Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, January 30, 1913, Page 6, Image 6

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Senate Committee Agrees
With "Hollis and Will
Oust S. B. 38.
Large Delegation of Portland Busi
ness and Insurance Men Meet at
Salem and Find Measure Xow
Will Be Missing.
Saloons in Depots Prohibited.
CI A Tt" PTTAI. Ral.m Or Jan. 29.
(Special.) Under amendments which
bava been mads to tns noEKins om
In the Hen ate regulating: iuo sa
11 k. hilt tihoi nro-
kikdt. . v. 1 t r ' r a mlnnn in IDT
depot, under the same root as the
depot, or in an acrjaoeni Duiiams.
Originally the bill was intended to pro
hibit saloons from being located within
300 feet of a depot. The bill is also
amended to exclude drug stores from
its provisions.
8TATB CAPITOU Salem. Or., Jan.
29. (Special.) Governor Weil today
received and turned over to Senator
Day the fo!lowln tslerram from
Governor Lister, of Washington:
"Sunday, February 3, at 9 A. M., at
the Imperial Hotel, Portland, will be
satisfactory to our committee, and
think the eusgeetlon to proceed to
The Dall-s at lo A. M. should be
carried out."
The committee In question 1 the
joint committee named by the Wash
ington Legislature, to meet a like
committee from the Oregon Legisla
ture to investigate the power possi
bilities at Celllo Falls, on the Colum
bia. Arrangements will be made for
the meeting at the time set out In
the telegram from Governor LUter.
STATE CAPITOU Salem, Or., Jan. 29.
(Special.) Chairman Hollis, of the
Senate Insurance committee, hurled a
perfumed, bomb Into the big delega
tion of business men from Portland at
a meeting of the Senate committee to
night to discuss Senate bill 18. or the
insurance code, by declaring that he
will ask unanimous consent of the
Senate tomorrow to withdraw the bill.
Immediately, Senator Moser moved
that the committee report unanimously
in favor of withdrawing the bill. This
was seconded by Senator Carson and
so the committee decided to report. The
bill will be withdrawn in the Senate
tomorrow, to appear no more this ses
sion. The large delegation of Portland
business men broke into loud applause
at the announcement and the meeting
which was scheduled to continue for a
long period adjourned within Ave
minutes after it had convened and
the visiting business men went away
I.lttle Chaaee et Passage.
Mr. Hollis explained that the Com
mission had given considerable thought
to the bill, but there appeared to bo a
misunderstanding among the members
of the House and the Senate and that
owing to such a strong lobby against
it. the members were prejudiced
against the bill and there seemed lit
tle chance . of Its passage.
In consequence he had decided td
recommend that it be withdrawn and
In way of suggestion ask that the
question of an insurance code go over
again for two years. In the Interim,
he said, another commission could be
appointed, but this time a commission
representing all classes and all in
terests in any way connected or in
terested in the business of Insurance.
The Insurance Commission, so ap
pointed, would then have two years to
work on and draft a bill which would
meet the approval of every kind and
class of business.
The array of Portland business men.
intermingled with business men from
a number of Oregon cities, were aligned
strongly against the bill, particularly
as' to the lnter-insurance feature which
It contains.
Frstteat la Wlweewrrwd.
For this reason they had appeared
tonight to . make a protest. R. D.
Carpenter, of the Meier & Frank Com
pany, was to have been the spokesman,
but the decision of Chairman Hollis
and of the Insurance committee result
ed in doing away with the necessity of
any showing being made.
Undoubtedly the bill had not the
slightest chance of ever getting by the
Senate. But one or two Senators were
known to have been in favor of it.
Largely because of its interlnsurance
feature, much because of numerous
other provisions and largely because of
the length of the bill, legislators were
Inclined to fight shy of favoring it.
