Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, January 30, 1913, Page 7, Image 7

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Resolution to Place on Ballot
Repealing Measure
Wins 17 Votes.
House Sow lias Consideration of
Plan to GiTe People Another
Chance to Pass on Problem.
Malarkey Steals March.
STATE CAPITOL Salem. Or., Jan. 29.
(Special.) After a day surcharged
with schemes and plots, the resolution
to place on the ballot a repealing
measure directed at the home rule
amendment of 1910. was reconsidered
In the Senate, and on a second vote
was passed and transmitted to the
House (or lta consideration.
The vote on the resolution today
showed 17 in 1U favor and IS against.
Dimlck. who voted against the resolu
tion yesterday, switched and voted for
it today. Hollls. who was aDsent yes
terday, was present today and voted
with It.
It bad been planned that Senator
Thompson, who voted against the reso
lution yesterday, would move to re
consider the resolution. But President
Malarkey stole a march on him and
shortly before Thompson waa ready to
make the motion Malarkey descended
to the floor and submitted the motion
himself. There were 18 In favor of
reconsideration and 11 against it
Dimlck. Thompson and Malarkey, who
voted against the resolution yester
day, voted In favor of reconsidering
it today.
Moser lilts Local Optloa Law.
An attempt was made to have the
resolution referred to the resolutions
committee, with Moser moving to
amend that It be referred to the Ju
diciary committee. Moser attacked the
local option law and declared that un
der Its present unfair provisions It
should be amended so as to make the
precinct, the county and the city the
units governing the sale of liquor. Mil
ler objected to any plan to amend the
local option law, stating It was not
germane to the present question. But
ler also declared he was unalterably
opposed to such an amendment.
"I am unalterably opposed to making
a deal or dickering In this Legislature
to alter or amend any law passed by
the people." he avowed.
Thompson said he was almost on
the point of moving to reconsider the
resolution, "when." he said, "the Presi
dent heard the call of the people and
beat me to it."
"I am not so thin-skinned about the
people's law as the Senator who has
Just spoken." he continued. "The peo
ple may make mistakes. But I am op
posed to this everlasting whisky fight.
1 am opposed to the system which al
lows the gerrymandering of precincts
so that a district in a city may be
voted 'dry' by so arranging It as to
make such a vote possible. I do not
stop on the high-sounding proposition
that when the people have done some
thing they cannot ga wrong, for they
do sometimes."
Canon Ftlra Protest.
Carson protested against- any inter
ference with the local option law. and
also protested against interference
with any other of the laws of the peo
ple. Bean resented what he considered as
an imputation in the speech of Butler
that he had been dickering, and Butler
said that in his speech he had no In
tention of making such an accusation
against Bean or any other Individual.
On the vote. Dimick. in explaining
his. said he had voted against the reso
lution yesterday, and believed that he
should do so toilay, but changed his
mind to allow those behind the move
to place the proposed amendment on
the ballot without undue expense.
Thompson said he was not opposed
to the general purposes of the amend
ment, but believed that the question
should be voted on properly.
Malarkey Explains Move.
Prestdent Malarkey, in explaining his
vote, said that he voted against the
resolution yesterday and would do so
again today.
"I moved to reconsider, however, be
cause Senator Mollis was absent yes
terday and 1 was largely instrumental
In causing him to be absent, having
delegated him as a member of a com
mittee to go to Portland. I believed
it only fair that the matter should be
voted on again with a full Senate here.
"I have beer in many Legis
latures since this question came up. I
remember in the session after the lo
cal option law was passed an effort
waa made to have the Legislature take
steps toward ameliorating some of the
hardships which It was claimed the
local option law had Impressed upon
the people affected by It.
"But I believe It would be estab
lishing a precedent for the Legislature
to aid a defeated side to get back on
the ballot."
Joseph Takea to Flight.
President Malarkey's sudden move
to reconsider the bill was also aimed
at the apparent flight of Joseph of
Multnomah, who became' cogniiant of
the fact that the bill probably would
be reconsidered, and disappeared from
the Senate chamber. On a call of the
house he was located by the Sergeant-at-Arms
and his approach In custody
of that offlclal created a small furore.
