THE MORXTN'G OKEGOXIAX, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1913. E WESTOflMEASUBES Governor Says He Will Do Duty as He Sees It, Despite . More Vetoes. STEAM ROLLER ROLLING When Representative rpton Is Too Busy to Act as ungmwr, ol Multnomah Takes Throttle and Agony Continues. 1 BUXS PASSED OVER TH35 GOV- KBNOR'8 VETO BX lux. HOUSE. Bonn bill 888. requiring depot agents to post at onoe Information received as to delayed trams for the convenience of tho traveling public House bill 119. requiring abutting property-owners on country roads to ammtmr thistles and other noxious wee da. and providing a penalty for not doing bo. Senate' bill 1TB, requiring school dlrectore to pay for material and la bor where, through their own care lessness, contractors leave unpaid bills. Senate bill 129, prohibiting expendi tures over and above the sums appro priated for any publlo. Institution or department of the state and creating an emergency board to look after such work. 8euate bill 127, a companion bill to 129, providing that no expendi ture shall be made before an appro priation la made. STATE CAPITOL, Salem, Or, Jan. 31. (Special.) "I don't car what the House does; I will do my duty as I see It, and that is all 1 can do," said Gov ernor West this afternoon, when told what bills had passed over his veto, the number being left-overs from the cele brated session of 1911. Apparently, the members of the House care equally as much as to what the Governor does, for "all day long, from 10 A. M. until after 4 P. M, the steam roller was run along- In the his toric chamber of the Capitol as smooth ly as any machine was ever rolled over a soft pavement when putting on the finishing? touches. The engineer was Representative TJpton, of Multnomah, chairman of the committee on vetoed bills. Only on two' occasions was he assisted. Then Con rad P. Olson, also of Multnomah, re lieved him at the wheel for a time. Time Only Necessary. All it required to roll the machine over the West vetoes was time, backed with a little energy, entirely oratorical. Nearly everyone who cared to talk had a word or more, the debates being; de liberate and not very exciting. It had been determined what to do and It was done. The alignment was so strong that Governor West's friends did not even try to stop the action, but sat by and let the machine run along as fast as possible, in order to have the agony over. Upton was on the floor much of the time, it being his business to enlighten the members - of the House as to the reasons why the committee on vetoed bills had recommended certain ones to pass over the veto of the Governor. On each bill several speeches were made, for and against, but when the vote was announced the vetoes were overridden by an overwhelming majority. The slaughter, as it was referred to by Representative Hagood. of Multno mah, reputed to be the Governor's clos est friend in the House, continued all day and will be resumed Monday at 2 P. M, when Senate bill 264, relating to a fish hatchery on Spring Creek, Klamath County, and House bill 239, relating to swamp lands, will be dis cussed. That they will be passed over the veto seems as certain as that the sun will rise that day. Unnecessary Burden Asserted. Senate bill 179, vetoed because the Governor said it would place an un usual and necessary burden on school directors, was declared by Mr. Upton to be necessary to protect material men and laborers. He said that there have been cases where contractors have left unpaid bills In various localities. La borers were left in the lurch and with no redress because school officials failed to exact a bond. Mr. Upton said he had heard that the Governor had, since vetoing the bill, decided it might be all right. Hagood, of Multnomah, replied to say that the Governor has not renlgged on any of these bills. His vetoes all stand. General speeches were made for and against, but the bill was passed, 56 to 2. Senate bill 129 was the next bill con sidered this afternoon. It provides that there shall be an emergency board, consisting of the Governor, Secretary of State, State Treasurer, .President of the Senate, Speaker of the House and the chairmen of ways and means com mittees of the Senate and House, to pass on emergency expenditures during the years between sessions of the Leg islature. Olson Champloni Bill. Representative Olson took the floor to champion the bill, which he said is aimed at the deficiencies which have been rolled up In past years. He spoke at length on It. "I congratulate my colleague, Mr. Upton, on getting Mr. Olson to talk of this part of bis arduous duties." said Representative Hagood. "It must be awful to have to dig up a lot of dope on all of these bills. Let the slaughter go on." Tho bill was passed by a vote of BJ to 6. Senate bill 127, a companion bill to 129. also vetoed, was passed over the veto. The veto was made because the Governor said tho state would have to beg for funds to run any institution, In case the same should be burned down, he said. Mr. Olson declared this argument unsound. Desire to Rub. Bills la Denied. Representative Upton, of Multnomah, chairman of the committee on vetoed