The Portland business men were busy
as bees here much of the day. If the
bill had a ray of hope yesterday, and
'there was not much then, its death
knell was tolled here today. Chairman
Hollis was the recipient of numerous
congratulations from the visiting dele
gation and all of these here promised
that they would be willing to co-oper-te
in drafting insurance legislation to
come before the session two years from
Those who were present at the com
mittee meeting tonight were the fol
lowing: , Judge Bell. B. C. Wortman, Olds,
Wormian & King; E. C. Johnson. Port
land Seed Company; H. J. Frank. BIu-mauer-Frank
Drug Company: H. W.
ililchell. Mitchell. Lewis & Staver; R. D.
Carpenter. Meier & Frank Company:
Kdward Ehrman, Mason-Khrman Com
pany; Jay Smith. Marshall-Wells Hard
ware Comrany: I. H. Fleisrhner,
Kleischner, Mayer & Co.; Paul DeHass,
Dougherty Shoe Company: A M. Comp
ton. Allen & Lewis; T. S. Belcher. Falls
City Lumber Company; W. J. Johnson,
John Deere Plow Company: R. W. Wil
bur. "Wilbur fc Spencer: Harry Clark,
viant,fn.riirinff- Lumbermen's Under
writers; w: H. Fleming. Manufacturing
ood woraers niurrwrjicia, iwi.
lleese, of the Reese Columbia Trust
-nmnnnv nnH Mr. Xickersen. of Port
land; Mr. Goodman, of the Churchill
Hardware Company.Roseburg; Hugh u.
Kinzer, Forest Grove, and G. W. Grif
fin, Eugene.
Spencer Introduces Supplementary
Bill to Aid Roads.
STATE CAPITOL. Salem. Or.. Jan. 29
. . i .. i T',-. xrun tn a u t -i r (i auto.
mobile highway fund, to prescribe the
sources and manner of expenditure, and
1. Cu.a Ulirhnav Prtm.
missioner with the right of eminent
domain, are tne purposes vi
- i - ,hi. .-.1 nun hv R,nrMnt&.
UWJITO Vlll' . . l ........ .... 1
tive Spencer, of Multnomah. It is a
supplementary out to one lumwuit"
by him this morning, proposing to
create a state highway board and the
. , .i cfrA Uicrhvflv Commissioner.
tjxi.t. vi .'r. - .
This afternoon's bill provides that
any money remaining in the motor
vehicle fund on December 31 of each
ii nt-wrA n h. pttnte
automobile highway fund, or a similar
fund, to be expenaea iinorr
reetion of the State Highway Com
missioner for the construction of trunk
highways without specific appropria
tion or " -
All moneys becoming; available tor
Ilegmlale and Stewart Promise Break
Into Spotlight In Connection
With Appropriations.
STATE CAPITOL. Salem. Or., Jan. 29.
(Special.) Senators Ragsdaie and
Stewart, new Senators from eastern
Oregon, who hitherto have remained
somewhat in the background, promise
to break into the legislative spotlight
in the next few days, unless some def-
ite business steps are taken tn con
nection with the appropriation bills.
according to the declaration of these
two Senators today.
They are protesting against tne fail
ure of any appearance of the appro
priation requests in a tangible form
so that the members of the legisla
tive body are able to determine just
what is being done in the financial
If some of these men conducted
their business as the business of the
session is being conducted they would
be bankrupt in six weeks," was the
terse1 statement of Senator Kagsoaie
in commening on the present situa
I insist that on every members
desk should be a complete statement
as to the amount of appropriations
that have been asked for or win oe
asked for so that we can be prepared
to take some Intelligent action.
"The main business of a legislative
session is the disposition of the peo
nies money. So far apparently tne
members are armed with scoop shovels
and keys to the public treasury with
Intent to empty it as last as xney
One of the main protests is that the
big appropriation questions are mainly
held in committee and have not come
before the members in any shape or
This condition is also arousing some
of the other members to a spirit of
protest and it is possible in the next
few days some demand may materialize
for the appropriation bills to the
brought to light and put before the
body as a whole.
