THE MORNING OREGOXIAN, SATURDAY, MARCH 1, 1913. 13 OTEL OREGON I PORTLAND, OR. -BEST IN THE WE3T" An hostelry of Indescribable charm. une-qualed In point of service, comfort and appoint ments. Situated in the, very heart of things. European plan. WRIGHT & DICKINSON HOTEL. COMPANY, Prop. UOTEL BOWERS u I Stark Street, at Eleventh. PORTLAND, OREGON. Conducted on the American and European plan for those who desire the best at a legitimate tariff. Attractive rates for permanent fur nished upon request. Unexcelled culBine. it as THE MULTNOMAH CHARTER ELECTION Emergency Clause Is Nearly Fatal to Ordinance as Ma guire Protests. RUN GIVEN STEAM ROLLER Acting Mayor Baker Orders Clerk to Record "Aye" When Oouncll '' mnrt Refuses to Cast Vote Rlther Way on Question. Out of a tumultuous speolal session of the City Council yesterday morning emerged an enacted ordinance author ising an election May 3. the date of the regular primary election, for the pur pose of approving or rejecting the commission form of government for the City of Portland. The ordinance carried an emergency clause and there, fore required a three-fifths vote for passage. But 12 of the 15 members of the Council were present. Council men Clyde. Daly and VVllhelm being absent, and had It not been for the strong hand of Acting Mayor Baker at the helm, the ordinance might have gone on the roclcs. Councilman Maguire at the very out set announced his opposition to the Council's approval of the charter without having had an opportunity to give It extended consideration. He suld that be would not vote on any proposition about which he knew next to nothing. So when bis name was called on the rollcall-vote on the passage of the ordinance ha declared that he would not vote. "Which way do you vote?" asked Aotlng Mayor Baker. " "I refuse to vote," said Maguire, with emphasis. . Mas-Hire's) Protest Vat a. "Record Councilman Maguire as vot aye." said the Acting Mayor to .plerk Grutse. Maguire attempted to pro test, but the clerk was ordered to pro ceed with the rollcall. Then the insurgent Councilman want ed to have his vote changed to no, but this was denied, and Maguire sank back in his chair, flattened from his encoun ter with the sream roller, but defiant. Councilman Jennings also protested that he did not like to vote yes on the ordinance for the same reason as had been advanced by Mr. Maguire, but said that rather than stand in the way of Portland's having the commission form of government. In the principles of which he believed, he would vote against his Inclinations. This, with the parliamentary kidnaping ot Ma gulre'a vote, made 12 favoring submis sion of the charter May J. Another lively skirmish broke loose when the resolution providing for the official publication and printing of pamphlets containing the charter as amended wag proposed. Krery Tultr te Get Opr. Councilman Maguire again was the center of the fireworks and this time he was victorious. The resolution as presented provided that 10.000 copies of the charter should be printed for distribution to the voters, and when the light was over it had been amended to provide that every registered voter In the city Is to be mailed a pamphlet containing the charter. Of the committee that drafted the charter amendments which the Council by Its action approved R. YT. Montague, W. l Ayer. T. M. Hurlburt, Frank S. Grant. 8. Grutse and W. F. .Woodward were present. Mr. Montague explained the amendments In detail and the others spoke la support of various fea tures. WOMEN LOOK TO FUTURE Buttle Against Unduly High Cost of I. bring May Continue. It Is predicted that as au outgrowth of the movement for lower prices In CAUSE OF TURMOIL OTEL SEATTLE CP A T"TT XT' r A ctr all "IN THE SHADOW OP THE TOTEM." located In the c e n t e r of the financial and business districts. Modern In every particular. Miml flcently furnished. Eu. ropean plan. WRIGHT DICKINSON HOTEL, COMPANY, Prop. WRIGHT A DICKINSON Managers. t- ii . r- Uil II N?ted (or the Excellence; SgBLr5c:iI.clnD FllfWIUMinM New Perkins Hotel In the Heart of the City v NOTE OUR RATES Boom with Bath Privilege . .. 51.00 tTP Two Persons S1.50 UP Room with Private Bath $1.50 TO Two Persons ..$2.50 U? L. d. SWETUSD, M i. tPermaneat Rates on AppIieatloa. PORTLAND'S GRANDEST HOTEL Absolutely Fireproof 100 rooms ..r- (1.00 per day 100 rooms 11.60 per day 200 rooms (with bath)$2.00 per day 100 rooms (with bath). .$2. 