V THE MOBMTTG OKEGOXIAy, THTTRSDAT, JANUARY 30, 1913. 11 SHERIDAN WHiS MISS M'GUNNEGLE Descendant of Illustrious Gen eral of Civil War to Wed in Hawaii. DOUBLE WEDDING PLANNED Miss Josephine Smith, Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Smith, Will Plight Troth to lieutenant Joseph Andrews Same Day. From far-away Hawaii comes the news of a double engagement the betrothal of two of the moBt r harm ing girls who have ever been a factor in the life of Portland's most ex clusive set. Miss Josephine Smith went across the seas with Miss Isabelle McGunnegle a short time ago for a visit of a few months in the Islands and now friends in this city hear that both she and her lovely hostess have aeciaea to en ter the ranks of the young matrons, and that next April on the very same day. both girls will plight their troth with two of the Army officers who are now stationed in Hawaii. Miss Smith is to become the bride of Lieutenant Joseph Andrews, ana Miss McGunnegle will wed Lieutenant Phil Sheridan, a descendant of the u lustrlous General of Civil War fame. Miss Smith Is the daughter or Mr. and Mrs. Milton Smith and is roost popular. Miss McGunnegle Is beautiful and vivacious and has an individuality of style and unaffected manner that Is a great factor m her Bociai success She is the daughter of Colonel Mc Gunnegle, who was in command for some time at Vancouver, but who was lately transferred to the Hawaiian Islands. Lieutenant Sheridan Is a dashing cavalry officer and his own popular ity, together with the great distinc tion of his family, makes the engage ment of more than ordinary note. Miss Smith's fiance. Lieutenant Andrews, is of the artillery, and is one of the prominent young men of the post. The young people have decided t have a double wedding and to remain In the islands for three years, and so It will be regretted by Portland so ciety that there will be no oppor tunity for them to entertain in honor of these two interesting brides-elect. Miss Jean Morrison, -youngest daughter of Rev. and Mrs. A. A. Morri son, was the inspiration for a tea yes terday at which her sister, Mrs. Thomas Sharp, presided at the rectory. Mrs. Sharp Is here from her home, a pretty country place near Prlnevllle for a visit with her relatives, and yesterday's event brought together many of her girlhood friends and others of the younger set who were bidden to greet the guest of honor. The affair was Informal, with only Mrs. Morrison and Mrs. Donald Green (Dor othy Morrison), receiving with the hostess and Miss Jean Morrison. The tea table was attractively decorated with Enchantress carnations and pink blossoms were used in the drawing room. Those who presided in the dining-room were Mrs. Thomas Scott Brooke, Mrs. Thomas Robertson, Mrs. G. Kirkhara Smith, Mrs. Joseph Brad ley, Mrs. Lee Hawley Hoffman, Mrs. Bobert Lewis and Mrs. Claire Hough ton. Yesterday's function was one of the many interesting affairs that have been given for Miss Morrison, who is one of the season's debutantes. An Interesting luncheon planned for Saturday will be given by the Port land members of the Alumnae Delta Gamma, who will meet for a dainty repast In the annex of the Olds, Wort man 4b King tea-room at 13:30. Among the prominent members of the sorority are Mrs. J. C. Elliott King. Mrs. R. M. Lei ter. Mrs. William Belcher,' Miss Ag nes Murdock, Miss Agnes - Beach. Miss Louise Brace. Miss Wood Johnson. Mrs. Earl Parker, Miss Price, Mrs. Harry Kimball, Miss Alta Haywood and Miss Emma Goddard. Mrs. B. O.- Case will entertain in formally tomorrow at tea. Her guests will Include a number of the members of St. Stephens Pro-Cathedral, of which Mrs. Case is a member. . Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ladd Corbett left Tuesday for'New York, from where they will sail February IS for Pan ama, returning to New York March 12. They will visit at the home of Mrs. Corbett's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hoyt. in New York City, be fore returning to Portland. Mrs. Cor bett. as Miss Grctchen Hoyt. was one of the most popular belles in society in the metropolis, and Is always the in spiration for lavish entertaining. At a quiet ceremony on Tuesday evening. Miss Muriel J. Crouch, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Crouch, became the bride of John Rohrer, an attorney of this city. The marriage took place at the home of Rev. W. O. Shank in the presence of a few relatives and close friends. Mr. and Mrs. Rohrer