Joseph, while voting with the reso
lution yesterday, is affiliated with
some of the leading Influences of the
Greater Oregon Home Rule Associa
tion, and the question of a reconsider
ation apparently put him in a "hole."
All day today discussions have been
held as to a possible way to patch up
the difficulties which have arisen. Sug
gestions were made by a number of the
Senators that some agreement be
reached whereby the provisions In the
local option lawT that are objected to,
be amended and they would agree to
support the home rule resolution. These
propositions were not acceded to, how
ever. The final vote of the resolution to
day was as follows:
Ayes Bean. Calkins, Day. Dimlck.
Farrell. Hawley. Hosklns. Hollls,
Joseph. Kiddle. Lester, McCoIloch. Mil
ler. Neuner. Kagsdale. Smith (Coos),
Stewart 17.
Kays Barrett Burgess. Butler, Car
son. Kellaher. Moser. Patton. Perkins,
Smith (Josephine). Thompson, Von der
Hellen. Wood. Malarkey IS.
The passage of this resolution will
throw the tight into the House. How
the House is lined up on the question
Is still a problem, but considerable op
position Is apprehended.
Ancient Green Gas Plant Grant Is
Recalled In Senate.
STATE CAPITOL. Salem, Or.. Jan. 29.
(Special.) The "familiar face of the
Kellaher bill, providing for the repeal
of 'the act granting the right to Henry
D. Green to establish a gas factory in
'Multnomah County appeared today In
the shape of another bill by the same
The bill has been bobbing up bien
nially for a period of many years, but
has met with defeat each time.
The act authorizing Green to estab
lish the gas plant was passed by the
T..,n-iBi T.o(HKlntiirA January 7. 1859.
The bill to repeal the act recites that
nothing may be construea in me
-oon, kin rsons-nlzlnir that the early
act granted any privileges past the
period of 15 years irom tne time oi
Another bill Introduced by Kellaher
today also has for its purpose the re
peal of the gas franchise granted to
Al Zieber by the Legislature In 1874.
This is a franchise now owned by the
Portland Gas & Coke Company. The
same company also owns the Henry
Green franchise.
Senator Farrell's Bill Affects As-
- slgnment of Wages.
STATE CAPITOL. Salem, Or., Jan. 29
(Special.) That no assignment of or
order -for wages to be earned In the
future to secure a loan 01 less man
1200 shall be valid against tne em
ployer of the person making the as
signment unless the assignment is ac
cepted in writing by the employer. Is
provided for in a bill introduced by
Senator Farrell today.
In addition no' such assignment, If
made by a married man, shall be valid
unless the written consent of his wife
is attached, is another provision In
corporated. Bean Would Exempt Fair Grounds.
STATE CAPITOL. Salem, Or., Jan. 29.
(SpeoiaL) All fair grounds held
solely for the purpose of holding coun
ty and district fairs shall be exempt
from taxation If a bill Introduced by
Senator Bean becomes a law. The bill
also exempts such corporations as exist
for the purpose of holding county or
district fairs from the payment of li
censes and corporation taxes of any
As Basis for Recommendations for
Appropriations Carldn's Bill
Calls for Expense Accounts.
STATE CAPITOU-Salem, Or, Jan. 29.
(Special.) A state budget, to include
all appropriations, claims and current
expenses that will be asked for by any
department, board, commission, or in
dividual, the items of which are to-be
presented 60 days before the Legis
lature meets to the Secretary of State,
is the idea embodied in a bill which
has been introduced In the House by
Representative Carkin, of Jackson.
The budget must be compiled, printed
and mailed to each member of the
Legislature and to the Governor 30
days before the biennial session.
The Governor is to use this budget
as a basis for his recommendations for
appropriations, with the idea that the
ways and means committees of the two
houses shall govern themselves ac
cordingly. Carkin modeled his bill af
ter the New York and California
budget laws.
Day's Injunction and Farrell's Wage
Bills Arrive.
STATE CAPITOL. Salem. Or., Jan. 29.
(Special.) The .following bills were
Introduced in tne senate toaay:
S. B. No. 161. by Day Relating to In
junctions. S. B. No. 102. by Farrell Relating to
assignment of wages.
S. B. No. 163. by Farrell To protect
holders OX fire Insurance policies.
S. B. No. 164. by Kellaher Repealing the
Portland gas plant bill.
