RIVER AND HARBOR BILL IN SENATE Increased Appropriations as Recommended by Engineers Are to Be Indorsed. COMMITTEE WILL REPORT House. HowfTtr, xTVill Resent Amendments, Especially One In Favor of Celilo Canal for Fund of $1,200,000. ORKGON1AX NEWS BUREAl, Wash ington. Jan- 29. The river and harbor bill was sent to the Senate today and referred to the commerce committee for a report. Before it is returned to the Senate aim-ndments will be made and various new items added. Senator Bourne, who is a member of the com merce committee, will offer an amend ment Increasing the appropriation tor the Celilo Canal from 00.000 provided br the house to $l,500.0o recommended iii the special report of the Army en gineers, so as to hasten the completion of the canal and have It ready before the San Francisco exposition. Senator Uourne also will offer an amendment authorizing the appropria tion or 307.noo for the new. project at Tillamook Bay. At the time the bill passed the House the Port of Tillamook had not complied with the requirements of the last river and harbor act. as to binding itself to share In the cost of this improvement, and If the port does not meet those requirements before the bill passes the Senate, the amendment will have to be drawn so as to make the appropriation available only when the port satisfies the Secretary that it has compiled with the conditions laid down. Senator Bourne may also offer an amendment increasing the appropriation for the Columbia lUver from Celllo to the mouth of the Columbia from $40. nnn to .".. noo. There is little doubt that all these amendments will be accepted hv the Senr.tc. as they are In line with the War Department estimates, but thev will be resisted by the House, es pecially the increase for Celilo. as the House committee was strongly disposed to cut that appropriation this year to $:00.(0 out of resentment for the Sen ate increase made last year. The ulti mate fate of these amendments is In (iouht. ter, Mrs. Thomas A. Fransioll. on a streetcar, returning home at midnight after an evening call, M. H- Young, ae-ed . banker, street railway builder and business man of Seattle, died al most instantly from heart disease. He was a desecendant from an old Xew England family and a native of Gro ton. Mass. Denied enlistment shortly after passing- the Harvard entry examinations, being then IS years old, he reapplied later in the same year and served through the Civil War as a private in Company I, Eighth New Hampshire Volunteer Infantry.. He was wounded In the Red River campaign. After the war he crossed the plains to Ban Francisco, but later returned to Bos ton. He removed his family to Seat tle In 1889 and was president of the old Union Trunk. Line, purchased by Stone & Webster In 1889. Mr. Young amassed a large fortune. Mrs. Young died eight years ago. Three daughters. Mrs. Phillip Morri son, Mrs. Fransioll and Miss Edith R. Young, survive. MISS LA FOLLETTE AIDS SENATOR'S DACGHTER TESTI FIES IV STRIKE CASE. FREIGHT TRAIN DERAILED Four Cars of Southern Pacific Go Off at Pulp Siding. OREGON- CITY, Or.. Jan. 29. (Spe cial.) Traffic on the Southern Pacific Railway was delayed ten hours this morning as the result of four cars of a rorthbouml freight train being de railed at Pulp Siding, three miles south of this city. One car that was de railed was dragged two miles before the trainmen knew of the accident. Just before the train passed New Era the rear truck of one of the cars was derailed and It was not until the car struck a cattle guard that the train men realised it was off the track. The cattle guard was broken and the truck fell into tho hole. The end of the car was badly wrecked. Other cars were thrown across the wrecked one. No one was injured and most ol the cars remained on the track. This was the second accident that has occurred on the Southern Pacific with in the last four days, the other one being an attempt to wreck the San Francisco Express at Sixteenth street Saturday night. EDITOR WELCOMES ACTION kiint-us City Judge Cites Xelsou for ' Article on Law's Delay. KANSAS CITY, Mo., Jan. 29. Wil liam R. Nelson, editor and owner of the Kansas