Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, January 30, 1913, Page 9, Image 9

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rrlntln. Boom
CUT Circulation Miw7UA5
Managing Eo.tcr Man A
Bunday EdUor-- x HWI5
Su?ldt BttUUn,...Hl 7070. A ftOUa
HriLIG THEATER E!erenth and Morrl
k:w Erlanger-. production of
drmma. Ben-Hur." Tonight t 8.
ORPHETM THEATER Seventh and Tay-
,0r, vaudeville. Thlm afternoon
at Z:l ana tonijufc i o .
BAKER THEATER (Seventh and Morri;
on) Baker player In "The Gamble.
Tonight at 8:10.
rj,r, Vaudeville. Thle afternoon at 2-la.
Tonlsht at 7:30 and t o'clock.
LTRic THEATER (Fourth and Btark)
Keating looo. v-vj ...... j
puy In Roelnaky'a Dream." Matinee at
11:15. Tonlicht, continuous pertormancea,
6:30 to 10:5.
T1VOLI AND CRYSTAL Flrat-run plo
turee. 11 A. M. to 12 P. M.
Municipal Garbaob Plant Opposed.
At the meeting of the Sallwood Board
of Trade. Tuesday night, at the rooms
of the Sellwood 4'. M. C A., the mem
bers went on record as opposed to a
municipal garbage plant, but decided
to ask the city to devise means to
solve the problem, which was declared
to be acute In Sellwood and In other
suburbs. It was the sense of the club
that If the city undertook to establish
a garbapre plant and manufacture fer
tilizers It would require more bonds
and open opportunity for mismanage
ment and graft, and hence the club
favored disposal of garbage through
a corporation. Opposition to the $1,
000.000 school bond issue was mani
fested until it was shown that part of
the money would be used for the
establishment of an Industrial High
School in the South East Side.
Miaa Rantord to Speak Here.
Through the courtesy of the Portland
Woman-, club, the public is Invited
to hear Professor Maria L. Sanford. the
eminent educator and literary critic.
who will speak at the Lincoln mgn
Kz-hnnl Irrldav evenlnir at 8 o'clock, on
"Literature for Everybody." Professor
Sanford, who held the chair of rhet
oric and oratory at the University of
nnnBnta for 29 vears. is noted for
li.r wit and humor, and the lecture ar
ranged for the public by the Woman s
Club will be entertaining as well as in
structive. The doors will be open to
all. No admission and no collection.
Dr. Calvin S. White, state health
officer, has received a communication
tm Hon w. filcott- Secretary of State,
asking him to search his records for
the death of Kate Sullivan, who is said
to have burned to death in a hotel Are
In Oregon within the last two or three
years. There Is no recora 01 uer no-....
since January. 1909. Mr. Olcott had
a letter from J. P. Sullivan,
124 South Iowa street. Sioux City, la.
brother of Kate Sullivan, asuing nun
m fnrward any information he had
about the accident and where it oc
nrrsiN-ess Club to Lunch. The
miiBr wMklv luncheon of the Pro
gressive Business Men's Club will be
held at the Multnomah Hotel today
at 12:15 and will last one hour. C. C.
Craig will be chairman of the day. The
programme will include an address by
Mmr L. Hutchln on "The Future of
t .i- Tnm Richardson will talk.
on "What We Must Do to Secure Our
Share of the Trade the Panama ianai
wni Mnr to the Pacific Coast," and
ui. u.nHAtii B. Honey will entertain
with a few humorous selections from
her readings.
Sbllwood Y. M. C. A. Has Classes.
A class In English for German-speaK-ing
people has been started in the Sell
wood Y. M. C. A-. under the direction
a i Wnnrk. of Reed College. A
k.- nt (iermans have become In
t.i ni have loined the class and
others are expected to Join. Since the
Sellwood Y. M. C. A. was reopened.
New Year's eve, it has been the scene
of activity every night with gymnasium
-I.... .or Lai meetings, entertaln-
lnh meetings and Sunday meet
lngs. The gymnasium classes continue
to increase.
Hospital Reached With Difficulty.