bills, said that there had' been no de sire on the part of its members to rush bills in for action; they had con sidered the bills well, he said, and made their recommendations solely on the merits of each MIL Mr. Upton declared that House bill 3868 Is a good one. He pointed out the convenience that would result to the traveling public by the posting of trains when late. Governor West said In vetoing this bill that the burden of posting notices falls on the employes and that there is no penalty on the employer or the companies. This Mr. Upton denied, saying that 1000 pen alty extends to them, but that this Is an effort to impress personal responsi bility on depot agents, who are to be fined $25 for failure to post bulletins received. Rearoes of Jackson was opposed to the passing of the bill because ha said HOUS OVERRIDES tt does not make Its demands suffi ciently specific as to information that shall be posted. Homan of Malheur, a former station agent, said the bill is unjust; that It penalizes the wrong person. He said that at times a dispatcher even can not learn the exact status of a train. Lewelling of Linn favored the bill, saying It is needed by tbe public Htansfield of Umatilla declared the bill necessary. He said that depot agents do not give out the informa tion they have, much to the detriment and delay of the publlo. Vote la Decisive. The vote was 37 to 9 to pass the bill over the veto. House bill lit was then taken up. It provides that property owners on county roads must keep the highways clear of thistles. Representative Mann declared the bill is all right, while Hagood of Mult nomah said that "there is a lot of ob jection in this House and if some of my Republican friends can break from the corral, we will sustain the veto." He said that the bill Imposes a hard ship on landowners, who, he said, may be compelled to clear out noxious weeds which grow from seeds dropped along the roads by their careless neighbors. He said the road supervisors should look after this work, Hlnkle of Umatilla thought the bill meritorious, while Howard of Douglas said be felt that it might Impose hardships on some of the farmera Spencer of Multnomah pointed out that. In his opinion, the bill is a good one, as it will take the work from the su pervisors and makes the duty devolve on the owner, who should cut them. Pelrce of Coos and Curry counties said that, if the bill should pass, prob ably tho members favoring It will want to have the adjoining owners pay for the highway improvements. Scheubel of Clackamas said his ob jection to the bill is that It Is not ap plicable to the eastern and western sections of the state. Gill of Clackamas said he is going to live on a farm in Eastern Oregon and if he finds any weeds there he will eradicate them himself. homeHustrTurged BEXTOX OOTJXTT HEARS OF BlXOL DUE EV IiEGISIiAT URE. Plan Outlined Would Give State Benefit on All Public Build , . ingB of Future. CORVALUS, Or., Jan. 1. (Special.) At a meeting1 held tonight for the purpose of organizing a Benton Coun ty Manufacturers' Association, Colonel E. Hofer, speaker, read the text of a bill that is to go- to the Legislature next Monday. This Is a bill for "an act to regulate the letting of contracts for public buildings and works, the employment of architects on the same, and requiring preference to be given to materials produced wholly or In part within the state." and reads as follows: Section 1. In the letting of all contracts or erection of buildings and publlo works by the state, or in any county, city or school district, and In receiving; bids for the same, materials manufactured wholly or In part within this state shall be given preference in letting such contracts, and architects shall be required. In making plans and specifica tions tor such public buildings and public works, to specify that only such materials manufactured wholly or in part within this state shall be employed In such construction. Section 2. It shall be and Is hereby made the duty of all public boards and of all pub lie officials, state, county, city, municipal or school district In this state to award said contracts to the lowest and best bidder, and to give preference to such building ma terials produced In this state, when the quality of the some shall be satisfactory. Section 3. Whenever tne state, through its officers or any board or commission. erects buildings or public works at any fair or exposition held In any other state or for eign country, such structure shall be con structed of material manufactured1 wholly or In part In this state, and In letting such contracts, plans and specifications shall be made by architects, and the work executed by contractors who are bona fide residents of the State of Oregon, and have been such for at least two years preceding the date of this statute going into effect. Captain Blakeley Remembered. STATE CAPITOL, Salem, Or., Jan. 31. (Special.) The House this morning passed unanimously a resolution on the rteath of Captain James Blakeley, of Brownsville, The resolution re cited his great life work and his worth to the state. SIDELIGHTS CIRCUIT JUDGE MORROW, who was here with the Portland delegation