City Star, was cited today by tne Circuit Court of Jackson County to show cause why 1 should not be adjudged In contempt for a publication in a paper which said that fees of $t0 each were awarded to three at torneys in a divorce suit which was dismissed in the Circuit Court without coming to trial. The article said that the fee was granted In a ruling bj Judge Guthrie of that court. The Star recently has published numerous articles charging delays of Justice In the courts, pointing to al leged improper acts by attorneys and criticising court procedure. "I welcome this action and bringing of the matter to an Issue." was Mr. Nelson's - comment, as he accepted service. MAN PAYS $250 FOR KILLING W. R. Smith Fined for Accidentally Shooting Carnahan for Deer. GOLPEXDALE, Wash., Jan. 29. (Special.) W. R. Smith, a young rancher residing near Wahkiacus, who accidentally shot and killed Lewis W. Carnahan, mistaking him for a deer, while hunting in the Big Klickitat 'anyon Iaht November, entered a plea of guilty to a charge of assault in the second degree before Judge William T. 1'arch in the Superior Court and was fined J-50 and costs. Smith was prosecuted under a spe cial statute making it a felony for one person to shoot another while hunting in the state of ashington. The ex treme penalty is 10 years in prison with a fine not exceeding 81000. or both. Woman Champion of Garment Workers Fined for Disorderly Conduct, Actress Says rnjustly. NEW YORK, Jan. 29. Charged with disorderly conduct. Miss Maud Younger, the young California woman who is championing the cause of the girl workers In the garment-makers' strike here, was arrested with nine girl strik ers last night. She refused to pay a $2 fine Imposed upon her in the Night Court, as did the others arraigned with her. and at a late houit the young wo men were In custody. Miss Younger denied to Magistrate Herbert that she had refused to move from a shopping district corner, as a policeman testified, and she was cor roborated by Miss Fola La Follette, the actress, daughter of United States Senator La Follette, who declared Miss Younger was a block from tho spot where -the officer reported the arrest had been made, and was doing nothing to cause a crowd to collect, as charged. Voting began last night among tne idle garment workers to determine whether their strike, now in Its fourtu week. Is to terminate with acceptance of a sliding scale of wage, from 10 to S per cent advanced by the United Mer chants and Manufacturers' Association and the Clothing Contractors' Associa tion. Ballots printed in several lan guages were distributed among the operatives yesterday. The result probably will not be an nounced before the end of the week. DETROIT PRISONER MISSING Portland Orrlcer Gets Extradition but Grossllgivt Is Gone. DETROIT, Mich., Jan. 29. (Special.) B. B. Cahlll, Deputy Sheriff of Mult nomah County, obtained requisition papers for Fred R. Grossltght, who is wanted in Portland on an indictment by the grand Jury charging him with larceny by bailee of $250 worth of dia monds belonging to M. Levy, a jeweler. from whom n is cnargea ne na vu- . . f .... ,i tham n n haH nnt tiH t H for them. Grosslight was arrested here two weeks ago and was neia on a leiegrapnic war rant rrnm Portland. He obtained ball and today the Portland officer could not locate nun. uepuiy snerui vamu declares he will not leave Detroit with out Grosslight. Fred R. Grosslight was located in T-, . r . ...... V - atrn ' i t V- rAtectiVA ucuwu i-" " ' '- - Ackerman and B. B. Cahill, to represent Sheriir wora, were sent iu Btui n . Th.f l.aH rflflmiltv in getting the customary courtesies in the District Attorney s orrice. uoiron is Grossllghfs home town. I .7 1 f mnir nltn llRTP to f AC 'other charges if he is returned to Port land. After he left the city in October a number of checks, totalling $1000, were found, signed by his name. He had no credit in Ashley & Rumelin's bank, on which tne cnecks were arawu. ice is Broken in south Xorth Carolina Approves Direct Election of Senators. WASHINGTON. Jan. 29. Of deep significance because of its bearing upon the probable fate of the