes; safes opened, repaired. Purcell Safe Co. and Portland Safe Co 86 6th st. Phone Main 6309. SAFE FOR SALE. One Dlebold safe, almost new; slse 52 Inches high, 32" inches wide, 25 inches deep. Inquire 426 Ablngton bldg. WILL mall the receipt of making magic copying fluid for copying pictures on pa- ?er, cloth, wood, etc, for $1. W. C. Jones, 0 1st st., Portland, Or. PURE, well-rotted cow manure. Geo. W. Lindsay, gardener and dealer In fertilizer. Phone evenings. Sell wood 1635. wilt. fiRLL CHEAP Glass nartltlon. ar ranged for private oiiice. can sol iioara or xraae. juain ova. SAFES New and second-hand, large assort ment, low prices; safes opened, repaired. Mosler Safe Co., 108 Second st. Main 7676. NATIONAL cash register, cost $300; will sell for $150 cash or terms to responsible party. Stubbs Electrlo Co., 61 8th st. FREE DIRT if you haul it away, at East 50th and Market streets. Call at 310 East 50th street or phone B S1&7. . 25 PER CENT discount. JOHNSON BRADFORD oAivE UU. StocK. 1010 Chamber of Commerce. DERBY desks and office furniture. E. B. Haley Desk Co., 210 Seventh st. Main 587. FOR SALE Man's bicycle, good condition. 81 East 18tb st. FOR SALE 24 good chairs, mission style. Apply 2.04 Washington, FOR SALE One 20-foot lunch counter and rail cheap, inquire 411 Morrison st. NATIONAL cash registers; get my prices. Povey, 351 hk Wash., basement. Main 60dL TYPEWRITERS, all makes. $10 to $05. NORTHWEST TYPEWRITER CO., 2ti2 Stark St. TWO beautiful bear rugs, reasonable. Mar shall 3379. 03 jonnson St., apt. BO. FOR SALE A lot of carpenter tools and two boxes. J ohnson, 233 11 th st. TEN shares coin changing machine stock cneap; tuny paia up. ai azi, uregonian TWO Western dump cars steam scrapers. rails. W oOo, oregonian. POOL table for sale. B. 1958. 8000 LOGANBERRY TIPS. B 2076. Wanted misceleeaneols. WE BUY CLOTHING AND FURNITURE. Highest prices paid for ladles' and men's cast off clothing and shoes. Call Main 2080. 234 First. The Globe. WE want to buy $1000 worth of second hand furniture In the next 30 days and pay ail the cash It is worth. Williams Are. Furniture Exchange, E ast 036. BRICK and tile machine and pug mill lor sale; capacity zo,ihm brick per 10 hours. Columbia Brick Works, 256 Haw thorne ave., Portland, Or. WE buy for cash second-hand National cash registers and sell them on easy terms. W. J. Macau ley, 354 Burnslde at. Phone Main 1816, A 1810. WANTED Second-hand bear traps, fours or rives; state price, a, siiiDiey, uear hart. Or. FAIR DEAL reopened again; we pay high est prices for your second-hand clothing and household goods. Phone Main 9272. WE pay the highest cash price for second hand furniture. M. R. Seater. Phone East 8134. 348 Hawthorne ave. SECOND-HAND goods bought for cash or taaen in exenange xor new. xaoor 4340. WILL kalsomlne rooms for $2.50 ; paint house at your price, iteiiaoie. iiiast ai'it. TENT for 3 months, or will buy; at least 24 feet long, pnone East 4otiif evenings. WE pay highest prices for second-hand clothing. 294 Sd st. Phone Main 9263. WE want $10,000 worth of second-hand fur niture; highest prices paid. Sell wood 1682, WANTED Good floor case; must be cheap. Appiy w aus, uregonian. WANT to rent office, desk and chairs, phone Aiam 1375. FORD Auction Co. pays most cash for any kind of furniture. Main 8951, A 2445. NATIONAL cash register; price must be reasonable, pnone Alain eotf. A stioa. CASH paid for hair combings. Sanitary .Beauty manors. uw iwKum. HELP WNTB MALE SALESMAN WANTED. Salesman, household untillty with merit. Opportunity for Independent business in field.' Rubnomore Washer Mfg. Co., 441 Sherlock bldg. WE have a place for several good salesmen in Oregon; a gooa proposition ana Dig opportunity for live, energetic men. Top penlsh Nuisery Company, Toppenlsh. Wastt WANTED Two live solicitors for old- es tablished company, permanent position for good men, good pay. Call 9 to 12. 413 Mohawk bldg.. 3d and Morrison. WANTED Experienced floorman for large department store. Aaaress with details of experience, references and salary de sired. AF 83S. Oregonian. I WANT two or three Insurance men for washingion territory. can or address Manager, room 25 St. Elmo Hotel, Van couver, Wash. WANTED Experienced cheese maker well recommended. write c W. raw ait. Denmark, or. WANTED A competent shoemaker; stead niiEftlnn for th rie-ht man: 17 n-jlc Address AV 737. this paper. JANITOR wanted, must understand fur nace. o45fe wasmngton su stanaish Hotel. WANTED Reliable chauffeur who will also care for walks and furnace. J 804, Ore gonian. WANTED Two first-class carriage and auto painters at N. P. Paint Shop, 50-52 N. 7th st. WANTED An experienced poultry in an ; must have references from former em nloyer. Call at Convent, Oswego, OK W ANTE D-Aa sash machine man; one that knows his business. Apply ranJc schmitt & Co., fcast bin and uayior. FIRST-CLASS presser or bushelman; none PHOTO agents, new offer; $375 piano given away, van pyes:. 