It Is beginning to be reared oy some
of them that the custom of the past
to rush the larger appropriation Dills
in at the last minute, when there is
scracely any time to digest them, may
be followed up this session.
highway construction under the terms
of the bill are. according to its pro
visions, to be apportioned to the sever
al counties in proportion to the share
they have paid in licenses for motor
It is provided that such moneys may
be expended by the County Courts, up
on petition from 15 per cent' of the
owners of motor vehicle licenses In the
eounty In question, on roads deslgna'ed
by the petitioners, under the super
vision of competent men appointed by
the State Highway Commissioner,
whether tn the borne county of the pe
titioners or not.
If the acquisition of right of way Is
necessary, it shall be acquired by the
Measure to Limit Seining and One to
Chance Closed Season Part of
Private FifThts Is Belief.
STATE CAPITAL, Salem. Or.. Jan. 29.
. Snecinl.) Signs indicate that a
fishlnir war wl 1 breaK over mis legis
lature among the various factions on
the Columbia River and there are re
ports that attempts will be made to
fight out some private gruages
through legislation.
The Carpenter bill, which has been
Introduced in the House, would elim
inate seining on the upper Columbia,
or that portion of the river east of the
Cascade Locks. At the same time it is
understood that lower river men win
come into the Legislature with a bill
to extend the time of the closed sea
son. The closed season now Is from
March 1 until May 1. The bill probably
will ask that It be reduced so as to
extend from March 1 to April 15. The
fishermen are not all a unit on this,
however. - as some desire to see the
month of March eliminated from the
closed season and - there are others
who wish to see the month- of April
Vln event the closed season is changed
and Washington passes no concurrent
law. then it is stated, the old fight be
tween the fishing interests of Oregon
and Washington may break forth
The move to do away with seining
on the upper Columbia, Is said by
those who are supposed to be oeninu
the scenes, to be part of an old time
feud between I. H. Taffe. a fishwheel
man. and F. A. Seufert, a fisherman,
these men have been at fishing "outs"
for years, it is said, and it is further
claimed that Taffe is behind tne bin
to do away with seining to catch Seu
fert. 1
Likewise the cannerymen are op
posed to seeing a change in the closed
season, or at least many oi tnem are.
Measure Would Aid Holders of Fire
Insurance Policies.
cr-A-nr- P1P1TDI Kalom Or.. .Tan. 29
(Special.) In a bill having for its
purpose the "protection or tne noiaers
of policies of fire insurance and to dis-
.iinr. A imnmnAi nractines of in-
.... a. fooitftrl in the. title. OrO-
vision la made tnajt every noiaer wi
such an Insurance policy shall receive
25 per cent of the actual loss, regard
less of any provision in the contract
or policy to tne contrary.
TVSia ta urith thft nrOVlsO that the In
surer belonged to any tariff associa
tion, board of underwriters, or sucn
like thing" or who had made an agree
ment or had an understanding with
n tliiir nAv-ann firm nr pnmnratinfl
nj ui'ii- i - ... - r- - -
K.. i . , (-, r.arf(.1lla. nt Of nrPTfllum
Wlllcn SllOUld De cnargeu lur n..iiu
or class or insurance risn..
Ml us M
After Hard Fight and Much
Oratory Fair Sex Law
maker Scores.
A'alley Dentists May Organize.
ALBANY. Or- Jan. 29. (Special.)
An association of the dentists of the
central part of the Willamette Val
ley will be formed In this city bat
urday. Dr. C. V. Littler, of this city
who is an officer in the State Dental
Association, has sent out the call for
the meeting. Dr. George H. Wardner,
of Portland, president of the State
Dental Association, will attend the
Washington Upper House, by Unan
imous Vote, Passes Sweeping and
Drastic Measure Aimed to Re
strict Promiscuous Selling.
m m
OLTMPIA, Wash., Jan. 29. (Special.)
The first real flght to be waged by
woman on the floor of the Wash
ington Legislature and the first victory
to be scored was that today by Mrs.