will make their home in a pretty new bungalow on East Seventh street. The ball at the Multnomah Club to night will be largely attended and will be one of the most important events of the pre-Lenten season About 150 couples have signified their intention of being present. The com mittee have arranged the details in a capable way and the dance will be a fitting finale for the club's season. Those In charge of the affair are A. H. Allen, G. Ralph Knight, Morris Whitehouse. Edward Morris, Harry Ste phenson, Melville Ogden. j . . "Sudermann's Heroines of His Novels and Dramas," was the subject of the discussion at the recent meeting of the German department of the Wo men's Club on Monday. Schiller's "Maria Stuart" will be the subject at the next meeting. The various societies of Lincoln High School are planning to give an en tertainment on February 27. in the school auditorium. An Interesting programme will be presented. Among the societies taking part will be the Modo. Tolo. Philolexian. Adelphlan. Photorlan and Daleth Nun and the boys' and girls' glee clubs, the or chestra, the Dress Reform Club and the Scribblers, or staff of the cardinal. 4 . A musical event eagerly anticipated will take place at Trinity Church to night, when the choir of the church, under the direction of W. H. Boyer. will present Dudley Buck's beautiful cantata, -The Coming of the King." The affair has been arranged by a number of society women who are devotees of music and who were anxious to give the public an oppor tunity to hear this cantata rendered. A large gathering of society folk and lovers of the best in music will be in attendance. The soloists are: Mrs. Rose Bloch Bauer, soprano; Mrs. Del phlne Young, contralto; Joseph Mulder, tenor, and Fred Crowther. bass. Luclen E. Becker, the organist, will have a splendid opportunity to exhibit his skill In the wonderful prelude and in the accompaniment. There are several beautiful solos and a duet for soprano and contralto. . In honor of Dr. and Mrs. J. H. Boyd, the Portland Heights members of the First Presbyterian Church will give an "at home" at the Portland Heights Clubhouse Monday night.' A large num ber of friends of the complimented guests will share the pleasures of the delightful affair. Mrs. F. I. Fuller will , ,k .aivin. itn and will be as sisted by Mrs. Fletcher Linn, Mrs. J. S Bradley. Mrs. jay omiin, air oamuw Kerr, Mrs. J. E. Wheeler, Mrs. Forrest Fisher. Mrs. J. F. Ewing and Mrs. W. M- Gilbert. . Mrs. Wallace McCamanr' will be hos- --. H -i at nn nf the H1MT Social nthrinn that have made the season one of unusual gaiety. There have been so many visitors in me cny their presence has been the inspiration . . n 9 antartnlnlnr Mrs. Mc- Camant's afternoon is planned for airs. Louis IL Jones, of Oakland, CaU t-n.t... - .H.Hnlert for this after noon will be that at which Mrs. Rus- PORTl,AjrD TOCXG MAX GOES EAST TO STt:DY LAND SCAPE GARDEM.NG. George H. Ottea. George H. Otten, son of George Otten, a prominent landscape gardener and architect of Port land, will leave tomorrow for New York, where he will enter Columbia University to take up a course in landscape gardening under Professor Vitale. After completing his course in Colum bia University, he contemplates a trip to Europe further to pursue his studies in landscape garden ing. Mr. Otten is a graduate of the University of Oregon, class of 1911, and for the past year has been in the Employment of the City of Portland in the engineer ing department. His thesis on which he received his degree in the University of Oregon was a description and design for land scape gardening for the Hampton home, which Is one of the finest residences In Eugene. FILM CENSORS ARE STIRRED BYCHARGE Criticism by G. Grombacher, of Independent Western Exchange, Resented. CHAIRMAN MAKES REPLY sell Sewall will vreslde with Mrs. Lloyd Bates as the especially honored guest. m ' Mr. and Mrs. I. L. White wil make their home at the Hotel Multnomah for the remainder of the Winter. . The board of managers of the Domes tic Service Burean met Tuesday at the office, 306 Central building, and re viewed the work of the bureau since its beginning five months ago. The insti tution was found to be prospering and has accomplished much good In the short time It has been in existence. Out of 167 girls placed recently. 