2 WILSON STUDENTS ACCEPTS E SGQR T More Than Thousand Tigers to Attend Governor on Jour ney to Washington. 13 FIGURES TWICE . MORE Each of Special Trains Will Con sist of Cars to Number Which President-elect Has Come to Regard as Iuckjr. NEW YORK, Jan. 31. Woodrow Wil son accepted today the offer of the students of Princeton University to escort him from his home In Princeton to the White House on the day he Is inaugurated. ' Just a century ago Princeton rave Its last President to the Nation James Madison. The centenary will be cele brated in a unique programme, to which Mr. Wilson gave hi" consent to day, when Paul V. Myers, a Princeton senior, rode on the train with him to New York and outlined the details on behalf of the students. The Princeton youths will charter two special trains, of 13 cars each, on March 3. One car will be put at the disposal of the President-elect and his family and accompanying newspaper men. The Governor smiled when he found the number 13 confronting him again, for he believes It means luck to him. . Students to Precede Carriage. The students, more than 1000 strong, will take Mr. Wilson direct to his ho tel on arrival at Washington, and will attend the smoker given that night by the Princeton Alumni Association of Washington. The next morning the students will escort Mr. Wilson from his hotel to the White House, where ' President Taft will Join the Incoming President and ride with him to the Capitol. The students, together with the Es sex troop of New Jersey, will precede the Presidential carriage to the Capitol. After the ceremony at the Capitol the Prlncetonlans will take their place In the inaugural parade, just behind the military and at the bead of the civic organizations. Arrangement Is Pleasinar. '7 will be delighted. That will be fine," exclaimed Mr. Wilson enthu siastically when the plans of the stu dents were explained. He added that he wanted to reach Washington about 4 o'clock In the afternoon, so as to get a few hours' rest before the Princeton smoker. . . ftir. Wilson came to New York for his usual week-end of diversion from official activity. He attended a pri vate dinner of the Round Table Ciub, of which he is a member. He planned to return to Princeton tomorrow and will spend Sunday there. Cabinet Choice Hot Circumscribed. The Governor intimated today while on ills way from Philadelphia that he might not limit himself. In choosing his Cabinet, to the names that' had been suggested to him. He said this in re sponse to an Inference drawn by a newspaper man from a talk yesterday that the selection of Bryan for Secre tary of State was indicated. "There is absolutely no justification for that Inference," declared Wilson. "I could not call the names which have been suggested for other portfolios, either." He paused and added after a mo ment's reflection: "And I might be making some nom inations of my own, for I certainly will not feel bound to confine myself . to names that have been suggested to me." The Round Table Club, whose dinner Mr. Wilson attended tonight, has been in existence between 40 and 50 years, but Professor Brander ' Matthews, one of Its members, said tonight that not a line had ever appeared in print about it. It consists of about 20 members, every one of whom is eminent in some way In literature, public affairs, or otherwise. Among them are the President-elect, ex-Ambassador Joseph H. Choate, John L. Cadwallader and Dr. S. Weir Mitchell. Club Has No History. The members of this mysterious club do not know who organized it or what were the circumstances leading to Its foundation. It has no officers, is not incorporated, and has no rules. For nearly SO years it has met at dinner on the last Friday of each month. Its members, who live In different parts of the country, journey to New York when that day comes. No speeches are permitted at these dinners. After the dinner proper is over the members rearrange them selves and a flow of table talk begins. Governor Wilson, when asked today It he Intended going anywhere after the dinner, replied with soma surprise, "Oh. no. The talk always is so in teresting that the whole evening Is taken up with it." ACTRESS GETS DECREE AGAINST AUTHOR HUSBAND WITHOUT eiVXWtt AN X JKAJHU. ' ' ' - ? f- r H " ' - !ikja.j:Jwli,eaaA,ii-J. FRITZ! SCHEFP. WHITE PIVUNS. N. Y Jan. 31. Papers granting an Interlocutory decree of divorce to Miss Fritzi Scheff, the actress, from her husband, John Fox. Jr., the author, wore filed with the County Clerk here today. They were not made public, but it was said no names were men tioned in the case. LAND QUESTION UP Lloyd George Revives Issue of Rural Tenantry. SOUTHERN PACIFIC GAINS All Departments Show Increase as Compared With Tear Ago. NEW TORK, Jan. 81 (Special.) Southern Pacific December earnings were: 1912. 