17 THE JIOKXrXG OltECiOMAX. TUESDAY. FEBRUARY 25, Wl, FULL PRICES PAID All Wheat Offerings Are Ab sorbed at Firm Rates. TRADE IS MORE ACTIVE Vanncrs Make X Concessions, Kx peeling Higher Market Xeit Month When California Conies In for Needed Supplies. Wheat senilis In tha country was reported f bo a llttla freer yesterday, probably be ciusa tai tlma s approaching, bat offerings wero by no nun large and the. demand was sufficient to absorb everything at cur rent price. Thera wera no tracea of weak Ben on ti part of holders and there is lit tle doubt that th firmness of tha country markets will "continue up to th end. Farm ers hare been abl to hold prices level dor In th doll period and expect to reap their . - --. m rha Miminr month or two. when th Califoralana come Into th market for the wheat they must tmra Cub wheat was quoted, at 83 S6 cents and conld not ba bought m the country for less. Dealers offered 85 cents for Ko. 1 bluestem and a premium of a cent at least was obtainable for extra choice. Flour Is holding steady, with a normal movement in patents, but not much export demand. Shlppera are not disposed to stimulate trad by shadtae exports, in view of the firmness of wheat and the light sup plies of (rain aval lab:. Local receipts. In car., were reported by th Merchants Exchange as follows: Wheat Barley Flour Oats Hay Fat, Fan. Mon. 1 M T -J0 Year an ... 1M 2 2 '3 Sea-n to date.13.S69 HM1 1M 112 1S41 Year ace ...10.700 SO 1217 2103 Th weekly wheat statistics of the Mer chants Exchans follow: American visible tsxrppiy ...r.3.7o5.f"0 ...57.473.00 ...41.77O.0O0 .. .25.616. (x'O 14 ou nnrt . o io..u j tin. iit March b! l0rtl 47:2H3.0O 381.0'JO March 6, lSioS S3.S.rt0 February SS. liHM 35.59.00o crops this uson for many years. At the best, we do not believe we can look forward to lars crops, even though we should have bounteous rains from now on, as It Is be coming so late In the season." Bank Clearings. Tiank clearings of the Northwestern cities vm as follow.: eiearlnss. Balances. Portland St-sttle . Ttroma , Spokane .:.:i7s.:M7 S.0J3.171 .107.044 so.;ss :t7 1. '..-. -'. 12S.U70 s KS PORTLAND MARKETS. February 24. IMS. February S 1B14. February 27, 1U. February iiS, 1010. Decrasa. MS.3 OdS.OiVS l.UOO.000 aii.ooo 1.T54.0O0 5B4.O00 f 30.000 24S.OO0 V. Increase. Quantities on pasag Week ending Feb. 22 For Bushels Week ending Week ending Feb. IS Feb. 24. M3 Bushels Bushel .21.S.:;.ui)0 21.ih;vO0O 22.nse.ooo Continent ..2i.504!ofO 24.Jvi2.C0O 10.000.000 Total. .. .4S.O36.0OO 4.S0O.0O 82.U56.000 World's Shipmenu (flour Included) v eea From C. P.. fan.. Argentina .. Australia .. lnt:b. pts.. i:"ss'a . ... endii'C Feb. S2 Huahela 2. tHl' 4.06.M0 l.s.-.ti.wo H2t".000 ft:;6.0i 37G.OOU Work Week ending ending Feb. 15 Feb. 24. '12 Fushrls Biisneis t.RM.finO 3.H24.0OO 1.S01 272.01 0 S..4.0o0 S'.i2.C00 S.387.0O0 2.408.000 1.704.000 .ir.o.noo 62.u00 India . .. . Tots'. ...10.793.O0W 13.406.000 8.501.000 World's shipments, season to date Total since Same per'd From July 1. "12. Last san. S. sod Canada. . .IMO.irt.'.Ooo liat.lM.uno Argentina .... 14.o A'itra.:a 2.t,s:!.'.,'o Dunublan ports 41.701.W0 Itn.Hta 7.!3'V'' India 4'.'..VS.OOO ;;7.o;:.ooo .14.f'.4 0; S8,l'M7.00O M.:: 4.000 30.008.000 Totals . ..S99.S04.000 31S.023.000 ti.vcLisH Arri-E markets abe lower l-rire Weakened by Heavy Mocks Ke- . - eWved From America. English apple market conditions are re ported by W. Dennis As Sons, of London, under date of February 8 as follows: As we feared would be tho case, best cold storage barrel stock has experienced a drop In prices this week In both the Uvorpool and London markets. Arrivals 3f this fruit hav been heavier. It is true, but tbey are not altogether responsible for the break In prices. There has been a great quantity of rip common storsg itock on th market, which necessitated a quick clearsnce, and whilst there la no comparison between this stock and the best cold storage fruit, still the demand for the latter has been considerably curtailed through dealers and rc:allrs being load & 110 with th former. Arrivals of this com mon storage fruit are again heavy next we3k In Liverpool, so we do not expect prices for the best stock to get back to last week's level. We understand that common storage fruit Is ripening up rapidly and shippers are sending forward as much as they can before the stuff Is too rip to ship. We may confidently expect, therefore, to see the congestion relieved shortly, leaving the ntsrket cleas- for best cold storsgo fruit. Oregon Newtowns are lower In both mar- krii Liverpool is reaitxing from s d to s per box. whilst I.ondon quotes from 8s to 10s. anything extra fancy being worth the latter price. Sum Oregon thi. week ar riving In London more or less scalded hav been sold from 0s to 7s. California Newtowns are weaker. Liver pool now quoces from is ud to 0s for four tiers and Its for 4 t -tiers. Indon quotes from 5s ed to 0s for four-tiers and 6s to is tid for 4ti-tiers. Current quotations are given twlow: London Oregon Newtowns, 8s to 10s; Spitx. 