44 vv asn st. WANTED Photo solicitors; $375 plaae given free. Sarony Studio. 346 Vj Morrison. STENOGRAPHER, railroad office; give ref erences. Address c ibz, oregonian. WANTED First-class coat maker. Apply C H. Lane, corner oth and stars: sts. WANTED An experienced automobile pol isher; give reference, AB ITS, 1 Oregonian, WANTED Boy with motorcycle for deliv ery. Apply at Morns on, ONE live solicitor for coffee and tea busi ness, 'jov fsaimon st. MECHANICAL draftsman for tracer, must be I. C ss. stuaeni. can ios su WANTED Younff. men as messengers, good pay- Central Messenger Co., 441 Stark st. WANTED Automobile painter. Apply 4th floor Covey bldg.. 21st and Washington. TWO men not afraid of work to go to country. Phone Main tti53. STOUT boy wanted, chance to learn a trade. 33 Ankenjr at. HELP WANTED MALi INCIDENT. (One of many.) Office Secretary Employment Department. Y. M. C A. Young man, stranger, seeking employ ment. ($20 bis total cash asset. If I pay ydu $5 for employment membership I will have only $15 between me and starvation. S ecretary If yon pay $ 5 for employ ment membership you will have the X. M. C A, with all its resources between you and starvation. Result. Young man joined association. In lees than a week, he had satisfactory employment. Record for Tsar 1912: Calls for men from employers. ... ..2265 positions ruiea iw Our special employment membership guarantees memoer win secure employ ment or refund of membership fee; gives two months full and 10 months social privileges. Constant demand for CLERICAL, TECHNICAL AND COMMERCIAL MEN. AU young men seeking employment, especially strangers, are cordially Invited to consult with the Secretary of the em ployment department. JHJJllUHO Jtt. j. A. T wen ty-1 wo cal Is received for men tnrough the Employment Department on Monday, among them the following: Experienced public accountant. Bookkeeper and typewriter, married. Map Draftsman. Bookkeper and typewriter, single. Janitor for apartment-house, single. Night clerk for hotel. Stenographer and bookkeeper, single. Elevator operator. Platting draftsman. Experienced furniture salesman. Experienced drv sroods salesman. Experlenoed superintendent dry goods uoiiu i&aies wear. WANTED TODAY. Cheese maker, $00, room and board; man and wife on dairy farm, $50; eight milkers, $35 aud $40; farmhands. $25 $30 and $35; t wo gang trlmmermen, $3.60; gang edgermeu, $3.50 to $4; millhands, loggers, cooks, flunkeys, dishwashers, etc, etc Hundreds of new jobs every day. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT COMPANY, 222 and 224 Couch St., bet. 1st and 2d. 10 MEN WANTED. $2.25 PER DAY AND UP. TO WORK IN A MODERN BRICK PLANT. 00 MILES FROM PORTLAND. Plant has been running steadily for about four years with the exception of a little time around the holidays of each year. Men who win maite themselves per manent citizens can sret employment. Call andl we will exp lal n matters to y ou at CHAPIN-HERLOW MTG. & TRUST CO., Third Floor Chamber of Commerce. TRAVELING SALESMEN WANTED Two high class specialty salesmen to cover southeastern territory, calling on hardware, grocery and general merchants; prefer men with successful experience selling computing scale, cash registers, or similar lines; liberal proposition and year's contract to right man; none but men with proven ability who can furnish satisfactory references considered. Our salesmen draw from $2500 to $5000 per annum. Call 10 to 1, 527 Lumber Ex change Bldg., 2d and Stark. TO members of American Business Men's Association One position, bookkeeper, $100 month; stenographer, $75; also want ed energetic men and women to solicit good openings, also for experienced or ganizers and branch managers. Apply Portland Agenc? AMERICAN BUSINESS MEN'S ASS'N., room 221-222 Lumber mens bldg. A 1824. WANTED for U. a ARMY Able-bodied un married men, between ages of IS and 35, citizens of United States, of good char acter and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write the English lan guage. For information apply to Recruit ing Officer, Worcester building, 2d and Oak sts., Portland, Or. NEWSPAPER PREMIUM SOLICITORS. AGENTS AND SALESMEN. Twenty neat-appearing men to solicit a greatly advertised article; get In on this quick; territory going fast; we will show you how to make the money. Call or write Jaeger Mfg. Co.. 701 Rothchlld bldg. WANTED A machinist foreman; must un derstand setting up derricks, repairing heavy machinery, pumps, locomotives, hoists, etc.; top wages. Han ley Employ ment Agency, 28 N. 2d. Main 727. A 2290. 5 BRIDGE carpenters, company work, $3.50; free fare, long job. Chef, country hotel. $90: second. $60: short order, $50; pantry, $50 ; janitors. kitchen hem. C. R. HANSEN & CO. 26 N. 2d St. THREE young men to sell new offer, big money. 801 Dekum bldg. HELP WASTE D FEMALE. WILL give nice room and board in exchange for assistance In caring for my little girl and light work ; good home for refined lady; no other need apply. Phone Main 7104. between 9 and 11, room 307, Seward Hotel. THE Guild Employment Office. 314 Selling bidg.; first-class cooks, $40 and $45; sec ond girls, $30; chambermaids, $35 ; wait resses, $25, $35; man and wife, near city, $45; day work women. Main 5326, A 70od. THE Domestic Service Bureau, 306 Central bldg., receives daily calls from the best of homes for competent, reliable girls fur general housework, cooks, second work and nurse maids. YOUNG lady with business experience to do special work for local firm, perma nent position, office experience unnec essary; salary. Apply after 9 A. M. 302 Northwest bldg. EXPERIENCED girl to do general house work; must know how to cook; good wages paid. Apply 735 Irving, near 22d st. YOUNG ladies, we want two apprentices at once who wish to learn a business worth while. Up-to-Date Beauty Parlors, 610 Swetland bldg. WANTED A first-class waist draper, one - who is capable of helping with the fit ting; also apprentices, paid while learn tng. Teesdale, 148 13th at. EXPERIENCED art needlework sales woman; must be bright and understand this stock; permanent position and A-l salary to right party. T 7Q7, Oregonian. WANTED Good girl for general housework. 181 E. ltitb- st, near Belmont. Phones E. 1593, B 2175. WANTED Experienced waitress at 163 12th, corner Morrison. Call between 9 and 12 A. M. MRS. HOWE'S LADIES AGENCY. Washington bldg., 270 hi Wash., room S3, near 4th. phone Main 8ts36, or A 3-06. GIRL for general housework, good wages. Apply 2'J5 litn a., corner ciacitamaa. Take Irvtngton oar. GIRL for light housework, three in family. German preierreo. can xorenoons. i to Marshall st. AN unusually good offer open to unem ployed teachers or others ; permanent if satisfactory. AJ 811, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED stenographer and book, keeper, over 25 ; give phone, AJ 810, Oregonian. WANTED Refined, capable woman for re sponsible position, Viavl Co., 609 Roth chiid bldg., 4th and Washington. GIKL for general housework and care of child 9 years old, $35. Phone Sellwood 141S, 9 to 12. WANTED Cook and general housework girl in an apartment, family of it; ref erences. Marshall 2326. WANTED Thoroughly competent girl or woman for general housework; 2 adults. Phone Woodlawn 043. EXPERIENCED cook for general housework for family of three adults. 161 14th St., corner of Morrison. - AN experienced girl for general housework and cooking, small family, good wages. 340 10th su GERMAN girl or middle-aged woman, gen eral housework; good home assured. Main 3053. WANTED Lady to work In boarding house for her and husband's room and board. 3 21ij Russell st. Phone East 4765. WANTED A girl for general housework, no washing and good wages. 899 Savier Phone Main 3137. vVANTED Girl for general housework and wait on table. Call 304 park st- GIRL for housework; references required. 6S1 Schuyler st. Phone East 4111. COMPETENT girl, general housework; no children. 40S East 16th st. East 136L !0 WAISTMAKERH; must have long expe perience with dressmakers, 434 Morrison. WAlaTDRAPERS with high experience and responsibility; good salary. 434 Morrison. liXPEP.IE.N'CED girl for general housework. 223 Xorth 21at St. xoUNG girl to assist general housework, geod borne. 505 5th at. MILLINER for suburban location, good op ening for some one. Phone Tabor 3S7. A" ANTED Girl for general housework, small family. Inquire 2S3 North 24th St. GIKL for general housework In the country; good wages, can riotei jaanory, room oi. GIRL wanted to work In coffee house. 63 North 2d. WANTED Young man or lady for general office work. S 792, Oregonian. WANTED Girl for general housework. Tabor 3S45 or call 660 E, 69th N. WANTED A capable cook and second maid. Apply after 10 A M .at 721 Johnson st. YOUNG lady for waitress, 26 .North, 4th. HELP WANTED FEMALE, WANTED TODAY. Waitress, city, $7 per week. W&iereaa. dtsr. SSO er month. One waitress and one chambermaid country hotel, $25 per month and fare paid. One girl, two In family, $35 per month, room and board. One chambermaid, city, $22.50 per month, room and board. One kitchen helper, $30, room and board. Several good places for general house- worn. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT COMPANY, Ladies Dept 205 Morrison St. WANTED A middle-aged woman to do general housework in the superintendent's home at a mine in Easter Oregon. Must be a good cook, steady and reliable; three in xamiiy; salary u. Aaaress t. t. jee. Rainbow Mine, Rye Valley, Or. helper. $30; waitress, $25; boarding bouse A 4775. HELP WANTED MA LE OR FEMALE. WANTED Some real live demonstrators and solicitors. Silica Products Co., 302 Pme st. F1SK. Teachers" Agency secures position foe teachera 316 Journal bldg. M. 4835. HELP WANTEP MISCELLANTIOU. OREGON AUTO AND GASOLINE TRACTOR SCHOOL. 260-63 Eleventh St.. cor. Jefferson. Practical instruction by instructors who are experts in Held and shop. Tuition- part cash on enrollment, balance at gradu ation; liberal discount for cash. 500 MEN, 20 to 40 years old, wanted at once to prepare for electric railway metormen and conductors; $60 to $100 a month; fine opportunity; no strike. Write Immediate. ly for application blank. Address AV boo, Oregonian. MEN to learn moving-picture operating ; only reliable school; indorsed by leading theaters; actual theater practice; best ref erence, tto Aiifljty niag., sa ana juorri son. 100 MEN and women to learn the barber trade in S weeks, tn all Its modern meth ods; send for catalogue; tools free; learn a trade that you can get in business for yourself. Moier Barber College. 36 N. 4th, RAILWAY MAIL CLERK; EXAM. May 3; salary to $lS00t PARCEL POST requires clerks and carriers. Free book. Pacific States School, McKay bldg.. Portland, Or. MEN. women, get Government parcel post Jobs; $20 week; write for list positions open. Franunn institute. Dept. 322 n, Rochester, N.. Y. SKILLED shorthand Instruction ; private class; quick and substantial results guar- aiiteea. w. xj. juawtmaia, io is. otn m. LEARN to operate moving pictures, full course in theater. Pucinc Film Co., 404 Kotncmia Diag., 4tn ana wasmngton sts. MAKE money writing short stories for newspaper; big pay; free booklet tells now. united tress yna, u a, san uran. WANTED -Picture-play writers; big pay; we'll teach you; free Information. Pictures piay Association, u 3, an rraocTsco. PRIVATE BUSINESS COLLEGE I n d Ivld ual Instruction. GREGG SHORTHAND, bookkeeping. 642 Hamilton bid g. Mar. 4258. Men, women to learn barber trade, 8 weeks; position guaranteed, uregon uaroer coi lege, 233 maaison, concn su SHORTHAND, typewriting School, 269 14th st. Main 3393. expert instruction, $o mo. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. WILL AUDIT, OPEN, CLOSE OR WRITE .up books, prepare balance and state ments. Install' systems. GUllngham, au ditor, &12 Lewis biag. Marsnan lit. STENOGRAPHIC First-class young man fitenoeraDher wants few hours' work any part of day; moderate fee. AH &23, Ore gon!; EDUCATED young man with knowledge of Job; not afraid of hard work. AX 914, Oregonian. GOOD, reliable bookkeeper desires steady position; moderate salary. Mitchell, 532 iast eitn st. HONEST, reliable chauffeur, not afraid of work, wants position; good references. Phone Main 8063. EXPERIENCED young man desires posi tion In general store, clerk or office work. A 685, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED hotel clerk or runnel wants position. Main 3S78. Miscellaneous. JAPANESE boy wants a position as ele vator boy, day or night. AB 776, Orego nian. JAPANESE housecleaner wants work by day. Phone A 4890. Call evenings; refer ences. FIRST-CLASS waiters furnished. Marshall 79L A 4910. Portland waiters' Club, 14S 5th, Portland. Or. G. C Gerald, mgr. CARPENTER FOREMAN; situation day or contract. J. B. loung, ytn and wood stock ave. FIRST-CLASS all-around pastry cook and baker in hotel or caie. xa eecona st. Main 11S2, room 16. FOUND Just the man you want; house hold carpentry; small Jobs and odds; first class; neat, responsible. Main 8127. CHEF, good baker, sober, reliable city or country; capable of managing place. Gun der, 209 Market. Main 5561. MARRIED man, stranger in city, wishes position, outside work preferred. P 858, Oregon ran. MAN and wife want work in hotel, as cham bermaid and porter or night watchman. A 3SH0. Batson, 82 W. llth St. WANTED Position as chauffeur, also ex perienced In real estate office work; best of references. John Hanson. Main 3979. experienced man around ma chinery desires position ; reference. M. Hage, 303 Broadway. E 4246. ' EXPERIENCED lady wants washing and Ironing by the day. A 3866. Mrs. Bat son, 32 W. Hth st. EXPERIENCED cook, hotel, cafe or boarding-bouse; good meatcutter and pastry; good reference. 29 0th st- N. Main 6107. YOUNG married man wants work of any kind, experienced grocery clerk, waiter, Chas Gilbert, 31 East 3d St., North. MAN with family wishes position, outside work preferred. AH bad, uregonion. LANDSCAPE gardener wants work by da or contract. Phone Tabor 3035. YARD foreman or mill and yard foreman combined; references. AV 740, Oregonian. JAPANESE wants position at general house work after 6 P. M. Aft S87. Oregonian. WANTED To do your lawn grading. Phone East 5550. YOUNG man, 23, family support, wants work, any kind. Main 4637. COOK, camp, experienced, references. Ad dress K 836. Oregonian. RITCATIONS WANTED FEMALE. bookkeepers and Stenographers. COMPETENT stenographer and office as sistant; moderate salary. A 3123, Mrs. E. JSssig. EXPERIENCED and capable bookkeeper desires position; A-l references. Marshall 47:3, EXPERIENCED stenographer want posi tion in Law or professional office. Wood lawn 855. Dreema kera. MAN-TAILORED skirts and one-pieoe4 dresses; special opening prices. B34 Mo hawk bid., over Roberts Bros.' dept. store. WILL go out sewing with dressmaker; $1.23 per day. E 846, Oregonian. PRACTICAL nurse wishes maternity cases fn her own home; good care; reasonable. Call 146 Hamilton ave. Marshall 3094. PRACTICAL nurse wishes maternity cases in her own home; good care; reasonable Call 146 Hamilton ave. Marshall 3694. WANTED To care for Invalid; practical nurse. AK 868. Oregonian. Hou fek eepers. WANTED, by middle-aged lady, with two children, position as housekeeper for wid ower or elderly gentleman; city preferred. Address Mrs. Mary J. Hall man. Stay ton, . Or. AS HOUSEKEEPER Uninoumbered Ger man widow, in present place 5 years. AP 809, Oregonian. Domestics. WANTED Light housework; no baking or over two children. Address 60th ave. and 72d st-, care S. M. 6 packman. Tabor 336. Miscetlaxi eons. WANTED Position by experienced manicur ist, references. V S08. Oregonian. vVOULD like cleaning or scrubbing even ings. M. Schulre. 96 Nevada st. Main 5020. EXPERIENCED woman, day work, washing, ironing and cleaning. Main 2039. A 4775 NORWFX71AN woman wants day work. Phone Main 9116. WANTED Work by the day, washing and cleaning, pnone a ago. CHAMBERMAID wishes position close In, state wages, ac was, oregonian. WOMAN wants day work or housework. (Main 1703. jEteom . SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. MiAceUaaeous. FIRST-CLASS cook wishes permanent po sition in Gentile family, where second girl Is kept ; will assist laundry ; wages $50; references. AC 987, . Oregonian. EXPERIENCED lady wants washing and ironing. East 3338. Call 7 to 9 even- lngs. GERMAN woman wants work by day, cook ing, washing. Ironing or house cleaning. 225 Fifth at, Marshall 3086, room 8. EXPERIENCED woman wishes position as chambermaid In good, plain family. Fhone Woodlawn 3350. HOUSEKEEPERS, cooks, waitresses, day workers, chambermaids, nurses. St. Louis Agency, 208 5th su Main 2039. A 4775. EXPERIENCED lady wishes work by day or hour. East 3013. LACE curtains washed; 9 years experience. Tabor 2445, G 2227, Mrs. Scott. LADIES, bring your combings; switches made to order. 405 Davis st. FOR first-class day work women call up the Guild. Main 5326, A 7655. OPERATOR wishes a private exchange. AL 916, Oregonian. SWEDISH girl wishes work by day or hour. Phone Main 7439. room L YOUNG woman wants work In small hotel. 22 North tftb sc Alblna hotel. DAY work, laundry or cooking In private ramiiy. .Marshall soze. EXPERIENCED woman wants house-cleaning, 20c per hour. Tabor 3368. WANTED AGENTS. LOCAL solicitors for new model ball-bearing vacuum cleaner. Domestic Vacuum Cleaner Co., 312 Northwest bldg. LIVE AGENTS are selling the Jaeger vacuum cleaner. Why not youT Call 701 Rotbchild bldg. WANTED TO KENT. Houses. HOUS ES AN D FLATS. Does your vacant bouse or flat appear on our printed rental list? We get results wnere otners tail. THE FRED A. JACOBS CO., Main 6S69. 209 Washington St. A 6287. WANTED To rent, a furnished bungalow for three or six months: must he modern: Portland Heights, fc Willamette Heights or on the river preferred; responaioie ooupie. J 859, Oregonian. Rooms With Board. WAN'TET) Gentleman would like board and room in private family where he can keep auto ; give aescripuon, price na pnuna. AJ 8i, oregonian. conpiJj witn child of one year wish ao- commodatlon with private family; willing to pay for value received. T iU3, ore gonian, Business Places. WANTED Deskroom with desk furnished. A. M. Highhouse. Phone Main 8667. FOB RENT. Furnished Rooms. THE VIRGINIA HILL HOTEL. 14th at Jefferson. An established hotel. Rooms en suite or single, rateB reasonable. A 6628, M v-b. HOTEL MINOOK. 213i 4th st. Are you looking for a good warm room with hot and cold water, nicely fur nished aod homelike, at VERY MOD ERATE PRICE. If so. Just take a look at Hotel Mlnook, cor. 4th and Salmon, and you will look no farther. HOTEL OCJCLEY. Center of shopping and theater district, B0OU Morrison sc. corner 10th- 50c. 75c, and $1.00 per day; weekly rates $2.50 and up, including iree Dams ana paones; steam heat. HOTEL ROWLAND, 2u7tt 4th sC Just steo In and look at a nice, warm, sunny room; hot and cold water; beau tifully furnished and homelike, at a PRICiC that will C utalnlx suit you. If you. are wise you will go at once. HOTEL SAVON, 131 Eleventh st. New. modern brick building ; steam heated; private baths, not and cold water in rooms; oeautiiuiiy iurmsneu, cosy, com fortable; rent reasonable. Cail and see us. Regular and transient trade solicited. HOTEL RAINIER. One block from Union Depot; 140 out side rooms, with all modern conveniences; making special rates to permanent guests; rates from $10 per month up. Give us a call and you w ill be more than pleased, ins 0th su North, HOI EL, central, 346 V4 Alder, opposite Pan tages; beautiful, strictly mouern rooms at greatly reduced rates; some elegant suites with private baths, suitable for 2 or & gentlemen; $6 and $7 per week; new management. HOTEL BUCKINGHAM. 652 H WASH INGTON, COR. ELLA. Clean, sunny outsiue rooms, running hot and cold water, steam heat, free phone and bath, thoroughly respectable, $10 month up; with bath. $3 a week. HOTEL RENWICK Ideal home for busi ness people; centrally located; elegant rooms; ail moaern conveniences, itn ana Taylor sts.. 1 block from Portland Hotel, opposite Hellig Theater. Main Old. HOTEL ST AN DISH, 543 14 Washington st. Remodeled, open under new manage ment; clean, sunny, outside rooms, with running hot and cold water; $10 month up. IRVLsG H OTEl" 8TH AND- OAKSTS. New management; steam heat, hot and cold water, baths, phoned. bOc to $1 day; rates to permanents, transients solicited. HOTEL CORDOVA, 209 11 TH ST. Now, strictly modern, private baths and suites; rooms $3.oO per wee up. Main 9472. HOTEL NETHERLANDS 126 13th St., at Washington. Rooms. $3.50 per week up; under per sonal management owner. J. W. Bushong. BEAUTIFUL front room in modem steam heated flat, disappearing bed; 10 min utes' walk from postoffice. 469 Jeffer son st. TWO furnished rooms, $2 and $2.50 per week. clean, ugnt, warm. it ream as 1 optional. Main 0-44. HOTEL OHIO, Front and Madison; modern; steam heat, hot and cola water; 50o day, $2 week. Including bath. THE KLICKITAT, Holladay ave. and E. First; large rooms, hot and cold water, steam heat; walking distance; $10 mo. up. HOTEL CONGRESS Beautifully furnished rooms with ail modern conveniences. 6th and Main. THE Larrabee, 227 hi Larrabee. Rooms $2 week up. Brick bldg.. steam heat, hot, cold water, bath, phone, electricity. Furnished Rooms In private Family. ROOM for gentleman; well lighted; closet; hot and cold water; new furniture; mod ern bouse; gas, bath, furnace; easy walk ing distance East Side business district, near three carllnes; reasonable. 391 East 10th st. A VERY beautiful, sunny room; newly fur nished; hardwood floors; plenty of heat and hot water; Nqb Hill district; fine home cooking. Call Marshall 5404. TRAVELER'S wife has elegantly furnished outside room, modern. Nob Hill apart ments, steam heat, walking distance, for lady employed, pnone iiam bzz. LARGE front room with bay window; also . side room. In private upper flat for neat gentlemen. 23 N. 16th, near Washing ton. FOR RENT Large, airy, comfortably-furnished room In private home, suitable for two gentlemen or man and wife. 141 13th corner Aiaer. NICELY furnished rooms, electric lights, furnace heat, walking distance. 