Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, February 03, 1913, Page 9, Image 9

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Bill Diverting Tide Land Reve
nue to School Fund Is
Satisfactory in Main.
Chairman Mulkey Asks That Sur-
- pins Revenue From Public
Wharves Be Allowed to Accrue
for Redemption of Bonds.
STATE CAPITOL, Salem, Or., Feb. 2.
(Special.) That he Is willing to con
cede the suggestion made by Senator
McCoIloch In a recent letter that title
to the submerged lands of the "Willam
ette River at Portland, covered by Sen
ate bill 26, remain in the State of Ore
gon is the subject of a letter from
Chairman Mulkey of the Commission
of Public Docks of Portland. In addi
tion he expresses the willingness of
the commission to allow revenues de
rived from submerged lands now not
built upon and leased to upland own
ers to be turned Into the common
school fund- of the state, but believes
that none of the revenues from the
public docks should be so used, Inas-1
much as he believes that the revenue
from the docks will pay no more than
the interest on the bonds and provide
a sinking fund to care for the prin
cipal. Senator McCoIloch Is also agreeable
to this view, declaring that he did not
take the stand originally that the
docks should be called upon to pay
any share of their revenues into the
common school fund, but believed that j
the common school fund should derive j
some benefit from leases of submerged
lands to upland owners. It is under
stood that Governor West also believes
that the school fund should derive
some benefit from the revenues so
Independence Is Requested.
The draft of the amendment that
you submitted to me is In the main
satisfactory,' writes Mr. Mulkey In re
" sponse to Senator McColloch's letter,
"except that the Commission of Public
Docks would not deem it advisable
that any portion of the revenues de
rived from the public docks should bs
paid to the State of Oregon or that
any leases the Commission of Public
Docks might make, of municipal docks.
should be subject to the approval of
the State Land Board.
"The municipal docks contemplated
are to be of fire-proof construction
and will be expensive to build. It is
not expected that the revenue from
these docks will pay more than the In
terest on the bonds and provide a sink
ing fund to retire the principal at ma
turity, which will be anywhere from
35 to 60 years.
"Again the Department of Public
Docks contemplates what Is known as
a complete water terminal which will
require the condemnation of a consid
erable portion of upland adjacent to
the submerged lands of the Willamette
River. Further than that most of the
site contemplated by the Department
of Public Docks for municipal docks
is now covered with wharves for
which compensation will have to be
made, and also, in all probability, in
addition to the value of the improve
ment Itself, the courts will allow the
upland owner the franchise value, so
that it will be burdensome to the City
of Portland to have to pay any portion
of its revenue of municipal docks Into
the school fund of the State of Oregon.
Amendment Draft Submitted.
"With reference to the submerged
lands which are not now built upon
and which the commission would be
willing to lease to adjacent upland
owners, there is no reason why a con
siderable portion, if not all of the rev
enue, over and above expenses derived
from such leases should not be turned
Into the common school fund. I there
fore suggest that the amendment to
section 1 be framed along these lines."
Mr. Mulkey inclosed a draft of an
amendment to the section embodying
the features which he proposes.
Sponsors for the bill say it is only
intended to cover such title as is now
vested in the state in the lands be
tween high and low water mark.
The Supreme Court has held that un
der the act giving to the upland own
ers of the City of Portland the right
to construct wharves on these lands,
that such a grant was in the shape of
a license and revocable at will by the
state in such cases as where the li
cense has not been exercised.
Franchise Yaluot -Mooted Point.
But In cases where the license has
been exercised and improvements have
been placed on the submerged lands,
then the license Is Irrevocable and the
property can be secured only through
the exercise of the right of eminent
One of the principal questions In
volved in the controversy Is whethef
in condemning such properties, the
dock commission will be required to
pay the franchise value as well as the
physical value. The idea of the bill
is to leave this quesetion largely up
to the courts. In a number of cases
where the physical value of the prop
erties might not be exceedingly great
the frapchlse value would be large and
consequently the wharf owners object
to receiving only the physical value,
Committee Not Expected to Com
plete Work for Several Days.
