Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, February 03, 1913, Page 8, Image 8

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Judge Clifford P. Smith, C. S
B., Speaks at First Church
of Christ, Scientist.
To Chicago
Kansas City
and other points,
in the East
Heaven Defined aa State of Being
Attained Through ' Spiritual De
velopmentSayings of Christ .
Jesus on Earth Cited.
Mora than 1400 people gathered, in
the edifice of First Church of Christ.
Scientist, yesterday afternoon to hear
the lecture by Judge Clifford P. Smith.
C. S. B., of Boston, Mass. on the sub
ject of Christian Science. The lec
turer, who is a member of the board
of lectureship of the First Church of
Christ, Scientist, of Boston, was in
troduced by Frank W. Waters, who
said in part:
"It is a good thing to know that
Christianity can bo demonstrated. The
general awakening that has come to
this age through the efforts of Mrs.
Eddy in her discovery and re-establishment
of the primitive healing pow
er is bringing peace on earth and good
will toward men, the sick are being
healed, the sinners reformed and the
lame are being made to walk.
"Through the discovery of Chris
tian 8cience we are enabled to under
stand that God is good, and by trust
ing the Bible statements we can dem
onstrate Christianity. God's word is
healing today through Christian Sci
ence, not only physical ills, but quot
ing from Science and Health, on page
40. "One Infinite God, good, unifies
men and nations: constitutes the
brotherhood of man; ends wars; ful
fills the Scripture. Love thy neighbor
as thyself: annihilates pagan and
Christian idolatry whatever Is wrong
In social, civil, criminal, political and
religious codes; equalizes the sexes;
annuls the curse on man, and leaves
nothing that can sin, suffer, be pun
ished or destroyed."
Jeans Teaching; Rediscovered,
Judge Smith spoke in part as fol
lows: "The hope and faith of mankind,
notwithstanding doubt and perplexity,
have always looked with some measure
of expectation for freedom from ad
versity and an abundant, satisfying
life. The work of Christ Jesus was
designed to show the way and to give
for this hope and faith the assurance
of absolute knowledge or spiritual un
- derstandlng. Christian Science has
come to discover and repeat what he
knew and taught; to revive his, orig
inal teaching; to restore the scope and
complete the mission of primitive
Christianity: to be that 'spirit of
truth' which he foretold and prom
ised. I am aware that the place In
history thus predicted for Christian
Science Is a large one, but the predic
tion is justified by the results al
ready achieved. In the time during
which it has been taught and prac
ticed Christian Science has wrought
a greater change in human thought
than primitive Christianity did dur
ing the corresponding period of its
history. '
"If one could read the New Testa
ment as If It contained a new sub
ject, he might observe that Christian
ity was originally based on the truth
of being. Its basic requirement was
the knowledge of the truth concerning
uod and man. 'For this cause came I
Into the world, that I should bear wit
ness unto the truth.' 1 came that they
may have life, and may, have it abun
dantly.' This is life. eternal, that they
might Know thee, the only true God,
and Jesus Christ whom thou hast
Bent.' 'Ye shall know the truth, and
the truth shall make you free.'
These sayings of the Master, one
of which Is quoted from the revised
version. Imply that the human or mor
tal sense of life is false and that im
mortality is gained by finding and
rea!J-ing the truth of being.
Heaven Here. Not Beyond.
"The failure to perceive or to retain
this fact has perpetuated the belief of
former ages that the fulfillment of
human hope and faith depends on dy
ing. Even now the majority of Chris
tians appear to regard the Kingdom
of God or Kingdom of Heaven as i
situation to be gained, partly or who!
ly, by dying. They expect to be ush
ered Into the fullness of life by means
of death. Considered as an original
proposition, such a belief is like say
Ing that one moves toward an object
by going in the opposite direction. The
only connection that death can have
with abundant and eternal life is that
it Is one of the negations of being,
or evils, which must be overcome in
order to attain complete heaven or
"According to the teaching of Christ
Jesus, all the possibilities of being ex
ist here and now. The New Testament
shows that he referred to his message
or teaching as the "gospel of the king
dorn." and of this Kingdom of God or
Kingdom of Heaven he said much In
parables, but several things explicitly.
He said It is 'at hand' (that is to say.
It is present and within reach); be
said it Is "within you" (which Is to say,
it is a Btate of consciousness); he said
that it comes upon you as devils or
evils are cast out, and he prayed fot
his followers, not that they should be
taken out of the world, but that they
should be kept from evil.