-vii.. E-inranc Kriekson. of La Center,
has undergone a successful operation
at Good Samaritan Hospital and is
doing nicely. Miss Erickson lived five
miles from La Center and had to be
carried that distance on a stretcher by
eight men. From there she Was brought
by launch to Portland. Dr. M. G. Mc-
Corkle perform eo. cne ipcih"
siste-d by Dr. Lasater, of La tenter.
r-pict opKNixa Agitated Again.
New proceedings have been started for
opening East Seventeenth street
through Midway. The City Engineer
will make the assessments for dam
ages and benefits in this case. It will
be about the sixth time proceedings
were started to open this street. Under
the last proceedings pan oi me assess
ments were paid In and are now being
D. M. Donaugh Improving. In a let
ter received yesterday from D. M.
Donaugh dated at San Diego. Cal., he
says that he Is feeling much Improved
since arriving there, and he has hopes
of complete recovery. Mr. Donaugh
had been seriously 111 for the past two
years. Ha was married two weeks ago
and left Immediately for California.
Woken to Studt Citizenship. The
women of University Park will meet
todav at 1:30 P. M.. at the Ports
mouth school, to organize a Civic Study
flub. A. E. Gebhardt will speak on
"Citizenship." At the following meet
ing a regular course of study will be
taken up under the direction of Mrs.
L. F. Additon.
Literature Department op Club to
Meet. The current literature de
partment of the Portland Woman's
Club, will meet at 2 P. M. today, at
the home of Mrs. F. C. Whitten. 310
East Sixteenth street North, Mrs. W.
H. Fear will read "One Way Out," by
Will Carleton.
DR. Tinolb to Lecture Todat. Dr.
Alfred E. Tingle will speak informal
ly, in the gallery, on "Chinese Life and
Art." In connection with the exhibition
now at the Museum of Art, Fifth and
Taylor, this afternoon at 1 o'clock.
There is no admittance fee.
Sellwood Revival Services Continue.
Revival services continue every
night this week in the Sellwood Metho
dist Church. East Fifteenth street and
Tacoia avenue. Rev. W. S. Gordon
is assisting the pastor In the servlcea
For Sale. A 45-horsepower. 550-volt.
Crocker-Wheeler motor, complete with
standard blade starter, no voltage re
lease and TS-ampere over-load I-T-E
circuit break. In A-l condition. Ad
dress room JOS Oregonian bldg.
For Sale. One 125-volt. direct
current generator, complete with field
rheostat, ammeter and circuit breaker.
This machine is In good repair. Ad
dress room 20S Oregonian bldg.
Lawyers, Attention. Whoever bor
rowed my -Wiltsie on Mortgage" will
please return same to my law office,
0 Cham. Com, bldg. George W. Hazen.
The Orpheus Male Chorus Concert
Feb. 6, Masonic Temple: William Wal
lace Graham, soloist. Tickets on sale
Ellers Music House. .
One-Third January Reduction from
marked price on our beautiful art
" silverware. Aronson.
Dm. William Eisen has returned
from the South, can be found In his old
office Allsky bldg.
Thursday Informal Club Dance.
Rlnglei-s Hall, tonight. Toelle'a Or
chestra. Shirley D. Parser, attornev, removed
to !T Mohawk bldg. Phone Mar. 2301.
One-Third Januart Reduction on big
stock high-grade cut glass. Aronson.
Lantern Slides. Glfford. Mala 6S7J.
Country blockwood, M. 122S. A. 1225.
Temperance Chief Buys "Booze."
Chief of Police Slover poses as a tem
ntranr. man. and evidence to the con
trarv has been conspicuously lacking,
but he had a tall time explaining when
he carried a Dackage home Tuesday
niirht .unA it was found, on being on
wr.nnosl tn h a laiEB DOttle Of
widely-advertised brand of rye whisky.
Tha -hier prniimtlon is that he went
into rirnaTatnre and hurriedly ordered
a bottle of "Bovlnine." a preparation of
a tonic nature. The clerk misunder
stood the word, and with a somewhat
surnrlsed look wrapped up what he
nniartnui to be the desired brand
Unwrapped at Chief Slover"s home, the
bottle was found to bear the brand
"fjnrltenhelmer " "Did you send
back?" the Chief was asked. "Why of
course." he responded In all simplicity.