S. B. No. 16.. by Bean Exempting fair
grounds from taxation.
8. B. No. 168, by Bean Permitting peace
officers to ride on railroad trains on tender
of the legal fare.
S. B. No. 167, by Bean Relating to union
S. B. No- 16S. by Butler Relating to
changes in the code, suggested by com
missions to revise Judicial system.
8. B. No. 160, by Butler Relating to
changes In the cde, suggested by commis
sion to revise Judicial system.
S. B. No. 170. by Butler Relating to
Joinder of causes of action.
S. B. No. 171, by Thompson Relating to
election Judges.
S B. No. 172, by Neuner Relating to
changes In the code (withdrawn).
S. B. No. 173, by Neuner Relating to
water powers. .
S. B. No. 174. by Carson Creating
plumbers' examining board.
S. B. No. 17S. by Burgess Relating to
the use of water and determination of
water rights. . - . ,
S. B. No. 176, by Ragsdale Relating to
time of holding court In the Eleventh Ju
dicial District.
S. B. No. 177, by Smith (Coos) Amending
law relating to inspector of factories.
S. B. No. 178. by Butler Regulating the
sale of enasthetlcs.
S. B. No. 179 by Smith (Coos) Relating
to county road viewers.
S. B. No, ISO by Smith (Coos) "Fixing
terms of county courts.
8. B. No. 181 by Kellaher Licensing sale
of trading stamps and similar devices.
S B. No. 1S2 by Kellaher Repealing
franchise to Al Zeiber for gas plant In Port-
"sB. No. .183 by MeColloch Relating to
anneals to Supreme Court In certain cases.
S B No. 184 by MeColloch Defining
crime of conspiracy and fixing penalty.
State Game Code to Be Discussed.
STATE CAPITOL, Salem. Or, Jan. 29.
(Special.) A special public meeting
"of the Joint committee on game will
be held tn the Senate Chamber of the
State Capitol Monday night at 8 o'clock,
when the proposed state game . code
will be discussed. The committee chair
man urges that those interested from
all parts of the state attend to make
such suggestions as they see fit
Saturday Is Day Fixed for In
vestigating Hale's Alleged
Lax Discipline.
Senator Kellaher Says State School
for Deaf Mutes Will Have Thor
ough Cleaning Insofar as His
Committee Is Concerned.
STATE CAPITOL. Salem, Or, Jan. 29.
(Special.) Senator Lester, of Clat
sop, chairman of the Senate committee
to Investigate . the State Industrial
School and who', by courtesy, probably
will ba considered chairman of the en
tire committee both for the House and
the Senate, said today that the investi
gation of that school will be started
The committee, while curtailed by
time and necessitated to conduct a
more or less perfunctory Investigation,
as a part of Its probe, will go into the
question of the policy which was pur
sued by Superintendent Hale in respect
to lax discipline for the boys.
While the State Board, on the adopt
ed report of State Treasurer Kay, de
cided against this policy, and It Is con
sidered that the report of the board Is
being followed at the Institution, this
legislative committee will nevertheless
look into the question.
Probe May Be Continued. -
If it is found that there are con
ditions at the school which Justify it,
the present legislative committee will
ask the Legislature to name a commit
tee to continue the Investigation and
report to the following Legislature. .
It probably would be asked that this
committee go into the details of the
management of the school carefully for
the purpose of having the Legis
lature eventually declare what the pol
icy of the state shall be in the conduct,
management and care of the school and
the boys at the school.
For a time the question of the man
agement of the State Industrial School
under Superintendent Hale almost dis
rupted the State Board. In particular
was It charged that lax discipline
among the boys had resulted in deplor
able conditions ensuing and tn caus
ing a number of the boys to become
unmanageable. .
This present committee also probably
will go lightly Into the conditions at
the school as far as It has to do with
the equipment and buildings.
The investigation at the State School
for Deaf Mutes will be searching in Its
nature, according to Senator Kellaher,
who is chairman of that Investigating
Coupled with the fact that Superin
tendent Tllllnghast. of the school, has
asked them that investigation be con
ducted rigorously, some of the rumors
In connection with the school have
reached some of the members of the
"If there is any truth in these ru
mors we would like to know It and
Intend to find out," said Kellaher to
day. "If they are unfounded that also
should be known and we wish to get
at the root of the matter."