108 have proved satisfactory. Mrs. B. M. Lombard is president ofthe Domestic Service Bureau and has the assistance of a corps of enthusiastic workers. The attractive home of Mrs. John ston P. Porter was the scene of an elaborate reception Tuesday evening when prominent women of the West minster Presbyterian Church were host esses, entertaining several hundred of their friends. The house was beauti fully decorated for the occasion. In the dining-room the table was banked with red carnations, mingled with greens tied with a large bow of red gauze. An excellent programme added to the success of the evening. Mrs. Max SMI- lock and Mrs. Sara Glance Bowman contributed several solos. In honor of Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Cold well, who will leave soon for a visit to New York, Mrs. F. I. Fuller will enter tain tomorrow evening at her hos pitable home in Spring street. There will be six tables for progressive bridge after which supper will be served. a Mr. and Mrs. Charles K. Henry are planning to leave about February 15, for a trip to California. TEACHERS APPROVE BILL Portland Association Addressed by Members of Women's Club. Mrs. F. Eggert. president of the Portland Women's Club, addressed the Portland Grade Teachers' Association at Its regular meeting at Unitarian Church yesterday, speaking briefly on the alms to be attained in endeavor ing to place the teaching profession on a plan of merit. Mrs. Millie Trumbell, chairman of the legislative committee of Women's Federated Clubs of Oregon, presented the following legislative bills, ' which were approved as recommended; Providing for medical examination tot securing marriage license; widows' pension bill; Dr. Owen-Adair's sterili zation bill; industrial commission; morals' court bill. Other bills of edu cational interest read were voted to be discussed at the next regular meet ing. An announcement was made of a lec ture to be given under the auspices of the Women's .Club of Portland at the Lincoln High School Friday eve ning, by Professor Sanford, formerly of Swarthmore College, and the Uni versity of Minnesota. Her subject will be "Literature for Everybody." A communication was read from Miss La Mont, of the T. W. C. A, an nouncing the beginning of a domestic science class for February. Deer Slayers Fined. ESTACADA. Or Jan. 29. (Special.) Everett Surfus and Matt Dibble, Jr, well-known residents of Elwood, were arraigned before Justice Glvens Mon day on a charge of killing deer out of season. They pleaded guilty and were fined $50 each and costs. Take the "direct road" to health and strength by using Foley Kidney Pills for backache, rheumatism, weak, sore kidneys and bladder Irregularities. Each Ingredient Is chosen for its posi tive healing and curative qualities. Foley Kidney Pills are the-best medi cine you can buy for kidney and blad der troubles. Mrs. J. M. Flndley, Lyons, Ga-. says: "I took Foley Kidney Pills anrf thev entirely cured me." Huntley Bros, Fourth and Washington Sts. 'J Mrs. E. B. Colirell, of Voluntary Board, Declares Other Managers Approve of Method and in Va- , rious Ways Co-operate. The members of the Portland Board of Censorship for moving picture shows feel that they have a grievance. After working gratuitously for the past two years and giving of their best thought, their time and efforts, they are now discredited by the Inde pendent Western Film Exchange. George Grombacher, one of these man agers, states in a circular letter sent broadcast through' the Northwest when referring to the Portland Board of Censorship, that they "find that the persons appointed for such duties as sume a great deal of authority and are rather abusive." The personnel of the board thus maligned includes Mrs. E. B. Colwell, representing the Associated Charities; Mrs. A. C. Newell, of the Woman's Club; Mrs. Morris Goodman, of the Council of Jewish Women, and Mrs. Millie Trumbull, of the Child La bor Commission. Quite the reverse of the criticism of the Independent Western Film Com pany's opinion is that offered by the representatives of the other two ex changes. Melville G. Winstock, gen eral manager of the Peoples Amuse ment Company, said in referring to the subject: "I am amazed that there should be any criticism of the local Board of Censors. "My associates and I have come in daily contact with Mrs. Colwell ana other official members of the board and have at all times found them courteous, considerate, patient and broad-minded. Occasionally we have differed in our judgments, but matters have in every Instance been deciaea carefully and conscientiously, and after most mature deliberation we state