on the proposed appropriation for the Panama Canal Exposition, is a "fiend for pumpkin pie. He was eating at a local restaurant and when the waiter asked him what kind of dessert he would have, the Judge inquired, "What have you in pies?" "We have apple, mince and pump kin," said the waiter. "Punk," replied the Jurist, with a benign smile. "Why do you say that; It Is not punk." replied the waiter In surprise. "I meant no discourtesy, I assure you. my good man," replied Judge Morrow, -with all the judicial dignity at his command. "I was Just Indulg ing in a little free-and-easy slang. Please bring me a piece of 'punkln' pie." It was so good, that tne judge ate two pieces. DR. ANDREW c. SMITH, ona of the best-known physicians In Oregon, was among those In attendance at the Capitol yesterday. GEORGE I BAKER, president of the Portland City Council, was here yesterday, shaking hands with mem bers of both branches of the Legisla ture and Informing himself on various angles of legislation. 4(1 AM afraid my remarks were taken I seriously this morning, whereas they were Intended to be In levity," said Carkln, of Jackson County, In the House yesterday. "1 think you are mistaken," replied Speaker McArthur, "I do not think you were taken seriously," whereupon the members and spectators had a hearty laugh at the expense of Carkln. SENATORS and representatives are very busy having their pictures taken for the gallery (not rogues, but legislative). Borne have had several sittings and even then the photogra pher did not do them proper Justice. These ' Salem photographers are the limit! ROBERT TUCKER, of Portland, presi dent of the Oregon Humana So ciety, was at the Capitol yesterday. JOHH F. LOQAN. of Portland, mem ber of the State Parole Board, was a genial visitor at the Capitol yester day. He was among a bunch of men In the lobby when Speaker McArthur ordered Sergeant-at-Arms Singer to clear the lobby. Mr. Logan et ai. APPROPRIATIONS HAVE LIGHT WEEK Only $647,415 Asked in Docu ments Introduced in Past Six Days. BIG PRUNING EXPECTED Fully $4,0ao,00G May Have to Be Out Off Request to Keep Amount Down to $5,000,000 Mark of Preceding Session. STATE CAPITOL. Salem. Or Jan, SI. (Special.) Appropriation requests made during the past week of the legislative session reached a total of $647,415, by far the lightest week so far. This brings the total of requests up to $4,106,263 and not a general ap propriation bill even In Bight. This makes it certain that the amount of the requests will go well up to the $9,000,000 mark. The House during the past week re ceived appropriation bills totaling $399, 000, while bills amounting to only -$3,-000 were introduced in the Senate. So far the total amount of the ap propriation bills which have been Intro, duced In the House is $2,639,000 and in the Senate $1,258,848. Big Pruning Expected. With the total of $8,000,000 or more for requests In sight it will mean a pruning of something over $4,000,000 to keep the amount down to the $5,000,000 mark of the preceding session. Some of the members say the ap propriations for this session will be lower than three years ago while others assume the attitude that inas much as the state Is growing rapidly this should be no criterion, but the appropriations should be passed as to their merits regardless of where the total might lead the session. Those appropriation bills whch have been Introduced so far this session are as follows; Senate. For Panama-Pacific Exposition $506,000 Additional deputies for State Dairy and Food Commissioner 8,200 Oregon Library Commission 7,600 O. A. C. extension work 25,000 Purchase of land and construction of auditorium at Champoeg. .... . . 5.000 Public levee bill S0.0O0 Armory at Eugene 25.000 Board of inspectors of child labor 10,000 Industrial welfare commission 7,000 Special officers to be appointed by Governor 10,000 Experiment station for Malheur County 8,000 Experiment station for Grant County 8,000 To Investigate water resources 50,000 Provid ing state aid for maternity hospitals 12,000 Providing for a crematory at State Insane Asylum . . . . 1,500 Providing for Morrison heirs 14,648 For an Armory at Boseburg 20,000 Pure water for state institutions. . 1O0.000 New Justices of Supreme Court. . . 19.000 State Industrial School 50,000 Highway commission bill 800,000 Providing for State Sanitary Inspec tor 10.000 Providing for salmon hatcheries on streams tributary to Columbia River 20,000 House. Board of Control 7.500 Indian War veterans 50,000 Industrial Accident Commission 50,000 Livestock premiums bill for Portland fair 10,000 Agricultural experiment station. Coos County 8,000 Agricultural test farm. Coos County 6,000 Panama-Pacific Exposition 500,000 To Investigate water resources. . . . 50,000 Salary of secretary to Governor 6,000 State Bureau of Mines 50,000 Logging engineering course, O. A. C- 65.000 State reformatory at Salem 50,000 To fight bubonic plague.. 10,000 Experiment station. Clatsop County. 