The Investigation of the State Tu
berculosis Sanitarium will be started
tomorrow afternoon. Joseph is Sen
ate chairman of the committee.
"Thin-Skinned Preachers Would
Know Who They Are Marrying."
cptc f A PTTflT. Kalem Or.. Jan. 29.
(Special.) "There are some thin-
skinned preacners wno nive ii
who tney are marrying, m
..nHv Ttniraril of Dousrlas.' himself
a preacher, in presenting his arguments
for the passage- 01 ms um icuutus
. 1. n . l...matinn a a trt fh 3 TOC t fr and
previous marital experience be given
tne county ier &i mo umo
cation for a marriage license, this In
formation to be for the guidance of
the minister who shall perform the
The bill, which passed the Hpuse by
r-. J n J 4 alcn nrnrliina that
a uiajutiLj! cow t"
ministers registered in any county may
periorm marriages m aujr jjw . . mo
House Committees Come In for Se
vere Scoring by Speaker.
STATE CAPITOL, Salem, Or., Jan. 29.
(Special.) A rebuke was given the
House committees ' this morning by
Speaker McArthur for their work thus
far in the session, which has resulted
in many bills being re-referred when
they cam a up for third reading and
final passage, because of lack of suf
ficient consideration in committee.
The Speaker emphasized the neces
sity of a thorough threshing out of all
bills In committee, and admitted that
he had voted on several bills that he
had not found time to read, relying on
the work of the committee, which had
proved shipshod in many Instances.
His remarks were prompted by the
debate on House bill 163. Introduced
by Hurd. of Lane. It passed the House
several days ago, but when certain
defects were pointed out in it, it was
rWirtpil to reconsider it. and It was re-
referred to the committee on roads
and highways, which has not yet re
ported it back.
If thia Legislature is going to get
anything done," said Gill, of Clacka
mas, "this holding up or cms in com
mlttAA must cease."
Eaton, of Lane, maintained that it
the Dolicv of referring ana re-reier-
ring is to continue, the Legislature
will find itself in the same old state
of congestion and confusion - in the
closing days of the session.
Amount Involved in Cases Must Be
Over $250 and Time Is Element.
C3T1TP piprrnT.. Salnin Or. .Tan. 29
(Special.) Under the terms of a bill"
Introduced by senator uarson raosj u"
appeal may be taken to the Supreme
Court when the amount involved Is less
than $250. The time for taking an
appeal is also reduced from six months
to 60 days by the bill.
Senator Carson says there has been
so much complaint and difficulty as to
the length of time and the taking of
appeals, as well as the. fact that the
Supreme Court is often congested by
cases where the sums involved are
trivial that he believes the proposed
bill will be a long step toward assist
ing in bringing about needed reforms
In legal procedure.
Injunction Notice Necessary.
STATE CAPITOL, Salem. Or, Jan. 28.
(Special.) That no preliminary in
junction may be granted save without
notice to the opposite party. Is one of
the provisions that Is made In a Dill
introduced by Senator Day. The only
instance where such notice may be
waived, under the bill. Is in event It
appear from speclfio facts shown by
affidavit or the verified bill that im
mediate and irreparable loss may oc
cur before the matter can be heard on
notice. Upon two days' notice the op
posite party may appear and move for
the dissolution and modification of the
order if such order is granted.
Monotony of Otherwise Dull Morn
ing Session Enlivened by Sudden
Flash From Solon.
STATE CAPITOL, Salem, Or., Jan. 29.
(Special.) The monotony of a long-drawn-out,
dull session of the Senate
this morning was relieved momentarily
by a sudden flash from Senator Carson
when he defended Marlon County by
declaring that he demands fair play
for this county and "that never has
this county come Into the Legislature
and asked for one sinecure." The de
bate was over the bill of Carson's
which proves that a new Judicial dis
trict be created out of Yamhill, Polk
and Tillamook counties, and that Mar
lon and Linn counties be made into
another district.
Efforts were made to have the bill
referred to a delegation from all those
counties and this was objected to by
Carson, who declared that he was will
ing to let it go to a vote, and if It was
killed, he would let it be killed.