STATE CAPITOL, Salem, Or Feb. 2.
v Special.) It will probably be at
least a week and perhaps longer before
the committee, which is investigating
the affairs and condition and manage
ment of the Oregon State Penitentiary,
formulates Its report to the Legisla
ture. The members of -the committee have
gone partially over the ground, but
there probably will be some hearings
held and the vouchers and figures in
connection with the institution will be
This will consume some time, and in
addition to this it Is possible that the
members of the committee may wish
to make another visit to the institu
tion. If this Is done the report prob
ably will not be made until next Satur
day or Sunday, and it may not be ready
until the middle of the following week
after this visit.
Report on Probe Delayed Week.
STATE CAPITOL, Salem, Or, Feb. 2.
(Special.) Although visiting the State
Industrial School, the joint legislative
investigating committee assigned to
that institution had nothing to say on
its return, further than that the mem
bers probably will have no report to
make for a week or two. The import
ance of the institution as a part of the
state government was mentioned by
Chairman Lester as one of the reasons
why, of necessity, the examination
should be as thorough as possible In
the time limited.
Hood River to Work for Change.
STATE CAPITOL. Salem. Or, Feb. I.
(Special.) Representatives of the Hood
River Irrigation District will appear
next week before the joint rrtgation
committee of the Legislature to discuss
the proposals In the Mitchell bill, which
offers some interesting phases on the
irrigation district question. The bill
proposes to change the method of col
lecting district assessments by placing
the county machinery at the disposal of
the district and collect the assessments
through the Sheriffs and the Assessors.
as municipal taxes are now collected.
Solon s to Stick to Jobs.
STATE CAPITOL, Salem. Or., Feb. 2.
(Special.) Probably the last Friday
adjournment of the present session has
been taken. From now on it is ex
pected that both houses will work
through every week until final adjourn
ment is taken. It was considered use
less to attempt to remain in session
yesterday owing to the absence of such
a large number of members who were
away, or wished to be away in connec
tion with junketing trips and the work
of investigating committees.
Price Advances Over Four Cents in
Tear Despite Heavier Crop
of Jute, I9 Complaint.
PENDLETON, Or., Feb. 2. Through
the local branch of the Farmers' Co-Op
eratlve and Educational Union, Uma
tilla County agriculturists are making
preparations to resist a so-called mo
nopoly on grain bags, which, they say,
bids fair to hit farmers of the Northwest
a hard blow during the coming harvest
season, by appealing to the Legislature
of the state and if necessary to Con
gress. Through their county president,
Manuel Friedley, and other officers, the
farmers today drafted, a resolution
which will be seat to the Legislature
requesting that it in turn ask Congress
to order an investigation at once of the
methods and operations of the grain
bag dealers.
At this season last year bags were
quoted at 6 cents while this year H
cents is asked, notwithstanding the jute
crop this year is said to be an excep
tionally heavy one. It is said that the
seat of trouble is with the company
supplying Jute. In support of this con
tention the case is cited of the State
of Washington last season sending a
man to India to buy jute for use in the
Walla Walla penitentiary and of his
finding the -India supply cornered. He
was unable to buy the product any
cheaper there than at home.
A shortage of bags is not plausible,
the farmers declare, for past experi
ence has demonstrated that any num
ber of bags can be had if the necessary
price will be paid for same.
Med ford Citizens Divided Over Ap
pointment of Mayor Eifert.
MED FORD. Or, Feb. 2. (Special.)
Medford is divided over Mayor Eifert's
selection of a market master. The city
market, established last year, was suc
cessfully managed by J. E. Run yard,
and there was a considerable demand
Lor his reappointment.
Following a precedent. Mayor Eifert
selected his own man for the office,
but only two Councilmen supported the
new appointee. Meanwhile petitions
have been circulated by Runyard's
friends asking for his retention and,
if the Mayor does not comply, threats
of recall are made.
According to Mayor Eifert's friends,
this is merely a political move on the
part of his enemies to embarrass the
new administration, and they will op- ,
pose an appointment unless It re
places Runyard.
