Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, February 01, 1913, Page 7, Image 7

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IM.I.- t. Virin 7070. A OT!S
Cl'y Circulation Main 70i0. A 05
ManaelnB Editor Main 7070. A JU85
Eunday Editor Main 7070. A SOHS
Composlnir-room Main 70.0. A 609S
Superintendent Building;.. .Main 7070, A W5
Dptr Tn miTffO ET1vmth and Morri
on) Klaw & Erlanser'a production of
drama. "Ben-Hur." Mnis atioruvwu -and
tonfcht at 8.
ORPHEL'M THEATER (Seventh and Tay
lor) Orpheum vaudeville. This afternoon
at 2:15 and tonight at 8:15.
BAKER THEATER Seventh and Morri
son Baker players In "The Gamblers.
Thl afternoon at 2:15 and tonight at 8:13.
der) Vaudeville. This afternoon at 2:13.
Tonight at 7:30 and 8 o'clock.
LYRIC THEATER (Fourth and Stark
Keating- & Fiooa juusicai uomm?
pany In "Roslnsky's Dream." Matinee at
2:15. Tonlirht. contlnuoua performances,
6:30 to 10:45.
tures. 11 A. M. to 12 P. M.
Advertisements Intended for the City New
In Brlf column In Sunday's lama nrast be
banded In The Oregonlan business office by
0 o'clock Saturday evening.
New Car Service Debated Subject.
O. G. Hughson. chairman of the Rose
City Park Civic League, said yester
day that the citizens of Rose City Park
have neither Indorsed nor condemned
the alternate stop, and that the league
will take action when a full trial of
the new plan has been made. Mr.
Hughson said that he examined the
petition on file with the City Auditor
asking for alternate Btops on the Rose
City Park carline, and found that the
signatures are of people who live at
Park Rose, which Is further out. He
said that the league will ascertain how
the people feel and then a report will
be made. Councilman Schmeer is bit
terly opposed to alternate stops and de
clares that this move is not in the
interest of the people, but for the
benefit of the street railway company.
Union Passbsobb Depot to Be Dis
cussed. At the regular midday
luncheon Monday of the East Side
Business Men's Club, at 350 East Burn
side Btreet, the "Union Passenger
Depot," between East Burnside street
and the mouth of Sullivan's Gulch, will
be the subject for discussion. L. M.
Lepper, chairman of the transporta
tion committee, who has been superin
tendent of several railroads, will deliver
the main address and explain the situa
tion and purposes of the transporta
tion committee. At the close of the
luncheon the entire party will go to the
mouth of Sullivan's Gulch, where the
Harriman lines are filling up the ravine
preparatory to erecting a 200, 000 depot
J. J. Oeder will preside at the luncheon,
and all interetsed are Invited.
Woken to Discuss Taxation. The
Women's Political Science Club will
hold its next meeting on Tuesday. Feb
ruary 4. at 2:80 P. M., In the auditorium
of the Medical building. The subject
for discussion will be "Methods of
Taxation." All women Interested in the
study of politics, civic problems, .parlia
mentary law or similar subjects are
welcome. The club Is not in any way
affiliated with a political paTty, but
considers interesting topics from a
broad unbiased standpoint. At the last
meeting, Mrs. .JV. S. Fortiner gave a
paper on the probation system of Buf
falo. The subject was handled In a
capable manner.
Fontaine, registered optician. Grand,
E. Mor., 2d floor Healy. Testing free.
Estatb Valued at 8000. E. H. Mo
Craken, who died January 21, left an
estate of the value of $8000, consisting
principally of 300 shares of the stock
of the J. McCraken Company. Half of
It is willed outright to James R. Mc
Craken, a son, and the balance is placed
In trust with him for the benefit of the
widow. Mary A. McCraken, during her
lifetime. On the tetter's death it is to
go outright to Annie M. Mason, a
daughter of the testator. Mrs. Mason
and James R. McCraken are residuary
Manual Trainino Subject of Atdress.
"The Future of Manual Training
Work in the Public Schools" will be the
subject of an address to be given by
Frank Rigler, Superintendent of the
City Schools, who will speak before
the Portland Principals' Association at
its meeting at Lincoln High School this
morning at 10 o'clock. The subject of
manual training Is of great Interest in
educational circles and the study of Its
most efficient branches Is declared of
great benefit-to the young pupils of
our public Institutions.