50 per day Add $1-00 per day to above jirlcea when two occupy one room. VEEY ATTRACTIVE TRICES FOB PERMANENT GUESTS H. c. rowERS, Haunr. GAINER THICPES, Ass't 91 ST. augurated by the Woman's Club, there will be organized In Portland a hemse wlves league that will give Its time and attention to matters pertaining to the keeping of the home. The cost of living and the cause of existing conditions will be taken up systematic ally If such an organization is formed. There are such leagues operating successfully in many of the larger cities. The head organization is In New York, with Mrs. Julian Heath as president. Many of the local clubwo men say that there is a great field for such a league in Portland and its organization may be taken up after the apple sale. Mrs. W. H. Fear, a member of the economic committee, and other promi nent women are Interested In the ef forts of the league and If a branch Is formed In Portland it Is suggested by several of the women that Mrs. Fear be chosen president. At the business session of the Port land Woman's Club yesterday. It, was decided that the club contribute $50 toward assisting the department of home economics In making the apple sale a success. The women have planned to send out dodgers and other printed matter and are preparing to make the sale the biggest event ever given un der the auspices of local clubdom. There will be another open meeting of the home economic department Tuesday afternoon, when the final ar rangements will be made. AU interest ed in this first effort toward the low ering of the cost of living will be welcomed. The department meetings are usually confined to members only, but on account of the wide Interest In the present ' campaign against high prices the officers have been granted the privilege of an open session. MILK IS FED TO BAY FISH Marsbfleld Folk Fail to Get Dally Fluid When Sea Gets In Way. MARSHFIELD, Or7. Feb. 28. (Spec ial) Feeding the fishes with milk was the cause for Marshfielil people going without milk for their breakfast yes terday. . The Coos Bay Cold Storage Company, which supplies large sec tions of the town with milk from their creamery, has Its milk brought here by launches from the various dairy farms on the bay, and when It had its supply on the elevator started the mechanism to haul' It up to the chilling room, was started and part of It gave way precipitating Its load of milk into the bay. Coffee without cream and the ustial breakfast food without its lacteal fluid as dressing was the rule at the Initial meal. DAILY jrETEOKOLOGICAL RErORT. PORTLAND, Feb. 28. Maximum temper ature. 40 degrees; minimum. 29 degrees. Hirer reading. 8 A. M.. 2.2 feet; change in last 24 hours. .5 toot fall. Total rainfall 13 P. 11. to S P.; M.), trace: total rainfall since September 1, 1012. 20.73 inches; normal rainfall September I, 31.57 lnehes; de ficiency of rainfall since September 1, 1912. 5.84 Inches. Total sunshine, 4 hours 23 min utes; possible sunshine, 11 hours 4 minutes. Barometer t reduced to sea level) at 5 P. M- J0.S3 Inches. THE WSATHEH. t Wine n i i r S ? : ? C ? Stat ot Weathai STATIONS, Baker Boise Boston ......... Calvary ........ Chleag-o Denver ......... re Moines ..... Duluth Bureka Galrestos Helena Jacksonville .... Kansas City .... L&urier ......... Los Anvelee .... Marshfield Medfori ........ Montreal ....... New Orleans ... New York ...... North Head .... North Takuna .. Phoenix ........ pocatello ....... Portland ....... Rosefcurg; ....... Sacramento ..... St Louis St. Paul Salt Lake San Francisco . . Spokane ........ Taeoma Tatoosh Island . Walla Walla ... Washington .... Winnipeg st'O.ooj 4;w IPt. cloudy 35 0.00; SIN Cloudy 42-0.74 4'S (Cloudy S2 0.O0 8 NE iPt. cloudy 26 0.01 4E JSnow 30'0. S XW Clear 16 9. 02 PW ;Clear HM.02 1SW Pt. cloudy .VXO.OOl 6 W IClear 68 0.00! 4'SE Pt. cloudy 2; T. ;14 W (cloudy 74 1.8S' 6fW Cloudy ISO. 16 S,NW,Snow 51 0.O0 4 N (Cloudy 64 0.00! rsw '-Clear 64;o.ou!4 N !pt. cloudy 6O 0.O0I . .!. .. (Clear 2s o.os22w IPt cloudy 74' T. j 4 E 'Rain 80 0.36.22 NWjClear 4V0.0fii 4iSW IPt. cloudy 4 0.001 4 SW 'Pt cloud S6O.09 4 W jClear SS.0.01 W ICiondy i I. 4 KS iPt- cloudy r.2 0.oo' 4'w 'pt. cloudy 63-tf.OiV 4 NWClear IS0.1!10N (Snow 10.00; 4 S IClear 52 T. 112 S iPt. cloudy 6ft O.OOi 4'W fCloudy 36 0 .OV S SW Cloudy 4vO.OOl 6 SW lPt. cloudy 4: T. IP S Clondy 44'ft.1!! SW Clear BSO.Oo: SN Clear 4 0 00 4 SW IPt. cloudy WEATHER CONDITIONS. A small low-pressure area ht central over North Dakota and the barometer la rela- PORTLAND ACCORDION PLKATINO, K. Siephan. accordion, aide pleatlnc buttons covered, goods s pongee. 3S3 Aider. M. 9373. ADVERTISING SPKCIALT1E9. ADVERTISLNO novelties of every descrip tion. Most complete Una Exclusive dealera Numbers: Imp. Co.. 633 Hamilton bids'. ADVICE. JOHN A. BERRY, att'y, collection, ab . strocts examined, written opinions on -legal questions. 317 Aiiaky bldg Marshall 3ft -ft. AeSAltRS A.ND ANALVSIS. - MONTANA ASS AT OFFICE Laboratory and ore-testing work. 188 Morrison st. WELLS A CO. mining engineers, chemist and assayers. 204 ft Washington St. ATTORNEYS. A. E. COOPER removed to suite 400 Teoa bldg. Phone Main 1038. AUCTIONEERS. WE buy furniture for cash " Geo. Bolter Co.. 186 Park. Main 333 A itSST. BOAT BCXLPEJtS. 0. P. GRAHAM -Boatbuilding and repair ing. Marine ways, foot Abernethy St. BRASS AND MACHINE WORKS. HARPER'S BRASS WORKS Brass casting and machine work. 10S N. 0th. Main 3703. CARPET WEAVING. NORTHWEST RUQ CO. Rugs from, old carpets, rag, ruga 1&3 Union ava. CUIBOPODItiXS. WILLIAM. Estelle and Flossie Daveny, the only scientific chiropodists In the city. Parlors 3U2 Oerltnger bldg. S. W. corner 2d and Alder. Phone Main 130L CHIROPODY and pedicuring. Mrs. 1C. D. Hill Offices.. 429 FUedner bldg. Maui 8473. CHIROPRACTIC PHYSICIANS. DR. U. H. M'MAHON, 121 4th; men. women and children treated. 