The issue has divided the city Into
violent factions and the women are
taking an active part.
Miss Muck First to Register.
ST. JOHNS, Or.. Feb. 2 (Special.)
Miss Emma Muck, daughter of Mayor
A. A. Muck, was the first woman to
register for election in St. Johns. The
books were opened Saturday for regis
tration for the city primaries, to be
held March 8.
yt EMBERS have been drinking Bull
1 Run water for some time out of the
ice-water cooler at the rear of the Sen
ate chamber. Members of tne House
are not so well treated and have to
walk way across the Capitol to get a
drink of the Bull Run If they wish it.
Two years ago some practical joker
poured a quart of "blind pig" whisky
into the water cooler and a few of the
members complained, while others did
not. This year a guard is being kept
against an attempt to Inject a new fla
vor into the Bull Run water. The
water is shipped from Portland in la,rge
BOTH the Elks" Club and the rilihee
Club of Salem have extended their
full privileges to the members of the
Legislature and the press during the
session. The past week none of them,
particularly the latter,, have found
much opportunity to take advantage of
the invitation,
A REPENTANT corps of newspaper
correspondents at the Capitol has
been laboring under the delusion that
Miss Gray, page in the Senate, had
been given Dora as a name. But she
now comes forth and insists that It is
rightfully Leona. In these days of the
suffragette, discretion hastens a speedy
IN HIS 12 years as a legislator. Sena
tor Miller, the astute sage of Leb
anon, has diplomatically wrestled with
many trying problems; but his latest,
as to whether a woman should tell her
true age at the registration desk,
promises to be one that will strain all
of his tact and legislative experience.
&.NY of the Senatoij at this session
I I are possessed of hobbles. Von der
Hellen has his, cigars; Malarkey is long
on grammatical phrases; McCoIloch
strong for Governor West; Miller goes
in for education and the Democratic
party; Day's sole thought is workmen's
compensation; Kellaher's worry is the
"dear peepul," and Barrett believes in
counties building their own roads. Dim
Ick worries about his eight-hour bill
and Joseph amuses himself offering
flings at Dimick. Wood believes in
et -nomy; Lester's troubles are princi
pally directed at the fishing industry;
Patton's principal difficulty is convinc
ing sundry young ladies that they do
not wish to work on the enrolled bills
committee; Hawley eats apples and
watches out for the interests of the
Adoption of House Plan for
Congressional Reappor
tionment Probable.
Object of Proposed Rearrangement
Is to Distribute Population as
Near Equally as Possible
Among Five Districts.
OLTMPIA, ATash. Feb. I. (Special.)
After nearly three weeks of dickering
the House Cqngressonal reapportion
ment committee has adopted a plan of
reannortionine; the Congressional dis
tricts of the state, which it is thought
will be approved by both branches of
the Legislature. Tne committee win
report to the House tomorrow and the
report probably will be made a special
order for consideration some afternoon
during the week.
The committee has arranged Its re
apportionment according to the popu
lation as shown in the r eaerai census
of 1910. attempting to apportion the five
districts in such a way that each will
include as close to a fifth of the state's
population as possible and will embrace
counties having corresponding interests
and industries.
The City of Seattle, with 237,194 pop
ulation, is made into tne first aistnct.
Nine Western Washington counties with
a total population of 226,431 are em
braced in the second; nine others, with
an aggregate population of 268,646,' in
the third; 12 others, witn an aggregate
population of 189,846, in the fourtn, ana
eight others, with 219,352 population, in
the fifth.
Following: is the reapportionment
plan which has been arrangeo ana
which. It is thought, will be adopted
without amendment:
Area in
County. Population. Sqr. miles.
Seattle 237,194 80
District No. 2.
King 47.444 1.990
Kltsao 17.647 407
Jefferson 8,337 1,76
Clellam 8.735 1.8UT
Snohomish .... S9.209
Skagit 29,241 .. 1.874
Whatcom 4,oii
Island 4,704 238
San Juan 8.603 187
.226.451 12,206
District No. 3.