9s to 10s; CaJlIornla, Newtowns, fours : tld to os: 4 -tier. Os to .s H. Liverpool Oregon Newtowns, fis fld to ... 3d per box: Ken Davis. 4s ltd to Cs; Washington Newtowns, ls ad to 7s Cd: Oro gon Ganos and Black TwIks. 0s to ;s '.d: California Newtowns, four-tiers, it (Id to Us; 4 t -tiers, Ss. FA-i SALES ARE ON LAJttiE KCA1JB. Low rrlre Are Moving Stock, but Market Continues Weak. Kg - sales are on a very large scale, but consumption does not keep pace with re ceipts, and the market Is not yet able to re cover from Its weakness. Buyers are Indus triously trying to bear pries and some of the dealers with large stocks sra ready to shade the market to move the eggs, but It other quarters th disposition is to hold alues steady, on the assumption that the market Is low enough now for this time or year. Sales were made ss low as 17 cents, cam count, and it was rumored that a half cent less was accepted in on In stance. The general range of prices was from 17H to 18 cents, with a cent j.retnluxa on candled stock. The poultry supply was small and the market r,as arm. Dressed meat wera also firm. The butter market Is steady, with no im mediate change In sight. Cheese was quoted half a cent lower in .some quarters. EARLY RIU'BARB MAKES APPEARANCE. Shipment From Lna Angeles Pells Well at fSJO a Box. A car of mixed vegetables arrived yester day from Los Angeles, containing th first large shipment of rhubaro of tha season. It sold well at ti-i0 a box. The car also con tained lettuce, which was quoted at C2.50, and spinach at Si cents a dozen. caulifower prices were advanced to t-9 2.25. in accordance with last week's rls In California. Five cars of green tomatoes wer unload ed. There ta a temporary scarcity of rip bananas on th street. Oranges sold fairly well. There was not much movement In apples. California Hay Crop May Fall. California is facing prospects for a very small hay crop this year, according to the following report from a San Francisco hay dealer: "N-w crop conditions for hay are most discouraging up to date. In no section of this state can the present conditions b called flrly good. to say nothing of bet fcr than that. The heavy north winds of th past two days hav been most un fortunate, as tkey have drtnd up what llttl moist ur could possibly be left from th 1 1 - t..M h.f thl. season and un less w hav Immediate heavy and general -sin, w helisv w will se the poorest Grala. Flour. Feed, Etc. truri t Track prices: Club. S38Sa: hlumrm, P.'-c: forty-fold, Sc; red Russian, M'liiOc: valley. 86Sic. BARLEY Feed. ;3-00 per ton: brow ing, nominal; rolled. IJ5.D0S 26.50 1 er ton. CORN Whole. -7; cracked. $28 per ton. iiii:b p. tents. 4.70 Per barrel; 11 mt exnorta. 13.8583.95; val ley. 4.70; fraham. S4.60; whol wheat. 4M1LLSTCFFS Bran. $21921.50 per ton; ihorts. 2iff2C.50 per ton; middlings. J per ton. . , . HAY Tlmothv. choice. S1j1; raixea. Eastern Oregon timothy. 30'12.50; oat and vetch. 112; alfalfa. 11.50; clover, 10; straw. 67. OATS No. 1 white, $27 27.50 per ton. Fruit and Vegetables. APPLES Ppitrcnbcrg. ertra fancy. SI-20 fil.r.e; iholcc. 75M1. Yellow .Ntown. extra fancy. l-23 1. Co; choice. 7jc1. Wineeap. extra fancy, L2.',o7 L50i Kea Che-k FlPPin. extra funcy. 1.-j1.i Ar kansas Black, extra fancy. 11 Bald win, extra fancy, I1.2j; choice. 75cl. Home Beauty, 1.2ri LD0. Ben Davis, etc common pack, notr6'c , TROPICAL FRUITS Oranges, Iav!. 12.TS6il.25: Florida, 14.50: California grape fruit. 2.75't3.25; Florida grapefruit. IS: lemons. 1744 7.00 per box; pineapples. C.c per pound: tangerines. $2.25 per box. VEGETABLES Articnokes. 1.50 per dozen: cabbage, lo per pound; cauliflower. 1232.25 per crate; celery, $2.00 4.60 per crate; cucumbers, 75c2.pr dozen; egg plant, loo pound; head lettuce, $2.60 ner crate: peppers,- 25c per pound; radishes. . - . .k,,h..h ! 'J np hox: Ave Per uvuiui - sprouts, loo; tomatoes. 2.252.75 par box; SACK VEGETABLES Turnips, OOcfJIl per sack: parsnips, 90ctl per sack; car rots. 0cC$l per ssck. ONIONS Oregon. $1 per sack. POTATOES Jobbing prices: Burbanks, SOc per hundred; sweet potatoes, 40 per pound. . Dairy and Country X'roduc. om-tTST Hens. ISSlCc; broilers. 18i2oc; turkevs, live. '20c; dressed, choice, 2&c: ducks. m'tMSc: "ee.e l31.4,.- EOio Fresn locals, wnmcu, io-ivibi-.! dozen: current receipts. 11 1 ioT C H Kt.iJ C'regon 1 . .uc 10. - w - . Young Americas, nominal. niirrrB oreron creamery butter cubes. 37 Ho per pound; prints, SOc per pound. PORK rancy, ivcnis p" v"y VEAL Fancy. 14jfl4Vja per pound. Stapl Groceries. 6ALM0N Columbia, River, one-pound tails. 1" 25 per dosen; bait-pound Tata, flats. 12.41: Alaska pink. one-pound tails. B5c; allversldea, on-pound tails. HONEY Choice. 3.25S.73 per ess. vitts walnuts. 