VOL. JMI- "0. 1C383. PORTLAND, OREGON, THURSDAY. JANUARY PRICE FIVE CENTS. ROYAL -MAIL SENDS STEAMSHIP HERE 30 Day Sailings Schedule. Is MAY 7 COMMENCEMENT DATE DEMOCRATS BLOCK ACTION IN SENATE THKEE LEADING INSURGENTS DESERT REPUBLICANS. Monmouthshire, of 8000 Tons, to Inaugurate Service. GERMAN BOATS MAY COME TMWcnlty Experienced In Obtaining Carriers for Over-Ocean Traffic and Iarge Offerings Are Necessarily Refused. SEATTLE. Wash., Jan. 29. (Special.) Frank Waterhouse. president of the hipping firm of Waterhouse & Co., to day announced that the Royal Mall Steam Packet Line, the most powerful steamship corporation in the world, ha completed plans for sending the ves sels of Its fleet to Seattle, Portland and North Faeitlc ports. Mr. Waterhouse today received a ca blegram from London declaring that it had been definitely decided to inaugu rate monthly sailings from Europe via the Suei Canal and the Orient to Seat tle, Victoria, Vancouver and Portland. The new service will be in direct competition with the Blue Funnel line, for which Dodwell & Co.. Limited, are the agents on the Pacific Coast. Bine Funnel Route ( faorn. The vessels of the Blue Funnel line, after leaving; Liverpool and ports in Europe, call at Singapore, Manila, Hongkong, Kobe, Yokohama, Victoria, Vancouver and Seattle and the same route will be followed by the Royal Mail Steam Packet Line's vessels. The new service will be inaugurated by the British steamship Monmouth shire, which will sail from London on May 7 for Seattle and North Pacific ports via the Sues Canal and the Orient. The Monmouthshire is a vessel of 8000 gross tons burden. She is 400 feet long, 62 feet beam and bas a depth of 20.1 feet. She was built by the Sun derland Shipbuilding Company, Lim ited, in 1902. She will leave London with cargo for the Orient and North Pacific ports and will load return cargo at Seattle, Vic toria, Vancouver and Portland. Salllnsa Will Be 30 Days Apart. Mr. Waterhouse said that he had not j been informed as to what vessel would follow the Monmouthshire In the new service, but that It had been detinitely decided to dispatch a Royal Mail Packet liner from London every SO days. f ran Waterhouse & Co.. general agents for the Bank Line, Limited, and managing owners of the Tatoma-Van-couver Steamship Company, will act as agents for the Royal Mail Packet Line at Seattle and other North Pacific points. In the announcement that the Ham- burg-Amcrlcsn Line would send their vessels to the North Pacitle it was statrd that tney would go to Portland and pnrt Sound If sufficient cargo were offered. Announcement Is Definite. Tiie announcement of the Royal Mall Packet Line contains no proviso, offl ceis of the company stating definitely that I'ugtit Sound cities are to be In rludid In its ports of call. The steam ship t-ithonia. of the Hamburg-American Line, which will Inaugurate the service to Portland and the North Ta ctile, will sail'lrom Hamburg February S and will be the first vessel of the new service planned by the several con.panles t reach Portland and the North Facirlc Waterhouse & Co. has been having great difficulty in obtaining steam ships to care for the enormous over ocean traffic offering on the North Pacific and has found the market bare of carriers. Blsr shipments for the Orient have been refused on account of the scarcity of vessels and the new line will thus relieve the congestion. Portland to Be Trrniln ' , Mr. Waterhouse said: "It la abso lutely certatn that 4he Royal Mall Steamship Packet line has established a service from Europe to the North Pacific Coast of the United States and that the porta of call will be Van couver, B. C.. Seattle and Portland. 