Plerc. 120.812 1.B54
Thurston H.5S1 763
Mason 5.156 998
Lewis S2.1-T Z.1MH
WahklfLkum- .. .............. . .
Cowlitz 12.561 1.145
Clarke 26.115 640
Pacific 12.382 25
Chehalls 85.590 1,968
Totals 268,646.
District No. 4.
Klickitat 10.1SO 2.079
Yakima 41.709 5.7S4
Benton 7,937. .included in Yakima
Kittitas JS.0B1 2,414
Chelan .... 15,104 3.070
Okanogan .... is.s7 6.S14
Douglas 9.227 4.768
Grant 8.698. .Included In Doucles
Adams 10.U-0 !.
Franklin o.li3 l.Zol
Walla Walla... 81.931 1.277
Lincoln 17,539 2,299
Totals 189.846 29,956
District No. 5.
Ferry 4,800 2.313
Stevens 25,297 S.945
Pend Oreille included in Stevens
Spokane 139.404. 1.777
Whitman o.i.-M! z.iuo
Columbia T.041 876
Garfield 4.199 725
Asotin ........ D.OiSl D41
Totals 219.852.
Programmes at Peoples, Star, Ar
cade and Snnnyslde Varied.
Five films and two vocal numbers
made up the Sunday entertainment at
the People's Theater yesterday and big
crowds visited that theater throughout
the day. Two of the films were wefl
acted dramas, one a comedy and the
remainder were educational and de
scriptive. One of the latter described
Oregon Agricultural College. Bean
takes unto himself the game laws,
while his colleague. Calkins, from
Lane shoots holes into the Oregon sys
tem. Hasklns finds his principal hob
by to be Yamhill County, while Carson
is as equally devoted to Marlon and
her interests. Perkins wishes to put
promiscuous revolver users out ? busi
ness and at the same time is busy pro
tecting the Oregon Naval Militia from
"disturbances from within and enemies
from without. Smith of Coos finds his
main delight In putting his fellow-Senators
on record. Smith of Josephine
has so far developed no particular hob
by. The balance of the Senators have
trifling Idiosyncrasies which will prob
ably reach the surface later.
CHARLEJ H. T. JONES conducts a
teachers' magazine as a pastime
and every two years engages in actual
work by "doing" the Senate part of the
Legislature for the Salem Statesman.
He Is a biennial fixture at the State
Capitol in this capacity. Vhlle alertly
watching the proceedings his one in
tense Interest is in educational bilis,
and when one of such is running the
gauntlet of debate he is on tenterhooks.
BEN OLCOTT, Secretary of State,
owns a dog christened "Governor,"
in honor of Oswald West, but who an
swers principally to "Puppo." "Puppo"
Is an Irish setter and came from As
toria, a present from Charles Brown.
He has been active in making acquain
tances among the legislators.
THE "third House" is scheduled to
meet next Thursday night in the
Hall of Representatives. The appela
tion is no misnomer. It includes the
clerks, stenographers and such of the
old guard of the lobby regiment as can
be persuaded to- join in the festivities.
It Is a sacred biennial legislative cus
tom that has been handed down through
many sessions. Members of the "third
House" hold a mock session of the
genuine House. It is generally a rather
humorous affair, as a burlesque on the
legislators. It always draws a big
crowd, and from the plana that have
been made this year It should be bet
ter than ever.
(f UNK" is the term that Governor
aj West applies to the obsolete sec
tions of the code that are being re
pealed, and the repeal of which he ad
vocates. On the face of them the term
is apropos. As witness, one of the sec
tions repealed provided for construc
tion of bicycle paths, and another that
the trip of a Mount Rainier mountain
climbing party. Some of the adventures
were thrilling and the scenery of the
entire trip wae enchanting. Miss Allen
featured in a song and a rousing round
of applause was given the Ad Club
Five association films were on the
programme at the Star Theater and
hundreds patronised this house. There
was a Vitagraph comedy, an Edison
drama, an Essanay Western, with Gil
bert Anderson in the lead as BroncO
Billy, and a foreign Pathe educational,
in which was shown a battle royal be
tween two different species of chame
leon. A. Harry Lauder, Scotch come
dian, a trick violinist and Miss Baker
furnished the musical numbers of the
The best show of the company was
at the Arcade, where the management
offered two two-reel features. "When
Lincoln Paid," told of a great episode
in the life of the martyred President,
and the other was the third of the Sher
lock Holmes pictures. There was also
a monologue with Lincoln in the back
ground most appropriate to the big
feature film, and Roy Detrich sang
with fervor.