proposed constitutional amendment providing for the direct election of Senators by the people Is the fact reported to the State Department officialy today that the Legislature of North Carolina had approved the proposition. It had been predicted freely that the Southern states would reject the amendment unanimously because of its implied extension of Federal authority over state elections. The adhesion o North Carolina makes six states fa vorably recorded on the proposition, the other five being Minnesota, Michi gan, Massachusetts, New York and Anions. Michigan Ratifies Direct Election. LANSING. Mich., Jan. 29. By unani mous vote, the lower house of the Michigan Legislature ratified today the amendment to the Federal Constitution providing for the election of United States Senators by popular vote. Simi lar action had been taken by the Senate. CAPTAIN PECK REINSTATED . OTf icer Dismissed From Army In 1910 Restored by President. SAN" FRANCISCO. Jan. 29. Orders w.nhinriiin 1 1 n v been received here restoring to rank Robert H. Peck, a captain in ine i w enu-iuurm - t .. I- .4 A funtain Peek was dismissed from the service after a court-martial in August, 1910. He Is placed at the foot of the list of Cap tains. The President's action resulted from a report by Secretary of War Stimson, . who investigated the record of Captain Peck prior to the court-martial, which was held at Oswego post. M. H. YOUNG DIES ON CAR Seattle Banker Succumbs While Re turning From Evening Call. SEATTLE. WashlT" Jan. 29. (Spe cial.) While seated beside his daugh- BURGLARS GET $125 S. M. Mears Holds Police Off. Believing Them Thieves. SERVANTS' SAVINGS TAKEN Officers Lose Footing Chasing Through House, and Give Rob ber Chance to Make Escape. - Other Robberies Reported. S. M. Mears, president of the Port land Cordage Company and of the Columbia Engineering Works, held two police officers under the point of a gun at his home, 721 Flanders street, about midnight., while a burglar es caped with 8125 in cash and jewelry worth 8125 more, the property of two maids employed In the Mears family. Police Sergeant Harms and Patrol man Wise circled one side of the house when they arrived after the alarm had been given by Mr. Mears. As they passed a window on the first floor Mr. Mears appeared and, leveling a re volver at them, commanded them to throw up their hands. While they were explaining who they were the robber was making his getaway. Further time for an escape for the burglar was afforded by the antics of the policemen when they struck the rugs on the polished floor of the home. The scurry through the first floor brought several tumbles to the officers, who were headed by Captain Riley. Marie Abraham, a servant, reported the loss of 880 In cash, a gold watch and fob. Anna Wallman. a maid, said that she had lost J80 In money, a watch, fob. neck chain and a bracelet. The articles we're taken from their rooms In the attic of the house. Mrs. H. Bachie, 260 East Twenty sixth street, reported to the police last night that her home had been burglar ized late In the evening. Jewelry valued at $100 and $10 In money being taken. Smoke from the robbers' cigars was still hanging about the rooms when Patrolman Schlrmer Investigated. Mrs. Bachie was absent when the burglary occurred. C. Miller, 42 years old, a butcher, tried to break into the rear door of a meat market at Thirteenth and Wash ington streets last night and was caught In the act by Patrolmen Leisy and Schrimer, after Special Officer McKay had noticed him. He confessed to having broken into a Frank L. Smith market at Nineteenth and Wash ington streets three nights ago. He asked the officers to see that he got one to three years in tho penitentiary In preference to going back to Kelly Butte, where he finished serving 360 days a week ago. While Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Schlegel, of 335 Hancock street, were away from home last night, a burglar entered the house, breaking a $15 door to enter. In taking $5.75 In money he overlooked jewelry, silverware and other articles worth $300. MEMORIAL REP0RT MADE Cost of Proposed George H. Will lams Statue $7000 