"This bill was introduced in a spirit
of fairness, friendliness and Justice,"
said the Senator from Marion. "This
county is the second largest in the
state and transacts an immense volume
of legal business and litigation."
It was finally decided to re-refer the
bill to the Judiciary committee to let
all the Senators who desire to be
heard on the bill and to report In two
Von der Hellen's bin relating to the
state libraries and increasing the ap
propriation and changing the adminis
tration of them to a certain extent
passed the Senate. Smith's bill, pro
hibiting the sale of soft drinks in fair
grounds without consent of the board
and prohibiting the sale of Intoxicat
ing liquors within half a mile of such
grounds also passed, with the amend
ment that it does not apply to fairs,
located In -incorporated cities and
towns. The MeColloch bill, changing
the name of the State Board of Control
to the State Water Board, and the
Wood bill, giving to the town of Gas
ton the control of the county roads
within its limits, were also passed.
The common-user question came np
when the Moser bill, allowing tlfe
Portland, Eugene & Eastern to con
struct a bridge across the Willamette
at New Era, was on for final passage.
Dimick protested that the people of
Clackamas County desired to have a
common-user clause placed In the bill
for the bridge and the bill was sent
back to committee to Insert such a
Smith and Smith Measures Fail to
Make Good Impression. '
STATE CAPITOL, Salem, Or., Jan. 29.
(Special.) Two bills were indefi
nitely postponed In the Senate today.
One of these, by Smith of Coos and
Curry, was aimed at combinations In
restraint of trade, and the other, by
Smith of Josephine, provided that ail
employing establishments must main
tain a sufficient cash reserve to cover
the wages of their employes.
Smith of Coos declared In cham
pioning his bill against combinations
that he did not expect it to pass, but
asserted openly that It would put tne
members of the Senate on record.
Thompson declared that he was willing
to go on record before his constituents
on a matter in which he knew he -was
right, and opposed the bill as being
a measure to the undeveloped re
sources of the state. Both of the bills
were accorded but trifling backing.
night Janitors at the State CapltoL
has been on the Job for 14 years and
probably knows as many legislators
and state officers, past and present, as
any man around the Capitol. He has
also had the honor of being personal
custodian of the Governor's office for
many years. At the request of Gov
vernor Chamberlain Holstrom was
placed In that position and has been
there ever since. "Charlie" has also
been Intimately acquainted with all the
newspapermen who have been at the
last seven sessions of the Legislature.
THE Legislature was recipient of
a choice selection of luscious
apples and pears from the Medford
Commercial Club. Coming from one
of the greatest fruit-growing sections
in the United States the fruit proved
a rare treat.
1 I most quiet young man about the
Senate. He is also from Hood River
and the son of J. C. Moreland, clerk of
the State Supreme Court.
PATTON and Carson, who comprise
the Senatorial delegation from
Marlon, scarcely ever vote together,
only on questions directly concerning
Marlon County. Then they stick
closer than brothers. Patton Is a
Progressive, while Carson is some
what of a "regular."
WM. CAKE, of Portland, one-time
County Judge of Multnomah
County and- also once chairman of the
state central committee, was a guest
of Senator Moser in the Senate.
SENATOR Barrett Is becoming dis
satisfied with numerous objections
that have been made to his county fund
depository bill. "Why do not each of
the Senators draw up a bill c this
subject? Then we can shuffle them
up and draw one out," was his sug
gestion on the floor.
GLEN HOLM AN says "the Constitu
tion should be amended to allow
a public officer to resign when his
salary does not suit him and his resign
ing should not be regarded as an af
front to Ihe people."
SENATOR BARRETT wears his hair
pompadour. So does Dimlck, to a
limited extent.
CONSTITUENTS of Legislators who
are now receiving copies daily of
all bills sent'out by the Senate mail
ing clerk, will be made to do some
work if a resolution introduced by
Farrell goes through. His resolution
will provide that each person on the
mailing list be furnished a calendar
and express a desire as to which of
the bills be wishes mailed. At present
the list is so long and heavy It Is be
coming practically impossible for the
mailing clerk to handle it.
A A. Jayne, of Portland, was ari-
other visitor within the bar of
the Senate.
CHIEF CLERK Cochran says there
will be no bills lost from the Sen
ate this session. He keeps them locked
In a big box and sits on the cover.