The Sunnyside Theater had four good
pictures and a song by i. C. Huber,
the rag-time singer. On Wednesday
next at 3 P. M., there will be a meet
ing at this theater of the Parent Teach
ers' Association. All the mothers and
residents of the vicinity are condially
Invited to attend. Admission will be
Few Measures Emerge From Com
mittees, but None Are Past
Both House and Senate.
STATE CAPITOL. Salem, Or., Feb. 2.
(Special.) Three weeks of the Leg
islative Assembly have elapsed and
so far no bill carrying an appropria
tion has passed both houses. The only
one with a semblance of carrying
money attached is the house- bill re
i.. . . ha office of Mult
nomah County, which its sponsors say
-i . .rlitinnnl lpnu-
V. '.I 13 iiuv.uo u. "
ties, but gives to' the Assessor the
right to appoint ail 01 nis oepuuu i
takes the power of appointing some
Ul LIICIU " 11 L VI niw ...... .
Court. The bill, however, carries no
Ti.a.A . fo Viiil. that have come
out of the committees with appropri
ations atacneo ana a iew ui vwo,,,
have passed in either the House or the
C7AnA K.. nnna haVA .inn flB-Ht both
bodies. Those bills which have passed
In one or tne oiner huubb w vi
carry heavy appropriations, being such
measures as the one carrying $6200 ad
ditional for the State Dairy and Food
Commissioner or the bill carrying an
f i f 150ft tn install a
crematory at the State Asylum for the
The ways and means committee has
nn hA hi? budtret
for institutional appropriations or for
tne expenses 01 bux-io
and. commissions. One of these budgets
may come out 01 ine corainnwc rul
ing the coming week, but this is not
The ways and means committee are
investigating the conditions at the two
big educational Institutions, although
some of the bills for these institutions;
in fat-t nrantleallv all of them, have
been Introduced.
Whether, the committee win prune
the requests of the superintendents of
111(9 lIlBlitUklUllO . .C h.'J
big appropriation bills is not fully de
cided. It is probable that the budget
will be made up just as it stands as
, .1 K (Via Kimarintandent
rvvuiimiciiucu " j ...w , .
and introduced in the House and then
be re-referred to tne ways ana means
ttn Thla la fired fis nos-
sibly the most expeditious manner and
will rurnisn tna committee su wpyui-
tuntty to go completely into the rec
North Yakima Debt Reduced.
NORTH YAKIMA, Wash., Feb. 2.
fKnttMnl i After six months of the
commission form of government, Yak
ima ), .HiineH its. bonded indebted
ness 120,000. In addition the outstand
ing warrants were 43,000 less Janu
ary, 1913, than they were January, 1912.
Sewer Bonds To Be Voted On.
NORTH YAKIMA, Wash., Feb. 2.
Sniin.l.lA anecial election to vote
on a bond Issue of $260,000 for sewer
system and garbage plant win do set
Monday by the City Commission, fur
March 18.