"It was of no use to me.
Early Boatsman Takes Forced
Swim. It reouired the imminent ap
proach of death to appraise Walter
Mosely that ne was- a naiumi-wim
swimmer, when he was projected Into
the Willamette River early yesteroay
mornlns-. and discovered without
previous trial that he was able to keep
himself afloat. Even so, the man had a
nflimv esnane. becoming "dazed as to
directions, but eventually came to the
west end of the Steel bridge, in a state
of collapse. Notice sent to the police
station, took a squad of officers to the
nnint rui thev succeeded In hauling the
half-frozen man ashore. On account of
his chattering state he was unable to
ric a lucid account of his reasons
for being out in a boat at an early
hour of the morning, and he was held
for Investigation.
Phtsician Is Arrested. Dr. N. P.
Paulsen was arrested yesterday by Pa
trolmen Sherwod and Miller, on com
plaint of City Physician Wheeler, who
accuses him oi Tailing to report a case
of smallpox. The disease anacKeo. ju.
H. Ballard, living at East Twenty
fifth street and Hawthorne avenue, and
Dr. Paulsen was called to attend the
natlent. His defense- Is that the pest
had not developed when he last visited
the house.
State Superintendent to Speak.
"Who Is Resnonsible for the Educa
tion of the Child T' is the subject of
the address by State School Superin
tendent Alderman. Friday night, before
the Parent-Teachers' Club, in the as
sembly hall of the Brooklyn school,
Mllwaukie street, A short musical pro
gramme will be rendered. All are in
Actino Postmaster Improving.
Acting Postmaster Williamson was
considerably improved yesterday and
his condition is not regarded as serious
as at first feared. His physician now
elves assurance that Mr. Williamson
will be able to start on. a trip to Call
fornla within a few days. .
Waoe Bill to Bb Discussed. Pro
fessor A. E. Wood, of Reed College,
will deliver an address this evening at
8 o'clock, at room 326 Medical buna
insr. before the Portland Civic Club on
the "Minimum Wage Bill." The public
generally is Invited to hear this
For Sale. A 40-K. W, 600-volt.
Crocker-Wheeler generator, complete
with field rheostat and circuit breaker,
in good condition. Address room 203
Oregonian bldg. '
Trinity Church, Thursday, 8 P. M-,
cantata, "The Coming of the King." by
Dudley Buck, will be sung by aug
mented choir.
Tomorrow the Hellig Box Office
Opens for the Great Singer.
The seat sale for the eagerly-antic
lpated Sembrlch concert will open to
morrow morning at the Hellig, Elev
enth and Morrison streets, the con
cert taking place Tuesday night, Feb
ruary 4th, under the direction of Lois
Steers-Wynn Coman. Sembrlch s won
derful voice and art never fail to
throw- a spell of enchanted silence
over an audience, until the last appeal
ing note dies away, then enthusiasm
loses all restraint and the applause is
wild and prolonged.
With Sembrlch is the newly-discov
ered young Russian 'cellist, Gutia Cas-
ini. who is everywhere hailed as a
great genius and accorded triumphs
of the most sensational kind, although
he is now but a youth. It is prophesied
that he is destined to be the world's
greatest 'cellist. Even now his tone
is heart-stirring to an extraordinary
degree. Prices Lower floor except
last 4 rows J3.00, last 4 rows S2.S0;
balcony, first 6 rows $2.50, next 4 rows
ti.00. next 6 rows 31.50, last 4 rows
11.00: box seats 33.60. AH seats re
served. '
Women Itout Burglar and Pursuer
Captures Innocent Man.
Plucky resistance of three women
put a daylight burglar to flight when
he was caught at work In the Drlck-
ston Apartments, 448 Eleventh street.
With two other women, Mrs. Brink-
man, keeper of the apartments, pre
sented a bold front and the marauder
escaped without loot. He was fol
lowed by Mrs. Brinkman's father, but
n the flight he crossed the trail of a
teamster who looked like him and the
pursuer followed the wrong man.