10 a month. CLEANING AND DYELSO BEST In cleaning and dyeing. Vienna clean. Ing at Pye Wks. 224 8d St. M 1458. A 3450. . COLLECTIONS. COLLECTIONS a specialty; loons and ad- justmenta, Grimm Agency. 431 C of C COAL AND WOOD. COAL ALEI.VA FUSL CO. BLOCK WOOD BRANCH E. 33d ST. WOOD EDLEFSON . FUEL CO, East 803. Mine Agents. c 2303. DANCLNO. PROP. WAL WILLSON'S Dancing School Wolts, twostep, threestep, schottische: les sons 25c; every morning, afternoon and evenlng;all dances guaranteed first lea son. Do you know that anyone who walks can learn to dance? Stage aad fancy dances taught daily. 60 Vj 8th su bet. Stark and Oak sts. Phone Main 7637. HEATH'S DANCINQ SCHOOL. Alisky bidg.. 3d and Morrison ats., and 109 2d st. between Washington and Btark. Lessons dolly; waits and twostsp guaranteed in 4 lessons; class Monday and Friday even ings, 8 to 10, at 109 Second at; DERMATOLOGIST. MOLES, -crinkles, superfluous hair removed. Mma, Courtrlght. 711 Dekum. Main 6042, DETECTrVTS AGENCY. INTERNATIONAL Detective Agency Re sponsible, conservative, satisfactory. Night. It 4384; day. Main 6424. 610 Dekum bldg. ADVERTISING AGENCY BOTSFORD ADV. CO., Board of Trade bldg. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. Mitchell. Lewis de staver Co. Morrison A 2d. JOHN DEERE PLOW CO., Morrison and 2d. R. M. WADE & CO.. 822-26 Hawthorne ave. ARCHITECTURAL WIRE AND IRON WKS. Portland Wire u Iron Wks., 2d and Columbia iw A1 BIjGGX TOPS. DUBRUILLE -HjUGY TOP CO., 200 2d St. AUTOMOBILES. Mitchell, Lewis as Staver Co., E. Mor. & 2d. HOWARD Automobile Co., 7th and Couch N. W. AUTO. CO., 617 Wash. Reo, Hudson. AUTOMOBILE SUPPLIES. BALLOU & WP.IOHT. 7th and Oak.' BAGGAGE CHECKED AT HOME. Baggage A omnibus Transfer, Park Davis. BAULK & CONFECTIONERS' SUPPLIES. GRAY, M LEAN & PERCY. 4th and Glisan. BAR FIXTURES. Brunswick -Balke-Colleuaer Co., 46 Fifth St. BICYCLES, MOTORCYCLES SUPPLIES. BALLOU & WRIGHT. 7th and Oak. BILLIARD AND POCKET TABLES. Brunswlck-Balke-Collender Co.. 46 Fifth st. BOOTS AND SHOES GOODMAN BROS. SHOE CO., 30-82 Front, PRINCE SHOE CO.. 80 N. Fifth. BREAD BAKERY, Royal Bakery & Conf. Inc. 11th ft Everett. BREWERS AND BOTTLERsT HENRY WE IN HARD, 13th and Burnslde. G AMBRINUS BREWING CO., 24th & Wash. BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES. 'BtRKENWALD CO., 9th and Flanders. BUTTER, EGI.S AND ICE CREAM. T. S. Townsend Creamery Co., 18 Front at. CANDY MANFACTCRERS. THE ALDON CANDY CO., 12th and Gllaan. J. N. MATSCHEK CANDY CO.. 270 First st CANVAS. WATERPROOF FURNISHING GOODS. Willamette Tent A Awning Co. 205 Burnslde CEMENT, LLME AND PLASTER. F. T. CROWE & CO.. 45 Fourth at. CLOTHING MEN'S AND BOYS". BAROS-FULOP CO., 32 and 84 N. Fifth. . DRY GOODS. FLEISCHNER-luAYER CO., 207 Ash st. i)rcg;;ists. Clarke-Woodward Drug Co., Alder at W.Park Blumauer-Frank Drug Co., Park & Everett. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. STTTBBS ELECTRIC CO., 6th and Pine sts. lively high over the Pacific Slope, and also over the Lower Missouri Valley. Light snow has fallen in the Great Salt Lake basin, Oklahoma, Kansas, Missouri and portions of the Lake region and rain has occurred In the Ohio and Lower Mississippi Valleys and In extreme Southern Arizona. It is warmer in the Northern Rocky Mountain states and slightly warmer in the North Pacific states. The conditions are favorable for fair weather in this district Saturday except in Northwest Oregon and West Washington, where cloudiness will increase and probably be followed by rain. FORECASTS. Portland and vicinity Fair, followed by rain; winds mostly southerly. Oregon Fair, except rain northwest por tion: winds Bhlftlng to southerly. Washington Fair east, increasing cloudi ness followed by rain west portion; winds mostly southerly. - Idaho Fair. UDIVARD A. FRAL-S. District Forecaster. UNCALLED - FOR ANSWERS ANaWKKS ARE HLl.ll AT THIS OF FICE FO4 THK FOLLOWING ANSWER CHECKS AND MAY 'BE HAD BY PRE SENTING lOUR CHECKS AT THE ORJt G ON IAN OFFICE: A rtU, U6-'. 07 U. 680, CS8, 697. 697, 763, 787, 794. S20. B 6ol. T15, 749, 750. 708, 784, 74, 996, 796, 707. S02, 805. JSC'S. 810. C 735. 751, 7U0. 762, 763. 770, 77T, 778, 787, 826. D .54, 759, 778, 779. 7S2. 795, 796, 79S. . E 342. 776. 6o3, 810. S20. 826, 827, 843. F 250, 671. 775, 793. 80S. 818. 814. 815. .817, 820, $30. 831. 842. 854. G TI6. 718. 763, 769. 772, "80, 782, 786, 788, 605, Sbo, 875. H 761, 773, 774. T75, TS. 788, 7S8, 789, 7, J-IS!.81!!. 671. 676. 874. 8SS, 842. 853. 854. K 142. 687, (08, 7. "IS, 775. 777, 783, 784, 7ia, IS. 799. 888. L 648. 715. 880. 888. M 17, 117, 765. 761. 71. SIT, 880, 811. (81. 803. 9U0. 903. N 704, 7J1. 744. 763, 759, 790, 761. 765. 77L 777, 786. 798. O tSS, 398. 166. 771, 775, 7S8, 792, 791, 794. S5, 798, S(M, 803. 825. 826. p 31, 674, 703. 818. 819, 847. 888. R 845. 884. 886. 8 7447547755, TST. 761. 771. TTS, TT4. T76. T-413. 647. 639. 66 6. 66S, 670, 674. 876. 678, fit. 746, 752, 758. 769. T78. T7S, 794, 80S. 944. W 122. 761. 772. 778. fc X 717. 755, 752. 759, 774. 760, 78? 782. 798. Y 'siS. 842. 84T. 85L 678. 679. 880. 881. 894. SD7 AB 745, 747, 748. 760, 752. 758. T69. AC 734. SUA. 906. 