Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, February 01, 1913, Page 3, Image 3

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ROMANCE REIGNS It? att. ,ci: w tj I
iiinm n iuss & ia the Clearance iic-apmaii, w one bo.
1 1 I 1 1 I I II X.
w I mm mtr i u
V. 6. Arer, of Baker, Quits
Liner it Honolulu to "Wed
W'-althy Widow.
Many oj SO Girls and 52 Young
Widow on Steamer Cleveland
AdmlLove Entanglements of
ree Months' Trip.
SAN 1A.NCISCO. Jan. 3L (Special)
was on the brides of toe
leveland. which mads this ttas
last stofoday In Its tour of the world,
startlni'4 days ago In New York. A
new refd was established by Cupid
during e voyage to the strange lands
of the rtn.
All 1 0 girls and 62 widows who
errlvefere wouldn't admit there had
been H entanglements with the ellgi-
ble yor men, and some not so young
that ifened to make the trip. But
enougp them would admit and the
admit3 were helped out by the
furtivfints furnished by pleased ob-
serve the romances that burst into
bloom the moonlight In balmy
Ceylolor maybe down by the old
shrlnlnear Calcutta to make one
dlzzyrlug to figure up how many
I hearfere lost.
..lie love makings were of eaual
JfTTurtacce, of course, but the one at
tracting the greatest amount of atten
tion by reason of Its Important short
course was that of Miss Myra Baeder-,
daugher of Mrs. H. H. Baeder. of New
York, and August Funke, a millionaire
mineowuer of Essen, Germany.
Miss Baeder didn't deny and her
cavalier was Just as smiling In admit
ting the coming wedding was all
planned for this city. Miss Baeder first
met Funke two days out from New
York and from then on the young Ger
man kept up persistent court until she
At Honolulu the Cleveland lost two
of her passengers. Mrs. Frank L. Ecker.
son. a vealthy widow of New York,
and TV. C. Ayer, of Baker, Or. It was
another jase of love at first sight ac
cording to all the willing emissaries
bringing the word of the Tomance and
Quite & number of the other young
people ntlvely said that they "might
oh, yes. It was only "might" not re
turn for good to their homes, which
they ha left only three months ago
heart wlole and fancy free.
Baker fenedlct Formerly Big: Sheep
Owier of Eastern Oregon.
BAKEl, Or, Jan. 31. (Special.) W.
G. Ayer Is a capitalist and one of the
wean met men of Eastern Oregon. He
was fomerly one of the biggest sheep-
owners h this part of the country.
He w a bachelor, and because of
his courly manner received the ficti
tious tits of Colonel. He has been on
a trip sound the world.
Actress Passes Much Time With
tlllwanlde Growers.
Madam Sarah Bernhardt devotes
much of ier leisure time In Milwaukie
to the lrpection of truck gardens sit
uated nor the site occupied by her
special it, and the growers there
abouts nw look forward to the dally
visit of he world's star, and Edward
J. Sulllva, her Orpheum manager. The
madame onverses pleasantly with the
growers, vfr. Sullivan Interpreting her
woras ornralse for them and lmnart-
lng to thm the lessons Madame Bern
hardt teahea on the growing of corn
and othei vegetables which she raises
on. her orn estate at Fort La Sarah
Bernhardt within a day's travel from
Madame Bernhardt Is writing about
xortiana sr the weekly syndicate let
ter appeamg In The Sunday Oregonlan,
ana ner list article, telling of her im
pressions ere, may be received la time
for putllcxlon within a fortnight. It is
quite probble that the "Divine Sarah'
will make an Investment In Portland.
as she did n Calgary. She has glowing
praise for this city and Its surround
ings, and ie Portland climate, too, Is
-lined ey Us great actress.
Man Feign Illness and Veda, but
Frieuls Find Out Facts.
ALBANY, Or, Jan. 81. (Special)
After being granted a leave of absence
from his wok on the plea that he was
111, William G. Meyer, registry clerk
In the Albary Postofflce, was married
here last nlgit to Miss Jennie H. Petti-
bone, of this city.
Knowing ftat often the postofflce
employes hate played Jokes on mem
bers of the oilce force who were mar
ried. Meyer took this method of con
cealing his pans from his fellow-em
ployes, but tley found It out anyway.