put the state Into the weather service
business. The Governor believes that
the code could be reduced in size at
least by half, and probably more, with
out destroying its effectiveness through
the repeal of scores of these old stat
utes. SENATOR HAL PATTON Is believed
by his friends to stand a likely
chance of becoming postmaster of Sa
lem. They say he has both of the Ore
gon United States Senators with him,
and that he la the only Republican who
has a chance of being confirmed by the
NEITHER Senators nor Representa
tives are opposing any measures
which will tend to be of assistance to
the women. There Is a - noticeable
tendency at this session, to vote "aye"
for all such bills. They all now have
a new class of constituents at home,
from whom they are beginning to hear,
and they are heeding the new voice
(: tANGAROOED" is a favorite ex
. I 1 presslon of Senator Kellaher. He
Insists that his constituents, or the peo
ple of the State of Oregon, shall not be
"kangarooed" in every speech that he
makes in the Senate or before a com
mittee. No one has been able to be
forthcoming with a definition of the
his portrait, has been an Inter
ested spectator of the legislative pro
ceedings of this Senate, and of many
in the past, from a vantage point behind
the president's chair. He was head of the
Hudson Bay Company's interests in
Oregon, and by courtesy of his position
was called Governor of Oregon up to
1843. While he has expressed no opin
ion as to his thoughts on Oregon Leg
islatures, some of his remarks might
be interesting if he could do so.
THAT lawyers disagree to the dis
comfiture of laymen has been
brought home during the past week,
especially to Senator Smith, of Coos
and Curry. He bad several - ideas as
to reform legislation along trust smash
ing and labor-protecting lines, and He
could think of no better man to draw
them than the Attorney-General, so to
the Attorney-General he went with his
ideas and they were drafted into bills.
Now the judiciary committee has
picked out most of them as being un
constitutional, and Senator Smith, who
Is a layman, is wondering. .
Stamps on Charge Accounts if Paid in Full Before the 10 th
Visit the 2?X Trading Stamp Premium Parlors on the 4th Floor
Old9 Woriman & King
Opens 8:30 A. M. Closes 5:30 P. M. Every Business Day Except Saturday
Demonstration Fleisher's Yarns Art Dept. 2d Floor
Closing Out All Odds and Ends, Remnants
Broken Lines, Small Lots, Etc., Etc.
The season is now at hand when we must dispose of all odds and ends,
remnants, broken lines, small lots, etc., of every description, prepara
tory to the annual stock-taking. It's a time when we are willing to
sacrifice profits in order to clean up the stocks and make ready for the
new goods, which are even how beginning to arrive. Women who
buy economically usually look forward to this yearly event at this store
with more than ordinary interest knowing that the values offered are
decidedly the best of the year. All department managers have positive
instructions to clean up their stocks at once, regardless of cost or for
mer selling price. All odd lots, remnants, broken lines and odds and
ends of every description must move now in a hurry. Hundreds, yes
thousands, of bargain opportunities are to be found throughout all de
partments of the store. Are you going to reap the benefits? Be here.
GreenTrading Stamps With Purchases
Fancy "Baldwin" and "King" Apples $1.25 Box
Grocery Department, 4th Floor Fine Even Pack Every Box Guaranteed
Blue Label Catsup, bot. 18c
Seeded Raisins, a package, 7c
25c Fountain Oysters at 20$
Hams, East. Sugar-Cured 19$
Legislature to Consider Legis
lation of This Kind.
Majority of Measures of ..Moral
Tenor Are Proposals of West
or Ones to Which He Has
Given Has Approval.
statu CAPITOL. Salem. Or.. Feb. 2.
fSnooiai 1 Moral and reform legisla
tion is now well scattered througn DOtn
houses, and there are large numoers oj.
mh with this end in view. A majority
of them are bills of the Governor or
bills to which he has given his stamp
of approval.
Probably the one which is consid-
a Hn K mAet imnnrtflnt In his OrO-
gramme. but which is not directly
aimed at a moral reiorm is mo vm
I . . i v. i .HA pttrht tn Miinnlant Dis
trict Attorneys, Sheriffs and Constables
with special officers.
Liqnor Measures Many.
riT, i haa intrnriuned a bill pro
viding for the regulation of the sale
of liquor by druggists. Bonebrake has
o i.i li iofinini? intoxicatine: liquors;
Gill a bill to prevent the sale of liquors
outside or incorporaieu cmca
towns; Blanchard a bill to close houses
of prostitution, and another to keep
; . nf nnnlrnnmi: Gill also has
a bill making a heavier penalty for the
sale of liquor without a license, and
Howard has two Dins one m rc6'i"
dancehalls and another providing for
. L .i . nnUann hv inlunc-
tile OLPawMicu w 1 . .
tion. Also coming under this head may
be mentioned the plan for the steriliza
tion of criminals or insane.
n.iirin. ha. a nnmher of nlans. in
cluding the proposed repeal of the home
rule amenameni; snomer i w.-
sale or liquor 10 aruutuB uu v -..u.
r - .iirht nf orifin for such sale.
and still another to prevent the ship
ment of liquors into urj icrmuw.