to $25,000. SALEM, Or., Jan. 29. (Special.) The committee appointed by Governor West to secure information concerning the proposed statue of George H. Williams to be erected in the National Capitol at Washington has reported, and recom mends the appropriation of $7000 or $8000 if a bust statue be decided upon, or $25,000 for full length. The report submits the estimates of different American sculptors for the various styles of work. The committee, which is composed of C. E. S. Wood, T. L. Eliot and George Himes, expresses some decldeu Ideas upon various questions of current art, and strongly urges that an artist of the first rank be secured to do the work and that the statue be designed on the heroic rather than life-size scale. MERGER OF CLUBS IS AIM Salem Board of Trade May Affiliate With Illihec Club. SALEM. Or.. Jan729. (Special.) By a vote of 33 to 13 the Illihee Club, the leading social organisation of the city, voted to take steps toward annexing the publicity work of the Salem Board of Trade and effect a virtual consoli dation of the two associations. The plan of merger contemplated is similar to that In use In Portland and Eugene, where there are two phases of work merged. At tonight's meeting it was discov ered that the proposed enlargement of the Illihee Club's activities would ex ceed Its charter and under the consti tution and by-laws of the organization It was found that legal impediments were in the way of perfecting the scheme immediately. It was decided to cull for another special meeting and get a wider expression of the members' opinion. J. L. Royal's Death Sadden. ( Jason Lee RoyaL aged 73 years .nd 11 months, who died early yesterday morning from heart trouble a tew hours after he retired, apparently In good health, was born at Bloomlngton, 111. He was the youngest son of a minister, the Rev. William Royal, and Barbara RoyaL and crossed the plains with his parents in 1853. He was A - 1 .. . IVillamatt T'niVPrsitV Knuukicu nv - ----- His widow, four daughters. Barbara, ... . .. t a u A xr teana. jcsfcie -e nu 1 Chamberlain and one son. Lloyd, sur vive him. also his brothers. Rev J. H. B. Royal. Dr. William Royal and Charles Royal, and a nephew. Dr. Os man Royal. PLOT OF REVENGE FAILS Offender Gets 100 Days in Jail and $200 Fine for Gun-Play. VALE, Or., Jan. 29. (Special.) Nick Bangs, an Austrian, working for the Oregon Eastern Railway, came to Vale after hearing of the kllilng of Joe Uzloc on January 14, and after arming him self heavily, started out to avenge the death of his fellow-countryman. He went directly to the haunts of the slayer and after standing him and his friends un against the wall proceeded to tell them that their time had come. But for the timely arrival of the police another tragedy would probably have been committed. The offender was arraigned before City Recorder Rogers and given 100 days jail sentence anu a -vv ime. Keeline in Vale is becoming rather pro nounced against the foreign element that has been the cause of so much trouble here this Winter. RAILWAY BUYS SHOP SITE O.-W. R. & X. to Acquire 200 Acres Bast of Spokane Limits. SPOKANE. Wash., Jan. 29. (Spe- -lai The Oregon-Washington Rail & Navigation Company is pur chasing 200 acres of land -east of the city limits and on the south side of Sprague avenue for shop and townsit purposes. Thn deal when consummated with the numerous property owners, will cost the Harrlman lines $200,000. The agents negotiating the purchase are paying from $t0 to ?i2vv an acre ior the land. Gasoline Engine Injures Woman. WOODLAND. Wash.. Jan. 29. (Spe cial.) Mrs. Daisy Hulett was seriously and possibly fatally injured yesterday by being- dragged into and pounnea by a gasoline engine which Is used at the home of her husband to pump water to the house and barn. The belt came off and In attempting to pnt It on alone her dress or apron In some way was caught by the machinery and she was drawn into the engine and fright fully bruised and mangled. The right ear was nearly severed from the head, the left hand was badly crushed and broken and she received severe bodily and other bruises and Injuries to the limbs. She