Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, January 30, 1913, Page 14, Image 14

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I lYin k 1 1 i i . w unifs. i - " - i . i . . , , i i i-1 1 m i s ti w noonii,
ID tAlIWSW- I " I - . . . I
lor Mir Acr e-
1 mile from city limit 3 block, to good
carllne. near good school; ?Jlr 'I?,,!
tree good soil, high ana sightly. , win
build for you. Soid on easy payment.
Excellent soil, large are of ,bv
land and good drainage: part of this tract
I. under cultivation: 2 5 nd
tracts; price, range from 3.5 lo PJ
acre: the S-mi:. circle:
to u:t purchaser; aold on very easy terms.
S acres and 2-room papered house, on
West Side. mile to carline: good sou
and good drainage: an Ideal 'tlor
school, macadam road. 30-mlnuls car rids
to business center.
One acre and 5-room modern bungalow.
b-ar.Tfg fruit, best of soil good Lwf-
macadam road, near school. tf- ,"" ,rom,
postofflce. 3 block, to good carl "
minutes to business center; HuoO; small
cash payment, balance to suit
Second floor Selling bldg..
to Prince Rupert; 4eO acres, half meadow,
aii mile frontage on beautiful deep har
bor: suitable stock, agriculture: ferll e
soli- price 7.5t per acre; l-oO pays our
equity and toil of surveying. Greatest op
portunity for cheap land in the West.
V. ould tell In tracts at .M'O per cent proilt.
B. W. Snyder. b3 Hastings St.. anco-
if. -
ON E acre of best soil, on electric line, for
7 per month: 2 blocks from station; Ideal
ior p"un.j. .......
For bale Homesteads.
ROOM for ."OO families. Just returned from
Mexico where choicest lands In West can
he purchased from SI to lu per no
fee but forming a colony to secure bO.ouo
acres- well watered: good title; leave next
month. 61 East 12th St. North. Last 15i
Explain everything free. Home from 1 t
i . ji.
JOIN California land excursion to llarys
vllle. rb. 15: Irrigated (gravity water
free) land ready to plant: early Spring
crops yield tSOO acre; little money re
quired: 3S families wanted. A. M. High-
bouse. 617 Board Of lrana piu.
FOIt SALE Homestead relinquishment of
J acres: good level land: 20 acres ol
rye In; all fenced; house, barn and wen.
1 mile to schoo'.house. miles to
Klamath Falls. Or. Inquire P. O. box 10,4,
Irrigated Lands.
Would you like to locate In the richest
part of the Willamette Valley If you were
sure of plenty of water for Irrigation dur
ing the Summer dry spell? For small
dairy farms, hog-ralsing. poultry, alfa.fa.
clover, market gardening, fruit and ber
ries. Let us tell you of the Inducements at
West Stayton. It pays to get In on the
start of a good protect. Call for booklets.
304 Oak St.. Portland. Or.
Irrigated l-ands.
CALIFORNIA irrigated land, Yuba Valley
(gravity water tree!, a.luvial soil, crop
pianted and cared tor one year free, -u
per cent income; Join excursion Kb. !.
found trip. M4.50; free tare to buyers. A.
M. Highhouse. J17 Hoard of Trade bldg.
15 PER ACRE for 3O00 acres fine land on
railway and water transportation and un
der reclamation project. Owner. AD ion,
For Sale Farms.
WHEAT 1 J i.rt ... ..
4S0-acre wheat farm 4fj miles from
Condon, in Gilliam Co.. Oregon: vo.canlc
ash soli: all til. able and under cultiva
tion: u-room house, large iiW barn, nu
merous outbuildings; famty orchard:
price- 1I2.0O0 t2i per acrO : will take
good unincumbered Portlaod residence
property up to 11000 and ,00 cash as
nrst payment, long time on balance.
Place will pay for Itself in less than 8
600 acres, being an excellent farm. nav
Ing more than a mile of river front, good
buildings and adjacent to a good town
In Idaho, and which has a line future,
part of the property is already ripe for
Subdividing into small tracts or lots; this
property Is cV-ar of incumbrance: the cash
Value about :i.0UO: I wish to exchange
his for Portland property: wBI consider
auartroent-hoiase. store buildlngx or other
good propertv- and would assume or pay
fome difference In writing. Sive full
particulars. Address J.. E. Smith. P. O.
box 1131. Portland. Or.
Just a short distance from Garden
Home station, ail in cultivation and
2 acres in rrult. This place is In a
vicinity where acre tracts are 1UH
and 12 per acre. The price of
this 5 acres Is $4500. Owner will
exchange for home In Portland. .
DeYoung. S14 Chamber of Commerce.
C. J. M'CRACKEN. 304 McKay Bldg.
WANTED To buy stock of dairy farm nea:
Portland. AO 717. Oregonlan.
Horsea. Vehicles. Etc.
Horses, mules, vehicles, harness. Mon
day, Feb. S. at 10 A. M., and every Mon
day thereafter. Horses sold on commis
sion for anyone having them for sale.
We have a good supply on hand at all
times that we sell with a guarantee to be
as represented. ,
240 E Sin. St., Near Hawthorne.
phone East 6315.
Second-hand vehicles bought and sold:
new wagons and auto beds made to order;
livery furnished to business parties at
special rates.
420 Hawthorne Ave.
Phone East 72. B 1309.
A CAR of line 1U00 to lttOO-pound young
horses at barn. IS, Country Club grounds,
for sale at reasonable prices and guaran
teed by Adams & Campbell. Residence
phone, c iua4. -tat-or -i-g.
general stock of merchandise In one ol
the best towns In the Willamette Valley
amounting to about 11'o.Ov.U; owner wantl
good farm land or city propertv. L. iv.
Moore. 517 Board of Trade. Portland. Or.
FOR SALE One fine mare, 3 years old.
weighing 1200 lbs.; sound and true; one
llrst-cla&s driving mare, buggy, ana har
ness. 220 Russell st.
LIGHT delivery wegou. practically new; de.
tachable top; lloo-pound horse and new
single harness. Box 173. R. F. D. 5, Van.
couver, Wash:
TEAM wanted, from 1000 to 1100 lbs-;
must Oe in Iirsi-ciawa ouavv. ... --
right team. Answer, giving phone and
particulars. O 7ol. Oregonlan.
WILL exchange a fine diamond ring for
good uurn v ' v. ...... a
keny st
Have fine loi'xlOO on one of the
best business streets on the East
Side, which owner will exchange
for a general merchandise stock, all
or part. C. DeYoung, 514 Chamber
of Commerce.
HOUSES, harness, wagons, buggies. 247
n . ...... . Unrthnrh. nvA. in
t'.ll L J -1 .1 UDBt . .. - . .
TEAM horses, weight 2S00: call see them
worhing- price -uv, a. a"'--
S3S E. 2Sth. WW cai
BAY mare, 1100 pounds, soound and true
single or aouu,e, o "...