"According to these sayings. Heaven
is not the sequence of death; It Is an
active and living state of goodness.- It
Is gained, not by dying, but by right
living. It must be attained by expell
ing evil from human consciousness so
that the Individual may reflect the
life that Is God. Immortality is the
manifestation by man of the divine
life. It is the reflection by man of
the divine mind. St. Paul stated the
necessity of the case when he said,
'Let this mind be In you. which was
also in Christ Jesus.'
Way Is Through Development.
"From these promises the conclusion
follows that the way to Heaven is
not through death, but through spir
itual development and mental unfold
ment. Salvation is progressive and Its
day Is now. To be born again is to
awaken from the dream of life In mat
ter. It Is to forsake material belief
and gain spiritual understanding or di
vine consciousness.
"Our present situation wa stated by
St. John In these words: "Beloved now
are we, the sons of God, and it doth
not yet appear what we shall be.' He
did not mean that we shall ever be
different from what we really are.
He meant that we are the sons of
God, though the reality of being doth
not yet appear. He did not forsee a
loss of Identity; he discerned the
realisation of true Identity. With en
tire consistency, Mrs. Eddy has said.
The real. Ideal man appears in pro
portion as the false and material dis
appears. Mortals will disappear, and
immortals, or the children of God, will
appear as the only and eternal veri
ties of mas.' (Science and Health, pp.
6. 476.)"
Judge Smith addressed another large
audience In the evening and will make
his third and final appearance tonight, i
rlTr ' $ if i ? trr
J - - W 'h' M- - u
f4f 1- r---- 4.1 ' - Efficiency and Uniformity of
lir" V k T3, 4 r , Assessments Aim, He Says.
Witm, i J Jiff-it - , , j : , ; ...
, - ' ' - v A7- 'JJ j for
"""- , AfJJi-tV.fl!,. It -. 111 , ' I" I"" mLJ
offers Yon stop-overs to visit Yosem
ite Valley and Grand Canyon of
We believe Santa Fe Trains from San Francisco
and Los Angeles have set a standard not yet equalled. May I
tell yon of the trains? Also send yon picture folders of scenes
en route?
H. E. Vermes. Gem. Art., Intt Fe,
360 Alder Street. Portlaad.
Phone Mala 1274.
Top, Left Distance Building Has Been Moved Back From Sidewalk. Right-
Entire Southeast Corner ot sevent n ana ttverett uemousneo, uenier
Where Houses Have Been Moved Back Ten Feet. Below Golden Wt
Hotel Building. From Which Ten Feet Must Be Cut.
Ten Feet Being Added to Each
Side of Seventh Street.
Golden West Hotel, Which Is Big
gest Structure In Section Be
ing Broadened, Most Af
fected by Change.
With wreckers, movers and builders
In complete possession, the worn 01
widening Seventh street now Is In full
swing. From Burnside to the west
approach of the new Broadway bridge.
this thoroughfare Is being shorn of Its
sidewalk adornments. Ten feet on each
side of the street is being cleared, the
buildings In some Instances being
sliced that much and in others moved
Thia project, coupled with the com
pletion of the Broadway bridge, is
destined to- make Seventh street the
most Important crosstown street, ac
cording to the view taken by property
owners and merchants on its course.
While the work entails considerable
inconvenience, and in some cases hard
ship, to the occupants of the buildings,
nevertheless they take it optimistically
and find solace In visions of a big In
crease In business when .the work Is
finished. .
Street to Be SO Feet Wide.
Work has progressed so rapidly thus
far that it is confidently expected that
it will be completed In ample time to
take care of the heavy traffic expected
with the opening; of the new bridge.
The street will be SO feet wide. The
bridge and street axe due to ba opened
about April 1.
No historic buildings tell unaer me
ax of the appraisers. Few of the build
ings that will have to be remodeled or
moved back as a result of the work
are of Imposing appearance. Many of
the little bouses were completely de-
moliBhed. The Golden West Hotel, on
the northwest corner of Seventh and
Everett, suffered the most. Inasmuch
as it Is the tallest building. Ten feet
is being cut oft" this structure, and
the hotel has been vacated tempor
Foresight In the construction of the
Custom-House will leave It free from
the path of the wreckers. Tha build
Ing sits back far enough from Cue side
walk to escape the 10-foot ban.
Advance la Shown.
' Already landlords are beginning to
note the advancement made by the
bridge and wider thoroughfare. One
small space, on the corner of Seventh
and Flanders, probably will be leased
for $125 a month.?" Until recently, the
rent nald for the corner stand was 30
Less than a year ago It was offered
on a long-term lease for $35 a month.