1911. Averaye mileage .... 10,316 8.041 December gross 112.131,501 $11,296,477 December net 3.9S7.S62 3.802.106 Taxes 538.639 595.370 Operating: increase ... 3.451.222 3.006,716 Six months gross 75,643.105 69.06h.3C7 Hix months net 29.tilt;..VU 25,868. 4SI Taxes 2.0I6.S70 2.63.665 Operating Increase . . . 26.659.064 23.234.S18 Julius Kruttschnttt, chairman of the Southern Faciftc said today that no agreement had been reached In the dis solution of the Union and Southern Pacific roads. The Gould railroad officials denied absolutely that there was any truth in' reports that the Hill and Gould in terests had made an agreement where by the former would secure an en trance into San Francisco and the lat ter access to Northern coast points, under an arrangement by which the Great Northern would take a Joint Interest In the Western Pacific Railway. TAFT GIVES LAST DINNER President Is Host to Leaders In Con gress at I'arewell Function. WASHINGTON. Jan. 31. The Presi dent and Mrs. Taft gave the last set dinner of their four years In the White House tonight, in honor of Speaker .Clark. More than two score Senators and members of the House, including most of the leading figures on the Re publican and Democratic sides in both houses, were Invited to break bread with- the President. A musicale followed the dinner. CABINET HAS BIG TASK Chancellor's Announcement That Government Will Grapple With Problem- Re (Tardea as Mo men tons In Britain, LONDON. Jan. 81. "The foremost task of Liberalism in the near future la the regeneration of- rural life the emancipation of the land of this coun try from the paralysing grip of a rusty, effete and unprofitable system." David Lloyd-George, Chancellor of the Exchequer, made this momentous declaration tonight at the annual meet ing of the National Liberal Club. The land question has been Mr. Lloyd Geoge's hobby and the conservatives have accused him of being ambitious to introduce the Henry George system of taxation in Great Britain. Great Problem Pending. Recently they have been asserting that the Cabinet had sidetracked his scheme, but tonight's speech by the Chancellor indicates the government soon will grapple with perhaps the greatest problem in its extensive pro gramme of social reforms. The official commission Mr. Lloyd- George selected to investigate the re lations between landlords and tenants has been attacked bitterly by the Con servative party, which is the party of the country squires, because its oroblnsrs were in secret. Mr. Lloyd- George said in his Bpeech tonight that the results achieved by the commis sion had been startling. Labor Conditions Decried. Speaking of the agricultural labor ers, the Chancellor said: "When these reports are published they will prove conclusively that there are hundreds of thousands, if not mil lions, of men. women and children liv ing under conditions with regard to wages, bousing and the rest of labor conditions, which ought to make this great empire hang its head with shame. They will prove by unchallengeable facts that thla rich country does not provide decent homes for the laborers engaged, in an occupation wmca is vital to our very existence." Mr. Lloyd-George also denounced what he called the land monopoly of towns. DIRECT ELECTION BEATEN (Continued jTom First Page.) "No, we are not afraid of a despot," retorted Senator Williams, "neither was any other nation that ever existed until after they had got him." Personal Element Deplored. The debate today centered about the declaration by Senator Williams, Dem ocrat, that unless such amendments were adopted as to make Kooseveit, Taft and Wilson eligible for another term, the friends of Kooseveit ana others might oppose ratification of the constitutional amendment by the states. "Whatever might be the motives of those who oppose the amendment. Senator Williams said, "they would be able to say to the people: "They ar6 after one man's scalp; he received more than 2,000,000 votes of the Amer ican people and now they are trying to make him ineligible." "' "I think it is a low plane to put this debate on, to Intimate that the reso lution Is being opposed because it might bar Colonel Roosevelt," said Senator Poindexter, Progressive. "It is highly unpleasant to him and to his friends to have this debate reflect thus upon the ambitions of the friends or the opponents of Senators wno votea on this resolution." Hitchcock: Limitation Defeated. Republican and Democratic Senators who urged that Roosevelt, Taft and Wilson all be made eligible for one more elective term met the opposition of the Progressives and of some of their own party members. The Pro gressive Senators objected to a consti tutional amendment