946. 857. 960, 862. 984. AD U5, 745. 784. 793, 798, 796, 800, 806. AE 491, 747. T92, 818. . 917. 918, 920, 921. 94L jlv "SO 8 42 AG 763'. 7SU 783. 789. TSO.' 79S, 796. 815. S7L '2, 921. 4. AH 80. 704, TO 3, TOL 805, 80S, 810, 8T.1, iSlflid, 785. S02, 804. S30. 879, 988, AK 782. 7S2. 7S9. 849. S3V 857. AI, 79S. 8S6. 67. 883. S'-4. 918. AM 703, 790. 793. 796. 797. 79. 806. 807. AN772 T7S. 7S1, 790. 792. 793. 797. 801." AO 6S9." 7M. 754. 768. 74. SO0. AP 70S. 763. 765. 788. 790, J5, T98, 70S, AWr474'7Si-774. 77, 778. 78T 806. 887. A 794. 800. Sl. 821. AT (i4. 8-1. 855. 861. 870. 871. B72. If th above answers are Dot caned tor within six days, sama will be destroyed. BUSINESS DIRECTORY DRESSMAKING SCHOOL. VALENTINE'S system ladles' tailoring; dressmaking taught. 152 Grand ave. EJ1CC ATIONAL. VIOLIN and German taught by gentleman recently from Germany. F. A. Fochler. 2S8 Montgomery St. Marshall 305. A 823L PRIVATE Instruction given by experienced teacher. Special wont ror those unabis to attend public school. Tabor 90S. ELECTRIC MOTORS. WE buy. sell, rent and exchange new and second-hand motors; repair work a ape clalty. Western Elee. Works, 213 oth. ELECTRIC motor speciaiusta James Mae Kenzie Elec Works, 1US L'nlon ave. E. 117 Morors and dynamos bought, sold. :-plred. H-M-M Elec Co.. 31 N. Jst. Main 6210. KNGINES GAS AND STEAM. SOBER Machinery Co., Coast agents Sex bury steam engines and boilers, gasoline englnea 2bl-2S3 H. Morrison. Phone E. 515. I'ltNITlRK. HOUSES furnished on installment, new or fine second-hand furniture. Western Sal vage Co., 645 Wash. bet. 16th aad 17th. .rcRxrrcHE hospital. BOWERS & PARSONS. 100 1 Front. M. 7448 Furuiturs hospital; packing and shipping. INSURANCE. WE are oniy asking you for your fire in surance; that is ail Just now. Both pbonea CHAPIN-HERLOW MORTGAGE . TRUST CO.. Third Floor Chamber of Commerce. PACIFIC STATES FIRE INSURANCE CO. Only Oregon fire insurance company. LADIES' TAILORING. For ladles' garments try E. A. Adams, 291 Morrison, suite 7. Mar. 1934. Referonoea LANDSCAPE GARDENER, PACIFIC Landscape Gardening Company. t5 Kothchlld bldg. Phone Marshall tins. LEATHER AND FtSDlSXiB. CHAS. L. MAST1CK & CO.. 74 Front- Leoth. sr of every description, tabs., znfr. flndinga J. A- STROWBR1DUE LEATHER CO. tabllahed 1858. 188 Front St. LIP READING. KING SCHOOL for the deaf and hard of hearing. 80S Central bldg. MESSENGER SERVICE. HASTY Messenger Co.. day and night oerv. ice. Phones Main S3, a 2L53. MUSICAL. VIENNA Conservatory of Music, 384 H Mor rison. Main 2387. All branches taugnt. 10 lessons, 54 up. Philip Pela, director. BEST of Classical music taught sby expe rienced teacher; foreign methods; 810 month. S12 Tllford bldg. PIANO STUDIO, modern methods. 269 14th. Main 3S33. Arrangements for practice. EitIL THIELHpRN. violin teacher, pupil "evclk, 825 Flledner bldg. A 4160, Mar. 162 RAGTIME positively guaranteed in 10 to 20 lecsona Popular prices. 417 Eilers bldg. NATUROPATHIC PHYSICIANS. DR. GROVER, Specialist paralysis, nervous, chonic dlseasea 703 Oregoniaq bd. M. 3142 OSTEOPATHIQ PH YS1CIANS. Dr. R. B. Northru. 415-18-17 Dekum blcg. Nervous and Chronic Diseases. Phone office. M. 849; res.. East or B 1028. WHOLESALE AND MANUFACTURERS FIRE DEPARTMENT EQUIPMENT. Mr. wflUi aotu ana marshaii. FIREPROOF WIVIirktva inn luinrtfi J. C. JbAYER, Front and Market sta. . FISH. OYS'l'EBS AND ICE. MALABKEK at CO. inc. 149 Front PORTLAND FISH CO., 34 Front st. FLOUR MILLS, CROWN MILS, Board of Trade bldg. FRUIT AND PRODUCE. M'EWEN A KQ9KE Y. 12B Front. FURNACE WARM AIR. C. BAYElit. Front an Market sts. FURNITURE AND SCHOOL SUPPLIES. Northwest School Furniture Co., 244 3d st. GRAIN MERCHANTS. Afbers Bros. Milling Co. Front and Marshall. KERR. G1FFORD & CO.. Lewis bldg. BALFOUR-GUTHRIE A CO., Board of Trade M. H. HOUSER, Board of Trade. NORTHERN GRAIN A WHSE CO.. Bd. Tr. THE W. A. GORDON CO. Board of Trade. GROCERIES. ALLEN A LEWIS lEsu 1851), 46 M., Front. WAD HAMS A CO.. 69-76 4th St. HARDWARE. Marshall-Wells Hardware Co., 6th and Pine, HATS AND CAPS. THANHAUSER HAT CO., 63-65 Front St. HAY. J. H. Klosterman & Co.. leading hay dealers. HIDES, ICR, PELTS, WOOL, TALLOW. THE H. F. NORTON CO.. 812-15. Front St. HIDES, PELTS, WOOL AND FURS. BISS1NGER & CO., Front and Salmon. KAHN BROS., 191 Front St. HOP MERCHANTS. M'NEFF BROTHERS, 614 Worcester bldg. IRON, STEEL, HE A V Y HARDWARE. ROBERTSON Hardware & Steel Co.. 68 5th. KODAKS AND PHOTO 6UFPLIF.3. PORTLAND PHOTO SUPPLY CO.. 149 Sd. LEATHER AND "SHOE' STORE SUPPLIES HERTSCHE BROS.. 304 Pine St. LIME, CEMENT AND PLASTER. Nottingham A Co., 102 Front st LOGGING MACHINERY. F. B. MALLORY A CO., 231 Pine st Loggers & Contractors' Mach. Co., 71 Bth st. LUBRICATING OILS. Balfour, Guthrie A Co., Board of Trad a MAIL ORDER. JONES CASH STORE. Front and Oak. FRANKLIN & CO., 132 Front St. MEN'S AND WOMEN'S NECKWEAR, COLUMBIA Neckwear Mfg. Co., 83 Fifth St. MEETING NftTICES. . ALL KNIGHTS TEMPLAR of Oregon Commandery, No. 1. and all unaffiliated Sir KnightB residing . in the city are requested to meet Sunday, 1 P. M., in the asylum of Ore eon Commanrierv fnp th. n.ip- pose of aotlng as an escort