THE 3IOKXING OREGONIAX, MONDAY. FEBRUARY 3, 1913. 8 K SOCIALISM SPLITS OF Many Refuse to Follow ionaire" How and Organ ization Disbands. CONVENTION IS FAILURE Factions to Reorganize Into Rival Bands Vagrancy Laws of South ern States Are Angrily Criti cized by Speakers. NEW ORLEANS, Feb. I. The Na tional bobo convention came to an end today and. according to official an nouncement made by -President Jeffer on Davis, the hoboes' organization, which James Eads How founded in St. Louis eight years ago, has been wrecked, on the rocks of socialism and Is a thins of the past. Davis declared the attempt to bold a National hobo convention in New Orleans bad proved a flat failure, which be attributed to th efforts of "Millionaire" How and others to use the hoboes for the dis semination of socialistic propaganda. Davis entertained a motion, suggest ed by himself, and declared the hobo organisation disbanded. How contin ued to urge political and religious principles to the last, but the hoboes appeared to be charmed by the vigor ous and magnetic utterances of Jeffer son Davis, and never failed to Join with the president in helping to howl down How and his cohorts. Separate Organizations Probable. It Is said that How and Davis likely will ornanize separate associations of the "migratory workers." "A hobo is not a barhouse bum, a mere tramp nor a yeggman," said Davis. "He simply is a workman out of employment, who in the exigencies of his peregrinations is compelled to ride freight trains, go hungry and oc casionally has to seek lowly employ ment in order to get a bite and a bunk." A delegate proposed today that the boboes petition Congress to "stop 'bulls' from sapping 'bos who are mere ly trying to ride a freight train." The resolution was defeated. Vagrancy Llm Criticised. The vagranacy laws of Georgia, Florida and Texas were bitterly crit iclsed today by several of the hoboes. One delegate declared he believed one half of the men of Georgia are acting as deputy sheriffs. Oklahoma, he said, pays only 60 cents a head and con sequently hoboes are not bothered there as they are In Georgia, where the bounty is 2. Inspector of Police Reynolds aivlsed the delegations to clear out of the city before morning or they would have to stay In the parish prison until alter the MardI Gras visitors have departed. Hobo Lnions Planned. At the conclusion of a secret session of the leading spirits of the convention It was announced tonight that plans had been perfected for organizing hobo unions and affiliating with the Ameri can Federation of Labor. The name chosen for the new organization is the "International Itinerant Workers' Union, Hobos of America."- F. A. Fitzgerald, organizer of the American Federation of Labor in the State of Louisiana, assisted in organiz ing the new union. C. Jefferson Davis, of Chicago, was elected president; J. Raymond Freder icks, Cleveland, recording secretary; Rev. Peter M. H. Wynhaven, New Or . leans, treasurer, and Robert W. Gil lespie, National organizer. James Eads How was barred from the meeting which effected this organi zation. PASCO SUED FOR $6438 Contractor Charged With Xot Hav ing Compiled With Specifications. PASCO, Wash.. Feb. 2. (Special.) A. R, Garey, contractor for Pasco s new City Hall, has filed suit against the city, alleging that he has fulfilled the terms of his contract, but that the Council Is wrongfully withholding part of the money due him for services per formed. Suit Is brought for J6438.42. Mr. Carey declares that he is willing and able to pay all claims filed against the City Hall by sub-contractors, la borers and others. The city has authorized the employ ment of an architect to check over the plans and specifications and to com plete the work, and Garey' bondsmen, the Pacific Coast Casualty Company, will be sued for the sum necessary to complete the work. The city contends that the contract has not been completed by Garey ac cording to the plans and specifications, and that the building Is not completed. DEFENSE LEAGUE FORMS National Organization Stands for Preparation for War. WASHINGTON. Feb. 2. To work for a large Navy, an adequate Army, the Improvement of the National Guard and for all things that will better prepare the United States for war, the National Defense League was organized here to day. Representative Kahn, of California, was elected chairman of the executive committee and to the board of direc tors. While the league will work to strengthen all the forces which would make the country better prepared for war. It says In its constitution that It believes lu universal peace, but firmly believes that preparation for war is the best guarantee of peace." TEN KILLED BY EXPLOSION Cuban Hardware Dealer, His Wife and Children Among Dead. HAVANA. Feb. 2. An explosion In a hardware store at Clenfuegos resulted yesterday In the death of 10 persons, including the proprietor and his wife and their two children. Scores