10 TIIE MORX1XG OREGOXTAN. S 4 TTTR T) AY. FEBRUARY 1, 1913. WHEAT SHIPMENTS LARGE IK JANUARY First Month of 1913 Stands Third in Honor List for Cargoes of Grain. TOTAL BUSHELS 9,804,937 ' Bulk or Cereal for Great Britain Delivered or Afloat, bat Orient al Exports Are Due Before Close of Season. January closed as the third largest month In the exportation of wheat this season, being: credited with a total of 1.625.759 bushels, but. as shipments for the season to date, have reached 9,904, 937 bushels to foreign and domestic ports, the period leads that cf 1911-12 by 3,329.560 bushels. October was the heaviest shipping month, as 1.696.658 bushels went aboard, and in December I, 572,063 bushels were shipped. The period terminated yesterday leads January. 1912, by 668,691 bushels, and is ahead of January, 1911, by 235, 7 So bushels. Total exports for last month, which Includes wheat, flour, barley and lumber, were valued at II, 728.732, and th amount overshadows the valuation for January, 1912, by $649,716. In the January summary of the Merchants- Exchange, the total of all ports is placed at 1.977,254 bushels, while a year ago the combined movement reached but 1,016.919 bushels. At the expiration of January. 1912, the season was credited with 6.675.377 bushels to all ports, against 9,904.937 bushels for the present season. No wheat went to Europe from Puget Sound last month, and foreign and do mestic shipments aggregated but 252, 856 bushels, as against 653,824 bushels in January, 1912. For the season to date Portland leads the northern har bor by 4.179,339 bushels. The wheat fleet here numbers but a few vessels, and not many remain on the en route list, the bulk of the grain for the United Kingdom having been floated, but before the expiration of the cereal year there is expected to be a material Increase in the movement to the. Orient in both wheat and flour. RAYMOND TO BUILD SCHOONERS Shipyard, Idle Five Tears, Takes on New Life In 1913. RAYMOND. Wash., Jan. 31. The Raymond shipyard, which has been idle since 1907, will be placed in shape for the early construction of one and per haps two steam schooners. Such was the announcement made today by 12. E. Case, manager of the Southwest Manufacturing Company, which now owns the shipyard. Work on the first vessel will be begun immediately. The vessel is to be built by a San Fran Cisco firm from whom Mr. Case yes terday receiver a telegram closing the deal for the lease of the shipyard. The superintendent of the yard is to arrive on Tuesday from San Francisco and will put the yard in shape and assemble his crew. The first vessel to be built will have a carrying capacity of more than 1, 000.000 feet of lumber and will be built on the same general lines as the Avalon, owned by the Hart Wood Company, which was recently placed In commis sion and is said to be the finest schooner engaged In the lumber carry lng business on the Pacific Coast The Avalon will arrive on Tuesday to take on cargo at the Quinault mill in this city. The opening of the Raymond ship yard is considered one of the biggest achievements of this city in several years, as it means the employment of a large crew of skilled laborers. The new vessel will be the fourth to be built in this city. The Wlllapa and Doris, plying between northern ports and California, were built here, as was also the -Majestic, which was lost s few years ago on the California coast Who the owners of the new vessel will be has not yet been made public. CONWAY'S FCXERAL SUNDAY Pallbearers Selected From Marine and Railroad Sphere. Funeral services for the late Captain George Conway, superintendent of the O.-W. R. & N. water lines, who died Thursday evening, will be held from Holman's undertaking rooms at 2 o'clock tomorrow afternoon. The body will be cremated and services at the crematorium will be conducted by the Masons. The ashes are to be taken to sea and scattered by Captain "Buck" Bailey, who was a close friend of the deceased. In the event Captain Bailey cannot be reached. Captain E. S. Ed wards. United States Inspector of hulls, will officiate. Captain Edwards will be one of the pallbearers, also George F. Fuller. I nlted States Inspector of-boilers. Oth ers will be M. Talbot, manager of the Fort of Portland: Curtis O. Sutherland, assistant general manager of the O. W. R & N. Co.; Henry Pape, assistant Superintendent of the O.-W. R. & N. water lines, and Captain Speler, har bormaster. The latter sailed with Cap tain Conway when he was master of the steamer Santa Rosa, he being a quartermaster, while Captain Conway was master. All flags on river ves sels were displayed at half mast yes terday, while on the steamer Beaver, sailing at 4 o'clock, for California ports, emblems were displayed in the same manner. Captain Mason having been a warm friend of the deceased. Captain Edwards was requested by Captain Conway some time ago to as sume charge of his estate in. the event of his death, and be was given a let ter yesterday setting forth details ne wished executed. LUMBER MOVEMENT GROWING January Leads December and Cor responding Period In 1912. In dispatching; 25.330.431 feet of lum ber to all ports for the month ending yesterday Portland outshone the mar set for December by 2.145.S36 feet ami as compared with the combined busi ness for January. 