The chief clerk being somewhat of a
heavyweight, the bills are considered
TTTTl past few sessions have been
like a glimpse of some of the old
days. Heavy lobbies of those rep
resenting the breweries and liquor
business as well as from the "dry"
element have been swarming the
State House corridors. They are all
interested In the "home-rule" amend
ment fight - ' "
SENATOR LESTER, ofClatsop, has
been indisposed for a short time,
butfls back in his seat In the Senate.
Bill Would Dissolve Corpora
tions in Six Months.
Secretary of State Hopes to Limit
Time to Two Years in Which
Firm, Delinquent in Fee Pay
ments, May Be Reinstated.
STATE CAPITOL, Salem, Or., Jan. 29.
(Special.) If a bill Introduced in
the House today by Representative
Mitchell of Baker, at the request
.... Af 6tat, rtlnntt hfl.
comes a law, corporations will be
dissolved wnen six monua delin
quent. Instead of two years, as at
present. The same bill limits the time
In which a corporation may be rein
stated to two years.
Secretary Oloott says that there are
always several hundred corporations on
the books that have failed in business
or did not complete their organization
and desire to be dissolved, but cannot
be eliminated from the records until
they have been two years delinquent,
causing considerable expense and in
convenience to all concerned. Corpora
tions that are actively' engaged In busi
ness pay their license fees promptly, as
a general rule, and will not be affect
ed by the proposed amendment, it is
Secretary Olcott declares that there
Is urgent need of the amendment plac
ing a time limit on the reinstatement
of dissolved corporations, as under the
present plan there are thousands of
names on the books that cannot bo used
hanaiiLO ttlA rftR-
solved corporations may be reinstated
at any time.
Another bill introduced by Repre-
.-..1 ui,Akali 1)1. Cpp rota rv
of State more latitude In the ftllng of
papers wnere tne name assuiueu uiy
have a tendency to mislead or deceive
. i rrhl. Kill alar, AlimlnAtpn
Liie puuiiv. " " " " .......
the requirement that articles of incor
poration shall be recorded in the office
of the Secretary of State, which, ac-
J I . Ua CratflrV Ifl f) imnlRSS
bUlUJUg . U III, "'. ...... ,
expense and a relic of the fee system
wnlcn nas nosning to recuunucuu -
Certain ambiguous features of the
law relating to the filing of proof of
increases and decreases of capital stock
of corporations will be cured by an
other of the bills presented by Repre
sentative Mitchell today, at the request
of" the Secretary of State.
The last of the Olcott bills. Intro
duced today, repeals sections 6730, 6731,
6733 and 634, Lora s uregon laws, uc
ii ; n nnora nf HtAamRhlna as for
eign corporations, these laws having
i -Annntj v. ImnlipnHnn hv thA act
uecu rpw"5u -- - -
of 1903, providing for the licensing of
foreign and domestic corporauuiia.
Daily Grist Shows No Letup in Ore
gon Legislature.
C.T- T f K DTTDT Cnlem Or Jan. 29.
(Special.) The following bills were
Introduced in the House today:
H. B. 347, by Mitchell, request or secre
tary of State Relating to dissolution and
reinstatement of corporations. -
H. B. 348, by Mitchell, request of Secre
tary of State Repealing sections 6730 to
6734, Lord's Oregon Laws.
-r om ifit.i..ii Vermont of Secre
tary of State To regulate filing of articles
or incorporation.
H. B. K-jO, by Mitchell, request of Secre
tary of State Relating to. filing of proof
n Mfi..tdi rtf innrfjuw
Dy corpoiaiiuua -
and decrease of capital stock, and of disso
lution. ...
H. B. 3.11. by Olson To provide an addi
tional deputy constable and fixing the sal
aries In counties of 100.000.
H. B. 3o2. by Murnane To repeal act o'
Territorial Assembly January 7, 1859. au
thorizing Henry D. Green to establish a as
manufactory in Portland.
H. B. 353. by Murnane Fixing number 04
deputies of County Auditors and fixint
salaries. . .
H. B. 354, by Murnane, request of Attor-
Tn .,,-ntilhlt trAsoasslne unon
property of railroads within the state
H. D. 00a Dy Jauiu, ih'
Treasure!: Relating to Inheritance tax on
bequest of over $5000.