302 Front st.
112 7,00 WORTH of gilt-edged Port
land property, all Income, to ex
change for Improved ranch In W ll
lametto Valley or Rogue River V al
ley. C. DeYoung. 514 Chamber of
Pianos. Orguns and Musical Instruments.
175 LarKa graphoplione, fine condition.
clear tune. Including 10 records and cab
inet. Cost ma eiJJ- xuuno vu.
VACANT lots for my faulty.1" ,,K?2?
home; hard-surfaced streets and all 1 im
provements; S rooms: lot 50x100 with
tearing fruit trees; 13 minutes from
Washington street; only J1200 asalnst thts
property. 1 live out of the city and am
quite desirous of disposing of It. call on
my agents. rnMPANY.
432 Chamber of Commerce.
:s acres for ';oo.
Here Is one of the best farm buys
In the vicinity of Portland. There
are PS acres. 30 acres in high state
of cultivation, balance pasture aud
some timber; all easy clearing:
good 3-rooni house, good red barn
and other outbuildings: young or
chard of 6 acres just coming into
bearing. This orchard lias been
well cared for by a practical fruit
man and It Is a beauty. There Is
an older bearing orchard of assorted
fruits, lots of berries of all kinds:
around the house is a beautiful
bunch of firs sheltering one of the
most magnificent springs we have
ever seen, making the place home
like and attractive, personal prop
erty: Team, wagon, buggy, harness,
row. 4 stands bees, some hay and
grain, all farm implements and
cvervthlng: only Soooo; located
southeast of Portland about 30 miles
in Fplendtd community and Just
1 mile to station on good carline.
122 North tlth St.. corner of tlth ana
Main 43M. A 723!".
25 ACRES, 1H miles east of Hubbard: 3
acres onion set land, 1 acre bearing wal
nuts. 4 acres apples, bananas. Jonathans,
varieties: cherries and pears: fair Im
provements: 23 acres In cultivation: best
of soil; isooo; Incumbrance 3000, lor
city property or small acreage; pay or
take difference. 415 Chamber of Com
merce. .
So-acre farm. 70 In cultivation; house,
barn. 00x75; other buildings; fine orch-
Portland."' R. jnd ,
ITsT FOTDunboi,.r4!3
Chamber or uommcrt-c
WANTED Piano, must be cheap, give full
j H wrlna V T-'-l i lrPtziinlftn.
qeaLTipimu y , ,
IF you own a tract of land worth 3o0O.
free from incumurauve. "Ji i.ll
Portland, to exchange for a paying well
located grocery of equal value, ask for
1(K ncrn, on gravel road close to Day
ton and MVMinnvtlle; 1H acr in cultiva
tion, balance pasture with few scattered
oak trees; 8 acres 3-year-old apple trees.
4 acres family orchard, black loam soil;
ponl fc-room. tuo-Bto ry house, two barns.
The following chattels are included: 3
mares ( - cost f.Viy. and - colls. 8 Hol
Kiln and Jersey cows. T hogs, all farm
implements and tools, separators and milk
cans, also household furniture; water In
kitchen: abundant water for Irrigation.
Trice J r.VnH).
1:4.1 Stark st.
WANTED To trado house on carline, by
" i -1..V. .iva Inratlnn and de-
ScViptloa first letter. AS 747. Oregonlan.
y acres. 13 of which is in cultivation,
balance easily cleared; 10 miles from cen
ter of Portland and close to station on the
4th-t. line; all the bvt of soil, lies nearly
level and well drained; fair house, barn
and two chicken-houses; well of Rood
water; o0 bearinic fruit tres of alt kinds,
plenty of small fruit for family use; lies
on county road. cloe tb school, church
and stores. Trice $4-'.V. Favorable terms.
ilS-LUO Board of Trade.
1 OK SALE feO-acre farm, "t acres under
cultivation, 4 acres bearing orchard. S
room house, (rood barn ttOxfeO feet, wood
shed and other buildings; good w;i.
J.lHXJ.Oi'O feet first-class (ir timber,
worth $2. - per 1 000 f 't a t u m page ; 1
ml! from school, good roads; price $4'0O;
will gi trrms. Address Oakvllie, Vsn
InKton. It. V. l. No. 1, box 4'J.
$0 acres high rolling land, near town
of Hoi if y. a few acres under plow, re
mainder In timber and pasture. Price
-V00. No finer land anywhere for frutt
or agriculture. Strong & Co., 005 Concord
i'Oit SALE by owner, a beautiful 110-acr
farm in the Willamette Valley, close to
transportation and two-third in cultiva
tion: pan cash and balance on easy pay
mnts. 207 Oregonian bldg.
Two acres cleared. West Side, close in,
on carline. 2 blocks to station, run nine
water. Sl.'iOO. terms. 4-H Chamber of
Look! Forty acres, 2 miles) of Gaston
; mile to station, living water.
feet of timber. Jt'.ort cash. F. Dubois. 423
Chamber of Commerce.
SUHi .-0 DOWN. 115 MONTH.
Neat 5-nom cottage, with bath. toiW
and hot water lank. Fred W. German
io.. 9S2 C. of C. Hoth phones.
KANCH M acres, with buildings; IS miles
from Portland, near electric line; bargain
for all cash. By owner, 1S2 Morrison st.
$ WORTH of real estate, personal
property and mortgages to exchange for
property any place, can mearow Auction
Jfc Keaity to., ill x-ienry
tiiMMKItriAL orchard, bearins. 10 acres.
neor Salem; equity 25K, for bouse up to
s;MM or good lot. 4li Chamber of Com
tAKlu timber claim, near transportation. In
Southern Oregon; will trade for Portland
property. Call or address S, W. Lucas.
room 42. Imperial Hotel, city.
4v ACRES Of unimproved land 3 mile
w est of Fcappoose. on railroad, to trad
for automobile liamilton bldg. Main
1 '.4.
Itungalow. lot oux 100. 3 blocks from
ar, for good vacant property.
H1GLET A BlriHOl', 201 Hamilton bldg
WILL exchange nice sightly iota, located in
Portland, for medium-price auto. Phone
A 1S21 or Main 8. 4.
IOT KTxlOO. worth $650, clear, for automo
bile, i-passenger. worth oo to JSt0. Gi-o
make and age of car. AH TS9. Oregontar.
WILL sell cheap or trade
f-nvr. Jones. Main 77 Tti.
gasoline wood
tTH ST., corner, 1 20.00O; take residenca up
to gio.otw. lioiONcnmitit s Agency.
WILL exchange nice city lot for homes;
no dealers need call, uio East AnKeny st.
LEA R lots trade for equities, or what have
vnu ? Jones. Main i. iflL
MOTOR-BOAT and 1100 cash
runabout auto. Jones Main '
WANTED A lot for new piano. 128 14th st-
A NEW upright grand piano for sale cheap.
lo2 Vermont st.. Fulton.