1912, the period end ing yesterday has a tain of 3.160.005 feet. Five vessels were clesred for off shore ports during: January, the fleet being led by the bark Albert, for Napier, with 669.000 feet at 112.497. She was followed by the British steamer Anerley. bound for Port Pirie, carrying S.S13.S63 feet at 336.442; schooner Lot tie Bennett, for Valparaiso, with 673. 642 feet at 39107; Japanese steamer Kinkasan Maru. for Kobe, having aboard 100.000 feet at 31300. and the Norwegian steamer Mathilda cleared yesterday for Shanghai with 3.600,025 feet valued at 139.60. The lumber ex portation totaled 8.355,431 feet valued at SSS.946. The offshore fleet was made up of 23 carriers, of which 13 were bound for San Pedro, the others being for PORTLAND'S CEREAL EXPORTS FOR SEVEN" MONTHS OF 1912-1913 SEASON. Anmst Cleared, vessel, flas, rlr. destination: Orteric, Br. sa. Manila 30 Hercules. Nor. ss. Mojl Total far August Exports for August. 1912, 28,164 September- 19 English Monarch. Br. ss. 8t. Vincent. 20 Galgate. Br. bk. Ipswich A 23 HUlarney. Br. bk. Q. or P 23 Verona, Ger. ss. Yokohama 2J Harley, Br. ss. St. Vincent 27 H. Hackfield, Ger. bk. Limerick.. 28 Thor. No. sa. Hongkong Total for September A Also 119,884 bushels of barley at $93,000. Exports for September, 19111,024,171 bushels of wheat and 34,950 bar rels of flour. - -October ' 8 Rjcja. Nor. ss. St. Vincent o v uiesaen, Br. ss. Avanmoutn B 15 Hera. Ger. bk. Q. or F. C 16 Strathflllan. Br. ss. St. Vincent 19 Edouard Detallle. Fr. bk. Q. or P 24 Kina. Dan. ss. Las Palmas 2 Ockley. Br. ss. Manila D 28 Struthness, Br. ss. St. Vincent 25 Egon. Ger. bk. Dublin 30 Tsurugisan Maru. Jap. ss. Kob Total for October 1.596,658 31.338.030 57.085 $228,334 B Also 152.280 bushels of barley at J 116.98a C Also 111.720 bushels of barley at $85,500. D Also 8.H18 bushels of oats at $3650. Exports for October, 1911, 1.065.742 bushels of wheat: 151,888 barrels of flour. November 1 Fitzclarence. Br. ss. Hong Kong... 46,675 $136,700 3 Altalr. Br. bk. Ipswich E 14,802 $ 1S.321 3 Xorthumbria. Br. ss. Kobe 20.832 1G.6C6 14,900 58.000 8 Oweenee. Bt. bk. Q. or P 1.17,8(1 108,894 $ Mancunia, Br. ss. St. Vincent 193,490 101.466 12 Strathlyon. Br. ss. Leith F 16 Rene Kerviler. Fr. bk. Dublin 122,56 104.179 22 Ellrleda, Ger. sh. Q. or F.. 103,167 87.500 22 Elibek. Ger. bk. Ipswich G 50.239 42,703 Total for November 642.935 $537,729 60.675 E Also 145, 75S bushels of barley at S11.942. 1 F 280.897 bushels of barter at $208,950 G Also 115.349 bushels of barley 84.498 barrels of flour at $332,699. December I Valerie. Br. bk., Q. or. F 1 R. C. Itickmers, Ger. bk., Antwerp. 10 Jersbek. Ger. bk.. Q. or F 11 Havenhill. Br. sh., Q. or P. 14 Lonsdale, Br. ss., Kobe 19 Bellgrano. Br. ss., Hull, H 21 Colony. Br. hk.. Q. or F 23 Hougomot, Br. bk., Q. or F 24 Arabien, Dan. ss.. Las Palmas.... 28 Isebek, Ger. bk.. Q. or F, I 31 Boadicea, Br. sh., Q. or F 31 Goldbek. Ger. bk.. Q. or P Totals H 135.333 bushels of barley, valued at 390,900. 1 Also 111.433 bushels of barley at Ss5,580. Exports "Tor December, 1911, 1.45S.220 bushels of wheat and 57.000 barrels of flour at $228,000. Itumarv 2 Mar do Villars. Fr. bk.. Q. or F 10 Adelaide. Ger. bk., Belfast 16 Ossa, Ger. sh.. Q. or F 17 I.lsbeth. Ger. bk.. Q. or F IS Slratnlorne. Br. ss., Teneriffe J .... 21 Barmbek. Ger. bk., Q. or F 22 Metropolis, Br. bk.. Q. or F 22 Rer.e, Fr. bk.. J. or F 25 Klnkasan Maru, Jap. ss.. Kobe 28 Iverna. Br. bk., Q. or F 29 Killoran, Br. bk.. Q. or F 81 Shlnsei Maru, Jap. ss., Kobe 81 Osterbek. Ger. bk., Q. or F Totals for January J 276.433 bushels of barley valued at Exports for January, 1911, 857,086 San Francisco. They moved 18,965,000 feet, which is 7,038,000 feet more than was sent to California in December and 7,330,000 feet in excess of the move ment to California during January, 1912. - LA DU ROCK BCOY ESTABLISHED Changes In River and Seasoast Aids Officially Xoted. Henry L- Beck, inspector of the 17th Lighthouse District, made known tho following changes yesterday, bearing on aids In the Oregon and Washington territory: Columbia Ttlver Walker Island bar chan nel to Martin Island, La Du Rock buoy. HS. flrst-claes spar, established January 21, In 23 feet of water, bearing 130 feet 122 degrees true from La Du light. Large vessels should use the channel to South of buoy. Columbia Rivet- St. Helens bar channel to mouth of Willamette River, Henrlcl Cross ing buoy, 2. second-class spar, reported miss ing, January 21. Will be replaced soon. Reeder Crossing Buoy. 6. first-class spar, found missing January 21, was replaced. Wlllapa Bay outside bar gas and whis tling buoy. PS, heretofore reported extin guished, was relighted January 28. Ship Harbor shanno Point buoy. 2, sec rod-class nun. reported having sunk Jan uary 27. Will be replaced as soon as prac ticable. Hare Strait Clements Reef buoy. 2. sec ond-class nun, reported adrift. January 15. will h mnlnned as soon as practicable. Seacoast Correction for light list. Pacific Coast. 