Frances Axtell, Representative from
Bellingham, who, after a hard fight and
much oratory, saved one of her pet
bills, which appeared in the House
with the recommendation of a com
mittee that it be pigeonholed.
The bill provides for the elimination
of the "previously chaste character"
provision of the statutory law. The
public morals committee, after consid
ering it, reported unfavorably and a
motion was made to adopt the report
when Mrs. Axtell rushed to the rescue
of the measure.
There is no reason for such a com
mittee report," urged Mrs. Axtell, "and
I protest against this steam roller prop
osition. The bill has been checked up
by the Attorney-General and it is all
Continuing a plea for the bill. Mrs.
Axtell won enough votes to defeat the
committee report and get her bill re
ferred to the Judiciary committee.
Senate Vote Vnanimoas.
By unanimous vote the Senate of
the Washington Legislature today
passed a bill prohibiting the sale, bar
ter or giving away by any person,
firm or corporation of a pocket pistol
or revolver unless the purchaser shall
have secured a purchasing permit from
a judge of a Municipal or Superior
Court of the state.
Before a judge can issue such a per
mit he must be presented with affi
davits from at least two reputable citi
zens vouching for the good reputa
tion and record of the purchaser.
The measure, which was originated
by Senator Collins, is aimed to restrict
the sale of firearms and thereby lessen
the number of murders, holdups and
suicides by shooting. Before it was
finally passed by the Senate it was
amended so as to require permits from
judges instead of chiefs of police or
Sheriffs as was originally provided in
the bill.
Piper Amendment Carries,
The change was made on motion of
Senator Piper, who declared that If
there is to be a restriction of the fire
arm trafflo it should be drastic and
sweeping in its effect. Ho declared
that peace otzicers are not as careiui
as they should be in giving permits to
carry concealed weapons and would
not be careful in issuing purchasing
permits. The Piper amendment carried.
An amendment prohibiting the dis
play of firearms In show windows was
also adopted.
What we want, declared Collins in
explaining his bill, "is to lessen the
amount of crime in this state. If we
make It impossible for the holdup man.
the burglar or the maniac to purchase
a revolver on the spur of the moment
we will lessen the amount of crime.
The majority of shootings could be
averted If revolvers were not available
or if time were required before a gun
could be purchased."
Lister Likely to Approve.
It is believed that the House will pass
the bill and that it will be signed by
the Governor.
The Senate committee on game to
day introduced a bill providing for the
establishment of a complete state fish
and game department with a board of
commissioners, a state game warden
and deputy wardens in each county.
Provision is made for the establish
ment of hunting and fishing licenses
for counties and for the state at large,
the county license to cost Jl a year
and the state license 15 a year to resi
dents of the state and IIO lor nonresidents
The bill gives the game commission
the power to. create game refuges and
came farms and to raise various spe
cies of game birds and animals. The
bill is a compromise on a Din intro
duced in the Senate last week creating
a game commission.
Reformatory Probe Asked.
A resolution was adopted by the Sen
ate today calling for an investigation
of the State Reformatory at Monroe.
The investigation will be upon the
question of the care of inmates and
the general management of the insti
tution from a moral and financial
A resolution was Introduced by sena
tors Leonard and Wende. memorializing
Congress to extend a road through the
Rainier National Forest to connect with
a highway proposed to extend from
Sookane to Seattle through North
Bend, Snoqualmie Pass. Easton. Ellens-
burg," Wenatchee, Watervine and wti
hnr The resolution was referred to
the memorials committee. ' The House
today passed a bill making it possible
for County Commissioners to-employ
scientific agriculturists to instruct
farmers and others in the art of Im
proving crops. The measure was sought
by the agricultural communities, wnicn
desire the counties to pay ior scien
tists who are now being paid by public
Among bills Introduced in tne sen
ate todav was one by Rosenhaupt pro
viding for the creation of a state edit
ing board to examine and eon an re
ports and literature ordered published
by state officials.
"Strikebreaker" Use Sought.