C. C. Chapman Lectures Todat.
C. C. Chapman, manager of the promo
tion bureau of the Portland Commer
cial Club will give a lecture on Ore
gon In the East Side Library this after
noon -at 3 o'clock. The lecture will be
Illustrated not only by stereoptlcon
views of Oregon scenery, but by copies
of many of the Illustrations and
diagrams which are featured In the
recent Issue of the Oregon Almanac
Frazier Estate Worth $171.000. An
Inventory of the estate of William R.
Frazier, ex-Sheriff, who was killed by
an Irvington streetcar on the night of
January 15, shows a value of $171,000.
This includes about $10,000 as his share
of the partnership estate of Frazier &
McLean. Ellis R. McLean has been
appointed administrator of the partner
ship estate. He Is continuing the busi
ness. -
Eggs Go to New York bt Mail. Gus
R. Rosenblatt has received word that
two packages of eggs sent by parcel
post January 21, reached New York in
"perfect condition January 27. The pack
ages each contained 18 eggs; each egg
being wrapped in cotton and In a sec
tion by Itself.
Rev. W. F. Reaoor Will Speak.
Rev. W. F. ReagoT. of the First United
Presbyterian Church, will be the
speaker at the meeting tomorrow at
3 P. M., In the Sellwood Y. M. C A..
East Fifteenth street and Spokane
Crrr Estplotes Draw Pat Todat.
So that cify employes may be able to
secure their monthly wages today the
City Treasurer's office will remain open
until 5 o'clock this evening Instead of
closing at noon as Is usual on Satur
days. "The Return or Peter Grimm" will
be the theme this morning at 11 at
the Church of Our Father (Unitarian),
Seventh and Yamhill. Vespers with ten
mtnute sermon on "Friendship," at 4:30.
All welcome. Rev. W. G. Eliot, Jr,
"Pensst" Students Meet Tonight.
The University of Pennsylvania Club
will hold a business meeting tonight
at 8 o'clock at the Multnomah Hotel.
Any former students of the university
are cordially invited to attend.
Hill Military Academy
Spring Term
Monday, Februaxt S.
Few Vacancies Open.
Ladies, Norman & Laaman, 408 Sell
ing bldg., tailors to gentlewomen, have
received first shipment of exclusive im
ported woolens for Spring wear, Spring
styles now on display.
The Orpheus Male Chorus Concert
Feb. 6, Masonic Temple; William Wal
lace Graham, soloist. Tickets on sale
Eilers Music House.
Removal. Charles E. Walters Co..
"the Live Wire" Sellers of Banks, are
now located in suite 303 Corbett bldg.
Marine Band. Ex-members Marine
and First Regiment bands correspond
with George Hockenyos. 138 Russell St.
Westbrook & Westbrook. attorneys,
formerly of S05-6-7 Buchanan bldg.,
have moved to suite 307 Journal bldg.
Go to thh Jewelry Auction Sals of
Beldlng Bros., 45 Third sL, Multnomah
Hotel, today. S:30 and 7:30 P. M.
Dr. George B. Story moved from
the Abington to 1109 Selling bldg.
Lantern Slides. Gifford. Alain 5;S.
Countrt blockwood. M. 1225. A 1225.
Dr. Lake to Address W. C T. U.
The Multnomah County Institute of the
W. C. T. U. will be held on Tuesday
at the Behnke-Walker building. An in
teresting programme will be presented.
Dr. Harry Lane, United States Senator
elect, will speak on "The Commission
Form of Government." Mrs. L Leeser
Cohen will give a talk on "The News
boy, Our Youngest Merchant." Others
who will have prominent parts in the
doings of the Institute will be Mrs. S.
K. Northrup. Mrs. Allphin, Mrs. M. L.
T. Hidden. Miss Elizabeth Meyers, Miss
Frances Gotshall, Mrs. Gillette. Mrs.
Hidden's subject will be "Social and
Red Letter Days."
' Rev. C V. Lamb Leaves Portland.
Rev. C. V. Lamb, connected with the
Dominican Church on Union avenue for
the last nine years, has gone to Vallejo,
CaL, where he will take charge of the
parish of St. Vincents, taking the place
of Rev. Father T. C. Clancy, whose
health failed and who Is now at the
Holy Rosary Church of Portland.
Father Lamb had been with the Holy
Rosary parish since it was organized.