Two Performances of Twelfth Night
to Be Presented.
Students of the Lincoln High School
are preparing for an elaborate presen
tation of "Twelfth Night" Friday next
on the school Btage. For two months
the piay has been In rehearsal under
the direction of Miss unristine jjxao
Connel, of the faculty.
The cast Includes: Romalne Elliot.
In the character of Olivia, and Ronald
Mcintosh, in the part of Sir Andrew
Aguecheek; Marie Bridewell, aa Viola;
Helen Judge, as Maria; William Crit
tenden, aa Count Orslus. and Russel
Case, as court fool; Hubert Riley, Sir
Toby Belch; William Mclndoe, Fab
rian; Vilta Ramsdell, Sebastian; Ger
ald Lophy, Antonio; Jack Bates, Val
entine; Freeman Lersauous. Cuiu; Mae
Dean and Joy Gross, attendants on
Olivia: Robert McKay and Samuel Hus
bands, attendants on . the Count, and
William Metsger and Frank Busch.
first and second officers, respectively.
There will be two performances,,
matinee and night.
Woman Long Unconscious.
Her condition, said to be due to ill
treatment received at the bands of her
husband, a woman, name not known,
was taken to the St. Vincent's Hospital
yesterday afternoon. Mrs. Carrie Eaton,
the landlady of the house. 388 Front
street, said both the man and his wife
had been drinking, and that the man
abused the woman, who fainted and did
not revive. Fearing that she had en
tertained some Internal injuries, she
was takn to the hospital, but the
authorities could find no marks on her
Multnomah Official Would Have Ail
Land Scheduled TJnder New Class
ification and Maps Published
General Reference.
Speaking yesterday of the Murnane
bill, providing for the permanent or
ganization of the County Assessor s of
fice, which has passed both houses at
Salem and is now before Governor West
for his consideration. County Assessor
Reed said:
The sole object of the bill is to
bring about efficient, modern methods
of assessment in Multnomah County.
For land assessments I aim to work to.
ward- the unit system of value which is
In use in New York. Cleveland, Phlla-
delDhia and other cities. Under this
plan, when it is fully worked out, the
land value maps will show the assessed
value per front foo of every town and
city lot, and for acreage it will show
the assessed value per acre. For town
lots this is the best system that pos
sibly could be devised. It is far superior
to the old and out-dated system oi as
sessment by lota as a whole. Compart
sons of assessment where the lots are
assessed as a whole does not give the
property-owners the results to which
they are entitled. All town iota in
Multnomah County are not the Bame
width. Many are 60 feet wide, some are
40 feet, others 33 1-3. others 25. while
still others located In additions laid out
according to contour, are of varying
widths. This Illustration will satlsiy
anv reasonable person of the great su
periority of the unit system of assess
ment over the lot system.
Publicity Feature Favored.
"When the plan is fully Installed the
land value maps should be published
in convenient form for the Information
of the public and aa a means ot check
ing up the work of the Assessor. All
over the country there is demand for
publicity of assessments as a means of
effecting equitable and uniform assess
ment of property, l am committed to
this policy of publicity. As Assessor of
Multnomah County I have nothing to
hide from the people. I welcome full
examination and criticism of my. work.
It will be beneficial to me as a public
"In the assessment of acreage I have
adopted a new plan which has been
aDDroved by the Board oi state rax
Commissioners and which will be put
Into effect March L Under this plan
tillable land will be divided into four
classes: Cultivated land, orchard land,
uncleared land and urban and suburban
acreage, the principal value of which is
for closer settlement or business uses.
Non-tillable land will be divided into
three classes: Rough and rocky land.
overflow land and timber land. When
the returns for the 1913 assessment are
in I will be able to tell for the first
time In the history of Multnomah Coun
ty Just exactly how many parcels or
each kind of land there are in the
Valne Faetora to Be Unified.
In assessing improvements I want
to introduce factors of value, along the
general lines of those In use In the
Eastern cities above mentioned, espe
cially New York. This will take time,
since a satisfactory schedule of factors
must first be made up alter consulta-j
$51,000, or $9000 less than the official
estimate. This figure will Include some
expenditures for 1912 account carried
into 1913, also a reasonable amount for
unforeseen contingencies.
Contingencies Are Seen.
"One of these contingencies Is the re
quest of the Title A Trust Company for
a compensation of $300 per year for
furnishing the transcript of convey
ances from the County Clerk's office.