'The Tessels will discharge at Vic toria. Vancouver and Seattle, and then go to Portland, returning again to load at Seattle and Vancouver. This is my understanding of the matter. I have been working to land this line for months, and had intended watting for further particulars ore making the announcement. tu i see that the story has got out." Mr. WaterhoiisefHd he did not know of any Improvements to dock facilities at Portland or Settle contemplated as a result of tie new service. : NO SUBSIDIES AKE SOUGHT In New Service Shipper See Compe- -. tllion Betueen Premier Lines. The declslbi) of ilie Royal Mall Steam Packet Company to send Its vessels regularly to this Coast and to Portland U the result" of a visit made here last year- by K. X M. N&sn. of London, who was a special representative of that rompany to examine the possibilities f r prospective business and no matter (Concluded on pace S. Motion for Executive Session Lost by Tic Vole Chance of Forcing Appointments Seems Slim. WASHINGTON, Jan. 29. The second Eifirmuh hotween Reoubllcans and Democrats of the Senate over Presi dent Taffs appointments resulted to day In defeat of the Republicans. As a result the Republican leaders had less confidence tonight in their ability to break up the Democratic opposition and to force action upon some of the hundreds of pending appointments. A motion for an executive session, made early In the-day by Senator Cul lom. was lost on a tie vote, 31 to 31 Th Democrats drew to their aid Sena tors Brlstow and La Follette, Repub licans, and Polndexter, Progressive. Alter a thorough canvass of the Senate later. Republican leaders could see little chance of breaking the deadlock as absent members were equally di vided between the two parties. It is expected that another effort will be made Friday by the Republi cans to take up consideration of the Tart appointments. The Democratic forces are prepared to continue the filibuster, even should the Republicans secure enough votes to force tne Sen ate into executive session. POTATOES ARE IN DEMAND California Makes Run on Oregon Product but Cars Are Scarce. California is demanding Oregon po tatoes In such quantities that a serious shortage of refrigerator cars is threat ened. Although the price is not particular ly flattering to the growers, the po tato movement now Is heavier aim steadier than It has been at any time since the crop was harvested. The territory tributary to the Mount Hood line of the Fortland. Railway, Light & Power Company, has been growing a lot of potatoes in the last few years and most of those proaucea last vear have not been marketed. California buyers recently secured the bulk of those that were left and tne farmers now are seeking to move them, hut it Is hard to get refrigerator cars. Cars have been In demand the last few weeks on the O.-W. R. & N. mam line on account of the heavy move ment of fruit from Hood River and other apple-growing districts to New York and other Eastern points. An effort now is being made to pro vide the points that are in need of cars with a sufficient number to sup ply immediate demands.. DOGS TO SEE INAUGURAL Qualified M. F. H. Guarantees Be havior of Keen-Nosed Canines. WASHINGTON, Jan. 29. Dogs of high degree are to participate in fes tivities attendant upon the induction Into office of President Woodrow Wil son and will march In the inaugural parade. "Finely - bred, splendidly - trained, keen-nosed fox. hounds are going to have a section of the parade all their own." says an announcement from the inaugural committee In heralding this monagerlal : feature of the coming pageant. "The finest pack of hounds In all the world." Is the description given to the canine itroup, which Dr. Lester Jones, of Culpeper. Vn, is assembling to lope ahead of a mounted brass band that will escort h-jnt club riders from the President - elect's native state In the civil section of the parade. Dr. Jones declared the hounds would be so well trained that they would "stick to the middle of the road" and not scatter all over the line of march. A competent M. F. IL will serve as grand marshal to the canine corps. 60-DAY SESSION ASKED Multnomah Lawmaker Also Wants $10 a Day as Pay. STATJ: CAriTOL Salom, Or., Jan. 29. ISseclal.) Members of the Legisla ture fill receive salaries not in excess of $1 a day and the Legislature may fcmve a SO-oav session if a resolution introduced in the House today by Rep resentative Lawrence, of Multnomah. safely travels the long road through both houses and the constitution amendment for which It provides is approved by the people at the general election in 1914. That a 60-day session is contem plated la Indicated by the fact that tiie resolution provides that members stall not draw more than $400 for any one session. The Speaker of the House and the President of the Senate are to I receive half again as much as the members. One Senator and two Rep resentatives are to be appointed to pre pare ara!?ents for the amendment for publication in the voters pamphlet. 