were injured. The office of the Cuba Submarine Telegraph Company, on the opposite side of the street, was badly damaged and several employes were Injured. The instruments were destroyed, resulting In the Interruption of communication, which was restored today. A large quantity of blasting power was kept for sale at tbe store. FRUIT RAISERS FAVORABLE Northwest Exchange's Proposition Is Liked at Wenatchee. WENATCHEE, Wash., Feb. 1. (Spe cial.) Growers of some of the fruits In the Wenatchee Valley generally ORDER HOBOES favor the proposition of the Northwest Fruit. Exchange of Portland to market the prune, peach and apricot crops hereafter. A permanent organization of soft fruit growers will be effected. The proposition of the Northwest Fruit Ex change provides for the elimination of the bitter competition between the Wenatchee and Yakima districts. It Is first neceBsarv for growers of both big districts to get the Indorsement of local associations and of the commer cial organization, but this will be an easy matter. It is said. Growers here hope Yakima will not hold out on the nlans. as better Drlces will undoubtedly be secured if Yakima and Wenatchee get together. It is believed that eventually the apple growers could be united along the same lines. The wenatcnee vauey Fruit Growers' Association has sub mitted a plan to market the soft fruit of this district, providing all growers will become a member of the assocta- tlon If competition between Yakima and Wenatchee can be ' eliminated through the plan of the Northwest Fruit Exchange, the business will De ames Eads How, St. Loul "Mil lionaire" and Deposed Kins of the Hobos. handled through the Portland organ ization. The estimated value of the joint crops will approximate 11,250,000. JAIL TERM IS PROPOSED ALBANY GtW CLUB WOULD RE VISE GAME LAWS. "Game Hog" Wonld Disappear, It Is Argued, Is Sterner Justice Wene Meted Out by Courts. ALBANY, Or., Feb. 2. (Special.) Proposing a jail sentence for men who kill China pheasants In excess of the limit permitted by law, from 25 to 60 members of the Albany Gun Club will go to Salem tomorrow evening to con sult with the game committees of the Senate and House of Representatives and urge some changes in the proposed game code so that It will more nearly meet the wishes of the sportsmen of the Willamette Valley. J. lie pruicai iui iuog v- . u the local sportsmen is to protest against three provisions of the game code which has been Introduced in the Legis lature at the request of the State Game Commission. They object to the sec tion preventing nunung wnn augo. mo section abolishing the use of repeat ing shotguns and the proposed season for ducks. Local sportsmen assert that the pre venting of hunting with dogs will not result in the expected protection of game. They argue that without dogs scores of wounded birds will get away only to die later and that the hunter, failing to get these birds, will go on hunting until he kills the limit, and that a great many birds will be killed uselessly. ),,,- o tcart that tbA Tiro- posed game code, as well as the pres ent law, discriminates against them In favor or tno jortiana spurisuieii m i- ... . i .1 . i r i- i ci n TTnder the new code the duck season would open along the Columbia River on September 1 and m tnis section oi ma i.ei,j until October 15. r i . K iHianv nun llnh aieinuci b j i mo . w .... wuu assert that the law protecting female birds has not proven satisfactory. They argue that In a great many cases where a bird rises rapidly and files away as quickly as China pheasants do, a hunter cannot tell the sex of the bird before firing ana tnai in mis wn.y Hun dreds of hens are killed every season. Fearing to be caught with the dead fe- 1 n hnntap, InaVA thpRI All the ground and go on hunting until they get tne limn oi mine pirua. mfe.. nf. t n i. i.inn i nnni v men ex- , . n c i, fur in to Tiermit the shoot ing of birds of both sexes but estab lish a limit of five birds a day and pro vide a Jail sentence as well as a fine for violation of the law as regards the day's limit. They go even further and argue that tne jau sentence oe mauo compulsory. If the shcth pheasant a man killed In one day meant a term of 15 or JO days In Jail all "game hog" work would soon be a thing of the past, they assert. Members of the Albany Gun Club take the same view as to deer. They ap prove tne reauction oi mo dwouu from five to three deer but want the nf Ulltinw rittA AS W11 as VllrMC deer, except that they want fawns pro tected, iney woum aisu uvw " j Hfntence nrovlded for those who violate the limit on deer. MOTHERS ARE ACCUSED Two Boys Found Dead In Bed and Coroner's Jury Holds Women. past ST. LOmsTflU Feb. I. A Cor. nnor'n lurv held tonight for the grand Jury Mrs. Pearl Bell Stebblns and Mrs. Nell Carpenter, mouiera oi iwu uuja who were found dead of gas asphyxia tion in the same bed this morning. Thu bovs. George Stebblns, IS