H. B. 356. by Brunk To determine dura
tion and extent of estates In dower or cour-
"h! B. 8.17, by Carkin To require candi
dates for Judge or prosecuting atorney to
be admitted to practice In State Supreme
CHytB. 358, by Carkin To define qualifica
tions of Justices of the peace in cities over
10H B. 359, by Hughes To provide for elec.
tlon' of three road directors in each road
district. '
H B. 360. by W. Irving Spencer To cre
ate state highway board and state highway
commission. '
H. B. 361. by Carpenter To require corre
spondence schools to furnish proof of effi
ciency for public information.
H. B. 3B2, by, Hinkle To provide free
education for blind.
H. B. 363. by Hinkle Relating to code of
civil procedure.
H B. 364. by Hinkle To abolish Eastern
Oregon Normal School at Weston, all prop
erty to go to public school district for edu
cational purposes.
Half of Senate Unfavorable Ut
Teaching Sex Hygiene in Schools.
STATE CAPITOL, Salem, Or., Jan.
29. (Special.) The Senate will seal
the doom of Howard's House bill to
teach sex hygiene in the public schools,
although a rehearing will be granted
Representative Howard by the Senate
committee on education. This much is
certain in the mind of Senator Hawley,
chairman of the committee.
Over half the Senators are now re
ported as being unfavorable to the
measure as it stands. The bill proposes
that sex hygiene shall be taught in the
grammar and high schools. The main
objection to the bill is the fact that
it requires that sex hygiene shall be
taught by the teachers in the public
schools when In the jnaln they are not
equipped or fitted to handle the sub
ject, s, ' '
The Senators do seem to favor al
lowance of a liberal appropriation for
the Social Hygiene Society of Port
land, to be expended under the super
vision of the State Board of Health
13 s
Royal Baking Powder is indis
pensable to finest cookery and to
the comfort and convenience, of
modern housekeeping. Royal
Baking Powder makes hot breads,
cakes and pastry wholesome.
Perfectly leavens without fer
mentation. Full instructions in the " Royal Baker and Pas
try Cook" book for making all kinds of bread,
biscuit and cake with Royal Baking Powder.
Gratis to any address.
for the promotion of this work. Par
ents' meetings under the guidance of
professional men are considered as the
keystone for this class of work to
ope It as a regularly constituted
course of study among the youths of
the state.
Proposed Abolishment of State Land
Attorneys' Officers Fonght.
SALEM. Or., Jan. 29. (Special.)
Representative Howard has introduced
a bill relating to state land matters
which is not being received very kindly
by those familiar with the workings
of state land matters.
The bill provides for abolishing the
offices of the state land attorneys, now
maintained in every county seat. As a
substitute It places this work under
the direction' of the various County
Judges, with the authority to hire such
legal assistance as is needed.
The defect In this scheme, according
to State Treasurer Kay, Is that the
County Judges are generally Ignorant
of general legal matters, and, while
called "Judges" by courtesy, they are
familiar only with such parts of the
code as come within thejlmlted sphere
of their activities in the probate and
road work. Mr. Kay believes that the
important work of looking out for the
state's interests tn regard to the public
lands should not be left to any one un
familiar with law and occupied in addi
tion with regular official duties. While
there might be an apparent saving of
the small -salaries -paid these 38 attor
neys, he says the state would lose vast
ly more In administration of the public
The bill is being strongly opposed
and Is now In committee.
State Federation Says No Referen
dum if Amendments Approved.
STATE CAPITOL, Salem, Or., Jan. 29.
(Special.) Leaders of the State Fed
eration of- Labor forces now in Salem
and arrayed against the workingmen's
compensation bill have prepared cer
tain amendments to that measure that,
if they are made, will make it accept
able to the Federation, and they give
the assurance, providing the bill is
passed with their suggested amend
ments, that no reierenuum win "6
lnate in their camp two years hence.
r, rf (h, Bm.niimp.nta desired Is in
section 25, which, as It stands atpresent,
gives the commission wnicn win au
minister the act what the federatlon
lsts maintain is arbitrary power in the
matter of deciding whether or not any
injury has been sustained by reason of
the failure of the employer to supply
.3 . ...,..... Thn amend-
&uctuaiD ooticj . . ...
ment leaves the determination in the
hands of the commission, out. ooob noi
make its decision final, leaving the
right to a court appeal.