6-YEAR TERM UP TODAY Sena to to Take Final Action on Con stitutional Amendment. WASHINGTON, Jan. 20. Final action on the resolution for a six-year Presi dential term to be submitted as a con stitutional amendment to the states I will be taken in the Senate before ad journment tomorrow. Tho Works res olution, which has bevn pending for several months, has been made a spe cial order of business. It is believed the measure wilt have! a strons majority in its favor. Tiie I proposed amendment, if ratified by I three-fourths of the Btates. woultl be come effective after the end of Frcsl-1 dent Wilson's present term. FILIPINOS GOVERN UNFIT TO , SAYS TUFT Resident Vigorous Voicing Protest. in CLARK DECLINES TO DEBATE "NIGHTIES" TO BE PUT ON TREES CITRUS CROP TO BE PROTECT ED FROM FROST THIS TEAR ALLIES COUNTING RESUMING WAR Platform He Didn't Make Is Guide of Speaker. STANDING POLICY ON TRIAL Taft Says Democrats Must Investi gate He Tore Taking Irretrivable Step That Will Humil iate Nation. WASHINGTON, Jan. 29. President Taft, In his farewell speech to the Ohio Society of Washington tonight, vig orously attacked the bill now pending in Congress proposing autonomy and independence in eight years for the Philippines. "Is it possible," asked the President, that the Democratic party is going to Teverse ' the policy that has vindi cated Itself by 10 years' experience merely for the purpose of conforming to the cobwebbed planks of forgotten platforms? Will they not, before they take such an irretrievable step, obtain reliable information as to the condi tions that obtain in the Islands? This issue has been relegated to the limbo of free silver or the narrow doctrine of state's rights. Those who continue to give out their lucubrations on the Philippines are now less than those who expect to attend the next inau gural ball." Clark Declines Debate. Speaker Clark, who followed the President, declined to debate with him the Democratic policy of independence tor the Philippines. T am not going to debate the- ques tion of Philippine Independence with President Taft," said Mr. Clark. . "I tiave no inclination to make a Philip pine speech and I'm not going to. either. I wish we were out of theTe in as good shape as we were when we went in. But, according to the Demo cratic platform which I didn't make we are committed to a policy. I be lieve that when a man gets office on a platform he should live up religiously to the planks that are in that plat form." Hands of Time Turned Bark. President Taft began his address with a eulogy of President McKinley. From praise of McKinley he 'turned to the Philippines and said in part: After three Administrations and (Concluded on Pas. 2. Growers Impressed With. Idea Which Is Said to Be Much Cheaper Than Smudging Process. LOS ANGELES, Jan. 29. (Special.) Nightgowns for orange and lemon trees. This Is the idea of W. B. Ames, of San Dimas, to protect the citrus crops from a revisitation of such frosts as that which made a heavy Inroad on fniifnr-Tila' colden cron- this year. He DlanB to send his trees to bed every night between November 15 and Jan- imrv ao with their "nighties. Seriously Ames" proposition has made n iaen Impression on the minds of many citrus growers who heard of it. He revealed his scheme at a dinner at his home last night at which several citrus erowers were his guests. T never will be caught by the frost asraln." said Ames. "I am going to have tents, you might call them by that name In lieu of another, built to nt r mv trees. There will be vent in the top which can be enlarged n closed at will. In the daytime tney can be raised to the top of the tree by drawing strings and easily dropped rinwri when we get a irost signal. "In case the temperature gets too low a lantern under the tent will keep the tree warm. The