On his way the pursuer picked up
Patrolman Vessey and an automobile
was requisitioned, in which the sup
posed culprit was overtaken. On being
taken back to the apartments he was
exonerated by the women, who had
seen the prowler, and was released
with apologies.
Professor Maria Sanford Will Speak
Today at T. W. C. A.
Owing to the urgent call of California
for Professor Maria L. Sanford. of the
University of Minnesota, the Portland
alumni of the gopher Institution have
been compelled to cancel their engage
ment with the noted lecturer on Satur
day, when she was to have lectured on
"Florence and the Florentine Galleries.
Miss Sanford will speak Friday night
under the auspices of the Woman s
Miss Sanford will speak on "The
Teaching of Sex Hygiene" tomorrow
afternoon at 3 o'clock at the Y. W. C. A.
The affair is given under the auspices
of the Oregon Congress of Mothers. Ad
mission free.
Mail Orders From in and Out of
Town Received Now.
World's greatest dramatic soprano.
Madame Nordica at Heilig, Wednesday,
February 5. Prices 2, 31.60, 1, 76c.
Address letters, checks to W. T. Pangle.
Salmon steak, creamed sweetbreads.
beefsteak pie, maccaroni cheese, roast
lamb, banana and apple salad, cabinet
pudding. 186 Fifth street.
Bad Check Artist Convicted.
A verdict of guilty was returned by
a jury In Judge Davis department of
the Circuit Court yesterday against
A. H. Halsey, charged with passing a
bad check for 350 on Ashley ft Kume
Lln, bankers,
Benibardt in Saucy Role Is
Pert and Graceful
Great Actress Reveals Still Defiance
of Time la "A Christmas Night," at
Orpoeom. f
I I world famous actress, yesterday
presented for the Grpheum audiences
-a one-act drama, "A Christmas Night,"
the co-work of Maurice Bernhardt and
Henri Cain. This is one of Madame
Bernhardt's favorite plays It was
written for her and she has presented
It with great acclaim in Paris and
The action of the story is in the
year 1793, during the French revolu
tion. The scene is the kitchen of a
farmhouse on a Vendean farm. The
Chouans, so-called because they used
the hoot of an owl as their rallying
signal, are waging bitter war with the
Blues, or regular soldiers in the revo
lutionary army. The Chouans, 'under
Comte de Kersant, have been defeated
and the Countess and her little daugh
ter, disguised as peasants, have taken
refuge In the farmhouse. Shortly after
the reDublican army comes trooping
In and makes this place part of its
With them is Marlon, the vivandlere,
who is a former actress, who has been
carried away by the Impetus of the
revolution, and with her merry, witty
way has come to be adored with the
Bernhardt Is Marlon. She wears
gayly-colored costume, with a saucy
red cockade in her cap, and her little
feet are clad in smart, blgh-neeiea
boots. '
The role is so distinctly at variance
with that of Lucrece, her opening bill,
that comparisons can never be thought
of. In this she is a saucy, pert vlvan
dlere, tossing badinage with the sol
diers, and chattering in friendly, house
wifely fashion with the disguised
Comtesse, who she believes to be the
peasant she appears.
Bernhardt, the divine, sits smilingly
at a table and pares a potato in the
most approved housewifely way. The
Countess sitting near tries to pare a
potato and makes a sorry mess or it.
the lovely vivandlere laughs the
golden laugh for -which Bernhardt is
famous. Then quickly her merriment
subsides, she snatches at the hands of
the Countess remarks their fineness
and denounces her. Then she sends for
La Balafre, a veteran sergeant, but feel
ing sorry for the unfortunate mother,
who pleads wildly, Marlon dispatches
the officer. Then the Countess di
vulges her Identity.
Suddenly the Count knocks at the
door. He does not know the house is
In possession of the Blues, and with
a price upon his head has braved
danger to see his little girl on Christ
mas eve. Won by his heroism, Marion
tildes htm just as he Is about to fall
into La Balafre's hands. Then com
mandant Renaud appears and at once
suspects Marlon of concealing the
It is here that Bernhardt rises to tier
great big dramatic height and by ca
jolery, pleading, and finally denial,-
resists the Commandant until tne count
at length bursts from his hiding place.