When Meyer rave the statistics In ob
taining his nurriage license. It devel
oped that he and his wife have the
same blrthda- Meyer being exactly
six. years older than his bride.
Measure Is to Incorporate Harriman I
Research laboratory.
ALBANY. N. Y Jan. SI. Governor
Su'ser today signed a bill incorporating
me-x uarriman Research Laboratory,
founded by the widow of Edward H.
ine discovery of cures for cancer
and consumption," said the Governor
In approving the bill, "will be a long
tep forward In , the conservation of
human life. The; laboratory will devote
Its time and money to this laudable
purpose, and will do a valuable scien
tific work In thei cause -of humanity."
The Long Wearing Kinds
- AH at Clearance Sale Prices
For Women, Misses and Children
Women's 35c Hose, Clearance 25c
Stockings of fine gauge full fashion fast black silk lisle or
heavy weight fast black cotton. Made with double garter
tops and extra heavy splicing.
Women's 50c Hose, Clearance 35c -
Of fast black or tan silk lisle: Fine gauge in light, me
dium or heavy weights. .All made with 4-thread spliced
toes and double garter tops.'
Women's 75c Hose, Clearance 50c
Thread silk boot stockings in black or new tan shades.
Full fashioned, made with double tops and cotton soles extra
heavy spliced. Also Onyx fast black silk lisle stockings
extra strong, fine and" durable.
Women's $1J0 Hose, Clearance $1.00
Onyx ingrain thread silk hose in black and pretty tan
shades. Lisle lined at chief points of wear.
Children's 25c Hose, Clearance 19c
Of medium weight fine gauge narrow ribbed fast black
cotton, suitable for boys or girls. Ages 4 to 1 7 years. Made
with full fashioned feet and narrowed ankles. Extra long,
wide and elastic.
Children's 35c Hose, Clearance 25c
Stockings of medium or extra heavy fine ribbed fast black
cotton, made with narrowed ankles and full fashioned feet
Our justly celebrated "Wear-Well" brand.
50c and 60c Hose, Clearance 43c
Children's heavy weight warm, durable fine ribbed wool
hose seamless and elastic. Extra quality and full in size.
First Floor.
Meritorious Clearance Offering's
Misses- and Juniors' Apparel
Complete Disposal of Every Garment in Stock
Yes, a complete clearance, from even? viewpoint. Complete, insomuch as this clearance sale carries with
it our entire remaining slock of coats, suits, dresses and waists. '
Complete in Variety as this store was known for having the largest collection of smart apparel for the
younger generation this season. And we continuously replenished these stocks until the clearance order
went into effect.. So, notwithstanding the fact that sizes are broken, variety is complete. Prices are lower
than they will ever, be again until another twelve months roR around.
All Reduced
For Children
22c and 27c Each
Children's vests or pantal
ettes of fleece-lined ribbed
white cotton soft and fine for
Winter wear.
Clearance 36c to 59c
Black ribbed cotton pantal
ettes, priced according to size.
Ankle length and of heavy
weight. Durable garments
made to stand the wear and
tsar of the laundry.
Clearance 36c to 72c
Boys' heavy natural colored
merino vests, pantalettes or
drawers. Cut full in size and
made of long, staple yarn in a
quality that means complete
underwear satisfaction.
Garments Clearance 45c
Children's white or natural
colored merino vests or pantal
ettes. Of pure mixed wool in
Winter weight.
Clearance 45c to 90c
Root's Tivoli brand of white
wool vests, pantalettes or
drawers. Plain stitch, unshrink
able wool. Fourth Floor
Clearance of All Boys'
All Boys' Overcoats Half Price
Selling regularly from $ 10.50 to $19.50
Clearance $5.25 to $9.75 -
In Sizes From 6 to 1 8 Years
In mixtures, serges and worsteds in blue, tan, brown and
oxfords. Modeled with convertible collars, single and
double breasted styles.
Boys Suits, Clearance $5.95
Selling regularly from $6.50, $7.00 to $7.50
These suits come in tan, brown and gray mixtures. Made
with knickerbocker pants, full lined and taped seams. Nor
folk or plain sack jackets, single or double breasted styles.
Sides 6 to 1 7 years.