1912: Characteristics or lights snouia do as follows: Umpqua River light, alt. era. n. 10 sec onds. Caoe Meares light, alt. f. n. eo seconas. Juan tie Fuca Strait Neah Bay .range lights not to be establshed. Paragraph 2936. of Notice to Mariners No. 50, 1910, Is hereby rescinded. New Tug Ready to Launch. NORTH BEND, Jan. 31. (Special.) The new tug and tender of the Port land-Alaska Packing Company at the Kruse & Banks shipyards here will be readv to launch in a few days and then will be towed to Portland, where STEAMER INTELLIGENCE. Due to Arrive. Name. From. Date. Alliance... -....Eureka .Feb. 1 Fear San Pedro Feb. 1 Breakwater. ...Coos Bay Feb. 2 Roanoke fan Diego.... Feb. 2 Rose City San Pedro. .. .Feb. 6 Geo. W. Elder. -San Diego. ... Feb. 9 Beaver San Pedro. .. .Feb. 11 To Depart. Name. For Date. Northland San Diego. .. .Feb. 1 Harvard S. F to U A.. .Feb. 1 Alliance .Eureka Feb. a Tale .S. F. to L. A.. .Feb. 3 Breakwater. .. -Coos Bay Feb. 4 Bear San Pedro.. ..Feb. 5 Roanoke -San Diego. . . . Feb. 6 Rose City San Pedro. . . . Feb. 10 Geo. W. Elder. San Diego.... Feb. 12 Beaver San Pedro . . . .Feb. 15 the machinery will be installed. Some of the machinery has been brought here from Maine, but the greater portion will be furnished in Portland upon Its arrival tnere. Marshfield Rate Lowered. MARSHFIELD. Or Jan. 81. (Spe cial.) What is believed to be the be ginning of a rate war by the different lassenger carrying steamboat lines 1 eaching the Bay, was 'the announce ment of the Alliance that hereafter the round-trip rate from here to Portland would be $18.50 instead of $20, as has been charged. Vessels' Position by Wireless. January 31. Maverick, from Portland to San Fran lsco, 103 miles south of Columbia River 7 P. M. Bear, from San Fran cisco to Portland, two miles north of Umpqua River at 8 P. M. Beaver, from Portland to San Francisco, passed ilount Coffin, Columbia River, at 7:30 P. M. Marine Xotes. Channel work on the Cowlitz River having ceased for the present, the Gov ernment dredge cowiits was shifted from there yesterday to Clatskanie, where she will remain about a. month. It Is reported that Comyn. Mackall & Company have chartered the German ship Olona, which arrived January 16 from Taltal and because of being late, forfeited a wheat charter. There having been a settlement reached In a case Instituted by A. Berg awalnst the owners of the British bark nvercoe, for the collection of $380 due as a commission on a cargo, a libel asalnst the British bark Inver- Flour. Barrels. 80.350 22,650 9 122.500 78,250 $ 62,564 78.230 62.564 barrels of lour. C211.500 .238.2S5 S211.TM 32.000 , 62.&S5 68.832 9,603 181.74!! " 127.934 76.572 . 1714.994 86.175 35.65 ... 77.7HS .. .103.3S.1 ...228.273 ...137.072 S 28.412 306.2S8 S344.68S 840.417 220,000 $187,000 119.760 21.500 1SS.401 100,173 220.403 194.328 158,052 148.400 !4a.iU7 23.5!'3 229,7r7 111.305 ....2&,553 234.130 185.944 176, CHS 67,085 $243,700 at $33,040. Wheat, Bushels. $570,519, and 9.000 $31,497 9,000 $31,407 at $1,218,932, 112.500 181,357 106.H33 13i3t3 124.863 100. 9r3 117.265 125,006 134.924 109.785 IS;:. 333 91.408 92.258 166. S48 US.O40 106,473 "ioslssi ' 83.790 96,157 106,351 121.432 1)8, SOT 105,000 S2.270 31.294 $111,529 1,525,759 $1,326,057 81,294 $111,529 $192,200. bushels of wheat, 66,521 barrels flour. clyde, owned by the same firm, was dismissed yesterday. It Is planned to leave down this aft ernoon with the German bark Oster bek, which cleared yesterday for the usual ports in the United Kingdom for orders, being loaded with wheat. The barkentine Amaranth, which reached the river a few days ago from Val paraiso and will load lumber for the return under charter to Hind, Rolph & Company, is to be towed from As toria to commence loading. Delays were encountered yesterday afternoon In shifting the Norwegian steamer Mathilda from Inman-Poul-sen's to the bunkers to coal for her voyage to Shanghai, but she is expect ed to come through the bridges to day. The Japanese steamer Shinsei Maru, wheat-laden for Kobe, got under way during the afternoon and will probably cross out to sea today. The British steamer Manningtry arrived in from Eureka yesterday and went to Westport and will complete loading lumber there for Sydney under charter to Davies & Fehon. Failure on the part of the French bark. General de Neerrier to reach the Columbia River by 6 o'clock last even ing from Newcas-tle-on-Tyne cost her owners a charter, as she was under engagement to the Portland Flouring Mills Company to load with wheat for the United Kingdom, the rate being 45 shillings. As there has been a de cided drop in feights the ship will probably be rechartered on a lower basis. As she has been on the way 198 days, her non-appearance is caus ing