He was a native of Vallejo. Father
Clancy was assigned to the Portland
parish In the hope that change of cli
mate may prove beneficial.
Pastor's Anniversary to Be Cele
brated. Next Sunday will be the sixth
anniversary of Rev. B. Corby's pastor
ate of the First Universalist Church, of
Portland, East Twenty-fourth street
and Broadway, and it will be observed
in an appropriate manner at the morn
ing service. Rev. Mr. Corby will de
liver an address on "The World Is
Growing Better." Since Mr. Corby came
to Portland the First Universalist
Church has erected a modern building
which Is open day and night to the
public, and is never locked.
Y. M. C. A. Club Elects. The Amicl
tlans, one of the oldest and strongest
boys' clubs of the Young Men's Chris
tian Association, held an initiation of
new members and election of officers
yesterday. The offices were hotly con
tested for, with the following results:
President, Chelsea Howland; vice-president,
Edmond Bollack; secretary-treasurer,
Edward Magill; editor, Richard
Kruse; athletic manager, John Bush;
sergeant. Oris DeVaul; critic, Burrell
Sellars. P. H. Wyman Is leader of the
Ex-Portland Woman Dies. Mrs. B.
Lang, for many years a resident of
Portland, died at the home of her
.. ..... Ta t RhlnfilrnTn. at Salt
Lake City, yesterday. Harry Lang, a
son ana a ouainesa nn w
arrived only a few hours after his
mother died. Mrs. Lang was 80 years
old. A sister, Mrs. M. Lang, lives in
Vanderpool Is Sentenced. Sentence
f from one to seven yean in the
State Penitentiary was Imposed yester
day on Chester .Vanderpool by Circuit
Judge Morrow. Vanderpool entered a
plea of guilty to a charge of larceny
in a dwelling, the specific charge being
that he had stolen a revolver from
Thomas Peltier.
Mazamas to Hike Sunday. For Sun
day's tramp the Mazamas will leave
First and Alder, at 1:30 P. M., on the
Mount Scott car and go to Flrland sta
tion. From there they will walk out
the Foster road to Lents, thence north
erly to take In Kelly Butte, after which
they walk on to Montavllla, where they
take caTS for home.
Professor Shaver to Speak. Profes
sor Shafer, of the state university, will
give a lecture on the early history of
Oregon at the Irvington Clubhouse at
8 o'clock tonight. Admission to the
lecture will be free and all residents of
Irvington, whether members of the
club or not, have been Invited to at
tend. Minuet Club Dancb, Ringlet's Hall.
tonight. Toelll's orchestra-
Bernhardt Enacts Part
of "Phedre"
Intensely Dramatic Play Declared
to Be Staged and Presented Exquisitely.
THE eminent French actress, Madame
Sarah Bernhardt, presented the
first and Becond acts of Jean Racine's
five-act tragedy, "Phedre," at the Or
pheum at a matinee and night perform
ance yesterday, to capacity houses on
both occasions.
The gifted artist received a tre
mendous ovation and was called before
the curtain a dozen times at the end of
her presentation. Six characters enact
the tragedy. Madame Bernhardt is
Phedre, the Queen of the Athenian
King Theseus. She loves her stepson,
Hippolytus. The enactment yesterday
concerned the relating by Phedre to
Oenone. a servant, an all-empowering
love for her stepson. A messenger
brings news of Theseus' death, and
Oenone bids her mistress live and
love Hippolytus. In a tremendously
effective and dramatio scene M. Lou
Tellegren, as Hippolytus. avows his
love for Aricie, one of Phedre's women.
Then Phedre tells her love to Hippoly
tus. He stands aghast and, in a big
dramatic scene, Phedre seizes his sword
to expiate for her crime.
Madame Bernhardt, superb and dis
tinctly "the divine" in every action
her golden voice still hauntlngly musi
cal and compelling, rose to a height of
positive grandeur In the climax. Her
supporting cast was highly capable.
Today and Sunday she presents her
long-famous "Camllle."
ew Russian Genlns of 'Cello Is
Taking World by Storm.
omia d. j ......... .
brich concert at the Heilig, Eleventh
vinr.l o.n TiiKriii.v nlsrht under the
direction of Lois Steers-Wynn Coman.
The ravlsnmg oeauty oi oemonuu
voice, so wonderful In Its subtle grada
nf n1nr in Augmented bv the en
chanting grace and delicacy of La
Forges accompaniments, wuicu
Sembrich's every mood with rare sym
pathetic insight.