WILL trade largo 10-room house. now.
modern ana an oum-in T , Z
of construction, in Rose City Park; street
Improvements paid; good surroundings,
near school and car; for acreage
Newberg Or. Provident Trust Co., -d
floor Soling bldg.
Irrigation, H mile from school. 5 miles
from OHand; cash price !: J ff!
change for non-iiTigated land well Rented
give full description and best price m first
fetter. E. S. Harding. Orland. Cal.
5 and 10-acre tracts of fine Improved
land on Salem Electric, also near lores
Grove; will trade for city property. La
llarre. 2M Commercial block.
Free and clear alfalfa and fruit land
to exchange. What have you to offer7
CVLLANn&KASER. 722-24 Ycon Bldg.
WILL trade 7-pa5senger "Knox" automobile;
lngton. Laurelhurst or Ladds Addition
property. J. D. O'Donnell, 4U1 Board of
'l racic.
We have clients for several 4 to T-roora
houses in good districts, close to carllnes.
at from $1.Vh to 000t. If your price is
richt, come In and see ua. Svrir
able to turn your property FOR iOL
710-71 Lewis bldg., 4th and Oak.
Marshall 4200, A 7K.S.
10 or 15 acres near cities of Salem. For
est Grove or Hlllsboro; must be good and
price, rt.M -h- COMPANT.
4f,2 I'lianlbor of 1 ommcrce.
I WANT -o lots In Willamclte Heights.
IJIv. location, price, eriiia f .v.-.,
C 01S, Oregonian.
WANT 7 or S-rooni modern house, m g0
district; will pui in -H -
adjoining Neslxnl assume or pay cusn
dilterence. ,
3"1 Wilcox l.:l
. . t ... market for a home about Juth
m-nsll T7nAd: must have
modern nouse. goou )iu
Will pav soot cash up to J.'.O.OOO If you
can shoW me alue. B 73. Oregonlan.
WANT to buy house, west Mae. up to '.--
POO; must tBKe .h"jv ii-.y.-x- ....
and small payment. wagncr -
CI amber of Commerce
WE ran sell bargains la vacant lots, cny
part or peruana.
GARLAND ft CO.. 191 4th St.
20 TO 4-1 acres, unimproved, close iocil-
tric station ano nuv ov .
to clt.
t.OoO.000 feet standing timber. 2 miles frorn
electric line. M miles from Portland: ?
cash, balance secured: description will bs
given to Interested parties and offers con
sidered. Emmons & Emmons, attorneys-
at-law. W9-illo Koara or iruuc
STUM PAGE C5.00O cords fir. J12.000; 4000
casn. oaianc. on w - . , " -.
cent: will contract to take wood t . o. D.
railroad; Hi ml'.ss down 5rde: Bood op"
ponnnuy iur ns"
Irga Tracts a Specialty.
Timber Lands Bought and Snld-
1.8 Lumberniens Bldg., and Stark.
FOR SALE 320 acres timber land. Polk
County: would accit Portland property
riciiau(i. ivi v.."
i rmenuen, nt'1".
EXCELLENT land to trade for timber In
Any amount. u"-'. " ' g-
One whola block, comprising 8 full lots,
on v.nicn nine - - " ; .""tin
fruit trees. cmcRwiuua. -not
far from the Reed Institute; this
property is clear oi umunui,
value 113 000; wish to trade It for a
value '.2.. . vllev
of from about SO to 160 acres, with fair
buildings, ana muft oe wju'i'i
plements and other personal property, and
. . ,.f m renter valuation than
the first above-named property: owners
of farms wishing to make 4tU will
please write, giving full particulars to
J E. smith. P. O. box 1131. Portland. Or.
THlRTl-rlVS acres, iww " .
of Gresham: good " PartlctMw see
owner. L"ri ' "
FARM wanted, by responsible party, to
work on shares, k f.n, ureguni.ii.
HAVE party for large tract of marketable
Umber. J&r. bwmis. --'-
HOHSE and wagon, suitable for grocery ol
bakery, o. x. -o.. j-ta jv-cuj.
UOllSEii. all kinds; gooseneck express and
farm wagons. 381 W. Water, cor. Mntgy.
PIANOS tor sale; a few sample pianos and
pi aver pianos mai nvo uu
wholesale display will be sold at factory
cost. Kooro aio Merchants Trust bldg.
Siy Fine pianola with 40 rolls music, flrst
T n.,nr, t 'nt in a Citi to. innuire
U02 V afico su
RELIABLE party would like to take care of
good piano lor any leniii vl
FUli SALE, at your own price, -uap uiwu-
merg uutnt comuieie. sruvua wet. v
P. M-. Main 4JirJ.
li;o Nearly new, high-grade upright piano,
yiain. oak case. Marshall 3 lot.
FINE piano, almost new. for sale cheap.
GOOD square piano, only $-5; fine little up-
rignt. new. 9 n a.. m.
1ukh, Birdi. Pet Stock.
FOR SALE Fine English bull terriers. U
weeks o:i; ceruneu jieu'fciwB.
bor i.O'Jli. .
GREAT champion Red Raven alredale ter
rier stud, mao-ir neimem, Lii-ftutt, w.
FOR SALE pedigreed English bull dog, 8
months old, v urtgumtw.
almost new furniture and household goods
complete for five rooms. Must be in Cali
fornia at earliest moment. Make me an
offer. Cash or term. Address 2iS Ross
4-ROOM modern flat for rent, with furni
ture for sale: require $100 payment down.
i I .. ii. 1 Calcine. hlrifr
WETjL-FURNISHED 5-room flat; 2 rooms
rented; piano included; corner lltb. and
Bur.iside.. Main t52.
OAK. dining table and buffet. $25; cost M;
also range, hall tree and other furniture
chtap. ll40 East Main. Phone Tabor 14!J.
FURNITURE ot 10-room house, $1150; $150
cash, balance $15 per mo. Main 1412.
forenoons and ask for landlady.
SNAP Furniture, good as new; beds, mat
tresses, springs, dressers, range, table,
chairs, rugs, etc. 319 Graham ave,
M isrellaaeo us.
If you want a real bargain see Jimmy
Dunn; every coat must go to make room
for Spring goods; bring $10 along. Room
315. Oregonian bldg. Take elevator.
(.One of Many.)
Office Secretary Employment Department,
Y. M. C. A.
Youns man, stranger, seeking employ
ment (.$20 his totai cash asst-l If I pay
you $5 for employment membership I will
have only $15 between me and starvation.
Secretary If you pay $5 for employ
ment membership you will have the . M.
C. A., with all its resources, between you
and starvation.
Result: Young man joined association.
In less than a week he had satisfactory
employment. .
Record for 12 months ending December
SI :
Call for men 2265
Positions filled -.ii
Employment membership guarantees
member will secure employment or refund
of full membership fee; gives two months
full memDershlp privileges, 10 months so
cial privileges and undertakes to keep
member employed during the full term
membership without further charge
Constant demand for CLERICAL.
See Secretary Employment Department,
T. M. C. A. .
OLD SAFES taken in exchange on new and
steel office safes. Safes opened, repaired.