concern. She is bringing general cargo to Meyer, Wilson & Company. Movements of Vessels. PORTLAND, Jan. 31. Arrived Colonel E-. L. Drake, from San Francisco; steamer W. F Herrln, from San Francisco; steamer Multnomah, from San Francisco. Sailed Steamer Beaver, for San Francisco and San Pedro; steamer Camlno, for San 'Francisco; steamer Yosemlte, for Los Angeles; Japan-f-se steamer Shlnsei Maru for Kobe; steam er Olympic, for San Pedro; gasoline schooner Patsy, for Tillamook; steamer St. Helens, for San Frasjcisco. Astoria. Jan. 31. Left up at S A. M. Steamer W. F. Herrln. Sailed at 9:30 A. M. aieamer aaavericK, lor San Francisco. Ar rived at 9 and left up at 10:30 A. M. Steamer Multnomah, from San Francisco. Arrived at 10:30 and left up at 1:30 P. M. xrjusn Bitaraer manningtry, rrom Kureka. Sailed at 9 A M. Gasoline schooner Anvil. for Bandon and way ports; steamer Johan Poulscn, ror San Francisco. Sailed at 11:30 a. m. tocnooner Alveua. for San Francisco. Melbourne. Jan. 30. Arrived British steamer Ikala, from Columbia River. St. Rosalia. Jan. 26. Sailed German bark Steinbek. for Portland. Honolulu. Jan. 31. Arrived British steamer Saint Kllda, from Portland. Point Reyes, Jan. 3L Passed at 3 P. M. oieamer Aureus, irom ban Pedro, for Port land. San Francisco, Jan. 81. Arrived Steamer Koanoae, irom san Diego, sailed last night Steamers Carlos and Yellowstone, for Portland. Coos .Bay, Jan. 3L Sailed Steamer Alli ance, for Portland. Callao. Jan. 31. Arrived Peruvian bark Cavour. from Portland. San Francisco, Jan. SL Arrived Steam eres Tamarac (British), from Hongkong; Elizabeth, Brooklyn, from Bandon: Winne oago (British), from Mororan; Redondo, from Coos Bay: Centurion (British), from Antwerp; Cleveland (German), from New Tork: tug Goliah, from Seattle. Straits of Magellan. Jan. 31. Passed Au gust, from Tacoma, for United Kingdom. Los Angeles, Jan. SL Arrived Grays Harbor, from Astoria. Punta Arenas, Jan. 31. Arrived nrvlnna- ly Crown of Seville, from Antwerp, for San Montevideo. Jan. 31. Arrived previously ix. v.. rienry, irom lyne, ror Seattle. Shanghai. Jan. 31. Arrived orevlouslv Shinyo Maru, from San Francisco. Seattle, Jan. 31. Arrived Steamer North land, from Southeastern Alaska; Curacao, from Skagway; Umatilla, from San Fran cisco. - Sailed Steamers Admiral Sampson, for Santa Maria, for San Francisco; Yukon, for Southwestern Alaska. Columbia River Bar Report. Condition at the mouth of the river t s P. M., smooth; wind, northwest, is miles; weather, clear. Tides at Astoria Saturday. High. Low. 9:12 A. M 8.4 fet'8:0e A. M a. a fi 11:08 P. M 6.1 feet'4:41 P. M 0.0 feet WORTH BEND WINS DEBATE Championship of District Is Won and Team Goes to Klamath Falls. MARSHFIELD, Or.. Jan. SO. (Spe cial.) Norm Bend High School de baters have won the district champion ship, and they gain the right to go to Klamath Falls probably In April to contest with the team of that city for the championship of Southern Oregon. Miss Norma Chase and Lyle Chap- pelle will represent the Bay section. These young people were both mem bers of winning teams. Bay folks ex pect that they will bring back the honors. ; bushels of wheat 11T.556 $ 99,923 271,040 222.233 , 1R3.202 138.722 106.360 88,279 91,719 73.371 "94'. 834 '""go. 800 145,595 123.756 265.864 210.032 47,330 40.230 10.8.766 89.1S8 100.002 . 130,002 1.572.06S $1,302,556 1 PORTLAND LIKELY TO GAIN BY ORDER Dissolution of Merger Is Ex pected to Add to Local Territory. ' SALT LAKE MAY BE LOSER Cltlmate Absorption of O.-W. R. & N. by Union Pacific With One Continuous System Directed From Omaha Predicted. With the enforced dissolution of the Harrlman system and the return of the Southern Pacific to an independent footing in the railroad world, the name "Harrlman" as an official designation of the Union Pacific and allied proper ties will be eliminated. Hereafter the Union Pacific, Oregon Short Line and O-W. R. & N. Company collectively will be known as the "Union Pacific System." This probably is a step toward the ultimate complete domination and control by the Union Pacific of the O.-W. R. & N. Company as it now dominates and controls the Oregon Short Line. While the O.-W. R. & N. Company will continue with a separate executive organization, with headquarters In Portland, there has resulted in the process of separating the Southern Pa cific from the other lines an evident and well-defined tendency to make the entire property from Kansas City and Omaha on the East to Portland and Puget Sound on the West one contin uous system, with one executive head and under control from one general office. That office will be at Omaha. Portland Not to Lose. When this plan is carried into effect Portland will retain its general offices and will continue as headquarters for the lines In the Northwest. Portland is not likely to lose any of its prestige as railroad center by these proposed changes, it is predicted. On the other hand, it Is pointed out. Portland is likely to gain some authority and some territory over which it will exercise jurisdiction. Salt Lake City Is likely to suffer. ' The way the Union Pacific now is or. ganlzed it has three general offices Omaha, Salt Lake City and Portland, having supervision over the Union Pa citlc Oregon Short Line and O.