18c per pound: Braxtl nuta. 12Hlc; filberts, 14 18c: almonds, 18c; peanuts, 65Mc; cocoanuts. 90c $1 .per doxen; chestnuts, no per '-! nuta, 3 10c; pecans. 17c; pine, 17H620C, BEANS Small white. 5.40c: larg whit. 45c; Lima. iic; pink, 4.70c; Mexican. 5c; bayou, 4.65c SUGAR Fruit and berry. 35.25: Honolulu plantation. $5.20; beet. 5.05: extra C, 4.75; powdered, barrels, $5.60; cubes, barrels, $5.60. COFFEE Roasted. In drums, 2440o pet pound. SALT Granulated. $14 per ton: half ground 100s, $10 per ton; 60s. $10.75 per ton; dairy, $12.50 per ton. P.ICE No, I Japan, OWO'-rc; cnesper .Hm AUr; Southern head. 6ffoso. DRIED FRUITS Apples, 10c per pound; apricots. 1214c; peacnes, Sillc; prunes, Italians, StrlOc, silver. ISc; figs, whit and black, 6atj7c; currants, 9vjc: raisins, loose Muscatel, 6H7ttc; bleached. Thompson, llic: unbleaced Sultanas, SVie; seeded. THfSHc; dates, Persian, THo per pound; fard. (1.65 per box. FIOS Twelve 10-ounoe. 85e; BO 6-otinc. $1.85; 70 4-ounce. $2.50; HO 10-ounce. $2.26; loose. r.O-pour.rt boxes. 6tt97o: Smyrna, boxes, $1.101.25; candled. $3 per box. Provisions. - HAMS 10 to 12 pounds, 18' 19?4c; 12 to 14 pound. 18 13 c; picnics. He; cot tage roll. 13c BACON Fancy. 273?2Se: standard. 22 23c; English. 10 to 12 pounds, 21c; 12 to 14 pounds, 20c LAP.E In tierces, choice. lAttc; com pound, 9 He. DRY SALT MEATS Regular short clears, 13&14Hc; short clear backs, 12 to 16 lbs., 14i,3H:c; short clear backs. IS to 25 lbs. lSHjJlSc; exports. 14c BARRELED BEEF Extra mess beef, $14, mess beef. 1; plat beet, $20; rolled bone less beef. $30. BARRELED PORK Best pig Pork, $24; brisket pickled pork. $2523. Hop. Wool and Hides. HOPS 1012 crop, prime and choice. 10 ISo per pound; 1113 contracts, 14115c per pound. PELTS Dry. 12(3 13c; lambs, 25935c; full wool, $1.2501.35. WOOL Early shorn, east of mountains, 1543c 20c per pound. HIDES Salted hides, im12s per pound: salted calf, 11! vise; salted kip, 12014c; green hides. 11c; dry hides. 21r22c; dry calf No. 1. 25c: No. 2. 20c; sailed bulls, 8c CASCARA Per pound. 4tt04c; car lots, 4i6ic GRAIN BAGS 9i9e, according to de livery and terms of sale. Linseed OH and Turpentine. LINSEED Oil. Raw. barrels. 6flc: boiled, barrels. 58c; raw, cases, 61c; boiled, cases, U3c. OIL MEAL Csriosds. $37.60 per ton; less th&n carloads. 140 per ton. TURPENTINE Barrels, l4c: cases. 64c. CASOLIVE Naphtha, in Iron barrels, 16c; in cases. 21tc; motor gasoline, in iron bar rels. 17c: cases. 2-fc; engine distillate, in iron barrels, Sc; in cases, 15 He SAN FRANCISCO PRODUCE MARKET Prices Quoted at the Bay City for Vege tables. Fruits, Etc. SAX FRANCISCO, Feb. 24. The follow ing produce prices were current here today: Fruit Applos, choice, SOc: common. 40c; U.xican limes, nominal; California lemons choice, $57; common, $1& 2; naval oranges, $1.2ii; pineapples. $1.50 S' Chtce Young America. Itillc Butter Fancy creamery, 34'c; seconds, 32'jC Butter Fancy creamery, " 34c Eggs Store. lCc: fancy ranch, 17c. llay Wheat, $42&; wheat and oala :21.".ti U 2i. alfalfa, $1.0(315.50; barley, $1S to 15. Potatoes Oregon Burhanks, 75c$l: Fa lltias Kurbanks, $lfe1.25; sweets,' $l.b52. Vegetables Cucumbers, $3(63.25; green pea., nominal: string beans. 4uc: tomatoes, 35i 00c: eggplant. 25t3ijc; onions, 50'attOc. Itccetpt. Flour, 10.O2 quarters: barley, 14.oo centals; potatoes, 70115 sacks; hay, ljt'J tons. Raid by Bear Traders Starts Entire List Down. NEW LOW POINT REACHED Xo Chance in Goneral Conditions Responsible for Drive Humors of Government Action Against Corporations Xot Verified. NEW YORK. Feb. 24. The action of the stock market today could not be explained as the result of alteration In conditions which deterniins speculative opinion. These conditions were little changed; in fact soma Improvement might have been dlS' cerned had Wall street been In a more cheerful frsme of mind. But stocks again bruk sharply, many Important Issues drop ping to new low points. Tha break beiran In Can. which gava way under a rapid fire from bear traders. Read ing and Lnlon Paciflo also were sold heav iiy. th former losing 3i. Northwestern sold at 133, the lowest since 1907; Southern Paciflo at 9b. the low point sines 190S; Erio at 261. tho first preferred at as and Loulsvlll at 130 touched th bottom figures since 191V. American ioDacco dropped 12 polntd. Th weakness of tn margex gave rise to various rumors, mainly concerning Govern ment proceedings against corporations, but none of them was substantiated. The bond market continued heavy. Total sales, par value. $2,150,000. United Slates bonds were unchanged. . CLOSING STOCK QUOTATION'S. Reported by J. C. Wilson A Co., Lewis Duiming, .fortiana. . 700 700 8.200 2.20O 100 4.K0O 8 00 Sale.. Amal Copper .. 33,000 Am Beet Sugar. 00 American Can.. 43.00O do preferred. . 