The title company has,, heretofore, fur
nished this transcript free, but since
the county is charging It rent it feels
that it should be paid for its services.
The $51,000 also Includes the cost of ex
tending the tax rolls in case House bill
414, Introduced by the State Tax Com
mission, is passed by the Legislature.
At present the tax roll Is extended by
the County Clerk, and this year the
work cost, as I am Informed by Mr.
Coffey, about $500..
"So far as the number of deputies is
concerned I can say without fear of
contradiction that every one of the 35
can be kept constantly employed for
the next four years. If for any reason
the work should slacken I could dis
pense with the unnecessary ones. Of
the total number eight or nine would
be assigned to land districts, giving
each one 18,000 or 20,000 parcels of
land to keep track of and assess. Any
deputy who will give his careful atten
tion to 18,000 or 20.000 parcels of land
tho vr around, and keep track of the
. . . . ' mnrivamantB thpfPOTI and
architects, contractors ana i6'" .........
note ano weigu mo ih;luib .u.
which are constantly arising will be do
ing all the work that can reasonably
be expected of him.
County Has' 1300 Additions.
"The National Tax Conference, which
has given its approval to the Idea of
assessment districts, favors limiting
the number of parcels per deputy to
10,000. In New York City the number
of parcels per deputy is about 8000.
There are in Multnomah County 1300
platted additions, and all told, includ
ing acreage, between 160,000 and 165.
000 separate parcels of land to be as
sessed. "I have not the slightest desire to add
unnecessarily to the cost ot running the
Assessor's office. My one object Is to
so conduct the Assessor's .office that
every taxpayer will be able to know the
precise factors that enter Into the mak
ing of the assessment upon which he is
required to pay taxes. This the tax
payers have the absolute right to know.
It Is the only Just manner of assess
ment. I have no axes to grind, and am
willing to leave the matter to the good
judgment of Governor West"
tlon with
the City Building Inspector. Factors of
value are absolutely essential for the
proper assessment of improvements.
Any other method, no matter what be
said for It, is haphazard.
"Tue matter of cost may thus be
summarized: The official estimate of
the cost of running the Assessor's of
fice for 1913, as shown in the Journal
of the County Court, Is $60,000. I do
not know how the estimate was made.
It is an excessive estimate. Such an
amount could not be legitimately ex
pended in the Assessor's office this
year. The bill in the hands of Governor
West, together with the present statute
fixing the Assessor's salary, covers the
Assessor and 35 deputies whose maxi
mum salaries are fixed at $43,120. Be
yond that number of deputies and that
amount of money the Assessor may not
go without the authority of the County
Court Contingencies will arise, such
as the taking of the census in 1915,
which will naturally call for an extra
allowance of deputies. If every deputy
were paid the maximum salary provided
in the bill, which, however, is not man
datory, the cost of running the office
for 1913 ought not greatly to exceed
Marslhall-Street Presbyterian Church
to Install Training School
for Boys and Girl.
Practical religion is to ba demon
strated at the Marshall-street Presby
terian Church. At yesterday morning's
service. Rev. William J. Spires, pastor
of the church, surprised his congrega
tion by announcing that. Instead of
the regulation sermon he had prepared
to talk to them along entirely new
lines. He said that he wanted to make
the church a social center, to estab
lish genuine institutional work that
would make the church a great live
factor for good in the community. It
was the dream of the pastor to have a
gymnasium and a cooking school, thor
oughly equipped and a sewing school
for the girls of the neighborhood to
gether with manual training appliances
for the boys and to organize several
clubs that should keep the young peo
ple Interested and by giving them en
tertainment and useful occupation to
help in the making of good and worthy
After the pastor made his plea for
the establishment of these various de
partments as adjuncts of the church,
generous cash contributions followed
and there was a substantial check from
W. G. Mcpherson, who gava enough to
cover the entire cost of the enterprise.
And now the pastor Is Jubilant and
work on the new departments will
commence immediately, and as there
is ample room In the building at Mar
shall and Seventeenth streets, it will
not be long before this Innovation in
church work in Portland will be es
tablished. It has been arranged that Miss Val
entine Prlchard, of the People's In
stitute, and her assistants will have
charge of the planning of the work
and will assist In a great measure la
carrying out the Ideas of the pastor.
Rev. Spires was formerly head of the
educational department of the Y. M,
C. A.. In Elgin, 111- and has had much
experience in Institutional work. His
efforts in church enterprises are to
make the church keep up to existing
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