-W. R. &. N. Company, respectively. Under any circumstances it will be necessary to maintain a strong, pow. erful organization on the Coast, but it is considered unnecessary to continue an intermediate office. If the Short Line office remains at Salt Lake It will be because of policy or local influence. Economy and efficiency would dictate the abandonment of the Sale Lake of flee. Once before, when the Union Pacific sought to control the lines in the Northwest from the Omaha office, the result was not at all satisfactory to this territory. But the Santa Fe has operated its entire system from Chi cago to San Francisco with one execu tive office, but with a powerful organ ization, having complete authority on all affairs affecting its territory on the Coast- , Recently the Milwaukee sys tem, operating from Chicago to Puget Sound, effected a similar organization. . Order Is Significant. Although steps to deprive the O.-W. R. & N. Company of its identity may not be taken until the present organi zation becomes adjusted, it is appar ent that this is the ultimate object of the Union Pacific officials. The order to refer to all their properties as the "Union Pacific System" is significant. Under the present arrangement the local officials have complete . Jurisdic tion over the O.-W. R. & N. property. J. A. Munroe, vice-president in charge of traffic of the Union Pacific and Ore gon Short lino, Jointly with R. B. Mil ler, traffic manager of the O.-W. R, & N. Company. yesterday appointed agents to represent the three lines, as follows: Boston. Wlllard Massey, New England freight and passenger agent; Butte, E. A. Shewe, general agent: Chicago. J. F. Bar ron, general agent, freight department; O. W. Vaux. general agent, passenger depart ment; Cincinnati, W. H. Connor, general agent; Cleveland. W. H. Connor, general agent: Dea Moines, J. W. Turtle, traveling passenger agent; Detroit, James C Fergu. son. general agent; Los Angeles, H. O. Wil son, general agent; Milwaukee. L. L. Davis, commercial agent; Minneapolis. H. F. Car ter, district passenger agent, D. M. Collins, district freight agent; New Tork City, John u. uej-Tiest. general eastern agent; Oak land, H. V. Blasdel, agent, passenger de- nartment: A. V. Stevenson, agent, freight department; Olympia, J. C. Percival, agent; pnnaaeipma. . c Mliooume. general agent; Pittsburg, J. E. Cornfield, general agent; Pueblo. L. M. Tudor, commercial agent; Port Townsend, Wash.. B. F. Owsley, agent: St. Louis, A. J. Dutcher, general agent; Sac ramento, James Warrack, district freight and passenger agent; San Francisco, s. F. Booth, general agent; San Jose, F. W. An gler, agent, passenger department: L. M. Cheshire, agent, freight department; Van couver, B. C. D. E. Brown and ATacaulay. Ltd.. ticket asents; J. B. Courtwright, trav. eling freight and passenger agent. Soire of these agents h.ve been serv ing Jointly for the Union Pacific and the Southern Pacific systems. Others have been recruited from outside of fices to fill the places vacated by agents who have been transferred to the Southern Pacific LINK BINDING ROADS 'CUT fContlnned From First page.) of the Union Pacifio to make ita pay ments. OLfl SIGXS TO BE REMOVED Union and Southern Pacific to Be Separate In All Particulars. SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 31. (Special.) In accordance with advices received at the general officers of the Southern Pacific Company from President Wil liam Sproule. employes of the railroad, especially those of the traffic depart ment, were notified today that, begin ning on Saturday, the Union and South em Pacific Railroads will cease to have any Joint representation. In obeying the letter of the recent merger decision of the United States Supreme Court, the Southern Pacific employes are ordered to pay particular attention in seeing that the public may not be led to believe that the old rela tion between the Union and Southern still exists. The railroad men are instructed to watch closely the lettering on doors, windows and stationery, to prevent the words Union and Southern Pacific from appearing together. They have been instructed to watch all advertising matter and prevent any advertising of both roads at the same time. They are further Instructed so to separate the Southern from the Union Pacifio representation as to cease the joint use of any ticket or freight of fices. The orders direct Southern Pa cific agents at such points as Salt Lake. Ogden, Tacoma, Seattle and Portland,, to obtain offices for the Southern Pacific separate from Union Pacific offices. In cases where an im mediate departure" from offices now engaged may not be accomplished, the Southern Pacific men are instructed to divide counter space with the Union Pacific and erect signs over the count ers that