years old, and Ralph Carpenter, 6 years old. were discovered dead when Mrs. Car penter, accompanied by a man, returned to her home early this morning, it was testified at the Coroner's inquest. The other woman was away from home all night and at. noon was found by the police In a saloon. A gas pipe, in a bedroom adjoining the one occupied by the boys, which at one time had been connected to a gas range, was found open. It was testified that Mrs. Stebblns was seen to enter the house In which the boys were sleeping late last night and that another man and a woman waited for her outside the house. Hoy Will See Inauguration. CENTRALIA. Wash., Feb. 2. (Spe cial.) Centralis will have at least one representative at the Inauguration of President Wilson, a letter being re ceived here yesterday by J. P. Guerrier that the cadet corps of the Culver Mili tary Academy at Culver, Ind., will act as an honorary escort for Vice-President Marshall at the Inaugural cere monies. Charles Guerrier, a Centralia boy, is a member of the corps. r $K - -r -J "fr9 -Ss Sty fJ'v $ ' ' BIGGER PACKAGES BY MAIL FAVORED Hitchcock in Report Shows Desire to Lower Some Parcel Post Rates. POSTAL BANKS SUCCESS System Will Be Self-Supporting When Deposits Reach $50,00-0,-000 Penny tetter Bate at Expense . of Second Class. WASHINGTON, Feb. 2. Postmaster General Hitchcock's annual report. made public today, tentatively sug gests reduction of some parcel post rates and Increasing the limit of weight beyond 11 pounds; recommends civil pensions for postal employes; an Increase in rates on second-class mail. which may pave the way for 1-cent letter postage; tbe consolidation of the third and fourth classes so books and papers may be forwarded by parcel post, and points out that during his administration expense of operating the Postal Service has been cut down $45,000,000. In course of a statement on the con dition of postal finances, Mr. Hitch cock says: "The transformation of a deficit into a surplus has been accomplished, not by curtailing the service, but by devel' oping It along profitable lines. While postal facilities have been greatly en larged, extensions have not been made In a haphazard manner, but only when shown on investigation to be Justified by conditions." Savings Bank System Extended. The establishing of postal savings banks at Presidential postoffices was completed early In the fiscal year end ed June SO, 1912 the year covered by the report. Since then the system has been extended to 4004 fourth-class postoffices, as well as to 645 branch offices and stations in the larger cities. There are now 12.812 postal savings banks at which patrons may open ac counts. The number of depositors is approximately 800,000 and the depos its aggregate about S28.000.000, not In eluding $1,314,140 withdrawn and in vested in postal savings bonds. On the basis of the present monthly net Increase of deposits, it Is estimat ed that the gross income of the postal savings system for the fiscal year end ed June 30, 1912. will amount to $700.- 000 and the Interest payable to depos itors to $300,000. The Income of the system for the fiscal year will meet the Interest payments and the total ex penses of the central office, but will be approximately $275,000 less than enough to cover the entire expense of the service. However, the Postmaster- General's report says, "it Is expected that when the deposits have Increased to $50,000,000, which .at the present rate they will do soon, the system will be self-sustaining. Lftrser Packages Favored. The report contains no references to subjects which have developed since December 1 and, consequently, the Postmaster-General's consideration of the parcel post has to do only with the preliminary work of establishing the new system, which went Into effect on January 1. Tentatively, however, he recommends not only that the parcel post rates be reduced, but that the weight of packages be Increased to a point above the maximum weight of II pounds. On this subject the report says? "While the postage rates for the new parcel post system range consid erably lower than corresponding ex press charges, it is believed that ex perience will show them to be higher in some Instances than is necessary in order to maintain the service at cost. Likewise, the restriction that places an 11-pound limit on the weight of par cels mailed should be regarded as merely tentative. After the system is thoroughly organized on that basis the scope of the service in its usefulness to the public should be still further en larged by increasing the weight limit. If properly developed under efficient management, the parcel post will prove to be a most important factor in reducing the cost of living." Books Regarded ns'jircnli. Perhaps the most Important recom mendation contained in the report is that the third and fourth classes of mail be consolidated so that books and other printed matter