Then Bernhardt, as tne vivandier.
turns on her companions, scores them,
repudiates them, lashes them with her
eyes and tongue, crying her shame for
them, and imploring them not to stoop
to the dishonorable office of the exe
The soldiers are carried away by
Marlon's generous ardor just as the
audience was carried Into enchantment
by Bernhardt's wonderful artistry. Amid
a scene of confusion, the Count is al
lowed to escape, and Marion carries
away the Countess and her little daugh
ter. The play enos leaving a supero
atmosphere of grandeur and heroism.
Madame Bernhardt Is tne artist su
preme throughout It. Her voice has
the quality of wonderful music, her
hands are poems of grace, and she
makes the story a real and actual
happening. Mons. Lou Tellegen is the
Count and gives a very able perform
Extra Performance of 'Ben-Hur" to
Be Given Tomorrow.
So enormous and so entirely unpre
cedented, even for Klaw & Erlanger"s
production of General Wallace's "Ben
Hur." have been the demands for seats
at the Hellig Theater this week, that
the management has Deen at a loss
to know what to do to accommodate
the crowd. As a result Charles V.
Towle, manager for ' the Ben-Hur
Company, and representatives of the
Heilig management got together yes
terday and made arrangements wnere-
by an additional matinee will be given
tomorrow afternoon.
This Friday matinee, which will
commence promptly at 2 o'clock, in no
way alters arrangements for the usual
Saturday matinee, it is entirely sep
arate, and has been arranged for In
response to the many demands from
those unable to secure seats for Saturday.
7U1 D1IIVCI B UlBimO o " " ' -- J '
tended to the many friends who as-
death of our beloved wife and mother.
You real?
value of the
real estate you
-r 1
contemplate buying.
How about the title?
That is of -greatest im
jxtrtance. Makesure
on this point before you
buy. Secure our Guar
anteed Certificate of
Title. Investigate. Call
for booklet. Title &
Trust Co., 4th and Oak
The final closing of
every Sample Coat,
Snit and Dress in
. this Great Special
ty store must be
sacrificed at once.
Suits. .
Suits. .
2 00 ODD
rniTe a Mn r
Largest Stock In City to Choose From.
2500 Dresses to
Choose From at
Sample Cloaks and Suits
Cor. Sixth and Alder
Opp. Oregonian Bldg.
i Maai i ail ii iiiMi i mm i
In order to get rid of every Pianola
in our establishment, we're giving them
away in order selected. Simply agree
to purchase of us each month at least
four music rolls for a year. All are In
A-l condition Just as good as new. Can
be attached to any piano. If you
haven't a piano, secure one now at the
tremendously reduced January Clear
ance Sale Frlces, and secure one oi
these fine Cabinet Pianolas free. Act
quickly. Twenty-eight more were se
lected yesterdays Ellers Music House,
the Nation's Largest, in the Ellers
Building, Seventh and Aider streets.
F. A. Taylor Co.
Interior Decorators
and Finishers ,
Exclusive Wall Papers
Fine Furniture
Decorative Fabrics
- Hand-Tufted Rugs
130 Tenth St.
. Marshall 3819, A 4681
Mrs. O. 8. Fowler, widow of the
famous author. Professor O. S. Fowler,
series of five
free lectures on
"Lilts Deep
est Law s," at
C h r i stensen's
Hall. Eleventh
and T a m h 1 11.
beginning Feb
ruary 2, at 2:30
P. M and Feb
ruary 3, 4, 6
and 6. at 8
oc 1 o c 1c each
eve ning. Mrs.
Fowler, In con
junction with
Mrs. O. S. Fowler. the 1 e c t u r es,
will hold health consultations - dally
from 9 A. M. to 9 P. M.. at Hotel Seward,
Tenth and Alder streets, until February
17. Electricity to cure disease taught
in classes, beginning Monday. February
10, at 2:30 and 7:30 P. M.