This Is also considered one of the more
important in connection with the Gov
ernor's programme.
Morals Court TJra-ed.
cirit.. v. a hill tn nrnvunt the sale
JIVJDK.'.U I. v... I -
if liquors outside of incorporated cities;
Wood one to prevent the sale of nar
cotic drugs to prisoners or Inmates of
state institutions; Bean to punisn ior
a wtfM nr rh i Id. which
has already been signed by the Gov
ernor; Smith, of Coos, a bill to prevent
sales of liquor near county fairs:
uA.u-ina a Km tn nrevent the sale Of
liquor in depots, and Farrell a bill pro
viding for a morals court, as wen a
sterilization bill.
It Is possible that some more legisia
. i inn(v tii. iinoo nt moral reform
may be forthcoming before the Legisla
ture adjourns.;
Council of Albany Boy Organization
Is Selected.
ALBANY. Or.. Feb. 2. (Special.)
Hans Flo, principal of the commercial
department of Albany College, has been
chosen scout master of the council of
Boy Scouts, formed recently in this
city, and Deloe L. Foster, secretary oi
the Young Men's Christian Association,
has been elected scout commissioner.
The following: local men have been
chosen to form the council which will
manage the Boy Scout movement in
this city: C. W. Boetticher, J. C. Hol
brook, A. C. Schmitt, F. E. Van Tassel,
Franli M. Powell, C, Clinton Page,
George H. Crowell, S. M. Braden, J. C.
Irvine, J. W. Dickover and C. B. Winn.
Professor Boettlcner, wno is superin
tendent of the Albany public schools,
was elected president of the council,
and City Recorder Van Tassel, .secre
tary. J. C HolbrooK was cnosen vice
president and C. B. Winn, treasurer.
J. C Irvine. F. M. Powell. S. M.
Braden and Delos Foster were selected
as members of the court of honor, and
J. W. Dickover. George H. Crowell and
Annual Inventory
THIS WEEK AT 40c, 80c, $2.98
Special demonstration in Gro
cery Dept. today and all week.
C. Clinton Page were appointed as
members of the finance committee ol
the Council.
Orenco Schoolchildren Engaged in
Contest on Chickens.
ORENCO. Or.. Feb. 2. (Special.)
The Orenco school children are taking
up a contest on poultry-raising and
through M. McDonald, president pf the
Oregon Nursery Company, each schoi
ar has been offered a setting of pure
blood Barred Plymouth Rocks, White
Plymouth Rocks and White Orpingtons.
In order to make the contest interest'
ing the ten securing the highest per
centage in their school studies receive
the highest-priced eggs. All those re
ceiving above 92 in general average for
January and February, second, and
those between 80 and 91, third. This
will enable every child in the school of
a proper age to secure a setting of pure
blood chekena
The children are enthusiastic over
this contest and over the school gar
dens which will be raised here during
the Summer. About 30 of the girls have
signified their Intention to grow a
flower garden, and about an equal num
ber of boys a school garden, and an
equal number home gardens.
Special committees have been appoint
ed to assist the children in the poultry,
vegetable and flower-raising contests.
A Fair will be held in the Fall at which
exhibits will be made.
Linn County Supervisors Will Hoi?
Convention Thursday.
ALBANY, Or., Feb. 2. (Special.) To
discuss methods of road building, with
a view toward having uniform work
throughout the'entire county, all of the
road supervisors of Linn County will
meet in convention with the members
of the County Court in this city next
Thursday. The entire day will be de
voted to a discussion on road building
There are 33 road districts in Linn
County, and it Is expected that tne Su
pervisors from all of them will be in
attendance at the convention. D. B. Mc
Knlght, County Judge, and O. H. Rus
sell and T. J. Butler, County Commis
sioner, will discuss road improvement
plans and methods of work with the
Supervisors at this time, and the year's
work will be outlined.