Small Boys' Hats, Clearance 42c
In sailor or Tyrolean shapes, some with plain brim and
others stitched. In blue, black, gray and fancy mixtures.
Boys' Blouses, Clearance 89c '
Navy blue, gray and fancy striped flannel blouses, as well
as blue, white, tan and gray soisette and madras in plain and
fancy stripes. Have attached golf collars and French cuffs.
Sizes 6 to 14. In this lot are a number of boys' laundered
percale blouses in white and fancy stripes, with plain or
pleated bosoms.
Boys' Blouses, Clearance 45c
In sizes from 5 to 1 4 years. Blouses of chambray, sateen,
madras and percale, in white, plain colors and fancy stripes.
Tapeless style with turn-down attached collars. Also at
this price is a complete line of boys' shirts in sizes from
12J2 to 14.
Boys' Blouses, Clearance $1.35
A complete assortment of boys shirts in sizes from 2Yz
to 1 4. Made of flannel, percale and soisette, in plain and
fancy stripes, and have detached collars and French cuffs.
Fourth Floor.
Three-Piece Suits Selling to $14.50 .
Clearance $6.50
These suits are made for girls from 6 to 10
years, and are modeled of fancy tweed, mixtures,
cheviots and serge. The waists have long or short
sleeves and collarless necks. Trimmed with band
ings of velvet, braid and buttons. The skirts show
a panel in the back and front Coats are Norfolk
or belted style.
$18.50 to $32.50 Suits
Clearance $9.50
In 13, 15 and 17-year sizes. Materials are
fancy mixtures, tweeds, diagonals, coating serges,
cheviots and corduroy. In Norfolk, plain box and
belted back style. Collars of velvet and notched or
velvet trimmed. Sleeves trimmed with velvet and but
tons. Panel back and front or novelty pleated skirts.
$15.50 Party Dresses $10.00
In 13 and 15-year sizes only. Pretty pink, blue
and yellow chiffon party dresses. Have square
neck, short sleeves and shirred yoke and sleeves.
Soft silk drop skirt, regulation waist line with pleated
belt and rosette, and full tucked skirt
$25.00 Dresses;CIearance $19.00
Blue and pink chiffon party dresses with waist
and sleeves embroidered in neat design. Bottom of
skirt trimmed with shirrings of chifforu Skirts full
and waists finished with brilliant buttons. Several
other pretty styles at this price. 1 3 and 1 7-year sizes.
$30.00 Dresses, Clearance $22.50
Beautiful and elaborate evening dresses of pink,
blue or white brocaded silk. Made in short-waisted
style with yoke and short sleeves of plain net Dainty
trimming across front of tiny roses and leaves. Draped
skirt gathered at waist Another smart model at
this price is made in Dolly, Varden style. Material
is a heavy, excellent quality flowered silk chiffon
with overskirt and bodice of plain chiffon. Trimming
of silver beading.
$1.25 and $1.50 Middy Blouses.
Clearance $1.05
Girls' Middy Blouses of white or navy Galatea made
with large sailor collar and emblem on sleeve. Collar, .
sleeve and pocket trimmed with Soutache braid. With or
without laced front Sizes 6 to 20 years.
SI. 50 Middy Blouses
Clearance $1.25
White Galatea Middy Blouses with large sailor collar
trimmed with red or blue narrow Soutache braid. Another
style has round collar of blue and white striped Galatea
and laced front. A Norfolk Middy has short sleeves,
striped collar, cuffs and belt and laced front.
$3.75 Middy Blouses
Clearance $3.19
Navy blue serge, blouses. Sailor collar, sleeves and
pocket trimmed with braid. Made with dickey and have
sailor knot silk tie.
$7.00 Coats, Clearance $3.75
Girls excellent quality Winter coats of brown
and gray tweed mixtures. They have large round
turn-down collars trimmed with plain cloth of con
trasting color and cuffs of same. Sizes 8 to 14
Juniors' Coats, Clearance $9.95
Selling Regularly at $18.50 to $25.00
In sizes 13, 15 and 17 years of age. Materials
of assorted mixtures. Tweeds and plain colors.
Some have large sailor collars, other turn-down col
lars and a few in strictly tailored style. Have pretty
buttons for trimming.