Section 62 Is another stumbling block
In the way of harmony between the
federation and the framers of the bill.
The labor leaders demand that this
section be eliminated entirely. The
section makes the determination as to
questions of fact final with the com
mission, and this is the ground on
which the labor people base their ob
jection. With a few other minor amendments
the federationlsts claim that the bill
will meet with their approval.
Senate Bill Would Put Republicans
on Election Boards.
STATE CAPITOL, Salem, Or., Jan. 29.
o 1 1 Tn o hill introduced in
IDiJrvim.! " -
the Senate by Thompson today, the
"Republican party win do saveu
the ignominy of not having Judges and
clerks on the election board at the
next general election If the bill passes.
Under the present law It is provid
ed that the Judges and clerks of elec
.1 -1 1 1 ha eAltx-ttart from the two
iiun oik... - ,
parties having the highest number of
votes for rresiaenuai eiemui.
law were to remain on the statute
books it would leave the Judges and
clerks to be selected from the Demo
crats and the Bull Moose Progressives.
Thompson's bill would change the
present law so that no more than two
Judges and two clerks shall be mem
bers of the same political party, other
wise, the law is not amended by the
This would exclude from the electioa
board of six the possibility of the
members of the board being all Demo
crats and aH Progressives.
Simply a case of disposing of
Winter stock now the best
grades and most improved
Morrison Near Seventh
$5.00 values
T n, English
last; also high
toe and heel;
odd sizes,
Document Provides for Annual Sal
ary of $1000 for Commissioner
and $100 Month for Clerk.
STATE. CAPITOL. Salem, Or., Jan. 29.
(Special.) A bill to create a State
Highway Board and the office of State
Highway Commissioner was Introduced
by Representative Spencer in the
House today. The Board Is to consist
of three members, one a resident of
that portion of the state east of the
Cascades, one a resident of Southern
Oregon south of the Willamette Valley,
and one from the remaining portion,
of the state. It Is provided that the,
members of the Board shall be ap
pointed by the Governor within 30
days after the bill becomes a law.
They are to serve without pay for a
term of three years, except the first
Board, one of whom shall serve for
one, one for two and the other for
three years.
A State Highway Commissioner, to ba
an expert sclentlno road-builder, shall
be appointed by the Board within 30
days after its members are appointed,
to hold office indefinitely at the
pleasure of the Board. The Highway
Commissioner Is to act in a general
advisory capacity to County Courts.
County Commissioners or other boards
which may take up the matter of road,
The State Highway Commissioner
duties as prescribed by the bill ara
many and exacting. Including surveys
and other Investigations, compilation
of statistics, making of maps and a
general comprehensive knowledge ot
the highway needs of the state and the
best locations for trunk line roads.
The bill provides for an annual
salary of 14000 for the Highway Com
missioner, with his necessary traveling
expenses, and allows him a clerk at a,
salary of tlOO a month.
The Highway Board Is to be allowed
actual traveling and other expenses in
curred In performing , the duties of
The bill carries an annual approprla.
tlon of $15,000 for salaries and ex
penses, to be made from the automobile
highway fund and the state aid road
fund In case those funds are created,
and if not, then the money is to come
from the existing- fund.
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Get a $1 box at your pharmacy. Every per
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there are many will testify to it merits.
Magistral Chem. Co., Flatiron Bldg., N. Y.
For aalai ai ait tn leauma urua uttrmm.
The Best Dental
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Full set, that fit ..$5.00
Gold Crown, 22-K $3.50
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Gold Fillings . .$1.00
Silver Fillings $ .50
All Work Guaranteed 15 Tears.
Corner Sixth and Washington Sts.
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In order to get rid of every Pianola
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Can be attached to any piano. If you
haven't a piano, secure one now at the
tremendously reduced January Clear
ance Sale Prices, and secure one of
these fine Cabinet Pianolas free. Act
quickly. Twenty-eight more were se
lected yesterday. Ellers Music House,
the Nation's Largest, tn the Etlera
Building, Seventh and Alder streets.