Purcell Safe Co. and Portland Salt Co.,
So 5th st. Phone M. 0o0U!
TYPEWRITERS, all makes, $10 to $6j.
212 Stark Street.
SAFES New and second-hand, large assort
ment, low prices, safes opened, repaired.
M osier Safe Co., 108 Second st. Main 7t76.
PURE- well-rotted cow manure, George W.
Lindsay, gardener and dealer in fertilizer;
phone evenings. Sellwood ltk5.
-P. gasoline launch and boathouse,
$150. terms. P. L. Proctor. 1003 Spalding
bids. Main 72S9.
CASHIER. $I5, room and board, fare paid;
i v. H-aiir- kiti-httn h fluer.
$9 week; hotel waitress, $25, in and out
of cltv; Scandanavlan cook and waitress.
DERBY desks and office furniture. E. B.
Haley Desk Co., 21p Seventh st. Main 58.
LAW 2d-hand set Oregon Reports and "Cy"
of Law aud Procedure. AX 7, Oregonian.
TWO showcases. 4-foot candy and 4-foot ci
gar. Norton's. Vancouver. Wash.
REMUNERATIVE position, paying salary
i i t oifr man rtf intelli
gence; no experience required; the desire
to earn a comfortable living being the only
requisite. Applv 9 to 12 only, -418 Mohawk
Lrag., ol ana jriorriBui. oo.
USE BasEett'B Native Herbs for constipa
tion; 50 tablets for Zoc. Ail crugrris'-s.
NATIONAL cash registers; get my prices.
v-t- V. Ko -sr-. or- Main Klirt
THE Domestic Service Bureau. 308 Central
. . ... Jnllo a. Pa Vivim tha rieat
DlQK-i rJt:e.vco """J wo-si- i..... - - -
of homes for competent, reliable girls for
seneral housework, cooks, second work
and nurse maids.
jo BUCK cookstove, almost new, for sal
WE WANT to buy $1000 worth of second
hand furniture in the next 30 days, and
pay all the cash it is worth. Williams
Ave. Furn. Exchange. East 636.
Highest prices paid for ladles' or men's
cast-off clothing and shoes. Call Main
2US0. 290 First st
WE buy for cash second-hand National
Cash Registers and sell them' on easy
terms. W. J. Macauley, 354, Burnside st
Phones Main 1816. A 181U
WILL buv any kind of hair combings; high
est cash price paid. Sanitary Beauty Par
lors, 400 peKum uius.
WE pay the highest cash price for second
hand furniture. M. It. Seatis. Phone East
3134. 348 Hawthorne ave.
FAIR DEAL reopened again; we pay high
est prices for your 2d-hand clothing and
household goods Main 9272.
Martin, 320 Lumber Exchange bldg.
WE want $10,000 worth of second-hand fur
niture; niguest pnuea yam, ucunwu
We pay highest price for second-hand
clothing. 294 3d. Main 9263.
Phone Main
SECOND-HAND coffee urn. 4 or 5 gallons;
must oe in kuuu wuum.
WILL tint rooms, $2.50 up; also painting
at .sKinnnhliii nrines. Phone East OJ24.
FORD Auction Co. pays most cash for any
. . : i oii li Mnln Hitfil- A 2445.
Ktnu m " '
NATIONAL casn register; price must be
reasonable. Main 606.
We have a few nood buys In slight
ly used trucks and car of d.lflrat
makes traded Id on
Also some bar sains in rebuilt trucks
and cars.
Write for latest list and descrlptlea
mention the make you prefer.
prices from $300 to $3000,
Offices. 69 Seventh BU
Portland, Or.
lf12 Flanders. 5-pass., snap. $5o0.
1912 Chalmers, O-pass., 36-h. p., sell
starting. $1350. ,
1910 Chalmers, C-pass., fully equipped,
litlO Maxwell, 2-pass., nap. $2o.
1910 Pierce Arrow, 4-pass., G-cj under.
S6-h. p.. $1500.
And many other bargains.
Over 40 cars to select from.
Salesroom 49:1-495 Alder Street.
Main 1101, A 4S07.
7-PASSENGER. 40-h. p., 1912 Chalmers,
equlppeu witn eiecinc ugin-t. tnwiio, ni
st of tools, four new tires, everything
complete; will sacrifice for cash or trade
for house and lot.
2Zo Pine St.. Portland, Or.
-PASSENGER Winton "six," also "Stod-dHrd-Dfiyton,"
line condition; decided bar
gains for cash; also old car will make
good delivery car; $150. 52 j Alder St.
Phone Main 912.
WANTED at once, 10 automobiles, run
abouts, roadsters ana o-passenger cars.
493-495 Alder St.
Main 1161. A 4S3T.
CHEAP for cafh. 5-passenger. 0-horsepower.
Mraight-ltne lore-aoor ooay; engine ju
overhauled; car in good condition. Fred
Duntiee. 575 Jefferson st.
Hnnmnh 1. Maxwell. Flanders or Dotroiter
preferred; describe fuliy and quote lowest
cash price. V 700, Oregonian.
MUST sell my seven-passenger Pierce-Arrow
auto; leaving country; Dest casn oner
takes It; or would consider good land
trade. Phon Main 6151.
CHALMERS 7-passenger. 50-h.p., fore-door
touring car to traae ior reai esiuie. i-i
Board of Trado bldg. -
TWO auto trucks for sale, including a good
business. Call 5U-i l-ianaers, or pnono
Main 9190.
x-kw Automobile tires, chean while they last
82S Burnside st. Call at once. They won't
last long.
I HAVE come good city property that 1
will excnanre iwr meuiuiu-yi oc wiivi
hand car. Phone Main S774.
is Tr.rt nf fresh cows and Sorineers. Jer-
sevs, Durhams and Guernseys. Woodstock,
cor. 5tb. ave.; walk 3 blocks west. Phone
Sellwood 2071.
WANTED Pasturage for five to eight head
stock, Clackamas or Multnomah County,
near Sandy P. O. or Gresham preferred.
A a a ress au rn. vicsumau.
A 45-horepower, 550-volt. Crocker
Wheeler motor, complete, with standard
Diaae BIB r Let , J """b" .---auu
I,.., A T P l." r-irriii t hrci Ira
ampere "j- .
In x-1 condition. AddreBs room 203, Ore-
one j o-vuit uiicLi-uuiicui, o e '
complete, with field rheostat, ammeter
and circuit breaker. This machine is in
good repair. Aaaresa, room xu., vrego
nian blag.
-r- cn.B
nv txr r..V)-vnI t Crocker-Wheeler
renerator. complete, with field rheostat
and circuit breaker, in eooa condition.
Address room 2o3, Oregonlan bldg.
Furniture for Sale.