$12.50 Mackinaw Coats
Clearance $700
Warm, practical coats in dark red, tan, black and
white plaid, green and black plaid, and brown and
tan 'plaid materials. Made in uniform mackinaw
Girls' Dresses, Clearance $3.75
Navy blue and brown serge dresses for girls from 6
to 1 4 years of age. Made with round flat collar and long
sleeves. Plaid silk tie at throat and skirts are made in
pleated style. Another pretty model has round collarless
neck and short sleeves. Trimmings of braid and buttons.
Pleated skirt.
Sailor Dresses, Clearance $4.95
Girls sailor dresses of red and blue serge with large
sailor collar. Have long sleeves and high neck. Em
broidered emblem on sleeve and dickey. Some made in
one-piece dress style and others have separate blouse. Skirts
are pleated.
$7.95 Norfolk Dresses
Clearance $6.75
Black and white shepherd check Norfolk dresses trim
med with red flanned or white serge sailor collars, trim
med with black braid. Full pleated skirts and long1
sleeves. Patent leather belt at waist
$1.75 Rain Capes, Clearance $1.39
Gray striped rubber rain capes with plaid-lined hoods
i -i-
ana arm suu. -
Combination Bag and Rain Cape
Clearance $3.95
Red and blue extra quality sateen finished rubber cloth
rain capes put up in handy leatherette cases. Lead pencil
and 12-inch rule in bag. Very convenient for the school
$2.50 Rain Capes, Clearance $1.75
Bestyette extra quality striped rubber rain capes in tan
only. Hood and arm slits lined with plaid.
$2.00 to $3.50 Wash Dresses
Clearance $1.49
In sizes from 6 to 14 years. Wash dresses of fancy
muslin, striped and checked gingham and linen. A spe
cial lot of dresses, only one, two or three of a kind, which
are marked for final Clearance. Three-quarter or short
set-in sleeves and round or Dutch necks. Trimmings of
white embroidery, embroidered designs and plain ma
terial. Plain and pleated skirts. Fonrt Floor.
All Muslin
Latest Records
for the
Columbia and Victor
Talking Machines
The new February list is just
out with some of the finest
numbers in classic and ragtime,
as "The Gems of Pagliacci,"
which is excellent.
Among the popular records
are "My Little Lovin' Sugar
Babe," "On the Mississippi,"
"Casey Jones Went Down on
the Robert E. Lee" and
"When the Midnight Choo
Choo Leaves for Alabam."
Some new numbers by
Caruso? and McCormack.
Also a list of records by
Lillian Nordica and Mar
cella Sembrich.
Talking Machines
Victor and Columbia
$1.00 down $1.00 week
Sewing Machines
$1 Down -SI Week
Cut Rate Drugs
25c Sal Hepatica 15c
35c Laxative Fig Syrup. . . ,25c
50c Bottle Murine , .29c
25c Orangeine Powders 15c
25c Alcohol Stoves 19c
50c Curling Iron Heaters .... 39c
50c Hay's Hair Health 29c
25c Seidlitz Powders 15c
25c Gladfeet Corn Remedy.. 10c
25c Carter's Liver Pills 15c
50c Pompeian Massage Cr'm 29c
50c Sempre Giovine 29c
50c Charles Flesh Food 29c
25c Sanitol Tooth Paste or pow
der 12c
50c Pebeco Tooth Paste 29c
1 0c Toilet Soap, 4-Ib bars ... 6c
1 0c Sandalwood Bath Soap ... 6c
25c Box Toilet Soap in assorted
odors. 3 cakes to the box 9c
50c LaVida Rouge 25c
$1.50 Sanitary Douche Outfit 98c
West Virginia. Ratifies Income Taxi
Amendment To Constitution.
CHARLESTON. Xi. Va Jan. 31. By
a unanimous votei the West Virginia
Legislature ratified late today the In
come tax amendment to the Federal
Constitution. Governor Glasscock has
announced ttia't he Ifavors the measure.
The vote of onljk one other state Is
needed to make tie amendment con
Plea Also Is Made That Apparatus
for Scientific Institutions Be
Admitted Without Duty.
WASHINGTON. Jan. SL Modifica
tion of the administrative provisions of
tie tariff law. the free admission of
medicines and surgical Instruments for
homltals and scientific apparatus for
Institutions of research and continuance
of free admission of numerous raw ma
terials were urged today at the con
cluding hearing before the House com
mittee on ways and means.