2,4twi Am Car Fdy. Am Cotton Oil.. Am Smel & Ref Am Smcl 4b Rcf Am Tel A Tel.. Am Tobacco -. Anaconda. ..... Atl Coast Line.. A T & Santa Fe do preferred.. Bait & Ohio ... Brook R Tran. Canadian Pao .. C AO C A G W C A N W C. M A St Paul Central Leather Central of X J. Chlno Col Fuel A Iron Col Southern ... Consol Gas . .... D A R G Distillers Secur. Erie Gen Electrlo ... fit North Ore .. Gt North pf -. llllnots Central. Interboro Met. . do preferred.. High. St ai 123 60 404 tW ', Closing Low. B1U. K00 400 21it 36 124 101H H) 101 4 2.4W0 1004, 6.100 2S154 o.o 79 ll 600 400 2,000 1.100 ' 7,266 900 15 184, 10754 26 4 'as?, 83 200 131 V, IOO J4i .10O 2Sti 1,100 JUS K00 2.600 1.800 2.500 35 12 17 no Inter Harvester 2,100 1074, 24 100 Wool IJtfted For London Sales. LONDON. Feb. 24. The listing of wool for the second series of auction sales closed with today's arrivals, as follows. Baii-s, .. 4.W.'0 .. 2l.UU ..l'lfl.UUO .. 21,0(10 .. 15,0(10 . . i.wo .. 11.000 . 88,000 New South Wales (Queensland Victoria Fouth Australia West Australia Tasmania New Zealand Cate and Natal Of this stock 193.000 bales of Australian and 15,000 Cape of Good Hope and Natal were forwarded direct to spinners, making the net available for the sale (Including 5000 old stock! 155.000 bales. Hons, Etc., at New York. NEW YORK. Feb. 24. Hons. dull. State, common to choice, 1012, 20S12SC; lull, 10S 15c; Paclllo Coast, 1912, 17&2UC; 1011, 12 16c. Hides Firm. Central America, S0c; Bogota. 2930Vic. Petroleum Steady. Refined, New Tork. barrels. $K.5t: do bulk. $4.85; Philadelphia, barrel., SSuO: do, bulk, $1.S5. Woo! Steady. Domestic fleece, ''XX" Ohio. Sit 32c. Dried Fruit at New York. NEW YORK, Feb. 24. Evaporated apples, quiet. Fuicy. 7VaSttc; choice, OfcOVic; prime. 5sfr5i3C. Pruoes Steady. Callfornlas, 3llic up to 3O-40s; Oregons, 54B(ic Pcahes--J'iiot. Choice, HftCKc; extra choice. 0K7c; fancy. JHdSc. Chleag Dairy Produce. CHICAGO. Feb. 24. Butter, easy. Cream eries. 2sc to 511.6:15c. Eks.. Brm: re.-cipts. ll.Stxl ee: at mark, cases ineiuded. 17 'j4yl.se: tirsts. lttHSflStc Wool at St. Lonls. ST. LOUiS, Feb. 24. Wool, steady. Ter ritory and western mediums. 21ti25c; tine mediums. lS&2oc: Una, 13017c 33 ) 33 T 118 49 40 00 Vi 132" 2115 34 124 iooj 100 09 M, 87 fe 230 71 lSi 133. 107 2B!i . 32 fe i2n" IB 2fe" 1117 fe 8414 125 "ia 57. 100 24 54 153 laofe 23 fe 25fe :Gfe 48 llil ioife" 294 10S 114 25 100 15 "4 24 21 4 .si 2.1 fe 114 153 67 24 fe 60 fe 107?, CO . O 6 fe rtfe 06-54 S5fe 34 fe 118fe 49 fe 4 07 fe 103 131 fe 23T 3414 124 100 100 oofe 87 231fe 71 14 138 107 26fe S4H 87 120 lOfe 16 26fe 137 fe 34 fe 126 fe 122 17 57 44 107 24 fe 154 fe 130fe 2314 134 fe K C Southern. Lehigh Valley. &700 1585fe Ivnl A NnHh.. 1.400 131 4 Mexican Central 100 23 fe M. el P A S S 31 Mo. Kan A Tex 200 2514 Mo Paciac 4,100 87 fe National Lead.. BOO 4fe Nut Biscuit .... 300 113 . do preferred.. N Y Central... 700 105fe X Y. Ont A Wes fioO 28 fe Norfolk A West 900 1(17 fe Northern Pac. 2.900 115fe Pacific Mall 400 26 Paclllo TAT Pennsylvania .. 5.10O 118feS 117fe Peoples Gas ... I.O'IO 110 Reading 7C.4O0 159fe Republic S A I.. :'0 244 Kock lsiuud ... 2.210 22 fe Southern Pac .. 13,400 100- Southern By .. MW 2.1 "4 Texas Oil 7(K 114fe Union Pacific. 87.400 1.10 do preferred.. MOO 8714 United Rds S F 500 25 U S Steel 74.500 6Hi do preferred.. 4.KJ0 10SV4 Utah Copper .. 8,110 52 fe Wabash 500 3 . We.iern Union. 5(i0 67 Westing Eieo .. 1.100 Oflfe Wlscunsln Cent 50 Total sales for th day, 471.300 shares. BONDS. Reported by Overbeck A Cook Co., Board ot lrado building, fortiana. 37 48 fe lllfe 116 105 29 fe 10fe 115 25 92 lis 309 fe 154 fe 24 aife Wife 25fe 114fe 154 fe 87 24 (! 107fe 00 fe 3 87 oxfe Am. Tel. A Tel. conv. 4s Am. Tobacco 4s do 0s Atchison Gen. 4s. ............ . do conv. 4s do adj. 4s stamped do conv. Cs Atlantic Coast Line cons. 4s. do "L&-N coli" 4s Bait. A Ohio 3fes do 4s Brooklyn Rs Transit 4s Can. Southern first 5s (.'. A O. 4fes C. B. A Q. gen. mtg. 4s. ....... do Joint 4s. . . do Ills. 4s do Denver 4s Central Pacific first 4s Cnicago A East. ills. 4s Chicago R-I P. ref. 4s.... do Col. trust Id.......... Colo. A Sou. first 4r Denver A ltlo Grande 4s DeL A Hudon conv. 4s....:.. Ele first eons. P. L. 4s,.... Int. Met. 4 1;S Japanese 4s do llrst 4'ts do second 4 fes. ............ . L. A N. uni. 4. Mo. Kans. A Texas 4fes Mo. Pasinc 4s N. Y. Central 3fes (lo L. S. 3Vi do 4s N. Y. City 4 ',ts of 1957 Norfuik A Western 4s. ....... do conv. 4s N. Y.. Ont. A W. 4s Nor. Pac. P. L. 4s do 3s Oregon Short Line 4s Oregon Ry. A Nav. 4. IVnn. Rv. 4s of 1918 Philippine Ry. 4s Reading gen. 4s Republic of Cuba, 5. Sou. Pac first ref. 4s do col. 4s "outhero Ry. 4s St. L. A S. F. ref. 4. Union Pacific first 4s do ciiiv. 4s do ref. 45 U. S. Steel S. V. 5s United Stales 2s registered.... (io 2s coupon do Us registered do 3s coupon ............. . do 4 registered............. do 4s coupon United Railway 8. F. 4s United Railway St. L. 4s Wabash first 4s Western Union 4fes Westlnghcuse conv. 5s........ Wis. Central 4a West Bhora 4a Bid. .1( . 