GOOD furniture of 6-room houpe, great sac
rifice. SIOU. Cn OJirt mi i .ov -
WE want real "live wire" house salesman;
,n thi ritv and can close a
deal when given a good prospect; we fur
nish you some prospects and help you
close; man with auto preferred. AL 811,
EXPERIENCED salesman to sell our homes
-ii r Ua tv nn ttasv DaV-
nient plan, and restricted resi
dence lota on both the East and West
Sides; also close-in acreage. We furnish
some prospects and assist in closing sales.
We supply lots and build to suit pur
chaser. Liberal commissions. Ask for
sales manager. .-..,.
Second x loor eeiung rum,.
WANTED Aggressive, enthusiastic sales
man ; our acinus i"a . v.
easily followed and produce large returns;
our salesmen are making more than those
in similar lines; increasing force to take
care of increasing business. Ask for
Kinder. L'mbdenstock & Larson, 2tf oak
-L. 1 v 1 llr . K.. r, u o..j..'." --.-
one wno moruugmj i,,... ...
business opportunity line and who Is well
acquainted in the city; good opening for
the right party; will give full charge of
pioyea. .-wui too -
WANTED Traveling salesman In states of
asmngton. ana un w -"- ,Y
Hoosier ALL SOLID SCHOOL shoe line
on a commisssion of 6 per cunt; no objec
tion to non-conflicting side line. Address
Walter Kcnnard, Tappan Shoe Mfg. Co.,
t0iu aier, Jt". .
SALE? MEN Do you get a definite flnarj
ciai return i" Buuacucm.
Have you ever really investigated life in
surance an a ivi .
Penn Mutual Life, 207 Selling bldg., Port
WANTE-) First-class bookkeeper; answer
in vour own nanawnuns; ww j1 "
pciience fully and give your telephone
liumoer. j iuv, uitb"""
-4VT:n hnatlinff real estate salesmen;
must be in a position to go out of city
on a liberal commission basis to sell A-l
proposition; references. Call 416 Railway
WANTED 3 or 4 uance musicians ior siutm
town Feb. 15; leave Portland In evening,
return next morning; send prices and ref
erences. G ure.OTiau.
EXPERIENCED mechanical draftsman, $100
a month: more if ablo to demonstrate
Sbllitv. 414 W Jicoi uius. AB-.
XKAT enercetic man to milk and do chores;
email wages to start; must like care o
!L oVrt eood milker. 502 East SSd
it. North.
FiKT-CLASS salesman to eell to the trade
for Oregon, naaiuuj,"'"
$10 to $20 per day; pay own expenses. AL
M-;. iregonmii.
WANTED Bright boy over 16 for office
work; must have finished grammar school
course. Apply In own handwriting, AO
gytf. oregonian
COATMAKERS. McDonald & Coliett, &9
Washington si. auji .. 0 ,
nours. l uiun p.i-
WANTED Baker for high-grade shop; must
. 1 .. .i ,nun- rffArpnrfa reaulred.
1 lie cooaerj . ' "
TWO first-class," all-around slaughter-house
AW . . iv t tTr-nnlf T? Smith Tack-
butcners. - 'j
mg-nouse, iy'i"
FTmjT.ri.ASS furnltura finisher; must
pive references. Apply to Mr. Young,
Gevurtz. 5th at Altler.
rni I.FCTOK. iirsi-ciBw '". .o.
tii fliency bond; commission; give phone
" . . j - t T::7 Orpironian.
tin Rtiuicna.
.u . 1 . .il t,l,V
class industrial stocks. Call at 244 Stark
ma r invEN to sell contracts on conimis-
sion; BOim '
dress. j .
. una erorm ami fl n t ft MM Hfl-
can', explain here. Call 1013
Chamber of Commerce bldg.. Portland, or.
' . nan, r,f Institlltinir lodceS
Call Eaton Hotel between 12 and 2. H.
W. Barrows.
A FEW high-ciass salesmen to sell central
v .iiTpr, rnn nronertv. at the mouth of the
Columbia, No such opportunity has ever
before been offered In the West. Nothing
compares with it in merit as the coming
great seaport, and many sales are now
being easily made. Call only between lO
and 12 Columbia Harbor Land Co., 901-2-3
Wilcox bldg.
340 Sherlock Diag.
WANTED Competent girl for general house
work: wages 9-iv: musi do a guwu
Phone East 63ti2. Call bet. 12 and 2 at
699 Schuyler St., cor. 21st.
WANTED Companion for elderly lady even
ings the other memoers oi me iamn?
away; give phone number. AL 846, Ore
gonlan. . ,
TWO girls for road show; experience un
necessary. Phone a oeu iv -
Ask for Mr. Grant.
PANTS FINISHERS. McDonald & Coliett.
2 Si) Wash. st. steaay worn, gouu .
S hours. Union shop. m
WILL give reliable woman h. k. rooms 'ith
prlvilega of Keeping ooaruers ior u'u-.i6
after lO rooms, fnona nenwguu xvi.
uni-cf l'ltdi"R!! ri-vrvk a wAltrpsseS. day
WOrKers, cnaraoerniaiuo, iiuiocb. oi. "
Acencv, 253'i- Alder. Main 2039, A 4t5-
WANTED Refined, capable woman ior re-
.. . : : i:ini " i"l pAtn.
chi:d Mdg., 4th and Washington.
MRS. HOW 1 A-uiin aud.'v,!,
Washington bldg., 270 Wash., room 35.
. . m llnU CC1 It n-w & .'t"Kft
near in. irnuuc iam "
EXPERIENCED gownfitter; state where last
empioveu, stiitti i A-v.itu
her. AH 732. Oregonian.
VEST-FINISHERS. McDonald & Coliett, 2S9
ii' . l-. .r mrirlr W!t IT PH.
W a II. bl. Oieouj w . o - -
nours. union huf-
MAX eip;l- to o , in ."InW .
"T"k . small wanes. AS Start Mrs. W. B. Hanna, Mr..ww bulM-
tefme to learn business. Small wages. AS
7Ji, Oregonian. ,
EXPERIENCED chauCeur wishes position;
will clean, polish, wasa or rejialr prlvatt
cars. Call Mr. Wada. Main ill. A
O. Box 98.
WASTED Work: If jou have some lots or
an acre or two to clear, have it done by
an experienced man. C. J. Culver.
6d S. E.
LICENSED druggist. 12 years' experience
manager of drug store five years, highest
references, wants position. Notify uen4
w Rradv. "11 Morris St.. city.
COOKS, man and wife, alliround cooks
and bakers: long experience; sober and
reliable; city or out. J. Graynor, it-laj
st. Phone Marshall 111.
WANTED Position as manager and Jani
tor of apartment-house; able to keep up
repairs; good references. A3 7-o. Ore.-
JAPANESE schoolboy who has ood experi
ence in housework and can speak good
Enllsh wants position in small private
family. S 715. Oreronian.
ABLE-BODIED man looking for work; can
speak four different languages and could
be used as Interpreter by contractors. At
JNITOR. experienced running steam hcaf
'ing plant, does plumbing and pipe-fitting
work, wants position; references, c ii.