nrocess will be cheaper than smudging, the crop would never freeze and you can go to bed every night and know that your crop will be tnere when you wake up in the morning." BOND ISSUEJO BE TALKED Plans for BeautLfjlns City to Be Discussed by Boards. A meeting of the municipal park board and a committee from the Greater Fortland Plans Association will be held In the Mayor's committee room in the City Hall tomorrow at 2 p. sr. to consider plans for park and boulevard extension in accordance with the plans of the association. The park board is planning to re submit to the people the proposition of a J2.000.000 bond issue, which the Portland Plans Association refused to support in the past owing to Inability to reach an agreement with the board upon the park policy of the future. This matter will be the principal topic of discussion at the meeting tomorrow and it is thought that an agreement may be reached. SLJcLS NEAR CAPITAL Ambassador Wilson Reports Oily Dark When Enemy Cuts Wires. WASHINGTON, Jan. 29. Rebel' ac tivities continue without abatement within 15 miles of Mexico City, accord ing to advices received at the State Department today from Ambassador Wilson. Mr. Wilson said the city was plunged into darkness and streetcar traffic was at a standstill Monday night, when the rebels cut the electric power wires. Hope Centered on Tak ing Adrianople. FAILURE ONLY "INTERLUDE" Protocol Signed for Negotia tions With Roumania. SOLIDARITY IS PROVED Foes of Turks Do Xot Waver in De votion to Common Cause, and Arrange for Settlement of Salonlkl Issues. VIEXXA. Jan. 2ft. A dispatch from Sofia aayss "In accordance with the decision of the government, army head quarters have been ordered to termi nate the armistice tomorrow.'' LONDON, Jan. 297-The. Balkan peace negotiations, which reached a deadlock over the. cession of Adrianople on January 6, finally were broken today by a note which the plenipotentiaries of the Balkan allies presented to Re chad Pasha, head of the Turkish dele gation. Notwithstanding this rupture, there still are optimists in the diplomatic world who hope a resumption of the war yet may be averted, either through fresh proposals that Turkey is reported to be Including in the note she will deliver to the powers tomorrow, or through the fall of Adrianople before activities can bo begun again at the Tchatalja lines. Allies Fear Young Turks. A majority of the Balkan delegates refuse to admit the likelihood of either contingency, believing that the life of the young Turk government depends upon the resumption of the war, even though the allies should be willing to postpone the conflict. They are of the opinion that the present failure of diplomacy, at the worst, only Is an Interlude, however, for they will leave four representatives In London to un dertake the settlement anew. Rechad Pasha, after reviewing the note, said: "The consequences may be of the gravest nature. The responsibility lies not alone with the allies, but with the powers, who encouraged the Balkan states and have shown no fairness to ward Turkey, although before the war they had proclaimed solemnly the principle of the unchangeabllity of the statu quo." , Adrianople to Be Bombarded. The plan of the allied government. H0B0 CONVENTION SUDDENLY QUIETED DELEGATE IX ROBES OF WHITE MAKES OTHERS UXEASY. Tramps Declare if Ridicule Is Not Abandoned Newspaper Men Will Be Excluded From Sessions. NEW ORLEANS. Jan. 29. The annual National Hobo Convention was opened here today and the first session was devoted almost entirely to speeches de nunciatory of present-day conditions generally. The proceedings were brought to sudden halt and the rather noisy hall silenced this afternoon by the appear ance of "Jesus" Wesley, who said he was a member of the "Brotherhood of Christ," and that he came from Heaven He was garbed In a long, flowing robe of white and his hair dangled over his shoulders. The delegates were visibly uneasy. but invited Wesley to speak. His ad dress was devoted chiefly to an invi tation to Join his brotherhood. President Jeff Davis Issued a "proc lamatlon" today In which he said if local newspapers did not cease ridi culing the convention he would exclude press representatives from the conven tion. Davis and H. H. Woodward, National organizer, gave out statements in which they denounce the alleged attempt of James Eads Howe, the St. Louis hobo leader, "to conduct the affairs of the association in a manner that would place the organization before the pub' lie as one upholding Socialism and op posed to the Catholic religion," (Concluded on Page 3. n . . i .....it... , 4 THEN LET THEM GO TO IT! j r , : i a urtirv AjiKTi i . ctvk" :yow x ir -" is7 -i in rv vi iu v r 1 aruw x t a I ?W Aj.