6,000 State insurance fund 50,000 Experiment station. Malheur County 3 0,000 Poultry breeding plant at O. A. C. 60.000 Paving streets In Eugene 12,833 Remodeling Science Hall, O. AC... 82.000 Maintenance O. A. C 300,000 Additional buildings, O. A. C 107.000 Extension work University of Oregon 30.000 Cow-testing station, O. A C 10,000 New building and heating plant U. of 0 10,000 Maintenance U. of 0 300.000 Repairs for U. of 0 75.000 Providing for steam boiler Inspector 5,500 Yamhill walnut experiment station 2,000 ON OREGON dashed through a door and escaped. He returned later, however. CHAPMAN, of Washington County, created a hearty laugh when the House committee on corporations was hearing two anti-trust bills. "So these bills propose to prohibit any agreement to increase prices on farm products?" asked he. "Yes, sir," replied Blanchard, author of one of the bills. "Why, that's Just what I've been try ing to do for 30 years," said Chapman. Chapman is a hop-raiser. . SIG SICHEL, formerly a police com missioner at Portland and formerly a State Senator, was present yesterday. B. LABEE, of Portland, was a . caller at the Capitol yesterday. ARTHUR LANGGUTH, secretary of the Multnomah Bar Association, was a visitor yesterday. E are always looking for our names In the papers," say Westerlund, of Jackson, one of ths most genial and sunny members of the House. So here it Is. THINK Clackamas County should I grow roses instead of weeds along their roadside," said Representa tive Nolta, of Multnomah, during ths discussion of the celebrated "weed" bill in the House. His witty remark was applauded. SOMEONE Is busy at the State Capi tol. Senators and Representatives have both reported in some instances that bill books or volumes of their codes have disappeared. STATE PRINTER DUNIWAT Is a "scrapper." Regardless of recent Ill-health he has "come back," and is one of the busiest men around the Capitol. He has his hatchet out for the fiat salary bill of the 1811 session. TL HILL, of Albany, has been a visitor at the Legislature. He Is an uncle of Senator Thompson. PRESIDENT ACKERMAN, of the Monmouth Normal School. is "among those present." CUTTING out of railroad passes is largely responsible for a bill in the Senate which add 5300 to the traveling menses of the State Superintendent of Publlo Instruction. When passes For Columbia Southern project 500,000 For cow-testing supervisor 10.000 Compensation for Raleigh a "Wilson 10,000 Oregon 3ureau of Mines and Geology 50.000 For aiding in prosecuting Humphry brothers 1.000 For pavilion at State Fair 0,000 For social hygiene work 32.000 For publication of official directory 1.000 State Water Board, Including salaries S 2,000 Assistant to State Engineer 10.000 For Hood River experiment station.. 10,000 Reimburse Cynthia Glasius for loss sustained for death of her son. . . 10,000 To appropriate money for improve ments at Oregon Normal School.. 15,000 To appropriate money for Improve ment on Jefferson street, Corvallls 6,500 For Relief of George Nessllng, In jured while a member of the Ore- gon National Guard . .-. 1,500 To celebrate 50th anniversary of Bat tle of Gettysburg To provide for propagation of salmon 20, ow Create state aid road fund 840,000 For completion of Supreme Court and Library building 188,415 For free employment offices a;??0 The latter two appropriation bills came in today. METV BULLS POUR INTO HOUSE 42 Measures Are Introduced, Cov ering: Many Subjects. STATE CAPITOI Salem, Or., Jan. 31. (Special) The following bills were Introduced in the House today: H. B. 892, by Howard Making it special duty of certain officers to prosecute viola tions of local option law. H. B. 89a, by Anderson (Clatsop) Prohib iting fish - traps in certain localities In Co lumbia River. H. b. 304. by Latourett Relating to re turn in attachment suit- H. B. 895, by Latourette To abolish office of county judge. . H. B. 390, by Chllds Providing tor brand Ins of tub butter. H. B. 39". by Bonebrake Relating to dis tribution of Oregon Code. H. B. 898. by Bonebrake Fixing Asses sor's salary in Benton County at $1600. H. B. 39, by Gill Providing for appoint, ment of State Printer. H. B- 400. by Latourette Naming causes for civil actions. H. B. 401. by Latourette Relating to punishment for fraud. H. B. 402, by Latourette Providing for charging of more than one crime in same indictment. H. B. 403, by Latourette Abolishing term of court for grand Jury. H B. 404, by Latourette To require fire drills In schools. H b. 405, by Abbott To provide for sep arate ballot boxes for state and general votes. ' , H. B. 406, by Abbott Repealing flat-salary for State Printer. H. B. 407. by Homan Providing for in spection of beehives. H. B. 408. by Hlnkle Relating to certi fied copies of certain documents. H. B. 409, by Gill Providing certain can didates may have ballot title of 12 words. H. B. 410, by Gill Providing two or more road districts may levy money for road pur poses. H. B. 411, by Gill Providing for teachers training schools. H. B. 412, bv committee on assessment and taxation Relating to terms of county courts. H. B. 413, by committee on assessment and taxtlon To require tax collector to send notices of unpaid taxes. H. B. 414, by committee on assessment and taxation Relating to assessment and equalization of property for taxation. H. B. 415, by committee on assessment and taxation To provide