. HI' mH fl.Wa.ltS POTt-
land music lovers in the delightful work
of the new genius, Caslnl, the young
Russian cellist, wno la carrying mo
world by storm. '
Slail Orders From In and Out of
Town Received Sow.
crrT' CTAtfit dramatic soprano.
Madame Nordica, at Heilig. Wednesday,
February 5. Prices $2, $1.60, $1, 75c.
Address letters, checks to W. T. Panels.
Oxtail soup, beef stew, hot biscuits,
waffles, veal loaf, cauliflower, fruit
salad, fig pudding, apple pie. Specials.
Woman's Exchange. 186 Fifth St.
Compearing; Saturday. February 1.
music will be a feature of the after
noon tea In the grillroom from 4 to
S P. M.
rnat Is Laxative Bromo Quinine. Look for
the signature of E. W. Grove. Cures a Cold
La On Da. Cures GrlD in Two Oajra. 23c
Ernest Cotrel of New York, after an In
mveatliaUon. demands segregation of the
sexes for unmarried steerage passengers on
ocean steamers.
Scottish Rite Affair Proves
Grand Social Event.
Committee Is EC F. Palmer, R. W.
Schmeer, C Jones, R, S. Farrell
B. Gadsby, C. O. Newcastle, D.
G. Tomaslnl, F. Vandnyn.
The Scottish Rite at home last night
was a grand success, the members dis
pensing hospitality in a manner char
acteristic of the order. Dancing, cards
and a supper were features of this de
lightfully planned affair. The gowns
worn by the women were noticeably
handsome. The committee In charge
included H. P. Palmer, R. W. Schmeer,
Carl Jones, Robert S. Farrell. Ben Gads
by, C C Newcastle, D. G. Tcmaslnl and
Frank Vanduyn. J. P. Moffett was the
genial host of the cardroom.
Mrs. George B. Cellars, one of the
patronesses was gowned in a rich robe
of black charmeuse with bodice of
white lace lighted with touches of rose.
The other patronesses were: Mrs.
William H. See, who wore a handsome
gown of pale blue with beaded trim
ming; Mrs. Walter J. Holman, who was
attired in royal blue velvet with white
charmeuse coat, elaborately beaded;
Mrs. C. B. Fields, whose gown was of
black lace banded with gold beads.
Jlra. Hall Attired In Black. -
Mrs. E. J. Hall waa attired .In black
silk edged with fur and elaborated
with point lace.
Mrs. C. F. Read wore black lace over
Ivory charmeuse with draping of gold
embossed chiffon.
Other attractively gowned guests
Mrs. H. P. Palmer, who was hand
some in a costume of black with
touches of a rich shade of red and a
trimming of rhinestone bands.
Mrs. Charles M. Whltcomb was pretty
In pale blue brocade. She worg pearls
and diamonds.
Mrs. Frank Vanduyn was becomingly
gowned In golden charmeuse with blue
velvet trimming and plumes In her hair.
Mrs. C. E. Runyon was gowned in
white brocade, with marlbou at the
Mrs. A. M. Brown' wore white bro
cade with royal blue shoulder drape.
Eugene Girl la Gaeit
Miss Lucille Dunn, of Eugene, was
dainty In plnft brocade with gold on
the paneling and a hair ornament to
Mrs. N. U. Carpenter was attractive
in pink silk over Dresden chiffon.
Mrs. C. C. Newcastle was gowned In
a handsome costume of yellow crepe
Mrs. A. E. Beals wore purple crepe
with point lace.
Mrs. R. W. Schmeer's costume was of
pink charmeuse with tunic of beaded
net. A sweeping bird of paradise
adorned her dark hair.
Mrs. D. G. Tomaslni was distinguished
in old gold brocaded satin.
Mrs. Robert Farrell was pretty In
rose charmeuse with lace trimming.
In Newest Mode la Mrs. Hoffmann.
Mrs. W. J. Hofmann wore apricot
charmeuse draped in the newest mode.
Mrs. Richard Percy Knight was at
tractive in white charmeuse, veiled In
shadow lace and trimmed with
touches of emerald green. A Dutch cap
of pearls completed the costume.
Miss Elsie "Cramer was prettily
gowned in white charmeuse with span
gled net tunic embroidered in pearls.
Miss Charlotte Ballin waa dainty in
corn-colored silk.