that the board's work has been helpful and uplifting and that its con- tinued existence is necessary for the moral and social advancement of the city." Board Considered Fair. H. B. Stevens, head of the General Film Company, said that he felt sure that the board had the true interests of the people at heart and that his firm had the same opinion. He added that there had never been any friction and that the members of the board had been most helpful and that they were a great influence for good and were at all times fair minded. Mrs. E. B. Colwell, chairman of the Board of Censorship, yesterday saia: "I have read with extreme astonish ment the charge brought against this board by the Independent estern Film Exchange, through Mr. Qrom bacher and through him spread broad cast throughout this Northwest. would not dignify the charge with a reply were It not for the fact . that it is calculated to do much harm and to create an altogether wrong idea ot this board and its work among the Dlcture theaters of Portland. "Let us see what he charges: He says, first, that the persons appointed have assumed a great deal of authority and his second charge Is that we are rather abusive in determining what should and what should not be shown. Disinterested Woman Named. - "Regarding the first Indictment, beg leave to state that we have had considerable discussion at meetings. which Mr. Grombacher had full access and at which his representatives did much discussion, and It was agreed by him. In combination with the Film Ex change managers of this city, that we should have this authority. We. by no means, assumed it of our own volition. I am satisfied that the other Film Ex change managers and the proprietors of other reputable theaters will say that this Is the truth, that as the chairman of this board I have ap pointed none but the most clear-headed and disinterested women oi tms city. They have given their time every day since this agreement was entered Into to do this work, and I think that I can say, without fear of contradiction, that all of their work has been marked with a liberality and broad-mindedness which should call lor commendation rather than adverse criticism. When ever there has been a doubt which did not go to the assistance of-wrong or vlclousness we have decided that doubt in favor of the picture, knowing the investment and realizing the facts as they appear from the picture man'3 point of view. We have assumed no authority which has not been volun tarily acceded to. "Referring to the second that we have been rather abusive, we deny this. After Mr. Grombacher. and the rest of the film people agreed to this volun tary board of censorship rather than a politically appointed body we felt that they meant it sincerely, and wnen, after mature consideration we saw films the exhibition of which we thought were detrimental to the public good, we took a stand and we felt that our Judgment should be respected and at all times have respectfully Insisted upon this course. Otber Manasrers Approve. "Our work. I think, outside of this gentleman, has met with hearty com mendation from other film men, wno deem that the board has tended to maintain a motion picture standard In this city higher than that enjoyed in any other community of its size of the United States." The particular paragraph which has aroused widespread, indignation fol lows: "We have experienced in Portland an approved censorship board and while not acting orriciany, out in co-opera tion with the various exchanges, and the city administration, we find that the persons appointed for sucn duties as sume a great deal of authority and are rather abusive in determining whar should and what should not be shown." INSURANCE.OFFICIAL DIES Amzl Dodd, of Mutual Benefit Iife. Succumbs at Age ot 80. Arnold S. Rothwell, general agent of the Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Company, of Newark, N. J.; has re ceived word of the death of Amzl Dodd, ex-president of that company. He was 90 years old. In speaking or Mm Mr. Kotnwell said: "Mr. Dodd was a remarkable man in many ways and was one of the pio neers of mutual me insurance, wno stood strictly to the principle that such company was only operated in the interests of Its members. He was such a conspicuous figure In the life Insurance business as the result of his 20 years' fight against the methods of the big insurance companies that In 1905 he was selected by Governor Charge Purchases Today and Remainder