SITUATION bv two young men on a dairy
farm: irood. clean milkers. Address KoD-
ert Tlnklin. 51 3d st. North.
lOLNti married man. high school educa
tion, desires employment, anything. au
lb, oregonian
EXPERIENCED chauffeur wishes position,
passenger or truck; can keep car in re
pair; good references. AD 7. Oregojiian.
TOUNG man of good education, wide ex
perience, desires position in city. ak
EXPERIENCED truck driver wishes posi
tion; young married man. good references.
Phone B 11US.
HANDl". all-around young man wants work
any kind: experienced teamster; acquaint
ed wan ciu. aw or-.,,
FIRST-CLASS laundress wants position as
resident laundress. Call DOS Minnesota
P1RST-CL.ASS Japanese ironer wants posi
tion in family to do washing and Ironing.
S 710. Oregonian. m .
YOUNG chauffeur wants position driving
truck or private car; best references. Main
HIGH-CLASS, experienced Chinese cook
for hotel, restaurant or boarding-house.
AB 084, oregonian.
WISH position as moving-picture operator;
competent; or part of wages In the busl
ness. AU t xo. uiCB'"-
YOUNG man attending business college de
sires to work for room and board. AU
697, Oregonian.
WANTED Situation, second cook or helper.
JAPANESE boy wants work morning and
evening In family. B 732. Oregonlan.
Booh k eepe rs and Wtenogihers
STENOGRAPHER, two years' "PJence.
desires permanent position. WoodJawa
6bS. '
DRESSMAKING Perfect lit and workman
ship guaranieea. ruuitc ""
YOUNG lady for vaudeville; must be small;
i nnt-..- T3 1 T'iTi Orf.
gooa cnance iui,g-.
SEWING at home for Infanta and children.
aees - to o. jrnone mot.
FIRST-CLASS girl wanted to help on ladle
coats ana a i-s.
Selllns-Hirsch blag
IF you want something new at once, reason-
ante. Call Alan suii mo
DRESSMAKING done by day. Phone Mar-
snail jo-u.
WANTED Experienced girl for ladiei
1 aiior. OlD aauwat"
WANTED Young girl to assist small faro
liy, smau noua. omu.
COM PETENT girl for general housework.
COOK, $40; waitresses, $2o; iamny neip.
Howe s Agency, aa,
WANTED-Posltlon ashousekeeper in wid- od"" ."'f,
GOOD girl wanted to work In store.
E. Burnsiae.
WANTED Girl for general housework in
small iamny; gooa wag. q" -
A GOOD home for an orphan girl; state
age. i? i'. uregonian.
'CAPABLE woman, general housework.
Lrouis Ajgency. main -vu.
WANTED Experienced feeder. Palace Laun
dry Co., E. lUtn ana jiiveren..
GIRL wanted, general housework; adults;
P,ori.nrn ".Tf. Hf)Vt. COr. JSth.
WANTED Girl for general
wages -u. rnone r.
WANTED A woman for general housework.
REFINED girl to assist with children; reX-
..Iwrl Dhnna TT 9r.K
FIHST-CLASS manicuring girl.
1 raae paroer oum,.
Board of
WANTED Scandinavian girl as cook and
NURSERY GOVERNESS, between 20 and
35; wages $35. Main 203.. A 4i75.
SALESMEN and saleswomen wanted to sell
silk products. 4'mill to consumer," in Port
land and In your own town: good pay.
Write at once. Eastern Silk Mills Agency,
AH 72S. Oregonlan
WANTED 2 good salesmen to handle stock
and real estate proposition, either ladles
or gentlemen; experience not necessary,
tieo. F. Teall, 623 Chamber of Commerce
FISK Teachers Agency secures positions for
teacners. io joumai oms. w.
LEARN automobile repairing, driving on up-to-date,
cars: electric, civil engineering,
surveying; methods most practical; room
and board while learning; positions se
cured; satisfaction guaranteed; catalogue
free. National School of Engineering. 211l
West Seventh. Los Angeiea.
208-268 11th 8t. cor. Jefferson.
Practical instruction by instructors who
are expert in Held and shop tuition; part
cash on enrollment, bal. at graduation;
UDerai aiscouut iut
oou MEN. 20 to 40 years old, wanted at once
lor electric railway motormen and con
ductors; ft0 to 100 a month; no ex
uerlenco nece&jary; fine opportunity; no
strike: write Immediately for application
blank. AdQ.eas a wg, wica..
100 MEN and women to learn the barber
trade In 8 weeks, in all Us modern meth
ods; send for catalogue, tools free; learn
a trado that you can get In business for
yourself. Moler Barber College. 35 N. 4th.
......... - nil at. ,4 U n ..lark.' examina
tion soon: alsi Custom-House. Salary up
to 1S00. Prepare. Free book. Pacific
KchooL McKay hldg.. Portland. Or
MEN women, get Government parcel post
i..w.. cm tunou Write for list DOsitions
open. Franklin ,msuiuie, uepu o-vn.
Rochester. N. Y.
ual inSirUCllUU, .Iiu. i.uu..u. .j --. - a i
bookkeeping: day and night classes. 84a
namiuun oi"- -
mnnev writing short stories ior
newspatiers; big pay: free booklet tells
how. United Press Synd. D s. san franco
MEN and women to learn the barber trade
in 8 weeks: position guaranteed. Oregon
Barber College, 233 Madison at.
. - ta u rlto Vl TiftV
W 1U ritl ' - -, 'o r'
we'll teach you; free Information. Picture
Play Association. D S. San Francisco.
IF vou want a man and wife for farm work,
cill u-. The Guild. 314 Selling bldg. Main
6328. A 7035.
GIRLS learn beauty parlor business; earn
money wnne learning, p-ia numguuu
SHORTHAND, typewriting school, 26l 14th
St. Main iisya. n.xpers inauiKuuu.
Bookkeepers and Clerks.
WOOD-CUTTERS' wanted to eontract tor
Portland: Flrland. Trust Co.. 441 Stark st.
WANTED Tailors cuvlci
who will attend to other work. Apply D.
B. McBride & Co.. Royal bldg.
KPp-f'IAL agents wanted for the Marcel!
6 Smdo SM , Wash. at. One dollar com-
mission on earn ' uv
WANTED First-class coatmakera.
Leud. diit ft v
W ANTED Lively boy i11 wheeL
irwin-aoueiu v."-.
HEAD tailor, men's bushellng work. Lion
Clothing to.. bv..
PHOTO solFcitors: best offer in city. Sarony
fstuaio, o-t73 -"
PKOTO-COVPON ogenta; best ever otTered.
V an UVCK otuuw. "
FCRNITUIIE of 5-room cottaga for sale.
$73. rent $13. 287 N. 19th.
FLAT for rent, furniture for sale. 9 rooms;
rent reasonable; (aaO. -lain 4204.
W A N T E l Good ail-round photographer.
FlIlT-CLASS ladies- tailor wanted.