Miss Eleanor Cannon was becoming
ly gowned In a deep shade of blue.
Mrs. Banfield was In gray satin with
lace tunic of a like shade.
Mrs. A. G. Bachrodt was attired In a
handsome Oriental silk heavily em
broidered. Mrs. Joseph McClelland was in a pale
yellow silk beaded and elaborated with
heavy lace.
Among the guests were: Mr. and Mrs.
W. J. Hofmann. Mr. and Mrs. N. U.
Carpenter, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Van
duyn, Mr. and Mrs. William P. Rich
ardson, Mr. and Mrs. William H. See.
Mrs. R. D. Cannon, G. W. Stapleton,
Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Banfield, Miss
Marjory Read, Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Read,
Mr. and Mrs. Herman J. Blaesing, Mr.
and Mrs. Joseph McClelland, Mr. and
Mrs. Albert M. Brown, Mr. and Mrs.
W. H. Powell, Mr. and Mrs. Walter
J. Holman, Mrs. D. Allen, Robert A.
Miller Miss Buckenmeyer, B. H. Moore,
Mrs. T. Gansberger, of San Lorenzo,
Cal., Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Schmeer,
V. A. Avery, Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Knight,
L. L. Krause, L. F. Buck, Mr. and Mrs.
J. Annand, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Hall,
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Fields, Miss W. M.
Fields, Mr. and Mrs. Julius A. Dilg.
Miss Mary Cellars, Mr. and Mrs. George
B. Cellars, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Fraley,
Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Beals, Mr. and Mrs.
C. E. Runyon, Mrs. M. Bishop, Philip
Neu, Jr., Miss Genevieve Matteson, A.
J. Maclure, Miss S. M. Hensil, Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Skeen, Mr. and
Mrs. J. A. Norman. Mr. and Mrs.
F. McCrlllls, Mr. and Mrs. A. G.
Bachrodt Mr. and Mrs. C. Christensen,
w 1 ,r-n r. tr.aiian "Mr. nnd Mrs.
A." J. McDanleL Mr. and Mrs. O. P.
Keyser. Mr. ana Mrs. tniesi ncuucm.
Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Jones, Miss. Loraine
Hart, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Hawkins,
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Mackenzie, Miss
Sallte Sterrett. Dean Vincent. Lyle F.
Brown, Mr. and Mrs. P. Borgan, J. G.
Nichols, C S. Fletcher, Mr. and Mrs.
Frank S. Grant, Robert W. Dunlap, of
Harrisburg, Pa.; Mr. and Mrs. M. Cohn,
II. .1 xr,.., Tamom 11 fWl M Dr. And
Mrs. A. Tilzer, Dr. Herbert Hegcle,
Miss Sallie Swett, W. W. Work, Mr.
and Mrs. R. F. Clark, Otto J. Kraemer.
Mrs. M. Franklin, A. ta., ana.
K. D. Braucht, Mr. and Mrs.v Garrett
Versteeg and many others.
Miss Theresa Horrlgan, who until
recently resided in New York, will be
come the bride of Arthur Graham, of
Canby, on Monday at a quiet ceremony.
She has made her home for the past
few months with her brother, James
Horrigan, of Canby. and has a num
ber of friends In and about that locality
who will be Interested to hear of her
approaching marriage. Mr. Graham is
a former Portland man. He is at pres
ent In business in Canby.
Mrs. Arthur SL Clair Gay was hostess
Thursday afternoon at a prettily ap
pointed reception held at her home on
Portland Heights The guests were re
ceived at the door by Jean Elizabeth
Gay, the petite daughter of the house
hold, who was daintily attired In a
white lingerie frock with sash - and
bows of pale blue. Mrs. Gay wore a
handsome gown of blue charmeuse with
tunio elaborately embroidered in silver.
The dining-room was beautifully deco
rated In daffodils and palms. Here
Mrs. M. A. Ashton and Mrs. Prael pre
sided at the tea table. They were as
sisted by Miss Eva Hutchlns and Mrs.
Walter Holmes. The grandmother of
. 1 kABfaaa Xfl-A CmHTIH Wh O IS a
lilt, UUO.COO, " w. '
Lcharming woman of 83 was the center
P . lv. In htftP.lC
or attraciiwn. ono
charmeuse trimmed with point lace.