Linn County has a 3-mill levy for
road purposes thie year, and this will
raise about 190,000 for road improve
ment work. Besides this general levy,
which will be raised in every district
in the county, eight road districts have
made special levies for road improve
ment work. These special road district
levies range from 1V4 to 6 mills.
Pasco Will Celebrate.
PASCO, Wash, Feb. 2. (Special.)
m ... V. . maj. fnT thn formal
opening of Franklin County's magnlfi- I
cent new courtnouse eariy in marcu. fc
is Intended to have Governor uisier,
members of the Supreme Court, Judge1
Time it! In five minutes all stomach distress will go. No Indigestion, heart
burn, sourness or belching of gas, acid, or eructations of undigested food, ns
dizziness, bloating, foul breath or headache.
Pape's Diapepsin Is noted for its speed in regulating upset stomachs. It is
the surest, quickest and most certain remedy in the whole world and besides
it is harmless.
Millions of men and women now eat their favorite foods without fear the
know now it is needless to have a bad stomach.
FEEL, flit c in rue nauf
1 - . ... r-Il-P UIMM
- rCC
Golden Wax Beans, 2 ens. 25$
Tiny String Beans, 3 ens. 50$
25c Van Duzer's Lem. Ex. 15$
45c Van Duzer's Ex. 4-oz. 30$
Holcomb, of the local Superior Courf,
and representatives of the commercial
organizations of Spokane, Seattle, Ta
coma, Portland and other cities take
part in the dedication ceremonies.
Vancouver To Lobby Ior Bridge.
VANCOUVER, Wash., Feb. 2. (Spe
cial.) Part of the Pacific highway
bridge committee, Messrs. A. L, Miller,
Donald McMaster and James P. Staple
ton, will go to Oiympla tomorrow to
appear before the committee there in
the Interests of the proposed bridge to
be built between Vancouver and Port
land. The men will be armed with sta
tistics showing the urgent need of the
Liquor Cases TJp at Albany.
ALBANY, Or., Feb. 1. (Special.)
Eleven criminal cases, seven of which
grew out of alleged sales of liquor In
dry territory, have been set for trial
next week at an adjourned term of De
partment No. 1, State Circuit Court for
Linn Couniy, which Judge Kelly will
convene next Monday.
Joint Nordica-Sembrich Concert Takes
Place in EUers Recital Hall This
Afternoon at 3 :30. All
Axe Invited.
The first of a series of Popular
Recitals to be given by Eilers Music
House will take place this afternoon
in the Eilers Recital Hall, second floor
of the Eilers Building at Seventh and
Alder streets, at 3:30 P. M.
The Recital this afternoon will be a
Joint affair featuring Nordica and Sem
brlch, two internationally renowned
artists, who appear in this city this
The very latest records made by
these eminent artists will be heard, as
well as others by Caruso. Homer,
Blspham, Maud Powell, etc.
There will be no admission charged,
and a cordial invitation is extended to
all. The programme follows:
Opening overture "Poet and Peas-
antY' Creatore's Band
Soprano solo "Mighty Lak' a
Roso" (in English) . .Lillian Nordica
Soprano solo "Tales From Vienna
Forest Waltz" (In English)
Marcella Sembrich
Soprano solo "Tristan and Isolde"
(Wagner) (In German)
Lillian Nordica
Soprano solo "Come Thro' the
Rye" (Scotch air) ;
Marcella Sembrich
Duet tenor and contralto "Trova-
tore" (Home to Our Moun
tains) Caruso and Homer
Duet soprano and baritone
Sembrich and Sammareo
Baritone solo "Mary of Argyl" (in
English) David Blspham
Violin sulo "Cavatina" (Raff)....
; Maud Powell
Soprano solo "Travlata"
.'lal lci id r"cni"i