that limited the right of voters to select their Presi dent, while they insisted that if any prohibition were made It should apply to all men equally. The amendment by Senator Hitch cock to make the proposed restriction apply only to persons who have "held the office by election after March 4, 1917, or discharged its duties for two years or more," after that time, were defeated, 32 to 27. The Senate then voted down Senator Root's amendment, which was simply to make the single term restriction take effect after March 4, 1917. The proposal to exempt KoOsevelt, Taft and Wilson suffered defeat in the voting down of the Hitchcock and Root amendments. " The Senate then took up the McCumber amendment, which proposed a limitation to two four year terms, with the qualifying pro vision that "no person who has served as President by succession of the ma jor fraction of one term shall be eli gible to hold more than one full term. Boras Refers to Unwritten Law. Senator Borah declared this pro vision was the "unwritten law" that no President should serve more than two terms and that It was not neces sary to put that In the Constitution. The McCumber amendment ultimate ly was defeated by a vote of 61 to 1. The success of Napoleon and Caesar in establishing dictatorships gave the Senate a busy half hour of debate, Senator Williams insisting that the United States might confront such a situation in the future unless the ex tent of a President's service were lim ited. "Why talk about Caesar and Napo leon?" finally Interrupted Senator Owen. "'Do you think that all the action of the people in those days, when there was no telegraph, no rail roads and no modern intelligence, ought to be used in this debate as a guide to our actions?" Senator Owen presented his amend ment providing for direct popular vote on President and Vice-President and abolishing the present electoral col lege, through which the Presidential vote of the states is cast. "I believe that the electoral college will some day precipitate a crisis and revolution." said Senator Williams, supporting the amendment, "because of the great power of personal action lodged in each Presidential elector." An amendment by Senator Oliver to make the six-year single term apply only to Presidents elected "after the ratification of this amendment" was defeated, 52 to 13. Those who voted today In favor of the direct vote for President were. Re publicans, Borah, Bourne, Bristow, Crawford, Gronna, Kenyon, Jones, . La Follette, McLean. Townsend; Demo crats, Ashurst. Bryan. Chamberlain, Chilton, Culberson, Fletcher, Johnson (Maine), Martine, Myers, Newlands, Overman. Owen, Perky, Pomerene. Shively, Smith (Ariz.). Smith (Mi), Swanson and Williams; Progressives, Clapp, Dixon and Poindexter. Those voting against the amendment were: Republicans, Bradley, Brande gee, Burnham, Burton, Catron. Clark (Wyo.). Cullom, Cummins, Dillingham, Du Pont, Gallinger, Gamble. Jackson, Lodge, McCumber, Nelson, Oliver, Page, Penrose, Perkins, Sanders, Smoot, Ste phenson, Sutherland, Wetmore, Works; Democrats, Bankhead, Clarke (Ark.), Johnston, (Ala.), Paynter, Percy, Sim mons, Smith (Ga.), Thomas and Thornton. STOCK EXCHANGE FEARS DISASTER Sulzer Told Present Disciplin ary Methods Should Not Be Disturbed. RESORT TO COURT TEDIOUS When Member Is Suspended Under Present Rules His Vocation Is Gone Incorporation Would Make Things Different. ALBANY, N. T., Jan. 21. The New York Stock Exchange pu itself on record today as opposed to Incorpora tion, and as against the enactment of a maximum rate of interest on call loans. Governor Sulzer was so informed by a committee representing the Exchange, and was advised that the enactment of such laws would cause "disastrous re sults." ' John G. Milburn, counsel for the Ex change, declared that the incorporation of the Stock Exchange would be fraught with disaster, and would seri ously interfere with Its disciplinary powers. He pointed out that the Exchange is a voluntary organization, and its mem bers must abide by its decisions. Punishment "Tremendously Effective." "Its punishments are tremendously effective now," he said. "When a man Is suspended his vocation Is at an end. If the Exchange is compelled to incor porate, its decisions could be ques tioned in the courts. Long litigation would follow, and the courts would have to pass upon questions which, are now dealt with quickly and effectively." Governor Sulzer reminded Mr. Mil burn that the Cotton Exchange and practically all the other New York markets are incorporated. "Many people of the South and West have informed me," continued the Gov ernor, "that they believe it would be a good thing for the Stock Exchange to incorporate. Co-operation Is Promised. "Isn't it true that a