may be forward fed by parcel post. At present the post age charges for these two classes of mall bear no fixed ratio to each other. For certain weights and zones the par cel post rates are lower than the third- class rates, while in other cases they are higher. "This condition." it is pointed out In the report, "is likely to result in much confusion and should not exist. Pack ages containing books or catalogues do not differ in any essential partic ular from other parcels, and they should be handled by parcel post Prior to the enactment" of the parcel post law the department urged that these two classes of mail be consoli dated, and the recommendation of such action Is now renewed." The report directs attention to the approval of the commission, headed by Associate Justice Hughes, of the Unit ed States Supreme Court, of the Post- office Department's recommendation that the - postage rate on second-class mall be Increased from 1 to 2 cents a pound. In the opinion of the Postmaster-General, favorable action by Con gress on the report of the Commission would be a step towards the proper adjustment of postage charges. One-Cent Postage Discussed. "There is a widespread popular Inter est," the report says, "in the plan to lower the postage charge on letters from 2 cents to 1 cent an ounce. The proposed increase loathe second-class rata would pave the way for this change, making it possible to reduct tha first-class rate without depart ing from the present policy of a self-s-.pportlng postal service." In connection with establishment of the paroel post, Mr. Hitchcock recom mends that legislation be enacted look ing to the readjustment of the pay ments to railroads for the transporta tion of mail. He points out that many of the roads will be entitled to In creased compensation on account of the Increased volume of mail. He re news bis recommendation that pay ments to railroads carrying the mails shall be made on a car space basis and the) cost to the roads of the mail transportation. The report recommends that "civil pensions, based on length of service, bhould be granted by the Government to postal employes when they become superannuated. It is likely that the cxi ruse of such a system would be more than offset by gains In effi ciency." DAM INQUIRY TO BE ASKED (Continued From First Pas.). the investigation of the power project below Celilo Falls, in the Columbia, and upon tha passage of the resolu tion the following members were ap pointed: Senators L N. Day and R. R. Butler, and Representatives Allen, H. Eaton, J. T.. Hinkle and D. E. Lot gran. At the request -of Governor West a similar resoluuon was Introduced in the Washington Legislature, and upon Its passage the following committee was formed: Senators J. E. Leonard and Arthur McGulre, and Representa tives Z. Stewart. N. B. Brooks and S. H. Rowland. These committees met yesterday morning in this city and with them were Governor West, of Oregon, ana Governor Lister, of Washington; John H. Lewis, State Engineer; L. F. Hen shaw, of the United States Geological Survey, Portland; I F. Harza, an en gineer who has made a survey of the power site, and W. J. Robe'rts, High way Commissioner of Washington, also joined the party. . These gentlemer left yesterday on the 10 o'clock train on the O.-W. R. & N. and arrived at The Dalles in time to be seated in the dining-room of the Hotel Dalles before 1 P. M., where, as tbe guests of The Dalles Commercial Club, they enjoyed a dinner that any hostelry might well brag about. At 2 P. M. the party, escorted by about 100 citizens of The Dalles, em barked on a train on the Portage road and were taken to the site of the proj ect, or rather to a point on the Celllo Canal, now being constructed. Just to the south of it, and about an hour was spent In Inspecting the various points at and contiguous to the place where it is hoped .a gigantic power plant will one day arise. Much has recently been written and printed about this project, but it Is by no means an Idea of recent blrth. Thlrty years ago, in making surveys for some feasible plan of passage around the Celllo Falls, the United States Engineers conceived the Idea of damming the river at this same point and thus back the water over the falls, which would make it necessary to build a simple system of locks Instead of a canal about eight miles long, as Is be Ing now built. Later the matter was taken up by William E. Morris, United States Engi neer in charge of the construction of the locks at Cascade Locks, and he was assisted in many ways by I. N. Day, one of the committee of yesterday, who was one of the contractors who constructed those locks. A few months ago State Engineer Lewis took the matter up actively, after sifting what information he had gained informally, it may be said, from observation, and under his direction L. F. Harza and V. H. Reineking, promi nent engineers, made preliminanry sur veys and estimates