for state tax com mission to succeed Board of State Tax Com missioners. . H. B. 416. by Blanchard To prohibit bulls from running at large in tertaln counties. . , H. B. 417. by Forbes Relating to chang ing of brands. H. B. 438, by Pelrce To provide for pro tection and propagation of oysters. H. B. 419. by Smith Relating to adminis tration and supervision of state and county offices. H. B. 420, by Blanchard To create Four teenth Judicial District. H. B 421, by Heltzel To appropriate $168,41-5 for completion of Supreme Court and library building. H. B. 423, by Smith To regulate end provide for public printing of state. H. B. 423, by Smith Relative to road monuments. H. B. 424, by Laughlln Relating to li censes for practice of medicine. H. B. 425, by Laughlln To provide bounty on moles and gophers in Yamhill County. H. B. 426, by Appelgren To regulate practice of naturopaths. H. B. 427, by Apelgren To by decree es tablish and declare vesting of title to real property. H. B. 428, by committee on expositions and fairs To authorize holding of county H. B. 429. by Carpenter To prohibit sell ing of any disabled horse or mule. H. B. 430, by Upton Relating to legal presumptions. H. B. 4U1, by Murnane To provide for registering and licensing of music teachers. H. B. 432, by Murnane To provide for frp ftnnlovment bureaus. II. B. 43 (substitute), by McArthur To create state board of control. Marriage Bill A'ffects Men Only. STATE CAPITOL, Salem, Or., Jan. 31. (Special.) The Senate bill providing for the examination of men prior to a marriage contract passed, that body today. It was labeled by many of the Senators who spoke on it as one of the most meritorious measured which has so far appeared. It provides that Drior to the performing of the mar riage ceremony the male party to the marriage must urdersrn an examina tion as to bis physical fitness to enter the marital state. LEGISLATURE were eliminated for public officials It was found the superintendent could travel but part of the year. If this bill passes it will enable him to go when ever duty calls. STATE TREASURER KAT has been running a little Garden of Eden all his own. His private office has been packed with boxes of apples that have caused the legislators to beat a path through the door. THERE will be a crematory at the State Insane Asylum if the House follows the lead of the Senate and passes the crematory bill. All un claimed bodies In the asylum crema tory will be incinerated, and the same fate will fall to all the pauper and un claimed dead in the future at all the state institutions. THE Senate finally fixed the time the term of the Governor shall start. Early in the session a bill came in to repeal an old section of the code, which started the Governor's term In September. Then it was thought If It was repealed there would be no show ing in tbe code as to when his term really did stop. Three efforts were made to arrive at a conclusion. All the Senators breathed a sigh of relief when the goal was finally reached. SENATOR SMITH, of Coos and Curry, has had the misfortune mainly to Introduce bills that have been sailing on troublous seaa. They have been coming In with adverse reports and meeting defeat. He says he Is satis fied to get the Senators on record. WHEN a vote is being taken on a motion in the Senate the side that has Farrell with it has an undue advantage. He has a lusty pair of lungs, and when he votes the sound is like the rushing of mighty winds. FATHER WATERS, of Astoria, made a most telling speech on the appro priation asked for the Panama Canal. It was full of enthusiasm, sound sense and sympathy. He was loudly ap plauded. SENATOR DAT has a hobby. It is workmen's compensation. He never rises to Bpeak on a bill but sooner or later his talk drifts to that subject. He says that there must be some work men's compensation this Legislature before be will vote in favor of final adjournment. BARRETT ROAD BILL PASSED Id SENATE Joint Conference Made Likely by Passage of Hurd Meas ure in Lower House. COMPROMISE IS. POSSIBLE Fpper Body Accepts Kellaher Amendment 'Factions Eager for Road Legislation but Divided on Plan of Action. STATE CAPITOL, Salem, Or, Jan. 81. (Special.) Passage of the Barrett county bonding road bill by the Senate this morning probably will mean the calling of a Joint conference commit tee to act on the Barrett and Hurd bills. The Hurd bill passed the House yesterday and is known as the Grange bill. While both are county bonding aets they are by no means identical. To throw the Hurd bill into the Sen ate and the Barrett bill into the House without a conference would probably spell defeat for both bills. No conference has been finally de cided upon, although a number of the Senators have urged the suggestion. Both of the bills will probably be taken in and one or the other indorsed or a compromise reached. There is no doubt now of the senti ment in both houses that road legisla tion should be enacted and that it will come in the shape of a county bonding act, the sentiment of the people being construed in that light. In the passage of constitutional amendments. Kellaher Amendment Fought. The main fight on the Barrett