Another was introduced by Campbell
requiring use of the word "strlke-breaker-'
in advertisements soliciting
workmen to take the places of strikers.
A bill was Introduced by Senator
Pioer of Kinor County, which would re
quire all directors and executive offi
cials of railroad companies operating in
Washington to ride over ell their main
and branch lines in this state on their
regular trains and cars at least once a
year. Private cars and special trains
are taboo. The bill provides that the
officials shall have the same seats and
conveniences or inconveniences that
regular passengers are required to use.
The officials are required by the bill
to stop at all stations and hear com
plaints about service or accommoda
tions and are required to investigate.
The much-talked-of first aid bill.
giving to injured workmen more bene
fits and quicker relief than is pro
vided in the present workmen's com
pensation act or industrial Insurance
bill, was introduced in the Senate by
Cotter. The bill provides tnatan em
nloves and employers shall be assessed
to raise the money to furnish the first
aid relief to employes.
A fight la to be made by employers'
We've cut the prices on the square
to get our Stock in all round
shape for inventory.
Here's what you can save on:
Benjamin Suits 1-4 off
Benjamin Overcoats 1-4 off.
Underwear reduced
Shirts reduced
Neckwear reduced
By the way, our reduction on
Furnishing Goods ends Saturday
Buffiim & Pendleton
311 Morrison, Opp. Postoffice
organizations of the state on the
ground that the bill places an enor
mous additional burden upon tnem.
They will either try to kill the first
aid plan altogether or shift the finan
cial responsibility off onto the state.
The labor unions and granges of the
state are said to be behind the first
aid measure.
It was announced today that the
committee appointed to look into the
need of a legislative investigation of
the ownership of dock and wharf prop
erty In Puget Sound cities will have
completed the investigation and be
ready to report Its findings to tne
House tomorrow.
Removal Notice!
ft A
on and after
Saturday, February 1st
will be located at
80 SIXTH ST.. Cor. Oak
Pacific, Marshall 4500 Home, A 6121
JOHN M. SCOTT, General Passenger Agent
Ing the last few weeka there has been
considerable talk of taking the Pres
byterian College at Albany into the
consolidation. If this is done, the
success of the new school is assured, as
with the four churches behind it, it
will be well supported.
State Fafr Board Is Name Sought.
STATE CAPITOL, Salem, Or., Jan. i9.
l A hill introduced in the
Senate today by Senator Hawley, of
Polk and Benton counties, nas ior u
purpose the changing of the name of
the board managing the Oregon State
Fair from the State Board of Agricul
ture to the State Fair Board. In ad
dition to this the bill, if passed as in
troduced, re-enacts the provision that
the State Fair shall be located at Balem
and would do away with the effort
that has been reported as in the brew
ing to change the location of the State
Fair from Salem to Portland.
Astoria Suit to Be Considered.
ASTORIA. Or., Jan. 29. (Special.)
Circuit Judge Campbell will arrive
here tomorrow to hold an adjourned
session of the court. While in the city
he will hear matters In connection with
the friendly suit brought to test the
constitutionality of the charter amend
ment creating the sanitary and recla
mation commission, and also on the
suit brought to restrain the city from
paying the principal and interest of
the T16,000 in warrants issued to de
fray the Improvement of Irving avenue.
Roseburg Office, Flooded With In-
quiries. Issues Statement Telling
of Existing Conditions.