to the grand commandery in conducting the funeral serv ices of our late frater, w. A. Cleiand. By order of Hopkln Jenkins, eminent commander. C F. WIEGAND. Recorder. THE NOBLES OF Alt KADER TEMPLE, A- A. O. N. M. a., are requested to at tend the funeral services over the remains of our late treas. urer, W. A. Cleiand. The serv ices will be held at the Ma sonic Temple, West Park and Yamhill sts, tomorrow (Sun day), March 2, at 2 P. 31. By order of the potentate. HUGH J. BOYD, Recorder. OREGON LODGE NO. 101, A F. and A. M. Stated oommuni fntinr thin f?3at,iVrinvl iminln, At 9 8 o'clock, liasonic Temple. Work in E A. degree. ViBlting breth ren cordially invited. By order A. J. HANDLAN, Sac WASHINGTON LODGE, No. 46, A. F. AND A. M. Special com munication this (Saturday) even ing 7 and 9 o'clock. East 8tb and Burnslde. E. A degree. Visitors welcome. Order W. M. J. H. RICHMOND. See. DEGREE OF HONOR The campaign committee ef the Degree of Honor will give their first regular card party Saturday night, March 1. Prises and refreshments. D. of H. Hall. 129 Fourth street. MILITARY WHIST and dance Thursday evening. March 6. by Astra Circle 1S2, W. O. W. 12S 11th St., Woodman Temple. Good prises. Three-piece orchestra gor dancing. Died. JENSEN In this city, Feb. 28, Mary Jensen, at her late residence, 432 3d st.. aged 76 yeara Remains are a the new parlors of J, P. Flnley A Eon. Montgomery at 5th St. Notice of funeral In later issue, BXTtGHAJUJT In this city, Feb. 27. at the family residence, 1079 East 17th sr.. Wal ter F. C. Burghardt, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Burghardt, aged 14 days. Funeral notice In a later issue. ' FUNERAL NOTICES. CLARKE In this city, Feb. 28. Miss Mary E. Clarke, beloved sister of Harry T. Clarke, daughter of the late Orlando and Susan A. Clarke. Friends Invited to at tend the funeral services, which will be held at Holman'e funeral parlors at 1 P. M. tomorrow (.Sunday), March 2. Inter ment Rlvervtew Cemetery. GORDON In this city. Feb. 27. Anna K. Gordon, aged 4 years. The remains will be shipped to Minneapolis, Minn., this evening af 7 o'clock by J. P. Flnley A Son. Montgomery at 5th at. BUTTS The funeral services, of Chrbrtenla , Marie, beloved wife of C L. Butts, will be held at Holman's funeral parlors at 1 P. M today (Saturday). Friends Invited. Interment Rose City Cemetery. BRTANT The remains ef the late Enunett Bryant were- shipped at 1 o'clock this morning to Los Angeles. CaL, for inter -ment by J. P. Flnley Son. A PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS. COAST-MADE paint and varnish Is beat adopted to the Coast climate. - BA&s HEUTER PAINT CO,. 191 1st St. PATENT ATTORNEYS. WASHINGTON. D. C, Velatl Bldg. O. O. MARTIN. PORTLAND, 408-9 Cham, ot Com. bldg. PATENT ATTORNEYS. Pa.ents procured by J. K. Mock, attornsy-at-law. late ot the U. 8. Patent Office Booklet free. 101O Board of rrade bldg. R. C WRIGHT, 22 years' practice ,U. 8. and foreign patents. oo Dekum bldg. PORTLAND WOOD PIPE CO. Factory and office near 24th and York sts. Main 848a. PLCMBXNG AND HEATING. CONTRACT, repair, honest prices, estimates turn. M. 7835. T. H. Crowther, 356 2d. RUBBER STAMPS, SEALS. BRASS SluNa PACIFIC COAST STAMP WORES. 281 Wash. st. Phones Main 710 and A 2718. THE 1RW1N-HODSO.N COMPANY. 92 5th St. Phones Main 312, 1254. SHOWCASES, BANK. AND SHOW FIXTURES. THE LUTKE MFG. CO., branch Grand Rap. ids Showcase Co. 6th and Hoyt. R. Lutka manager. PORTLAND SHOWCASE ft FIXTURE CO. 125 N. Bth at Main 7617. Cabinet work. MARSHALL MFG. CO.. 4th and Couoh; new and old window display and cabinet work. SIGNS. SIGNS This means any old sign. O. H. Simpson, 225 Saimwn. Main 914L AND TRANSFER. PORTLAND Van A Storage Co., ear. 15th and J'earaey sta ; Just completed new fire, proof warehouse for household effects pianos and automobiles contains sepa rate fire and vermin-proof rooms, steam- , heated piano room, trunk and rug vaulta trackage tor corioad shipments; vans for moving; reduced freight rates on house hold goods to and from East In througs cars. Main 5640. All departmea to. C O. PICK Transfer & Storage Co.. offices and commodious 4 -story brick warehouse, separate iron rooms and fireproof vaults for valuables; N. W. cor. 2d and Pine sta; rlanos and iurnlture moved and packed or Shipping; special rates made on gooils lr our through cars to all dome tic and forelgnports. Main 698, A 296. OREGON TRANSFER CO., 474 Ollsmn" St., cor. 13th. Telephones Main 69 or A 1168. General transfer and forwarding ogenta We own and operate two largs olaos "A ' warehouses on terminal tracks. Lowest Insurance rates in the oity. OLSON-ROB TRANSFER CO. General transferring and storage, safes Jlanos and furniture moved and packed or shipment. 