Craer f Thirteenth aad Montgomery.
Graduates enter on examination Har
vard, Princeton, . Yale, Brya Mawr,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology;
on certificate, Amherst, Williams, Cornell,-
Smith, Vassar, Wellesley, Reed
College, and other colleges and uni
versities of the Pacific Coast.
Well-equipped laboratories in chem
istry and physics. Field practice In
surveying. Departments in charge of
college men and women.
Gymnasium under skilled director.
Track: and field athletics. Tho school
Includes a thorough primary una gram
mar school which does tlie work of th.
grades in seven years. Next term will
oDen February 11. Catalogue sent on
Here Are Piano Values
That Are Real
This advertisement is meant to save money
for those who wish to buy pianos economically.
Like every statement made by our house it is truthful. The
pianos and player pianos referred to are here for your in
spection and" approval; they are exactly as represented in
quality and the reductions in price are genuine. For these
reasons, and particularly because you are the real bene
factorthe money saver they justify prompt investigation.
This Is Our Annual Clearance Sale of New and
Used Pianos and Player Pianos e TuXd
pianos on -which extra special price inducements are made. On many price
reductions of 20 and 25 per cent are offered. You may buy a good used up
right piano for less than $100, a better one for $115 and many are here at
from $120 to $150 that will give honest service for ten years, and you may
buy on very easy terms.
Now, you may buy a new Krakauer piano which is worth $500 to auy home
at the price ordinarily asked for a commercial piano, or you may buy on easy
payments, ajnodern, up-to-date player piano for $450 with $25 in music rolls
that you would consider reasonably priced at $600. For $220, a new Price &
Teeple piano of latest style "and design that you would call cheap at -$325.
What Is Your Piano Preference?
Almost any standard piano is here for your inspection LUDWIG, PACK
many others, all at prices easily the lowest you have ever been offered.
Surely the piano you want is here. The terms are more than reasonable
and quality guaranteed TODAY YOU SHOULD SEE THEM TODAY.
Seventh and Morrison Streets
"Portland has grown
wonderfully since
last I was here,"
said Jim Corbett
yesterday. "I am
pleased to see that
Portland has become
s o appreciative o f
music and art that a
place like II Rlgo
letto, with its muslo
and Italian spirit, to
gether with well
cooked foreign
dishes, is possible."
II Rigoletto
Italian Restaarant
Luncheon BO cents.
7-course table d'hote
dinner, with good
wine, $1.
250H Alder St.. at 3d.
Marshall 4810.
For Better and
Quicker Dessert
The Dessert problem is easily solved.
The little ones and the grown-ups, too,
are sure to be pleased when you serve
pure, -wholesome, easily digested
Order in Any
Quantity from
Your Dealer.
Creamery fio.
Makers of the Famous White Clover Butter, Portland, Oregon.
C.E.liollidav Co.
355 Alder Street, Cor. of Park
Annual Clearance
Ladies and Misses' Suits
(of the Better Class)
VkFormer Prices
Ladies' and Misses' Coats
VFormer Prices
SPECIAL - -Misses'
Three-Quarter Coats
Sizes 14 to 36, in blue, black,
' Bray, brown and tan. Formerly
$18.50; now $8.50
It is said that the way to a man's heart is
through his stomach. Judging from the
place which the Imperial Grill occupies in
the hearts of many Portland men, this old
saying must he true.
Table cTHote Luncheon 50c
SXior: heat ii 1
IV -ram fir TiTimiiimi-rmawi r-imai.mamrinrl ITIOnCiJ t
" 1 m
liberty Coal &Ice Co.
- Outdoor Advertisers
Cast SsTcata and East Bverett Sire!
I4fl Pine St., Portland, Oregon, phone A 1770.
Chinese Pure Jade Jewelry
Alao gold bracelets, alnet rinr and belt
buckles In any design, made to order, wlta
names or good luck Chineee characters en
graved thereon. Prices are very reasonable.
Orders promptly executed and sent prepaid
to any part of the U. 8. W are aaUUeA
Chinese jewelers
4 AY TO CHOXG. tfaaaftTw,