customer can be wiped-out by high interest rates for call loans?" asked the Governor. The committe replied that such a sit uation had never developed. The Governor then questioned the committee concerning the activity of the American Can stocks. He wanted to know if recent large sales of this stock were made by bonaffde holders. The committee said the Exchange was making an investigation of the matter. but expressed the opinion that the sales were genuine. Mr. Milburn and President Mabon assured the Governor that the Ex change would co-operate with him in making necessary reforms, but cau tioned him to go slowly in dealing with the more delicate subjects ' In his mes sage. BIG OIL COMBINE MADE CONTRACT , SIGNED FOB CALI FORNIA PROPERTIES. GREAT TRADE INDICATED (Continued From First page.) chants' Exchange records show the to tal number of cars received last month to have been 1833, as against 1618 cars delivered in January, 1912. The growth of the livestock trade of Portland Is clearly shown by the great increase in the number of head of stock received in the past month. A total of 45,549 head of all kinds was handled in January, which Is an In crease of 21,319 head over the receipts of the same month last year. Gain In Hos Run Bis. The greatest gain was in the hog run. With receipts of 21,062 head of swine, all monthly records for this de partment were broken. In spite of the heavy marketing, hog prices at the stockyards have held remarkably steady. In the cattle and sheep divis ions, growers realize much better prices than they did a year ago. Receipts at the Portland Union Stock yards in January, 1913, and the same month of 1912, compare as follows: 1013. 1912. Cattle 6.34 S.521 Calves ..i 131 -'17 Hogs 21.062 9,75S Sheep 17.677 15,492 Horses and mules............. 14."i . 232 Cars 557 015 Snow Storm Prevails In Germany. BERLIN, Jan. 31. A snow storm of unusual violence prevails throughout Northern Germany. Principals Jn Buying Concern Are Veiled, but Are Said to Be Strong Financially. LOS ANGELES. Jan. 31. (Special.) The deal for the United Oil Com pany, Involving 32,250,000, has been completed with the announcement that the final arrangements for taking it over by the Oil Producers & Refiners, Limited, have been completed, payment to be made in 30 to 60 days. The con tract has been signed by both parties and placed In escrow. The net returns to the stockholders of the United Oil Cqmpany are to be 75 cents a share. The gross returns are in excess, but there is certain out standing indebtedness which will have to be liquidated. Although it cannot be ascertained who the principals are in the buying concern, there is reason to believe that they are well financed and carry on active development on the property of the United in Midway. The conclusion that they are well financed is drawn largely from the fact that two other large companies, the Section Two Syn dicate and the North American Oil Con solidated, are included in the deal. Be sides these companies, large holdings in the Santa Maria fields are reported involved. The National, which is capitalized at $2,000,000, has extensive midway hold ings, partly developed. It also has leased property to the Pyramid On Company, whose head offices are in San Francisco and to the I. X. L. OH Com pany and deserves considerable royalty from these properties. OFFICIALS SHUN TASK WAR) DEPARTMENT DOES NOT WANT TO MANAGE HOME. Jones of Washington, However, Will Press Bill for New Deal at Santa Monica. WASHINGTON, Jan. 31. (Special.) No time will be lost in calling up in the Senate the report of the subcom mittee of the Senate military affairs committee in its investigation of the Pacific branch- of the National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers at Ayer 5 Vigor Ayer's Hair Vigor is com posed of sulphur, glycerin, quinin, sodium chlorid, cap sicum, sage, alcohol, water, perfume. A "hair tonic. Promptly checks falling hair. Does not color the hair. J. C Arer Co., Lovell. Hms. You Who Seek Real Piano Values Need Look No Further; Pay No More Genuineness is the rock foundation of every proposition offered by Our House. Every advertisement published over our signature is a statement of facts without embellishment or exaggeration. Every Piano or Player Piano offered by us during our Annual Clearance Sale is a bona-fide bargain and a real money-saving opportunity for its X buyer. For that reason, those who contemplate a Piano or Player Piano now or in the future should see them. This Is Our Annual Clearance Sale of New and Used Pianos and Player Pianos The ehehruenmr0e pianos on which extra! special price inducements are made. On many, price reductions of 20 and 25 per cent are offered. You may bin' a good used up right