BarKnurst. wn nu a-'
YOUNG man. legal training, desires office
position; reference. R S38, Oregonian.
YOUNG man, from Eaat. attorney with of
fice experience, also with some experience
as a clerk, cashier, bookkeeper and man
ager will accept any employment in the
West. R 80, uregonian
ud books, prepar- -
mnt. install system Gillingham. au
ditor. B12 Lewis bldg. Marshall it.
BOOKKEEPER, experienced and efficient.
desires perm-ntii.
Marshall 4166.
EXPERIENCED" telephone operator wu.l?
:tk a prlvatt: caui6
Miss iliner.
NIGHT work wanted, all or part time, cora-
pe tent, rename ma . o
YOUNG man, eienuis i 111-,
nerlenced, now employed, wishes position;
ary. al m. uicsuuu.
1 m -r a tt- aii.nrniinrf Khrtrt-order din
1"V-t:f. Win eo out of city. T. E.
Jones, SHj Main si-
FIP.ST-CLASS waiters furnished. Marshall
701 A 41U. ronmou ,v..
6thl Portland, Or. O. C. Gerald, mgr.
. r ATnarlnlirA manasrr
general mercantile business; gilt-de ref
erences. .
EXPERIENCED dressmaker wants work at
home, siarsnan a it.
TRAINED and practical nurse wants posi
tion. Phone raoor nui.
ower's home or for young men, by single
mliiaie-aKeu iauy. a auu
YOUNG woman, 2 children, houseKeeper
windowers iamny, vny or -
L'03i. .
Domest ics.
WANTED Position to do housework
gooa plain cooaing. ruvuv ""
EXPE RIENCED Scandinavian woman
wants a piaco as iuw .... ...
institution; no lees than $J per month.
AS To-, Oregonian.
WANTED Room and board in exchange for
services in care 01 niiu-.i
companion while attending business col
lege. W I U.t. VIfguum.ii
IF you want first-class second girls orijooU
general nouwui n . .
references, call up The Guild, 311 bellliis
OLXG lauy. experL bii , lv An-ition
perienceu ciein. j - -T
will do all-'round work in store. V i-o
astaik, Mrs. v . a. iiannu, aip-. " "
ln(t. all outside rooms.
heat, private phones, hot and cold water,
rooms with detached bath. per day up.
with private baths. l.i5 per day up.
To permanent guests. i.ot per week up.
with private bath. J..5tl per week up
Telephonc Main 1773.
i'l 4lh St.
Are you looking for a good warm room
with hot and cold water, nicely fur
nished and homelike, at VKK M,ulv
ERATE TRICE? If so. Just take a look
at Hotel Mlnook. cor. 4tu aud Salison. and
you Will iook av riiier.
Just step in and look ut a nice, warm,
sunny room; hot and cold water; bea'l
t;fully furni.hed and homelike, at
PRICE that will CERTAINLY suit you.
If ou are wise you will go at once.
num. SAVON.
1;1 Eleventh Street.
New. modern brick building; steam
heated; private baths, hot and cold water
in rooms; bt:UUttully furnished, coxy, com
fortable; rent reasonable. Call and see us.
Regular and transit-lit trade solicited.
One block trom L'nion Depot; 140 out
side rooms, with all modern conveniences;
making special rales to permanent guests;
rates iroiu (10 per month up. Give us a
cail and you will be more than pleased.
S 0th st. North.
Under new management ; outside rooms;
modern conveniences; 2.0u per week up;
5uc per day up. with or without prlvats
balhg; transients solicited.
14th at Jefferson.
or single, rates reasonable. A tiling. M H-S3.
i -i i ... v . I.'l. T7..! Kn.n for hll.t-
ness people; centrally located: elegant
rooms- all modem conveniences. 7lh ana
Taylor ats., 1 block lrom t'ortland Hotel,
opposite Hellig Theater. Main Pitt.
European and American plan; ,3 cent,
single, $1 double, European; gl.75 Amer
ican; rates by the month 15and upward:
DCSt Ol IHCtCUtC, i,,,...
LARGE, light, clean rooms. $2 and .--oJj
also large suite. - rooms, accommodate a
or 4 people. 146Vi Grand ave.. near E.
Nicely furnished outside rooms, good,
homelike cooking, cosy reception parlor.
HOTEL STAND1SH. u-tSV Washington St.
Remudeled. open under new manage
ment; clean, sunny, outside rooms, with
running not ana com water; ,iu - .y.
120 IJtn St., ut Washington.
Yn.nia i:t:ril ner week uu: under per-
sonal management owner, J. W. Bushong.
HOTEL CONGRESS Beautifully furnished
rooms with all modern conveniences, oth.
and Main.
Furnished Kooma In Private Family.
NEWLY furnished room; light, heat. bath,
and phone: only 3 per week; walking
distance. MA E. 1st St.. near Olackamaa
Take L car to macaaiiias
NEATLY furnished room for one or twi
men; modem, private house: all convenl
ences. Kear Postolfice. Breakfast if do
sired. Phone Marshall Siob.
54' YAMHILL, desirable, large front room,
i... , .., room, with closets, all new.
clean, comfortable; board H desired.
ONE largo bay window room, up-stalrs;
large closet, right off bath; bachelor
D!..ierrcd. 17-1 flay St., cor 14th.
Nil" ELY furnished room in strictly private
familv to young lady, privilege of getting
n n "hrnkrast. East Reasonable.
EAST room, hot-water heat, beautiful sur
roundings, phone, balh; Mt. Tubor car west
passes nouse. in Ji.'.t'. v...
NIf ELY furnished room in strictly prlvalo
fHmlly to young lady; privilege of B;tUna
own breakfast; reasonable. .usi m
Is em-
j . u-ulkinc distance:
prli-e rnasonablc. Phone C ll-?.
LARGE, cleun, well lighted room; reason
able. 2is th st.
SMALL room for sleeping. M a month,
r,w,Hdi.n r.r.4 E. Morrison. I'j. o.'7ll.
ONE nicely furnished room In private fam
lly; every convenience. 3:6 Harrlson sl.
t2 VP weeklv; attic l.oO: desirable location;
Rhint walk. 3o0 1:1th st.
1.2o WEEK Bright, noivly decorated rooni,
u so rr.ini Tiarioi. .i.t... v.- "
PLESXT room In private family, ail con
,.,. Phone B 1153. 22 E. lOtli.
-Warm sinKlc room for man; i'Iobo In.
fall before li P. M. oUJgverett St.
WFl.l furnislieil. sunny room, niodorn con
',....... board optional. 5H4 Klandcrs.
11(1 TAYLOR si.. line, conuoriaoie, ........
room, vers close in, rc."J".""i "
IfEI.Y furnished room, bath and phone.
S.o0. U7 Market.
bldg. Main ..o. A - .loeplng room for
YOUNG lauy- "Pert show card writer ex- .-.o "' .
MILLINER desires city or country position;
capable oi iimnuauib .
fall ianor
j.r.O PER week, small, iieat sleeping room
tor genuemani pt - "
NEvi.T "rurnlshcd room, walklnR distance.