was alone at-the home when she attempted to start the engine and but for her fearful cries which brought neighbors to her assistance would have suffered a terrible deatn, as tne engine kept pounding her while her clothing kept her from getting away from danger. Mrs. Hulett is the daughter of Mayor Bennett and the wife of T. N. Hulett a well-known business man of Woodland. Love at First Sight. Llpplncotfs. "They fell in love at first sight." ll AA 1 ffimft hni! f "He was looking through Bradstreet's and she through tne toiue cook. 1! i Tnmioctinnnhlv thft Most Uriiaue and Most Attractive Homef urnishing Sale Event Ever Attempted in Portland $20,000 Worth of Furniture and Homef urnishings Going at Less Than Manufacturers' Cost The combined sample lines of leading manufacturers, including many odd and sample pieces from our own SStoqidcdlspoA- Bear in mind that the Rummage Sale stock is being replenished or, riavr uHt.Ti arifiitinnal offerings. It's an event of profit to you. Take advantage today. The Following Items Gathered at Random From the Sale Stock Hundreds or vtners nquany eu m.c com $18 solid oak Library Table in Early English fin-tg 7C ish, for iPUelO $6 bedroom Rocker in grolden oak or mahogany fin-tO 75 ish, cane seats, for.. !' $18.75 fumed oak Library Table, with bookshelf tfQ CQ ends, for JUeUU $15 wool-velvet Rugs, size Ox 11 feet. 4 patterns ff in 07 to eboose from at . . . P u 1 $28.50 solid mahog-fll any Rocker for T $6.75 fumed oak Arm Rocker with upholstered seat,tfO 1(1 for only JO.IU $3.75 solid oak bed- CJ gg room Rocker for. . $17.50 goldeu oak Arm Rocker with genuine leather ffQ "JC seat and back for.. Pw $23.50 three-piece Parlor Set with mahogany frames, cov ered in green or brown ff Q QO velour, for P3.3U $25.00 solid golden $8.75 $12.50 Library Tables in solid oak. fumed or Early fC Tfl English finish, for. .' u $11 golden oak Arm Rocker with leather coverediC "Iti spring seat, for U.ltf $3 Axminster Rugs,ff1 77 size 27x54 inches for I11 $16.00 high-back, Earlv Eng- $27 golden oak Buffet in the waxed finish, on sale 1 1 A 7 R at only J 1 1.1 J $44.00 solid oak Home Desk Table, finest selected quarter sawed st ock, dullf 10 OA golden finish, for. "UU $63 adjustable cheval mirror, quarter-sawed oak, C00 Rfl golden finish, for. . ".UU $37.50 Princess Dresser, quarter-sawed oak, golden finish, barge, oval mirror, jjQ $27 full-size Bed inCIC 7C fumed oak for I U.I J $42.00 solid quarter-C IE fl fl sawed oak Hall Seat"' ' .UU $5.00 Axmiiister Rugs, CO 7Q size 36x72 inches, forP4' $45.50 Chiffonier in while enamel finish, cane C 07 EQ paneled, for pLlmlV $27.50 DressingCIC 7C Table to match. fori ' $25 high-back Arm Rocker in golden oak, with leath-CO 0C er seat and back, for-Ju'' $70 full-size massive C 07 Q'? Brass Bed, for 4JI.UJ $2250 mahoganyCIO C(1 Chiffonier, for It.UU $14 large Arm RockerCO 7K in mahogany, for. . . . PUs I w $21.50 white enamel CQ 7C Chiffonier, for P0ll $19.50 solid oak Mor-CQ 7R ris Chair, for 3.1 J $13.50 Brussels Rugs, size Ox 12 feet, in three de-CQ CK sirable patterns, for. . u" $9.75 solid oak nail CO 7C Chair, for JO. I J $35 golden oak Couch, uphol stered in genuineCOl 7C leather, for JtlIU $55 solid oak Bookcase in weathered finish, ant93 00 exceptional value atTfc',uu $65 large Buffet in fumed oak, Seh,for....:?$28.90 77.50 solid mahoiranv. full size Colonial for only $355 Solid Mahogany Bedroom IQO Set for.... P 17 One of the most Interesting offcrinffs of the sale la this solid mahogany set, In which will be recognized not only the best workmanship and finish, but also splendid desiprn. Sot consists of Dresser, Chiffonier, Toilet Table-and full-sized Bed. An Unusual Sale of Graniteware An almost complete line of slightly damaged utensils in gray granite ware distributed in three specially-priced lots every item an unusual bargain ...5. 