piano for less than $100, a better one for $115 and many are here at from $120 to $150 that will give honest service for ten jears and you may buy on very easy terms. Now, you may buy a new Krakauer piano which is worth $500 to any home at the price ordinarily asked for a commercial piano, or you may buy on easy payments, a modern up-to-date player piano for $450 with $25 in music rolls, that you' would consider reasonably priced at $600. For $220, a new Price & Teeple piano of latest style and design that you would call cheap at $325. Do You Wish Any Particular Piano? Almost every J make of piano is represented among the used and new pianos offered now at greatly reduced prices Hardman, Ludwig, Packard, Kimball, Harrington, Kingsbury, Price & Teeple, Knabe, in Grands and Uprights. Each is better in quality, lower in price than you could expect. Surely the piano you want is here. The terms are more than reasonable and the quality guaranteed TODAY YOU SHOULD SEE THEM TODAY SEVENTH AND MORRISON STREETS m 1 . . Santa Monica, filed with the Senate by Senator Jones, of Washington. The report, together with the bill taking the management away from the Na tional board of managers in New York City and giving it to the War Depart ment, is now on the Senate calendar. Senator Jones said today he Intended to call it up at the first opportunity and Senator Works, author of the reso lution which resulted In disclosing the conditions at Santa Monica, is also ready to hasten consideration. It developed today that the War De partment does not want to take over the management of the home and op position to the bill will be backed by War Department influences. Depart ment' officials say they have enough to do running the military without bothering with homes for volunteer soldiers. Because of this opposition and the fact that the inmates of many of the other homes for disabled volunteer sol diers throughout the country do not wish the management to cnange, tne military affairs committee will make no effort toward putting any of these homes under the War Department ex cept the Santa Monica institution. BABIES BENEFIT BY PROMPT USE OFPOSLAM How the little one suffers from irri tating, chafed and itching skin! And how quickly Poslam soothes, cools and comforts, soon driving these troubles away. In all skin affections, Poslam pro duces immediately noticeable results, stopping all Itching, and rapidly restor ing the skin to normal condition. Ec zema, acne, tetter, salt rheum, all forms of itch, scalp scale, psoriasis, pimples, rashes, etc, yield to Poslam as to noth ing else, POSLAM SOAP Is without equal for tender skin; the ideal nursery soap, grateful, soothing and non-irritating. Every mother may rely upon its abso lute safety and purity. All druggists sell Poslam (price, 50 cents) and Poslam Soap (price, 25 cents). For free samples, write to the Emergency Laboratories, 32 West 25th Street New York City. WAITERS' STRIKE IS OFF Workers to Seek Former Positions in New York Hotels. . NEW YORK, Jan. 81. The strike of hotel waiters was officially declared off today. This action was taken at a meeting of the waiters' organization. It was declared that the men would re turn to their hotels and seek their for mer postilons. Several hundred strik ing waiters attended the meeting. The discussion was acrimonious, but the majority declared the organization was losing ground and the vote to end the strike prevailed. Sunday Delivery Not Required. NORFOLK, Va., Jan. SI. By a court decision here today, telegraph com panies are not compelled in this state to deliver telegrams on Sunday, ex cept in cases of charity, religion and necessity. Illness coming under the latter designation. MONEY TO LOAN We invite applications for loans on choice business property in PORTLAND. New building projects financed where the fee simple title to the ground is in cluded. Correspondence is invited. Capital and Surplus $9,500,000 Mercantile Trust Co. N Saint Louis, Mo.,. ... Money left tn our Guaranteed Certificate Department Is psrtlcnlarly protected by First Mortgages on Improved City Hesl Instate, as well as all onr assets, and may be cashed twice each year. Interest at 6 per cent per annum will begin the very day yon place your monrr with us, and Is paid on the full amount semi-annually. . yfst Trust PnmpaiiD THIRD AND WASIU.VGTOX. The Advantages of Drinking aker's Cocoa The Cocoa of High Quality lie in its absolute purity and wholesomeness, its delicious natural flavor, and its perfect assimilation by 'the digestive organs. v As there are many inferior imitations, be sure to get the genuine with our trade-mark on the package WALTER BAKER & CO. Limited Established 1780 DORCHESTER, MASS. BeirlBtered U. S.Tw. Ofloc ft t: