mi-; MOMMA" G OICEUOMAA", JL H1DAY, JAMJAKV. 31, l'JU. 1 ' - f HELP WANTEO MAtB OR FEMALB. I . SITPATIONS IVANTFn FEMALE. For bale AcrwMtfc concord. OREGON CITY LINE. 1 to 3-acre tracts, all In cultivation, t W. Risley. P. O., Milwaukle; R. F- D. 1. Phone oak 5rove Red 12- For Mle Homesteads. ROOM for ZOO famiHea. Just returned from M&-leo where choicest land in West can be purchased from I to $10 per acre: n fee, but formlnir a colony to secure O.ww a. ref- e:i watered; good title; leave next month. 1 East 12:h st. North. East loi Explain everything free. Home from 1 t 4 P. M. . JOIN California land excursion to Mary vllle. Feb. 15; irrigated (gravity watr free) land ready to plant; early Spring crop yield 56 acre; little money re quired; Zi families wanted. A- M. High- house, 51 T Koara o. i rem- FOR SALE: Homestead relinquishment of 1f acres; good level land; 'J acres of re in; all fenced; house, barn and well; 1 m t le to schoo! house. m iles to Klamath FalTs. Or. Inquire P. O. box 10.4. Klamath Falls. Or. 40-ARE homestead relinquishment, 50 miles from Portland, on wapon and rail road; heavy timber; can timber claim; $tti If taken quirk. 6f3 Qregonlan bid. ' Irrigated Lands, A BUSINESS PROPOSITION. " Would you like to locate in the richest part of the Willamette Valley If you were sure of plenty of water for irrigation dur ing; the Summer dry spell? For small Cairy farms. hog-raising, poultry, alfalfa, cover, market gardening, fruit and ber ries. Let us tell you of the inducement a; West Stayton, It pay to get in on the tart of a good project. Call for booklet. WILLAMETTE VALLEY IRRIGATED LAND CO.. 804 Oak ?t Portland. Or. Irrigated Lamia. CALIFORNIA irrigated land, Yuba Valley t gravity water tree, alluvial soil, crop planted and cared for one year free, M per cent income: Join excursion Feb. !.; round trip. $34. 5": free fare to buyers. A. M. Htghhoute. 517 Board of Trade bidg. IS PER ACRE for OuOO acres fine land on railway and water transportation and un der reclamation project. Owner. AD 7, reKonian. For fale Farm a. EXCELLENT 40 ACRES. Situated just north of Vancouver on the main Pacific Highway. acres is In high slate of cultivation and the balance in good pasture with some extra fine Umber. Then are two good houses, one old ana one new. several good barns and bits of other outbuildings, a new well, spring and a fine stream of water, a fine orchard in full bear ing and the place is all stocked and equipped, everything modern. This ranch was sold last Fall for Sfm9. but the owner must close out now for $75M) on account of sick ness. Hp will accept as part pay a good residence in Portland up to c. Dfvorxo. 514 Chamber of Commerce. EXTRA FIXE FARM. ."O acres, just 1 "4 miles from Tlgard Station, just ' miles from Portland by good roid. near the Oregon Electric Line. 42 acres of this fine place is In hitch state of cultivation and the balance Is In extra good timber. There Is a fine orchard of 2 4 acres, mostly prunes, good a-rooin house, large barn, will shelter about 15 head of cattle and 40 tons of hay. granary, prune-dryer and plenty of other outbuildings. It is all fenced and lies beautifully and has a pood well, spring and ereek. The price Is $17, ."it to. Owner will take good Portland property up to fll ,tHK as part pay and gi ve time on the balance. C. reYOl"Nf, 51 4 Chamber of Commerce. 12 ACRES ON SALEM ELECTRIC. Jlfpft This 1- acres is about two-thirds eleared and one acre genuine Beaver dam laud; only one-half mile of station and but 15 miles from Portland. You cannot possibly duplicate this price; very easy terms. 412-4irt Abln'gton bidg., nm; Third St. FOR SALE SO-acre farm. 30 acres under rulf Ivation, 4 acres bearlnir orchard. & room house, good barn GO SO feet, wood hei and other buildings: pood well, 1.0o.00O f e t first-clHSS fir timber, worth $.50 per ltrnO ft et stumpage; 1 mile from school, good roads; price J4'X; wlJl giv terms. Add reus onkviile, Wash ington. R. K. n. No. 1. box 4. 20 acres of rich bottom land within one half mile of good town in Willamette Val ley, eloee to station; you cannot find better value for your money than this; all in cultivation; a genuine bargain. J. M. FRENCH ft CO.. 412-413 AMngton bidg.. 104 Third St. $o acres high rolling land, near town of Holley. A few acres under plow, re mainder In timber and pasture. Price Jvo. No finer land anywhere for fruit or agriculture. Strong A Co., 005 Concord bidg. DAIRY on Willamette River. C3 mitch cows, t heifers, 1 Jersey bull, hay, milk cans, cooler, mower, rake, plows, etc., boat land ing. Write for particulars. AV t4-, Oxe-gonlan. FO it SALE by owner, a beautiful 110-acr-farm in the Willamette Valley, close ; to transportation and two-thirds in cultiva tion: part cash ami balance on easy pay merits. 207 Oregonisn bids. flluO $50 DOWN. $15 MONTH. Neat 5-room cottage, with bath, toilet and hot water lank. Fred W. German Co.. 0;:2 C. of C. Both phones. KAXCH "0 acres, with buildings; 18 miles from Portland, near electric line; bargaiu for all cash. By owner. !J2 Morrison st. Miscellaneous. NOW IS THE TIME TO T0 IT. SPRINGTIME, with Its balmy breezes, Us birds and flowers, will soon be here. Pay! Would you like to own a rice, cosv'home on the West Side, amid beau tiful scenery and the restful quirt of the ,untrv, YKT ONLY 15 MINCTES FROM THE HEART OK THE CITY? 5-cent car fare. Bull Run water, electric lights, telephone, n!v 3 to K blocks from elec tnr oar. THINK IV IT! ONLY 15 MINUTES FROM THE VOSTOFICE! AI-mo-t as near as Portland Heights in time. Thousands In Portland ao want such a home, but don't seem to know how to get It. Come to our office and let us tell you. All these properties on the West Side. AH fine Uw lots. Price inr ludes improvements. No. 1. 4-room bunsaluw with sleeping porch, modern, fireplace, built-in effects. Just a nice, cosy home; new. Only Jli', terms. No. 2. 5-room bungalow, modern, all convenience-. 4 bearing fruit trees; (W of Sib--on'w eholce roses, strawberries, blackberries, raspberries. 4 large lots, nearly V acre. Fenced and cross-fenced. Fine lew Tual atin Valley and Council Crest. Foulrry hnue cost $15U. West Side. Price S4., Sl.oo t-ash handles this, or will take clear lot If well located, up to lou; cash and terms; new. Two blocks to car. N. . A srx-roo:n house, new, modern, $2"t; you enn't beat It; terms. No. 4. 4-room bungalow, nice lot, fine view, modern; only $i5in. No 5, Three? West Side lots, fine view, improvements; price $UOu for all; easy lerma. No. it 10ux10V fruit trees, fenced, poul trv - house ; only $ 1 Your choice of orm; will build to suit. Terras. Two electric Itnea. Securing Bull Run water, modern eonvenlenres; will surelv bring prices up. Buy before It is mt of your reach. Scores of others are doing so. T!k to Mr. Molesworth, manager, de partment subdivisions. THE FIRPT TRl'ST COMPANY. Entrance Washington and 3d ts. Matn G44!. A 3 1 FOR KrvT-ft"M el'PI'RiA farm, is acres, 1 miles from town, on good road, one mile from sta-tfon- monihiv tickets $6; nice tf-room bouse, air-pressure water system, gasoline engine, cream separator; $-5 per month. fail H 14"M. TJilRTY-FtVE acres, three miles northeas of Gresham: good soil. Partlct-lars. see owner Charles Lister, 114s C.ar3ejd iv WAN7K1) TO RKNT-FAKMs. WANTED To rent farm lo. to 15 acres. with improvements, within 2S miles of Portland and near to electric line. When answering give full particulars as to loca tion, quality of land. Improvement and v ea rly rental. A K Qregonlan. FARM wanted, by responsible party, to work on shares. R M7, Qregonlan. FOR t-ALK TIMBER LANDS. TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. C J M'CRACKEN. StM McKay Bldg- II i" irt v for lare trite t of marketable i imher. Mr. p-'Tinet t. Marshall 445- WANTFD TO ft T. NT FA B M 3. WASTED To buv tock of dairy farm near poriland. AO 717, Oraconlan. 650 acres, being an excellent farm, nav. Ing more than a mile of river front, good buildings and adjacent to a good town In Idaho, and which has a fine future, part of the property Is already ripe for subdividing into small tracts or lots; tnis j . 7 tn...,Kano- the cash : property is c' ."-"" value about :6.0o0: I wish to exchange this for Portland property; will conilJf apartment-house, store buildings or otner good property and would assume or pay Some difference. In writing, give full particulars. Address J. E, Smith, P. O. box Portland. Or. STORE MEN. ATTENTION! I have a fine general stock of merchandise in one or the best towns In the W illamette A alley, amounting to about $25,000; owner n good farm land or city property. L. K Moore, M7 Board of Trade. Portland-, Or. TRADE ACREAGE FOR HOUSE. We have 10 acres verv desirable acre age, half mile from electric station. 10 miles from Portland, on good road, all in cultivation: price S300D, to exchange for small modern house in good district south of Kilimjisworth and west of Union ave up to 4lk0 value. Lueddemann, Ruley A Co.. ia Chamber of Commerce. t G7 1-3 ACRES, well improved. Government Irrigation, half mile from school, 5 miles from Orland; cash price, swoon ; will ex change for non-irrigated land well lo cated ; gl ve f u II description and best price in first letter. E. S. Harding. Or land, Cal. SO ACRES, good land; price -HJ-. 40 acres, timber, cruise 1 M., 120O. corner lot, close in. Seattle, $2000. First mortgage. $3ou0. Will ex. above for Improved city or farm property. What have you? G AR LA ND & CO.. 101 4th St. RIVER-FRONT farm, 24 acres, house, barn, family orchard, nearly all cleared, bor ders on Oregon Electric, elope to station, on countv road. Includes ferry and boats. WfU exchange for Portland property. Price $4O0U. Capitol Trust Co.. 225 Henry. LOTS AS FIRST PAYMENT. Have several attractive bungalows and houses on which unincumbered lots will be accepted as first payment. Luedde mann. Ruley &. Co., l13 Chamber of Com. merce, CORNER flats, elosc In, East Side, income $HK) per month: price Slu.Oo": will con sider modern home up to tftHM or some cash and good let. GoMschraidt's Agency, 415 Chamber of Commerce. $275,000 WORTH of real estate, personal property and mortgages to exchange for property any place. Call Mearow Auction & Realty Co.. 411 Henry b:dg. . LOT SOxlOO, wortn I6..0, clear, for automo bile. 3-passenger, worth W0 to $800. Give make and age of car. AH 733. Oregonlar. WILL exchange nice sightly lots, located In Portland, for medium-priced auto. Phone A lo21 or Main S774. w 3-ROOM house and lot in Seattle to ex change for Portland property; will as sume. 303 Lumber Exchange. CLOSE-IN acreage, fronting S. P. tracks suitable for fctory sites- will trade for Income property. AM 77, Qregonlan. WILL trade lot in Newport. Or., for work horse- must be sound, weight about V-J.v, not over Hi years old. .1 i4J. Qregonlan. HIGHLY improved ranch, over 4 acres, near Tlgard; will take house up to 0u00. Main 44O0. S22O0 Bungalow. lot 50x100, 3 blocks from car. for good vacant property. WILL exchange nice city lot for horses; no dealers need call. 510 East Ankeny at. WANTED REAL ESTATE. OWNERS. We have clients for several 4 to 7 -room houses in good districts, close to carlines, at from $15M to $5tMW. If your price is right, come in and see us. We may be able to turn your property FOR TOL QUICK. THE HARROLT-WILSON COMPANY, Inc. 710-718 Lewis bidg., 4th and Oak. Marshall 4200, A 7158. I WANT two lots In Willamette Heights. Give location, price, terms and particulars, C tit!, Oregon ian. WANT bous" and lot lor (SO acres. :; miles north of Toledo, Or., 3 acres cleared. 12 ai.-red o;ien land, some pood timber; mort gage $500 ; -nsh price ?25on. J. R. HAIGHT. 31S Cook aw 5-ROOM cottnge in Piedmont district, near Klllingsworth ear; must be modern with fireplace; selling price must not exceed ?2'iu; will pay $1250 cash. AG 740, Qregonlan. WANTED For spot cash, a strictly mod ern 5-room bungalow in Overlook Addi tion or vicinity preferred. F. Dubois, 423 Chamber Commerce. WANT to buv house West Side, up to $1-.-otn; must take ::of0 house on East Side and small payment. Wagner & Hunt, 4:t5 Chamber ot commerce. WE can sell bargains in vacant lota, any part of Portland. GARLAND. A CO., 191 4th SL FOR SALETIMBER LANDS. 1.500, 000 feet standing timber, 2 miles from electric line. 30 miles from Portland: $50tf cash, balance secured; description wlli be given to Interested parties and offers con sidered. Emmons & Emmons, attorneys-at-law. MHt-itl3 Board of Trade. STUMPAGE 25.000 cords fir, $12,000; $4000 cash, balance on or before 3 years, 7 per cent; will contract to take wood f. o. d. railroad; 1 mllaa down grade; good op portunity for right man. 75 6th at. ' TIMBER FOR SALE. Large Tracts a Specialty. Timber Lands Bought and Sold. CAUSEY LAND A INVESTMENT CO.. 503 Lumbermen Bidg., 5th and Stark. EXCELLENT land to trade for timber in any amount. Owner. AD 74i, Oregonian. FARMS WANTED. FARM WANTED. One whole block, comprising 8 full lots, on which there are two good residences, fruit trees. chicken-hou-s, etc. ; located not far from the Reed Institute; this propertv is clear of incumbrance; cash value $13.M,0; I wish to trade It for a general farm in the Willamette Valley of from about M) to 100 acres, with fair buildings, and must be equipped with Im plements and other personal property, and must not b of a greater valuation than the first above-named property ; owners of farms wishing to make a deal will Please write, giving full particulars, to j k. smith. P. Q. box 1131, Portland, Or. FIVE acr-s. under cultivation, for rent; also stock for sale; 20 minutes from Council Crest car. For particulars, AG 41. Oregonian. FOR SALE. Horses, eulclea. Etc AUCTION! AUCTION! AUCTION! Horses, muled, vehicles, harness. Mon day. Fb. 3. at 10 A. M.. and every Moc cn"v thereafter. Horses sold on commis sion for anyone having them for saie. We have a good supply on hand at all times that we sell with a guarantee to be as representtd. . THE MURPHY- HORSE MULE CO.. 240 E 8th SL. Near Hawthorne. I'none ta!i toij. HORSES AND WAGONS FOR SALE OR RENT. Second-hand vehicles bought and so.d; new wagon and auto beds made to order; livery lurulshed to business parties at special rates. HAWTHORNS STABLES. Hawthorne Ave. Phone East 72- B 13G9. MUST sell good, gentle farm mare, weighs ll.'to lbs good worker; with a harness and top buggy. AM for $75 Take Sell wood car to insley ve. Walk tf blocks to Mouse if 1 A 'AR of fine luA0 to lt'00-pound youn? horses at barn IS. Country Club grounds, for sale at reasonable prices and guaran teed by Adams A CampbelL Residence 1 11K.1 Tihnr 'Ji2&. FOR SALE One tine mare, S years old. weighing 1200 lbs.; sound and true; one firsi-cia driving mare, buggy, and hax- LIGHT delivery agou. practically new; de tachable top; 1100-pound horse and new single harness. Box 175. R. F. D. 0. an. couvrr. v u. TK m wanted, from 10i0 lo 1 IOO lbs.; must be in first-class shape; cpot cash for rignt l-am. Answer, g-vmg phone and .riiniar it T'.l ireconian. WILL exchange a fine diamond ring for good horse or driving rig. 510 East An keny et. HOUSES, harness, wagons. buggies. :4l Kast 12th at., near Hawthorne avs. Is park. BY mare, Jloo pounds, sound and true, single or double; years old; only $00. :tt2 Front si. FOR VI. E Choai. Imported EnrHsh rid ing sa idle ami bridle. A K 31, Oregonian. HORSED. 'l kind.; gooseneck express ane! f a rm wagons. ::M W. Water, cor. Mntgy. pianos. Organs and Musical Instrnmeata. ELECTRIC piano for sale, $1 "; $25 down, sio monthly. 440 3d L Main 3753. Thirty-Seven Replies to One Advertisement SHERWOOD, Oregon. January 29, 1913. THE OREGONIAN, Portland, Oregon. Gentlemen : . You will, no doubt, be interested to learn of my experi ence with a little half-inch advertisement which I ran in The Oregonian one time only last Monday. I have a small farm and advertised eggs and vegetables for sale, to be delivered by parcel post to regular monthly customers. The advertisement was so small and, was placed in such an inconspicuous position that I did not even locate it myself, and -did not know it had appeared until replies began to come in. To date I have received 37 replies, all from a good class of people. I believe that other people owning suburban places and having even a small quantity of farm produce for sale would do well HERE IS THE AD to advertise in this FRESH EGGS, berries, vegetables in way and build Up a season, by post. Monthly accounts cnnA f,law of pnstom solicited. Arthur Deute. R. V. D.. Sher- gOOO. Class 01 custom wood. Oregon. ers. Very truly yours, For 50 cents, each insertion, The Oregonian will publish advertisements of similar size under the classification of "The Market Place." Tn this column The Oregonian will carry the cards of suburban residents who can supply Portland people with vegetables, fruits, butter, eggs, poultry, etc, which can be shipped in promptly and economically by parcel post. This offers the suburban resident an op poi tunity to find good customers, and the city family the chance to buy at fair prices ( choice, fresh farm products. This list will be printed on Mondays and Thursdays of each week. Cards will cost 50 cents each Insertion. FOR 6AXE. Pianos, irg)s and Musical instruments. PIANOS for Bale; a tew sample pianos and player pianos that have been used for wholesale display will be sold at factory cost. Room 315 Merchants Trust bidg. RELIABLE party would like to take care of good piano for any length of time. Call FOR SALE, at your own price, trap drum mer's outfit complete. Phone beu and 7 P. M.. Main 4;it2. WILL trade fine ladies' driving horse and rig for piano; what have you? Phone Wood lawn 1172. , GOOD square piano, only $25; fine little up right, new. $75. SaiiVfe Wash., near 17th. 5.'-o MtfHLIN & SON piano in excellent condition for $iao. M- 1100. A NEW upright grand piano for sale cheap. j.il' Vermont si., runon. Dogs, Birds, Pet Stock. CHEAT champion Red Raven airedale ter rier eiUtl. i-UU'll flCilllCIS, COLKLU'IU, VJ. FOR SALE Pedigreed English bull dog, 8 I'EDIGRKKl) AlrcdHle. 1 year old; owner going- away. 7:t Hfh st. Automobile. E C ON D-B A N 1 AUTOS rOR BALE. We have a few good buys In slight ly used trucks and cars -of dlffersnt makes- traded Id on KW WHITE. Also soma bargain Id rebuilt truck and cars. Write for latest list and descriptloa -mention the maks you prefer. prices from $300 to $30oU THE WHITE COM PANT, Offices, rty Seventh SL, Portland Or. HUPP. Hupp. 2-passenger. A-l condition, fully equipped; snap. $375. 112 Cartercar roadster, A-l condition; $850. OREGON AUTO EXCHANGE, 493-495 Alder St. Main 1161. A 4S37. . FOR SALE. Machinery. THIS IS FOR YOU: If you want anything In the Una of MACHINERY OR SUPPLIES No matter what it Is, see M. BARDE A SONS. 240-242 Front St.. Cor. Main. The House of a Million Bargains. FOR SALE. A 45-horsepower, 550-voIt, Crocker Wheeler motor, complete, with standard blade starter, no voltage release and 75 ampere overload. I. T. E. circuit breaker, in A-l condition. Address room 203, Ore gonian bids- FOR SALE-. One 125-volt direct-current generator, complete, with field rheostat, ammeter and circuit breaker. This machine is in good repair. Address, room 203, Orego nian bidg. Miscellaneous. MEN'S OXOATS AND RAINCOATS. If you want a real bargain see Jimmy Dunn; every coat must go to make room for Spring goods; bring 10 along. Room FOR SALE $150 Mosler safe, nearly new, $55; Victor safe, $25; $0 gasoline lighting plant, used one month, $15; also shelving and counters, very cheap. E. R. Suily. ill S. Jersey t., SL Johns. Phone Columbia 008. STORE AND OFFICE FIXTURES. For sale cheap, wall cases, partitions, ing stove; must be sold today; moving. r.LMi' Wash., near 17th. OLD SAFES taken In exchange on, new and . . adfsa Kafp rkinfil. repaired. Purceli Safe Co. and Portland Safe Co., 85 6th st. Phone M. 630tf. TYPEWRITERS, all makes, $10 to $65. NORTHWEST TYPEWRITER CO., r Stark Street. SAFES New and second-nand, large assort mtnt. low prices, safes opened, repaired. M osier Safe Co., 10S Second st. Main 7076. PURE, well-rotted cow manure, George W. Lindsay, gardener and dealer in fertilizer; phone evenings. Sellwood 1065 S-H -P gasoline launch and boathouse, $150. terms. P. I Proctor, 1003 Spaiding bidg. Main t'OH SALE A large ice box, suitable for butcher or restaurant. Apply Paul's Cate, DERBY desks and office furniture. E. B. Haley Desk Co.. -iv feevenm si. juhiu uoi. LAW 2d-hand set Oregon Reports and "Cy" of Law and Procedure. AX U7, Oregonian. TWO showcases, 4-foot candy and 4-foot ci gar. Norton's, Vancouver, Wash, USE Bassett's Native Herbs for constipa tion; ow tablets tor .roc. ah crugu. NATIONAL cash registers; get my prices. Povey, 351 H Wash.. basemenL Main ttOt). AUTOMOBILE engine, cost $S00; must sell for S2ou cash. 328 Burnside st. $00 BUCK cookstove, almost new, for sale cheap. Marshall 2751. (-PASKENOBR, 40-h. p.. 1912 Chalmers, equipped ith electric lights, chains, full set of tools, four new tires, everything complete; will sacrifice for cash or trade fur house and lot. F. B. MALLORT, 235 Pine St.. Portland, Or. b ACRES of good dairy or farm land. In Lincoln County, Oregon, near R. R. sta tion; running water; some of It ready to plow; at bargain. Owner, 322 Henry bidg., Portland. 7-PASSENOER Winton "six." aiso "Stoddard-Dayton." fine condition; decided bar gains for cash; also old car will make good delivery car; $150. 52 j Alder st. Phone Main 112. WANTED at once, 10 automobiles, run abouts, roadsters and 5-passenger cara OREGON AUTO EXCHANGE, 493-4!5 Alder IL Main 1161. A 4S37. WANT 1012 E. M. F. hour or two wwl- st vour convenience for nrivate onstratlon of auto accessory. Will wellor car and driver. t00 Journal CHAI.M ERS 7-iassenger. 50-h.p., fore touring car to trade lor real estate. Board of Trade bidg. each deni- pay bldg. i-door 1 1-pASSENGER Hupmoblle, fine dltion. fully equipped. Phone E. 1872 E. ntn is. con-5b5 TWO auto trucks for sale. Including a good business. Call 3U4 Flanders, or phone Main IU00. COLE. 30, roadster, cheap for cash. th sr. AUTOMOBILE engine, cost SC. must sell for $2"0 cash. o2 Burnside St. Poultry. jUrUKST grade Orpington fowls, 2 Huckee incubatoT-p. 1 Cvpher brooder, at pacrfticc wile. 10S4 .Broad way. Phone C 2140. Livestock. WANTED Pasturage for five to eight head stock Clackamas or Multnomah County, near Sandy 1. O. or Gresham preferred. Addrera AD 747. Oresronlan. Furniture for Sale. S ROOMS, IS 10th at bet. Tamhlll and Tavior sts. ; 8 rooms, good furniture; sac 1 tf lr If sold this week. AM going In our own home; will give bar gain on eight-room house. i7 11th st. Phone Main 062'A 4-P.OOM modern flat for rent, with furni ture for sale; require $100 payment down. Apply TO- Spaiding bidg. WILL sacrifice furniture of 3-room apart ment and fine piano and Inner player if sold before Sunday. Oliver. 206 Alder St. WELL FURNISHED 5-room fiat; 2 rooms rented : piano Included; corner 11th and Bur -Tide. Mrtln FLAT for rent, furniture fur sale. $ rooms; rent reasonable; S550. Main. 4204. Mchiir. FOR SALE. V 40-K. W.. 550-voIt Crocker-Wheeler generator, complete, with field rheostat and circuit breaker, tn good condition. Address room 203, Oregonian bids. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WE WANT to buy $1000 worth of second hand furniture in the next 30 days, and pay all the cash It is worth. Williams Ave. Furn. Exchange, East 036. wk buyT:T5VhTng. FURNITURE. TOOLS Highest prices paid for ladies' or men's cast-off clothing and shoes. Call Main 2080. 290 First st. WE buy for cash second-hand National Cash Registers and sell t hem on easy terms. W. J- Macauley, 354 BurnBlde St. Phones Main 1S16. A 1810. WILL buy any kind of balr combings; high est cash price paid. Sanitary Beauty Par lors, 4UU ueaum WE nay the highest cash price for second hand furniture. M. R. Seatis. Phone East 3134. 348 Hawthorne ave, FAIR DEAL reopened again; we pay high est prices for your 2d-hand clothing and household goods Main 9272. c i cu PATH FOR DIAMONDS. Martin, 320 Lumber Exchange bidg. WE want $10,000 worth of second-hand fur niture , hik"3'- fi We Day highest price for second-hand . AAI O A llnln Orft doming. a-a o-j. -wk,, SECOND-HAND coffee urn, 4 or 5 gallons; muH in f.jv. ... WILL tint rooms, $2.50 up; also painting at reasonable prices, rnune aaat p'- WILL trade Buff Orpingtons for good canoe. FORD Auction Cry. pays most cash for anj kind of furniture. Main 8051. A 2445. N X.TIONAL cash register; price must be reasonable. Main 606. HELP W A NT E r M A fJC WANTED Expert solicitors to sell high class Industrial stocks. Call at 244 Stark st. between 7 and 0 P. M. SALESMEN to sell contracts on commis sion bond required; give phone and ad dress. J 738, oregonian. I H VVE some good city property that I will exchange for meulum-prtced second hand car. phone Main 774. WE nerd crew managers and first-class so licitors; can't explain here. Call 1013 C h am ber of Commerce bidg., Portland. Or WANTED, men capable of Instituting lodges Call Eaton Hotel between 12 and H. W. Barrows. PRINTER wanted. KUIbam Stationery 4c Printing Co.. 5th and Oak. Tariff printer pm.tr. i BARKER want fcd; first-class only. 12 North 3d st. GOOD machine man and cabinet maker. MoLeod Mfg. Co.. 13th and Johnson. WANTED First -class coatmakers, L,eod. 240 Wash. U PHOTO solicitors: best offer in city. Sarony studio, S4.6H Morrison at. PHOTO-COUPON agents; be?; ever offered, van Drck Studio. 404 Washington st. FIRST-CLASH ladies tailor wanted. Ray Barkhurst. 6th and Stark sts. vi- a .-Trn Firs t -class lace curtain finisher. I Crystal Laundry Co, 2lt and East Glisan. i INCIDENT (One of Many.) Office Secretary Employment Department, y. M. C. A. Young man. stranger, seeking employ ment (?20 his total cash asseO If 1 pay vou $5 for employment membership I will have otUy $10 between me and starvation. Secretary If you pay $5 for e010" ment membership you will have the 1. M. C. A., with all its resources, between you and starvation. Result: young man joined association. In less than a week he had satisfactory employment, . Record for 12 months ending December Call for men Positions filled ..li Employment membership guarantees member will secure employment or refund of full membership fee; gives two months full membership privileges, 10 months- so cial privilege and undertakes to keep member employed during the full term cf membership without further charge Constant demand for CLERICAL, TECHNICAL AND COMMERCIAL MEN. See Secretary Employment Department, Y. M. C. A. EXPERIENCED salesman to sell our homes in all parts of the city on easy pay ment plan, and ciose.ln restricted resi dence lots on both the East and West Sides; also close-in acreage. We furnish some prospects and assist in closing sales. We supply lots and build to suit pur chaser. Liberal commissions. Ask for sales manager. PROVIDENT TRUST CO., OWNERS. Second Floor Selling Bidg. SALESMEN Do you get a definite finan cial return in subsequent years from this year's sales? Life insurance men do. Have you ever really investigated life in surance as a vehicle for your efforts? Penn Mutual Life, 207 Selling; bidg., Portland. WANTED, PRINTER -A clean-cut young man with 1 or 2 years' experience in composing-room In an office doing a line of specialty work near Portland. Exceptional opportunity and future for the right man. Wages $12 per week to start. Want a man not afraid of work. Boseflghters and cigarette-smokers save stamps. - Address WANTED Aggressive. enthusiastic sales man ; our selling plans are successful, easily followed and produce large returns; our salesmen are making more than those in similar lines; Increasing force to tatce care of Increasing business. Ask for Kinder. TJmbdenstock & Larson, 280 Oak street WANTED Traveling salesman in state of Washington and Oregon to carry our Hoosler ALL SOLID SCHOOL shoe line on a coimuissslon of fl per cent; no objec tion to non-confttctlng side line. Address Walter Kennard, Tappan Shoe Mfg. Co., REMUNERATIVE position, paying salary and commission, offered men of intelli gence; no experience required; the desire to earn a comfortable living being the only requisite. Apply 9 to 12 only, 418 Mohawk bidg.. 3d and Morrison sts. WANTEO First-class bookkeeper; answer la your own handwriting; state your ex perience fully and give your telephone number. O' 750, Oregonian. WANTED Live, wide-awake newspaper so licitors for city work: men who are "up and going" can make (rood money; no boozers or "has-beens" wanted. Call to day. City Circulation Dept., The Ore gonian, 2'-2 Oregonian bidg. WANTED 2 hustling real estate salesmen; must be in a position to go out of city on a liberal commission basis to sell A-l proposition; references. Call 416 Railway Exchange bidg1. FIRST-CLASS salesman to sell to the trade for Oregon, Washington and Idaho; make $10 to $20 per day; pay own expenses, AL SOfl. Oregonian. BRIGHT office boy in wholesale house, good chances for promotion. Apply In own handwriting, stating age. AT 8S6, Oregonian. WANTED Experienced solicitor for clean ing and dyeing plant, one with some fol lowing. Kalley lit-cht & Co., 1224 Sandy blvd. MIDDLE-AGED man to act as secretary of corporation; must be able to Invest $200; call at Arlington Hotel, between 9 and 11 this morning, inquire ior mr. nuntue. WANTED Salesman to sell whisky on a strictly commission basis; also California wines; can be handled as a sldo line. Ad dress AE 865, Qregonlan. WANTED By wholesale, house, young man a assistant In shipping department; state m?e and reference. AK. 832. Qregonlan. COLLECTOR, first-class man, for mercan tile agency; bond; commission; give phone and address. J 737, Oregonian SOLICITORS' CHAMPION SUPPL3T CO.. 340 Sherlock bidg. DELIVERY boy, Broadway. about 17. Apply 678 HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED TODAY. Office girl. $1.50 per day. Waitress, $S per week, $25 per month. Waitress for grille, $30 a month. Housekeeper, $20; good general house work. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO., LADIES' DEPARTMENT, 203 Morrison St. MANAGER and working housekeeper for rooming-house of about 25 rooms, salary $12 week and 2 housekeeping rooms; mar ried person without children preferred. Cashier, restaurant, city, $30 and board. Waitress. East, $30, R. and B-, fare paid. Hotel waitress, city, $25 others. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY, 345 Washington St.. cor. 7th. R. 7. WANTED First-class cooks, $35 to $40; 21 recond girls, $30; 4 waitresses for best hotels in city; restaurant waitress. $11 a wet k. several good chambermaids; bes 1'OuFcwork places, highest wages; several day work places. Main 5326. A 7055. THE "Domestic Service Bureau, 306 Central bidg., receives dally calls from the best of homes for competent, reliable girls for general housework, cooks, second work and uurse maids. WANTED for housekeeping in Swiss bach elor's home, competent girl or widow; must be Swiss or German native and not over 35 years old; reference. AJ 741, Oregonian GIRL or woman light housework; good home for right person; only 2 in family; no washing; small wages. Phone B 2102. after 7 P. M- . WANTED Experienced lady solicitor for cleaning and dyeing plant. 30 per cent commission. Apply Saturday, afternoon. Kalley Hecht & Co., ii banay divc. WANTED A first-c!aas pastry maker; pay very good wages to the right one; must have good exoerience; no other need ap ply. AH 757. Oregonian WANTED Competent girl for general house work; wages $:iu; must be a good cook. Phone East G3i2. Call bet. 12 and a ai 99 Schuyler st., cor. 31u WANTED Good girl to do general house work ; must be excellent plain cook; 2 adults and infant; wages, $;J5 to $40. Call WANTED Refined, capable woman for re sponsible position. Vlavl Co., 609 Roth- WANTED First-class seamstress; good wages. Portland Laundry Co., 9th and Coucn. Washington bidg., 270 Wash., room 35, near 4th. Phone Main SS33 or A 32b6. EXPERIENCED stenographer. Apply In handwrliing and give phone number. AM 749, Oregonian. ACTRESS for vaudeville partner; write only. George McKay, Oregon Hotel; give ex perience. WAITRESS, thoroughly experienced, good wages. Meves Restaurant, 311 Washing ton st. EXPERIENCED gownfitter; state where last employed, salary expected and phone num ber. AR 732, Oregonian. BRIGHT young lady to sell doughnuts and demonstrate; live one only. Grant's Dough nut Stand, Yamhill Sanitary Market. WANTED A woman about 35 years old. light housework, no children. 1295 Cor- bett st. YOUNG lady for vaudeville; must be small; good chance for amateur. B 735, Ore gonian. COMPETENT girl for general housework. 812 Lovejoy st. A GOOD home for an orphan girl; state age. F 735, Oregonian. . WANTED Girl for general housework; wages $20. Phone K. 5276. MILLINERY makers. 11th and A iacr. Wilcox Millinery, SOLICITORS' CHAMPION SUPPLY CO.. 340 Sherlock bidg. GlXiL wanted to assist In general house work. 1240 Division. WR car. .WANTED Experienced girl for ladies' tailor. S46 Washington. EXPERIENCED gin for general housework In family of 2; references. C 1361- EXPERIENCED waitress wanted at 386 E. liurnsioc st. G1KL wanted to wait on customer. Call this morning. 51 union hyp. r GIRL for general housework and evoking. y.an na 1 1 a- -n miti iv - FIRST-CLASS manicuring girl. Board of GIRL to assist tn general housework at Roso City Park. Tabor 842L FISK Teachers' Agency secures positions for teachers. 316 Journal bidg. M. 4teo5. HF-IJ" W A XTED-M ISCE LLAN EO fS. LEARN automobile repairing, driving on up-to-date cars; electric, civil engineering, survevlng; method most practical; room and board while learning; position se cured; satisfaction guaranteed; catalogue free. National School of Engineering, -lit ORE. AUTO AND GASOLINE TRACTOR SCHOOL. 266-26S llth St.. cor. Jefferson. Practical instruction by instructors who are expert In field and shop tuition; part cash on enrollment, baU at graduation; liberal discount ior casa. 500 MEN, 20 to 40 years old, wanted at ones for electric railway motormen and con ductors; $60 to 100 a month; no ex perience necessary; fine opportunity; no strike: write immediately for application li 1. . j .1,- Drarnninn. D.EtUH.. AUUW v .-p DETKCTIVES wanted; young men to op erate in own locality, secret service work, experience unnecessary. Inclose stamp for particulars, 304 Concord bidg., Oklahoma 100 MEN and women to learn the barber trade in 8 weeks. In all Us modern meth ods; send for catalogue, tools free; learn a trade that you can get In business for WANTED Ladies to learn the celebrated chemical oil painting; easy to learn. De lightful work, price $3, Room 6 Arinmiers LEARN to operate moving pictures; full course taught ; secure position. Pacific Film Co., 404 Rothchild bidg., 4th and asningicn at. RAILWAY mall and P. O. clerks' examina tion soon; also Custom-Houce. Salary up to $1600. prepare. Free book. Pacific States School. McKay bidg.. Portland. Or. MENrwomen, get Government parcel post lobs $20 week. Write for list position open. Franklin Institute, Dept. S2VA. itocnesier, m, x PRIVATE BUSINESS COLLEGE Individ ual instruction; shorthand, typewriting, bookkeeping: day and night classes. 642 Hamilton bidg. Marshall 4258. MAKE money writing short stories lor newspapers; big pay; free booklet tells bow. United Press Synd. D 3. San Fran'co. MEN and women to learn the barber trade in 8 weeks; position guaranteed. Oregon Barber College, 233 Madison t. WANTED Picture-play writers; big pay; we'll taach you; free Information. Picture Play Association, u a, san g-ranciaco. GIRLS learn beauty parlor business; earn money wane learning, ou rtvi-m-'" STENOGRAPHERS, any system speeded and SHORTHAND, typewriting school, 269 14th w I 4in4 Cwnaw Inatnitlnil S S mO. WANTED Young lady to share an apart ment. Phone Marshall 1163. SITUATION WANTED- MALE. Bookkeeper and Clerk. SALESMAN, having had over eight years experience in men' clothing, furnishings, hats and shoes, seeks position; capable of buying or managing; the best refer ences furnished; no objection to leaving citv. AP 746, Oregonian. YOU NO man, stenographer, competent, ex perer.ced, now employed, wishes position, excellent local references; moderate sal ary. AL 804, uregonian. WILL AUDIT. OPEN. CLOSE OR WRITE up books, prepare balance and stats, ment. install system. GilHngham. au. dltor. 512 Lewis bidg. Marshall 717.. NIGHT work wanted, all or part time, com petent, reliable man. J 778, Qregonlan. Miscellaneous. JAPANESE wants work; automobile driver of good habits and absolutely trustworthy, wishes position; also repair; experienced; speak good English. Address AG 744. Oregonian. WANTED By an experienced all-round man, a position as salesman or cutter in a tailoring establishment, or gents' cloth ing store. Address 429 42d ave.. or phone Sellwood lbOU. EXPERIENCED chauffeur wishes position; ..n 1 nn.h ii'aoK rr mnair rjriV&tS cars. Call Mr. Wada, Main 711, A 282a P. O. Box 06. LICENSED druggist. 12 years' experience, manager of drug store five years, highest references, wants position. Notify Gena W. Brady, 11 Morris st.. city. , COOKS, man and wife, all-around cooks and bakers; long experience; sober and reliable; city or out. J. Gray nor, 288 Clay st. phone Marshall 2311. ABLE-BODIED man looking for work; can epeak four different languages and could be used as interpreter by contractors. AS 74 5, Oregonian JANITOR, experienced running steam heat ing plant, does plumbing and pipe-fitting work, wants position; references. C 710, Oregonian. t WANTED Work; if you have some lots or an acre or two to clear, have it done by an eperlenced man. C. J. Culver, 4248 62d S. E. t YOUNG man, stenographer, competent, ex perienced, now employed, wishes position; excellent local references; moderate sal ary. AL 804. Oregonian. BEST Japanese cook who worked in hotels and restaurants for many years wishes situation in the city or country. Y. Hada, 102 North 3d St. CHEF Cook, German, French, desires po sition in hotel, club or restaurant, city or country; first-class on pastry. T 624. Oregonian MAN and wife, strong and willing to work. 1 ut without funds, will accept any kind ot employment, hotel or restaurant work mcferred. R. W. Boeckel, 372 E. Clay st. FIHST-CLASS, all-around short-order din ner cook; will go out of city. T. E. Jones, ouo Mam s SITUATION by two young men on a dairy farm; good, clean milkers. Address Rob ert Tinklln, 51 3d st. North. EXPERIENCED chauffeur wishes position, passenger or truck; can keep car in re pair; good references. AD 728, Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS Portland chauffeur. 7 years' experience, wants position driving by hour, day or week. Phone East 14j6. YOUNG Japanese boy, gentle and honest, wishes position as a school boy. AP 730, Qregonlan. YOUNG chauffeur wants position driving truck or private car; best references. Main 7910. - FIRST-CLASS waiters furnished. Marshall 791, A 4910. Portland Waiters' Club. 148V4 6th. Portland, Or. G. C. Gerald, mgr. YOUNG man. 15 years' experience manager general mercantile business; glit-cdgo ref erences. AV 555. Oregonian. HIGH-CLASS, experienced Chinese cook for hotel, restaurant or uoaruuis-uuuac, AB 684. Oregonian. YOUNG man attending business college de sires to work for room and board. AO 697, Oregoniam ALTERATIONS and repairs of frame bulld ine; plans furnished. Phone STeltwooO. YOUNG man. married, wants work of any kind. phone A WANTED Situation, second cook or helper. Telephone East 2125. room 28. EXPERIENCED manicurist wishes position A FA1THFU L Jananese wants position as YOUNG man, legal training, desires office position; reierenc-a. rv tsu, uir6uta. AN experienced pianist wants position in moving -pi etui e bhq w . v-" CHAUFFEUR, Al references; no objection to otner worn. a L - COMPETENT housekeeper wants position will leave city. AF 81 1, prigoman. YOUNG lady wishes to work for room nd ttard while going to school. Call at 4 tv m. Mam ,stn, room iw. YOUNG widow wants house work or ai housekeeper. Apply at Its jtn su Montavilla car. GERMAN girl, good cook, wishes day work saiuruay oniy. Ar i-, r t," Miscellaneous. YOUNG lady, expert show card writer, ex perienced CierK. warns sie-nj will do all- round work in store. V '- Oregonian. ivtrw rie-ire- citv or country poiuon, capable of managiug entire at-puriuicin. tall raoor 100- LADY wants day work; chamber or k prel ferred; good, reterence. -.. -" - gonian. EXPERIENCED laundress wants a few more bundles of clothes to take horn 378 Rosa st. Phone East :ni. YOUNG lady, several years experience teie-p phone work, wishes private ecuiit(r. w-. of references. Mam 5-59. Ml-s Demlng. J LADY wishes day work to wait on tablet or cooking for dinners. Phone Wood lawn WANTED By relluble young lady with ref erences, the care of children by the hour. A3 749t uregonian. unv waiita (hv work ing. Ca-l j hone Pellw br expert. 25 cents up. Tabor 31 rashlng and cleaji4 o.)d 1S20. ( . linens. laundereJ n- tlT ' WORK by dny or hoi ing. Marabou -or---. r: can do areasmah. Room 2l f EXPERIENCED woman wants day work, Phone Sellwood 180. LAD 1 KS. bring your combings; switched mririe to order. 405 Davis st. RELIABLE woman wants day work Fridai1 and Saturday, rnone a: WOMAN wants work & cent -uur, oiu 3423. new Mainjju JAPANESE boy wants work morning and evening in family. B 732. Oregonian. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographers. EXPERIENCED stenographer desires per manent position. Marshall 7u7, A 2481. Room --. STENOGRAPHER, two years' experience, desire permanent position. Wuodlaf.i 688. 1 . BOOKKEEPER, experienced and efficient, desires permanent position; Al references. Marsnau -4100. WANTED Position as private exchange op erator or bookkeeper; best of references. AO 716. Oregonian. " WANTED Position by experienced legal stenographer, high-class references. AG 719, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED, rapid and accurate stenog rapher desires position, A-l reference-. Fhone Marshall 27 5L Drema ken. WANTED To do plain sewing by the day at your homes, $1 per day. F 712. Oregonian. DRESSMAKING Perfect fit and workman ship guaranteed. Phone Main 5358. DRESSMAKING done by day. Phone Mar shall 3520. AN intelligent girl 19 years old. from a country town, as a nurse maid. Apply 174 Ea- Madison at. TRAINED and i,ra-:tieal nurse wants posi tion. Phone Tabor 1761. Housekeeper. WANTED PosiiloD as housekeeper In wid ower's home -or tor young men, by eingle middle-aged lady. Tabor 2603. IF YOU want reliable day work women caij n thn Guild. Main 5326, A 76a. DO you want your house cieanea - hwu-i Main 718. I'll snow you. JAPANESE woman wants position to hcirJ cook and housework. AD 748. OregonianA WAN TOP-GICNTfl AGENTS wanted; here the opportunity to live men elllng our immense line of fin ornamentals; every homo owner la in terested in beautifying the grounds abou the home; write at once for outfit, in ciuaing hub wwn. -- mentais in coiurs. j.. ki- - aood weeklv commission In advancj Salem Nursery Company. Salem. Or. are selling the Jaeger vacuum cleaner) W ny not juui m- """" WANTED TO RENT. House. WANTED Furnished cottage of four 01 .nnm. nca- "Rnwf home. School 01 between that and the river. Main 1963, A 1227. W ANTED To rent, by the 1st, 4 or C-room. furnlbhed cottagn or fat; must bs clean ana mouern. imi'- mv 1 r-. - UNFURNISHED house or apartment sultabl for boarding house, 13 to 30 rooms; rd Tt. VTnlr, nftKI ere lit t-j mi ihqhu. " Rooms. WANTED Small clean room In prlvatA family, close in. AJ 742, Oregonian. Rooms With Board. YOUNG man desires room and board In strictly private family; must be within SO minutes' walk from Front and garrison- East Side preferred; please give fulj particulars in first letter; references il desired. AR 735, Oregonian. FOR RENT. Furn ished Rooms. HOTEL HANNA. NO. 11 12th St., cornet Stark. Mrs. W. B. Hanna, Mgr.. new build Ing, all outside rooms, elevutor, steam heat, private phones, hot ana com rooms with detached bath. 73 per day up, ...i... .,..L-t-. hntii- si Der day up. To permanent guests. $3.50 per week up; ... i . vf ur,tu -. r.u ner week up. HOTEL M1NOOK, Are vou looking for a good warm room i.l - nT u. a tor nleelv fur 4 nlVhcd and homelike, at VBBV MOU-' EllATB PRICE? If o. Just ta ke a looU at Hotol Minook. cor. 4th and Salnjon. and )UU Mill. I II VI tV ....... . BOTKL BOIVUND, 517i 4th St. Just step In and look at a nlee, watm tunny room: hot and cold water; ea'4 tlfully furnished and homelike, at , 1'KICE that will CERTAINLY ult you.1 If you are wise you will go at once. I 131 Eleventh Street. ( New. modern brick building; ateanlj heated; private baths, hot and cold waicft in rooms: beautfully furnished, coty. coiu fortable; rent reasonable. Call and see u. Regular and transient trade solicited. t HOTEL OHIO, corner Front and Madison.' Remodeled and now thoroughly mudernA Steam heat, hot and cold water In ever room, elevator service; rates 00 cent, i puO day and up. Including bath. I'hone Malol 5b01, A 4olH). On. block from Union Depot; 140 out side rooms, with all modern conveniences making special late in rates from flO per month up. oive u. call ana you win uo r JZ9 DlH St. rtui .ii. HOTEL. BUCKINGHAM. WASHINGTON AND ELLA STREETS. 1 Under new management; outside rooms j modern conveniences; $2.50 per week upl &Uo per day up. with or without pri..v Dams; tranaieiits Bvuimv. THE VIRGINIA HILL HOTEL. Taff.nnn. An established hotei. Booms n "nlfsl or single, rates reasonable. A Ja. M v.f- T - i. r.ml r rlose. rurnisneu iuuiu i. ..-. .-. i In on East Side; all home convenlencesf three carlines pas, . Sellwood US- HOTEL RENWICK Ideal home for busl ness peojl; centrally located: 1San rooms; an muiem v.i...iw ,' VT."n Tavior sis., 1 block from Portland Iiot.1,1 opposite HelllK Theater. Main m. .. . iu.. ..l.n- Tit eents. Kuropean aiiu nw." (Ingle, fl double, Burope.ii. "can; raies by the month 15 and upward best or reierence. nntu. LARGE, light, clean rooms, 2 and . j03 also large suite, a rooms, accommodate or 4 people. Utt U'nd ave.. near J i Morn sou. 1 ur u a v p n tl n T K 1 Nicely furnished outside rooms, good, homelike cooking, cosy reception parlor 71U Washington L Main 5L J HOTEL STANDLSH, 548 Washington st. Remodeled, open under new manage ment: clean, sunny, outside rooms. wRit running hot and cold water; jlO - jnth up; HOTEL NETHERLANDS. llftt lath St., at Washington. Rooms. 15.50 per week up; under prr-j gonal management owner, J. VV . BushongJ , , . ,:i:w c.rtu HHutiiiiJlv lurnishecJ rooms with all modern conveniences, tith and Main. i Furninhed Rtwms in Private Family vu'lm v -..T-nih.rt rnnm In strl:t!v private family to young lady; privilege of Kitting own breaKiusi; icasiaun.. . A SUITE of 2 rooms, modem, comfortablj furnished; reasonaoie tnu. .ri"r fc John r. Scnoein,w Ji''iw" NjrELV furnished looms, clean bedding bath and pnone, rsoutle rates. l.th st. . I DY wishes a refined laily who is em "pioved to share home; walking dlsianve iriee rtaisonajle. phone C llt-S. WlK Pleasant, clean. light -ro-:r. SUlte, SUJiaoi" iui a i close In. ri 1th. SMALIj room for sleeping, S a month, modern. 554 E. Morrteon. B. 557tf. ONE nleelv furnished room In private fam lly ; every convenience. 326 Harrison st WELL furnished, sunny room, modern con veniences; hoard optional. 54 Flanders. LAIV to share room with steeping porch, reasonable. I'hone Mar-hall .753. N1E warm, moaern rooms, very reun-ui-. 1716th st. South. L.ln S-'Sd. j IF you are looking for nicely furnlsheO modern rooms, inouire. at 741 Glisun. NICE warm room, pood location for one ox iwo gentlemen. -51 Hth. I kiQ TAYLOR st., fine. comfortabJe. warm room, very ciose. in, rronmai'ir, in'wi 44i TAYLOR Modern rooms, one aut tabic for two men. CIsBAN. light furnished rooms, heat, phont-sJ 345 lltli st. I NEWLY furnished r")m, w a Iking distance Phone Marshall :tiH3. ONE housekeeping suite and furnished' rooms; modern. 54" YamhiH at. NEAT. light, front sleeping roum. liw W-aiJ fark.