96 .120 . fe .101 . 5fe .102 . 9fe . 9"fe . 0"!4 . 97 . S . l(il IOO . 04 . 9fe . 97 . . 94 1 S7 . 3fe . n:t . 87 . 7 , 8.1 . 79 fe . SI SKS, 87 fe . 97 . 8.1 . 69 . Sl'i ... 77 . 89fe .104 . 97 .105fe '. 97 . 7 ..90 14 . 3i .101 ". ixife .lOlfe 93 4 . 954 . 79 fe . 75 . 9S . 93 fe '.lOOH .lOO-i .lwfe .lo.'fe .102 fe .113', .113". . 62 fe . . 92fe . !K1 . 7fe Asked. 105 fe IMS 11 S7 '4'4 9(J 91 9714 1001.; l0fe 95 fe 111 1S'4 95fe 91 fe 78 87 fe 63 fe 94fe 8Sfe 714 S(t 79fe 81 9714 8fi 70fe 8.1 90 fe 14 fe 7'i J'Wfe 92 97 V. 7fe 90 fe 95 I'll fe 83 9.1 5 lUlfe 9 79 fe 75fe 99 93 fe 911 fe 100 fe lOlfe 101 r K'2 103fe H4fe 114fe 61U 73 fe 6914 95 93 1 9Sfe ness In bankers' bills at $4.8320 for 60-day bills and at $4.8760 for demand. Commercial bills, H.Kio. , Bar silver, 61c Ku.t.'Q n Hollar. 4811e. Government bonds, steady; railroads. heavy. LONDON'. Feb. 24. Bar silver, weak, at 28 l-6d per ounce; money, 4fe454 per cent; rate of discount lu the open market for short hills. 5 rer cnt: do, tnreo mourns bills, 4?4 per cent. LONDON. Feb. 24. Sterling In London, 60 days, $4.83; do sight, ,4.81. Silver bars. lc Mexican dollars, nominal. Drafts, sight 2fec telegraph c Coffee and 6ugar. NEW YORK. Feb. 24. Coffee futures opened steady at 5 to 15 points lower under European selling and renewed niiuiunwuu.. Tho market hero sold off snarpiy uaacr cuu tlnued offerings, while tho final tone of fu hir.i van ataadr. last rjrices were at prac tically the lowest and from 27 to 30 points under the final figures 01 last Tiuay. 84 2.v. March. ll.S2c; April. 11.97c: May. 12 12c; June, 12.15c; July, 12.20c; August, 12.26c: September, 12.32c; October, 12.2!c; November. JlilUc; uecemoer ana januuij, 19 Tilt Spot Steady. Rio 7, 12fec: Santos 4. 14V4o: mild dull; Cordova, 1717c. nominal. Raw sugar Steady. Muscovaao, .o iesi, 5!2e: centrifuuai. .96 test, 3.4Sc; molasses .89 tost. 2.7::; refined, quiet; cut loaf. 5.15c; crushed, 6.05c; mold A, 4.70c; cubes, 4.00c; XXXX powdered, 4.50c; powdered, 4.4oc granulated. -fine, 4.S5e; diamond "A," 4.S3C confectioner's "A." 4.20c; No. 1, 4.19c. DAY'S STOCK RUN HEAVY OYER 6000 HEAD ARB RECEIVED AT NORTH PORTLAND. 43aUIe aiarket Firm With Top Quality Steers Bringing $8.25. Bulk of Hog Sales at $8.10. A run of 6056 head of stock started the .... i , .. . ,1 - , ti,. v.rds at a lively rate, Over 1000 bead of cattla were received, the bulk of them for packers. A strong cattle market developed, as shown by the' detailed sales given below. Hogs neia tairiy in tho fac of a big supply. Th featur of the cattle market was the sale of a load of prime steers, averaging 1265 pounds, at $8.25. The premium of a Quarter was duo to their fine quality. That the market In general was healthy was made clear by tho steer sales put through at $7.70 to $8 Only a moderate amount w"" ..nnnoH In butcher cattle. Good cows sold up to $6.75 and bulls brought $5.B0 to $5 75 W'ir hnvina wiui on an active scale, with $8.15 the top price for th day. The bulk of sales were at $S.10. Heavy hogs wer taken at $7 to $7.10. No sheep sales were reported. Receipts wer 1059 cattle, 9 calves, 1887 hop. nnri ftOftl sheen. Shippers were Llnd A Van Ausdeln. Filer and Twin Fall 2 ears or nogs; uxman v French. Flier, 2 cars of hogs; J. G. Lenz, Fjlen IdsJio. 1 car of hogs: J. L. Baker, Caldwell, 3 cars of sheep and hogs; B. N. Stanfield, Stanneld, 4 cars of sheep; Han sen Livestock A Feeders Company, Burley, 1 car of sheep; Sol Dickerson, Weiser, 1 car of hogs; J. W. Sevier. Echo, 8 cars of sheep; Featherley A Thorpe, Red Rock, Mont, 8 cars of cattle; J. L. Dodds, Monida, 8 cars of cattle; C. T. Brown. Kimberly, 3 cars of hogs; R. Erlckson, Weiser, 1 car of cattle; J. Swenson, Pocateilo, 1 car of cattle; C. E. Brown, Hansen, 1 car of cattlo; Walla Walla Meat Company, Walla Walla, 1 car nf ,h,in! Adam. ItroR.. Payette. 2 cars of sheep; J. W. Chandler, Union Junction and Enterprise. 3 cars or nogs; a. r. num. ijiiu well. 1 car of cattlo and calves; McGill A Pensen, Ontario, 3 cars of cattlo and calves; W. A. Gover, rtoometie, x car oi came, Peacock A Sharkey, Nampa, B cars of cat tle; W. O. Pence, Payette, 8 cars or cattle; j, H. Fordyce. Enterprise. 1 car of bogs: C. M. Sevier, Anaconda, Mont., 11 cars of cattle; E. H. Hepton. Drummond, Mont., 2 cars of cattle; C. S. Hunt, Oroflno, Idaho, 1 car of cattle and hogs; J. H. Hahn, Town send, Mont., 1 car of cattle: J. A. Martin. Blackfoot. a cars ot nogs; aiasterson Wiley, Wallowa, 1 car of cattle; E. L. Wiley. Wallowa, 1 car of hogs; Person Bros.. Barrymorc. Idaho, 1 car or nogs; W. W. Kemple, Caldwell, X car ol cattle; H. Wilson, Joseph, 4 cars of cattle; G. Horvev. Runert. Idaho. 1 rar of hogs; C. W. Baird, who drove lu 17 hogs, and P. H. Howltt. who drove In 122 sheep. Tlie day s gales -were as iouowm: Weight. Price. 