on the project. The report of their investigations was embodied in a bulletin issued by Mr. Lewis about a year ago, such re port being the groundwork for the present legislative Investigation. Cop ies of this report may be had by ad dressing Mr. Lewis at Salem. It is contended that any amount of horsepower can be developed up to well. It all depends on the height of the dam. Mr. Lewis has figured that upwards of 300,000 horsepower can be secured at a cost of $23,000,000. That is the minimum power, as 236,000 addi tional would be available for eight months of the year. The largest power plant In the coun. try is at Niagara Falls. There the maximum Is far less than the minimum which can be developed at Celilo. If such a project is undertaken the only obstacles against generating the maximum energy is destruction of property, for a dam as high as the top of the canal would ruin that work, and by going a trifle higher the railroad tracks would be submerged. So It lb proba-ble that the most economical amount to be figured on is about 250,- 000 horsepower. Even that would make It the largest power project in tho world. As the committees, or rather the committee, for the two were merged Into one, were returning on the train an Informal meeting was held and each committee will report to Its Legisla ture favorably on the scheme and ask an appropriation of probably $50,000 for a full, complete and detailed sur vey and estimate of cost of the project, and it Is understood Governor West and Governor Lister are in favor o this action. In addition to this it is hoped to secure $50,000 from the Interior De partment, as the Reclamation Service Is deeply interested. If the informal estimates are anywhere near correct, power can be developed for less than $7 per horsepower, at which cost the Irrigation systems of Eastern Oregon and Eastern Washington would have to be recast. Of course, the whole scheme depends upon the use and sale of the power. No person can dispute the fact that the power can be developed, and econom ically developed. But can it be sold? That is the question of first import ance. On the other hand, it cannot be sold until it is produced, nor can any cus tomers be sought or contracts entered into until complete surveys and esti mates have been made. And It is for this the money is asked. It Is proposed to get the best engineers to be found in the country, and with these estimates as a basis, if they are at all In accord with the present believed cost of the complete work, customers can be sought and per haps capital found to undertake the project. The party reached Portland at 8 o'clock last night, and the committees will make their reports today or to morrow. CHANGE IN SCHEDULE. Oregon Electric Railway, Sunday, February 2. Train leaving North Bank station at 7:35 P. M., Jefferson-street station 7:55 P. M. will be withdrawn. Train leaving Jefferson-street station at 11:30 P. M. will run to Forest Grove Instead of Wilsonville. ' Train leaving North Bank station at 5:15 P. M., Jefferson- street station at 5:35 P. M. will run daily except Sunday to Wilsonville. Trains leaving North Bank station at 10:05 A M. and 2:55 P. M Jefferson-street sta tion at 10:25 A. M. and 3:15 P. M. for Garden Home will be withdrawn and trains leaving North Bank station at 10:25 A. M.. 2:05 and 3:25 P. M-, Jefferson-street station at 10:45 A. M., 2:25 and 3:45 P. M. will make local stops between Portland and Garden Home. Details and folders will be supplied at ticket offices. Those Who Can Least Afford Loss of Time HAVE RHEUMATISM Sciatica and Neuritis Peoole wko have work to do In the world who hare families dependent npon them and can ill afford to lose time, are the most fre quent sufferers from rheumatism, sciatica and neuritis. The aaonizinff oains render them nnahle to carry on their full work so the whole family suffers, in a sympathetic but none the less dis tress ing way. JXunto ts a blessing to these people as u ts to all sufferers from rheumatic diseases. It positively relieves the pains with unexpected promptness usually within a few hours. It is the prescription of a physician, a well known specialist of high standing, and is thor oughly ethical. Nurito contains neither opiates nor narcotics, but Rives this prompt relief be cause it ia an antidote and the first positive one to the uric acid poison which is the cause of the pain. Nurito is makinsr a record for Itself through out the country proof in affidavit form will be shown you by your druggist. $1 and 2 a box. Magistral inemicai to., riatiron iia.,.w. x. Tot at all tlx leadinc Crux stores. FINAL CL0SING-0UT SALE Every Fall and "Win ter Sample Suit, Coats, Dresses, Waists and Skirts bought from one tliird to one-half less than -wholesale prices. Our regular prices are always that much lower than other stores. Now at the closing -out you get the choice of . the world's largest and best manufacturers' samples, that are fit ted and made by the best skilled tailors that money can get. Closing-out prices on the largest stock to select from in the city at less than the cost of the cloths and materials. $25 $35 Sample Sample Sample Sample $40 ggjt $19.85 $50 gss $24.95 CLOSING-OUT SALE OF DRESSES All $10.00 Sample Winter Dresses $ 4.95 All $15.00 Sample Winter Dresses ,..