9 and 14 $8.50 solid oak Book-CO CQ Stand, for JU.OU $9.50 solid oak Plate CO 7C Rack, for JA.IU $21.00 solid oak Ccllarette in Early English finish, CO 7C for only JO. I J $32.50 large oak Hall Set in gSf5$1 2.50 $29 Hall Seat in finest quarter-sawed oak, gold-C1 QtJ en finish, for Jlt.00 $31 mahogany Chif-CIC 7fl fonier, swell frontJ'U'u $33.75 Buffet in solid oak, fumed finish, on saleC17 0(1 for only JII.OU $85 solid oak Buffet in fumed finish, with hand-wrought copper trimmings, made by Stickley Bros., on C00 7K sale for only JOA.IO $42.50 fumed oak China Cabi net, made by Stick-CIQ ley Bros., for J 1 0.10 nf.W Desk Table inCg J golden oak, for u.iw $9.75 Comb. Coat and CO QC Hat Rack, for J.OO $10.50 solid oak, leath-CO 7j er-covered Scat, for.. JO.Iu $178.50 Solid Oak Bedroom QQO Set for-... P3.I J Five pieces nmke tip this set. Dresser. Chiffonier. T o 1 1 et Table, Cheval Mirror and full sized Bed. Hatched Quarter sawed oak throughout. In waxed golden finish. In the refin-ad and popular Sheraton design. HELEN'S GUEST HURT Miss Bowers, Riding With Miss Taft, thrown From Horse. RIGHT ARM. IS FRACTURED Equine Dashes Down Hill Into Car, Is Killed and Rider Is. Hurled to Ground and Injured Presi dent's Daughter First Aid. WASHINGTON, Jan. S9. While horse back riding late yesterday with Miss it.i riaiicrhter of th President. and two other companions. Miss Martha Bowers, daughter of the late Solicitor General Lloyd Bowers, guest of Miss Taft, was thrown from her mount and her right arm was broken when her horse was Instantly killed by collision with a streetcar. Miss Taft and the otners escaped in jury. " ' The party was noing hill when Miss Bowers' horse became nkiA anH ashMl nwnv at a breakneck speed. The others fol lowed but COUIO. HOI oyormc ". At the foot of the hill, which was in . L - ..kinn.M. nftrt of the city, th'l L 1 1 laa.nuw."'. . . horse ran into a streetcar, throwing Miss Bowers violently to the pavement. A moment later Miss Taft and other members of the party, which Included Ask Your Doctor Stir up your liver a little, just enough to start the bile nicely. One of Ayefs Pills at bedtime is all you need. These pills act directly on the liver. Made for the treatment of constipation, biliousness, dyspepsia, sick headache. Ask your doctor if he knows a better pill for a sluggish liver. J. O.AnrCo., Lowell. Mmm. Miss Isabella Vincent, of Minneapolis, a guest of Miss Taft in the White House, and Dr. Cary T. Grayson, passed assistant surgon in the Navy and naval aide to the President, reached Aided by Miss Taft, Miss Bowers was carried to a nearby physician's office, where she received first aid treatment, later it was decided to remove her to a hospital. Miss Taft immediately telephoned for the White House automobile and rode to the hospital. with Miss Bowers. The President's daughter saw to it that everything possible - was done to re lieve the suffering of her guest Phy sicians made a careful examination of Miss Bowers' injuries and found that in addition to a double fracture of the right forearm she suffered lacerations of the scalp and bruises about the body. It was said last night that Miss Bowers was resting comfortably. Iolmt Students 'Win Game. The University of Oregon law de- partment basketball team defeated the Ladd & Tilton" bankers Monday night on the McLoughlin floor. 22 to 14. The stars for the college were Jenson, who scored 12 points, and Captain Dwyer. McGlnnity played a good game for the bankers. What Is No. 10? All Trusses One-Fourth Less n t .... 1 . vn .... .hi. mit and bring it to us. The service of our expert truss fitter is free as always. , WOODARD, CLARKE CO. America's Largest Droi Store Alder SC. at West Park, Portland, Or. Broncn i&i TROCHE! For Hoarseness Ilr.iT fu to pmmptlr rriie-e Iom of voice, oonxbi. lm tluott. Tr.v: uul e to pablio spetkez and Bine v tie, JOc. I.IXL Simple free. JOHN I. BROWN A SON. Boston. Masa. TO 10) Through California ill To Chicago Kansas City snd other points in the East The Santa Fe offers you stoprovers to visit Yosem ite Valley ancK Grand Canyon of Arizona. We believe Santa Fe Trains from gan Francisco and Los Angeles have set a standard not yet equalled. May I tan trains? Alan Kpnrf von nicture fblders of scenes JUU VI V . - m en ronte? ' H. E. Vernoa. Utn.- AKt.. Santa Fe 280 Alder Street, fortlaaa. Phone Mala 1274. 'J- W A T C The Southwest Corner TRNTH AND STARK Something Going to Happen