1 cow 000 $3.00 1 cow 10S0 MINING STOCKS. BOSTON. Feb. 14. Closing bids: Allouez 33fe',Mohawk 47fe Amal. Cop BilfeiXev. Con 1044 Am. Z. L. A Sm 2Sfe Nlplsslng Mines. S-K Arlx. Com 3 'North Butte 24fe H. A C C. A S. M 53'North Lake 144 Col. & Arlx GO .Old Dominion... 44 fe Col. A Hccla. . .465 Osceola 86 Centennial 13'MQuincy O.lfe 0. R. C. C 4 ! ,4!Shannon , 10 fe E. Bi:tte Cop. M life 'Superior 25fe Franklin ISup. A B0S..M... 3 c.ir. Con 22U, Tamarack 2.1 Oranbv Con..i.. 57felb". d. Sm. R. A M 3'Jfe Greene Can...... 7fei do pfd 4S Isle Roy. tcop.) 24 !Utah Cons 9 Kerr Lake...... 3',i;iUah Copper Co. OOfe Lake Copper.... 14!Winona 2fe La Salle Cop... Sfe'.Wolverin 64fe Miami Cop r2! Condition of the Treasury. WASHINGTON. Feb. 24. The condition of the United States Treasury at the beginning or business today was: Working balance $ 77.446.2'7 In banks and Philippine treasury 44.2f 5.741 Total of general fund 547.007,318 Receipts. Friday 4.244.505 Disbursements 4,517. 902 The surplus this fiscal year la go8,175,54s. as against a deficit of $24,486,366 last year. The figures lor receipts, disbursements. etc. exclude Panama Canal notes and pub lic debt transactions. Money, ( Exchange, Etc. NEW YORK. Feb. 24. Money on call, easier. 2fetf3fe per cent: ruling rate, 8; closing bid. 2fe; offered at 2. Time loans, easier, ou days 4?.l per cent; 90 days, 4fe44; six months. 4fe 64?1 per cent. Prim mercantile paper, u per cent Sterling xobange, firm, with actual buai- 5.50 776 5.50 ...1067 6.50 ... 5f 6.50 ...14(11 6.75 . ..1OS0 7.00 ...1220- 7.70 . . . 992 7.70 ...1231 7.S5 ...1227. 7.7(1 .. 973 7.75 ...122.1 8.25 ...10.1O 7.00 ...11 tO 6.73 ...120 6.60 . . '. 940 6..10 ... 942 7.25 ...1290 6.75 ...1209 5.10 . .. K80 4..VJ ...1090 8.50 ...1490 5.50 ...124.1 7.75 ...1140 7.00 ...1332 8.00 ...11(1.1 7.05 . . .1355 8.00 . .. S4d 7.10 .'. . 84.1 7.10 . .. 355 7.00 . .. 345 7.0(1 . . . 530 7.00 ... 370 7.0.1 . .. 310 7.(10 . .. 33S 7.10 ...1037 7.50 ... !! 8.10 . .. 2('4 8.10 . .. 3S.1 T.10 . .. 173 8.1(1 42 8.li . .. 335 7.10 ... 219 8.10 . .. 16 8.10 . .. 12 8.15 . .. 170 8 10 ... 140 8.09 ... 143 8.00 ... 102 8.10 ... 1.17 MO . .. 1.17 K.ff . .. 3 59 8.0ft . .. 158 R.dO . .. 197 8.05 ... 386 . 8.10 . .. 107 8.10 Tha range of price at th yards was as follows: $7.50ft'$.2.1 7.00 7.30 0.504P 7.00 .50'u 7.( 8.I)B'9 a.59 S heifers 4 cons . 1 calf .. 9 bulls . 23 steers 23 steers . 10 steers 25 steers 24 steers 25 steers 5 steers 1 steer . 1 cow . . 3 cow . . 2 cows 23 steers 1 cow . . 1 bull .. 1 bull .. 1 cow . . 2 hulls . 24 steers 1 steer . 24 steers 'iA steers 23 steers 6 hogs . 2 hogs . 2 hogs . 2 hogs . 1 hog . . . 2 hogs . 2 hogs . 6 hogs . 20 steers 96 hoir. . 90 hogs . 6 hogs . 10O hos . 115 hogs . 2 hogs . 02 hogs . 60 hogs . . 70 hogs .. 94 hogs . 22U hogs . 137 hos .. 100 hops . Kh Iioks lOVl hogs . ro hogs . 96 hogs . . 87 hogs 96 hogs 98 hogs VISIBLE GUT DOWN Large Decrease Sends Wheat . Up in Chicago Pit TONE FIRM AT CLOSING Improved Demand From Exporters Adds to Strength or Market Es timates ot Canadian Yield Are Kednced Coarse Adtancc. CHICAGO, Feb. 24. Surprise at a big de crease in th visible supply gave the wheat market today a lift. The outcome was firm at the fe to He net- advance. The close for corn was unchanged to fe S li o up and for oat. a rain of a shade. Provisions finished dearer by 2feo to 12fe15c Instead of a falling off In tho visible supply that wheat traders wer looking tor there was a decided enlargement total.. Strength also developed as a result of Improved demand from exporters. Re duced estimates of th Canadian yield tended to aid tlie bulls Primary receipts of -wheat wera 1.805,000 bushels, asalnst 722.000 bushels a year ago; clearances of wheat and flour epualled 491,- 000. t Mure receipts held corn prices In check despite cold weather that promised a reduc tion of stocks later on. Elevator and ship pers did the chief buying. Oats wer practically at a standstill, th trade awaiting news of farm reserves. Provisions turned sharply higher, owing to continued scarcity of hogs at Western cities. On the bulge, however, on of tha leading longs unloaded and brought about some setback. Tho leading futures ranged as follows: WHEAT. Open. High. .92 $ .9314 ... .91fe .914 ... .90 .9014 CORN. ... .52 fe .52 fe ... .53fe .53 ... .54fe .64fe OATS. ... .3414 .R414 ... .34 fe- .34 fe ... .84 fe .34 fe MESS PORK. -...19.S0 19.90 19.80 ...19.75 19.75 19.67 fe LARD. ...10.63 10.70 ...10.7214 10.72fe ...10.80 10.S0 SHORT RIBS. ...10.55 10.fi7fe 10.52fe .. 10.52 fe 10.57 fe 10.52-fe 10.60 1O.0T fe May . Juiy . Sept. . May . July ., Sept. . May . July . Sept.1 . May July Way July Sept. May July Low. $ .02 fe .91 fe .S9 .52fe .53 fe .54 . .34 .3414 .34fe 10.65 10.6714 10.75 Close .Sfe .91 fe .90 fe .52 fe .53 fe .54 i .S4Vt .34 fe 84fe 19.S214 19.72fe 10.65 10.67 fe 10.70 10.52-fe 10.5214 10.67 fe Sept. .....10.00 Cash prices: Corn. No. 5. BOe: No. 2 white. BO SOfec; No. 2 yellow. 