$ 7.S5 All $25.00 Sample Winter Dresses S11.95 CONFIDENCE MAN TELLS "BIG BILL" KEI.IIIER WILL AID BAXK EXAMEVER. New Tork Prosecutor Interested In .Report Police Lieutenant Prof ited $50,000 Worth. Ttns-rnv WoK 2. Further revela tions concerning the looting of the National City Bank of Cambridge will be published here tomorrow. Most oi these are made on the authority of i-1 1 1 1 t V.llh.. .Via (.nnflilATipa mstl who robbed George W. Coleman of money which uoieman, a Doosnecpcr, had stolen from the bank. itm t ) ; 1 T " Callh.. on Via I. Imnwn made a business of defrauding laose WHO oeuevea inemseives w ue ui pari- nei-s in a "fixed" faro game in New Vn.t At tha anri Via fiavs hin real I-artnera "double-croBsed" him ar3 now he Is willing to neip jonn ij. Daiea, WESTEBM UNION TELE0RAM TMIO. N. VAIL, PRCS1DCNT Any Bell Telephone will con nect you with a Western Union Telegraph Office. Call your "Western message phone it will be sent promptly. The telegram will be charged in your monthly telephone bill There were ninety Union Telegrams THE WESTERN UNION The Bank of Personal Service When you are forming a banking connection we ask your consideration of our 26 years' experience and ability to ren der you personal and special service in all departments. Our Savings Department Pays 4 Per Cent Interest Merchants National Bank Under Government Supervision Founded 1886 Washington and Fourth Streets Suits Coats Suits Coats : : $7.50 .... S15 'g SAMPLE CLOAKS and SUITS jKj &J CORNER 6TH receiver for the bank, to recover some of the stolen funds. In the new statement credited to Keliher, the confidence man says a large part of the stolen, money was placed in a safe deposit box in Erie, Pa. According to an announcement madd here. District Attorney Whitman, of New Tork, is considering the sending of an assistant to this city to Interview Keliher regarding the former New York police lieutenant who, according to Kei-her, Is alleged to have profited to the extent of $50,000 by helping the confidence man rob victims in New York. Whitman Is quoted as saying over the telephone to persons in Boston: "I will so the limit to obtain any evi dence it police grafting that Keliher may possess. In all probability one of my ass.stacts will go to Boston and In terview Keliher. Should I deem such action necessary, I will request Gov ernor Foss to permit Keliher to come here and testify." Thorpe Denies Oklahoma Contract. CARLISLE, Pa., Feb. 2. JameB Thorpe, the Indian athlete, denied to day the report that he Is under con tract with the Oklahoma City baseball Union" talk over the tele- million Western sent in 1912 TELEGRAPH COMPANY $3.00 Silk $1 QQ Petticoats. PA $4.00 Silk djO AQ Petticoats. tySt $5.00 Silk $0 AQ Petticoats. pO.t-7 CLOSING OUT WINTER WAISTS $3.00 Wool $1.69 Waists . $5.00 Silk $3.98 Waists $8.00 Silk dl QC Waists.... Ptw9 AND ALDER Opposite Oregoman team. He arrived here last night from . New York, where he signed a contract with the New York National League Club. He will loin that team on ita trip South. RUN-DOWN PEOPLE Made Strong by VtnoL Run-down conditions are paused by overwork, worry, too close confine ment, a chronic cough or cold which it is difficult to cure. We want to say to every person in this condition you need Vlnol, our de licious cod liver and iron tonic without oil, the great strength creator. It will supply iron to the blood in the most easily assimilated form, create healthy appetite, strengthen your digestive or gans and make you eat better, sleep better and feel better. A case has Just come to our atten tion from West Scranton, Pa., Mrs. Chas. Proper says: "For three years I was all run-down, weak and had no appetite and after all that time I am glad to say Vlnol has brought back my health and strength which is just what I was told It would do." We are confident that Vlnol is the best body builder and strength creator we have ever sold. . Try a bottle on our guarantee to refund your money If it fails to benefit you. Woodard, Clark & Co., Druggists, Portland, Or. P. S. Stop scratching, our Saxo Salve stops Itching. We guarantee it. The Winter Route TO THE EAST Avoid the snow and storms. Take the ORANGE GROVE ROUTE through California, Southern Pa cific - El Paso ' & South Western, via El Paso, THE LINE OF LOW ALTITUDE. 3 Daily Trains We operate the famous GOLDEN STATE LIM ITED between CALIFOR NIA and the EAST. No excess fares. For full particualrs, ad dress MARTIN J. GEARY Geaeral Aseat Pmmuct De partment, 204 Stark St, Rail way Excbance Building. Phone A 200. Mala 334. fa ram t3