of Month Will Go on Your Feb. Bill, Payable March First Green Trading Stamps Will Be Given on All Charge Accounts Providing Same Are Paid in Full on or Before Tenth of Each Month Agents for Home Journal Patterns Olds, Worttnan & King We Open at 8:30 and Close at 5:30 Saturdays 9:30 A. M. to 9:30 P. M. Agents for "Gossard'.' Lace Front Corsets How Time Flies! Only 3 More Days To Obtain Clearance Sale Bargains Special in all departments of the store Every article reduced, emept contract goods. And in addition to the ex. traordJnary low prices "S. S H." Green Trading Stamps will be given on all purchases amounting to 10c or over. Boys' Overcoats at Half Price Fine Tailored Suits Now. Half Price All Sizes for Women and Misses Second Floor It will be decidedly worth your while to see these splendid Suits, for such values are rarely to be had even at this store. Every garment in this immense lot taken from our regular Winter lines; made from the best of materials and superbly tailored. Nearly every style-effect you can name is to be found in this collection, including plain tailored, semi-fancy and English walking Suits in the season's newest colors. Complete line of sizes. These splendid Suits are offered as follows: Women's $25.00 Suits, now $12.50 Women's $27.50 Suits, now $13.75 Women's $30.00 Suits, now $15.00 Women's $32.50 Suits, now $16.25 Women's $35.00 Suits, now $17.50 Womon't $38.50 Suits, now SI 9.25 kWomen's $40.00 Suits, now $20.00 Women s $45.00 Suits, now $zz.du Women's $50.00 Suits, now $25.00 Women's $55.00 Suits, now $27.50 Women's $58.50 Suits, now $29.25 Women's $60.00 Suits, now $30.00 Women's $65.00 Suits, now $32.50 Wnmpn's S75.00 Suits, now S37.50 L Women's $95.00 Suits, now $47.50 Women s $i0d.uu suits, ax jpo-ou Juvenile Department, Main Floor. With a good portion of the Winter still ahead, this Great Clearance of Boys' Overcoats brings to hand an unusual opportunity to save. Com mencing today we offer about 200 Boys Overcoats at just half regular selling prices. Good Winter-weight materials in attractive patterns and serviceable colors. Nearly all of them have the popular convertible collars ; some with plain backs, others in semi-belted effect. In sizes for boys 13 to 19 years of age. Prices $5.001 to $20.00. These garments to be sold now at aV Children's Wool Sweaters, Clearance Price Boys' Norfolk Suits ages 6 to 13. Special $4.45 Clearance Men's Clothing $15 Suits $9.95; $40 Suits $26.25 Main Floor, S. E. Entire stock of men's and youth's Clothing at tre mendous reductions for the next three days. .Please note the following: Men's $15.00 Suits, $ 9.95 Men's $20.00 Suits, $12.95 Men's $27.50 Suits, $14.95 Men's $32.50 Suits, $22.50 Men's $35.00 Suits, $22.50 Men's $40.00 Suits, $26.25 Men's $15-$18 Gabardine Raincoats9.95 HEADQUARTERS FOR "S. & H." GREEN TRADING STAMP PREMIUMS PARLORS ON FOURTH FLOOR Clearance of Fine Embroidery At the Main Floor Center Circle Today Pretty enough for anything you are planning. Just now these handsome Embroideries ought to go qulckbaTthe extreme low prices we are now quoting. Very sheer fine grade in Swisses, nainsooks and cambrics in an immense variety of new designs for every purpose. Just such patterns as yon wn,.M ho Pr. tr, choose at the regular prices. Offered at prices that mean real economy to the buyer. bargain cmcLB-maiit FtooR.' i Repular 65c Embroideries at zoc Corset Cover Embroideries, edges and insertions in widths up to- 18 inches. Values up to 65c. $1.25 Embroidered Flouncing, 68c 27-inch ruffled Flouncings in a wide variety of designs. Beautiful sheer materials. 680 the yard. Reg. $2.25 Allovers, at a yard, 98c Dainty Flouncings and Allover Embroideries in blind and openwork. The regular $2.25 values. Reg. $3.25 Emb. Flouncings, $1.78 27-inch Flouncings in a great variety of pat- $423 grade $2.37 and $5 grade $2.93 Extra Specials Picked for Today's Sale Each and every one of the following items are exceptional values at the price quoted below: Extra heavy Bath Towels, 60c quality for 50 Full bleached Turkish Bath Towels, special, 25 . Large size Bed Spreads, $1.75 grade, for $1.58 18c bleached Bath Towels today at only 12lzJ Large, full-size Sheets, regular 65ot grade, 54 18c Pillow Cases, special today, each at 12Vi terns. "Reliance" Silverware At Clearance Prices Guaranteed 25 Years Third Floor This celebrated brand of Silverware is made and guaranteed by the Oneida Community Co. Special Clearance Tea Spoons, any pattern, six