5050fec; No. S, 47fe 4S9c: do, white, 48fe ii49c; No. 8 yellow, 471 (g4Sic: No. 4, 453i47fee; No. 4 white, 46 3'47feo; No. 4 yellow, 4547fec Rye No. 2, 61 81 fee. Timothy, $3.70. Clover, $12l-50. Grains In San Francisco. SAN FRANCISCO. Feb. 24. Snot Quota tions: Walla walla, $1.551.57fe ; red Itus sian, $1,521 1.55; Turkey red, $1.70 1.72 fe; bluestem, $1.70(jf 1.7214 1 feed barley. . , i w , or . !.-....-.. M . 1 '.--7 1' J 1 , A . wH( (l.O.K'l.-M, uioniub. i TZ 'H , ........ oats. $1.46feai1.47fe ; bran, $23 23.50; mid dlings. $3031; shorts, $2525.50. Call board sales Wheat firm, no trading; barley, easy; December, JL28; May, $1.27fe. European Grain Markets. LONDON, Feb. 24. Cargoes' on passage. quiet and steady. English country margets, steady; r touch country markets, quiet. r.rvv.p.POOL Feb. 24. Wheat Spot. firm; futures, steady. March, 7s 6fed; May 7s 3o; July. 7s afeo. THE financing of ship ments of timber to all parts of Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, China, India, etc., undertaken by the FOREIGN EXCHANGE Department LUMBERMENS NATIONAL BANK Corner of Pifth and Stark Resources 6 trillions First National Bank Capital $1,500,000 Surplus 900,000 . Oldest National Bank West of the Rocky Mountains LADD &TILTON BANK Established 1859. Capital Stock ,...$1,000,000.09 Surplus and Undivided Profits 1,000,000.00 Commercial and Savings Accounts Letters of credit, drafts tod travelers' checks issued, available in all parts of the world. OFFICERS. W. M. Lafld, President Robert S. Howard, Asst. Caahlen Kdward Cookincham, Vlce-Frea J. W. Letdd. Asst. Cashier. W. H. Dunckley, Cashier. Walter JI. Cook, Asst. Cashier. Puret Sound Wheat Market. BPATTLK. Feb. 24. Wheat Bluestem. 05c; fortyold, SOfec; club, 85c; ilte. 86c; red Russian, Siic. TACOMA. Feb. 24. Wheat Bluestom, club. (Sflc; red Russian, 84c. No receipts; holiday. Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS, Feb. 21. Wheat,, May, 87;s&SSc; July. S3?ic; September, 89c Cash. No. 1 Northern, S788c; No. 2 North ern, 854(iS0o; No. 2 hard Montana, 88c; No. 3 wheat. 83 '384c. Bran, $1T.G01S.W. Flax, 1.31. Barley. 42 SOc. Visible Supply of Grain. NEW YORK. Feb. 24. The visible up- ply of arain in the United States Satur day. February- 22, as compiled by the New York Produce Exchange, was as follows: Bunheis. Increase. Choice stcera t. .. . Good steeis ..... Medium steers ... Choice cows ..... Good cows Medium cows .... Choice caives .... Good heavy calvea Bulls Hogs Light Zloavy ........... Sheen Yearling wethers . Ewes Lambs ,. ... .50 e.oo s.oa .oo 6.309 7.50 s.50a e.o , T.B0 8.15 , 6. 60 a 7.10 B.050 4.25 Omaha Livestock Market. SOUTH OMAHA, Feb. 24. Cattle Re ceipts S400: market steady. Native steers, $7'tfS.50- cows and heifers, &W7.4o: West ern steers, Ji.5t)8; Texas steers, 8(&6.60; cotes and heifers, 1.30(tf7; calves, 6al. Hogs Receipts 46U0; market higher. Heavy, $S'8.2U; life-lit, fS.liti 8.2R; pigs, te07.7(i; bulk o soles, 8.158.20. Sheep Receipts 15.O00; market rteady. Yearlings. 7ff7.75; wethers, S.80e!.B5; lambs, '.75&S.7S. Chicago Livestock Market. CHICAGO, Feb. 24. Cattle Receipts 22,-000- market slow. Beeves, $S.750: Texas steers. 15.20&6; Western steers. d7.0; stockers and feeders, tuSOS'S.lu: cows and heifer, 3.1337.40; calves, 7fal0.iS0. Hogs Receipts 42,000; market firm. Light, $8.S58.Q; mixed, 8.35S 8.0214 ; heavy. S.lof8.60; rough. S8.163 8.S0; pigs, 8..Vlg8.40; bulk Of sales, 8.458.U0. Sheep Receipts 23.000; market unsettled. Native. J5.10r4d.05; Western, $5.40ifi'6.73; yearlings, i6.7088: lambs, native, Si.sO'tf 8.85; Western. S7.408.85. Metal Market. NEW TORK, Feb. 24. Copper. Rteady. Standard, spot and February, 14.00c; March, April and May, 14.00il4.ac; electrolytic, 13.00c; lake, 13.2.rc; castings, 14.7oc Tin. weak. Spoa 47.S547.05c; February. 47.0547.80c; March, 47.00 47.50c; April, 40.73(47.250. Lead, steady, 4.2504.S5c. Spelter, quiet, d.256.u.rc Antimony, dull.- Cookson's, 9.20S9.4OC. Iron, steady. No. 1 Northern, fl&.25& 18.75; No. 2 Northern. J17.7518.25; No. 1 Southern, $18.25lii'lS.75; No. 1 Southern soft, SIS.Ooe 18.30. Copper arrivals, 223 tons; exports this month. 23,187 tons. London copper, steady; spot, 6-1 13s; fu tures, 64 1-s 60. Ivocal exchange sales tin, 60 tons; London tin. weak; spot, 215 1.1s; future. 210 15s. London lead, 20 12s 6d. London spelter. 25. Iron, Cleveland warratnts 60s 6d In Londaa Wheat Wheat In bond.... Corn Oats Oats In bond Rye Barley . Barley In bond.... 03,735,000 848.000 8.SO7.II0O SS.OOO 13,776.000 2.E41.000 11.245.000 040,000 21II.S0O l.Cll.OOK 2,001.000 156,000 40.000 75,000 GS.000 40,000 Decrease. Cotton Market. NEW TORK. Feb. 24. Cotton closed steady at a net decline of from three to 14 points. February, 12.03o; March, 12.02c; April. 