-tJ'1I f 'Vl. i. ' V III A fl aA Ca o -A VsJ V fit i i vjr rvnvi ft 7 mm t 9 I r W , I . v "vVl - v. -1 1 1 rrn , , . v-0 S3 r X7 , a A III t rl JX : lit - GlV-V O S- - I t ' : : , ' t - 7 .. . . 4 MILITIA IN STRIKE DECRIED Spanish War Veterans Against 1's.inj Guards in Labor Riots. TACOMA, Wash, Jan. 29. (Special.) United Spanish War Veterans went on record last night at the annual banquet of John R. Thompson Camp against employment of the militia for suppression of strike disturbances. That the Army and Navy, both Federal and state, should be used only for the defense of the country was the con sensus of opinion. The veterans believe much of the labor union hostility towards the Boy Scouts is due to the use of the militia in putting down strikes. "We believe a large number of young men would Join the militia were it not for the possibility of them being sent on strike duty," said C. E. Keagy to day. "We are hot In favor of making the United States a military country, like the European powers.- All we want Is sufficient soldiers to protect the United States from foreign foes. "We believe a greater number of employers would be In favor of having their young men Join the militia if they were not afraid of antagonizing the labor unions." 70 COME FROM OKLAHOMA Large Delegation From Southern State Will Settle in Oregon. A colony of 70 residents of Oklahoma will settle on homestead land in Cen tral Oregon this year. The advance guard of the settlers ar rived at Bend a few days ago. They have proceeded into the Interior to select suitable acreage for the other members of the party, who will follow them with the flrst favorable weather in the Spring. Agents for the various railroads op erating Into Central Oregon report that more Inquiries come from Oklahoma than from any other state In the Union. It is probable that several hundred settlers will come from that state to Oregon this year. The party represented by the men who arrived at Bend this week will be recruited from the vicinity of Mus kogee. Agents for the Great Northern Railway met them at Bend and con ducted them to the nearest homestead property. MILLER MAY BE NEW HEAD Sliltraukee Offers Presidency to Burlington Chief. The presidency of the Milwaukee system has been offered to Darius Miller, president of the Burlington Railroad according to local reports and it is considered probable that he will accept. The plan of the Milwaukee directors Is understood to contemplate the ad vancement of A. J. Barling, president. to the office of chairman of the board to succeed the late Roswell Miller, who Idled about a month ago. Darius Miller, as president of the Milwaukee, would be expected to pursue an aggressive policy and to give particular attention to developing the territory recently opened by the extension of the system to the Pacific Coast. Mr. Miller is one of the youngest "railroad presidents in the country beins less than B0 years old, and is extremely popular. He started his ca reer a a telegraph operator on the Michigan Central. He visited Portland I a few months ago. JAMES DEAD BUM IS AT 100 YEARS Historic Pioneer Ends Long Span of Life. CENTURY MARK WELL PASSED Co-Founder of Brownsville. Or., Victim of Illness. PLAINS CROSSED IN 1846 ABUSE BY PHONE ILLEGAL Judge Fines Woman for Disorderly Conduct for Talk From Afar. CHICAGO. Jan. 29. "If you abuse I persons over the phone, you are just as guilty of disorderly conduct as you would be If you talked to them face to face," was the ruling made today by Municipal Judge Sabbath In fining Mrs. Dagmar Johnson for remarks made to Mrs- Minnie Brooks. "You