About 50 guests called during the after,
e e
Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Sargent and their
son, Harrison, will leave this evening
for San Francisco, where they will re
main for three months or more. They
will visit all the points of interest
about the bay and will be entertained
by California friends.
Reception Will Be Given In First
Congregational Church. -
Five members of the American board
of the Congregational Missionary So
ciety will arrive in Portland tonight
on their tour of the Coast. They in
clude missionaries from various parts
of the world and their aim Is to give
an educational and Instructional series
of addresses in the Congregational
churches of the city.
They will be entertained at a recep
tion shortly after their arrival tonight
at 8 o'clock in the First Congregation
al Church, when all the heads of the
local churches are requested to be in
attendance. The pastors of the city
will meet Monday at 10:30 A. M. for a
conference at the First Church. The
visiting members of the Institute will
hold the pulpits at the various churches
tomorrow, both morning and evening.
Those who are making- the tour are:
Bell and Wing
Rbsorbing, astounding, inspiring,
baffling.- London Academy.
Power and originality.
'Cork Examiner.
A great work Boston Herald.
Marks of genius constantly.
Troy Record.
A wealth of ideas.
Boston Transcript.
Genuine aspiration and power.
Occult Review, England.
Near .tic stars.
Portland Oregontan.
Astounding fertility.
Brooklyn Times.
'A striking book of verse.
Boston Post.
Price $2.50
Publishers, N. Y.
Outdoor Advertisers
Can Seven lb and East Everett tmsu
ataat 1111. K 22U4.
Oyster Loaves,
Hot Tamales
and all kinds
of Spanish
dishes are' spe
cial offerings
at our grills.
Oyster Cock
tails, made of
only the pur
est, fresh est
materials; put
up for parties
and banquets.
Foot of Stark St.
325 Washington St. 134 Third 8
128 Fourth St. 146 Second St.
"We regret to announce that on account of the building being
torn down we are compelled to discontinue, our store at Third
and Alder streets, but call our patrons' attention to the fact that
our stores and grills at 146 Second street and 128 Fourth street
are in the near vicinity, so that the loss will not be apparent.
Our Retail Stores and Grills Never Close
SMELTS, Three Pounds lOc
PARTME"T. at our Second-street
store. Is making a special offering
for Saturday of Fresh Co- in.
lumbia River Smelts, 3 lb. -"-
0!ympia Oysters, Pint 50c
Received fresh from the ocean and
opened for you the same day. C fl
Pint (solid, bo liquor) V-
Eastern Oysters, Pint 35c
Shipped to us the day that they are
dredged from the beds and sold to
Joul m m e d 1 a t ely upon arrivaL
Fresh, plump and full flav-OC
ored. Pint (solid measure)
Clams, Pound 5c
Eastern Transplanted Oysters
Transplanted and carefully culti
vated In our own beds, which have
sand bottoms and are filled with
fresh, pure watep. Exceptionally
large and f uU ilavored.oe
Crabs 20c, 15c and 10c
Fresh, well cooked and tempting.
The larger size are caught out in
deep water and have an exception
ally delicate flavor. Large ll.
20i MedlM 15, Small IVt
Are Responsible
Tor the care of your
family. Do yon real
ize what a defect in
the title to your home
means T Protect them
against possible loss
of the home by secur
ing our Guaranteed
Certificate of Title.
Investigate. Call for
Title it Trust Co.
4th and Oak
Rev. B. M. Chambers, Rev. Brewer
Eddy, Rev. Mr. Storrs, Rev. H. M. Tenny
and Mrs. George B. Cowles.
Phones, Pacific Marshall l.(one)
Home A 6281
Special Saving Prices
This Saturday
All Specials plainly price
marked at market
JONES' Pig Sausage
is delicious
Packed in 1-lb. cartons
Y.M.C.A.Day and Night
Sixth and Taylor Streets
Automobile (a growing trade)
Forestry, a course for rangers
3 Mos. to
Business and Professional Schoolw.
Cost Eng. and Quantity
ni u ,ti ii r.r ...........
Plan reading and estimating
Keiniorcea concrete cuat...
Showcard writing
Shorthand "."',
Surveying and drafting.....
Tolpprnnhv and disoatching
Telegraphy, wireless (new laWj
reauires 2 operators on
every passenger boat) .
SO. 00
Some 50 Other Courses.
Arithmetic, algebra or geom
etry ... .....
German, French or Spanish
Penmanship or English...