11.02c; May. 11.87c; June and July, 11.82c; August, 11.72c; September, 11.43c; October, 11.40c; December, 11.41c; January, 11.37c. Spot closed quiet. Mid-uplands, 12.30c; do. gulf, 12.75c; sales, 400 balei. NEW ORLEANS. Feb. 21. Spot cotton, quiet, unchanged; middling, 12Hc; sales, 395 bules. Naval Store. SAVANNAH. Ga,. Feb. 24. Turpentine, firm, 42c; sales, 107; receipts. 233; ship ments. 303: stocks. 18,800. Rosin, firm; sales, 477; receipts, 1300; shipments, 1S00: stocks, 121.10O. Quote: A. B. S6.27H: C. D, $6.30; E, $6.42: SB.45: n. J6.50: H. $6.60: I. $6.75: K. $6.90: M. $7.00; N. $7.05; WG, $7.10; WW, $7.15 ji 7. 50. Duluth Flaxseed Market. rtnCCTH, Feb. 24. Linseed. $1.51 X 1.32; May, $1.83 bid; July, $1.244. nom inal. . Hops at London. LIVERPOOL Feb. 24. Hops In London Paciflo Coast, 4 8s to f5 10s. Elgin Butter Market. ELGIN, Hi.. Feb. 24. Butter, 84 He. THE WHITE STAR LINE'S New "OLYMPIC" FITTED WITH DOUBLE SIDES AND ADDITIONAL WATERTIGHT BULKHEADS EXTENDING FROM THE BOTTOM to the TOP OF THE VESSEL Will Sail from NEW YORK April 12-May 3 And Regularly Thereafter AMERICAN LINE N. Y.-FIymouth - Cherbourg - Southampton Atlantic Transport Line New York London Dired RED STAR LINE N. Y. Dover Antwerp WHITE STAR LINE New York Queenstown Liverpool N. Y.-Plymouth - Cherbourg- Soathamplai MEDITERRANEAN CRUISES Boston Mediterranean Italy Canoplo Mareb 1 Cretlo April 5 A. E. DISKET, PASS. ACT., 1 SECOXD AVE.. MAIN FLOOR. REAR. SEATTLE. Or Local Railway and Steamship Aft-euts. San Francisco Los Angeles $6.00 and $10.00 $11.00 & $18.00 San Diego $13.00 & $20j Including Berth, Meals and Baggage. Brand New SHIP, S. S. MULT NOMAH; elegant accommodations. Sails 2:30 P. M. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 27. Make reservations at once. San Francisco, Portland & Los Angeles S. S. Company Frank Bollam, A at. 124 Sd St. Mala 20, A 4.'.0 last week, there being only one defect to show, it is nopea mar. mo Byaiem soon will be In good working order. The old syntem la in had shape. Monmonth Tests Water System. MONMOUTH. Or Feb. 21. (Special) The wRter system attain was tested ESTABLISHED ISM jnc;ineers MAKE ENGINEERING REPORTS . . FINANCIAL REPORTS RATE ADJUSTMENTS AND APPRAISALS OP PUBLIC UTILITIES S5 SECOND ST.. SAN FRANCISCO NEW YORK NEW ORLEANS J.CWILSON&CO. STOCKS, JSOAUS. GKA1.V AM COM'. MSMBEBJ SEW YORK. STOCK EXCHAXCB, HEW YORK COTTO.V UXCMAAblSt CHICAGO BOABU OK THAU AC TQsj ti'lVCli AU BONO lLJa.rtA.NGE, SAX FRANCISCO. PORTLAND OFFICE: Lewis Building, 269 Oak Street Phones Marshall 1120, A 4187. The advantages of bitulithic are apparent as years go by and bitulithic streets are free from repairs. TRAVELERS' OCTOS. AUSTRALIA AVD SEW ZEALA5SD (Union Line ot N. Z. Bvflney, via Tahiti and Wellington. Line of direct through steamers sailing from San Franclsoo March 6, April 3 and every 2S days. THE LINE TO ISLES Of THS SOUTH SEAS. For reservations, aeo local agents or address HIND, BOLPH A CO.. Gen. Agta, 079 Market street, San Francisco. Cal. COOS BAY LINE 6TEAMKR BREAKWATER jails trom Alnswortn. Dock, Portland, at 8 A. M, December 3 acd thereafter every Tuesday evening at 8 P. M. Freight re ceived da-liy except Tuesdays up to 6 P. M. Tuesdays up to 3 p. M. Passenger taras: First-class, f 10: second class, $7. Includ eg berth and meals. Ticket otflca at A 1 worth Dock. The Portland 4k Oaoa stay Una. L. H. Keating. Agent. LOS AXGELK3 AND SAN DIEGO ETRAMBHTPS TALE AND HARVARD Railroad or ar.7 steamer to San Francisco, the Expo Clf.y. Largest, fastest and the ONLY strictly first-class passenger ships on tho Coast. Averago spued SS miles psr hour; cost $2,000,000 each. ISAN 1KANCISCO, PORTLAND L. A. H. 8. CO.. Vain as. Frank Bollam. Agent. A 49SA 1S4 Third Htreec TRAVELERS' OCIDB. A Cruise of Delight. Get away1 for a vacation this season, escape t he - winda of March and tho rains of ApriL Take the 64-day South American Cruise of the Lamport & Holt Line tVrlta us today for Illustrated book that gives full details of cruise that ln- eludes visits to Bahla. Rio de Janeiro, Saiuos, Montevideo, ljuonoa Ayres, Sao Pauio, petropolls, Bnrbados and Trini dad in the West Indies, and optional trips to Panama and Valparnlso. gall ing; date from New Tork -March 22, April 19. Cost 300 and up. The cruises made bv the rietv Twin-Screw STEAMSHIPS VES TRIS AND VANDYCK, 12,000 tons, equipped with the most mod ern safety deviewi and affording passengers all the comforts of a, well-appointed hotel. For booklat address Lamport &. Holt Line BUSK & DANIELS, Gen. Agts. 361 Produce Exchange, Xew York - or any local agent. J. AM X SIS w. t EXPB15SS STEAMERS FOR Sao. i'ranflttro and Im Angeles WITHOt'T CHANGE S. S. ROSK fITV aUs 4 1 M. Kb. S3. 8. S. KA.!AH t'lTlf sails 4 I". M. March J. THE SAN FRANCISCO POHTLAMJ S. H. CO., Ticket Offlre sd and Waalilngtoa (witli I'hone Marohail r.u0. A fllSI. San Francisco, Lo Angeles and San Dieo Direct S. S. Rosmoke and, S. S. Elder. Sail Every Wednesday Altermately at a r. st. NOB.TS PACIFIC S. S. CO. 132 A Third Sit. Phones Slain 1314, A 1314