will inform the public of the disassociation of the two roads. Beginning on Saturday. Southern Pacific agents will cease "pulling" for Union Pacific routings to the East, and In every possible case send freight and passengers over the Sunset route, which gives the Southern Pacific the longer haul. In cases where It Is de sired to move freight to the East by direct route. Southern Pacific agents will give the shipper the opportunity of expressing his preference of the Un ion Pacific or Rio Grande routing. The formal dissolution of the two railroads became -effective Saturday, and the instructions issued yesterday are Intended to establish the dissolu tion wherever the Southern Pacific operates or has a representation. The dissolution will swell the Southern Pa cific's expense to a certain extent, as where the company in the past has had a Joint representation with the Union Pacific, it will hereafter have Individ ual representation. On the Pacific Coast and in Salt Lake the company will continue to retain the present representatives. Elsewhere the following will Represent the South ern Pacific exclusively: R. S. Stubbs. general Eastern freight agent. New Tork. L. H Nutting, general Eastern pas senger agent. New Tork. J. H. Glynn, Jew England agent, Boston. W- B. Johnson, district freight and passenger agent, Baltimore. F. T. Brooks, district freight and passenger agent, Buffalo; R. J. Smith, district freight and passenger agerrt. Philadelphia; G. G. Herring, general agent, Pittsburg; O. P. Bartlett, gen eral agent, Atlanta and Birmingham; W. Q. Neimyer, general agent, Chi cago; C. M. Evans, general agent, Cin cinnati; George B. Hild, general agent, St. Louis; E. A. Macon, general agent. Detroit; A. G. Little, general agent. Kansas City: W. K. McAllister, gen eral agent, Denver. E. D. WALKER APPOINTED CNIOX DEPOT TICKET CLERK TO SUCCEED C. W. STIXGER. Man Long Familiar With Oregon Railroad Work Named Acting Agent for Union. Pacific. Earl I. Walker, who has been a ticket clerk at the Union Depot and at the joint office of the Union and Southern Pacific lines for the last three years, yesterday was appointed acting agent for the Union Pacific system, at Third and Washington streets, to suc ceed C. W. Stinger, who- has become agent for the Southern Pacific. Mr. Walker has lived in Oregon a greater part of the time and began his career in the baggage room at the Union Station. Later he was given a place In the ticket office and soon be came chief clerk. For the last few months he has been a clerk in the city ticket office. He is a brother of Dow V. Walker, superintendent of the Mult, nomah Club. His home is at $71 Emer son avenue. Mr. Stinger, as agent for the South ern Pacific, completed his organization yesterday by the appointment of J. E. Stratton as Pullman clerk, John Gard ner as interline and transcontinental clerk and H. O. Monge as local ticket clerk. All these men have been in the Joint office previous to the separation. The San Francisco & Portland Steam ship Company, which occupies a portion of the space heretofore used by the Joint agency, will use its same set of employes. On account of the division of busl ness it may not be necessary to employ additional men at Third and Washing ton streets. The local freight department of the Southern Pacifio will not be organized Immediately, but the work will be con ducted from the general office in the Wells-Fargo building. HODSON SUCCEEDS COFFEY Place on Executive Board Vacated by New County Clerk Filled. C. W. Hodson is now a member of the Executive Board, having been named by Mayor Rushlight to succeed John B. Coffey, resigned to assume the duties of the office of County Clerk, to which he was elected last Novem ber. W. H. Fitzgerald takes Mr. Coffey's place as chairman of the police com mittee. All of Mr. Coffey's other com mittee positions are assumed by Mr. Hodson. The announcements of these appoint ments were made by the Mayor yester day at the regular monthly meeting of the Executive Board, at wnicn tne city payroll was audited and the regular routine of business transacted. SPEEDERJS ASSESSED $30 Chester Edwards Escapes Heavier Penalty Because Hour Is Early. Only the fact that It was early in the morning with' no traffic on the streets saved Chester Edwards from a severe penalty when he was tried yesterday in Municipal Court on a charge of violating the traffic ordi nance. Patrolmen Nutter and Wardle fol lowed Edwards' automobile over the Morrison bridge to Third and Stark streets, at a rate of speed hovering around 30 miles an hour. They In formed the court that he had been fined $25 for speeding on a former oc casion. A fine of 3Q was imposed in the present case. PERS0NAL MENTION. Dr. R. E. Schmidt, of Rainier, Is at the Imperial. Dr. H. L. Nichols, of Enterprise, Is at the Cornelius. Judge John Twohy, of Spokane, is at the Portland. E. Ellington, of Albany, is registered at the Bowers. S. J. Mott, a Roseburg. merchant. Is at the Bowers. R. Winkleman. a Tacoma merchant, is at the