474 Yam hill st. $3 PER WEEK, front room; hot water heftt. phone, bath; Mt Tabor car west passes hou3e. 414 Market. NEWLY furnished rooms, modern, very choice, easy walking distance, 10 minutes to Postoffice: very reasonable. 809 llth st. NICELY furnished rooms, walking dis tance; heat. bath. Phone East 4007. 195 Union ave. N. ELEGANTLY furnished room In a swell private home, all modern conveniences, close in. 71 Trinity Place. FURNISHED rooms. $1.75 up, also H. K. rooms. Phone and bath. 122 12th corner Wash. ROOMS from $1.50 per week up, 2 blocks from P. O.; "beat, bath and phone. Su8 Salmon et. FURNISHED rooms, from $2 weekly, walk ing distance, furnace, phone. 055 Wash in Eton. NICELY furnished front rooms with aU modern conveniences; reasonable. 515 Yamhill st. EXCHANGE good upright piano, first pay ment, on bungalow. AF 839, Oregonian. FURNISHED rooms, walking distance; heat. oatn. am janaers, near ism. a t liMi. $6 MONTH, furnished room, phone, bat light, walking distaace . 427 Harrison. $2 PER WEEK and up. furnished rooms. J9 West Park, near YamhilL 2 UP weekly; good rooms; attic $L5X. 305 12tn st FOR RENT Two furnished rooms, close in, cheap to right party. 599 Gantenbeln. $1.50 WEEK Little sleeping-room. 268 12th street. SUNNY suite. 2 light modern rooms outh windows. 67 North 20th mt. FOB RENT. Rooms and Board. MODERN ELEGANT EXCLUSIVE, American and European plan; near CKT Park; convenient to carUne. THE HILL. Washington, at 23d St. Residential and Tourists Hotel. Attractive rates to permanents and tran. stents. Main 7584. WILL give nice room and board In ex change for assistance In caring for, my little clrl and UkM work; good home tar refined lady; no other need apply. Phone Main Tlt4. between 9 and 11. room 3o7, Seward Hotel. THE WILLARD HOTEL. MORRISON AND PARK STS. European end American, 2 per day with meals. Rates by the month and week with or without meals very reasonable. New, modern and fireproof. ELTON COURT. Select Family Hotel. Modern rooms with excellent table board, $10 per week and up; rates to fam ilies. 11th and Yamhill eta THE WHITEHALL, 253 6TH. Does a home appeal to you ? Double) and single rooms, privute bath, sun par- PARKVIEW HOTEL Strictly high - class family hotel; hot and cold water and steam, heat tn every room; table unexcelled; references. Montgomery st., at West Park. WEAVER HOTEL. Nicely furnished outside rooms, good homelike cooking, cozy reception parlor. 710 Washington st. Main 8651. THE LAMBKRSON. 634 Couch, one block from Wash Ington ; steam heat, running water; EOOU uuaiu , ap:;iti.i ram tor men. PORTLAND WOMEN'S UNION, 24th year; brary. 510 Flanders. Mrs. E. N. Wilson, sup. THE HAZEL, furnished rooms with board. running w&ier, steam neai. sou aa su LARGE room, suitable 4 men, with board, $25 each. Casa Rosa, 300 Jefferson. NICELY furnished, sunny rooms, with flrst chaaa home cooking. 374 Park st. UANITOu7201 13th mt. Attractive, clean rooms; steam beat, good board; close in. Rooms With Board in Private ramiiy. DANDY front room and board, everything modern ; only young people In family; walking distance. East 6023. LARGE, beautiful room for 2 gentlemen; Btfam heat, walking distance; references. ' Marshall 5347. 394 12th st. LAitiiE front room, large enough for three yuung men or ladies; also small room. 515 Morruon. Marsliall 4023. LoVLLY, sunny room, small single room, with board , best home cooking; walklug distance , pieasant location. Main 3280. EXCib t-LENT well furnished rooms, fins location, suitable for 2 or 3; refined young men; best home cooking. East 4616. COMFORTABLE room, with board, S week; home comforts; walking distance. Phone East 424'i. ROOM, with bath, board, for gentleman. In chant, refined home. 49 Clay et. NICELY furnished room, suitable for two; excellent incais; West Side. Main 2071. 82.50 WEEK, sunny front parlor, resonable board if desired; close In. 445 6th su FURNISHED room and board, modern con veniences, West Side. 5ti4 Flanders. ROOM and board for two; running water. 215 N. 20th st. Phone Marshall 197 MODERN, walking distance. 332 10th. M. 6979. LAHGE room; running water, heat; Nob Hill; private house. 