bill today was directed at the Kellaher amendment, which has for its purpose restriction on the use of patented pave ments. Thompson assailed the amendment as "loaded," declaring It would destroy competition. The bill passed carrying the amendment, however. There were nine votes against the bill, these being Bean, Calkins, Dimick, Hawley, Hums, Hoskins, Kiddle, Lester and Neuner. Thompson was absent. If a conference is held it Is liable to have a stormy and lengthy siege. While the two bills apparently have the same general purpose, the details differ. The Grange contingent is opposed to the Barrett bill, and at the same time there is a decided faction against the Grange bill. The Grange bill, with amendments, is one that was defeated at the last election. Provisions of Bills Differ. The Barrett bill provides that the County Court shall be the supervising power In road matters, but the people of counties shall vote on the question of road bonds. The Hurd or Grange bill provides for election of delegates in road districts, these delegates to attend a county road meeting to determine upon road ques tions. On objection that was lodged on the Senate floor against the Barrett bin was the fact that it allowed the Coun ty Court, instead of the petitioners, to designate where roads are to De con structed. . These are the two main questions upon which the factional Interests will split on the two bills, and which may result in considerable difficulty before an adjustment can be reached. At the same time, Kellaher states he Intends to have placed in the Hurd bill an amendment similar to that put in the Barrett bill, and this, too, may ere ate some opposition. There is no ap parent fear, however, that the conflicts will be so serious as to aereat roaa legislation, and a compromise Is looked for. REAL- ESTATE SIEX'S TAX AIM Portland Kealty Board Drafts Plan for Advertising Oregon. STATE CAPITOL, Salem, Or.,- Jan. 31. (Special.) Senator Moser will in troduce a bill Monday to provide a method for defraying the expenses of advertising Oregon. It will provide a license for real estate agents In the state. The Portland Realty Board is fathering the plan. Certificates of registration ere pro vided for which an original fee of 10 is paid. They may be renewed annually at a cost of ?5 a year. After cost of the administration of the act Is de ducted the money left goes to a fund to be used for advertising Oregon. The bill provides that the Governor shall appoint a , commission of five members on advertising, one of whom shall be the Governor as an ex officio member, and the other four to be regu- larlv licensed real estate brokers. The bill gives Circuit Judges power to revoke the license of any real estate agent who defrauds a principal in the rental, purchase, sale or exenange ol real estate. AVBORA ASKS 250,000 GRANT v Commercial Club Says Adequate Representation Should Be Made. AURORA. Or- Jan. 31. (Special.) The Aurora Commercial Club tele graphed the chairman of the Joint ways and means committee of the. Legisla ture as follows: "The Aurora Commercial Club urges an appropriation of not less than $250, 000 for the Panama-Pacific Exposition that Oregon may be adequately repre sented at the great fair. Results will amply repay the commonwealth in at tracting population and capital. Our rank as a great, growing state de mands this liberal appropriation. It will bring publicity, people, wealth and growth." The club has also forwarded a com munication to each member of the Marion County delegation In the Legis lature, urging them to support Senate bill No. 72, which provides for the ex tension of the work of the Oregon Ag ricultural College. The club wants House bill No. 24 killed, and has sent a protest to Marlon County members of the Legislature against the enactment. COMIFROMISE ON BILL SEEN" McOolloch Bill May Be Redrafted', but Greatly Modified. STATE CAPITOL, Salem, Or., Jan. 81. (Special) Possibility of a compro mise on the McColloch bill, to supplant District Attorneys, Sheriffs and Consta bles for 90 days in the prerogative of the Governor, was apparent in the Sen ate Judiciary committee tonight after a long discussion of the bilL While if any compromise is reached it will lose many of the earmarks of the original bill, at the same time it will carry out the original proposition of placing the Governor in such a position as to make effectual the constitutional provision which says that the Governor shall see that the laws are .faithfully executed. On the face the great majority of the members of the Judiciary committee are opposed to the McColloch bill as it ' stands In its present form. The pres ent bill gives the Executive the right j 10 supplant uistnci Aiiurneys, oucrnia and Constables for 90-day periods. The sentiment or the majority of tne com mittee is that the Governor should have the right to prefer charges against any of the public officers Involved but that such public officers also be given the right to have a summary hearing be fore the Circuit Court of the district or an adjoining district. They believe that each of the officials enumerated should have a privilege of being granted his day in