I'hone Aiarsuaii mu..
CAPABLE, reliable woman wants position
as companion or nurse, Hiieiuuuua
WANTED Day worlc sweeping and clean
' . , i, .i u.iciiHii Kt.. room
ing or iiuuacnuiA. r
EXPERIENCED laundress wants a few
more Dunaies oi uijim-
37 S KOSs si. i-noii- iooi.
YOUNG lady, several years experience telc-
P?one. wortt- ."n in.
or reierencw. m.aju quo a. "
LADY wishes day work to wait on tables
or cooKing tor ainneie. tud
WANTED By reliable young lady with ref-
, i-ii,4rn v.u th hour.
erences, in cai- "I
COMPETENT woman wants washing, ironing
and cleaning, wuwt- uaj.
roomll. .
A COLORED woman wouiu imo
Friday, sweeping nu
Rhn jr,4. Mrs. E. M. Webb.
LADY wants day work washing and clean
LACE curtains, draperies, linens, laundered
rv eiDri. -o - r-1 1 1 - - -
LADIES, bring your combings; switcnes
maae to oruei.
IF YOU want reliable day work women call
up the tiUllQ. Jiai" "" "-
EXPERIENCED eashicr wants position.
Phone Main 7714.
JAPANESE woman wants position to help
cook ana nouni-w - v- o
WANTED General housework by young
lany, gooa cw- j -
EXPERIENCED second-girl wishes position.
jt-none iu-ni
TWO eirls want general housework and plain
COO King. JO -c- -n"
WOMAN, experienced, wants day work o
any Kina. I ei-i.m.- j. aw.
EXPERIENCED woman cook, boarding
limiM or hotel. Main 203., A 477.".
FIRST-CLASS laundress wants work Thurs.
and IfTl; retrci-a. iruvuiann jv....
AGENTS wanted; here's the opportunity for
live men Bcnius - ..........w. --
ornamentals, every --
terested in beautifying the grounds about
th home: write at once for outfit, in
cluding fine plate book showing orna-
-1- i- Tt them t siffllt.
oond weeklv commission in advance.
Salem Nursery Company, Salem, Or.
Are selling the Jaeger vacuum cleaner. Why
ii in. Cna 1.1 in hlHtr
DUL JVU i vail tvo ' a
waiting for first-clu
WE have tenants
houses and flats.
Main MiD. l!vi Washington
A 02fi7
more rooms near .i- n.-....
between that and the river. Main lHbJ. A
JNFURNISHED house or apartment suitable
ior noaruiiiK iiuud. .u
erences furnished. Main 3bi.
YOU NO man wants reasonably priced, czy
room. Bouia iwuiu -i - -
ing distance; room roust have hot and cold
water or oe uuu i utmwwu
Oregon i an.
Rooms With Board.
YOUNG man desires room and board in
str.ctlv rivate family; must be within
30 minutes' walk from Front and uajri-
.!-. nFef0rror1 TilpfUtfi eiVfl f Ull
son jcasi. " . f
.:-... .n rirai letter: references if
desired. AR 735. Oregonian.
YOLNG irentleman wishes room and board
in "small private family. East Side, reason
able rate; full particulars. AL 867, Ore-
k'Ol'NG man desires room and board, re
fined! private. Jewish family. W 725. Or-
WELL-FURNISHED room; lo t Uc room s
mnrtprn nomc. tju .
Uooms With Boaril.
15l Park St.
Fine room and excellent board; every
modern convenience; J3I.50 per month.
5 per month double; also dally and
weekly rates.
Select Family Hotel.
Modern rooms with excellent "ble boara,
10 per week and up; rates to families.
11th and Yamhill sts.
-Cl.t . Hio-n-A it
PAKKib.w . V., -
family hotel; not auu nui vf"
heat in every room,
references. Montgomery St. at West para.
" rm . . ,, . , . o-. .;t it
Does a home appeal to you? Doubl.
and single rooms, private bath, sun par
lor; American piao. "
THE lAM BfcTRSON, 5.H Couch, one block
from Washington , .cam - - -
water: good board; special rates for men.
. .- ,,.nurv' rvinN 21th v
;IS Solander4.MrI B. N. Wilson, sup.
first-class taDio oumu,
874 ParK st
a v-T-rr.iT st. Attractive, cleau
rooms; steam m-au .
Koonw With Board In 1'rlvata amxly.
7 G LI SAN ST. Boarders wanted; strictly
home cooking for f-", up; also few nio.
modern furnished rooms; 1 large tronx
room, suitable for 2 or more ladles or
irnt- eltpf ial I ieS . Oil- Biiifti"
nuItH plac?. phone Marshall 7H4.
... , ...w..ii.. hiunu vtr larK
. . , . ii n mr-A with twin
rooms, euiiauiu -
beds and use of piano; home comforts.
ONE small room, 2 large rooms, nicely fur-
nisnea, in pieiii'i "D
..J ii..i..-i-.uim utirt nlano. breakfaa
riinnur n.fttrencL'9 exchanged. Xh
.-.74. E OUil.
jTa RG E room with slepmK porcn una e
cvilent table nouru, siuiuum- )
strictly privute home, Nou Hill rtlsirlct
walkintf alstaiice; steam heul no objectloi
In and wife. Mar. SOi.
WANTED A couple or few to board j
prlvaTefaniily; house U modern, newl;
iurnished and all home comlorts and pnv
lieges. Tabor
ilv m"T warm room and good board f"
- or 2'vounp ladles emploid; new. mou
em honie; every convenience; picasai.
surroundings. oi- r.c..
NU'ELY furnished, light outside room, wit
every modern convenience; strictly horn
cooking; select neighborhood; walkin
dlstanc. 43- Mill.
BOARD and room, prlvalo family, honi
cooking, home comforts, 10 minutes v,ul
Z O. 41U 3d St. Phone Mai
NICELY furnished rooms, two or three pci
f r".:, fL n-nsonublo. furnace heat.
IlOUKRN eot room, clcun and homelik
T,h fMclknt board; 10 minutes froi
Postoffice. ::' Ifth st.
VERY iTleasunt front room, furnaco lieu
electric lights, best home, rooking wall
Ing distance, ctow.w.
( CASH, front parlor for two; separat
beds, all new modem conveniences. S
North Ittn ni.. n.-ar jyi..
ROOM and board with young couple '
modern fiat. West Bide, walking distant
references. A 4!ltt3.
KOOM and board for two gentlemen; fu
nare heat, electric lights, home cookln,
walking distance. 474 Yamhill st.
WELL-FURNISHED room, suitable lor l
.nund cook, excellent meals. Main Idi
ROOMS, with or without board. In prlva
iamny. f
ROOM and board for young women. 3 i.
week, walking distance. Phone E. 4..IJ.
TWO-ROOM furnished, housekeeping, bal
bea"hone. 5 per week. 410 Jefferso