Geore-e- F. Clover, superintendent of
R. Luke's Hospital In New York, representing-
600 hospitals of the country.
asked that the free list be amended so
as to Include hospitals that render
medical and surgical aid free of charge,
and that the institutions be permitted
to Import free apparatus, utensils. In
struments and preparations Tor medical
and surgical purposes.
Dr. Allerton S. Cushman, of this city,
made 'similar appeal for industrial re
search and scientific work.
T. S. Todd, of New York, an Impor
ter, complained of an injustice to the
Importers through the Governments
failure to refund, where, after they
had paid on an overvaluation by the
customs officials, the overvaluation
was reversed by the appraisers. He
said the honesty of Importers and the
correctness of their valuations were
demonstrated by the record of rever
sals of local appraisers by the general
appraisers' board.
Salem Postmaster Appointed.
WASHINGTON, Jan. SI. The Presi
dent today nominated Frank B. South
wick to be postmaster at Salem, Or.
Th most eemnletfl referenofe eollertfnn of
drugs in tha United States nas bean In
stalled In tli National Museum at Wash
ington, D. C .
Official Announcement Believed to
Spell Doom of Division Bills
In Legislature.
BOISE, Ida., Jan. 31. (Special.)
That he is opposed to the creation of
new counties in this state except in
such cases where the people have been
given an opportunity to express them
selves. Governor Haines has made
known to the Idaho Legislature.
The official announcement of the
Governor spells doom for the Ada, Can
yon. Bonner and Fremont County divis
ion bills Introduced or to be Introduced,
it Is believed in Legislative circles.
Governor Haines made his decision
known In a message to the House, in
it he announced be had attached his
signature to the division bills creating
Minidoka and Lincoln Counties. He
assigns his reasons for being opposed
to the creation of new counties be
cause of the increase of taxes that
will follow. -
The house refused to allow suspen
sion of the rules to pass a bill per
mitting farmers' producing associa
tions to form a general corporation of
various agencies, and forced the meas
ure so providing to go on its regular
The Oversmith bill giving county
mutual fire insurance companies power
to maintain a fund from which to pay
losses rather than to levy assessments
with which to pay them, was passed.
Representative Dickenson, of Bingham
County, introduced two bills relating
to court procedure as to filing of ap
peals to the Supreme Court.
The Senate Indefinitely postponed the
House joint resolution calling for
Junketing trips of members represent
ing Joint committees or both Houses
to visit state institutions both North
and South. A home rule local option
bill provldfng for precinct local op-
((fin mio InlrnHnnifl In thn RpnntA tiv
Senator MaoBeth, of Custer County.
Deputy Game Warden Seeks Man
Formerly of Forest Grove.
HILLSBORO, Or., Jan- 31. (Special.)
George W. Russell, of Gaston, deputy
game warden, found four elk pelts In
a barrel at the Van Antwerp home in
Forest Grove this week and a warrant
has been issued for a man who left that
city about four years ago, moving to
Portland and from 'there to a point on
the east side of the Southern Pacific
The pelta were left at the Antwerps
by this man Just prior to his leaving
Forest Grove. They were neatly
packed and were dressed for mounting,
proof that they were destined for a
taxidermist as indications are that all
were from bull elks. It is supposed
that the owner also had the antlers
cached away. The htdes were prime
notwithstanding their four years of se
clusion, and evidently bad been treated
with a preservative. The man in ques
tion formerly, lived in Patton Valley
and was noted as a hunter. His name
was not divulged by the authorities.
The four mounts would have been
worth several hundred dollars.
Broken Bones of Steam Schooner
Samoa Are Lean Picking.
SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 31. The steam
lumber schooner Samoa, which piled up
on Point Reyes last Tuesday, was sold
at auction today to wreckers for 1330.
Her owners, the Caspar Lumber Com
pany, valued her at 140,000, but her
broken bones will make lean picking.
The cargo of 250,000 feet of lumber
brought $450, in the hope that some of
It can be salvaged.
Hunt CInb to Have Paper Chase.
The Portland Hunt Club will hold a
closed paper chase this afternoon.
James Nlcol laying a course starting
from the Intersection of Garden Home
and Blavln roads. The riders will start
at 2:30 o'clock.