Oregon. L. P. King, a Forest Grove merchant, is at the Seward. Dr. and Mrs. J. A. Fulton, of Astoria, are at the Imperial. Dr. F. F. Wesbrook, of Minneapolis, is at the Multnomah. F. A. Cole, a Vale stockman, is reg istered at the Perkins. Mr. and Mrs. A. Raymond, of Spo kane, are at the Bowers. J. M. Ayres, a Kelso lumberman. Is registered at the Imperial. Mrs. M. L. Copeland, of Astoria, , is registered at the Seward. L. E. Marshall, a Washougal mer chant. Is at the Perkins. O. B. Robertson, a Condon banker. Is registered at the "Cornelius. H. E. Llppman, an insurance adjuster of Seattle, is at the Oregon. E. H. Detering, a Chehalls lumber man. Is registered at the Perkins. Dr. W. L. Bishop, a Dundee stock man. Is registered at the Portland. D. M. Hayberger, a McMinnvllle mer chant, is registered at the Oregon. George Q. Bingham, an attorney of Salem, is registered at the Imperlal.- W. C. Knighton, State Architect, Is registered at the Seward, from Salem. R. Ik Baker, a lumberman of Red THE MULTNOMAH feists, tommi wMMWMmVl PSHilliPl Med for the Excellence; fcHllI its Cuisine. European plo?) Raven, Pa., is registered at the Mult nomah. John Cordon, a tourist from St. Cath erines, Ont, is registered at the Mult nomah. R. S. Shaw, manager of the Ham mond Lumber Company at Astoria, is at the Imperial. Stanley Dollar, of the Robert Dollar Steamship Company, of San Francisco, is at the Oregon. ' J. H. Dunlop, manager of the Wind River Lumber Company, of Cascade Locks, Is registered at the Oregon. R. D. Inman, who has been suffering a severe attack of la grippe, is im proved, but still confined to his room. Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Thompson, R. R. Thompson and Miss Nina Thompson, of Carlton, are registered at the Multno mah. Leo J. Flynn, a special agent of the Interstate Commerce Commission, Is registered at the Portland, from Wash ington, D. C. . Mrs. Josephine Kent left Wednesday evening for Seattle to attend the Cat Show, and took with her a number of prize winning felines. BAIN HG1 ON STAND JCKOR'S STORT SAME AS AT FIRST BARROW TRIAL. Bank Teller Says He May Have Been Mistaken in Testimony at Former Hearing. LOS ANGELES, Cal, Jan. 31. Rob ert F. Bain, the first Juror sworn in the trial of James B. McN'amara. told today for the third. time since the ab rupt end of that noted case the story of his alleged corruption by Bert ri. Franklin, when called to the stand as a witness against Clarence Darrow, who is on trial on the charge of bav lng bribed Bain. Bain's Btory was almost identically the same as told at Franklin's prelim inary examination and Darrow's first trial. On cross-examination by Chief Counsel Earl Rogers he said that he did not promise to vote for the ac qulttal of McNamara, but that he merely told Franklin he would "help him out" if the evidence Justified such a course. Assistant District Attorney Ford and Attorney Rogers became involved in a controversy during the examination of George C. Toung, a bank teller, who followed Bain on the stand. Toung told of Franklin depositing a check for $1000, signed by Darrow, on October 6, 1911. and of subsequently casning Franklin's check for 1500. Toung testified at the first trial that he bad given Franklin S50 and S100 bills and today he said he might have been mistaken . then. Rogers read from the transcript of the first trial Young's assertion that he was "sure" thore were no J20 bills in the money he gave Franklin, and he attempted to show that an effort had been made by the prosecution to have Toung change his testimony. Toung said be had visited the Dis trict Attorney's office and admitted having been asked If he was certain that his testimony at the first ' trial was correct, but he denied that any effort had been made to cause him to change his testimony. He admitted finally that his testimony at the first trial was correct "to the best of his knowledge." Bain and his wife testi fied at the first trial that the 3400 given them by Franklin contained no currency of larger denomination than $20 bills. Bert Franklin Is expected to take the stand when the trial Is resumed Mon day. COOS PARK IS PROBABLE Government Will Allow Use of Coos Head Reservation, Says Bourne. MARSHFIELD, Or., Jan. 31. (Spe cial.) A park of large proportions and scenic surroundings is a possibility for Coos Bay, according to a message received here recently from Senator Bourne at Washington, in which he stated that he has made all necessary arrangements for the use of the Gov ernment reservation on Coos Head, so that a mere request from the psop.e in terested here to the War Department will bring the desired result. The tract is one of the most pic- I m M m m -To Women- Seeking Health and Strength For those ills peculiar to women Dr. Pierce recommends his "Favorite Prescription" as "THE ONE REMEDY" . A medicine prepared by regular graduated physician of unus ual experience in treating woman's diseases carefuliy adapted to work in harmony with the most delicate feminine constitution. AH medicine dealers have sold it with satisfaction to cus tomers for the past 40 years. It is now obtainable in liquid or sugar-coated tablet form at the drug store or send 60 one-cent stamps for a trial box, to Buffalo. Every woman may write fully and confidentially to Dr. Pierce, Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, Buffalo, N. Y and may be sure that her case will receive careful, conscientious, confidential consideration, and that experienced medical advice will be given to her absolutely fre. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellet regulate and invigorate stomach, tip mr and bowel. Sugar coated, tiny granule easy to take as candy. PORTLAND'S GRANDEST HOTEL Absolutely Fireproof 100 rooms ... $1.00 per da 100 rooms 11.50 per day 200 rooms (with bath)..2.00 per day 100 rooms (with bath)$2.S0 per day Add $1-00 per day to above priced when two ocoupy one room. VERT ATTRACTIVE PRICES FOR PERMANENT GUESTS H. C. BOWER. Manager. GAINER THIGPO, Aaa't Mgr. New Perkins Hotel In the Heart of the City NOTE OUR RATES Room with Bath Privilege $1.00 TTP Two Persons $1.50 TJP Room with Private Bath $1.50 UP Two Persons $2.50 UP U O. S WETLAND. M. -X. Permanent Kates on Application.) turesque on the Coast and was ac quired by the Federal Government dur ing the construction of the jetties hera as a base of supplies acl for buildings and rights of way and consists f the better part of a section of land, with a bay and nice beach, wnic-i has be-jn used for picnic parties for svveral veara. Tha new boulevard to tne sea will reach this nronertv and make It of eaav access to the oeoole of North Benrl and Marshfield. and to the entire population of the Bay section. Commit tees from both the Marshfield and North Bend Chambers of Commerce will take the matter up Immediately and try to get action so that tha park can be used foi the coming season. PORTLAND MEN GET OPTION Railroad Contractor and Party Ac tive In Curry County. MARSHFIELD, Or., Jan. 81. (Spe cial.) James F Clarkson, of Portland, a well-known contractor on railroad work, was in the Bay section recently, but denied that his visit had any signifi cance other than attention to personal matters and a desire to see the coun try. He has returned from a visit to Curry County, where much railroad activity is at present under way, and it is understood that he, with others who accompanied him, had obtained options and deeds to considerable prop erty there. The members of the parly were: J. F. Cox. R. F. Cox. R. H. Ken nedy. E. A. Hushes, J, F. Bodie and J. G. tiulnlinson, all of Portland. Mr. Cox Is understood to have closed a timber deal of magnitude, which has been hanging fire for some time, and that the others were Interested was not denied. While here Mr. Clarkson called on A. H. Powers, of the Smith- Powers Company, and spent nearly a day with him in going over the gen eral business situation In this section. FOREST ON COAST IS AIM Willows Being Planted Near Flor ence to Keep Sand Back. MARSHFIELD, Or.. Jan. 81. (Spe cial.) C. H. Toung, In charge of the Sluslaw Forest Reserve, stated hera recently that be has a plan to reforest coast lands and to prevent the drifting of sand and its encroachment upon tillable land. He is at present plant ing 50,000 willow trees along the edge of the coast in the vicinity of Florence and when they are securely rooted and growing he will plant pines or other trees on the land back of them. Mr. Toung says that he believes this system will result In a complete re clamation of the lands along the coast and that he is looking for an appropri ation to extend the work, and part of his business here was to have looal parties of Influence unite with others at Gardiner and along the coast In ask ing for the money. CHANGE IN SCHEDULE, Oregon Electric Railway, Sunday, February 2. Train leaving North Bank station at 7:35 P. M.. Jefferson-street station 7:55 P. M. will be withdrawn. Train leaving Jefferson-street station at 11:30 P. M. will run to Forest Grove instead of Wilsonville. Train leaving North Bank station at 5:15 P. M-, Jefferson- street station at 6:35 P. M. will run dally except Sunday to Wilsonville, Trains I leaving North Bank station at 10:05 A. M. and 2:66 p. M., j enrerson -street sta tlon at 10:25 A. M. and 3:15 P. M. for Garden Home will be withdrawn and, trains leaving North Bank station at 10:25 A. M.. 2:06 and 3:26 P. M- Jeffer son-street station at 10:45 A. 3:25 and 3:45 P. M. will make local stops between Portland and Garden Home. Details and folders will be supplied at ticket offices. . Work Resumed at Florence. FLORENCE, Or., Jan. 81. (Special) Work on the Government jetty has been resumed following a month of Idleness and the steamer Lillian is tow ing the rock until a new shaft can be obtained for the tug Robarta, which while towing a couple of empty barges up the river ran aground and lost her wheel and sustained a broken shaft. The wheel was recovered and the boat towed down the river and beached tor repairs. El EI El m a m