ROSEBURG, Or., Jan. 29. On ac
count of the hundreds of Inquiries that
are reaching the Roseburg Land Office
concerning the opening oi tne uregon
& California Railroad lands to settle;
ment and in view of the fact that hun-
dreds--of prospective settlers are ap
parently being swindled Dy unscrupu
lous persons operating in various parts
of the country. Register B. F. Jones
and Receiver G. W. Riddle, of the
United States Land Office at Roseburg,
are sending out correct information,
which is in part as follows:
"In regard to the character of lands
subject to entry in this district un
der the homestead laws and the timber
and stone act. we desire to state that
the lands now open for settlement in
this district are composed of hills,
mountains, small valleys, bench and
bottom lands, all of which lands are
practically covered with timber and
brush of some kind. The soil is good
and when the timber and brush are re
moved the land will produce good
crops. Fruit, such as apples, pears,
cherries and all kinds of berries do
exceedingly well. The country is well
watered, nearly every canyon or de
pression in the hills or mountains af
fording a clear running brook or
KTirinn-. Kxcent in the higher hills
and mountains snow very seldom lies
on tho ground longer than from' one to
three days at a time. in tne coast
counties the rainy season Is from
about October 15 to about April 15,
during which time there are as many
clear and clouoy aajs as mere i
rainy ones.
"The coast counties, including wos,
Curry, Lincoln and the western por
Hnm of nouelas and Lane counties,
are good stock and dairying counties.
tho grass growing green tne year
"Josephine and Jackson counties are
noted for their fruit production.
rir .Tulv 1. 1912. there was in the
district 204,340 acres of unappropriated
Government lands subject to entry,
distributed as follows: Lincoln County,
890: Benton County, 3667; tne great
portions of Lincoln and Benton coun
ties are in the Portland district: Kla
math, 600, the greater portion of Kla
mth rmintv being in the Lakevtew
district; Coos. 18.037; Curry. 84.457;
Douglas. 33.393; JacKson, ov.iai; Jose
phine, 47,222; Lane. 14,450.
"We are in receipt of hundreds of
letters from people in nearly every
state of the Union asking for informa
tion concerning the Oregon and Cali
fornia railroad lands, many of the
writers claiming to have paid so
called locators various sums of money
ranging from 825 to 82000 for the de
scription of certain 160-acre tracts of
this land, with the understanding that
the lands are now open for settlement,
the Government having won the suit
against the said railroad company.
"To all such inquirers we would say
that the said suit is still pending in the
United States Circuit Court in Port
land, Or., and that wnen a decision is
rendered by said court in all probabil
ity the case will be appealed to the
Supreme Court of the United States for
final settlement."
Hope to Secure Union Religions Col.
lege Spurs Citizens On.
. -r t .3 rw Tan 90. Snkl-iftD
r ' -' -i i -, " - -- -- -
Though several cities in Oregon and
W ashington are ma&ing. Binjuj biluho
to secure the location of the consoll-
J .. . 3 nriTlmra tn Vl hftr.kpjH hV the
Evangelical Church, the Evangelical
Association and the United Brethren
Church, in which will be merged the
Dallas College. LaCreole Academy and
in. 1 1 . v. rnll.irA th rltizens of
Dallas feel confident that the big
school win oe iocsuju ne.
Th. ..nmuntntivilS Ot the Evftlir
j-.i,iifrv.h whn a r a nerhana taking
the lead in 'the matter, ar. in favor
of locating in Dallas. An attempt is
now being made here to raise $15,000
. KnHnarman Tt f ft be-
lleved that owing to the present en
dowment Or tne uail&s L,uneBfl wi vwv,
and to the value of the grounds and
-..ii.ii-.a-a nnw hv the trustees of
uuuuiut ' J " r
the college, $15,000 as an additional
endowment fund offered ou the part of
Dallas citizens will appeal to tho board
appointed to select a location. -Pur-,
HI Publicity !H
'liMiy We believe in facts, not fig-
1 ures; sales talk, not theories; re- ilS
jjr R suits, not excuses. Our service, is 5 ifiii
IlifEU practical, productive and eminent- OfSI
I I Cf We have produced for others jj ; .
1 gW 3 we would like to for you. A phone b
fey call will bring Mr. Weidler right
. Il down to talk it over. Marshall 220.
H Weidler Reed ' j
m3y 710 Selling Building, Phone Marshall 220 $k!m
Destroys Dandruff Stops Falling Hair Cleans and In
vigorates Your Scalp Delightful Dressing.