87-89 Front St. Telephone Main 547 or 2247. Occidental Warehouse Co., B-ll N. 4th st Merchandise storage, bonded and free transfer and forwarding agents. Mar. 299. United Transfer Co., 2&1 Jefferson; storage, baggage, piano, furn. moving. Mar. 2894. TYPEWRITERS. WE are the exchange for the largest type writer concern en the Coast; investigate all makes, all prlcea The Typewriter - Exchange, 851 ft Washington st. NEW rebuilt, second-band rentals, at cjjt rate& p. p. c. Co. 231 Stark. Majn 1407. JUEN'S FURNISHING GOODS. NEUSTADTER BROS. MILLINERY, g. a CASE a CO., 6th and Oak. BRADSBAW BROS. Morrison and Tth sta ,,r, NOTIONS AND FANCY GOODS. MILLER, BiMlNolQN, Caihonn Co., 45 4th. . ORNAMENTAL IRON AND WIRE, Portland Wire A Iron wks.. 2d A Columbia. .PADiTS' OH-8 AXD VARNISHES. RASMOSSEN Ac CO.. jobbers, points, oil a glass, sash and doors, cor. 2d and Taylen W. P. FULLER St CO., 12th and Davis. - PAINTS AND WALL PAPER. PIONEER PAINT CO., 186 First at. PAPER BOXES AND SHELF BOXES. ' rumgao paper rtoi Co.. 92 Front. Cartons. PERIODICALS, BOOKS AND POSTCARDS. THE OREGON NEWSCO., 71 Front St. PICKLES AND VINEGAR. KNIGHT PACKING CO.. 474 East Water. PIPE, PIPE FITTING AND VALVES. M. L. KLINE. 84-86 Front st. PLUMBING AND STEAM SUPPLIES. M. L. KLINE. 64-S6 Front St. M. BARDE A SONS, 240 Front st POULTRY, EGGS, CALVES, HOGS. HENRY EVER DING, 45-47 Front st ROPE AND BINDER TWINE. Portland Cordage Co. 14th and Northrup. SAND AND (.RAVKI. - COLUMBIA DIGGER CO., Foot Ankeny st 8A.SU, DOORS AND GLASS. W. P. FULLER & CO., 12th and Davis. SAWMILL MACHINERY. PORTLAND Iron Works, 14th and Northrup. SODA FOUNTAIN SUPPLIES. COLUMBIA SUPPLY CO., 68 Front st SPRAYING MACHINERY. THE HARD1E MFG. CO.. 49 N. Front st STOVES AND RANGES. NOVELTY STOVE WORKS, manufacturer of hotel and camp range, brick set and portables, cor. East 6th and Madison sta WALL PAPER. Ernest Miller Wall Paper Co., 172 1st st MORGAN WALL PAPER CO., 280 Second. WTNES AND LIQUORS. JOHN ECKLUND, 123-125 Front st BLUMAUER A HOCH, 106-107 12th St WIRE AND WIRE ROPE. JOHN A Roebling's Sons Co., 89 5th st WIRE AND IRON WORKS. Portland Wire A Iron Wks.. 2d A Columbia, FUNERAL NOTICES. CLELAND Tne funeral services of Hon. Wm. A. Cloiand, grand treasurer, A. F. and A M.. will be held In auditorium. Ma sonic Temple, West Park and Yamhill streets, Portland-, Sunday, March 2 2 P. M. Conducted by Grand Lodge. A. F. and A. -M., and Grand Commandery. K. T. Frlenda invited to attend. Ail M. M.'s In good standing are requested to attend. Knights Templars commanded to appear in uniform. By order Geo. H. Burnett. u4A(.u -uiu.o, , . , in. oj. vrace. ijrana com mander. M'KINNON In this city, Feb. 27. at the family residence, 590 East Salmon St., James Daniel McKlnnon, aged 72 yeara, 2 months, 4 days. Friends Invited to attend funeral services, which will be held at nuiinan o runerai parlors at 2:80 P. M. today (Saturday), March 1. Concluding services at Portland Crematorium. Pleas omit iiowers. WH1T.PV At V. - K n . th .... . " . . - uv. ..uu. UUV ffVCrdl " L. I Feb. 28. Mrs. Elirabeth Whalen. aged 78 years, widow of the late Thomas Whalen. Funeral from the above residence at 8:80 A. M. Monday, March 3, thence to the Cathedral, 15th and Davis sta Services at v a. at. 'rienas invited. Interment Mt. wuvary cemetery. MURPHT At Spekane. Wash., Feb. 27. John F. Murphy, eldest son of Mrs. John Murphy, of Welches, Or. Funeral to take place tomorrow (Sunday), 2 M-, from St. James Cathedral. 15th and Davis sta, Interment St. Marys Cemetery. Please omit flowers. Butte and Spokane papers READ At the residence, 784 Ivon st.. Feb. 27. Nellie M. Read, aired 48. veara 4 months, 26 days, beloved wife of Gilbert Read. Friends invited to attend funeral services, which will be held at the above residence at 2 P. M, today (Saturday), March L Interment Lone Fir Cemetery. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. KB. EDWARD OOLMAN. the leading funeral director, 224 Third street, corner balmoav. Lady assistant, A 1511, Alain 603. J. P. FIN LEY A SON. . FUNERAL bEKVlLE. Lady Attendant. Montgomery, at tilth at. F. . DUNNING, INC. Eastv Side Fnneral Directors, 416 rat Alder St. East 62, B 2526. DUNNING A M'ENTEE, funeral direr tors. Tth and Pine. Fbone Main 480. Lady at tendant. Office f County Coroner. LERCH, undertaker, ror. East Alder aad Sixth. East 781. B 1888. Lady aUcndant. SKEWES UNDERTAKING COMPANY, M and Clay. Mala 4T52. A 242 L LaAj atteudaiu A. B. ZELLER CO., East 1088, C 1688. Lady attendant. . Night Service. MONUMENTS Otto fchaauum Marble Works- East 3d and Pine sta. East 748. MEMORIALS Portland Marble Works, 264 4th, opposite City Hall. Main 8564. NEW TODAY. MORTGAGE LOANS Oar Own Money at Cnrrent fin tea. WK8TESUI BOXD MORTGAGE CO, Commercial Club Bldg- Portland, Or, AMTSESTENTS. HEILIC THEATER Iltb and Morrison Phor ''alri 1 1122 LAST TQUt TONIGHT 8:18. SPECLU, PRICE MATINEE TODAY 2:15. Charles Frohman presents DONALD BRIAN In th bt ot all masloal comedies THE SIREN With brilliant supporting cast Including Carroll McComaa, Will West. Ethel Cad man and 56 others. PRICES: Lower floor, except last 7 rows, $2.00; last 7 rows, $1.50; balcony. $1.00, 75c. 50c Special price marine today. Lower floor 81.60 and XI. Balcony 11. 75c, 6 Oc . SEATS NOW SELLING HEIL1G THEATER 4 TOMORROW Popular Ladies Matinee Wednesday. A. H. Woods Presents . Tne Big Comic Opera Hit GIPSY LOVE By Fraas Lehar. 70 COMrANY "0 SPLENDID CAST f0 Orchestra 26 Evenings: Lower Floor, 16 rows, $2 : 13 nwn $ 1.50 ; Balcony, 81. 