70 Luc ret la sL Apartments. HARR1MAN APIS., 104 24th. bet. Uving and J; one 5 -room apt., furnished with two real bedrooms, also two disappearing beds as well as two large sleeping porches; most desirable for 4 to 9 nurses, 4 or 5 people or two married couples. Phone Main 856. ORDERLEIGH Furnished apartments. Grand ave. and East Stark; brick build in ft rooms well furnished with private baths, new management, completely ren ovated; $22.50 up; modern conveniences; easy walking distance. Best of service. THE CH ETOPA, 18th and Flanders su; 2, 8 and 4-room apartment, $23 and up; furnished or uniurnis-hed ; steam heat, electrlo elevator, telephone in each apartment; good Janitor service; refer ences required. ANGELA APARTMENTS. Ha Trinity Place. 2, 8 and 4-room furnished apartment; private bath, electric elevator; walking distance. THE WINSTON. 841 14th St., at Market New two and three-room apartmenta completely furnished ; walking distance; prices reasonable. Main 1739. THE STAN FIELD. Newly furnished 2-room apartments, 15 minutes' walk from postoffice; $15 up; light, gas and phone service included. 04 Porter su Phone Main 7392. THE D EZ E N DOR F, 2u8 16th, Near Taylor. One four-room unfurnished apartment; also one large furnished bay-window room. FOR RENT Nicely furnished 4-room apart ment in select Nob Hill district, private balcony, lovely surroundings, phone Main 0U5. ApU 49 uhAMEal'A East Stark and Grand ave nue; new building, large airy apartments, ' nicely furnished; private phones; reas onable rent. East 208. NICELY furnfsned 3-room apartment; both phones, good neighborhood, easy walking distance, $25 per month. 187 17 th sU, near Yamhill. AH 834, Oregonian. NOK.CM1S APTS.. 17th and Marshall New, modern 2-room furnished apartments; prL. vute phone and bath; moderate rates. Phone Marshall 4943. THE BIRMINGHAM. 390 12th su Marshall 484. 2 and It room, furnished, first-class, walking dis tance MADISON PARK APARTMENTS, park and Madison Sts, For rent, 3 and 4-room furnished and unfurnished apartments; strictly modern. OVERLOOK APARTMENTS. New and grand view, beautiful loca tion, modern four and five rooms each. Phone A 84t6. 903 Front st, - THE M KINLEY APARTMENTS, East 7th and Morrison sts. Very central; 2 and 8-room apartments, furnished com pletely; private baths; from $i'U to $21.50. MONTGOMERY APARTMENTS, Third and Montgomery; new, modern, out side furnished 2-room apartments; auto matic elevator; close in; $25 up. Main 9466. SUNNYMONT APTS., S5th and Belmont; strictly modern 2-room apt., well fur nished; 1 unfurnished apU, ideal location, best car service (in city. "SS" car. LARGE 2-room apartment, flue pantry, sta tionary wash tub, porch, steam heat; 10 minutes walk from postoffloe. 409 Jef ferson sU CLIFTON APTS., 780 Irving sU, Nob Hill, sunny, 6-room apt., 3 bedrooms, all out aide rooms with large closets, sleeping porch; references. Mar. 17 oi, A 1704. SAN MARCO APARTMENTS. Corner East Couch and 8th sut. Easy walking distance; modern, quiet, reason able, fhone East 2759. LINCOLN APARTMENT3. Fourth and Lincoln All outside 2-room apts.; $22.50 to $30; walking distance. HEKMENIA, 400 Hall st. New cor. bldg. Light rooms. Modern. Furnished. Main 0444. FLORENCE APTS., S-room furnished apU, high -class service, $32.50 and up. 383 llth sU ALT ON I A, Marshall and 19th sts. Large, airy, 2, 3 and 4-room apartments; quiet and exclusive neighborhood. THE Drickston, 448 llth. Nicely furnished 2 and 3-room modern outside apts,, near Heights. Mrs. F. W. McCune. Marshall 67. A 2-ROOM furnished apartment, clean and light, free light, heat and phone. 228 E. 20 th. LOVEJOY APTS., 17th and Lovejoyl Main 21. Two and 8-room furnisued apart ments; modern. , BUCK APARTMENTS, 21st and Flanders. 3 and 4 rooms, furnished and unfurnished. Vain 27S2. A 8S8ff. or Mgr.. Marshall q255. BUENA VISTA, 12th and Harrison; 2 and 3-room apart ments; best service. Apply on. premises. THE ELK, 34th and Belmont; strictly mod ern 2 and 3-room apts. Best car service in city. SS car. Tabor 546. WELL-FURNISHED, clean 3-room apart ment; private phone and bath; walking distance Call East 208. EDENHOLM APARTMENTS 2 and 8 fur nished housekeeping suites, 6th and Mar ket; under new management. H ADDON HALL, llth and Hall 3 and 4-room furnished, modern, hardwood, floors, private balconies. "IDEAL APARTMENTS. Newly furnished, single and suites, fur nace tveaU 535 Couch su, cor. 16th. Exceptionally large living-room (16x20); every convenience. 12th and Harrison sts. HOUSEKEEPING apartments. 225 Market THE ALAMO, 494 Market sU, furnished and unfurnished apts. Marshall 4000. KAYO APTS., Union avo. and Sacramento. New, up-to-date, reasonable. East 920. THE KING-DAVIS. .54 King St., N., nr. Wash. High-class; references. Both phones. FURNISHED and unfurnished apartments. $22 and $6. 454 llth U