To be possessed of a head of heavy,
beautiful hair; soft, lustrous, fluffy,
wavy and free from dandruff is merely
a matter of using a little Danderlne.
It is easy and Inexpensive to have
nice, soft hair and lots of It. Just
get a 25-cent bottle of Knowlton's
Danderlne now all drug stores recom
mend it apply a little aa directed and
within ten minutes there will be an ap
pearance of abundance; freshness, fluf-
finess and an incomparable gloss ana
lustr. and, try as you will, you cannot
find a trace of dandruff or falling
hair; but your real surprise will be
after two weeks' use, when you will
see new hair fine and downy at first
ye but really new hair sprouting
out all over your scalp Danderlne is,
we believe, the only sure hair grower,
destroyer of dandruff and cure for
itchy scalp and it never falls to atop
falling hair at once.
If you want to prove how pretty and
soft your hair really Is, moist-en a elotb
with a. little Danderlne and carefully
draw it through your hair taking one
small strand at a time. Tour hair will
be soft, glossy and beautiful In just a
few moments a delightful surprise
awaits everyone who tries this.
"All is Well That Ends
Alone with drsppsia cornea nervousness, sleeplessness and f"-
era! ill health. Why? Because a disordered stomach does not permit
the food to be assimilated and carried to the blood On the otberhand.
the blood is charged with poisons which come from this disordered
digestion. In turn, the nerves are not fed on good, red blood and we
see those symptoms of nervous breakdown. It U not head work that
does it, but poor stomach work. With poor thin blood the body is not
protected against the attack ef germs of grip bronchitis consump
tion. Fortify the body now with
Golden Medical Discovery
an alters tive extract from native medicinal plants, prescribed in both Squid
and tablet form by Dr. R. V. Pierce, over 40 yean aso.
More then 43 years of experience has proven its superior worth as an in
vigorating stomach tonic and blood purifier. It njvigorates and regulate
the stomach, liver sod bowels, and through them the whole system. It can
now also be bad in sugajcotd tablet form a"l. ?i'5E;
If not. send 50 cents in one-cent stamp for trial box to Dr. Fierce Invalids
Hottl and Surgical Institute, Buffalo, N.Y.
.The Common Sense Medical Adviser.
HOME PHYSlfclAN. Send 31 ona-cent stamps to RV. Pierce. Buffalo. N. T.
I must make room for
Spring Goods on the road.
When you buy a high
grade Suit of me your
money purchases the best
bargain in the city.
WHY? Because your mon
ey is NOT paying for
High ground floor rent
Expensive windcrtv dis
plays Huge electric signs
Elaborate fixtures and
Clothing cabinets
$27.50 to $30.00 dl n
values, now. . . ylO
$22.50 to $25.00 d1i
values, now... y
$15.00 to $18.00 djlA
values, now... ylv
Alterations free of charge
Jimmy Dunn
Room 315 Oregonian Bldg.
Men are coming to aalc
one another "What Is
a fair price for this ot
that!" Prominent is the
undertaking question. The
present condition, by which
the sorrow of a family is
capitalized. Is wrong, rad
ically wrong, and thinking
men demand a reconstruc
tion. It is to supply this demand
that we are now organis
ing a company to provide
funerals at a. fair price.
We will figure on a legiti
mate profit, and our stock
will pay substantial divi
dends. Your investigation
Is invited, no matter how
small the amount you
wish to invest. A few dol
lars a month will secure
you a safe, paying invest
ment. Write, call or phone
for literature.
441 Hawthorne Avenue
East 4S5.
Contrary to the
idea of some,
Motor Trucks
are not an expense.
Let us prove, that it
is an asset.
Located in the business
district for your conveni
ence. The White Company
E. W. Hill. Mgr.
. 69 tiev-Jatb M.
Liability Act Set for Saturday.
WASHINGTON. Jan. 29. The House
judiciary committee voted today unani
mously to dispose of the workmen's
compensation and employers liability
act next .Saturday. The measure has
passed the Senate.