76o, 60c. Pop nlnr Price Ladies' Matinee Wednesday, 81, 75c, 6O0. BAKER Tbeater. Muln 2. A 8366. ........ ... n .... , : ... v i, k - OS MAT. TODAY IASST TIM hi ivaiuni. Instantaneous hit. a rfot of fun and laughter. HoyVs "A MILK WHITE FLAG-." a tnmrv en the mllltla. BrlEht. breexy ana novel. utirsc , numbers. Evenings, 25c. 35c 50a. Mats.. 25c. jtext weea. smrung mm.' 1 1 n "Mrs. Dane's Defence.' MATINEE DAILY. MAIN 6. A 1020. e ,v. AHa Ta.ln, Hi a Mallnre, 15c-25c-50c Nights 15c-85c-50o-7fic This Week ROCK AND FCLTON. Bediul Arthur. Guerre Carmen 8 Metvio Bros. Hugh J. EmmetL Cutade tloiden. Jordan GlrU. Animated Weekly. Orchestra, WEEK FEBRUART 24--BII.lJK REEVES, the Original Drnnk, In "Too Foil for Words." Brown and Foster, Mile. Marie Ilrdlh'ka, Jane Dara At Co., Bert WigKlns. Four RegBls In "The Armourers." Pantagesrope, Orches tra. Matinee daily. Boxes and front row bal cony reserved. Box office open from 10 A. M. to 10 P. M. Phones A 2286. Main 4686. Curtain 2:30, 7:15 and 9. L Y R I G WEEK FEBRUART 24 Keating Flood present "The Booking Agent. Two perform ances nightly natineea dally. Tuesday night. Athletic Contests. Friday night. Chorus (lrls Contest. OREGON HUME SOCIETY OFFICKNO.320 I'MIIA AVE.N I K, COlt HER MARKET STREET. Phone Fast 1423, B 2519. Horse amoulance for sick or disabled Animals at a moment's notice. Prices reasonable. Report all cases of cruelty to this office. Opes day and night. NEW TODAY." For Sale $70,000 Net Price $50,000 Win sell first-class property (my own). Including two residences, several valuable lota, acreage, etc honestly need of cash;' $25,000 required. Don't answer unless you can bwiuk mtj ueo., if found to your liking-. R 902, Orego nian. BUNGALOW ' The swellest bunsralow In Portland Five very large rooms, hot-water heat, fireplace, hardwood floors, bookcases and paneled dininsr-room, beam ceiling-. DUliet, uutcil Kiicuen aiiu uiixiiis- Dorch: beautiful Rxounds: 100x100 cor ner; six fruit and 12 shade trees; re stricted, high-class district; one block to car. A bargain at 89250: S2500 and f50 per month. Let me show you this. C. M. ZAD0W 414 Corbet t BIOSJ. A 1416, Marabnll 02. Mortgage Loans Money to Loan on Good Improved City Ateai nistate. Any Amount rtequireo. .THE FIRST TRUST COMPANY, - Enrraneea Washington and Third Streets. Walnut Park Home Owner going away. Six rooms, lot 60x100. street Improvements In, trees, roses and shrubbery, house modern In every way, price J4700, including car pets, stoves, shades and curtains. Terms to stilt. Owner, telephone Woodlawn 2688. 1071 Koaney ave. 1V4 ACRES on the southwest corner of Thirty-firnt and Brazee, all platted and ready to sell in lots. This Is a big snap, only $4500; 12000 down, balance in three years. C. M. ZAD0WX 414 Corbett Bldg. A 1416, Marshall 1)2. A SNAP IS Ladd's Addition Lot on Ladd avenue, near Hawthorne avenue, with easterly lace. Terms to suit. Address or apply to. OWNER. 501 OREGOXTAN BUILDING. CORNER LOT 70x100 on the northwest corner Fifty- third and East Madison: hard-surface all In. This is a beautiful building site, nice view, and a snap at $3620; $200 down, balance In five years. If you want something nice, this Is it. C. M. ZAD0W 414 Corbett Bids;. A 1416, Mnratsall 92. Golden Opportunity 14-room boarding house, furnished, rent $45, choice -district, will sacrifice. Main 847. Apply 823 Oak St. FARM LOANS ONLY . W loan our money at 7 aad 9 We chare no commies Ion. DEVEREACX XORTGAGK fOMTAXT, 10O9 b pal ding Bidx".. Portland. CITY AND FARM LOANS Any amount at Current Rates. JOHN E. 0E.0NAJI. 903 SpnldinaT Blda Portlnnd. Or. MORTGAGE I,OA3iS, ; . Sloney on hand for loans on Portland residence and inside business property at current rates. First mortgages only. CssnmeYcfe Safe Den. Jt Msrtcsct Co. 1018 Luainoer 01 wraowrce. MIMES NEW TODAT. HOLLADAY'S ADDITION THK VERY v BEST 131 TUB CIT FOR SALE Tvs fin rMlrlAnfa one nine rooms and one seven rooms. Furnace fire place, bath and all col renlencea. Close. In. Location choice and certain ts ln- crease in value. Terns if desired. THHI OKEGOX REAL fc.s'1'ATB COMPAITT, k ernnd Ava. and hi alt nomas, rheaes U 7. O lion. Edward L Goudey Lc-ivla Bnlldlnsr. MORTGAGE LOANS B ner cent on best business properties. 6 per cent and 7 per cent on other closo. in ousiness ana resilience wecm mca. CITY & FARM LOANS $1000 and up at lowest rates. C.M.ZADOW 414 Cornet Bids. A 1410, Marshall 01. REAL KSTATK DEALERS. rt.b William I". S15-K18 Faluns' bide. Chapln A Herlow, 312 Chamber ot Commerce. Jennings si io.. aiain im. ai, unsum.". PALMER-JONE3 CO- H. f.. H-itlS- Wilcox bid-. THE Oregon Real Kstale Co Grand ave at Multnomah st. Holladay Addition.) BRUBAKKR A BENEDICT. 