for $1.0O Dessert Spoons, any pattern, six for $1.88 Table Spoons, any pattern, six for $2.0O Dessert Forks, any pattern, six, $1.88 Dessert Spoons, any pattern, six, S3.0O Dessert Knives, embo'd handle, six, $2.33 Table Knives, embos'd handle, six, $2.38 Sugar Spoons, any pattern, each at 40 Butter Knives, any pattern, each for 50 Berry Spoons, any pattern, each, $1.25 Dinner Sets $4.40 50 pieces, semi-porcelain, with dainty dec oration and full gold line finish. Prices: 60-piece Dinner Sets, clearance at $5.90 100-piece Dinner Sets, clearance, $9.20 100-piece German China Sets, $14.90 All Haviland & Co. Fancy China Third Off Dj- EPj-kstsY The kind that has made our grocery section irUTG P UUU known in every Portland home. Telephone rnrWp orders taken beginning at 8 o'clock A. M. vjr Jl tKJ Deliveries promptly made to all parts of city. Safety Matches, the package, 5 , Borax, 16-oz package for only 10 0 W.K. Naptha Soap, 7 cakes 25 j Ammonia, the bottle, special, at 5f Gold Dust Washing Powder 20 j New Florida Oranges and Grapefruit Pearline Washing Powder at 20 i Kingsf ord 's Starch, 6 lb. box, 5QC f T m g-m f & gy y, -mm Third Floor Fancy Curtain Scrim in white '"'' or ecru. Come in stripe or check designs in frttin1 pink, blue and lavender. A 50c f) FJ kJff ?rade gpecial for this gale oniy 5 Sofa Pillows covered with velours, Imported Japanese Fire Screens, damask or imported tapestries, beautiful rich designs and colors: Regular $3.00 Sofa Pillows $1.45 $22.00 Screen, special at $12.50 Regular $4.00 Sofa Pillows, $1.88 $18.00 Screens, special at $10.00 Hughes, of New York, to assist In the revision of the insurance laws of that state, and the present law is practi cally the result of his suggestions. Mr. Dodd resigned as president of the com pany in 1892. but continued his con nection with it as general counsel un til his death." A mean stuffy cold, with hoarse, wheezy breathing. Is Just the kind that runs into bronchitis or pneumonia. r. tviriA with flunh snrlous condi tions PUl m0 - " " J , . Compound promptly. Quick and bene- 1 . n In., nrHa, vntl can expect from this great medicine. It soothes and heals the inflamed air Kaa.ao-A. Tt ntnriR thA hoarse, racking rmieh. Huntley Bros.. Fourth and wasmngion sts. HYOMEI will end CATARRH You've Tried Ointments, Sprays and Douches and Failed, Now Breathe This Balsamic, Germ Destroy ing Air. Why bother with makeshifts? Booth's HYOMEI has cured thousands upon thousands of acute and chronic cases of catarrh without stomach dos ing. It will cure you If you are liberal enough to give. It a chance. If you could afford the time and the expense of a visit to the Eucalyptus forests of Inland Australia you could soon get rid of catarrh. Booth's HIOMEI brings to your home the same nleasant healing germ-de stroying- air that you would breathe In Inland Australia. A complete HYOMEI outfit Is 1.00 and extra bottles, if later needed, are 50 cents. The little booklet In outfit gives simple Instructions for use and also explains the HYOMEI vapor treat ment which many use in conjunction with the inhaler with wonderful re sults. All Pharmacists worthy the name sell Booth's HIOMEI. If a dealer is not convenient mall orders will be filled, charges prepaid by Booth's HYOMEI Co, Buffalo. N. Y. . ntrallines Lake Shore Railway Smooth "Water-Level Route" TO NEW YORK, BOSTON New England and Atlantic Coast Twentieth Century Limited Leave Chicago 12:40 noon Arrive New York 9:40 a. m. Arrivo Boston 11:55 a. m w m art sr juaKe snore six r, j , Lam Chicago 10:13 a.m. Arrive New York 9:15 a. m. M! 1 III I Lake Shore Limited Leave Chicago 5:30 p. m. Arrive New York 5:25 n m. Arrive Boston 830 p. m. New York Express Leave Chicago 11:30 p. m. Arrive New York 7.O0 a. m. Arrive Boston 7:05 a, sa. Seven Other Daily Train between Chicago, New York and Down East. The Best Traveling Fraternity consists of those who use for their trips to the East this peerless service over the smooth "Water-Level Route." t AH trains leave from La Salle Street Station, moat conveniently located in the very heart of Chicago, the only station on the Elevated Loop, and arrive at the wonderful, new Grand Central Terminal, in the heart of New York's business and hotel district, on subway, surface and elevated lines. Apply to your local agent for tickets and sleeping car reservations, or fox complete informal too call on or address our Portland Office, 109 Third Street W. C Seachreat. General Agent Passenger Department