are a Jealous- woman, sai tne I court, "and yonr abuse or Mrs. isrooas was as flagrant as if you had gone to her home and called her all the names In the dictionary." Veteran of Indian Wars in Rogue River Valley and Organizer of Oregon Volunteers Also Was Member of Legislature. BROWNSVILLE, Or., Jan. 29. (Spe cial.) In the death of' Captain James Blakely, 100 'years and 2 months old, here touight at 6:45 o'clock Oregon lost an historic pioneer. Captain Blakely has long been considered the oldest pioneer of the state. His span of life stretched from the close of the second war with England in 1812. Captain Blakely's death came aftor an illness of several months, although for a time his recovery seemed so promising that November 26 he sat at the head of the family table and took part in a celebration in honor of his 100th birthday. ' Five generations, in cluding himself, were present at the dinner and in the evening Brownsville citizens gave a celebration In the tab ernacle in his honor. Plains Crossed In 1S46. Captain Blakely was born In Lynes County, Tennessee, November 26, 1812, and received his education there. In 1838 he moved with his family to Mis souri, where he lived until April 4, 1816. In that year he started for Ore gon, arriving at the place which 1b now Brownsville October 9 of that year. With his uncle, Hugh L. Brown, after whom Brownsville later was named, he took up a donation claim and started Brownsville in 1S55. He became with his uncle a member of one of the lead ing mercantile establishments of that section. To Captain Blakely fell honorl In war, as in statesmanship and lof-al affairs. Ho assisted in organizing Company E, Oregon Volunteers, in March, 1856, and was elected Captain. He organized his neighbors later for a three months war with the Rogue River Indians and returned home July 4 with the "Declaration of Independ ence from Indian Troubles." As a member from Linn County to tho Ore gon Legislature during the session in which Senator Mitchell was elected to the United States the first time. Cap tain Blakely distinguished himself. He had been a lifelong Democrat and was always active in state affairs and in local undertakings. He had been a member of the .First Presbyterian Church here since its organization. Ten Children Are Raised. Ten children were born to the mar riage with Mrs. Sarah Die in Ten nessee In 1833. They arc: Mrs. Ellen Montgomery, Crook County; Mrs. Cath erine Lewis, Portland: Mrs. Margaret Smith, Parrot, Mont.; J. M. Blakely. Joseph, Or.; George C. Blakely, The Dalles; J. A. and William Blakely. of Pendleton; Mrs. Harriett Cooley, Mrs, Sarah McFarland and Henry Blakely, of Brownsville. At the celebration November 26 the five generations present included Cap tain Blakely, his daughter, Mrs. Cath erine Lewis, of Portland; her son. Minor Lewis; his daughter, Mrs. Mason Wittenberg, and her baby daughter Alice. At this dinner sugar tongs which have been in the family 73 years were used and a monster birth day cake, holding 100 lighted candles, was on the table. Up to his death Cap tain Blakely's brain was active and he took an enthusiastic interest in cur rent events. The funeral arrangements will be announced tomorrow. GENERAL MAUS -RETURNS Department Commander Back From Trip to Washington, D. C. VANCOUVER BARRACKS, Wash., Jan. 29. (Special.) Major - General Marlon P. Maus, commander of the De partment of the Columbia, returned tills evening from an extended visit to Washington and other Eastern points. General Maus was called to Washing ton to confer regarding Department questions. Mrs. Maus did not accom pany him back to Vancouver Barracks but will rejoin him here later. The ill ness of her mother caused Mrs. Maus to delay her homecoming. EDUCATOR ADVISES ROD ImprCTcment of Xew York Schools Predicted as Result. NEW YORK, Jan. 29. An Instrument that would improve the New York pub lic schools, says Professor Frank M. McMurray, of the Columbia Teachers College, Is the rod. Professor McMurray urged the adop tion of corporal punishment, which 1 forbidden now, in bis report to the committee which has been making a searching investigation of the school system. J n