002 McKay bldg. Phone Main 649. REAL ESTATB.. For Sale Lots. DELIGHTED!!! That is the remark wade by most peo ple who have seen our West 6ldo addi tion. Restricted district, telephones,, sidewalks, graded streets, fruit trt-es. Bull Run water; all Improvements paid; Just beyond the high tax district; last year's taxes 65c per lot; e-cent car fare and only 15 minutes to center of business district. PRICES AND TKRMS TO Bill YOLTt INCOMB. - We have 2, 4 and 6 -room bouses ready ' for immediate delivery. The first eholco of lots costs no more than "take what la left." Come today and arrange to see this property. Ask for Mr. Molesworth, mau . aser subdlvisiona THIS FIRST TRUST COMPANT, . Entrances Washington and Third Sts. Mam Isik; A S1&3. LAURELHURST. We specialize on this beautiful prop erty, we Handle no other, we handle the best that is for sale, we know Laurel hurst and can save you rnouey; Laurel hurst is Just what you -want You can always find us at the tract 01 flce. 39th and Eist Gllsaa sts. PKLAHUKTY A CLEMENTS. PORTLAND HEIGHTS SACRIFICE 116x110, level corner, lower Portland Heights, walking distance; magnlllcent city view; improvements paid: halt market value, ... BROOKE. Elm and 22d sta. Marshall 42T. A 8S30 LAURELHU11ST. Two choice lots, 60x100, south front, next corner Haxel Fern and Imperial, only $1400. Kaoy terms. Phone owner. Main sunt TEN 60x100. east front; ton 60x60 west front lots. Including 4 corners, 2th and Fremont; $11,000. Particulars, a 180, Ore goniair . . r. t... n l . E h.,rin, fnitl IrAM SHOO and up; 4 blocks east of Piedmont, near Alnswarth ave. l -good, terms. Lumber mens bldg. ' - : I FINE ALAMEDA PARK LOTS ; - sacri fice $1800; Improvements in; cash or term; no agems. . eov, v,aa,. BON AD AIR, near reser-olr; three best lota In tract; 11600, or will sell- part. C. Lewis, 484 yaaima ave., nwma. II DOWN AND gl WEEKLY BOYS 30x110 FEET. 2 ULOCKS OF CAR. O 'iOS. OitK GON1AN. SIGHTLY lot in Montavllla, 5 blocks from car, S500; $& down, S6 .month. Gordon. Main 6443, - GOOD, level lot, 00x1110, Klamath Falls, for $100, $12.50 down, balance 6 years, o per ceni. uwner, -wo uaju $1330 BUTS my Parkrose acre; fine shade trees; close to car; fine homes adjoin ing; terms. X787, Oregontan. J1400 Lot 60x114, on Marguerite ave., near Division; paved streets, all paid, inquire 706 Powell st. 40x140 on West Side. 2 blocks from car, $376; terms $25 down and $10 per nioiuh. Edgar A. Stelnau, 262 Stark St. F1KLAND lots, $a75, teims, $5 monthly. T-t ..r .-..m ma- 1 1 Kit. SNAP Choice lot, !Sth and Clackamas st., 11160; terma Phone Tabor 632. TWO lots" In East, Vancouver, Wash., very reasonable; no tradeB. AO 708. Oregonlan. FINE lot In North Bell Creet cheap. Terrua. East 2482. ; f orSau Honsea. VACANT LOTS DON'T PAY. BUILD NOW AND SAVE MONET. WS PLAN AND BUILD HOMES AND APARTMENTS. MODERATE PRICKS AND TEKMS. MONEY TO LOAN; COME IN AT ONCE AND ARRANGE BEKOHB SPRING ACTIVITY SETS IN AND SAVE MONEY. TAYLOR BUILDING CO., T.O M KAY BLDG.. SD AND STAJtlC STa I WANT to sell my home on Mount Scott carllne, 400 feet from station at Laurel wood. Price $1200. Most any terms, come out and see it, or see me at 232 Chamber of Commerce. H. N. Rosa MAKE AN OFFER My 9-roora residence at 10S Royal Court, Laurelhurst, must be sold; It is a beau tiful, strictly modern Colonial borne, com plete In every detail; it will be sold at a bargain. Phone Tabor !98 for full de scriptlon of property. $3350 HAWTHORNE DISTRICT $3850. A dandy 5-roora bungslow; shades and fixtures go with it; built-in conveaiences, full cement basement, line surroundings; nno block from the carline. J. L. Kar- nopp, Ky. Exch. bldg. M.2ui4. A I46U. "LEAVING STATE MUST SACRIFICE. My exclusive $7000 Laurelhurst home; 7 rooms, sleeping porch, elegantly fin ished in hardwood; every convenience; don't miss seeing this; your opportunity. Tabor ROSE CITY PARK. ,100 CASH $15 MONTHLY. 7 rooms, buffet, bookcases, ready i move into. National Realty A Trust Co.. 723 Chamber of Commerce. Main 512'.. FOR SALE in Elmhurst, 6-room bungalow ; fireplace, bookcases, china closet. Dutih kitchen; can make 3 large rooms upstairs, full basement, cement floor, wash u-ays, terms to BUlt. By owner. Call Tabor 40 ii. 6-room modern home, on corner 06 2-..X 60. worth $5000, for $4500; 2000 cash; balance time; can make better terms. Phone F-ast 3114. Owner, 550 East Everett. tdee ma i iiv.i... i. s . ...... Mst sell my up-to-date 6-room bunga low, will accept a lot and some cash for my equity. 240 East 49th St., near Madi son, pnone raoor lit V 1 1 U.'i VI n .ji i..rtL,. i. FINE HOMES, $4000 AND UP. CHOICH LOTS 1000 AND UP. NEt'HAUSEN 4k CO.. 703 LEWIS BLDG. Main S07S. rvi-na-ni T-.-V ITJl'TViTTflM IP TOU WANT FINE HOME. riN ISHED OAK AND MAHOGANY. EAST -78. W. H. HBKDMA.N. WILX Bacrtfioe my beavtlful -room mod ern bungalow m nu raifle mouey. See oner. 4& fc. Slat J. raise mouey. Horn all day. . m A NEW 6 -room hous-Q Trlth aleepinp-porch, modern throughout, with latest Improve ments: lor a snap see this. Owner j7 E 6oth Bt. Phone Tabor to97. 7-ROOM Irvlngtoo modern house. East 7th end tiacrameniO, DUrgaui iur teiait, uiwrtr from car. Reynolds. 102 Chamber of Commtsrce. TWO modern, 4-room ban k lows, $1800 and tZZoih Une 1UU U. saiurr terms. HQ E- 2tHn N. Woodlawn LEAVING city: ray new, modem. 8-room m March 5. Terms. Phone East 1871. IX) x or equity in lot as first payment on dandy a-room n-i.ia uu.oi- from wawtnorne v-ji 6-ROOM hpw bunjcal o w eottatre very cbn, SUNN'T8iTE SNAP; 6-room bouse, 5-xl0 30.0rTlOa SU JKaaaX A i vv. , Beawtlfnl modem bungalow. Taber 12bl.