D..K1 1. tiTtmlr'nr. .........
Boys' Elementary School(day)
Call or send for free Illustrated cata
logue. Portland Y. M. C. A. Similar
schools Seattle. Tacoma. Spokane.
Mrs O S- Fowler, widow of the famous
author. Professor O. S. Fowler, of New
w()evw(:wrawww( York, will give
, a aeries of five
t 1 "A 1 e c t n res
!" I o n "LI f e'a
'l Deepest Laws"
' at Chrlsten
;3K i sen's Hall. 11th
" 4 " and Yamhill
I streets, begln
4 ning tomorrow
I after noon at
2:30 P. M-, when
her subject
mill be "The
"i Eeven Prlmary
Orrana of the
Mind " Th re-
t&&2? m a 1 n f no 1aC.
an, u. s. rowicr, tures will be
r.h.,,..v SIR and fi. X P. M
subjects to be announced dally In the
columns or mis paper.
Mrs. r owier, in conjuuunuo
i ... V. 1 . haalth .nnfl1ll tAtlnnM
letiuiooi r . i. w i v. i. i. . . -
dally from 4 A. M. to 9 P. M., at Hotel
Seward, Tenth ana Aioer streets, uii
February 17th. Classes on electricity
to cure disease will begin Monday, Feb
ruary 10, at 2:30 and 7:30 P. M.
Corner of Thirteenth and Montgomery.
Graduates enter on examination Har
vard, Princeton, Yale, Bryn Mawr,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology;
on certificate. Amherst. Williams, Cor
n?ll. Smith. Vassar. Wellesley Reed
College, and other colleges and uni
versities of the Pacific Coast.
Well-eo.uipped laboratories In chem
istry and physics. Field practice in
surveying. Departments in charge of
college men and women. j,.,.
Gymnasium under skilled director.
Track and field athletics. Tfco school
includes a thorough primary imd gram
mar school which does th work of the
grades in seven years. term will
open February 11. Catalogue sent on
The woman, with taste above the commonplace, who realises
the importance of dress, will find in Vogue just that nice touch
of individuality that distinguishes the faultlessly gowned.
In the next few weeks will appear Vogue's five great Spring
Fashion numbers each essential to the woman who wants the
utmost distinctiveness and the earliest fashion news.
Smsrt Fsihlons for Limited Incomes Now on snfa
First aid to the Usliionable woman ol not onhmiteo. means.
Forecast of Sprint- Fashions February ISA
Tbe earnest aulheouc news ol tbo Spring mode.
SoriBS Patterns March
Working models forone'iwtraleSprint andSummerwardrobe.
Spring Drams Materials and Triraminss March 15th
How the Spring models shall be dereloped.
Sprint MOlin.ry t Amrillmt
The newest models In smart hata, veils and cointire.
Sprins Faablona . , April ISth
The last word on Spring gowns, waists, lingerie and accessories. .
The demand is so great that Vogue is generally sold out within
a few days. To avoid missing the one you want most, tear
out this list of special numbers and hand it to your newsdealer
with instructions to save copies for you.
25 cenit a ecfv
443 Fourth Avenue
Ctndt NatU Fui.
New York
SI M0 a year
West Side Sacrifice
Has house and is excellent location for
Absolutely no trade.
Must have $7000.00 cash; can arrange bal
ance to suit.
See us" today. '
204 Railway Exchange Bldg.
Z 204 Railway Exchange ttiag. . g
There's as much individuality in Imperial
Grill cooking as there is in that of the
most painstaking mother. And Phil
Metschan would feel just as badly, if din
ner on Sunday were not "just right," as
mother would. That's the reason for Im
perial goodness.
Sunday Table d'Hote Dinner $1.00
WAT cm
The Southwest Corner
Something Going to Happen
The homelike hotel.
We cater to your idea
of home life. Pleas
ant rooms, large, com
fortable parlors and a
fine dining-room,
make the Mallory a
real home for single
men. Just a few sin
gle rooms left. The
price is the least con
sideration. Centrally
Cor.- Yamhill and Lownsdale
Sixth and Oak Streets
We know you want a
comfortable, light,
airy room at a reason
able price. "We have
them. Steam-heated,
well furnished rooms,
with hot and cold
water, large closets,
comfortable beds and
free baths, from $3.00
up. Right in Port
land's business dis
trict. See them to
day. Hotel Irving,
Sixth and Oak Sts.