court and that no arbitrary removal by the Governor should be allowed. Indications point to the possibility ox a sub-committee of the Judiciary com mittee being named to draft a sub stitute bill If the members can agree on its provisions to go before the Sen ate with the indorsement of the com mittee. BILL DOOMS COUNTY JUDGES Latourette Would Create System of Commissioners Instead. STATE CAPITOL, Salem, Or, Jan. SI. (Special.) Representative Latour ette, of Multnomah County, this after noon Introduced House bill 395, which, if it becomes a law, will abolish County Judges and Install a system of three County Commissioners in Oregon for the conduct of county affairs. Under the provisions of this bill, as DroDOsed. it would be necessary for the third commissioner to be named by the other two commissioners now in of fice In each county by July of this year. Mr. Latourette believes that three com missioners will be a better system than two commissioners and one County Judge, as is the present form of county supervision. Junction City Merchants Protest. JUNCTION CITT. Or., Jan. 31. The following telegram was sent to Salem today by order of the Junction City Merchants' Protective Association: "Lane County Delegation, Legislative Assembly of Oregon, Salem, Oregon, care of Senators Bean and Calkins: The Junction City Merchants' Protective Association of Junction City, Oregon, hereby protest against the passage of House bills numbered 106, 128, 204, and Senate bill No. 3. E. M. Jackson, president; H. V. Belknap, secretary." BILL BRIDGES LAW GAP SENATE PASSES MEASURE TO STOP BONUSES TO BANKS. Dimick Opposes Proposed Legisla tion on Grounds That Penalty Is Not Severe Enough. STATE CAPITOL, Salem, Or.. Jan. 31. (Special.) Giving as his reason for opposing the bill by Malarkey and Butler which makes it a crime for an officer or employe of a bank to accept bonuses in connection with tne busi ness of the bank, that the penalty at tached Is too small, Senator Dimick, when the bill was on final passage to day attacked W. Cooper Moirls and Louis J. Wilde. The bill has for its purpose to cover the gap in the law which allowed Wilde to go free In his trial in Portland. "These penalties under the bill are for from one to three years in the peni tentiary," said Dimick. "Morris would have been sent for from one to three years and probably pardoned at the end of the first year. Wilde wduld have been sent to prison for from one to three years when, if they both had their dues, they would be there for the bal ance of their lives." His effort to have the penalties raised failed. Joseph attacked the decision which was made in the Wilde case, stating that a large number of Portland at torneys had doubted the legal correct ness of the decision In the Wilde case. and he branded It as miscarriage of Justice. The bill passed the Senate, however. COLD EPIDEMIC ! I Will Refund Your Money if My Cold Remedy Fails to Cure. Munyon I know that my Cold Remedy will re lieve the bead, nose, throat and lungs almost immediately, and prevent Pneu monia, Bronchitis, Grippe and other dis eases. Get a 25 cent bottle of these little pel lets today and If you are not perfectly satisfied with results I will refund your money. If your blood Is Impure, or if yon are constipated, or if you have Dyjpepsia, or any lWer or stomach trouble, don't fail to use Mnnyon's Paw-Paw Pills. They help in curing a cold. MUNYON. fllcrobes In Your Scalp Authorities gay that microbe causes baldness. If you are losing balr try our remedy at our risk. Professor Unna, of Germany, and Dr. Babouraud, the great Frenoh Dermatologist, claim that a mi crobe causes baldness, and their theory has been verified by eminent scientist. This microbe destroys the hair follicles, in time causing that scalp pores to close and the scalp to become shiny. Then, it is believed nothing will revive the growth. If treated before this occurs, baldness may be overcome. We know of nothing that has given such universal satisfaction in treating ths scalp and hair as Rexaii "93" Hair Tonic It has been de signed after long study to overcome) the cause of failing hair as discovered by Prof. Unna, Dr. Babouraud ana other scalp and hair specialists, and ws believe it will do more than any thing else can to remove dandruff and atop falling hair; and if any human agency can promote a new growth, of hair it will do that, too. We want you to make us prove it. We will pay for a month's treatment of Keiali "93" Hair Tonio used dur ing a trial, if you will use it ac cording to directions, and are not thoroughly satisfied. When we will do this, you surely should not hesitate) to at least try it. Start the treatment today. You mere request will get your money back if you -vast it. Two sixes: 60a and $1.00. You can buy Rexall "S3" Hair Tonia Is this community ' ' Sold only by THE OWL DRUG CO. Portland. Ore. B tores In Portland. Seattle, Spokane. San Francisco, Oakland, Los Angeles and Sacramento. Then Is a Rsxall Store in nearly every tows and city in tbe United States, Canada aul Great Britain. Thera is a different RiU Remedy for nearly every ordinary human u each especially designed for she particular ill lor which it is recomrrwnrlcd. 1 Tbe Raamll Store are America's Crsatiet; Drus SUM ReRi&rRablo Catarrh Gura Gets Right into the Af fedted Parts and Mops uatnenng in Eyes, Nose, Throat and Lungs. "Nlne-tentna of humanity suffer with catarrh but do not know what catarrh Is," said an expert doctor, a specialist in blood analysis. It is treated locally be cause nature tries) to drive it out of tho system. But nature must have help. Nasal catarrh is merely an outlet, and it is folly to expect a cure by inhalants or local applications. If a stream is pol luted at its source it is ridiculous to waste time in purification at Its mouth. By a long series of elaborate expert, ments at the Swift Laboratory it Is defi nitely known that catarrh can be cured by the simple process of Inoculating the blood with antidotal remedies that stop inflammatory conditions throughout ths mucous linings of all the organs of ths body. This is done with the famous Swift's fiure Specific, or as It is widely known, S. S. S. It Is taken into the blood Just as naturally as the most nourishing food. It spreads Its Influence over every organ in the body, comes through all the veins and arteries, en ables all mucous surfaces to exchange in flammatory acids and other irritating substances for arterial elements that ef fectually cleanse the system and thus put an end to all catarrhal pollution. S. S. S. cleans out the stomach of mucous ac cumulations, enables only pure blood-making materials to enter the Intestines, com bines with these food elements to enter the circulation, and in less than an hour is at work throughout the body in tht process of purification. Tou will soon realize its wonderful in fluence by the absence of headache, x de cided clearing of the air passages, a steadily Improved nasal condition, and a sense of bodily relief that proves how completely catarrh often infests the en tire system. You will find S. S. S. on sale at all drug stores at $1.00 per bottle. It is a remarkable remedy for any and all blood affections, such as eczema, rash, lupus, tetter, psoriasis, boils and all scrof ulous conditions. For special advice on any blod disease write in confidence to The Swift Speciflo Co., 127 Swift Bldg.. Atlanta, Ga. Do not delay to get a bottle of S. S. S, at your druggists. NERVOUS PROSTRATION Severe Case of a Philadelphia Woman Her Symptoms. Philadelphia, Pa. "I had a severe case of nervous prostration, with palpi tation or tne nearr, constipation, head aches, dizziness. noise in my ears, timid, nervous, rest less feelings and sleeplessness. " I read in the pa per where a young; woman bad been cured of the same troubles by taking Lydia E. Pinkham s Vegetable Compound so I threw away the medicines the doctor left me and be gan taking the Compound. Before I had taken half a bottle I was able to sit up and in a short time I was able to do all my work. Your medicine has proved itself able to do all you say it will and I have recommended it in every household I have visited." Mrs. Mary Johnston, 210 Siegel Street, Philadelphia, Pa, Another Bad Case. Ephrata, Pa. "About a year go I was down with nervous prostration. I was pale and weak and would have hys teric spells, sick headaches and a bad pain under my shoulder-blade. I was under the care of different doctors but did not improve. I was so weak I could hardly stand long enough to do my dishes. ' Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound has made me well and happy and I have begun to gain in weight and my face looks healthy now." Mrs. J. W. Hoknbebger, P.. No. 3, Ephrata, Pa. If you want special advice write to Lydia E. PlnKham Medicine Co. (confl dential) Lynn, Mass. Your letter will be opened, read and answered by a woman and held In strict confidence. ITCHING, CRUSTED ECZEMA IS CURED By A Sinsrle Jar Of Reslnol After Many Remedies Had Failed. Brooklyn, N. T., Nov. 27, 1912. "It would be very wrong not to tell you what Reslnol Ointment and Reslnol Soap have done for us. My baby boy was born with a rough skin. It kept getting worse all the time. It became a weeping eczema and at times a thick crust would form. He would cry and Itch most all the time. I cannot tell you all the remedies and salves I used, before I sent for Reslnol samples. "At once I washed him with Reslnol Soap and put on Reslnol Ointment. He slept for three hours. When he awoke I washed him again and, like a miracle, the scabs dropped off and have never returned. You would not have known him! Then X bought Reslnol Soap and a large Jar of Ointment, but before It was all used, baby was well. I would not be without Reslnol Ointment and Soap. I have recommended them to all my friends." (Signed) Mrs. Katie Markert, 176 Ralph Street. If you or any of your little ones are suffering from eczema, rash, tetter, ringworm, or other itching, burning skin eruption, there is only one better proof of the value of Reslnol. That Is, try it yourself and see! You can buy Reslnol Ointment and Reslnol Soap at ' any druggist's, or can get samples free by writing to Dept. 6-T, Reslnol Chem. Co., Baltimore, Md. Resinol stops itch ing instantly. Prescribed by careful doctors for eighteen years. : t s yj fA 7